1 00:00:23,824 --> 00:00:24,991 Positions! 2 00:00:38,739 --> 00:00:39,872 (BEEPING) 3 00:00:42,176 --> 00:00:43,309 (POWER HUMMING) 4 00:00:43,410 --> 00:00:44,777 'Night, boys. 5 00:01:36,063 --> 00:01:38,364 (CREAKING) 6 00:01:53,647 --> 00:01:55,448 (ALARM BLARING) 7 00:02:01,955 --> 00:02:03,456 (SIREN WAILING) 8 00:02:04,525 --> 00:02:06,492 (MEN CHATTERING) 9 00:02:08,695 --> 00:02:10,163 Sorry, lover. 10 00:02:10,264 --> 00:02:11,697 (SIREN WAILING) 11 00:02:35,989 --> 00:02:37,890 We've got the place surrounded, sir. 12 00:02:49,703 --> 00:02:51,504 Hello. I'm so terribly sorry. 13 00:02:51,605 --> 00:02:54,373 That card-paying-device thing, that's a Lobster card, am I right? 14 00:02:54,474 --> 00:02:56,909 -Oyster card. -Ah, well, that's the problem, you see. 15 00:02:57,010 --> 00:02:59,178 I only use my Oyster when there's an "R" in the month. 16 00:02:59,246 --> 00:03:00,313 It's April. 17 00:03:00,414 --> 00:03:01,514 (SIRENS WAILING) 18 00:03:01,582 --> 00:03:02,748 Go, go, go! 19 00:03:03,150 --> 00:03:05,351 Diamonds. Genuine. 20 00:03:08,088 --> 00:03:10,656 -Drive. -Works for me. 21 00:03:14,795 --> 00:03:16,329 No sign of her on the pavement. 22 00:03:16,830 --> 00:03:18,331 Just in time, mate! 23 00:03:20,133 --> 00:03:21,267 (BEEPS) 24 00:03:30,744 --> 00:03:33,145 Hello, I'm the Doctor. Happy Easter! 25 00:03:35,349 --> 00:03:37,016 (DOCTOR WHO THEME) 26 00:04:10,450 --> 00:04:11,984 (SIREN WAILING) 27 00:04:12,085 --> 00:04:14,987 Right, close off the area. Get all these people cleared. 28 00:04:15,088 --> 00:04:16,689 She's got to be here somewhere. 29 00:04:16,790 --> 00:04:19,625 Robinson, clear the road! Get the whole place sealed off. 30 00:04:19,726 --> 00:04:21,160 She's on the bus. She's on the... 31 00:04:21,261 --> 00:04:25,131 Come on, get the car. It's definitely her, come on. Move it. 32 00:04:25,699 --> 00:04:27,700 Jackson, follow that bus! 33 00:04:30,137 --> 00:04:31,537 (SIRENS WAILING) 34 00:04:37,144 --> 00:04:39,478 Funny thing is, I don't often do Easter, I can never find it. 35 00:04:39,579 --> 00:04:43,482 It's always at a different time. Although, I remember the original. 36 00:04:43,583 --> 00:04:44,951 Between you and me, what really happened was... 37 00:04:45,018 --> 00:04:46,085 (BEEPING) 38 00:04:46,186 --> 00:04:47,954 Oh, sorry, hold on to that for me. 39 00:04:48,889 --> 00:04:50,423 Actually, go on, have it, finish it. 40 00:04:50,524 --> 00:04:53,693 It's full of sugar and I'm determined to keep these teeth. 41 00:04:53,794 --> 00:04:54,860 Ah! 42 00:04:55,462 --> 00:04:57,563 Oh, we've got excitation! 43 00:04:57,664 --> 00:04:58,931 (BEEPING) 44 00:04:59,032 --> 00:05:01,233 I'm picking up something very strange. 45 00:05:01,335 --> 00:05:02,401 (STATIC WARBLING) 46 00:05:02,502 --> 00:05:04,170 I know the feeling. 47 00:05:04,805 --> 00:05:06,372 (SIRENS WAILING) 48 00:05:06,873 --> 00:05:11,143 All units in pursuit, registration Whisky 974, 49 00:05:11,244 --> 00:05:14,146 Golf, Hotel, Mike. They're heading for the Gladwell Road Tunnel. 50 00:05:14,247 --> 00:05:17,249 Please stop all traffic, seal off the north end. 51 00:05:20,554 --> 00:05:22,755 The bus has entered the south entrance of the tunnel. 52 00:05:22,856 --> 00:05:24,090 Officers in pursuit. 53 00:05:24,191 --> 00:05:26,859 Units now arriving at the north entrance. 54 00:05:30,931 --> 00:05:33,199 (CHATTERING ON POLICE RADIO) 55 00:05:33,300 --> 00:05:35,234 Tango 1 83 at the far end, sir. 56 00:05:35,335 --> 00:05:38,471 I've sealed off the exit. There's no way out, over. 57 00:05:41,675 --> 00:05:43,676 I'm right behind. We've got her. 58 00:05:43,777 --> 00:05:46,145 Rhondium particles, that's what I'm looking for. 59 00:05:46,246 --> 00:05:48,247 This thing detects them. 60 00:05:48,348 --> 00:05:50,449 The little dish should go round, that little dish there. 61 00:05:50,550 --> 00:05:52,752 Right now, a way out would come in pretty handy. 62 00:05:52,853 --> 00:05:54,854 Can you detect me one of those? 63 00:05:56,456 --> 00:05:58,791 CARMEN: Lou, can you hear them? 64 00:05:59,393 --> 00:06:01,894 -Hear what, sweetheart? -The voices. 65 00:06:02,329 --> 00:06:05,164 So many voices. Calling to us. 66 00:06:05,265 --> 00:06:06,565 (VOICES WHISPERING) 67 00:06:06,666 --> 00:06:08,134 Calling so far. 68 00:06:09,202 --> 00:06:12,805 -Oh, the little dish is going round! -Fascinating. 69 00:06:14,975 --> 00:06:17,309 And round. Oh! 70 00:06:18,378 --> 00:06:21,680 -Excuse me. Do you mind? -Sorry, that was my little dish. 71 00:06:21,782 --> 00:06:23,949 Can't you turn that thing off? 72 00:06:24,551 --> 00:06:26,285 -What was your name? -Christina. 73 00:06:26,386 --> 00:06:28,487 Christina, hold on tight. 74 00:06:28,688 --> 00:06:29,922 Everyone! Hold on! 75 00:06:30,023 --> 00:06:31,490 (ALL SCREAMING) 76 00:06:31,591 --> 00:06:33,125 (CRASHING) 77 00:06:33,226 --> 00:06:37,496 The voices! The voices! They're screaming! 78 00:06:42,135 --> 00:06:43,736 What's going on? 79 00:06:53,146 --> 00:06:54,814 (GLASS SHATTERING) 80 00:06:59,619 --> 00:07:02,288 Tango 1 83, units in position, sir. 81 00:07:03,890 --> 00:07:07,660 Uh, sorry to report, but no sign of the bus, over. 82 00:07:08,428 --> 00:07:12,898 It's gone. Right in front of me. The bus has just gone. 83 00:07:14,901 --> 00:07:15,935 Over. 84 00:07:50,470 --> 00:07:51,971 End of the line. 85 00:07:56,376 --> 00:08:00,646 Call it a hunch, but I think we've gone a little bit further than Brixton. 86 00:08:17,531 --> 00:08:19,732 (CHIRRUPING) 87 00:08:22,369 --> 00:08:23,969 LOU: We should get out. 88 00:08:24,070 --> 00:08:27,840 Even if that's the Sahara, we can't stay onboard this thing. 89 00:08:27,941 --> 00:08:29,808 I'm not going out there. 90 00:08:29,910 --> 00:08:32,945 They're still calling. All around us. 91 00:08:33,046 --> 00:08:34,947 (VOICES WHISPERING) 92 00:08:35,582 --> 00:08:38,517 The voices are crying. 93 00:08:38,618 --> 00:08:40,586 What voices, sweetheart? 94 00:08:41,421 --> 00:08:42,821 The dead. 95 00:08:44,658 --> 00:08:47,693 We are surrounded by the dead. 96 00:08:57,404 --> 00:09:01,774 That's impossible. There are three suns. Three of 'em! 97 00:09:02,209 --> 00:09:04,410 Like when all those planets were up in the sky! 98 00:09:04,511 --> 00:09:06,879 But it was the Earth that moved back then, wasn't it? 99 00:09:06,980 --> 00:09:08,981 Oh, man, we're on another world! 100 00:09:09,082 --> 00:09:10,849 DRIVER: It's still intact, though. 101 00:09:10,951 --> 00:09:13,886 Not as bad as it looks, though, the chassis is still holding together. 102 00:09:13,987 --> 00:09:16,155 Oh, my boss is gonna murder me! 103 00:09:16,256 --> 00:09:17,489 Can you still drive it? 104 00:09:17,591 --> 00:09:21,927 Oh, no, no. The wheels are stuck. Look at them, they're never gonna budge. 105 00:09:22,028 --> 00:09:24,863 Dennison, listen. We've sealed off the far end. 106 00:09:24,965 --> 00:09:27,266 Nothing is to come through. 107 00:09:27,367 --> 00:09:29,902 But I don't understand, sir. How can a bus just disappear? 108 00:09:31,137 --> 00:09:33,205 Ready for every emergency. 109 00:09:37,711 --> 00:09:39,445 (MECHANICAL BUZZING) 110 00:09:41,414 --> 00:09:42,915 Me, too! 111 00:09:43,016 --> 00:09:45,251 -And what's your name? -I'm the Doctor. 112 00:09:45,352 --> 00:09:47,253 -Name, not rank. -The Doctor. 113 00:09:47,354 --> 00:09:48,587 -Surname? -The Doctor. 114 00:09:48,688 --> 00:09:51,323 -You're called "The Doctor"? -Yes, I am. 115 00:09:51,424 --> 00:09:54,627 That's not a name, that's a psychological condition. 116 00:09:54,728 --> 00:09:58,330 Funny sort of sand, this. There's a trace of something else. 117 00:09:59,332 --> 00:10:01,667 (EXCLAIMING IN DISGUST) 118 00:10:02,002 --> 00:10:05,304 -Blah, that's not good. -Well, it wouldn't be, it's sand. 119 00:10:05,405 --> 00:10:07,172 No, it tastes like... 120 00:10:08,842 --> 00:10:11,510 -Never mind. -What is it, what's wrong? 121 00:10:12,012 --> 00:10:15,714 Hold on a minute. I saw you, mate! You had that thing, that machine. 122 00:10:15,815 --> 00:10:16,982 Did you make this happen? 123 00:10:17,083 --> 00:10:19,518 Oh, humans on buses, always blaming me. 124 00:10:19,619 --> 00:10:20,919 Look, look, if you must know, 125 00:10:21,021 --> 00:10:23,555 I was tracking a hole in the fabric of reality. 126 00:10:23,657 --> 00:10:27,626 Call it a hobby. But it was a tiny, little hole, no danger to anyone. 127 00:10:27,727 --> 00:10:29,762 Suddenly it gets big and we drive right through it. 128 00:10:29,863 --> 00:10:31,430 Then where is it? 129 00:10:31,531 --> 00:10:34,733 There's nothing, there's just sand! 130 00:10:35,535 --> 00:10:37,136 DOCTOR: All right. 131 00:10:39,906 --> 00:10:43,742 If you want proof, we drove through this. 132 00:10:51,184 --> 00:10:52,484 What the hell was that? 133 00:10:53,486 --> 00:10:55,321 -And that's... -A door. 134 00:10:56,656 --> 00:10:58,324 A door in space. 135 00:10:58,425 --> 00:11:01,293 So what you're saying is, on the other side of that is home? 136 00:11:01,394 --> 00:11:03,228 We can get to London through there? 137 00:11:03,330 --> 00:11:05,831 The bus came through, but we can't. 138 00:11:05,932 --> 00:11:08,367 -Then what are we waiting for? -No, no, don't. 139 00:11:08,468 --> 00:11:10,169 -I'm going home, mate! -I said don't! 140 00:11:10,270 --> 00:11:11,570 (DRIVER SCREAMING) 141 00:11:11,671 --> 00:11:13,172 (CRACKLING) 142 00:11:20,046 --> 00:11:23,349 He was a skeleton, man! He was bones, just bones. 143 00:11:23,450 --> 00:11:27,753 Dennison, uh, I think we're out of our depth here. 144 00:11:27,854 --> 00:11:29,455 We need experts. 145 00:11:30,390 --> 00:11:33,325 Get me UNIT, Emergency Code One. 146 00:11:37,964 --> 00:11:40,999 The bus, look at the damage. 147 00:11:41,101 --> 00:11:43,402 It was the bus protecting us. 148 00:11:43,503 --> 00:11:46,805 -Great big box of metal. -Rather like a Faraday cage? 149 00:11:47,374 --> 00:11:49,775 Like in a thunderstorm, yeah? 150 00:11:50,043 --> 00:11:51,877 Safest place is inside a car, 151 00:11:51,978 --> 00:11:55,748 'cause the metal conducts the lightning right through. We did it in school. 152 00:11:55,849 --> 00:11:58,350 But if we can only travel back inside the bus... 153 00:11:58,451 --> 00:12:02,688 A Faraday cage needs to be closed. That thing's been ripped wide open! 154 00:12:02,989 --> 00:12:04,523 Slightly different dynamics with a wormhole. 155 00:12:04,624 --> 00:12:07,593 There's enough metal to make it work, I think. I hope. 156 00:12:07,694 --> 00:12:09,661 Then we have to drive five tonnes of bus, 157 00:12:09,763 --> 00:12:11,630 which is currently buried in the sand, 158 00:12:11,731 --> 00:12:14,199 and we've got nothing but our bare hands, correct? 159 00:12:14,300 --> 00:12:18,170 I'd say nine-and-a-half tonnes, but the point still stands, yeah. 160 00:12:18,271 --> 00:12:20,639 Then we need to apply ourselves to the problem with discipline. 161 00:12:20,740 --> 00:12:23,809 -Which starts with appointing a leader. -Yes, at last, thank you, so... 162 00:12:23,910 --> 00:12:25,310 Well, thank goodness you've got me. 163 00:12:25,412 --> 00:12:28,714 Everyone, do exactly as I say. Inside the bus, immediately! 164 00:12:28,815 --> 00:12:31,917 -Is it safe in there? -I don't think anything's safe any more. 165 00:12:32,018 --> 00:12:34,787 But if it's a choice between baking in there or roasting out here, 166 00:12:34,888 --> 00:12:36,789 I'd say baking is slower. 167 00:12:36,890 --> 00:12:39,124 Come on. All of you, right now! 168 00:12:40,293 --> 00:12:42,428 And you, "The Doctor." 169 00:12:42,495 --> 00:12:43,829 Yes, ma'am. 170 00:12:44,364 --> 00:12:46,331 CHRISTINA: Up, come on. 171 00:12:49,169 --> 00:12:51,804 Point five, the crucial thing is, do not panic. 172 00:12:51,905 --> 00:12:53,205 Quite apart from anything else, 173 00:12:53,306 --> 00:12:56,642 the smell of sweat inside this thing is reaching atrocious levels. 174 00:12:56,743 --> 00:12:58,310 We don't need to add any more. 175 00:12:58,411 --> 00:13:00,746 Point six, team identification. 176 00:13:00,847 --> 00:13:03,182 Names, I'm Christina. 177 00:13:03,283 --> 00:13:05,851 -This man is apparently "The Doctor". -Hello. 178 00:13:05,952 --> 00:13:07,786 -And you? -Nathan. 179 00:13:08,254 --> 00:13:11,056 -I'm Barclay. -Angela, Angela Whittaker. 180 00:13:11,524 --> 00:13:15,627 My name's Louis, everyone calls me Lou, and this is Carmen. 181 00:13:15,728 --> 00:13:18,964 Excellent. Memorise those names. There might be a test. 182 00:13:19,065 --> 00:13:22,201 Point seven, assessment and application of knowledge. 183 00:13:22,302 --> 00:13:24,703 Over to you, The Doctor. 184 00:13:24,804 --> 00:13:27,039 -I thought you were in charge. -I am. 185 00:13:27,140 --> 00:13:29,441 And a good leader utilises her strength. 186 00:13:29,542 --> 00:13:33,378 You seem to be the brainbox. So, start boxing. 187 00:13:34,047 --> 00:13:37,583 Right. So, the wormhole. 188 00:13:37,684 --> 00:13:40,953 We were in the wrong place at the wrong time, it was just an accident. 189 00:13:41,020 --> 00:13:43,188 No, it wasn't. 190 00:13:44,324 --> 00:13:49,862 That thing, the doorway, someone made it for a reason. 191 00:13:50,463 --> 00:13:52,030 How do you know? 192 00:13:53,166 --> 00:13:54,867 LOU: She's got a gift. 193 00:13:54,968 --> 00:13:58,704 Ever since she was a little girl, she can just tell things. 194 00:13:59,072 --> 00:14:02,941 -We do the lottery twice a week. -You don't look like millionaires. 195 00:14:03,042 --> 00:14:05,043 No, but we win £1 0. 196 00:14:05,712 --> 00:14:08,447 Every week, twice a week, £1 0. 197 00:14:09,148 --> 00:14:11,383 Don't tell me that's not a gift. 198 00:14:11,684 --> 00:14:14,152 Tell me, Carmen. How many fingers am I holding up? 199 00:14:14,220 --> 00:14:15,420 Three. 200 00:14:16,523 --> 00:14:18,624 -Four. -Very good. 201 00:14:19,125 --> 00:14:22,694 Low-level psychic ability, exacerbated by an alien sun. 202 00:14:23,530 --> 00:14:26,698 What can you see, Carmen? Tell me, what's out there? 203 00:14:27,901 --> 00:14:31,737 Something... Something is coming. 204 00:14:31,871 --> 00:14:33,272 (VOICES WHISPERING) 205 00:14:33,373 --> 00:14:35,173 Riding on the wind. 206 00:14:36,109 --> 00:14:38,710 -And shining. -What is it? 207 00:14:40,246 --> 00:14:41,413 Death. 208 00:14:42,482 --> 00:14:44,883 -Death is coming. -We're going to die. 209 00:14:44,984 --> 00:14:47,219 Oh, I knew it, man. I said so. 210 00:14:47,353 --> 00:14:48,587 We can't die out here, no one's gonna find us. 211 00:14:48,688 --> 00:14:50,989 -This isn't exactly helping. -Shut up, we're not your soldiers. 212 00:14:51,090 --> 00:14:52,758 -It's not doing any good. -You're upsetting her, be quiet. 213 00:14:52,859 --> 00:14:55,727 -Will we be bones, like the bus driver? -CHRISTINA: Stop whimpering, all of you. 214 00:14:55,828 --> 00:14:57,896 All right, now stop it, everyone, stop it! 215 00:14:57,964 --> 00:14:59,097 (SOBBING) 216 00:14:59,966 --> 00:15:03,468 Angela, look at me. Angela? Angela? Answer me one question, Angela. 217 00:15:03,570 --> 00:15:06,471 That's it, at me, at me. There we go. 218 00:15:06,673 --> 00:15:08,674 Angela, just answer me one thing. 219 00:15:08,775 --> 00:15:11,777 When you got on this bus, where were you going? 220 00:15:12,211 --> 00:15:14,947 -Doesn't matter now, does it? -Answer the question. 221 00:15:15,048 --> 00:15:17,282 -Just home. -And what's home? 222 00:15:17,650 --> 00:15:22,621 Me, and Mike and Suzanne, that's my daughter. She's 1 8. 223 00:15:22,722 --> 00:15:25,657 Suzanne. Good. What about you? 224 00:15:26,492 --> 00:15:30,495 -I don't know. Going round Tina's. -Who's Tina? Your girlfriend? 225 00:15:31,364 --> 00:15:32,464 Not yet. 226 00:15:32,565 --> 00:15:35,033 Good boy. What about you, Nathan? 227 00:15:35,134 --> 00:15:38,503 Bit strapped for cash, I lost my job last week. 228 00:15:39,539 --> 00:15:42,074 I was gonna stay in. Watch TV. 229 00:15:42,175 --> 00:15:45,010 -Brilliant. And you two? -I was going to cook. 230 00:15:45,111 --> 00:15:47,946 It's his turn tonight, then I clear up. 231 00:15:48,047 --> 00:15:50,349 -What's for tea? -Chops. 232 00:15:50,950 --> 00:15:54,720 Nice couple of chops and gravy. Nothing special. 233 00:15:54,821 --> 00:15:57,356 Oh, that's special, Lou. That is so special. 234 00:15:57,457 --> 00:15:59,124 Chops and gravy. Mmm! 235 00:15:59,225 --> 00:16:01,159 What about you, Christina? 236 00:16:01,260 --> 00:16:05,030 I was going...so far away. 237 00:16:05,732 --> 00:16:09,034 Far away. Chops and gravy. Watching TV. Mike and Suzanne, and poor old Tina. 238 00:16:09,135 --> 00:16:11,203 -Hey! -Just think of them. 239 00:16:11,304 --> 00:16:13,171 'Cause that planet out there, 240 00:16:13,272 --> 00:16:17,409 all three suns and wormholes and alien sand, that planet is nothing. 241 00:16:18,144 --> 00:16:22,047 You hear me? Nothing, compared to all those things waiting for you. 242 00:16:23,049 --> 00:16:25,417 Food and home and people. 243 00:16:26,953 --> 00:16:28,420 Hold on to that. 244 00:16:30,056 --> 00:16:32,891 'Cause we're gonna get there, I promise. 245 00:16:34,894 --> 00:16:36,828 I'm gonna get you home. 246 00:16:39,132 --> 00:16:40,766 (HELICOPTER BLADES WHIRRING) 247 00:16:53,613 --> 00:16:55,280 MAN 1 : Section one, assume position. 248 00:16:55,381 --> 00:16:57,482 Section two, assume position. 249 00:16:57,583 --> 00:17:01,186 MAN 2: Section three, assume position. MAN 3: Section four, assume position. 250 00:17:01,287 --> 00:17:04,389 MAN 1 : Spread out! MAN 2: Take basic intervention mode. 251 00:17:06,325 --> 00:17:07,859 -Isolate the area! -Yes, ma'am. 252 00:17:07,960 --> 00:17:09,961 Establish an exclusion zone. 253 00:17:10,063 --> 00:17:12,964 Any media, move them back. Any trouble, arrest them. 254 00:17:13,066 --> 00:17:14,066 SOLDIER: Yes, ma'am. 255 00:17:14,167 --> 00:17:17,169 I want the vehicles in a standard Procedure Five layout. 256 00:17:17,270 --> 00:17:20,238 All outreach officers will report to me via Sergeant Calhoun. 257 00:17:20,339 --> 00:17:21,540 -Is that understood? -Yes, ma'am. 258 00:17:21,641 --> 00:17:23,108 Captain, I'm Detective Inspector McMillan... 259 00:17:23,209 --> 00:17:24,409 Clear the area, thank you. 260 00:17:24,510 --> 00:17:27,713 Yes, but I was here when the thing... The bus with... The tunnel thing... 261 00:17:27,814 --> 00:17:30,582 I've read the report. Now clear the area! 262 00:17:30,683 --> 00:17:32,584 Pandovski, get these men out of the zone. 263 00:17:32,685 --> 00:17:34,886 Yes, but there's somebody on board that bus... 264 00:17:34,987 --> 00:17:36,922 -Just move back, sir. -She's mine! 265 00:17:37,023 --> 00:17:38,623 -Just move back, sir. -All right. 266 00:17:40,126 --> 00:17:41,626 Perimeter guard, stand ready. 267 00:17:41,728 --> 00:17:43,028 (GUNS COCKING) 268 00:17:44,063 --> 00:17:47,299 Stay alert. Any hostile activity, 269 00:17:48,901 --> 00:17:49,968 shoot to kill. 270 00:17:51,671 --> 00:17:53,972 -BARCLAY: Here we go! -That's my boys! 271 00:17:54,073 --> 00:17:56,041 You see, we lay a flat surface between the bus and the wormhole, 272 00:17:56,142 --> 00:17:57,943 like duckboards, and we reverse into it! 273 00:17:58,044 --> 00:18:00,078 Let some air out of the tyres, just a little bit. 274 00:18:00,179 --> 00:18:02,347 Spreads the weight of the bus, gives you more grip against the sand. 275 00:18:02,448 --> 00:18:04,683 -Oh, that's good! -Holidays in the Kalahari. 276 00:18:04,784 --> 00:18:07,686 -Yeah, but those wheels go deep. -Then start digging. 277 00:18:07,787 --> 00:18:09,988 -With what? -With this. 278 00:18:16,662 --> 00:18:18,230 Got anything else in there? 279 00:18:18,331 --> 00:18:21,900 Try that. Might help with the seats. 280 00:18:21,968 --> 00:18:23,168 Thanks! 281 00:18:23,736 --> 00:18:25,604 ANGELA: I can't find the keys. 282 00:18:25,705 --> 00:18:28,073 Buses don't have keys. There's a master switch. 283 00:18:28,174 --> 00:18:30,242 Then it's one button for start, the other one for stop, yeah? 284 00:18:30,343 --> 00:18:32,511 Right. Hold on. Oh, I've got it. 285 00:18:33,045 --> 00:18:35,814 Here we go, hold tight, ding-ding! 286 00:18:36,349 --> 00:18:38,049 (ENGINE SPUTTERING) 287 00:18:41,087 --> 00:18:43,188 Oh, that doesn't sound too good. 288 00:18:44,690 --> 00:18:45,891 Oh. 289 00:18:46,526 --> 00:18:50,562 Never mind losing half the top deck, do you know what's worse? Sand. 290 00:18:51,764 --> 00:18:55,167 Tiny little grains of sand. The engine's clogged up. 291 00:18:55,902 --> 00:18:57,502 Anyone know mechanics? 292 00:18:57,603 --> 00:19:00,605 Me, I did a two-week NVQ at the garage. 293 00:19:01,340 --> 00:19:02,741 -Never finished it, but... -Off you go, then. 294 00:19:02,842 --> 00:19:05,076 Try stripping the air filter, fast as you can. 295 00:19:05,178 --> 00:19:07,579 -I'll be back in two ticks. -Wait a minute. 296 00:19:07,680 --> 00:19:11,817 You're the man with all the answers. I'm not letting you out of my sight. 297 00:19:16,289 --> 00:19:18,190 (CHIRRUPING) 298 00:19:22,495 --> 00:19:24,229 Easier if you left that backpack behind. 299 00:19:24,330 --> 00:19:26,131 Where I go, it goes. 300 00:19:26,232 --> 00:19:28,700 A backpack, with a spade and an axe. 301 00:19:29,535 --> 00:19:33,772 Christina, who's going so far away and yet scared by the sound of a siren. 302 00:19:33,873 --> 00:19:36,007 -Who are you? -You can talk. 303 00:19:37,210 --> 00:19:39,945 Let's just say we're two equal mysteries. 304 00:19:40,046 --> 00:19:41,146 We'd make quite a couple. 305 00:19:41,247 --> 00:19:44,082 We don't make any sort of couple, thank you very much. 306 00:19:44,183 --> 00:19:46,318 Come on, then. Tell me. 307 00:19:46,419 --> 00:19:50,622 If Carmen's right, if that wormhole's not an accident, then what is it? 308 00:19:50,723 --> 00:19:53,625 -Has someone done this on purpose? -I don't know. 309 00:19:53,726 --> 00:19:54,926 But every single instinct of mine 310 00:19:55,027 --> 00:19:57,329 is telling me to get off this planet right now. 311 00:19:57,430 --> 00:20:00,265 -And do you think we can? -I live in hope. 312 00:20:00,366 --> 00:20:02,000 That must be nice. 313 00:20:04,804 --> 00:20:06,905 It's Christina de Souza. 314 00:20:07,006 --> 00:20:09,407 To be precise, Lady Christina de Souza. 315 00:20:09,508 --> 00:20:11,610 Oh, that's handy. 'Cause I'm a lord. 316 00:20:11,711 --> 00:20:13,745 Seriously? The Lord of where? 317 00:20:13,846 --> 00:20:16,047 It's quite a big estate. 318 00:20:16,148 --> 00:20:18,817 No, but there's something more about you. 319 00:20:19,552 --> 00:20:23,321 That device you were carrying, and the wormhole. Like you knew. 320 00:20:25,057 --> 00:20:28,226 And the way you stride around this place, like... 321 00:20:29,929 --> 00:20:32,631 -Like? -Like you're not quite... 322 00:20:34,667 --> 00:20:35,901 Anyway, come on! 323 00:20:36,002 --> 00:20:37,569 -Allons-y! -Oui, 324 00:20:37,670 --> 00:20:39,237 mais pas si nous allons vers un cauchemar. 325 00:20:39,338 --> 00:20:42,307 DOCTOR: (LAUGHING) We were made for each other! 326 00:20:43,009 --> 00:20:45,043 Ah, don't like the look of that. 327 00:20:45,144 --> 00:20:48,179 CHRISTINA: Storm clouds. Must be hundreds of miles away. 328 00:20:48,281 --> 00:20:49,881 But getting closer. 329 00:20:49,982 --> 00:20:52,717 If that's a sandstorm, we'll get ripped to shreds. 330 00:20:52,818 --> 00:20:55,820 It's a storm. Who said it's sand? 331 00:20:59,825 --> 00:21:01,826 Closer and closer and closer. 332 00:21:02,628 --> 00:21:04,129 Where is it? 333 00:21:04,230 --> 00:21:06,564 There, there, on the seat. 334 00:21:06,666 --> 00:21:08,633 You're hardly going to get a signal, we're on another planet! 335 00:21:08,734 --> 00:21:10,402 Oh, just watch me. 336 00:21:10,503 --> 00:21:13,438 Right, now, bit of hush, thank you! 337 00:21:13,539 --> 00:21:16,141 I've got to remember the number, a very important number. 338 00:21:16,242 --> 00:21:17,809 (PHONE RINGS) 339 00:21:17,910 --> 00:21:19,544 MAN: Hello, Pizza Geronimo. 340 00:21:19,645 --> 00:21:22,647 Then again! Ah! Seven-six not six-seven. 341 00:21:22,748 --> 00:21:24,149 (DIALLING) 342 00:21:24,250 --> 00:21:25,483 (PHONE RINGS) 343 00:21:26,085 --> 00:21:29,120 MALE VOICE: This is the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. 344 00:21:29,221 --> 00:21:32,324 Please select one of the following four options. 345 00:21:32,425 --> 00:21:33,692 Oh, I hate these things! 346 00:21:33,793 --> 00:21:37,062 No, if you keep your finger pressed on zero, you get through to a real person. 347 00:21:37,163 --> 00:21:39,364 -I saw it on Watchdog. -Thank you, Angela. 348 00:21:39,465 --> 00:21:41,766 WOMAN: UNIT helpline, which department would you like? 349 00:21:41,867 --> 00:21:43,702 Listen, it's the Doctor! It's me! 350 00:21:45,805 --> 00:21:48,206 Captain! Urgent call, ma'am, relayed direct from HQ. 351 00:21:48,307 --> 00:21:51,376 -Who is it? -It's him, ma'am. It's the Doctor. 352 00:21:54,347 --> 00:21:57,816 Doctor, this is Captain Erisa Magambo. 353 00:21:58,784 --> 00:22:02,020 Might I say, sir, it's an honour. 354 00:22:02,121 --> 00:22:03,855 Did you just salute? 355 00:22:05,658 --> 00:22:06,691 No. 356 00:22:06,792 --> 00:22:09,127 Erisa, it's about the bus. HQ said you're at the tunnel, yeah? 357 00:22:09,228 --> 00:22:11,062 -And where are you? -I'm on the bus. 358 00:22:11,163 --> 00:22:13,765 But apart from that, not a clue. 359 00:22:13,866 --> 00:22:17,569 Except it's very pretty and pretty dangerous. 360 00:22:17,670 --> 00:22:21,639 A body came through here. Have you sustained any more fatalities? 361 00:22:21,741 --> 00:22:24,409 No, and we're not going to. But I'm stuck, I haven't got the TARDIS, 362 00:22:24,510 --> 00:22:26,011 and I need to analyse that wormhole. 363 00:22:26,112 --> 00:22:29,748 We have a scientific adviser on site, Dr Malcolm Taylor. 364 00:22:30,783 --> 00:22:32,984 Just the man you need, he's a genius. 365 00:22:33,085 --> 00:22:35,820 DOCTOR: Oh, is he? We'll see about that. 366 00:22:36,622 --> 00:22:40,125 -Here's the Doctor. -No, I'm all right now, thanks. 367 00:22:40,226 --> 00:22:42,427 It was just a little bit of a sore throat. 368 00:22:42,528 --> 00:22:45,430 Although, I've got to be honest, a cup of tea might be nice. 369 00:22:45,531 --> 00:22:47,365 It's The Doctor. 370 00:22:52,671 --> 00:22:56,708 Do you mean "The Doctor" Doctor? 371 00:22:56,809 --> 00:23:00,111 I know, we all want to meet him one day, 372 00:23:00,212 --> 00:23:01,579 but we all know what that day will bring. 373 00:23:01,680 --> 00:23:03,548 DOCTOR: I can hear everything you're saying. 374 00:23:03,649 --> 00:23:06,051 (EXCLAIMS INCREDULOUSLY) 375 00:23:09,655 --> 00:23:14,292 -Hello, Doctor. Oh, my goodness! -Yes, I am. Hello, Malcolm! 376 00:23:14,360 --> 00:23:16,027 (CHUCKLES) 377 00:23:16,128 --> 00:23:18,396 The Doctor! Cor blimey! 378 00:23:18,497 --> 00:23:20,865 I can't believe I'm actually speaking to you! 379 00:23:20,966 --> 00:23:23,568 -I mean, I've read all the files! -Really? 380 00:23:23,669 --> 00:23:24,769 What was your favourite, The Giant Robot? 381 00:23:24,870 --> 00:23:26,938 No, no, hold on, let's sort out that wormhole. 382 00:23:27,039 --> 00:23:29,607 -Excuse me. -On speakerphone, please. 383 00:23:31,410 --> 00:23:33,645 I don't want anyone keeping secrets. 384 00:23:33,746 --> 00:23:35,046 Malcolm, something's not making sense here. 385 00:23:35,147 --> 00:23:36,681 I've got a storm and a wormhole 386 00:23:36,782 --> 00:23:38,349 and I can't help thinking there's a connection. 387 00:23:38,451 --> 00:23:41,352 I need a complete full-range analysis of that wormhole, the whole thing. 388 00:23:41,454 --> 00:23:44,823 Well, I've probably got the wrong idea, but I've wired up an integrator. 389 00:23:44,924 --> 00:23:46,624 I thought it could measure the energy signature. 390 00:23:46,725 --> 00:23:48,159 No, no, no, that'll never work. Just listen to me. 391 00:23:48,260 --> 00:23:49,761 It's quite extraordinary, though! 392 00:23:49,862 --> 00:23:53,331 I'm measuring an oscillation of 15 Malcolms per second. 393 00:23:53,432 --> 00:23:55,166 -Fifteen what? -Fifteen Malcolms. 394 00:23:55,267 --> 00:23:58,636 It's my own little term. A wavelength parcel of 1 0 kilohertz 395 00:23:58,737 --> 00:24:01,940 operating in four dimensions equals one Malcolm. 396 00:24:02,374 --> 00:24:06,277 You named a unit of measurement after yourself? 397 00:24:06,378 --> 00:24:07,846 Well, it didn't do Mr Watt any harm. 398 00:24:07,947 --> 00:24:11,082 Furthermore, 100 Malcolms equals a Bernard. 399 00:24:11,183 --> 00:24:12,450 Who's that, your dad? 400 00:24:12,551 --> 00:24:15,286 Don't be ridiculous, that's Quatermass. 401 00:24:15,387 --> 00:24:16,754 Right. 402 00:24:16,856 --> 00:24:19,791 Fine. But before I die of old age, 403 00:24:19,892 --> 00:24:22,827 which in my case would be quite an achievement, so congratulations on that, 404 00:24:22,928 --> 00:24:24,429 is there anyone else I can talk to? 405 00:24:24,530 --> 00:24:26,364 No, no, no, no, but listen. 406 00:24:26,465 --> 00:24:30,869 I set the scanner to register what it can't detect and inverted the image. 407 00:24:31,737 --> 00:24:33,805 -You did what? -Is that wrong? 408 00:24:33,906 --> 00:24:37,008 No, Malcolm, that's brilliant! So you can actually measure the wormhole. 409 00:24:37,109 --> 00:24:39,444 Okay, I admit, that is genius. 410 00:24:40,112 --> 00:24:42,480 -The Doctor called me a genius. -I know, I heard. 411 00:24:42,581 --> 00:24:44,315 Now, run a capacity scan. I need a full report. 412 00:24:44,416 --> 00:24:47,519 Call me back when you've done it. And, Malcolm? 413 00:24:48,854 --> 00:24:51,890 -You're my new best friend! -And you're mine, too, sir. 414 00:24:52,458 --> 00:24:55,827 -Barclay, I'm holding on to this. -Then you'd better bring it back! 415 00:24:58,097 --> 00:25:01,132 You're, you're mine... He's gone. He's gone. 416 00:25:05,671 --> 00:25:07,172 (CHIRRUPING) 417 00:25:09,408 --> 00:25:13,144 DOCTOR: Send this back to Earth, see if Malcolm can analyse the storm. 418 00:25:13,245 --> 00:25:16,548 There's something in those clouds. Something shining, look. 419 00:25:16,649 --> 00:25:17,815 (CAMERA CLICKS) 420 00:25:18,450 --> 00:25:20,385 DOCTOR: Like metal. 421 00:25:20,486 --> 00:25:22,954 CHRISTINA: Why would there be metal in a storm? 422 00:25:23,055 --> 00:25:27,559 So fast and strong, they ride the storm. 423 00:25:27,693 --> 00:25:29,360 (VOICES WHISPERING) 424 00:25:29,662 --> 00:25:31,529 They are the storm. 425 00:25:32,631 --> 00:25:34,098 What are they? 426 00:25:36,302 --> 00:25:37,468 They devour. 427 00:25:37,570 --> 00:25:38,970 (CHIRRUPING) 428 00:25:39,071 --> 00:25:41,940 -Did you hear something? -Hold on. Busy. 429 00:25:42,041 --> 00:25:44,442 There was a noise, like a sort of... 430 00:25:44,543 --> 00:25:45,610 (GRUNTING) 431 00:25:45,711 --> 00:25:46,978 (CHIRRUPING) 432 00:25:48,280 --> 00:25:49,581 Doctor... 433 00:25:52,051 --> 00:25:53,351 There's something new. 434 00:25:53,452 --> 00:25:55,119 (CHIRRUPING) 435 00:25:55,221 --> 00:25:56,387 (GRUNTING) 436 00:25:56,488 --> 00:25:58,156 (MOUTHING) 437 00:25:58,257 --> 00:26:01,392 That's "wait". I shout "wait", people usually wait. 438 00:26:01,493 --> 00:26:03,361 -You speak the language? -Every language. 439 00:26:03,462 --> 00:26:04,963 (CHIRRUPING) 440 00:26:05,064 --> 00:26:06,164 (GRUNTING) 441 00:26:06,265 --> 00:26:07,799 (CHIRRUPING) 442 00:26:07,900 --> 00:26:09,634 That's begging for mercy. 443 00:26:09,735 --> 00:26:11,069 (CHIRRUPING) 444 00:26:11,170 --> 00:26:13,605 -That means "move". -Oh, you're learning. 445 00:26:19,812 --> 00:26:22,080 CHRISTINA: These fly things, they must be responsible. 446 00:26:22,181 --> 00:26:23,248 They brought us here. 447 00:26:23,349 --> 00:26:25,383 DOCTOR: No, no, no, no! Look at the ship, it's a wreck. 448 00:26:25,484 --> 00:26:27,518 They crashed just like us. 449 00:26:29,255 --> 00:26:31,889 CHRISTINA: Oh, but this place is freezing! 450 00:26:31,991 --> 00:26:34,726 DOCTOR: Hmm. The hull's made of Photafine steel. 451 00:26:37,496 --> 00:26:38,930 Turns cold when it's hot. 452 00:26:39,031 --> 00:26:41,833 Boiling desert outside, freezing ship inside. 453 00:26:41,934 --> 00:26:44,202 Since I met you, Christina, we've been through all the extremes. 454 00:26:44,303 --> 00:26:46,804 That's how I like things. Extreme. 455 00:26:48,107 --> 00:26:49,641 (HISSING) 456 00:26:49,742 --> 00:26:51,009 (CHIRRUPING) 457 00:26:51,110 --> 00:26:53,544 Oh, this is beautiful. 458 00:26:53,646 --> 00:26:57,515 Intact, it must've been magnificent. A proper, streamlined deep-spacer! 459 00:26:57,616 --> 00:26:59,717 Oh, I'll remember that as I'm being slowly tortured. 460 00:26:59,818 --> 00:27:04,055 At least I'm bleeding on the floor of a really well-designed spaceship. 461 00:27:07,926 --> 00:27:10,962 (CHIRRUPING) 462 00:27:14,967 --> 00:27:17,235 Oh, right, good, yes. Hello! 463 00:27:17,336 --> 00:27:20,004 That's a telepathic translator. He can understand us. 464 00:27:20,105 --> 00:27:21,706 (WARBLING) 465 00:27:22,908 --> 00:27:25,009 Still sounds like gibberish to me. 466 00:27:25,110 --> 00:27:27,145 That's what I said, he can understand us. 467 00:27:27,246 --> 00:27:29,314 Doesn't work the other way round. 468 00:27:29,415 --> 00:27:31,115 (CHIRRUPING) 469 00:27:31,216 --> 00:27:34,319 "You will suffer for your crimes." 470 00:27:36,288 --> 00:27:40,792 Et cetera. "You have committed an act of violence 471 00:27:40,893 --> 00:27:44,429 "against the Tritovore race." Tritovores, they're called Tritovores. 472 00:27:44,530 --> 00:27:48,533 "You came here in the 200 to destroy us." 473 00:27:48,967 --> 00:27:50,635 Sorry, what's the 200? 474 00:27:50,736 --> 00:27:53,738 It's the bus, number 200, they mean the bus. 475 00:27:53,839 --> 00:27:56,474 Oh, no, look, I think you're making the same mistake Christina did. 476 00:27:56,575 --> 00:27:58,409 I'm the Doctor, by the way, and this is Christina, 477 00:27:58,510 --> 00:28:01,379 the honourable Lady Christina, at least I hope she's honourable. 478 00:28:01,480 --> 00:28:04,849 But we got pulled through that wormhole. The 200 doesn't look like that normally. 479 00:28:04,950 --> 00:28:06,718 It's broken, just the same as you. 480 00:28:06,819 --> 00:28:08,820 (CHIRRUPING) 481 00:28:13,092 --> 00:28:15,793 -What are they doing? -They believe me! 482 00:28:15,894 --> 00:28:19,464 -What, simple as that? -I've got a very honest face. 483 00:28:19,565 --> 00:28:22,633 And the translator says I'm telling the truth. 484 00:28:22,735 --> 00:28:24,502 Plus, the face. 485 00:28:24,603 --> 00:28:26,637 Right! So, first things first, 486 00:28:26,739 --> 00:28:30,541 there's a very strange storm heading our way, can you send out a probe? 487 00:28:30,642 --> 00:28:32,176 (CHIRRUPING) 488 00:28:32,611 --> 00:28:35,046 Oh. They've lost power. 489 00:28:36,815 --> 00:28:40,351 Hmm. The crash knocked the mainline crystallography out of synch, 490 00:28:40,452 --> 00:28:43,788 but if I can jiggle it back... 491 00:28:43,856 --> 00:28:44,956 (GRUNTING) 492 00:28:45,057 --> 00:28:46,290 (MACHINE WHIRRING) 493 00:28:46,392 --> 00:28:47,525 I thank you! 494 00:28:47,626 --> 00:28:48,993 (CHIRRUPING) 495 00:28:49,094 --> 00:28:51,863 Yes, I am! Frequently. 496 00:28:51,964 --> 00:28:55,166 Okey-doke, let's launch that probe. 497 00:29:01,407 --> 00:29:05,109 The Scorpion Nebula. We're on the other side of the universe. 498 00:29:05,210 --> 00:29:07,378 Just what you wanted, so far away. 499 00:29:09,982 --> 00:29:12,150 The planet of San Helios. 500 00:29:13,018 --> 00:29:14,619 And that's us. 501 00:29:15,087 --> 00:29:16,788 We're on another world. 502 00:29:16,889 --> 00:29:19,991 -We have been for quite a while. -I know, but seeing it like that... 503 00:29:20,092 --> 00:29:22,593 -It's good, isn't it? -Wonderful. 504 00:29:22,694 --> 00:29:24,061 (CHIRRUPING RAPIDLY) 505 00:29:24,129 --> 00:29:25,663 (GRUNTING) 506 00:29:25,764 --> 00:29:28,499 The Tritovores were going to trade with San Helios. 507 00:29:29,802 --> 00:29:31,969 Population of 1 00 billion. 508 00:29:32,070 --> 00:29:34,238 Plenty of waste matter for them to absorb. 509 00:29:34,339 --> 00:29:35,840 By waste matter, you mean... 510 00:29:35,941 --> 00:29:38,643 They feed off what others leave behind. 511 00:29:39,044 --> 00:29:40,478 From their... 512 00:29:40,946 --> 00:29:41,979 Behind, 513 00:29:42,080 --> 00:29:44,549 if you see what I mean. It's perfectly natural. They are flies. 514 00:29:44,650 --> 00:29:46,984 Charming. Just remind me never to kiss them. 515 00:29:47,085 --> 00:29:48,920 (CHIRRUPING) 516 00:29:50,689 --> 00:29:54,091 DOCTOR: San Helios City. CHRISTINA: That's amazing. 517 00:29:55,461 --> 00:29:59,330 But you've seen this sort of thing before, haven't you? 518 00:29:59,431 --> 00:30:01,199 DOCTOR: Thousands of times. 519 00:30:01,300 --> 00:30:04,101 That Lordship of yours. The Lord of where, exactly? 520 00:30:04,203 --> 00:30:09,073 Of Time. I come from a race of people called Time Lords. 521 00:30:09,174 --> 00:30:11,209 -You're an alien? -Yeah. 522 00:30:11,310 --> 00:30:13,578 But you don't have to kiss me either. 523 00:30:13,679 --> 00:30:16,047 -You look human. -You look Time Lord. 524 00:30:19,451 --> 00:30:21,819 -Anyway... -So, if that's San Helios, 525 00:30:21,920 --> 00:30:25,389 all we need to do is find that city. They can help us! 526 00:30:25,491 --> 00:30:27,458 I don't think it's that simple. 527 00:30:33,031 --> 00:30:35,399 We're in the city right now. 528 00:30:36,468 --> 00:30:38,369 CHRISTINA: But it's sand. 529 00:30:38,704 --> 00:30:41,005 That first image, the temples and things, what's that, then? 530 00:30:41,106 --> 00:30:42,273 Ancient history? 531 00:30:42,374 --> 00:30:44,709 (CHIRRUPING) 532 00:30:45,310 --> 00:30:49,647 -The image was taken last year. -It became a desert in one year? 533 00:30:51,216 --> 00:30:53,818 I said there was something in the sand. 534 00:30:57,055 --> 00:31:02,727 The city, the oceans, the mountains, the wildlife, 535 00:31:03,295 --> 00:31:06,063 and 1 00 billion people, turned to sand. 536 00:31:07,065 --> 00:31:09,467 All those voices in Carmen's head. 537 00:31:10,769 --> 00:31:12,703 She's hearing them die. 538 00:31:13,138 --> 00:31:15,506 But I've got sand in my hair. 539 00:31:15,607 --> 00:31:18,276 That's dead people! Oh, that's disgusting! Oh! 540 00:31:18,377 --> 00:31:20,678 Something destroyed the whole of San Helios. 541 00:31:20,779 --> 00:31:22,246 Yes, but in my hair! 542 00:31:22,347 --> 00:31:23,548 (MOBILE PHONE RINGING) 543 00:31:25,417 --> 00:31:27,118 DOCTOR: Malcolm! Tell me the bad news! 544 00:31:27,219 --> 00:31:28,853 Oh, you are clever! 545 00:31:30,022 --> 00:31:31,489 It is bad news! 546 00:31:32,190 --> 00:31:35,226 It's the wormhole, Doctor, it's getting bigger! 547 00:31:35,327 --> 00:31:39,830 We've gone way past 100 Bernards, I haven't invented a name for that. 548 00:31:39,932 --> 00:31:41,165 How can it get bigger by itself? 549 00:31:41,266 --> 00:31:42,567 (BEEPING) 550 00:31:42,668 --> 00:31:46,604 That's why I'm phoning! You'll work it out, if I know you, sir! 551 00:31:47,039 --> 00:31:50,841 Doctor, we estimate the circumference of your invisible wormhole 552 00:31:50,943 --> 00:31:53,945 is now four miles, heading outwards. 553 00:31:54,046 --> 00:31:56,247 I've grounded all flights above London, 554 00:31:56,348 --> 00:31:57,982 we can't risk anyone else falling through. 555 00:31:58,083 --> 00:32:01,118 -Good work, both of you. -But I have to know. 556 00:32:01,219 --> 00:32:03,054 Does that wormhole constitute a danger to this planet? 557 00:32:03,121 --> 00:32:04,288 (BEEPING) 558 00:32:04,389 --> 00:32:06,023 Oh, sorry, call waiting. Gotta go! 559 00:32:06,358 --> 00:32:09,160 -Call waiting? -He's a devil, that one! 560 00:32:10,629 --> 00:32:13,064 -Yeah? -Doctor, it's Nathan. 561 00:32:13,665 --> 00:32:15,232 We got those duckboard things down, but... 562 00:32:15,334 --> 00:32:18,002 -It's my fault. -No, it's not, don't say that. 563 00:32:18,103 --> 00:32:21,906 -Why, what's happened? -We kept on turning the engine, but... 564 00:32:23,208 --> 00:32:25,910 We're out of petrol. Used it all up. 565 00:32:26,878 --> 00:32:31,148 Even if we can get those wheels out, this bus is never going to move. 566 00:32:33,051 --> 00:32:35,786 What is it, what's wrong? Doctor, tell me. 567 00:32:36,722 --> 00:32:40,257 You promised you'd get us home. Doctor? 568 00:32:41,026 --> 00:32:43,694 -Are you still there? -Doctor, tell me, what did he say? 569 00:32:43,762 --> 00:32:45,062 (BEEPING) 570 00:32:45,163 --> 00:32:46,464 (CHIRRUPING) 571 00:32:49,267 --> 00:32:51,235 It's the probe. It's reached the storm. 572 00:32:51,336 --> 00:32:53,004 (CHIRRUPING) 573 00:32:53,105 --> 00:32:56,040 -And what's he saying? -It's not a storm. 574 00:32:56,842 --> 00:32:58,509 (SQUEALING) 575 00:33:04,616 --> 00:33:05,816 It's a swarm. 576 00:33:06,785 --> 00:33:09,320 -Millions of them. -DOCTOR: Billions. 577 00:33:18,897 --> 00:33:21,532 Ah! We've lost the probe. I think it got eaten. 578 00:33:21,633 --> 00:33:24,301 -Everything on this planet gets eaten. -How far away is that swarm? 579 00:33:24,403 --> 00:33:27,204 Hundred miles. At that speed, it'll be here in 20 minutes. 580 00:33:27,305 --> 00:33:29,140 (CHIRRUPING) 581 00:33:29,241 --> 00:33:31,742 No, no, they're not just coming for us. They want the wormhole. 582 00:33:31,843 --> 00:33:34,645 -They're heading for Earth! -Show the analysis! 583 00:33:37,015 --> 00:33:38,416 Incredible! 584 00:33:39,084 --> 00:33:41,352 They swarm out of a wormhole, strip the planet bare, 585 00:33:41,453 --> 00:33:45,790 then move on to the next world, start the life cycle all over again. 586 00:33:45,891 --> 00:33:48,793 -So, they make the wormholes? -They must do. 587 00:33:48,894 --> 00:33:51,829 But how? They don't exactly look like technicians. 588 00:33:51,930 --> 00:33:55,366 And if the wormhole belongs to them, why are they 1 00 miles away? 589 00:33:55,467 --> 00:33:59,704 Because they need to be? No, that's bonkers. Hang on. 590 00:34:02,107 --> 00:34:05,042 Yes! Oh, do you see? 591 00:34:05,143 --> 00:34:07,611 Billions of them flying in formation, all the way around the planet, 592 00:34:07,713 --> 00:34:10,681 round and round and round, faster and faster and faster, 593 00:34:10,782 --> 00:34:13,584 till they generate a rupture in space! 594 00:34:13,685 --> 00:34:16,187 The speed of them, and the numbers, and the size, 595 00:34:16,288 --> 00:34:18,289 all of that rips the wormhole into existence! 596 00:34:18,390 --> 00:34:20,558 -And the wormhole's getting bigger. -Because they're getting closer! 597 00:34:20,659 --> 00:34:21,726 But how do they get through? 598 00:34:21,827 --> 00:34:23,394 'Cause that wormhole's a killer, we've seen it. 599 00:34:23,495 --> 00:34:26,931 -No, no, look. See the exoskeleton? -Metal. 600 00:34:27,733 --> 00:34:29,433 They've got bones of metal. 601 00:34:29,534 --> 00:34:32,670 They eat metal and extrude it into the exoskeleton. 602 00:34:32,771 --> 00:34:36,807 So their velocity makes the wormhole, then their body makes it safe. 603 00:34:37,976 --> 00:34:39,710 Perfect design. 604 00:34:39,811 --> 00:34:43,214 Those things are going to turn the entire Earth into a desert. 605 00:34:43,315 --> 00:34:45,683 So why exactly are you smiling? 606 00:34:47,786 --> 00:34:50,721 -Worse it gets, the more I love it! -Me, too. 607 00:34:52,124 --> 00:34:53,924 (SQUEALING) 608 00:34:57,429 --> 00:34:58,929 (RUMBLING) 609 00:34:59,731 --> 00:35:03,734 -Sounds like a storm. -If it rains, we've got water. 610 00:35:03,835 --> 00:35:07,271 No water. All of it, dust. 611 00:35:07,539 --> 00:35:08,806 (VOICES WHISPERING) 612 00:35:08,907 --> 00:35:13,744 -But the girl... -Don't now, sweetheart. What girl? 613 00:35:14,379 --> 00:35:17,014 The girl, she will fly. 614 00:35:17,816 --> 00:35:20,684 The thing is, Doctor, you're missing the obvious. 615 00:35:20,786 --> 00:35:23,487 We came here through the wormhole, yes? 616 00:35:23,588 --> 00:35:27,525 But our Tritovore friends didn't. They came here to trade with San Helios. 617 00:35:27,626 --> 00:35:31,095 Therefore, the question is, why did they crash? 618 00:35:31,196 --> 00:35:37,034 Ah. Good question! What a team! Like she said, why did you crash? 619 00:35:37,702 --> 00:35:39,003 Oh, yes! 620 00:35:40,305 --> 00:35:42,807 Gravity Well. Look, goes all the way down to the engine. 621 00:35:42,908 --> 00:35:44,108 So what happened? 622 00:35:44,209 --> 00:35:45,709 (CHIRRUPING) 623 00:35:46,411 --> 00:35:48,746 He says the drive system stalled. 624 00:35:49,514 --> 00:35:51,982 Ten miles up, they fell out of the sky. But what caused that? 625 00:35:52,083 --> 00:35:53,117 (CHIRRUPING) 626 00:35:53,218 --> 00:35:55,586 -Which means, "No idea." -Yeah. 627 00:35:56,188 --> 00:35:58,556 But wait a minute, that's a crystal nucleus down there, yes? 628 00:35:58,623 --> 00:35:59,690 (GRUNTS) 629 00:35:59,791 --> 00:36:03,327 And it looks like it survived the crash. If the crystal's intact... 630 00:36:03,428 --> 00:36:06,797 Oh, yes, that's better than diesel! 631 00:36:06,898 --> 00:36:08,866 What, you can use the crystal to move the bus? 632 00:36:08,934 --> 00:36:10,601 I think so. 633 00:36:10,702 --> 00:36:12,503 The spaceship's a write-off, but the 200's small enough. 634 00:36:12,604 --> 00:36:14,205 How does a crystal drive a bus? 635 00:36:14,306 --> 00:36:17,808 In a super-clever, outer-spacey way. Just trust me. 636 00:36:17,909 --> 00:36:20,044 There's the crystal. It's fallen to the bottom of the well. 637 00:36:20,145 --> 00:36:21,679 Have you got access shafts? 638 00:36:21,780 --> 00:36:22,913 (CHIRRUPING) 639 00:36:23,014 --> 00:36:25,316 All frozen. Well, maybe I can open them! 640 00:36:25,417 --> 00:36:28,686 Ah! Internal comms, put that on! 641 00:36:28,787 --> 00:36:32,990 You stay here! Keep an eye on the shaft! Tell me if anything happens! 642 00:36:42,634 --> 00:36:45,736 If I can use that sunlight to start the automatic maintenance. 643 00:36:45,837 --> 00:36:46,904 Christina? 644 00:36:47,005 --> 00:36:50,608 (GRUNTS) If you see a panel opening in that shaft, let me know. 645 00:36:50,709 --> 00:36:52,977 -Nothing yet. -Anything now? 646 00:36:53,545 --> 00:36:55,813 -Afraid not. -Any sign of movement? 647 00:36:55,914 --> 00:36:56,947 Nope. 648 00:36:58,250 --> 00:37:00,150 -How's that? -Nothing. 649 00:37:01,086 --> 00:37:04,154 -Any result? -Not a dickie bird. 650 00:37:05,624 --> 00:37:09,927 So let me get this right. You need that crystal? 651 00:37:12,430 --> 00:37:14,832 -Then consider it done. -Why, what do you mean? 652 00:37:16,334 --> 00:37:17,534 Christina? 653 00:37:19,304 --> 00:37:20,704 Christina! 654 00:37:21,406 --> 00:37:23,741 The aristocracy survives for a reason. 655 00:37:27,178 --> 00:37:28,812 We're ready for anything. 656 00:37:31,383 --> 00:37:32,549 No! 657 00:37:39,291 --> 00:37:42,393 Come on! Come on! Come on, come on, come on! 658 00:37:43,995 --> 00:37:47,598 -That's better. -I decide when I stop, thank you. 659 00:37:47,699 --> 00:37:50,034 You were about to hit the security grid. Look! 660 00:37:50,969 --> 00:37:54,104 Excellent. So what do I do? 661 00:37:54,606 --> 00:37:56,507 DOCTOR: Try the big red button. 662 00:37:58,076 --> 00:38:01,478 -Well done! -Now come back up! I can do that. 663 00:38:01,579 --> 00:38:04,315 -Oh, don't you wish. -Slowly! 664 00:38:05,784 --> 00:38:07,451 CHRISTINA: Yes, sir. 665 00:38:09,654 --> 00:38:13,991 Quite the mystery, aren't you? Lady Christina de Souza. 666 00:38:15,193 --> 00:38:18,929 -Carrying a winch in her bag. -No stranger than you, spaceman. 667 00:38:19,864 --> 00:38:21,832 I had this friend once. 668 00:38:22,500 --> 00:38:25,269 -She called me spaceman. -And was she right? 669 00:38:25,370 --> 00:38:27,371 Do you zoom about the place in a rocket? 670 00:38:27,472 --> 00:38:29,773 Well, a little, blue box. 671 00:38:31,710 --> 00:38:33,744 Travels in more than space. 672 00:38:35,313 --> 00:38:37,815 It can journey through time, Christina. 673 00:38:38,316 --> 00:38:41,785 Oh, the places I've been. World War I. 674 00:38:42,787 --> 00:38:45,556 Creation of the universe, end of the universe, 675 00:38:45,857 --> 00:38:47,992 the war between China and Japan. 676 00:38:48,860 --> 00:38:54,198 And the court of King Athelstan in 924 AD. 677 00:38:54,833 --> 00:38:59,169 But I don't remember you being there. So what are you doing with this? 678 00:38:59,637 --> 00:39:03,774 Excuse me. A gentleman never goes through a lady's possessions. 679 00:39:03,875 --> 00:39:05,275 (CHIRRUPING) 680 00:39:06,311 --> 00:39:07,911 It's the Cup of Athelstan. 681 00:39:08,013 --> 00:39:10,748 Given to the first king of Britain as a coronation gift from Hywel, 682 00:39:10,849 --> 00:39:12,716 King of the Welsh. 683 00:39:12,817 --> 00:39:15,853 But it's been held in the International Gallery for 200 years, 684 00:39:15,954 --> 00:39:19,923 which makes you, Lady Christina, a thief. 685 00:39:20,025 --> 00:39:21,892 I like to think I liberated it. 686 00:39:21,993 --> 00:39:24,595 -Don't tell me you need the money. -Daddy lost everything. 687 00:39:24,696 --> 00:39:26,930 Invested his fortune in the Icelandic banks. 688 00:39:27,032 --> 00:39:30,734 No, no, no, if you're short of cash, you rob a bank. 689 00:39:30,835 --> 00:39:35,172 -Stealing this, that's a lifestyle. -I take it you disapprove? 690 00:39:35,473 --> 00:39:37,474 Absolutely. 691 00:39:37,742 --> 00:39:40,978 Except, that little, blue box. 692 00:39:42,614 --> 00:39:47,584 -I stole it. From my own people. -Good boy. 693 00:39:47,952 --> 00:39:50,254 You were right. We're quite a team. 694 00:39:50,955 --> 00:39:52,289 (SCREECHING) 695 00:39:53,658 --> 00:39:54,725 What the blazes was that? 696 00:39:54,826 --> 00:39:56,326 We never did find out why the ship crashed. 697 00:39:56,428 --> 00:39:57,795 Christina, I think you should come back up. 698 00:39:57,896 --> 00:40:00,197 Too late. I can see it. 699 00:40:00,298 --> 00:40:02,966 Careful. Slowly. Have you got an open-vent system? 700 00:40:03,068 --> 00:40:04,935 -I thought so. -What does that mean? 701 00:40:05,036 --> 00:40:06,870 It's like when birds fly into the engines of an aircraft. 702 00:40:06,938 --> 00:40:08,772 (GRUNTING) 703 00:40:10,408 --> 00:40:12,276 -One of the creatures. -Got trapped in the vents. 704 00:40:12,377 --> 00:40:14,011 Caused the crash. Christina, get out. 705 00:40:14,112 --> 00:40:17,081 It's not moving. I think it's injured. 706 00:40:17,182 --> 00:40:18,749 No, it's dormant because it's so cold down there. 707 00:40:18,850 --> 00:40:20,751 But your body heat is raising the temperature. 708 00:40:20,852 --> 00:40:23,587 I tend to have that effect. Almost there. 709 00:40:24,456 --> 00:40:27,658 Not just the crystal. I need the whole bed, the plate thing. 710 00:40:33,665 --> 00:40:36,033 -CHRISTINA: I've got it! -Come on! Come on! 711 00:40:41,339 --> 00:40:43,307 Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! 712 00:40:47,946 --> 00:40:49,746 It's gonna eat its way up! 713 00:40:51,182 --> 00:40:52,950 (SQUEALING) 714 00:40:54,319 --> 00:40:55,752 Ooh! She's good! 715 00:40:58,156 --> 00:40:59,656 -That's it! That's it! That's it! -Ooh! 716 00:40:59,757 --> 00:41:02,192 I've got you. I've got you. 717 00:41:02,260 --> 00:41:03,494 (GRUNTING) 718 00:41:03,595 --> 00:41:04,628 -Isn't she just? -Yeah. 719 00:41:10,201 --> 00:41:11,468 Commander! Mission complete! 720 00:41:11,569 --> 00:41:14,571 Now we've got to get back to the 200, all of us. 721 00:41:14,672 --> 00:41:16,073 Oh, don't be so daft. 722 00:41:16,174 --> 00:41:18,609 A captain can leave his ship if there's a bus standing by. 723 00:41:18,710 --> 00:41:19,910 (RUMBLING) 724 00:41:20,011 --> 00:41:22,779 What the hell was that? Is this place safe? 725 00:41:24,282 --> 00:41:26,383 It's the creature. It's not dead. 726 00:41:26,818 --> 00:41:28,552 (CHIRRUPING) 727 00:41:28,653 --> 00:41:31,788 Maybe you didn't hit just one of them. If you hit a swarm... 728 00:41:31,890 --> 00:41:33,290 Do you mean, if there's more on board? 729 00:41:33,391 --> 00:41:35,292 This ship's built inside a metal sleeve. 730 00:41:35,393 --> 00:41:37,427 They can move through the infrastructure all around us. 731 00:41:37,495 --> 00:41:38,795 (THUDDING) 732 00:41:38,897 --> 00:41:39,963 And those things wake up hungry. 733 00:41:40,064 --> 00:41:41,598 Commander, you've got to come with us, right now! 734 00:41:41,699 --> 00:41:43,333 You can come back to Earth, we'll find you a home! 735 00:41:43,434 --> 00:41:45,869 And that's the word of a lady! Come on! 736 00:41:46,871 --> 00:41:47,971 (CRASHING) 737 00:41:48,072 --> 00:41:49,573 (SCREAMING) 738 00:41:50,675 --> 00:41:52,109 (SQUEALING) 739 00:41:54,279 --> 00:41:55,579 (GRUNTING) 740 00:41:56,581 --> 00:41:57,814 No, don't! 741 00:42:03,021 --> 00:42:04,821 There's nothing we can do. Run! 742 00:42:19,237 --> 00:42:20,737 What sort of storm is that? 743 00:42:27,745 --> 00:42:32,382 Run, run, run, run, run, run, run! 744 00:42:32,984 --> 00:42:34,418 (MOBILE PHONE RINGING) 745 00:42:38,156 --> 00:42:40,691 -Ah, Doctor. -Not now, Malcolm! 746 00:42:43,061 --> 00:42:45,696 Fair do's. He's a busy man. 747 00:42:57,842 --> 00:43:00,210 At last! Where've you been? 748 00:43:00,311 --> 00:43:02,512 Get inside, get them sitting down! 749 00:43:02,614 --> 00:43:04,181 Now then, let's have a look. 750 00:43:04,282 --> 00:43:06,516 -So what does that crystal do? -Oh, nothing, don't need the crystal. 751 00:43:06,618 --> 00:43:09,586 -I risked my life for that! -No, you risked your life for these. 752 00:43:09,654 --> 00:43:10,854 The clamps! 753 00:43:12,223 --> 00:43:13,557 One there! 754 00:43:15,460 --> 00:43:16,593 One there. 755 00:43:19,564 --> 00:43:22,766 One there! And one there! 756 00:43:22,867 --> 00:43:24,835 CHRISTINA: But what are the clamps for, do they turn the wheels? 757 00:43:24,936 --> 00:43:26,236 Something like that. Just need to fix this. 758 00:43:26,337 --> 00:43:29,439 -Have you got a hammer in that bag? -Funnily enough. 759 00:43:30,942 --> 00:43:32,476 Now press redial! 760 00:43:35,146 --> 00:43:37,447 -Malcolm! It's me! -I'm ready! 761 00:43:37,548 --> 00:43:39,883 -Ready for what? -I don't know! You tell me! 762 00:43:39,984 --> 00:43:42,419 I'm gonna try to get back, but there might be something following us. 763 00:43:42,520 --> 00:43:44,321 You need to find a way to close the wormhole. 764 00:43:44,422 --> 00:43:45,889 Would that be a compressed burst of feedback 765 00:43:45,990 --> 00:43:50,160 -on a counter-oscillation, perchance? -Oh, Malcolm! You're brilliant! 766 00:43:50,261 --> 00:43:52,596 Coming from you, sir, that means the world! 767 00:43:52,697 --> 00:43:54,765 MAGAMBO: Doctor, what sort of something? 768 00:43:54,866 --> 00:43:57,567 That wormhole is now measuring 1 0 miles and growing, 769 00:43:57,669 --> 00:43:59,569 I need to know the exact nature of the threat. 770 00:43:59,671 --> 00:44:01,338 Sorry, gotta go! 771 00:44:02,674 --> 00:44:06,610 All troops, mobilise and stand ready! Possible Code Red, unknown! 772 00:44:06,711 --> 00:44:10,213 -Understood. Code Red! Repeat, Code Red! -SOLDIER: Position! 773 00:44:10,348 --> 00:44:11,915 (MEN SHOUTING) 774 00:44:23,695 --> 00:44:25,095 (CRACKLING) 775 00:44:26,464 --> 00:44:29,366 Ah, it's not compatible! Bus, spaceship, spaceship, bus. 776 00:44:29,467 --> 00:44:30,801 I need to weld the two systems together. 777 00:44:30,902 --> 00:44:33,804 -And how do you do that? -I need something non-corrosive, 778 00:44:33,905 --> 00:44:37,474 something malleable, something ductile, something... 779 00:44:38,776 --> 00:44:41,345 -Gold. -Oh, no, you don't. 780 00:44:41,446 --> 00:44:44,214 -Christina, what is it worth now? -Hey! Use this! 781 00:44:44,315 --> 00:44:46,917 -I said gold! -It is gold! 782 00:44:47,018 --> 00:44:49,019 Oh, they saw you coming. Christina! 783 00:45:04,836 --> 00:45:08,505 It's over 1 ,000 years old. Worth £1 8 million. 784 00:45:09,340 --> 00:45:12,309 -Promise me you'll be careful. -I promise. 785 00:45:20,351 --> 00:45:21,618 I hate you. 786 00:45:24,322 --> 00:45:25,489 (BEEPING) 787 00:45:25,590 --> 00:45:29,659 Done it! Transmit that and the wormhole should close. 788 00:45:30,828 --> 00:45:32,095 Then do it. 789 00:45:32,764 --> 00:45:34,931 Well, after the Doctor's come through, obviously. 790 00:45:35,032 --> 00:45:37,200 I'm sorry. Believe me. 791 00:45:38,035 --> 00:45:40,804 That wormhole constitutes a major threat, 792 00:45:40,905 --> 00:45:44,741 and I have a duty to every man, woman and child on this planet. 793 00:45:45,276 --> 00:45:48,545 -It's got to be closed immediately. -No, no, no. 794 00:45:48,646 --> 00:45:52,082 -That's an order. -No, no, no, no. 795 00:45:52,183 --> 00:45:54,985 No, we can't just abandon him! He's the Doctor! 796 00:45:55,086 --> 00:46:00,657 How many times has he saved our lives? I won't let you, ma'am. I simply won't! 797 00:46:04,028 --> 00:46:05,195 (GUN COCKING) 798 00:46:06,564 --> 00:46:08,198 Right now, soldier. 799 00:46:09,167 --> 00:46:11,735 This is your driver speaking. Hold on tight. 800 00:46:11,836 --> 00:46:13,970 -What for, what's he doing? -Do as he says! 801 00:46:14,071 --> 00:46:15,105 (ENGINE CRANKING) 802 00:46:15,206 --> 00:46:17,741 -What are you doing? -Come on! That's it. 803 00:46:18,509 --> 00:46:21,578 You can do it, you beauty! One last trip! 804 00:46:21,679 --> 00:46:23,180 (ENGINE POWERING UP) 805 00:46:23,281 --> 00:46:25,015 (RATTLING) 806 00:46:34,459 --> 00:46:36,393 (ALL EXCLAIMING) 807 00:46:40,431 --> 00:46:42,666 Oh! You are so kidding me! 808 00:46:47,238 --> 00:46:49,806 -We're flying! It's flying! -Yes! 809 00:46:52,376 --> 00:46:53,877 He's flying the bus! 810 00:46:56,681 --> 00:46:59,883 -It's a miracle! -Anti-gravity clamps! Didn't I say? 811 00:47:00,218 --> 00:47:01,384 Round we go! 812 00:47:01,486 --> 00:47:02,619 (EXCLAIMING) 813 00:47:11,429 --> 00:47:13,830 Doctor! They're coming! 814 00:47:19,904 --> 00:47:23,406 I will never surrender. Never. 815 00:47:25,309 --> 00:47:27,410 Do you think this thing will survive the journey back? 816 00:47:27,512 --> 00:47:31,781 -Only one way to find out! Next stop... -Planet Earth! 817 00:47:38,990 --> 00:47:41,124 (ALL YELLING) 818 00:47:58,476 --> 00:48:01,678 -It's London! -We're back home! 819 00:48:02,446 --> 00:48:04,514 He did it! He did it! 820 00:48:14,559 --> 00:48:15,759 Captain! 821 00:48:16,594 --> 00:48:19,896 Captain! They're back! It's the bus, ma'am, it's come back. 822 00:48:19,997 --> 00:48:21,364 And it's flying! 823 00:48:32,076 --> 00:48:33,977 Code Red! Fire at will! 824 00:48:37,348 --> 00:48:38,748 (SCREECHING) 825 00:48:39,784 --> 00:48:41,551 (BULLETS ZIPPING) 826 00:48:43,120 --> 00:48:44,354 (MOBILE PHONE RINGS) 827 00:48:45,089 --> 00:48:49,392 -Malcolm! Close that wormhole. -Yes, sir! My pleasure, sir! 828 00:48:52,330 --> 00:48:53,830 He's hung up on me! 829 00:48:54,999 --> 00:48:56,066 Yes! 830 00:48:56,667 --> 00:48:58,768 No, no, no! 831 00:49:08,746 --> 00:49:10,180 (MOBILE PHONE RINGS) 832 00:49:10,915 --> 00:49:13,550 -Malcolm? -Not now, I'm busy! 833 00:49:15,753 --> 00:49:16,820 He's hung up again! 834 00:49:16,921 --> 00:49:18,455 (MOBILE PHONE RINGS) 835 00:49:18,556 --> 00:49:21,324 -Malcolm! Listen to me! -It's not working! 836 00:49:21,425 --> 00:49:24,260 I need that signal, we've got billions of those things about to fly through! 837 00:49:24,362 --> 00:49:25,929 Well, what do I do? 838 00:49:26,030 --> 00:49:29,399 Loop it back through the integrator and keep the signal ramping up! 839 00:49:29,500 --> 00:49:34,571 -By how much? -500 Bernards! Do it now! 840 00:49:36,841 --> 00:49:37,907 Yes! 841 00:49:49,186 --> 00:49:51,121 SOLDIER: Maintain rapid fire! 842 00:49:51,188 --> 00:49:52,522 Fire! 843 00:49:56,827 --> 00:49:58,561 (FIRING CONTINUES) 844 00:49:59,830 --> 00:50:00,997 Yes! 845 00:50:08,205 --> 00:50:09,606 Target at nine o'clock! 846 00:50:13,811 --> 00:50:16,146 I don't believe it, guns don't work! 847 00:50:17,481 --> 00:50:18,782 (PEOPLE EXCLAIMING) 848 00:50:18,883 --> 00:50:20,550 Doctor, it's coming for us! 849 00:50:20,651 --> 00:50:22,419 (ALL YELLING) 850 00:50:25,423 --> 00:50:26,990 Oh, no, you don't! 851 00:50:29,393 --> 00:50:30,527 (CRASHING) 852 00:50:30,628 --> 00:50:32,228 (ALL SCREAMING) 853 00:50:34,799 --> 00:50:37,300 -Twelve o'clock! Take it out! -SOLDIER: Fire! 854 00:50:42,039 --> 00:50:43,239 (CRASHING) 855 00:50:43,674 --> 00:50:46,943 -Cease fire! Arms down! -SOLDIER: Cease fire! 856 00:50:49,880 --> 00:50:51,581 Did I say I hated you? 857 00:50:52,883 --> 00:50:54,250 I was lying. 858 00:50:54,351 --> 00:50:56,052 (ALL SIGHING WITH RELIEF) 859 00:51:05,229 --> 00:51:08,465 Do not stand forward of this point. Ladies and gentlemen, 860 00:51:08,566 --> 00:51:14,070 you have reached your final destination. Welcome home, the mighty 200! 861 00:51:14,805 --> 00:51:15,705 (BELL DINGING) 862 00:51:33,023 --> 00:51:34,791 (ALL LAUGHING) 863 00:51:52,443 --> 00:51:55,011 Welcome back, everyone. If you could step away from the bus, 864 00:51:55,112 --> 00:51:58,214 just to be safe. As fast as you can, thank you. 865 00:51:58,315 --> 00:51:59,983 It's standard procedure, we need to screen you 866 00:52:00,084 --> 00:52:01,484 then you'll all be taken for debriefing. 867 00:52:01,585 --> 00:52:03,186 -I don't count. -No, but, Doctor... 868 00:52:03,287 --> 00:52:04,888 With me, ma'am. 869 00:52:07,892 --> 00:52:10,693 -Doctor! -You must be Malcolm! 870 00:52:10,761 --> 00:52:12,462 Oh! Oh! 871 00:52:13,063 --> 00:52:14,531 Oh, I love you. 872 00:52:17,067 --> 00:52:20,770 I love you. I love you. 873 00:52:21,372 --> 00:52:23,072 To your station, Dr Taylor. 874 00:52:26,110 --> 00:52:27,277 Yes, ma'am. 875 00:52:31,682 --> 00:52:32,916 I love you. 876 00:52:39,824 --> 00:52:44,494 Doctor, I salute you, whether you like it or not. 877 00:52:45,229 --> 00:52:47,530 Now, I take it we're safe from those things? 878 00:52:47,631 --> 00:52:50,066 They'll start again. Generate a new doorway. 879 00:52:50,167 --> 00:52:52,335 It's not their fault, it's their natural life cycle. 880 00:52:52,436 --> 00:52:56,573 But I'll see if I can nudge the wormholes on to uninhabited planets. 881 00:52:57,441 --> 00:53:00,677 Closer to home, Captain. Those two lads, 882 00:53:01,512 --> 00:53:03,246 very good in a crisis. 883 00:53:03,647 --> 00:53:07,283 Nathan needs a job, Barclay's good with engines, you could do a lot worse. 884 00:53:07,384 --> 00:53:09,986 Privates Nathan and Barclay, UNIT's finest. 885 00:53:10,654 --> 00:53:12,222 (MACHINE BEEPING) 886 00:53:12,323 --> 00:53:14,524 MAGAMBO: I'll see what I can do. 887 00:53:14,625 --> 00:53:16,960 And I've got something for you. 888 00:53:17,027 --> 00:53:19,262 (LAUGHS) 889 00:53:19,997 --> 00:53:22,232 Better than a bus, any day! Hello! 890 00:53:23,234 --> 00:53:25,168 Found in the gardens of Buckingham Palace. 891 00:53:25,269 --> 00:53:26,703 Oh, she doesn't mind. 892 00:53:27,638 --> 00:53:31,174 Now, I've got three dead alien stingrays to clear up. 893 00:53:31,275 --> 00:53:33,243 I don't suppose you fancy helping with the paperwork? 894 00:53:33,310 --> 00:53:34,777 Not a chance! 895 00:53:34,879 --> 00:53:37,313 -Till we meet again, Doctor. -I hope so. 896 00:53:38,549 --> 00:53:41,150 I said I'm back, Suzanne, I'm home! 897 00:53:43,354 --> 00:53:45,388 Didn't even know I was gone! 898 00:53:45,489 --> 00:53:46,656 (DEVICE WARBLING) 899 00:53:46,757 --> 00:53:48,892 That's quite enough of that! 900 00:53:50,728 --> 00:53:52,996 She is not getting away this time. 901 00:53:54,198 --> 00:53:56,633 Little, blue box! Just like you said. 902 00:53:57,067 --> 00:54:01,337 Right, then, off we go! Come on, Doctor, show me the stars! 903 00:54:01,438 --> 00:54:03,640 -No. -What? 904 00:54:04,708 --> 00:54:07,143 -I said no. -But I saved your life. 905 00:54:07,478 --> 00:54:09,345 -And you saved mine. -So? 906 00:54:09,914 --> 00:54:12,815 We're surrounded by police. I'll go to prison. 907 00:54:12,917 --> 00:54:14,484 -Yeah. -But you were right, 908 00:54:14,585 --> 00:54:18,454 it's not about the money, I only steal things for the adventure, 909 00:54:18,956 --> 00:54:22,392 and today, with you, I want more days like this. 910 00:54:22,893 --> 00:54:25,228 I want every day to be like this. 911 00:54:25,596 --> 00:54:28,131 We're made for each other, you said so yourself. 912 00:54:28,232 --> 00:54:29,732 The perfect team. 913 00:54:34,805 --> 00:54:36,072 Why not? 914 00:54:37,474 --> 00:54:40,576 People have travelled with me and I've lost them. 915 00:54:41,679 --> 00:54:44,480 Lost them all. Never again. 916 00:54:46,951 --> 00:54:51,387 Lady Christina de Souza! Oh, I've waited a long time to say this. 917 00:54:51,488 --> 00:54:55,058 I'm arresting you on suspicion of theft. 918 00:54:55,159 --> 00:54:58,027 You do not have to say anything, et cetera, et cetera. 919 00:54:58,128 --> 00:54:59,996 Dennison, take her away! 920 00:55:07,471 --> 00:55:10,807 Doctor? You take care, now. 921 00:55:10,908 --> 00:55:15,244 -You, too! Chops and gravy, lovely! -No, but you be careful. 922 00:55:16,146 --> 00:55:18,548 Because your song is ending, sir. 923 00:55:20,084 --> 00:55:22,852 -What do you mean? -It is returning. 924 00:55:24,054 --> 00:55:28,358 It is returning through the dark. And then, Doctor... 925 00:55:29,927 --> 00:55:31,394 Oh, but then... 926 00:55:33,297 --> 00:55:36,366 He will knock four times. 927 00:55:52,516 --> 00:55:55,118 Alpha, alpha, five-one, alpha. 928 00:56:03,160 --> 00:56:04,594 (MECHANICAL BUZZING) 929 00:56:21,078 --> 00:56:24,113 -Hey! -Hey, no, no! Stop that woman! 930 00:56:25,115 --> 00:56:28,651 Stop that woman! Stop her! 931 00:56:29,420 --> 00:56:31,854 Don't just stand there! Stop her! 932 00:56:35,793 --> 00:56:38,428 Open the door! I'll add resisting arrest! 933 00:56:38,529 --> 00:56:40,563 I'd stand back, if I were you. 934 00:56:41,198 --> 00:56:43,733 I'm charging you, too! Aiding and abetting! 935 00:56:43,834 --> 00:56:48,438 Yes, I’ll just step inside this police box and arrest myself. 936 00:56:51,708 --> 00:56:53,376 Out! Now! 937 00:56:55,879 --> 00:56:57,547 (WHIRRING) 938 00:57:09,126 --> 00:57:13,229 -No! Come back! -Go on! 939 00:57:15,199 --> 00:57:16,499 (LAUGHING) 940 00:57:27,244 --> 00:57:32,315 -We could've been so good together. -Christina, we were. 941 00:57:43,861 --> 00:57:45,361 (CHEERING) 942 00:58:27,171 --> 00:58:29,372 State your name, rank and intention. 943 00:58:32,042 --> 00:58:33,576 (SCREAMING) 944 00:58:45,088 --> 00:58:47,056 WOMAN: They're on the roof. 945 00:58:47,124 --> 00:58:48,524 (TRICKLING) 946 00:58:48,992 --> 00:58:50,326 Water always wins.