1 00:00:04,772 --> 00:00:06,139 Hello, Mum. 2 00:00:06,607 --> 00:00:08,808 Susie says hello. Don't you, sweetheart? 3 00:00:08,909 --> 00:00:12,645 (GASPING) That's it. Give a little wave. 4 00:00:12,746 --> 00:00:15,448 (CHUCKLING) What was I gonna say? 5 00:00:15,916 --> 00:00:18,618 Uncle Soon called in. He says hello. 6 00:00:19,586 --> 00:00:22,055 He keeps saying, "You must be missing her." 7 00:00:22,389 --> 00:00:27,226 I said, "She's been gone for over two years now. I'm getting used to it." 8 00:00:28,028 --> 00:00:32,331 (DISTORTED) It's breaking up. It must be the solar flares. 9 00:00:32,399 --> 00:00:33,533 Talk faster. 10 00:00:34,001 --> 00:00:35,702 About the deposit on the house, I've... 11 00:00:35,803 --> 00:00:36,836 (BABY CRYING) 12 00:00:36,937 --> 00:00:39,372 Oh. Um... I've spoken to the bank... 13 00:00:43,310 --> 00:00:45,344 (WHOOSHING) 14 00:00:52,252 --> 00:00:53,486 DOCTOR: The red planet. 15 00:01:08,469 --> 00:01:10,369 (ALARM BLARING) 16 00:01:12,506 --> 00:01:13,973 (ALARM STOPS) 17 00:01:15,909 --> 00:01:18,010 ED ON RADIO: Sun sets in 10 minutes, Yuri. 18 00:01:18,112 --> 00:01:19,278 You're gonna lose the light. 19 00:01:20,047 --> 00:01:23,649 MIA: That's it. Got you on external 10. 20 00:01:25,753 --> 00:01:26,919 YURI: Almost there. 21 00:01:28,756 --> 00:01:31,124 That's the radial clamp down. 22 00:01:31,892 --> 00:01:32,959 One more thing... 23 00:01:33,160 --> 00:01:36,562 Get back inside. You're using power and oxygen. 24 00:01:36,663 --> 00:01:40,266 Oh, hold on. Get this on camera. 25 00:01:40,367 --> 00:01:41,400 (LAUGHING) 26 00:01:41,702 --> 00:01:42,802 What do you think? 27 00:01:42,903 --> 00:01:45,471 Hey, looks good. Nice one, Yuri. 28 00:01:45,572 --> 00:01:48,508 You wasted an entire solar panel just to make that. 29 00:01:48,609 --> 00:01:51,344 Oh, lighten up. It's a joke. 30 00:01:51,445 --> 00:01:55,181 We come all this way to an empty planet untouched by civilisation 31 00:01:55,282 --> 00:01:58,384 and what do we do? Put up cheap jokes. 32 00:01:58,485 --> 00:02:00,887 That's not funny, that's pollution. 33 00:02:01,355 --> 00:02:03,322 -Having fun? -I was just telling him... 34 00:02:03,423 --> 00:02:06,592 I expect better of you, Ed. Now get back to work, all of you. 35 00:02:17,404 --> 00:02:19,172 Oh, beautiful. 36 00:02:25,412 --> 00:02:29,248 ELECTRONIC VOICE: Rotate, slowly. 37 00:02:29,349 --> 00:02:33,719 You are under arrest for trespassing. Gadget-gadget. 38 00:02:39,059 --> 00:02:41,327 (DOCTOR WHO THEME) 39 00:03:19,499 --> 00:03:21,634 State your name, rank and intention. 40 00:03:21,802 --> 00:03:25,671 The Doctor. Doctor...Fun. 41 00:03:27,040 --> 00:03:28,608 What the hell? 42 00:03:30,444 --> 00:03:31,711 It's a man! 43 00:03:32,479 --> 00:03:34,881 Man on Mars. How? 44 00:03:34,982 --> 00:03:38,284 He was wearing this thing. I have never seen anything like it. 45 00:03:38,385 --> 00:03:39,485 What did Mission Control say? 46 00:03:39,586 --> 00:03:41,721 They're out of range for 10 hours with the solar flares. 47 00:03:41,822 --> 00:03:43,122 If you could cut the chat, everyone. 48 00:03:43,223 --> 00:03:47,526 Actually, chat's second on my list, the first being gun pointed at my head. 49 00:03:48,295 --> 00:03:50,596 Which then puts my head second and chat third, I think. 50 00:03:50,697 --> 00:03:52,498 Gun, head, chat. Yeah. I hate lists. 51 00:03:52,599 --> 00:03:55,201 But you could hurt someone with that thing. Just put it down. 52 00:03:55,302 --> 00:03:56,769 Oh, you'd like that. 53 00:03:56,870 --> 00:03:58,704 Can you find me someone who wouldn't? 54 00:03:58,805 --> 00:04:02,174 -Why should I trust you? -Because I give you my word. 55 00:04:02,476 --> 00:04:06,879 At 40 million miles away from home, my word is all you've got. 56 00:04:11,184 --> 00:04:12,385 Keep Gadget covering him. 57 00:04:12,486 --> 00:04:13,552 Gadget-gadget. 58 00:04:13,654 --> 00:04:16,656 Oh right, so you control that thing. Auto-glove response. 59 00:04:16,757 --> 00:04:18,658 You got it. To the right. 60 00:04:19,426 --> 00:04:22,194 -Gadget-gadget. -And to the left. 61 00:04:22,429 --> 00:04:23,863 It's a bit flimsy. 62 00:04:24,564 --> 00:04:25,564 Gadget-gadget. 63 00:04:25,666 --> 00:04:26,799 Does it have to keep saying that? 64 00:04:26,900 --> 00:04:28,034 I think it's funny. 65 00:04:28,135 --> 00:04:29,502 I hate funny robots. 66 00:04:29,603 --> 00:04:34,507 Excuse me, boss. Computer log says we've got an extra person on site. 67 00:04:34,675 --> 00:04:36,008 How's that possible? 68 00:04:36,109 --> 00:04:40,546 Keep the Bio-dome closed. And when using open comms, you call me Captain. 69 00:04:41,348 --> 00:04:43,382 Yeah, but who is it? 70 00:04:44,284 --> 00:04:45,618 (RADIO DISCONNECTING) 71 00:04:47,387 --> 00:04:50,523 Disconnected! She's cut me off. Can you believe her? 72 00:04:51,024 --> 00:04:53,292 It's like we're just gardeners. 73 00:04:53,694 --> 00:04:57,029 As long as they leave us alone, it's fine with me. 74 00:05:00,434 --> 00:05:03,836 Oh, you beauties. 75 00:05:04,137 --> 00:05:05,471 Look at this. 76 00:05:06,306 --> 00:05:09,542 Better start planting some more if there's an extra mouth to feed. 77 00:05:09,643 --> 00:05:14,180 The very first garden off Earth. Everything brand new. 78 00:05:15,682 --> 00:05:19,452 Eden. That's what we should have called this place. 79 00:05:19,853 --> 00:05:22,288 It's the Philippines, I bet. 80 00:05:22,389 --> 00:05:25,191 If there's someone else on Mars, it's got to be the Philippines. 81 00:05:25,292 --> 00:05:27,994 All those stories about them building a rocket. 82 00:05:28,095 --> 00:05:33,032 (SCOFFING) Adelaide is gonna love that. Stealing her thunder. 83 00:05:33,633 --> 00:05:36,268 Mind you, worth it to see her face. 84 00:05:36,370 --> 00:05:38,037 Or it could be the Spanish. 85 00:05:38,138 --> 00:05:41,040 They've kept that spacelink project under wraps. 86 00:05:41,508 --> 00:05:43,376 Didn't your sister work for them? 87 00:05:45,912 --> 00:05:47,513 Are you all right, mate? 88 00:05:50,250 --> 00:05:52,985 (CHUCKLING) Come on, stop mucking about. 89 00:05:57,224 --> 00:05:58,391 Andy? 90 00:06:01,828 --> 00:06:03,262 Are you okay? 91 00:06:05,665 --> 00:06:07,867 (SCREAMING) 92 00:06:11,038 --> 00:06:13,005 It can't be a World State flight because we'd know about it. 93 00:06:13,106 --> 00:06:15,775 Therefore he's got to be one of the independents, yeah? 94 00:06:16,877 --> 00:06:18,878 Was it the Branson Inheritance lot? 95 00:06:18,979 --> 00:06:20,546 They've been talking about a Mars shot for years. 96 00:06:20,647 --> 00:06:24,517 Right, yes. Okay, you got me. So, I'm the Doctor and you are? 97 00:06:24,618 --> 00:06:28,287 Oh, come on. We're the first off-world colonists in history. 98 00:06:28,388 --> 00:06:30,756 Everyone on planet Earth knows who we are. 99 00:06:31,358 --> 00:06:35,895 You're the first? The very first humans on Mars? 100 00:06:36,430 --> 00:06:38,731 -Then this is Bowie Base One. -Bowie Base One. 101 00:06:39,099 --> 00:06:42,134 Number One. Founded July 1 st, 2058. 102 00:06:42,235 --> 00:06:45,071 Established Bowie Base One in the Gusev Crater. 103 00:06:51,344 --> 00:06:54,346 -You've been here how long? -Seventeen months. 104 00:06:54,748 --> 00:06:55,981 2059? 105 00:06:57,951 --> 00:06:59,852 It's 2059 right now. 106 00:07:03,623 --> 00:07:04,890 (EXCLAIMING) 107 00:07:04,991 --> 00:07:09,195 My head is so stupid. You're Captain Adelaide Brooke! 108 00:07:12,365 --> 00:07:14,934 And Ed, you're Deputy Edward Gold. 109 00:07:18,205 --> 00:07:19,705 Tarak Ital, MD. 110 00:07:23,910 --> 00:07:25,444 Nurse Yuri Kerenski. 111 00:07:29,716 --> 00:07:31,584 Senior technician Steffi Ehrlich. 112 00:07:33,753 --> 00:07:35,421 Junior technician Roman Groom. 113 00:07:38,091 --> 00:07:39,692 Geologist Mia Bennett. 114 00:07:42,262 --> 00:07:43,762 You're only 27 years old. 115 00:07:45,031 --> 00:07:48,467 As I said, Doctor, everyone knows our names. 116 00:07:48,568 --> 00:07:50,870 Oh, they'll never forget them. 117 00:07:56,309 --> 00:07:57,810 What's the date today? 118 00:07:58,211 --> 00:07:59,845 What is it? Tell me the exact date. 119 00:08:00,046 --> 00:08:03,082 November 2 1 st, 2059. 120 00:08:07,254 --> 00:08:10,823 Right. Okay, fine. 121 00:08:10,924 --> 00:08:12,558 Is there something wrong? 122 00:08:12,659 --> 00:08:14,693 What's so important about my age? 123 00:08:15,061 --> 00:08:16,929 I should go. 124 00:08:18,064 --> 00:08:20,499 I really should go. I'm sorry. 125 00:08:20,934 --> 00:08:23,903 (STAMMERING) I'm sorry with all of my hearts, 126 00:08:24,004 --> 00:08:27,973 but it's one of those very rare times when I've got no choice. 127 00:08:32,445 --> 00:08:34,346 It's been an honour. 128 00:08:35,615 --> 00:08:39,985 Seriously, a very great honour to meet you all. 129 00:08:41,121 --> 00:08:43,222 The Martian pioneers. 130 00:08:44,257 --> 00:08:46,725 Oh, thank you. Ah! 131 00:08:47,494 --> 00:08:48,661 Gadget-gadget. 132 00:08:49,629 --> 00:08:50,763 Thank you. 133 00:08:54,100 --> 00:08:59,238 There's the other two. Hold on. Margaret Cain and Andrew Stone. 134 00:09:07,214 --> 00:09:11,050 Maggie, if you want to meet the only new human being 135 00:09:11,151 --> 00:09:13,919 that you're gonna see in the next five years, 136 00:09:14,020 --> 00:09:15,321 better come take a look. 137 00:09:17,090 --> 00:09:18,724 (SNARLING) 138 00:09:22,062 --> 00:09:23,095 What was that? 139 00:09:24,064 --> 00:09:26,131 Oh, I really should go. 140 00:09:26,900 --> 00:09:29,168 This is Central. Bio-dome, report immediately. 141 00:09:29,269 --> 00:09:30,536 Show me the Bio-dome. 142 00:09:34,174 --> 00:09:35,674 Internal cameras are down. 143 00:09:35,775 --> 00:09:37,176 Show me the exterior. 144 00:09:48,655 --> 00:09:49,855 I'm going over. 145 00:09:50,557 --> 00:09:52,024 Doctor, with me. 146 00:09:52,692 --> 00:09:56,395 I'm sorry. I'd love to help, but I'm leaving right now. 147 00:09:56,496 --> 00:09:58,030 Take his spacesuit, lock it up. 148 00:09:58,131 --> 00:10:00,899 This started as soon as you arrived, so you're not going anywhere, 149 00:10:01,001 --> 00:10:02,301 except with me. 150 00:10:11,077 --> 00:10:12,411 Gadget-gadget. 151 00:10:12,946 --> 00:10:14,513 ADELAIDE: What's so important about Mia's age? 152 00:10:14,614 --> 00:10:17,349 You said she's only 27. Why does it matter? What did you mean? 153 00:10:17,450 --> 00:10:19,585 Oh, I just open my mouth and words come out. 154 00:10:19,686 --> 00:10:22,187 -They don't make much sense. -You're telling me. 155 00:10:22,289 --> 00:10:25,190 -Thank you, Doctor. -Anytime, Doctor. 156 00:10:25,292 --> 00:10:26,825 Gadget-gadget. 157 00:10:27,093 --> 00:10:28,861 I hate robots, did I say? 158 00:10:28,962 --> 00:10:32,631 Yeah, and he's not too fond of you. What's wrong with robots? 159 00:10:32,732 --> 00:10:35,000 It's not the robots, it's the people. 160 00:10:35,101 --> 00:10:36,402 Dressing them up and giving them silly voices, 161 00:10:36,503 --> 00:10:37,903 like you're reducing them. 162 00:10:38,004 --> 00:10:41,874 Yeah. A friend of mine, she made her domestic robot look like a dog. 163 00:10:42,075 --> 00:10:44,877 Oh, well, dogs, that's different. 164 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:48,981 But I adapted Gadget out of the worker drones. Those things are huge. 165 00:10:49,082 --> 00:10:51,183 They built this place when the shell was lowered down from orbit. 166 00:10:51,284 --> 00:10:53,352 They've got a strength capacity of 15 tonnes... 167 00:10:53,453 --> 00:10:56,822 The channel is open for essential communications only. 168 00:10:58,525 --> 00:10:59,558 Sorry. 169 00:11:00,927 --> 00:11:02,394 Love those drones. 170 00:11:03,163 --> 00:11:06,231 I've read all that stuff about you, Captain Adelaide. 171 00:11:06,333 --> 00:11:09,835 One thing they never said, was it worth it, the mission? 172 00:11:10,236 --> 00:11:12,638 We've got excellent results from the soil analysis. 173 00:11:12,739 --> 00:11:14,573 I know... But all of it. 174 00:11:15,442 --> 00:11:18,043 They say you sacrificed everything, 175 00:11:18,478 --> 00:11:21,013 devoted your whole life to get here. 176 00:11:22,982 --> 00:11:24,817 It's been chaos back home. 177 00:11:24,918 --> 00:11:30,122 Forty long years, climate, the ozone, the oil apocalypse. 178 00:11:31,658 --> 00:11:33,459 We almost reached extinction. 179 00:11:34,728 --> 00:11:36,562 And to fly above that, 180 00:11:37,530 --> 00:11:40,432 to stand on a world with no smoke, 181 00:11:40,533 --> 00:11:43,502 where the only straight line is the sunlight, 182 00:11:45,772 --> 00:11:48,774 -yes, it's worth it. -Ah. 183 00:11:49,476 --> 00:11:52,378 That's the Adelaide Brooke I always wanted to meet. 184 00:11:52,479 --> 00:11:55,114 The woman with starlight in her soul. 185 00:11:58,051 --> 00:11:59,218 What's that? 186 00:12:01,688 --> 00:12:02,888 -It's Maggie. -Don't touch her! 187 00:12:02,989 --> 00:12:07,926 I know the procedure. Maggie, can you hear me? It's Tarak. Maggie? 188 00:12:08,995 --> 00:12:12,398 It's okay. She's still breathing. She's alive. 189 00:12:16,169 --> 00:12:19,471 Yuri, I've got Margaret Cain, head trauma. I need a full med pack. 190 00:12:20,006 --> 00:12:22,374 I've got it. Med pack on its way. 191 00:12:22,809 --> 00:12:23,909 I'm going to help! 192 00:12:24,010 --> 00:12:25,978 In the absence of the Captain, you're in charge, sir! 193 00:12:26,079 --> 00:12:28,247 You've got to stay in the dome! 194 00:12:37,924 --> 00:12:39,358 Don't touch her. Use the gloves. 195 00:12:39,459 --> 00:12:43,829 Do what he says. Get her to sickbay. Put her in isolation. 196 00:12:44,130 --> 00:12:45,497 We're going on to the Bio-dome. 197 00:12:45,598 --> 00:12:48,267 Tarak, with me. Yuri can take care of her. Ed, go back. 198 00:12:48,368 --> 00:12:50,469 Gadget, stand guard. Keep an eye on this area. 199 00:12:50,570 --> 00:12:51,737 Gadget-gadget. 200 00:12:51,838 --> 00:12:52,971 Captain, you're gonna need me. 201 00:12:53,072 --> 00:12:55,174 Andy is the only other crew member out here. 202 00:12:55,275 --> 00:12:59,578 And if that wasn't an accident, then he's gone wild. 203 00:13:00,213 --> 00:13:02,714 You've deserted your post. Consider that an official warning. 204 00:13:02,816 --> 00:13:05,150 Now, get back to work. Doctor! 205 00:13:08,855 --> 00:13:10,355 (SNARLING) 206 00:13:20,667 --> 00:13:23,535 Captain, that sound we heard from the Bio-dome, 207 00:13:23,636 --> 00:13:27,372 I've run it through diagnostics. According to the computer, it's Andy. 208 00:13:28,174 --> 00:13:31,210 It registers as the voiceprint of Andy Stone. 209 00:13:31,511 --> 00:13:34,646 Understood. Double-check, thanks. 210 00:13:35,048 --> 00:13:36,849 Air pressure stabilised. 211 00:13:36,950 --> 00:13:38,584 (DOOR OPENING) 212 00:13:43,289 --> 00:13:47,359 Andrew? Andrew Stone? It's Captain Brooke. 213 00:13:48,728 --> 00:13:51,497 Andrew, report. I need to see you. Where are you? 214 00:13:51,598 --> 00:13:53,398 (SONIC SCREWDRIVER WHIRRING) 215 00:13:55,335 --> 00:13:56,668 DOCTOR: There you go. 216 00:13:57,437 --> 00:13:59,838 -What's that device? -Screwdriver. 217 00:14:00,073 --> 00:14:04,076 -Are you the Doctor or the janitor? -I don't know. It sounds like me. 218 00:14:04,410 --> 00:14:06,144 The maintenance man of the universe. 219 00:14:06,246 --> 00:14:08,313 You, stay with me. Don't step out of my sight. 220 00:14:08,414 --> 00:14:10,916 Tarak, go to external door south. Make sure it's intact. 221 00:14:10,984 --> 00:14:12,017 Yes, ma'am. 222 00:14:12,118 --> 00:14:16,121 Quite an achievement. First flower on Mars in 10,000 years. 223 00:14:17,624 --> 00:14:18,891 And you're growing veg! 224 00:14:18,992 --> 00:14:21,593 It's that lot. They're already planning Christmas dinner. 225 00:14:21,694 --> 00:14:25,364 Last year it was dehydrated protein. This year they want the real thing. 226 00:14:25,598 --> 00:14:29,801 -Still, fair enough. Christmas. -If we must. 227 00:14:30,270 --> 00:14:32,037 (BIRDS CHIRPING) 228 00:14:33,206 --> 00:14:35,774 -You've got birds! -It's part of the project, 229 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:37,910 to keep the insect population down. 230 00:14:38,011 --> 00:14:40,712 -Good sign. -In what way? 231 00:14:41,014 --> 00:14:42,681 Well, they're still alive. 232 00:14:42,782 --> 00:14:47,185 Captain, good news. It's Maggie. She's awake. She's back with us. 233 00:14:47,520 --> 00:14:49,388 (GROANING) 234 00:14:50,356 --> 00:14:54,927 Hey, how are you, soldier? Just take it easy. 235 00:14:55,161 --> 00:14:56,628 Can you remember what happened? 236 00:14:57,864 --> 00:15:00,766 I was just working. 237 00:15:01,968 --> 00:15:03,268 Then I woke up here. 238 00:15:03,803 --> 00:15:07,005 What about Andy? We can't find him. Was he all right? 239 00:15:07,407 --> 00:15:09,207 I don't know. I just... 240 00:15:09,709 --> 00:15:12,177 ADELAIDE If you remember anything, let me know straightaway. 241 00:15:12,278 --> 00:15:14,179 Yuri, does she know how she ended up in the tunnel? 242 00:15:14,280 --> 00:15:17,549 And keep the comms clear. Everything goes through me, got that? 243 00:15:18,451 --> 00:15:19,618 (SIGHING) 244 00:15:20,153 --> 00:15:25,223 Come on, just let me out of here. I'm fine. Just groggy. 245 00:15:25,325 --> 00:15:28,260 You know the rules. 24 hours. 246 00:15:33,266 --> 00:15:34,666 TARAK: Andy? 247 00:15:36,169 --> 00:15:39,037 Andy? Andy? 248 00:15:41,641 --> 00:15:42,808 (WATER RUNNING) 249 00:15:43,242 --> 00:15:44,309 There you are. 250 00:15:47,280 --> 00:15:48,513 You all right? 251 00:15:53,987 --> 00:15:55,120 Andy? 252 00:16:02,528 --> 00:16:03,695 Andrew, 253 00:16:04,631 --> 00:16:05,998 look at me. 254 00:16:06,232 --> 00:16:07,199 (SHOUTING) 255 00:16:08,835 --> 00:16:12,471 (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) 256 00:16:13,840 --> 00:16:15,641 Is that your brother? 257 00:16:15,842 --> 00:16:19,378 Well, it's only a repeat. The solar flares are still up. 258 00:16:20,246 --> 00:16:24,483 -Are you okay? -Yeah. Just, you know. 259 00:16:29,188 --> 00:16:32,224 (LAUGHING) He makes me laugh, though. 260 00:16:32,325 --> 00:16:35,560 It's his husband. He spends money like an idiot. 261 00:16:35,695 --> 00:16:39,665 Last year for Mikhail's birthday, he said, "Don't buy me anything. 262 00:16:39,766 --> 00:16:41,500 "Let's save money." 263 00:16:41,601 --> 00:16:43,935 George says, "Fine, okay." 264 00:16:44,037 --> 00:16:47,906 His birthday comes around, turns out George has bought him a car, 265 00:16:48,541 --> 00:16:50,175 top of the range. 266 00:16:51,277 --> 00:16:54,379 And the thing is he's used Mikhail's credit stamp. 267 00:16:54,480 --> 00:16:56,848 So Mick's saying, "That means I bought it myself." 268 00:16:56,949 --> 00:16:59,885 George says, "It's the thought that counts." 269 00:17:01,954 --> 00:17:05,057 -Where does he live? -Oh, just outside Dagestan. 270 00:17:05,758 --> 00:17:08,894 -Where's that? -On the Caspian Sea. Here you go. 271 00:17:11,264 --> 00:17:14,466 -By the sea? -Well, technically, it's more of a lake. 272 00:17:16,069 --> 00:17:19,538 -Earth is so much water. -Yeah. 273 00:17:20,139 --> 00:17:23,542 Just look at her. 40 million miles away. 274 00:17:23,876 --> 00:17:26,111 MAGGIE: It has so much beauty. 275 00:17:27,180 --> 00:17:30,082 (DISTORTED VOICE) We should like that world. 276 00:17:37,457 --> 00:17:41,526 This is sickbay. We have a situation. Maggie's condition is... 277 00:17:41,627 --> 00:17:44,262 (STAMMERING) I don't know... I don't know what it is. 278 00:17:44,497 --> 00:17:46,932 It's water, just pouring out. 279 00:17:47,266 --> 00:17:50,035 ADELAIDE: Yuri, calm down. Just tell me what's happened to her. 280 00:17:50,136 --> 00:17:53,405 The skin is sort of broken around the mouth. 281 00:17:53,506 --> 00:17:56,875 And she is exuding water, like she's drowning. 282 00:17:57,310 --> 00:18:00,178 Tarak, this area's unsafe. We're going back. 283 00:18:01,581 --> 00:18:02,748 Tarak? 284 00:18:04,550 --> 00:18:06,551 -Tarak! -Where was he? 285 00:18:10,423 --> 00:18:13,692 Yuri, keep her contained. Seal the door at maximum. I'm on my way. 286 00:18:27,640 --> 00:18:30,342 Andy, just leave him alone. 287 00:18:30,877 --> 00:18:33,178 -Step away from him. -I can help, I promise. I can help. 288 00:18:33,279 --> 00:18:34,379 Just leave that man alone. 289 00:18:34,480 --> 00:18:36,548 Andy, I'm asking you, please just take your hand away from him 290 00:18:36,649 --> 00:18:38,150 -and listen to me. -Stop or I'll shoot. 291 00:18:49,629 --> 00:18:53,298 There now, that's better, hmm? 292 00:18:55,468 --> 00:18:59,538 So, you must be Andy. Hello. 293 00:19:06,145 --> 00:19:07,746 We've got to go. 294 00:19:30,369 --> 00:19:32,170 DOCTOR: Set the seals at maximum! 295 00:20:07,139 --> 00:20:08,607 What the hell? 296 00:20:11,777 --> 00:20:14,913 That's not Maggie. What's happened to her? 297 00:20:15,014 --> 00:20:17,616 Yuri, what is she? 298 00:20:18,251 --> 00:20:19,885 Captain, we need you back here. 299 00:20:19,986 --> 00:20:22,888 Just tell me that Maggie is contained. Can you confirm, Ed? 300 00:20:23,489 --> 00:20:24,589 Confirmed. 301 00:20:25,858 --> 00:20:27,359 She's locked in. 302 00:20:27,460 --> 00:20:30,962 Keep surveillance till I get back and close down all water supplies. 303 00:20:31,063 --> 00:20:33,365 All pipes and outlets. Don't consume anything. 304 00:20:33,466 --> 00:20:35,467 Have you got that, everyone? That's an order. 305 00:20:35,568 --> 00:20:39,938 Don't drink the water. Don't even touch it. Not one drop. 306 00:20:42,708 --> 00:20:44,175 Can you talk? 307 00:20:46,379 --> 00:20:49,981 Human beings are 60% water, which makes them the perfect host. 308 00:20:50,049 --> 00:20:51,616 What for? 309 00:20:51,884 --> 00:20:57,022 I don't know. I never will...because I've got to go. 310 00:20:58,524 --> 00:21:02,494 Whatever started here, I can't see it to the end. I can't. 311 00:21:03,763 --> 00:21:04,863 (GASPING) 312 00:21:05,831 --> 00:21:07,165 (SNARLING) 313 00:21:09,268 --> 00:21:11,603 -This thing's airtight, yeah? -And, therefore, watertight. 314 00:21:11,704 --> 00:21:13,204 Depends how clever the water is. 315 00:21:14,807 --> 00:21:18,043 -They're fusing the system. -Abandon ship! 316 00:21:42,735 --> 00:21:43,802 Doctor, we haven't got time. 317 00:21:43,903 --> 00:21:45,937 They can run faster than us. We need a lift. 318 00:21:46,739 --> 00:21:47,806 Hey! 319 00:21:48,140 --> 00:21:49,641 Gadget-gadget. 320 00:21:50,910 --> 00:21:52,644 (SCREAMING) 321 00:21:56,983 --> 00:21:59,084 -Get on behind me. -That thing goes at two miles an hour. 322 00:21:59,185 --> 00:22:01,086 Not any more. Trust me. 323 00:22:02,922 --> 00:22:04,689 -Gadget-gadget. -DOCTOR: Gadget-gadget. 324 00:22:05,558 --> 00:22:06,925 (SCREAMING) 325 00:22:34,253 --> 00:22:36,654 The central dome airlocks have got Hardinger seals. 326 00:22:36,756 --> 00:22:37,856 There's no way they can get in. 327 00:22:37,957 --> 00:22:39,124 -DOCTOR: Come on! Come on! -Gadget-gadget. 328 00:22:39,225 --> 00:22:40,225 Come on, come on, come on! 329 00:22:40,326 --> 00:22:42,127 -I thought you hated robots. -I do! 330 00:22:52,805 --> 00:22:55,774 We're safe. It's hermetically sealed. They can't get in. 331 00:22:57,043 --> 00:23:00,945 Water is patient, Adelaide. Water just waits. 332 00:23:01,547 --> 00:23:06,084 It wears down the cliff tops, the mountains, the whole of the world. 333 00:23:06,585 --> 00:23:08,486 Water always wins. Come on. 334 00:23:09,422 --> 00:23:10,789 ADELAIDE ON RADIO: Bio-dome tunnel is out of bounds. 335 00:23:10,890 --> 00:23:13,158 Andy and Tarak are infected, repeat, infected. 336 00:23:13,259 --> 00:23:15,894 Make no contact. And if they make the slightest move, tell me. 337 00:23:15,995 --> 00:23:17,362 I'm going to the Medical dome. 338 00:23:18,297 --> 00:23:20,565 (BEEPING) 339 00:23:21,000 --> 00:23:24,836 Blimey, it's the distance. You could do with bikes in this place. 340 00:23:24,937 --> 00:23:27,372 Every pound in weight equals three tonnes of fuel. 341 00:23:27,473 --> 00:23:30,608 Yeah, I know, but bikes... 342 00:23:41,554 --> 00:23:44,923 -Has that door got a Hardinger seal? -No, just basic. 343 00:23:45,024 --> 00:23:47,425 Then the moment she heads for the door, we evacuate, got that? 344 00:23:47,526 --> 00:23:51,062 Pulse is low. Electrical activity in the brain seems to be going haywire. 345 00:23:51,163 --> 00:23:52,497 -Can she talk? -YURI: Don't know. 346 00:23:52,598 --> 00:23:54,999 She was talking before we noticed the change, but... 347 00:23:55,101 --> 00:23:57,769 Maggie, can you hear me? Do you know who I am? 348 00:23:58,404 --> 00:24:01,039 Your commanding officer Captain Adelaide Brooke. 349 00:24:01,140 --> 00:24:02,674 Can you tell me what happened? 350 00:24:02,775 --> 00:24:05,376 (SPEAKING ALIEN LANGUAGE) 351 00:24:08,481 --> 00:24:09,614 What language is that? 352 00:24:09,715 --> 00:24:11,282 Ancient North Martian. 353 00:24:11,517 --> 00:24:14,052 -Don't be ridiculous. -It's like she recognised it. 354 00:24:14,253 --> 00:24:16,354 And her eyes are different. 355 00:24:16,822 --> 00:24:19,591 They're clear, like she's closer to human. 356 00:24:20,126 --> 00:24:21,726 Not close enough for me. 357 00:24:23,162 --> 00:24:25,630 -Where do you get your water from? -The ice field. 358 00:24:25,731 --> 00:24:28,733 That's why we chose the crater. We're on top of an underground glacier. 359 00:24:29,301 --> 00:24:30,435 Tonnes of water. Marvellous. 360 00:24:30,536 --> 00:24:34,105 But every single drop is filtered. It's screened, it's safe. 361 00:24:34,206 --> 00:24:35,807 Looks like it, yeah. 362 00:24:36,041 --> 00:24:38,409 If something was frozen down there, 363 00:24:38,511 --> 00:24:41,880 a viral life form out in the ice for all those years... 364 00:24:42,515 --> 00:24:46,217 Look at her mouth. All blackened like there's some sort of fission. 365 00:24:47,753 --> 00:24:53,191 This thing, whatever it is, doesn't just hide in water, it creates water. 366 00:24:56,162 --> 00:24:57,829 Tell me what you want. 367 00:24:58,197 --> 00:25:01,132 She was looking at the screen, at Earth. 368 00:25:01,333 --> 00:25:05,370 She wanted Earth. A world full of water. 369 00:25:05,971 --> 00:25:07,639 Captain, with me. 370 00:25:12,511 --> 00:25:15,046 I'm sorry, but it's an unknown infection and it's spreading. 371 00:25:15,147 --> 00:25:16,981 That demands Action Procedure One. 372 00:25:17,082 --> 00:25:20,318 -You think I don't know that? -I think you need reminding. 373 00:25:22,521 --> 00:25:23,688 Yeah. 374 00:25:25,257 --> 00:25:28,760 -Well, at least I'm good for something. -Now and again. 375 00:25:29,528 --> 00:25:33,364 That's almost a compliment. Things must be serious. 376 00:25:35,000 --> 00:25:38,937 (STAMMERING) Sorry, sorry, but Action One, that means evacuation, yeah? 377 00:25:39,038 --> 00:25:40,104 We're going home. 378 00:25:40,206 --> 00:25:42,407 This is Captain Brooke. I'm declaring Action One. 379 00:25:42,508 --> 00:25:43,942 Repeat. To all crew members, 380 00:25:44,043 --> 00:25:46,277 this is Action One with immediate effect. 381 00:25:46,378 --> 00:25:47,445 Evacuate the base. 382 00:25:47,546 --> 00:25:48,613 (ALARM BLARING) 383 00:25:48,714 --> 00:25:51,716 I'll store the central computer. Mia, strip the cargo down to essentials. 384 00:25:51,817 --> 00:25:54,018 -Roman, on your feet. -But we came all this way. 385 00:25:54,119 --> 00:25:55,286 Gadget-gadget. 386 00:25:56,121 --> 00:25:58,089 And you can kiss that robot goodbye. It's too heavy. 387 00:25:58,190 --> 00:26:00,391 Now shove it in storage and hurry up. 388 00:26:00,492 --> 00:26:02,794 ADELAIDE ON RADIO: Steffi, what's your estimate on shuttle viability? 389 00:26:02,895 --> 00:26:03,928 It's a nine-month flight. 390 00:26:04,029 --> 00:26:06,364 It'll take us at least three hours to load up everything we need. 391 00:26:06,465 --> 00:26:10,235 You've got 20 minutes. And give me a report on Andy and Tarak. 392 00:26:10,336 --> 00:26:12,003 Still in the Bio-dome tunnel. 393 00:26:12,104 --> 00:26:14,405 They're just standing there, like they're waiting. 394 00:26:14,506 --> 00:26:17,575 Keep an eye on them. And make that 20 minutes 15. 395 00:26:17,676 --> 00:26:20,311 Ed, line up the shuttle. Go straight to ignition status. 396 00:26:20,412 --> 00:26:21,746 -Doing it now. -But what about Maggie? 397 00:26:21,847 --> 00:26:24,015 She stays behind. We've got no way to contain her on board. 398 00:26:24,116 --> 00:26:27,051 Close this place down. I want the power directed to the shuttle. 399 00:26:27,553 --> 00:26:28,987 Of course, the only problem is... 400 00:26:29,088 --> 00:26:31,489 Thank you, Doctor. Your spacesuit will be returned and good luck to you. 401 00:26:31,590 --> 00:26:33,091 The problem is this thing is clever. 402 00:26:33,192 --> 00:26:35,927 It didn't infect the bird or the insects in the Bio-dome, it chose the humans. 403 00:26:36,028 --> 00:26:37,061 You were chosen. 404 00:26:37,162 --> 00:26:39,864 And I told you, Adelaide, water can wait. 405 00:26:40,165 --> 00:26:42,033 Tarak changed straightaway, but when Maggie was infected, 406 00:26:42,134 --> 00:26:46,704 it stayed hidden inside her, no doubt, so it can infiltrate the Central dome. 407 00:26:46,972 --> 00:26:48,273 Which means... 408 00:26:48,374 --> 00:26:50,842 Any one of us could already be infected. 409 00:26:51,210 --> 00:26:55,280 -We've all been drinking the same water. -And if you take that back to Earth... 410 00:26:56,315 --> 00:26:58,916 One drop, just one drop... 411 00:26:59,184 --> 00:27:01,619 But we're only presuming infection. 412 00:27:01,720 --> 00:27:05,490 If we can find out how this thing got through, when it got through... 413 00:27:05,891 --> 00:27:09,627 Yuri, continue with Action One. I'm going to inspect the ice field. 414 00:27:10,329 --> 00:27:12,630 Right. I should leave. 415 00:27:13,198 --> 00:27:14,932 Finally, I should leave. 416 00:27:15,334 --> 00:27:18,503 Yuri, me old mate, no point in me seeing the ice field. 417 00:27:18,604 --> 00:27:21,439 No point at all. No. 418 00:27:25,010 --> 00:27:26,878 Adelaide! 419 00:27:32,184 --> 00:27:34,018 All I'm saying is bikes. 420 00:27:34,119 --> 00:27:36,487 Little, foldaway bikes. Don't weigh a thing. 421 00:27:44,196 --> 00:27:45,530 I'm sorry. 422 00:28:09,388 --> 00:28:10,722 Even if she gets past the Medical dome, 423 00:28:10,823 --> 00:28:13,524 she'll never get past the Hardinger seal at this end, right? 424 00:28:13,959 --> 00:28:15,660 So we keep saying. 425 00:28:19,198 --> 00:28:20,665 Camera's down. 426 00:28:21,467 --> 00:28:23,034 We've lost her. 427 00:28:31,877 --> 00:28:33,277 (SCREAMING) 428 00:28:53,665 --> 00:28:56,534 They tell legends of Mars from long ago 429 00:28:56,635 --> 00:28:59,904 of a fine and noble race who built an empire out of snow. 430 00:29:00,406 --> 00:29:03,474 -The Ice Warriors. -I haven't got time for stories. 431 00:29:03,575 --> 00:29:06,344 Perhaps they found something down there. 432 00:29:06,712 --> 00:29:09,147 Used their might and their wisdom to freeze it. 433 00:29:09,248 --> 00:29:12,383 Doctor, we need to find any sort of change in the water process. 434 00:29:12,484 --> 00:29:14,018 We've got to date the infection. 435 00:29:17,723 --> 00:29:20,024 COMPUTER: Access denied. 436 00:29:20,793 --> 00:29:25,163 You don't look like a coward, but all you've wanted to do is leave. 437 00:29:27,232 --> 00:29:30,668 -You know so much about us. -Well, you're famous. 438 00:29:31,303 --> 00:29:32,670 It's like you know more. 439 00:29:36,875 --> 00:29:40,745 This moment, this precise moment in time, it's like... 440 00:29:42,147 --> 00:29:44,081 I mean, it's only a theory. What do I know? 441 00:29:44,183 --> 00:29:48,920 But I think certain moments in time are fixed. 442 00:29:50,456 --> 00:29:52,056 Tiny, precious moments. 443 00:29:52,157 --> 00:29:53,658 Everything else is in flux, anything can happen, 444 00:29:53,759 --> 00:29:56,761 but those certain moments, they have to stand. 445 00:29:58,263 --> 00:30:00,832 This base on Mars with you, Adelaide Brooke, 446 00:30:00,933 --> 00:30:02,333 this is one vital moment. 447 00:30:02,434 --> 00:30:05,036 What happens here must always happen. 448 00:30:05,270 --> 00:30:06,771 Which is what? 449 00:30:07,906 --> 00:30:09,340 I don't know. 450 00:30:13,545 --> 00:30:16,080 I think something wonderful happens, 451 00:30:17,149 --> 00:30:20,718 something that started 50 years ago, isn't that right? 452 00:30:23,155 --> 00:30:25,323 I've never told anyone that. 453 00:30:25,524 --> 00:30:27,425 You told your daughter. 454 00:30:28,427 --> 00:30:32,096 And, maybe, one day she tells a story to her daughter 455 00:30:32,531 --> 00:30:36,434 of the day the Earth was stolen and moved across the universe. 456 00:30:37,336 --> 00:30:38,669 And you... 457 00:30:41,373 --> 00:30:43,040 I saw the Daleks. 458 00:30:47,679 --> 00:30:49,146 We looked up, 459 00:30:50,349 --> 00:30:52,183 the sky had changed. 460 00:30:53,652 --> 00:30:56,220 Everyone was running and screaming. 461 00:30:57,456 --> 00:30:59,156 And my father took hold of me. 462 00:31:00,292 --> 00:31:02,860 Stay here. Don't move. 463 00:31:03,395 --> 00:31:06,030 I've got to go out. I'm going to find your mother. 464 00:31:06,131 --> 00:31:09,000 But I'm coming back, I promise you. 465 00:31:09,801 --> 00:31:11,369 I'm coming back. 466 00:31:19,411 --> 00:31:21,746 ADELAIDE I never saw him again. 467 00:31:23,415 --> 00:31:26,584 Nor my mother. They were never found. 468 00:31:30,689 --> 00:31:36,928 But, out on the streets, there was panic and burning. 469 00:31:39,631 --> 00:31:41,465 I went to the window. 470 00:31:45,103 --> 00:31:48,306 And there, in the sky... 471 00:31:49,875 --> 00:31:51,542 I saw it, Doctor. 472 00:31:53,478 --> 00:31:55,446 And it saw me. 473 00:31:56,415 --> 00:31:58,049 It stared at me. 474 00:31:58,750 --> 00:32:01,619 It looked right into me. 475 00:32:08,727 --> 00:32:10,094 And then... 476 00:32:23,208 --> 00:32:24,976 It simply went away. 477 00:32:25,944 --> 00:32:28,813 I knew, that night, 478 00:32:30,315 --> 00:32:32,350 I knew I would follow it. 479 00:32:33,185 --> 00:32:36,687 -But not for revenge. -What would be the point of that? 480 00:32:38,991 --> 00:32:41,425 That's what makes you remarkable. 481 00:32:41,927 --> 00:32:44,428 And that's how you create history. 482 00:32:44,997 --> 00:32:47,865 -What do you mean? -Imagine it, Adelaide. 483 00:32:49,534 --> 00:32:52,670 If you began a journey that takes the human race 484 00:32:52,771 --> 00:32:56,507 all the way out to the stars. It begins with you. 485 00:32:57,409 --> 00:33:00,411 And then your granddaughter, you inspire her 486 00:33:00,912 --> 00:33:03,748 so that, in 30 years, Susie Fontana Brooke 487 00:33:03,849 --> 00:33:07,818 is the pilot of the first light-speed ship to Proxima Centauri. 488 00:33:14,259 --> 00:33:16,027 And then everywhere. 489 00:33:16,294 --> 00:33:19,664 With her children and her children's children forging the way 490 00:33:19,765 --> 00:33:23,200 to the Dragon Star, the Celestial Belt of the Winter Queen, 491 00:33:23,301 --> 00:33:25,703 map of the Water Snake Wormholes. 492 00:33:26,872 --> 00:33:30,007 One day, a Brooke will even fall in love with a Tandonian prince 493 00:33:30,108 --> 00:33:32,309 and that's the start of a whole new species. 494 00:33:32,411 --> 00:33:35,079 But everything starts with you, Adelaide. 495 00:33:35,180 --> 00:33:39,050 From 50 years ago to right here, today. 496 00:33:41,453 --> 00:33:42,753 Imagine. 497 00:33:43,588 --> 00:33:47,124 Who are you? Why are you telling me this? 498 00:33:48,860 --> 00:33:52,229 Doctor, why tell me? 499 00:33:54,066 --> 00:33:55,766 As consolation. 500 00:33:58,036 --> 00:33:59,036 (BEEPING) 501 00:34:00,605 --> 00:34:03,507 Andy Stone. He logged on yesterday. 502 00:34:05,777 --> 00:34:09,613 Maintenance log 2 120, November, 2059. 503 00:34:10,048 --> 00:34:13,250 Number three water filter's bust. And guess what? 504 00:34:13,385 --> 00:34:16,554 The spares they sent don't fit. What a surprise. 505 00:34:16,755 --> 00:34:18,222 Over and out. 506 00:34:18,790 --> 00:34:20,091 A filter. 507 00:34:20,926 --> 00:34:23,494 One tiny little filter and then the flood. 508 00:34:23,595 --> 00:34:25,830 But that means the infection arrived today, 509 00:34:25,931 --> 00:34:29,667 and the water's only cycled out of the Bio-dome after a week. 510 00:34:29,768 --> 00:34:32,803 The rest of us can't be infected. We can leave. 511 00:34:33,171 --> 00:34:36,140 Ed, we're clean. How are we doing? 512 00:34:36,608 --> 00:34:38,008 Shuttle's active, stage one. 513 00:34:44,382 --> 00:34:46,350 I haven't got time to convey the protein packs. 514 00:34:46,451 --> 00:34:48,719 If you want food, you're going to have to carry it by hand. 515 00:34:48,820 --> 00:34:50,888 Start loading. Right now. 516 00:35:03,335 --> 00:35:05,903 -You were right, Doctor. -What about? 517 00:35:06,204 --> 00:35:07,371 Bikes. 518 00:35:07,539 --> 00:35:08,606 (LAUGHING) 519 00:35:10,675 --> 00:35:14,078 Now, get to your ship. I'm saving my people, you save yourself. 520 00:35:14,179 --> 00:35:18,349 I know what this moment is. It's the moment we escape. Now get out. 521 00:35:22,587 --> 00:35:23,888 -Come on! -How many do we need? 522 00:35:28,426 --> 00:35:31,729 (CREW ISSUING INSTRUCTIONS) 523 00:35:33,965 --> 00:35:35,332 ADELAIDE: Roman, what about you? 524 00:35:35,433 --> 00:35:38,035 Protein packs, 30 to 36. 525 00:35:38,136 --> 00:35:39,904 ED: Hurry up, Roman! 526 00:35:41,740 --> 00:35:43,007 I'm on it! 527 00:35:43,809 --> 00:35:45,376 (BEEPING) 528 00:35:49,314 --> 00:35:51,649 Steffi, ditch the central containers. We don't need them. 529 00:35:51,750 --> 00:35:54,652 Units 41, 42 and 43. 530 00:35:54,753 --> 00:35:56,987 No, wait, 41 is here. I'll swap them around. 531 00:35:57,355 --> 00:35:58,455 (BEEPING) 532 00:36:00,458 --> 00:36:02,159 Roman, try to condense the oxygen membranes. 533 00:36:02,260 --> 00:36:04,228 We can lose ten pounds. Faster! Come on! 534 00:36:04,329 --> 00:36:08,232 -Ed, how's the fueljets? -Cooling down in about 30 seconds. 535 00:36:12,470 --> 00:36:14,305 (BEEPING) 536 00:36:22,247 --> 00:36:24,648 (SENSORS BEEPING) 537 00:36:24,749 --> 00:36:26,250 What the hell is that noise? 538 00:36:26,351 --> 00:36:28,352 Mia, you lot, shut up. 539 00:36:28,453 --> 00:36:29,854 (SENSORS CONTINUE BEEPING) 540 00:36:29,955 --> 00:36:32,356 It's the module sensors. Exterior as well. 541 00:36:32,457 --> 00:36:34,925 The cameras are down, but there's pressure on top of the module. 542 00:36:35,026 --> 00:36:37,394 Two signals right above us. 543 00:36:37,863 --> 00:36:42,266 That means...they're on the roof? 544 00:36:55,647 --> 00:36:58,916 -How did they get inside the dome? -They used the maintenance shafts. 545 00:36:59,017 --> 00:37:01,252 But the shaft's open and they haven't got spacesuits. 546 00:37:01,353 --> 00:37:03,120 -ED: They breathe water. -They'd freeze. 547 00:37:03,221 --> 00:37:05,489 YURI: They've got that internal fission. 548 00:37:05,590 --> 00:37:07,758 MIA: Are we safe? They can't get through, can they? 549 00:37:07,859 --> 00:37:10,427 (CEILING CREAKING) 550 00:37:13,131 --> 00:37:14,565 Can they? 551 00:37:17,369 --> 00:37:20,938 -This place is airtight. -Can it get through? Ed? 552 00:37:22,374 --> 00:37:24,008 -Can it get through? -I don't know. 553 00:37:24,109 --> 00:37:26,644 Water itself isn't motile, but it has some sort of resistance. 554 00:37:26,745 --> 00:37:31,548 Everyone, listen to me. That's 10 feet of steel combination up there. 555 00:37:31,650 --> 00:37:34,051 We need all the protein packs or we're going to starve. 556 00:37:34,152 --> 00:37:35,753 Now, keep working. 557 00:37:35,854 --> 00:37:38,656 Roman, watch the ceiling. Ed, get to the shuttle, fire it up. 558 00:37:38,757 --> 00:37:40,357 I can carry more than this lot, Captain. 559 00:37:40,458 --> 00:37:43,127 -That's an order. -Captain. 560 00:38:56,534 --> 00:39:00,637 COMPUTER: Access denied. Access denied. 561 00:39:02,707 --> 00:39:04,174 ADELAIDE ON MONITOR: Tell me what happens. 562 00:39:04,275 --> 00:39:05,275 I don't know. 563 00:39:05,377 --> 00:39:07,277 Yes, you do. Now tell me. 564 00:39:07,379 --> 00:39:09,213 -You should be with the others. -Tell me! 565 00:39:14,919 --> 00:39:18,856 I could ramp up the pressure in that airlock and crush you. 566 00:39:19,391 --> 00:39:21,058 Except you won't. 567 00:39:21,159 --> 00:39:23,694 You could have shot Andy Stone, but you didn't. 568 00:39:23,795 --> 00:39:25,629 I loved you for that. 569 00:39:28,400 --> 00:39:30,034 Imagine... 570 00:39:36,474 --> 00:39:38,542 Imagine you knew something. 571 00:39:43,448 --> 00:39:47,017 Imagine you found yourself somewhere, I don't know, Pompeii. 572 00:39:47,118 --> 00:39:48,285 Imagine you were in Pompeii. 573 00:39:48,386 --> 00:39:50,120 What the hell has that got to do with it? 574 00:39:50,221 --> 00:39:54,224 And you tried to save them, but, in doing so, you make it happen. 575 00:39:58,496 --> 00:40:00,030 Anything I do 576 00:40:02,467 --> 00:40:04,334 just makes it happen. 577 00:40:05,904 --> 00:40:08,238 Captain, we need you right now. 578 00:40:11,943 --> 00:40:13,510 ADELAIDE I'm still here. 579 00:40:20,251 --> 00:40:22,252 You're taking Action One. 580 00:40:24,956 --> 00:40:28,659 There are four more standard action procedures and Action Five is... 581 00:40:29,894 --> 00:40:31,328 Detonation. 582 00:40:31,429 --> 00:40:33,097 The final option. 583 00:40:34,666 --> 00:40:37,601 The nuclear device at the heart of the Central dome. 584 00:40:37,702 --> 00:40:42,172 Today, on the 2 1 st of November, 2059, 585 00:40:42,707 --> 00:40:45,609 Captain Brooke activates that device, 586 00:40:45,710 --> 00:40:48,912 taking the base and all her crew members with her. 587 00:40:50,782 --> 00:40:52,749 No one ever knows why. 588 00:40:55,453 --> 00:40:57,554 But you were saving Earth. 589 00:40:57,956 --> 00:41:00,691 That's what inspires your granddaughter. 590 00:41:01,759 --> 00:41:04,528 She takes your people out into the galaxy 591 00:41:05,463 --> 00:41:08,332 because you die on Mars. 592 00:41:11,870 --> 00:41:13,337 You die today. 593 00:41:17,275 --> 00:41:19,076 She flies out there 594 00:41:21,913 --> 00:41:24,181 like she's trying to meet you. 595 00:41:26,651 --> 00:41:28,118 I won't die. 596 00:41:29,587 --> 00:41:30,988 I will not. 597 00:41:31,422 --> 00:41:33,891 But your death creates the future. 598 00:41:37,495 --> 00:41:38,795 Help me. 599 00:41:41,032 --> 00:41:43,534 Why won't you help, Doctor, if you know all of this? 600 00:41:43,635 --> 00:41:45,769 -Why can't you change it? -I can't. 601 00:41:45,870 --> 00:41:48,071 -Why can't you find a way? Tell me. -Adelaide, I swear, I can't. 602 00:41:48,173 --> 00:41:50,174 I'm sorry, but I can't. 603 00:41:50,408 --> 00:41:53,877 Sometimes I can, sometimes I do. Most times, I can save someone. 604 00:41:53,978 --> 00:41:56,847 Or anyone. But not you. 605 00:41:58,783 --> 00:42:03,153 You wondered all your life why that Dalek spared you. I think it knew. 606 00:42:03,821 --> 00:42:07,457 Your death is fixed in time forever. 607 00:42:09,561 --> 00:42:11,195 And that's right. 608 00:42:11,663 --> 00:42:13,797 -You'll die here, too? -No. 609 00:42:14,999 --> 00:42:16,967 What's going to save you? 610 00:42:17,702 --> 00:42:19,703 Captain Adelaide Brooke. 611 00:42:27,779 --> 00:42:29,313 (AIR WHOOSHING) 612 00:42:33,618 --> 00:42:34,918 Damn you. 613 00:42:35,119 --> 00:42:36,787 (DOOR OPENING) 614 00:42:37,288 --> 00:42:39,356 Water! We've got water! 615 00:42:39,457 --> 00:42:42,326 MIA: Captain! Get back! Get back! Captain! 616 00:42:42,427 --> 00:42:44,728 Don't touch it, Roman! Don't let it touch you! 617 00:42:44,829 --> 00:42:45,829 ADELAIDE: Get back! 618 00:42:45,930 --> 00:42:48,365 Everyone, we're abandoning this section. Get to the shuttle. 619 00:42:48,466 --> 00:42:51,134 Yuri, lead the way. Section B corridor, now. 620 00:42:53,538 --> 00:42:55,939 STEFFI: Get that. And that. 621 00:42:57,275 --> 00:42:58,542 Close it! 622 00:42:58,943 --> 00:43:00,877 STEFFI: Yuri, did that water touch you? 623 00:43:00,979 --> 00:43:03,013 -I'm safe. -Did it touch you? Yuri? 624 00:43:03,114 --> 00:43:05,215 -Did that water touch you? -I'm clean, I'm dry. 625 00:43:05,316 --> 00:43:07,884 Everyone, Section B is out. Listen to me. 626 00:43:07,986 --> 00:43:10,454 Take every pack that you can. We'll go round. 627 00:43:10,555 --> 00:43:12,456 We'll make our way out through Section F. 628 00:43:15,426 --> 00:43:17,761 STEFFI: Transferring authorisation, Section F. 629 00:43:17,862 --> 00:43:20,464 Mia, you take the redline stock. And hurry up! 630 00:43:20,531 --> 00:43:21,898 (CLANGING) 631 00:43:27,071 --> 00:43:28,705 YURI: Steffi! Go! 632 00:43:29,574 --> 00:43:31,008 MIA: Steffi, get back! 633 00:43:31,109 --> 00:43:32,442 -Get back! -Steffi, keep back! 634 00:43:32,543 --> 00:43:35,178 YURI: Get back! ADELAIDE: Steffi! 635 00:43:35,280 --> 00:43:36,880 YURI: Just get back! Steffi! MIA: Get back! 636 00:43:36,981 --> 00:43:39,916 -Get back! Hurry! -MIA: You'll be safer there! 637 00:43:40,018 --> 00:43:42,786 ROMAN: Just shut the door! Close the door! 638 00:43:44,355 --> 00:43:47,791 Steffi, we'll come get you, okay? We'll come get you! 639 00:43:49,227 --> 00:43:50,394 (EXCLAIMING) 640 00:43:50,495 --> 00:43:52,496 -Steffi! -Captain! 641 00:43:52,797 --> 00:43:56,800 We'll open the access panel. We'll get you out through the back. 642 00:43:57,702 --> 00:43:59,136 Get her out! Move it! 643 00:43:59,237 --> 00:44:00,837 (STEFFI SCREAMS) 644 00:44:01,372 --> 00:44:03,240 Captain, it's inside! 645 00:44:06,110 --> 00:44:09,246 ROMAN: Steffi! MIA: Steffi, get back. Steffi! 646 00:44:09,347 --> 00:44:12,249 ADELAIDE We're coming, Steffi. Hold on! 647 00:44:12,350 --> 00:44:15,018 ROMAN: The access panel's fused, Captain. 648 00:44:15,119 --> 00:44:17,954 -We can't open it. -YURI: We can't get through. 649 00:44:18,056 --> 00:44:20,190 STEFFI: Don't! Don't, please! YURI: There's nothing we can do. 650 00:44:20,291 --> 00:44:22,426 STEFFI: I can't move! 651 00:44:29,133 --> 00:44:31,435 (SPEAKING GERMAN) 652 00:44:42,680 --> 00:44:44,548 (SOBBING) 653 00:44:45,850 --> 00:44:48,051 (GIRL CONTNUES SPEAKING GERMAN ON MONITOR) 654 00:44:51,422 --> 00:44:54,024 Steffi, can you hear me? 655 00:44:57,295 --> 00:44:58,662 Oh, my God. 656 00:45:01,666 --> 00:45:04,534 (CHILD CONTINUES SPEAKING GERMAN ON MONITOR) 657 00:45:06,437 --> 00:45:08,305 Out. Get out. 658 00:45:24,589 --> 00:45:26,623 Ed, we're going around the long way. How are we doing? 659 00:45:27,759 --> 00:45:30,994 All systems online 100%. Not a single delay. 660 00:45:31,095 --> 00:45:34,097 Don't you worry, Captain, we are gonna fly. 661 00:45:37,468 --> 00:45:39,770 ADELAIDE: I need air in Section F, right now. 662 00:45:39,871 --> 00:45:43,106 YURI: Locking chamber three. Locking chamber four. 663 00:45:44,375 --> 00:45:49,212 ADELAIDE: Keep looking. ROMAN: Gate 5 is open. Gate 6 is open. 664 00:45:49,981 --> 00:45:53,316 YURI: Quickly. Come on. MIA: I've got 25 to 30 lockdown. 665 00:45:56,854 --> 00:46:00,157 -Roman, come on, with me. -You better go. 666 00:46:00,425 --> 00:46:02,492 ADELAIDE Don't just stand there, move. 667 00:46:02,593 --> 00:46:05,195 ROMAN: You'd really better go without me. 668 00:46:05,296 --> 00:46:07,030 I'm sorry, Captain. 669 00:46:09,100 --> 00:46:10,400 One drop. 670 00:46:16,107 --> 00:46:19,776 Roman! Roman! 671 00:46:19,877 --> 00:46:21,411 Leave him. Come on. 672 00:46:22,914 --> 00:46:25,081 MIA: We can't just leave him! YURI: Sorry. Come on! 673 00:46:25,183 --> 00:46:26,550 MIA: Let me go! YURI: I can't let you go. 674 00:46:26,651 --> 00:46:28,518 MIA: (CRYING) Roman! 675 00:46:28,619 --> 00:46:29,986 YURI: I'm so sorry. 676 00:46:35,993 --> 00:46:37,394 (GROANING) 677 00:46:40,198 --> 00:46:43,099 -ED: Captain, the shuttle is down. -What the hell do you mean? 678 00:46:43,201 --> 00:46:45,635 Compromised. It was Maggie. 679 00:46:45,736 --> 00:46:47,871 -ADELAIDE: Get out ofthere. -Too late. 680 00:46:50,541 --> 00:46:54,377 And they want this ship to get to Earth. Got no choice. 681 00:46:55,379 --> 00:46:57,514 (ED GROANING) 682 00:46:57,615 --> 00:46:59,349 Hated it, Adelaide. 683 00:47:00,785 --> 00:47:03,220 (GROANING) This bloody job. 684 00:47:03,921 --> 00:47:05,989 You never gave me a chance. 685 00:47:09,193 --> 00:47:10,994 (BEEPING) 686 00:47:13,531 --> 00:47:15,632 You never could forgive me. 687 00:47:17,702 --> 00:47:19,469 See you later. 688 00:47:22,273 --> 00:47:23,640 (ALL SCREAMING) 689 00:47:38,055 --> 00:47:40,624 (AIR ESCAPING) 690 00:47:44,762 --> 00:47:47,230 We're losing oxygen! 691 00:47:47,999 --> 00:47:50,867 The hull is broken! 692 00:47:57,875 --> 00:48:01,878 DOCTOR: I'm not just a Time Lord, I'm the last of the Time Lords. 693 00:48:07,184 --> 00:48:09,719 MAN: You'll never come back, Doctor. 694 00:48:10,788 --> 00:48:14,257 DOCTOR: I've got a TARDIS. Same old life, last of the Time Lords. 695 00:48:14,425 --> 00:48:16,626 And they died, took it all with them. 696 00:48:16,994 --> 00:48:20,897 The walls of reality closed, the worlds were sealed, gone forever. 697 00:48:21,299 --> 00:48:24,401 And the Time Lords kept their eye on everything. And it's gone now. 698 00:48:24,502 --> 00:48:27,971 But they died, the Time Lords. All of them, they died. 699 00:48:28,339 --> 00:48:30,674 I'm the last of the Time Lords. 700 00:48:31,375 --> 00:48:33,243 (ALARM BLARING) 701 00:48:42,253 --> 00:48:45,088 Mia, take this sealant and fix that rig. 702 00:48:45,189 --> 00:48:47,958 Yuri, open the emergency oxygen. 703 00:48:48,059 --> 00:48:50,360 Adelaide, don't just sit there. 704 00:48:55,199 --> 00:48:58,435 That's better. The dome's still got integrity. 705 00:48:58,536 --> 00:49:00,537 It's 10 feet of steel combination made in Liverpool. 706 00:49:00,638 --> 00:49:02,072 Magnificent workmanship. 707 00:49:02,173 --> 00:49:04,007 It can't be stopped. Don't die with us. 708 00:49:04,108 --> 00:49:05,642 No, because someone told me just recently, 709 00:49:05,743 --> 00:49:07,043 they said I was going to die. 710 00:49:07,144 --> 00:49:09,713 They said he will knock four times and I think I know what that means. 711 00:49:09,814 --> 00:49:11,681 And it doesn't mean right here, right now. 712 00:49:11,782 --> 00:49:13,717 'Cause I don't hear anyone knocking, do you? 713 00:49:13,818 --> 00:49:16,019 (BANGING ON DOOR) 714 00:49:18,022 --> 00:49:20,156 Three knocks is all you're getting. 715 00:49:20,758 --> 00:49:22,993 (SCREAMING) 716 00:49:23,861 --> 00:49:26,930 Water and electricity, bad mix. Now then, what else have we got? 717 00:49:27,031 --> 00:49:28,398 But there's no way to fight them. 718 00:49:28,499 --> 00:49:31,234 Heat! They use water, so we can use heat. 719 00:49:31,335 --> 00:49:33,436 Works against the Ice Warriors, works against the flood. 720 00:49:33,537 --> 00:49:35,238 We'll ramp up the environment controls and steam them! 721 00:49:35,339 --> 00:49:36,506 But you said we die. 722 00:49:36,574 --> 00:49:37,774 (THUDDING) 723 00:49:38,542 --> 00:49:40,176 For the future, for the human race. 724 00:49:40,277 --> 00:49:42,512 Yes, because there are laws. There are laws of time. 725 00:49:42,613 --> 00:49:47,017 Once upon a time, there were people in charge of those laws, but they died. 726 00:49:47,118 --> 00:49:50,253 They all died. Do you know who that leaves? Me! 727 00:49:50,921 --> 00:49:53,957 It's taken me all these years to realise the laws of time are mine 728 00:49:54,058 --> 00:49:55,525 and they will obey me! 729 00:49:55,626 --> 00:49:56,726 (GROANING) 730 00:49:56,827 --> 00:49:58,461 (ALARM BLARING) 731 00:50:01,632 --> 00:50:03,333 Environmental controls are down. 732 00:50:03,434 --> 00:50:05,902 Sorry, Doc, but it looks like history's got other ideas. 733 00:50:06,003 --> 00:50:08,905 Not beaten yet. I'll go outside! 734 00:50:09,540 --> 00:50:11,074 Look at the heat regulator. 735 00:50:12,443 --> 00:50:13,743 Not beaten, not beaten! 736 00:50:13,844 --> 00:50:16,379 You've got spacesuits in the next section! 737 00:50:20,317 --> 00:50:24,120 We're not just fighting the flood, we're fighting time itself 738 00:50:24,221 --> 00:50:25,989 and I'm gonna win! 739 00:50:31,228 --> 00:50:33,697 (ROARING) 740 00:50:41,439 --> 00:50:43,406 Something is happening to the glacier. 741 00:50:43,507 --> 00:50:45,175 Think, think, think. What have we got? 742 00:50:45,276 --> 00:50:48,278 Not enough oxygen. Protein packs, useless. 743 00:50:48,379 --> 00:50:51,581 Glacier, glacier... Mints, minty, Monty, molto bene, 744 00:50:51,682 --> 00:50:52,782 bunny, bonny, bish, bash, bosh! 745 00:50:52,883 --> 00:50:54,017 Ahh! The room! The room! The room! 746 00:50:54,118 --> 00:50:56,753 Look at the room. Section F... What's in Section F? 747 00:50:58,522 --> 00:51:01,758 -Anyone? -Nothing. It's just storage. 748 00:51:02,093 --> 00:51:04,561 -Storing what? -I don't know. The weather spikes, 749 00:51:04,662 --> 00:51:06,296 the robots, the atom clamps... 750 00:51:06,397 --> 00:51:08,431 Atom clamps, atom clamps! 751 00:51:08,566 --> 00:51:12,402 Who needs atom clamps? I love a funny robot! 752 00:51:13,237 --> 00:51:14,738 Gadget-gadget. 753 00:51:14,905 --> 00:51:16,673 (CONTINUES ROARING) 754 00:51:21,579 --> 00:51:24,414 -You take that. Good boy. -Gadget-gadget. 755 00:51:29,653 --> 00:51:32,122 -Off we go, then. -Gadget-gadget. 756 00:51:41,398 --> 00:51:43,299 Come on! Come on! 757 00:51:50,741 --> 00:51:52,375 COMPUTER: Implementing Captain's protocol. 758 00:51:52,476 --> 00:51:54,544 Adelaide, what are you doing? 759 00:51:54,645 --> 00:51:56,613 Oh, my God. Action Five. 760 00:51:56,714 --> 00:51:59,582 If I have to fight you as well, then I will. 761 00:52:00,351 --> 00:52:02,919 COMPUTER: Nuclear device now active and primed. 762 00:52:03,020 --> 00:52:05,789 Nuclear device now active and primed. 763 00:52:05,856 --> 00:52:07,857 Blast off! 764 00:52:08,159 --> 00:52:09,859 Gadget-gadget. 765 00:52:13,030 --> 00:52:15,165 Faster! 766 00:52:22,273 --> 00:52:24,107 (CONTINUES ROARING) 767 00:52:30,181 --> 00:52:32,382 (ALL ROARING) 768 00:52:50,801 --> 00:52:53,736 COMPUTER: Nuclear device entering final process. 769 00:52:53,838 --> 00:52:54,904 (EXCLAIMING) 770 00:53:00,444 --> 00:53:01,511 Gadget-gadget. 771 00:53:07,785 --> 00:53:09,519 And we're in! 772 00:53:13,023 --> 00:53:14,324 (LAUGHING) 773 00:53:17,294 --> 00:53:19,629 (ALARM BLARING) 774 00:53:22,066 --> 00:53:23,333 (LAUGHING) 775 00:53:31,175 --> 00:53:32,775 Gadget-gadget. 776 00:53:32,943 --> 00:53:34,110 (EXCLAIMING) 777 00:54:58,629 --> 00:55:00,196 Isn't anyone going to thank me? 778 00:55:08,439 --> 00:55:11,474 He's lost his signal. Doesn't know where he is. 779 00:55:12,910 --> 00:55:14,544 That's my house. 780 00:55:17,314 --> 00:55:18,982 Don't you get it? 781 00:55:19,817 --> 00:55:22,352 This is the 2 1 st of November, 2059. 782 00:55:23,287 --> 00:55:25,521 Same day on Earth. 783 00:55:26,824 --> 00:55:29,058 And it's snowing. I love snow. 784 00:55:30,194 --> 00:55:31,961 What is that thing? 785 00:55:32,896 --> 00:55:38,067 It's bigger... I mean, it's bigger on the inside. 786 00:55:39,436 --> 00:55:41,270 Who the hell are you? 787 00:55:49,446 --> 00:55:51,981 -Look after her. -Yes, ma'am. 788 00:56:01,925 --> 00:56:04,827 -You saved us. -Just think, though. 789 00:56:05,863 --> 00:56:09,999 Your daughter and your daughter's daughter, you can see them again. 790 00:56:10,467 --> 00:56:13,503 -Family reunion. -But I'm supposed to be dead. 791 00:56:14,071 --> 00:56:15,505 Not any more. 792 00:56:16,807 --> 00:56:19,575 But, Susie, 793 00:56:21,645 --> 00:56:23,346 my granddaughter, 794 00:56:24,381 --> 00:56:26,883 the person she's supposed to become 795 00:56:27,885 --> 00:56:29,485 might never exist now. 796 00:56:29,586 --> 00:56:32,855 Nah, Captain Adelaide can inspire her face-to-face. 797 00:56:33,257 --> 00:56:34,957 Different details, but the story's the same. 798 00:56:35,059 --> 00:56:36,859 You can't know that. 799 00:56:37,194 --> 00:56:42,765 And if my family changes, the whole of history could change. 800 00:56:43,600 --> 00:56:47,703 The future of the human race. No one should have that much power. 801 00:56:48,272 --> 00:56:49,439 Tough. 802 00:56:58,148 --> 00:57:00,383 You should have left us there. 803 00:57:00,984 --> 00:57:03,519 Adelaide, I've done this sort of thing before, 804 00:57:03,620 --> 00:57:06,422 in small ways, saved some little people. 805 00:57:07,357 --> 00:57:10,359 But never someone as important as you. Oh, I'm good. 806 00:57:10,461 --> 00:57:14,097 Little people? What, like Mia and Yuri? 807 00:57:14,198 --> 00:57:17,100 Who decides they're so unimportant? You? 808 00:57:18,035 --> 00:57:22,138 For a long time now, I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not. 809 00:57:23,006 --> 00:57:26,342 I'm the winner. That's who I am. 810 00:57:28,512 --> 00:57:30,546 The Time Lord Victorious. 811 00:57:34,952 --> 00:57:38,488 -And there's no one to stop you? -No. 812 00:57:39,790 --> 00:57:43,960 This is wrong, Doctor. I don't care who you are. 813 00:57:44,061 --> 00:57:46,696 The Time Lord Victorious is wrong. 814 00:57:46,864 --> 00:57:48,865 That's for me to decide. 815 00:57:52,202 --> 00:57:54,270 Now, you'd better get home. 816 00:57:54,738 --> 00:57:57,206 Oh, it's all locked up. You've been away. 817 00:57:57,307 --> 00:57:59,308 Still, that's easy. 818 00:57:59,510 --> 00:58:00,676 (WHIRRING) 819 00:58:00,777 --> 00:58:02,578 (DOOR UNLOCKING) 820 00:58:05,249 --> 00:58:06,616 All yours. 821 00:58:08,619 --> 00:58:10,887 Is there nothing you can't do? 822 00:58:11,622 --> 00:58:13,055 Not any more. 823 00:58:48,292 --> 00:58:50,293 (GUNSHOT) 824 00:59:27,464 --> 00:59:29,699 ADELAIDE I don't care who you are. 825 00:59:29,800 --> 00:59:32,235 The Time Lord Victorious is wrong. 826 00:59:44,448 --> 00:59:46,148 I've gone too far. 827 00:59:55,425 --> 00:59:59,762 Is this it? My death? 828 01:00:04,568 --> 01:00:05,968 Is it time? 829 01:00:46,476 --> 01:00:47,576 No. 830 01:00:52,783 --> 01:00:54,917 (LAUGHING) 831 01:00:57,688 --> 01:01:00,389 Every night, Doctor, we have bad dreams. 832 01:01:00,957 --> 01:01:04,260 But I was told he will knock four times. 833 01:01:04,361 --> 01:01:07,229 MAN: Because a shadow is falling over creation. 834 01:01:07,331 --> 01:01:09,865 Something vast is stirring in the dark. 835 01:01:09,966 --> 01:01:11,600 I'm going to die. 836 01:01:16,673 --> 01:01:19,075 My name is the Master. 837 01:01:20,210 --> 01:01:22,345 MAN: The darkness heralds only one thing... 838 01:01:22,446 --> 01:01:23,479 (LAUGHING) 839 01:01:23,980 --> 01:01:26,248 The end of time itself.