1 00:00:07,657 --> 00:00:10,116 (BIRDS CHIRPING) 2 00:00:17,450 --> 00:00:20,824 (THOMAS MUMBLING) 3 00:00:31,657 --> 00:00:34,033 I don't know why you asked me. 4 00:00:34,908 --> 00:00:37,241 (VOICE QUAVERING) I am not pure of heart. 5 00:00:38,158 --> 00:00:41,491 But I'll do your bidding, oh, Lord, oh, God. 6 00:00:42,657 --> 00:00:44,949 I want to do my best for the people, 7 00:00:45,033 --> 00:00:47,283 for the children of this nation. 8 00:00:47,866 --> 00:00:51,450 I want them to know what they do is wrong. 9 00:00:51,532 --> 00:00:55,325 DOMINICK: On the afternoon of October 1st, 1990, 10 00:00:55,408 --> 00:01:01,116 my twin brother, Thomas, entered the Three Rivers Connecticut Public Library 11 00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:03,491 and prayed to God the sacrifice 12 00:01:03,574 --> 00:01:06,824 he was about to commit would be deemed acceptable. 13 00:01:06,908 --> 00:01:08,758 - THOMAS: "forgive us our trespasses..." - LIBRARIAN: Sir, sir! 14 00:01:08,782 --> 00:01:12,408 I'm gonna have to ask you to be quiet. This is a public library. 15 00:01:12,491 --> 00:01:15,508 - "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." - I want you to be quiet now, 16 00:01:15,532 --> 00:01:17,491 or you will have to leave the library. 17 00:01:17,574 --> 00:01:19,301 "And if your right eye offend thee, cut it out... 18 00:01:19,325 --> 00:01:20,675 - "...and cast it from thee." - I will have to ask you to leave! 19 00:01:20,699 --> 00:01:22,158 "And if thy right hand offend thee, 20 00:01:22,241 --> 00:01:24,116 "cut it out and cast it from thee. 21 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:27,949 For it is profitable to thee that one of thy members should perish." 22 00:01:28,033 --> 00:01:29,408 (CHILDREN SCREAMING) 23 00:01:32,283 --> 00:01:36,366 DOMINICK: Thomas and I had spent several hours together the day before. 24 00:01:36,450 --> 00:01:38,741 Most Sundays, I pick him up from his job 25 00:01:38,824 --> 00:01:41,741 at the state institution Settle Building, 26 00:01:41,824 --> 00:01:44,074 treat him to lunch, and return him 27 00:01:44,158 --> 00:01:46,824 to the group home where he lived by suppertime. 28 00:01:46,908 --> 00:01:49,366 A line had been drawn in the sand... 29 00:01:52,366 --> 00:01:54,033 What do you want to eat? 30 00:01:54,116 --> 00:01:56,366 What do you want, buddy? 31 00:01:56,491 --> 00:01:59,366 Oil companies... America. 32 00:01:59,699 --> 00:02:02,158 We're living on borrowed time, Dominick. 33 00:02:02,241 --> 00:02:06,200 We're just wallowing in our... in our greed and... and spiritual filth. 34 00:02:06,283 --> 00:02:08,699 And now it's time to pay. We're gonna pay the price. 35 00:02:08,782 --> 00:02:11,508 Hey, I don't mean to change the subject, but how, how's your coffee cart? 36 00:02:11,532 --> 00:02:14,092 - How's the business? - How do we kill people for the sake of cheap oil? 37 00:02:14,116 --> 00:02:16,741 - How do we justify that? - How's your business, Tom? 38 00:02:16,824 --> 00:02:19,241 How are we gonna prevent the vengeance of God? 39 00:02:20,532 --> 00:02:22,908 If we have no respect for human life? 40 00:02:23,325 --> 00:02:26,283 I don't know, buddy. What do you want to eat? 41 00:02:27,074 --> 00:02:28,991 WAITRESS: Have you had time to look at the menu? 42 00:02:29,824 --> 00:02:32,532 You can't worship both God and money, Kristin. 43 00:02:32,616 --> 00:02:35,491 THOMAS: America's gonna vomit up its own blood. 44 00:02:36,782 --> 00:02:39,741 Uh, can I get a... I'll get a cheeseburger. 45 00:02:40,241 --> 00:02:42,949 No fries, salad on the side. What do you want? 46 00:02:43,033 --> 00:02:46,325 - I want hot dogs. Hot dogs. - Hot dog. 47 00:02:46,408 --> 00:02:47,574 You got it. 48 00:02:47,657 --> 00:02:49,325 - DOMINICK: Thanks. - WAITRESS: Sure. 49 00:02:50,325 --> 00:02:51,699 Thank you. 50 00:02:54,532 --> 00:02:57,657 Thank you for being a good brother to me. 51 00:02:57,991 --> 00:02:59,616 (CLEARS THROAT) 52 00:03:01,033 --> 00:03:03,616 - (SCREAMING CONTINUES) - "It is profitable to thee 53 00:03:03,699 --> 00:03:05,283 "that one of thy members should perish 54 00:03:05,366 --> 00:03:09,366 and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell!" 55 00:03:09,450 --> 00:03:11,491 (SCREAMING CONTINUES) 56 00:03:12,200 --> 00:03:14,074 - (THOMAS MOANING) - (KNIFE SLICING) 57 00:03:14,158 --> 00:03:16,366 (PANICKED SHOUTING) 58 00:03:17,366 --> 00:03:19,033 (WHIMPERING) 59 00:03:35,241 --> 00:03:38,200 - OFFICER: Are you Dominick? - DOMINICK: Uh, yeah, I am. 60 00:03:39,866 --> 00:03:42,991 DOCTOR: He emphatically refuses any attempt to re-attach the hand. 61 00:03:43,074 --> 00:03:45,283 Quite frankly, I'm amazed at his determination. 62 00:03:45,366 --> 00:03:48,741 The severity of the pain should have aborted his mission halfway. 63 00:03:50,949 --> 00:03:52,325 God. 64 00:03:55,074 --> 00:03:57,491 God. What'd you do? 65 00:04:02,408 --> 00:04:03,991 It was a sacrifice. 66 00:04:04,074 --> 00:04:06,241 DOCTOR: Sign this, please. 67 00:04:07,241 --> 00:04:09,782 - DOMINICK: Wait, what's this? - DOCTOR: It's a consent form. 68 00:04:09,866 --> 00:04:11,408 THOMAS: No. 69 00:04:11,491 --> 00:04:13,550 DOCTOR: We're gonna try to re-attach the hand with your permission. 70 00:04:13,574 --> 00:04:16,366 No, Dominick, no, no. 71 00:04:16,450 --> 00:04:19,657 Then I'll just tear it off again. It's a sacrifice, 72 00:04:19,741 --> 00:04:21,116 and I know what I'm doing 73 00:04:21,200 --> 00:04:23,616 and I'm doing it on my own choice. 74 00:04:23,699 --> 00:04:24,991 You're gonna lose your hand. 75 00:04:25,074 --> 00:04:26,794 DOCTOR: We can restrain him for several days 76 00:04:26,866 --> 00:04:28,675 but we need to give the nerves a chance to regenerate. 77 00:04:28,699 --> 00:04:30,467 THOMAS: You're not a savior. You don't know what a savior is. 78 00:04:30,491 --> 00:04:31,991 You don't know what sacrifice is. 79 00:04:32,074 --> 00:04:35,074 Dominick, it is a religious act. 80 00:04:35,158 --> 00:04:37,908 It is an act of my own accord. 81 00:04:37,991 --> 00:04:40,325 - DOCTOR: Would you sign the form, please? - And I need you 82 00:04:40,408 --> 00:04:42,657 to stand up for me for once. 83 00:04:42,741 --> 00:04:45,574 - I need you to. - DOCTOR: Sign the form, please, sir. 84 00:04:45,657 --> 00:04:48,616 - Okay, I need a minute. - THOMAS: Dominick, I need you to defend me. 85 00:04:48,782 --> 00:04:52,283 I had to do it! No, let me go. 86 00:04:52,366 --> 00:04:55,532 - No! Stand up for me. - (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 87 00:04:55,616 --> 00:04:58,491 Dominick! Please, defend me. 88 00:04:58,574 --> 00:05:02,699 I'm lucid! No, no, it's my life. 89 00:05:02,782 --> 00:05:08,408 Stop! I know what I'm doing! Dominick, defend me! 90 00:05:08,491 --> 00:05:11,532 Dominick, defend me! 91 00:05:11,616 --> 00:05:13,616 Help! Help! 92 00:05:13,699 --> 00:05:16,741 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 93 00:05:16,824 --> 00:05:21,741 Dominick, Dominick. Dominick! 94 00:05:21,824 --> 00:05:24,532 (CONTINUES SHOUTING) Oh, no! Dominick... 95 00:05:24,616 --> 00:05:27,116 - Wait. No, no, no. - NURSE: Your brother... 96 00:05:27,200 --> 00:05:28,657 - DOCTOR: No? No?! - No. 97 00:05:28,741 --> 00:05:30,842 - DOMINICK: No, are you listenin' to him? - Thank you. 98 00:05:30,866 --> 00:05:33,991 - DOCTOR: I hear him, you... - It's his hand, it's his decision. 99 00:05:34,074 --> 00:05:35,949 - DOMINICK: No. - Thank you. 100 00:05:36,033 --> 00:05:38,158 - DOMINICK: God damn it, no. - DOCTOR: Fine. 101 00:05:39,325 --> 00:05:41,033 THOMAS: Thank you, Dom. 102 00:05:42,158 --> 00:05:44,325 If Mom was here, she'd thank you. 103 00:05:46,491 --> 00:05:48,657 (MACHINE BEEPING) 104 00:05:54,241 --> 00:05:55,741 (DOOR CLOSES) 105 00:05:55,824 --> 00:05:57,949 (QUIET CHATTER) 106 00:06:02,283 --> 00:06:06,532 (MELANCHOLY MUSIC PLAYING) 107 00:07:23,699 --> 00:07:25,491 DOMINICK: We made the front page of the paper 108 00:07:25,574 --> 00:07:27,991 on the day we were born. 109 00:07:28,074 --> 00:07:31,325 Born on December 31st, 1949, 110 00:07:31,408 --> 00:07:35,866 and January 1st, 1950, respectively. 111 00:07:35,949 --> 00:07:40,824 Six minutes apart and in two different years. 112 00:07:40,908 --> 00:07:45,033 Our births would have been discreetly ignored by the newspaper 113 00:07:45,116 --> 00:07:47,908 had we not been the New Year's babies. 114 00:07:48,657 --> 00:07:50,782 (BIRDS CHIRPING) 115 00:07:52,325 --> 00:07:56,200 At our house at 68 Hollyhock Avenue, 116 00:07:56,283 --> 00:07:59,200 you tiptoed and whispered during the day 117 00:07:59,283 --> 00:08:03,116 and became free each evening at 7:30 118 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:07,116 when our stepfather, Ray, would leave for work. 119 00:08:07,616 --> 00:08:12,782 - RAY: Thomas, elbows off the table. - Ow. Ow! 120 00:08:12,866 --> 00:08:16,491 - Ray... - Mind your business, Susie Q. 121 00:08:17,200 --> 00:08:20,158 Don't pamper this boy, huh? 122 00:08:20,241 --> 00:08:21,616 He's fine. 123 00:08:21,824 --> 00:08:24,116 MA: Just eat your supper, sweetie. 124 00:08:25,657 --> 00:08:27,866 RAY: I don't wanna see any tears. 125 00:08:27,949 --> 00:08:29,699 Suck it up. 126 00:08:31,116 --> 00:08:32,657 RAY: Eat your dinner. 127 00:08:34,949 --> 00:08:36,657 YOUNG DOMINICK: I hate him, Ma. 128 00:08:36,741 --> 00:08:39,408 MA: No, you don't hate him, Dominick. 129 00:08:39,491 --> 00:08:41,991 Kids don't hate their fathers. 130 00:08:42,074 --> 00:08:43,782 He's not my father. 131 00:08:43,866 --> 00:08:46,699 Well, Dominick, he... he is. 132 00:08:47,949 --> 00:08:49,366 He is your father. 133 00:08:50,908 --> 00:08:53,033 And he cares about you and your brother. 134 00:08:53,116 --> 00:08:54,532 He puts food on our table. 135 00:08:54,616 --> 00:08:57,908 Is my real father alive? Did he croak or something? 136 00:08:57,991 --> 00:09:00,450 - Shh, shh, shh, shh. - Just tell me. 137 00:09:00,532 --> 00:09:02,158 (SHUSHING) 138 00:09:02,241 --> 00:09:05,908 - Who is he, Mom? - You get some sleep, huh? 139 00:09:08,241 --> 00:09:10,699 Don't be a monkey. 140 00:09:13,033 --> 00:09:15,366 - Fine! - What are you doing? 141 00:09:15,450 --> 00:09:17,074 Come on, lie down. 142 00:09:17,657 --> 00:09:19,741 What? You gotta go to the bathroom? 143 00:09:21,033 --> 00:09:23,325 - No. - What are you doing? 144 00:09:23,408 --> 00:09:25,949 - I'm going outside. - Dominick! 145 00:09:26,033 --> 00:09:27,866 (EXHALES) 146 00:09:35,574 --> 00:09:39,033 ♪ ♪ 147 00:09:39,116 --> 00:09:41,325 DOMINICK: All my life, I had imagined a scenario 148 00:09:41,408 --> 00:09:44,033 in which my father would, at last, 149 00:09:44,116 --> 00:09:46,033 reveal himself to me. 150 00:09:46,532 --> 00:09:48,991 MA: You get 10 more minutes. 151 00:09:49,074 --> 00:09:51,408 Then I want you to come in, okay? 152 00:09:51,491 --> 00:09:54,741 DOMINICK: I cooked up cowboy dads, pilot fathers 153 00:09:54,824 --> 00:09:58,824 who made emergency landings on Hollyhock Avenue. 154 00:09:58,908 --> 00:10:02,866 Hopped from their planes and rescued us from Ray... 155 00:10:02,949 --> 00:10:04,616 (PLANE ENGINE BUZZING) 156 00:10:04,699 --> 00:10:06,657 the intruder who married my mother 157 00:10:06,741 --> 00:10:08,908 and installed himself in our home. 158 00:10:10,574 --> 00:10:14,241 But whoever he was, my mom just kept it a secret. 159 00:10:15,116 --> 00:10:17,532 Just lived with it. 160 00:10:17,616 --> 00:10:18,991 Buried it. 161 00:10:20,408 --> 00:10:23,782 Buried it inside her for her whole life. 162 00:10:24,949 --> 00:10:26,574 And so we all did. 163 00:10:28,074 --> 00:10:31,949 And then, in August of 1986, 164 00:10:32,033 --> 00:10:36,325 three years before Thomas walked into that library, 165 00:10:36,408 --> 00:10:39,158 Ma fingered a lump in her left breast. 166 00:10:40,325 --> 00:10:42,699 Her breast was removed. 167 00:10:42,782 --> 00:10:46,657 A week later, she was told that the cancer had metastasized. 168 00:10:46,949 --> 00:10:48,908 (SHUDDERING) 169 00:10:48,991 --> 00:10:50,782 DOMINICK: With luck and aggressive treatment, 170 00:10:50,866 --> 00:10:53,283 the oncologist told her, 171 00:10:53,366 --> 00:10:56,574 she could probably live another six to nine months. 172 00:10:56,657 --> 00:10:59,574 What the hell do you mean, six to nine more months? 173 00:10:59,657 --> 00:11:01,657 DOMINICK: My stepfather, my brother and I 174 00:11:01,741 --> 00:11:04,116 struggled independently with our feelings 175 00:11:04,200 --> 00:11:06,325 about Ma's illness and pain. 176 00:11:06,408 --> 00:11:08,616 Her death sentence. 177 00:11:08,699 --> 00:11:13,491 Each of us fumbled in our own way to make things up to her. 178 00:11:14,991 --> 00:11:17,325 Thomas spent hours assembling and gluing 179 00:11:17,408 --> 00:11:19,532 and shellacking something he called 180 00:11:19,616 --> 00:11:21,699 a "hodgepodge collage." 181 00:11:23,366 --> 00:11:28,241 My stepfather decided he would fix her broken scrapbook. 182 00:11:28,325 --> 00:11:32,657 My own project for my mother was the most ambitious. 183 00:11:33,991 --> 00:11:38,574 I would remodel her 1950's-era kitchen. 184 00:11:38,657 --> 00:11:42,241 I conceived the idea to show her that I loved her best of all... 185 00:11:42,325 --> 00:11:44,908 Hey, Ma. 186 00:11:44,991 --> 00:11:47,532 Or that I alone understood the family curse. 187 00:11:47,616 --> 00:11:48,991 Doing the kitchen for ya. 188 00:11:49,074 --> 00:11:52,949 That had given her, first, a volatile husband, 189 00:11:53,033 --> 00:11:55,491 and then a schizophrenic son, 190 00:11:55,574 --> 00:11:58,866 and then handed her the big C. 191 00:11:59,116 --> 00:12:00,991 DOMINICK: Whoa! 192 00:12:01,074 --> 00:12:04,908 Ma, there's writing on the wall. It looks like it's Grandpa's. 193 00:12:06,283 --> 00:12:08,200 MA: Yeah, it's Papa's. 194 00:12:11,158 --> 00:12:13,824 DOMINICK: Ma? What's the matter? 195 00:12:13,908 --> 00:12:16,908 Nothing, nothing. Just do whatever you're doin'. 196 00:12:16,991 --> 00:12:19,450 What? You don't want a new kitchen? 197 00:12:19,532 --> 00:12:21,616 Just, everything goin' on right now, 198 00:12:21,699 --> 00:12:23,408 it's a little much, you know? 199 00:12:24,408 --> 00:12:25,532 Alright. 200 00:12:25,616 --> 00:12:27,116 Dominick, you wanna give me somethin', 201 00:12:27,200 --> 00:12:28,949 just give me somethin' small. 202 00:12:29,033 --> 00:12:30,033 (MUTTERING) 203 00:12:30,074 --> 00:12:32,200 MA: Don't be bitter, baby. 204 00:12:32,741 --> 00:12:34,200 Come here. 205 00:12:34,283 --> 00:12:35,824 I wanna show you somethin'. 206 00:12:35,908 --> 00:12:38,908 Just waitin' for the right time to give it to ya. 207 00:12:40,574 --> 00:12:42,699 (MUTTERS) 208 00:12:45,408 --> 00:12:47,949 - What do you got? - It's for you. 209 00:12:48,033 --> 00:12:49,699 - Ma. - Go on. 210 00:12:51,574 --> 00:12:53,116 Whoa. 211 00:12:54,408 --> 00:12:56,074 (CHUCKLES) 212 00:12:56,574 --> 00:12:59,241 Ma, you got the key taped to the box. 213 00:12:59,574 --> 00:13:01,699 So you don't lose it. 214 00:13:02,241 --> 00:13:05,116 Aw! So sweet. 215 00:13:07,241 --> 00:13:08,949 This is... 216 00:13:09,283 --> 00:13:10,991 (BOX LID CREAKS) 217 00:13:25,200 --> 00:13:26,824 DOMINICK: Ma, what is it? 218 00:13:27,782 --> 00:13:29,699 Christ, it's Italian. 219 00:13:29,782 --> 00:13:33,241 It's my father's story. His life story. 220 00:13:33,741 --> 00:13:35,616 Whoa. 221 00:13:36,408 --> 00:13:38,491 Have you, have you read this? 222 00:13:38,991 --> 00:13:41,325 I've forgotten as much Italian as I ever knew. 223 00:13:41,408 --> 00:13:42,866 I mean, I see his name right there. 224 00:13:42,949 --> 00:13:44,782 What-what does the rest of it say? 225 00:13:45,033 --> 00:13:47,325 MA: Oh, it says, "The History" 226 00:13:47,408 --> 00:13:50,450 "of Domenico Onofrio Tempesta, 227 00:13:50,782 --> 00:13:54,574 a Great Man From Humble Beginnings." 228 00:13:54,657 --> 00:13:58,241 Well, he certainly had a good idea about himself, didn't he? 229 00:13:58,325 --> 00:14:00,824 - Yeah, well... - Wow, Ma. 230 00:14:03,241 --> 00:14:05,657 - I wish I could have met him. - Hm. 231 00:14:08,283 --> 00:14:10,158 Did he ever meet our father? 232 00:14:15,074 --> 00:14:17,074 I don't feel so good. I... I think I should... 233 00:14:17,158 --> 00:14:19,908 Ma, why can't we talk about this? 234 00:14:19,991 --> 00:14:21,717 - Will you help me upstairs? - After all this... 235 00:14:21,741 --> 00:14:24,141 - after everything... - Help me upstairs, sweetheart. Please. 236 00:14:27,408 --> 00:14:29,033 (EXHALES) 237 00:14:30,699 --> 00:14:32,532 There you go, Ma. 238 00:14:33,782 --> 00:14:36,325 There you are, Ma. Get some rest. 239 00:14:45,074 --> 00:14:46,532 (QUIETLY) I love you, Ma. 240 00:14:59,366 --> 00:15:03,574 (ITALIAN ACCORDION PLAYING) 241 00:15:09,241 --> 00:15:13,200 (WOMAN SINGING IN ITALIAN) 242 00:15:32,241 --> 00:15:34,574 (SINGING CONTINUES) 243 00:16:03,574 --> 00:16:04,908 (KNOCKING) 244 00:16:04,991 --> 00:16:06,824 (KEYS CLICKING) 245 00:16:06,908 --> 00:16:08,616 WOMAN: Yeah, come in. 246 00:16:10,158 --> 00:16:11,991 Hi, Nedra Frank? 247 00:16:12,074 --> 00:16:14,741 - Yeah, I'm, I'm Nedra. - Yeah. 248 00:16:14,824 --> 00:16:16,782 Uh, yeah, I called you. Dominick Birdsey. 249 00:16:16,866 --> 00:16:20,450 I called about my, uh, my grandfather's manuscript. 250 00:16:20,616 --> 00:16:22,866 I need a translation. 251 00:16:22,949 --> 00:16:24,283 It was... my grandfather's. 252 00:16:24,366 --> 00:16:28,325 Oh, wow, I haven't seen this paper in so long. 253 00:16:29,033 --> 00:16:31,991 Yeah, oh, okay, looks like standard Italian 254 00:16:32,074 --> 00:16:36,574 and, oh, mixed in with some peasant Sicilian. 255 00:16:36,657 --> 00:16:39,033 I mean, are you wanting an estimate? 256 00:16:39,116 --> 00:16:42,241 I, I would say, eight dollars a page. 257 00:16:42,325 --> 00:16:47,408 And then more where explanatory footnotes are necessary. 258 00:16:47,491 --> 00:16:49,991 And they will be necessary. 259 00:16:50,074 --> 00:16:51,450 How much is that gonna be? 260 00:16:51,532 --> 00:16:53,741 I don't know, five dollars. It could be eight dollars. 261 00:16:53,824 --> 00:16:56,408 It depends on how much text I have to generate, 262 00:16:56,491 --> 00:16:59,158 'cause, well, I'm... I'm a scholar. 263 00:16:59,241 --> 00:17:01,866 So what you're essentially asking me to do, 264 00:17:01,949 --> 00:17:03,741 it's like going to a serious artist 265 00:17:03,824 --> 00:17:06,574 and saying, hey, can you paint me something to match my drapes? 266 00:17:06,657 --> 00:17:09,241 - DOMINICK: Oh. - (CHUCKLES) You know. 267 00:17:09,325 --> 00:17:11,908 So how, how long you think it's gonna take? 268 00:17:11,991 --> 00:17:13,325 A month. 269 00:17:13,408 --> 00:17:15,241 I mean, or two months, I mean, 270 00:17:15,325 --> 00:17:17,450 depending on my oppressive schedule. 271 00:17:17,532 --> 00:17:20,033 I would need $400 up front. 272 00:17:23,699 --> 00:17:25,033 NEDRA: Oh! 273 00:17:26,158 --> 00:17:27,616 Do you have a pen? 274 00:17:27,699 --> 00:17:30,033 Um... Oh. 275 00:17:30,741 --> 00:17:32,824 Oh, thank you so much, Morgan. 276 00:17:33,782 --> 00:17:34,782 (SIGHS) 277 00:17:34,824 --> 00:17:36,491 I thought you were gonna hustle me 278 00:17:36,574 --> 00:17:38,491 with your good looks and just 279 00:17:38,574 --> 00:17:41,366 try to take me... 280 00:17:43,908 --> 00:17:47,532 for a loop or... (CHUCKLES) 281 00:17:47,616 --> 00:17:51,741 (SOFT MUSIC PLAYING) 282 00:17:54,741 --> 00:17:56,574 MA: (VOICE BREAKING) Is Thomas here? 283 00:17:58,408 --> 00:17:59,450 Is he coming here? 284 00:17:59,532 --> 00:18:02,241 No, Ma, he's not doing so well today. 285 00:18:04,200 --> 00:18:05,991 MA: I want to go home. 286 00:18:06,074 --> 00:18:08,283 Ma, it's, it's better here. 287 00:18:09,158 --> 00:18:11,450 They can take care of you here, Ma. 288 00:18:11,532 --> 00:18:13,033 NURSE: Okay. 289 00:18:18,033 --> 00:18:19,866 DOMINICK: Hey, Nedra, it's Dominick Birdsey. 290 00:18:19,949 --> 00:18:21,949 Uh, yeah, I don't mean to bug you 291 00:18:22,033 --> 00:18:24,450 but it's, uh, it's been a few weeks already. 292 00:18:25,158 --> 00:18:26,878 - Yeah, yeah. - (NEDRA ON PHONE, INDISTINCT) 293 00:18:26,949 --> 00:18:29,657 NEDRA: I'm doing 500 things at once. What's up with you? 294 00:18:29,741 --> 00:18:32,116 Right. Well, listen, I, I know you're busy and all, 295 00:18:32,200 --> 00:18:36,325 but my mom's pretty sick and I really wanted her to have that, um, 296 00:18:36,408 --> 00:18:38,325 manuscript before... 297 00:18:38,949 --> 00:18:41,366 I'm working on it right now as a matter of fact. 298 00:18:41,450 --> 00:18:43,033 I'm kind of having some fun with it. 299 00:18:43,116 --> 00:18:46,782 I decided to leave in some of the Italian words 300 00:18:46,866 --> 00:18:49,866 and phrases just to give you a sense of the music. 301 00:18:49,949 --> 00:18:52,866 - DOMINICK: Music? - Mm-hmm, oh, God, yes. 302 00:18:52,949 --> 00:18:56,866 Italian is such a musical language. 303 00:18:56,949 --> 00:18:59,283 Well, whatever. It's really just the, the English 304 00:18:59,366 --> 00:19:02,241 that I'm, I'm, uh, most interested in right now. 305 00:19:02,908 --> 00:19:04,283 You know? 306 00:19:04,366 --> 00:19:06,532 NEDRA: (CHUCKLES) all part of it. 307 00:19:06,616 --> 00:19:08,116 Heh. Right. 308 00:19:08,200 --> 00:19:09,824 Hey, so, uh... 309 00:19:12,491 --> 00:19:13,824 what's he like? 310 00:19:15,657 --> 00:19:16,949 NEDRA: "What's he like?" 311 00:19:17,033 --> 00:19:19,325 Yeah, I mean, you know, you've been, 312 00:19:19,408 --> 00:19:20,967 you've been working on it for a while now. 313 00:19:20,991 --> 00:19:22,908 You probably got to know him a little bit. 314 00:19:22,991 --> 00:19:26,033 What's, do you... do you get a sense of the guy? What's he like? 315 00:19:26,741 --> 00:19:30,657 Well, a translator's position is always to remain objective, 316 00:19:30,741 --> 00:19:32,908 but, uh, you know, an emotional reaction 317 00:19:32,991 --> 00:19:37,657 would clearly inhibit the, uh... ability to really... 318 00:19:37,741 --> 00:19:41,366 Okay, well, can you just, just this one time 319 00:19:41,450 --> 00:19:45,450 you know, allow yourself an emotional reaction for my sake, please? 320 00:19:47,991 --> 00:19:50,074 I can't stand him. 321 00:19:50,325 --> 00:19:55,200 He's a, he's a, a, a... a fucking chauvinist pig, okay? 322 00:19:55,283 --> 00:19:57,074 And he's a narcissist. 323 00:19:57,158 --> 00:19:59,241 Uh, I don't even know why he would wanna 324 00:19:59,325 --> 00:20:01,616 write this for anybody to read! 325 00:20:01,699 --> 00:20:04,116 Uh, the relationship to his daughter, 326 00:20:04,200 --> 00:20:06,241 is, I, it's... 327 00:20:06,325 --> 00:20:08,616 (STAMMERING) I don't know. 328 00:20:08,699 --> 00:20:09,866 Is what? 329 00:20:10,283 --> 00:20:14,366 If I had kids, I would not let this man near my children. 330 00:20:14,699 --> 00:20:17,657 Okay? (CHUCKLES) 331 00:20:19,325 --> 00:20:20,491 Hello? 332 00:20:20,574 --> 00:20:23,991 - Okay, Nedra. Thanks, thanks. - NEDRA: Okay. 333 00:20:24,074 --> 00:20:25,991 - You can call me though anytime. - Yeah. 334 00:20:26,074 --> 00:20:27,532 (HANGS UP PHONE) 335 00:20:35,366 --> 00:20:37,574 DOMINICK: Let's go, let's go, we're gonna say hi to Mom 336 00:20:37,657 --> 00:20:39,532 and then... fuck... 337 00:20:39,616 --> 00:20:41,532 Oh, here she is. Come on. 338 00:20:48,366 --> 00:20:50,532 What? What's the matter? 339 00:20:52,033 --> 00:20:55,158 We're gonna go see Ma now. You don't want to see Ma? 340 00:20:55,241 --> 00:20:56,949 She wants to see you. 341 00:20:57,574 --> 00:20:59,908 Thomas, just come on. 342 00:21:01,991 --> 00:21:04,116 You said we're... We could go to McDonald's. 343 00:21:04,574 --> 00:21:06,908 DOMINICK: All right, I'm, I'm gonna leave you here. 344 00:21:07,991 --> 00:21:09,408 (SCOFFS) 345 00:21:16,741 --> 00:21:18,366 MA: Oh, hey. 346 00:21:21,074 --> 00:21:22,741 DOMINICK: What's wrong with you? 347 00:21:22,824 --> 00:21:25,491 Seriously, that-that was, that was like the most 348 00:21:25,574 --> 00:21:28,908 selfish display I've ever seen outta you, man. 349 00:21:29,699 --> 00:21:32,616 All she wanted was for you to come and sit by her. 350 00:21:33,325 --> 00:21:34,949 Are we still going to McDonald's? 351 00:21:35,033 --> 00:21:37,824 No! Don't you get it, you asshole? 352 00:21:37,908 --> 00:21:40,491 Do you even fucking come up for air long enough 353 00:21:40,574 --> 00:21:42,574 to realize your own mother's dying? 354 00:21:42,657 --> 00:21:45,532 - (GRUNTING) - Goddammit! Fucking... 355 00:21:45,616 --> 00:21:48,532 (THOMAS WAILING) 356 00:21:48,616 --> 00:21:52,158 Get up here now. Get up here now! 357 00:21:55,616 --> 00:21:57,949 You're not gonna pull that in the fuckin' car! 358 00:21:58,033 --> 00:21:59,949 (GRUNTING) 359 00:22:00,866 --> 00:22:02,450 (TIRES SCREECHING) 360 00:22:03,116 --> 00:22:04,866 Come here. 361 00:22:04,949 --> 00:22:07,824 Hey, what are you... What are you doing? 362 00:22:07,908 --> 00:22:09,491 (TIRES SCREECHING) 363 00:22:11,158 --> 00:22:13,616 - Thomas, hey. - (HORNS HONKING) 364 00:22:15,491 --> 00:22:16,991 No! 365 00:22:17,991 --> 00:22:19,616 (HORNS BLARING) 366 00:22:24,325 --> 00:22:25,491 Thomas! 367 00:22:27,450 --> 00:22:29,283 Thomas! 368 00:22:30,866 --> 00:22:33,158 Thomas, Thomas. 369 00:22:38,158 --> 00:22:39,616 Thomas! 370 00:22:50,949 --> 00:22:52,491 Thomas. 371 00:22:55,200 --> 00:22:56,408 Tom... 372 00:22:58,699 --> 00:23:02,491 Man, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that. 373 00:23:04,532 --> 00:23:07,033 Come on, you scared the shit out of me, come on, man. 374 00:23:07,366 --> 00:23:08,782 THOMAS: I'm sorry. 375 00:23:08,866 --> 00:23:11,325 - Take me... take me to McDonald's. - Come on. 376 00:23:12,699 --> 00:23:14,366 Just give me your hand. 377 00:23:16,116 --> 00:23:18,741 ♪ ♪ 378 00:23:25,033 --> 00:23:26,824 THOMAS: I'm sorry, I-I lost my temper. 379 00:23:26,908 --> 00:23:29,074 I'm really... I'm sorry. 380 00:23:29,158 --> 00:23:33,532 ♪ ♪ 381 00:24:27,616 --> 00:24:28,866 (TELEVISION, INDISTINCT) 382 00:24:28,949 --> 00:24:30,991 All right, Leo. I'm here, I'm watching. 383 00:24:31,699 --> 00:24:34,408 How do you know this is on? Is this on "TV Guide," man? 384 00:24:34,741 --> 00:24:37,366 I think this might be it. This might be it, this might be it. 385 00:24:37,450 --> 00:24:38,782 ANNOUNCER ON TV: Crab legs. 386 00:24:38,866 --> 00:24:41,366 Has it been a while since you've had some? 387 00:24:41,450 --> 00:24:43,325 Let Landlubbers show you how. 388 00:24:43,408 --> 00:24:45,782 - (LAUGHING) - Yep, that's the spot. 389 00:24:45,866 --> 00:24:48,074 - LEO: Why are you laughing? - Get right in there. 390 00:24:48,158 --> 00:24:49,949 DOMINICK: It's strange to see you on TV, man. 391 00:24:50,033 --> 00:24:53,074 Well, that's, they aged me up to look like a dad. 392 00:24:53,158 --> 00:24:55,824 - DOMINICK: Yeah. - Like, like a suburban... it's acting. 393 00:24:55,908 --> 00:24:58,408 DOMINICK: (LAUGHING) Leo. 394 00:24:58,491 --> 00:25:00,908 ANNOUNCER: Then we've got the place for you. 395 00:25:00,991 --> 00:25:03,866 Landlubbers... Serving 'em every night. 396 00:25:03,949 --> 00:25:05,949 DOMINICK: (LAUGHING) Awesome. 397 00:25:06,033 --> 00:25:07,467 LEO: No, what are you laughing about? 398 00:25:07,491 --> 00:25:09,283 DOMINICK: It's stunning, man! 399 00:25:09,366 --> 00:25:10,866 It was amazing! 400 00:25:10,949 --> 00:25:13,450 Do you really think... do you really think it was good? 401 00:25:13,908 --> 00:25:15,866 Yeah, it's, I mean, yeah, it's real acting. 402 00:25:15,949 --> 00:25:20,158 It's like Brando meets De Niro meets, like, Barney Fife. 403 00:25:20,657 --> 00:25:22,977 It's not like it's supposed to be fuckin' Shakespeare, man. 404 00:25:23,033 --> 00:25:24,283 It's a commercial. 405 00:25:24,366 --> 00:25:26,446 Well, that's the understatement of the year, brother. 406 00:25:26,491 --> 00:25:28,408 - (DOORBELL RINGS) - No, seriously, man. 407 00:25:28,491 --> 00:25:29,866 Hold on a second. Seriously. 408 00:25:29,949 --> 00:25:32,408 No, no, no, no, Bruce Willis was discovered bartending. 409 00:25:32,491 --> 00:25:33,782 Hold on a second. 410 00:25:33,866 --> 00:25:35,532 LEO: That doesn't happen to real people. 411 00:25:35,616 --> 00:25:37,574 - Hey, hello. - Hi. 412 00:25:38,033 --> 00:25:39,574 Uh, what's... 413 00:25:40,200 --> 00:25:41,949 Leo, I got somebody here. I gotta go. 414 00:25:42,033 --> 00:25:44,116 - LEO: I gotta tell you... - (CHUCKLES) 415 00:25:44,200 --> 00:25:45,842 - I'm happy for you. - Uh, wait, one sec... 416 00:25:45,866 --> 00:25:47,782 Wait, I got one more question. 417 00:25:48,074 --> 00:25:49,574 What's her body like? 418 00:25:49,657 --> 00:25:51,283 Good-bye. 419 00:25:51,366 --> 00:25:53,033 Hey, is it, is it done? 420 00:25:53,325 --> 00:25:56,450 What? Oh, no, this is my doctoral thesis. 421 00:25:56,532 --> 00:26:00,616 My apartment, my living space, got broken into. 422 00:26:00,699 --> 00:26:03,408 So now I've got to lug this around wherever I go. 423 00:26:03,491 --> 00:26:08,574 But your, uh, manuscript, I'm working on every day. 424 00:26:09,616 --> 00:26:11,824 How did you know where I live? 425 00:26:11,908 --> 00:26:14,325 What, is it some big, dark secret? 426 00:26:14,408 --> 00:26:16,366 No, it's just... 427 00:26:16,991 --> 00:26:19,033 - Can I come in? - Oh, uh, yeah, sure. 428 00:26:19,116 --> 00:26:20,991 Okay, I thought you'd never ask. 429 00:26:21,074 --> 00:26:24,949 It was on your check. It's written right there on the front. 430 00:26:25,200 --> 00:26:27,491 - Sit down. - I saw your street 431 00:26:27,574 --> 00:26:30,782 and I was like, oh, my God, it's Hillyndale. 432 00:26:30,866 --> 00:26:33,325 I guess I remembered it. I was like, what, are they 433 00:26:33,408 --> 00:26:35,325 trying to be quaint with that name, 434 00:26:35,408 --> 00:26:37,033 or faux British? 435 00:26:37,116 --> 00:26:40,033 Um, and I was wanting to talk to you 436 00:26:40,116 --> 00:26:41,991 since our last conversation. 437 00:26:42,074 --> 00:26:44,657 What you had said, you were saying that, um, 438 00:26:44,741 --> 00:26:47,408 you, you, you made a good point. 439 00:26:47,491 --> 00:26:52,408 That I was being not emotional or really taking in 440 00:26:52,491 --> 00:26:55,033 what I was reading, and that stuck with me. 441 00:26:55,116 --> 00:26:56,657 So I'm like, I should... 442 00:26:56,741 --> 00:26:59,991 I was concerned that you're giving it to your mother as a gift. 443 00:27:00,491 --> 00:27:04,241 And has she ever seen anything that's inside of it? 444 00:27:05,033 --> 00:27:06,491 Uh, no. 445 00:27:06,574 --> 00:27:08,158 So I think 446 00:27:08,241 --> 00:27:11,532 that you should not give it to your mother 447 00:27:11,616 --> 00:27:13,908 until you've read it yourself, you know? 448 00:27:13,991 --> 00:27:15,908 - Yeah, I got that. - Yeah. 449 00:27:15,991 --> 00:27:18,450 So is it, is it almost done? 450 00:27:18,532 --> 00:27:21,408 Well, yes, it's almost done. I'm just... 451 00:27:21,491 --> 00:27:22,991 - Almost done? - Yes. 452 00:27:23,074 --> 00:27:24,782 - Can you do me a favor? - Yeah. 453 00:27:24,866 --> 00:27:26,491 Can you just not pressure me? 454 00:27:26,574 --> 00:27:27,949 - Yeah. - I just, I don't, 455 00:27:28,033 --> 00:27:30,866 I don't do well with pressure and I'm, I'm doing it. 456 00:27:30,949 --> 00:27:33,283 Do you have anything I could drink, actually? 457 00:27:33,366 --> 00:27:37,116 Uh, yeah. I have beer and, uh, water. 458 00:27:37,200 --> 00:27:40,949 I would love a beer. Please get me a beer! 459 00:27:41,033 --> 00:27:42,699 (LAUGHS) 460 00:27:44,824 --> 00:27:46,866 So this is the place. 461 00:27:47,782 --> 00:27:49,949 Wow. It's... 462 00:27:51,824 --> 00:27:54,116 So what do you do, Dominick? 463 00:27:54,200 --> 00:27:56,033 I paint houses. 464 00:27:56,116 --> 00:27:58,532 Oh! (LAUGHS) A house painter. 465 00:27:58,616 --> 00:28:00,657 Oh! That's perfect. 466 00:28:00,741 --> 00:28:02,241 (CHUCKLES) 467 00:28:02,741 --> 00:28:05,991 You have to be strong for that, I'm sure. 468 00:28:06,366 --> 00:28:07,491 Yeah. 469 00:28:10,158 --> 00:28:11,574 (EXHALES) 470 00:28:11,657 --> 00:28:13,532 Solzhenitsyn? 471 00:28:13,824 --> 00:28:17,450 (CHUCKLES) You thought a dumb fuck like me would be reading what? 472 00:28:18,033 --> 00:28:19,991 Mickey Spillane? Hustler? 473 00:28:20,158 --> 00:28:23,991 Oh, I just... that's impressive. 474 00:28:24,200 --> 00:28:27,200 (CHUCKLES) I guess there's more to you than 475 00:28:27,908 --> 00:28:29,366 meets the eye. 476 00:28:30,450 --> 00:28:33,366 (EXHALES) I've had such a week. 477 00:28:33,450 --> 00:28:34,657 I needed this. 478 00:28:34,741 --> 00:28:37,491 Are you gonna feed me too or are you just gonna 479 00:28:37,741 --> 00:28:40,824 ply me with alcohol and then kick me out? 480 00:28:40,908 --> 00:28:42,949 I have, I mean, unless you like. 481 00:28:43,033 --> 00:28:45,824 Raisin Bran or chicken broth, I really, 482 00:28:45,908 --> 00:28:47,699 I really don't have much here. 483 00:28:48,325 --> 00:28:50,866 Or we could order pizza. 484 00:28:51,991 --> 00:28:55,200 Society's gone so D-grade. 485 00:28:55,283 --> 00:28:57,491 I feel like people can't compute. 486 00:28:57,574 --> 00:29:02,366 So they bring us fucking pepperoni when I said cheese. 487 00:29:06,074 --> 00:29:07,366 Who's that? 488 00:29:09,657 --> 00:29:12,532 Mm, that's my wife. 489 00:29:13,366 --> 00:29:15,908 Wait, oh, you have a wife? 490 00:29:15,991 --> 00:29:19,657 Mm, my ex-wife, I meant. That's-that's Dessa. 491 00:29:19,741 --> 00:29:24,408 Oh, Dessa. What does, what does Dessa do? 492 00:29:24,491 --> 00:29:28,033 Huh? She works at a pottery studio 493 00:29:28,616 --> 00:29:30,366 with her... her new boyfriend. 494 00:29:30,450 --> 00:29:32,366 That is fascinating. 495 00:29:32,908 --> 00:29:34,699 Well, my ex-husband, 496 00:29:35,532 --> 00:29:37,158 his name is Todd. 497 00:29:37,241 --> 00:29:40,949 It was kind of like being married to the Marquis de Sade, 498 00:29:41,574 --> 00:29:43,491 except he was all pain, no pleasure. 499 00:29:43,574 --> 00:29:45,908 Ah, the Marquis de Todd. 500 00:29:45,991 --> 00:29:48,824 (CHUCKLES) Did you just think of this? 501 00:29:49,033 --> 00:29:51,616 (LAUGHS) That's so funny. 502 00:29:52,532 --> 00:29:53,616 Or! 503 00:29:53,699 --> 00:29:55,574 Todd de Sade. 504 00:29:57,741 --> 00:29:58,991 Hey, so, uh... 505 00:29:59,450 --> 00:30:03,074 I could give you a ride back in this, in this storm, uh, you know? 506 00:30:03,158 --> 00:30:04,866 I have a four-wheel drive. 507 00:30:04,949 --> 00:30:07,908 - Oh. - And you've had a few, few to drink tonight. 508 00:30:07,991 --> 00:30:09,699 Do you hear what you're saying? 509 00:30:09,782 --> 00:30:12,782 I mean, it's like a storybook line. 510 00:30:12,866 --> 00:30:14,491 "I'll run you home in my truck." 511 00:30:14,574 --> 00:30:17,657 Is it tall? Is it big? Is it wide? 512 00:30:17,908 --> 00:30:20,366 It's... it's a 150. 513 00:30:20,450 --> 00:30:24,782 Do you, ooh, look out. Oh, no. 514 00:30:24,866 --> 00:30:27,325 (LAUGHS) I have a better idea. 515 00:30:27,616 --> 00:30:31,200 How about we listen to some music? 516 00:30:31,408 --> 00:30:37,283 No, don't help me, I know how to work the electronics. 517 00:30:37,741 --> 00:30:38,908 (EXHALES) 518 00:30:38,991 --> 00:30:41,158 (GROOVY MUSIC PLAYS ON RADIO) 519 00:30:42,532 --> 00:30:43,866 (MUSIC STOPS) 520 00:30:44,158 --> 00:30:45,758 ("EVERYTHING SHE WANTS" BY WHAM! PLAYS ON RADIO) 521 00:30:45,782 --> 00:30:48,366 Oh, I love this song! 522 00:30:48,450 --> 00:30:50,532 ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ 523 00:30:50,991 --> 00:30:52,241 DOMINICK: Wow. 524 00:30:52,325 --> 00:30:55,699 I would have pegged you for a classical music type. 525 00:30:58,699 --> 00:31:01,741 ♪ Somebody told me ♪ 526 00:31:01,824 --> 00:31:04,074 (NEDRA GRUNTS) ♪ Everything she wants ♪ 527 00:31:04,158 --> 00:31:06,574 ♪ Is everything she sees ♪ 528 00:31:06,657 --> 00:31:07,782 Come on! 529 00:31:07,866 --> 00:31:09,657 ♪ I guess I must have loved you ♪ 530 00:31:09,741 --> 00:31:11,158 Dance with me. 531 00:31:11,241 --> 00:31:14,116 ♪ Because I said you were the perfect girl for me ♪ 532 00:31:14,200 --> 00:31:17,158 ♪ Baby, and now we're six months older ♪ 533 00:31:17,241 --> 00:31:19,366 Come on, Dominick, dance. 534 00:31:19,450 --> 00:31:21,450 You gonna make me dance all alone? 535 00:31:21,532 --> 00:31:23,824 ♪ ...everything you see ♪ 536 00:31:23,908 --> 00:31:25,450 ♪ Is out of reach ♪ 537 00:31:25,532 --> 00:31:27,116 ♪ Not good enough ♪ 538 00:31:27,200 --> 00:31:28,800 NEDRA: (SINGS ALONG) ♪ I don't know what ♪ 539 00:31:28,824 --> 00:31:30,991 ♪ The hell you want from me... ♪ 540 00:31:35,116 --> 00:31:37,116 ♪ Uh huh huh ♪ 541 00:31:37,200 --> 00:31:40,574 ♪ Do, do, do, la, la, la, la ♪ 542 00:31:43,699 --> 00:31:45,366 ♪ Uh huh, uh huh ♪ 543 00:31:45,450 --> 00:31:49,158 ♪ Do, do, do, la, la, la, la ♪ 544 00:31:51,033 --> 00:31:54,949 ♪ Somebody tell me ♪ 545 00:31:55,033 --> 00:31:56,991 ♪ Won't you tell me ♪ 546 00:31:57,074 --> 00:31:58,574 Does that feel good? 547 00:31:58,657 --> 00:32:02,866 ♪ Why I work so hard for you ♪ 548 00:32:04,657 --> 00:32:06,616 (DOMINICK CHUCKLES) 549 00:32:07,366 --> 00:32:09,908 Oh, my. What's happening? 550 00:32:10,283 --> 00:32:13,408 What? Oh, oh, what'd I do? 551 00:32:13,491 --> 00:32:16,074 Are you okay? What? 552 00:32:16,866 --> 00:32:18,116 (EXHALES) 553 00:32:18,200 --> 00:32:20,908 (LAUGHING) What? 554 00:32:20,991 --> 00:32:22,366 - What's...? - No. 555 00:32:22,450 --> 00:32:24,824 I'm just really nervous, and, uh... 556 00:32:24,908 --> 00:32:26,657 Oh, my God. Don't be nervous. 557 00:32:26,741 --> 00:32:28,158 Are you laughing? 558 00:32:28,241 --> 00:32:30,616 - I'm not, it's just... - What? 559 00:32:30,699 --> 00:32:35,574 It's been a, you know I'm having a hard time getting over... 560 00:32:35,657 --> 00:32:38,866 ♪ ...that you've got some giving to do ♪ 561 00:32:38,949 --> 00:32:42,200 ♪ And now you tell me that you're having my baby ♪ 562 00:32:42,283 --> 00:32:46,074 ♪ I'll tell you that I'm happy if you want me to ♪ (DOOR CLOSES) 563 00:32:46,158 --> 00:32:50,616 (NEDRA CRIES) ♪ One step further, my back will break ♪ 564 00:32:51,699 --> 00:32:54,283 Nedra? Are you all right? 565 00:32:55,491 --> 00:32:56,782 Hey. 566 00:32:57,200 --> 00:33:00,366 - (YELLING INCOHERENTLY) - Are you... are you stuck? 567 00:33:00,450 --> 00:33:03,200 - You locked me in! - I didn't lock you in. 568 00:33:03,283 --> 00:33:04,532 (NEDRA SHOUTING) 569 00:33:04,616 --> 00:33:06,092 - Sometimes it... - Are you trying to humiliate me, 570 00:33:06,116 --> 00:33:07,991 you fuckin' Neanderthal! 571 00:33:08,074 --> 00:33:11,699 I was really nervous. I just broke up with my wife. 572 00:33:11,782 --> 00:33:15,074 Oh, shut up. Why don't I call your wife? 573 00:33:15,158 --> 00:33:19,074 So that we can commiserate about your sexual harassment. 574 00:33:19,158 --> 00:33:20,758 - Hey! Now wait a minute. - And all your fucking... 575 00:33:20,782 --> 00:33:24,408 That wasn't sexual harassment. You-you came onto me, all right? 576 00:33:24,491 --> 00:33:27,532 You got me to fucking dance in your living room! 577 00:33:27,616 --> 00:33:30,200 - I never meant to go like that. - I didn't make you dance. 578 00:33:30,283 --> 00:33:31,491 All I was... 579 00:33:31,574 --> 00:33:33,616 I asked to take you home, all right? 580 00:33:33,699 --> 00:33:37,200 All I wanted to do was get an overpriced translation. 581 00:33:37,283 --> 00:33:40,491 - And all of this was your idea, lady. - It wasn't overpriced. 582 00:33:40,782 --> 00:33:44,574 You know I don't fucking show my real self to anyone. 583 00:33:44,657 --> 00:33:48,741 I have to keep it together for the whole fucking system 584 00:33:48,824 --> 00:33:51,908 of men like you, you piece of shit! 585 00:33:51,991 --> 00:33:54,866 Hey, hey, come on. Nedra, hey, hey. 586 00:33:54,949 --> 00:33:56,241 No wonder you're so fucked up! 587 00:33:56,325 --> 00:33:57,949 Spending time with your grandfather 588 00:33:58,033 --> 00:34:00,741 is like being trapped with Mussolini. 589 00:34:00,824 --> 00:34:03,824 Let me call you a cab, then. You're wasted! 590 00:34:03,908 --> 00:34:05,532 You're wasted! 591 00:34:05,616 --> 00:34:06,949 Let me just give you a ride. 592 00:34:07,033 --> 00:34:09,991 Let me say it in Italian. Fangul, fangul! 593 00:34:10,074 --> 00:34:11,866 You're out of your mind. 594 00:34:12,366 --> 00:34:14,908 Wait there, I'll get a cab. I'll get you a cab. 595 00:34:14,991 --> 00:34:17,450 - NEDRA: You fucking shut up. - I don't care. 596 00:34:17,532 --> 00:34:20,283 - You shouldn't be... - and shut your asshole. 597 00:34:20,366 --> 00:34:23,366 - (ENGINE STARTS) - (MUSIC CONTINUES ON RADIO) 598 00:34:27,033 --> 00:34:28,699 Turn on your lights. 599 00:34:29,241 --> 00:34:31,074 Turn on your lights! 600 00:34:34,532 --> 00:34:37,033 (BELLS RINGING) 601 00:34:37,908 --> 00:34:38,991 (KNOCKING) 602 00:34:39,074 --> 00:34:40,200 MAN: Come in. 603 00:34:41,408 --> 00:34:44,033 Hey. How you doing? 604 00:34:44,116 --> 00:34:45,699 Hey. 605 00:34:47,366 --> 00:34:48,949 Hey, uh... 606 00:34:55,741 --> 00:34:57,866 What happened to Nedra Frank? 607 00:34:58,074 --> 00:35:01,074 She's withdrawn from the degree program. 608 00:35:01,991 --> 00:35:04,074 - Personal reasons. - Right. 609 00:35:04,158 --> 00:35:05,532 Yeah. 610 00:35:12,283 --> 00:35:16,074 NURSE: I'm so sorry to tell you, but she's not doing well. 611 00:35:17,866 --> 00:35:22,116 If you'd like to go in and say any last words to her, 612 00:35:22,741 --> 00:35:25,325 now could be a good time to do that. 613 00:35:28,616 --> 00:35:30,116 MA: Thomas? 614 00:35:30,824 --> 00:35:33,450 - DOMINICK: It's Dominick. - MA: Oh. 615 00:35:33,657 --> 00:35:35,325 Thomas sends his love. 616 00:35:35,782 --> 00:35:38,283 - Is he doing okay? - Yeah, he's doing great. 617 00:35:38,366 --> 00:35:40,824 He's just having a little bit of a tough day today. 618 00:35:40,908 --> 00:35:44,782 - MA: Has he got a cold? - You know how he gets sometimes. 619 00:35:48,200 --> 00:35:51,657 I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Dominick. 620 00:35:51,741 --> 00:35:55,782 For what? Don't be sorry for Thomas, Ma. 621 00:35:56,782 --> 00:35:58,616 You're a great mom. 622 00:36:03,200 --> 00:36:04,616 You've been great. 623 00:36:05,366 --> 00:36:07,824 - MA: What's that, huh? - Nothing. 624 00:36:07,908 --> 00:36:09,782 What's that? 625 00:36:12,158 --> 00:36:15,325 - MA: Everything good? - Yeah. 626 00:36:16,408 --> 00:36:17,991 It's great. Doing great. 627 00:36:18,074 --> 00:36:20,699 You're my strength. You're my strength. 628 00:36:20,782 --> 00:36:22,866 Yeah, Ma, you're the strong one. 629 00:36:23,283 --> 00:36:26,325 - MA: No. - Yeah, you've always been so strong. 630 00:36:26,408 --> 00:36:29,158 From the day you was born, you're my strength. 631 00:36:34,491 --> 00:36:36,824 You take care of Thomas. 632 00:36:39,949 --> 00:36:42,074 You take care of your brother, huh? 633 00:36:42,657 --> 00:36:44,200 You take care of him. 634 00:36:45,532 --> 00:36:47,200 You... (MOANS) 635 00:36:51,824 --> 00:36:53,074 Promise me. 636 00:36:57,699 --> 00:36:59,408 Promise me, Dominick. 637 00:37:00,241 --> 00:37:03,450 I promise. I swear to God. 638 00:37:03,532 --> 00:37:05,325 I promise, Ma. 639 00:37:08,200 --> 00:37:09,782 Oh, sweet baby. 640 00:37:10,325 --> 00:37:12,866 - MA: What's all that about? - I'll take care of him, Ma. 641 00:37:13,366 --> 00:37:14,991 I'll take care of him. 642 00:37:16,033 --> 00:37:17,824 (QUIETLY) Take care of him. 643 00:37:26,450 --> 00:37:29,949 ♪ ♪ 644 00:37:45,532 --> 00:37:47,574 DOMINICK: Hey, buddy. 645 00:37:47,908 --> 00:37:49,408 How you doing? 646 00:37:53,741 --> 00:37:55,949 I got some bad news, Thomas. 647 00:38:01,908 --> 00:38:04,408 Mom passed away yesterday. 648 00:38:16,158 --> 00:38:18,574 Can I get my collage back? 649 00:38:25,366 --> 00:38:28,241 Of course you can. Of course. 650 00:38:36,908 --> 00:38:38,657 I'm sorry, Thomas. 651 00:38:42,366 --> 00:38:44,616 It's not your fault, Dominick. 652 00:38:48,866 --> 00:38:50,491 It was God. 653 00:38:51,200 --> 00:38:54,657 (ANGELIC CHOIR SINGING) 654 00:39:01,616 --> 00:39:04,408 She took the manuscript. It's my property. 655 00:39:04,491 --> 00:39:06,116 - I gave it to you. - No, no, no, no. 656 00:39:06,200 --> 00:39:08,842 - I gave it to you to have it... Listen. - The agreement you made... 657 00:39:08,866 --> 00:39:10,800 - Sir, what's between you and Miss Frank... - She works here! 658 00:39:10,824 --> 00:39:12,967 - She works here. - Had nothing whatsoever to do with the university. 659 00:39:12,991 --> 00:39:15,741 - Lady, she works here at the university. - Yes. 660 00:39:15,824 --> 00:39:17,991 I gave it to her while she was working here. 661 00:39:18,074 --> 00:39:20,283 Put me, put me in contact with her. 662 00:39:20,366 --> 00:39:21,657 That's all I'm asking. 663 00:39:21,741 --> 00:39:23,592 Under no circumstances can I give you her home address. 664 00:39:23,616 --> 00:39:26,283 Then you know what? Can I... can I talk to your-your supervisor? 665 00:39:26,366 --> 00:39:28,283 - Hello? - That would be me, sir. 666 00:39:28,366 --> 00:39:30,699 - That would be me, sir. - Oh, you're the supervisor. 667 00:39:30,782 --> 00:39:31,991 Yeah, great. 668 00:39:33,699 --> 00:39:35,699 - You need to leave. - Oh, I do? 669 00:39:36,450 --> 00:39:38,116 (WOMAN SCREAMS) 670 00:39:38,200 --> 00:39:40,325 ♪ 671 00:39:56,033 --> 00:39:58,866 (SOBBING) 672 00:40:07,699 --> 00:40:10,283 DOMINICK: In the three years since my mother's death, 673 00:40:10,366 --> 00:40:14,657 Thomas retreated further and further into his illness. 674 00:40:14,741 --> 00:40:18,866 And then came the day when he walked into the Three Rivers Library 675 00:40:18,949 --> 00:40:22,491 and carried out his sacrifice. 676 00:40:22,574 --> 00:40:25,450 I was left to deliver the news to my stepfather 677 00:40:25,532 --> 00:40:27,949 when he returned from his fishing trip. 678 00:40:29,283 --> 00:40:30,741 What? 679 00:40:32,949 --> 00:40:35,050 RAY: You know what the trouble always was with that kid, 680 00:40:35,074 --> 00:40:36,491 it was all that mamby-pamby stuff 681 00:40:36,574 --> 00:40:38,200 she used to say to him all the time. 682 00:40:39,616 --> 00:40:42,699 With you, it was different. You could handle yourself. 683 00:40:43,033 --> 00:40:46,158 I remember the two of you out on that Little League ballfield. 684 00:40:46,866 --> 00:40:50,158 Watching you two guys out there, it was like night and day. 685 00:40:50,741 --> 00:40:52,283 If she would have just let me raise him 686 00:40:52,366 --> 00:40:53,991 the way he should have been raised, 687 00:40:54,074 --> 00:40:56,283 instead of running interference all the time, 688 00:40:57,283 --> 00:40:58,741 maybe... 689 00:40:59,616 --> 00:41:01,366 he wouldn't have ended up on the bottom. 690 00:41:01,450 --> 00:41:03,033 The way he did. 691 00:41:03,116 --> 00:41:05,657 Ray, he's a paranoid schizophrenic 692 00:41:05,949 --> 00:41:09,366 because of his biochemistry, and his frontal lobes, 693 00:41:09,450 --> 00:41:11,366 and all that other shit that Dr. Reynolds 694 00:41:11,450 --> 00:41:13,949 went over with us that time. It's not Mom's fault. 695 00:41:14,033 --> 00:41:15,491 I'm not saying it was her fault! 696 00:41:15,574 --> 00:41:18,450 She did the best by both of you and don't you forget it. 697 00:41:22,699 --> 00:41:25,450 (RADIO CHATTER, INDISTINCT) 698 00:41:37,283 --> 00:41:39,074 - Aren't you comin'? - Huh? 699 00:41:39,741 --> 00:41:42,200 He's up in 422. I'll be up there in a minute. 700 00:41:46,074 --> 00:41:47,450 All right. 701 00:41:55,657 --> 00:41:57,342 ANNOUNCER: (ON RADIO) At three minutes past the hour, 702 00:41:57,366 --> 00:41:58,991 this is CBS News. 703 00:42:04,991 --> 00:42:07,450 Hey, Sadie. Hey, buddy. 704 00:42:07,532 --> 00:42:09,325 Remember me? 705 00:42:14,616 --> 00:42:17,824 Hey. How you doing? 706 00:42:19,741 --> 00:42:21,532 Oh, my God. 707 00:42:23,283 --> 00:42:24,741 Yeah... 708 00:42:30,116 --> 00:42:32,866 Oh, my God. What the fuck? 709 00:42:41,241 --> 00:42:43,616 Are you okay? I mean, how... 710 00:42:43,699 --> 00:42:46,574 I mean, you know, not so bad considering. 711 00:42:47,283 --> 00:42:49,366 About as good as you'd expect 712 00:42:49,782 --> 00:42:52,366 especially now that he's become freak of the week. 713 00:42:53,200 --> 00:42:55,782 Yeah, it was on the news again all day yesterday. 714 00:42:55,866 --> 00:42:58,283 They just won't let it rest, will they? 715 00:43:02,241 --> 00:43:03,616 Yeah. 716 00:43:04,366 --> 00:43:06,616 "The Enquirer" called last night. 717 00:43:07,908 --> 00:43:09,616 Guy says he's gonna give us 300 bucks 718 00:43:09,699 --> 00:43:12,616 if we can get him a recent picture of him. 719 00:43:12,699 --> 00:43:15,741 A thousand if we get one without his hand. 720 00:43:16,741 --> 00:43:18,408 He... Joy... 721 00:43:18,991 --> 00:43:21,408 Joy tried to talk me into doing it. 722 00:43:26,741 --> 00:43:28,866 Inquiring minds want to know. 723 00:43:28,949 --> 00:43:31,782 Well, inquiring minds can go fuck themselves. 724 00:43:38,741 --> 00:43:40,074 Wow. 725 00:43:41,450 --> 00:43:44,241 - I know. - I can't believe this old mongrel is still going. 726 00:43:44,325 --> 00:43:45,699 Look at that old lady. 727 00:43:45,782 --> 00:43:49,283 - Man. So... - You wanna say hi? 728 00:43:50,450 --> 00:43:52,657 Hey, wake up, grandma. 729 00:43:52,741 --> 00:43:54,616 Do you remember this guy? 730 00:43:55,782 --> 00:43:57,949 You remember this guy! 731 00:43:58,532 --> 00:44:00,158 How's your sister? 732 00:44:02,200 --> 00:44:03,616 Uh... 733 00:44:05,200 --> 00:44:07,283 She's good. She's busy. 734 00:44:07,908 --> 00:44:10,699 (LAUGHING) Hope Leo's not driving her too crazy. 735 00:44:10,782 --> 00:44:13,616 Yeah, I wouldn't say that. 736 00:44:14,283 --> 00:44:15,824 Leo. 737 00:44:17,450 --> 00:44:18,699 It's funny. 738 00:44:18,782 --> 00:44:20,283 People used to predict that you and I 739 00:44:20,366 --> 00:44:22,158 would be the ones who stuck it out. 740 00:44:24,824 --> 00:44:26,158 That's funny. 741 00:44:27,325 --> 00:44:28,991 DOMINICK: Nice van. 742 00:44:29,200 --> 00:44:30,991 Good Earth Potters, huh? 743 00:44:31,241 --> 00:44:36,158 "Hand-crafted artisan pottery." It's cool. 744 00:44:37,450 --> 00:44:39,991 - It's Dan's. - Yeah, I figured that. 745 00:44:40,074 --> 00:44:41,325 Yeah. 746 00:44:45,241 --> 00:44:47,033 Why are you crying? 747 00:44:47,866 --> 00:44:49,325 (SCOFFS) 748 00:44:51,991 --> 00:44:55,200 You know who I keep thinking about during all this is your mother. 749 00:44:55,283 --> 00:44:57,450 All this just would have destroyed her. 750 00:44:58,325 --> 00:44:59,782 Thanks for comin'. 751 00:45:00,657 --> 00:45:02,616 You didn't have to, you know. You... 752 00:45:03,074 --> 00:45:06,033 - I know. - You're not under obligation. 753 00:45:06,283 --> 00:45:07,866 I wanted to come. 754 00:45:11,616 --> 00:45:13,532 I love your brother so much. 755 00:45:27,241 --> 00:45:30,325 I don't know why you'd think you would do that right now. 756 00:45:30,824 --> 00:45:32,741 (EXHALES) 757 00:45:33,491 --> 00:45:34,866 (SIGHS) 758 00:45:38,366 --> 00:45:39,991 (SNIFFS) 759 00:45:41,450 --> 00:45:43,074 (WHISPERS) I'm sorry. 760 00:45:48,325 --> 00:45:49,741 Sorry. 761 00:45:49,824 --> 00:45:53,616 (CLASSIC COUNTRY GUITAR PLAYING) 762 00:45:56,241 --> 00:45:58,532 - Hey. - Yeah? 763 00:45:59,074 --> 00:46:00,325 I'm sorry. 764 00:46:00,408 --> 00:46:01,699 (ENGINE STARTS) 765 00:46:02,741 --> 00:46:04,241 It's okay. 766 00:46:06,574 --> 00:46:07,908 It's okay. 767 00:46:09,408 --> 00:46:16,074 ♪ Precious memories ♪ 768 00:46:20,532 --> 00:46:27,574 ♪ How, how, how they linger ♪ 769 00:46:29,782 --> 00:46:33,116 ♪ Yeah, how ♪ 770 00:46:36,200 --> 00:46:39,241 ♪ Mmm, how they ever ♪ 771 00:46:42,366 --> 00:46:45,283 ♪ Flood my soul ♪ 772 00:46:48,657 --> 00:46:50,532 ♪ Oh yeah ♪ 773 00:46:50,616 --> 00:46:56,241 ♪ Well, it's the end ♪ 774 00:47:00,532 --> 00:47:02,532 DOMINICK: Did you go up and see him? 775 00:47:02,616 --> 00:47:04,782 (GUITAR CONTINUES) 776 00:47:07,491 --> 00:47:08,741 Why not? 777 00:47:08,824 --> 00:47:10,949 ♪ Whoa, whoa ♪ 778 00:47:11,033 --> 00:47:14,491 I don't know, I just changed my mind, that's all. 779 00:47:16,824 --> 00:47:18,325 Come on, let's get out of here. 780 00:47:18,741 --> 00:47:20,616 Look, don't make a federal case out of it. 781 00:47:22,741 --> 00:47:25,325 Did you see Dessa? She was here visiting. 782 00:47:25,866 --> 00:47:28,116 ♪ Oh yes ♪ 783 00:47:28,200 --> 00:47:30,491 ♪ Scenes unfold ♪ 784 00:47:36,741 --> 00:47:39,241 - RAY: You want to come in? Grab a sandwich? - DOMINICK: Huh? 785 00:47:39,325 --> 00:47:40,741 No, no thanks. 786 00:47:40,824 --> 00:47:44,158 I got to get back over there before they transfer him tonight. 787 00:47:49,116 --> 00:47:50,824 (CAR DOOR CLOSES) 788 00:47:54,283 --> 00:47:56,033 RAY: Hey, hey, hey. 789 00:47:58,491 --> 00:48:00,532 - Yeah? - Just answer me one thing. 790 00:48:02,033 --> 00:48:04,116 Why didn't you have them at least try to 791 00:48:04,200 --> 00:48:06,574 put his fuckin' hand back on? 792 00:48:06,657 --> 00:48:10,283 Now he's got a physical disability on top of a mental one. 793 00:48:10,366 --> 00:48:12,116 - (ENGINE, MUSIC STOPS) - RAY: Why would... 794 00:48:12,200 --> 00:48:15,408 They were only giving the reattachment a 50/50 chance. 795 00:48:15,491 --> 00:48:18,491 If it didn't work, it would have just sat there dead 796 00:48:18,574 --> 00:48:20,616 sewn to his arm. 797 00:48:20,699 --> 00:48:22,217 And for another thing, for another thing, 798 00:48:22,241 --> 00:48:23,991 Ray, you didn't hear him. 799 00:48:24,991 --> 00:48:26,824 It was the first time in 20 years 800 00:48:26,908 --> 00:48:28,450 he's ever been in charge of somethin'. 801 00:48:28,532 --> 00:48:29,824 So I couldn't. 802 00:48:30,699 --> 00:48:31,908 I mean, okay. 803 00:48:31,991 --> 00:48:33,450 I guess it doesn't make him a hero, 804 00:48:33,532 --> 00:48:36,283 but it was his choice, Ray. It's his hand. 805 00:48:44,408 --> 00:48:45,908 (ENGINE STARTS) 806 00:48:46,616 --> 00:48:49,408 (MUSIC RESUMES) 807 00:49:02,241 --> 00:49:04,366 (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) 808 00:49:12,991 --> 00:49:14,241 Hey. 809 00:49:16,033 --> 00:49:17,908 - What's going on? - OFFICER: Where you goin'? 810 00:49:17,991 --> 00:49:19,408 AIDE: Oh, that's his next of kin. 811 00:49:19,491 --> 00:49:21,176 We're transferring him back to the facility. 812 00:49:21,200 --> 00:49:23,259 DOMINICK: Yeah, I know, I've been waitin' all night for you guys. 813 00:49:23,283 --> 00:49:24,782 That's my brother. 814 00:49:24,866 --> 00:49:26,033 Hey, Thomas, Thomas, 815 00:49:26,116 --> 00:49:28,283 they're gonna take you back to Settle, pal. 816 00:49:29,991 --> 00:49:31,616 You all right, buddy? 817 00:49:32,908 --> 00:49:34,325 Thomas, you okay? 818 00:49:34,408 --> 00:49:36,824 (METALLIC CLICKING) 819 00:49:36,908 --> 00:49:39,074 Can I... I just go in there and pack his stuff? 820 00:49:39,158 --> 00:49:41,259 No, you cannot, no, you cannot. I need you to step out. 821 00:49:41,283 --> 00:49:43,908 Hey, hey, what, what are you doin' with the handcuffs? 822 00:49:43,991 --> 00:49:46,741 You can't, you can't let him leave this place with a little dignity? 823 00:49:46,824 --> 00:49:48,824 Hey, it's just procedure. He'll be okay. 824 00:49:48,908 --> 00:49:51,050 - I know. You don't have to do that. - Potentially violent. 825 00:49:51,074 --> 00:49:54,033 He's not violent, all right? He's an anti-war protester. 826 00:49:54,116 --> 00:49:56,408 - He's non-violent. - Hey, look, just relax. 827 00:49:56,491 --> 00:49:58,532 I'm relaxed, I'm relaxed. 828 00:50:00,325 --> 00:50:03,158 REPORTER: (ON RADIO) President Bush is just now leaving Finland... 829 00:50:04,741 --> 00:50:06,741 AL: If you'd ask me, Bush ought to go show 830 00:50:06,824 --> 00:50:09,033 that crazy Hussein who's boss, 831 00:50:09,116 --> 00:50:11,408 same way Reagan did down in Grenada. 832 00:50:11,491 --> 00:50:12,949 Flex some muscle. 833 00:50:13,366 --> 00:50:15,200 Fuckin' Saddam insane. 834 00:50:15,991 --> 00:50:17,116 Fuckin' lunatic. 835 00:50:17,200 --> 00:50:19,283 THOMAS: Can we please change the subject? 836 00:50:20,491 --> 00:50:21,532 Please? 837 00:50:21,991 --> 00:50:23,450 You all right, buddy? 838 00:50:23,532 --> 00:50:26,283 THOMAS: Could you read to me from my Bible, Dominick? 839 00:50:26,824 --> 00:50:28,616 From the book of Psalms? 840 00:50:28,949 --> 00:50:30,908 DOMINICK: Psalms? Where is that again? 841 00:50:30,991 --> 00:50:32,657 THOMAS: It's in the middle. 842 00:50:32,741 --> 00:50:35,657 It's between the Book of Job and the Book of Proverbs. 843 00:50:36,616 --> 00:50:38,741 Read me the 27th Psalm. 844 00:50:41,325 --> 00:50:43,033 DOMINICK: All right. 845 00:50:43,366 --> 00:50:47,450 "The Lord is my refuge. Of whom should I be afraid?" 846 00:50:47,532 --> 00:50:48,949 (RADIO TURNS OFF) 847 00:50:49,033 --> 00:50:51,991 "When evil-doers come at me to devour my flesh," 848 00:50:52,074 --> 00:50:56,158 "my foes and my enemies themselves stumble and fall." 849 00:50:56,657 --> 00:51:01,366 "Though war be waged upon me, even then, will I trust." 850 00:51:03,325 --> 00:51:05,450 "Hear, oh, Lord, the sound of my calls. 851 00:51:05,532 --> 00:51:07,782 "Have pity on me and answer me. 852 00:51:08,450 --> 00:51:11,366 "Though my father and mother forsake me, 853 00:51:11,866 --> 00:51:14,074 yet will the Lord receive me." 854 00:51:14,366 --> 00:51:17,949 Dominick, how's Ray? 855 00:51:18,908 --> 00:51:22,949 Ray, he's... Ray's just fine. He's, he's okay. 856 00:51:23,241 --> 00:51:24,491 THOMAS: Is he mad at me? 857 00:51:24,574 --> 00:51:27,532 No, he's, he's not mad at you. 858 00:51:28,699 --> 00:51:30,033 Why doesn't he come visit? 859 00:51:30,116 --> 00:51:35,074 Uh, he's been out of town. He just got back from fishing. 860 00:51:35,408 --> 00:51:37,325 - THOMAS: Today? - Yesterday. 861 00:51:37,408 --> 00:51:40,824 Mighta been the day before yesterday, I don't, you know what? 862 00:51:40,908 --> 00:51:42,325 This week's been so screwed up, 863 00:51:42,408 --> 00:51:44,782 I haven't been able to keep the days straight, buddy. 864 00:51:45,408 --> 00:51:46,949 Screwed up because of me? 865 00:51:47,033 --> 00:51:49,949 No, no, not screwed up because of you. 866 00:51:50,741 --> 00:51:53,074 - THOMAS: You're mad at me. - I'm not mad at you. 867 00:51:55,158 --> 00:51:57,200 He's mad at me. 868 00:52:09,616 --> 00:52:12,241 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hey, you just passed it. 869 00:52:12,325 --> 00:52:14,741 You gotta turn back. You gotta turn back, man. 870 00:52:14,824 --> 00:52:17,241 AL: No, no, no, he's not goin' to Settle. 871 00:52:17,325 --> 00:52:18,967 - What? - What do you mean, not going to Settle? 872 00:52:18,991 --> 00:52:21,450 He has a coffee cart there. He-he runs the news stand. 873 00:52:21,532 --> 00:52:23,532 AL: I don't know anything about any coffee cart. 874 00:52:23,616 --> 00:52:25,283 We have signed orders here to bring him 875 00:52:25,366 --> 00:52:28,158 to the Hatch Forensics Institute. 876 00:52:28,241 --> 00:52:29,532 Oh, no, not Hatch. 877 00:52:29,616 --> 00:52:30,866 - Dominick, help! - Hatch? 878 00:52:30,949 --> 00:52:32,709 THOMAS: I'm not going! They're gonna kill me. 879 00:52:32,782 --> 00:52:33,866 Dominick, Dominick, 880 00:52:33,949 --> 00:52:35,325 get your brother under control. 881 00:52:35,408 --> 00:52:37,616 Calm down, man. Let me deal with this. 882 00:52:37,699 --> 00:52:40,339 - Dominick! Help me. - This, no, this is... this is a huge mistake. 883 00:52:40,408 --> 00:52:41,908 - AL: No mistake. - I'm telling you. 884 00:52:41,991 --> 00:52:43,967 - Dominick, please. - Turn around and go back to Settle. 885 00:52:43,991 --> 00:52:46,574 I know the night staff there. They'll call his doctor. 886 00:52:46,657 --> 00:52:48,508 - You'll see this is a huge mistake. - AL: No way, no can do. 887 00:52:48,532 --> 00:52:51,172 We have orders to follow. You're both startin' to get on my nerves. 888 00:52:51,241 --> 00:52:53,842 - So just quiet down. - THOMAS: Okay, you make sure the coffee's made. 889 00:52:53,866 --> 00:52:56,325 You make sure that the change box is full. 890 00:52:56,408 --> 00:52:59,408 - Thomas, shut up for a second, will ya? - You make sure that nobody... 891 00:52:59,491 --> 00:53:01,116 Let me deal with this. 892 00:53:01,200 --> 00:53:05,200 (TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 893 00:53:17,074 --> 00:53:19,033 THOMAS: I have to pee. 894 00:53:20,574 --> 00:53:23,532 - I have to pee! - AL: Okay, we're almost there. 895 00:53:25,450 --> 00:53:28,991 - DOMINICK: Hey, man, you got brothers? - I got four brothers. 896 00:53:29,074 --> 00:53:32,241 So, you understand, man, come on. Follow your gut. 897 00:53:32,325 --> 00:53:34,532 Five minutes, that's all I'm askin'. 898 00:53:34,908 --> 00:53:37,366 - Come on, man. - What the fuck are you doin'? 899 00:53:37,699 --> 00:53:39,033 You keep your hands to yourself. 900 00:53:39,116 --> 00:53:40,508 That's the last thing you want to fuckin' do 901 00:53:40,532 --> 00:53:42,408 is grab an armed officer like that. 902 00:53:42,491 --> 00:53:43,657 - You understand? - Yes. 903 00:53:43,741 --> 00:53:45,657 - You understand? - Yes. 904 00:53:47,200 --> 00:53:49,033 THOMAS: I really have to go to the bathroom. 905 00:53:49,116 --> 00:53:51,176 - Is there a bathroom in this building? - AL: Thomas, yes, of course. 906 00:53:51,200 --> 00:53:52,782 Just keep your mouth shut. Let's go. 907 00:53:52,866 --> 00:53:55,824 The games are over. I'm done with the babysitting. Let's go. 908 00:53:59,574 --> 00:54:01,741 AL: Dominick, do yourself a favor. 909 00:54:01,824 --> 00:54:04,616 Don't say anything. Just let 'em process him. 910 00:54:04,699 --> 00:54:06,450 - How are ya? Good. - How you doin'? 911 00:54:06,532 --> 00:54:09,616 I really, I really have to go to the bathroom. 912 00:54:09,991 --> 00:54:11,616 I've had to go the whole time. 913 00:54:12,116 --> 00:54:13,516 - Who's this guy? - I'm his brother. 914 00:54:13,574 --> 00:54:15,259 Listen, this is somebody's, this is some secretary's 915 00:54:15,283 --> 00:54:17,782 screw up or something, all right? He belongs over at Settle. 916 00:54:17,866 --> 00:54:20,217 Mr. Birdsey was visiting the patient when we arrived for the escort. 917 00:54:20,241 --> 00:54:21,633 The patient requested he accompany us. 918 00:54:21,657 --> 00:54:23,384 AL: We just thought it would make him less combative 919 00:54:23,408 --> 00:54:25,050 - so we let him come along. - No, he's not combative. 920 00:54:25,074 --> 00:54:26,574 He's never hurt anybody in his life. 921 00:54:26,657 --> 00:54:28,908 He's about as combative as Bambi, all right? 922 00:54:28,991 --> 00:54:30,283 Listen, one call to his doctor 923 00:54:30,366 --> 00:54:32,050 and this whole thing will get straightened out. 924 00:54:32,074 --> 00:54:33,991 I work the coffee cart at Settle. 925 00:54:34,074 --> 00:54:36,283 They're expecting me there first thing in the morning. 926 00:54:36,366 --> 00:54:37,884 Okay, listen, you can accompany your brother 927 00:54:37,908 --> 00:54:39,741 to the initial part of the admitting process 928 00:54:39,824 --> 00:54:42,450 but you cannot go into the ward. You got that? 929 00:54:42,532 --> 00:54:44,325 You can't go past the security station. 930 00:54:44,408 --> 00:54:46,657 Any calls to the doctor gotta be made in the morning. 931 00:54:46,741 --> 00:54:49,217 - Let's go, come on. - Why can't, why don't we just make the call now? 932 00:54:49,241 --> 00:54:50,616 We don't even have to go in here. 933 00:54:50,699 --> 00:54:52,217 THOMAS: I really have to go to the bathroom now. 934 00:54:52,241 --> 00:54:53,741 Let's go! Open up! 935 00:54:54,033 --> 00:54:55,657 (DOOR BUZZES) 936 00:54:56,699 --> 00:54:57,949 AL: Just a piece of advice. 937 00:54:58,033 --> 00:54:59,824 Do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut. 938 00:54:59,908 --> 00:55:01,366 DOMINICK: But he doesn't belong here. 939 00:55:01,450 --> 00:55:02,824 They got him in the wrong place. 940 00:55:02,908 --> 00:55:06,033 He doesn't belong in a maximum security prison. 941 00:55:06,116 --> 00:55:07,116 (DOOR BUZZES) 942 00:55:07,200 --> 00:55:08,532 Look, could I talk to this... 943 00:55:08,616 --> 00:55:10,450 Excuse me, can... Can you do me a favor? 944 00:55:10,908 --> 00:55:13,408 Can you call his doctor, Dr. Willis Ehlers, 945 00:55:13,491 --> 00:55:15,200 over at Settle Building? 946 00:55:15,283 --> 00:55:18,574 Ask him if Thomas Birdsey belongs at this place. 947 00:55:18,657 --> 00:55:20,824 Dr. Ehlers doesn't treat patients at Hatch. 948 00:55:20,908 --> 00:55:23,574 - He's not on staff. - Yeah, that's, that's what I'm trying to say. 949 00:55:23,657 --> 00:55:26,782 Dr. Ehlers is at Settle where my brother belongs. 950 00:55:26,866 --> 00:55:30,074 He doesn't belong here. That's what I'm... can you just call him? 951 00:55:30,158 --> 00:55:31,657 You probably got a directory, right? 952 00:55:31,741 --> 00:55:34,366 You can wake him up. He's not gonna... he's not gonna care. 953 00:55:34,450 --> 00:55:36,074 According to this, he's been reassigned. 954 00:55:36,158 --> 00:55:37,782 What do you mean he's been reassigned? 955 00:55:37,866 --> 00:55:39,626 Who, who... Wait, by who? Who reassigned him? 956 00:55:39,657 --> 00:55:41,675 - I'm not at liberty to give that information, sir. - Excuse me. 957 00:55:41,699 --> 00:55:43,616 - THOMAS: Excuse me! - Either his new doctor 958 00:55:43,699 --> 00:55:45,824 will notify you or you can make an appointment... 959 00:55:45,908 --> 00:55:48,949 THOMAS: Excuse me, do you happen to know a Dr. Ahamed? 960 00:55:49,033 --> 00:55:51,325 He's the superintendent of this entire hospital. 961 00:55:51,408 --> 00:55:53,009 Hey, buddy, let me take care of this, will ya? 962 00:55:53,033 --> 00:55:54,508 And you're gonna be in big trouble tomorrow... 963 00:55:54,532 --> 00:55:56,241 - Thomas! - When he goes in his office 964 00:55:56,325 --> 00:55:57,925 and he doesn't find his "Wall Street Journal" 965 00:55:57,949 --> 00:55:59,342 - and his corn muffin. - Thomas, calm down. 966 00:55:59,366 --> 00:56:01,491 THOMAS: All right, I'd hate to be you tomorrow 967 00:56:01,574 --> 00:56:04,050 when he finds out that you've been keeping me here against my will! 968 00:56:04,074 --> 00:56:06,991 - Calm down, calm down. - Yeah, we're good. 969 00:56:07,657 --> 00:56:09,241 - Come on. - THOMAS: Oh, Jesus. 970 00:56:09,325 --> 00:56:11,699 - Oh! - (URINATING) 971 00:56:12,366 --> 00:56:14,366 - What happened? - I'm sorry, Dominick. 972 00:56:14,866 --> 00:56:18,283 I couldn't hold it. I told you I had to pee. 973 00:56:18,741 --> 00:56:20,450 Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. 974 00:56:20,532 --> 00:56:22,574 Okay, here, here's, here's the bottom line. 975 00:56:22,657 --> 00:56:25,241 I'm not going anywhere until he gets out of here 976 00:56:25,325 --> 00:56:26,866 and he's gettin' out of here tonight, 977 00:56:26,949 --> 00:56:29,908 so somebody better call the goddamn doctor. 978 00:56:29,991 --> 00:56:31,800 - Call Dr. Willis Ehlers. - Keep your voice down, sir. 979 00:56:31,824 --> 00:56:34,325 Keep your voice down. Doctors are only called after hours... 980 00:56:34,408 --> 00:56:35,717 - when there's an emergency. - I'm sick of this shit. 981 00:56:35,741 --> 00:56:37,241 This is an emergency. 982 00:56:37,325 --> 00:56:39,866 You guys won't even let him take a piss, for Christ's sake. 983 00:56:39,949 --> 00:56:43,033 You think I'm leaving him here with you fuckin' Nazis? 984 00:56:43,116 --> 00:56:45,074 - GUARD: Sir, sir. - What? 985 00:56:45,158 --> 00:56:48,574 Patient's relatives do not determine what constitutes an emergency. 986 00:56:48,657 --> 00:56:49,800 - The medical staff does. - Fine. 987 00:56:49,824 --> 00:56:51,283 Let me talk to the medical staff. 988 00:56:51,366 --> 00:56:53,342 The nurses at Hatch do not deal with patient's families. 989 00:56:53,366 --> 00:56:55,384 - Let me talk to a social worker. - They called from the unit. 990 00:56:55,408 --> 00:56:57,550 - You ready to rock-n-roll? - All right, we can finish this down at the ward. 991 00:56:57,574 --> 00:56:59,092 I've about had it with the Doublemint Twin here. 992 00:56:59,116 --> 00:57:01,092 - Okay, let's go. - Why isn't anybody listening to me? 993 00:57:01,116 --> 00:57:03,800 (THOMAS SOBBING) - I am telling you that this is an administrative screw up, 994 00:57:03,824 --> 00:57:06,033 all right, and he belongs down in Settle. 995 00:57:06,116 --> 00:57:09,158 He may belong in Settle, but he sure as hell isn't going there tonight. 996 00:57:09,241 --> 00:57:12,158 All right, maybe first thing in the morning. 997 00:57:12,241 --> 00:57:13,508 Maybe first thing in the morning. 998 00:57:13,532 --> 00:57:14,732 But tonight, he's staying here. 999 00:57:14,782 --> 00:57:16,259 You can't do anything until tomorrow morning. 1000 00:57:16,283 --> 00:57:18,217 We'll take you back to Shanley. You park at the big lot? 1001 00:57:18,241 --> 00:57:20,967 I'm not going... I'm not going anywhere till I get this straightened out. 1002 00:57:20,991 --> 00:57:22,824 Okay, can I see the social worker, please? 1003 00:57:22,908 --> 00:57:24,050 Can I please see a social worker? 1004 00:57:24,074 --> 00:57:25,491 Not tonight. Come on. 1005 00:57:25,574 --> 00:57:26,657 (TOM WAILING) 1006 00:57:26,741 --> 00:57:28,074 Hey, Ralph? 1007 00:57:28,158 --> 00:57:30,241 Hey, Ralph. Ralph Drinkwater. 1008 00:57:30,325 --> 00:57:32,450 How you doin'? Hello. 1009 00:57:32,532 --> 00:57:35,200 Can you do me a favor? Talk, talk a little sense into these guys 1010 00:57:35,283 --> 00:57:36,908 - for me, will you? - (DOOR BUZZES) 1011 00:57:36,991 --> 00:57:38,866 - DOMINICK: Ralph. - This is your last chance. 1012 00:57:38,949 --> 00:57:41,366 I'm not going anywhere until I see a social worker. 1013 00:57:41,450 --> 00:57:45,866 Hey, don't touch him. Don't you even touch him, man. 1014 00:57:45,949 --> 00:57:47,532 Can I talk to a social worker? 1015 00:57:47,616 --> 00:57:49,908 - Not tonight. - Let me talk to a social worker, please. 1016 00:57:49,991 --> 00:57:51,782 Let me talk to the social worker. 1017 00:57:51,866 --> 00:57:54,824 (VOICES OVERLAPPING) 1018 00:57:54,908 --> 00:57:57,532 (CLAMORING) 1019 00:57:57,616 --> 00:57:58,991 DOMINICK: Hey! 1020 00:58:00,033 --> 00:58:02,033 (SHOUTING CONTINUES) 1021 00:58:02,116 --> 00:58:03,616 Get your, get your fuckin'... 1022 00:58:03,699 --> 00:58:05,824 Calm down. Calm him down. 1023 00:58:05,908 --> 00:58:07,949 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 1024 00:58:09,616 --> 00:58:11,325 Get the fuck off me. 1025 00:58:11,408 --> 00:58:12,608 You love this shit, don't you? 1026 00:58:12,657 --> 00:58:13,866 Feeling these guys up 1027 00:58:13,949 --> 00:58:15,789 while you fuckin' frisk 'em, you fuckin' freak! 1028 00:58:15,866 --> 00:58:17,657 - (BLOW LANDS) - (GROANS) 1029 00:58:18,241 --> 00:58:19,450 Tommy... 1030 00:58:19,532 --> 00:58:21,741 OFFICER: Get him outta here. 1031 00:58:21,824 --> 00:58:23,949 (CELL DOOR CLANGS) 1032 00:58:26,200 --> 00:58:30,491 ("SWEET MEMORIES" BY MICKEY NEWBURY PLAYING) 1033 00:58:31,908 --> 00:58:37,158 ♪ My world is like a river ♪ 1034 00:58:39,491 --> 00:58:44,158 ♪ As dark as it is deep ♪ 1035 00:58:45,450 --> 00:58:50,116 ♪ Night after night the past slips in ♪ 1036 00:58:51,325 --> 00:58:55,325 ♪ And gathers all my sleep ♪ 1037 00:58:57,241 --> 00:59:01,866 ♪ My days are just an endless stream ♪ 1038 00:59:01,949 --> 00:59:06,366 ♪ Of emptiness to me ♪ 1039 00:59:09,116 --> 00:59:13,241 ♪ Filled only by the fleeting ♪ 1040 00:59:13,325 --> 00:59:19,408 ♪ Moments of her memory ♪ 1041 00:59:22,699 --> 00:59:27,158 ♪ Sweet ♪ 1042 00:59:27,241 --> 00:59:32,532 ♪ Memories ♪ 1043 00:59:37,241 --> 00:59:43,741 ♪ Sweet memories ♪