1 00:00:15,562 --> 00:00:19,486 خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى، كانت تايم سكوير المنطقة المسرحية الأولى في البلاد. 2 00:00:19,503 --> 00:00:21,581 واليوم، كما ترون، الأمر مثير تمامًا. 3 00:00:21,614 --> 00:00:23,659 مرحبًا، إنها قناة MTV حيث تم تصوير TRL. 4 00:00:23,673 --> 00:00:25,219 عظيم. التقط صوره. 5 00:00:25,252 --> 00:00:26,466 يجب أن تكون فيه أيضًا. 6 00:00:26,483 --> 00:00:28,345 انت تقتلني بالصور انت تعلم ذلك صحيح؟ 7 00:00:28,378 --> 00:00:30,224 نحن في إجازة. 8 00:00:30,237 --> 00:00:31,584 اطلب من ذلك الرجل أن يأخذها لنا. 9 00:00:31,617 --> 00:00:33,230 أسرع قبل أن نقود. 10 00:00:33,263 --> 00:00:35,175 تريده بشدة، تسأله. 11 00:00:35,841 --> 00:00:37,537 اعذرني سيدي؟ 12 00:00:38,235 --> 00:00:39,149 مرحبًا؟ 13 00:00:39,538 --> 00:00:40,519 اعذرني؟ 14 00:00:40,585 --> 00:00:41,616 سيد؟ مرحبًا؟ 15 00:00:48,786 --> 00:00:50,665 كم تستغرق هذه الجولة؟ 16 00:00:52,876 --> 00:00:54,389 كان مسليا. 17 00:00:55,503 --> 00:00:56,867 إذن، ماذا لدينا هنا؟ 18 00:00:56,946 --> 00:00:59,457 تطور جديد في "رحلة العاهرة إلى الجحيم". 19 00:00:59,507 --> 00:01:03,730 يقوم أعضاء العصابة بحفر جثة منافس وإرسالها حول المدينة في مترو الأنفاق؟ 20 00:01:03,761 --> 00:01:05,540 أعني، هذه ليست شيكاغو، ماك. 21 00:01:05,573 --> 00:01:06,970 إنها أسطورة حضرية. 22 00:01:06,986 --> 00:01:08,998 تبدو وكأنها مزحة عملية. 23 00:01:09,031 --> 00:01:10,827 ميدان التايمز. حافلة سياحية. 24 00:01:10,844 --> 00:01:12,274 تي شيرت سياحي. 25 00:01:12,820 --> 00:01:15,530 شخص ما كان يحاول تخويف السياح 26 00:01:15,563 --> 00:01:18,174 واستخدمت هيكلًا عظميًا لمتجر الدعامة، أليس كذلك؟ 27 00:01:21,645 --> 00:01:24,256 يتم تبييض ومعالجة الهياكل العظمية المشتراة من المتجر. 28 00:01:24,269 --> 00:01:27,212 لديهم أيضًا علامات حفر تعود إلى وقت تجميعهم. 29 00:01:27,245 --> 00:01:29,922 هذه الجمجمة بنية ولا توجد بها علامات حفر. 30 00:01:29,955 --> 00:01:31,602 وهو يفتقد الفك السفلي. 31 00:01:33,178 --> 00:01:35,289 إذا كانت هذه مزحة فأنا لا أضحك. 32 00:01:37,301 --> 00:01:38,515 هذه العظام حقيقية. 33 00:01:44,500 --> 00:01:47,900 فريق CSI: نيويورك 34 00:01:52,150 --> 00:01:57,000 Zed22- كانوريل - ميستا زون - Xe0linh - Cpt آرتشر بنديف - فابريجيس - كورديش - إبسيل 35 00:02:03,500 --> 00:02:05,600 نسخة طبق الأصل: Raceman 36 00:02:15,350 --> 00:02:17,800 الموسم 1 - الحلقة 3 الحالمون الأمريكيون 37 00:02:30,412 --> 00:02:31,393 هذه هي؟ 38 00:02:31,526 --> 00:02:32,158 نعم. 39 00:02:33,751 --> 00:02:39,022 ملابس عارضة أزياء، قبعة كروية... عظام... 40 00:02:40,319 --> 00:02:41,183 ماهر. 41 00:02:41,681 --> 00:02:42,795 ليس بهذا الذكاء. 42 00:02:42,828 --> 00:02:45,854 من قام بتجميع هيكلك العظمي لم يحضر دروس التشريح قط 43 00:02:45,938 --> 00:02:48,249 كان عظم العضد هو المكان الذي يجب أن يكون فيه الزند. 44 00:02:49,143 --> 00:02:51,587 تم عكس المشطيات بالكتائب. 45 00:02:51,637 --> 00:02:53,150 عقدت معا بواسطة الأسلاك. 46 00:02:54,730 --> 00:02:57,323 لقد استخدم هذا للأصابع. 47 00:02:57,655 --> 00:02:58,969 المعجون اللاصق. 48 00:03:01,563 --> 00:03:06,002 يبدو أن "نحاتنا" ترك قطعة صغيرة من نفسه خلفه. 49 00:03:08,561 --> 00:03:09,658 ها هو. 50 00:03:09,758 --> 00:03:10,323 "هو"؟ 51 00:03:10,490 --> 00:03:11,022 نعم. 52 00:03:11,953 --> 00:03:13,615 وضوحا الحاجب ريدج. 53 00:03:13,649 --> 00:03:16,010 نتوء خشاء كبير خلف مكان وجود الأذنين. 54 00:03:16,048 --> 00:03:17,412 وهذا يختمه. 55 00:03:18,563 --> 00:03:19,701 هوك ايون. 56 00:03:19,720 --> 00:03:21,592 لا شك في ذلك، هذه الجمجمة كانت لذكر. 57 00:03:21,622 --> 00:03:23,339 بدأ بداية جيدة. ماذا بعد؟ 58 00:03:23,359 --> 00:03:25,828 حسنا، الرأس طويل وضيق. الشيء نفسه مع فتحة الأنف. 59 00:03:25,847 --> 00:03:29,108 عظم الأنف والعمود الفقري ملتصقان بشكل طويل فوق الفك العلوي. 60 00:03:29,127 --> 00:03:31,326 الصفات القوقازية. إنه أبيض. 61 00:03:31,361 --> 00:03:36,937 كم عمر؟ الترقوة الوسطى هي آخر عظمة تندمج. يحدث بين 18 و 25. 62 00:03:38,152 --> 00:03:41,972 تتطور تقشر على الترقوة حيث تتصل بعظم القص. 63 00:03:43,438 --> 00:03:48,184 وفي النهاية يغلف الغطاء النهائي للترقوة بالكامل، مما يؤدي إلى تنعيمه. 64 00:03:48,860 --> 00:03:50,808 لكن أنظر إلى حاله. 65 00:03:51,249 --> 00:03:52,908 مستديرة ومتكتلة. 66 00:03:53,043 --> 00:03:54,490 لم تبدأ القشرة بالتشكل بعد. 67 00:03:54,528 --> 00:03:55,995 ولم يكن حتى 18 عاما. 68 00:03:56,014 --> 00:03:57,577 لقد كان مجرد طفل. 69 00:04:00,123 --> 00:04:01,551 القتل؟ 70 00:04:01,645 --> 00:04:02,610 ربما. 71 00:04:03,285 --> 00:04:04,674 هذا الكسر لم يلتئم أبدا. 72 00:04:04,713 --> 00:04:06,449 إذن، هل يمكن أن تكون ضربة قاتلة؟ 73 00:04:06,488 --> 00:04:08,668 حسنًا، بدون بقية العظام، كل ما يمكنني فعله هو التخمين. 74 00:04:08,822 --> 00:04:12,314 حسنًا، لقد اختفت الأوتار والأنسجة والأربطة. 75 00:04:12,378 --> 00:04:14,597 ماذا، ربما بعد ثلاث سنوات من وفاته؟ 76 00:04:14,635 --> 00:04:15,175 مم-هممم. 77 00:04:15,272 --> 00:04:16,680 العظام في حالة جيدة. 78 00:04:16,719 --> 00:04:19,034 ربما كان محميًا من الطبيعة الأم. 79 00:04:19,073 --> 00:04:21,214 الشيء الوحيد غير الطبيعي هو لونها. 80 00:04:21,230 --> 00:04:25,146 لون التحلل الطبيعي للعظام هو البني. 81 00:04:25,185 --> 00:04:28,677 إذن، من أين أتى هذا اللون الأسود؟ 82 00:04:28,715 --> 00:04:31,011 حسناً، هذا لكم أيها الناس في الخارج. 83 00:04:33,009 --> 00:04:34,726 أحتاج إلى استعارة إصبع. 84 00:04:37,620 --> 00:04:40,514 هيكل عظمي على متن حافلة سياحية في تايمز سكوير. 85 00:04:40,665 --> 00:04:42,517 The Post سوف يحب هذه القصة. 86 00:04:42,555 --> 00:04:44,504 عمليا يكتب نفسه. 87 00:04:44,542 --> 00:04:45,970 انها ليست أخبار. 88 00:04:46,009 --> 00:04:48,324 صحيح، لكنه سيبيع الكثير من الأوراق. 89 00:04:48,382 --> 00:04:50,214 Only because of where it was found. 90 00:04:50,225 --> 00:04:53,446 The real story is that these are the bones of a teenage boy. 91 00:04:53,485 --> 00:04:55,028 The media don't care. 92 00:04:55,183 --> 00:04:56,167 I do. 93 00:05:01,314 --> 00:05:04,015 Mac, when can I get my hands on that skull? 94 00:05:04,053 --> 00:05:05,905 One step at a time, Aiden. 95 00:05:06,219 --> 00:05:08,129 We have to find the rest of his skeleton first. 96 00:05:08,149 --> 00:05:11,505 I'm just saying, intact skulls are few and far between. 97 00:05:11,544 --> 00:05:14,033 If the time comes, I don't want it farmed out. 98 00:05:14,052 --> 00:05:15,267 I can handle it. 99 00:05:15,306 --> 00:05:16,965 Relax. You got it. 100 00:05:17,166 --> 00:05:19,096 I'll find you when I need you. 101 00:05:19,134 --> 00:05:20,215 Human skull. 102 00:05:21,083 --> 00:05:22,221 Big fun. 103 00:05:26,465 --> 00:05:28,452 Danny, what do you see? 104 00:05:30,823 --> 00:05:33,177 The substance isn't just coating the bone. 105 00:05:33,254 --> 00:05:34,817 It's layered on itself. 106 00:05:34,836 --> 00:05:36,341 Means it's been there a while. 107 00:05:36,399 --> 00:05:37,691 Take a deeper sample. 108 00:05:47,274 --> 00:05:50,322 Top layer is composed of aromatic hydrocarbons. 109 00:05:51,457 --> 00:05:52,711 Engine exhaust. 110 00:05:52,749 --> 00:05:53,637 MTBE? 111 00:05:53,772 --> 00:05:56,395 No. Means the engine was diesel. 112 00:05:56,415 --> 00:05:59,849 Rules out most cars. Probably came from a truck or a bus. 113 00:05:59,883 --> 00:06:02,449 So, your boy's laying low in a high-traffic area. 114 00:06:02,488 --> 00:06:04,957 Unfortunately, in New York, that's everywhere. 115 00:06:11,868 --> 00:06:14,627 Deeper sample is also diesel exhaust. 116 00:06:15,148 --> 00:06:17,270 But check the benzene concentration. 117 00:06:19,026 --> 00:06:20,492 Through the roof. 118 00:06:20,532 --> 00:06:23,387 What kind of diesel engine spits out this much particulate matter? 119 00:06:23,406 --> 00:06:24,216 An old one. 120 00:06:24,448 --> 00:06:28,017 EPA changed diesel emissions standards in 1994. 121 00:06:28,052 --> 00:06:30,676 So, if he has this much benzene on his bones... 122 00:06:30,714 --> 00:06:33,724 He's been collecting dust a lot longer than three years. 123 00:06:34,380 --> 00:06:37,505 He's been dead a decade, at least. 124 00:06:40,121 --> 00:06:42,089 Our timeline just jumped. 125 00:06:42,127 --> 00:06:43,053 I heard. 126 00:06:43,401 --> 00:06:45,928 Brings back bad memories in this city. 127 00:06:45,963 --> 00:06:50,593 '90 to '93, the average murder rate was 2,000 per year. 128 00:06:50,632 --> 00:06:53,815 "Dream with me a city that can be better than the way it is now. " 129 00:06:53,850 --> 00:06:57,631 Inauguration speech from Giuliani's first term, 1994. 130 00:06:57,670 --> 00:07:00,622 I was working Narcotics back then out of Brooklyn North. 131 00:07:00,680 --> 00:07:03,323 We'd collared up every day; barely made a dent. 132 00:07:03,338 --> 00:07:07,081 In the parks, you found more crack vials and hypos than kids. 133 00:07:07,119 --> 00:07:09,126 It was a dangerous time. 134 00:07:09,164 --> 00:07:12,502 Here we go. We have six possible matches to the body fingerprint. 135 00:07:12,540 --> 00:07:13,987 Who do you want to start with? 136 00:07:24,304 --> 00:07:24,979 With him. 137 00:07:27,164 --> 00:07:28,418 Lester Jayne. 138 00:07:59,385 --> 00:08:00,677 Stella. 139 00:08:14,430 --> 00:08:16,301 Admiring your work? 140 00:08:17,517 --> 00:08:18,443 Hey. 141 00:08:21,431 --> 00:08:24,364 Can't believe you're jamming me up for this. I burned a few tourists. That's all. 142 00:08:24,383 --> 00:08:24,981 It was a joke. 143 00:08:25,077 --> 00:08:26,910 NYPD didn't find it funny. 144 00:08:26,930 --> 00:08:27,933 That's their problem. 145 00:08:27,952 --> 00:08:28,859 No, it's yours. 146 00:08:28,880 --> 00:08:32,179 Autopsy revealed the skeleton's a homicide victim. 147 00:08:34,378 --> 00:08:35,382 Murder? 148 00:08:36,481 --> 00:08:38,102 No. I ain't buying that. 149 00:08:38,140 --> 00:08:40,166 Your little joke had a fractured skull. 150 00:08:40,183 --> 00:08:41,881 Which had nothing to do with me. 151 00:08:42,132 --> 00:08:44,196 No? Then who does it have to do with? 152 00:08:44,215 --> 00:08:45,238 I know what you guys do. 153 00:08:45,257 --> 00:08:47,109 You twist things all around till I don't know which end is up. 154 00:08:47,129 --> 00:08:51,450 I told you, all I did was screw with some tourists, and I'm not saying another word. 155 00:08:54,598 --> 00:08:56,218 Where's he going? 156 00:11:08,845 --> 00:11:13,938 Decomposition on the clothes and under the bones. 157 00:11:14,999 --> 00:11:16,678 I think this is where he died. 158 00:11:23,029 --> 00:11:25,363 I think it's also where he lived. 159 00:11:33,768 --> 00:11:35,022 What do you think? 160 00:11:35,041 --> 00:11:35,870 Runaway? 161 00:11:36,025 --> 00:11:37,028 Maybe. 162 00:11:42,521 --> 00:11:43,679 "A.M." 163 00:11:43,737 --> 00:11:44,914 Initials? 164 00:11:44,971 --> 00:11:45,782 Yeah 165 00:11:49,791 --> 00:11:52,241 Home must've been pretty bad to trade for this place. 166 00:11:52,299 --> 00:11:55,019 I'm sure this wasn't what he had in mind. 167 00:11:56,987 --> 00:11:59,186 Skull fracture. 168 00:12:00,745 --> 00:12:03,002 Blunt force trauma? 169 00:12:13,491 --> 00:12:14,822 Pocketknife. 170 00:12:18,677 --> 00:12:21,937 Must have been pretty important to him to keep it in his shoe. 171 00:12:29,804 --> 00:12:32,292 "Bright Lights, Big City. " 172 00:12:33,874 --> 00:12:35,958 Pages are dog-eared. 173 00:12:36,002 --> 00:12:37,661 Highlighted. 174 00:12:40,748 --> 00:12:43,468 Copyright 1984. 175 00:12:44,105 --> 00:12:47,133 He may have been lying here for 20 years. 176 00:12:47,753 --> 00:12:49,605 Have you ever read it? 177 00:12:50,319 --> 00:12:51,785 No. You? 178 00:12:51,804 --> 00:12:52,518 Yeah. 179 00:12:52,557 --> 00:12:54,891 It's about a guy who lives up New York for all it's worth. 180 00:12:54,910 --> 00:12:56,492 How's it end? 181 00:12:57,163 --> 00:12:59,806 He gets out before the city kills him. 182 00:14:29,129 --> 00:14:31,135 It's tough being in the bullpen, huh? 183 00:14:31,174 --> 00:14:32,544 Waiting for the nod. 184 00:14:32,581 --> 00:14:34,259 Thanks for your concern. 185 00:14:38,021 --> 00:14:39,352 Here we go. 186 00:15:04,530 --> 00:15:05,899 Very nice. 187 00:15:25,458 --> 00:15:26,924 Got a full skeleton now. 188 00:15:26,963 --> 00:15:29,606 No more speculation. Facts from here on out. 189 00:15:29,992 --> 00:15:31,458 Femur gives stature. 190 00:15:31,516 --> 00:15:33,175 He was five-foot-ten. 191 00:15:33,236 --> 00:15:35,917 Mandible completes the skull. 192 00:15:35,975 --> 00:15:37,461 Check out his teeth. 193 00:15:38,502 --> 00:15:39,621 Nice. 194 00:15:39,699 --> 00:15:40,818 Too nice. 195 00:15:40,875 --> 00:15:41,705 Braces? 196 00:15:41,744 --> 00:15:42,978 Had to be. 197 00:15:43,052 --> 00:15:46,563 Two canine teeth, two second bicuspids, but no first bicuspids. 198 00:15:46,583 --> 00:15:48,917 Caucasians commonly suffer from dental crowding. 199 00:15:48,936 --> 00:15:51,483 Teeth were pulled to make room for the others to straighten out. 200 00:15:51,498 --> 00:15:54,797 Okay. So, at some point in his life he saw a dentist and an orthodontist. 201 00:15:54,836 --> 00:15:57,267 Which means he probably had parents who paid the bill. 202 00:15:57,286 --> 00:16:00,045 It was probably the last time he got to see a doctor. 203 00:16:00,084 --> 00:16:02,264 At least, that's what his tibia's saying. 204 00:16:05,890 --> 00:16:06,797 Broke his leg. 205 00:16:06,835 --> 00:16:08,359 And let it heal on its own. 206 00:16:08,398 --> 00:16:10,346 Probably left him with a solid limp. 207 00:16:10,404 --> 00:16:13,009 This kid was moving in the wrong direction. 208 00:16:13,308 --> 00:16:15,102 Checked him head to toe. 209 00:16:15,141 --> 00:16:19,192 With what I've got, he only potential fatal injury is a skull fracture. 210 00:16:19,212 --> 00:16:21,893 Danny's running prints on a pipe we found at the scene. 211 00:16:21,932 --> 00:16:22,877 Could that have done the trick? 212 00:16:22,896 --> 00:16:23,552 Easily. 213 00:16:23,598 --> 00:16:24,331 He ID'd? 214 00:16:24,370 --> 00:16:26,472 Sent out dentals results aren't back yet. 215 00:16:26,550 --> 00:16:29,521 I'll cut a section of mid-shaft femur, send it to DNA. 216 00:16:29,559 --> 00:16:32,646 But if he's a street kid, I wouldn't expect much. 217 00:16:32,704 --> 00:16:34,267 I got a back-up plan. 218 00:16:34,310 --> 00:16:36,567 Been waiting all day for this. Talk to me. 219 00:16:36,625 --> 00:16:38,265 White, John Doe teenager. 220 00:16:38,304 --> 00:16:40,117 Nice teeth. Bum leg. 221 00:16:40,194 --> 00:16:41,313 No face. 222 00:16:41,352 --> 00:16:42,606 No problem. 223 00:19:26,107 --> 00:19:27,747 Here he is. 224 00:19:28,962 --> 00:19:31,142 John Doe teenager. 225 00:19:43,571 --> 00:19:46,387 Fingerprints Danny lifted went nowhere. 226 00:19:46,750 --> 00:19:51,168 Whoever left them... isn't listed in AFIS. 227 00:19:51,226 --> 00:19:52,075 Do you have a name? 228 00:19:52,113 --> 00:19:52,981 No. 229 00:19:53,132 --> 00:19:59,132 Got usable DNA off the bones, but there are no matches in the CODIS Missing Persons Database. 230 00:19:59,247 --> 00:20:01,736 We can't ID him on DNA. 231 00:20:07,230 --> 00:20:09,680 Mac... you still with me? 232 00:20:09,719 --> 00:20:11,320 Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. 233 00:20:11,953 --> 00:20:15,541 I was just thinking about something you said earlier... 234 00:20:15,580 --> 00:20:21,387 about a guy following his dreams... getting out before the city kills him. 235 00:20:23,740 --> 00:20:25,978 He never got out. Why? 236 00:20:27,483 --> 00:20:29,837 Hey... Danny just called. 237 00:20:29,891 --> 00:20:33,171 Says there's some people who want to see you... about him. 238 00:20:37,060 --> 00:20:44,141 We, uh, we waited for this day so long... Finding Aaron... Our son. 239 00:20:44,175 --> 00:20:48,072 Mr. Moreland, we haven't been able to positively identify the remains that were found. 240 00:20:48,088 --> 00:20:55,497 We read in the papers, and the detective at DCPI confirmed, that a backpack and a pocketknife were found. 241 00:20:55,554 --> 00:20:57,214 Uh... uh... they belonged to Aaron. 242 00:20:57,248 --> 00:20:59,158 The backpack was monogrammed. 243 00:20:59,196 --> 00:21:01,473 I stitched it myself. 244 00:21:01,512 --> 00:21:06,007 And the pocketknife was a gift for his 13th birthday. 245 00:21:06,041 --> 00:21:08,511 I ordered it special. 246 00:21:09,070 --> 00:21:12,060 We found other items, also. 247 00:21:12,080 --> 00:21:15,109 Clothes... a book. 248 00:21:37,329 --> 00:21:39,027 It's Aaron. 249 00:21:40,628 --> 00:21:43,329 Was Aaron an artist? 250 00:21:43,368 --> 00:21:44,467 Yes. 251 00:21:44,544 --> 00:21:46,397 A musician. 252 00:21:48,599 --> 00:21:53,480 Uh... Aaron, uh... he left home in 1987. 253 00:21:54,136 --> 00:21:57,782 Uh... he was 17, just out of high school. 254 00:21:57,817 --> 00:22:02,331 He wanted to see something other than Minnesota before thinking about college. 255 00:22:02,389 --> 00:22:07,733 This is a reconstruction of what the skeleton would look like. 256 00:22:26,284 --> 00:22:30,490 It's, um... it's not Aaron. 257 00:22:31,146 --> 00:22:35,969 That's... not our son. 258 00:22:37,141 --> 00:22:39,572 I- I don't know who that is. 259 00:22:48,540 --> 00:22:49,891 I'm sorry. 260 00:22:59,404 --> 00:22:59,983 Nice. 261 00:23:00,041 --> 00:23:01,642 Just the person I was looking for. 262 00:23:01,681 --> 00:23:04,517 I put some of my time into that fingerprint I pulled from the pipe. 263 00:23:04,555 --> 00:23:06,099 Extra effort. I like that. Talk to me. 264 00:23:06,114 --> 00:23:11,728 I got 117 arrest records for people charged with crimes that were committed within three blocks of where our skeleton was found. 265 00:23:11,748 --> 00:23:13,908 Time frame... 1984 to '94. 266 00:23:13,928 --> 00:23:15,220 You used the CARS system. 267 00:23:15,255 --> 00:23:17,281 Yeah, where suspects are acquitted or the charges are dropped. 268 00:23:17,300 --> 00:23:19,828 Which means the fingerprints won't be found in AFIS. 269 00:23:19,866 --> 00:23:22,336 They're somewhere in a sealed file of the NYPD. 270 00:23:22,374 --> 00:23:23,590 Mm-hmm. I just got to find them. 271 00:23:23,682 --> 00:23:26,441 And hope that they match the prints you pulled off the pipe. 272 00:23:26,672 --> 00:23:27,830 That's a long shot, Danny. 273 00:23:27,849 --> 00:23:28,602 What're you saying? 274 00:23:28,640 --> 00:23:29,759 You want me to drop this lead? 275 00:23:29,798 --> 00:23:32,267 No, I want you to stick to the hot evidence first. 276 00:23:32,302 --> 00:23:34,135 The clothes the victim was found in, I'm already on it. 277 00:23:34,193 --> 00:23:36,817 Good, all right? You learn something, find me. 278 00:23:36,836 --> 00:23:40,000 You come up dry, get back on those arrest records. Got it? 279 00:23:40,039 --> 00:23:40,695 Got it. 280 00:24:21,956 --> 00:24:23,114 Hi. Playing hangman? 281 00:24:23,847 --> 00:24:26,008 Actually, yes. 282 00:24:26,646 --> 00:24:28,807 But I've run out of letters. 283 00:24:28,865 --> 00:24:31,469 I have... I have no idea what this is. 284 00:24:32,125 --> 00:24:33,572 For now. 285 00:24:43,605 --> 00:24:45,824 What do you make of this? 286 00:24:47,811 --> 00:24:49,374 Look familiar? 287 00:24:51,245 --> 00:24:52,518 Not really. 288 00:24:52,557 --> 00:24:56,705 It's the last sketch in his book, and... looks like it could be an island... 289 00:24:56,739 --> 00:25:00,964 .. but not in New York. No people, no buildings. 290 00:25:00,986 --> 00:25:08,008 Got a call from Missing Persons. They pulled all the Unsolved Case folders from teenage boys missing within our time frame. 291 00:25:08,047 --> 00:25:10,786 Thumbed through them by hand, based on Aiden's reconstruction. 292 00:25:10,844 --> 00:25:11,770 No matches. 293 00:25:11,843 --> 00:25:14,679 Unlike Aaron Moreland, there's no one out there looking for this kid. 294 00:25:14,737 --> 00:25:19,483 So all we know about who he was, are his images of New York. 295 00:25:19,560 --> 00:25:21,007 Skyline. 296 00:25:21,409 --> 00:25:24,071 Busy Grand Central Station. 297 00:25:24,110 --> 00:25:25,711 Empire State Building. 298 00:25:25,749 --> 00:25:27,602 See his perspective? 299 00:25:27,640 --> 00:25:29,106 Street level. 300 00:25:29,700 --> 00:25:32,170 Part of the city, moving with the flow. 301 00:25:32,228 --> 00:25:35,180 Yeah, but look at this one. 302 00:25:36,067 --> 00:25:39,675 He's totally alone in Times Square. 303 00:25:39,836 --> 00:25:42,537 He was swallowed up by the city. 304 00:25:43,868 --> 00:25:45,200 Lost. 305 00:25:45,238 --> 00:25:50,177 Reality rarely lives up to expectations, especially if you're a teenager. 306 00:25:51,862 --> 00:25:54,370 This one with the crisscross beams. That's the Port Authority. 307 00:25:54,428 --> 00:25:55,932 Upper parking deck. 308 00:25:55,952 --> 00:25:58,228 Yeah, but he's looking at it straight on. 309 00:25:58,286 --> 00:26:00,177 Which means... 310 00:26:01,404 --> 00:26:06,806 He's inside the only building in the city that allows homeless kids free reign to every floor. 311 00:26:08,577 --> 00:26:13,767 I started Danner House in a tenement on the Lower East Side in 1969. 312 00:26:14,037 --> 00:26:16,352 Intended it to be a youth crisis center. 313 00:26:16,407 --> 00:26:19,744 Nobody under the age of 21 would be turned away. 314 00:26:19,860 --> 00:26:23,294 First month, 500 kids came through the door. 315 00:26:23,313 --> 00:26:25,879 5,000 by the end of the first year. 316 00:26:26,069 --> 00:26:28,808 There's never a shortage of people that need help. 317 00:26:36,677 --> 00:26:39,358 Guess we're not an uncommon sight around here. 318 00:26:39,956 --> 00:26:41,809 Joel, how we doing today? 319 00:26:41,847 --> 00:26:43,815 Uh... We're running low. 320 00:26:43,854 --> 00:26:45,378 I don't think we're going to make it. 321 00:26:45,413 --> 00:26:49,136 Call over to St. Juliana's. See if they have any meals left over from yesterday. 322 00:26:49,310 --> 00:26:51,779 They usually run out of meals before we do. 323 00:26:51,837 --> 00:26:54,731 Would you by chance recognize this young man? 324 00:26:55,205 --> 00:27:00,414 We don't have a name for him, but we think he might have stayed here sometime between 1984 and 1994. 325 00:27:00,453 --> 00:27:02,536 It's been a long time. 326 00:27:03,559 --> 00:27:06,742 I've been here 35 years. 327 00:27:07,071 --> 00:27:11,605 I used to try to get to know the kids, but... 328 00:27:12,049 --> 00:27:15,714 After a while, all the faces start to look the same. 329 00:28:29,740 --> 00:28:32,421 I'm going to check with Danny, see how he's doing on the clothes. 330 00:28:32,456 --> 00:28:35,370 You going to follow up with the piece of paper we found in the jeans? 331 00:28:36,045 --> 00:28:38,032 Mr. and Mrs. Moreland? 332 00:28:38,746 --> 00:28:42,180 Do you know who the boy was that had Aaron's things? 333 00:28:42,226 --> 00:28:48,496 No. No, unfortunately we don't know anything new that you that you haven't already read in the papers. 334 00:28:48,534 --> 00:28:52,759 But he-he had Aaron's backpack an-and pocketknife. 335 00:28:52,795 --> 00:28:54,222 How did he get them? 336 00:28:54,261 --> 00:28:55,245 We don't know. 337 00:28:55,264 --> 00:28:58,949 But they're the only connection to my son. 338 00:28:59,277 --> 00:29:02,267 They had to know each other, right? 339 00:29:02,283 --> 00:29:04,425 I need to know what happened. 340 00:29:04,463 --> 00:29:07,164 I know the reality... 341 00:29:07,203 --> 00:29:10,405 He's probably dead... I've accepted that, but... 342 00:29:10,421 --> 00:29:15,861 but this is the closest that we've, we've come to the truth in 17 years. 343 00:29:16,537 --> 00:29:17,771 Please. 344 00:29:18,871 --> 00:29:21,186 What happened to my boy? 345 00:29:28,000 --> 00:29:33,730 He's somebody else's case, isn't he? 346 00:29:37,754 --> 00:29:46,050 You don't know what... what happened to Aaron... because you're not looking for him... 347 00:29:46,782 --> 00:29:48,152 Are you? 348 00:29:51,316 --> 00:29:52,454 No. 349 00:30:23,118 --> 00:30:24,314 Mac? 350 00:30:24,353 --> 00:30:28,288 I took some new photos of the reconstruction. I thought I'd send them out nationally, 351 00:30:28,320 --> 00:30:30,848 And maybe someone will recognize him. 352 00:30:30,886 --> 00:30:36,964 Work One Police Plaza. Use the in-house reporters from the major papers. Get his face all over the city. 353 00:30:37,885 --> 00:30:39,699 You've already done that, haven't you? 354 00:30:39,718 --> 00:30:43,847 I figured it was one of the few times that us and the media are on the same team, so... 355 00:30:43,885 --> 00:30:46,567 Well, stay on them. Keep him front page. 356 00:30:47,919 --> 00:30:50,620 Hey, do you need anything else? 357 00:30:51,855 --> 00:30:52,820 Yeah. 358 00:30:53,804 --> 00:30:55,964 I need to know what this is. 359 00:31:27,391 --> 00:31:31,655 Anyway, most of the shirt was gone, but I can make out a small portion of the logo. 360 00:31:31,693 --> 00:31:32,909 An "L." Lagaronne. 361 00:31:32,947 --> 00:31:34,606 Fancy, and expensive. 362 00:31:34,626 --> 00:31:37,905 And synthetic. Nylon microfiber. All the rage in the early '90s. 363 00:31:37,944 --> 00:31:40,472 The victim had a couple of things on him that didn't belong to him. 364 00:31:40,491 --> 00:31:42,034 Same probably goes for the shirt. 365 00:31:42,073 --> 00:31:43,848 You know, five-finger discount. 366 00:31:43,887 --> 00:31:45,758 Yeah, but not from a store. 367 00:31:45,777 --> 00:31:46,568 What do you know? 368 00:31:46,603 --> 00:31:50,423 I reached out to the manufacturer. Turns out that shirt never went on the market. 369 00:31:50,462 --> 00:31:52,623 Prototype from 1988. 370 00:31:52,700 --> 00:31:55,748 All right, well, if there was no store to steal it from, how'd he get it? 371 00:31:55,783 --> 00:31:57,925 Seventh Avenue, right off the rack. 372 00:32:11,326 --> 00:32:12,368 Rack runner. 373 00:32:12,387 --> 00:32:16,284 No experience necessary. If you can walk from point "A" to point "B," you're hired. 374 00:32:16,314 --> 00:32:20,964 It's a perfect job for a teenager, and easy access to clothes you can't afford. 375 00:32:26,072 --> 00:32:30,606 So management's official statement is that they unofficially hire street kids to run the racks. 376 00:32:30,644 --> 00:32:33,017 In other words, cheap labor, no paperwork. 377 00:32:33,056 --> 00:32:34,754 Did anyone recognize the vic? 378 00:32:34,792 --> 00:32:36,471 Life span with the racks isn't too long. 379 00:32:36,507 --> 00:32:37,703 Here today, gone tomorrow. 380 00:32:37,742 --> 00:32:40,250 There's nobody working here now that was working here in '88. 381 00:32:40,269 --> 00:32:41,157 Of course not. 382 00:32:41,176 --> 00:32:43,761 Time marches on, the practice stays the same. 383 00:32:53,306 --> 00:32:54,946 Dead end on the shirt. 384 00:32:54,965 --> 00:32:56,913 But it wasn't a total loss. 385 00:32:56,967 --> 00:33:00,961 Since it wasn't made till 1988, we know he was alive then. 386 00:33:01,000 --> 00:33:03,180 So we've narrowed our time line. 387 00:33:03,199 --> 00:33:05,861 Yeah, six-year window instead of ten. 388 00:33:07,401 --> 00:33:08,905 Make that four. 389 00:33:08,963 --> 00:33:12,475 He was alive February 21, 1990. 390 00:33:12,513 --> 00:33:14,057 Pawned a watch. 391 00:33:14,130 --> 00:33:14,535 Yeah. 392 00:33:15,326 --> 00:33:17,120 And we have the ticket. 393 00:33:18,432 --> 00:33:21,461 I'm sorry, pal, but you're a few hours late. 394 00:33:21,500 --> 00:33:23,197 Owner just came in and picked it up. 395 00:33:23,232 --> 00:33:26,049 The owner's been dead since Dinkins was mayor. 396 00:33:26,087 --> 00:33:27,303 He didn't just come by. 397 00:33:27,341 --> 00:33:29,290 Look, what do you want me to tell you? 398 00:33:29,329 --> 00:33:30,679 I had that watch forever. 399 00:33:30,714 --> 00:33:34,592 Today a guy comes in, describes it perfectly. Even the inscription on the back. 400 00:33:34,631 --> 00:33:37,293 Ticket or no ticket, the thing had to be his. 401 00:33:37,332 --> 00:33:41,479 No coincidence the watch is picked up today after 14 years. 402 00:33:41,735 --> 00:33:44,629 Somebody else knew it was here and didn't want us to get it first. 403 00:33:44,668 --> 00:33:47,195 Someone who knows we're looking for him. 404 00:33:48,541 --> 00:33:53,538 But it's not 1990 anymore. It's gotten a lot harder to hide. 405 00:33:56,158 --> 00:33:58,029 Guy played the camera perfectly. 406 00:33:58,049 --> 00:34:00,074 Kept his head down the entire time. 407 00:34:00,171 --> 00:34:03,103 So this is our best view of the only suspect we have? 408 00:34:03,142 --> 00:34:04,512 Unfortunately. 409 00:34:04,559 --> 00:34:05,852 Get creative. 410 00:34:06,585 --> 00:34:07,530 Done. 411 00:34:07,974 --> 00:34:08,842 Okay... 412 00:34:10,038 --> 00:34:11,697 >From the top. 413 00:34:13,604 --> 00:34:15,552 Mystery man enters. 414 00:34:15,610 --> 00:34:17,674 Keeps his head down, goes straight to the counter. 415 00:34:18,832 --> 00:34:20,877 Didn't even stop to look at the jewelry. 416 00:34:20,912 --> 00:34:23,439 He doesn't have to, he knows what he wants. 417 00:34:25,735 --> 00:34:26,565 Freeze it. 418 00:34:27,047 --> 00:34:29,651 Bruno's glasses. Can you pull a reflection? 419 00:34:29,690 --> 00:34:31,330 Mm-hmm. No problem. 420 00:34:33,798 --> 00:34:36,711 Cleaning up, we have... 421 00:34:36,981 --> 00:34:39,181 A great shot of his baseball cap. 422 00:34:39,297 --> 00:34:40,666 Keep going. 423 00:34:48,899 --> 00:34:51,696 He's steps away from freedom. What's he doing? 424 00:34:53,255 --> 00:34:55,744 It's not on screen, but that doesn't mean it's not on tape. 425 00:34:55,783 --> 00:34:58,291 NTSC signals are overscanned. 426 00:34:58,329 --> 00:35:00,316 All right, how much are we missing? 427 00:35:06,708 --> 00:35:07,750 It's a guitar... 428 00:35:07,789 --> 00:35:08,734 It's DNA... 429 00:35:14,454 --> 00:35:15,920 Creative enough for you? 430 00:35:52,457 --> 00:35:58,882 Partial DNA profile from the guitar strings has got a hit in the CODIS Missing Persons database. 431 00:36:01,656 --> 00:36:05,109 The missing kid who owned the backpack and pocketknife? 432 00:36:05,167 --> 00:36:08,331 Aaron Moreland... You're kidding? 433 00:36:08,572 --> 00:36:10,501 He disappeared in '87. 434 00:36:10,540 --> 00:36:12,160 He was 17 years old. 435 00:36:12,180 --> 00:36:14,244 Which means he's now 34. 436 00:36:14,302 --> 00:36:16,270 And the prime suspect in a murder. 437 00:36:16,303 --> 00:36:17,480 Where are we? 438 00:36:17,692 --> 00:36:19,216 We're there. 439 00:36:19,254 --> 00:36:22,554 In 1987, Aaron Moreland was a 17-year-old kid. 440 00:36:22,573 --> 00:36:26,489 Here's a pretty good idea of what he looks like today. 441 00:36:36,501 --> 00:36:38,951 You guys know him? 442 00:36:38,990 --> 00:36:42,674 It was your DNA on the guitar string. 443 00:36:44,542 --> 00:36:46,491 I was going to be a musician, you know. 444 00:36:46,529 --> 00:36:49,095 That's why I came to New York. 445 00:36:49,153 --> 00:36:50,774 To be a rock star. 446 00:36:51,063 --> 00:36:53,282 But I was 17. 447 00:36:53,355 --> 00:36:59,027 Had spent every day of my life in a town with one intersection. 448 00:36:59,910 --> 00:37:01,859 I wasn't prepared for this city. 449 00:37:03,229 --> 00:37:07,666 By the end of my first week here, I was broke... and hooked. 450 00:37:08,110 --> 00:37:09,730 Did you know him? 451 00:37:12,546 --> 00:37:14,244 Sort of. 452 00:37:14,398 --> 00:37:18,584 I used to ran racks down on Seventh Avenue and I'd see him there every now and then. 453 00:37:22,487 --> 00:37:25,245 He always had money and I always needed it. 454 00:37:28,332 --> 00:37:29,876 How did you get the pocketknife? 455 00:37:29,911 --> 00:37:33,326 When I was high, I'd get angry very easily. 456 00:37:33,345 --> 00:37:36,162 And so I didn't want to do anything that I would regret later. 457 00:37:36,181 --> 00:37:38,129 So you also sold the knife? 458 00:37:38,149 --> 00:37:39,808 Yeah. He was easy to find. 459 00:37:47,920 --> 00:37:48,942 Port Authority... 460 00:37:48,981 --> 00:37:50,003 all those busses. 461 00:37:50,057 --> 00:37:51,774 All you had to do was get on one. 462 00:37:52,951 --> 00:37:54,301 I didn't want to go home. 463 00:37:55,208 --> 00:37:55,960 Here you go, man. 464 00:37:56,983 --> 00:37:58,411 It's a pawn ticket. 465 00:37:58,507 --> 00:38:00,089 For my watch. 466 00:38:05,635 --> 00:38:09,011 Man, that's all you got?! I need more. 467 00:38:11,688 --> 00:38:14,524 You killed him over two dollars? 468 00:38:15,411 --> 00:38:17,591 Six years later, I got clean. 469 00:38:17,649 --> 00:38:19,135 Changed my life. 470 00:38:19,173 --> 00:38:20,370 My name. 471 00:38:20,485 --> 00:38:22,087 Began helping others. 472 00:38:22,110 --> 00:38:24,174 And forgot about your past. 473 00:38:25,197 --> 00:38:27,801 Until I picked up the paper and it all came back. 474 00:38:27,859 --> 00:38:29,306 So you tried to cover it up. 475 00:38:29,460 --> 00:38:33,242 You're not in the system. Your own parents thought you were dead. Everything was good. 476 00:38:33,636 --> 00:38:37,629 But you knew there was still one thing out there that connected you to the victim. 477 00:38:37,687 --> 00:38:38,980 Your watch. 478 00:38:43,528 --> 00:38:49,702 You may have started over, but your mother and father never stopped looking for you. 479 00:38:53,773 --> 00:38:54,699 Get up. 480 00:39:04,071 --> 00:39:05,132 Aaron... 481 00:39:06,008 --> 00:39:07,918 What was his name? 482 00:39:10,754 --> 00:39:12,491 I don't know. 483 00:40:09,674 --> 00:40:11,391 You already know how it ends. 484 00:40:13,494 --> 00:40:15,963 That's not why I'm reading it. 485 00:40:19,702 --> 00:40:26,956 "But what you are left with is a premonition of the way your life will fade behind you, like a book you have read too quickly... 486 00:40:27,058 --> 00:40:33,772 leaving a dwindling trail of images and emotions, until all you can remember is a name. " 487 00:40:33,849 --> 00:40:35,161 His name. 488 00:40:36,103 --> 00:40:38,032 It's the only thing we don't know. 489 00:40:43,569 --> 00:40:45,788 Now we never will. 490 00:40:54,472 --> 00:40:56,864 So that's it, huh? Case closed. 491 00:40:58,403 --> 00:40:59,271 Yep. 492 00:41:01,972 --> 00:41:06,255 Listen, a bunch of us are going to Sullivan's for a drink. Want to come with? 493 00:41:06,733 --> 00:41:09,993 Nah, I got case files to the moon. 494 00:41:10,012 --> 00:41:12,250 Case files can wait, Mac. 495 00:41:12,289 --> 00:41:14,585 Come on, you need to get out. 496 00:41:14,658 --> 00:41:18,864 If this case taught us anything, it was to live life, right? 497 00:41:19,404 --> 00:41:21,083 Thanks anyway. Next time. 498 00:41:21,661 --> 00:41:24,131 All right. Suit yourself. 499 00:41:26,751 --> 00:41:27,813 Hey, Stella... 500 00:41:28,141 --> 00:41:29,240 Yeah? 501 00:41:30,764 --> 00:41:33,118 How's the coffee there? 502 00:41:33,249 --> 00:41:36,837 They have Irish coffee. You're gonna love it.