1 00:00:01,586 --> 00:00:03,338 Get down! 2 00:00:03,964 --> 00:00:06,808 - Ah! They're following us. -And the good news is? 3 00:00:06,883 --> 00:00:10,308 Their life spans are running out, so we hide, wait for them to die. 4 00:00:10,387 --> 00:00:13,231 I have to stop being a Time Lord. I'm going to become human. 5 00:00:13,306 --> 00:00:15,479 Chameleon Arch. Rewrites my biology. 6 00:00:16,643 --> 00:00:18,896 "A journal of Impossible Things." 7 00:00:18,979 --> 00:00:21,402 - Such imagination! -It's become quite a hobby. 8 00:00:21,481 --> 00:00:23,825 He's different from any man you've ever met, right? 9 00:00:23,900 --> 00:00:24,992 Yes. 10 00:00:25,068 --> 00:00:28,038 He had to go and fall in love with a human. And it wasn't me. 11 00:00:28,113 --> 00:00:30,241 If they find u; Martha, open the watch. 12 00:00:30,323 --> 00:00:32,872 Sometimes I say things and they turn out to be correct. 13 00:00:37,664 --> 00:00:39,257 They've found us. 14 00:00:39,916 --> 00:00:42,635 - Oh, my God! Where's the watch? -What are you talking about? 15 00:00:42,711 --> 00:00:46,011 This is not you. This is 1913. 16 00:00:46,089 --> 00:00:47,386 Change back! 17 00:00:50,302 --> 00:00:52,350 We need a Time Lord. 18 00:00:53,388 --> 00:00:55,937 Which one of them do you want us to kill? 19 00:00:56,016 --> 00:00:58,815 Doesn't this scare you enough to change back? 20 00:00:58,893 --> 00:01:02,022 Your friend or your lover? 21 00:01:43,396 --> 00:01:46,115 Make your decision, Mr Smith. 22 00:01:48,485 --> 00:01:52,740 Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge. 23 00:01:53,615 --> 00:01:55,663 - Time Lord. -Tim! 24 00:01:56,993 --> 00:01:58,336 All right! 25 00:01:58,995 --> 00:02:00,747 One more move and I shoot. 26 00:02:00,830 --> 00:02:04,300 - Oh, the maid is full of fire! -And you can shut up! 27 00:02:04,751 --> 00:02:07,220 Careful, Son of mine. 28 00:02:07,295 --> 00:02:10,094 She's all for you so that you can live forever. 29 00:02:10,215 --> 00:02:11,592 Shoot you down. 30 00:02:11,675 --> 00:02:13,973 Try it. We'll die together. 31 00:02:14,678 --> 00:02:17,227 Would you really pull the trigger? 32 00:02:18,765 --> 00:02:20,642 Looks too scared. 33 00:02:20,725 --> 00:02:22,568 Scared and holding a gun is a good combination. 34 00:02:22,644 --> 00:02:24,646 Do you want to risk it? 35 00:02:31,611 --> 00:02:35,115 Doctor, get everyone out. There's a door at the side. 36 00:02:35,198 --> 00:02:37,292 It's over there. Go on! 37 00:02:37,909 --> 00:02:40,162 Do it, Mr Smith, I mean you! 38 00:02:40,245 --> 00:02:42,998 Do what she said. Everybody out now! 39 00:02:43,331 --> 00:02:46,335 Don't argue, Mr Jackson. They're mad, that's all we need to know. 40 00:02:46,418 --> 00:02:48,386 Susan, Miss Cooper, outside, all of you! 41 00:02:52,257 --> 00:02:54,134 Move yourself, boy. Back to the school, quickly! 42 00:02:54,300 --> 00:02:56,849 - And you, go on, just shift. -What about you? 43 00:02:56,928 --> 00:03:00,853 Mr Smith, I think you should escort your lady friend to safety, don't you? 44 00:03:10,316 --> 00:03:12,318 Mr Hicks, warn the village. Get everyone out. 45 00:03:12,402 --> 00:03:14,245 Latimer, get back to the school. Tell the headmaster... 46 00:03:14,320 --> 00:03:16,914 Don't touch me! You're as bad as them. 47 00:03:20,994 --> 00:03:24,589 Don't try anything. I'm warning you, or sonny boy gets it. 48 00:03:24,664 --> 00:03:28,669 - She's almost brave, this one. -I should have taken her form. 49 00:03:28,752 --> 00:03:31,972 Much more fun, so much spirit. 50 00:03:32,046 --> 00:03:36,051 - What happened to Jenny? Has she gone? -She is consumed. Her body's mine. 51 00:03:36,134 --> 00:03:37,477 You mean she's dead? 52 00:03:37,552 --> 00:03:40,852 Yes, and she went with precious little dignity. 53 00:03:40,930 --> 00:03:42,523 All that screaming. 54 00:03:43,016 --> 00:03:44,734 Get the gun! 55 00:03:45,268 --> 00:03:46,736 Good work, soldier. 56 00:03:47,854 --> 00:03:52,360 Don't just stand there, move! God, you're rubbish as a human. Come on! 57 00:03:59,824 --> 00:04:04,170 Run! Ah, this is super. We've been in hiding for too long. 58 00:04:04,245 --> 00:04:05,792 This is sport! 59 00:04:05,872 --> 00:04:09,627 I can smell the schoolteacher. He's gone back to his academy. 60 00:04:09,709 --> 00:04:12,053 And what do we know about her? 61 00:04:12,879 --> 00:04:17,009 This body has traces of memory. Was once her friend. 62 00:04:17,091 --> 00:04:19,935 Martha would go walking to the west. 63 00:04:20,011 --> 00:04:22,389 Husband of mine, follow the maid's scent. 64 00:04:22,472 --> 00:04:26,477 Go to the west. Find out what she was keeping secret. 65 00:04:26,559 --> 00:04:27,902 Soldiers! 66 00:04:30,772 --> 00:04:33,571 As for you, Mother of mine, 67 00:04:36,277 --> 00:04:37,369 let's go to school. 68 00:04:51,376 --> 00:04:53,344 - What are you doing? -Maybe one man can't fight them, 69 00:04:53,419 --> 00:04:55,217 but this school teaches us to stand together. 70 00:04:55,296 --> 00:04:57,924 Take arms! Take arms! 71 00:04:58,007 --> 00:05:00,180 - Stop doing that! -You want me to fight, don't you? 72 00:05:00,260 --> 00:05:03,434 - Take arms! Take arms! -I say, sir, what's the matter? 73 00:05:03,513 --> 00:05:06,767 Enemy at the door, Hutchinson, enemy at the door. 74 00:05:07,767 --> 00:05:09,235 Take arms! 75 00:05:14,858 --> 00:05:19,409 - They're sounding the alarms. -I wouldn't be so pleased, Son of mine. 76 00:05:19,487 --> 00:05:21,455 These bodies are silly and hot, they can damage and die. 77 00:05:21,531 --> 00:05:23,033 That's why we need the Time Lord. 78 00:05:23,116 --> 00:05:26,791 Indeed, they will have guns. Perhaps a little caution. 79 00:05:27,620 --> 00:05:31,170 Sister of mine, you're such a small little thing. 80 00:05:31,249 --> 00:05:33,627 Find a way in and spy on them. 81 00:05:38,882 --> 00:05:43,058 - You can't do this, Doctor. Mr Smith! -Maintain position over the stable yard. 82 00:05:43,136 --> 00:05:44,809 They're just boys, you can't ask them to fight. 83 00:05:44,888 --> 00:05:46,811 - They don't stand a chance! -They are cadets, Miss Jones. 84 00:05:46,931 --> 00:05:49,525 They are trained to defend the King and all his citizens and properties. 85 00:05:49,601 --> 00:05:52,605 What in thunder's name is this? 86 00:05:52,687 --> 00:05:56,237 Before I devise an excellent and endless series of punishments 87 00:05:56,316 --> 00:05:58,910 for each and every one of you, could someone explain, 88 00:05:58,985 --> 00:06:01,864 very simply and immediately, exactly what is going on? 89 00:06:01,946 --> 00:06:04,324 Headmaster, I have to report, the school is under attack. 90 00:06:04,407 --> 00:06:06,250 Really? Is that so? 91 00:06:07,410 --> 00:06:08,832 Perhaps you and I should have a word in private. 92 00:06:08,995 --> 00:06:11,043 No, I promise you, sir. I was in the village with Matron. 93 00:06:11,122 --> 00:06:14,342 It's Baines, sir, Jeremy Baines, and Mr Clark from Oakham Farm. 94 00:06:14,417 --> 00:06:15,760 They've gone mad, sir. They've got guns. 95 00:06:15,835 --> 00:06:19,635 They've already murdered people in the village. I saw it happen. 96 00:06:19,714 --> 00:06:21,808 - Matron, is that so? -I'm afraid it's true, sir. 97 00:06:21,883 --> 00:06:25,478 - Murder? On our own soil? -I saw it, yes. 98 00:06:26,554 --> 00:06:28,932 Perhaps you did well then, Mr Smith. 99 00:06:29,015 --> 00:06:31,017 And what makes you think the danger is coming here? 100 00:06:31,100 --> 00:06:35,196 - Well, sir, they said, um... -Baines threatened Mr Smith, sir. 101 00:06:35,271 --> 00:06:38,150 Said he'd follow him. We don't know why. 102 00:06:39,192 --> 00:06:40,944 Very well. 103 00:06:41,027 --> 00:06:43,906 You boys remain on guard, Mr Snell, telephone for the police. 104 00:06:44,030 --> 00:06:45,873 Mr Phillips, with me. We shall investigate. 105 00:06:45,949 --> 00:06:47,417 No! It's not safe out there. 106 00:06:47,492 --> 00:06:50,041 Mr Smith, it seems your favourite servant is giving me advice. 107 00:06:50,119 --> 00:06:52,213 You will control her, sir. 108 00:06:54,707 --> 00:06:56,709 Got to find that watch. 109 00:07:00,964 --> 00:07:03,137 Hold me, keep me safe. 110 00:07:03,216 --> 00:07:06,186 Keep me dark, keep me closed. 111 00:07:06,636 --> 00:07:09,264 The time is not right, not yet. 112 00:07:09,597 --> 00:07:13,067 Not while the Family is abroad. Danger! 113 00:07:16,062 --> 00:07:18,360 So, Baines, 114 00:07:18,439 --> 00:07:21,409 and one of the cleaning staff. There's always a woman involved. 115 00:07:21,567 --> 00:07:25,037 Am I to gather that some practical joke has got out of hand? 116 00:07:25,113 --> 00:07:28,083 Headmaster, sir. Good evening, sir. Come to give me a caning, sir? 117 00:07:28,157 --> 00:07:30,159 - Would you like that, sir? -Keep a civil tongue, boy. 118 00:07:30,243 --> 00:07:34,339 Now, come on, everyone. I suspect alcohol has played its part in this. 119 00:07:34,414 --> 00:07:35,757 Let's all just calm down. 120 00:07:35,832 --> 00:07:38,756 Who are these friends of yours, Baines, in fancy dress? 121 00:07:38,835 --> 00:07:43,181 Do you like them, Mr Phillips? I made them myself. 122 00:07:43,256 --> 00:07:46,886 I'm ever so good at science, sir. Look. 123 00:07:48,052 --> 00:07:50,931 Molecular fringe animation, fashioned in the shape of straw men. 124 00:07:51,014 --> 00:07:53,483 My own private army, sir. It's ever so good, sir. 125 00:07:53,558 --> 00:07:55,731 Baines, step apart from this company and come inside with me. 126 00:07:55,810 --> 00:08:00,782 No, sir. You, sir, you will send us Mr John Smith. 127 00:08:00,857 --> 00:08:03,110 That's all we want, sir, Mr John Smith, 128 00:08:03,192 --> 00:08:06,036 and whatever he's done with his Time Lord consciousness. 129 00:08:06,112 --> 00:08:08,911 Then we'd be very happy to leave you alone. 130 00:08:08,990 --> 00:08:12,039 You speak with someone else's voice, Baines. Who might that be? 131 00:08:12,118 --> 00:08:14,337 We are the Family of Blood. 132 00:08:14,454 --> 00:08:18,584 - Mr Smith said there had been deaths. -Yes, sir, and they were good, sir. 133 00:08:18,666 --> 00:08:20,714 Well, I warn you, the school is armed. 134 00:08:20,793 --> 00:08:23,592 All your little tin soldiers. 135 00:08:24,589 --> 00:08:27,058 But tell me, sir, 136 00:08:27,133 --> 00:08:30,057 -will they thank you? -I don't understand. 137 00:08:30,136 --> 00:08:34,312 What do you know of history, sir? What do you know of next year? 138 00:08:34,390 --> 00:08:37,769 - You're not making sense, Baines. -1914, sir. 139 00:08:38,478 --> 00:08:42,108 Because the Family has travelled far and wide looking for Mr Smith, 140 00:08:42,190 --> 00:08:44,659 and, oh, the things we have seen. 141 00:08:46,194 --> 00:08:48,196 War is coming. 142 00:08:48,279 --> 00:08:52,034 In foreign fields, war of the whole wide world 143 00:08:52,116 --> 00:08:55,370 with all your boys falling down in the mud. 144 00:08:55,453 --> 00:09:00,380 Do you think they will thank the man who taught them it was glorious? 145 00:09:00,458 --> 00:09:03,553 Don't you forget, boy, I have been a soldier. 146 00:09:03,628 --> 00:09:07,474 I was in South Africa. I used my dead mates for sandbags. 147 00:09:07,548 --> 00:09:09,801 I fought with the butt of my ri?e when the bullets ran out, 148 00:09:09,884 --> 00:09:12,558 and I would go back there tomorrow for King and country. 149 00:09:12,637 --> 00:09:14,639 Etcetera, etcete ra. 150 00:09:17,058 --> 00:09:20,938 Run along, Headmaster. Run back to school. 151 00:09:21,020 --> 00:09:23,443 And send us Mr Smith! 152 00:09:40,206 --> 00:09:43,380 Mr Phillips has been murdered. Mr Smith, can you tell me why? 153 00:09:43,459 --> 00:09:44,927 Honestly, sir, I have no idea. 154 00:09:45,002 --> 00:09:48,131 And the telephone line has been disconnected. We are on our own. 155 00:09:48,214 --> 00:09:51,514 Well, if we have to make a fight of it, then make a fight we shall. 156 00:09:51,592 --> 00:09:54,971 Hutchinson, we'll build a barricade within the courtyards. 157 00:09:55,054 --> 00:09:57,648 Fortify the entrances, build our defences. 158 00:09:57,723 --> 00:10:02,194 Gentlemen, in the name of the King we shall stand against them. 159 00:10:02,270 --> 00:10:05,524 - Yes, sir. - Right, come on. Let's get moving. 160 00:10:09,277 --> 00:10:10,654 Down! 161 00:10:11,362 --> 00:10:14,912 Barricade the kitchens. Secure the passageway to the stables. 162 00:10:14,991 --> 00:10:16,914 You little coward. 163 00:10:16,993 --> 00:10:19,166 You will do your duty, Latimer, with the rest of us. 164 00:10:19,245 --> 00:10:22,044 Sandbags to the north and west! 165 00:10:22,123 --> 00:10:25,468 Williams, you take charge. Pemberton, load the spare magazines with bullets. 166 00:10:25,585 --> 00:10:27,508 Take the magazine cut-off out. 167 00:10:28,421 --> 00:10:30,298 They've got an army. 168 00:10:31,757 --> 00:10:33,179 So do we. 169 00:10:34,260 --> 00:10:35,603 Soldiers. 170 00:10:36,345 --> 00:10:37,642 Soldiers! 171 00:10:55,114 --> 00:10:58,243 Ashington, we need water for the Vickers gun. See to it. 172 00:10:58,326 --> 00:11:00,499 Faster, all of you, faster. 173 00:11:04,373 --> 00:11:07,877 Lockley, when firing commences, you're in charge of the gathering. 174 00:11:08,002 --> 00:11:11,632 Peterson, that's not acceptable. Report to your senior officer. 175 00:11:28,814 --> 00:11:30,691 War comes to England 176 00:11:32,151 --> 00:11:33,949 a year in advance. 177 00:11:35,071 --> 00:11:38,917 Family of mine, wait. Hold the soldiers back. 178 00:11:39,533 --> 00:11:42,412 The Time Lord is playing some sort of trick. 179 00:11:42,495 --> 00:11:44,918 Discover him, Sister of mine. 180 00:11:46,791 --> 00:11:49,920 I know it sounds mad, but when the Doctor became human, 181 00:11:50,002 --> 00:11:52,346 he took the alien part of himself and he stored it inside the watch. 182 00:11:52,421 --> 00:11:54,844 It's not really a watch, it just looks like a watch. 183 00:11:54,966 --> 00:11:59,392 And "alien" means not from abroad, I take it? 184 00:11:59,470 --> 00:12:04,021 The man you call John Smith, he was born on another world. 185 00:12:04,100 --> 00:12:06,353 - A different species. -Yeah. 186 00:12:07,186 --> 00:12:09,905 Then tell me, in this fairy tale, 187 00:12:10,940 --> 00:12:12,692 who are you? 188 00:12:12,775 --> 00:12:14,027 Just a friend. 189 00:12:14,110 --> 00:12:18,331 I'm not... I mean, you haven't got a rival, as much as I might... 190 00:12:18,990 --> 00:12:21,209 -just his friend. -And human, I take it? 191 00:12:21,284 --> 00:12:24,163 Human, don't worry. More than that, I don't just follow him around, 192 00:12:24,245 --> 00:12:25,963 I'm training to be a doctor. 193 00:12:26,038 --> 00:12:28,712 Not an alien doctor, a proper doctor, a doctor of medicine. 194 00:12:28,791 --> 00:12:30,384 Well, that certainly is nonsense. 195 00:12:30,459 --> 00:12:32,553 Women might train to be doctors, but hardly the skivvy 196 00:12:32,670 --> 00:12:35,048 and hardly one of your colour. 197 00:12:35,464 --> 00:12:37,216 Oh, do you think? 198 00:12:39,427 --> 00:12:40,929 Bones of the hand. 199 00:12:41,012 --> 00:12:45,313 scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform. 200 00:12:45,391 --> 00:12:48,065 trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate. 201 00:12:48,185 --> 00:12:51,109 Then the metacarpal bones extending in three distinct phalanges: 202 00:12:51,230 --> 00:12:53,107 proximal, middle, distal. 203 00:12:53,190 --> 00:12:56,865 - Well, you read that in a book. -Yes, to pass my exams! 204 00:12:57,403 --> 00:13:00,998 - Can't you see this is true? -I must go. 205 00:13:01,073 --> 00:13:03,167 If we find that watch, we can stop them. 206 00:13:03,242 --> 00:13:04,664 Those boys are going to fight. 207 00:13:04,744 --> 00:13:07,543 I might not be a doctor, but I'm still their nurse. 208 00:13:07,621 --> 00:13:09,464 They need me. 209 00:13:13,127 --> 00:13:15,471 Son of mine, Wife of mine. 210 00:13:15,963 --> 00:13:18,967 Father of mine, what have you found? 211 00:13:19,091 --> 00:13:21,014 His Tardis. 212 00:13:21,093 --> 00:13:23,095 The Doctor can't escape. 213 00:13:25,306 --> 00:13:28,526 You're with Armitage and Thwaites, they know the drill. 214 00:13:30,353 --> 00:13:34,779 - Joan, it's not safe. -I'm doing my duty, just as much as you. 215 00:13:37,568 --> 00:13:39,991 Fine evening we've had together. 216 00:13:40,112 --> 00:13:42,080 Not quite as planned. 217 00:13:43,449 --> 00:13:45,577 Tell me about Nottingham. 218 00:13:46,452 --> 00:13:47,499 Sorry? 219 00:13:47,620 --> 00:13:51,045 That's where you were brought up, tell me about it. 220 00:13:53,959 --> 00:13:56,758 Well, it lies on the River Leen 221 00:13:56,837 --> 00:13:59,215 with its southern boundary following the course of the River Trent, 222 00:13:59,298 --> 00:14:01,801 which ?ows from Stoke to the Humber. 223 00:14:01,926 --> 00:14:04,975 That sounds like an encyclopaedia. Where did you live? 224 00:14:05,096 --> 00:14:06,313 Broadmarsh Street, 225 00:14:06,389 --> 00:14:08,938 adjacent to Hockley Terrace in the district of Radford Parade. 226 00:14:09,016 --> 00:14:10,734 More than facts. 227 00:14:11,268 --> 00:14:13,066 When you were a child, where did you play? 228 00:14:13,145 --> 00:14:14,988 All those secret little places, 229 00:14:15,106 --> 00:14:18,280 the dens and hideaways that only a child knows. 230 00:14:19,777 --> 00:14:22,371 Tell me, John, please, tell me. 231 00:14:22,488 --> 00:14:24,832 How can you think I'm not real? 232 00:14:26,158 --> 00:14:29,833 - When I kissed you, was that a lie? -No, it wasn't, no. 233 00:14:29,912 --> 00:14:35,009 But this Doctor sounds like some... Some romantic lost prince. 234 00:14:36,627 --> 00:14:38,504 Would you rather that? 235 00:14:40,798 --> 00:14:43,972 - Am I not enough? -No, that's not true, never. 236 00:14:44,260 --> 00:14:45,603 I've got to go. 237 00:14:45,678 --> 00:14:48,932 Martha was right about one thing. Those boys, they're children. 238 00:14:49,014 --> 00:14:52,894 John Smith wouldn't want them to fight, never mind the Doctor. 239 00:14:52,977 --> 00:14:55,947 The John Smith I was getting to know, 240 00:14:56,063 --> 00:14:58,111 he knows it's wrong. 241 00:14:58,190 --> 00:15:01,160 - Doesn't he? -Mr Smith, if you please! 242 00:15:02,862 --> 00:15:04,864 What choice do I have? 243 00:15:17,418 --> 00:15:19,011 Get those bags piled up, filth. 244 00:15:19,086 --> 00:15:21,214 They're going to mean the difference between life and death for us. 245 00:15:21,338 --> 00:15:24,558 - Not for you and me. -What are you babbling about? 246 00:15:24,800 --> 00:15:26,393 We go to battle together. 247 00:15:28,429 --> 00:15:30,773 We fight alongside. 248 00:15:30,890 --> 00:15:33,518 I've seen it. Not here, not now. 249 00:15:33,601 --> 00:15:38,027 - What's that supposed to mean? -It means you and I both survive this. 250 00:15:38,856 --> 00:15:40,608 And maybe... 251 00:15:40,733 --> 00:15:44,237 Maybe I was given this watch so I could help. 252 00:15:46,363 --> 00:15:47,990 I'm sorry. 253 00:15:48,073 --> 00:15:51,623 - Latimer, you filthy coward! -Oh, yes, sir, every time. 254 00:16:02,254 --> 00:16:04,097 What do I do? 255 00:16:06,133 --> 00:16:08,010 What do I do? What do I do? 256 00:16:08,093 --> 00:16:09,811 Beware! 257 00:16:09,929 --> 00:16:12,307 - Beware of what? - Her! 258 00:16:19,146 --> 00:16:20,363 Keep away. 259 00:16:20,439 --> 00:16:23,238 - Who are you? -I saw you at the dance. 260 00:16:23,609 --> 00:16:25,611 You were with that family, you're one of them. 261 00:16:25,694 --> 00:16:28,447 - What are you hiding? -Nothing. 262 00:16:28,572 --> 00:16:30,700 - What have you got there? -Nothing. 263 00:16:30,783 --> 00:16:32,706 Show me, little boy. 264 00:16:32,785 --> 00:16:36,961 I reckon, whatever you are, you're still in the shape of a girl. 265 00:16:37,581 --> 00:16:39,879 How strong is she, do you think? 266 00:16:39,959 --> 00:16:42,462 Does she really want to see this? 267 00:16:47,967 --> 00:16:49,560 - Time Lord! -Inside the device. 268 00:16:49,635 --> 00:16:53,640 Everything he is, concealed away in the hands of a schoolboy. 269 00:16:54,056 --> 00:16:56,684 But now we know that's all we need to find, 270 00:16:56,767 --> 00:16:59,395 the boy and the watch. 271 00:16:59,478 --> 00:17:02,982 What are we waiting for? Attack! 272 00:17:10,948 --> 00:17:12,416 Stand to! 273 00:17:22,710 --> 00:17:24,007 At post! 274 00:17:25,170 --> 00:17:27,093 Enemy approaching, sir. 275 00:17:31,719 --> 00:17:33,016 Steady. 276 00:17:33,596 --> 00:17:35,724 Find the biting point. 277 00:17:37,725 --> 00:17:38,897 Fear... 278 00:17:51,238 --> 00:17:52,410 Fire! 279 00:18:28,400 --> 00:18:29,902 Cease fire! 280 00:18:41,830 --> 00:18:43,423 Just straw. 281 00:18:44,249 --> 00:18:47,674 Like he said. Straw! 282 00:18:47,753 --> 00:18:50,848 Then no one is dead, sir. We killed no one. 283 00:18:54,218 --> 00:18:55,891 Stand to! 284 00:18:58,430 --> 00:19:01,149 You, child, come out of the way! Come into the school! 285 00:19:01,266 --> 00:19:02,688 You don't know who's out there. 286 00:19:02,768 --> 00:19:05,362 It's the Cartwright girl, isn't it? Come here, come to me. 287 00:19:05,437 --> 00:19:08,691 Mr Rocastle, please, don't go near her. 288 00:19:08,774 --> 00:19:13,075 - You were told to be quiet. -just listen to me, she's part of it. 289 00:19:13,153 --> 00:19:14,700 Matron, tell him. 290 00:19:14,780 --> 00:19:18,034 I think... I don't know, I think you should stay back, Headmaster. 291 00:19:18,117 --> 00:19:22,623 - Mr Smith. -She was with Baines in the village. 292 00:19:22,746 --> 00:19:25,465 Mr Smith, I've seen many strange sights this night, 293 00:19:25,541 --> 00:19:28,385 but there is no cause on God's earth that would allow me 294 00:19:28,460 --> 00:19:31,680 to see this child in the field of battle, sir. 295 00:19:32,047 --> 00:19:34,300 - Come with me. -You're funny. 296 00:19:34,967 --> 00:19:37,220 That's right. Now, take my hand. 297 00:19:37,720 --> 00:19:39,142 So funny. 298 00:19:45,060 --> 00:19:48,564 Now, who's going to shoot me? Any of you, really? 299 00:19:48,647 --> 00:19:50,490 Put down your guns. 300 00:19:50,607 --> 00:19:52,575 But, sir, the Headmaster. 301 00:19:52,651 --> 00:19:55,495 I'll not see this happen, not any more. 302 00:19:56,113 --> 00:19:59,538 You will retreat in an orderly fashion back through the school. 303 00:19:59,658 --> 00:20:01,080 Hutchinson, lead the way. 304 00:20:01,160 --> 00:20:03,037 - But, sir... -I said, lead the way. 305 00:20:03,162 --> 00:20:05,836 Well, go on, then. Run! 306 00:20:06,415 --> 00:20:08,042 - Soldiers! - Come on! 307 00:20:08,125 --> 00:20:10,253 Reanimate! 308 00:20:27,519 --> 00:20:29,647 Let's go, quick as you can! 309 00:20:29,730 --> 00:20:31,357 Don't go to the village, it's not safe! 310 00:20:31,440 --> 00:20:34,944 - And you, ladies. -Not till we've got the boys out. 311 00:20:35,652 --> 00:20:38,246 One of these boys has got the watch. 312 00:20:38,322 --> 00:20:40,495 - This one? - No. 313 00:20:40,616 --> 00:20:42,368 - This one? -No. 314 00:20:42,451 --> 00:20:44,203 - This one? - No. 315 00:20:44,870 --> 00:20:46,668 Get off me! I said get off! 316 00:20:46,747 --> 00:20:48,966 Ah! This one, is that him? 317 00:20:50,209 --> 00:20:51,381 No. 318 00:20:51,502 --> 00:20:54,051 Right, then we can kill this lot. 319 00:20:55,547 --> 00:20:57,549 Lord of time. 320 00:20:57,633 --> 00:20:59,510 - That's him. -Upstairs! 321 00:21:02,012 --> 00:21:04,891 Well, don't just stand there, outside! Come on, out! 322 00:21:13,065 --> 00:21:14,908 I insist, the pair of you, just go! 323 00:21:14,983 --> 00:21:18,328 If there are any more boys inside, I'll find them. 324 00:21:18,987 --> 00:21:20,785 I think... Retreat! 325 00:21:36,255 --> 00:21:38,974 Doctor! 326 00:21:40,342 --> 00:21:43,937 Doctor! 327 00:21:46,265 --> 00:21:49,769 Come back, Doctor. Come home! 328 00:21:50,435 --> 00:21:52,654 Come and claim your prize. 329 00:21:52,771 --> 00:21:56,116 Out you come, Doctor, there's a good boy. 330 00:21:56,191 --> 00:21:58,364 Come to the Family. 331 00:21:58,443 --> 00:22:00,696 Time to end it now! 332 00:22:00,779 --> 00:22:02,281 You recognise it, don't you? 333 00:22:02,406 --> 00:22:04,875 Come out, Doctor! 334 00:22:04,950 --> 00:22:06,418 Come to us. 335 00:22:06,493 --> 00:22:08,416 I've never seen it in my life. 336 00:22:10,122 --> 00:22:12,295 Do you remember its name? 337 00:22:13,917 --> 00:22:16,966 I'm sorry, John, but you wrote about it. 338 00:22:17,963 --> 00:22:20,967 The blue box, you dreamt of a blue box. 339 00:22:22,301 --> 00:22:23,678 I'm not... 340 00:22:25,137 --> 00:22:27,731 I'm John Smith. That's all I want to be, John Smith! 341 00:22:27,806 --> 00:22:30,184 With his life and his job. 342 00:22:31,685 --> 00:22:34,734 And his love. Why can't I be John Smith? Isn't he a good man? 343 00:22:34,813 --> 00:22:37,532 - Yes, yes, he is. -Why can't I stay? 344 00:22:39,151 --> 00:22:41,119 But we need the Doctor. 345 00:22:44,823 --> 00:22:46,996 And what am I, then? Nothing? 346 00:22:48,327 --> 00:22:50,045 I'm just a story. 347 00:22:56,335 --> 00:22:59,339 One more phase and we won't have to hunt. 348 00:22:59,463 --> 00:23:02,717 The Doctor, Mr Smith, the boy, the watch, 349 00:23:03,383 --> 00:23:05,260 they will come to us. 350 00:23:06,595 --> 00:23:08,893 Soldiers, guard this thing. 351 00:23:14,686 --> 00:23:17,360 This way, I think I know somewhere we can hide. 352 00:23:17,439 --> 00:23:19,988 - We've got to keep going. -just listen to me for once, John. 353 00:23:20,067 --> 00:23:21,694 Now, follow me. 354 00:23:23,862 --> 00:23:26,581 Power up. Fully armed and ready. 355 00:23:27,074 --> 00:23:32,001 Mother, Father and Sister of mine, prepare the armaments. 356 00:23:32,663 --> 00:23:35,542 I doubt that England is ready for this. 357 00:23:35,874 --> 00:23:38,297 Fix targets, and counting down. 358 00:23:42,923 --> 00:23:45,642 Here we are. It should be empty. 359 00:23:46,385 --> 00:23:50,106 Oh, it's been a long time since I've run that far. 360 00:23:50,222 --> 00:23:52,065 But who lives here? 361 00:23:52,140 --> 00:23:54,268 If I'm right, no one. 362 00:24:06,405 --> 00:24:07,577 Hello? 363 00:24:09,825 --> 00:24:12,749 No one home. We should be safe here. 364 00:24:12,828 --> 00:24:15,126 Whose house is it, though? 365 00:24:15,247 --> 00:24:16,669 The Cartwrights'. 366 00:24:16,748 --> 00:24:18,500 That little girl at the school, she's Lucy Cartwright, 367 00:24:18,583 --> 00:24:22,679 or she's taken Lucy Cartwright's form. If she came home this afternoon, 368 00:24:22,754 --> 00:24:26,349 and if the parents tried to stop their little girl, then... 369 00:24:26,425 --> 00:24:28,268 they were vanished. 370 00:24:29,970 --> 00:24:31,893 Stone cold. 371 00:24:32,014 --> 00:24:34,437 How easily I accept these ideas. 372 00:24:42,107 --> 00:24:44,656 I must go to them before anyone else dies. 373 00:24:44,776 --> 00:24:46,119 You can't. 374 00:24:47,529 --> 00:24:49,497 Martha, there must be something we can do. 375 00:24:49,614 --> 00:24:50,866 Not without the watch. 376 00:24:50,949 --> 00:24:54,169 You're this Doctor's companion, can't you help? 377 00:24:54,286 --> 00:24:58,462 What exactly do you do for him? Why does he need you? 378 00:24:59,082 --> 00:25:00,959 Because he's lonely. 379 00:25:02,252 --> 00:25:05,005 And that's what you want me to become? 380 00:25:09,342 --> 00:25:11,140 What if it's them? 381 00:25:13,221 --> 00:25:16,976 I'm not an expert, but I don't think scarecrows knock. 382 00:25:27,027 --> 00:25:28,870 I brought you this. 383 00:25:32,157 --> 00:25:33,500 Hold it. 384 00:25:33,575 --> 00:25:36,419 - I won't. -Please, just hold it. 385 00:25:36,495 --> 00:25:39,044 It told me to find you. It wants to be held. 386 00:25:39,164 --> 00:25:43,169 You've had this watch all this time? Why didn't you return it? 387 00:25:43,668 --> 00:25:45,670 Because it was waiting. 388 00:25:46,713 --> 00:25:50,308 Then because I was so scared of the Doctor. 389 00:25:50,383 --> 00:25:51,851 Why? 390 00:25:52,844 --> 00:25:54,187 Because 391 00:25:54,971 --> 00:25:56,518 I've seen him. 392 00:25:57,933 --> 00:26:01,858 He's like fire and ice and rage. 393 00:26:03,021 --> 00:26:06,241 He's like the night and the storm and the heart of the sun. 394 00:26:06,316 --> 00:26:08,318 - Stop it. -He's ancient and forever. 395 00:26:08,401 --> 00:26:11,154 He burns at the centre of time, and he can see the turn of the universe. 396 00:26:11,238 --> 00:26:13,161 Stop it! I said stop it. 397 00:26:13,240 --> 00:26:15,493 And he's wonderful. 398 00:26:22,582 --> 00:26:25,131 I've still got this, the journal. 399 00:26:25,752 --> 00:26:27,754 Those are just stories. 400 00:26:28,046 --> 00:26:30,970 Now we know that's not true. Perhaps there's something in here... 401 00:26:32,300 --> 00:26:33,927 What the hell? 402 00:26:37,931 --> 00:26:40,229 This will flush him out, this will do it! 403 00:26:40,308 --> 00:26:41,901 Super, super fun! 404 00:26:44,521 --> 00:26:46,740 They're destroying the village. 405 00:26:46,815 --> 00:26:48,237 The watch! 406 00:26:49,401 --> 00:26:51,369 John, don't. 407 00:26:51,444 --> 00:26:52,741 Closer. 408 00:26:52,821 --> 00:26:55,995 - Can you hear it? -Like he's asleep. 409 00:26:56,074 --> 00:26:58,873 - Waiting to waken. -Why did he speak to me? 410 00:26:58,952 --> 00:27:01,000 Oh, low level telepathic field, you were born with it. 411 00:27:01,079 --> 00:27:03,958 Just an extra synaptic engram, causing... 412 00:27:06,585 --> 00:27:09,213 - Is that how he talks? -That's him! 413 00:27:09,671 --> 00:27:11,765 All you have to do is open it, and he's back. 414 00:27:14,301 --> 00:27:17,145 You knew this all along and yet you watched while Miss Redfern and I... 415 00:27:17,220 --> 00:27:19,473 I didn't know how to stop you. 416 00:27:19,556 --> 00:27:23,527 He gave me a list of things to watch out for, but that wasn't included. 417 00:27:23,602 --> 00:27:26,401 Falling in love? That didn't even occur to him? 418 00:27:26,479 --> 00:27:29,278 - No. -Then what sort of man is that? 419 00:27:30,483 --> 00:27:32,281 And now you expect me to die? 420 00:27:33,904 --> 00:27:35,781 It was always going to end, though. 421 00:27:35,864 --> 00:27:37,912 The Doctor said the Family has got a limited life span, 422 00:27:37,991 --> 00:27:40,460 that's why they need to consume a Time Lord. 423 00:27:40,535 --> 00:27:43,254 Otherwise, three months and they die. 424 00:27:43,622 --> 00:27:45,590 Like may?ies, he said. 425 00:27:46,833 --> 00:27:49,256 So your job was to execute me? 426 00:27:50,795 --> 00:27:53,014 People are dying out there. 427 00:27:53,757 --> 00:27:56,135 They need him, and I need him. 428 00:27:56,218 --> 00:27:58,095 'Cause you've got no idea what he's like. 429 00:27:58,178 --> 00:28:02,103 I've only just met him, it wasn't even that long ago, but... 430 00:28:03,141 --> 00:28:05,018 He is everything. 431 00:28:05,435 --> 00:28:08,188 He's just everything to me, and he doesn't even look at me, 432 00:28:08,313 --> 00:28:09,986 but I don't care. 433 00:28:10,982 --> 00:28:13,076 'Cause I love him to bits. 434 00:28:13,235 --> 00:28:16,114 And I hope to God he won't remember me saying this. 435 00:28:19,157 --> 00:28:21,000 It's getting closer. 436 00:28:21,993 --> 00:28:24,337 I should have thought of it before. I can give them this! 437 00:28:24,454 --> 00:28:26,047 Just the watch. 438 00:28:26,164 --> 00:28:27,791 Then they can leave and I can stay as I am. 439 00:28:27,874 --> 00:28:29,091 You can't do that! 440 00:28:29,167 --> 00:28:30,669 If they want the Doctor, they can have him. 441 00:28:30,794 --> 00:28:33,673 - He'll never let you do it. -And if they get what they want, then... 442 00:28:33,755 --> 00:28:36,178 Then it all ends in destruction. 443 00:28:36,841 --> 00:28:38,639 I never read to the end. 444 00:28:38,718 --> 00:28:43,189 Those creatures will live forever, to breed and conquer. 445 00:28:43,265 --> 00:28:46,394 A war across the stars, for every child. 446 00:28:48,228 --> 00:28:53,280 Martha, Timothy, would you leave us alone, please? 447 00:29:27,434 --> 00:29:30,779 If I could do this instead of you, then I would. 448 00:29:35,275 --> 00:29:36,777 I'd hoped... 449 00:29:38,403 --> 00:29:40,826 But my hopes aren't important. 450 00:29:41,197 --> 00:29:43,074 He won't love you. 451 00:29:43,742 --> 00:29:46,712 If he's not you, then I don't want him to. 452 00:29:48,663 --> 00:29:51,587 I had one husband and he died and I... 453 00:29:51,666 --> 00:29:54,089 I never thought, ever again... 454 00:29:56,212 --> 00:29:57,714 And then you. 455 00:29:59,215 --> 00:30:02,435 - You're so... -And it was real, I wasn't... 456 00:30:04,387 --> 00:30:06,139 I really thought... 457 00:30:08,641 --> 00:30:10,109 Let me see. 458 00:30:10,852 --> 00:30:12,399 Blasted thing. 459 00:30:13,355 --> 00:30:15,073 Blasted, blasted thing. 460 00:30:15,148 --> 00:30:18,197 I can't even hear it, it says nothing to me. 461 00:30:41,174 --> 00:30:43,427 They're all safe, aren't they? 462 00:30:43,510 --> 00:30:45,638 The children, 463 00:30:46,388 --> 00:30:48,140 the grandchildren. 464 00:30:49,682 --> 00:30:51,400 Everyone's safe. 465 00:30:53,103 --> 00:30:54,821 Everyone's safe. 466 00:30:55,563 --> 00:30:59,033 - And they all send their love, John. -Well, then. 467 00:31:00,777 --> 00:31:02,120 It's time. 468 00:31:03,321 --> 00:31:04,664 Thank you. 469 00:31:11,079 --> 00:31:12,547 Did you see? 470 00:31:14,040 --> 00:31:16,589 The Time Lord has such adventures. 471 00:31:19,587 --> 00:31:22,466 But he could never have a life like that. 472 00:31:22,674 --> 00:31:24,347 And yet I could. 473 00:31:30,765 --> 00:31:32,813 What are you going to do? 474 00:31:38,606 --> 00:31:42,156 We'll blast them into dust, then fuse the dust into glass 475 00:31:42,235 --> 00:31:44,738 then shatter them all over again! 476 00:31:46,197 --> 00:31:47,414 Just... 477 00:31:49,742 --> 00:31:51,870 just stop the bombardment. 478 00:31:51,995 --> 00:31:54,839 That's all I'm asking. I'll do anything you want, just stop. 479 00:31:54,914 --> 00:31:56,587 Say please. 480 00:31:58,168 --> 00:31:59,465 Please. 481 00:32:03,298 --> 00:32:05,221 Wait a minute. 482 00:32:07,802 --> 00:32:09,804 Still human. 483 00:32:09,888 --> 00:32:12,482 Look, I can't pretend to understand, not for a second, 484 00:32:12,557 --> 00:32:15,356 but I want you to know, I'm innocent in all this. 485 00:32:15,477 --> 00:32:20,153 He made me John Smith. It's not like I had any control over it. 486 00:32:20,231 --> 00:32:24,737 He didn't just make himself human, he made himself an idiot. 487 00:32:25,195 --> 00:32:27,163 Same thing, isn't it? 488 00:32:27,238 --> 00:32:29,582 I don't care about this Doctor and your family, 489 00:32:29,657 --> 00:32:31,580 I just want you to go! 490 00:32:32,494 --> 00:32:34,588 So I've made my choice. 491 00:32:35,330 --> 00:32:37,082 You can have him. 492 00:32:38,249 --> 00:32:40,172 Just take it, please, take him away! 493 00:32:40,251 --> 00:32:41,628 At last! 494 00:32:48,635 --> 00:32:50,979 Don't think that's saved your life! 495 00:32:52,931 --> 00:32:54,649 Family of mine, 496 00:32:56,851 --> 00:32:59,855 now we shall have the lives of a Time Lord. 497 00:33:05,318 --> 00:33:06,991 It's empty! 498 00:33:09,948 --> 00:33:12,292 - Where's it gone? -You tell me! 499 00:33:12,951 --> 00:33:16,421 Oh, I think the explanation might be you've been fooled 500 00:33:16,496 --> 00:33:18,874 by a simple olfactory misdirection. 501 00:33:18,957 --> 00:33:21,756 A little bit like ventriloquism of the nose. 502 00:33:21,834 --> 00:33:23,836 It's an elementary trick in certain parts of the galaxy. 503 00:33:23,962 --> 00:33:25,680 But it has got to be said, 504 00:33:25,797 --> 00:33:28,471 I don't like the look of that hydrokinometer. 505 00:33:28,550 --> 00:33:30,973 It seems to be indicating you've got energy feedback 506 00:33:31,052 --> 00:33:32,725 all the way through the retrostabilisers, 507 00:33:32,804 --> 00:33:35,808 feeding back into the primary heat converters. 508 00:33:35,890 --> 00:33:37,358 Oh! 509 00:33:37,433 --> 00:33:40,232 'Cause if there's one thing you shouldn't have done, 510 00:33:40,311 --> 00:33:42,905 you shouldn't have let me press all those buttons. 511 00:33:42,981 --> 00:33:46,531 But, in fairness, I will give you one word of advice. 512 00:33:47,485 --> 00:33:48,828 Run. 513 00:33:50,238 --> 00:33:52,832 Get out! Get out! 514 00:34:22,687 --> 00:34:26,783 He never raised his voice, that was the worst thing. 515 00:34:26,858 --> 00:34:29,452 The fury of the Time Lord. 516 00:34:29,527 --> 00:34:31,279 And then we discovered why, 517 00:34:31,362 --> 00:34:34,536 why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, 518 00:34:34,616 --> 00:34:37,620 why he'd run away from us and hidden. 519 00:34:37,702 --> 00:34:39,500 He was being kind. 520 00:34:43,708 --> 00:34:46,006 He wrapped my father in unbreakable chains 521 00:34:46,085 --> 00:34:48,713 forged in the heart of a dwarf star. 522 00:34:50,590 --> 00:34:52,968 He tricked my mother into the event horizon 523 00:34:53,051 --> 00:34:56,305 of a collapsing galaxy, to be imprisoned there 524 00:34:57,639 --> 00:34:58,891 forever. 525 00:35:02,477 --> 00:35:06,823 He still visits my sister, once a year, every year. 526 00:35:08,024 --> 00:35:10,277 I wonder if one day he might forgive her, 527 00:35:10,360 --> 00:35:12,203 but there she is, can you see? 528 00:35:12,278 --> 00:35:15,373 He trapped her inside a mirror. 529 00:35:15,448 --> 00:35:18,668 Every mirror. If ever you look at your re?ection 530 00:35:18,743 --> 00:35:23,499 and see something move behind you, just for a second, that's her. 531 00:35:23,581 --> 00:35:25,583 That's always her. 532 00:35:27,502 --> 00:35:31,257 As for me, I was suspended in time, 533 00:35:31,339 --> 00:35:36,186 and the Doctor put me to work standing over the fields of England 534 00:35:36,260 --> 00:35:38,058 as their protector. 535 00:35:41,391 --> 00:35:43,610 We wanted to live forever. 536 00:35:44,644 --> 00:35:47,272 So the Doctor made sure that we did. 537 00:36:10,294 --> 00:36:11,762 Is it done? 538 00:36:12,964 --> 00:36:14,341 It's done. 539 00:36:15,675 --> 00:36:18,224 The police and the army are at school. 540 00:36:18,302 --> 00:36:20,270 Parents have come to take the boys home. 541 00:36:20,346 --> 00:36:23,350 I should go. They'll have so many questions. 542 00:36:23,891 --> 00:36:26,019 I'm not sure what to say. 543 00:36:29,397 --> 00:36:30,614 Oh. 544 00:36:32,024 --> 00:36:33,822 You look the same. 545 00:36:34,444 --> 00:36:37,323 Goodness, you must forgive my rudeness. I... 546 00:36:38,990 --> 00:36:41,163 I find it difficult to look at you. 547 00:36:41,284 --> 00:36:44,003 Doctor, must call you Doctor. 548 00:36:45,496 --> 00:36:46,998 Where is he? 549 00:36:48,416 --> 00:36:51,135 - John Smith. -He's in here, somewhere. 550 00:36:52,086 --> 00:36:53,633 Like a story. 551 00:36:54,380 --> 00:36:56,929 - Could you change back? -Yes. 552 00:36:58,176 --> 00:37:00,270 - Will you? -No. 553 00:37:03,306 --> 00:37:04,853 I see. 554 00:37:06,642 --> 00:37:08,019 Well, then. 555 00:37:11,355 --> 00:37:13,983 He was braver than you, in the end. 556 00:37:15,276 --> 00:37:17,404 That ordinary man. 557 00:37:19,238 --> 00:37:21,161 You chose to change, 558 00:37:22,158 --> 00:37:23,910 he chose to die. 559 00:37:26,287 --> 00:37:28,335 - Come with me. -Sorry? 560 00:37:28,790 --> 00:37:30,417 Travel with me. 561 00:37:31,501 --> 00:37:33,378 - As what? -My companion. 562 00:37:34,253 --> 00:37:36,221 But that's not fair. 563 00:37:37,715 --> 00:37:40,559 What must I look like to you, Doctor? 564 00:37:41,719 --> 00:37:44,518 - I must seem so very small. -No. 565 00:37:45,431 --> 00:37:48,059 We could start again. I'd like that. 566 00:37:48,434 --> 00:37:51,028 You and me, we could try, at least. 567 00:37:52,396 --> 00:37:55,445 'Cause everything that John Smith is and was, 568 00:37:56,484 --> 00:37:58,703 I'm capable of that, too. 569 00:37:59,779 --> 00:38:02,373 - I can't. -Please come with me. 570 00:38:02,448 --> 00:38:04,576 - I can't. -Why not? 571 00:38:07,036 --> 00:38:10,006 John Smith is dead, and you look like him. 572 00:38:13,584 --> 00:38:15,257 But he's here. 573 00:38:16,420 --> 00:38:17,763 Inside. 574 00:38:19,924 --> 00:38:22,018 If you look in my eyes... 575 00:38:23,928 --> 00:38:27,182 Answer me this, just one question, that's all. 576 00:38:28,766 --> 00:38:31,315 If the Doctor had never visited us, 577 00:38:32,103 --> 00:38:35,482 never chosen this place on a whim, 578 00:38:37,692 --> 00:38:40,411 would anyone here have died? 579 00:38:47,869 --> 00:38:49,667 You can go. 580 00:39:36,751 --> 00:39:38,845 Right, then, molto bene. 581 00:39:40,504 --> 00:39:42,427 How was she? 582 00:39:42,506 --> 00:39:44,179 Time we moved on. 583 00:39:44,258 --> 00:39:47,683 - If you want, I could go and... -Time we moved on. 584 00:39:48,554 --> 00:39:52,434 Erm, meant to say, back there last night, 585 00:39:52,558 --> 00:39:54,276 I would've said anything to get you to change. 586 00:39:54,352 --> 00:39:56,400 - Oh, yeah, course you would. -I wasn't really... 587 00:39:56,479 --> 00:39:57,651 - No, no, no. -Good. 588 00:39:57,730 --> 00:39:59,323 - Fine. -So there we are, then. 589 00:39:59,398 --> 00:40:01,492 There we are, then, yes. 590 00:40:02,693 --> 00:40:04,411 And I never said. 591 00:40:05,363 --> 00:40:07,661 Thanks for looking after me. 592 00:40:13,788 --> 00:40:15,506 Doctor, Martha. 593 00:40:16,207 --> 00:40:18,175 Tim Timothy Tim! 594 00:40:18,250 --> 00:40:20,548 I just wanted to say goodbye, 595 00:40:21,337 --> 00:40:22,884 and thank you. 596 00:40:23,005 --> 00:40:27,101 Because I've seen the future, and I now know what must be done. 597 00:40:27,677 --> 00:40:31,227 It's coming, isn't it? The biggest war ever. 598 00:40:31,347 --> 00:40:34,226 - You don't have to fight. -I think we do. 599 00:40:34,725 --> 00:40:36,398 But you could get hurt. 600 00:40:36,477 --> 00:40:38,275 So could you, travelling around with him, 601 00:40:38,354 --> 00:40:40,573 but it's not going to stop you. 602 00:40:40,648 --> 00:40:43,902 Tim, I'd be honoured if you'd take this. 603 00:40:49,281 --> 00:40:51,124 I can't hear anything. 604 00:40:51,200 --> 00:40:55,956 No, it's just a watch now. But keep it with you for good luck. 605 00:40:57,248 --> 00:40:59,125 Look after yourself. 606 00:41:07,758 --> 00:41:09,635 You'll like this bit. 607 00:41:31,657 --> 00:41:33,375 Incoming! 608 00:41:34,326 --> 00:41:36,704 In June, 1.974, 609 00:41:36,829 --> 00:41:40,629 an archduke of Austria was shot by a Serbian. 610 00:41:40,708 --> 00:41:44,588 And this then lead through nations having treaties with nations, 611 00:41:44,670 --> 00:41:47,514 like a line of dominoes falling, 612 00:41:47,590 --> 00:41:53,142 to some bays from England walking together in France on a terrible day. 613 00:41:53,888 --> 00:41:55,982 One minute past the hour. 614 00:41:56,849 --> 00:41:58,522 It's now. 615 00:41:58,642 --> 00:42:01,020 Hutchinson, this is the time, it's now. 616 00:42:02,646 --> 00:42:04,648 To the right, to the right! 617 00:42:14,700 --> 00:42:16,498 We made it. 618 00:42:19,622 --> 00:42:21,374 Thank you, Doctor. 619 00:42:23,417 --> 00:42:25,169 Come on, old chap. 620 00:42:26,212 --> 00:42:29,716 - Leave me. I'm not going to make it. -Oh, yes you are. 621 00:42:29,799 --> 00:42:31,392 Didn't I promise you all those years ago? 622 00:42:31,467 --> 00:42:34,016 Now, come on, and that's an order! 623 00:42:57,034 --> 00:43:00,288 ...they went with songs to the battle. They were young, 624 00:43:00,371 --> 00:43:05,298 straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. 625 00:43:05,376 --> 00:43:09,347 They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted. 626 00:43:09,421 --> 00:43:12,345 They fell with their faces to the foe. 627 00:43:14,009 --> 00:43:18,389 They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old. 628 00:43:19,849 --> 00:43:24,104 Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. 629 00:43:25,104 --> 00:43:28,734 At the going down of the sun and in the morning, 630 00:43:29,400 --> 00:43:31,653 we will remember them. 631 00:43:39,618 --> 00:43:41,461 Don't blink. 632 00:43:41,537 --> 00:43:43,505 Blink and you're dead. 633 00:43:43,873 --> 00:43:45,750 Don't turn your back, 634 00:43:45,833 --> 00:43:49,053 don't look away and don't blink. 635 00:43:51,797 --> 00:43:53,219 Good luck.