1 00:02:52,021 --> 00:02:54,437 [NARRATOR] All pirates searching for the treasure, One Piece, 2 00:02:54,521 --> 00:02:57,396 must brave the second half of the Grand Line. 3 00:02:57,479 --> 00:03:02,646 These wild and dangerous seas are known as the New World. 4 00:03:02,729 --> 00:03:05,187 Gold Roger and his crew were the only men to ever 5 00:03:05,271 --> 00:03:08,437 chart these waters and learn all the secrets they held. 6 00:03:08,521 --> 00:03:10,271 For the rest of the pirates in the world, 7 00:03:10,354 --> 00:03:12,687 this has proven to be the end of the road. 8 00:03:12,771 --> 00:03:15,312 A graveyard of dreams. 9 00:03:17,021 --> 00:03:18,479 [NARRATOR] Now, Monkey D. Luffy, 10 00:03:18,562 --> 00:03:21,687 a boy whose body became rubber after eating the Gum-Gum Fruit, 11 00:03:21,771 --> 00:03:25,562 sets sail into the New World with his faithful crew. 12 00:03:25,646 --> 00:03:29,479 I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates! 13 00:03:32,479 --> 00:03:34,354 [NARRATOR] After a series of fierce battles, 14 00:03:34,437 --> 00:03:36,187 the Straw Hat Pirates have reached the waters 15 00:03:36,271 --> 00:03:40,021 of the New World, ruled by the Four Emperors. 16 00:03:40,104 --> 00:03:41,729 Their first stop is Punk Hazard, 17 00:03:41,812 --> 00:03:44,729 an island divided into burning and frozen halves. 18 00:03:44,812 --> 00:03:47,312 There, they learn of terrifying experiments performed 19 00:03:47,396 --> 00:03:49,687 by the master of the island, Caesar Clown. 20 00:03:49,771 --> 00:03:52,021 Their struggles against the mad scientist cause them to form 21 00:03:52,104 --> 00:03:53,729 an alliance with Trafalgar Law, 22 00:03:53,812 --> 00:03:56,104 one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. 23 00:03:56,187 --> 00:03:57,604 After searching the island, 24 00:03:57,687 --> 00:04:01,437 Luffy finally comes face-to-face with Caesar, himself. 25 00:04:07,521 --> 00:04:09,521 [CAESAR CLOWN] You shouldn't underestimate me. 26 00:04:09,604 --> 00:04:13,646 [LAW grunts] 27 00:04:13,729 --> 00:04:16,771 [LAW] Show yourself! Who are you? 28 00:04:16,854 --> 00:04:20,187 [LAW groans] 29 00:04:20,271 --> 00:04:25,479 Why are... you here? Why now? 30 00:04:28,187 --> 00:04:29,729 [chuckles] 31 00:04:31,937 --> 00:04:34,521 [VERGO] How many years has it been? 32 00:04:34,604 --> 00:04:38,187 Look at you, all grown up. 33 00:04:38,271 --> 00:04:38,896 Law. 34 00:04:38,979 --> 00:04:41,271 [LAW grunts] 35 00:04:50,229 --> 00:04:55,521 [LUFFY] "A Samurai Who Can Cut Fire! Foxfire Kin'emon!" 36 00:04:55,604 --> 00:05:00,562 [LAW grunts] 37 00:05:09,312 --> 00:05:11,687 You think the boss doesn't know what's going on? 38 00:05:11,771 --> 00:05:13,771 I had hoped you were smarter than that. 39 00:05:13,854 --> 00:05:17,354 [pants] 40 00:05:17,437 --> 00:05:18,562 [VERGO] To be honest with you, 41 00:05:18,646 --> 00:05:20,937 we don't trust this Caesar character either. 42 00:05:23,354 --> 00:05:25,062 The guy is shady. 43 00:05:25,146 --> 00:05:28,604 That's why the boss sent an undercover agent to the island. 44 00:05:28,687 --> 00:05:30,646 The lovely Monet, here. 45 00:05:32,187 --> 00:05:35,687 [VERGO] Rumor has it you're a Warlord now. 46 00:05:35,771 --> 00:05:37,771 That's one hell of a promotion. 47 00:05:40,229 --> 00:05:45,104 When did you get here... Vergo? 48 00:05:45,187 --> 00:05:48,771 [VERGO] Hm? Actually, I just arrived. 49 00:05:48,854 --> 00:05:51,604 I was spending some time in Dressrosa. 50 00:05:51,687 --> 00:05:54,354 I hitched a ride on an SAD tanker leaving port. 51 00:05:54,437 --> 00:05:58,104 And now... It seems that was the right move. 52 00:05:58,187 --> 00:06:01,437 What do you mean by that? 53 00:06:01,521 --> 00:06:04,271 Why target me? I didn't do a damn thing to you! 54 00:06:04,354 --> 00:06:06,604 [VERGO] No. Not yet, anyway. 55 00:06:06,687 --> 00:06:08,812 Because if you had, you'd be dead right now. 56 00:06:08,896 --> 00:06:10,187 I hate to break it to ya, 57 00:06:10,271 --> 00:06:13,396 but there's no foolin' us grown-ups, Law. 58 00:06:13,479 --> 00:06:14,854 [chuckles] 59 00:06:14,937 --> 00:06:20,604 [LAW] Well. In that case, I should just finish you! 60 00:06:20,687 --> 00:06:24,479 Oh, yeah. One more thing before I go. 61 00:06:24,562 --> 00:06:26,854 [LAW grunts] 62 00:06:26,937 --> 00:06:29,021 [VERGO] Show some respect, kid. 63 00:06:31,062 --> 00:06:36,021 [LAW grunts] 64 00:06:42,937 --> 00:06:45,729 It's Mr. Vergo to you. 65 00:06:54,979 --> 00:06:58,687 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 66 00:07:06,271 --> 00:07:08,562 What the heck happened here? 67 00:07:08,646 --> 00:07:10,479 [MARINE D] I got no idea! 68 00:07:10,562 --> 00:07:12,021 Whaddya think we should do? 69 00:07:12,104 --> 00:07:14,896 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] 70 00:07:14,979 --> 00:07:16,896 He's got Tashigi! 71 00:07:16,979 --> 00:07:18,854 No, that's Smoker, remember? 72 00:07:24,312 --> 00:07:26,354 Y'know, I never thought I'd see the Vice Admiral 73 00:07:26,437 --> 00:07:28,854 get knocked out twice in one day. 74 00:07:28,937 --> 00:07:31,187 And he's not the only one who went down! 75 00:07:31,271 --> 00:07:33,146 Three of the Straw Hats did, too! 76 00:07:33,229 --> 00:07:35,521 Think the Master used Conqueror's Haki? 77 00:07:35,604 --> 00:07:36,979 [MARINE E] Don't be ridiculous! 78 00:07:37,062 --> 00:07:39,187 There's no way he could be that much stronger than them! 79 00:07:39,271 --> 00:07:41,604 [MARINE F] Then what was it? I mean, he beat all of them 80 00:07:41,687 --> 00:07:43,896 without even layin' a finger on 'em! 81 00:07:43,979 --> 00:07:46,187 Well, that was fun while it lasted. 82 00:07:49,146 --> 00:07:52,312 [CENTAUR A laughs] That's what ya get, Navy! 83 00:07:52,396 --> 00:07:54,771 You should've known better than to mess with the Master! 84 00:07:54,854 --> 00:07:56,896 He is our god of salvation. 85 00:07:56,979 --> 00:08:01,812 [CENTAURS] Master! Master! Master! Master! Master! 86 00:08:01,896 --> 00:08:03,771 Master! Master! Master! 87 00:08:03,854 --> 00:08:08,729 [laughs] Now, we mustn't waste any time, my strong soldiers! 88 00:08:08,812 --> 00:08:11,896 Hurry and tie these five pirate scoundrels up at once! 89 00:08:11,979 --> 00:08:15,312 Use Sea Prism Stone Shackles on the power holders. 90 00:08:15,396 --> 00:08:17,104 Once you're done, I want you to move out! 91 00:08:17,187 --> 00:08:20,062 Leave the sailors behind and seek refuge inside the lab. 92 00:08:20,146 --> 00:08:22,479 It's far too dangerous out here. 93 00:08:26,854 --> 00:08:28,896 I'm sure you've all noticed the strange substance 94 00:08:28,979 --> 00:08:30,771 that's been raining down from the sky. 95 00:08:30,854 --> 00:08:33,937 There's no cause for concern, I will ensure your safety. 96 00:08:34,021 --> 00:08:36,062 [CENTAURS] Okay! Thank you, Master! 97 00:08:36,146 --> 00:08:37,854 [CAESAR CLOWN] It seems the Yeti Cool Brothers 98 00:08:37,937 --> 00:08:39,437 failed at their task. 99 00:08:39,521 --> 00:08:43,896 [CAESAR CLOWN laughs] Oh well, I can't blame them. 100 00:08:43,979 --> 00:08:46,354 I guess the combination of Straw Hat and Law 101 00:08:46,437 --> 00:08:48,396 was simply too much for them to handle. 102 00:08:48,479 --> 00:08:51,062 [laughs] 103 00:09:00,854 --> 00:09:04,562 [BROOK gasps] 104 00:09:13,771 --> 00:09:16,187 [BROOK gasps] Stay away! 105 00:09:16,271 --> 00:09:19,354 Whatcha waitin' for, Brook? Tell 'em to back off. 106 00:09:19,437 --> 00:09:21,229 Look, there's only so much that I can do! 107 00:09:21,312 --> 00:09:22,979 They're monsters, for crying out loud! 108 00:09:23,062 --> 00:09:25,187 They're not gonna negotiate with me! 109 00:09:27,021 --> 00:09:31,187 [BROOK gasps] They're melding together! 110 00:09:31,271 --> 00:09:32,687 Yeah, sorta. 111 00:09:32,771 --> 00:09:35,354 The blobs are getting bigger by absorbing each other. 112 00:09:35,437 --> 00:09:39,354 [BROOK yells] This one's almost as tall as me now! 113 00:09:45,604 --> 00:09:49,896 [grunting] 114 00:09:49,979 --> 00:09:54,604 I brought him with us, so I can't let him die here. 115 00:09:54,687 --> 00:09:58,979 I may be a woman right now, but it's time to man up! 116 00:09:59,062 --> 00:10:00,312 I'm proud of you. 117 00:10:00,396 --> 00:10:03,646 Handle the ones behind you. I won't be too long. 118 00:10:04,479 --> 00:10:07,396 [BROOK] Careful! Good luck down there! 119 00:10:11,896 --> 00:10:14,187 [grunting continues] 120 00:10:14,271 --> 00:10:18,646 Jeez. That cook's always such a pain in the ass. 121 00:10:18,729 --> 00:10:21,771 [BROOK gasps] 122 00:10:21,854 --> 00:10:24,104 [BROOK yelps] No! Please! Don't come after me! 123 00:10:24,187 --> 00:10:26,229 I'm warning you. Stay back, monster! 124 00:10:26,312 --> 00:10:28,854 Whoa! How'd you suddenly get to be so big? 125 00:10:28,937 --> 00:10:31,646 Hey, Zoro! Help me! 126 00:10:43,062 --> 00:10:46,854 [BROOK exhales] Thank you! I thought I was a goner! 127 00:10:46,937 --> 00:10:48,062 [ZORO] Huh? 128 00:10:50,021 --> 00:10:51,062 Run! It's spitting gas! 129 00:10:51,146 --> 00:10:53,854 [BROOK] Huh? Ugh, right in the face! 130 00:10:53,937 --> 00:10:56,271 [BROOK coughs] 131 00:10:56,354 --> 00:11:00,312 No! It's poison gas! My eyes! My eyes! 132 00:11:00,396 --> 00:11:03,896 [gasps] Oh wait, I don't have any eyes. 133 00:11:05,312 --> 00:11:07,854 [BROOK] Guess what? I'm immune to your attacks! 134 00:11:07,937 --> 00:11:09,896 Now fight me, gelatinous villain! 135 00:11:09,979 --> 00:11:13,521 [BROOK shouting] Oh, no! Not again! 136 00:11:13,604 --> 00:11:16,021 Seems we can't use our swords against them. 137 00:11:16,104 --> 00:11:17,437 They spit poison gas! 138 00:11:17,521 --> 00:11:19,562 Why'd you go and poke the damn thing? 139 00:11:19,646 --> 00:11:21,146 You saw what it did to me! 140 00:11:21,229 --> 00:11:23,562 I thought that maybe it just didn't like you. 141 00:11:23,646 --> 00:11:25,271 [BROOK laughs] 142 00:11:25,354 --> 00:11:27,729 [BROOK] Uh-oh, they've got us surrounded. 143 00:11:28,979 --> 00:11:30,604 This is not good. 144 00:11:42,979 --> 00:11:44,979 [SANJI (NAMI) shivers] It's freezing! 145 00:11:45,062 --> 00:11:48,062 I've gotta hurry and find that samurai's torso! 146 00:11:48,146 --> 00:11:51,312 Okay. Guess I'll have to use it. 147 00:11:51,396 --> 00:11:53,396 Observation Haki! 148 00:12:02,604 --> 00:12:04,354 [BROOK] What are we gonna do now? 149 00:12:04,437 --> 00:12:05,812 We've got nowhere to run! 150 00:12:05,896 --> 00:12:08,062 Hey, I know! They're made of jelly, right? 151 00:12:08,146 --> 00:12:09,896 I think you should try eatin' one. 152 00:12:09,979 --> 00:12:11,562 What? No way! 153 00:12:11,646 --> 00:12:14,729 I wish you'd stop bullying me into things like this, Zoro! 154 00:12:14,812 --> 00:12:17,229 I'm nearly 70 years older than you! 155 00:12:17,312 --> 00:12:20,021 Fine, sorry I asked. Never mind, grandpa. 156 00:12:20,104 --> 00:12:22,104 I know you didn't just call me that! 157 00:12:22,187 --> 00:12:23,771 I'm no "grandpa", I'm a lively skeleton-- 158 00:12:23,854 --> 00:12:26,771 [KIN'EMON yells] 159 00:12:26,854 --> 00:12:28,146 [ZORO] Whoa, what's wrong with him? 160 00:12:28,229 --> 00:12:31,271 [BROOK] You okay? Uh, Mr. Samurai? 161 00:12:31,354 --> 00:12:33,937 [SANJI (NAMI) gasps] Damn, it's cold! 162 00:12:34,021 --> 00:12:36,021 Sorry about this, Nami. 163 00:12:36,104 --> 00:12:41,521 Huh? What's that? Is it the slime's venom or something? 164 00:12:41,604 --> 00:12:44,271 Well, that's just great. Here's hopin' the torso's 165 00:12:44,354 --> 00:12:47,354 not stuck in the middle of that poisonous cloud. 166 00:12:51,562 --> 00:12:53,104 [SANJI (NAMI)] I've been using Observation Haki 167 00:12:53,187 --> 00:12:55,854 for a while now and I haven't found anything. 168 00:12:55,937 --> 00:12:57,437 It must be gettin' weak. 169 00:12:57,521 --> 00:12:59,687 I can't tell the difference between its life force 170 00:12:59,771 --> 00:13:01,979 and the fish that're swimmin' around! 171 00:13:02,062 --> 00:13:03,604 Hm? A shark? 172 00:13:10,854 --> 00:13:12,854 [SANJI (NAMI) gasps] Are you kiddin' me? 173 00:13:15,062 --> 00:13:20,021 [yells] 174 00:13:22,187 --> 00:13:25,229 [BROOK gasps] You feeling alright, Mr. Samurai? 175 00:13:25,312 --> 00:13:27,771 Hey, what's the matter? You look like you're in pain. 176 00:13:27,854 --> 00:13:30,854 [yelling continues] 177 00:13:30,937 --> 00:13:34,312 [SANJI (NAMI)] Oh no, ya don't! You're not gettin' away from me! 178 00:13:43,479 --> 00:13:45,437 [SANJI (NAMI)] Stop chewin' on it, ya bastard! 179 00:13:45,521 --> 00:13:49,271 [yells] This doesn't hurt, it merely itches a bit! 180 00:13:49,354 --> 00:13:50,312 [yells] 181 00:13:50,396 --> 00:13:52,396 Jeez, what's gotten into this guy? 182 00:13:52,479 --> 00:13:55,646 It must be dreadful with sounds like those. 183 00:13:55,729 --> 00:13:58,729 [growls] Ow! I'm fine! 184 00:13:58,812 --> 00:14:00,937 Maybe something happened to Sanji? 185 00:14:01,021 --> 00:14:02,271 [ZORO] Hm. 186 00:14:02,354 --> 00:14:04,604 [SANJI (NAMI)] Let go of it or else, shark! 187 00:14:13,271 --> 00:14:17,104 [SANJI (NAMI)] Now! Joue Shoot! 188 00:14:25,187 --> 00:14:27,687 [SANJI (NAMI)] I've got the last piece of the samurai puzzle! 189 00:14:27,771 --> 00:14:31,146 Now we can put the poor bastard back together again! 190 00:14:31,229 --> 00:14:33,312 I gotta hurry and get to shore! 191 00:14:34,562 --> 00:14:36,562 [SANJI (NAMI)] Uh-oh, it's closin' up! 192 00:14:39,271 --> 00:14:40,437 [SANJI (NAMI)] Dammit! 193 00:14:46,437 --> 00:14:47,604 [gasps] 194 00:14:52,812 --> 00:14:55,021 [SANJI (NAMI)] The poison already got this far? 195 00:14:55,104 --> 00:14:58,354 Now what'll I do? I'm completely surrounded! 196 00:14:59,979 --> 00:15:01,312 [SANJI (NAMI)] Is Nami's body strong enough 197 00:15:01,396 --> 00:15:02,604 to get me outta this? 198 00:15:02,687 --> 00:15:04,729 Guess there's only one way to find out. 199 00:15:04,812 --> 00:15:07,687 [BROOK gasps] It's not looking good for Sanji! 200 00:15:07,771 --> 00:15:09,979 The whole lake is turning the color of the poison! 201 00:15:10,062 --> 00:15:11,812 He'd better hurry and come ashore! 202 00:15:11,896 --> 00:15:13,979 [BROOK shouts] 203 00:15:16,854 --> 00:15:19,062 [SANJI (NAMI)] Blue Walk! 204 00:15:19,146 --> 00:15:22,812 Don't close up! Don't close up! Don't close up! Don't close up! 205 00:15:25,229 --> 00:15:27,271 [SANJI (NAMI) gasps] 206 00:15:27,354 --> 00:15:29,021 Look! He made it out alive! 207 00:15:29,104 --> 00:15:32,312 Sure did. And he's got the torso. 208 00:15:34,854 --> 00:15:37,521 [sobs] Just like he said he would! 209 00:15:54,354 --> 00:15:57,104 [whimper] What can I say here? 210 00:15:57,187 --> 00:16:00,479 I feared I would never have my body back as it should be. 211 00:16:00,562 --> 00:16:03,979 But thanks to you, I'm a whole samurai once again. 212 00:16:12,312 --> 00:16:13,687 Wow! I must admit, 213 00:16:13,771 --> 00:16:16,229 you're a lot taller than I expected you to be. 214 00:16:16,312 --> 00:16:18,229 Even taller than me, I believe. 215 00:16:18,312 --> 00:16:22,271 Why yes, that's true. Allow me to introduce myself. 216 00:16:22,354 --> 00:16:25,687 Gentlemen. I am the samurai, Kin'emon. 217 00:16:25,771 --> 00:16:28,604 I hail from a town called Kuri in the Land of Wano, 218 00:16:28,687 --> 00:16:30,187 if you're not aware. 219 00:16:30,271 --> 00:16:34,104 Can somebody help me out here? I'm about to freeze to death! 220 00:16:34,187 --> 00:16:38,271 Yes! Sorry to keep you waiting! This should do it! 221 00:16:40,437 --> 00:16:43,271 [SANJI (NAMI) grunts] It's still cold. 222 00:16:43,354 --> 00:16:46,396 That coat's going to disappear once he takes it off, right? 223 00:16:46,479 --> 00:16:48,604 What shall I call you, Curly Eyebrow? 224 00:16:48,687 --> 00:16:51,562 I would like to know your honorable name, my good sir. 225 00:16:51,646 --> 00:16:54,812 [grunts] Fine. My name is Sanji! 226 00:16:54,896 --> 00:16:56,812 Cut the "sir" crap, okay? 227 00:16:56,896 --> 00:16:58,646 What, you get your body back and all of a sudden 228 00:16:58,729 --> 00:17:00,312 you start actin' like Mr. Manners? 229 00:17:00,396 --> 00:17:02,146 I put my neck out to help you when you were just 230 00:17:02,229 --> 00:17:04,646 a severed head, but instead of bein' appreciative, 231 00:17:04,729 --> 00:17:08,729 you kept hurlin' insults at me! Do you remember what you said? 232 00:17:08,812 --> 00:17:10,229 [KIN'EMON gasps] 233 00:17:11,729 --> 00:17:14,312 [KIN'EMON] If only I had known sooner! 234 00:17:14,396 --> 00:17:15,646 [SANJI] Hm? 235 00:17:15,729 --> 00:17:18,854 I loathe pirates! Though I should have guessed. 236 00:17:18,937 --> 00:17:21,521 That does explain your barbarism! 237 00:17:21,604 --> 00:17:24,812 Ah! You're on my last nerve! 238 00:17:24,896 --> 00:17:28,812 All you have to say is, "help me find my body!" 239 00:17:28,896 --> 00:17:31,271 Asking for help from you pirates? 240 00:17:31,354 --> 00:17:33,312 I would rather die! 241 00:17:33,396 --> 00:17:36,312 Yes, but I'm sure you must pity a poor disembodied head 242 00:17:36,396 --> 00:17:38,646 who can't even defend himself if someone attacks. 243 00:17:38,729 --> 00:17:41,479 So, would you like to carry me? Huh? 244 00:17:41,562 --> 00:17:46,521 [whimpers] 245 00:17:49,062 --> 00:17:54,312 I'm a horrible person. Please forgive me! 246 00:17:54,396 --> 00:17:58,562 I owe you my life! I'll never forget your kindness. 247 00:17:58,646 --> 00:18:00,521 Not as long as I live! 248 00:18:00,604 --> 00:18:03,562 I insulted you and your friends, yet you rescued me. 249 00:18:03,646 --> 00:18:06,312 I doubted you when you swore to make me whole again. 250 00:18:06,396 --> 00:18:09,354 And I wasn't convinced until it happened! 251 00:18:09,437 --> 00:18:12,146 Forgive me! I'm begging you! 252 00:18:12,229 --> 00:18:15,687 I don't deserve your kindness! I never should've doubted you! 253 00:18:15,771 --> 00:18:18,896 What the hell're you doing? Lift your head, you idiot! 254 00:18:18,979 --> 00:18:22,229 No man should ever get down on his knees and beg, you got that? 255 00:18:22,312 --> 00:18:27,521 Yeah. I was just thinking. Without you... I would be-- 256 00:18:27,604 --> 00:18:28,521 [KIN'EMON sobs] 257 00:18:28,604 --> 00:18:30,104 Sorry. 258 00:18:30,187 --> 00:18:33,271 As much as I hate to interrupt this touching moment, I must. 259 00:18:33,354 --> 00:18:34,312 [BOTH] Huh? 260 00:18:34,396 --> 00:18:36,104 You see, it would appear that 261 00:18:36,187 --> 00:18:38,104 we're in mortal danger right now. 262 00:18:39,687 --> 00:18:42,812 [BROOK] Thanks to our... colorful friend. 263 00:19:13,896 --> 00:19:15,229 [CHOPPER grunts] 264 00:19:21,771 --> 00:19:24,896 [CHOPPER] It's his laboratory. This is my chance! 265 00:19:24,979 --> 00:19:28,312 I need to figure out how he made the NHC10. 266 00:19:31,354 --> 00:19:34,104 [CHOPPER gasps] Is that? 267 00:19:43,979 --> 00:19:46,687 Perfect! It should be in this book somewhere! 268 00:19:46,771 --> 00:19:48,812 Now, to find sedatives. 269 00:20:07,479 --> 00:20:10,312 [laughs] 270 00:20:10,396 --> 00:20:13,146 [CENTAUR A] Master, the airship is prepped and ready to go. 271 00:20:13,229 --> 00:20:15,354 I see. Excellent work. 272 00:20:15,437 --> 00:20:18,437 Why don't we stop by and pick up the children? 273 00:20:18,521 --> 00:20:21,021 It's about time for them to have another candy. 274 00:20:21,104 --> 00:20:24,187 Put the Straw Hats and the Marines in a cage. 275 00:20:24,271 --> 00:20:26,896 And then carry it to my chambers at once. 276 00:20:26,979 --> 00:20:29,271 [CENTAURS] Yes, Master! 277 00:20:29,354 --> 00:20:31,687 [grunts] 278 00:20:32,729 --> 00:20:36,896 [BROOK gasps] We're trapped! There's nowhere for us to go! 279 00:20:39,729 --> 00:20:41,271 What's with all the slime, guys? 280 00:20:41,354 --> 00:20:44,354 I thought I told you to do somethin' about it! 281 00:20:44,437 --> 00:20:47,687 Well, we tried and it didn't work, so we just gave up. 282 00:20:47,771 --> 00:20:49,604 What were we s'posed to do? 283 00:20:49,687 --> 00:20:51,979 You chumps shouldn't've given up so easily! 284 00:20:52,062 --> 00:20:53,812 We've gotta stop it somehow! 285 00:20:53,896 --> 00:20:55,271 We all know that Nami would kill me 286 00:20:55,354 --> 00:20:57,771 if anything were to happen to this body. 287 00:20:57,854 --> 00:21:02,271 [SANJI (NAMI) gasps] 288 00:21:02,354 --> 00:21:04,979 You are never gonna give it back to her, are you? 289 00:21:05,062 --> 00:21:07,146 Nope, no way in hell. 290 00:21:07,229 --> 00:21:08,521 If I may make a suggestion, 291 00:21:08,604 --> 00:21:10,396 why don't we try to destroy it with fire? 292 00:21:10,479 --> 00:21:11,896 [ALL] Huh? 293 00:21:11,979 --> 00:21:15,021 See my blade? It burns as it cuts! 294 00:21:15,104 --> 00:21:18,187 That's why I am known as Foxfire Kin'emon. 295 00:21:18,271 --> 00:21:21,687 Allow me to blaze a path so that we may escape! 296 00:21:23,521 --> 00:21:25,687 You can burn and slice enemies? 297 00:21:25,771 --> 00:21:28,271 Sounds a lot like magic, if you ask me. 298 00:21:37,604 --> 00:21:38,812 [KIN'EMON] Hm. 299 00:21:43,354 --> 00:21:44,646 [KIN'EMON shouts] 300 00:21:50,312 --> 00:21:52,604 [gasps] 301 00:21:52,687 --> 00:21:54,271 [growls] 302 00:22:09,104 --> 00:22:10,937 [gasps] 303 00:22:16,271 --> 00:22:19,229 He cut through it! No way! 304 00:22:19,312 --> 00:22:21,271 [KIN'EMON] I've cleared our path of the slime. 305 00:22:21,354 --> 00:22:23,146 I'm coming for you, Momonosuke! 306 00:22:23,229 --> 00:22:25,937 [BROOK shouts] How are we still alive? 307 00:22:26,021 --> 00:22:28,104 I thought we were engulfed by the fire from that massive 308 00:22:28,187 --> 00:22:30,354 explosion, but I suppose not, huh? 309 00:22:30,437 --> 00:22:32,354 Excuse me, Mr. Kin'emon? 310 00:22:32,437 --> 00:22:35,646 If you wouldn't mind, could you explain what just happened? 311 00:22:35,729 --> 00:22:38,979 I don't mind at all. I cut through the explosion. 312 00:22:39,062 --> 00:22:40,229 And how'd you do that? 313 00:22:40,312 --> 00:22:42,604 [KIN'EMON] My Foxfire Style slices with flame. 314 00:22:42,687 --> 00:22:45,521 And through the knowledge and use of my myriad of secret arts, 315 00:22:45,604 --> 00:22:48,354 I am able to cut through flame as well. 316 00:22:48,437 --> 00:22:52,771 There is no fire that can withstand my blade. None! 317 00:22:52,854 --> 00:22:55,854 Now then, Momonosuke is in danger. 318 00:22:55,937 --> 00:22:59,062 I must go and rescue him. 319 00:22:59,146 --> 00:23:00,646 I'll take my leave. 320 00:23:07,187 --> 00:23:09,437 [ZORO] Hang on! 321 00:23:09,521 --> 00:23:10,687 [KIN'EMON] Hm? 322 00:23:10,771 --> 00:23:13,062 I've always wanted to see a samurai in action. 323 00:23:13,146 --> 00:23:17,729 Tell you what, Kin'emon. I'll help you save your son. 324 00:23:17,812 --> 00:23:19,021 [chuckles] 325 00:23:27,021 --> 00:23:28,854 [NARRATOR] A mysterious individual appears 326 00:23:28,937 --> 00:23:32,729 and manages to injure Law with his overwhelming strength. 327 00:23:32,812 --> 00:23:34,896 While the horrifying truth of this individual 328 00:23:34,979 --> 00:23:36,479 leaves the straw Hats shocked, 329 00:23:36,562 --> 00:23:39,187 it's nothing compared to when they discover the true identity 330 00:23:39,271 --> 00:23:43,396 of the mastermind behind Ceasar and the enigmatic Vergo. 331 00:23:43,479 --> 00:23:44,937 [LUFFY] On the next, One Piece! 332 00:23:45,021 --> 00:23:48,896 "Shocking! The True Identity of the Mystery Man Vergo!"