1 00:00:46,567 --> 00:00:48,358 Stop pushing it, and ask your question. 2 00:00:48,483 --> 00:00:49,858 I'm not pushing it! 3 00:00:51,150 --> 00:00:53,400 Will I find true love? 4 00:00:53,525 --> 00:00:56,108 You are such a massive wuss. 5 00:02:28,442 --> 00:02:30,192 Hank and I just woke up on the floor. 6 00:02:30,275 --> 00:02:32,775 We were playing Ouija, and a guy hypnotized us... 7 00:02:32,942 --> 00:02:33,733 Dean... 8 00:02:34,025 --> 00:02:36,067 With his magical Dracula powers. 9 00:02:36,233 --> 00:02:40,900 Dean, I'm going to turn around now, and you'd better be on fire. 10 00:02:41,150 --> 00:02:43,108 You're standing there in flames... 11 00:02:43,275 --> 00:02:46,608 and the only person who can put you out is me... 12 00:02:46,817 --> 00:02:49,567 because that is the only conceivable reason... 13 00:02:49,692 --> 00:02:52,317 that you would wake me up like this! 14 00:02:57,567 --> 00:02:58,442 Morning, Brock. 15 00:03:03,317 --> 00:03:05,775 Hank? You all right? 16 00:03:06,358 --> 00:03:07,567 I will be. 17 00:03:07,900 --> 00:03:09,317 You have to stop sneakin' up on me. 18 00:03:09,525 --> 00:03:10,825 I just wanted to tell you... 19 00:03:12,067 --> 00:03:13,608 H.E.L.P.eR.'s broken. 20 00:03:14,442 --> 00:03:15,817 - Brock? - Yeah. 21 00:03:15,983 --> 00:03:17,650 Is it OK if I cry? 22 00:03:20,358 --> 00:03:22,608 All right, Dean, he's not a vampire. 23 00:03:22,733 --> 00:03:24,025 He's a doctor, and he's renting out... 24 00:03:24,108 --> 00:03:26,317 the old Advanced Arachnid research lab from me... 25 00:03:26,400 --> 00:03:28,608 so don't scare him away with your nonsense. 26 00:03:28,733 --> 00:03:29,775 We need the money. 27 00:03:29,900 --> 00:03:32,775 But he had a Dracula trophy around his neck and everything. 28 00:03:32,858 --> 00:03:35,067 No more "Night Stalker" reruns for you, mister. 29 00:03:35,150 --> 00:03:37,025 They're making you a nervous Nelly. 30 00:03:42,817 --> 00:03:45,442 OK, boy, tell the nice man why we're here. 31 00:03:45,567 --> 00:03:48,775 Uh, well, l... 32 00:03:48,900 --> 00:03:50,317 Oh, good God. Fine, I'll do it. 33 00:03:50,608 --> 00:03:54,025 My son has it in his head that you were in our house last night... 34 00:03:54,108 --> 00:03:56,567 and you killed our robot. 35 00:03:57,108 --> 00:03:59,400 The seed of your loins is quite astute. 36 00:03:59,525 --> 00:04:02,400 I saved your mechanical man from certain damnation... 37 00:04:02,525 --> 00:04:06,733 for his frail electronic eyes had gazed upon the impenetrable. 38 00:04:06,983 --> 00:04:09,775 He was an unwilling beholder to the impossible! 39 00:04:11,525 --> 00:04:14,192 See? I told you there was a rational explanation. 40 00:04:17,900 --> 00:04:18,900 What's this one? 41 00:04:19,067 --> 00:04:20,525 "In Through the Out Door." 42 00:04:20,733 --> 00:04:21,942 Can I put it on? 43 00:04:22,233 --> 00:04:23,525 Rather you didn't. 44 00:04:23,817 --> 00:04:25,317 Zep sold out on that one. 45 00:04:25,442 --> 00:04:27,150 Wanna listen to it anyway? 46 00:04:27,567 --> 00:04:31,442 Look, Hank, I have memories attached to that record. 47 00:04:31,858 --> 00:04:33,150 Can we drop this, please? 48 00:04:33,317 --> 00:04:35,150 Is it because you killed a whole bunch of ninjas... 49 00:04:35,233 --> 00:04:37,817 while it was playing, so now it reminds you of ninjas? 50 00:04:38,150 --> 00:04:38,692 No. 51 00:04:38,817 --> 00:04:40,525 Frogmen? Does it remind you of frogmen? 52 00:04:40,608 --> 00:04:41,275 No. 53 00:04:41,400 --> 00:04:43,353 A team of mutated half-dog, half... 54 00:04:43,483 --> 00:04:44,733 It's a woman! 55 00:04:45,858 --> 00:04:47,775 The only woman I ever loved. 56 00:04:49,650 --> 00:04:50,775 You happy now? 57 00:04:50,900 --> 00:04:51,775 No... 58 00:04:52,275 --> 00:04:53,942 because you snapped at me. 59 00:04:55,817 --> 00:04:57,358 You're all right, Hank. 60 00:04:57,900 --> 00:04:59,150 You know that? 61 00:05:00,150 --> 00:05:01,400 You're all right. 62 00:05:03,400 --> 00:05:05,150 Well, you sure did a job on this place. 63 00:05:05,358 --> 00:05:08,108 I think my dad used to make giant horseshoe crabs here or something. 64 00:05:08,192 --> 00:05:09,483 I hardly recognize it. 65 00:05:10,108 --> 00:05:12,858 I don't think this lab is zoned for a fireplace. 66 00:05:13,067 --> 00:05:16,650 The flames you see before you are no more than an illusion... 67 00:05:16,817 --> 00:05:19,067 or more precisely, a symbol of the flame. 68 00:05:19,192 --> 00:05:21,483 Ah! Well, that's OK, then, I guess. 69 00:05:21,650 --> 00:05:24,817 Uh, so what kind of work do you do here, Doctor... 70 00:05:25,358 --> 00:05:26,358 Orpheus. 71 00:05:26,525 --> 00:05:29,650 I am known to men as Dr. Orpheus. 72 00:05:30,108 --> 00:05:34,108 And mine is to perceive and control the delicate arrangement of the cosmos. 73 00:05:34,233 --> 00:05:35,900 They give out Ph.D.s for that? 74 00:05:36,025 --> 00:05:37,067 Junior college upstate. 75 00:05:37,233 --> 00:05:39,317 Communications major, minor in women's studies. 76 00:05:39,442 --> 00:05:43,692 But I assure you, sir, the "doctor" title was bestowed on me... 77 00:05:43,775 --> 00:05:47,775 by a higher power than a mere college professor. 78 00:05:47,900 --> 00:05:49,275 Oh, of course. 79 00:05:49,358 --> 00:05:51,317 But this is a lab, right? 80 00:05:51,400 --> 00:05:53,358 When I file my taxes, I can call this a lab? 81 00:05:53,483 --> 00:05:56,317 I mean, you and I have the same definition for laboratory, right? 82 00:05:56,442 --> 00:05:57,983 No, sir! 83 00:05:58,317 --> 00:06:02,942 You define the word as a place to create abominations! 84 00:06:03,483 --> 00:06:04,942 I can hold back no longer. 85 00:06:05,150 --> 00:06:11,442 Your latest invention has cleft the magical order of the cosmos in twain! 86 00:06:11,650 --> 00:06:17,567 Even now I feel its evil grip pull me back in! 87 00:06:18,650 --> 00:06:21,567 See, Dad? I told you he was in our house. 88 00:06:23,567 --> 00:06:26,150 So, what super cool adventure are we going on today? 89 00:06:26,525 --> 00:06:27,525 Should I get my scuba gear? 90 00:06:27,650 --> 00:06:29,858 We're not going anywhere. Your father's working on this thing. 91 00:06:29,983 --> 00:06:32,317 Scuba. Scuba. 92 00:06:32,442 --> 00:06:34,567 Scuba, scuba, scuba, scuba. 93 00:06:35,067 --> 00:06:36,275 Say scuba. 94 00:06:36,483 --> 00:06:37,733 Scuba. 95 00:06:38,233 --> 00:06:40,525 Scuba. It sounds funny. 96 00:06:40,686 --> 00:06:41,467 Scuba. 97 00:06:41,516 --> 00:06:42,516 Scuba. 98 00:06:43,275 --> 00:06:44,525 Yeah, it does. 99 00:06:44,567 --> 00:06:46,942 You're gonna fix H.E.L.P.eR. For me, aren't you? 100 00:06:47,108 --> 00:06:48,983 Why don't you ask your dad? 101 00:06:49,150 --> 00:06:51,817 Aw, he's always too busy for me and Dean. 102 00:06:52,942 --> 00:06:54,317 Scuba. 103 00:06:54,858 --> 00:06:55,775 Here. 104 00:06:56,442 --> 00:06:58,358 Start with one and work your way up. 105 00:06:59,025 --> 00:07:01,692 So, you see, a man can't be blamed for his ignorance... 106 00:07:01,775 --> 00:07:02,650 but once he knows... 107 00:07:02,775 --> 00:07:04,192 Dad, where's the blow-dryer? 108 00:07:05,858 --> 00:07:08,358 Gentlemen, this is my daughter. 109 00:07:08,650 --> 00:07:11,608 Daddy has a most important guest. 110 00:07:11,858 --> 00:07:15,358 Pumpkin, why don't you see if, um... 111 00:07:16,108 --> 00:07:17,525 Dean. His name is Dean. 112 00:07:17,650 --> 00:07:21,567 Dean would like to partake of some of those prepackaged cereals... 113 00:07:21,650 --> 00:07:23,025 you enjoy so well? 114 00:07:25,317 --> 00:07:26,733 Single parent, eh? 115 00:07:26,983 --> 00:07:28,900 Now I think we have some common ground to... 116 00:07:28,983 --> 00:07:30,858 Oh, what's this? 117 00:07:32,150 --> 00:07:33,775 Oh, she's an affectionate little one. 118 00:07:33,900 --> 00:07:36,608 Oh, my apologies. She's in heat. 119 00:07:36,817 --> 00:07:39,400 I heard if you take a Q-tip and moisten it with warm water... 120 00:07:40,775 --> 00:07:42,483 I tried that once. It was horrible. 121 00:07:42,567 --> 00:07:43,775 I couldn't look at her for a week. 122 00:07:43,942 --> 00:07:46,483 She was just a walking reminder of our common shame. 123 00:07:46,775 --> 00:07:47,817 Oh, dear God. 124 00:07:47,942 --> 00:07:52,900 That's not your wife in some, like, magical animal form? 125 00:07:52,983 --> 00:07:56,525 Oh, no, no. My wife left me for a young necromancer. 126 00:07:56,775 --> 00:07:59,567 My pumpkin still holds out hope. 127 00:08:00,192 --> 00:08:01,483 Is your name Pumpkin? 128 00:08:01,608 --> 00:08:02,817 No, it's Triana. 129 00:08:02,942 --> 00:08:04,483 Doesn't your dad have a nickname for you? 130 00:08:04,608 --> 00:08:06,775 Well, I've heard him call me Dave or Don a few times... 131 00:08:06,900 --> 00:08:08,650 but I don't think they're nicknames. 132 00:08:08,775 --> 00:08:10,358 Hey, are you a pirate? 133 00:08:10,817 --> 00:08:12,233 What are you talking about? 134 00:08:12,358 --> 00:08:15,317 Because one time my family was held captive by pirates... 135 00:08:15,483 --> 00:08:16,400 who were ghosts. 136 00:08:16,567 --> 00:08:18,483 And you have a Jolly Roger on your blouse... 137 00:08:18,567 --> 00:08:19,525 so I thought... 138 00:08:19,858 --> 00:08:20,858 Oh, this? No. 139 00:08:20,983 --> 00:08:23,192 I was going for an Adam and the Ants kind of retro thing. 140 00:08:23,775 --> 00:08:25,483 Did you just say blouse? 141 00:08:25,858 --> 00:08:27,150 I don't know. 142 00:08:29,567 --> 00:08:31,608 Who's that big guy that's always washing his car... 143 00:08:31,692 --> 00:08:32,525 in front of your place? 144 00:08:32,692 --> 00:08:34,400 Oh, that's Brock. 145 00:08:34,525 --> 00:08:35,900 He's my dad's bodyguard. 146 00:08:36,067 --> 00:08:39,692 One time I saw him kill a guy with a sockful of party snaps. 147 00:08:39,858 --> 00:08:41,400 Did the guy's head get blown off? 148 00:08:41,692 --> 00:08:43,150 Yes, it did. 149 00:08:44,692 --> 00:08:47,692 Hmm. How you fit a stairway behind this bookcase... 150 00:08:47,817 --> 00:08:49,067 I can't figure out. 151 00:08:49,317 --> 00:08:53,275 Hey, if I pull this candle down, will it... 152 00:08:53,358 --> 00:08:54,983 Get wax on my carpet? 153 00:08:55,108 --> 00:08:56,067 Yes. 154 00:08:56,233 --> 00:08:57,858 I gotta bolt, or I'll be late for school. 155 00:08:58,025 --> 00:08:59,692 Yeah, I saw your lunch pail. 156 00:08:59,817 --> 00:09:01,150 It's not a lunch pail. 157 00:09:01,275 --> 00:09:04,067 All right, then, lunch box, or however you say it. 158 00:09:04,192 --> 00:09:05,692 That's not what I mean. It's, uh, it's kind of a purse. 159 00:09:05,858 --> 00:09:08,525 Never mind. So, how come I never see you at school? 160 00:09:08,650 --> 00:09:11,358 I'm kind of home tutored in a box my pop made. 161 00:09:12,067 --> 00:09:14,442 It sometimes gets very hot in the box... 162 00:09:14,942 --> 00:09:16,025 my pop made. 163 00:09:16,233 --> 00:09:19,025 Wow. That's, um... that's screwy. 164 00:09:20,525 --> 00:09:22,275 Crap. Did I upset you? 165 00:09:22,525 --> 00:09:26,608 Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts seawater into fresh water. 166 00:09:31,358 --> 00:09:33,192 Why would someone do that? 167 00:09:33,858 --> 00:09:36,275 Hank, go get me a Phillips head screwdriver. 168 00:09:37,858 --> 00:09:40,650 Hey, Brock. What's this thing? 169 00:09:41,025 --> 00:09:42,775 It has an "X" at the tip. 170 00:09:47,442 --> 00:09:48,900 The door just opened up. 171 00:09:49,067 --> 00:09:50,900 Hank, it's right on the top. 172 00:09:53,567 --> 00:09:58,608 It's so pretty, like extra flowers. 173 00:10:04,608 --> 00:10:08,192 Hank, why don't you toss the old pigskin around with your pop? 174 00:10:08,567 --> 00:10:10,108 Okey-dokey. 175 00:10:10,275 --> 00:10:12,525 All right, boys, time to eat. 176 00:10:12,650 --> 00:10:13,733 You heard your mother. 177 00:10:13,858 --> 00:10:17,400 Now let's go grab some of her yummy-riffic grilled cheese sandwiches. 178 00:10:17,525 --> 00:10:20,692 And, son, they have no crusts. 179 00:10:24,650 --> 00:10:25,608 Hank, stop! 180 00:11:17,067 --> 00:11:18,525 Wow, it's past noon. 181 00:11:18,775 --> 00:11:21,567 What do you say we two doctor dads mosey over to my lab... 182 00:11:21,692 --> 00:11:23,983 and see what kind of voodoo got stuck in my invention? 183 00:11:24,108 --> 00:11:26,108 Yes, a capital idea... 184 00:11:26,275 --> 00:11:29,192 but before we depart, there is one thing I must do. 185 00:11:34,525 --> 00:11:35,733 Greetings, Pumpkin. 186 00:11:35,817 --> 00:11:39,442 I am at Mr. Venture's lab to right that which is wrong... 187 00:11:39,567 --> 00:11:42,317 and to repair the torn curtain of time itself! 188 00:11:42,525 --> 00:11:45,067 There are four puddings in the fridge. 189 00:11:45,192 --> 00:11:46,858 You may enjoy the contents of one of them. 190 00:11:46,983 --> 00:11:48,233 Dinner at 6:00. 191 00:11:48,608 --> 00:11:49,650 Come, my friend! 192 00:11:49,775 --> 00:11:53,567 Let us close your door on the spirit world forever! 193 00:12:00,275 --> 00:12:02,483 No. See? I told you it was unlocked. 194 00:12:03,025 --> 00:12:06,108 Oh, Dean, I'm so very frightened. 195 00:12:06,317 --> 00:12:09,275 What do you think that cave man will do to us? 196 00:12:10,108 --> 00:12:11,358 Hush, my pet. 197 00:12:11,608 --> 00:12:13,025 I rigged it. 198 00:12:13,192 --> 00:12:18,233 Now, just relax, Triana, and let your prom king take care of you. 199 00:12:40,317 --> 00:12:44,150 And through a direct electrochemical link to the occupant's pineal gland... 200 00:12:44,317 --> 00:12:46,400 Bingo! The joy can! 201 00:12:46,567 --> 00:12:49,150 Whatever you desire most, you got it. 202 00:12:49,317 --> 00:12:53,317 So, you have created an iron cylinder of unearthly delights. 203 00:12:53,608 --> 00:12:54,858 A noble quest. 204 00:12:54,983 --> 00:12:55,900 And don't think for a moment... 205 00:12:55,983 --> 00:12:58,233 that I haven't noticed the neon appointments. 206 00:12:58,358 --> 00:12:59,858 It needed a dash of color, I thought... 207 00:12:59,983 --> 00:13:02,733 and buyers demand a certain Venture panache from me. 208 00:13:03,025 --> 00:13:04,692 I am impressed with your abilities. 209 00:13:04,900 --> 00:13:08,358 Yet I feel there is more to this than you are telling me. 210 00:13:09,317 --> 00:13:12,233 Evil has struck the house of Venture! 211 00:13:12,358 --> 00:13:14,775 The air reeks of an ill wind! 212 00:13:14,900 --> 00:13:18,358 Yea, though I have smelt it... 213 00:13:18,567 --> 00:13:21,483 that hath dealt it. 214 00:13:21,817 --> 00:13:25,150 Please tell me that was a laundry bag. 215 00:13:25,858 --> 00:13:27,067 That was my arm. 216 00:13:27,192 --> 00:13:29,525 Hank, what the hell are you doing sleeping on the floor? 217 00:13:29,692 --> 00:13:31,817 You know damn well you aren't supposed to be in here. 218 00:13:31,900 --> 00:13:34,025 - But, Dad, Brock is... - No buts, mister! 219 00:13:34,192 --> 00:13:35,233 You have to be firm. 220 00:13:35,317 --> 00:13:36,942 Give 'em an inch and they think they're a ruler. 221 00:13:37,108 --> 00:13:38,567 Dad, this is important. 222 00:13:38,650 --> 00:13:40,358 Hank, stop acting up for company. 223 00:13:40,483 --> 00:13:41,275 I can assure you... 224 00:13:41,400 --> 00:13:44,442 Dr. Orpheus is not impressed with your sass mouth. 225 00:13:44,567 --> 00:13:46,108 Dad, that's the Dracula guy who... 226 00:13:46,192 --> 00:13:47,108 Hank! 227 00:13:47,358 --> 00:13:48,567 March! 228 00:13:57,400 --> 00:13:59,150 OK, already! 229 00:13:59,317 --> 00:14:00,650 Jeez! 230 00:14:06,733 --> 00:14:08,317 Brock Samson. 231 00:14:08,567 --> 00:14:10,567 You dog. 232 00:14:10,775 --> 00:14:12,150 Molotov. 233 00:14:12,525 --> 00:14:14,567 You bitch. 234 00:14:19,275 --> 00:14:22,067 Dean! Wake up! 235 00:14:22,233 --> 00:14:23,942 You've been hypnotized by that magic man. 236 00:14:24,067 --> 00:14:26,067 No, I just got up too fast. 237 00:14:26,192 --> 00:14:27,483 Total head rush. 238 00:14:27,733 --> 00:14:30,067 Plus, that guy's not even a Dracula. 239 00:14:30,233 --> 00:14:31,650 He's a necromancer. 240 00:14:31,775 --> 00:14:33,025 And he's pretty cool. 241 00:14:33,150 --> 00:14:35,733 Plus, he has a daughter named Triana. 242 00:14:36,150 --> 00:14:38,983 Triana. Isn't that a cool name? 243 00:14:39,150 --> 00:14:41,025 Dean, that's great, and I can't wait to hear all about her. 244 00:14:41,108 --> 00:14:43,858 Only Brock's stuck in Dad's thing that makes people happy. 245 00:14:44,025 --> 00:14:47,108 - But it's all evil. - I dare you to make less sense. 246 00:14:47,192 --> 00:14:48,942 I was on the floor, and I heard everything... 247 00:14:49,150 --> 00:14:50,317 and I have a plan. 248 00:14:50,442 --> 00:14:52,067 What the heck are you talking about? 249 00:14:52,233 --> 00:14:53,942 Damn it, Dean, work with me on this. 250 00:14:54,108 --> 00:14:56,275 I'm trying to... uh, whoa. 251 00:14:56,400 --> 00:14:57,525 Will you quit it? 252 00:14:57,900 --> 00:14:59,775 I'm ready, Brock Samson. 253 00:14:59,900 --> 00:15:03,525 I'm ready to go all the way. 254 00:15:03,608 --> 00:15:04,567 No way. 255 00:15:04,692 --> 00:15:08,025 - But promise me one thing. - Anything. 256 00:15:08,108 --> 00:15:11,483 Promise me you won't be gentle. 257 00:15:11,900 --> 00:15:15,233 I'm not even done with it, and it's not like I'm testing it on him. 258 00:15:15,358 --> 00:15:19,442 No, clearly the insidious cylinder beckoned to Mr. Samson. 259 00:15:19,650 --> 00:15:23,983 But he could be trapped for an eternity all because you had to... 260 00:15:24,108 --> 00:15:26,817 I told you, it's a joy can. 261 00:15:26,942 --> 00:15:29,358 It makes your deepest desires a reality. 262 00:15:30,317 --> 00:15:35,400 I understand that, but why would you put the lock on the inside? 263 00:15:35,775 --> 00:15:37,817 Come on, think about it. 264 00:15:37,942 --> 00:15:40,275 That beauty was made for hanky-panky. 265 00:15:40,733 --> 00:15:41,650 So? 266 00:15:41,942 --> 00:15:43,858 The lonely kind of hanky-panky. 267 00:15:44,067 --> 00:15:46,358 The kind where you don't need someone busting in going... 268 00:15:46,442 --> 00:15:48,358 "Hey, Rusty, I just need to get my hairbrush." 269 00:15:49,775 --> 00:15:51,775 Oh, yeah, right. No, I get it. 270 00:15:55,067 --> 00:15:56,358 - Another brew? - OK. 271 00:15:56,775 --> 00:15:58,317 Are you sure this'll work? 272 00:15:58,608 --> 00:16:01,775 No, and I don't think we should be doing this in the first place. 273 00:16:01,900 --> 00:16:04,150 Look, Dad thinks we're just big babies. 274 00:16:04,358 --> 00:16:06,817 If we rescue Brock, come on, Dad'll be like... 275 00:16:06,983 --> 00:16:08,567 "You guys should have separate rooms... 276 00:16:08,692 --> 00:16:10,692 "with, like, Coke machines and bumper pool in them." 277 00:16:10,942 --> 00:16:12,858 All right, all right, whatever. 278 00:16:12,983 --> 00:16:15,025 Just... let's get this over with. 279 00:16:15,733 --> 00:16:17,775 Go, Team Venture. 280 00:16:21,233 --> 00:16:23,400 Let's get Brock and get out of here. 281 00:16:24,692 --> 00:16:27,192 Hey, it's Scamp, and he's alive. 282 00:16:27,733 --> 00:16:29,650 Here, Scamp! Come on, boy. 283 00:16:31,692 --> 00:16:33,733 That's it. I'm getting out of here. 284 00:16:33,942 --> 00:16:36,025 Oh, crap. What happened to the door? 285 00:16:36,233 --> 00:16:39,650 Oh, you are kidding me. This is ridiculous! 286 00:16:39,775 --> 00:16:41,817 How the hell do they keep getting in there? 287 00:16:42,150 --> 00:16:45,067 The beast seems to hunger for them. 288 00:16:45,233 --> 00:16:48,983 Like the sirens of old, it chants their names. 289 00:16:49,275 --> 00:16:52,483 I just don't get how they can get the door open. 290 00:16:52,650 --> 00:16:53,983 Well, I'm out of ideas here... 291 00:16:54,108 --> 00:16:56,858 so if you want to go and try your mumbo jumbo, go ahead. 292 00:16:56,942 --> 00:16:59,150 And I don't need any "I told you so's" if it works. 293 00:16:59,442 --> 00:17:01,442 Stand back, good sir! 294 00:17:01,525 --> 00:17:03,858 And shield your fragile mind. 295 00:17:04,733 --> 00:17:11,067 By the crimson shame of Lord Barisinta, I command you... 296 00:17:11,233 --> 00:17:13,108 Open! 297 00:17:16,650 --> 00:17:17,442 Did it work? 298 00:17:17,567 --> 00:17:19,192 Tug on the door. I think I loosened it. 299 00:17:19,400 --> 00:17:22,525 No. No, wait. I want to try again. 300 00:17:22,608 --> 00:17:24,983 Fine. I'm gonna go put some pants on. 301 00:17:25,317 --> 00:17:26,442 He can't hear us. 302 00:17:26,567 --> 00:17:28,650 He doesn't even know we're standing here. 303 00:17:28,775 --> 00:17:29,650 Hold on. 304 00:17:29,775 --> 00:17:32,733 I have an idea that just might do the trick. 305 00:17:33,567 --> 00:17:36,025 Here, we have to get this soaking wet. 306 00:17:36,275 --> 00:17:37,775 How are we gonna do that? 307 00:17:37,900 --> 00:17:39,400 Don't make me spell it out for you. 308 00:17:40,567 --> 00:17:42,400 Your family is not enough. 309 00:17:42,483 --> 00:17:44,942 The machine is hungry. 310 00:17:45,150 --> 00:17:47,900 It craves purity. 311 00:17:48,067 --> 00:17:50,150 It devours purity. 312 00:17:50,233 --> 00:17:51,692 It sings to me. 313 00:17:53,483 --> 00:17:56,692 - What the hell is this thing made out of? - Nothing. 314 00:17:56,900 --> 00:17:59,150 - Come on. - All right, fine. 315 00:17:59,233 --> 00:18:01,442 I might have used a few unorthodox parts. 316 00:18:01,608 --> 00:18:03,483 Just tell me one. 317 00:18:04,483 --> 00:18:06,608 An orphan. 318 00:18:07,358 --> 00:18:08,442 A what? 319 00:18:10,067 --> 00:18:11,150 An orphan. 320 00:18:11,608 --> 00:18:13,942 Did you say an orphan? 321 00:18:14,067 --> 00:18:16,358 Yeah, a little... orphan boy. 322 00:18:16,483 --> 00:18:19,525 It's powered by a forsaken child? 323 00:18:19,650 --> 00:18:20,733 Might be, kind of. 324 00:18:20,817 --> 00:18:22,900 I mean, I didn't use the whole thing. 325 00:18:29,817 --> 00:18:30,942 Greetings, Pumpkin. 326 00:18:31,067 --> 00:18:34,775 I am at Mr. Venture's lab to right that which is wrong... 327 00:18:34,858 --> 00:18:35,900 and to repair the... 328 00:18:36,358 --> 00:18:40,067 And now the Marco with arms outstretched... 329 00:18:40,275 --> 00:18:44,692 and his eyes blinded to all his Polos... 330 00:18:44,900 --> 00:18:47,233 begins to cry his own name. 331 00:18:47,358 --> 00:18:50,525 Oh, my God, fine. Just try it, for crying out loud. 332 00:18:50,650 --> 00:18:51,817 Very well. 333 00:18:53,525 --> 00:18:55,067 Marco! 334 00:18:56,036 --> 00:18:57,674 Marco! 335 00:18:58,400 --> 00:19:00,141 Nice rescue, boys. 336 00:19:00,221 --> 00:19:02,192 You saved me from the only woman I've ever loved... 337 00:19:02,358 --> 00:19:06,442 with a hat that smells like a men's room, and we're still here. 338 00:19:07,108 --> 00:19:08,692 We totally blew it. 339 00:19:08,775 --> 00:19:10,567 No, that's not what I mean. 340 00:19:10,650 --> 00:19:12,108 I'm impressed with your spirit. 341 00:19:12,233 --> 00:19:14,775 I just wish you'd thought it out a little better. 342 00:19:14,900 --> 00:19:17,596 OK, Brock, I admit there may be some small holes in our plan. 343 00:19:17,652 --> 00:19:19,233 - Marco! - Polo? 344 00:19:19,858 --> 00:19:21,400 Polo! Polo! 345 00:19:21,733 --> 00:19:23,567 - Marco! - Polo! 346 00:19:23,621 --> 00:19:26,144 - Marco! - Polo! 347 00:19:27,006 --> 00:19:28,006 Marco! 348 00:19:28,151 --> 00:19:29,756 - Polo! - Polo! 349 00:19:29,780 --> 00:19:31,001 Marco! 350 00:19:31,125 --> 00:19:32,295 - Polo! - Polo! 351 00:19:32,397 --> 00:19:34,192 All right, we know they're in there. 352 00:19:34,275 --> 00:19:36,733 Will you try something else, please? 353 00:19:48,192 --> 00:19:49,150 Is it getting loose? 354 00:19:49,317 --> 00:19:51,942 No use. We're gonna have to wait it out. 355 00:19:52,150 --> 00:19:53,692 This totally sucks. 356 00:19:53,900 --> 00:19:55,983 And I'm starting to get hungry. 357 00:19:57,775 --> 00:19:59,233 Do not eat it. 358 00:19:59,692 --> 00:20:02,192 That is a poisonous magic pie. 359 00:20:03,483 --> 00:20:05,692 Hank, you get out of there. 360 00:20:05,775 --> 00:20:07,233 Be cross with them! 361 00:20:07,358 --> 00:20:09,942 Boys, this is your father. You come here this instant! 362 00:20:10,067 --> 00:20:11,233 Oh, just stop. 363 00:20:11,608 --> 00:20:12,900 I don't get it. 364 00:20:13,025 --> 00:20:15,775 The true love thing always works. 365 00:20:15,858 --> 00:20:17,150 I never fail with that one. 366 00:20:17,275 --> 00:20:18,775 Don't blame me. 367 00:20:18,900 --> 00:20:21,650 Hello? Dad, are you in there? 368 00:20:21,775 --> 00:20:23,358 Over here, Pumpkin. 369 00:20:23,525 --> 00:20:26,233 Your dinner is, like, freezing cold by now. 370 00:20:26,400 --> 00:20:27,358 What's going on over here? 371 00:20:27,442 --> 00:20:29,817 Mr. Venture trapped your little friend Dean... 372 00:20:29,983 --> 00:20:32,525 and the rest of his family in his horrid invention. 373 00:20:32,650 --> 00:20:33,942 - I did not. - Who? 374 00:20:34,108 --> 00:20:36,525 You remember Dean, sweetie. 375 00:20:36,983 --> 00:20:39,942 Oh, right. Dean. 376 00:20:44,233 --> 00:20:46,400 I know how to get out! 377 00:20:49,608 --> 00:20:51,150 Aw, sick! 378 00:20:51,358 --> 00:20:52,775 Follow me. 379 00:20:56,567 --> 00:20:58,233 Go, Team Venture! 380 00:20:58,358 --> 00:21:01,067 Yes, go, Team Venture! 381 00:21:01,233 --> 00:21:02,817 Oh, for God's sake, don't encourage them. 382 00:21:02,942 --> 00:21:07,942 Now that your family is safe, let's send this machine back to hell. 383 00:21:08,067 --> 00:21:10,775 No! No! This baby's gonna make me a mint. 384 00:21:10,900 --> 00:21:11,858 Are you mad? 385 00:21:12,025 --> 00:21:15,233 It draws its power from a haunted orphan heart. 386 00:21:15,358 --> 00:21:16,817 All right, keep it down. 387 00:21:20,525 --> 00:21:22,775 Away! 388 00:21:27,317 --> 00:21:30,650 I hope you realize that I'm gonna have to raise your rent now. 389 00:21:30,942 --> 00:21:33,900 So, I guess I'll be seeing you around the compound. 390 00:21:34,025 --> 00:21:35,400 Around the compound? 391 00:21:35,608 --> 00:21:37,567 What are you, David Koresh? 392 00:21:37,733 --> 00:21:40,817 No, I'm Dean... Dean Venture. 393 00:21:40,942 --> 00:21:42,983 Never mind. Yeah, I'll be seeing you. 394 00:21:43,317 --> 00:21:45,442 OK. Bye. 395 00:21:45,900 --> 00:21:47,525 Smooth move. 396 00:21:47,692 --> 00:21:49,150 She was all over you! 397 00:21:49,275 --> 00:21:51,275 - You think? - No. 398 00:22:19,233 --> 00:22:20,900 Dean, what the hell are you doing in there? 399 00:22:20,983 --> 00:22:22,317 I need to take a shower. 400 00:22:22,442 --> 00:22:25,067 I'm practicing being a boyfriend, Pop! 401 00:22:25,317 --> 00:22:26,733 Never mind, Dean.