1 00:00:07,759 --> 00:00:10,137 There's a strange man in my bedroom. 2 00:00:10,345 --> 00:00:11,392 No. 3 00:00:11,972 --> 00:00:13,895 - Mum? - I'm in town. 4 00:00:13,974 --> 00:00:15,942 Look, just go home! Just go home right now. 5 00:00:16,059 --> 00:00:17,180 Darling, you're breaking up. 6 00:00:17,185 --> 00:00:18,983 - Mum? 7 00:00:21,439 --> 00:00:23,407 Right, then! I'll be off. 8 00:00:24,025 --> 00:00:27,825 Unless... I don't know. You could come with me. 9 00:00:28,071 --> 00:00:30,494 - Is it always this dangerous? - Yeah. 10 00:01:04,399 --> 00:01:06,276 How long have I been gone? 11 00:01:06,359 --> 00:01:07,406 About 12 hours. 12 00:01:10,614 --> 00:01:13,288 Oh! Right, I won't be long. I just want to see my mum. 13 00:01:13,408 --> 00:01:15,331 - What're you gonna tell her? - I don't know. 14 00:01:15,410 --> 00:01:17,128 I've been to the year five billion 15 00:01:17,203 --> 00:01:19,297 and only been gone, what, 12 hours? 16 00:01:20,957 --> 00:01:22,675 No, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Sharine's. 17 00:01:22,751 --> 00:01:23,877 See you later. 18 00:01:24,252 --> 00:01:26,220 Oh! Don't you disappear. 19 00:01:57,327 --> 00:02:00,046 I'm back! Sharine, she's all upset again. 20 00:02:00,121 --> 00:02:01,464 Are you in? 21 00:02:01,748 --> 00:02:03,625 So, what's been going on? How've you been? 22 00:02:03,875 --> 00:02:07,800 What? What's that face for? It's not the first time I stayed out all night. 23 00:02:17,263 --> 00:02:18,310 It's you. 24 00:02:18,890 --> 00:02:20,312 Course it's me. 25 00:02:20,392 --> 00:02:23,987 Oh, my God, it's you. Oh, my God. 26 00:02:33,738 --> 00:02:35,581 It's not 12 hours, it's 12 months. 27 00:02:37,200 --> 00:02:39,794 You've been gone a whole year. Sorry! 28 00:03:21,369 --> 00:03:24,669 The hours [sat here, days and weeks and months. 29 00:03:24,748 --> 00:03:27,376 All on my own! I thought you were dead. 30 00:03:27,542 --> 00:03:29,795 And where were you? Travelling! 31 00:03:29,878 --> 00:03:32,301 What the hell does that mean, travelling? 32 00:03:32,505 --> 00:03:33,927 That's no sort of answer! 33 00:03:34,591 --> 00:03:36,468 You ask her, she won't tell me. 34 00:03:36,551 --> 00:03:38,098 That's all she says, "travelling". 35 00:03:38,178 --> 00:03:40,978 - That's what I was doing. - Well, your passport's still in the drawer. 36 00:03:41,014 --> 00:03:42,891 It's just one lie after another! 37 00:03:42,974 --> 00:03:47,070 I meant to phone, I really did. I just... I forgot. 38 00:03:47,228 --> 00:03:49,651 What, for a year? You forgot for a year? 39 00:03:49,731 --> 00:03:51,574 And I'm left sitting here? 40 00:03:51,649 --> 00:03:53,242 I just don't believe you! 41 00:03:53,359 --> 00:03:55,828 Why won't you tell me where you've been? 42 00:03:56,029 --> 00:03:57,121 Actually, it's my fault. 43 00:03:57,197 --> 00:04:00,371 I sort of employed Rose as my companion. 44 00:04:00,700 --> 00:04:03,544 When you say companion, is this a sexual relationship? 45 00:04:03,995 --> 00:04:05,247 'No! 'No! 46 00:04:05,371 --> 00:04:06,463 Then what is it? 47 00:04:06,539 --> 00:04:09,543 Because you, you waltz in here, all charm and smiles, 48 00:04:09,751 --> 00:04:12,721 and the next thing I know, she vanishes off the face of the Earth! 49 00:04:13,087 --> 00:04:15,761 How old are you, then, 40, 45? 50 00:04:16,049 --> 00:04:17,569 What, did you find her on the Internet? 51 00:04:17,592 --> 00:04:19,845 Did you go online and pretend you're a doctor? 52 00:04:19,928 --> 00:04:22,556 - I am a doctor. - Prove it. Stitch this, mate. 53 00:04:26,392 --> 00:04:28,645 Did you think about me at all? 54 00:04:30,480 --> 00:04:33,108 I did, all the time, but... 55 00:04:33,900 --> 00:04:37,074 One phone call. Just to know that you were alive. 56 00:04:38,696 --> 00:04:42,371 I'm sorry, I really am. 57 00:04:44,744 --> 00:04:48,419 But do you know what terrifies me is that you still can't say. 58 00:04:48,998 --> 00:04:50,466 What happened to you, Rose? 59 00:04:50,542 --> 00:04:53,671 What can be so bad that you can't tell me, sweetheart? 60 00:04:53,753 --> 00:04:55,255 Where were you? 61 00:05:05,431 --> 00:05:07,934 I can't tell her. I can't even begin. 62 00:05:08,142 --> 00:05:10,361 She's never gonna forgive me. 63 00:05:10,728 --> 00:05:12,856 And I missed a year. Was it good? 64 00:05:12,939 --> 00:05:15,158 - Middling. - You're so useless. 65 00:05:15,483 --> 00:05:17,531 Well, if it's this much trouble, are you gonna stay here now? 66 00:05:17,610 --> 00:05:19,408 I don't know. 67 00:05:20,321 --> 00:05:21,743 Can't do that to her again, though. 68 00:05:21,823 --> 00:05:23,621 Well, she's not coming with us. 69 00:05:25,743 --> 00:05:27,996 - No chance! - I don't do families. 70 00:05:28,079 --> 00:05:29,205 She slapped you! 71 00:05:29,289 --> 00:05:32,418 900 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother. 72 00:05:32,500 --> 00:05:33,547 Your face. 73 00:05:33,626 --> 00:05:35,879 - It hurt! - You're so gay! 74 00:05:37,881 --> 00:05:39,804 When you say 900 years... 75 00:05:40,258 --> 00:05:41,305 That's my age. 76 00:05:41,384 --> 00:05:43,557 - You're 900 years old. - Yeah. 77 00:05:45,305 --> 00:05:48,684 - My mum was right. - That is one hell of an age gap. 78 00:05:50,476 --> 00:05:51,602 Ugh! 79 00:05:52,812 --> 00:05:55,656 Every conversation with you just goes mental. 80 00:05:55,899 --> 00:05:57,776 There's no one else I can talk to. 81 00:05:57,859 --> 00:05:59,486 I've seen all that stuff up there, 82 00:05:59,569 --> 00:06:02,197 the size of it, and I can't say a word. 83 00:06:03,364 --> 00:06:05,787 Aliens and spaceships and things, 84 00:06:05,867 --> 00:06:10,168 and I'm the only person on planet Earth who knows they exist. 85 00:07:15,687 --> 00:07:17,689 Oh, that's just not fair. 86 00:07:26,864 --> 00:07:30,084 All right, all right! Keep your hair on! It's not my fault, is it? 87 00:07:30,159 --> 00:07:31,957 I can't move anywhere! 88 00:07:34,747 --> 00:07:36,124 Ah, just my luck. 89 00:07:36,416 --> 00:07:38,885 Stay back, please. Back, thank you. 90 00:07:43,381 --> 00:07:44,928 It's blocked off. 91 00:07:45,008 --> 00:07:46,931 We're miles from the centre. 92 00:07:47,010 --> 00:07:48,887 The city must be gridlocked. 93 00:07:48,970 --> 00:07:50,688 The whole of London must be closing down. 94 00:07:50,763 --> 00:07:53,983 I know, I can't believe I'm here to see this. This is fantastic. 95 00:07:54,058 --> 00:07:56,277 - Did you know this was going to happen? - Nope! 96 00:07:56,686 --> 00:07:58,859 - Do you recognise the ship? - Nope! 97 00:07:58,938 --> 00:08:00,656 - Do you know why it crashed? - Nope! 98 00:08:00,773 --> 00:08:01,865 Oh, I'm so glad I got you. 99 00:08:01,941 --> 00:08:03,659 I bet you are. This is what I travel for, Rose, 100 00:08:03,776 --> 00:08:05,778 to see history happening right in front of us. 101 00:08:06,070 --> 00:08:08,448 Well, let's go and see it. 102 00:08:08,573 --> 00:08:10,496 Never mind the traffic. We've got the Tardis. 103 00:08:10,616 --> 00:08:11,663 Hmm, better not. 104 00:08:11,784 --> 00:08:13,411 They've already got one spaceship in the middle of London. 105 00:08:13,494 --> 00:08:15,622 And I don't wanna shove another one on top. 106 00:08:15,705 --> 00:08:18,629 Yeah, but yours looks like a big, blue box. No one's gonna notice. 107 00:08:18,708 --> 00:08:20,301 You'd be surprised, an emergency like this. 108 00:08:20,376 --> 00:08:21,977 There'll be all kinds of people watching. 109 00:08:22,045 --> 00:08:23,638 Trust me, the Tardis stays where it is. 110 00:08:25,506 --> 00:08:27,266 So history's happening, and we're stuck here? 111 00:08:27,341 --> 00:08:28,558 Yes, we are. 112 00:08:31,262 --> 00:08:33,014 We could do what everybody else does. 113 00:08:35,141 --> 00:08:36,358 We could watch it on TV. 114 00:08:40,313 --> 00:08:44,659 Big Ben destroyed as a UFO crash-lands in central London. 115 00:08:44,776 --> 00:08:47,700 Police reinforcements are drafted in from across the country 116 00:08:47,820 --> 00:08:51,495 to control widespread panic; looting and civil disturbance. 117 00:08:51,574 --> 00:08:54,669 A state of national emergency has been declared. 118 00:08:54,786 --> 00:08:57,585 Tom Hitchingson is at the scene. 119 00:08:57,663 --> 00:08:59,757 The police urge the public not to panic. 120 00:08:59,832 --> 00:09:01,880 Here's the helpline number on screen right now, 121 00:09:01,959 --> 00:09:04,758 if you're worried about friends or family. 122 00:09:06,923 --> 00:09:09,346 The military are on the lookout for more spaces/ups. 123 00:09:09,425 --> 00:09:13,680 Until then, all flights in North American airspace have been grounded. 124 00:09:14,388 --> 00:09:17,187 The Army are sending divers into the wreck of the spaceship. 125 00:09:18,017 --> 00:09:19,860 No one knows what they're going to find. 126 00:09:20,019 --> 00:09:23,114 The President will address the nation [I've from the White House, 127 00:09:23,189 --> 00:09:27,194 but the Secretary General has asked that people watch the skies. 128 00:09:27,527 --> 00:09:29,808 - I've got no choice. - You've broken your mother's heart. 129 00:09:29,862 --> 00:09:31,489 - Either I make him welcome... - She's sobbing in my arms. 130 00:09:31,572 --> 00:09:34,041 - ...or I risk never seeing you again. - I cradled her like a child! 131 00:09:34,158 --> 00:09:35,501 Oi! I'm trying to listen! 132 00:09:37,537 --> 00:09:38,754 News is just coming in. 133 00:09:38,830 --> 00:09:41,208 And we can go to Tom at the Embankment. 134 00:09:41,749 --> 00:09:43,046 They've found a body. 135 00:09:43,126 --> 00:09:44,844 It's unconfirmed, but I'm being told 136 00:09:44,919 --> 00:09:47,047 that a body has been found in the wreckage, 137 00:09:47,130 --> 00:09:49,883 a body of non-terrestrial origins. 138 00:09:51,008 --> 00:09:53,056 It's being brought ashore. 139 00:09:55,888 --> 00:09:59,688 A body of some sort has been found inside the wreckage of a spacecraft. 140 00:09:59,767 --> 00:10:02,236 Guess who asked me out? Billy Croot! 141 00:10:03,229 --> 00:10:07,154 Unconfirmed reports say the body is of extra-terrestrial origin. 142 00:10:07,900 --> 00:10:11,780 An extraordinary event unfolding here live in Central London. 143 00:10:11,863 --> 00:10:14,912 The body is being transferred to a secure unit mortuary. 144 00:10:15,741 --> 00:10:16,993 The whereabouts as yet unknown. 145 00:10:17,994 --> 00:10:19,371 The roads in Central... 146 00:10:19,453 --> 00:10:21,956 And when you stuff your fins on, you can cover the whole lot 147 00:10:22,165 --> 00:10:24,543 with butter cream. Oh, look at that! 148 00:10:24,750 --> 00:10:26,969 Then ice it any colour you want. 149 00:10:27,170 --> 00:10:29,610 And here's one I made a little bit earlier. Ana' look at that! 150 00:10:30,131 --> 00:10:32,634 Your very own spaceship, ready to eat. 151 00:10:32,758 --> 00:10:34,438 And for something a little extra special... 152 00:10:34,552 --> 00:10:36,145 Albion Hospital. 153 00:10:36,470 --> 00:10:38,939 We still don't know if it's alive or dead'. 154 00:10:39,015 --> 00:10:41,017 Whitehall is denying everything. 155 00:10:41,267 --> 00:10:42,940 But the body has been brought here. 156 00:10:43,019 --> 00:10:46,193 Albion Hospital. With the roads closed off, it's the closest to the river. 157 00:10:47,899 --> 00:10:48,900 Go on. 158 00:10:50,026 --> 00:10:54,031 I'm being told that's General Asquith now entering the hospital. 159 00:11:02,288 --> 00:11:06,384 The building's evacuated patients moved out onto the streets. 160 00:11:06,626 --> 00:11:10,221 The police still won't confirm the presence of an alien body 161 00:11:10,296 --> 00:11:12,173 contained inside those walls. 162 00:11:27,313 --> 00:11:29,281 Let's have a look, then. 163 00:11:34,654 --> 00:11:35,826 Good God! 164 00:11:38,157 --> 00:11:39,659 And that's real? 165 00:11:39,909 --> 00:11:42,253 It's not a hoax or a dummy, or... 166 00:11:42,328 --> 00:11:43,875 I've x-rayed the skull. 167 00:11:43,955 --> 00:11:47,380 It's wired up inside like nothing I've ever seen before. 168 00:11:47,500 --> 00:11:49,173 No one could make this up. 169 00:11:51,254 --> 00:11:53,302 We've got experts being flown in. 170 00:11:53,381 --> 00:11:56,806 Until they arrive, get that out of sight. 171 00:12:10,064 --> 00:12:11,611 Excuse me, sir. 172 00:12:12,275 --> 00:12:15,279 I know it's a state of emergency and there's a lot of rumour flying around, 173 00:12:15,361 --> 00:12:17,784 but is it true what they're saying? 174 00:12:17,863 --> 00:12:19,240 About the Prime Minister? 175 00:12:32,086 --> 00:12:34,384 Mystery still surrounds the whereabouts of the Prime Minister. 176 00:12:34,463 --> 00:12:37,137 He's not been seen since the emergency began. 177 00:12:37,216 --> 00:12:40,470 The opposition are critic/sing his lack of leadership... 178 00:12:40,553 --> 00:12:41,770 Hold on. 179 00:12:45,558 --> 00:12:49,734 Oh, that's Joseph Green, MP for Hartley Dale. 180 00:12:49,854 --> 00:12:51,731 He's chairman of the parliamentary commission 181 00:12:51,814 --> 00:12:55,910 on the monitoring of sugar standards in exported confectionery. 182 00:12:56,277 --> 00:12:58,905 With respect, hardly the most important person right now. 183 00:12:59,739 --> 00:13:02,458 Indra Ganesh, sir. Junior secretary with the MOD. 184 00:13:03,242 --> 00:13:04,585 I'll be your liaison. 185 00:13:04,660 --> 00:13:05,877 Where the hell is he? 186 00:13:05,953 --> 00:13:08,376 If we could talk in private, sir? Follow me upstairs. 187 00:13:08,456 --> 00:13:09,753 Excuse me. 188 00:13:09,832 --> 00:13:12,176 Harriet Jones. MP for Flydale North. 189 00:13:12,251 --> 00:13:13,548 I'm sorry. Can it wait? 190 00:13:13,627 --> 00:13:15,755 But I did have an appointment at 3:15. 191 00:13:16,088 --> 00:13:18,967 Yes, and then a spaceship crashed in the middle of London. 192 00:13:19,050 --> 00:13:20,472 Think the schedule might've changed. 193 00:13:23,512 --> 00:13:25,032 You've heard about the alien body, sir? 194 00:13:25,097 --> 00:13:27,099 Never mind that. Where is he? 195 00:13:27,224 --> 00:13:28,521 Where's the Prime Minister? 196 00:13:28,601 --> 00:13:30,774 No one knows, sir. He's disappeared. 197 00:13:30,895 --> 00:13:32,317 I have to inform you that with the city gridlocked 198 00:13:32,396 --> 00:13:33,613 and the cabinet stranded outside London, 199 00:13:33,731 --> 00:13:36,826 that makes you acting Prime Minister with immediate effect. 200 00:13:36,901 --> 00:13:39,370 Oh, Lord! Oh, hold on. 201 00:13:40,780 --> 00:13:43,203 Pardon me. It's a nervous stomach. 202 00:13:43,282 --> 00:13:44,499 Anyway- 203 00:13:49,455 --> 00:13:51,878 Margaret Blaine, she's with MI5. 204 00:13:51,957 --> 00:13:53,459 There's no more information, sir. 205 00:13:53,542 --> 00:13:56,546 I personally escorted the Prime Minister from the cabinet room to his car. 206 00:13:56,670 --> 00:13:59,093 This is Oliver Charles, transport liaison. 207 00:13:59,298 --> 00:14:01,801 The car's disappeared. There's no record of it, sir. 208 00:14:01,884 --> 00:14:03,477 It literally vanished. 209 00:14:03,719 --> 00:14:06,142 Right. Inside. Tell me everything. 210 00:14:07,098 --> 00:14:08,315 Er, sir? 211 00:14:09,767 --> 00:14:11,690 The emergency protocols, 212 00:14:11,811 --> 00:14:14,109 detailing the actions to be taken by the government of Great Britain 213 00:14:14,188 --> 00:14:15,815 in the event of an alien incursion. 214 00:14:15,940 --> 00:14:17,283 Right. Good! 215 00:14:17,358 --> 00:14:18,610 Blimey! 216 00:14:19,443 --> 00:14:20,569 Pardon me. 217 00:14:21,529 --> 00:14:23,156 Let's work, eh? 218 00:15:09,160 --> 00:15:10,457 And where do you think you're going? 219 00:15:10,536 --> 00:15:11,583 Nowhere. 220 00:15:11,745 --> 00:15:13,918 It's just a bit human in there for me. 221 00:15:14,457 --> 00:15:16,551 History just happened, and they're talking about where they can buy 222 00:15:16,625 --> 00:15:18,377 dodgy top-up cards for half price. 223 00:15:19,128 --> 00:15:20,220 I'm off on a wander, that's all. 224 00:15:20,337 --> 00:15:23,056 Right. There's a spaceship on the Thames, and you're just wandering. 225 00:15:23,257 --> 00:15:25,259 Nothing to do with me. It's not an invasion. 226 00:15:25,593 --> 00:15:27,220 That was a genuine crash-landing. 227 00:15:27,344 --> 00:15:29,938 Angle of descent, colour of smoke, everything. It was perfect. 228 00:15:30,431 --> 00:15:32,058 - So? - So, maybe this is it! 229 00:15:32,224 --> 00:15:33,441 First contact. 230 00:15:33,601 --> 00:15:37,105 The day mankind officially comes into contact with an alien race. 231 00:15:37,229 --> 00:15:39,857 I'm not interfering, 'cause you gotta handle this on your own. 232 00:15:40,483 --> 00:15:42,360 That's when the human race finally grows up. 233 00:15:42,902 --> 00:15:45,576 Just this morning you were tiny and small and made of clay. 234 00:15:45,654 --> 00:15:47,622 Now you can expand! 235 00:15:48,574 --> 00:15:50,417 You don't need me. Go and celebrate history. 236 00:15:50,493 --> 00:15:52,040 Spend some time with your mum. 237 00:15:52,328 --> 00:15:54,547 Promise you won't disappear? 238 00:15:59,001 --> 00:16:01,003 Tell you what. Tardis key. 239 00:16:02,129 --> 00:16:04,598 About time you had one. See you later. 240 00:16:23,234 --> 00:16:26,078 Oi, gorgeous, come back and join the party! 241 00:16:39,166 --> 00:16:40,383 Oh, my God! 242 00:17:10,531 --> 00:17:11,908 Oi! Doctor! 243 00:17:12,658 --> 00:17:14,251 Doctor! 244 00:18:06,795 --> 00:18:09,218 I bet no one's brought you a coffee. 245 00:18:09,298 --> 00:18:11,096 - Thank you. - Pleasure. 246 00:18:13,052 --> 00:18:14,349 You still can't go in. 247 00:18:14,511 --> 00:18:16,809 Damn, you've seen through my cunning plan. 248 00:18:16,889 --> 00:18:20,735 Hmm. Look, I'm sorry, it's just impossible. 249 00:18:21,185 --> 00:18:23,187 Not even for two minutes? 250 00:18:24,313 --> 00:18:26,657 I don't get many chances to walk these corridors, 251 00:18:26,732 --> 00:18:29,281 I'm hardly one of the Babes, just a faithful backbencher. 252 00:18:29,401 --> 00:18:31,403 And I know we've had a brave new world 253 00:18:31,487 --> 00:18:33,956 land right on our doorstep, and that's wonderful. 254 00:18:34,073 --> 00:18:36,542 I think that's probably wonderful. 255 00:18:37,242 --> 00:18:39,495 Nevertheless, ordinary life keeps ticking away. 256 00:18:39,578 --> 00:18:43,082 I need to enter this paper. 257 00:18:43,957 --> 00:18:45,800 Oh! Mr Green, sir. 258 00:18:46,043 --> 00:18:49,513 I know you're busy, but could you put this on the next cabinet agenda? 259 00:18:49,588 --> 00:18:51,261 - What is it? - Cottage hospitals. 260 00:18:51,674 --> 00:18:53,142 I've worked out a system 261 00:18:53,258 --> 00:18:57,354 whereby cottage hospitals do not have to be excluded from Centres of Excellence. 262 00:18:57,429 --> 00:18:59,773 You see, my mother's in the Flydale Infirmary, 263 00:18:59,848 --> 00:19:02,368 that's my constituency, tiny little place, you wouldn't know it. 264 00:19:02,434 --> 00:19:03,560 But it's given me a chance to... 265 00:19:03,644 --> 00:19:07,069 By all the saints, get some perspective, woman! 266 00:19:07,314 --> 00:19:08,566 I'm busy! 267 00:22:13,083 --> 00:22:15,836 Defence plan Delta! Come on, move! Move! 268 00:22:27,598 --> 00:22:28,815 It's alive. 269 00:22:28,932 --> 00:22:31,606 Spread out, tell the perimeter it's a lockdown. 270 00:22:31,810 --> 00:22:33,733 Oh, my God, it's still alive! 271 00:22:34,980 --> 00:22:36,152 Do it! 272 00:22:39,568 --> 00:22:41,787 Mick! Terry! Side rooms! Now! 273 00:22:42,905 --> 00:22:44,031 Clear! 274 00:22:45,657 --> 00:22:46,954 Room clear! 275 00:22:47,034 --> 00:22:48,661 - Keep it moving! - Clear! 276 00:22:51,204 --> 00:22:53,081 I swear, it was dead. 277 00:22:53,165 --> 00:22:56,089 Coma, shock, hibernation, anything. What does it look like? 278 00:22:58,629 --> 00:23:00,222 It's still here. 279 00:23:37,167 --> 00:23:38,259 Hello. 280 00:23:41,129 --> 00:23:42,551 Don't shoot! 281 00:23:58,647 --> 00:24:01,491 What did you do that for? It was scared! 282 00:24:05,404 --> 00:24:06,747 It was scared! 283 00:24:15,163 --> 00:24:16,843 I've got the White House phoning me direct 284 00:24:16,915 --> 00:24:19,043 because Downing Street won't answer their call! 285 00:24:19,251 --> 00:24:20,377 This is outrageous. 286 00:24:20,460 --> 00:24:23,179 We haven't even started the vaccination program. 287 00:24:23,797 --> 00:24:25,014 This is appalling. 288 00:24:25,090 --> 00:24:28,139 The nations of the world are watching the United Kingdom. 289 00:24:28,218 --> 00:24:30,596 Well, it has all been a bit of a shock. 290 00:24:31,138 --> 00:24:34,688 This is the greatest crisis in modern history, and you've done nothing. 291 00:24:34,766 --> 00:24:36,689 Your behaviour has been shameful, sir. 292 00:24:36,768 --> 00:24:39,612 You're supposed to be in charge. We need positive leadership. 293 00:24:39,730 --> 00:24:41,778 The capital's ground to a halt. 294 00:24:42,357 --> 00:24:45,201 All the more, we can only assume that the Prime Minister's disappearance 295 00:24:45,277 --> 00:24:47,996 is the direct result of hostile alien action. 296 00:24:48,071 --> 00:24:49,789 And what've you been doing? Nothing! 297 00:24:49,865 --> 00:24:51,617 Sorry! Sorry. 298 00:24:52,325 --> 00:24:55,750 Uh, I thought I was Prime Minister now. 299 00:24:55,829 --> 00:24:57,251 Only by default! 300 00:24:57,330 --> 00:24:59,708 Oh! That's not fair! 301 00:25:00,167 --> 00:25:02,044 I've been having such fun. 302 00:25:02,461 --> 00:25:03,929 You think this is fun? 303 00:25:04,004 --> 00:25:05,381 It's a hoot, this job. 304 00:25:05,505 --> 00:25:07,507 Honestly, it's super! 305 00:25:08,008 --> 00:25:10,852 Oh! Excuse me! 306 00:25:10,927 --> 00:25:14,352 Oh! 307 00:25:15,682 --> 00:25:17,730 - What's going on here? 308 00:25:17,809 --> 00:25:20,437 And where's the rest of the cabinet? Why haven't they been airlifted in? 309 00:25:20,520 --> 00:25:23,194 I cancelled it. They'd only get in the way. 310 00:25:23,273 --> 00:25:27,153 Oops! There I go. 311 00:25:27,277 --> 00:25:30,076 - Oh! 312 00:25:30,697 --> 00:25:34,577 I'm shaking my booty. 313 00:25:35,410 --> 00:25:36,502 2 314 00:25:36,828 --> 00:25:39,001 Under section five of the emergency protocols, 315 00:25:39,081 --> 00:25:43,006 it is my duty to relieve you of command. 316 00:25:43,919 --> 00:25:46,968 And by God, I'll put this country under martial law if I have to. 317 00:25:47,047 --> 00:25:50,677 - Oh! I'm scared! 318 00:25:51,093 --> 00:25:54,688 I mean, that's hair-raising. 319 00:25:55,097 --> 00:25:57,350 I mean, literally. 320 00:25:58,475 --> 00:25:59,601 Look! 321 00:26:34,052 --> 00:26:36,851 I just assumed that's what aliens looked like. 322 00:26:37,055 --> 00:26:39,604 But you're saying it's an ordinary pig, from Earth. 323 00:26:39,891 --> 00:26:41,063 More like a mermaid. 324 00:26:41,852 --> 00:26:43,820 Victorian showmen used to draw the crowds 325 00:26:43,895 --> 00:26:45,238 by taking the skull of a cat, 326 00:26:45,355 --> 00:26:48,108 gluing it to a fish and calling it a mermaid. 327 00:26:48,441 --> 00:26:52,241 Now someone's taken a pig, opened up its brain, stuck bits on, 328 00:26:52,988 --> 00:26:55,366 then they've strapped it in that ship, made it dive-bomb. 329 00:26:55,448 --> 00:26:57,416 It must've been terrified. 330 00:26:58,410 --> 00:27:01,459 They've taken this animal and turned it into a joke. 331 00:27:01,580 --> 00:27:05,585 So it's a fake, a pretend, like the mermaid. 332 00:27:06,376 --> 00:27:08,754 But the technology augmenting its brain, 333 00:27:08,837 --> 00:27:10,839 it's like nothing on Earth. 334 00:27:10,922 --> 00:27:12,094 It's alien. 335 00:27:12,382 --> 00:27:14,476 Aliens are faking aliens. 336 00:27:15,260 --> 00:27:17,228 Why would they do that? 337 00:27:18,138 --> 00:27:19,355 Doctor? 338 00:27:25,896 --> 00:27:27,068 Doctor? 339 00:27:35,405 --> 00:27:37,078 Here's to the Martians! 340 00:27:37,157 --> 00:27:38,909 The Martians! 341 00:27:45,498 --> 00:27:47,341 I was gonna come and see you. 342 00:27:47,459 --> 00:27:49,587 Someone owes Mickey an apology. 343 00:27:50,295 --> 00:27:52,718 - I'm sorry. - Not you. 344 00:27:53,590 --> 00:27:54,682 Well, it's not my fault. 345 00:27:54,799 --> 00:27:57,393 Be fair, what was I supposed to think? 346 00:27:59,804 --> 00:28:02,227 You disappear, who do they turn to? Your boyfriend. 347 00:28:02,307 --> 00:28:04,685 Five times I was taken in for questioning. Five times. 348 00:28:05,268 --> 00:28:06,861 No evidence. Of course! There couldn't be, could there? 349 00:28:06,937 --> 00:28:09,065 And then I get her, your mother, 350 00:28:09,147 --> 00:28:10,899 whispering around the estate, pointing her finger, 351 00:28:10,982 --> 00:28:13,110 stuff through my letter box, and all 'cause of you! 352 00:28:13,193 --> 00:28:15,036 Didn't think I'd be gone so long. 353 00:28:15,111 --> 00:28:16,863 And I waited for you, Rose! 354 00:28:16,988 --> 00:28:19,457 Twelve months. Waited for you and the Doctor to come back! 355 00:28:19,616 --> 00:28:21,493 Hold on! You knew about the Doctor? 356 00:28:21,993 --> 00:28:23,495 Why didn't you tell me? 357 00:28:24,162 --> 00:28:26,540 Yeah, yeah. Why not, Rose? Huh? 358 00:28:27,040 --> 00:28:28,462 How could I tell her where you went? 359 00:28:28,541 --> 00:28:31,135 - Tell me now. - I might as well, 'cause you're stuck here. 360 00:28:31,628 --> 00:28:32,720 The Doctor's gone! 361 00:28:33,046 --> 00:28:35,845 Just now, that box thing just faded away. 362 00:28:36,216 --> 00:28:38,139 - What do you mean? - He's left you! 363 00:28:38,510 --> 00:28:40,137 Some boyfriend he turned out to be. 364 00:28:48,144 --> 00:28:49,441 He wouldn't just go. He promised me. 365 00:28:49,521 --> 00:28:52,195 Oh, he's dumped you, Rose! Sailed off into space. 366 00:28:52,274 --> 00:28:53,651 How does it feel, huh? 367 00:28:53,733 --> 00:28:56,703 Now, you are left behind with the rest of us Earthlings. 368 00:28:56,820 --> 00:28:58,618 - Get used to it. - He would've said. 369 00:28:58,697 --> 00:29:00,699 What are you two chimps going on about? 370 00:29:01,199 --> 00:29:03,543 What's going on? What's this Doctor done now? 371 00:29:03,618 --> 00:29:05,291 He's vamoosed. 372 00:29:05,370 --> 00:29:07,338 He's not! 'Cause he gave me this. 373 00:29:07,414 --> 00:29:09,212 He's not my boyfriend, Mickey. 374 00:29:09,332 --> 00:29:11,960 He's better than that. He's much more important. 375 00:29:12,043 --> 00:29:13,135 And he... 376 00:29:21,636 --> 00:29:22,808 What's that sound? 377 00:29:23,221 --> 00:29:24,939 Mum? Mum, go inside! 378 00:29:25,015 --> 00:29:29,521 Mum, don't stand there! Just go inside, just... Mum! Oh, blimey. 379 00:29:36,901 --> 00:29:38,027 Huh? 380 00:29:39,321 --> 00:29:41,244 How'd you do that, then? 381 00:29:46,828 --> 00:29:48,705 All right, so I lied. I went and had a look. 382 00:29:48,788 --> 00:29:51,509 But the whole crash landing's a fake. I thought so. just too perfect. 383 00:29:51,541 --> 00:29:53,339 I mean, hitting Big Ben? Come on. 384 00:29:53,418 --> 00:29:54,510 So I thought, "Let's go and have a look..." 385 00:29:54,586 --> 00:29:56,259 - My mum's here. 386 00:29:56,755 --> 00:29:59,884 Oh, that's just what I need. Don't you dare make this place domestic! 387 00:30:00,342 --> 00:30:03,516 You ruined my life, Doctor. They thought she was dead. 388 00:30:03,595 --> 00:30:05,075 I was a murder suspect because of you. 389 00:30:05,638 --> 00:30:07,106 See what I mean? Domestic! 390 00:30:07,515 --> 00:30:09,017 I bet you don't even remember my name! 391 00:30:09,100 --> 00:30:10,352 - Ricky. - It's Mickey. 392 00:30:10,435 --> 00:30:12,278 - No, it's Ricky. - I think I know my own name. 393 00:30:12,354 --> 00:30:14,027 You think you know your own name? How stupid are you? 394 00:30:14,105 --> 00:30:16,073 Mum, don't! Don't go anywhere! 395 00:30:16,149 --> 00:30:17,526 Don't start a fight. 396 00:30:18,985 --> 00:30:21,454 Mum! It's not like that, he's not... 397 00:30:22,822 --> 00:30:25,120 I'll... I'll be up in a minute! Hold on! 398 00:30:26,868 --> 00:30:28,211 That was a real spaceship? 399 00:30:28,286 --> 00:30:30,414 - Yep! - So it was all a pack of lies. 400 00:30:30,497 --> 00:30:32,625 What is it, then, that they're invading? 401 00:30:33,041 --> 00:30:35,965 Funny way to invade, putting the world on red alert. 402 00:30:36,086 --> 00:30:37,963 Good point! So, what're they up to? 403 00:30:42,092 --> 00:30:43,469 As the crisis continues 404 00:30:43,551 --> 00:30:46,145 and the government shows a remarkable lack of leadership, 405 00:30:46,221 --> 00:30:48,064 paranoia sweeps the country. 406 00:30:48,139 --> 00:30:50,642 There've been at least three reports of public assaults 407 00:30:50,934 --> 00:30:53,562 on people possibly identified as aliens. 408 00:30:53,645 --> 00:30:55,739 Now back to Tom Hitchingson. 409 00:30:56,064 --> 00:30:58,283 Are there more ships to come? 410 00:30:58,483 --> 00:31:00,485 And what is their intention? 411 00:31:01,361 --> 00:31:04,331 The authorities are now asking, if anyone knows anything, 412 00:31:04,781 --> 00:31:08,661 if any previous sighting has been made, then call this number. 413 00:31:09,160 --> 00:31:10,878 We need your help. 414 00:31:23,341 --> 00:31:27,016 Yes! I've seen one, I really have, an alien. And she's with him. 415 00:31:27,137 --> 00:31:31,517 My daughter, she's with him, and she's not safe. Oh, my God, she's not safe. 416 00:31:33,685 --> 00:31:37,280 I've seen an alien, and I know his name. He's called the Doctor. 417 00:31:37,605 --> 00:31:42,736 It's a box, a blue box. She called it a Tardis. 418 00:31:57,876 --> 00:31:59,048 So what you doing down there? 419 00:31:59,169 --> 00:32:00,591 - Ricky. - Mickey. 420 00:32:01,588 --> 00:32:02,760 Ricky. 421 00:32:03,339 --> 00:32:05,307 If I was to tell you what I was doing to the controls 422 00:32:05,383 --> 00:32:07,636 of my frankly magnificent time ship, 423 00:32:07,719 --> 00:32:09,517 would you even begin to understand? 424 00:32:10,513 --> 00:32:12,857 - I suppose not... - Well, shut it, then. 425 00:32:19,772 --> 00:32:21,945 - Some friend you've got. - He's winding you up. 426 00:32:25,153 --> 00:32:26,496 I am sorry. 427 00:32:26,571 --> 00:32:28,369 - Okay. - I am, though. 428 00:32:34,329 --> 00:32:36,081 Every day, I looked. 429 00:32:37,248 --> 00:32:38,875 On every street corner, wherever I went, 430 00:32:38,958 --> 00:32:41,427 looking for a blue box for a whole year. 431 00:32:41,753 --> 00:32:43,881 It's only been a few days for me. 432 00:32:43,963 --> 00:32:47,388 I don't know. It's hard to tell inside this thing. 433 00:32:47,467 --> 00:32:50,471 But I swear, it's just a few days since I left you. 434 00:32:53,598 --> 00:32:55,350 Not enough time to miss me, then. 435 00:32:56,142 --> 00:32:57,644 I did miss you. 436 00:33:03,525 --> 00:33:04,947 I missed you. 437 00:33:07,111 --> 00:33:10,911 So, um, in 12 months... 438 00:33:11,991 --> 00:33:13,271 Have you been seeing anyone else? 439 00:33:13,284 --> 00:33:14,410 Nope. 440 00:33:15,453 --> 00:33:16,545 Okay. 441 00:33:16,621 --> 00:33:18,794 Mainly 'cause everyone thinks I murdered you. 442 00:33:19,624 --> 00:33:20,625 Right. 443 00:33:25,004 --> 00:33:27,223 So, now that you've come back, 444 00:33:29,425 --> 00:33:30,768 are you gonna stay? 445 00:33:33,346 --> 00:33:34,939 Got it! Ha-ha! 446 00:33:36,140 --> 00:33:38,518 Patched in the radar, looped it back 12 hours, 447 00:33:38,601 --> 00:33:40,729 so it'll follow the flight of that spaceship. Here we go. 448 00:33:40,812 --> 00:33:42,234 Hold on. 449 00:33:42,939 --> 00:33:43,986 Come on! 450 00:33:44,399 --> 00:33:46,493 That's the spaceship on its way to Earth. 451 00:33:47,193 --> 00:33:48,194 See? 452 00:33:48,319 --> 00:33:49,946 Except... Hold on. 453 00:33:51,197 --> 00:33:52,790 See? The spaceship did a slingshot 454 00:33:52,865 --> 00:33:54,242 round the Earth before it landed. 455 00:33:54,325 --> 00:33:56,874 - What does that mean? - Means it came from Earth in the first place. 456 00:33:56,953 --> 00:33:58,671 It went up and came back down. 457 00:33:58,746 --> 00:34:01,750 Whoever those aliens are, they haven't just arrived. They've been here for a while. 458 00:34:01,833 --> 00:34:04,632 Question is, what've they been doing? 459 00:34:11,217 --> 00:34:13,515 What do you think? How's the compression? 460 00:34:13,636 --> 00:34:16,435 I think I've got too much ballast round the middle. 461 00:34:17,640 --> 00:34:19,313 Ooh, that's better! 462 00:34:19,392 --> 00:34:21,992 We've really got to fix the gas exchange. It's getting ridiculous. 463 00:34:22,020 --> 00:34:24,148 I don't know. Seems very human to me. 464 00:34:24,230 --> 00:34:26,073 Uh, better get rid of his skin! 465 00:34:26,983 --> 00:34:30,283 Shame, I quite enjoyed being Oliver. 466 00:34:31,070 --> 00:34:34,040 He had a wife, a mistress and a young farmer. 467 00:34:37,702 --> 00:34:39,329 God, I was busy. 468 00:34:41,372 --> 00:34:42,715 Back to work! 469 00:34:42,790 --> 00:34:44,337 I have an army to command! 470 00:34:44,417 --> 00:34:47,341 Careful now. We're not there yet. 471 00:34:54,427 --> 00:34:56,976 General Asquith! Sir, we've had a priority alarm. 472 00:34:57,055 --> 00:34:58,773 It's Code Nine, confirmed Code Nine. 473 00:35:00,058 --> 00:35:05,736 Right. Good. Code Nine, huh? Which would mean? 474 00:35:07,231 --> 00:35:10,030 In the event of the emergency protocols being activated, 475 00:35:10,109 --> 00:35:11,827 we've got software which automatically searches 476 00:35:11,903 --> 00:35:13,746 all communications for keywords. 477 00:35:13,821 --> 00:35:15,414 And one of those words is "Doctor". 478 00:35:15,907 --> 00:35:17,375 I think we've found him, sir. 479 00:35:17,450 --> 00:35:19,794 What sort of doctor? Who is he? 480 00:35:20,078 --> 00:35:22,456 Well, evidently, he's some sort of expert in extraterrestrial affairs. 481 00:35:22,580 --> 00:35:25,333 The ultimate expert! And we need him, sir. 482 00:35:25,416 --> 00:35:27,464 We need him here right now. 483 00:35:33,925 --> 00:35:36,474 - How many channels you get? - All the basic packages. 484 00:35:36,719 --> 00:35:39,142 - You get sports channels? - Yes, I get the football. 485 00:35:39,222 --> 00:35:40,439 Hold on. I know that lot. 486 00:35:40,515 --> 00:35:41,687 But it's looking likely 487 00:35:41,766 --> 00:35:44,610 that the government's bringing in alien specialists, 488 00:35:44,686 --> 00:35:48,441 those people who've devoted their lives to studying outer space. 489 00:35:49,232 --> 00:35:52,782 UNIT! United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. Good people. 490 00:35:53,069 --> 00:35:54,412 How do you know them? 491 00:35:54,487 --> 00:35:56,330 'Cause he's worked for them. 492 00:35:56,447 --> 00:35:59,007 Oh, yeah. Don't think I sat on my backside for 12 months, Doctor. 493 00:35:59,033 --> 00:36:00,285 I read up on you! 494 00:36:00,410 --> 00:36:02,583 You look deep enough on the Internet or in the history books, 495 00:36:02,662 --> 00:36:03,788 and there's his name. 496 00:36:03,871 --> 00:36:05,111 Followed by a list of the dead. 497 00:36:05,123 --> 00:36:06,670 That's nice. Good boy, Ricky. 498 00:36:06,791 --> 00:36:08,589 If you know them, why don't you go and help? 499 00:36:08,668 --> 00:36:11,268 They wouldn't recognise me. I've changed a lot since the old days. 500 00:36:11,921 --> 00:36:14,219 Besides, the world's on a knife edge. 501 00:36:14,340 --> 00:36:15,387 There's aliens out there, 502 00:36:15,466 --> 00:36:18,140 and fake aliens wanna keep this alien out of the mix. 503 00:36:18,469 --> 00:36:20,312 - I'm going undercover. 504 00:36:20,430 --> 00:36:22,728 And, uh, better keep the Tardis out of sight. Ricky! 505 00:36:23,015 --> 00:36:25,017 You've got a car. You can do some driving. 506 00:36:25,143 --> 00:36:26,235 Where to? 507 00:36:26,310 --> 00:36:28,951 The roads are clearing. Let's go and have a look at that spaceship. 508 00:36:31,023 --> 00:36:33,822 Do not move! Step away from the box! 509 00:36:33,901 --> 00:36:36,654 Raise your hands above your head! 510 00:36:51,711 --> 00:36:52,837 Rose! 511 00:36:54,964 --> 00:36:57,058 Rose! Rose! 512 00:37:06,184 --> 00:37:07,310 Take me to your leader! 513 00:37:07,393 --> 00:37:09,111 My daughter! 514 00:37:13,983 --> 00:37:15,485 This is a bit posh. 515 00:37:15,568 --> 00:37:18,809 If I knew it was gonna be like this, being arrested, I would've done it years ago. 516 00:37:18,821 --> 00:37:20,994 We're not being arrested, we're being escorted. 517 00:37:21,699 --> 00:37:23,701 - Where to? - Where do you think? 518 00:37:23,868 --> 00:37:25,791 Downing Street. 519 00:37:26,204 --> 00:37:28,707 - You're kidding! - I'm not! 520 00:37:28,790 --> 00:37:31,259 - 10 Downing Street? - That's the one! 521 00:37:31,667 --> 00:37:34,671 Oh, my God! I'm going to 10 Downing Street? 522 00:37:35,421 --> 00:37:37,501 - How come? - I hate to say it, but Mickey was right. 523 00:37:37,548 --> 00:37:40,176 Over the years, I've visited this planet a lot of times, and I've been, uh, 524 00:37:40,426 --> 00:37:41,598 noticed. 525 00:37:42,178 --> 00:37:43,270 Now they need you. 526 00:37:43,387 --> 00:37:46,187 Like it said on the news, they're gathering experts in alien knowledge. 527 00:37:46,265 --> 00:37:48,267 And who's the biggest expert of the lot? 528 00:37:49,393 --> 00:37:51,316 - Patrick Moore? - Apart from him. 529 00:37:51,896 --> 00:37:53,819 Oh, don't you just love it. 530 00:37:53,898 --> 00:37:57,243 Oh, I'm telling you, Lloyd George, oh, he used to drink me under the table. 531 00:37:57,527 --> 00:37:58,687 Who's the Prime Minister now? 532 00:37:58,736 --> 00:38:01,159 How should I know? I missed a year. 533 00:38:24,136 --> 00:38:25,513 Oh, my God! 534 00:38:28,432 --> 00:38:31,106 So she's all right, then? She's not in any trouble? 535 00:38:31,227 --> 00:38:33,696 All I can say is that your daughter and her companion 536 00:38:33,771 --> 00:38:36,024 might be in a position to help the country. 537 00:38:36,107 --> 00:38:38,451 We'll need to know how she made contact with this man, 538 00:38:38,526 --> 00:38:40,119 if he is a man. 539 00:38:40,528 --> 00:38:42,371 Ooh! 540 00:38:43,281 --> 00:38:44,658 Right, off you go, then. 541 00:38:44,782 --> 00:38:47,456 I need to talk with Mrs Tyler on my own, thank you. 542 00:38:58,421 --> 00:39:00,515 Harriet Jones, MP, Flydale North. 543 00:39:10,892 --> 00:39:13,987 Ladies and gentlemen, can we convene? Quick as we can, please. 544 00:39:14,061 --> 00:39:15,563 It's this way on the right, and can I remind you 545 00:39:15,646 --> 00:39:18,149 ID cards are to be worn at all times. 546 00:39:19,275 --> 00:39:20,743 Here's your ID card. 547 00:39:20,818 --> 00:39:22,738 I'm sorry. Your companion doesn't have clearance. 548 00:39:22,778 --> 00:39:23,870 I don't go anywhere without her. 549 00:39:23,988 --> 00:39:27,333 You're the Code Nine, not her. I'm sorry, Doctor. 550 00:39:28,075 --> 00:39:29,201 It's, uh, Doctor, isn't it? 551 00:39:29,827 --> 00:39:31,875 - She'll have to stay outside. - She's staying with me. 552 00:39:31,954 --> 00:39:34,207 Look, even I don't have clearance to go in there. 553 00:39:34,457 --> 00:39:36,004 I can't let her in and that's a fact. 554 00:39:36,125 --> 00:39:37,172 That's all right. You go. 555 00:39:37,251 --> 00:39:39,003 Excuse me. Are you the Doctor? 556 00:39:39,128 --> 00:39:41,381 - Sure? - Not now. We're busy. Can't you go home? 557 00:39:41,464 --> 00:39:43,216 I just need a word, in private! 558 00:39:43,299 --> 00:39:45,017 You haven't got clearance. Now leave it! 559 00:39:45,092 --> 00:39:47,345 I'm gonna have to leave you with security. 560 00:39:47,470 --> 00:39:51,100 It's all right, I'll look after her. Let me be of some use. 561 00:39:53,351 --> 00:39:55,729 Walk with me. Just keep walking. 562 00:39:56,562 --> 00:39:58,860 That's right, don't look round. 563 00:39:59,941 --> 00:40:02,239 Harriet Jones. MP, Flydale North. 564 00:40:23,756 --> 00:40:28,387 This friend of yours, he's an expert, is that right? 565 00:40:29,595 --> 00:40:31,893 He knows about aliens? 566 00:40:31,973 --> 00:40:34,476 - Why do you wanna to know? 567 00:40:42,400 --> 00:40:44,653 Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please. 568 00:40:44,735 --> 00:40:46,829 As you can see from the summaries in front of you, 569 00:40:46,904 --> 00:40:49,032 the ship had one porcine pilot. 570 00:40:49,115 --> 00:40:51,959 Of course, the really interesting bit happened three days ago, see? 571 00:40:52,034 --> 00:40:53,877 Filed away under any other business, 572 00:40:53,953 --> 00:40:57,002 the North Sea satellite detected a signal, 573 00:40:57,081 --> 00:40:59,800 a little blip of radiation at 100 fathoms. 574 00:40:59,917 --> 00:41:01,590 Like there's something down there. 575 00:41:01,669 --> 00:41:03,030 You were just about to investigate, 576 00:41:03,045 --> 00:41:04,422 and next thing you know, this happens. 577 00:41:04,505 --> 00:41:07,600 Spaceships. Pigs. Massive diversion. From what? 578 00:41:08,300 --> 00:41:12,430 They turn the body into a suit, a disguise for the thing inside! 579 00:41:12,513 --> 00:41:15,187 It's all right, I believe you. 580 00:41:15,641 --> 00:41:17,814 It's... It's alien. 581 00:41:18,602 --> 00:41:21,651 They must have some serious technology behind this. 582 00:41:21,731 --> 00:41:23,404 If we could find it, 583 00:41:23,816 --> 00:41:25,443 we could use it. 584 00:41:25,526 --> 00:41:26,527 Ooh! 585 00:41:27,903 --> 00:41:29,246 Oh, my God. Is that... 586 00:41:29,321 --> 00:41:31,401 Harriet, for God's sake! This has gone beyond a joke. 587 00:41:31,449 --> 00:41:32,621 You cannot just wander... 588 00:41:34,910 --> 00:41:36,127 Oh, my God. 589 00:41:37,496 --> 00:41:38,839 That's the Prime Minister. 590 00:41:39,540 --> 00:41:42,919 If aliens fake an alien crash and an alien pilot, what do they get? 591 00:41:46,630 --> 00:41:47,802 Us. 592 00:41:48,632 --> 00:41:50,054 They get us. 593 00:41:50,801 --> 00:41:53,224 It's not a diversion, it's a trap. 594 00:41:53,804 --> 00:41:54,976 Oh! 595 00:41:57,641 --> 00:41:59,643 Has someone been naughty? 596 00:42:06,150 --> 00:42:07,902 It was bigger on the inside. 597 00:42:07,985 --> 00:42:10,864 I don't know. What do I know about spaceships? 598 00:42:10,988 --> 00:42:14,993 That's what worries me. You see, this man is classified as trouble, 599 00:42:15,117 --> 00:42:18,838 which means that anyone associated with him is trouble. 600 00:42:20,206 --> 00:42:21,879 And that's my job. 601 00:42:23,084 --> 00:42:24,836 Eliminating trouble. 602 00:42:29,924 --> 00:42:34,270 But that's not possible. He left this afternoon. 603 00:42:35,221 --> 00:42:37,849 The Prime Minister left Downing Street. He was driven away! 604 00:42:38,516 --> 00:42:40,735 And who told you that? 605 00:42:42,853 --> 00:42:43,900 Hmm? 606 00:42:46,398 --> 00:42:47,524 Me! 607 00:42:51,695 --> 00:42:53,993 This is all about us. Alien experts. 608 00:42:54,073 --> 00:42:55,791 The only people with the knowledge how to find them 609 00:42:55,866 --> 00:42:57,334 gathered together in one room. 610 00:43:00,704 --> 00:43:03,332 Excuse me. Do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world? 611 00:43:03,666 --> 00:43:06,294 Would you rather silent but deadly? 612 00:43:43,664 --> 00:43:46,087 Ah! 613 00:44:42,973 --> 00:44:44,850 We are the Slitheen. 614 00:45:03,244 --> 00:45:05,918 Thank you all for wearing your ID cards. 615 00:45:07,581 --> 00:45:10,004 They'll help to identify the bodies. 616 00:45:35,651 --> 00:45:38,871 Yesterday saw the start of a brave new world. 617 00:45:40,114 --> 00:45:41,787 Today might see it end. 618 00:45:42,199 --> 00:45:44,793 Right! You want aliens, you've got them. They're inside Downing Street. 619 00:45:44,868 --> 00:45:45,869 Come on! 620 00:45:52,876 --> 00:45:54,878 Planet Earth is at war. 621 00:45:59,925 --> 00:46:01,142 Everybody run! 622 00:46:03,220 --> 00:46:05,222 - Who exactly are the Slitheen? - They're aliens. 623 00:46:07,725 --> 00:46:09,477 I could save the world but lose you.