1 00:00:02,628 --> 00:00:04,918 As you come into this world, 2 00:00:04,918 --> 00:00:07,423 something else is also born. 3 00:00:09,574 --> 00:00:13,608 You begin your life, and it begins a journey... 4 00:00:13,608 --> 00:00:14,903 towards you. 5 00:00:14,903 --> 00:00:18,263 It moves slowly, but it never stops. 6 00:00:19,988 --> 00:00:23,388 Wherever you go, whatever path you take, 7 00:00:23,388 --> 00:00:25,103 it will follow. 8 00:00:25,103 --> 00:00:28,038 Never faster, never slower, 9 00:00:28,038 --> 00:00:29,763 always coming. 10 00:00:30,423 --> 00:00:32,568 You will run. 11 00:00:32,568 --> 00:00:34,023 It will walk. 12 00:00:34,548 --> 00:00:36,308 You will rest. 13 00:00:36,308 --> 00:00:38,023 It will not. 14 00:00:39,098 --> 00:00:43,423 One day, you will linger in the same place too long. 15 00:00:44,383 --> 00:00:47,943 You will sit too still or sleep too deep... 16 00:00:49,088 --> 00:00:52,108 and when, too late, 17 00:00:52,108 --> 00:00:54,103 you rise to go... 18 00:00:56,428 --> 00:00:59,643 you will notice a second shadow next to yours. 19 00:01:00,288 --> 00:01:02,028 Your life... 20 00:01:02,028 --> 00:01:03,933 will then be over. 21 00:02:01,668 --> 00:02:05,748 If you think because she's dead, I am weak, then you understand very little. 22 00:02:05,748 --> 00:02:09,008 If you were any part of killing her, and you're not afraid, 23 00:02:09,008 --> 00:02:11,448 then you understand nothing at all. 24 00:02:11,448 --> 00:02:14,338 So, for your own sake, understand this. 25 00:02:14,338 --> 00:02:16,258 I am the Doctor. 26 00:02:16,258 --> 00:02:20,211 I'm coming to find you, and I will never, ever stop. 27 00:03:34,108 --> 00:03:37,528 The equipment in that room is consistent 28 00:03:37,528 --> 00:03:41,323 with an augmented ultra long-range teleport. 29 00:03:42,028 --> 00:03:45,383 So I'm not more than a single light year from where I was... 30 00:03:45,948 --> 00:03:48,503 and I'm in the same time zone. 31 00:03:56,302 --> 00:03:58,368 When the sun sets, 32 00:03:58,368 --> 00:04:01,298 I'll be able to establish an exact position by the stars. 33 00:04:01,298 --> 00:04:03,443 Then you'll have a choice. 34 00:04:03,978 --> 00:04:05,478 Come out, 35 00:04:05,478 --> 00:04:06,988 show yourself, 36 00:04:06,988 --> 00:04:09,143 or keep on hiding. 37 00:04:09,848 --> 00:04:11,488 Clara said 38 00:04:11,488 --> 00:04:14,448 I shouldn't take revenge. You should know... 39 00:04:14,448 --> 00:04:16,413 I don't always listen. 40 00:04:17,348 --> 00:04:19,273 Oh, what's this? 41 00:04:23,328 --> 00:04:26,283 Well, are you gardeners? I hate gardening! 42 00:04:27,378 --> 00:04:31,343 What sort of a person has a power complex about flowers? 43 00:04:32,618 --> 00:04:34,778 It's dictatorship for inadequates. 44 00:04:34,778 --> 00:04:37,258 Or to put it another way, it's dictatorship. 45 00:04:37,258 --> 00:04:39,463 Come on! Chop, chop! 46 00:04:39,463 --> 00:04:41,278 The Doctor will see you now! 47 00:04:41,278 --> 00:04:43,023 Show me what you've got! 48 00:04:43,023 --> 00:04:45,783 I just watched my best friend die in agony. My day can't get any worse. 49 00:04:45,783 --> 00:04:48,393 Let's see what we can do about yours! 50 00:06:21,838 --> 00:06:23,523 I know you. 51 00:06:25,703 --> 00:06:27,663 I've seen you before! 52 00:06:31,298 --> 00:06:32,838 I used to know a trick, 53 00:06:32,838 --> 00:06:36,468 back when I was young and telepathic. Clearly, you can't make an actual 54 00:06:36,468 --> 00:06:39,103 psychic link with a door, for one very obvious reason... 55 00:06:39,103 --> 00:06:41,488 they're notoriously cross. 56 00:06:41,488 --> 00:06:44,858 I mean, imagine life as a door. People keep pushing past you. 57 00:06:44,858 --> 00:06:47,023 All of that knocking, but it's never for you. 58 00:06:47,023 --> 00:06:53,293 And you get locked up every night, so if you are just a little bit nice... 59 00:06:55,543 --> 00:06:57,113 See, Clara? 60 00:06:58,308 --> 00:06:59,891 Still got it. 61 00:07:06,588 --> 00:07:08,529 But I... 62 00:07:11,783 --> 00:07:13,743 I can't actually see a way out of this... 63 00:07:14,818 --> 00:07:18,363 I've finally run out of corridor. There's a life summed up. 64 00:07:20,903 --> 00:07:23,103 Now, this is new. 65 00:07:23,103 --> 00:07:24,698 I'm scared. 66 00:07:24,698 --> 00:07:28,223 I just realised that I'm actually scared of dying. 67 00:07:32,478 --> 00:07:34,588 Something I said? 68 00:07:34,588 --> 00:07:36,783 What did I say? 69 00:07:46,203 --> 00:07:47,583 Why did you stop? 70 00:09:04,822 --> 00:09:06,378 Old. 71 00:09:06,378 --> 00:09:09,063 Very old. Possibly very, very old. 72 00:09:16,128 --> 00:09:18,938 When I was a very little boy, there was an old lady who died. 73 00:09:18,938 --> 00:09:21,328 They covered her in veils, but it was a hot, sunny day, 74 00:09:21,328 --> 00:09:24,303 and the flies came. It gave me nightmares for years. 75 00:09:24,303 --> 00:09:26,943 So, who's been stealing my nightmares? 76 00:09:26,943 --> 00:09:29,043 What am I here for? 77 00:09:29,663 --> 00:09:33,463 You've known about me for a very long time, right? 78 00:09:36,068 --> 00:09:38,783 So, what is it? 79 00:09:40,718 --> 00:09:44,143 Is it a trap? Is it a prison? 80 00:09:45,228 --> 00:09:46,143 No! 81 00:09:47,978 --> 00:09:49,993 Is it a torture chamber? 82 00:09:51,043 --> 00:09:52,623 Am I right? 83 00:09:53,228 --> 00:09:55,598 Somebody really should know better. 84 00:09:55,598 --> 00:09:58,383 Anyone who can put all of this together... 85 00:09:58,383 --> 00:10:01,823 and steal my bad dreams, they should know better. 86 00:10:03,263 --> 00:10:05,224 The secrets I have... 87 00:10:05,224 --> 00:10:07,464 no chance. Not telling, not me. 88 00:10:08,728 --> 00:10:11,863 I told you I was scared of dying. And I wasn't lying either. 89 00:10:11,863 --> 00:10:13,763 Advantage, me! 90 00:10:17,383 --> 00:10:19,943 Because you won't see this coming! 91 00:10:26,018 --> 00:10:29,023 Sorry, I'm late. Jumped out of a window. 92 00:10:29,023 --> 00:10:30,303 Certain death. 93 00:10:30,303 --> 00:10:32,148 Don't you want to know how I survived? 94 00:10:32,148 --> 00:10:34,223 Go on. Ask me! 95 00:10:35,623 --> 00:10:37,983 No, of course I had to jump. 96 00:10:37,983 --> 00:10:40,448 The first rule of being interrogated is 97 00:10:40,448 --> 00:10:44,178 that you are the only irreplaceable person in the torture chamber. 98 00:10:44,178 --> 00:10:47,303 The room is yours, so work it. 99 00:10:47,303 --> 00:10:51,138 If they're going to threaten you with death, show them who's boss. 100 00:10:51,138 --> 00:10:52,828 Die faster! 101 00:10:52,828 --> 00:10:55,183 And you've seen me do that more often than most. 102 00:10:56,338 --> 00:10:57,823 Isn't that right, Clara? 103 00:11:03,708 --> 00:11:05,898 Rule one of dying, don't. 104 00:11:05,898 --> 00:11:07,703 Rule two, slow down. 105 00:11:10,303 --> 00:11:12,548 You've got the rest of your life. 106 00:11:12,548 --> 00:11:14,818 The faster you think, the slower it will pass. 107 00:11:14,818 --> 00:11:15,823 Concentrate! 108 00:11:16,628 --> 00:11:19,908 Assume you're going to survive. Always assume that. 109 00:11:20,648 --> 00:11:22,303 Imagine you've already survived. 110 00:11:23,743 --> 00:11:27,508 There's a storm room in your mind. Lock the door and think. 111 00:11:27,508 --> 00:11:29,223 This is my storm room. 112 00:11:29,223 --> 00:11:33,408 I always imagine that I'm back in my Tardis, showing off, 113 00:11:33,408 --> 00:11:36,938 telling you how I escaped, making you laugh. 114 00:11:36,938 --> 00:11:39,408 That's what I'm doing right now. 115 00:11:39,408 --> 00:11:42,568 I am falling, Clara. 116 00:11:42,568 --> 00:11:44,303 I'm dying. 117 00:11:45,248 --> 00:11:48,703 And I'm going to explain to you how I survived. 118 00:11:50,343 --> 00:11:53,505 I can't wait to hear what I say. I'm nothing without an audience. 119 00:11:58,718 --> 00:12:00,383 One hope, salt. 120 00:12:01,568 --> 00:12:04,383 Thought I smelled it earlier. When I broke the window, I was sure. 121 00:12:04,383 --> 00:12:07,584 Salty air. This castle is standing in the sea. 122 00:12:08,288 --> 00:12:11,543 Diving into water from a great height is no guarantee of survival. 123 00:12:12,428 --> 00:12:16,303 I need to know exactly how far I'm going to fall, and how fast. 124 00:12:16,663 --> 00:12:19,143 Why do you think I threw the stool? 125 00:12:21,903 --> 00:12:23,463 Fall time to impact... 126 00:12:24,628 --> 00:12:26,028 seven seconds. 127 00:12:26,028 --> 00:12:28,343 Because you won't see this coming! 128 00:12:28,343 --> 00:12:30,543 The wind resistance of the stool, 129 00:12:30,543 --> 00:12:34,539 the atmospheric density, the strength of the local gravity. 130 00:12:35,983 --> 00:12:38,776 Am I spoiling the magic? I work at this stuff, you know? 131 00:12:39,303 --> 00:12:41,703 Should hit the water in about... 132 00:12:45,022 --> 00:12:46,463 0.02 seconds. 133 00:12:46,463 --> 00:12:48,703 The chances of remaining conscious are... 134 00:13:39,503 --> 00:13:41,423 Can't I just sleep? 135 00:13:51,668 --> 00:13:54,003 Do I have to know everything? 136 00:14:01,508 --> 00:14:04,827 Clara, I can't always... 137 00:16:43,058 --> 00:16:44,983 It keeps coming, Clara. 138 00:16:44,983 --> 00:16:48,700 Wherever I go, it follows. Why? Why does it do that? 139 00:16:51,448 --> 00:16:54,703 Always the teacher. What's the right question, then? 140 00:17:01,988 --> 00:17:03,833 It's following me. 141 00:17:06,368 --> 00:17:08,803 Wherever I go, it's tracking me. 142 00:17:09,548 --> 00:17:12,083 Slowly though. Scary lurching. 143 00:17:14,708 --> 00:17:16,233 Scary! 144 00:17:18,688 --> 00:17:20,518 These screens everywhere... 145 00:17:20,518 --> 00:17:23,428 It's showing me exactly where it is all the time, 146 00:17:23,428 --> 00:17:26,243 how far it's got, how near. 147 00:17:29,158 --> 00:17:31,873 Because it's trying to scare me. 148 00:17:32,448 --> 00:17:34,868 Putting its breath on my neck. That's the point. 149 00:17:34,868 --> 00:17:37,868 That's what it's doing. This is theatre. 150 00:17:37,868 --> 00:17:40,923 It's all about fear. Working hypothesis... 151 00:17:41,558 --> 00:17:45,063 I'm in a fully automated haunted house. A mechanical maze. 152 00:17:53,168 --> 00:17:55,943 It's a killer puzzle box designed to scare me to death, 153 00:17:55,943 --> 00:17:58,403 and I'm trapped inside it. 154 00:18:01,468 --> 00:18:03,463 Must be Christmas! 155 00:19:24,903 --> 00:19:28,783 Another spade? Someone wants me to dig. 156 00:19:29,308 --> 00:19:31,108 What do you think, Clara? 157 00:19:31,108 --> 00:19:33,468 Is someone trying to give me a hint? 158 00:19:33,468 --> 00:19:34,823 What would you do? 159 00:19:35,903 --> 00:19:37,835 Yes. Yes, of course you would. 160 00:19:42,178 --> 00:19:44,983 Which, let's be honest, is what killed you. 161 00:19:44,983 --> 00:19:46,683 So... 162 00:19:47,498 --> 00:19:51,268 someone is trying to tell me that there's something important buried in this garden. 163 00:19:51,268 --> 00:19:54,443 That's almost the first thing they tried to tell me. 164 00:19:54,443 --> 00:19:56,308 It could be a trick. 165 00:19:56,308 --> 00:19:58,898 It could be one of my predecessors. 166 00:19:58,898 --> 00:20:01,023 Because I'm not the first prisoner here, am I? 167 00:20:03,058 --> 00:20:05,383 All those skulls! 168 00:20:06,018 --> 00:20:08,983 Wonder where they all went wrong. 169 00:20:12,768 --> 00:20:17,303 Building this height, creature that slow, so what? 170 00:20:19,438 --> 00:20:21,200 An hour. 171 00:21:30,943 --> 00:21:33,383 Physics of a triangle. You lose! 172 00:21:49,023 --> 00:21:50,633 So? 173 00:21:51,588 --> 00:21:53,288 It can set traps. 174 00:21:53,288 --> 00:21:54,843 That's okay. 175 00:21:55,428 --> 00:21:57,313 I'm good at traps. 176 00:22:08,028 --> 00:22:10,243 So where are you off to? 177 00:22:16,903 --> 00:22:19,273 Only one way in and one way out. 178 00:22:20,663 --> 00:22:22,843 Well, seeing as you're going... 179 00:23:03,608 --> 00:23:05,603 No, no. That's not right. 180 00:24:00,518 --> 00:24:02,368 Well, that was another close one. 181 00:24:02,368 --> 00:24:05,343 Or it will have been, once I've been and gone and got myself out of it. 182 00:24:05,928 --> 00:24:07,623 So, how am I going to do that? 183 00:24:08,628 --> 00:24:10,863 Come on, teacher, ask me questions. 184 00:24:17,543 --> 00:24:19,303 I'm actually scared of dying. 185 00:24:25,988 --> 00:24:27,343 The truth, yes. 186 00:24:27,343 --> 00:24:31,098 But not any old truth, Clara. This whole place is designed to terrify me. 187 00:24:31,098 --> 00:24:33,083 I'm being interrogated. 188 00:24:33,778 --> 00:24:35,518 It's not just truth it wants. 189 00:24:35,518 --> 00:24:37,263 That's not enough. 190 00:24:38,568 --> 00:24:40,323 It's confession. 191 00:24:42,968 --> 00:24:44,888 I have to tell truths... 192 00:24:44,888 --> 00:24:47,106 I've never told before. 193 00:24:48,028 --> 00:24:50,353 That's the only thing that stops it. 194 00:24:57,188 --> 00:24:59,163 You see, the problem is... 195 00:25:00,428 --> 00:25:01,843 Clara... 196 00:25:06,588 --> 00:25:09,203 there are truths that I can never tell. 197 00:25:12,268 --> 00:25:14,323 Not for anything. 198 00:25:15,318 --> 00:25:17,863 But I'm scared and I'm alone. 199 00:25:18,868 --> 00:25:20,423 Alone... 200 00:25:21,808 --> 00:25:24,303 and very, very scared. 201 00:25:31,348 --> 00:25:33,143 I confess. 202 00:25:33,143 --> 00:25:35,048 I didn't leave Gallifrey because I was bored. 203 00:25:35,048 --> 00:25:37,463 That was a lie. It has always been a lie. 204 00:25:40,303 --> 00:25:43,103 Not enough? You want more? 205 00:25:45,828 --> 00:25:48,583 I was scared. I ran because I was scared. 206 00:25:48,583 --> 00:25:50,258 Is that what you want me to say? 207 00:25:50,258 --> 00:25:52,503 Is that true enough for you? 208 00:27:01,948 --> 00:27:03,503 It's funny. 209 00:27:04,268 --> 00:27:07,398 The day you lose someone isn't the worst. 210 00:27:07,398 --> 00:27:09,918 At least you've got something to do. 211 00:27:10,828 --> 00:27:12,728 It's all the days... 212 00:27:12,728 --> 00:27:14,648 they stay dead. 213 00:27:25,603 --> 00:27:27,503 57 minutes. 214 00:27:31,568 --> 00:27:34,228 This is how my world works, Clara. 215 00:27:34,228 --> 00:27:36,383 I tick off the seconds as they pass. 216 00:27:36,988 --> 00:27:39,443 My life is a countdown. 217 00:27:40,828 --> 00:27:43,838 If I draw the creature to one extreme of the castle, 218 00:27:43,838 --> 00:27:46,363 and I run to the other extreme, 219 00:27:47,287 --> 00:27:49,663 I can earn myself a maximum... 220 00:27:49,663 --> 00:27:51,923 of 82 minutes. 221 00:27:53,543 --> 00:27:56,108 82 minutes to eat, 222 00:27:56,108 --> 00:27:58,358 sleep and work. 223 00:27:58,358 --> 00:27:59,828 My work... 224 00:27:59,828 --> 00:28:02,318 is finding Room 12. 225 00:28:02,318 --> 00:28:05,723 The castle wants me to. It's luring me. 226 00:28:11,758 --> 00:28:13,583 The numbering is a bit confused, 227 00:28:14,578 --> 00:28:17,083 as if the rooms are all jumbled up. 228 00:28:17,748 --> 00:28:19,943 Maybe they move around. 229 00:28:22,398 --> 00:28:25,183 I saw the whole castle move... 230 00:28:27,258 --> 00:28:29,723 when I made the creature stop. 231 00:28:34,302 --> 00:28:36,788 Every room, if I leave it long enough, 232 00:28:36,788 --> 00:28:40,703 reverts to its condition at the moment I arrive. 233 00:28:42,238 --> 00:28:44,503 It tidies up after itself. 234 00:28:45,418 --> 00:28:47,543 Automated room service. 235 00:28:54,418 --> 00:28:58,388 I think this whole place is inside a closed energy loop. 236 00:28:58,388 --> 00:29:00,623 Constantly recycling. 237 00:29:01,468 --> 00:29:03,598 Or maybe I'm in Hell? 238 00:29:03,598 --> 00:29:05,378 That's okay. 239 00:29:05,378 --> 00:29:08,723 I'm not scared of Hell. It's just Heaven for bad people. 240 00:29:09,888 --> 00:29:11,573 But how long... 241 00:29:12,238 --> 00:29:14,443 will I have to be here? 242 00:29:19,588 --> 00:29:21,150 Forever? 243 00:29:27,558 --> 00:29:29,393 It's always coming. 244 00:29:30,628 --> 00:29:34,143 Always closer. The countdown never stops. 245 00:29:35,568 --> 00:29:37,783 But the countdown to what? 246 00:29:44,988 --> 00:29:49,118 There are two events in everybody's life that nobody remembers. 247 00:29:49,118 --> 00:29:52,968 Two moments experienced by every living thing. 248 00:29:52,968 --> 00:29:56,203 Yet, no one remembers anything about them. 249 00:30:00,908 --> 00:30:03,828 Nobody remembers being born... 250 00:30:03,828 --> 00:30:06,323 and nobody remembers dying. 251 00:30:07,948 --> 00:30:12,188 Is that why we always stare into the eye sockets of a skull? 252 00:30:12,188 --> 00:30:13,988 Because we're asking, 253 00:30:13,988 --> 00:30:16,148 "What was it like? 254 00:30:16,148 --> 00:30:18,138 "Does it hurt?" 255 00:30:18,138 --> 00:30:20,283 "Are you still scared?" 256 00:30:23,648 --> 00:30:25,143 Bird? 257 00:30:25,143 --> 00:30:27,388 What's bird got to do with it? 258 00:30:27,388 --> 00:30:29,323 Are there birds here? 259 00:31:08,188 --> 00:31:10,628 There's something I'm missing, Clara, 260 00:31:10,628 --> 00:31:12,863 and I think it's something terrible. 261 00:31:55,728 --> 00:31:57,043 Hello? 262 00:31:57,678 --> 00:31:59,983 Hello, is there someone there? Hello! 263 00:32:08,418 --> 00:32:10,503 It's a trap, Clara. 264 00:32:11,368 --> 00:32:13,943 A lure and a trap. 265 00:32:25,028 --> 00:32:28,343 I'm following bread crumbs laid out for me. 266 00:32:31,308 --> 00:32:33,523 This is somebody's game... 267 00:32:35,178 --> 00:32:37,378 and I can't stop playing it. 268 00:32:37,378 --> 00:32:40,283 A game everybody else has lost. 269 00:32:40,868 --> 00:32:43,288 I know how to move that wall, Clara. 270 00:32:43,288 --> 00:32:46,188 So long as I don't run out of confessions. 271 00:32:46,188 --> 00:32:48,428 But what I really want to know is... 272 00:32:48,428 --> 00:32:51,168 who's been playing about with the stars? 273 00:32:51,168 --> 00:32:53,503 They're all in the wrong places, 274 00:32:53,503 --> 00:32:55,703 for this time zone, anyway. 275 00:32:56,463 --> 00:32:59,708 I know I didn't time travel to get here. 276 00:32:59,708 --> 00:33:01,583 I can feel time travel. 277 00:33:01,583 --> 00:33:02,928 If I didn't know better, 278 00:33:02,928 --> 00:33:06,923 I'd say I've travelled 7,000 years into the future. 279 00:33:07,618 --> 00:33:09,488 But I do know better. 280 00:33:09,488 --> 00:33:12,302 So who moved the stars? 281 00:33:17,858 --> 00:33:19,643 The Hybrid. 282 00:33:24,968 --> 00:33:28,463 Long before the Time War, the Time Lords knew it was coming. 283 00:33:28,918 --> 00:33:31,518 Like a storm on the wind. 284 00:33:31,518 --> 00:33:33,583 There were many prophecies and stories. 285 00:33:33,583 --> 00:33:35,943 Legends before the fact. 286 00:33:35,943 --> 00:33:37,428 One of them... 287 00:33:37,428 --> 00:33:39,258 was about a creature... 288 00:33:39,258 --> 00:33:40,983 called the Hybrid. 289 00:33:41,398 --> 00:33:44,918 Half Dalek, half Time Lord. 290 00:33:44,918 --> 00:33:48,758 The ultimate warrior. But whose side would it be on? 291 00:33:48,758 --> 00:33:51,223 Would it bring peace or destruction? 292 00:33:51,223 --> 00:33:53,980 Was it real, or a fantasy? 293 00:33:54,568 --> 00:33:56,668 I confess... 294 00:33:56,668 --> 00:33:59,258 I know the Hybrid is real. 295 00:33:59,258 --> 00:34:01,978 I know where it is and what it is. 296 00:34:01,978 --> 00:34:03,858 I confess... 297 00:34:03,858 --> 00:34:05,403 I'm afraid. 298 00:35:46,108 --> 00:35:47,898 Of course! 299 00:35:47,898 --> 00:35:50,448 The last square on the board. 300 00:35:50,448 --> 00:35:52,303 What else would it be? 301 00:35:53,988 --> 00:35:55,643 The Tardis. 302 00:35:56,198 --> 00:35:58,333 One confession away. 303 00:36:03,298 --> 00:36:05,043 Azbantium. 304 00:36:05,828 --> 00:36:08,943 Four hundred times harder than diamond. 305 00:36:11,378 --> 00:36:13,023 Twenty feet thick. 306 00:36:17,108 --> 00:36:18,663 The way out. 307 00:36:22,928 --> 00:36:24,293 Bird! 308 00:36:36,428 --> 00:36:38,708 That's when I remember! 309 00:36:38,708 --> 00:36:42,488 Always then. Always then. 310 00:36:42,488 --> 00:36:44,663 Always exactly then! 311 00:36:48,263 --> 00:36:50,823 I can't keep doing this, Clara. 312 00:36:50,823 --> 00:36:52,353 I can't! 313 00:36:52,948 --> 00:36:54,958 Why is it always me? 314 00:36:54,958 --> 00:36:57,823 Why is it never anybody else's turn? 315 00:37:01,908 --> 00:37:03,943 Can't I just lose? 316 00:37:04,738 --> 00:37:06,603 Just this once? 317 00:37:07,413 --> 00:37:09,848 Easy. It would be easy. 318 00:37:09,848 --> 00:37:12,328 It would be so easy. 319 00:37:12,328 --> 00:37:13,418 Just tell them. 320 00:37:13,418 --> 00:37:15,739 Just tell them, whoever wants to know... 321 00:37:15,739 --> 00:37:17,783 all about the Hybrid. 322 00:37:29,903 --> 00:37:32,043 I can't keep doing this. 323 00:37:32,768 --> 00:37:36,593 I can't... I can't always do this! 324 00:37:37,343 --> 00:37:39,038 It's not fair! 325 00:37:39,038 --> 00:37:40,758 Clara, it's just not fair! 326 00:37:40,758 --> 00:37:42,963 Why can't I just lose? 327 00:37:48,048 --> 00:37:50,203 But I can remember, Clara. 328 00:37:50,948 --> 00:37:52,883 You don't understand. 329 00:37:53,548 --> 00:37:55,918 I can remember it all. 330 00:37:55,918 --> 00:37:57,583 Every time. 331 00:38:01,918 --> 00:38:04,363 And you'll still be gone. 332 00:38:09,063 --> 00:38:11,123 Whatever I do... 333 00:38:14,498 --> 00:38:16,563 you still won't be there. 334 00:38:23,418 --> 00:38:25,023 Doctor... 335 00:38:25,888 --> 00:38:29,578 you are not the only person who ever lost someone. 336 00:38:29,578 --> 00:38:31,423 It's the story of everybody. 337 00:38:32,028 --> 00:38:34,503 Get over it. Beat it. 338 00:38:35,878 --> 00:38:37,604 Break free. 339 00:38:43,388 --> 00:38:45,423 Doctor, it's time. 340 00:38:48,418 --> 00:38:51,223 Get up, off your arse... 341 00:38:53,208 --> 00:38:54,963 and win. 342 00:39:01,228 --> 00:39:04,583 Hello again. No more confessions, sorry. 343 00:39:07,548 --> 00:39:10,743 But I will tell you... 344 00:39:10,743 --> 00:39:12,803 the truth. 345 00:39:31,218 --> 00:39:33,598 The Hybrid is a very dangerous secret. 346 00:39:33,598 --> 00:39:36,628 A very, very dangerous secret... 347 00:39:36,628 --> 00:39:39,023 and it needs to be kept! 348 00:39:42,308 --> 00:39:44,443 So I'm telling you nothing. 349 00:39:45,256 --> 00:39:47,053 Nothing at all. 350 00:39:47,053 --> 00:39:49,948 Instead, I'm going to do something... 351 00:39:49,948 --> 00:39:51,863 far worse. 352 00:39:55,478 --> 00:39:57,223 I'm going to get out of here, 353 00:39:57,223 --> 00:40:01,843 and find whoever put me here in the first place... 354 00:40:01,843 --> 00:40:03,978 and whatever they're trying to do, 355 00:40:03,978 --> 00:40:05,743 I'm going to stop it! 356 00:40:13,748 --> 00:40:16,283 But it might take a little while, 357 00:40:16,283 --> 00:40:18,963 so do you want me to tell you a story? 358 00:40:22,428 --> 00:40:24,388 The Brothers Grimm... 359 00:40:24,388 --> 00:40:26,148 lovely fellas... 360 00:40:26,148 --> 00:40:28,223 They're on my darts team. 361 00:40:30,978 --> 00:40:33,003 According to them... 362 00:40:33,817 --> 00:40:36,168 there's this emperor... 363 00:40:36,168 --> 00:40:39,483 and he asks the shepherd's boy... 364 00:40:40,543 --> 00:40:44,143 "How many seconds in eternity?" 365 00:41:32,468 --> 00:41:35,226 People always get it wrong with Time Lords. 366 00:41:36,148 --> 00:41:38,536 We take forever to die. 367 00:41:41,488 --> 00:41:44,168 Even if we're too injured to regenerate... 368 00:41:44,168 --> 00:41:47,083 every cell in our bodies keeps trying. 369 00:41:48,848 --> 00:41:50,778 Dying properly... 370 00:41:50,778 --> 00:41:52,303 can take days. 371 00:41:52,858 --> 00:41:56,083 It's why we like to die among our own kind. 372 00:41:58,928 --> 00:42:01,103 They know not to bury us early. 373 00:42:03,063 --> 00:42:04,423 I think... 374 00:42:04,968 --> 00:42:07,003 in my current condition... 375 00:42:07,823 --> 00:42:10,198 it will take me about... 376 00:42:10,198 --> 00:42:13,203 a day and a half to reach the top of the tower. 377 00:42:17,023 --> 00:42:18,723 I think... 378 00:42:19,463 --> 00:42:21,333 if I'm lucky... 379 00:42:23,213 --> 00:42:25,503 I have a day and a half. 380 00:42:27,943 --> 00:42:30,283 I have to do this, Clara. 381 00:42:31,703 --> 00:42:34,063 It's the only way. 382 00:42:36,378 --> 00:42:38,643 I have to be strong. 383 00:42:41,348 --> 00:42:43,963 I should have known from the very beginning. 384 00:42:44,668 --> 00:42:46,263 Of course. 385 00:42:47,223 --> 00:42:49,563 The portrait of you... 386 00:42:50,268 --> 00:42:52,923 the creature from my own nightmares... 387 00:42:54,268 --> 00:42:56,008 This place... 388 00:42:56,008 --> 00:42:59,263 is my own bespoke torture chamber... 389 00:42:59,988 --> 00:43:02,508 intended for me only... 390 00:43:02,508 --> 00:43:04,948 and all those skulls... 391 00:43:04,948 --> 00:43:06,713 in the water... 392 00:43:07,698 --> 00:43:10,688 How could there be other prisoners... 393 00:43:10,688 --> 00:43:12,423 in my hell? 394 00:43:15,488 --> 00:43:17,663 The answer of course... 395 00:43:19,143 --> 00:43:21,068 is there were never... 396 00:43:21,068 --> 00:43:23,286 any other prisoners. 397 00:43:24,708 --> 00:43:27,143 And the stars... 398 00:43:32,188 --> 00:43:34,743 they weren't in the wrong place... 399 00:43:35,868 --> 00:43:37,788 and I haven't... 400 00:43:37,788 --> 00:43:39,603 time travelled. 401 00:43:47,983 --> 00:43:50,383 I've just been here... 402 00:43:50,828 --> 00:43:54,043 a very, very... 403 00:43:55,263 --> 00:43:57,463 long time. 404 00:43:59,208 --> 00:44:01,383 Every room resets. 405 00:44:01,383 --> 00:44:03,601 Remember I told you that? 406 00:44:04,208 --> 00:44:07,943 Every room reverts to its original condition. 407 00:44:07,943 --> 00:44:09,763 Logically... 408 00:44:10,458 --> 00:44:13,063 the teleporter should do the same. 409 00:44:13,063 --> 00:44:16,358 Teleporter, fancy word. 410 00:44:16,358 --> 00:44:18,543 Just like 3D-printers, really. 411 00:44:19,143 --> 00:44:22,018 Except they break down living matter and information, 412 00:44:22,018 --> 00:44:23,988 and transmit it. 413 00:44:23,988 --> 00:44:27,383 All you have to do is add energy. 414 00:44:30,228 --> 00:44:32,588 The room has reset, 415 00:44:32,588 --> 00:44:35,553 returned to its original condition when I arrived. 416 00:44:35,553 --> 00:44:37,323 That means... 417 00:44:37,988 --> 00:44:40,268 there's a copy of me... 418 00:44:40,268 --> 00:44:42,483 still in the hard drive. 419 00:44:43,898 --> 00:44:48,203 Me, exactly as I was... 420 00:44:49,368 --> 00:44:51,483 when I first got here... 421 00:44:52,228 --> 00:44:54,143 7,000 years ago. 422 00:44:57,778 --> 00:45:00,148 All I have to find... 423 00:45:00,148 --> 00:45:02,043 is some energy. 424 00:45:04,338 --> 00:45:06,843 And all you need for energy... 425 00:45:07,938 --> 00:45:10,143 is something to burn. 426 00:45:52,018 --> 00:45:54,883 How long can I keep doing this, Clara? 427 00:45:56,998 --> 00:45:59,203 Burning the old me... 428 00:46:00,228 --> 00:46:02,383 to make a new one? 429 00:46:46,378 --> 00:46:50,723 If you think because she's dead, I am weak, then you understand very little. 430 00:46:52,098 --> 00:46:55,663 If you were any part of killing her, and you're not afraid, 431 00:46:55,663 --> 00:46:58,148 then you understand nothing at all. 432 00:46:58,148 --> 00:47:00,948 So, for your own sake, understand this. 433 00:47:00,948 --> 00:47:02,383 I'm the Doctor. 434 00:47:02,848 --> 00:47:06,763 I'm coming to find you, and I will never, ever stop. 435 00:47:17,663 --> 00:47:20,223 Because you won't see this coming! 436 00:47:39,338 --> 00:47:41,338 If I didn't know better, I'd say I've travelled 437 00:47:41,338 --> 00:47:43,703 7,000 years into the future. 438 00:47:49,823 --> 00:47:53,383 "How many seconds in eternity?" 439 00:48:11,423 --> 00:48:13,168 If I didn't know better, 440 00:48:13,168 --> 00:48:15,983 I'd say I've travelled 12,000 years into the future. 441 00:48:21,383 --> 00:48:24,303 "How many seconds in eternity?" 442 00:48:25,423 --> 00:48:27,783 And the shepherd's boy... 443 00:48:35,583 --> 00:48:38,023 Six hundred thousand years into the future. 444 00:48:39,061 --> 00:48:41,783 "How many seconds in eternity?" 445 00:48:41,783 --> 00:48:43,823 And the shepherd's boy says... 446 00:48:53,263 --> 00:48:55,583 Twelve hundred thousand years into the future. 447 00:48:56,943 --> 00:48:59,183 And the shepherd's boy says... 448 00:49:02,783 --> 00:49:04,623 Two million years into the future. 449 00:49:07,583 --> 00:49:10,063 And the shepherd's boy says... 450 00:49:26,223 --> 00:49:27,863 Twenty million years into the future. 451 00:49:31,143 --> 00:49:33,833 And the shepherd's boy says... 452 00:49:34,622 --> 00:49:37,438 "There's this mountain of pure diamond. 453 00:49:37,438 --> 00:49:42,743 "It takes an hour to climb it, and an hour to go around it." 454 00:49:54,343 --> 00:49:56,143 52 million years. 455 00:49:57,858 --> 00:50:01,103 "Every hundred years, a little bird comes..." 456 00:50:02,503 --> 00:50:06,143 "and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain." 457 00:50:12,023 --> 00:50:13,823 Nearly a billion years. 458 00:50:15,808 --> 00:50:18,188 "And when the entire mountain is chiselled away, 459 00:50:18,188 --> 00:50:22,863 "the first second of eternity will have passed." 460 00:50:25,783 --> 00:50:27,383 Well over a billion years. 461 00:50:28,743 --> 00:50:30,903 You must think that's a hell of a long time. 462 00:50:33,383 --> 00:50:34,663 Two billion years. 463 00:50:37,048 --> 00:50:39,743 Personally, I think that's a hell of a... 464 00:51:00,303 --> 00:51:01,943 Personally... 465 00:51:01,943 --> 00:51:04,423 I think that's a hell of a bird. 466 00:51:58,298 --> 00:52:01,383 Go to the city. Find somebody important. 467 00:52:01,383 --> 00:52:04,028 Tell them I'm back. 468 00:52:04,028 --> 00:52:06,823 Tell them, I know what they did, 469 00:52:06,823 --> 00:52:08,913 and I'm on my way. 470 00:52:09,948 --> 00:52:12,728 And if they ask you who I am... 471 00:52:12,728 --> 00:52:15,583 tell them, I came the long way round. 472 00:52:35,418 --> 00:52:37,863 You can probably still hear me... 473 00:52:38,908 --> 00:52:41,403 so just between ourselves... 474 00:52:42,303 --> 00:52:43,983 you've got the prophecy wrong. 475 00:52:45,178 --> 00:52:47,028 The Hybrid is not half Dalek. 476 00:52:47,028 --> 00:52:50,348 Nothing is half Dalek. The Daleks would never allow that. 477 00:52:50,348 --> 00:52:54,068 The Hybrid destined to conquer Gallifrey 478 00:52:54,068 --> 00:52:55,983 and stand in its ruins... 479 00:53:01,053 --> 00:53:02,443 is me.