1 00:00:02,916 --> 00:00:05,555 ♪ Good morning, USA ♪ 2 00:00:05,555 --> 00:00:09,190 ♪ I got a feeling That it's gonna be A wonderful day ♪ 3 00:00:09,190 --> 00:00:12,028 ♪ The sun in the sky Has a smile on his face ♪ 4 00:00:12,028 --> 00:00:15,305 ♪ And he's shining a salute To the American race ♪ 5 00:00:18,063 --> 00:00:20,940 ♪ Oh, boy, it's swell to say ♪ 6 00:00:20,940 --> 00:00:24,135 ♪ Good morning, USA ♪ 7 00:00:26,053 --> 00:00:28,492 ♪ Good morning, USA ♪ 8 00:00:31,329 --> 00:00:33,247 The C.I.A. talent show is in a week. 9 00:00:33,247 --> 00:00:34,845 So I need everyone's help to-- 10 00:00:47,793 --> 00:00:49,190 They found me. 11 00:00:49,190 --> 00:00:51,108 Francine, get on the counter. Now! 12 00:01:00,180 --> 00:01:02,697 Francine, it's time you learned the truth. 13 00:01:02,697 --> 00:01:05,574 My name is not Klaus. It's Professor Max Hammer. 14 00:01:05,574 --> 00:01:07,892 And my job is to save the world. 15 00:01:15,005 --> 00:01:16,923 Dark forces have banded together... 16 00:01:16,923 --> 00:01:18,521 Not all of them human. 17 00:01:20,080 --> 00:01:22,517 Vampires! 18 00:01:22,517 --> 00:01:24,875 Mexican vampires. 19 00:01:30,189 --> 00:01:31,749 They are after this amulet. 20 00:01:43,576 --> 00:01:46,214 See? The lost city of Atlantis. 21 00:01:46,973 --> 00:01:48,411 I found it. 22 00:01:51,688 --> 00:01:53,606 And I found you. 23 00:01:59,880 --> 00:02:01,118 Klaus, shut up! 24 00:02:01,599 --> 00:02:02,517 You shut up! 25 00:02:06,713 --> 00:02:08,032 Bwap! 26 00:02:08,032 --> 00:02:09,790 Did my interpretive dance sell it? 27 00:02:09,790 --> 00:02:11,628 I want a popcorn maker for my attic. 28 00:02:11,628 --> 00:02:12,787 Don't be stupid, Roger. 29 00:02:12,787 --> 00:02:14,186 The attic is above sea level, 30 00:02:14,186 --> 00:02:15,864 and popcorn doesn't pop above sea level. 31 00:02:15,864 --> 00:02:17,543 I know. I've spent time in Denver. 32 00:02:17,543 --> 00:02:19,741 That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. 33 00:02:19,741 --> 00:02:21,179 It's not dumb, Roger. 34 00:02:21,179 --> 00:02:23,537 My dad's a genius. He knows everything. 35 00:02:23,537 --> 00:02:25,175 So what's Denver like, Dad? 36 00:02:25,175 --> 00:02:27,253 Well, it's 2,000 miles above sea level, 37 00:02:27,253 --> 00:02:28,572 so the winds are fierce. 38 00:02:28,572 --> 00:02:31,369 Hence its nickname, the Windy City. 39 00:02:31,369 --> 00:02:34,565 Wow. Maybe someday, if I study hard enough, 40 00:02:34,565 --> 00:02:36,164 I can be as smart as you. 41 00:02:36,164 --> 00:02:37,322 Which reminds me. 42 00:02:37,322 --> 00:02:39,360 I have an oral report on fossils tomorrow. 43 00:02:39,360 --> 00:02:40,800 I already know how to talk. 44 00:02:40,800 --> 00:02:42,397 So the remaining 10% of the work 45 00:02:42,397 --> 00:02:43,516 will be learning about fossils. 46 00:02:44,756 --> 00:02:45,875 Hmm. 47 00:02:45,875 --> 00:02:48,152 This sandwich could use a little something. 48 00:02:52,388 --> 00:02:53,986 There we go! 49 00:02:53,986 --> 00:02:57,383 Now to just type "fossils" into the search engine. 50 00:02:57,383 --> 00:02:59,780 And now to just separate the fossil sites 51 00:02:59,780 --> 00:03:01,019 from the porn sites. 52 00:03:02,018 --> 00:03:04,136 "Tyrannosaurus." Fossil. 53 00:03:05,056 --> 00:03:07,133 "Babe-osaurus." Porn. 54 00:03:08,092 --> 00:03:10,010 "A symposium on the Pangaea theory 55 00:03:10,010 --> 00:03:11,008 "of the Permian extinction..." 56 00:03:11,008 --> 00:03:12,887 Wow! That is some nasty porn! 57 00:03:19,481 --> 00:03:21,838 Arnie, stop chewing on the line. 58 00:03:21,838 --> 00:03:23,077 Hi! 59 00:03:23,077 --> 00:03:25,994 Hi, Gilbert! 60 00:03:25,994 --> 00:03:27,472 Gilbert, I told you. 61 00:03:27,472 --> 00:03:29,910 Your brother can't keep biting through utility lines. 62 00:03:29,910 --> 00:03:31,548 He won't, Jerry. I promise. 63 00:03:35,625 --> 00:03:37,702 The Internet is down! 64 00:03:40,779 --> 00:03:43,217 I was in the middle of trading stocks online. 65 00:03:43,217 --> 00:03:45,055 I was about to make a killing in silver 66 00:03:45,055 --> 00:03:46,973 and use the money to buy a popcorn maker! 67 00:03:46,973 --> 00:03:49,970 Forget your crazy dream of popping corn above sea level. 68 00:03:49,970 --> 00:03:51,809 I have my report due tomorrow. 69 00:03:51,809 --> 00:03:52,888 What's all the commotion? 70 00:03:52,888 --> 00:03:55,524 Wait. Dad, you can help me with my report. 71 00:03:55,524 --> 00:03:58,042 Uh, Steve, I don't think that's a good idea. 72 00:03:58,042 --> 00:03:59,760 Your dad's kind of a moron. 73 00:03:59,760 --> 00:04:00,919 No, he's not. 74 00:04:00,919 --> 00:04:02,997 Dad, do you know anything about fossils? 75 00:04:02,997 --> 00:04:05,874 Are you kiddin'? I know everything about fossils. 76 00:04:05,874 --> 00:04:07,632 Steve, grab a pen. 77 00:04:07,632 --> 00:04:09,990 Then, in 5,000 B.C., 78 00:04:09,990 --> 00:04:13,346 a mere 1,000 years after the creation of Earth, 79 00:04:13,346 --> 00:04:15,905 the human-dinosaur treaty fell apart, 80 00:04:15,905 --> 00:04:18,502 and they drove the dinosaurs underground. 81 00:04:18,502 --> 00:04:20,459 And that's where fossils come from. 82 00:04:21,179 --> 00:04:22,058 Dumb-ass. 83 00:04:25,055 --> 00:04:26,094 Damn it! 84 00:04:26,094 --> 00:04:27,812 Problem, Steve? 85 00:04:27,812 --> 00:04:29,091 What are you doing here? 86 00:04:29,091 --> 00:04:30,969 And where did that swivel chair come from? 87 00:04:30,969 --> 00:04:33,526 I brought it down from the attic for dramatic effect. 88 00:04:33,526 --> 00:04:34,966 It wouldn't fit through the door, 89 00:04:34,966 --> 00:04:36,243 so I had to take off the wheels. 90 00:04:36,243 --> 00:04:37,522 Frankly, it was a hassle. 91 00:04:37,522 --> 00:04:39,881 But worth it, like Klaus's costume. 92 00:04:39,881 --> 00:04:41,278 It's fun to play dress up. 93 00:04:41,278 --> 00:04:43,117 Not all the time, but sometimes. 94 00:04:43,117 --> 00:04:44,155 Not this time. 95 00:04:44,155 --> 00:04:45,834 I wrote down everything my dad told me, 96 00:04:45,834 --> 00:04:47,353 and I got an "F" on my report. 97 00:04:47,353 --> 00:04:48,512 He's an idiot! 98 00:04:48,512 --> 00:04:50,789 That's what I was trying to tell you. 99 00:04:50,789 --> 00:04:52,348 But relax. This isn't a bad thing. 100 00:04:52,348 --> 00:04:53,706 It's an opportunity. 101 00:04:53,706 --> 00:04:55,944 As the two smartest people in the house, 102 00:04:55,944 --> 00:04:58,062 we can manipulate your stupid father 103 00:04:58,062 --> 00:04:59,300 to get everything we want! 104 00:04:59,300 --> 00:05:01,698 I don't know, Roger. That sounds kind of mean. 105 00:05:01,698 --> 00:05:03,817 Steve, sympathy is for the herd. 106 00:05:03,817 --> 00:05:05,895 And you are a shepherd. 107 00:05:05,895 --> 00:05:07,653 I am a shepherd. 108 00:05:07,653 --> 00:05:10,570 All right! Let's go screw some sheep! 109 00:05:10,969 --> 00:05:12,048 Oh, I-- 110 00:05:12,048 --> 00:05:13,127 Yeah, yeah. No. I know what you mean. 111 00:05:17,323 --> 00:05:19,840 Kudos to the way you conned my dad 112 00:05:19,840 --> 00:05:21,518 into getting us this popcorn machine. 113 00:05:21,518 --> 00:05:23,276 It was just a matter of finding the right way 114 00:05:23,276 --> 00:05:24,195 to combine the words 115 00:05:24,195 --> 00:05:26,474 "tasty," "low-fat" and "9/11." 116 00:05:26,474 --> 00:05:27,833 Speaking of 9/11, 117 00:05:27,833 --> 00:05:30,110 I believe that was my dad's S.A.T. score. 118 00:05:30,110 --> 00:05:33,587 Sir, you are a wit. 119 00:05:33,587 --> 00:05:35,824 You should write for basic cable. 120 00:05:35,824 --> 00:05:37,182 Look at her, Steve. 121 00:05:37,182 --> 00:05:40,779 That is the most tasty, low-fat 9/11 memorial ever. 122 00:05:42,977 --> 00:05:44,056 Why are you laughing? 123 00:05:44,056 --> 00:05:45,894 Because your plebeian rodent brain... 124 00:05:45,894 --> 00:05:47,532 Fell prey to the carnivorous hawk 125 00:05:47,532 --> 00:05:48,691 that is my mind. 126 00:05:48,691 --> 00:05:50,649 You can't talk to me like that. 127 00:05:50,649 --> 00:05:51,848 Irregardless of what you think of me, 128 00:05:51,848 --> 00:05:53,206 I'm still your father. 129 00:05:56,044 --> 00:05:57,363 "Irregardless"? 130 00:05:57,363 --> 00:05:58,960 That's not even a real word. 131 00:05:58,960 --> 00:06:02,158 You're affixing the negative prefix "ir" to "regardless." 132 00:06:02,158 --> 00:06:04,236 But as "regardless" is already negative, 133 00:06:04,236 --> 00:06:05,834 it's a logical absurdity. 134 00:06:05,834 --> 00:06:07,352 I have half a mind to-- 135 00:06:07,352 --> 00:06:09,072 There he goes exaggerating again. 136 00:06:11,428 --> 00:06:12,427 You're grounded. 137 00:06:13,506 --> 00:06:15,225 It's time, Steven. 138 00:06:16,024 --> 00:06:17,263 What's going on? 139 00:06:17,263 --> 00:06:18,742 I can't live under the roof of a man 140 00:06:18,742 --> 00:06:21,698 who's forcing me to walk in his ignorant footsteps. 141 00:06:21,698 --> 00:06:23,457 And I can't live under the roof. 142 00:06:23,457 --> 00:06:25,814 Literally. I live right under the roof, and I hate it. 143 00:06:25,814 --> 00:06:27,652 We're going to the one place on Earth, 144 00:06:27,652 --> 00:06:29,171 where we can turn our intelligence 145 00:06:29,171 --> 00:06:30,409 into a big pile of money. 146 00:06:30,409 --> 00:06:32,567 Magic Land? 147 00:06:32,567 --> 00:06:34,806 No. New York City. 148 00:06:34,806 --> 00:06:35,964 Fine. Go. 149 00:06:35,964 --> 00:06:37,563 Farewell, simpleton. 150 00:06:40,239 --> 00:06:43,437 Apres moi le deluge. 151 00:06:43,437 --> 00:06:44,715 That's what Andrew Cunanan 152 00:06:44,715 --> 00:06:45,994 wrote in his high school yearbook. 153 00:06:45,994 --> 00:06:47,353 Byesie-daisies. 154 00:06:48,352 --> 00:06:49,870 Stan, do something. 155 00:06:49,870 --> 00:06:52,427 Trust me, Francine. Steve's not going anywhere. 156 00:06:52,427 --> 00:06:54,266 All he has is the shirt on his back 157 00:06:54,266 --> 00:06:57,342 and the $1,600 I gave him to pay this quarter's kid tax. 158 00:06:57,342 --> 00:06:59,660 By the way, can you believe this kid tax? 159 00:07:02,697 --> 00:07:05,735 Bueno. Muchas gracias, Toshi. 160 00:07:05,735 --> 00:07:07,653 None of Steve's friends have seen him. 161 00:07:07,653 --> 00:07:09,411 I should have never let them leave. 162 00:07:09,411 --> 00:07:11,369 What if they really did go to New York? 163 00:07:15,365 --> 00:07:17,723 Francine, they're not in New York. 164 00:07:18,841 --> 00:07:20,519 They're in the tree house? 165 00:07:20,519 --> 00:07:21,878 Oh, thank God. 166 00:07:22,478 --> 00:07:23,836 Not so fast. 167 00:07:23,836 --> 00:07:26,634 It's time to teach our little geniuses a lesson. 168 00:07:26,634 --> 00:07:27,872 We'll ignore them 169 00:07:27,872 --> 00:07:30,430 and see just how long they can last up there. 170 00:07:30,430 --> 00:07:32,747 Who's the idiot now? 171 00:07:35,984 --> 00:07:37,902 Arnie, stop playing with the curtain. 172 00:07:37,902 --> 00:07:40,819 Don't you yell at him, Gilbert. He's your brother. 173 00:07:40,819 --> 00:07:42,617 You have to take care of your brother. 174 00:07:42,617 --> 00:07:45,495 Yeah, Gilbert. You have to take care of your brother. 175 00:07:57,403 --> 00:07:59,281 Hello, New York. 176 00:08:00,879 --> 00:08:02,677 And good-bye, struggling gay actor. 177 00:08:19,341 --> 00:08:21,219 Oh, my God! You missed it. 178 00:08:21,219 --> 00:08:23,616 Some cameraman was just creamed by a bus. 179 00:08:23,616 --> 00:08:24,655 Oh, my God! 180 00:08:24,655 --> 00:08:26,134 I know. Lunch? 181 00:08:29,810 --> 00:08:31,528 We've made it, Steve. 182 00:08:31,528 --> 00:08:33,607 That's right, pal. New York City. 183 00:08:33,607 --> 00:08:35,044 No dumb people here. 184 00:08:35,044 --> 00:08:36,843 They herd them all into New Jersey. 185 00:08:36,843 --> 00:08:39,840 Finally someone brave enough to take a swipe at New Jersey. 186 00:08:39,840 --> 00:08:41,038 Look. 187 00:08:43,077 --> 00:08:45,754 If it isn't Beauregard Les Fontaine, 188 00:08:45,754 --> 00:08:48,711 Langley Falls's premier hairstylist. 189 00:08:48,711 --> 00:08:50,709 Well, slop me up a bit of coincidence. 190 00:08:50,709 --> 00:08:53,107 What made y'all scooch on up to the Big ol' Apple? 191 00:08:53,107 --> 00:08:55,385 Warn the cops, 'cause I'm gonna make a killing 192 00:08:55,385 --> 00:08:56,943 in the stock market. 193 00:08:56,943 --> 00:08:58,422 And I'm here to strike it rich 194 00:08:58,422 --> 00:09:00,140 as a comedy writer for television. 195 00:09:00,140 --> 00:09:02,618 Or as I like to call it, Smell-O-Vision. 196 00:09:02,618 --> 00:09:05,335 As you can see, I'm going to do very well. 197 00:09:05,335 --> 00:09:07,852 Well, delicately kiss my pomegranates. 198 00:09:07,852 --> 00:09:09,810 I'm here to make a splash, too. 199 00:09:09,810 --> 00:09:12,168 I'm gonna join New York's long tradition 200 00:09:12,168 --> 00:09:14,525 of wealthy, obnoxious weirdos. 201 00:09:14,525 --> 00:09:16,044 Gentlemen, to our genius. 202 00:09:21,238 --> 00:09:23,116 That is so Raven. 203 00:09:27,273 --> 00:09:29,990 Here's some brownies for my little runaways. 204 00:09:33,227 --> 00:09:36,024 Arnie, come bring your mama one of them brownies. 205 00:09:36,024 --> 00:09:39,181 I'm coming, Mama. 206 00:09:41,538 --> 00:09:43,337 Mmm! Oh, Arnie, 207 00:09:43,337 --> 00:09:45,614 you're my knight in shimmering armor. 208 00:09:53,567 --> 00:09:55,205 Steve, I... I read your sketch packet, 209 00:09:55,205 --> 00:09:57,403 and I just had to meet you. 210 00:09:57,403 --> 00:09:58,641 I expected as much. 211 00:09:58,641 --> 00:10:00,559 My comedic samplings are sublime. 212 00:10:00,559 --> 00:10:02,678 No. Not quite sublime. 213 00:10:02,678 --> 00:10:05,754 More the worst packet I have ever read. 214 00:10:05,754 --> 00:10:06,833 What do you mean? 215 00:10:06,833 --> 00:10:09,150 Everything in there is gold. Pure gold. 216 00:10:09,150 --> 00:10:10,350 Gold. Okay. 217 00:10:10,350 --> 00:10:12,348 Uh, well, let's take the first sketch. 218 00:10:12,348 --> 00:10:14,985 Uh, I believe that one's entitled "Quantum Rape." 219 00:10:17,183 --> 00:10:19,181 Come on. It's brilliant. 220 00:10:19,181 --> 00:10:21,898 It's about a guy who gets thrown into a jail cell, 221 00:10:21,898 --> 00:10:23,177 and his cell mate is in there 222 00:10:23,177 --> 00:10:25,614 because he just raped Scott Bakula. 223 00:10:25,614 --> 00:10:28,292 Yeah. And then the rapist spends eight pages 224 00:10:28,292 --> 00:10:30,610 explaining the premise of Quantum Leap to the guy. 225 00:10:30,610 --> 00:10:33,367 But the guy just doesn't get it! 226 00:10:40,280 --> 00:10:42,797 Clearly Jon Stewart was raped as a child. 227 00:10:42,797 --> 00:10:44,555 What other explanation could there be? 228 00:10:44,555 --> 00:10:46,034 Don't worry. I got us covered. 229 00:10:46,034 --> 00:10:48,312 I put all of our money in the stock "S.J.P." 230 00:10:48,312 --> 00:10:49,710 It's a sure thing. 231 00:10:49,710 --> 00:10:52,068 As soon as that bell rings, we'll be in the money. 232 00:10:52,068 --> 00:10:54,385 Here we go. 233 00:10:54,385 --> 00:10:56,464 Watch S.J.P. take off. 234 00:11:07,173 --> 00:11:08,611 What the hell was that? 235 00:11:08,611 --> 00:11:10,809 You said S.J.P. was a sure thing. 236 00:11:10,809 --> 00:11:11,848 I don't understand. 237 00:11:11,848 --> 00:11:13,966 S.J.P. is in the new Spielberg movie. 238 00:11:13,966 --> 00:11:15,165 It's gonna be huge. 239 00:11:15,165 --> 00:11:16,484 What are you talking about? 240 00:11:16,484 --> 00:11:19,681 S.J.P. is a Canadian chiropractic supplies company. 241 00:11:19,681 --> 00:11:22,037 You mean it's not Sarah Jessica Parker? 242 00:11:22,037 --> 00:11:23,757 What? No! 243 00:11:23,757 --> 00:11:26,114 Isn't this the Hollywood Stock Exchange? 244 00:11:26,114 --> 00:11:27,232 You know, the website 245 00:11:27,232 --> 00:11:28,791 where you buy and sell celebrity stocks, 246 00:11:28,791 --> 00:11:30,629 based on the ups and downs of their careers. 247 00:11:30,629 --> 00:11:31,868 No! 248 00:11:31,868 --> 00:11:33,466 Oh. 249 00:11:33,466 --> 00:11:34,825 Then what is all this? 250 00:11:34,825 --> 00:11:37,302 This is the New York Stock Exchange! 251 00:11:37,302 --> 00:11:38,821 Like in the movie Wall Street? 252 00:11:38,821 --> 00:11:40,500 I thought that was Hollywood make-believe, 253 00:11:40,500 --> 00:11:41,938 like children of every color 254 00:11:41,938 --> 00:11:43,536 being at the same McDonald's. 255 00:11:43,536 --> 00:11:44,736 But back home, you said 256 00:11:44,736 --> 00:11:46,774 you were about to make a fortune in silver. 257 00:11:46,774 --> 00:11:48,132 Ron Silver! 258 00:11:52,687 --> 00:11:53,846 Wow. 259 00:11:53,846 --> 00:11:56,404 I guess running away builds up an appetite. 260 00:11:57,442 --> 00:11:59,401 Mama. 261 00:11:59,401 --> 00:12:01,358 There's a storm coming, Mama. 262 00:12:01,358 --> 00:12:03,517 Ooh! Scary. 263 00:12:03,517 --> 00:12:05,874 Scary storms up there, Mama. 264 00:12:09,071 --> 00:12:10,269 Mama? 265 00:12:10,269 --> 00:12:13,307 Mama, you're hiding from me, huh? 266 00:12:13,307 --> 00:12:15,545 Mama's hiding from Arnie. 267 00:12:15,545 --> 00:12:18,462 I know that. 268 00:12:18,462 --> 00:12:19,620 Mama? 269 00:12:19,620 --> 00:12:23,057 Mama? 270 00:12:23,736 --> 00:12:25,654 Mama? 271 00:12:32,488 --> 00:12:34,924 Roger, we have 20 bucks left. 272 00:12:34,924 --> 00:12:36,644 We can't afford another night here. 273 00:12:36,644 --> 00:12:39,001 Would you relax? I've got a plan. 274 00:12:39,001 --> 00:12:39,920 May I help you? 275 00:12:39,920 --> 00:12:41,399 My friend and I 276 00:12:41,399 --> 00:12:44,476 will be staying indefinitely without paying. 277 00:12:48,712 --> 00:12:50,071 That seemed a little extreme. 278 00:12:50,071 --> 00:12:51,309 Couldn't they just escort us out? 279 00:12:51,309 --> 00:12:52,948 Roger, you spit in his face. 280 00:12:52,948 --> 00:12:55,064 I don't think so. 281 00:12:55,064 --> 00:12:56,504 That doesn't sound like me. 282 00:13:02,058 --> 00:13:03,576 Dad, you can't let Steve and Roger 283 00:13:03,576 --> 00:13:04,615 stay in the tree house. 284 00:13:04,615 --> 00:13:05,734 They'll catch their death. 285 00:13:05,734 --> 00:13:07,572 Nonsense. Death has better things to do, 286 00:13:07,572 --> 00:13:09,490 like remembering Tony Curtis already. 287 00:13:09,490 --> 00:13:11,808 They'll stay out there until they respect me. 288 00:13:11,808 --> 00:13:13,846 Trust me. A little rain won't hurt 'em. 289 00:13:20,440 --> 00:13:22,678 Oh, my God! They're dead! 290 00:13:24,596 --> 00:13:27,233 No! 291 00:13:27,233 --> 00:13:28,352 It's okay, Arnie. 292 00:13:28,352 --> 00:13:30,230 It would have taken a crane to get her out. 293 00:13:30,230 --> 00:13:32,347 And this way, she won't be a joke. 294 00:13:32,347 --> 00:13:34,626 Why? 295 00:13:36,544 --> 00:13:38,381 I can't feel my arms. 296 00:13:38,381 --> 00:13:40,100 Buck up. We're gonna make it through this. 297 00:13:40,100 --> 00:13:41,538 We still have 20 bucks. 298 00:13:41,538 --> 00:13:43,097 In this town, with our brains, 299 00:13:43,097 --> 00:13:45,015 we'll turn it into millions in no time. 300 00:13:45,015 --> 00:13:46,733 I'll have the new issue of Cherry, 301 00:13:46,733 --> 00:13:48,372 and keep the change, my good man. 302 00:13:49,451 --> 00:13:50,849 Roger! 303 00:13:50,849 --> 00:13:53,128 Steve, it's a special big butts collector's issue. 304 00:13:53,128 --> 00:13:55,285 Someday it'll be worth a fortune. 305 00:13:55,285 --> 00:13:58,002 Now we play the waiting game. 306 00:14:05,194 --> 00:14:05,994 Hi. 307 00:14:06,713 --> 00:14:07,513 Hi. 308 00:14:08,351 --> 00:14:09,431 How was your day? 309 00:14:10,430 --> 00:14:11,228 Fine. 310 00:14:12,108 --> 00:14:13,267 Washing the dishes? 311 00:14:14,146 --> 00:14:14,905 Mm-hmm. 312 00:14:16,184 --> 00:14:18,381 Honey, it's been three weeks. 313 00:14:18,381 --> 00:14:22,019 Maybe we should start planning Steve's funeral. 314 00:14:22,019 --> 00:14:24,176 I wanted to go get him! 315 00:14:24,176 --> 00:14:26,053 I wanted to bring him inside! 316 00:14:26,053 --> 00:14:27,733 But you wouldn't let me! 317 00:14:27,733 --> 00:14:30,809 Our baby's dead because of you! 318 00:14:30,809 --> 00:14:32,327 Don't you think I know that? 319 00:14:36,524 --> 00:14:37,443 No! 320 00:14:37,443 --> 00:14:40,559 I can't make it, Stan. 321 00:14:40,559 --> 00:14:41,798 Yes, you can. 322 00:14:41,798 --> 00:14:43,836 Look, this is killing us. We need to get away. 323 00:14:43,836 --> 00:14:45,954 We need to take a trip far, far away. 324 00:14:45,954 --> 00:14:47,753 But we can't afford that. 325 00:14:47,753 --> 00:14:51,189 Well, there is Steve's college money. 326 00:14:51,189 --> 00:14:53,067 Well, 327 00:14:53,067 --> 00:14:55,224 I guess he won't be needing it. 328 00:14:55,224 --> 00:14:57,902 Our little cowboy is in a better place. 329 00:15:00,859 --> 00:15:03,097 So, basically, all I have to do is stand here, 330 00:15:03,097 --> 00:15:05,455 and beautiful women will pay me to have sex with them? 331 00:15:05,455 --> 00:15:08,371 -That's right. -Prostitution is awesome! 332 00:15:08,371 --> 00:15:10,370 Now, why am I wearing a cowboy outfit? 333 00:15:10,370 --> 00:15:11,408 It's your gimmick. 334 00:15:11,408 --> 00:15:13,606 You're the Cowboy of Sixth Avenue. 335 00:15:13,606 --> 00:15:14,925 Howdy. Who wants to be 336 00:15:14,925 --> 00:15:17,203 the first buckaroo through these double doors? 337 00:15:17,203 --> 00:15:19,320 Um, Roger, those were guys. 338 00:15:19,320 --> 00:15:21,279 I know. I just doubled your clientele. 339 00:15:21,279 --> 00:15:22,518 I got a brain for business. 340 00:15:22,518 --> 00:15:24,396 I'm not having sex with guys. 341 00:15:24,396 --> 00:15:26,434 Do you want to crawl back to your idiot father 342 00:15:26,434 --> 00:15:27,872 and admit you were wrong? 343 00:15:27,872 --> 00:15:29,390 That you couldn't make it on your own? 344 00:15:29,390 --> 00:15:31,788 That you don't have the brains to make it out here? 345 00:15:31,788 --> 00:15:32,868 No. 346 00:15:32,868 --> 00:15:33,906 Of course not. 347 00:15:33,906 --> 00:15:35,224 I'm here to make sure 348 00:15:35,224 --> 00:15:37,343 you never have to go through anything that degrading. 349 00:15:37,343 --> 00:15:38,582 Now put these on. 350 00:15:38,582 --> 00:15:40,419 They're knee pads I made out of old diapers. 351 00:15:48,252 --> 00:15:50,889 I never thought I could be happy again. 352 00:15:50,889 --> 00:15:52,887 I feel like Steve is here with us. 353 00:15:52,887 --> 00:15:55,085 Hey, Steve. Want to steer? 354 00:15:56,363 --> 00:15:58,082 Ah. Feels good to laugh. 355 00:16:02,278 --> 00:16:05,035 Roger, it's been two days and no customers. 356 00:16:05,035 --> 00:16:07,552 Maybe my mouth's not as pretty as you keep saying. 357 00:16:07,552 --> 00:16:09,351 And your cough is getting worse. 358 00:16:09,351 --> 00:16:10,470 I'm fine. 359 00:16:10,470 --> 00:16:12,468 Let's just go back to our cardboard box 360 00:16:12,468 --> 00:16:15,105 and see if the rattrap snagged us some din-din. 361 00:16:16,783 --> 00:16:19,380 Ooh! Ooh! A limo! You can do this, Steve. 362 00:16:19,380 --> 00:16:21,378 Always remember. You're a whore. 363 00:16:23,017 --> 00:16:24,336 Beauregard! 364 00:16:24,336 --> 00:16:27,533 Look at you two poor things out here in the cold. 365 00:16:27,533 --> 00:16:29,770 Why don't y'all come on back to my hotel? 366 00:16:30,889 --> 00:16:32,647 Steve, is this really happening? 367 00:16:32,647 --> 00:16:35,045 'Cause I just shotgunned a 40 of Robitussin, 368 00:16:35,045 --> 00:16:36,923 and everything's kind of awesome. 369 00:16:43,716 --> 00:16:45,075 Your friend can rest here 370 00:16:45,075 --> 00:16:48,551 while you and I adjourn to the bedroom. 371 00:16:48,551 --> 00:16:50,070 Oh. Oh, God. 372 00:16:50,070 --> 00:16:52,347 Um, uh, uh, my friend's really sick. 373 00:16:52,347 --> 00:16:53,985 I don't think I should leave his side. 374 00:16:53,985 --> 00:16:55,345 Right, Roger? 375 00:16:55,345 --> 00:16:57,103 No, I need some me time anyway. 376 00:16:57,103 --> 00:16:57,902 You kids have fun. 377 00:17:08,612 --> 00:17:11,528 These are my associates. They like to watch. 378 00:17:11,528 --> 00:17:13,446 Oh, that's unsettling. 379 00:17:13,446 --> 00:17:14,845 Steve, do you know who said, 380 00:17:14,845 --> 00:17:17,961 "I can resist anything but temptation"? 381 00:17:17,961 --> 00:17:19,481 Um, Jesus? 382 00:17:21,878 --> 00:17:23,876 It was Oscar Wilde. 383 00:17:23,876 --> 00:17:25,355 How gauche. 384 00:17:25,355 --> 00:17:26,553 Oh, yes. 385 00:17:26,553 --> 00:17:28,871 This is definitely my new boy. 386 00:17:28,871 --> 00:17:30,030 Just how I like 'em. 387 00:17:30,030 --> 00:17:32,468 Dumb as a bag of Mississippi mud. 388 00:17:32,468 --> 00:17:33,626 Excuse me? 389 00:17:33,626 --> 00:17:35,784 See, my friends and I like to amuse ourselves 390 00:17:35,784 --> 00:17:38,661 by finding stupid people and mocking them. 391 00:17:38,661 --> 00:17:40,100 I'm not stupid. 392 00:17:42,258 --> 00:17:43,856 I don't have to put up with this. 393 00:17:43,856 --> 00:17:46,493 Go ahead, Steve. Go back to the cold. 394 00:17:51,489 --> 00:17:52,927 That's what I thought. 395 00:17:52,927 --> 00:17:57,042 Now scooch on over here and spell "hors d'oeuvre." 396 00:18:01,639 --> 00:18:02,678 Here's your mail. 397 00:18:02,678 --> 00:18:04,516 Oh, dandy. My French Vogue came. 398 00:18:04,516 --> 00:18:06,274 Read it to me, cover to cover. 399 00:18:06,274 --> 00:18:07,592 You're just gonna make fun of me 400 00:18:07,592 --> 00:18:08,951 'cause I can't speak French. 401 00:18:08,951 --> 00:18:10,509 This is so humiliating. 402 00:18:10,509 --> 00:18:12,028 Can't you just have sex with me? 403 00:18:12,028 --> 00:18:14,585 Steven, I could be having sex with you right now. 404 00:18:14,585 --> 00:18:16,025 You'd be too dumb to know it. 405 00:18:16,025 --> 00:18:17,222 That's it. 406 00:18:17,222 --> 00:18:18,742 I'm gonna go lay down. 407 00:18:20,380 --> 00:18:23,336 What would you like to lay down? A tray? 408 00:18:23,336 --> 00:18:26,454 'Cause you don't lay down. You lie down. 409 00:18:26,454 --> 00:18:29,051 You must be from a family of morons. 410 00:18:29,051 --> 00:18:30,330 Probably comes from 411 00:18:30,330 --> 00:18:32,887 daddy passing on his defective chromosomes. 412 00:18:32,887 --> 00:18:35,444 Do you even know what a chromosome is? 413 00:18:35,444 --> 00:18:37,882 'Cause you've got, like, nine extra ones! 414 00:18:42,318 --> 00:18:43,437 Ow! 415 00:18:43,437 --> 00:18:44,916 Don't talk about my dad that way. 416 00:18:44,916 --> 00:18:46,554 Just because he doesn't know everything, doesn't-- 417 00:18:46,554 --> 00:18:47,432 Aaah! 418 00:18:47,432 --> 00:18:48,312 mean-- 419 00:18:48,312 --> 00:18:49,830 he's... Stupid. 420 00:18:49,830 --> 00:18:50,988 Oh! 421 00:18:51,828 --> 00:18:53,186 Hey, Roger. Get this. 422 00:18:53,186 --> 00:18:55,385 Beauregard, the greyhound-riding half man. 423 00:18:55,385 --> 00:18:57,862 His middle name is Lawrence. What a freak. 424 00:19:03,616 --> 00:19:06,015 I don't think I'm gonna make it, Steve. 425 00:19:06,015 --> 00:19:09,451 My one regret is not watching enough television. 426 00:19:12,448 --> 00:19:14,366 Steve, where are we going? 427 00:19:14,366 --> 00:19:15,844 We're going home. 428 00:19:15,844 --> 00:19:17,722 You're gonna be okay, Roger. 429 00:19:17,722 --> 00:19:19,321 Thanks, old friend. 430 00:19:21,878 --> 00:19:23,476 Get your whore jacket off me. 431 00:19:27,472 --> 00:19:30,110 That's $2,000. We're going to Rome! 432 00:19:30,110 --> 00:19:31,548 Thank God for eBay 433 00:19:31,548 --> 00:19:32,868 and Steve's prized 434 00:19:32,868 --> 00:19:34,585 collection of death masks of the Little Rascals. 435 00:19:35,104 --> 00:19:35,943 Steve! 436 00:19:36,384 --> 00:19:37,543 Steve! 437 00:19:37,543 --> 00:19:39,341 -We thought you were dead! -What about me? 438 00:19:39,341 --> 00:19:40,859 We thought you were dead, too. 439 00:19:40,859 --> 00:19:44,416 Dad, I said some pretty mean things to you, and I'm sorry. 440 00:19:44,416 --> 00:19:45,654 That's okay. 441 00:19:45,654 --> 00:19:48,291 Irregardless, I'm glad to have you home, Son. 442 00:19:48,291 --> 00:19:51,288 Irregardless, I'm glad to be home, too. 443 00:19:51,288 --> 00:19:53,127 I'm not. I hate this place. 444 00:19:53,127 --> 00:19:55,165 Good night! 445 00:19:55,165 --> 00:19:57,243 The doctor said it would be a miracle 446 00:19:57,243 --> 00:19:59,441 if Arnie lived past a year and a half. 447 00:19:59,441 --> 00:20:01,479 Well, he just turned two. 448 00:20:01,479 --> 00:20:04,316 Mama's gone, and so is the tree house. 449 00:20:04,316 --> 00:20:05,674 But we can go anywhere. 450 00:20:05,674 --> 00:20:06,873 Come on, Gilbert. 451 00:20:15,505 --> 00:20:16,823 We can go anywhere. 452 00:20:47,792 --> 00:20:49,950 Captions by Point.360