9999 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 myktsn 1 00:00:57,355 --> 00:00:58,059 Hey. 2 00:00:58,206 --> 00:00:59,299 Hey. What do we have ? 3 00:00:59,311 --> 00:01:01,509 About, uh, 10,000 sheets and 4 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:02,896 one dead body. 5 00:01:05,224 --> 00:01:07,158 Safe to say she's not an employee. 6 00:01:07,208 --> 00:01:09,725 Maybe she's a tourist. Tough way to see the city. 7 00:01:09,863 --> 00:01:11,612 So she came in with the sheets. 8 00:01:12,564 --> 00:01:14,451 - Where do they come from ? - Hotels. 9 00:01:14,789 --> 00:01:17,599 Don't worry, there's only about 70,000 hotel rooms in this town. 10 00:01:17,691 --> 00:01:21,477 Right. Gives us a 70000-to-one chance of finding out where she came from. 11 00:01:22,030 --> 00:01:23,350 I'll take those odds. 12 00:01:24,370 --> 00:01:27,020 CSI: New York - Season 1 Episode 19- Crime and Misdemeanor 13 00:01:27,720 --> 00:01:27,820 S 14 00:01:27,821 --> 00:01:27,913 Su 15 00:01:27,914 --> 00:01:28,006 Sub 16 00:01:28,007 --> 00:01:28,099 Subb 17 00:01:28,100 --> 00:01:28,192 Subbe 18 00:01:28,193 --> 00:01:28,285 Subbed 19 00:01:28,286 --> 00:01:28,378 Subbed b 20 00:01:28,379 --> 00:01:28,471 Subbed by 21 00:01:28,472 --> 00:01:28,564 Subbed by t 22 00:01:28,565 --> 00:01:28,657 Subbed by th 23 00:01:28,658 --> 00:01:28,730 Subbed by the 24 00:01:28,731 --> 00:01:28,823 Subbed by the " 25 00:01:28,824 --> 00:01:28,916 Subbed by the "T 26 00:01:28,917 --> 00:01:29,009 Subbed by the "Te 27 00:01:29,010 --> 00:01:29,102 Subbed by the "Tea 28 00:01:29,103 --> 00:01:29,195 Subbed by the "Team 29 00:01:29,196 --> 00:01:29,288 Subbed by the "Team C 30 00:01:29,289 --> 00:01:29,381 Subbed by the "Team CS 31 00:01:29,382 --> 00:01:29,474 Subbed by the "Team CSI 32 00:01:29,475 --> 00:01:29,567 Subbed by the "Team CSI : 33 00:01:29,568 --> 00:01:29,660 Subbed by the "Team CSI : N 34 00:01:29,661 --> 00:01:29,753 Subbed by the "Team CSI : NY 35 00:01:29,754 --> 00:01:29,846 Subbed by the "Team CSI : NY" 36 00:01:29,847 --> 00:01:30,992 Subbed by the "Team CSI : NY": 37 00:01:31,408 --> 00:01:34,319 Transcript: Raceman 38 00:01:34,733 --> 00:01:39,336 Synchro: Seth Cohen, Daxter38 and OrionDeBmk 39 00:01:39,871 --> 00:01:43,952 Correction: Cordesh and Seth Cohen 40 00:01:44,505 --> 00:01:48,626 www. csi-teams. fr. st www. forom. com 41 00:02:20,198 --> 00:02:23,951 I'd say this laceration transected the left carotid. 42 00:02:26,582 --> 00:02:29,442 It's hard to tell what type of weapon the killer used, but... 43 00:02:29,811 --> 00:02:31,499 - this looks... - Personal. 44 00:02:33,064 --> 00:02:34,107 And... 45 00:02:34,660 --> 00:02:35,872 pathological. 46 00:02:39,539 --> 00:02:41,134 These are precise cuts. 47 00:02:41,641 --> 00:02:43,912 Speaks to control over her body. 48 00:02:44,203 --> 00:02:45,922 Yet there's no ligature marks. 49 00:02:46,021 --> 00:02:47,386 And there's no bruising. 50 00:02:47,693 --> 00:02:49,888 Killer had control over her somehow. 51 00:03:01,202 --> 00:03:02,737 "Lynford Hotels. " 52 00:03:03,059 --> 00:03:05,729 They have about what, 12 places in the city ? 53 00:03:05,860 --> 00:03:07,241 It's a unique blood pattern. 54 00:03:07,287 --> 00:03:10,402 The volume of the blood is consistent with arterial spray. 55 00:03:10,471 --> 00:03:13,095 So she wasn't just wrapped in this sheet and dumped. 56 00:03:13,270 --> 00:03:16,517 No, she was lying on this sheet when her throat was cut. 57 00:03:18,434 --> 00:03:20,076 How do you read this area here ? 58 00:03:21,089 --> 00:03:22,470 Some kind of void. 59 00:03:22,699 --> 00:03:25,185 Larger concentration being here. And 60 00:03:25,522 --> 00:03:28,054 this looks like the blood is dripping off the side of the bed. 61 00:03:28,076 --> 00:03:31,943 And now all we have to go on is this sheet and our victim's body. 62 00:03:31,958 --> 00:03:33,001 Right. 63 00:03:33,661 --> 00:03:34,981 Divide and conquer ? 64 00:03:35,702 --> 00:03:37,559 - I'll start with... - Missing Persons. 65 00:03:38,679 --> 00:03:40,582 I could have just as easily said the sheet. 66 00:03:40,690 --> 00:03:44,096 Our victim is an attractive young woman with manicured nails and 67 00:03:44,142 --> 00:03:47,992 expensive lingerie. We found her in upscale hotel sheets. 68 00:03:48,363 --> 00:03:50,699 Odds are someone's looking for her and you want to make sure 69 00:03:50,723 --> 00:03:53,130 that they don't have to look any longer than necessary. 70 00:03:53,148 --> 00:03:54,483 I'll take the sheets. 71 00:03:54,836 --> 00:03:56,731 I'll meet you back at the M.E.'s office. 72 00:03:57,529 --> 00:03:58,756 You're good. 73 00:04:17,430 --> 00:04:21,410 Please be generous. I have huge cell phone debt. Yeah, who doesn't ? 74 00:04:21,751 --> 00:04:23,123 This is why I love New York. 75 00:04:23,161 --> 00:04:24,798 Where you gonna find a guy 76 00:04:24,921 --> 00:04:26,824 pounding the buckets in harmony 77 00:04:26,935 --> 00:04:28,548 with a guy playing Mozart ? 78 00:04:28,813 --> 00:04:30,053 You love the atmosphere so much, 79 00:04:30,054 --> 00:04:32,454 how come I never see you drop any "love" in the tip jar ? 80 00:04:32,465 --> 00:04:34,813 Let me tell you something. On a beautiful day like today 81 00:04:34,897 --> 00:04:37,981 big crowds. These guys are pulling in maybe five or five bills. 82 00:04:38,057 --> 00:04:39,868 They're doing just fine without my help. 83 00:04:39,899 --> 00:04:41,663 All right, all right. 84 00:04:42,124 --> 00:04:44,947 This guy, on the other hand, we can do something for him. 85 00:04:45,299 --> 00:04:49,933 Human statue, that's a tough gig, man. You got to stand perfectly still for hours. 86 00:04:51,543 --> 00:04:52,894 Silver paint here. 87 00:04:52,986 --> 00:04:56,031 No doubt he was leaning against the wall to make his job easier. 88 00:04:59,591 --> 00:05:01,003 Messer and Burn ? 89 00:05:01,248 --> 00:05:04,225 No, actually, I'm Burn; he's Messer. 90 00:05:04,455 --> 00:05:05,698 Officer Lilly. 91 00:05:06,128 --> 00:05:07,356 Omar Lilly. 92 00:05:07,684 --> 00:05:08,528 Great. 93 00:05:08,590 --> 00:05:09,955 Now we know each other. 94 00:05:10,001 --> 00:05:11,252 Moving on. 95 00:05:11,513 --> 00:05:12,986 What went down, Lilly 96 00:05:13,669 --> 00:05:16,278 Swedish tourists over there taking in the action. 97 00:05:16,491 --> 00:05:18,379 Got a little more than they bargained for. 98 00:05:28,307 --> 00:05:30,225 Buildings down here all have video. 99 00:05:30,471 --> 00:05:32,067 We'll sweep, forward it on to you. 100 00:05:32,118 --> 00:05:35,509 Well, you can forget robbery, because his tip jar is overflowing with cash. 101 00:05:35,586 --> 00:05:37,796 Well, it's a heavy foot traffic area over here. 102 00:05:37,926 --> 00:05:40,596 Everyone coming off of the subway streams in this direction. 103 00:05:40,910 --> 00:05:43,595 So our statue is the first performer they pass. 104 00:05:44,071 --> 00:05:45,943 First shot at their generosity. 105 00:05:46,081 --> 00:05:49,265 Which makes this stretch of concrete some prime real estate. 106 00:05:49,802 --> 00:05:52,227 - Who is he ? - I see him every day on my beat. 107 00:05:52,273 --> 00:05:55,004 He's here seven, sometimes eight hours a day. 108 00:05:55,388 --> 00:05:57,966 But I don't know what his name is. Went through his pockets. 109 00:05:58,042 --> 00:05:59,193 No ID. 110 00:05:59,345 --> 00:06:00,649 I'll tell you this. 111 00:06:00,910 --> 00:06:02,122 He's a rock. 112 00:06:02,230 --> 00:06:03,534 Never heard him speak. 113 00:06:03,626 --> 00:06:05,084 Never even seen him twitch. 114 00:06:05,290 --> 00:06:07,806 - He was good. - Yeah, that's'cause he was cheating. 115 00:06:09,402 --> 00:06:11,336 He was wearing support braces. 116 00:06:12,579 --> 00:06:15,095 Well, his prime real estate's back on the market. 117 00:06:15,172 --> 00:06:18,118 Question is, did someone out here kill him to get it ? 118 00:06:19,158 --> 00:06:21,310 There's no dignity in death. 119 00:06:21,461 --> 00:06:23,258 Hey, Eerie without the threads, no ? 120 00:06:23,319 --> 00:06:24,930 No evidence of recent trauma. 121 00:06:25,017 --> 00:06:26,702 Wasn't shot, stabbed. 122 00:06:26,856 --> 00:06:28,434 He's dirty, though. 123 00:06:28,480 --> 00:06:31,652 - The pants reek. - They're also too long for him. 124 00:06:31,928 --> 00:06:33,476 Folded up at the cuffs. 125 00:06:33,644 --> 00:06:35,882 Healed scars on his left side. 126 00:06:35,919 --> 00:06:37,467 They don't look surgical. 127 00:06:37,590 --> 00:06:39,031 Yeah, I'm guessing 128 00:06:39,092 --> 00:06:41,483 these weren't prescribed by a doctor. 129 00:06:41,935 --> 00:06:45,398 I think I may be the first M.D. to see him in a long time. 130 00:06:46,047 --> 00:06:47,825 Chronic tooth decay. 131 00:06:47,932 --> 00:06:49,220 Fast food receipt. 132 00:06:49,342 --> 00:06:51,335 Hair is teeming with lice. 133 00:06:53,327 --> 00:06:55,656 Dinner last night was a burger and a small soda. 134 00:06:55,763 --> 00:06:58,522 I'm sure he didn't think it was gonna be his last meal. 135 00:06:59,135 --> 00:07:01,495 Everything about this guy is screaming poverty. 136 00:07:01,740 --> 00:07:03,763 But his tip jar is saying the opposite. 137 00:07:03,809 --> 00:07:06,828 Performing for tips isn't a science. 100 bucks one day. 138 00:07:07,095 --> 00:07:08,459 Nothing the next. 139 00:07:08,857 --> 00:07:10,114 Either way, 140 00:07:10,344 --> 00:07:11,938 show must go on, huh ? 141 00:07:20,732 --> 00:07:22,050 How are you doing, Chad ? 142 00:07:22,173 --> 00:07:23,859 Not as well as J-Lo. 143 00:07:24,319 --> 00:07:27,583 - That's fairly self-evident. - No, seriously. Take a look. 144 00:07:29,130 --> 00:07:31,410 That's what Chad Willingham sleeps on. 145 00:07:31,590 --> 00:07:33,280 - A reference sample. - Right. 146 00:07:33,340 --> 00:07:35,330 200-thread-count percale sheet 147 00:07:35,428 --> 00:07:36,961 made of combed cotton 148 00:07:37,175 --> 00:07:40,285 interlaced with a simple over-then-under pattern. 149 00:07:40,668 --> 00:07:42,477 Gets you a couple hours of shut-eye. 150 00:07:42,676 --> 00:07:43,672 Now... 151 00:07:44,055 --> 00:07:45,343 check out 152 00:07:45,771 --> 00:07:47,794 what J-Lo sleeps on. 153 00:07:49,411 --> 00:07:53,451 Same sheet as our victim. 800-thread-count Egyptian cotton. 154 00:07:53,565 --> 00:07:57,947 Uh, there are only five Lynford Hotels in New York City that use this sheet. 155 00:08:04,848 --> 00:08:07,300 - You find her ? - Uh, no. Nothing. 156 00:08:09,492 --> 00:08:10,702 What you got ? 157 00:08:10,840 --> 00:08:11,852 This. 158 00:08:13,040 --> 00:08:15,117 It's caviar from the vic's stomach. 159 00:08:15,384 --> 00:08:17,193 And not just any type of caviar. 160 00:08:17,346 --> 00:08:18,756 It's Almas. 161 00:08:18,955 --> 00:08:21,698 Means "diamond" in Russian and is priced like one. 162 00:08:21,736 --> 00:08:24,441 An ounce will set you back $682. 163 00:08:24,747 --> 00:08:26,755 Is it just me, or are you getting more thorough ? 164 00:08:26,801 --> 00:08:28,241 It's Anna. 165 00:08:28,616 --> 00:08:31,052 A waitress I know from Petrossian. She... 166 00:08:32,033 --> 00:08:33,489 hooked me up one night. 167 00:08:39,255 --> 00:08:40,383 What do you have ? 168 00:08:40,404 --> 00:08:41,639 Expensive fish eggs 169 00:08:41,640 --> 00:08:45,140 that you can only find at three of the Lynford Hotels. How about you ? 170 00:08:45,219 --> 00:08:48,851 Expensive sheets. Used in five Lynford Hotels. 171 00:08:50,140 --> 00:08:51,802 And one in common. 172 00:08:52,759 --> 00:08:54,144 The Dunsmore. 173 00:08:55,205 --> 00:08:58,404 Home to diplomats from around the world when the United Nations 174 00:08:58,405 --> 00:09:00,067 is in special session. 175 00:09:05,197 --> 00:09:06,342 According to hotel records, 176 00:09:06,397 --> 00:09:11,342 room service delivered one order of Almas caviar last night. To room 523. 177 00:09:11,403 --> 00:09:14,034 Registered to a trade representative from Tescara. 178 00:09:14,087 --> 00:09:16,095 - It's this island... - In the Atlantic. 179 00:09:16,141 --> 00:09:18,471 It was admitted to the U.N. in '91. 180 00:09:18,687 --> 00:09:23,394 We had a base there during the Cold War. It's currently known for its free trade zone. 181 00:09:25,378 --> 00:09:27,957 Means no tax and less oversight. 182 00:09:28,086 --> 00:09:29,409 What's his name ? 183 00:09:30,308 --> 00:09:31,939 Robert Costa. 184 00:09:32,200 --> 00:09:34,339 You have a warrant, of course. 185 00:09:35,723 --> 00:09:36,985 I'll take it. 186 00:09:37,569 --> 00:09:39,846 Tony heads up security for the delegation. 187 00:09:39,967 --> 00:09:41,413 He's paid to be suspicious. 188 00:09:41,459 --> 00:09:42,413 So are we. 189 00:09:42,474 --> 00:09:44,881 Yes, Robert meets with the Secretary General at 2:00. 190 00:09:44,882 --> 00:09:47,382 That should put him in the hall at 4:00, no later. 191 00:09:47,444 --> 00:09:48,525 Can I get you anything ? 192 00:09:48,645 --> 00:09:50,525 You can tell us what you were doing last night. 193 00:09:50,544 --> 00:09:52,406 I was here. Working. 194 00:09:52,467 --> 00:09:54,474 And your boys were with you the whole time ? 195 00:09:54,736 --> 00:09:56,920 These are not my "boys", Detective. 196 00:09:57,043 --> 00:09:59,059 - Downstairs in ten minutes ? - Sure. 197 00:09:59,213 --> 00:10:01,290 Tom supervises my transportation. 198 00:10:01,336 --> 00:10:03,112 - And I have your revised speech. - Bring it. 199 00:10:03,142 --> 00:10:04,665 And Frank is my chief aide. 200 00:10:04,742 --> 00:10:08,158 We're here to promote economic ties with countries beyond our Atlantic region. 201 00:10:08,204 --> 00:10:10,327 And all you guys'll back his story ? 202 00:10:13,141 --> 00:10:14,480 Hey, what are you deaf ? 203 00:10:15,218 --> 00:10:17,357 Frank suffered partial hearing loss last year. 204 00:10:17,403 --> 00:10:19,480 When we went scuba diving off the coast of Belize. 205 00:10:19,557 --> 00:10:23,203 Gentlemen, you can continue your "promoting" anywhere but this suite. 206 00:10:23,295 --> 00:10:24,326 It's ours now. 207 00:10:32,117 --> 00:10:34,990 I love the smell of a cover-up in the afternoon... 208 00:10:35,108 --> 00:10:36,261 don't you ? 209 00:11:29,416 --> 00:11:33,241 If you're going to clean up this well, why dump the body with the sheets ? 210 00:11:33,364 --> 00:11:35,601 You can easily get rid of sheets. 211 00:11:35,828 --> 00:11:37,972 But a mattress is a different story. 212 00:11:38,218 --> 00:11:39,730 What do you do when you can't sleep ? 213 00:11:40,501 --> 00:11:41,488 Work ? 214 00:11:42,505 --> 00:11:45,760 No, I mean what do normal people do when they can't sleep ? 215 00:11:48,181 --> 00:11:50,495 They flip the pillow to the cool side. 216 00:11:58,106 --> 00:11:59,371 Bleach city. 217 00:11:59,401 --> 00:12:00,851 I'm getting frustrated. 218 00:12:17,214 --> 00:12:19,450 Don't get mad, get even. 219 00:12:29,832 --> 00:12:32,269 It must be February 2nd for Robert Costa, 220 00:12:32,330 --> 00:12:34,089 'cause it's Groundhog Day. 221 00:12:34,181 --> 00:12:35,569 Ten years ago, 222 00:12:35,667 --> 00:12:38,212 Robert Costa's a college student here in New York. 223 00:12:38,274 --> 00:12:41,806 He gets accused of raping and murdering a coed named Susan Young. 224 00:12:41,852 --> 00:12:44,305 Jersey state trooper finds her body in the wetlands. 225 00:12:44,350 --> 00:12:46,972 NYPD tracks it back to Costa's dorm room. 226 00:12:47,003 --> 00:12:48,453 Same cause of death. 227 00:12:48,499 --> 00:12:50,689 Same linear cuts on her thighs and arms. 228 00:12:50,727 --> 00:12:54,074 In the DNA analysis of her vaginal sample came back 229 00:12:54,128 --> 00:12:55,986 a mixture of an unknown male... 230 00:12:56,017 --> 00:12:58,022 ...which helped Costa's defense play the whore card. 231 00:12:58,038 --> 00:12:59,303 And Robert Costa. 232 00:12:59,364 --> 00:13:00,475 Yeah. 233 00:13:00,636 --> 00:13:02,780 Guess who took the stand on Costa's behalf ? 234 00:13:02,842 --> 00:13:04,955 His dorm mates : Tony Garcia, 235 00:13:05,032 --> 00:13:06,975 - Frank Barret. - Tom Martin. 236 00:13:07,083 --> 00:13:08,964 And the verdict came back "not guilty". 237 00:13:08,995 --> 00:13:11,586 His embassy brought in serious legal muscle, 238 00:13:11,632 --> 00:13:14,142 and his dorm mates offered enough contradictory testimony 239 00:13:14,154 --> 00:13:17,148 that the jury couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did it. 240 00:13:17,177 --> 00:13:20,092 Costa's employed all three ever since. 241 00:13:20,416 --> 00:13:22,776 Driver, personal security and chief aide. 242 00:13:22,814 --> 00:13:25,128 All pulling down 200 Gs a year. 243 00:13:25,251 --> 00:13:26,593 Crime may not pay... 244 00:13:26,686 --> 00:13:28,475 Robert Costa sure does. 245 00:13:34,304 --> 00:13:36,494 Now, is this a great country or what ? 246 00:13:36,571 --> 00:13:40,319 I mean, back in'94, you're hangin'with your boys at a dorm, and now look at you. 247 00:13:40,388 --> 00:13:43,476 Ten years and two murders later, you're working with the U.N., 248 00:13:43,477 --> 00:13:44,877 livin'large at the Dunsmore. 249 00:13:44,914 --> 00:13:47,197 You have an active imagination, Detective. 250 00:13:47,289 --> 00:13:48,554 Not that active. 251 00:13:48,971 --> 00:13:52,873 I found blood matching a female Jane Doe on one of the coils of your hotel bed. 252 00:13:52,904 --> 00:13:54,678 We're looking for the name of that woman. 253 00:13:54,738 --> 00:13:56,281 It is a hotel. 254 00:13:56,466 --> 00:13:58,240 That blood could have been there for a while. 255 00:13:58,271 --> 00:14:01,764 Hey, look, pal, that may play where you come from, but you're in the big time now. 256 00:14:01,865 --> 00:14:04,950 - Got to step up your lies. - I'm as American as you are. 257 00:14:05,376 --> 00:14:08,816 Andover, Columbia undergrad and a master's from Yale. 258 00:14:08,817 --> 00:14:12,370 Yeah ? Guess what ? Where I come from, it still makes you a foreigner. 259 00:14:12,489 --> 00:14:16,000 When we find out who she is, we'll track her back to you. 260 00:14:18,258 --> 00:14:19,573 I don't know her name. 261 00:14:20,301 --> 00:14:23,300 I met her at a function, and we went back to the hotel. 262 00:14:27,377 --> 00:14:29,271 No, no, no, I can't, not tonight. 263 00:14:29,625 --> 00:14:32,350 Menstrual blood has never bothered me. 264 00:14:32,704 --> 00:14:33,600 Yeah ? 265 00:14:33,890 --> 00:14:35,600 How does your wife feel about it ? 266 00:14:36,756 --> 00:14:38,328 Even though I cleaned up the mattress, 267 00:14:38,351 --> 00:14:42,000 some of it might have seeped its way through to the coil after she left. 268 00:14:43,800 --> 00:14:46,100 So this is who was under all that silver makeup, huh ? 269 00:14:46,101 --> 00:14:48,400 - Does he have a name ? - Not yet. 270 00:14:49,293 --> 00:14:51,600 Right. That's my job, huh ? 271 00:14:52,168 --> 00:14:55,450 - C.O.D. ? - A rarity for me down here. 272 00:14:55,780 --> 00:14:57,200 Death was natural. 273 00:14:57,486 --> 00:14:59,653 Cerebral aneurysm. Quick and painless. 274 00:14:59,654 --> 00:15:02,842 Mm, for him, not the Swedish tourists whose shoes he landed on. 275 00:15:02,854 --> 00:15:05,287 Irony is he was dead long before they came by. 276 00:15:05,322 --> 00:15:06,500 - Really ? - Yeah. 277 00:15:06,848 --> 00:15:09,983 Bloated and discolored abdomen due to putrefactive gasses. 278 00:15:10,248 --> 00:15:14,165 - Blood cells are breaking down. - So, body's already in full decomp mode. 279 00:15:14,188 --> 00:15:16,346 - How long has he been dead ? - At least 48 hours. 280 00:15:16,381 --> 00:15:19,199 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I mean, if he's been for two days then, 281 00:15:19,246 --> 00:15:21,184 he wasn't eating fast food for dinner last night. 282 00:15:21,195 --> 00:15:23,789 So that receipt you found belongs to someone else. 283 00:15:23,790 --> 00:15:26,900 Yeah. Probably the same person who trimmed his beard. 284 00:15:27,050 --> 00:15:28,000 Take a look. 285 00:15:34,659 --> 00:15:36,400 Shaving cuts. 286 00:15:37,761 --> 00:15:39,850 Post... mortem. 287 00:15:42,344 --> 00:15:44,850 Now, if he didn't shave himself, 288 00:15:45,221 --> 00:15:50,220 he didn't paint his face, don the costume, or strike the pose on his own, either. 289 00:15:50,267 --> 00:15:52,790 All right. Mysterious, yes, and a bit twisted, 290 00:15:52,791 --> 00:15:56,327 but this guy wasn't murdered, so whoever did this isn't looking at a felony charge, 291 00:15:56,360 --> 00:15:58,400 so... our job is done here. 292 00:15:58,426 --> 00:16:00,659 Oh, no, not so fast. I mean, he may have died naturally, 293 00:16:00,671 --> 00:16:02,700 but everything that happened afterwards wasn't. 294 00:16:02,707 --> 00:16:04,200 Something's up. 295 00:16:06,344 --> 00:16:08,900 - Danny, got a sec ? - Sure. What's up ? 296 00:16:09,495 --> 00:16:11,663 Heard your D.B. died of natural causes. 297 00:16:11,664 --> 00:16:15,111 Dish the case out of the crime lab. Let the precinct detectives run with it. 298 00:16:15,112 --> 00:16:16,271 Mac, with all due respect, 299 00:16:16,272 --> 00:16:18,772 there's a lot of suspicious circumstances running around this one. 300 00:16:18,784 --> 00:16:21,970 The corpse was re-dressed, and then put back out on the street. 301 00:16:22,006 --> 00:16:23,276 But not murdered. 302 00:16:23,346 --> 00:16:26,546 You're chasing a misdemeanor. I don't want it compromising active cases. 303 00:16:26,558 --> 00:16:28,834 Last time I checked, a misdemeanor was still a crime. 304 00:16:28,846 --> 00:16:31,804 I mean these, people who putting money in his tip cup, didn't even know the guy was dead. 305 00:16:31,805 --> 00:16:34,150 I'm not condoning the behavior, Danny... 306 00:16:34,300 --> 00:16:38,292 just prioritizing. Something I shouldn't have to do for you. Stay on track. 307 00:16:46,880 --> 00:16:49,584 - We pull a new case ? - No, no. 308 00:16:49,630 --> 00:16:52,618 We're still... uh, running the human statue. 309 00:16:52,665 --> 00:16:54,160 Really ? That's funny, 310 00:16:54,195 --> 00:16:56,760 'Cause from where I was standing, it didn't look like Mac gave the go-ahead. 311 00:16:56,761 --> 00:17:00,300 Oh, Aiden, when I say we're good, we're good. 312 00:17:09,703 --> 00:17:11,800 How did we do with the hotel garbage ? 313 00:17:12,003 --> 00:17:14,530 Whoever killed her tossed everything away. 314 00:17:14,531 --> 00:17:16,453 You pulled all this from the same bin ? 315 00:17:16,489 --> 00:17:18,436 Everything was together. 316 00:17:18,844 --> 00:17:22,550 Green dress, bloody. DNA belonging to the vic. 317 00:17:22,776 --> 00:17:27,182 Bottles of bleach, most likely belonging to whoever cleaned up the mess. 318 00:17:27,332 --> 00:17:31,052 And most importantly, a possible murder weapon 319 00:17:31,355 --> 00:17:33,263 with the traces of blood on the edge. 320 00:17:33,462 --> 00:17:34,590 Did you find a purse ? 321 00:17:34,637 --> 00:17:38,480 With a Wyoming driver's license in it, name of Jenny Lee. 322 00:17:38,481 --> 00:17:40,470 Stella's already on it. 323 00:17:40,973 --> 00:17:44,535 You and Jenny were roommates for five years. Was she seeing anyone ? 324 00:17:44,536 --> 00:17:47,879 Lately, she was dating Europeans, I think. 325 00:17:47,880 --> 00:17:49,941 Europeans, as in more than one ? 326 00:17:50,000 --> 00:17:55,317 She started seeing one, and then she pulled a Jenny and moved up a rung. 327 00:17:55,318 --> 00:17:57,493 The first one would still come by every so often. 328 00:17:57,598 --> 00:18:01,281 Would you, uh, be able to describe him to a sketch artist ? 329 00:18:03,001 --> 00:18:07,256 It's really tough to get into Juilliard. She was a good dancer... you know ? 330 00:18:07,303 --> 00:18:09,280 If she'd stuck with it, she could have worked. 331 00:18:09,281 --> 00:18:11,713 But that's not who Jenny was. 332 00:18:12,101 --> 00:18:13,589 She was 22. 333 00:18:14,268 --> 00:18:16,900 She never got a chance to find out who she was. 334 00:18:42,521 --> 00:18:44,408 That our murder weapon ? 335 00:18:44,409 --> 00:18:48,440 Mm-hmm... Chad said he found no trace of semen on the sheet. 336 00:18:48,441 --> 00:18:51,589 Then he must have woren a condom. Just got the tox report back. 337 00:18:51,665 --> 00:18:52,899 Jenny Lee had an 338 00:18:52,900 --> 00:18:57,000 elevated blood alcohol level as well as a nasty dose of roofies in her system. 339 00:19:01,275 --> 00:19:02,694 Here we are... 340 00:19:04,633 --> 00:19:06,650 We didn't find any condoms in the trash. 341 00:19:06,743 --> 00:19:10,875 And Jane didn't find any lubricants on the sexual assault kit slides. 342 00:19:10,876 --> 00:19:13,047 Well, we've gone to trial with less. 343 00:19:13,180 --> 00:19:15,692 And Robert Costa's beat a murder rap with more. 344 00:19:15,693 --> 00:19:20,244 We follow the book on this one. Chapter and verse. Starting with this. 345 00:19:20,245 --> 00:19:23,650 - Two distinct patterns. - Could mean two bleeders. 346 00:19:26,664 --> 00:19:27,745 Come on... 347 00:19:29,517 --> 00:19:30,750 Give me some... 348 00:19:34,325 --> 00:19:35,381 Nice. 349 00:19:37,416 --> 00:19:41,219 Surveillance video from a building across the street came in. I'm gonna get into it. 350 00:19:41,220 --> 00:19:44,012 Victim's name is John Hawkins. 351 00:19:45,614 --> 00:19:48,908 Look at that. Your boy, Lilly. You remember him ? 352 00:19:49,201 --> 00:19:52,127 - I'm Burn, he's Messer. - Easy. 353 00:19:52,468 --> 00:19:55,171 He busted that guy nine times on a 240-20. 354 00:19:55,172 --> 00:19:58,406 Nine disorderly conduct charges. That's excessive. 355 00:19:58,476 --> 00:20:01,452 - Something's up. - Yeah, and I'm gonna find out what. 356 00:20:02,004 --> 00:20:04,888 There were two distinct DNA samples on the bottle, 357 00:20:04,889 --> 00:20:07,012 and one of them matched the victim. 358 00:20:07,013 --> 00:20:09,120 The other one match the secondary reference sample 359 00:20:09,121 --> 00:20:13,535 - we took from Robert Costa's hairbrush ? - No. Came back to Tom Martin. 360 00:20:14,228 --> 00:20:16,180 - Robert Costa's driver ? - Mm-hmm. 361 00:20:16,181 --> 00:20:19,831 Seemed Tom Martin knocked his girlfriend around four years ago, 362 00:20:19,832 --> 00:20:22,450 landed himself in the system for his trouble. 363 00:20:25,489 --> 00:20:28,700 First, Robert told us he didn't know Jenny. That was lie number one. 364 00:20:28,701 --> 00:20:32,240 Then he told us he met her that night at a function. Lie number two. 365 00:20:32,241 --> 00:20:36,158 Robert meets many people when he's in New York. It's possible he simply forgot. 366 00:20:36,159 --> 00:20:37,732 Well, how's your memory ? 367 00:20:37,796 --> 00:20:42,367 According to Jenny's roommate, Jenny was seeing someone who looks a lot like you. 368 00:20:42,940 --> 00:20:46,865 Until she moved onward and upward to dating Mr. Costa. 369 00:20:48,479 --> 00:20:51,228 There are lots of men in this country who look like me. 370 00:20:51,384 --> 00:20:54,803 - Fairly average. - I wouldn't sell yourself short. 371 00:20:54,804 --> 00:20:56,941 You're unique, or at least your blood is. 372 00:20:56,942 --> 00:21:00,077 And we found it on a piece of glass used to kill Jenny. 373 00:21:01,965 --> 00:21:04,205 Must have happened when you were cleaning up. 374 00:21:04,316 --> 00:21:05,909 You're insinuating that I murdered her ? 375 00:21:05,910 --> 00:21:06,535 No. 376 00:21:06,810 --> 00:21:10,719 We're just telling you we found evidence that you cleaned up after she was already dead. 377 00:21:10,720 --> 00:21:11,815 How does that work ? 378 00:21:11,816 --> 00:21:16,296 Robert Costa steals your girl, he kills her, and then you help him clean up his mess ? 379 00:21:16,297 --> 00:21:19,858 Jenny was nothing to me. Robert was through with her. 380 00:21:19,859 --> 00:21:21,205 Take her home. 381 00:21:22,875 --> 00:21:29,500 Forget it. I'm going to find someone who wants me to spend the night. 382 00:21:30,102 --> 00:21:32,165 That's the last I saw of her. 383 00:21:32,276 --> 00:21:34,370 But I did cut myself that night. 384 00:21:36,901 --> 00:21:39,596 It was on something stuck on the limos 'hubcap. 385 00:21:39,597 --> 00:21:43,848 You know, you may have gotten away with perjury ten years ago, but it's not gonna happen again. 386 00:21:43,849 --> 00:21:46,185 I heard you went through the hotel's garbage. 387 00:21:46,338 --> 00:21:48,122 You know how everything gets mixed up in there. 388 00:21:48,134 --> 00:21:51,470 Innocent until proven guilty. It's still the basis of your legal code. 389 00:21:51,471 --> 00:21:52,635 And what's your code ? 390 00:21:52,735 --> 00:21:54,935 Protect Robert Costa no matter what he does ? 391 00:21:54,936 --> 00:21:56,899 You're mistaking my loyalty for dishonesty. 392 00:21:56,900 --> 00:22:01,478 - No. You're mistaking cowardice for loyalty. - Your tactics don't frighten me. 393 00:22:01,479 --> 00:22:04,429 It's not my tactics you need to worry about, it's my results. 394 00:22:04,430 --> 00:22:06,049 I'm gonna prove what happened to Jenny Lee, 395 00:22:06,050 --> 00:22:09,950 and this time, it's gonna stick to both you and Robert Costa. 396 00:22:17,792 --> 00:22:20,842 We can place Jenny Lee in Robert Costa's hotel room. 397 00:22:20,843 --> 00:22:22,851 No, these guys have their story down. 398 00:22:22,852 --> 00:22:26,396 Robert's gonna stay with his half of the story about how her blood got on that coil, 399 00:22:26,397 --> 00:22:30,390 and Tom will stick with his half of the story about how she walked off down the hallway. 400 00:22:30,391 --> 00:22:32,225 They bleached the whole room. 401 00:22:32,409 --> 00:22:33,461 Smart. 402 00:22:33,880 --> 00:22:36,899 They flipped the mattress, and housekeeping comes in and 403 00:22:36,900 --> 00:22:39,000 erases evidence of their cleaning. 404 00:22:39,001 --> 00:22:41,500 We also have blood on the murder weapon from Tom Martin 405 00:22:41,501 --> 00:22:43,429 on top of blood from Jenny Lee. 406 00:22:43,430 --> 00:22:45,920 Well, the murder weapon we found in the garbage... 407 00:22:46,521 --> 00:22:49,226 the defense is gonna scream cross-contamination. 408 00:22:49,227 --> 00:22:51,255 Yeah. We know Jenny was doped with roofies. 409 00:22:51,256 --> 00:22:53,676 We couldn't find a trace of it in Robert Costa's room. 410 00:22:53,734 --> 00:22:55,920 That's because you were looking in the wrong place. 411 00:22:56,008 --> 00:22:58,959 The four Musketeers entered the country together last month. 412 00:22:59,108 --> 00:23:01,492 One of them was carrying roofies : Tony Garcia. 413 00:23:02,537 --> 00:23:04,020 - They let him keep it ? - Yeah. 414 00:23:04,021 --> 00:23:07,613 Based on his connection to the trade delegation, he was, and I quote, 415 00:23:07,614 --> 00:23:10,320 "afforded the privilege of retaining his prescription. " 416 00:23:11,463 --> 00:23:14,665 I have a legitimate prescription from a doctor in Paris. 417 00:23:14,724 --> 00:23:18,281 Problem is, roofies aren't approved for sale in the U.S. 418 00:23:18,282 --> 00:23:22,195 - The customs agent filed a report. - What do you need roofies for, anyway ? 419 00:23:22,196 --> 00:23:23,468 I have a sleep disorder. 420 00:23:23,469 --> 00:23:27,177 You provide security. It's your job to stay awake. 421 00:23:27,281 --> 00:23:31,460 So maybe the roofies are for someone else. Like, say, Robert Costa. 422 00:23:31,461 --> 00:23:34,460 He comes to you all jazzed up for his big date rape that night, 423 00:23:34,461 --> 00:23:35,797 you hook him up. 424 00:23:35,915 --> 00:23:38,639 Robert has no access to my medications. 425 00:23:38,733 --> 00:23:42,160 Okay, so you bring the drug to him I get it. He's the queen bee. 426 00:23:42,161 --> 00:23:45,484 - You're just here to service him. - See, man, you don't understand. 427 00:23:45,566 --> 00:23:50,145 Where we come from, your childhood friends are your lifetime friends. 428 00:23:50,379 --> 00:23:51,765 And if you don't have friends, 429 00:23:51,824 --> 00:23:54,090 - you have nothing. - Sure you do. 430 00:23:54,254 --> 00:23:55,698 You have the truth. 431 00:24:05,662 --> 00:24:10,158 That's Duncan. He rides by each day. Same time. Same song. 432 00:24:10,159 --> 00:24:12,513 Yeah ? You know everybody on your beat, or what ? 433 00:24:12,564 --> 00:24:16,008 I try to remember faces, habits, you know, I want to be a good cop. 434 00:24:16,489 --> 00:24:17,847 Don't we all. 435 00:24:18,197 --> 00:24:23,005 So does he look familiar ? This is our victim. John Hawkins. 436 00:24:23,473 --> 00:24:24,401 No way. 437 00:24:24,671 --> 00:24:28,733 John's not a performer, he's a homeless guy. Parks himself on Chambers Street. 438 00:24:28,895 --> 00:24:31,109 Can't be John under all that paint. 439 00:24:31,220 --> 00:24:33,185 His fingerprints disagree. 440 00:24:34,810 --> 00:24:39,130 He was a good guy. Down and out, yeah, but he never harmed anyone. 441 00:24:39,131 --> 00:24:43,004 Then why'd you bust him nine times on a 240-20 disorderly conduct ? 442 00:24:43,005 --> 00:24:45,956 hat's a crap charge. You making collars for dollars, or what ? 443 00:24:45,957 --> 00:24:49,597 No, John, he wasn't all there anymore. Got confused a lot. 444 00:24:49,598 --> 00:24:53,770 Last winter it was bitter cold. Every now and then, I'd help him out. 445 00:24:53,891 --> 00:24:58,691 John... John... how come you didn't go to the shelter like I told you ? 446 00:24:59,260 --> 00:25:02,545 That's all right. Don't worry about it. 447 00:25:02,984 --> 00:25:05,857 This is Officer Lilly, requesting a 10-85. 448 00:25:05,858 --> 00:25:07,899 Only thing I ever heard him say was "thank you. " 449 00:25:07,935 --> 00:25:09,744 All right, this makes no sense then. 450 00:25:09,767 --> 00:25:13,276 If he's such a nice guy, why is somebody playing dress-up with his corpse ? 451 00:25:14,260 --> 00:25:16,633 I didn't find any other trace in the wound track, 452 00:25:16,634 --> 00:25:19,942 and parallel cuts on her thighs and her arms are consistent with glass shards. 453 00:25:19,965 --> 00:25:21,832 So nothing new there either. 454 00:25:21,833 --> 00:25:23,184 However... 455 00:25:23,185 --> 00:25:27,163 Jenny Lee had a very unusual... 456 00:25:29,265 --> 00:25:32,903 ...abdominal condition. A fizzy navel. 457 00:25:33,944 --> 00:25:37,368 I found traces of champagne in the dermis of her umbilicus. 458 00:25:37,369 --> 00:25:40,497 - The sample's also positive for amylase. - Saliva ? 459 00:25:40,597 --> 00:25:43,379 You can't tell the vintage if you don't know what it tastes like. 460 00:25:51,330 --> 00:25:55,590 Also found traces of champagne on her chest and pelvic region. 461 00:25:55,740 --> 00:25:57,585 The champagne was heavily dosed with roofies. 462 00:25:59,385 --> 00:26:01,439 Well, that doesn't make sense. 463 00:26:01,440 --> 00:26:04,710 Why would you put roofies in a girl's drink only to ingest it yourself ? 464 00:26:04,711 --> 00:26:08,778 I don't know. But whoever touched the stuff, would have passed out within minutes. 465 00:26:08,779 --> 00:26:11,795 Right. And roofies has an amnesiac quality. 466 00:26:11,796 --> 00:26:14,769 So Robert would have no memory of what happened that night. 467 00:26:15,345 --> 00:26:17,584 Did you send the sample of saliva down to DNA ? 468 00:26:17,585 --> 00:26:19,370 Jane's already on it. 469 00:26:19,371 --> 00:26:22,639 Well, there's only one man who drank from Jenny Lee's navel. 470 00:26:23,560 --> 00:26:25,344 - Robert Costa. - Mm-hmm. 471 00:26:25,345 --> 00:26:29,370 The only thing he knows for certain is that he woke up with a dead woman in his bed, 472 00:26:29,371 --> 00:26:32,585 and the possibility of life without parole if he didn't get rid of her. 473 00:26:32,586 --> 00:26:34,268 Oh, something else of interest. 474 00:26:34,269 --> 00:26:38,734 The blood from the ring found at the laundry facility came from the victim, of course. 475 00:26:38,735 --> 00:26:44,353 But there were epithelials on the ring. And they have a connection to Robert Costa. 476 00:26:44,504 --> 00:26:45,743 They come from a woman. 477 00:26:45,744 --> 00:26:49,433 And they have one allele in common at seven loci. 478 00:26:49,434 --> 00:26:52,225 - The epithelials come from his grandmother ? - Mm-hmm. 479 00:26:52,879 --> 00:26:57,670 Has a man ever given you a ring that's belonged to his family for a couple of generations ? 480 00:26:58,249 --> 00:26:59,272 Once. 481 00:27:02,285 --> 00:27:04,123 What did that ring say to you ? 482 00:27:05,367 --> 00:27:08,408 Oh, he was quite in love. 483 00:27:10,310 --> 00:27:13,496 Please tell me you got something off the surveillance tape. 484 00:27:13,497 --> 00:27:17,025 Because if I come up dry, Mac's going to chew you a new one, right ? 485 00:27:17,026 --> 00:27:17,933 Right. 486 00:27:17,934 --> 00:27:21,029 Then you're lucky I'm good. Check this out. 487 00:27:21,030 --> 00:27:24,977 On the left is our victim, John Hawkins from yesterday moments before 488 00:27:25,000 --> 00:27:27,865 our Swedish tourists had the shock of their lives. 489 00:27:27,891 --> 00:27:29,761 The picture on the right is from two days ago. 490 00:27:29,762 --> 00:27:31,158 They look identical. 491 00:27:31,264 --> 00:27:34,014 Ow Ow Ow, but two days ago, we know John was dead. 492 00:27:34,094 --> 00:27:35,912 You saying he was on the street all that time ? 493 00:27:35,913 --> 00:27:39,864 I know both images look like the same person. But pictures lie. Math doesn't. 494 00:27:40,716 --> 00:27:44,011 I'm using the length of his ulna as a measurement standard. 495 00:27:44,046 --> 00:27:46,173 Assigning it a unit length of one. 496 00:27:46,279 --> 00:27:52,613 Okay, so comparing the length of John's femur to his ulna, you get a ratio of 1.63 to 1. 497 00:27:52,614 --> 00:27:54,709 Okay, so... I'm with you. 498 00:27:54,710 --> 00:27:59,120 John's femur is 1.63 times longer than his ulna. What about the other image ? 499 00:27:59,240 --> 00:28:04,831 Human statue caught on tape two days ago has a femur to ulna ratio of 1.75 to 1. 500 00:28:04,832 --> 00:28:06,727 Two different ratios mean two different people. 501 00:28:06,728 --> 00:28:09,463 And the clothes John was re-dressed in were way too big. So... 502 00:28:09,464 --> 00:28:12,632 there's a good chance they belong to "Mr. 1.75 to 1". 503 00:28:12,633 --> 00:28:15,829 That makes our mystery statue our prime suspect. 504 00:28:16,873 --> 00:28:18,705 Are we almost done here ? 505 00:28:18,817 --> 00:28:22,148 Replicating unique blood patterns takes time Chad. 506 00:28:30,247 --> 00:28:32,015 Having fun, Chad ? 507 00:28:32,735 --> 00:28:34,035 How's it going ? 508 00:28:34,853 --> 00:28:38,336 This represents the blood pattern if Jenny Lee was alone in the bed. 509 00:28:40,542 --> 00:28:43,506 It's inconsistent with the sheet that we found at the laundry. 510 00:28:43,707 --> 00:28:47,643 Here's a sample of Jenny with Robert if they were side by side. 511 00:28:49,859 --> 00:28:51,001 No match. 512 00:28:51,834 --> 00:28:56,767 - Same with this one. Let me guess. Robert on top of Jenny ? - Mm-hmm. 513 00:28:58,820 --> 00:29:00,612 Oh, Chad, you can go back to work. 514 00:29:00,732 --> 00:29:01,910 Thanks. 515 00:29:11,675 --> 00:29:12,809 Grab an end. 516 00:29:18,744 --> 00:29:21,358 It's a match. She was definitely on top. 517 00:29:21,694 --> 00:29:25,117 Jenny Lee had significantly less body mass than Robert Costa. 518 00:29:25,238 --> 00:29:27,783 So if they were drinking at approximately the same time, 519 00:29:27,784 --> 00:29:29,576 then the roofies knocked her out first. 520 00:29:29,577 --> 00:29:33,186 If she passes out first, how does she get on top of Robert ? 521 00:29:33,554 --> 00:29:35,011 She was put there. 522 00:29:36,282 --> 00:29:39,229 But if Costa didn't kill her, why the cleanup ? 523 00:29:43,461 --> 00:29:45,117 Susan Young... 524 00:29:46,250 --> 00:29:47,856 was nothing to you. 525 00:29:49,623 --> 00:29:52,104 Probably wasn't that hard to kill her, was it ? 526 00:29:55,293 --> 00:29:57,201 Jenny Lee was different. 527 00:29:58,172 --> 00:30:01,570 Wasn't just a one-night stand or a fling. 528 00:30:03,132 --> 00:30:04,808 You cared about her. 529 00:30:07,048 --> 00:30:09,328 This ring is an heirloom, isn't it ? 530 00:30:10,662 --> 00:30:13,284 We found your grandmother's DNA on it. 531 00:30:15,494 --> 00:30:17,784 You actually loved this girl, didn't you ? 532 00:30:19,318 --> 00:30:21,438 I didn't kill Jenny Lee. 533 00:30:22,368 --> 00:30:23,944 I know you didn't. 534 00:30:25,844 --> 00:30:27,762 But you know someone who did. 535 00:30:36,236 --> 00:30:38,205 I'm setting our timeline back, 536 00:30:38,512 --> 00:30:43,399 before Jenny got her throat slashed, to when someone dosed the champagne with roofies. 537 00:30:46,664 --> 00:30:48,079 Anything turn up ? 538 00:30:48,486 --> 00:30:50,092 Yes and no. 539 00:30:50,276 --> 00:30:53,921 I found the same print on both the bottle of roofies and the champagne cork. 540 00:30:54,042 --> 00:30:57,764 However, the print doesn't match either Robert Costa or Tom Martin. 541 00:30:58,711 --> 00:31:00,200 So we're looking for someone else. 542 00:31:00,201 --> 00:31:03,876 Lots of people had access to the room before Robert and Jenny drank the champagne, 543 00:31:04,377 --> 00:31:08,298 but after they passed out, how did the killer get in ? 544 00:31:09,147 --> 00:31:10,913 I don't think he ever left. 545 00:31:14,936 --> 00:31:17,531 Then there's traces of someone else in that room. 546 00:31:18,668 --> 00:31:20,707 Found another hair. 547 00:31:21,224 --> 00:31:26,166 And once again, it's compromised by silver paint and has no skin tags. It won't help. 548 00:31:26,167 --> 00:31:27,511 What are you doing ? 549 00:31:27,727 --> 00:31:28,925 You giving up on me ? 550 00:31:28,926 --> 00:31:32,700 Don't even go there, because I had your back, Danny. I followed you down this road 551 00:31:32,701 --> 00:31:35,458 knowing Mac told you to drop the case, did he not ? 552 00:31:35,459 --> 00:31:37,150 Look, we're following a hot lead... 553 00:31:37,151 --> 00:31:39,394 all right ? So if we get heat on this, I'll take it. 554 00:31:39,405 --> 00:31:41,214 There's nothing on your shoulders. Don't worry about it. 555 00:31:41,215 --> 00:31:42,542 That's not the point, Danny. 556 00:31:42,543 --> 00:31:45,423 There were no prints on the buttons on the jackets or the snaps on the pants. 557 00:31:45,424 --> 00:31:48,297 The hair from the sweater and the hat were a bust. 558 00:31:48,298 --> 00:31:49,745 We've got to start facing facts here. 559 00:31:49,746 --> 00:31:52,132 That's just the clothes. What about the paint coating them ? 560 00:31:52,133 --> 00:31:54,217 Silver metallic aerosol. 561 00:31:54,259 --> 00:31:56,264 Dimethylbenzene, acrylic resin, 562 00:31:56,265 --> 00:31:58,132 butyl phenyl methyl ester... 563 00:31:58,133 --> 00:32:02,504 Silver spray paint. Sold in 274 stores across the city. 564 00:32:02,505 --> 00:32:06,729 You're right. You're right. I should face up to the facts. 565 00:32:06,730 --> 00:32:08,227 Fact one... 566 00:32:08,631 --> 00:32:12,420 these guys, human statues they stand still all day long, am I right ? 567 00:32:12,721 --> 00:32:14,536 That's a lot of time on your feet. 568 00:32:21,643 --> 00:32:23,569 It's an orthotic insole. 569 00:32:23,979 --> 00:32:25,783 This brings me to fact number two. 570 00:32:26,084 --> 00:32:29,792 Orthotics are specifically fitted to an individual foot. 571 00:32:34,703 --> 00:32:37,029 That right there is as good as a name. 572 00:32:38,165 --> 00:32:41,159 Next time you get the sweater, I'll take the shoes. 573 00:32:42,636 --> 00:32:44,318 Ulna... 12 inches. 574 00:32:44,319 --> 00:32:46,129 You've got phenomenal balance, Mr. Scott. 575 00:32:46,130 --> 00:32:49,000 - Is all this really necessary ? - Yes, it is. 576 00:32:49,731 --> 00:32:51,066 Femur... 21. 577 00:32:51,067 --> 00:32:54,120 21 divided by 12 is 1.75. 578 00:32:54,231 --> 00:32:57,232 You've got a femur to ulna ratio of 1.75 to 1. 579 00:32:57,233 --> 00:33:00,765 Same as the guy who posed a dead John Hawkins on the street. 580 00:33:01,066 --> 00:33:03,611 What were you trying to do ? Scare a few tourists ? 581 00:33:03,772 --> 00:33:05,989 - Get a laugh ? - No. This wasn't a joke. 582 00:33:05,990 --> 00:33:09,297 What did he do... tick you off and this was your way of getting back at him, or what ? 583 00:33:09,298 --> 00:33:10,545 I barely knew the guy. 584 00:33:10,546 --> 00:33:12,333 Then why'd you do it ? 585 00:33:13,142 --> 00:33:15,323 He didn't say "thank you". 586 00:33:17,263 --> 00:33:19,469 There you go, my man. 587 00:33:27,838 --> 00:33:28,707 Hey. 588 00:33:30,428 --> 00:33:33,071 I see him every night on my way home. 589 00:33:33,182 --> 00:33:35,161 If I've had a decent day, I spread the wealth. 590 00:33:35,162 --> 00:33:36,296 So, you're a good Samaritan ? 591 00:33:36,297 --> 00:33:38,753 No. I'm just a big believer in karma. 592 00:33:38,754 --> 00:33:41,677 I live off tips. If people don't give, I starve. 593 00:33:41,808 --> 00:33:42,796 If I don't give, he starves. 594 00:33:42,797 --> 00:33:45,816 I get it. What goes around, comes around. But how does helping the homeless 595 00:33:45,817 --> 00:33:47,982 become "corpse on display"? 596 00:33:48,000 --> 00:33:50,914 I saw an opportunity. I took it. 597 00:34:20,409 --> 00:34:23,133 So you posed him and then waited for the cash to flow in. 598 00:34:23,134 --> 00:34:24,839 This isn't about the money. 599 00:34:24,840 --> 00:34:25,379 Oh. 600 00:34:25,380 --> 00:34:28,139 Look, I may not move a muscle when I work, 601 00:34:28,140 --> 00:34:30,326 - that doesn't mean it's not exhausting. - Yeah, well, you know what, 602 00:34:30,327 --> 00:34:33,687 we all got to make a living and it's not easy for any of us. But we got to do it. 603 00:34:33,808 --> 00:34:39,430 Yeah, but you get sick days and vacation days, personal time. I don't. 604 00:34:39,431 --> 00:34:43,061 For the last three years, I've been out on that street eight hours a day, 605 00:34:43,062 --> 00:34:45,429 seven days a week. Hottest days of summer, 606 00:34:45,430 --> 00:34:47,643 coldest days of winter. 607 00:34:47,644 --> 00:34:49,454 I'm dead tired. 608 00:34:49,455 --> 00:34:52,715 I needed a day off. That's all. 609 00:34:52,716 --> 00:34:56,603 One day where I could be a real person and not a statue. 610 00:34:56,604 --> 00:34:59,853 So, you figured there was a way for John to thank you after all. 611 00:35:00,573 --> 00:35:02,287 By holding your place on the sidewalk. 612 00:35:02,388 --> 00:35:04,155 What'd you do with your free day ? 613 00:35:04,256 --> 00:35:07,407 Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 614 00:35:12,536 --> 00:35:14,008 Well, that's that. 615 00:35:49,753 --> 00:35:51,206 A hearing aid. 616 00:35:51,367 --> 00:35:54,886 You share a suite with Tom Martin and Tony Garcia when you're in the city. 617 00:35:56,060 --> 00:35:58,617 That gave you access to Tony's prescription. 618 00:36:02,525 --> 00:36:04,191 That's your print on the bottle. 619 00:36:07,657 --> 00:36:09,497 It's commonly prescribed in Europe. 620 00:36:09,688 --> 00:36:10,983 For sleeping disorders. 621 00:36:11,174 --> 00:36:13,451 You've had one for the last ten years, haven't you ? 622 00:36:14,805 --> 00:36:16,756 A guilty conscience will do that. 623 00:36:20,053 --> 00:36:21,708 That's also your print. 624 00:36:24,517 --> 00:36:26,818 - Tom on the way with Jenny ? - They should be right here. 625 00:36:36,446 --> 00:36:37,719 See you tomorrow. 626 00:36:38,705 --> 00:36:41,561 But you didn't leave. You hid in the closet. 627 00:36:43,291 --> 00:36:45,493 Then all you had to do was wait. 628 00:37:00,472 --> 00:37:02,749 You thought waiting would be the easy part. 629 00:37:02,750 --> 00:37:04,552 But it didn't turn out that way. 630 00:37:40,409 --> 00:37:42,881 That's why you didn't answer Detective Flack 631 00:37:42,882 --> 00:37:45,576 when he asked you if you were working with Robert the night of the murder. 632 00:37:45,697 --> 00:37:48,038 You were missing one of your hearing aids. 633 00:37:48,039 --> 00:37:49,907 I've known Robert Costa since childhood. 634 00:37:49,908 --> 00:37:52,868 What possible motive would I have for going through all that ? 635 00:37:52,869 --> 00:37:55,668 Revenge. Susan Young. 636 00:37:56,027 --> 00:37:58,596 You cut Jenny Lee's arms and legs 637 00:37:58,612 --> 00:38:01,596 the same way Robert cut Susan's arms and legs. 638 00:38:02,179 --> 00:38:04,316 You knew we'd match it to Robert. 639 00:38:04,651 --> 00:38:05,897 Ten years ago 640 00:38:05,991 --> 00:38:09,597 there was a second DNA sample collected in the Susan Young case. 641 00:38:10,070 --> 00:38:11,028 It was semen. 642 00:38:11,029 --> 00:38:13,559 And back then they couldn't find a match to it. 643 00:38:13,560 --> 00:38:15,885 Because there was nothing to match it to. 644 00:38:15,886 --> 00:38:17,490 Until we found your hearing aid. 645 00:38:18,814 --> 00:38:20,222 Robert killed Susan. 646 00:38:20,396 --> 00:38:22,477 She didn't want him, and he raped her and killed her. 647 00:38:22,478 --> 00:38:23,528 Who did she want, you ? 648 00:38:23,529 --> 00:38:24,373 Yes. 649 00:38:24,977 --> 00:38:27,187 If you wanted to get back at him, 650 00:38:27,732 --> 00:38:29,098 why didn't you kill his wife ? 651 00:38:29,099 --> 00:38:32,233 He didn't love his wife. He merged with her family. 652 00:38:32,977 --> 00:38:35,371 Robert had never been in love until he meet Jenny. 653 00:38:37,782 --> 00:38:40,370 You could have just left after you killed her. 654 00:38:42,874 --> 00:38:43,483 No. 655 00:38:43,976 --> 00:38:47,559 No, you couldn't. Because you had been waiting ten years, hadn't you ? 656 00:38:47,690 --> 00:38:49,403 You waited ten years, 657 00:38:49,404 --> 00:38:54,146 until you saw Robert come face-to-face with what he had done to the woman you loved. 658 00:38:56,639 --> 00:38:59,186 And you were going to be there, no matter what. 659 00:39:01,640 --> 00:39:04,095 I'll let Jenny Lee's parents know. 660 00:39:04,181 --> 00:39:07,106 I'd hate for them to think that their daughter died for nothing. 661 00:39:16,916 --> 00:39:20,772 Whoa. Check you out. You're lucky you and I work together, 662 00:39:20,773 --> 00:39:22,072 - you know that ? - Keep dreaming, Messer. 663 00:39:22,073 --> 00:39:23,561 I mean, you're cute, but... 664 00:39:23,682 --> 00:39:25,213 I'm way out of your league. 665 00:39:25,814 --> 00:39:26,998 Where you off to ? 666 00:39:27,059 --> 00:39:28,214 Got plans. 667 00:39:28,771 --> 00:39:29,803 Don't worry about it. 668 00:39:29,984 --> 00:39:31,471 I'm not worried about it. 669 00:39:33,250 --> 00:39:34,320 I'm out of here, Mac. 670 00:39:34,321 --> 00:39:36,734 I thought we agreed you were going to pass your case off. 671 00:39:37,035 --> 00:39:39,428 I agreed I'd stay on track. I did. I closed the case. 672 00:39:39,435 --> 00:39:40,728 Against my orders. 673 00:39:40,729 --> 00:39:43,902 I don't tell you one thing and then you do another. That's not how it works. 674 00:39:44,023 --> 00:39:45,256 That mean it doesn't count ? 675 00:39:46,260 --> 00:39:47,371 Sorry. That was out of line. 676 00:39:47,372 --> 00:39:49,473 Look, you got to learn you're not a one-man army. 677 00:39:49,474 --> 00:39:51,072 We're all connected. 678 00:39:51,167 --> 00:39:53,508 What you do affects everyone here. You got it ? 679 00:39:54,045 --> 00:39:55,329 Loud and clear. 680 00:39:56,601 --> 00:39:57,532 Good night.