1 00:00:24,051 --> 00:00:26,025 Synchro: mpm 2 00:00:33,862 --> 00:00:35,203 {pos(192,220)}- 53 Glock 9 mm? - Check. 3 00:00:35,328 --> 00:00:36,550 {pos(192,220)}- Kevlar vest? - Check. 4 00:00:36,675 --> 00:00:38,493 {pos(192,180)}before you wreck yourself? 5 00:00:38,618 --> 00:00:39,951 {pos(192,180)}- Check. - Oh, Stan. 6 00:00:40,076 --> 00:00:42,447 {pos(192,220)}I hate it when you go on these dangerous missions. 7 00:00:42,655 --> 00:00:45,257 {pos(192,180)}Honey, it's just a two-day surveillance job. 8 00:00:45,382 --> 00:00:47,909 {pos(192,220)}Trust me, I'll be back in time for Valentine's Day, 9 00:00:48,034 --> 00:00:50,336 {pos(192,220)}when I'll take you out for a disappointing set-menu dinner 10 00:00:50,461 --> 00:00:52,100 {pos(192,220)}at the Macaroni Grill. 11 00:00:55,740 --> 00:00:59,172 {pos(192,220)}For a meeting between wealthy arms dealers, this sure is boring. 12 00:00:59,297 --> 00:01:01,239 {pos(192,220)}Thought they'd at least have a band... 13 00:01:01,364 --> 00:01:02,431 {pos(192,220)}or juggling... 14 00:01:02,915 --> 00:01:04,164 {pos(192,180)}Juggling is amazing. 15 00:01:04,289 --> 00:01:06,189 {pos(192,180)}Yeah, this is a snooze-fest. 16 00:01:06,596 --> 00:01:09,593 {pos(192,220)}I should be rolling in the sheets with Lana from accounting right now. 17 00:01:09,718 --> 00:01:11,696 {pos(192,220)}Lana? I thought she was a lesbian. 18 00:01:12,953 --> 00:01:13,906 She was. 19 00:01:14,337 --> 00:01:17,393 {pos(192,220)}Jim, your ability with the ladies never ceases to amaze me. 20 00:01:17,518 --> 00:01:19,389 {pos(192,220)}What can I say? I love women. 21 00:01:19,514 --> 00:01:23,165 {pos(192,220)}This might make me sound like a wuss, but I get off when they get off. 22 00:01:23,333 --> 00:01:25,129 {pos(192,220)}- Come on! - I mean it. 23 00:01:25,254 --> 00:01:27,625 {pos(192,220)}That's why I took that class on sexual energy. 24 00:01:27,750 --> 00:01:31,309 Now I can make a woman quiver just by looking at her the right way. 25 00:01:31,508 --> 00:01:33,718 Which way? First boobs, then face, then butt? 26 00:01:34,177 --> 00:01:35,627 No, I mean... Wait. 27 00:01:36,113 --> 00:01:37,388 {pos(192,220)}Something's happening. 28 00:01:38,235 --> 00:01:39,761 The guards are on the move. 29 00:01:41,415 --> 00:01:42,565 But to where? 30 00:01:47,719 --> 00:01:49,654 {You guys wanna buy some speaker?} 31 00:01:52,404 --> 00:01:54,613 Now back to Tex 'n' Mex. 32 00:01:57,890 --> 00:02:00,321 Thanks to some good detective work by me, 33 00:02:00,446 --> 00:02:03,648 and to a lesser extent, my partner Mexican Joey, 34 00:02:03,773 --> 00:02:06,667 the bikini thief is finally headed to jail. 35 00:02:06,792 --> 00:02:09,174 I guess that only leaves one mystery. 36 00:02:09,496 --> 00:02:11,556 Who ate my sopapia? 37 00:02:13,214 --> 00:02:14,738 Tex 'n' Mex did it again. 38 00:02:14,863 --> 00:02:17,563 Nothing more satisfying than solving a case. 39 00:02:17,732 --> 00:02:20,228 Has anyone seen my Shuffle? I can't find it anywhere. 40 00:02:20,353 --> 00:02:23,939 A treasured item gone missing. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? 41 00:02:24,064 --> 00:02:25,895 This sounds like a case for... 42 00:02:26,234 --> 00:02:27,893 Wheels and the Legman! 43 00:02:47,819 --> 00:02:51,617 You know, Wheels and the Legman, the detective duo we created. 44 00:02:51,742 --> 00:02:53,741 I'm Wheels, and Roger's the Legman. 45 00:02:53,924 --> 00:02:57,357 We've been looking for a case, but now it appears that case... 46 00:02:57,643 --> 00:02:58,695 found us. 47 00:03:02,599 --> 00:03:05,719 Stop that! Look, if you see my Shuffle, let me know. 48 00:03:05,844 --> 00:03:08,594 There is, madam, the small matter of our fee. 49 00:03:08,719 --> 00:03:10,756 $20 a day, plus expenses. 50 00:03:11,077 --> 00:03:13,083 Or that half{ a turkey} sandwich you left in the fridge. 51 00:03:13,208 --> 00:03:14,944 - That's Dad's. - We have a deal then. 52 00:03:35,420 --> 00:03:36,990 Why so sad, Mrs. Smith? 53 00:03:37,115 --> 00:03:39,716 It's me, Scott, from Langley Flag and Boot Cleaning. 54 00:03:40,453 --> 00:03:42,733 Say hi to your husband. He's my best customer. 55 00:03:45,031 --> 00:03:46,131 Stan's boss! 56 00:03:46,567 --> 00:03:48,848 Francine, I have bad news. 57 00:03:51,720 --> 00:03:55,576 My car broke down two blocks from here and it's just off warranty. 58 00:03:55,701 --> 00:03:56,986 That's the bad news? 59 00:03:57,263 --> 00:03:59,196 Well, actually, there's more. 60 00:03:59,321 --> 00:04:00,656 Father Carrington? 61 00:04:03,911 --> 00:04:07,329 Mrs. Smith, there's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to be direct. 62 00:04:07,498 --> 00:04:08,289 Dear God! 63 00:04:08,458 --> 00:04:11,052 I was caught having sex with a man and I'm being excommunicated. 64 00:04:11,177 --> 00:04:12,167 What about Stan? 65 00:04:12,816 --> 00:04:16,466 Nope. I don't believe Stan has had sex with Father Carrington. 66 00:04:16,851 --> 00:04:20,885 Also, we lost communications with Stan 12 hours ago. 67 00:04:22,636 --> 00:04:24,881 I'm trained for this. Step aside, please. 68 00:04:26,527 --> 00:04:27,991 There, there. 69 00:04:32,892 --> 00:04:34,357 We're gonna die! 70 00:04:34,703 --> 00:04:36,450 I just know it! I just really do! 71 00:04:36,575 --> 00:04:39,053 Stay cool, Stan. We've been trained for this. 72 00:04:39,178 --> 00:04:41,356 I know! But I forget! 73 00:04:43,522 --> 00:04:45,200 There's gotta be a way out of here. 74 00:04:45,435 --> 00:04:46,735 You're relieved. 75 00:04:48,680 --> 00:04:50,331 I think our luck just changed. 76 00:05:25,965 --> 00:05:26,965 Halt! 77 00:05:27,417 --> 00:05:28,517 Don't shoot. 78 00:05:49,623 --> 00:05:50,623 Just go. 79 00:05:54,771 --> 00:05:57,697 All right, Wheels. This is the last place Hayley saw her Shuffle. 80 00:05:57,822 --> 00:06:00,451 Search her dresser for clues. I'll take the closet. 81 00:06:01,189 --> 00:06:03,825 - Careful! - Sorry. I'm a little rusty{ using the chair}. 82 00:06:13,663 --> 00:06:15,790 - Just use your legs! - We can't break character! 83 00:06:15,915 --> 00:06:18,655 - For crying out loud! - No, no! 84 00:06:19,036 --> 00:06:21,046 I did it. Look! 85 00:06:23,178 --> 00:06:25,604 A butt-print on Hayley's bedspread, 86 00:06:25,729 --> 00:06:27,585 way too big to be Hayley's. 87 00:06:27,710 --> 00:06:30,581 There are only two people who could leave a print that big. 88 00:06:32,564 --> 00:06:34,935 Well, it's not Travolta. So it's gotta be Barry. 89 00:06:38,629 --> 00:06:41,572 Mama, Stan went on a mission 90 00:06:41,697 --> 00:06:44,391 and he's been missing for five days... 91 00:06:45,894 --> 00:06:48,178 What's that in the background? 92 00:06:48,303 --> 00:06:49,862 You're at a movie? 93 00:06:50,411 --> 00:06:53,091 Well, go in the lobby! You're being rude! 94 00:07:02,413 --> 00:07:04,339 I thought I'd never see you again! 95 00:07:04,464 --> 00:07:05,773 There, there, Francine. 96 00:07:05,898 --> 00:07:07,511 I promised I'd be home in time 97 00:07:07,636 --> 00:07:10,033 to take you out for a romantic Valentine's dinner. 98 00:07:11,368 --> 00:07:13,753 If I smell at all like sex, it's because of Jim. 99 00:07:14,402 --> 00:07:18,411 I was on his heels as he porked our way through 200 miles of jungle. 100 00:07:18,817 --> 00:07:20,439 His hips never stopped moving. 101 00:07:20,564 --> 00:07:21,811 It was magnificent. 102 00:07:22,857 --> 00:07:25,657 - You're... crushing me. - It's almost over. 103 00:07:29,423 --> 00:07:32,104 Sorry I didn't have time to get you a Valentine's Day present. 104 00:07:32,229 --> 00:07:35,289 Just having you home safe is the only present I need. 105 00:07:36,474 --> 00:07:38,096 You know I'll always come back. 106 00:07:38,221 --> 00:07:39,221 I know, 107 00:07:39,667 --> 00:07:42,132 but sometimes I think about if you didn't. 108 00:07:42,369 --> 00:07:43,462 And you know what? 109 00:07:43,651 --> 00:07:47,247 I think that would be it for the romantic part of my life. 110 00:07:47,521 --> 00:07:49,208 And that would be fine, 111 00:07:49,333 --> 00:07:52,216 because I would have known my soul mate, 112 00:07:52,341 --> 00:07:54,116 my one true love. 113 00:07:54,652 --> 00:07:57,052 That's more than most people ever get. 114 00:07:57,285 --> 00:07:58,924 And the memory of our love 115 00:07:59,049 --> 00:08:03,027 would be enough to sustain me for the rest of my days alone. 116 00:08:03,618 --> 00:08:04,944 How about you? 117 00:08:05,283 --> 00:08:06,869 What would you do if I died? 118 00:08:06,994 --> 00:08:09,194 I'd marry Meg Penner, my backup wife. 119 00:08:16,350 --> 00:08:17,350 Meg Penner? 120 00:08:17,848 --> 00:08:19,198 Wait, Dr. Penner? 121 00:08:19,345 --> 00:08:20,374 Our dentist?! 122 00:08:20,543 --> 00:08:23,338 Exactly, that's who I would marry next. She's my backup. 123 00:08:23,463 --> 00:08:25,833 Like that extra pair of underwear I keep in the car... 124 00:08:25,958 --> 00:08:27,297 just in case. 125 00:08:27,465 --> 00:08:30,676 You already know who you want to marry after I'm dead? 126 00:08:30,844 --> 00:08:31,824 {It's }Nothing formal. 127 00:08:31,949 --> 00:08:34,647 Meg and I were talking during one of my routine cleanings. 128 00:08:34,772 --> 00:08:37,073 The subject came up, and we decided that if our spouses die, 129 00:08:37,198 --> 00:08:38,725 we'll marry each other. 130 00:08:39,096 --> 00:08:41,995 Wait, Dr. Penner knows about this? 131 00:08:42,120 --> 00:08:44,054 Francine, listen to yourself. 132 00:08:44,179 --> 00:08:46,533 How crazy would it be to plan a backup marriage 133 00:08:46,658 --> 00:08:48,516 without alerting the backup bride? 134 00:08:48,797 --> 00:08:50,546 That would just be weird. 135 00:08:53,200 --> 00:08:55,786 - Are you in love with Meg Penner? - What? 136 00:08:55,911 --> 00:08:57,545 No, no, I'm not in love with her. 137 00:08:57,670 --> 00:08:59,560 - Are you sleeping with her?! - Of course not! 138 00:08:59,685 --> 00:09:02,089 Then why are you making all these plans with her? 139 00:09:02,214 --> 00:09:05,119 Oh, baby, baby, you must have misheard me or misunderstood me. 140 00:09:05,244 --> 00:09:06,704 It was probably my fault. 141 00:09:07,933 --> 00:09:10,748 None of this happens until you are dead. 142 00:09:16,200 --> 00:09:20,200 Stan, I want you to break off this crazy arrangement with Dr. Penner. 143 00:09:20,517 --> 00:09:24,313 I'm not dead, and I don't like you arranging my replacement as if I were! 144 00:09:24,438 --> 00:09:26,299 No. You're making a big deal out of nothing. 145 00:09:26,424 --> 00:09:27,774 It's not nothing. 146 00:09:27,922 --> 00:09:29,622 Not to a woman at least. 147 00:09:29,856 --> 00:09:33,049 You think Dr. Penner's approaching this as casually as you are? 148 00:09:33,174 --> 00:09:34,909 Probably. She's pretty casual. 149 00:09:35,034 --> 00:09:36,949 She wears Crocs around the office. 150 00:09:37,655 --> 00:09:40,424 Look, Francine, they say men who are happily married 151 00:09:40,549 --> 00:09:42,460 usually get remarried right away. 152 00:09:42,585 --> 00:09:45,385 So, this is actually a huge compliment to you. 153 00:09:45,886 --> 00:09:47,827 There's your Valentine's Day present. 154 00:09:47,952 --> 00:09:50,102 Your present is that observation. 155 00:09:55,252 --> 00:09:58,118 We know you were in the victim's room on the day in question, Barry. 156 00:09:58,243 --> 00:10:00,503 This is the room where I sleep in my house! 157 00:10:00,666 --> 00:10:01,934 Don't get smart with me! 158 00:10:02,204 --> 00:10:04,177 You wanna do this the hard way, that's fine. 159 00:10:04,302 --> 00:10:05,646 I invented the hard way! 160 00:10:05,906 --> 00:10:08,245 - What do you think you're doing? - I'm playing bad cop. 161 00:10:08,370 --> 00:10:11,104 - You know, good cop/bad cop? - Yeah, but I'm the bad cop. 162 00:10:11,229 --> 00:10:12,912 Roger, I'm the one in a wheelchair. 163 00:10:13,037 --> 00:10:15,134 I'm bitter about my fate and constantly in pain 164 00:10:15,259 --> 00:10:17,717 from the one-eyed serial killer's bullet lodged in my spine. 165 00:10:17,842 --> 00:10:18,793 I'm bad cop. 166 00:10:18,918 --> 00:10:21,686 No, no, your accident humbled you 167 00:10:21,811 --> 00:10:23,773 and made you grateful for every day you're alive. 168 00:10:23,898 --> 00:10:25,516 - You're good cop. - I'm bad cop! 169 00:10:25,641 --> 00:10:29,073 You don't have the guts! I can bad cop better than you in my sleep. 170 00:10:32,162 --> 00:10:35,315 You wanna go to jail, double-stuff? Oh, the boys'll love you in there. 171 00:10:35,440 --> 00:10:37,990 They won't leave one fat fold unviolated. 172 00:10:40,181 --> 00:10:42,676 Still won't talk? Maybe I'll reach out to a buddy of mine. 173 00:10:42,801 --> 00:10:44,237 Dirty Cop owes me a favor. 174 00:10:44,362 --> 00:10:47,126 In two hours, I can have a dead baby stuffed with heroin 175 00:10:47,251 --> 00:10:50,866 planted in your mom's car. Is that what you want, wide load?! 176 00:10:52,466 --> 00:10:54,970 - Put out your hands. - I made heavy pants! 177 00:10:55,095 --> 00:10:56,895 I said put out your hands! 178 00:10:57,020 --> 00:10:59,179 You got real pretty hands, fat boy. 179 00:11:00,239 --> 00:11:01,987 Now I'm gonna make you eat 'em! 180 00:11:03,246 --> 00:11:04,331 God, Roger! 181 00:11:04,456 --> 00:11:06,639 All right, all right, you can be bad cop. 182 00:11:06,764 --> 00:11:08,573 Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear. 183 00:11:08,698 --> 00:11:11,132 I confess! I went in Hayley's room. 184 00:11:11,257 --> 00:11:13,584 I like to put her toothbrush in my mouth. 185 00:11:13,709 --> 00:11:16,550 It tastes like mint, and sometimes I find food. 186 00:11:16,762 --> 00:11:18,385 But what about Hayley's Shuffle? 187 00:11:18,807 --> 00:11:21,590 I don't know. I was just eating toothbrush corn. 188 00:11:21,715 --> 00:11:23,307 Then the fish scared me away. 189 00:11:28,681 --> 00:11:29,896 Looking good! 190 00:11:30,352 --> 00:11:31,452 Doesn't she? 191 00:11:31,858 --> 00:11:34,428 - Jim! Wait, what are you doing here? - Didn't I tell you? 192 00:11:34,553 --> 00:11:36,403 Can you get my back, J-dog? 193 00:11:36,716 --> 00:11:38,113 Jim's my backup husband. 194 00:11:38,281 --> 00:11:39,825 - What?! - I'm honored. 195 00:11:39,950 --> 00:11:42,080 I mean, be sleeping with your wife someday. 196 00:11:42,205 --> 00:11:44,438 That makes us, like, brothers or something. 197 00:11:44,563 --> 00:11:48,165 - Would you excuse us for a minute, Jim? - Sure, I'll just go do my tai-chi. 198 00:11:50,819 --> 00:11:52,294 I see what you're doing here, 199 00:11:52,419 --> 00:11:55,547 but I never laid around the pool having Meg Penner rub lotion on me. 200 00:11:55,747 --> 00:11:58,782 No, you just laid around her office for the last ten years, 201 00:11:58,907 --> 00:12:00,870 letting her fingers in your mouth. 202 00:12:01,125 --> 00:12:03,263 I'm just making up for lost time. 203 00:12:09,081 --> 00:12:10,781 I know why you're upset. 204 00:12:11,079 --> 00:12:13,673 Baby, none of this happens till you're dead. 205 00:12:14,282 --> 00:12:16,735 Oh, God! Jim, your niece's piano recital! 206 00:12:17,735 --> 00:12:19,785 Grab the cupcakes and let's go! 207 00:12:26,511 --> 00:12:29,861 Damn! Did you see what homeboy was packing in his Speedo? 208 00:12:30,135 --> 00:12:31,703 I mean, I can't relax. 209 00:12:31,828 --> 00:12:34,085 I'm in an inner tube, in a pool, 210 00:12:34,210 --> 00:12:36,434 with a drink and I can't get right. 211 00:12:36,559 --> 00:12:38,308 Reginald, what are you doing here? 212 00:12:38,433 --> 00:12:40,683 I just got back from a CIA mission. 213 00:12:40,926 --> 00:12:43,676 'Cause, you know, sometimes I be on missions. 214 00:12:43,922 --> 00:12:46,419 Sometimes I just be hanging out here at the house. 215 00:12:46,544 --> 00:12:47,890 But more importantly, 216 00:12:48,015 --> 00:12:51,672 what's up with Prince Walnuts rubbing lotion on your wife? 217 00:12:52,146 --> 00:12:53,733 You better handle your business. 218 00:12:53,858 --> 00:12:56,339 Yeah, I guess I got to break up with Meg Penner tomorrow. 219 00:12:57,030 --> 00:12:58,711 It's probably for the best. 220 00:12:58,836 --> 00:13:00,957 Man, I hate ending relationships. 221 00:13:01,082 --> 00:13:03,086 It took me six months to fire the gardener 222 00:13:03,211 --> 00:13:06,015 after I found out he was taking pictures of Steve while he was asleep. 223 00:13:06,140 --> 00:13:07,884 You know, I didn't hear a word you said. 224 00:13:08,009 --> 00:13:11,003 I'm still thinking about Johnny Snowglobes over there. 225 00:13:11,128 --> 00:13:13,228 I mean, is that even attractive? 226 00:13:13,690 --> 00:13:17,613 Like, is it something you advertise, or something you just keep to yourself? 227 00:13:20,873 --> 00:13:22,843 For the last time, I wasn't in Hayley's room. 228 00:13:23,046 --> 00:13:26,471 I was here, reading a great new article about hip dysplasia. 229 00:13:26,685 --> 00:13:28,000 Barry says different, 230 00:13:28,125 --> 00:13:30,952 which means, something about your story seems... 231 00:13:31,534 --> 00:13:32,391 fishy. 232 00:13:32,516 --> 00:13:33,967 - What was that? - A wisecrack. 233 00:13:34,092 --> 00:13:35,713 - I'm cracking wise. - No way! 234 00:13:35,838 --> 00:13:38,365 You can't be bad cop and do the wisecracks. 235 00:13:38,490 --> 00:13:40,026 I'm doing the wisecracks! 236 00:13:40,890 --> 00:13:44,701 Klaus, you're going to face the scales of Lady Justice. 237 00:13:44,826 --> 00:13:47,071 We know you're gill-ty. 238 00:13:47,196 --> 00:13:50,317 Like it or not, fish, you're on the hook for this one. 239 00:13:50,442 --> 00:13:53,336 Your days of crime are H2 over! 240 00:13:53,461 --> 00:13:55,743 - That doesn't even make sense! - Fish live in water! 241 00:13:55,918 --> 00:13:56,918 Enough! 242 00:13:57,303 --> 00:13:59,838 I confess. Just, please, no more puns. 243 00:14:00,084 --> 00:14:01,236 I knew he was lying! 244 00:14:01,361 --> 00:14:04,050 There hasn't been a good article on hip dysplasia in years. 245 00:14:04,295 --> 00:14:06,102 Look, I did go into Hayley's room. 246 00:14:06,227 --> 00:14:09,222 I use her toothbrush to scrape algae from the inside of my bowl. 247 00:14:10,516 --> 00:14:12,416 But I didn't steal anything. 248 00:14:12,830 --> 00:14:13,977 Is that a red hair? 249 00:14:14,234 --> 00:14:17,375 Ja. I've been tangled in it since I was in Hayley's room. 250 00:14:18,645 --> 00:14:19,893 We found our next clue. 251 00:14:20,018 --> 00:14:23,344 Looks like this case is getting a little hairy. 252 00:14:24,622 --> 00:14:26,053 You proud of that? 253 00:14:26,178 --> 00:14:28,366 You proud of that sentence you just said? 254 00:14:32,684 --> 00:14:34,775 What are you doing here? You have an appointment? 255 00:14:34,900 --> 00:14:37,544 No, but you're about to have a disappointment. 256 00:14:37,818 --> 00:14:40,712 Meg, I've got to break things off. You can't be my backup wife. 257 00:14:40,986 --> 00:14:42,420 What? That? 258 00:14:42,545 --> 00:14:45,425 For heaven's sakes, I thought that was some kind of a joke. 259 00:14:45,807 --> 00:14:48,094 And the ego goes into defense mode. 260 00:14:50,220 --> 00:14:52,217 Amazing how the human brain works, isn't it? 261 00:14:53,511 --> 00:14:54,851 She keeps saying my name. 262 00:14:55,486 --> 00:14:56,648 You got it bad, Meg. 263 00:14:56,773 --> 00:14:59,022 You just need to turn around and walk away. 264 00:14:59,244 --> 00:15:00,524 But this is my office. 265 00:15:00,861 --> 00:15:02,887 Good, good, throw yourself into your work. 266 00:15:03,012 --> 00:15:05,257 Now, listen, I'm going to leave, but... 267 00:15:05,382 --> 00:15:06,895 these little love notes? 268 00:15:07,473 --> 00:15:08,756 Meg, no more of these. 269 00:15:09,005 --> 00:15:12,118 That's an appointment card. I send them to all my patients. 270 00:15:16,303 --> 00:15:18,860 Now I know it won't be easy, but try to forget about me. 271 00:15:18,985 --> 00:15:21,234 Do something nice for yourself. Get a massage. 272 00:15:21,359 --> 00:15:23,409 Go have salad with the girls... 273 00:15:23,853 --> 00:15:27,223 But if you just can't stop thinking about this gorgeous mug... 274 00:15:27,348 --> 00:15:28,954 Well, maybe this will help. 275 00:15:32,089 --> 00:15:33,098 You're welcome! 276 00:15:35,835 --> 00:15:38,877 So, since I went ahead and broke up with my backup wife, 277 00:15:39,002 --> 00:15:40,388 you don't need to carry on 278 00:15:40,513 --> 00:15:43,135 with Francine's little backup husband revenge thing! 279 00:15:43,260 --> 00:15:46,210 You mean, just pretend like this never happened? 280 00:15:46,443 --> 00:15:49,447 - Right! - That's a big emotional negatory! 281 00:15:49,689 --> 00:15:51,938 - I'm sorry? - No can do! 282 00:15:52,364 --> 00:15:54,282 I'm in love with your wife! 283 00:15:54,679 --> 00:15:55,504 What?! 284 00:15:55,629 --> 00:15:58,048 She's sexy! She's funny! 285 00:15:58,173 --> 00:15:59,773 My niece loves her...! 286 00:16:00,670 --> 00:16:03,041 My niece is very important to me! 287 00:16:03,306 --> 00:16:05,964 Jim, I'm sorry, but she's a happily married... 288 00:16:09,077 --> 00:16:10,396 Not anymore! 289 00:16:11,708 --> 00:16:12,656 What the fuck! 290 00:16:16,741 --> 00:16:19,017 You lost your damn mind, Jim? 291 00:16:19,142 --> 00:16:20,342 That was Stan! 292 00:16:20,637 --> 00:16:22,187 You just killed Stan! 293 00:16:25,365 --> 00:16:27,003 All right. What's done is done. 294 00:16:27,128 --> 00:16:28,438 Can't change it now. 295 00:16:28,563 --> 00:16:30,557 Reggie's just got to keep moving. 296 00:16:36,987 --> 00:16:40,597 And so, on behalf of the Guinness Book of World Records, 297 00:16:40,722 --> 00:16:42,997 I, Lady Carolyn Gilbert-Lawson, 298 00:16:43,122 --> 00:16:47,134 congratulate Achmed Asadi for making the world's biggest falafel. 299 00:16:54,284 --> 00:16:55,555 You're a fraud, Asadi! 300 00:16:55,894 --> 00:16:57,994 I just wanted to impress Zamira! 301 00:16:58,152 --> 00:16:59,726 She is so beautiful! 302 00:17:07,742 --> 00:17:10,620 Hey, lady, is that your hot air balloon? I need a ride back to the States. 303 00:17:10,745 --> 00:17:14,532 I'm sorry, but that balloon is for official Guinness business only. 304 00:17:14,866 --> 00:17:16,553 What if I told you we'd set the record 305 00:17:16,678 --> 00:17:19,079 for "Most Spontaneous Cross Atlantic Hot Air Balloon Trip"? 306 00:17:19,389 --> 00:17:21,159 I'm sorry, sir, I can't... 307 00:17:21,284 --> 00:17:23,152 What if I told you I'm about to set the record 308 00:17:23,277 --> 00:17:25,575 for shooting a woman in the face the most times in a row? 309 00:17:25,700 --> 00:17:28,314 Alejandro, fire up the balloon! 310 00:17:34,524 --> 00:17:37,579 Hayley, we worked all day, and we finally figured everything out. 311 00:17:37,704 --> 00:17:39,527 - Really? - Yeah, I'm good cop, 312 00:17:39,652 --> 00:17:40,823 {pos(192,230)}and Roger's bad cop. 313 00:17:40,948 --> 00:17:42,265 {pos(192,230)}I make the wisecracks, 314 00:17:42,390 --> 00:17:45,129 {pos(192,230)}but Roger can be sarcastic, as long as it's not too schticky. 315 00:17:45,254 --> 00:17:47,997 {pos(192,230)}I get to have the troubled past, but Steve always gets the girl. 316 00:17:48,122 --> 00:17:50,837 Unless she's a bad guy, in which case, Roger gets her, 317 00:17:50,962 --> 00:17:53,884 so she can betray him, leading to a gunfight on the roof of an opera{ house}. 318 00:17:54,009 --> 00:17:55,448 - Or a theater. - Or a theater. 319 00:17:55,675 --> 00:17:58,237 What the hell are you talking about? Where's my Shuffle? 320 00:17:58,362 --> 00:18:00,686 - Your what now? - That was the whole point of this. 321 00:18:00,811 --> 00:18:03,707 You were supposed to find my iPod Shuffle, rember? 322 00:18:03,972 --> 00:18:05,596 Is that what a Shuffle is? 323 00:18:05,721 --> 00:18:08,342 - I did not realize. Yeah, I took that. - What? 324 00:18:08,467 --> 00:18:12,078 I was in {Hayley's }her room, using her toothbrush to scrub the bird poo out of my red wig. 325 00:18:12,203 --> 00:18:14,503 What? Oh, God, I'm going to be sick. 326 00:18:14,892 --> 00:18:16,892 Can I finish my story, please? 327 00:18:17,017 --> 00:18:18,922 Anyway, I took your iPod from the dresser 328 00:18:19,047 --> 00:18:20,714 for a variety of complex reasons, 329 00:18:20,839 --> 00:18:22,809 the most important of which was that it was shiny. 330 00:18:23,415 --> 00:18:25,786 I erased all your music and filled it with ABBA. 331 00:18:25,911 --> 00:18:27,872 Don't really care for them, but I did it anyway. 332 00:18:27,997 --> 00:18:30,992 So that explains the red hair we found in Klaus's bowl. 333 00:18:31,117 --> 00:18:33,902 I guess it wasn't just a red hair-ing! 334 00:18:34,027 --> 00:18:35,321 Nice pun work, Wheels. 335 00:18:35,490 --> 00:18:36,608 Thanks, Legman. 336 00:18:36,733 --> 00:18:38,667 The puns are there in the marble. 337 00:18:38,792 --> 00:18:41,850 - I just have to chisel them out. - Free them from the marble. 338 00:18:43,942 --> 00:18:44,998 You need something? 339 00:18:48,848 --> 00:18:51,474 Thanks. Why do you travel like this, Alejandro? 340 00:18:51,599 --> 00:18:52,839 I'll tell you why, Stan. 341 00:18:54,349 --> 00:18:57,619 Will you put me in the record book as the happiest man alive 342 00:18:57,744 --> 00:19:01,040 by becoming Mrs. Lady Carolyn Gilbert Lawson-Rojas? 343 00:19:01,382 --> 00:19:02,443 Yes, Alejandro! 344 00:19:02,568 --> 00:19:04,068 A million times yes! 345 00:19:12,654 --> 00:19:13,469 You! 346 00:19:29,344 --> 00:19:30,960 Francine, help! 347 00:19:31,891 --> 00:19:34,547 I'm dealing with a little problem of my own. 348 00:19:37,070 --> 00:19:39,258 - What are you doing? - We're going to be together. 349 00:19:39,383 --> 00:19:40,804 Like we planned. 350 00:19:42,187 --> 00:19:43,890 No, we broke up, remember? 351 00:19:44,313 --> 00:19:45,525 I know. No, I know. 352 00:19:45,650 --> 00:19:47,931 Look, I really tried to play it cool, but... 353 00:19:48,056 --> 00:19:50,206 But the truth is, you were right. 354 00:19:50,552 --> 00:19:51,552 I love you. 355 00:19:51,740 --> 00:19:54,359 And my heart has a cavity that only you can fill! 356 00:19:55,170 --> 00:19:56,419 That is clever... 357 00:19:56,544 --> 00:19:58,261 and super-crazy. 358 00:20:00,974 --> 00:20:03,024 Stan, this is all my fault. 359 00:20:05,216 --> 00:20:08,786 I was jealous, so I tried to make you jealous. 360 00:20:10,458 --> 00:20:12,654 No, it's my fault. 361 00:20:12,811 --> 00:20:15,207 There's a lot of things you should make backup plans for, 362 00:20:15,332 --> 00:20:17,324 but love isn't one of them. 363 00:20:18,554 --> 00:20:20,436 Stan, that's beautiful. 364 00:20:29,277 --> 00:20:30,103 My tooth! 365 00:20:30,380 --> 00:20:31,855 I can put a crown on for you. 366 00:20:32,023 --> 00:20:33,734 I'm not going to you anymore. 367 00:20:33,859 --> 00:20:35,775 Good luck getting your x-rays back, bitch! 368 00:20:40,310 --> 00:20:42,657 Nobody shoots my backup husband. 369 00:20:43,477 --> 00:20:46,077 Meg, you saved my life! I love you! 370 00:20:56,611 --> 00:20:57,737 Just, just... 371 00:20:59,129 --> 00:21:01,502 - Did we just find another case? - Are you kidding me? 372 00:21:01,627 --> 00:21:02,747 This is gruesome. 373 00:21:02,872 --> 00:21:04,810 This is like a cable crime. We're network. 374 00:21:04,935 --> 00:21:07,242 - Yeah, no one dies on our show. - Right. 375 00:21:07,367 --> 00:21:09,928 Let's face it: On our darkest day, we're Scooby-Doo. 376 00:21:10,053 --> 00:21:11,356 Maybe Quincy. 9999 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 www.tvsubtitles.net