1 00:02:51,937 --> 00:02:54,396 [NARRATOR] All pirates searching for the treasure One Piece 2 00:02:54,479 --> 00:02:57,354 must brave the second half of the Grand Line. 3 00:02:57,437 --> 00:03:02,562 These wild and dangerous seas are known as the New World. 4 00:03:02,646 --> 00:03:05,062 Gold Roger and his crew were the only men to ever 5 00:03:05,146 --> 00:03:08,437 chart these waters and learn all the secrets they held. 6 00:03:08,521 --> 00:03:10,271 For the rest of the pirates in the world, 7 00:03:10,354 --> 00:03:12,646 this has proven to be the end of the road. 8 00:03:12,729 --> 00:03:15,562 A graveyard of dreams. 9 00:03:17,021 --> 00:03:19,979 [NARRATOR] Now, Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body became rubber 10 00:03:20,062 --> 00:03:21,604 after eating the Gum Gum Fruit, 11 00:03:21,687 --> 00:03:25,271 sets sail into the New World with his faithful crew. 12 00:03:25,354 --> 00:03:29,687 I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates! 13 00:03:32,104 --> 00:03:33,979 [NARRATOR] After a series of fierce battles, 14 00:03:34,062 --> 00:03:35,854 the Straw Hat Pirates have reached the waters 15 00:03:35,937 --> 00:03:39,604 of the New World, ruled by the Four Emperors. 16 00:03:39,687 --> 00:03:41,396 They first land on Punk Hazard, 17 00:03:41,479 --> 00:03:44,437 an island divided into burning and frozen halves. 18 00:03:44,521 --> 00:03:46,854 After they discover that the Master of the island, 19 00:03:46,937 --> 00:03:50,521 Caesar Clown, has been performing terrible experiments, 20 00:03:50,604 --> 00:03:52,437 they set off to confront him. 21 00:03:52,521 --> 00:03:55,854 Before they got far, Luffy was approached by Trafalgar Law, 22 00:03:55,937 --> 00:03:58,187 and the two agreed to form an alliance. 23 00:03:58,271 --> 00:04:00,521 They make a plan to capture Caesar Clown 24 00:04:00,604 --> 00:04:03,604 and set out separately for the laboratory. 25 00:04:07,979 --> 00:04:10,646 [NAMI (SANJI)] He won't get his hands on these children again. 26 00:04:10,729 --> 00:04:12,937 They were drugged and used as test subjects. 27 00:04:13,021 --> 00:04:15,187 They've suffered more than enough. 28 00:04:15,271 --> 00:04:19,021 This Master, though. I'd like to make him suffer. 29 00:04:19,854 --> 00:04:23,021 Hey, you guys, look over there! 30 00:04:23,104 --> 00:04:24,812 [BOTH gasp] 31 00:04:24,896 --> 00:04:26,771 What in the hell is that thing? 32 00:04:26,854 --> 00:04:28,437 [MARINE AA] It's headed right for us! 33 00:04:28,521 --> 00:04:30,354 [MARINE AB] Is it some kind of missile? 34 00:04:30,437 --> 00:04:33,187 Nope, it's not a missile. 35 00:04:40,354 --> 00:04:44,229 Go. Cien Fleurs. Wing! 36 00:04:46,312 --> 00:04:48,021 [LUFFY] Wham! 37 00:04:48,104 --> 00:04:50,021 [FRANKY] Yeah! 38 00:04:50,104 --> 00:04:52,479 [BOTH gasp] 39 00:04:52,562 --> 00:04:55,396 All right, come on out, Master dude! 40 00:04:55,479 --> 00:04:56,979 Or else we'll break into your lab 41 00:04:57,062 --> 00:04:59,812 before we kick your ass and kidnap you! 42 00:04:59,896 --> 00:05:02,521 Luffy, that was supposed to be secret. 43 00:05:02,604 --> 00:05:03,771 Him again! 44 00:05:03,854 --> 00:05:04,979 [gasps] 45 00:05:05,062 --> 00:05:07,021 [CHOPPER] Go, Luffy, go! 46 00:05:07,104 --> 00:05:08,687 Damn loud mouth! 47 00:05:08,771 --> 00:05:11,312 Are you capable of doing anything quietly? 48 00:05:11,396 --> 00:05:17,312 [laughing] 49 00:05:20,146 --> 00:05:21,896 [LUFFY] "On the Verge of Annihilation! 50 00:05:21,979 --> 00:05:25,021 A Deadly Monster Comes Flying In!" 51 00:05:40,437 --> 00:05:42,646 Hey, guys, did that bastard just say he's gonna 52 00:05:42,729 --> 00:05:45,021 kick our master's ass and kidnap him? 53 00:05:45,104 --> 00:05:46,521 Yeah, like hell. 54 00:05:46,604 --> 00:05:49,146 Down with the Straw Hats! Let's go! 55 00:05:49,229 --> 00:05:51,854 [CENTAURS yelling] 56 00:05:51,937 --> 00:05:52,729 [LUFFY] Huh? 57 00:05:52,812 --> 00:05:58,687 [FRANKY] Go, Strong... Right! 58 00:05:58,771 --> 00:06:03,896 [CENTAURS screaming] 59 00:06:11,062 --> 00:06:12,271 Well, sir? 60 00:06:12,354 --> 00:06:14,646 How would you like us to proceed from here? 61 00:06:14,729 --> 00:06:18,604 Obviously we capture every last one of the Straw Hats. 62 00:06:18,687 --> 00:06:21,312 You heard 'im, boys! Let's go catch us some pirates. 63 00:06:21,396 --> 00:06:23,771 [MARINES yelling] 64 00:06:23,854 --> 00:06:26,104 Now. Cien Fleurs! 65 00:06:27,354 --> 00:06:30,396 [MARINES gasping] 66 00:06:30,479 --> 00:06:31,354 [ROBIN] Clutch! 67 00:06:31,437 --> 00:06:34,354 [MARINES groan] 68 00:06:44,604 --> 00:06:45,729 What now? 69 00:06:45,812 --> 00:06:50,146 We leave them to it. Let's get inside. 70 00:06:50,229 --> 00:06:52,354 [CHOPPER] How? Do you have a key or something? 71 00:06:52,437 --> 00:06:55,812 Oh, right. The teleportation thing. I forgot. 72 00:06:58,021 --> 00:06:59,479 [LAW] Room. 73 00:07:04,146 --> 00:07:06,229 Do you remember the plan we discussed? 74 00:07:06,312 --> 00:07:09,271 Yeah. You're gonna come up with some sort of distraction 75 00:07:09,354 --> 00:07:11,729 to get Caesar and the bird-lady out of the room, 76 00:07:11,812 --> 00:07:14,646 then I'll look for information about the drug. 77 00:07:16,104 --> 00:07:17,729 [CENTAUR D yells] 78 00:07:17,812 --> 00:07:20,187 [FRANKY] Weapons Left! 79 00:07:20,271 --> 00:07:22,187 [CENTAUR D groans] 80 00:07:24,104 --> 00:07:25,896 [CENTAURS gasping] 81 00:07:25,979 --> 00:07:30,646 [MARINE F groaning] 82 00:07:31,729 --> 00:07:33,146 We're here. 83 00:07:33,229 --> 00:07:35,396 How long do you think we'll have to wait for the Master? 84 00:07:35,479 --> 00:07:38,562 I doubt he intends to walk out and greet us. 85 00:07:38,646 --> 00:07:40,687 Okay. What now? 86 00:07:40,771 --> 00:07:42,604 Do we look for him in the laboratory? 87 00:07:42,687 --> 00:07:43,979 [LUFFY] Sounds good. 88 00:07:44,062 --> 00:07:46,312 That door over there's probably the entrance, right? 89 00:07:46,396 --> 00:07:47,979 [ROBIN] Shall we go? 90 00:07:50,854 --> 00:07:52,896 [TASHIGI (SMOKER) yells] 91 00:07:52,979 --> 00:07:55,104 I'll get you, Straw Hat! 92 00:07:55,187 --> 00:07:57,687 Hey! The smoke guy! 93 00:08:00,271 --> 00:08:01,812 [LUFFY chuckles] 94 00:08:13,854 --> 00:08:18,896 [CHILDREN crying] 95 00:08:18,979 --> 00:08:20,396 Hey, let us go! 96 00:08:20,479 --> 00:08:23,979 Gimme candy! Candy! 97 00:08:24,062 --> 00:08:25,937 [NAMI (SANJI)] They're showing withdrawal symptoms again. 98 00:08:26,021 --> 00:08:27,562 What do we do? 99 00:08:27,646 --> 00:08:31,479 They'll be better off sleeping. I'll use another one. 100 00:08:31,562 --> 00:08:33,812 Special Attack--Sleep Star! 101 00:08:33,896 --> 00:08:37,229 [CHILDREN yelling] 102 00:08:42,104 --> 00:08:43,062 [gasps] 103 00:08:43,146 --> 00:08:44,437 [DOLAN grunts] 104 00:08:44,521 --> 00:08:46,979 Candy! 105 00:08:47,062 --> 00:08:49,021 [CHILDREN grunting] 106 00:08:49,104 --> 00:08:52,187 [USOPP] No way! My Sleep Star didn't work on them? 107 00:08:52,271 --> 00:08:53,396 What now? 108 00:08:53,479 --> 00:08:55,521 We can't just let them go. 109 00:08:55,604 --> 00:09:01,562 [SYND grunting] 110 00:09:01,646 --> 00:09:02,854 Oh, no! 111 00:09:02,937 --> 00:09:09,604 [SYND grunting] 112 00:09:18,771 --> 00:09:21,437 That was close, but at least they're sleeping now. 113 00:09:21,521 --> 00:09:24,187 Yeah. It was less effective this time, though. 114 00:09:24,271 --> 00:09:25,396 [USOPP] A lot less. 115 00:09:25,479 --> 00:09:28,229 We're in trouble the next time they wake up. 116 00:09:35,146 --> 00:09:37,771 Well, Straw Hat Luffy, tell me this. 117 00:09:37,854 --> 00:09:39,646 What is your crew doing here? 118 00:09:39,729 --> 00:09:40,854 Why so mad? 119 00:09:40,937 --> 00:09:42,896 You look better than I thought you would. 120 00:09:42,979 --> 00:09:46,146 Last time I saw you, you were getting beat up pretty bad. 121 00:09:46,229 --> 00:09:47,604 Stop messing with me. 122 00:09:47,687 --> 00:09:48,979 [LUFFY] Huh? 123 00:09:50,687 --> 00:09:51,521 What's wrong? 124 00:09:51,604 --> 00:09:53,271 Constipated or something? 125 00:09:53,354 --> 00:09:55,854 You feeling gassy? 126 00:09:55,937 --> 00:09:57,521 [gasps] 127 00:09:57,604 --> 00:09:59,521 Ha! Take that! 128 00:10:01,646 --> 00:10:02,937 [TASHIGI (SMOKER) gasps] 129 00:10:04,896 --> 00:10:09,479 You didn't used to be this weak. Did something happen to you? 130 00:10:09,562 --> 00:10:11,812 Get off of me! Let go! 131 00:10:11,896 --> 00:10:14,396 Not just weak. You sound different, too. 132 00:10:14,479 --> 00:10:16,312 Almost like you're a girl or something. 133 00:10:16,396 --> 00:10:18,896 Hey, Tashigi. Do me a favor. 134 00:10:18,979 --> 00:10:21,312 Don't get your ass kicked by an idiot like him 135 00:10:21,396 --> 00:10:24,229 while you're in my body, okay? 136 00:10:30,187 --> 00:10:31,812 Hey, that weapon. 137 00:10:31,896 --> 00:10:35,896 Straw Hat Luffy back at sea, causing trouble. 138 00:10:35,979 --> 00:10:40,437 Too bad. I'm here now to put an end to your fun! 139 00:10:40,521 --> 00:10:42,187 [SMOKER (TASHIGI) yells] 140 00:10:44,729 --> 00:10:46,771 [SMOKER (TASHIGI) yells] 141 00:10:51,062 --> 00:10:52,521 [SMOKER (TASHIGI) grunts] 142 00:10:56,729 --> 00:10:58,479 [LUFFY] Crap, I got hit. 143 00:10:58,562 --> 00:11:00,354 [LUFFY panting] 144 00:11:00,437 --> 00:11:02,896 That thing's tipped with Sea Prism Stone. 145 00:11:02,979 --> 00:11:04,312 I remember her. 146 00:11:04,396 --> 00:11:06,646 It's that lady captain with the glasses. 147 00:11:06,729 --> 00:11:09,562 When'd she get so strong? 148 00:11:12,229 --> 00:11:16,521 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] Heh. The name's Smoker, Straw Hat. 149 00:11:16,604 --> 00:11:18,771 Wha? 150 00:11:19,854 --> 00:11:20,979 Don't you see? 151 00:11:21,062 --> 00:11:22,604 They're both victims of Law's little trick. 152 00:11:22,687 --> 00:11:23,604 Huh? 153 00:11:23,687 --> 00:11:25,979 Oh. The whole "shuffle" thing? 154 00:11:26,062 --> 00:11:27,354 Okay. 155 00:11:27,437 --> 00:11:30,521 That explains why he was so weak. 156 00:11:30,604 --> 00:11:32,729 So this girl is... 157 00:11:34,854 --> 00:11:41,396 O-Oh, wow. Nice look, Smokey! [laughing] 158 00:11:41,479 --> 00:11:44,146 What's so funny, you little maggot? 159 00:11:45,979 --> 00:11:48,187 No more dodging. Come fight me! 160 00:11:48,271 --> 00:11:50,354 Second Gear! 161 00:11:54,729 --> 00:11:56,354 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] Bring it on, Straw Hat. 162 00:11:56,437 --> 00:11:58,521 This should be fun. 163 00:11:58,604 --> 00:12:01,104 [SMOKER (TASHIGI) yells] 164 00:12:02,062 --> 00:12:04,021 [SMOKER (TASHIGI) yells] 165 00:12:04,104 --> 00:12:07,771 [FRANKY] And strong... Right! 166 00:12:07,854 --> 00:12:11,646 [CENTAURS gasp, groan] 167 00:12:13,396 --> 00:12:15,521 Am I gonna have to beat up all of 'em? 168 00:12:15,604 --> 00:12:18,271 That'll take too long. Huh? 169 00:12:18,354 --> 00:12:19,896 We know where the door is. 170 00:12:19,979 --> 00:12:22,854 Why don't I make us a little shortcut? 171 00:12:22,937 --> 00:12:26,479 All right. Let's go! 172 00:12:30,687 --> 00:12:32,979 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] He's moving too fast! 173 00:12:35,854 --> 00:12:37,437 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] Huh? 174 00:12:37,521 --> 00:12:39,521 We'll finish this another time, 'kay? 175 00:12:39,604 --> 00:12:41,021 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] What? 176 00:12:41,104 --> 00:12:43,021 I'd rather fight you when you can use all your strength. 177 00:12:43,104 --> 00:12:44,479 It's more fun that way. 178 00:12:44,562 --> 00:12:48,146 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] I don't need charity. We fight now! 179 00:12:48,229 --> 00:12:50,771 [LUFFY] Bye, Smokey! See ya! 180 00:12:50,854 --> 00:12:54,687 And go Radical Beam! 181 00:12:54,771 --> 00:12:58,146 [CENTAURS gasp, scream] 182 00:13:02,771 --> 00:13:04,104 [CENTAUR J] He blasted a hole in it! 183 00:13:04,187 --> 00:13:06,396 How strong are they? 184 00:13:06,479 --> 00:13:07,687 Was that a laser? 185 00:13:07,771 --> 00:13:11,604 [laughs] Luffy. Robin. 186 00:13:11,687 --> 00:13:15,479 The lab door's open now. Let's go in and say hi. 187 00:13:15,562 --> 00:13:16,854 Woohoo! 188 00:13:16,937 --> 00:13:19,479 Way to use that laser. Yeah! 189 00:13:19,562 --> 00:13:21,187 [ROBIN chuckles] 190 00:13:22,896 --> 00:13:25,937 [MARINE E] Smokey! There's something strange 191 00:13:26,021 --> 00:13:27,104 flyin' at us, sir! 192 00:13:27,187 --> 00:13:29,146 [TASHIGI (SMOKER)] It's up there! 193 00:13:29,229 --> 00:13:30,687 What the? 194 00:13:40,937 --> 00:13:42,146 What is that? 195 00:13:42,229 --> 00:13:43,937 The ship. 196 00:14:13,104 --> 00:14:19,229 [MARINES chattering] 197 00:14:23,896 --> 00:14:27,979 [MARINES gasping] 198 00:14:32,146 --> 00:14:35,521 [MARINE A gasps] The ship! 199 00:14:35,604 --> 00:14:37,479 Stay back for now. 200 00:14:37,562 --> 00:14:40,146 Luffy! Franky! Wait a minute. 201 00:14:40,229 --> 00:14:41,562 [LUFFY, FRANKY] Huh? 202 00:14:44,104 --> 00:14:47,229 What the hell is that? How is it moving? 203 00:14:47,312 --> 00:14:51,562 I'll take care of it! [yells] 204 00:14:51,646 --> 00:14:53,646 Have a taste of this! 205 00:15:02,187 --> 00:15:05,687 What's happening? It's getting harder to breathe. 206 00:15:05,771 --> 00:15:08,062 [MARINE L] Poison gas! Don't inhale it. 207 00:15:08,146 --> 00:15:10,229 [MARINE N] It started leaking after we cut it open 208 00:15:10,312 --> 00:15:12,146 and filled it with bullet holes. 209 00:15:12,229 --> 00:15:14,021 [MARINE M] We need our gas masks! 210 00:15:14,104 --> 00:15:15,896 Quick, let's go! 211 00:15:15,979 --> 00:15:19,771 [MARINES chattering] 212 00:15:19,854 --> 00:15:22,312 Whoa! That looks crazy! 213 00:15:22,396 --> 00:15:24,146 Is it alive? 214 00:15:24,229 --> 00:15:26,021 Perhaps it's some kind of monster. 215 00:15:26,104 --> 00:15:27,312 It moves on its own. 216 00:15:27,396 --> 00:15:29,229 [CENTAUR M gasps] 217 00:15:29,312 --> 00:15:32,104 Tell me, where did that thing come from? 218 00:15:32,187 --> 00:15:34,396 I... I have no idea. 219 00:15:34,479 --> 00:15:36,479 I've never seen it before. 220 00:15:36,562 --> 00:15:38,979 [MARINE B] It just came falling out of the sky. 221 00:15:39,062 --> 00:15:41,312 [MARINE C] Yeah, and now it's all over the ship! 222 00:15:41,396 --> 00:15:44,396 [MARINE D] Whatever it is, it's disgusting! 223 00:15:47,271 --> 00:15:49,104 [SMILEY growls] 224 00:15:49,187 --> 00:15:52,062 [MARINE O] It's got eyes. That means it's some creature, right? 225 00:15:52,146 --> 00:15:53,729 Hey! Look! 226 00:15:55,229 --> 00:15:59,396 [MARINE O] The blobs are merging. It's getting bigger! 227 00:15:59,479 --> 00:16:02,687 [MARINES gasping] 228 00:16:02,771 --> 00:16:04,729 [MARINES] What?! 229 00:16:06,979 --> 00:16:08,479 [MARINE P] I bet it can't swim. 230 00:16:08,562 --> 00:16:10,146 Let's try pushing it in the water. 231 00:16:10,229 --> 00:16:12,146 [MARINE Q] Are you sure that's a good idea? 232 00:16:12,229 --> 00:16:13,646 [MARINE P] Huh? 233 00:16:16,687 --> 00:16:21,187 [MARINE P gasps] 234 00:16:21,271 --> 00:16:22,646 It's leaking gas again! 235 00:16:22,729 --> 00:16:24,396 Get him out! 236 00:16:25,479 --> 00:16:28,604 [MARINE Q, MARINE R] One, two, three! 237 00:16:29,562 --> 00:16:30,562 Crap. 238 00:16:30,646 --> 00:16:31,854 So, what now? 239 00:16:31,937 --> 00:16:36,812 [MARINE P groans, coughs] Ow! It's on my skin! 240 00:16:36,896 --> 00:16:38,187 Somebody get it off! 241 00:16:38,271 --> 00:16:40,229 Hurry! We need some cloth! 242 00:16:40,312 --> 00:16:43,021 Ya see! I knew we shouldn't have touched that thing! 243 00:16:43,104 --> 00:16:44,146 [MARINE R] So what do we do? 244 00:16:44,229 --> 00:16:46,187 [MARINE Q] How should I know? 245 00:16:46,271 --> 00:16:47,854 [MARINE S] I've got this, boys! 246 00:16:47,937 --> 00:16:49,354 [MARINES] Huh? 247 00:16:51,396 --> 00:16:52,562 Stay back. 248 00:16:52,646 --> 00:16:54,979 We haven't seen if it likes fire yet, have we? 249 00:16:55,062 --> 00:16:56,854 I say we give it a try! 250 00:16:56,937 --> 00:16:58,354 [MARINES] Yeah! 251 00:16:58,437 --> 00:17:01,354 Die! 252 00:17:02,812 --> 00:17:03,896 [MARINE S] There's nothing in the world 253 00:17:03,979 --> 00:17:06,396 that's not afraid of fire! 254 00:17:06,479 --> 00:17:08,229 Good idea. Smart guy! 255 00:17:08,312 --> 00:17:11,812 Burn the sucker! [laughs] 256 00:17:13,937 --> 00:17:15,896 I'm gonna kill this slime monster. 257 00:17:15,979 --> 00:17:17,479 Won't be long now! 258 00:17:17,562 --> 00:17:19,396 [MARINE V] The thing's gotta be hurting, right? 259 00:17:19,479 --> 00:17:21,271 [MARINE W] It's starting to burn! 260 00:17:25,437 --> 00:17:28,354 Come on and die, you freak show! 261 00:17:35,854 --> 00:17:36,604 [MARINE R gasps] 262 00:17:36,687 --> 00:17:38,479 Yeah! 263 00:17:41,021 --> 00:17:43,896 [MARINE S] Die, bastard! 264 00:17:43,979 --> 00:17:45,229 [MARINES gasp] 265 00:17:57,729 --> 00:18:00,271 [MARINES gasping] 266 00:18:00,354 --> 00:18:02,146 [LUFFY gasps] 267 00:18:08,854 --> 00:18:12,146 No, damn you! 268 00:18:20,562 --> 00:18:23,062 So, anyone know what that thing is? 269 00:18:23,146 --> 00:18:25,479 [SUBORDINATE C] Some kind of slimey blob monster! 270 00:18:25,562 --> 00:18:27,021 [SUBORDINATE D] Touch it, it spews poison. 271 00:18:27,104 --> 00:18:29,187 Burn it, it explodes. 272 00:18:29,271 --> 00:18:32,812 [CHAPPE] Is it dead? Was it alive in the first place? 273 00:18:32,896 --> 00:18:35,771 Does it matter? It's gone now, right? 274 00:18:35,854 --> 00:18:38,354 Yeah, right. That's good, huh? 275 00:18:38,437 --> 00:18:39,854 More than good. 276 00:18:39,937 --> 00:18:41,937 That explosion saved us the trouble of 277 00:18:42,021 --> 00:18:44,937 going after the Navy bastards who stole our ship. 278 00:18:45,021 --> 00:18:46,937 It did us a favor. 279 00:18:47,021 --> 00:18:48,229 Huh? 280 00:18:51,437 --> 00:18:54,937 [CENTAURS gasp] 281 00:18:55,021 --> 00:18:57,771 [FEN BOCK] It's back! 282 00:18:59,187 --> 00:19:01,146 There's more! Coming this way! 283 00:19:01,229 --> 00:19:03,312 [FRANKY] Falling out of the sky like before. 284 00:19:03,396 --> 00:19:05,312 [ROBIN] How many are there? 285 00:19:12,271 --> 00:19:14,479 So is it, uh, living? 286 00:19:14,562 --> 00:19:15,979 I have no clue. 287 00:19:16,062 --> 00:19:17,521 I've never seen anything like it. 288 00:19:17,604 --> 00:19:19,854 Nor I, and I've seen plenty. 289 00:19:19,937 --> 00:19:21,437 [BROOK] This is such a shocking sight, 290 00:19:21,521 --> 00:19:23,812 my eyes might pop out of my head! 291 00:19:23,896 --> 00:19:29,021 Well, they would, but I haven't got any. 292 00:19:29,104 --> 00:19:30,562 [chuckles] 293 00:19:32,562 --> 00:19:34,854 Well, whatever it is, it's strange. 294 00:19:34,937 --> 00:19:37,854 And whatever it's doing is even stranger. 295 00:19:41,146 --> 00:19:45,646 Wow! It seems to have spit something high into the sky. 296 00:19:48,521 --> 00:19:49,687 And look. 297 00:19:49,771 --> 00:19:52,271 I believe it's headed this way, quite quickly. 298 00:19:53,604 --> 00:19:55,104 [BROOK, KIN'EMON, SANJI (NAMI) gasp] 299 00:20:01,812 --> 00:20:04,312 How vile. It seems to be pulsing. 300 00:20:04,396 --> 00:20:06,896 I think I might throw up. 301 00:20:14,437 --> 00:20:20,396 [ALL gasping] 302 00:20:21,854 --> 00:20:24,187 Look out. There's one coming! 303 00:20:28,562 --> 00:20:31,229 Run away! Don't let them touch you! 304 00:20:33,354 --> 00:20:34,687 Smoker, quick! 305 00:20:34,771 --> 00:20:36,437 It's too dangerous to stay. 306 00:20:36,521 --> 00:20:38,729 Retreat and find cover. 307 00:20:39,979 --> 00:20:42,646 [chuckles] 308 00:20:42,729 --> 00:20:45,146 [CAESAR CLOWN laughing] 309 00:20:45,229 --> 00:20:46,104 [FRANKY] Huh? 310 00:20:46,187 --> 00:20:47,687 [gasps] 311 00:20:47,771 --> 00:20:49,146 [CAESAR CLOWN] Good boy! 312 00:20:49,229 --> 00:20:52,229 I'm sorry I had to keep you locked up for three years. 313 00:20:52,312 --> 00:20:54,854 [ALL gasp] 314 00:20:54,937 --> 00:20:56,354 Master! 315 00:20:56,437 --> 00:20:59,146 You should go, sir. It isn't safe here now. 316 00:20:59,229 --> 00:21:04,521 [CAESAR CLOWN laughing] 317 00:21:08,021 --> 00:21:10,854 Just like I thought. It is Caesar Clown. 318 00:21:10,937 --> 00:21:12,979 He's the one behind this. 319 00:21:13,062 --> 00:21:14,521 [LUFFY] Are you the Master? 320 00:21:14,604 --> 00:21:16,521 That's it! You're goin' down! 321 00:21:16,604 --> 00:21:20,312 [laughs] Master of Punk Hazard. 322 00:21:20,396 --> 00:21:23,354 Straw Hat Pirates and Marines of the Navy G-5, 323 00:21:23,437 --> 00:21:24,937 welcome to my island. 324 00:21:25,021 --> 00:21:28,604 Allow me to present the most brilliant scientist ever! 325 00:21:28,687 --> 00:21:31,896 [laughs] 326 00:21:31,979 --> 00:21:35,646 I am Caesar Clown! 327 00:21:35,729 --> 00:21:39,021 [laughs] 328 00:21:41,562 --> 00:21:44,437 A bit of patience. It won't be long. 329 00:21:44,521 --> 00:21:47,187 [SUBORDINATE E gasps, screams] 330 00:21:47,271 --> 00:21:49,187 [CAESAR CLOWN] He doesn't tolerate water very well, 331 00:21:49,271 --> 00:21:52,021 you see. So, in order to cross the lake, 332 00:21:52,104 --> 00:21:55,312 he has to fling himself over, piece by piece. 333 00:21:55,396 --> 00:21:59,771 Inconvenient, perhaps, but effective nonetheless. 334 00:22:00,979 --> 00:22:05,854 From a land of blazing fire, to a land of sparkling ice. 335 00:22:05,937 --> 00:22:08,229 In a few minutes, he will be fully reassembled 336 00:22:08,312 --> 00:22:10,521 on this side of the lake. 337 00:22:12,771 --> 00:22:14,562 [CAESAR CLOWN] And then, boys and girls, 338 00:22:14,646 --> 00:22:16,479 the show will begin. 339 00:22:16,562 --> 00:22:19,771 A recreation of the explosion from four years ago. 340 00:22:19,854 --> 00:22:22,604 And you have front row seats. 341 00:22:22,687 --> 00:22:25,104 Now, prepare for destruction on a scale 342 00:22:25,187 --> 00:22:28,062 that you've never witnessed before. 343 00:22:32,437 --> 00:22:35,771 [CAESAR CLOWN] Soon, it shall run wild! 344 00:22:35,854 --> 00:22:39,354 A weapon so powerful that it kills everything in its path. 345 00:22:39,437 --> 00:22:41,771 Who could possibly invent such a thing 346 00:22:41,854 --> 00:22:45,229 but the world's preeminent scientist? 347 00:22:48,604 --> 00:22:53,229 That's me, the one and only Caesar Clown, at your service. 348 00:22:54,396 --> 00:23:00,771 [laughing] 349 00:23:00,854 --> 00:23:02,146 [CAESAR CLOWN] Huh? 350 00:23:13,521 --> 00:23:15,812 I got you now, Master! 351 00:23:15,896 --> 00:23:20,187 [CAESAR CLOWN screams] 352 00:23:26,979 --> 00:23:28,812 [NARRATOR] Luffy and the villainous Caesar Clown 353 00:23:28,896 --> 00:23:33,062 face each other in battle, both refusing to budge an inch. 354 00:23:33,146 --> 00:23:34,396 But after the smoke clears, 355 00:23:34,479 --> 00:23:37,479 the Master of Punk Hazard is captured. 356 00:23:37,562 --> 00:23:41,896 Just then, the shocking power of the Gas Gas Fruit is revealed. 357 00:23:41,979 --> 00:23:43,687 [LUFFY] On the next One Piece! 358 00:23:43,771 --> 00:23:44,979 "An Intense Battle! 359 00:23:45,062 --> 00:23:47,771 Caesar Exercises His True Power!"