1 00:00:04,506 --> 00:00:05,553 Run. 2 00:00:08,885 --> 00:00:10,353 I'm the Doctor, by the way. What's your name? 3 00:00:10,470 --> 00:00:13,144 - Rose. - Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life! 4 00:00:19,312 --> 00:00:20,905 It's gonna follow us! 5 00:00:20,981 --> 00:00:23,359 The assembled hoards of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, 6 00:00:23,441 --> 00:00:24,818 and believe me, they've tried. 7 00:00:24,901 --> 00:00:27,120 - Are you alien? - Yes. 8 00:00:31,032 --> 00:00:32,124 You could come with me. 9 00:00:32,200 --> 00:00:34,453 - Is it always this dangerous? - Yeah. 10 00:00:41,501 --> 00:00:43,970 Right, Rose Tyler, you tell me, where do you wanna go? 11 00:00:44,045 --> 00:00:48,346 Backwards or forwards in time? It's your choice. What's it gonna be? 12 00:00:49,884 --> 00:00:51,056 Forwards. 13 00:00:55,849 --> 00:00:58,648 - How far? - One hundred years. 14 00:01:09,321 --> 00:01:12,495 There you go! Step outside those doors, it's the 22nd century. 15 00:01:12,657 --> 00:01:14,204 - You're kidding. - That's a bit boring, though. 16 00:01:14,284 --> 00:01:15,376 Do you wanna go further? 17 00:01:15,535 --> 00:01:16,707 Fine by me. 18 00:01:24,878 --> 00:01:27,301 Ten thousand years in the future. 19 00:01:27,380 --> 00:01:31,726 Step outside, it's the year 12005. The new Roman Empire. 20 00:01:31,801 --> 00:01:33,678 You think you're so impressive. 21 00:01:33,762 --> 00:01:35,935 - I am so impressive. - You wish! 22 00:01:36,264 --> 00:01:39,768 Right, then. You asked for it. I know exactly where to go. 23 00:01:43,271 --> 00:01:44,488 Hold on! 24 00:02:00,330 --> 00:02:02,082 Where are we? 25 00:02:04,626 --> 00:02:06,378 What's out there? 26 00:02:37,450 --> 00:02:41,671 You lot... You spend all your time thinking about dying. 27 00:02:41,746 --> 00:02:46,468 How you're gonna get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. 28 00:02:47,127 --> 00:02:50,006 But you never take time to imagine the impossible. 29 00:02:50,088 --> 00:02:51,840 That maybe you survived. 30 00:02:54,175 --> 00:02:58,021 This is the year 5.5/Apple/26. 31 00:02:58,096 --> 00:03:00,190 Five billion years in your future. 32 00:03:00,890 --> 00:03:02,813 And this is the day... 33 00:03:03,017 --> 00:03:04,439 Hold on... 34 00:03:11,651 --> 00:03:13,779 This is the day the sun expands. 35 00:03:15,697 --> 00:03:18,075 Welcome to the end of the world. 36 00:04:09,751 --> 00:04:12,846 Shuttles five and six now docking. 37 00:04:13,922 --> 00:04:15,924 Guests are reminded that Platform One 38 00:04:16,007 --> 00:04:19,728 forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. 39 00:04:20,720 --> 00:04:23,724 Earth-death is scheduled for 15:39, 40 00:04:23,807 --> 00:04:26,686 followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite. 41 00:04:27,435 --> 00:04:30,279 So when it says "guests", does that mean people? 42 00:04:30,355 --> 00:04:31,823 Depends what you mean by people. 43 00:04:31,898 --> 00:04:34,777 - I mean people. What do you mean? - Aliens. 44 00:04:35,652 --> 00:04:38,701 What are they doing on board this spaceship? What's it all for? 45 00:04:38,780 --> 00:04:41,875 It's not really a spaceship, more like an observation deck. 46 00:04:41,950 --> 00:04:44,999 The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn. 47 00:04:45,078 --> 00:04:46,705 - What for? - Fun! 48 00:04:50,583 --> 00:04:54,338 Mind you, when I say "the great and the good", what I mean is the rich. 49 00:04:54,420 --> 00:04:59,142 But... Hold on, they did this once on Newsround Extra, the sun expanding, 50 00:04:59,217 --> 00:05:01,720 - that takes hundreds of years. - Millions. 51 00:05:01,803 --> 00:05:03,851 But the planet's now the property of the National Trust. 52 00:05:03,930 --> 00:05:05,056 They've been keeping it preserved. 53 00:05:05,139 --> 00:05:08,985 See down there? Gravity satellites holding back the sun. 54 00:05:09,811 --> 00:05:11,279 The planet looks the same as ever. 55 00:05:11,354 --> 00:05:13,573 I thought the continent shifted and things. 56 00:05:13,648 --> 00:05:16,777 They did, and the Trust shifted 'em back! That's a classic Earth. 57 00:05:16,860 --> 00:05:19,955 But now the money's run out, nature takes over. 58 00:05:20,989 --> 00:05:22,286 How long's it got? 59 00:05:23,241 --> 00:05:25,744 About half an hour. Then the planet gets roasted. 60 00:05:26,452 --> 00:05:30,047 Is that why we're here? I mean, is that what you do? 61 00:05:30,123 --> 00:05:32,546 Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth? 62 00:05:32,625 --> 00:05:34,969 I'm not saving it. Time's up. 63 00:05:35,461 --> 00:05:39,056 - But what about the people? - It's empty. They've all gone. All left. 64 00:05:43,303 --> 00:05:45,977 - Just me, then. - Who the hell are you? 65 00:05:46,097 --> 00:05:49,101 - Oh, that's nice. Thanks. - But how did you get in? 66 00:05:49,434 --> 00:05:51,903 This is a maximum hospitality zone. 67 00:05:51,978 --> 00:05:54,652 The guests have disembarked! They're on their way any second... 68 00:05:54,772 --> 00:05:57,150 No! That's me. I'm a guest. Look, I've got an invitation. 69 00:05:57,275 --> 00:05:59,323 Look, there you see? It's fine. You see? 70 00:05:59,402 --> 00:06:00,494 "The Doctor, plus one." 71 00:06:00,570 --> 00:06:03,073 I'm the Doctor, this is Rose Tyler, she's my "plus one". 72 00:06:03,156 --> 00:06:04,578 Is that all right? 73 00:06:04,657 --> 00:06:06,500 Well, obviously. 74 00:06:07,827 --> 00:06:09,420 Apologies, et cetera. 75 00:06:09,495 --> 00:06:12,248 If you're on board, we'd better start. 76 00:06:13,458 --> 00:06:15,131 Enjoy. 77 00:06:16,336 --> 00:06:19,681 The paper's slightly psychic. It shows them whatever I want them to see. 78 00:06:19,964 --> 00:06:21,682 Saves a lot of time. 79 00:06:21,799 --> 00:06:23,847 - He's blue. - Yeah. 80 00:06:24,010 --> 00:06:25,102 Okay. 81 00:06:25,178 --> 00:06:28,933 We have in attendance, the Doctor and Rose Tyler! 82 00:06:29,015 --> 00:06:31,859 Thank you. All staff to their positions. 83 00:06:33,686 --> 00:06:36,986 Hurry now! Thank you! Quick as we can, come along, come along! 84 00:06:38,441 --> 00:06:41,194 And now, might I introduce the next honoured guest 85 00:06:41,319 --> 00:06:45,950 representing the Forest of Cheem, we have trees. 86 00:06:46,324 --> 00:06:49,203 Namely Jabe, Lute and Coffa. 87 00:06:49,285 --> 00:06:53,210 There will be an exchange of gifts, representing peace. 88 00:06:53,289 --> 00:06:55,838 If you could keep the room circulating, thank you. 89 00:06:56,209 --> 00:07:02,216 Next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, we have the Moxx of Balhoon. 90 00:07:02,966 --> 00:07:05,719 And next, from Financial Family Seven, 91 00:07:05,843 --> 00:07:08,813 we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme. 92 00:07:09,472 --> 00:07:14,820 The inventors of hyposlip travel systems, the brothers Hop Pyleen! Thank you. 93 00:07:14,894 --> 00:07:16,396 Cal "Sparkplug"... 94 00:07:16,521 --> 00:07:18,068 Mr and Mrs Pakoo. 95 00:07:18,189 --> 00:07:21,238 The ambassadors from the City State of Binding Light... 96 00:07:22,235 --> 00:07:27,082 The gift of peace. I bring you a cutting of my grandfather. 97 00:07:28,658 --> 00:07:32,333 - Thank you. - Yes, gifts, urn... 98 00:07:32,412 --> 00:07:36,007 I give you in return air from my lungs. 99 00:07:40,003 --> 00:07:41,846 How intimate. 100 00:07:41,921 --> 00:07:43,594 There's more where that came from. 101 00:07:44,590 --> 00:07:45,933 I bet there is. 102 00:07:47,927 --> 00:07:51,522 The sponsor of the main event, please welcome... 103 00:07:51,597 --> 00:07:53,270 the Face of Boe. 104 00:07:57,353 --> 00:07:59,355 The Moxx of Balhoon. 105 00:07:59,439 --> 00:08:02,613 My felicitations upon this historical happenstance. 106 00:08:02,775 --> 00:08:04,698 I bring you the gift of bodily salivas. 107 00:08:06,738 --> 00:08:08,035 Thank you very much. 108 00:08:09,866 --> 00:08:12,961 Ah! The Adherents of the Repeated Meme! 109 00:08:13,036 --> 00:08:15,130 I bring you air from my lungs. 110 00:08:18,958 --> 00:08:21,632 A gift of peace. In all good faith. 111 00:08:21,878 --> 00:08:25,633 And last but not least, our very special guest. 112 00:08:25,757 --> 00:08:31,890 Ladies and gentlemen and trees and multiforms, consider the Earth, below. 113 00:08:32,472 --> 00:08:36,773 In memory of this dying world, we call forth... 114 00:08:37,477 --> 00:08:39,650 the last human. 115 00:08:40,563 --> 00:08:44,784 The Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen. 116 00:08:45,485 --> 00:08:49,661 Oh, now don't stare! I know, I know. It's shocking, isn't it? 117 00:08:50,239 --> 00:08:54,836 I've had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference! 118 00:08:54,952 --> 00:08:59,753 Look how thin I am. Thin and dainty! 119 00:09:00,124 --> 00:09:02,343 I don't look a day over 2,000. 120 00:09:03,503 --> 00:09:05,801 Moisturise me, moisturise me! 121 00:09:07,006 --> 00:09:09,976 Truly, I am the last human. 122 00:09:10,510 --> 00:09:15,107 My father was a Texan, my mother was from the Arctic desert. 123 00:09:16,099 --> 00:09:18,693 They were born on the Earth 124 00:09:18,810 --> 00:09:22,485 and they were the last to be buried in its soil. 125 00:09:23,523 --> 00:09:28,871 I have come to honour them and say goodbye. 126 00:09:30,196 --> 00:09:32,824 Oh, no tears, no tears... 127 00:09:33,533 --> 00:09:34,955 I'm sorry. 128 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:40,545 But behold! I bring gifts! 129 00:09:40,998 --> 00:09:45,845 From Earth itself, the last remaining ostrich egg. 130 00:09:46,629 --> 00:09:50,224 Legend says, it had a wingspan of 50 feet! 131 00:09:50,299 --> 00:09:52,643 And blew fire from its nostrils. 132 00:09:53,136 --> 00:09:54,809 Or was that my third husband? 133 00:09:54,887 --> 00:09:59,142 Oh, no, oh, don't laugh, I'll get laughter-lines. 134 00:09:59,225 --> 00:10:01,319 No, stop! 135 00:10:03,062 --> 00:10:04,985 Mercy! 136 00:10:05,398 --> 00:10:08,402 And here! Another rarity. 137 00:10:09,193 --> 00:10:13,073 According to the archives, this was called an iPod. 138 00:10:13,197 --> 00:10:17,418 It stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers. 139 00:10:17,702 --> 00:10:18,954 Play on! 140 00:10:29,338 --> 00:10:31,511 The refreshments will now be served. 141 00:10:32,425 --> 00:10:34,519 Earth-death in 30 minutes. 142 00:10:34,594 --> 00:10:40,272 ♪ Sometimes I feel I've got to run away 143 00:10:40,349 --> 00:10:44,946 ♪ I've got to get away from the pain 144 00:10:45,021 --> 00:10:48,525 ♪ That you drive into the heart of me 145 00:10:48,608 --> 00:10:54,957 ♪ The love we share seems to go nowhere 146 00:10:55,072 --> 00:10:58,542 ♪ And I've lost my light 147 00:10:58,618 --> 00:11:02,543 ♪ For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night... ♪ 148 00:11:02,622 --> 00:11:05,296 - Doctor. 149 00:11:05,374 --> 00:11:06,796 Thank you. 150 00:11:08,461 --> 00:11:11,385 A gift of peace in all good faith. 151 00:11:11,464 --> 00:11:14,388 No, you're very kind, but I'm just the steward. 152 00:11:14,467 --> 00:11:18,142 A gift of peace in all good faith. 153 00:11:18,262 --> 00:11:21,482 Oh, yes. Thank you. Of course. 154 00:11:21,933 --> 00:11:23,480 Identify species. 155 00:11:25,978 --> 00:11:28,106 Please identify species. 156 00:11:28,439 --> 00:11:29,986 Now stop it! 157 00:11:30,066 --> 00:11:32,819 Identify his race. Where's he from? 158 00:11:36,572 --> 00:11:38,290 It's impossible. 159 00:12:08,312 --> 00:12:11,111 Sorry, am I allowed to be in here? 160 00:12:11,857 --> 00:12:14,656 You have to give us permission to talk. 161 00:12:16,362 --> 00:12:18,035 Urn... 162 00:12:19,532 --> 00:12:23,378 - You have permission. - Thank you. 163 00:12:24,161 --> 00:12:26,664 And, no, you're not in the way. 164 00:12:26,747 --> 00:12:29,421 - Guests are allowed anywhere. - Okay. 165 00:12:34,213 --> 00:12:36,887 - What's your name? - Raffalo. 166 00:12:37,383 --> 00:12:39,761 - Raffalo? - Yes, miss. 167 00:12:40,970 --> 00:12:44,224 I won't be long, I've just got to carry out some maintenance. 168 00:12:46,058 --> 00:12:48,481 There's a tiny little glitch in the Face of Boe's suite. 169 00:12:48,769 --> 00:12:51,022 There must be something blocking the system. 170 00:12:51,105 --> 00:12:53,483 He's not getting any hot water. 171 00:12:54,317 --> 00:12:57,571 - So, you're a plumber? - That's right, miss. 172 00:12:58,988 --> 00:13:00,990 They still have plumbers? 173 00:13:01,073 --> 00:13:02,996 I hope so, else I'm out of a job! 174 00:13:04,368 --> 00:13:07,292 - Where are you from? - Crespallion. 175 00:13:09,165 --> 00:13:11,463 That's a planet, is it? 176 00:13:11,834 --> 00:13:14,758 No, Crespallion's part of the Jaggit Brocade, 177 00:13:14,837 --> 00:13:17,886 affiliated to the Scarlet Junction, Convex 56. 178 00:13:18,090 --> 00:13:21,344 And where are you from, miss? If you don't mind me asking. 179 00:13:21,469 --> 00:13:23,642 No, not at all. Um... 180 00:13:24,972 --> 00:13:28,101 I don't know. A long way away. 181 00:13:29,685 --> 00:13:32,859 I just sort of hitched a lift with this man... 182 00:13:34,315 --> 00:13:38,866 I didn't even think about it. Don't even know who he is. 183 00:13:41,405 --> 00:13:43,499 He's a complete stranger. 184 00:13:45,201 --> 00:13:48,751 Anyway, don't let me keep you. Good luck with it! 185 00:13:49,163 --> 00:13:54,169 Thank you, miss. And thank you for the permission. 186 00:13:54,251 --> 00:13:56,424 Not many people are that considerate. 187 00:13:56,504 --> 00:13:58,347 Okay. See you later. 188 00:14:06,764 --> 00:14:08,186 Now, then. 189 00:14:08,265 --> 00:14:11,940 Control, I'm at junction 19. I think the problem's coming from in here. 190 00:14:12,019 --> 00:14:13,942 I'll go inside and have a look. 191 00:14:15,231 --> 00:14:18,360 What's that? Something in there? 192 00:14:19,110 --> 00:14:21,033 Ooh. Who are you, then? 193 00:14:21,445 --> 00:14:22,617 Hold on! 194 00:14:24,281 --> 00:14:27,626 If you're an upgrade, I just need to register you, that's all. 195 00:14:27,701 --> 00:14:29,169 Oh, come back. 196 00:14:30,371 --> 00:14:32,749 Ah, there you are. 197 00:14:33,165 --> 00:14:35,588 Now, I just need to register your ident. 198 00:14:36,961 --> 00:14:41,307 Aw, there's two of ya! Got yourself a little mate? 199 00:14:43,509 --> 00:14:46,308 I think I'd better report this to control. 200 00:14:46,387 --> 00:14:48,765 How many of you are there? 201 00:14:50,141 --> 00:14:51,563 What are you? 202 00:14:52,476 --> 00:14:55,229 Oh, no! No! 203 00:15:07,408 --> 00:15:09,376 - What's that? 204 00:15:09,452 --> 00:15:11,830 - Well, how should I know? 205 00:15:14,331 --> 00:15:18,586 Would the owner of the blue box in private gallery 15 206 00:15:18,669 --> 00:15:21,138 please report to the steward's office immediately. 207 00:15:22,590 --> 00:15:26,640 Guests are reminded that the use of teleportation devices 208 00:15:26,719 --> 00:15:32,271 is strictly prohibited under Peace Treaty 5.4/Cup/16. Thank you. 209 00:15:32,475 --> 00:15:36,025 Earth-death in 25 minutes. 210 00:15:36,103 --> 00:15:39,107 Earth-death in 25 minutes. 211 00:15:39,190 --> 00:15:41,284 Oh, thanks. 212 00:15:47,781 --> 00:15:49,033 Hello! 213 00:15:49,450 --> 00:15:52,920 My name's Rose. That's a sort of plant. 214 00:15:54,121 --> 00:15:55,964 We might be related. 215 00:15:57,917 --> 00:15:59,885 I'm talking to a twig. 216 00:16:11,305 --> 00:16:15,026 Oi, now, careful with that, park it properly. No scratches. 217 00:16:38,290 --> 00:16:40,634 Rose, are you in there? 218 00:16:42,920 --> 00:16:44,263 Aye-aye! 219 00:16:46,632 --> 00:16:49,932 - What d'you think, then? - Great, yeah. Fine. 220 00:16:50,010 --> 00:16:52,934 Once you get past the slightly psychic paper. 221 00:16:55,683 --> 00:16:57,811 They're just so alien! 222 00:16:59,895 --> 00:17:02,444 The aliens are so alien. 223 00:17:04,275 --> 00:17:07,245 You look at 'em, and they're alien. 224 00:17:07,444 --> 00:17:09,822 Good thing I didn't take you to the deep south. 225 00:17:12,408 --> 00:17:15,537 - Where are you from? - All over the place. 226 00:17:16,829 --> 00:17:19,503 - They all speak English. - No, you just hear English. 227 00:17:19,582 --> 00:17:21,835 It's a gift of the Tardis. It's the telepathic field, 228 00:17:21,917 --> 00:17:24,045 gets inside your brain, translates. 229 00:17:24,128 --> 00:17:27,098 - It's inside my brain? - Well, in a good way. 230 00:17:27,715 --> 00:17:29,843 Your machine gets inside my head? 231 00:17:29,925 --> 00:17:33,395 It gets inside and it changes my mind and you didn't even ask. 232 00:17:33,846 --> 00:17:35,439 I didn't think about it like that. 233 00:17:35,514 --> 00:17:38,939 No, you were too busy thinking up cheap shots about the deep south! 234 00:17:40,060 --> 00:17:42,154 Who are you then, Doctor. 235 00:17:42,938 --> 00:17:45,111 What're you called? What sort of alien are you? 236 00:17:45,190 --> 00:17:47,693 - I'm just a Doctor. - From what planet? 237 00:17:47,776 --> 00:17:49,574 Well, it's not as if you'd know where it is. 238 00:17:49,653 --> 00:17:51,576 - Where're you from? - What does it matter? 239 00:17:51,655 --> 00:17:53,498 - Tell me who you are! - This is who I am. 240 00:17:53,574 --> 00:17:55,121 Right here, right now. All right? 241 00:17:55,200 --> 00:17:57,953 All that counts is here and now, and this is me! 242 00:17:58,037 --> 00:18:02,338 Yeah, and I'm here too 'cause you brought me here! So just tell me! 243 00:18:10,799 --> 00:18:13,973 Earth-death in 20 minutes. 244 00:18:15,429 --> 00:18:18,854 Earth-death in 20 minutes. 245 00:18:26,440 --> 00:18:27,908 All right. 246 00:18:29,568 --> 00:18:32,117 As my mate Shireen says, 247 00:18:32,196 --> 00:18:35,075 "Don't argue with the designated driver." 248 00:18:37,242 --> 00:18:39,165 Can't exactly call for a taxi. 249 00:18:40,371 --> 00:18:41,918 There's no signal. 250 00:18:42,915 --> 00:18:45,759 We're out of range. Just a bit. 251 00:18:47,920 --> 00:18:51,220 Tell you what, with a little bit of jiggery-pokery... 252 00:18:51,298 --> 00:18:53,551 Is that a technical term, "jiggery-pokery"? 253 00:18:53,634 --> 00:18:55,932 Yeah, I came first in jiggery-pokery. What about you? 254 00:18:56,011 --> 00:18:58,560 - No, I failed hullabaloo. - Aw. 255 00:19:01,433 --> 00:19:02,810 There you go. 256 00:19:15,447 --> 00:19:17,074 - Hello? - Mum? 257 00:19:17,157 --> 00:19:20,536 Oh, what is it? What's wrong? What have I done now? 258 00:19:20,619 --> 00:19:24,214 Ooh, this red top's falling to bits! You should get your money back. 259 00:19:24,289 --> 00:19:26,166 Go on, there must be something. 260 00:19:26,250 --> 00:19:27,968 You never phone in the middle of the day. 261 00:19:28,043 --> 00:19:30,341 - What's so funny? 262 00:19:30,421 --> 00:19:32,469 Nothing. You all right, though? 263 00:19:32,548 --> 00:19:34,141 Yeah, why wouldn't I be? 264 00:19:34,717 --> 00:19:39,393 - What day is it? - Wednesday all day. You got a hangover? 265 00:19:39,471 --> 00:19:42,099 Oh, I tell you what, put a quid in that lottery syndicate. 266 00:19:42,182 --> 00:19:43,604 I'll pay you back later. 267 00:19:43,684 --> 00:19:48,406 Yeah, um, I was just calling 'cause I might be late home. 268 00:19:48,772 --> 00:19:49,989 Is there something wrong? 269 00:19:50,274 --> 00:19:54,199 No, I'm fine. Top of the world! 270 00:19:59,199 --> 00:20:02,749 If you think that's amazing, you wanna see the bill. 271 00:20:02,828 --> 00:20:05,251 That was five billion years ago. 272 00:20:06,248 --> 00:20:07,670 So... 273 00:20:07,750 --> 00:20:09,297 She's dead now. 274 00:20:11,503 --> 00:20:14,507 Five billion years later, my mum's dead. 275 00:20:14,631 --> 00:20:16,429 Bundle of laughs, you are. 276 00:20:21,722 --> 00:20:23,816 That's not supposed to happen. 277 00:20:23,891 --> 00:20:27,646 Well, what was it? I'm just getting green lights at this end. 278 00:20:27,728 --> 00:20:30,026 Honoured guests may be reassured 279 00:20:30,105 --> 00:20:34,531 that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence. Thanking you. 280 00:20:34,610 --> 00:20:37,489 The whole place shook! I felt it! 281 00:20:37,571 --> 00:20:41,292 I've hosted all sorts of events on platforms one, three, six and fifteen 282 00:20:41,366 --> 00:20:43,585 and I've never felt the slightest tremor! 283 00:20:43,660 --> 00:20:46,539 I warn you, if this lot decide to sue... 284 00:20:46,622 --> 00:20:48,420 I'm gonna scan the infrastructure. 285 00:20:53,837 --> 00:20:55,510 What's that? 286 00:20:56,590 --> 00:20:59,514 Control, I don't want to worry you, but I'm picking up readings... 287 00:21:01,136 --> 00:21:05,858 I have no idea! They're small. The scan says they're metal... 288 00:21:05,933 --> 00:21:08,436 I don't know what they look like! 289 00:21:11,313 --> 00:21:15,113 Although I imagine they might look rather like that. 290 00:21:18,403 --> 00:21:22,909 You're not on the guest list. How did you get on board? 291 00:21:27,955 --> 00:21:30,925 - No! No! - Sunfilter deactivated. 292 00:21:31,166 --> 00:21:33,214 Sunfilter descending. 293 00:21:33,377 --> 00:21:34,629 Sunfilter up! No, no, no! 294 00:21:34,753 --> 00:21:37,472 External temperature 430 degrees. 295 00:21:37,589 --> 00:21:39,387 - Control! Respond! - Sunfilter descending. 296 00:21:39,466 --> 00:21:41,810 - Sunfilter up! - Sunfilter descending. 297 00:22:08,287 --> 00:22:12,337 That wasn't a gravity pocket. I know gravity pockets, and they don't feel like that. 298 00:22:12,791 --> 00:22:14,418 What do you think, Jabe? 299 00:22:14,501 --> 00:22:16,742 Listen to the engines, they're pitched up about 30 Hertz. 300 00:22:16,795 --> 00:22:18,388 Is that dodgy or what? 301 00:22:18,463 --> 00:22:21,137 It's the sound of metal, that doesn't make any sense to me. 302 00:22:21,884 --> 00:22:24,888 - Where's the engine room? - I don't know. 303 00:22:25,220 --> 00:22:28,770 But the maintenance duct is just behind our guests' suite, I could show you. 304 00:22:28,849 --> 00:22:31,193 And your wife. 305 00:22:31,310 --> 00:22:32,778 Oh, she's not my wife. 306 00:22:32,853 --> 00:22:34,526 - Partner? - No. 307 00:22:34,646 --> 00:22:36,990 - Concubine? - Nope. 308 00:22:37,065 --> 00:22:38,157 Prostitute? 309 00:22:39,401 --> 00:22:42,200 Whatever I am, it must be invisible! Do you mind? 310 00:22:42,821 --> 00:22:45,040 Tell you what, you two go and pollinate. 311 00:22:45,157 --> 00:22:46,955 I'm gonna catch up with the Family. 312 00:22:47,034 --> 00:22:48,911 Quick word with Michael Jackson. 313 00:22:49,494 --> 00:22:51,292 Don't start a fight. 314 00:22:51,371 --> 00:22:53,089 I'm all yours. 315 00:22:55,918 --> 00:22:57,545 And I want you home by midnight! 316 00:22:59,087 --> 00:23:04,389 Earth-death in 15 minutes. Earth-death in 75 minutes. 317 00:23:14,519 --> 00:23:17,898 Who's in charge of Platform One? Has it got a captain or what? 318 00:23:18,023 --> 00:23:20,276 There's just the steward and the staff. 319 00:23:20,359 --> 00:23:22,908 All the rest is controlled by the metal mind. 320 00:23:23,028 --> 00:23:25,497 You mean, the computer? Well, who controls that? 321 00:23:25,572 --> 00:23:27,040 The Corporation. 322 00:23:27,115 --> 00:23:30,915 They move Platform One from one artistic event to another. 323 00:23:31,536 --> 00:23:33,630 Well, there's no one from the Corporation on board. 324 00:23:33,705 --> 00:23:37,585 They're not needed. This facility is purely automatic. 325 00:23:37,709 --> 00:23:39,427 It's the height of the Alpha Class. 326 00:23:39,544 --> 00:23:42,013 - Nothing can go wrong. - Unsinkable? 327 00:23:42,089 --> 00:23:45,343 If you like. The nautical metaphor is appropriate. 328 00:23:45,425 --> 00:23:47,553 You're telling me! I was on board another ship once. 329 00:23:47,678 --> 00:23:49,100 They said that was unsinkable. 330 00:23:49,221 --> 00:23:52,771 I ended up clinging to an iceberg. It wasn't half cold. 331 00:23:52,891 --> 00:23:58,022 So, what you're saying is, if we get in trouble, there's no one to help us out? 332 00:23:58,105 --> 00:24:00,608 - I'm afraid not. - Fantastic! 333 00:24:01,608 --> 00:24:05,408 I don't understand. In what way is that fantastic? 334 00:24:11,118 --> 00:24:15,043 Soon the sun will blossom into a red giant, 335 00:24:15,122 --> 00:24:17,090 and my home will die. 336 00:24:17,207 --> 00:24:20,757 That's where I used to live, when I was a little boy. Down there. 337 00:24:20,877 --> 00:24:24,927 Mummy and Daddy had a house built into the side of the Los Angeles Crevasse. 338 00:24:25,048 --> 00:24:27,392 I'd have such fun. 339 00:24:27,801 --> 00:24:29,553 What happened to everyone else? 340 00:24:29,636 --> 00:24:31,764 The human race, where did it go? 341 00:24:32,639 --> 00:24:36,519 They say mankind has touched every star in the sky. 342 00:24:36,601 --> 00:24:38,444 So you're not the last human. 343 00:24:39,062 --> 00:24:42,282 I am the last pure human. 344 00:24:43,066 --> 00:24:45,319 The others mingled. 345 00:24:45,819 --> 00:24:48,618 Oh, they call themselves New-humans and Proto-humans 346 00:24:48,739 --> 00:24:50,787 and Digi-humans, even Human-ish! 347 00:24:50,907 --> 00:24:53,410 But do you know what I call them? 348 00:24:53,493 --> 00:24:54,836 Mongrels. 349 00:24:55,579 --> 00:24:58,128 Right. And you stayed behind. 350 00:24:58,582 --> 00:25:01,085 - I kept myself pure. - Hmm. 351 00:25:01,626 --> 00:25:03,754 How many operations have you had? 352 00:25:04,087 --> 00:25:09,093 708. Next week, it's 709. I'm having my blood bleached. 353 00:25:10,635 --> 00:25:12,512 Is that why you wanted a word? 354 00:25:12,929 --> 00:25:15,102 You could be flatter, Rose. 355 00:25:15,182 --> 00:25:18,311 You've got a little bit of a chin poking out. 356 00:25:18,435 --> 00:25:21,780 - I'd rather die. - Honestly, it doesn't hurt. 357 00:25:22,272 --> 00:25:24,400 I mean it. I would rather die. 358 00:25:24,483 --> 00:25:28,704 It's better to die than to live like you, a bitchy trampoline. 359 00:25:28,820 --> 00:25:31,323 Oh, well, what do you know? 360 00:25:32,157 --> 00:25:34,251 I was born on that planet! 361 00:25:34,326 --> 00:25:36,749 And so was my mum and so was my dad. 362 00:25:36,828 --> 00:25:39,832 And that makes me, officially, the last human being in this room. 363 00:25:39,956 --> 00:25:41,833 'Cause you're not human. 364 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:46,050 You've had it all nipped and tucked and flattened till there's nothing left. 365 00:25:46,171 --> 00:25:47,969 Anything human got chucked in the bin! 366 00:25:48,048 --> 00:25:51,393 You're just skin, Cassandra! Lipstick and skin. 367 00:25:52,177 --> 00:25:53,679 Nice talking. 368 00:26:01,686 --> 00:26:06,613 So, tell me, Jabe, what's a tree like you doing in a place like this? 369 00:26:06,691 --> 00:26:08,785 - Respect for the Earth. - Come on! 370 00:26:08,860 --> 00:26:11,204 Everyone on this platform is worth zillions! 371 00:26:11,279 --> 00:26:15,785 Well, perhaps it's a case of having to be seen at the right occasions. 372 00:26:15,867 --> 00:26:17,710 In case your share prices drop? 373 00:26:17,786 --> 00:26:21,381 I know you lot. You've got massive forests everywhere, roots everywhere! 374 00:26:21,456 --> 00:26:23,550 And there's always money in land. 375 00:26:23,667 --> 00:26:25,294 All the same. 376 00:26:25,377 --> 00:26:27,971 We respect the Earth as family. 377 00:26:28,046 --> 00:26:31,971 So many species evolved from that planet. Mankind is only one. 378 00:26:32,050 --> 00:26:33,472 I am another. 379 00:26:33,552 --> 00:26:37,056 My ancestors were transplanted from the planet down below. 380 00:26:37,139 --> 00:26:40,313 And I'm a direct descendant of the tropical rainforest. 381 00:26:40,392 --> 00:26:42,235 Excuse me. 382 00:26:44,980 --> 00:26:47,199 And what about your ancestry, Doctor? 383 00:26:49,067 --> 00:26:51,866 Perhaps you could tell a story or two. 384 00:26:53,572 --> 00:26:58,749 Perhaps a man only enjoys trouble when there's nothing else left? 385 00:27:00,579 --> 00:27:02,581 I scanned you earlier. 386 00:27:03,999 --> 00:27:07,003 The metal machine had trouble identifying your species. 387 00:27:07,085 --> 00:27:08,928 It refused to admit your existence. 388 00:27:09,337 --> 00:27:12,682 And even when it named you, I wouldn't believe it. 389 00:27:13,008 --> 00:27:14,726 But it was right. 390 00:27:15,927 --> 00:27:18,180 I know where you're from! 391 00:27:20,390 --> 00:27:24,440 Forgive me for intruding, but it's remarkable that you even exist! 392 00:27:26,062 --> 00:27:28,110 I just want to say... 393 00:27:29,399 --> 00:27:31,447 how sorry I am. 394 00:28:02,891 --> 00:28:05,269 Is it me, or is it a bit nippy? 395 00:28:28,458 --> 00:28:30,836 Fair dos, though, that's a great bit of air-conditioning. 396 00:28:30,919 --> 00:28:32,592 Sort of nice and old fashioned. 397 00:28:32,671 --> 00:28:34,173 Bet they call it retro. 398 00:28:36,132 --> 00:28:37,679 Gotcha! 399 00:28:43,848 --> 00:28:47,523 - What the hell is that? - Is it part of the "retro"? 400 00:28:47,644 --> 00:28:49,863 I don't think so, hold on. 401 00:28:57,195 --> 00:29:00,540 - Hey, nice Liana! - Thank you. 402 00:29:00,615 --> 00:29:02,288 Not supposed to show them in public. 403 00:29:02,367 --> 00:29:04,711 Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. 404 00:29:04,786 --> 00:29:07,585 Now, then, who's been bringing their pets on board? 405 00:29:07,664 --> 00:29:09,792 - What does it do? - Sabotage... 406 00:29:09,874 --> 00:29:12,297 Earth-death in 10 minutes... 407 00:29:12,377 --> 00:29:15,051 And the temperature's about to rocket. Come on. 408 00:29:17,007 --> 00:29:19,430 The planet's end! 409 00:29:19,509 --> 00:29:21,978 Come gather, come gather! 410 00:29:22,053 --> 00:29:25,683 Bid farewell to the cradle of civilisation. 411 00:29:25,765 --> 00:29:29,440 Let us mourn her with a traditional ballad. 412 00:29:36,401 --> 00:29:39,996 ♪ Baby, can't you see? I'm calling 413 00:29:40,071 --> 00:29:43,496 ♪A guy like you should wear a warning 414 00:29:43,575 --> 00:29:46,624 ♪ It's dangerous I'm fallin'... ♪ 415 00:29:46,703 --> 00:29:48,580 All right, hold on, get back! 416 00:29:51,833 --> 00:29:55,758 "AUTOMATED VOICE". Sunfilter rising. Sunfilter rising. 417 00:29:55,837 --> 00:29:58,056 - Is the steward in there? - You can smell him. 418 00:29:59,382 --> 00:30:02,386 Hold on. There's another sunfilter programmed to descend. 419 00:30:04,346 --> 00:30:07,566 ♪ Too high can't come down 420 00:30:07,640 --> 00:30:12,988 ♪ Losing my head Spinning round and round 421 00:30:13,063 --> 00:30:14,986 ♪ Do you feel me now? ♪ 422 00:30:15,065 --> 00:30:20,162 Sunfilter descending. Sunfilter descending. 423 00:30:25,658 --> 00:30:27,911 Sunfilter descending. 424 00:30:27,994 --> 00:30:30,873 - Let me out! Let me out! - Sunfilter descending. 425 00:30:33,666 --> 00:30:36,044 Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! 426 00:30:36,127 --> 00:30:41,054 Sunfilter descending. Sunfilter descending. 427 00:30:41,132 --> 00:30:42,850 Anyone in there? 428 00:30:42,926 --> 00:30:45,975 - Let me out! - Oh, well, it would be you. 429 00:30:46,054 --> 00:30:49,024 - Open the door! - Hold on, give us two ticks. 430 00:30:49,224 --> 00:30:54,446 Sunfilter descending. Sunfilter descending. 431 00:30:55,897 --> 00:30:59,822 Sunfilter rising. Sunfilter rising. 432 00:31:01,486 --> 00:31:06,162 Sunfilter rising. Sunfilter rising... 433 00:31:06,241 --> 00:31:08,335 Sunfilter descending. 434 00:31:08,910 --> 00:31:11,504 It's just what I need. The computer's getting clever. 435 00:31:11,579 --> 00:31:15,504 - Stop mucking about! - I'm not mucking about! It's fighting back. 436 00:31:15,625 --> 00:31:17,305 - Sunfillter descending. - Open the door'.! 437 00:31:17,335 --> 00:31:18,382 I know! 438 00:31:18,461 --> 00:31:22,307 - Sunfilter descending. - The lock's melted! 439 00:31:23,842 --> 00:31:28,814 Sunfilter descending. Sunfilter descending. 440 00:31:32,434 --> 00:31:36,189 Sunfilter rising. Sunfilter rising. 441 00:31:42,861 --> 00:31:46,365 The opening's jammed! I can't open the door. Stay there, don't move! 442 00:31:46,448 --> 00:31:48,371 Where am I gonna go? Ipswich? 443 00:31:48,575 --> 00:31:51,044 Earth-death in five minutes. 444 00:31:53,329 --> 00:31:55,752 The metal machine confirms... 445 00:31:55,832 --> 00:31:58,881 the spider devices have infiltrated the whole of Platform One. 446 00:32:00,295 --> 00:32:03,469 How's that possible? Our private rooms are protected by a code-wall. 447 00:32:03,548 --> 00:32:05,767 Moisturise me, moisturise me. 448 00:32:05,884 --> 00:32:07,761 Summon the steward! 449 00:32:07,844 --> 00:32:09,596 I'm afraid the steward is dead. 450 00:32:14,350 --> 00:32:15,897 Who killed him? 451 00:32:15,977 --> 00:32:19,527 This whole event was sponsored by the Face of Boe! He invited us. 452 00:32:19,606 --> 00:32:21,529 Talk to the face! Talk to the face! 453 00:32:21,608 --> 00:32:24,703 Easy way of finding out. Someone brought their little pet on board. 454 00:32:25,195 --> 00:32:26,572 Let's send him back to master. 455 00:32:49,093 --> 00:32:52,313 The Adherents of the Repeated Meme! 456 00:32:52,430 --> 00:32:55,058 That's all very well and really kinda obvious. 457 00:32:55,141 --> 00:32:57,269 But if you stop and think about it... 458 00:32:59,062 --> 00:33:01,315 A Repeated Meme is just an idea. 459 00:33:01,564 --> 00:33:03,862 And that's all they are, an idea. 460 00:33:07,862 --> 00:33:11,867 Remote-control droids. Nice little cover for the real troublemaker. 461 00:33:12,325 --> 00:33:14,453 Go on, Jimbo. Go home. 462 00:33:18,623 --> 00:33:21,718 I bet you were the school swot and never got kissed. 463 00:33:21,918 --> 00:33:23,261 At arms! 464 00:33:23,461 --> 00:33:25,054 What you gonna do, moisturise me? 465 00:33:25,171 --> 00:33:26,514 With acid. 466 00:33:26,589 --> 00:33:28,341 Oh, you're too late anyway. 467 00:33:28,883 --> 00:33:31,557 My spiders have control of the main frame. 468 00:33:31,678 --> 00:33:36,684 Oh, you all carried them as gifts, tax-free, past every code-wall. 469 00:33:38,017 --> 00:33:39,815 I'm not just a pretty face. 470 00:33:39,894 --> 00:33:42,818 Sabotaging a ship while you're still inside it, how stupid is that? 471 00:33:42,981 --> 00:33:45,951 I'd hoped to manufacture a hostage situation. 472 00:33:46,025 --> 00:33:48,073 With myself as one of the victims. 473 00:33:48,861 --> 00:33:51,705 The compensation would've been enormous. 474 00:33:51,823 --> 00:33:54,451 Five billion years, and it still comes down to money. 475 00:33:54,867 --> 00:33:57,461 Do you think it's cheap, looking like this? 476 00:33:57,537 --> 00:34:00,040 Flatness costs a fortune! 477 00:34:01,207 --> 00:34:02,959 I am the last human, Doctor. 478 00:34:03,793 --> 00:34:07,764 Me, not that freaky little kid of yours. 479 00:34:07,922 --> 00:34:10,220 Arrest her! The infidel! 480 00:34:10,300 --> 00:34:14,601 Oh, shut it, pixie! I've still got my final option. 481 00:34:14,679 --> 00:34:16,932 Earth-death in three minutes. 482 00:34:17,015 --> 00:34:21,316 And here it comes. You're just as useful dead, all of you. 483 00:34:21,894 --> 00:34:24,192 I have shares in your rival companies. 484 00:34:24,272 --> 00:34:26,491 And they'll triple in price as soon as your dead. 485 00:34:27,150 --> 00:34:30,654 My spiders are primed and ready to destroy the safety systems. 486 00:34:30,987 --> 00:34:33,661 How did that old Earth song go? 487 00:34:33,740 --> 00:34:35,242 "Burn baby, burn." 488 00:34:35,325 --> 00:34:36,918 Then you'll burn with us! 489 00:34:36,993 --> 00:34:39,166 Oh, I'm so sorry! 490 00:34:39,495 --> 00:34:44,251 I know the use of teleportation is strictly forbidden, but... 491 00:34:44,334 --> 00:34:46,177 I'm such a naughty thing. 492 00:34:46,836 --> 00:34:48,804 Spiders, activate! 493 00:34:58,431 --> 00:35:02,686 Force-fields gone, with the planet about to explode... 494 00:35:02,769 --> 00:35:04,396 At least it'll be quick. 495 00:35:04,771 --> 00:35:07,320 Just like my fifth husband... 496 00:35:07,398 --> 00:35:11,278 Oh, shame on me! Bye-bye, darlings. 497 00:35:11,361 --> 00:35:14,160 - Safety systems failing. - Bye-bye, my darlings! 498 00:35:14,781 --> 00:35:17,204 Heat levels rising. 499 00:35:17,283 --> 00:35:20,002 - Reset the computer! - Only the steward would know how. 500 00:35:20,078 --> 00:35:21,921 No, we can do it by hand. 501 00:35:21,996 --> 00:35:25,000 There must be a system restore switch. Jabe, come on! 502 00:35:25,083 --> 00:35:26,585 You lot, just chill. 503 00:35:26,709 --> 00:35:27,710 Heat levels rising. 504 00:35:32,382 --> 00:35:37,183 Earth-death in two minutes. Earth-death in two minutes. 505 00:35:39,055 --> 00:35:44,482 Heat levels critical. Heat levels critical. 506 00:35:47,689 --> 00:35:50,112 Oh, and guess where the switch is. 507 00:35:51,109 --> 00:35:55,080 Heat levels rising. Heat levels rising. 508 00:36:04,997 --> 00:36:09,343 External temperature 5,000 degrees. 509 00:36:19,011 --> 00:36:21,935 You can't, the heat's gonna vent through this place. 510 00:36:22,014 --> 00:36:24,233 - I know. - Jabe, you're made of wood. 511 00:36:24,308 --> 00:36:27,482 Then stop wasting time, Time Lord. 512 00:36:30,773 --> 00:36:34,869 Heat levels rising. Heat levels rising. 513 00:36:36,487 --> 00:36:38,831 Heat levels hazardous. 514 00:36:38,906 --> 00:36:42,581 - We're going to die! - Heat levels hazardous. 515 00:36:57,258 --> 00:36:59,852 Shields malfunction. 516 00:37:01,053 --> 00:37:03,476 Shields malfunction. 517 00:37:04,849 --> 00:37:08,353 Shields malfunction. 518 00:37:08,436 --> 00:37:11,280 Shields malfunction. 519 00:37:16,861 --> 00:37:22,664 Heat levels critical. Heat levels critical. 520 00:37:35,379 --> 00:37:40,101 Heat levels rising. Heat levels rising. 521 00:38:07,662 --> 00:38:09,664 Planet explodes in... 522 00:38:10,581 --> 00:38:12,254 ten, 523 00:38:12,875 --> 00:38:14,468 nine, 524 00:38:16,087 --> 00:38:17,805 eight, 525 00:38:19,924 --> 00:38:21,471 seven, 526 00:38:23,344 --> 00:38:24,846 six, 527 00:38:27,223 --> 00:38:28,691 five, 528 00:38:30,476 --> 00:38:31,978 four... 529 00:38:35,565 --> 00:38:36,862 Raise shields! 530 00:38:37,817 --> 00:38:39,069 One. 531 00:38:55,585 --> 00:39:00,056 Exoglass repair. Exoglass repair. 532 00:39:04,218 --> 00:39:08,894 Exoglass repair. Exoglass repair. 533 00:39:55,061 --> 00:39:57,109 - You all right? - Yeah, I'm fine. 534 00:39:57,188 --> 00:39:59,611 I'm full of ideas. I'm bristling with 'em! 535 00:39:59,690 --> 00:40:03,160 Idea number one, teleportation through 5,000 degrees 536 00:40:03,235 --> 00:40:05,078 needs some kind of feed. 537 00:40:05,154 --> 00:40:08,749 Idea number two. This feed must be hidden nearby. 538 00:40:12,495 --> 00:40:13,667 Idea number three. 539 00:40:13,746 --> 00:40:18,126 If you're as clever as me, then a teleportation-feed can be reversed. 540 00:40:19,585 --> 00:40:24,216 Oh, you should've seen their little alien faces... 541 00:40:26,425 --> 00:40:28,803 - Oh. - The last human. 542 00:40:28,886 --> 00:40:31,935 So, you passed my little test. Bravo! 543 00:40:32,014 --> 00:40:35,188 This makes you eligible to join the... the Human Club. 544 00:40:35,267 --> 00:40:38,111 People have died Cassandra, you murdered them. 545 00:40:38,187 --> 00:40:40,360 It depends on your definition of people! 546 00:40:40,439 --> 00:40:44,319 And that's enough of a technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries! 547 00:40:44,402 --> 00:40:49,374 Take me to court then, Doctor, and watch me smile and cry... 548 00:40:51,075 --> 00:40:52,827 - ...and flutter. - And creak? 549 00:40:53,369 --> 00:40:56,088 - And what? - Creak! You're creaking. 550 00:40:57,039 --> 00:40:59,087 What? 551 00:40:59,166 --> 00:41:01,089 I'm drying out! 552 00:41:01,335 --> 00:41:05,090 Oh, sweet heavens! Moisturise me, moisturise me! 553 00:41:05,172 --> 00:41:08,142 Where are my surgeons? My lovely boys! 554 00:41:08,217 --> 00:41:11,096 - It's too hot! - You raised the temperature. 555 00:41:11,262 --> 00:41:13,481 Have pity! 556 00:41:13,556 --> 00:41:15,274 Moisturise me! 557 00:41:15,349 --> 00:41:17,647 Oh, Doctor! 558 00:41:17,727 --> 00:41:19,229 Help her. 559 00:41:19,311 --> 00:41:21,860 Everything has its time and everything dies. 560 00:41:22,690 --> 00:41:26,991 I'm too young! 561 00:41:39,832 --> 00:41:42,756 Shuttles four and six departing. 562 00:41:43,169 --> 00:41:46,673 This unit now closing dawn for maintenance. 563 00:42:02,104 --> 00:42:04,027 The end of the Earth. 564 00:42:05,858 --> 00:42:07,531 It's gone. 565 00:42:10,446 --> 00:42:13,950 We were too busy saving ourselves. No one saw it go. 566 00:42:18,579 --> 00:42:22,629 All those years, all that history, and no one was even looking! 567 00:42:24,627 --> 00:42:26,629 It's just... 568 00:42:27,838 --> 00:42:29,181 Come with me. 569 00:43:12,424 --> 00:43:14,301 Big Issue! 570 00:43:15,553 --> 00:43:17,555 Big Issue! 571 00:43:17,888 --> 00:43:22,314 You think it'll last forever, people and cars and concrete. 572 00:43:23,144 --> 00:43:25,146 But it won't. 573 00:43:25,229 --> 00:43:27,277 One day, it's all gone. 574 00:43:28,232 --> 00:43:29,825 Even the sky. 575 00:43:36,740 --> 00:43:38,492 My planet's gone. 576 00:43:39,869 --> 00:43:41,416 It's dead. 577 00:43:43,873 --> 00:43:45,841 It burned, like the Earth. 578 00:43:46,333 --> 00:43:48,461 It's just rocks and dust. 579 00:43:50,045 --> 00:43:51,888 Before its time. 580 00:43:53,799 --> 00:43:55,142 What happened? 581 00:43:57,344 --> 00:44:00,063 There was a war, and we lost. 582 00:44:00,139 --> 00:44:02,062 A war with who? 583 00:44:05,728 --> 00:44:07,651 What about your people? 584 00:44:09,190 --> 00:44:11,238 I'm a Time Lord. 585 00:44:11,317 --> 00:44:13,695 I'm the last of the Time Lords. 586 00:44:14,486 --> 00:44:17,911 They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. 587 00:44:19,950 --> 00:44:22,203 I'm left travelling on my own 'cause there's no-one else. 588 00:44:24,038 --> 00:44:25,415 There's me. 589 00:44:29,335 --> 00:44:32,214 You've seen how dangerous it is. Do you wanna go home? 590 00:44:36,425 --> 00:44:37,972 I don't know. 591 00:44:39,595 --> 00:44:41,438 I want... 592 00:44:44,642 --> 00:44:46,940 Oh. Can you smell chips? 593 00:44:47,770 --> 00:44:51,149 - Yeah! Yeah. - I want chips. 594 00:44:51,398 --> 00:44:52,524 Me too! 595 00:44:52,608 --> 00:44:55,862 All right then, before you can get me in that box, chips it is and you can pay. 596 00:44:56,612 --> 00:44:59,786 - No money. - What sort of date are you? 597 00:44:59,865 --> 00:45:01,913 Come on then, tightwad. Chips are on me. 598 00:45:03,452 --> 00:45:05,875 We've only got five billion years till the shops close. 599 00:45:16,548 --> 00:45:18,846 Now, you've seen the future, so let's have a look at the past. 600 00:45:18,926 --> 00:45:21,270 1860. How does 1860 sound? 601 00:45:21,345 --> 00:45:23,768 - What happened in 1860? - I don't know! Let's find out. 602 00:45:25,557 --> 00:45:26,854 I can't believe she's gone. 603 00:45:26,934 --> 00:45:30,689 Not gone, Mr Redpath, sir. Merely sleeping. 604 00:45:31,647 --> 00:45:33,820 She's up and on her feet and out there somewhere! 605 00:45:33,899 --> 00:45:37,403 Mr Sneed, for shame, how many more times? It's ungodly! 606 00:45:38,612 --> 00:45:40,660 Excuse me, sir. Mr Dickens, this is your call. 607 00:45:41,073 --> 00:45:45,670 Use the sight. Find the old lady or you're dismissed. 608 00:45:46,203 --> 00:45:49,377 What phantasmagoria is this? 609 00:45:51,292 --> 00:45:52,635 That's more like it!