1 00:02:51,937 --> 00:02:54,396 [NARRATOR] All pirates searching for the treasure One Piece 2 00:02:54,479 --> 00:02:57,354 must brave the second half of the Grand Line. 3 00:02:57,437 --> 00:03:02,562 These wild and dangerous seas are known as the New World. 4 00:03:02,646 --> 00:03:05,062 Gold Roger and his crew were the only men to ever 5 00:03:05,146 --> 00:03:08,437 chart these waters and learn all the secrets they held. 6 00:03:08,521 --> 00:03:10,271 For the rest of the pirates in the world, 7 00:03:10,354 --> 00:03:12,646 this has proven to be the end of the road. 8 00:03:12,729 --> 00:03:15,562 A graveyard of dreams. 9 00:03:17,021 --> 00:03:19,979 [NARRATOR] Now, Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body became rubber 10 00:03:20,062 --> 00:03:21,604 after eating the Gum Gum Fruit, 11 00:03:21,687 --> 00:03:25,271 sets sail into the New World with his faithful crew. 12 00:03:25,354 --> 00:03:29,687 I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates! 13 00:03:32,896 --> 00:03:35,312 [NARRATOR] After a fierce battle at the bottom of the sea, 14 00:03:35,396 --> 00:03:37,854 the Straw Hat Pirates depart for the deadly waters 15 00:03:37,937 --> 00:03:42,354 of the New World, ruled by the Four Emperors. 16 00:03:42,437 --> 00:03:44,021 Their first stop is Punk Hazard, 17 00:03:44,104 --> 00:03:47,187 an island divided into burning and frozen halves. 18 00:03:47,271 --> 00:03:49,562 There, they learn of terrifying experiments 19 00:03:49,646 --> 00:03:52,896 performed by the master of the island, Caesar Clown. 20 00:03:52,979 --> 00:03:55,812 Luffy goes to confront him, but while his crew is divided, 21 00:03:55,896 --> 00:03:58,479 they're targeted by a strange enemy. 22 00:03:58,562 --> 00:04:00,187 What are those things? 23 00:04:00,271 --> 00:04:02,646 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] They look like big footprints to me. 24 00:04:02,729 --> 00:04:04,104 [USOPP] Did an animal make them? 25 00:04:04,187 --> 00:04:07,479 It couldn't have been a human, unless they're a giant. 26 00:04:07,562 --> 00:04:09,854 I can sense something, and they're close. 27 00:04:09,937 --> 00:04:12,021 Beast lookin' guys. Big ones! 28 00:04:12,104 --> 00:04:13,646 [gasps] What're we gonna do? 29 00:04:13,729 --> 00:04:14,979 Someone's out here. 30 00:04:15,062 --> 00:04:17,437 Law? The Master? 31 00:04:17,521 --> 00:04:18,812 No. 32 00:04:18,896 --> 00:04:21,896 We're in the snowy mountains, so it's gotta be them. 33 00:04:21,979 --> 00:04:24,187 They prowl the snowy peaks, 34 00:04:24,271 --> 00:04:27,229 appearing whenever a blizzard strikes! 35 00:04:28,271 --> 00:04:30,562 [SCOTCH] You're Brownbeard, aren't you? 36 00:04:30,646 --> 00:04:35,437 Just so you know, you happen to be on our hit list, too. 37 00:04:37,437 --> 00:04:38,604 I'm warnin' you, jerks! 38 00:04:38,687 --> 00:04:41,687 You better not have hurt any of my crew! 39 00:04:46,104 --> 00:04:50,187 [LUFFY yelling] 40 00:04:51,396 --> 00:04:53,521 What the--? Where'd he go? 41 00:04:53,604 --> 00:04:55,021 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] They captured Nami! 42 00:04:55,104 --> 00:04:57,896 Those big jerks took her with them! 43 00:05:00,771 --> 00:05:01,896 [LUFFY] "Save Nami! 44 00:05:01,979 --> 00:05:05,104 Luffy's Fight on the Snow-Capped Mountains!" 45 00:05:07,854 --> 00:05:09,479 [USOPP] Nami's been kidnapped? 46 00:05:09,562 --> 00:05:10,687 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] It was my fault. 47 00:05:10,771 --> 00:05:13,771 They were huge, but I never saw them coming! 48 00:05:13,854 --> 00:05:17,479 They showed up outta nowhere, attacked, then they left. 49 00:05:17,562 --> 00:05:20,479 [USOPP] First it was centaurs, now we've got giants, too? 50 00:05:20,562 --> 00:05:23,104 What kind of messed up island is this? 51 00:05:23,187 --> 00:05:25,812 An ambush. So they were tracking us. 52 00:05:25,896 --> 00:05:27,312 That means they're professionals. 53 00:05:27,396 --> 00:05:28,271 They must be. 54 00:05:28,354 --> 00:05:30,187 Huh? I'm confused. 55 00:05:30,271 --> 00:05:33,021 So they didn't come to save Gatorbeard? 56 00:05:33,104 --> 00:05:34,521 Definitely not. 57 00:05:34,604 --> 00:05:38,312 Seems they wanted to kill us and take the children back. 58 00:05:38,396 --> 00:05:39,896 But then their Master-- 59 00:05:39,979 --> 00:05:42,646 He made them kill Brownbeard! 60 00:05:42,729 --> 00:05:44,812 They were on the same side! 61 00:05:44,896 --> 00:05:47,937 Brownbeard was so loyal, too. 62 00:05:48,021 --> 00:05:50,312 [BROWNBEARD] The Master wouldn't harm children, 63 00:05:50,396 --> 00:05:52,187 he's a warm-hearted savior. 64 00:05:52,271 --> 00:05:54,187 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] We don't know much about this Master guy, 65 00:05:54,271 --> 00:05:56,479 but there are two things I'm sure of. 66 00:05:56,562 --> 00:05:58,812 That he's evil and he's dangerous. 67 00:05:58,896 --> 00:06:00,104 He can't take them. 68 00:06:00,187 --> 00:06:01,854 Who knows what he'll do? 69 00:06:01,937 --> 00:06:03,479 And that's not the only problem! 70 00:06:03,562 --> 00:06:05,646 Nami's still trapped in Franky's body. 71 00:06:05,729 --> 00:06:08,854 I'm really worried about her, guys! 72 00:06:08,937 --> 00:06:11,687 Yeah. I'll save her somehow. 73 00:06:11,771 --> 00:06:13,854 All right. You look after the kids! 74 00:06:13,937 --> 00:06:15,479 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] Luffy, wait! 75 00:06:15,562 --> 00:06:18,479 Don't forget. It's my body they took. 76 00:06:18,562 --> 00:06:19,521 Hey, Chopper! 77 00:06:19,604 --> 00:06:21,229 I can't fight in this rat suit! 78 00:06:21,312 --> 00:06:24,271 Gimme one of those magic beans that turns you into a badass! 79 00:06:24,354 --> 00:06:25,729 And make it quick, would ya? 80 00:06:25,812 --> 00:06:27,771 What bean? Wait, the Rumble Ball? 81 00:06:27,854 --> 00:06:29,021 But that's a drug! 82 00:06:29,104 --> 00:06:32,104 You can't control it! Not on the first try! 83 00:06:32,187 --> 00:06:33,604 'Course I can! 84 00:06:33,687 --> 00:06:36,354 I'm a superpowered cyborg with the heart of a champion. 85 00:06:36,437 --> 00:06:38,021 Now hand over the goods, dammit. 86 00:06:38,104 --> 00:06:40,979 We don't have a lot of time to sit here and argue about it! 87 00:06:41,062 --> 00:06:43,312 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] Ugh, fine. 88 00:06:43,396 --> 00:06:44,687 Huh? 89 00:06:49,146 --> 00:06:50,521 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] But just one, okay? 90 00:06:50,604 --> 00:06:51,896 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] Oh, come on! They were in that pocket 91 00:06:51,979 --> 00:06:53,562 the whole time? 92 00:06:53,646 --> 00:06:56,312 Well yeah. It's his stuff. Where else would it be? 93 00:06:56,396 --> 00:06:58,979 Listen. That thing will make you a monster, 94 00:06:59,062 --> 00:07:00,271 but not for long. 95 00:07:00,354 --> 00:07:02,687 After just three minutes, you'll be worn out. 96 00:07:02,771 --> 00:07:05,312 Try to do Kung-Fu Point like I did earlier, and-- 97 00:07:05,396 --> 00:07:07,396 Ahh. 98 00:07:07,479 --> 00:07:09,521 [USOPP screams] 99 00:07:09,604 --> 00:07:11,979 [FRANKY (CHOPPER) roars] Super! 100 00:07:12,062 --> 00:07:13,979 Way too early! 101 00:07:16,812 --> 00:07:19,312 [LUFFY] Come on, Franky! Follow me! 102 00:07:19,396 --> 00:07:20,354 [FRANKY (CHOPPER) roars] 103 00:07:20,437 --> 00:07:23,062 Huh? [gasps] 104 00:07:24,854 --> 00:07:29,021 [roaring] 105 00:07:30,646 --> 00:07:31,812 [LUFFY] Whoa, stop it. 106 00:07:31,896 --> 00:07:33,729 Why are you tryin' to squish me? 107 00:07:33,812 --> 00:07:37,062 --[FRANKY (CHOPPER) roaring] --[LUFFY screams] 108 00:07:39,646 --> 00:07:43,062 Franky! I told you! Be careful! 109 00:07:43,146 --> 00:07:46,937 Maybe we shoulda had him stay here? 110 00:07:47,021 --> 00:07:48,479 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] He's dangerous right now, 111 00:07:48,562 --> 00:07:50,396 but once the Rumble Ball wears off, 112 00:07:50,479 --> 00:07:51,896 he'll be too weak to move. 113 00:07:51,979 --> 00:07:54,312 [ROBIN] Then he'll be useless. 114 00:07:59,354 --> 00:08:03,229 [CAESAR CLOWN] Hmm. I don't know where he got it, 115 00:08:03,312 --> 00:08:05,021 but this "Cyborg" Franky fellow 116 00:08:05,104 --> 00:08:09,687 appears to have Vegapunk's laser weapon attached to his body. 117 00:08:09,771 --> 00:08:11,271 Don't you worry, Vegapunk. 118 00:08:11,354 --> 00:08:15,312 I promise. I'll make good use of it. 119 00:08:15,396 --> 00:08:17,604 After I cut that garish robot to pieces 120 00:08:17,687 --> 00:08:19,187 and extract the laser system, 121 00:08:19,271 --> 00:08:22,646 his body will be nothing but a worthless pile of scrap metal. 122 00:08:22,729 --> 00:08:24,562 Prepare the incinerator! 123 00:08:24,646 --> 00:08:26,146 [SUBORDINATE A] Yes, sir. 124 00:08:26,229 --> 00:08:28,812 Those would-be ship thieves, you know, the ones from the Navy. 125 00:08:28,896 --> 00:08:29,771 What of them? 126 00:08:29,854 --> 00:08:31,479 [SUBORDINATE A] O-Oh, right. 127 00:08:31,562 --> 00:08:35,521 Well, we were able to stage an ambush, sir, but... 128 00:08:35,604 --> 00:08:36,979 Huh? 129 00:08:37,062 --> 00:08:41,062 [gunshots] 130 00:08:41,146 --> 00:08:43,687 [CENTAUR A laughs] 131 00:08:43,771 --> 00:08:45,229 These guys aren't human! 132 00:08:45,312 --> 00:08:47,354 Are they horses, or? 133 00:08:47,437 --> 00:08:50,271 Bring them down, now! [grunts] 134 00:08:50,354 --> 00:08:52,937 Nope. You're not gonna beat us that easily, punks! 135 00:08:53,021 --> 00:08:54,687 [FEN BOCK] Watch your back! 136 00:08:56,062 --> 00:08:58,521 [MARINES gasp, groan] 137 00:09:06,479 --> 00:09:08,062 [CENTAUR G] We've got you now! 138 00:09:08,146 --> 00:09:09,479 [MARINE I] How many do they have? 139 00:09:09,562 --> 00:09:10,729 What do we do? 140 00:09:10,812 --> 00:09:12,187 [MARINE K] We're stuck! 141 00:09:14,271 --> 00:09:15,437 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] We need a new tactic! 142 00:09:15,521 --> 00:09:18,604 Let's focus on taking the ship full-force! 143 00:09:23,437 --> 00:09:25,396 [SMOKER (TASHIGI) yells] 144 00:09:25,479 --> 00:09:27,354 [TASHIGI (SMOKER) yells] 145 00:09:31,729 --> 00:09:34,896 It's the Cap-- er, I mean Smokey! 146 00:09:34,979 --> 00:09:38,104 [SUBORDINATE A] The battle's raging out of control now! 147 00:09:38,187 --> 00:09:42,479 Oh? Then we're having trouble? 148 00:09:42,562 --> 00:09:44,812 [SUBORDINATE A gasps] I-I mean...! 149 00:09:45,854 --> 00:09:49,771 Ah. In that case... 150 00:09:49,854 --> 00:09:52,812 [cackles] 151 00:09:55,146 --> 00:09:57,146 [SUBORDINATE A] M-Master? 152 00:09:59,479 --> 00:10:02,521 [CAESAR CLOWN] Ah yes. This will do nicely. 153 00:10:02,604 --> 00:10:05,771 I'm sure the Navy will make excellent test subjects! 154 00:10:05,854 --> 00:10:11,437 [laughs] It's a golden opportunity! 155 00:10:13,687 --> 00:10:16,396 Contact all the Centaurs currently on patrol. 156 00:10:16,479 --> 00:10:17,729 Better make it quick. 157 00:10:17,812 --> 00:10:19,104 [SUBORDINATE B] Right! 158 00:10:19,187 --> 00:10:21,521 [CAESAR CLOWN] Tell our soldiers to evacuate at once. 159 00:10:21,604 --> 00:10:23,562 Unless they want to die, that is. 160 00:10:23,646 --> 00:10:24,396 [SUBORDINATE B gasps] 161 00:10:24,479 --> 00:10:30,104 [cackles] 162 00:10:34,229 --> 00:10:36,687 [NAMI (FRANKY) grunts] What do you want from me? 163 00:10:36,771 --> 00:10:38,771 Perverts! Let me go! 164 00:10:38,854 --> 00:10:41,354 Keep your filthy paws to yourself, you hear me? 165 00:10:41,437 --> 00:10:44,729 Listen, I understand that I'm cute, and voluptuous, 166 00:10:44,812 --> 00:10:46,854 and you wanted me all to yourselves-- 167 00:10:46,937 --> 00:10:49,187 This guy is different. 168 00:10:49,271 --> 00:10:52,312 [SCOTCH] Hey, whatever he's into, it's cool with me. 169 00:10:52,396 --> 00:10:54,354 You'll pay for this, jerks! 170 00:10:54,437 --> 00:10:56,604 Just wait until Luffy gets here! 171 00:10:56,687 --> 00:10:59,437 He'll kick your hairy butts into next week! 172 00:10:59,521 --> 00:11:01,437 [gasps] 173 00:11:01,521 --> 00:11:03,604 [ROCK] Hey. Keep your voice down. 174 00:11:03,687 --> 00:11:05,479 Noisy prisoners are... 175 00:11:05,562 --> 00:11:06,771 [SCOTCH] Not cool. 176 00:11:06,854 --> 00:11:07,604 [NAMI (FRANKY) gasps] 177 00:11:07,687 --> 00:11:08,771 [ROCK] On the other hand, 178 00:11:08,854 --> 00:11:11,437 the laser weapon built into your body is... 179 00:11:11,521 --> 00:11:12,979 [SCOTCH] Very cool. 180 00:11:13,062 --> 00:11:14,896 [ROCK] And, the reward for bringing it 181 00:11:14,979 --> 00:11:17,104 to our Master will be... 182 00:11:18,937 --> 00:11:21,312 [BOTH] Extra cool! 183 00:11:27,146 --> 00:11:29,854 This wind is so cool! 184 00:11:29,937 --> 00:11:33,562 [SCOTCH sighs] Almost too cool. 185 00:11:36,937 --> 00:11:38,979 Get some clothes! 186 00:11:39,062 --> 00:11:40,521 [gasps] 187 00:11:40,604 --> 00:11:42,604 [ROCK] To someone your size, a shot from one of our rifles 188 00:11:42,687 --> 00:11:44,854 is like being hit by a cannonball. 189 00:11:44,937 --> 00:11:47,479 [SCOTCH] And these are filled with poison gas. 190 00:11:47,562 --> 00:11:50,312 Our targets never see it coming, either. 191 00:11:50,396 --> 00:11:52,229 As for your friend... 192 00:11:52,312 --> 00:11:53,812 Of course he'll come. 193 00:11:53,896 --> 00:11:56,187 We set a trap to lure him here. 194 00:11:56,271 --> 00:11:57,521 [ROCK] He won't be able to resist 195 00:11:57,604 --> 00:12:00,562 following giant footprints in the snow. 196 00:12:02,312 --> 00:12:04,521 [LUFFY screams] 197 00:12:04,604 --> 00:12:07,396 [FRANKY (CHOPPER) roars] 198 00:12:07,479 --> 00:12:09,896 [LUFFY] Sweet, giant footprints in the snow! 199 00:12:09,979 --> 00:12:12,812 Obviously I should follow them. This is way too easy! 200 00:12:12,896 --> 00:12:15,354 [FRANKY (CHOPPER) roars] 201 00:12:16,521 --> 00:12:20,146 [LUFFY] Hey quit it, Franky, how many times do I gotta tell you? 202 00:12:20,229 --> 00:12:21,396 Huh? 203 00:12:26,229 --> 00:12:29,896 Huh, there's no more footprints. [gasps] 204 00:12:29,979 --> 00:12:35,646 [LUFFY screaming] 205 00:12:35,729 --> 00:12:37,479 Luffy and Chopper? 206 00:12:37,562 --> 00:12:39,021 No wait! That's Franky! 207 00:12:39,104 --> 00:12:41,062 Nami! 208 00:12:42,437 --> 00:12:44,354 Be careful! They're both hiding! 209 00:12:44,437 --> 00:12:46,354 [LUFFY screams] 210 00:12:49,604 --> 00:12:51,104 [ROCK] Ready, Scotch? 211 00:12:51,187 --> 00:12:54,687 [SCOTCH] Ready. Pretty uncool of him not to notice the cliff. 212 00:12:54,771 --> 00:12:58,604 [LUFFY gasps] Are those spikes? 213 00:12:58,687 --> 00:13:00,896 Heh, heh. It's all over. 214 00:13:00,979 --> 00:13:03,396 [SCOTCH] Not a cool way to die. 215 00:13:04,812 --> 00:13:08,146 [giggles] Armament. Hardening! 216 00:13:08,229 --> 00:13:13,771 Gum-Gum... Gatling! 217 00:13:13,854 --> 00:13:20,229 [LUFFY grunting] 218 00:13:26,729 --> 00:13:30,437 [SCOTCH] Ah. He's a bit trickier than the rest. 219 00:13:34,354 --> 00:13:36,687 You won't run this time. 220 00:13:38,812 --> 00:13:40,979 Now. Second Gear! 221 00:13:42,104 --> 00:13:48,021 Gum-Gum... Jet... Pistol! 222 00:13:50,062 --> 00:13:51,771 [gasps] 223 00:13:51,854 --> 00:13:54,146 [LUFFY] You want more? 224 00:13:54,229 --> 00:13:56,062 Jet Stamp! 225 00:13:57,396 --> 00:13:59,562 [LUFFY gasps] They're gone! 226 00:14:04,437 --> 00:14:06,687 [ROCK chuckles] Nice try, 227 00:14:06,771 --> 00:14:08,646 but these mountains are our home. 228 00:14:08,729 --> 00:14:12,812 [SCOTCH] Which means we know all the cool hiding places! 229 00:14:19,062 --> 00:14:20,729 [CENTAUR C] The place the Master was talking about 230 00:14:20,812 --> 00:14:23,354 should be around here. 231 00:14:23,437 --> 00:14:24,687 Huh? 232 00:14:27,062 --> 00:14:29,687 [CENTAUR C] What's this big building s'posed to be? 233 00:14:29,771 --> 00:14:31,271 [CENTAUR D] Is it a warehouse? 234 00:14:31,354 --> 00:14:33,729 [CENTAUR E] Kinda gives me the creeps. 235 00:14:33,812 --> 00:14:35,021 I'll open the door. 236 00:14:35,104 --> 00:14:37,896 Here. Hold that. 237 00:14:37,979 --> 00:14:43,937 [CENTAUR C grunting] 238 00:14:48,229 --> 00:14:52,479 [CENTAUR C pants] Hey, help me out! 239 00:14:52,562 --> 00:14:53,729 [CENTAUR D] Sure. 240 00:14:54,854 --> 00:15:00,812 [CENTAUR C, CENTAUR D grunting] 241 00:15:11,479 --> 00:15:13,104 [sloshing] 242 00:15:13,187 --> 00:15:15,312 [BOTH gasp] Huh? 243 00:15:15,396 --> 00:15:17,146 [CENTAUR C] Hey. I just heard something 244 00:15:17,229 --> 00:15:18,896 moving around in there. 245 00:15:18,979 --> 00:15:20,229 Nah, can't be. 246 00:15:20,312 --> 00:15:22,062 Look. I don't like this. 247 00:15:22,146 --> 00:15:24,229 We were told not to come near here, right? 248 00:15:24,312 --> 00:15:26,979 So don't open the door. Let's just go. 249 00:15:27,062 --> 00:15:29,021 But the Master told us about this place 250 00:15:29,104 --> 00:15:31,146 and he said he wants us to open it. 251 00:15:31,229 --> 00:15:33,729 What? You do trust the Master, dontcha? 252 00:15:33,812 --> 00:15:36,271 Oh no! That's not what I mean at all! 253 00:15:36,354 --> 00:15:38,729 Then lend me a hand! Hurry! 254 00:15:44,771 --> 00:15:50,479 [sloshing] 255 00:16:06,146 --> 00:16:10,812 [gunshots] 256 00:16:31,854 --> 00:16:34,771 They may be big, but they're quick! 257 00:16:34,854 --> 00:16:35,854 Oh, I know! 258 00:16:35,937 --> 00:16:37,396 Gum-Gum... 259 00:16:37,479 --> 00:16:39,562 [ROCK] Stop right there! 260 00:16:39,646 --> 00:16:42,187 [LUFFY] ...Balloon! 261 00:16:45,854 --> 00:16:47,062 [LUFFY] Rayleigh told me it's a waste 262 00:16:47,146 --> 00:16:49,604 to just use this move for defense. 263 00:16:49,687 --> 00:16:51,937 Let's see. What'd he say? 264 00:16:52,021 --> 00:16:55,354 Take the bullets and send 'em all right back to him 265 00:16:55,437 --> 00:16:57,604 twice as hard! 266 00:16:57,687 --> 00:17:01,354 Now, Gum-Gum... Fire Salute! 267 00:17:01,437 --> 00:17:02,604 [ROCK gasps] 268 00:17:06,271 --> 00:17:07,271 [SCOTCH] Rock! 269 00:17:07,354 --> 00:17:09,021 Gotcha! 270 00:17:09,104 --> 00:17:11,146 [FRANKY (CHOPPER) roars] 271 00:17:11,229 --> 00:17:12,896 [LUFFY] Huh? 272 00:17:12,979 --> 00:17:18,062 [LUFFY gasping] What did I do to you? 273 00:17:18,146 --> 00:17:19,229 Lay off, Franky! 274 00:17:19,312 --> 00:17:21,062 We've got bigger problems here! 275 00:17:21,146 --> 00:17:24,312 [FRANKY (CHOPPER) roaring] 276 00:17:24,396 --> 00:17:27,437 [ROCK groans] Now I'm burning up! 277 00:17:27,521 --> 00:17:31,271 They might lose their cool, but I won't lose mine! 278 00:17:32,354 --> 00:17:33,271 [LUFFY gasps] 279 00:17:33,354 --> 00:17:34,854 Franky! 280 00:17:34,937 --> 00:17:36,437 [SCOTCH] The cool thing about mountains 281 00:17:36,521 --> 00:17:39,479 is they can be turned into weapons! 282 00:17:45,521 --> 00:17:46,854 [NAMI (FRANKY)] Huh? 283 00:17:48,312 --> 00:17:51,687 Watch out! The top of that mountain's falling on you! 284 00:17:51,771 --> 00:17:53,979 Luffy! Franky! Heads up! 285 00:17:54,062 --> 00:17:55,896 [roars] 286 00:17:55,979 --> 00:17:58,396 [ROCK] You'll never get away in time! 287 00:17:58,479 --> 00:18:02,021 [NAMI (FRANKY)] Look behind you! He's gonna shoot! 288 00:18:02,104 --> 00:18:04,562 [ROCK] All it takes is one of these KYP cannisters 289 00:18:04,646 --> 00:18:08,979 and you'll fall into a drunken stupor, just like the others! 290 00:18:11,312 --> 00:18:12,354 [ROCK] Hm? 291 00:18:14,229 --> 00:18:15,562 [ROCK groans] 292 00:18:16,937 --> 00:18:19,396 Franky did something useful! 293 00:18:24,771 --> 00:18:26,771 [LUFFY laughs] 294 00:18:30,812 --> 00:18:32,646 Yeah! Now you're gettin' it! 295 00:18:32,729 --> 00:18:34,062 Good job! 296 00:18:34,146 --> 00:18:35,312 [FRANKY (CHOPPER) roars] 297 00:18:35,396 --> 00:18:37,229 Huh? [gasps] 298 00:18:37,312 --> 00:18:40,021 Oh great. We're back to this, huh? 299 00:18:41,312 --> 00:18:44,229 Third Gear! 300 00:18:44,312 --> 00:18:49,062 Gum-Gum... Elephant Gun! 301 00:18:53,396 --> 00:18:56,229 You went straight to that trick of the day? 302 00:18:57,896 --> 00:19:01,021 [NAMI (FRANKY)] No! Help! 303 00:19:02,521 --> 00:19:05,354 [LUFFY] Uh-oh! Sorry, Chopper's body! 304 00:19:05,437 --> 00:19:07,396 I'll get Chopper to fix you up later! 305 00:19:07,479 --> 00:19:10,187 Wait, gah, nevermind! 306 00:19:11,354 --> 00:19:12,646 [SCOTCH] I told you before, 307 00:19:12,729 --> 00:19:15,229 we have the home-field advantage in these mountains. 308 00:19:15,312 --> 00:19:16,562 Just give up! 309 00:19:16,646 --> 00:19:18,937 Luffy! 310 00:19:44,729 --> 00:19:45,896 [LUFFY] Nami! 311 00:19:45,979 --> 00:19:47,021 [SCOTCH] Forget it! 312 00:19:47,104 --> 00:19:49,937 I can reach a lot higher than you can! 313 00:19:53,062 --> 00:19:55,187 Whoa! He's not kidding. 314 00:19:55,271 --> 00:19:56,771 But... 315 00:20:05,812 --> 00:20:08,687 [LUFFY gasps, screams] 316 00:20:08,771 --> 00:20:11,604 [LUFFY groans] If I lose 'em in these mountains, 317 00:20:11,687 --> 00:20:14,062 I'll never track 'em down again! 318 00:20:19,521 --> 00:20:21,229 [SCOTCH] Huh? 319 00:20:21,312 --> 00:20:23,229 [NAMI (FRANKY)] Hm? It's Law! 320 00:20:23,312 --> 00:20:27,312 [SCOTCH] Ah, Trafalgar Law, the famous freeloader. 321 00:20:27,396 --> 00:20:29,062 Cool, I'm glad you're here. 322 00:20:29,146 --> 00:20:32,146 Straw Hat Luffy should be right behind me. 323 00:20:32,229 --> 00:20:33,812 Room. 324 00:20:34,937 --> 00:20:36,062 [SCOTCH] Huh? 325 00:20:56,896 --> 00:20:59,604 [NAMI (FRANKY) screams] 326 00:21:13,812 --> 00:21:17,354 [SCOTCH] Damn you! That wasn't cool at all! 327 00:21:18,604 --> 00:21:20,062 [SCOTCH gasps] 328 00:21:30,521 --> 00:21:32,479 All right, Counter Shock. 329 00:21:32,562 --> 00:21:38,521 [SCOTCH groaning] 330 00:21:57,437 --> 00:21:58,562 Thank you! 331 00:21:58,646 --> 00:22:02,437 [gasps] Wait. Change me back, creep! 332 00:22:02,521 --> 00:22:03,521 [LUFFY] Nami! 333 00:22:03,604 --> 00:22:05,646 Hey! 334 00:22:05,729 --> 00:22:08,604 Huh? Oh! It's you! 335 00:22:08,687 --> 00:22:10,687 Thanks for saving Nami, buddy! 336 00:22:10,771 --> 00:22:13,354 Look, here's the thing, Straw Hat. 337 00:22:14,687 --> 00:22:15,812 [LAW] I came here because 338 00:22:15,896 --> 00:22:18,521 there's something I want to discuss with you. 339 00:22:21,229 --> 00:22:25,396 [LAW] I assume you landed on Punk Hazard by accident. 340 00:22:25,479 --> 00:22:28,521 But there's an important key hiding on this island-- 341 00:22:28,604 --> 00:22:29,687 one that's powerful enough 342 00:22:29,771 --> 00:22:33,187 to throw the New World into total chaos. 343 00:22:34,521 --> 00:22:36,812 [LAW] You see, there are only two ways 344 00:22:36,896 --> 00:22:39,062 to live in the New World. 345 00:22:40,187 --> 00:22:43,104 [LAW] Fighting under the unbrella of the Four Emperors, 346 00:22:43,187 --> 00:22:45,437 or fighting against them. 347 00:22:47,437 --> 00:22:49,187 [LAW] And you don't strike me as the type 348 00:22:49,271 --> 00:22:52,812 who likes to work under someone else. 349 00:22:52,896 --> 00:22:54,604 Yup. That's right. 350 00:22:54,687 --> 00:22:56,062 I'm captain! 351 00:22:56,146 --> 00:22:57,979 [LAW] I see. 352 00:22:58,062 --> 00:23:01,354 Well then, you can work with me. 353 00:23:01,437 --> 00:23:02,562 Huh? 354 00:23:02,646 --> 00:23:04,312 Like how? 355 00:23:04,396 --> 00:23:08,729 Us two will take down one of the Four Emperors. 356 00:23:13,854 --> 00:23:16,271 I've got a good plan. 357 00:23:16,354 --> 00:23:19,146 So, tell me, are you in? 358 00:23:25,854 --> 00:23:28,479 [NARRATOR] Law proposes taking down an Emperor. 359 00:23:28,562 --> 00:23:31,562 While his proposal leaves Nami and the others stunned, 360 00:23:31,646 --> 00:23:34,021 it's Luffy's answer which shocks everyone, 361 00:23:34,104 --> 00:23:36,229 including Law himself. 362 00:23:36,312 --> 00:23:39,396 Meanwhile, the diabolical scientist Caesar 363 00:23:39,479 --> 00:23:42,812 begins launching his utterly vile plan. 364 00:23:42,896 --> 00:23:44,812 [LUFFY] On the next One Piece! 365 00:23:44,896 --> 00:23:48,021 "Formed! Luffy and Law's Pirate Alliance!"