1 00:00:07,942 --> 00:00:10,983 Good morning, Mr. And Ms. School-Age America. 2 00:00:11,150 --> 00:00:13,275 It's time to put your lunch pail in your cubby... 3 00:00:13,400 --> 00:00:15,567 and punch the clock, because you're about to start... 4 00:00:15,650 --> 00:00:19,025 the first day of your career in science! 5 00:00:20,900 --> 00:00:23,858 Meet your new boss, Dr. Jonas Venture. 6 00:00:23,983 --> 00:00:27,400 Famed inventor, philanthropist, and globe-trotting adventurer. 7 00:00:29,108 --> 00:00:32,733 Now enter your new office, Gargantua-1... 8 00:00:32,900 --> 00:00:35,983 a space station so advanced, so self-sufficient... 9 00:00:36,150 --> 00:00:39,192 that it has been dubbed "the ninth wonder of the world." 10 00:00:40,983 --> 00:00:46,608 Here, you and over 2,000 other employees, including 200 space welders... 11 00:00:46,733 --> 00:00:50,108 74 flying nurses, and one busy barber... 12 00:00:50,275 --> 00:00:54,317 labor to make the boss' perfect vision a perfect reality. 13 00:00:56,192 --> 00:01:00,942 Why, even little Rusty, Dr. Venture's companion and son... 14 00:01:01,067 --> 00:01:02,483 is pitching in. 15 00:01:02,650 --> 00:01:08,317 Yes, it looks like Rusty's career in science has a bright future. 16 00:01:23,442 --> 00:01:28,867 - Wuss! - Knock it off! 17 00:01:29,161 --> 00:01:30,900 Boys, for the last time, stop! 18 00:01:30,983 --> 00:01:32,733 Brock is trying to drive! 19 00:01:32,817 --> 00:01:34,733 - I'm cool. - He started it! 20 00:01:34,817 --> 00:01:37,775 No, I started it years ago in a moment of passion... 21 00:01:37,858 --> 00:01:42,650 and I'll end it the same way right here in front of Brock, H.E.L.P.eR., and God! 22 00:01:42,817 --> 00:01:47,233 Now sit on your hands and keep your mouths shut! 23 00:01:48,442 --> 00:01:52,733 But now I can't read my Giant Boy Detective book. 24 00:01:52,817 --> 00:01:54,733 Shouldn't be reading in a moving vehicle, anyway. 25 00:01:54,817 --> 00:01:56,608 You know it makes you... 26 00:02:54,733 --> 00:02:57,525 Good morning, Vent Shuttle Two. This is control. 27 00:02:57,650 --> 00:03:00,067 Maintain present course and enjoy the view. 28 00:03:00,192 --> 00:03:04,650 And may I state what an honor it is to have the illustrious Dr. Venture... 29 00:03:06,858 --> 00:03:08,108 Hello? 30 00:03:08,233 --> 00:03:10,525 Should I hold down the little button? 31 00:03:10,650 --> 00:03:11,650 Thank you, Control. 32 00:03:11,817 --> 00:03:14,358 Vent Shuttle Two ready to receive docking protocol. 33 00:03:14,483 --> 00:03:16,358 And roger that. 34 00:03:16,483 --> 00:03:19,567 I'll leave you in the hands of Lieutenant Baldavich for that procedure. 35 00:03:19,692 --> 00:03:21,275 Welcome home. 36 00:03:22,233 --> 00:03:25,358 Let's take this slow. It's my first time. 37 00:03:25,525 --> 00:03:26,942 I'll be gentle. 38 00:03:27,108 --> 00:03:29,525 Now, where do you want this hot rocket? 39 00:03:29,733 --> 00:03:32,192 Wow, that's a big one! 40 00:03:32,317 --> 00:03:35,358 Now, ease it in. 41 00:03:35,567 --> 00:03:37,150 Good. 42 00:03:37,275 --> 00:03:38,775 Just like that. 43 00:03:39,817 --> 00:03:41,650 Brock, could we speed this up? 44 00:03:41,775 --> 00:03:43,317 I really have to go number one. I'm serious. 45 00:03:43,483 --> 00:03:45,483 That's it, keep going. 46 00:03:45,608 --> 00:03:47,942 Slow, slow. 47 00:03:48,108 --> 00:03:50,317 Yes, that's it! 48 00:03:50,442 --> 00:03:51,775 That's a tight fit. 49 00:03:52,483 --> 00:03:55,775 It's like they were made for each other. 50 00:03:55,942 --> 00:03:58,309 That's because they were, because they were both made by the same guy. 51 00:03:58,365 --> 00:04:00,150 Now, can we finish this up, please? 52 00:04:00,275 --> 00:04:04,865 I'm almost there. Brace yourself, 'cause it's gonna be... 53 00:04:04,956 --> 00:04:07,567 Oh, come on! 54 00:04:17,817 --> 00:04:20,233 Dr. Venture, I presume? 55 00:04:20,733 --> 00:04:21,983 I wish. 56 00:04:22,775 --> 00:04:24,275 That's my man, Brock. 57 00:04:24,407 --> 00:04:25,593 Uhh, okay. 58 00:04:25,900 --> 00:04:28,067 This is quite an honor, Dr. Venture. 59 00:04:28,192 --> 00:04:32,358 I'm Colonel Bud Manstrong, and this vision is Anna Bal... 60 00:04:32,516 --> 00:04:34,605 I mean, Lieutenant Baldavich. 61 00:04:34,692 --> 00:04:37,025 Great. Look, is there some kind of bathroom you could... 62 00:04:38,317 --> 00:04:40,608 Of course, how insensitive of me. 63 00:04:40,733 --> 00:04:44,983 You've had a long journey, and I'm sure you need to unpack your... 64 00:04:45,358 --> 00:04:48,067 extra liquid. 65 00:04:48,192 --> 00:04:49,775 All right, fine. Let's just get going. 66 00:04:49,983 --> 00:04:51,983 OK, I like that. 67 00:04:52,108 --> 00:04:53,567 Let's get to work. 68 00:04:53,733 --> 00:04:55,983 This way, gentlemen. 69 00:05:00,192 --> 00:05:03,733 Those sure are dandy-fine space suits you boys got. 70 00:05:03,900 --> 00:05:05,692 It's kinda creepy in here. 71 00:05:05,817 --> 00:05:07,192 And cold. 72 00:05:07,442 --> 00:05:11,858 When it gets cold like this, I always remember back when I was a... 73 00:05:12,192 --> 00:05:14,775 paperboy on this station. 74 00:05:14,900 --> 00:05:17,942 I must have been about your age, and on a night just like this... 75 00:05:18,067 --> 00:05:19,775 one of the crew just suddenly... 76 00:05:20,067 --> 00:05:21,025 cracked. 77 00:05:21,192 --> 00:05:22,692 Cool! 78 00:05:22,775 --> 00:05:26,692 He gathered everyone in the hangar for what he called "movie night." 79 00:05:27,358 --> 00:05:31,525 And under the flickering light of Burt Reynolds' "Sharky's Machine"... 80 00:05:31,608 --> 00:05:33,817 he opened the bay doors. 81 00:05:34,067 --> 00:05:38,817 Almost the whole crew was there, "Sharky's Machine." 82 00:05:40,025 --> 00:05:44,525 Yep, they say his phantom spirit still roams these corridors. 83 00:05:44,942 --> 00:05:47,192 Phantom space man! 84 00:05:47,358 --> 00:05:49,150 Right, Dr. Venture? 85 00:05:49,275 --> 00:05:52,067 Whatever. Look, I'm gonna be honest here. 86 00:05:52,150 --> 00:05:53,650 I really need to take a tinkle. 87 00:05:58,233 --> 00:05:59,442 We're here. 88 00:05:59,608 --> 00:06:00,858 So, what's the problem? 89 00:06:01,317 --> 00:06:02,608 The light went on. 90 00:06:02,733 --> 00:06:04,567 That's helpful. 91 00:06:04,733 --> 00:06:06,858 And that's never happened before. 92 00:06:06,983 --> 00:06:10,067 And then we found this. So, we called you. 93 00:06:10,150 --> 00:06:13,608 Thought the brainiac son of Dr. Venture could lick this in a jiffy. 94 00:06:14,067 --> 00:06:15,358 Stand back, everyone! 95 00:06:15,442 --> 00:06:17,692 Let the genius put on the ol' thinking cap. 96 00:06:17,817 --> 00:06:19,650 Flattery will get you everywhere. 97 00:06:23,150 --> 00:06:25,358 - Doc, you OK? - Yeah! I'm fine. 98 00:06:25,483 --> 00:06:28,483 I was just enjoying the super freedom of space travel. 99 00:06:28,858 --> 00:06:31,650 You know, testing out the waste collection pouch. 100 00:06:32,692 --> 00:06:34,692 It really is quite liberating. 101 00:06:35,525 --> 00:06:37,567 What? We're astronauts. 102 00:06:37,817 --> 00:06:39,150 Why is everyone... 103 00:06:40,025 --> 00:06:41,775 isn't there something we should be doing? 104 00:06:41,900 --> 00:06:42,942 You heard the man! 105 00:06:43,067 --> 00:06:47,317 Let's scrub this baby down and give her a good powdering. 106 00:06:48,067 --> 00:06:51,483 Oh, sweet mercy, tell me these suits have a collection pouch. 107 00:06:52,400 --> 00:06:54,025 It's still on! 108 00:06:54,192 --> 00:06:55,108 Hold on, boys. 109 00:06:55,233 --> 00:06:57,192 Brock! Come in, Brock! 110 00:06:57,358 --> 00:06:58,527 Yeah, what? 111 00:06:59,150 --> 00:07:02,275 How is the cargo bay? Is it broken? 112 00:07:02,400 --> 00:07:04,150 This is a huge waste of time. 113 00:07:04,275 --> 00:07:06,317 These panels have never been opened. 114 00:07:07,608 --> 00:07:11,150 The whole place smells like a new radio. 115 00:07:11,233 --> 00:07:14,150 Fine, just keep checking. 116 00:07:14,817 --> 00:07:15,900 Anything? 117 00:07:16,150 --> 00:07:18,108 No, it's still on. 118 00:07:18,650 --> 00:07:21,567 Do these switches even do anything? What about now? 119 00:07:21,692 --> 00:07:24,025 It's... wait. Wait, it's... 120 00:07:24,150 --> 00:07:25,817 On or off? 121 00:07:26,942 --> 00:07:28,733 It's still on. 122 00:07:31,483 --> 00:07:32,442 Anna. 123 00:07:32,608 --> 00:07:37,525 Maybe I'm just a romantic fool spurred on by the friscalating starlight... 124 00:07:37,650 --> 00:07:39,442 but I phoned Mother about us. 125 00:07:39,567 --> 00:07:41,567 I think I may be ready to... 126 00:07:41,775 --> 00:07:42,733 I mean... 127 00:07:42,900 --> 00:07:45,150 I don't want to rush you into anything. 128 00:07:45,275 --> 00:07:49,358 Rush me? We've been alone on this station for six years! 129 00:07:49,483 --> 00:07:53,299 Six years of hand-holding, six years of kisses on cheek, 130 00:07:53,324 --> 00:07:54,942 of love notes in locker... 131 00:07:55,025 --> 00:07:58,400 of "I heart Anna" with that little "T.L.A." thing... 132 00:07:58,483 --> 00:08:00,442 drawn on space boot with Sharpie. 133 00:08:00,567 --> 00:08:03,400 What more could a girl want? 134 00:08:03,692 --> 00:08:05,858 - Now? - Still on. 135 00:08:05,983 --> 00:08:08,650 A problem light. Wow, Dad. What a super idea! 136 00:08:08,733 --> 00:08:12,192 No, you should always put one of those on the ninth wonder of the world. 137 00:08:12,317 --> 00:08:14,180 - Anything? - No. 138 00:08:14,204 --> 00:08:15,317 Now? 139 00:08:18,442 --> 00:08:22,317 What I'm going to ask you is no small step forward for us. 140 00:08:22,442 --> 00:08:26,733 It's one giant step forward for us-kind. 141 00:08:26,900 --> 00:08:33,233 So, I need to know now if there's any reason you would not want... 142 00:08:34,067 --> 00:08:36,150 Brock! 143 00:08:46,817 --> 00:08:50,983 You won't get off this easy, Brock Samson. 144 00:08:51,108 --> 00:08:58,195 - It's on. - It's off. 145 00:08:58,304 --> 00:09:01,000 That's called blinking, boys. 146 00:09:01,317 --> 00:09:04,192 - Anything? - Now it's just regular on. 147 00:09:04,942 --> 00:09:06,900 Why don't you boys go help someone else? 148 00:09:07,025 --> 00:09:09,358 Or better, get me a dry space suit. 149 00:09:09,567 --> 00:09:11,817 Your father's basting in his own juices. 150 00:09:12,733 --> 00:09:15,942 Oh, it got in my gloves. 151 00:09:16,817 --> 00:09:18,525 Oh, dear God. 152 00:09:25,317 --> 00:09:26,525 Great design, Dad. 153 00:09:26,650 --> 00:09:29,067 What a super place for the gravity button. 154 00:09:36,108 --> 00:09:38,650 Our dad wants a dry space suit. 155 00:09:39,942 --> 00:09:42,817 - What happened? - Someone opened the bay doors on him. 156 00:09:42,942 --> 00:09:44,650 He should be dead. 157 00:09:45,442 --> 00:09:47,400 Phantom space man! 158 00:09:47,483 --> 00:09:49,692 We gotta warn Dad! 159 00:09:52,442 --> 00:09:55,233 Gonna lie down for a sec. 160 00:10:00,650 --> 00:10:02,108 Too late. 161 00:10:02,233 --> 00:10:04,150 Is he dead? 162 00:10:04,275 --> 00:10:06,317 Can't tell. Touch his neck. 163 00:10:06,483 --> 00:10:08,858 - You. - No, I don't wanna. 164 00:10:09,525 --> 00:10:12,108 Holy crap, I think he's really dead! 165 00:10:12,442 --> 00:10:15,400 Why would the phantom space man guy do this? 166 00:10:26,275 --> 00:10:29,900 Hello, Rusty! It's time to get up. 167 00:10:30,358 --> 00:10:31,733 Dad? 168 00:10:32,275 --> 00:10:34,817 I think I peed my bed. 169 00:10:47,233 --> 00:10:48,358 Let's go, boy! 170 00:10:48,483 --> 00:10:50,442 That pterodactyl looks mighty hungry! 171 00:10:50,567 --> 00:10:52,983 And I do believe we're on the menu! 172 00:10:53,483 --> 00:10:55,483 Should I hide in a barrel or something? 173 00:10:55,650 --> 00:10:58,275 Hang on, son! These savages mean business! 174 00:10:58,400 --> 00:11:00,692 Now, grab my hand and hold on tight! 175 00:11:02,483 --> 00:11:03,567 Of course. 176 00:11:03,692 --> 00:11:04,983 Am I a ghost? 177 00:11:05,817 --> 00:11:07,233 Yeah, that's it. 178 00:11:08,025 --> 00:11:11,733 I have come here to show you the folly of your ways! 179 00:11:11,900 --> 00:11:14,013 Take my hand, and we'll travel to... 180 00:11:14,069 --> 00:11:15,317 Come on, Dad! 181 00:11:15,733 --> 00:11:18,608 One, we just proved nobody's taking anybody's hand here. 182 00:11:18,733 --> 00:11:21,900 And two, you never believed in ghosts. You were a scientist. 183 00:11:22,067 --> 00:11:25,525 Yeah, that's true. I guess. 184 00:11:25,650 --> 00:11:29,025 I whacked my head trying to fix your stupid space station. 185 00:11:29,150 --> 00:11:34,233 It's clear you're a traumatic hallucination made manifest by my hitting my... ego. 186 00:11:34,358 --> 00:11:35,608 All right, fine, fine. 187 00:11:35,733 --> 00:11:37,150 But I'm still your father. 188 00:11:37,358 --> 00:11:41,150 What did you do to my space station? 189 00:11:42,942 --> 00:11:45,067 Stop! I'm gonna throw up! 190 00:11:45,650 --> 00:11:46,692 What do we do? 191 00:11:46,817 --> 00:11:48,650 We should look for clues or something. 192 00:11:48,817 --> 00:11:50,983 Now, what would Giant Boy Detective do? 193 00:11:52,067 --> 00:11:53,942 Screw Giant Boy Detective! 194 00:11:54,108 --> 00:11:55,900 His dad's not dead! 195 00:11:56,317 --> 00:11:57,858 That was mine. 196 00:11:59,275 --> 00:12:01,400 This wasn't supposed to happen! 197 00:12:01,567 --> 00:12:03,608 I hate Phantom Space Man! 198 00:12:05,358 --> 00:12:09,150 Oh, my God, why can't you take the responsibility of your failure? 199 00:12:09,275 --> 00:12:13,400 Because Gargantua-1 is perfect! The problem has to be your fault. 200 00:12:13,525 --> 00:12:15,692 My fault? "Gargantua-1!" 201 00:12:15,858 --> 00:12:18,233 It's like the worst name for a space station. 202 00:12:18,358 --> 00:12:21,942 - I thought it cool. - No, I thought you thought it was cool. 203 00:12:23,900 --> 00:12:27,442 OK, crazy, then by your logic, you think you broke my space station. 204 00:12:30,900 --> 00:12:33,233 - I've tried everything. - Are you kidding me? 205 00:12:33,358 --> 00:12:37,608 You were just flipping switches. Think, think, tiny wonder! 206 00:12:37,692 --> 00:12:40,442 You built this with me, you should know her inside and out. 207 00:12:40,567 --> 00:12:41,858 I was, like, ten. 208 00:12:41,942 --> 00:12:44,358 I just wanted to play with my plastic cowboys and Indians. 209 00:12:44,525 --> 00:12:47,483 Who lets a ten-year-old build a space station? 210 00:12:48,608 --> 00:12:49,817 Nothing. 211 00:12:49,983 --> 00:12:51,400 What are you doing? 212 00:12:51,692 --> 00:12:54,692 Oh, hold on. I have another call. 213 00:12:58,608 --> 00:13:00,233 It was someone trying to fax me. 214 00:13:00,358 --> 00:13:01,900 Anyway... 215 00:13:09,275 --> 00:13:10,858 I'm never gonna get used to that. 216 00:13:10,983 --> 00:13:13,025 What? The pain? 217 00:13:13,400 --> 00:13:17,650 It would have killed a lesser man, but you look spectacular. 218 00:13:17,775 --> 00:13:19,192 Oh, yeah. The pain. 219 00:13:19,317 --> 00:13:20,567 That's not so bad. 220 00:13:20,692 --> 00:13:22,525 I hacked up some blood a couple of minutes ago. 221 00:13:22,692 --> 00:13:25,733 There was this big chunk about the size of a... 222 00:13:26,025 --> 00:13:27,775 one of those little kiwi fruit... 223 00:13:27,942 --> 00:13:31,067 but I don't feel anything missing, so I'm not too worried. 224 00:13:31,442 --> 00:13:34,900 You are quite a man, Brock Samson. 225 00:13:35,358 --> 00:13:38,858 Is there anything I can do to help you? 226 00:13:38,935 --> 00:13:41,527 Yeah, you can unzip your space suit for me. 227 00:13:41,615 --> 00:13:42,942 And, uh... 228 00:13:43,150 --> 00:13:45,233 I like it with the helmet on. 229 00:13:47,775 --> 00:13:49,858 Oh, crap! The door's locked! 230 00:13:49,983 --> 00:13:51,733 If we can't get to Brock, we're goners! 231 00:13:51,858 --> 00:13:53,025 No, wait! 232 00:13:53,150 --> 00:13:54,108 I see him! 233 00:13:54,233 --> 00:13:56,108 And it looks like he's wrestling someone! 234 00:13:56,233 --> 00:13:57,650 Shove over! 235 00:13:59,400 --> 00:14:01,608 Phantom Space Man! 236 00:14:03,400 --> 00:14:05,192 That's it, Brock. Pace yourself. 237 00:14:05,317 --> 00:14:06,567 Conserve your energy. 238 00:14:06,608 --> 00:14:07,733 What the... 239 00:14:07,858 --> 00:14:09,150 What's he doing with his... 240 00:14:09,195 --> 00:14:10,445 Think about it, bro. 241 00:14:10,525 --> 00:14:11,733 What other weapon does he have? 242 00:14:11,900 --> 00:14:14,608 He needs his hands free... for stuff. 243 00:14:15,567 --> 00:14:17,900 Phantom Space Man somehow got on top! 244 00:14:17,983 --> 00:14:20,275 That's it, Brocko. Shake him off! 245 00:14:23,775 --> 00:14:25,275 He's got him on his knees! 246 00:14:25,400 --> 00:14:26,567 Just a matter of time now. 247 00:14:26,650 --> 00:14:28,400 Brock is just toying with him! 248 00:14:28,650 --> 00:14:30,400 Whoa! Pretzel bender! 249 00:14:30,525 --> 00:14:31,942 Brock's gotta teach me that one. 250 00:14:33,567 --> 00:14:35,775 Phantom Space Man got his helmet knocked off! 251 00:14:35,858 --> 00:14:38,025 Oh, my God, he's hideous! 252 00:14:38,692 --> 00:14:40,858 Must have been deformed by space rays. 253 00:14:40,983 --> 00:14:42,150 Look again, Hank! 254 00:14:42,275 --> 00:14:46,192 That's not a phantom space man, that's Lieutenant Baldavich! 255 00:14:47,567 --> 00:14:49,567 - That means... - Right? 256 00:14:49,733 --> 00:14:53,358 Phantom Space Man... is still on the loose! 257 00:15:06,275 --> 00:15:08,317 Oh, great, Dad. Now it's blinking again. 258 00:15:08,442 --> 00:15:10,983 How this thing didn't follow Skylab down, I'll never know. 259 00:15:11,442 --> 00:15:14,262 Looks like something pierced the hull. Super-good! 260 00:15:14,310 --> 00:15:17,317 Hey... My diet pills! Where are my diet pills? 261 00:15:17,483 --> 00:15:20,442 Oh, Rusty, you don't need diet pills! 262 00:15:20,775 --> 00:15:22,775 You just need to work a few things out. 263 00:15:22,942 --> 00:15:25,150 Look who's telling me this, my dead, twelve-foot-tall father. 264 00:15:26,483 --> 00:15:29,483 I thought I built a bigger space station than this. 265 00:15:29,608 --> 00:15:32,108 I guess I remember you always towering over me. 266 00:15:32,983 --> 00:15:34,858 There you are, you little bugger! 267 00:15:35,025 --> 00:15:39,858 Lad, remember, the solution was in you all the time. 268 00:15:40,025 --> 00:15:42,608 - All you have to do is... - Bye, Dad. 269 00:15:46,275 --> 00:15:47,983 Well, what does it matter anymore? 270 00:15:48,150 --> 00:15:49,317 Dad's dead! 271 00:15:49,442 --> 00:15:53,983 Just because some Phantom Space Man had to come here and ruin everything! 272 00:15:54,442 --> 00:15:57,317 What did dad ever do to Phantom Space Man? 273 00:15:58,358 --> 00:16:01,567 Phantom Space Man's a big, fat jerk! 274 00:16:04,150 --> 00:16:06,067 Phantom Space Man! 275 00:16:06,817 --> 00:16:08,900 - I'm gonna kill you! - Why? 276 00:16:10,567 --> 00:16:11,955 How could you do this? 277 00:16:11,983 --> 00:16:13,369 You... good for... 278 00:16:13,817 --> 00:16:15,636 We're alone! No! 279 00:16:15,668 --> 00:16:17,608 Kill! Vengeance! 280 00:16:17,817 --> 00:16:19,525 - For what? - Brock! 281 00:16:19,650 --> 00:16:21,067 - Dear God! - Freak! 282 00:16:21,150 --> 00:16:25,442 Take it! Die! Die! Die! 283 00:16:28,525 --> 00:16:30,567 So... how was he? 284 00:16:30,692 --> 00:16:33,442 - How was who? - Aw, come on! 285 00:16:33,525 --> 00:16:35,900 I shook his hand! It's all fat and stubby! 286 00:16:36,025 --> 00:16:38,858 He must have, like, a huge mushroom down there! 287 00:16:38,983 --> 00:16:42,317 So, does he have a smurf living in it or what? 288 00:16:42,442 --> 00:16:44,733 - What's gotten into you? - Got into me? 289 00:16:44,858 --> 00:16:46,733 I know what got into you! 290 00:16:46,858 --> 00:16:48,817 And that's what got into me! 291 00:16:48,942 --> 00:16:50,858 You don't deserve to be jealous! 292 00:16:50,942 --> 00:16:52,692 I gave you every chance in the world! 293 00:16:52,817 --> 00:16:55,025 I'm not jealous! I'm pissed! 294 00:16:55,108 --> 00:16:56,692 You said you were gonna wait till... 295 00:16:56,775 --> 00:16:59,233 No! You said we were gonna wait! 296 00:16:59,317 --> 00:17:01,775 I don't have to take this. 297 00:17:03,483 --> 00:17:05,650 That's because you already took it. 298 00:17:05,775 --> 00:17:06,775 In the... 299 00:17:06,900 --> 00:17:08,025 lap! 300 00:17:08,233 --> 00:17:09,192 From... 301 00:17:09,400 --> 00:17:11,567 not me! 302 00:17:18,233 --> 00:17:20,650 Go, Team Venture. 303 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:25,983 Attention! There has been a hull breach! 304 00:17:26,108 --> 00:17:27,317 That's Pop! He's alive! 305 00:17:27,442 --> 00:17:28,638 - Danger! - Daddy? 306 00:17:28,671 --> 00:17:30,733 Brock, come to the bridge immediately! 307 00:17:30,858 --> 00:17:31,942 Pelligro! 308 00:17:32,067 --> 00:17:35,483 I am now repeating, there has been a hull breach! 309 00:17:35,608 --> 00:17:37,775 This is serious! 310 00:17:40,108 --> 00:17:41,733 Now, what do we have here? 311 00:17:43,692 --> 00:17:45,317 What is this, Tang? 312 00:17:47,233 --> 00:17:49,067 They still smell of my salty leavings. 313 00:17:49,233 --> 00:17:50,525 - Doc? - What? 314 00:17:50,692 --> 00:17:52,317 Where have you been all day? 315 00:17:52,442 --> 00:17:54,483 There was a little accident in the cargo bay. 316 00:17:54,608 --> 00:17:57,317 No matter. I need you to get suited up and repair a hole... 317 00:17:57,442 --> 00:17:59,567 in this hunk of junk my dad left to the world. 318 00:17:59,650 --> 00:18:02,317 - Yeah, OK, fine. - I'm going with him. 319 00:18:03,442 --> 00:18:04,942 It could be... 320 00:18:05,108 --> 00:18:07,192 dangerous out there. 321 00:18:07,317 --> 00:18:08,817 Great. 322 00:18:12,483 --> 00:18:14,692 Oh, fine, Dad. Blame me. 323 00:18:14,817 --> 00:18:16,067 Blame Rusty. 324 00:18:16,233 --> 00:18:17,525 But who's fault is this? 325 00:18:20,525 --> 00:18:22,525 Oh, God, it's mine. 326 00:18:34,650 --> 00:18:37,817 Sir, you have plucked the flower of the woman I love. 327 00:18:37,983 --> 00:18:40,400 I trust you will do the right and noble thing. 328 00:18:40,525 --> 00:18:42,317 She will make a fine wife. 329 00:18:42,483 --> 00:18:46,108 Her father invented the "Mr. Mouth" game, so she's an heiress. 330 00:18:46,317 --> 00:18:49,233 You two should be quite comfortable. 331 00:18:49,817 --> 00:18:51,900 It's really my fault. 332 00:18:52,067 --> 00:18:54,608 I should have been more attentive to her... 333 00:18:55,358 --> 00:18:59,192 carnal needs, but to be fair, I must warn you... 334 00:18:59,358 --> 00:19:04,192 if you harm a hair on her sweet little head, I will... 335 00:19:07,567 --> 00:19:08,942 No, wait! 336 00:19:10,983 --> 00:19:12,733 How inappropriate! 337 00:19:13,192 --> 00:19:14,608 Don't do... 338 00:19:15,817 --> 00:19:17,900 Wait! Stop! Look! 339 00:19:36,445 --> 00:19:37,445 Tada! 340 00:19:37,525 --> 00:19:38,733 I fixed it! 341 00:19:38,900 --> 00:19:39,400 - Dad! - Daddy! 342 00:19:39,567 --> 00:19:41,150 - We thought you were dead! - You're alive! 343 00:19:41,275 --> 00:19:43,192 OK, boys. Let's take it easy. 344 00:19:43,358 --> 00:19:46,483 See, crybaby? Told you he was alive. 345 00:19:46,608 --> 00:19:49,567 Oh, man! What is it like to be such a huge liar, huh? 346 00:19:49,733 --> 00:19:52,900 "I'm all super-scared of Phantom Space Man!" 347 00:19:53,025 --> 00:19:54,275 Oh, that's it, bookworm! 348 00:19:57,942 --> 00:19:59,192 Oh, fantastic. 349 00:19:59,358 --> 00:20:02,400 I'll just slip into this little number, and we can get out of here. 350 00:20:03,025 --> 00:20:05,817 No need to say good-bye. I'll let them thank me later. 351 00:20:09,817 --> 00:20:12,275 Good Lord, what are you waiting for? 352 00:20:12,400 --> 00:20:13,358 Let me in! 353 00:20:13,525 --> 00:20:15,233 Not until you apologize. 354 00:20:15,400 --> 00:20:19,900 Oh, you're kidding me! I can't feel my right side! 355 00:20:20,108 --> 00:20:23,108 I'm going to die out here! 356 00:20:23,817 --> 00:20:25,608 I'm waiting.