1 00:02:52,021 --> 00:02:54,437 [NARRATOR] All pirates searching for the treasure, One Piece, 2 00:02:54,521 --> 00:02:57,396 must brave the second half of the Grand Line. 3 00:02:57,479 --> 00:03:02,646 These wild and dangerous seas are known as the New World. 4 00:03:02,729 --> 00:03:05,187 Gold Roger and his crew were the only men to ever 5 00:03:05,271 --> 00:03:08,437 chart these waters and learn all the secrets they held. 6 00:03:08,521 --> 00:03:10,271 For the rest of the pirates in the world, 7 00:03:10,354 --> 00:03:12,687 this has proven to be the end of the road. 8 00:03:12,771 --> 00:03:15,312 A graveyard of dreams. 9 00:03:17,021 --> 00:03:18,479 [NARRATOR] Now, Monkey D. Luffy, 10 00:03:18,562 --> 00:03:21,687 a boy whose body became rubber after eating the Gum-Gum Fruit, 11 00:03:21,771 --> 00:03:25,562 sets sail into the New World with his faithful crew. 12 00:03:25,646 --> 00:03:29,479 I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates! 13 00:03:32,687 --> 00:03:34,687 [NARRATOR] After a series of fierce battles, 14 00:03:34,771 --> 00:03:36,521 the Straw Hat Pirates have reached the waters 15 00:03:36,604 --> 00:03:40,354 of the New World, ruled by the Four Emperors. 16 00:03:40,437 --> 00:03:42,062 Their first stop is Punk Hazard, 17 00:03:42,146 --> 00:03:45,062 an island divided into burning and frozen halves. 18 00:03:45,146 --> 00:03:47,646 There, they learn of terrifying experiments performed 19 00:03:47,729 --> 00:03:50,021 by the master of the island, Caesar Clown. 20 00:03:50,104 --> 00:03:52,354 Their struggles against the mad scientist cause them to form 21 00:03:52,437 --> 00:03:54,437 an alliance with Trafalgar Law, 22 00:03:54,521 --> 00:03:56,771 one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. 23 00:03:56,854 --> 00:03:58,937 Do you remember the plan we discussed? 24 00:03:59,021 --> 00:04:01,187 Yeah. You're gonna come up with some sort of 25 00:04:01,271 --> 00:04:04,354 distraction to get Caesar and the bird-lady out of the room. 26 00:04:04,437 --> 00:04:07,229 Then I'll look for information about the drug. 27 00:04:07,312 --> 00:04:08,646 [NARRATOR] With the island in chaos, 28 00:04:08,729 --> 00:04:12,021 Luffy prepares to face off with Caesar himself. 29 00:04:12,104 --> 00:04:15,812 [CAESAR CLOWN] And then, boys and girls, the show will begin. 30 00:04:15,896 --> 00:04:19,021 A recreation of the explosion from four years ago. 31 00:04:19,104 --> 00:04:21,562 And you have front row seats. 32 00:04:21,646 --> 00:04:23,937 Now. Prepare for destruction on a scale 33 00:04:24,021 --> 00:04:26,396 that you've never witnessed before. 34 00:04:26,479 --> 00:04:28,354 Soon, it shall run wild! 35 00:04:28,437 --> 00:04:31,937 A weapon so powerful, that it kills everything in its path. 36 00:04:32,021 --> 00:04:34,271 Who could possibly invent such a thing 37 00:04:34,354 --> 00:04:37,187 but the world's preeminent scientist? 38 00:04:41,104 --> 00:04:43,646 That's me, the one and only Caesar Clown, 39 00:04:43,729 --> 00:04:45,437 at your service. 40 00:04:48,854 --> 00:04:51,687 [groans] 41 00:04:51,771 --> 00:04:53,979 Got you now, Master! 42 00:04:58,562 --> 00:04:59,771 [LUFFY] "An Intense Battle! 43 00:04:59,854 --> 00:05:02,979 Caesar Exercises His True Power!" 44 00:05:08,396 --> 00:05:12,271 [BROOK] That creature. It's a slime, isn't it? 45 00:05:12,354 --> 00:05:13,771 [SANJI (NAMI)] A what? 46 00:05:13,854 --> 00:05:15,271 [BROOK] I thought that slimes were limited to the realm 47 00:05:15,354 --> 00:05:17,229 of fantasy, but apparently not. 48 00:05:17,312 --> 00:05:18,896 I read a book about a slime, 49 00:05:18,979 --> 00:05:20,979 and it looked just like that one. 50 00:05:21,062 --> 00:05:22,729 There's nothing else it could be. 51 00:05:22,812 --> 00:05:24,187 [SANJI (NAMI)] Huh. 52 00:05:24,271 --> 00:05:25,937 [BROOK] The book was quite fascinating. 53 00:05:26,021 --> 00:05:27,354 I couldn't put it down. 54 00:05:27,437 --> 00:05:30,812 This slime, you see, loved to attack beautiful women. 55 00:05:30,896 --> 00:05:32,479 Its body fluids were harmless, 56 00:05:32,562 --> 00:05:34,854 but they had a knack for melting clothes. 57 00:05:34,937 --> 00:05:38,854 [BROOK chuckles] Naughty! 58 00:05:38,937 --> 00:05:39,854 [BROOK shrieks] 59 00:05:39,937 --> 00:05:40,937 [SANJI (NAMI)] Whoa. 60 00:05:41,021 --> 00:05:43,354 That monster is pretty messed up, huh? 61 00:05:43,437 --> 00:05:45,896 Uh, by the way, can I borrow that book? 62 00:05:45,979 --> 00:05:46,896 Could I borrow it, too? 63 00:05:46,979 --> 00:05:49,146 Would you shut up? Just look. 64 00:05:49,229 --> 00:05:51,187 [ALL chuckling] 65 00:05:51,271 --> 00:05:52,646 [ZORO] If that thing touches you, 66 00:05:52,729 --> 00:05:55,521 it's gonna do a lot worse than just melt your clothes. 67 00:05:55,604 --> 00:05:57,812 The fish are dying from the little pieces of itself 68 00:05:57,896 --> 00:05:59,646 that dropped in the lake. 69 00:06:01,812 --> 00:06:03,396 [ZORO] The thing's made of poison. 70 00:06:03,479 --> 00:06:07,312 It only takes a drop to kill and it looks like it's spreading. 71 00:06:07,396 --> 00:06:08,521 It's poison? 72 00:06:08,604 --> 00:06:11,646 Wait, but the samurai's torso is in that lake. 73 00:06:11,729 --> 00:06:16,104 [KIN'EMON gasps] 74 00:06:18,146 --> 00:06:20,854 [gasps] 75 00:06:22,187 --> 00:06:25,979 [gasps] Surely not! You're diving in? Sanji! 76 00:06:26,062 --> 00:06:30,729 I brought him with us, so I can't let him die here. 77 00:06:30,812 --> 00:06:35,729 I may be a woman right now, but it's time to man up! 78 00:06:35,812 --> 00:06:37,521 I'm proud of you. 79 00:06:37,604 --> 00:06:40,562 Handle the ones behind you. I won't be too long. 80 00:06:40,646 --> 00:06:42,604 [BROOK] Huh? Behind me? 81 00:06:42,687 --> 00:06:46,812 [BROOK yelps] A veritable bevy of mini slimes! 82 00:06:46,896 --> 00:06:48,479 When did they get here? 83 00:06:48,562 --> 00:06:50,437 Nami. I'm sorry. 84 00:06:50,521 --> 00:06:53,604 But still, I'm the strongest swimmer on the crew. 85 00:06:53,687 --> 00:06:55,146 I swear. 86 00:06:55,229 --> 00:06:57,312 I'll be done before anything happens to your gorgeous body! 87 00:06:58,562 --> 00:07:02,187 [BROOK] Careful! Good luck down there! 88 00:07:02,271 --> 00:07:03,729 [KIN'EMON] He dove into that poisonous water 89 00:07:03,812 --> 00:07:07,562 without a second thought. I'm unworthy of such kindness. 90 00:07:09,646 --> 00:07:12,687 [SANJI (NAMI)] This is even colder than it looks! 91 00:07:12,771 --> 00:07:14,562 I better make this quick. 92 00:07:16,812 --> 00:07:19,729 [BROOK] They, ah, seem to be coming right for us. 93 00:07:19,812 --> 00:07:22,229 [ZORO] Yeah, what are we gonna do about it? 94 00:07:22,312 --> 00:07:23,896 [BROOK] Excellent question. 95 00:07:23,979 --> 00:07:27,271 [whimpers] 96 00:07:34,312 --> 00:07:36,104 [LAW] Monet's alone. 97 00:07:39,521 --> 00:07:41,021 [LAW] This is my chance. 98 00:07:41,104 --> 00:07:42,979 [MONET] Sorry, the Master's not here. 99 00:07:43,062 --> 00:07:45,146 [LAW] Yeah? Where'd he go? 100 00:07:45,229 --> 00:07:47,062 [MONET] Probably outside to watch the fight. 101 00:07:47,146 --> 00:07:50,271 That degenerate can't get enough death and destruction. 102 00:07:53,729 --> 00:07:55,771 That's all right, I don't need him. 103 00:07:55,854 --> 00:07:59,354 I think I'll be taking off soon. I've seen everything. 104 00:07:59,437 --> 00:08:01,437 I'm through with this place. 105 00:08:01,521 --> 00:08:04,687 Shame. It'll be lonely without you. 106 00:08:04,771 --> 00:08:07,604 [LAW] I could use your help with something first, though. 107 00:08:10,687 --> 00:08:12,604 Could I borrow you for a sec? 108 00:08:12,687 --> 00:08:16,021 [MONET] What is this? A date? Lucky me! 109 00:08:18,479 --> 00:08:22,729 [MONET chuckles] A man of few words, are we? Where to? 110 00:08:22,812 --> 00:08:24,021 [LAW] You'll see. 111 00:08:24,104 --> 00:08:26,937 All right. I was bored, anyway. 112 00:08:30,937 --> 00:08:34,354 [CHOPPER] That must be the bird lady Usopp was talking about. 113 00:08:36,437 --> 00:08:39,479 [CAESAR CLOWN yelps] 114 00:08:39,562 --> 00:08:42,479 [CENTAUR AA] S-Straw Hat caught the Master! 115 00:08:42,562 --> 00:08:44,354 Way to go, Luffy! 116 00:08:44,437 --> 00:08:46,271 Little punk! How dare you? 117 00:08:46,354 --> 00:08:47,646 Crazy kid! 118 00:08:47,729 --> 00:08:50,187 [CAESAR CLOWN grunts] Let go, you fool! 119 00:08:50,271 --> 00:08:51,479 Nuh-uh! 120 00:08:51,562 --> 00:08:55,229 So that's haki. Caesar has Logia powers, right? 121 00:08:55,312 --> 00:08:57,979 But Luffy can still grab him, even though he's made of gas. 122 00:08:58,062 --> 00:09:00,521 [CENTAUR B] Back off, Straw Hat! We'll shoot! 123 00:09:00,604 --> 00:09:01,354 [CENTAURS gasp] 124 00:09:01,437 --> 00:09:03,146 Hurry! Take him out, quick! 125 00:09:03,229 --> 00:09:07,146 If you jerks wanna pick a fight, then pick one with me! 126 00:09:07,229 --> 00:09:08,229 And Clutch! 127 00:09:08,312 --> 00:09:09,271 [MEN groan] 128 00:09:09,354 --> 00:09:10,521 Outta my way! 129 00:09:10,604 --> 00:09:11,896 [CENTAURS shout] 130 00:09:11,979 --> 00:09:14,021 [FRANKY] Heh! Luffy's got this one! 131 00:09:14,104 --> 00:09:16,062 Caesar can't use his power! 132 00:09:16,146 --> 00:09:18,604 Not exactly. I wouldn't celebrate. 133 00:09:18,687 --> 00:09:19,354 [FRANKY] Huh? 134 00:09:19,437 --> 00:09:21,021 With Armament Haki, 135 00:09:21,104 --> 00:09:26,646 Luffy is able to touch Caesar, even though he has Logia powers. 136 00:09:26,729 --> 00:09:30,271 However, unlike ocean water or sea prism stone, 137 00:09:30,354 --> 00:09:33,729 it doesn't actually weaken the person that he touches. 138 00:09:33,812 --> 00:09:37,437 We don't know the full extent of the Gas-Gas Fruit's power. 139 00:09:37,521 --> 00:09:39,396 This is only the beginning. 140 00:10:01,771 --> 00:10:05,021 [CAESAR CLOWN] Don't get cocky, you brat! 141 00:10:05,937 --> 00:10:07,937 Armament Hardening! 142 00:10:09,312 --> 00:10:11,646 [LUFFY] Gum-Gum... 143 00:10:11,729 --> 00:10:12,979 ...Bell! 144 00:10:13,062 --> 00:10:15,229 [growls] Gas Robe! 145 00:10:18,062 --> 00:10:19,521 [gasps] 146 00:10:19,604 --> 00:10:21,104 [MARINE A gasps] No! 147 00:10:21,187 --> 00:10:23,854 Dammit! One more time! 148 00:10:25,396 --> 00:10:28,812 What's going on here? I can't get away! 149 00:10:28,896 --> 00:10:32,062 Luffy! Hold your breath! That's poison gas! 150 00:10:32,146 --> 00:10:35,521 [gasps] 151 00:10:35,604 --> 00:10:37,562 Ah crap, that's deadly. 152 00:10:37,646 --> 00:10:40,187 [LUFFY grunts] 153 00:10:40,271 --> 00:10:42,854 Nice try, but you can't escape me! 154 00:10:42,937 --> 00:10:46,271 Once the Gas Robe has you in its poisonous clutches, it's over! 155 00:10:46,354 --> 00:10:48,187 You can't hold your breath forever! 156 00:10:48,271 --> 00:10:50,729 [LUFFY grunts] 157 00:10:50,812 --> 00:10:53,271 Just suck it up and die already, would you? 158 00:10:53,354 --> 00:10:55,062 [grunting] 159 00:10:55,146 --> 00:10:57,604 [CAESAR CLOWN] I promise it'll be fun! 160 00:10:57,687 --> 00:10:59,062 For me. 161 00:10:59,146 --> 00:10:59,854 Luffy! 162 00:10:59,937 --> 00:11:01,229 Dammit! 163 00:11:01,312 --> 00:11:03,021 [CAESAR CLOWN] I've performed countless experiments, 164 00:11:03,104 --> 00:11:05,312 and I can assure you that my gas will subject you 165 00:11:05,396 --> 00:11:08,271 to only the most exquisite of suffering! 166 00:11:08,354 --> 00:11:10,312 [grunting continues] 167 00:11:10,396 --> 00:11:12,687 Please, give it a try! 168 00:11:12,771 --> 00:11:17,062 [grunting continues] 169 00:11:17,146 --> 00:11:19,104 Oh, I can't wait to see this. 170 00:11:19,187 --> 00:11:21,271 [grunts] 171 00:11:23,604 --> 00:11:24,771 [CAESAR CLOWN] Heh? 172 00:11:27,146 --> 00:11:28,437 I think he's lost his mind! 173 00:11:28,521 --> 00:11:31,979 No joke! He's done for! He's sucking up all of it! 174 00:11:34,771 --> 00:11:35,937 He's screwed now! 175 00:11:36,021 --> 00:11:37,354 I'm afraid to watch! 176 00:11:37,437 --> 00:11:39,687 You're dead meat, kid! I hope you're proud of yourself! 177 00:11:39,771 --> 00:11:41,896 [grunting] 178 00:11:41,979 --> 00:11:43,729 Suffer! Die! 179 00:11:49,396 --> 00:11:51,604 [CENTAURS] What...? What?! 180 00:11:56,937 --> 00:11:58,646 [gasps] 181 00:11:58,729 --> 00:12:00,146 [coughs] 182 00:12:00,229 --> 00:12:03,937 Neat. I guess poison doesn't bother me too much anymore. 183 00:12:04,021 --> 00:12:05,896 [LUFFY] Probably 'cause of Magellan. 184 00:12:08,479 --> 00:12:12,521 Magellan? The prison guard with the paramythia powers? 185 00:12:12,604 --> 00:12:15,479 My poison's potency makes his look puny! 186 00:12:15,562 --> 00:12:17,479 [LUFFY] Now, Gum-Gum... 187 00:12:19,229 --> 00:12:21,021 ...Jet Mace! 188 00:12:22,312 --> 00:12:24,104 [CAESAR CLOWN growns] 189 00:12:27,437 --> 00:12:29,521 [CENTAURS] Master! 190 00:12:29,604 --> 00:12:30,604 [grunts] 191 00:12:30,687 --> 00:12:32,104 Hell, yeah! 192 00:12:32,187 --> 00:12:34,812 How dare you! We won't let you lay another finger on him! 193 00:12:34,896 --> 00:12:35,604 Kill 'im dead! 194 00:12:35,687 --> 00:12:37,229 Come on everyone, attack! 195 00:12:37,312 --> 00:12:38,771 [CENTAURS] Yeah! 196 00:12:41,146 --> 00:12:43,812 [CAESAR CLOWN] Mind your own business, you maggots! 197 00:12:43,896 --> 00:12:45,021 [CENTAUR P] Master? 198 00:12:48,271 --> 00:12:53,229 [CAESAR CLOWN breathes deeply] 199 00:12:53,312 --> 00:12:56,396 He didn't just call us maggots, did he? 200 00:12:56,479 --> 00:12:58,229 We must have heard him wrong. 201 00:12:58,312 --> 00:13:03,271 [CAESAR CLOWN breathes deeply] 202 00:13:04,896 --> 00:13:07,729 [CAESAR CLOWN] Swallow my poison, will you? 203 00:13:07,812 --> 00:13:10,771 You shouldn't mock my Gas-Gas powers! 204 00:13:10,854 --> 00:13:13,104 I'll put you in your place! 205 00:13:16,562 --> 00:13:19,354 Armament Hardening! 206 00:13:19,437 --> 00:13:21,312 Gum-Gum...! 207 00:13:21,396 --> 00:13:22,187 Let's go! 208 00:13:22,271 --> 00:13:24,437 [LUFFY] ...Gatling! 209 00:13:24,521 --> 00:13:27,062 And Gastanet! 210 00:13:29,771 --> 00:13:30,812 [LUFFY] Huh? 211 00:13:33,812 --> 00:13:38,771 [ALL grunting] 212 00:13:39,562 --> 00:13:44,146 [laughs] 213 00:13:46,354 --> 00:13:47,979 [LUFFY grunts] 214 00:13:48,062 --> 00:13:49,396 [BOTH] Luffy! 215 00:13:49,479 --> 00:13:51,312 All right, Master! 216 00:13:51,396 --> 00:13:54,646 [CAESAR CLOWN] I think we've had enough fun for today. 217 00:13:54,729 --> 00:13:57,604 Wake up, my Smilies! Wake up! 218 00:13:57,687 --> 00:13:59,896 Smilies? Huh? 219 00:14:05,062 --> 00:14:06,021 [CENTAURS, MARINES] Huh? 220 00:14:06,104 --> 00:14:08,437 They're moving! How did he do that? 221 00:14:08,521 --> 00:14:13,812 Very good! Now give Straw Hat a big hug! Go! 222 00:14:18,604 --> 00:14:21,604 They can follow orders? I thought they were just goop! 223 00:14:21,687 --> 00:14:25,271 [LUFFY grunts] 224 00:14:25,354 --> 00:14:28,896 Luffy! Run away! Those slime guys blow up! 225 00:14:28,979 --> 00:14:31,604 [LUFFY grunts] 226 00:14:31,687 --> 00:14:32,687 Luffy! 227 00:14:32,771 --> 00:14:36,771 It's time to say goodbye! Gastanet! 228 00:14:42,854 --> 00:14:47,812 [ALL shouting] 229 00:14:49,937 --> 00:14:51,937 Luffy! 230 00:14:57,062 --> 00:15:02,021 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 231 00:15:30,979 --> 00:15:33,604 [gasps] 232 00:15:33,687 --> 00:15:36,104 [grunts] 233 00:15:36,187 --> 00:15:38,146 [BOTH gasp] 234 00:15:38,229 --> 00:15:40,354 He's done! Too easy! 235 00:15:41,437 --> 00:15:43,229 You ain't nothing but a pile of ash, now! 236 00:15:43,312 --> 00:15:45,729 I'd like to see you try and swallow up that one! 237 00:15:45,812 --> 00:15:47,979 [CENTAUR BB] That's what he gets for comin' to our island! 238 00:15:48,062 --> 00:15:51,771 If we can't beat ya, then the Master's got our back! 239 00:15:51,854 --> 00:15:55,312 What happened? He's gone. 240 00:15:55,396 --> 00:15:58,146 [gasps] That can't be right. 241 00:15:58,229 --> 00:16:00,771 I have the finely-tuned mind of a genius! 242 00:16:00,854 --> 00:16:03,604 I would never lose to some muscle-headed lout! 243 00:16:03,687 --> 00:16:05,979 You have to respect science, Straw Hat, 244 00:16:06,062 --> 00:16:07,854 or this is what you get! 245 00:16:07,937 --> 00:16:12,896 [CENTAURS] Master! Master! Master! Master...! 246 00:16:18,854 --> 00:16:21,729 Praise me more, my underlings! Yes! 247 00:16:21,812 --> 00:16:26,771 [laughs] 248 00:16:29,187 --> 00:16:31,396 [LUFFY] Wow, that was close, huh? 249 00:16:31,479 --> 00:16:32,646 [CAESAR CLOWN] What? 250 00:16:37,062 --> 00:16:38,771 [LUFFY grunts] 251 00:16:39,771 --> 00:16:41,896 [chuckles] 252 00:16:41,979 --> 00:16:43,021 [CAESAR CLOWN] What? 253 00:16:43,104 --> 00:16:44,687 [CENTAURS] What? 254 00:16:47,562 --> 00:16:49,062 [LUFFY] All right. 255 00:16:52,521 --> 00:16:54,396 Gum-Gum Jet Stamp! 256 00:16:54,479 --> 00:16:55,646 [CAESAR CLOWN] Huh? 257 00:16:55,729 --> 00:16:57,479 [CAESAR CLOWN groans] 258 00:17:01,729 --> 00:17:04,312 [CENTAURS] No! Master! 259 00:17:05,771 --> 00:17:09,146 [LUFFY] Those slimy dudes blow up like crazy! 260 00:17:09,229 --> 00:17:12,437 Look at that! Getting us all worked up over nothing! 261 00:17:12,521 --> 00:17:14,354 Luffy's got this in the bag! 262 00:17:14,437 --> 00:17:15,521 I hope so. 263 00:17:15,604 --> 00:17:17,229 Damn! That kid's tough! 264 00:17:17,312 --> 00:17:19,812 Just let him handle this! 265 00:17:19,896 --> 00:17:22,146 Round two! 266 00:17:22,229 --> 00:17:23,521 You gotta fight us, too! 267 00:17:23,604 --> 00:17:25,604 If that's what you want, sure! 268 00:17:25,687 --> 00:17:27,854 [CENTAURS grunting] 269 00:17:29,687 --> 00:17:33,604 [LUFFY grunts] Okay! I got you for real this time! 270 00:17:33,687 --> 00:17:35,312 [CENTAURS] Master! 271 00:17:35,396 --> 00:17:39,479 Robin! Franky! Is there anything here I can put him in? 272 00:17:39,562 --> 00:17:41,562 He's got Logia powers, so we can't tie him up. 273 00:17:41,646 --> 00:17:44,146 So like a barrel or something? 274 00:17:44,229 --> 00:17:46,062 Whoa, whoa! Not so fast! 275 00:17:46,146 --> 00:17:49,104 The Navy is taking him into custody, so step back! 276 00:17:49,187 --> 00:17:52,146 You might as well turn yourself in while you're at it! 277 00:17:52,229 --> 00:17:53,979 [MARINE I] Hands up, pirate scum! 278 00:17:54,062 --> 00:17:55,229 [FRANKY] Huh? 279 00:17:55,312 --> 00:17:57,687 So what now? Do we fight the Straw Hats, or not? 280 00:17:57,771 --> 00:17:59,979 Dammit. What a mess. 281 00:18:00,062 --> 00:18:01,271 Smoker, wait! 282 00:18:01,354 --> 00:18:03,146 Looks like we got a fight comin' up! 283 00:18:03,229 --> 00:18:05,937 Follow Smokey and the Captain! Let's go! 284 00:18:06,021 --> 00:18:07,312 [MARINES] Yeah! 285 00:18:07,396 --> 00:18:09,896 [MARINE F] Hope you're ready for a beatdown, pirate! 286 00:18:09,979 --> 00:18:13,021 [laughs] 287 00:18:16,896 --> 00:18:21,854 [LUFFY gasping] 288 00:18:34,062 --> 00:18:35,229 Straw Hat? 289 00:18:35,312 --> 00:18:39,604 [LUFFY gasping] 290 00:18:39,687 --> 00:18:41,479 [gasps] What's wrong? 291 00:18:41,562 --> 00:18:46,562 [LUFFY gasping] 292 00:19:12,062 --> 00:19:14,479 [CAESAR CLOWN] You shouldn't underestimate me. 293 00:19:16,187 --> 00:19:18,187 Ha! 294 00:19:18,271 --> 00:19:23,229 [gasping continues] 295 00:19:37,479 --> 00:19:38,479 Luffy! 296 00:19:38,562 --> 00:19:40,229 Oh, no! 297 00:19:40,312 --> 00:19:45,271 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 298 00:19:46,479 --> 00:19:50,021 [FRANKY] Okay. I'll do my best to distract the gas man. 299 00:19:50,104 --> 00:19:52,354 You grab Luffy and get him out of there! 300 00:19:52,437 --> 00:19:55,521 Be careful! We don't need you to get poisoned too! 301 00:19:55,604 --> 00:19:58,021 [FRANKY] Punks! You get outta my way! 302 00:19:58,104 --> 00:20:00,312 Don't you touch him! 303 00:20:00,396 --> 00:20:03,812 [FRANKY] You're about to eat a Strong... right! 304 00:20:03,896 --> 00:20:05,312 [CENTAURS yell] 305 00:20:05,396 --> 00:20:07,771 [FRANKY] And you're next! 306 00:20:07,854 --> 00:20:12,521 [FRANKY] Franky Radical... Beam! 307 00:20:14,271 --> 00:20:16,062 [ROBIN] Wing! 308 00:20:16,146 --> 00:20:17,271 I'm here. 309 00:20:18,771 --> 00:20:21,854 [ROBIN gasps, coughs] 310 00:20:23,479 --> 00:20:25,271 What the hell? 311 00:20:25,354 --> 00:20:27,062 [MARINE E] She just passed out! 312 00:20:27,146 --> 00:20:29,021 I don't like the look of this. 313 00:20:29,104 --> 00:20:31,729 Let me handle things. Everyone here, step back! 314 00:20:31,812 --> 00:20:32,521 [MARINES] Right! 315 00:20:32,604 --> 00:20:37,229 [TASHIGI (SMOKER) gasping] 316 00:20:37,312 --> 00:20:38,312 Tashigi! 317 00:20:38,396 --> 00:20:41,854 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 318 00:20:46,979 --> 00:20:48,146 [MARINES] Captain, no! 319 00:20:48,229 --> 00:20:51,229 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 320 00:20:51,312 --> 00:20:53,479 [FRANKY] What happened? Are you okay? 321 00:20:53,562 --> 00:20:55,271 Robin, say somethin'! 322 00:20:55,354 --> 00:20:57,687 [FRANKY grunts] Luffy! 323 00:20:57,771 --> 00:21:01,771 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 324 00:21:01,854 --> 00:21:03,396 Caesar! 325 00:21:03,479 --> 00:21:06,562 Strong... Ri-- 326 00:21:06,646 --> 00:21:11,604 [gasps] 327 00:21:14,604 --> 00:21:18,146 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 328 00:21:18,229 --> 00:21:20,812 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] Crap. What's going on? 329 00:21:20,896 --> 00:21:22,312 [SMOKER (TASHIGI) gasps] 330 00:21:23,562 --> 00:21:26,312 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 331 00:21:26,396 --> 00:21:28,771 [shouts] 332 00:21:28,854 --> 00:21:32,354 [gasps] 333 00:21:32,437 --> 00:21:35,562 [growls] 334 00:21:35,646 --> 00:21:40,604 [SMOKER (TASHIGI) groans] 335 00:21:42,521 --> 00:21:45,937 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 336 00:21:46,021 --> 00:21:48,562 [CAESAR CLOWN] I believe that's everyone. 337 00:21:50,104 --> 00:21:55,062 [grunts] 338 00:22:01,396 --> 00:22:06,354 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 339 00:22:12,979 --> 00:22:17,937 [LAW grunts] 340 00:22:21,854 --> 00:22:23,062 [MONET] Law? 341 00:22:25,312 --> 00:22:26,812 Who's there? 342 00:22:26,896 --> 00:22:27,687 [MONET] Something wrong? 343 00:22:27,771 --> 00:22:28,896 [LAW grunts] 344 00:22:28,979 --> 00:22:32,604 [MONET] Oh, my. It seems you're in pain. 345 00:22:39,937 --> 00:22:43,646 [grunts] 346 00:22:43,729 --> 00:22:46,229 [LAW] Show yourself! Who are you? 347 00:22:47,812 --> 00:22:52,687 [footsteps] 348 00:22:52,771 --> 00:22:53,812 [VERGO] It's me. 349 00:22:53,896 --> 00:22:58,229 [gasps] 350 00:22:58,312 --> 00:23:03,771 Why are... you here? Why now? 351 00:23:07,271 --> 00:23:08,729 [chuckles] 352 00:23:10,979 --> 00:23:13,521 [VERGO] How many years has it been? 353 00:23:13,604 --> 00:23:17,146 Look at you, all grown up. 354 00:23:17,229 --> 00:23:18,062 Law. 355 00:23:18,146 --> 00:23:20,062 [gasps] 356 00:23:27,521 --> 00:23:30,729 [NARRATOR] Sanji returns safely from the poison filled lake, 357 00:23:30,812 --> 00:23:34,396 but he and the others soon find themslves surrounded by smilies 358 00:23:34,479 --> 00:23:38,229 and unable to escape. As despair fills the air, 359 00:23:38,312 --> 00:23:41,521 the samurai unleashes his true power. 360 00:23:41,604 --> 00:23:43,479 [LUFFY] On the next, One Piece! 361 00:23:43,562 --> 00:23:47,437 "A Samurai Who Can Cut Fire! Foxfire Kin'emon!"