1 00:00:14,445 --> 00:00:16,045 Confined again. 2 00:00:17,445 --> 00:00:19,005 I cannot bear it. 3 00:00:20,405 --> 00:00:23,205 The very world itself seems sick. 4 00:00:26,605 --> 00:00:28,885 A most ungenial summer. 5 00:00:29,005 --> 00:00:31,925 I've never known air as dank and frigid. 6 00:00:32,965 --> 00:00:34,205 Oh! 7 00:00:34,325 --> 00:00:36,045 Dank and frigid? 8 00:00:36,165 --> 00:00:38,725 Who does that remind me of, I wonder. 9 00:00:38,845 --> 00:00:40,165 Oh! 10 00:00:41,365 --> 00:00:44,005 Sleep well, sweet boy. 11 00:00:45,965 --> 00:00:50,005 Perhaps Lord Byron or Dr Polidori would read to us? 12 00:00:51,685 --> 00:00:53,965 What would Miss Clairmont wish to hear? 13 00:00:54,085 --> 00:00:57,005 Something to awaken thrilling horror. 14 00:00:58,605 --> 00:01:01,405 Yes, Mrs Shelley. 15 00:01:01,525 --> 00:01:04,045 To make us dread to look around. 16 00:01:04,165 --> 00:01:06,645 To curdle the blood 17 00:01:06,765 --> 00:01:09,165 and quicken the beatings of the heart. 18 00:01:09,285 --> 00:01:10,885 I have just the thing. 19 00:01:11,005 --> 00:01:12,325 Oh... 20 00:01:19,685 --> 00:01:23,525 Tales Of The Dead. 21 00:01:31,205 --> 00:01:33,845 "At midnight, we took a torch to the chapel." 22 00:01:35,725 --> 00:01:38,125 "With pallid countenance and trembling limbs, 23 00:01:38,245 --> 00:01:40,085 "we descended to the vault. 24 00:01:41,645 --> 00:01:45,565 "Hildegarde's leaden coffin loomed before us. 25 00:01:48,405 --> 00:01:51,725 "The Count was seized with the sensations of terror." 26 00:01:55,325 --> 00:01:58,445 "He opened the coffin with a stifled cry of dread, 27 00:01:58,565 --> 00:02:00,765 "and inside we saw..." 28 00:02:03,725 --> 00:02:07,405 I shall send whoever calls away, my lord. 29 00:02:07,525 --> 00:02:09,205 No, Fletcher. 30 00:02:09,325 --> 00:02:10,365 What if it is she? 31 00:02:11,605 --> 00:02:14,605 Hildegarde, the death-bride. 32 00:02:14,725 --> 00:02:17,045 If something infernal is on my doorstep, 33 00:02:17,165 --> 00:02:19,565 I should be the one to go and greet it. 34 00:02:19,685 --> 00:02:22,125 Infernal? 35 00:02:22,245 --> 00:02:23,525 Surely not? 36 00:02:25,045 --> 00:02:27,245 Who is brave enough to come and see? 37 00:02:34,885 --> 00:02:38,085 I'll wager it's Shelley, amusing himself with a trick. 38 00:02:38,205 --> 00:02:40,765 Shelley is not one for tricks. 39 00:02:47,325 --> 00:02:50,285 There is nothing to be afraid of. 40 00:03:28,525 --> 00:03:31,325 Good evening! Not quite the welcome I was hoping for, 41 00:03:31,445 --> 00:03:33,405 but I'll admit we've looked better. 42 00:03:33,525 --> 00:03:37,165 It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances. I'm... 43 00:03:40,845 --> 00:03:42,365 Nothing? 44 00:03:43,725 --> 00:03:44,765 Weird. 45 00:03:44,885 --> 00:03:46,525 Might need a blow-dry. 46 00:03:46,645 --> 00:03:48,245 Got a bit caught in the downpour. 47 00:03:48,365 --> 00:03:50,885 Yes, because it is a truth universally acknowledged... 48 00:03:51,005 --> 00:03:52,125 Wrong writer! 49 00:03:53,885 --> 00:03:57,165 ...that one's driver will park one's carriage 50 00:03:57,285 --> 00:04:00,765 imprudently too far from whence one is going. 51 00:04:00,885 --> 00:04:02,445 Can we please just come in? 52 00:04:02,565 --> 00:04:04,725 Before we drown to death. Please. 53 00:04:09,245 --> 00:04:10,605 Ha-ha! 54 00:04:16,965 --> 00:04:18,045 One hour, tops. 55 00:04:18,165 --> 00:04:19,365 Plus drying time. 56 00:04:19,485 --> 00:04:21,285 OK, so there was a spot of rain 57 00:04:21,405 --> 00:04:23,125 and gale-force winds and a super-long walk. 58 00:04:23,245 --> 00:04:24,341 But I got us here, didn't I? 59 00:04:24,365 --> 00:04:27,245 And Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, soon to be Shelley, 60 00:04:27,365 --> 00:04:28,445 screamed in your face. 61 00:04:28,565 --> 00:04:31,485 Quality historical experience, that. Gold! 62 00:04:31,605 --> 00:04:35,045 On the night that inspired Frankenstein. 63 00:04:35,165 --> 00:04:38,325 If... you'd be so kind... 64 00:04:38,445 --> 00:04:39,765 Blimey! 65 00:04:39,885 --> 00:04:41,885 Excuse me, Yaz. I was very clear about the rules. 66 00:04:42,005 --> 00:04:45,045 Nobody mention Frankenstein, and don't interfere. 67 00:04:45,165 --> 00:04:46,885 And nobody snog Byron. 68 00:04:47,005 --> 00:04:49,965 In, out, soak up the atmos. 69 00:04:50,085 --> 00:04:52,765 Witness some of the most enlightened minds 70 00:04:52,885 --> 00:04:54,885 of a generation at the pinnacle, 71 00:04:55,005 --> 00:04:57,525 the absolute zenith of their creativity... 72 00:05:05,725 --> 00:05:07,405 What would you all care to drink? 73 00:05:07,525 --> 00:05:09,925 We shall teach them the dance. 74 00:05:18,685 --> 00:05:21,165 I detest all gossip, you understand. 75 00:05:21,285 --> 00:05:22,965 Utterly abhor it. 76 00:05:24,125 --> 00:05:25,605 Mary goes by Mrs Shelley... 77 00:05:25,725 --> 00:05:27,765 ...except she and Percy are not married. 78 00:05:27,885 --> 00:05:30,285 It really is quite a scandal. 79 00:05:30,405 --> 00:05:32,525 Lord Byron is separated from his wife. 80 00:05:32,645 --> 00:05:35,245 The rumours are so disastrous he cannot return to England. 81 00:05:35,365 --> 00:05:39,045 Now he keeps company with Mary's stepsister, 82 00:05:39,165 --> 00:05:40,525 Miss Clairmont. 83 00:05:40,645 --> 00:05:43,645 We have an exceptionally strong attachment. 84 00:05:43,765 --> 00:05:46,205 She scrambled 500 miles from England 85 00:05:46,325 --> 00:05:47,845 to come and see me here. 86 00:05:47,965 --> 00:05:50,405 Couldn't exactly turn her away. 87 00:05:51,885 --> 00:05:54,365 Please excuse me, fair lady. 88 00:05:54,485 --> 00:05:57,445 I must poppeth to the little boys' room. 89 00:05:57,565 --> 00:06:01,085 So... that was marvellous. 90 00:06:01,205 --> 00:06:03,205 Is anyone up for, I don't know, 91 00:06:03,325 --> 00:06:06,805 I'm spitballing here, how about writing the most gruesome, 92 00:06:06,925 --> 00:06:09,645 spine-chilling ghost story of all time? 93 00:06:31,965 --> 00:06:34,485 ...you know? A bit of blood and guts? 94 00:06:34,605 --> 00:06:36,525 Throw in a corpse for good measure. 95 00:06:36,645 --> 00:06:38,725 Float anyone's boat? Mary? 96 00:06:38,845 --> 00:06:40,845 Or perhaps another quadrille? 97 00:06:40,965 --> 00:06:42,661 - I shall choose the music. - Hear, hear! 98 00:06:42,685 --> 00:06:45,925 Excuse me, Doctor. You broke a rule. 99 00:06:46,045 --> 00:06:47,221 Next, you'll be snogging Byron. 100 00:06:47,245 --> 00:06:49,365 I was trying to get them back on track. 101 00:06:49,485 --> 00:06:51,405 Something's wrong here. 102 00:06:51,525 --> 00:06:53,565 This night, June 1816, 103 00:06:53,685 --> 00:06:56,285 Byron challenges Mary Polidori and Percy Shelley 104 00:06:56,405 --> 00:06:58,685 to come up with a ghost story. Spot the difference! 105 00:06:58,805 --> 00:07:00,141 You and I shall be partners for the next dance. 106 00:07:00,165 --> 00:07:01,765 Not much writing going on? 107 00:07:02,885 --> 00:07:04,485 And there's no Shelley. 108 00:07:04,605 --> 00:07:06,605 Bingo! They're a man down. 109 00:07:08,165 --> 00:07:09,525 Why? 110 00:07:15,045 --> 00:07:16,285 Sorry, love. 111 00:07:16,405 --> 00:07:17,605 Oh... 112 00:07:17,725 --> 00:07:19,605 Crikey. A bit lost. 113 00:07:19,725 --> 00:07:21,165 Looking for the lavatory? 114 00:07:21,285 --> 00:07:23,285 C'est diabolique, monsieur! 115 00:07:23,405 --> 00:07:25,045 C'est terrible. 116 00:07:28,125 --> 00:07:30,005 Never mind. I can hold it. 117 00:07:31,325 --> 00:07:33,565 Big house like this - there's got to be a lav somewhere. 118 00:08:11,125 --> 00:08:13,405 I'm going round in circles here. 119 00:08:41,885 --> 00:08:44,285 It is impolite not to announce oneself, Miss Khan. 120 00:08:44,405 --> 00:08:46,205 Breaking and entering's worse. 121 00:08:46,325 --> 00:08:49,125 I'm not at fault if Lord Byron selfishly keeps it locked. 122 00:08:49,245 --> 00:08:51,525 What are you after? 123 00:08:53,725 --> 00:08:54,805 Letters. 124 00:08:56,125 --> 00:09:00,005 If he's written about me, I can ascertain his true sentiments. 125 00:09:05,485 --> 00:09:07,245 Or... 126 00:09:09,565 --> 00:09:11,285 ...you could try asking him. 127 00:09:11,405 --> 00:09:12,885 I have. 128 00:09:13,005 --> 00:09:15,205 His answers only increase the enigma. 129 00:09:17,485 --> 00:09:19,805 I know someone like that. 130 00:09:21,685 --> 00:09:23,445 Mary reproaches me... 131 00:09:24,525 --> 00:09:27,205 ...and says I should find a more reliable prospect. 132 00:09:28,285 --> 00:09:30,045 Not that she can talk. 133 00:09:31,685 --> 00:09:33,605 Perhaps she's right. 134 00:09:33,725 --> 00:09:35,645 His eye does seem to wander. 135 00:09:38,205 --> 00:09:41,565 This enigmatic person of yours... 136 00:09:41,685 --> 00:09:44,765 Would you trade them for reliable and dull? 137 00:09:44,885 --> 00:09:47,365 My person's a bit different. 138 00:09:49,205 --> 00:09:50,765 Did you see that? 139 00:09:51,845 --> 00:09:53,445 What? 140 00:09:57,045 --> 00:09:58,605 Nothing. 141 00:09:58,725 --> 00:10:00,725 Trick of the light. 142 00:10:11,125 --> 00:10:14,165 She walks in beauty, like the night. 143 00:10:14,285 --> 00:10:17,565 Of cloudless climes and starry skies. 144 00:10:20,925 --> 00:10:22,205 I'm intensely flattered 145 00:10:22,325 --> 00:10:24,365 you're familiar with my work, Mrs Doctor. 146 00:10:24,485 --> 00:10:26,285 Just Doctor is fine. 147 00:10:27,285 --> 00:10:29,365 I'm quite into Shelley's stuff too. He about? 148 00:10:29,485 --> 00:10:31,925 Indisposed, I'm afraid. 149 00:10:33,445 --> 00:10:34,805 He won't be joining us. 150 00:10:35,845 --> 00:10:37,005 May I be candid? 151 00:10:37,125 --> 00:10:38,525 Go for it. 152 00:10:38,645 --> 00:10:41,005 I sent my man out to fetch your carriage, 153 00:10:41,125 --> 00:10:44,085 but it seems to have disappeared. 154 00:11:00,005 --> 00:11:02,045 Such a jaunty air! 155 00:11:02,165 --> 00:11:04,085 Is it popular in the colonies? 156 00:11:04,205 --> 00:11:05,805 Er... yeah. 157 00:11:05,925 --> 00:11:09,245 My nan taught me but I always get the keys wrong. 158 00:11:09,365 --> 00:11:12,085 But she always said there's no reason not to try. 159 00:11:13,445 --> 00:11:15,005 I should practise more. 160 00:11:15,125 --> 00:11:18,045 But I confess, I prefer to write... 161 00:11:18,165 --> 00:11:19,245 Ah. 162 00:11:19,365 --> 00:11:21,165 ...even though my efforts are weak. 163 00:11:21,285 --> 00:11:23,845 I could never hope to match the achievements of my parents. 164 00:11:23,965 --> 00:11:25,765 My nan would say stick with it. 165 00:11:26,925 --> 00:11:29,005 Hmm. 166 00:11:30,365 --> 00:11:33,685 - What's his problem? - Oh... 167 00:11:33,805 --> 00:11:35,525 Pay Dr Polidori no heed. 168 00:11:35,645 --> 00:11:38,405 He's bad-tempered because he does not sleep. 169 00:11:38,525 --> 00:11:40,925 He walks at night. 170 00:11:41,045 --> 00:11:42,725 A terrible affliction. 171 00:11:42,845 --> 00:11:46,885 Imagine... never being able to truly rest. 172 00:11:48,565 --> 00:11:50,045 I'm fully aware of what you want! 173 00:11:50,165 --> 00:11:51,325 Please reveal all. 174 00:11:51,445 --> 00:11:52,845 My third canto. 175 00:11:55,445 --> 00:11:58,165 Of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, my work in progress. 176 00:11:58,285 --> 00:12:01,205 Nah, it goes on a bit, that one. No offence. 177 00:12:02,805 --> 00:12:05,205 Nice mention of Ada, though. I'm a big fan of hers. 178 00:12:05,325 --> 00:12:07,365 You know of my daughter? 179 00:12:07,485 --> 00:12:09,485 Will do. Gorgeous brain. 180 00:12:09,605 --> 00:12:11,685 Why are you here? 181 00:12:11,805 --> 00:12:13,805 For a quick visit, supposedly, 182 00:12:13,925 --> 00:12:16,685 but I'm getting this really weird vibe off your house. 183 00:12:16,805 --> 00:12:17,845 Vibe? 184 00:12:17,965 --> 00:12:19,285 Yeah. 185 00:12:19,405 --> 00:12:21,405 I don't want to worry you, 186 00:12:21,525 --> 00:12:23,765 but I'm sensing that it's sort of... 187 00:12:23,885 --> 00:12:25,885 ...unrelentingly evil. 188 00:12:29,445 --> 00:12:32,525 Ryan, it's like a maze up there, 189 00:12:32,645 --> 00:12:33,603 and they're a few years shy 190 00:12:33,605 --> 00:12:35,525 - of a toilet. - Sir? 191 00:12:35,645 --> 00:12:36,965 Oh, blimey! 192 00:12:37,085 --> 00:12:38,765 You've gotta stop doing that. 193 00:12:38,885 --> 00:12:40,445 Splendid. 194 00:12:40,565 --> 00:12:42,165 Very convenient. 195 00:12:42,285 --> 00:12:45,165 Ryan, not a khazi for love nor money, 196 00:12:45,285 --> 00:12:47,501 and a Frenchwoman who's got a right hump about something. 197 00:12:47,525 --> 00:12:49,565 Mrs Shelley seems fatigued. 198 00:12:49,685 --> 00:12:51,765 Only of waiting to dance. 199 00:12:51,885 --> 00:12:53,645 You're the one who looks like death. 200 00:12:53,765 --> 00:12:55,701 - Do you insult my visage, sir? - You might want to 201 00:12:55,725 --> 00:12:57,845 stop shooting daggers and maybe take a nap, all right? 202 00:12:57,965 --> 00:12:58,965 I beg your pardon? 203 00:12:58,966 --> 00:13:00,646 He means, perhaps you should take a rest. 204 00:13:00,765 --> 00:13:02,765 I'm a physician. I'm in rude health. 205 00:13:02,885 --> 00:13:04,605 Whatever you say, mate. 206 00:13:04,725 --> 00:13:06,405 Then I say choose, sir! 207 00:13:08,205 --> 00:13:09,845 Sorry. He does this rather a lot. 208 00:13:09,965 --> 00:13:12,165 - Choose your weapon! - What? 209 00:13:12,285 --> 00:13:13,565 Isn't it obvious? 210 00:13:13,685 --> 00:13:15,165 He's challenging you to a duel. 211 00:13:15,285 --> 00:13:18,285 Oh... Look, hey, look, I'm not here to fight anyone, 212 00:13:18,405 --> 00:13:19,701 - so everyone just calm down. - Fletcher! 213 00:13:19,725 --> 00:13:22,005 You will be my second. 214 00:13:22,125 --> 00:13:24,285 - Will Mr O'Brien be yours? - No! 215 00:13:24,405 --> 00:13:26,285 - Cheers, mate. - No, what I mean... No, 216 00:13:26,405 --> 00:13:29,045 because there's going to be no duel. I absolutely forbid it. 217 00:13:29,165 --> 00:13:32,125 - Ooh! Ooh! - What's up? What's up? 218 00:13:32,245 --> 00:13:34,605 I shall return with my pistol. 219 00:13:38,685 --> 00:13:40,405 He's getting a gun. He's getting a gun. 220 00:13:40,525 --> 00:13:41,525 He's getting a gun. 221 00:13:46,365 --> 00:13:48,245 Whatever is that? 222 00:13:48,365 --> 00:13:49,965 No... 223 00:13:50,085 --> 00:13:51,845 I think it's a... 224 00:13:51,965 --> 00:13:54,885 ...hand! It's definitely a hand! 225 00:13:55,005 --> 00:13:56,365 Get it off him. 226 00:13:56,485 --> 00:13:59,205 - Doc! - It's so strong! 227 00:13:59,325 --> 00:14:00,445 And ferocious! 228 00:14:04,685 --> 00:14:06,205 Great shot. 229 00:14:13,445 --> 00:14:14,885 Hmm. 230 00:14:15,005 --> 00:14:17,085 14th. No... 231 00:14:17,205 --> 00:14:19,085 15th century. Touch more umami. 232 00:14:19,205 --> 00:14:21,125 - She licked it! - She is 233 00:14:21,245 --> 00:14:23,565 the most baffling creature I've ever been acquainted with. 234 00:14:23,685 --> 00:14:27,165 Human. Protein. Collagen and... 235 00:14:27,285 --> 00:14:29,125 ...nothing abnormal. 236 00:14:29,245 --> 00:14:31,445 What kind of implement is that? 237 00:14:31,565 --> 00:14:33,405 One that zaps people's heads off who threaten 238 00:14:33,525 --> 00:14:36,005 - people with guns. - I don't think they're 239 00:14:36,125 --> 00:14:37,685 - really from the colonies. - No. 240 00:14:37,805 --> 00:14:41,925 She is from somewhere much, much stranger. 241 00:14:42,045 --> 00:14:43,805 The north. 242 00:14:43,925 --> 00:14:48,245 How did it come to life, then? Was it haunted, or something? 243 00:14:48,365 --> 00:14:49,365 Unlikely. 244 00:14:49,405 --> 00:14:52,285 Well, you did say the house was evil. 245 00:14:52,405 --> 00:14:53,725 Well, that's a development. 246 00:14:53,845 --> 00:14:55,565 I've been getting a vibe. 247 00:14:55,685 --> 00:14:57,885 If there is evil here, I know who brought it in. 248 00:15:01,365 --> 00:15:05,885 Very well. I may have a skeleton... in my chamber. 249 00:15:06,005 --> 00:15:08,805 Right. You keep an eye on Trigger Happy. 250 00:15:10,725 --> 00:15:12,645 Me and you need to take a squiz at your skeleton. 251 00:15:26,405 --> 00:15:29,325 - It's a collection. - Of what? 252 00:15:29,445 --> 00:15:31,485 - Dead stuff? - Relics of war. 253 00:15:32,645 --> 00:15:34,445 From my travels. 254 00:15:34,565 --> 00:15:39,005 Reminders that we tread on the dust of empires. 255 00:15:39,125 --> 00:15:43,605 Crops now grow where blood was split. 256 00:15:43,725 --> 00:15:45,245 An innocent fascination, I assure you. 257 00:15:45,365 --> 00:15:46,605 Waterloo! 258 00:15:46,725 --> 00:15:49,005 Oh! I love a good plume! 259 00:15:50,205 --> 00:15:51,205 What do you think? 260 00:15:51,325 --> 00:15:53,805 A 15th-century soldier... 261 00:15:56,285 --> 00:15:58,285 ...from the Battle of Morat. 262 00:16:01,325 --> 00:16:03,845 His final remains. 263 00:16:03,965 --> 00:16:05,405 One hand gone. 264 00:16:05,525 --> 00:16:07,205 Both hands gone. 265 00:16:08,405 --> 00:16:10,405 Great. There's another on the loose. 266 00:16:10,525 --> 00:16:11,525 Keep your eyes peeled. 267 00:16:11,605 --> 00:16:13,645 Anything else strange happen since you've been here? 268 00:16:15,685 --> 00:16:19,645 When the weather turned, Shelley began having visions. 269 00:16:19,765 --> 00:16:21,005 He's prone to them. 270 00:16:22,045 --> 00:16:23,045 What did he see? 271 00:16:23,085 --> 00:16:25,245 An apparition of a figure... 272 00:16:25,365 --> 00:16:27,085 ...floating above the lake. 273 00:16:28,325 --> 00:16:31,525 When you said he was indisposed, what did you mean? 274 00:16:31,645 --> 00:16:34,165 Uh, well, when he didn't join us, 275 00:16:34,285 --> 00:16:36,765 my mind naturally wandered to the idea of 276 00:16:36,885 --> 00:16:40,485 some torrid assignation in town. 277 00:16:40,605 --> 00:16:42,685 Shelley often retires to our chalet... 278 00:16:42,805 --> 00:16:44,485 ...to write. 279 00:16:46,725 --> 00:16:49,485 Maison Chapuis. On the shore. 280 00:16:49,605 --> 00:16:52,285 You should probably pop down and have a chat. 281 00:17:05,005 --> 00:17:07,805 You're like ninjas, you lot. 282 00:17:07,925 --> 00:17:10,245 Fair play to you, though, love. Food! 283 00:17:10,365 --> 00:17:11,925 There's never any food. 284 00:17:12,045 --> 00:17:14,565 Cheers. You're a belter. Yeah. 285 00:17:14,685 --> 00:17:18,125 Baby-sitting duty. Yeah. 286 00:17:18,245 --> 00:17:20,805 He'll be no trouble now, though. Dead to the world. 287 00:17:20,925 --> 00:17:22,325 This apparition... 288 00:17:22,445 --> 00:17:25,045 did Shelley describe it in any more detail? 289 00:17:25,165 --> 00:17:27,245 Dark. Charred by fire. 290 00:17:28,525 --> 00:17:30,405 Suspended over the water 291 00:17:30,525 --> 00:17:33,005 like a death god rising from Hades. 292 00:17:33,125 --> 00:17:34,565 Right... 293 00:17:34,685 --> 00:17:36,325 Nothing too sinister, then. 294 00:17:40,805 --> 00:17:44,005 You can ask him more questions when we get to the chalet. 295 00:17:47,285 --> 00:17:50,405 Did we just go down to the top? 296 00:17:52,325 --> 00:17:55,165 What reanimates bones and leaves no trace? 297 00:17:55,285 --> 00:17:57,005 Why just the hands? Why only parts? 298 00:17:57,125 --> 00:17:59,405 However, my collection's not demonic? 299 00:17:59,525 --> 00:18:00,525 Correct. 300 00:18:00,565 --> 00:18:02,765 But I'll probably come back for this, though. 301 00:18:02,885 --> 00:18:05,165 Strictly for, er, safety purposes. 302 00:18:05,285 --> 00:18:08,205 Not because it really suits me, or anything. 303 00:18:08,325 --> 00:18:12,365 This vibe you mentioned... is it still there? 304 00:18:12,485 --> 00:18:14,605 Yeah. I can't... 305 00:18:14,725 --> 00:18:16,765 It's like it won't let me think. 306 00:18:16,885 --> 00:18:18,965 I need to get out of this house. 307 00:18:28,085 --> 00:18:31,125 Easier said than done, apparently. 308 00:18:33,445 --> 00:18:36,805 - Oh... How many times now? - Seven? 309 00:18:36,925 --> 00:18:40,005 Mrs Doctor said the house was evil. She must be right. 310 00:18:40,125 --> 00:18:42,045 It's turning against us. 311 00:18:42,165 --> 00:18:44,365 A house can't do that. 312 00:18:44,485 --> 00:18:46,925 Even an evil one. 313 00:18:52,645 --> 00:18:55,485 Oh, don't worry. We're great at sorting things out like this. 314 00:18:55,605 --> 00:18:57,085 There's always an explanation... 315 00:18:57,205 --> 00:18:58,925 Oh, it touched me! Ghost! Ghost. 316 00:18:59,045 --> 00:19:00,485 It definitely touched me. 317 00:19:00,605 --> 00:19:03,445 Ryan, that was my elbow. 318 00:19:03,565 --> 00:19:05,365 I knew that. 319 00:19:05,485 --> 00:19:07,165 I totally knew that. 320 00:19:10,645 --> 00:19:13,365 Please tell me there's a real baby in here. 321 00:19:13,485 --> 00:19:16,325 My son - William. I must get to him! 322 00:19:48,325 --> 00:19:50,245 You're going nowhere, pal. 323 00:19:50,365 --> 00:19:53,445 You're staying right there. I'm on guard. 324 00:19:53,565 --> 00:19:54,925 Oh... 325 00:19:55,045 --> 00:19:57,325 Hey! Poli? 326 00:19:58,525 --> 00:19:59,965 Poli? Hello? 327 00:20:01,085 --> 00:20:02,085 Poli? 328 00:20:03,965 --> 00:20:05,965 Poli? Can you hear me, son? 329 00:20:07,525 --> 00:20:08,965 Can you hear me? 330 00:20:21,165 --> 00:20:23,285 The same chamber. 331 00:20:23,405 --> 00:20:24,765 Over and over. 332 00:20:26,125 --> 00:20:28,445 - How is it possible? - It's not. 333 00:20:28,565 --> 00:20:30,365 - It's... - Like a dream. 334 00:20:30,485 --> 00:20:31,925 Elise! 335 00:20:32,045 --> 00:20:33,725 Can you hear me? 336 00:20:34,965 --> 00:20:36,365 Do you have William? 337 00:20:36,485 --> 00:20:38,445 He'll be OK. 338 00:20:38,565 --> 00:20:41,165 He probably just cried himself out and fell asleep. 339 00:20:41,285 --> 00:20:44,325 Doc! Poli! Doc! Doc! 340 00:20:49,965 --> 00:20:52,005 There's something seriously wrong with this gaff. 341 00:20:52,125 --> 00:20:54,245 Is anyone else trapped? 342 00:20:54,365 --> 00:20:58,085 Yeah. And I think I'm seeing dead people. 343 00:21:04,085 --> 00:21:06,165 - Perfect... - We're the same! 344 00:21:06,285 --> 00:21:07,725 I totally saw a ghost. 345 00:21:07,845 --> 00:21:10,045 - We're stuck on the stairs! - Please! 346 00:21:10,165 --> 00:21:13,965 How do we move upwards? I need to check my son is well. 347 00:21:14,085 --> 00:21:17,685 Working on it! Head's a bit fuzzy. 348 00:21:17,805 --> 00:21:20,365 Normal service will resume shortly. 349 00:21:20,485 --> 00:21:22,845 - And ghosts don't exist. - Of course not! 350 00:21:22,965 --> 00:21:26,045 You two just need a spray tan and a kip, eh? 351 00:21:26,165 --> 00:21:27,165 Graham, what sort of 352 00:21:27,245 --> 00:21:28,725 dead people, exactly? 353 00:21:28,845 --> 00:21:32,005 Oh... How can I hear your voice, Doc? 354 00:21:32,125 --> 00:21:34,405 I'm using the fireplace chimney. 355 00:21:34,525 --> 00:21:35,925 Doc? 356 00:21:36,045 --> 00:21:37,365 Graham? 357 00:21:38,645 --> 00:21:39,725 Graham? 358 00:21:39,845 --> 00:21:41,285 They've gone now. 359 00:21:41,405 --> 00:21:42,565 And... 360 00:21:43,725 --> 00:21:44,885 ...so's Polidori. 361 00:21:45,005 --> 00:21:47,405 - I've lost him. - You had one job! 362 00:21:47,525 --> 00:21:48,725 Yeah, made more challenging 363 00:21:48,845 --> 00:21:50,885 by his ability to walk through walls! 364 00:21:51,005 --> 00:21:51,963 Through? 365 00:21:51,965 --> 00:21:53,565 He just turned sort of zombie 366 00:21:53,685 --> 00:21:55,341 - and went into one. - What do you speak of? 367 00:21:55,365 --> 00:21:56,405 What is a zombie? 368 00:21:56,525 --> 00:21:57,805 Mrs Doctor? 369 00:21:57,925 --> 00:21:59,941 Kind of a dead person walking, but it won't be that. 370 00:21:59,965 --> 00:22:01,605 - Mrs Doctor? - How do you know? 371 00:22:01,725 --> 00:22:03,645 Because Polidori isn't dead, for a kick-off. 372 00:22:06,125 --> 00:22:08,485 - Mrs Doctor! - Really, just Doctor is fine. 373 00:22:08,605 --> 00:22:09,725 Polidori! 374 00:22:09,845 --> 00:22:12,845 He emerged from the wall like a phantom. 375 00:22:14,205 --> 00:22:16,085 Be gone, demon! 376 00:22:19,485 --> 00:22:22,085 Pulse - check. 377 00:22:22,205 --> 00:22:25,325 Breathing - check. 378 00:22:25,445 --> 00:22:29,405 May I just say, you are quite lovely in a crisis. 379 00:22:29,525 --> 00:22:31,125 No, you may not! 380 00:22:32,685 --> 00:22:36,885 The lights are on. He's gone on a mini-break. 381 00:22:37,005 --> 00:22:38,125 Possessed? 382 00:22:38,245 --> 00:22:40,805 Or asleep? He walks in his sleep. 383 00:22:40,925 --> 00:22:42,845 One does not sleepwalk through walls. 384 00:22:42,965 --> 00:22:45,365 Not just through - up. 385 00:22:45,485 --> 00:22:47,845 He was downstairs a second ago. 386 00:22:47,965 --> 00:22:49,205 What you said before... 387 00:22:49,325 --> 00:22:51,445 - About being lovely? - Back a bit! 388 00:22:51,565 --> 00:22:53,325 Er... Demon? 389 00:22:55,325 --> 00:22:57,165 It's like dreaming... 390 00:22:58,365 --> 00:23:00,765 ...only we aren't...and he is. 391 00:23:02,445 --> 00:23:06,805 So he can't see the illusion. 392 00:23:10,485 --> 00:23:12,165 It's more than that. 393 00:23:12,285 --> 00:23:15,285 We're surrounded. Immersed. 394 00:23:15,405 --> 00:23:18,045 It's sort of like a perception filter. 395 00:23:20,085 --> 00:23:22,045 Close your eyes. Clear your mind. 396 00:23:22,165 --> 00:23:25,805 We're only experiencing what it wants us to. 397 00:23:28,365 --> 00:23:30,685 I can feel it. 398 00:23:30,805 --> 00:23:32,725 She's right. 399 00:23:32,845 --> 00:23:36,565 Our minds are being deceived. 400 00:23:36,685 --> 00:23:39,005 Here is the door, 401 00:23:39,125 --> 00:23:41,685 hidden from our eyes. 402 00:23:43,885 --> 00:23:45,765 Elise? 403 00:23:45,885 --> 00:23:47,285 I'm coming for William. 404 00:23:49,245 --> 00:23:50,805 How are we here now? 405 00:23:50,925 --> 00:23:52,445 This is impossible. 406 00:23:53,685 --> 00:23:55,805 This should be William's room. 407 00:23:55,925 --> 00:23:58,005 This place keeps on changing, like a puzzle. 408 00:23:58,125 --> 00:23:59,845 I don't get it. 409 00:23:59,965 --> 00:24:02,605 Why hide a house inside a house? 410 00:24:11,165 --> 00:24:13,365 William! My darling! 411 00:24:22,005 --> 00:24:24,005 I suspect I must have missed something. 412 00:24:26,045 --> 00:24:29,205 Yes, but you've shown us how to get out of this room. 413 00:24:29,325 --> 00:24:30,765 This cannot be the hallway. 414 00:24:30,845 --> 00:24:32,485 We've not descended the stairs. 415 00:24:35,845 --> 00:24:38,445 It is. But there should be a door here. 416 00:24:38,565 --> 00:24:39,741 Please can we get out of here? 417 00:24:39,765 --> 00:24:42,365 In theory, yes. We just have to tell ourselves 418 00:24:42,485 --> 00:24:45,445 that we can walk through the door 419 00:24:45,565 --> 00:24:48,085 we know is right there... 420 00:24:51,685 --> 00:24:52,965 Ohh! 421 00:24:54,525 --> 00:24:58,845 My bones have never caused such mischief before, I swear. 422 00:24:58,965 --> 00:25:02,805 The things we know - we can move inside but not out. 423 00:25:02,925 --> 00:25:04,205 Dead things don't act dead. 424 00:25:04,325 --> 00:25:06,565 People vanish. Elise? 425 00:25:06,685 --> 00:25:07,765 My poor William. 426 00:25:07,885 --> 00:25:09,485 There's no sign of Fletcher either. 427 00:25:09,525 --> 00:25:12,205 Hey, maybe Shelley didn't turn up because he couldn't get in. 428 00:25:13,445 --> 00:25:16,205 I've never believed in such things, but could this be Hell? 429 00:25:16,325 --> 00:25:18,285 Could we be deceased? 430 00:25:18,405 --> 00:25:20,565 Nice blue-sky thinking, but no. 431 00:25:20,685 --> 00:25:23,005 This place keeps on folding in on itself as well. 432 00:25:23,125 --> 00:25:24,805 Exactly. 433 00:25:25,885 --> 00:25:28,165 I think we're caught in a security system. It's... 434 00:25:28,285 --> 00:25:31,685 It's turned the house into a sort of giant panic room. 435 00:25:31,805 --> 00:25:33,925 In 1816? 436 00:25:36,285 --> 00:25:38,205 The Year Without a Summer. 437 00:25:38,325 --> 00:25:41,645 They blamed it on volcanic ash covering the sunlight. 438 00:25:41,765 --> 00:25:43,125 Weather went haywire. 439 00:25:43,245 --> 00:25:45,805 What if something came here that wasn't supposed to 440 00:25:45,925 --> 00:25:47,485 and caused a major disturbance? 441 00:25:47,605 --> 00:25:48,605 Like what? 442 00:25:48,725 --> 00:25:49,845 That? 443 00:25:53,125 --> 00:25:56,445 That could be a solid option, Mary, yes. 444 00:25:57,685 --> 00:25:59,285 What is it? 445 00:25:59,405 --> 00:26:00,965 I don't know. 446 00:26:01,085 --> 00:26:05,045 It's sort of just floating around. 447 00:26:05,165 --> 00:26:07,165 Like a death god rising from Hades. 448 00:26:07,285 --> 00:26:08,685 Shelley's vision. 449 00:26:08,805 --> 00:26:10,285 But we're all having it. 450 00:26:10,405 --> 00:26:12,125 No. It's pushing through. 451 00:26:12,245 --> 00:26:13,685 That is what Shelley saw. 452 00:26:13,805 --> 00:26:16,725 It's not a vision. It never was. 453 00:26:16,845 --> 00:26:18,445 It's a traveller... 454 00:26:18,565 --> 00:26:21,125 ...moving through time. 455 00:26:28,765 --> 00:26:31,085 And he's trying to get in. 456 00:26:38,165 --> 00:26:39,485 Are you the guardian? 457 00:26:39,605 --> 00:26:42,365 That is a lone Cyberman. 458 00:26:47,725 --> 00:26:50,885 Jack's warning - beware of the lone Cyberman. Don't let it 459 00:26:51,005 --> 00:26:52,485 - have what it wants. - At all costs! 460 00:26:52,605 --> 00:26:55,005 Yes, thank you! Barricade the door! 461 00:26:55,125 --> 00:26:58,605 May I ask, what is a Cyberman? 462 00:26:58,725 --> 00:27:00,245 Someone altered. 463 00:27:00,365 --> 00:27:04,365 Organs, flesh surgically replaced with mechanical parts 464 00:27:04,485 --> 00:27:05,685 without consent. 465 00:27:05,805 --> 00:27:08,605 He drives them insane so they alter the brain too, 466 00:27:08,725 --> 00:27:11,125 - switch off all emotion. - Are you the guardian? 467 00:27:11,245 --> 00:27:13,445 Never seen one like him before. He's different. 468 00:27:14,845 --> 00:27:17,445 - Unfinished. - Are you the guardian? 469 00:27:17,565 --> 00:27:19,285 Whatever he came for 470 00:27:19,405 --> 00:27:22,245 is hidden here. It explains the security. 471 00:27:22,365 --> 00:27:24,645 - What's hidden? - I've no idea, 472 00:27:24,765 --> 00:27:26,965 but I need to beat him to it. Quick. 473 00:27:32,405 --> 00:27:34,125 Lord Byron? 474 00:27:37,885 --> 00:27:41,285 Doctor, what are you doing? Where are you going? 475 00:27:41,405 --> 00:27:42,925 You're not leaving us? 476 00:27:43,045 --> 00:27:45,165 I have to find out what he's looking for. 477 00:27:45,285 --> 00:27:46,285 Alone. 478 00:27:46,365 --> 00:27:48,805 You need backup. All of us against one. 479 00:27:48,925 --> 00:27:51,565 One Cyberman, but then thousands. 480 00:27:51,685 --> 00:27:56,685 Humans like all of you changed into empty, soulless shells. 481 00:27:56,805 --> 00:28:00,165 No feeling, no control, no way back. 482 00:28:00,285 --> 00:28:02,925 I will not lose anyone else to that! 483 00:28:03,045 --> 00:28:05,085 Do not follow me. 484 00:28:08,885 --> 00:28:10,605 Lord Byron? 485 00:28:13,005 --> 00:28:15,045 Is that you? 486 00:28:16,525 --> 00:28:18,925 I fear I've lost my faculties entirely. 487 00:28:21,325 --> 00:28:22,965 Are you the guardian? 488 00:28:23,085 --> 00:28:24,525 No, sir. 489 00:28:24,645 --> 00:28:26,885 I am the valet. 490 00:29:37,765 --> 00:29:40,205 Don't be afraid, little one. 491 00:29:41,325 --> 00:29:42,725 You will be like us. 492 00:29:45,605 --> 00:29:46,965 What if it finds William? 493 00:29:47,085 --> 00:29:48,325 We need to find the child. 494 00:29:48,445 --> 00:29:51,445 - And a way out. - We are not safe here. 495 00:29:51,565 --> 00:29:53,285 He could pass through a wall at any moment. 496 00:29:53,405 --> 00:29:54,925 The Doctor told us to wait. 497 00:29:55,045 --> 00:29:58,965 Technically, she only told us not to follow her. 498 00:30:01,245 --> 00:30:02,445 Let's split up. 499 00:30:09,325 --> 00:30:11,845 Tell me what you're after. I might be able to help. 500 00:30:13,965 --> 00:30:15,725 Well, it was never going to be under there... 501 00:30:15,845 --> 00:30:18,765 ...unless you don't actually know what it looks like. 502 00:30:18,885 --> 00:30:19,965 Funny... 503 00:30:21,125 --> 00:30:23,365 This dark age is surprising. 504 00:30:23,485 --> 00:30:26,125 You're not as primitive as I expected. 505 00:30:26,245 --> 00:30:28,565 You're not as cyborg-y as I expected. 506 00:30:33,245 --> 00:30:35,165 You have met my kind before? 507 00:30:36,725 --> 00:30:39,445 - You could say that. - You appear courageous, 508 00:30:39,565 --> 00:30:43,725 but your vital signs betray a heightened state of anxiety. 509 00:30:43,845 --> 00:30:47,165 Or as I like to call it, Tuesday. Interesting look. 510 00:30:47,285 --> 00:30:49,965 What happened? They get bored halfway through, or something? 511 00:30:50,085 --> 00:30:52,925 I am complete enough to serve my purpose. 512 00:30:56,445 --> 00:30:57,725 Oh. 513 00:30:57,845 --> 00:30:59,605 Bit embarrassing. 514 00:30:59,725 --> 00:31:02,805 Time hop took a lot of juice. Now you're fresh out. 515 00:31:02,925 --> 00:31:05,405 You irritate me. 516 00:31:05,525 --> 00:31:08,485 How very human. Still feel things, then? 517 00:31:08,605 --> 00:31:09,605 No inhibitor yet. 518 00:31:09,645 --> 00:31:11,725 I do not need to be stabilised! 519 00:31:11,845 --> 00:31:15,725 OK. Here's the thing. There's a chance I might be the guardian, 520 00:31:15,845 --> 00:31:17,781 only I don't know what it is I'm supposed to be guarding. 521 00:31:17,805 --> 00:31:19,085 This isn't my time either. 522 00:31:19,205 --> 00:31:21,405 Maybe we're supposed to work together. 523 00:31:21,525 --> 00:31:23,885 - Together? - Anything's possible. 524 00:31:26,085 --> 00:31:27,765 The house still shifts. 525 00:31:32,605 --> 00:31:35,445 - Whose room is this? - No-one's. 526 00:31:35,565 --> 00:31:36,965 I thought it was empty. 527 00:31:37,085 --> 00:31:39,565 But the writing on the walls and all of these papers? 528 00:31:39,685 --> 00:31:42,845 The writing... It's Shelley's. 529 00:31:48,605 --> 00:31:49,845 The cellar. 530 00:31:49,965 --> 00:31:51,165 We'll give it a miss, eh? 531 00:31:51,285 --> 00:31:53,805 Could the coal hatch be a means of escape? 532 00:31:53,925 --> 00:31:55,565 We should try everywhere. 533 00:31:55,685 --> 00:31:57,965 Is it too late to choose another group? 534 00:32:10,565 --> 00:32:13,045 Ooh! You ever considered breath mints? 535 00:32:13,165 --> 00:32:15,165 Recharging? Not good. 536 00:32:17,605 --> 00:32:19,925 Figuring out how to manipulate the elements 537 00:32:20,045 --> 00:32:23,085 and creating an extremely sophisticated 538 00:32:23,205 --> 00:32:26,805 and probably unlimited external power source. 539 00:32:33,565 --> 00:32:35,605 That's better! 540 00:32:39,845 --> 00:32:42,205 The coal hatch has gone. 541 00:32:45,325 --> 00:32:46,885 There's no way out. 542 00:32:52,765 --> 00:32:54,845 Claire, you OK? 543 00:32:54,965 --> 00:32:56,405 Miss Clairmont? 544 00:32:56,525 --> 00:33:00,045 There's something down here with us. 545 00:33:00,165 --> 00:33:02,445 I can read the energy field now. 546 00:33:04,285 --> 00:33:07,005 You are not the guardian. 547 00:33:07,125 --> 00:33:10,045 The Cyberium has selected another as host too. 548 00:33:10,165 --> 00:33:12,085 What's a Cyberium? 549 00:33:12,205 --> 00:33:15,565 I'll find it and remove it. 550 00:33:15,685 --> 00:33:16,925 What are we talking here? 551 00:33:17,045 --> 00:33:20,605 A life form? A weapon of some kind? 552 00:33:20,725 --> 00:33:21,965 Both... 553 00:33:24,885 --> 00:33:26,725 What's happening to you? 554 00:33:30,805 --> 00:33:34,205 There's not one atom of yon earth... 555 00:33:36,885 --> 00:33:40,405 ...but once was living man. 556 00:33:43,925 --> 00:33:45,965 The sword that stabs his peace... 557 00:33:46,085 --> 00:33:47,525 ...He cherisheth 558 00:33:47,645 --> 00:33:50,125 The snakes that gnaw his heart 559 00:33:50,245 --> 00:33:52,805 And he raises up the tyrant Whose delight... 560 00:33:54,485 --> 00:33:56,045 ...is in woe. 561 00:33:57,685 --> 00:33:59,245 Shelley's words. 562 00:33:59,365 --> 00:34:01,405 How does it know them? 563 00:34:01,525 --> 00:34:04,645 Something crept in front of me. I heard its vile breath. 564 00:34:04,765 --> 00:34:06,325 Listen... 565 00:34:22,405 --> 00:34:25,165 I'm sorry, but I tried to hide it. 566 00:34:25,285 --> 00:34:27,765 I have to keep him out. 567 00:34:27,885 --> 00:34:29,685 Who are you? 568 00:34:29,805 --> 00:34:31,965 I'm the guardian. 569 00:34:33,445 --> 00:34:34,445 I am... 570 00:34:34,525 --> 00:34:37,285 ...Percy Bysshe Shelley. 571 00:34:37,405 --> 00:34:41,205 He is whom I seek. 572 00:34:41,325 --> 00:34:45,325 But he is fortified against me! 573 00:34:45,445 --> 00:34:48,445 OK. Good to know. So I vote we split up 574 00:34:48,565 --> 00:34:51,325 and continue the search. You go this way, and I'll go... 575 00:35:04,285 --> 00:35:08,125 - Doctor, you're here! - Come on, then. 576 00:35:08,245 --> 00:35:10,725 Oh... William! 577 00:35:16,565 --> 00:35:20,085 Dear Fletcher, no. It cannot be. 578 00:35:22,765 --> 00:35:24,645 Mr O'Brien needs you in the cellar at once. 579 00:35:24,765 --> 00:35:26,845 We found Shelley. 580 00:35:26,965 --> 00:35:29,845 All of you, find somewhere to hide. 581 00:35:29,965 --> 00:35:31,325 - But I... - Do you want to listen, 582 00:35:31,445 --> 00:35:32,845 or do you want to end up like them? 583 00:35:32,965 --> 00:35:35,485 None of this is supposed to happen. 584 00:35:35,605 --> 00:35:37,485 They weren't supposed to die, neither are you, 585 00:35:37,605 --> 00:35:39,845 so, please, let's not unravel anything else. 586 00:35:39,965 --> 00:35:42,205 Hide, and stay there. 587 00:35:42,325 --> 00:35:44,685 History is vulnerable tonight. 588 00:35:44,805 --> 00:35:46,685 I mean it. 589 00:35:46,805 --> 00:35:47,805 Now go on. 590 00:35:51,445 --> 00:35:54,125 You're going to take William for me. 591 00:35:56,765 --> 00:35:58,605 Guard him well. 592 00:35:58,725 --> 00:36:01,005 Stay safe. 593 00:36:01,125 --> 00:36:02,805 I need to see Percy. 594 00:36:05,445 --> 00:36:07,045 Shelley in a cellar, 595 00:36:07,165 --> 00:36:10,845 hidden away, cloaked - too big to register. 596 00:36:10,965 --> 00:36:12,725 That's why my readings have been off. 597 00:36:12,845 --> 00:36:15,245 It's something called a Cyberium. 598 00:36:16,365 --> 00:36:18,525 I'm trying to protect it. 599 00:36:20,965 --> 00:36:23,365 Be gone, invader! 600 00:36:35,245 --> 00:36:38,405 Who moved him? 601 00:36:38,525 --> 00:36:40,965 Is it you? Changing the house? 602 00:36:41,085 --> 00:36:44,085 Some, but not all. 603 00:36:44,205 --> 00:36:45,725 It has its own room. 604 00:36:45,845 --> 00:36:48,805 - Mary! - I cannot hide. 605 00:36:48,925 --> 00:36:51,485 Not while he suffers. 606 00:36:53,645 --> 00:36:55,845 Show me. 607 00:36:55,965 --> 00:36:57,725 What happened to you? 608 00:37:02,085 --> 00:37:04,605 I was out walking alone. 609 00:37:04,725 --> 00:37:06,365 There was a glimmer in the lake. 610 00:37:07,405 --> 00:37:09,005 Exquisite. 611 00:37:09,125 --> 00:37:10,725 Alive. 612 00:37:10,845 --> 00:37:16,165 Like quicksilver. I fished it out to study it more closely. 613 00:37:17,965 --> 00:37:21,765 But then it took root within me. 614 00:37:33,325 --> 00:37:35,405 I returned... 615 00:37:35,525 --> 00:37:36,525 Hello! 616 00:37:36,565 --> 00:37:37,565 I was changed. 617 00:37:42,605 --> 00:37:44,245 No-one could see me. 618 00:37:44,365 --> 00:37:48,125 It hid itself in me, and hid me within the villa. 619 00:37:48,245 --> 00:37:51,125 And when it thought it might be discovered, 620 00:37:51,245 --> 00:37:53,045 it manipulated all of our perceptions. 621 00:37:53,165 --> 00:37:55,205 Since the quicksilver has taken hold of me, 622 00:37:55,285 --> 00:37:57,765 I see symbols. Symbols and numbers. 623 00:37:57,885 --> 00:37:59,365 They will not leave my head, 624 00:37:59,485 --> 00:38:01,245 no matter how much I transcribe them. 625 00:38:01,365 --> 00:38:03,445 The symbols were all over his room. 626 00:38:03,565 --> 00:38:05,445 All over the walls. 627 00:38:05,565 --> 00:38:08,725 The house was like shifting sands. 628 00:38:10,485 --> 00:38:14,005 I sought solitude here, in the dark. 629 00:38:14,125 --> 00:38:16,405 - What happened to him? - I'm going with... 630 00:38:16,525 --> 00:38:19,845 - ...alien parasite. - Cyber technology. 631 00:38:19,965 --> 00:38:21,725 The knowledge of the whole cyber race and AI 632 00:38:21,845 --> 00:38:23,445 from the future, 633 00:38:23,565 --> 00:38:27,885 containing the knowledge and future history of all Cybermen. 634 00:38:28,005 --> 00:38:30,005 They scorched and split the sky. 635 00:38:30,125 --> 00:38:32,125 Built the army of all armies. 636 00:38:32,245 --> 00:38:36,925 Left behind only pain, rage, fear and death. 637 00:38:37,045 --> 00:38:38,805 How has he seen all this? 638 00:38:38,925 --> 00:38:40,525 The Cyberium is burning through his mind. 639 00:38:40,605 --> 00:38:42,965 It'll destroy him if it stays in him much longer. 640 00:38:43,085 --> 00:38:46,405 An epic battle. The Cyberium at the heart of it, 641 00:38:46,525 --> 00:38:50,005 controlling data, strategy, decision-making. 642 00:38:50,125 --> 00:38:51,245 Clever! 643 00:38:51,365 --> 00:38:53,725 Very clever. Someone took it from the Cybermen, 644 00:38:53,845 --> 00:38:55,045 sent it back through time here 645 00:38:55,085 --> 00:38:57,765 in an attempt to change the future. 646 00:38:57,885 --> 00:39:01,405 In an attempt to protect it from that. 647 00:39:01,525 --> 00:39:04,525 I can't keep him away much longer. 648 00:39:05,805 --> 00:39:07,565 Then don't. 649 00:39:09,045 --> 00:39:10,925 - Doc! - Stop fighting. 650 00:39:11,045 --> 00:39:12,725 - It's OK. - Jack's warning! 651 00:39:12,845 --> 00:39:14,661 Jack isn't here now, stuck in a house with that. 652 00:39:14,685 --> 00:39:16,421 Exactly. You didn't want us near it a minute ago. 653 00:39:16,445 --> 00:39:17,845 I've just been inside his brain. 654 00:39:17,965 --> 00:39:20,285 There's a supercomputer fused to a cerebral cortex. 655 00:39:20,405 --> 00:39:23,325 He's the only one who knows how to get that out! 656 00:39:23,445 --> 00:39:24,661 Don't let the Cyberman have what it wants. 657 00:39:24,685 --> 00:39:28,125 I know, because armies will rise and billions will die. 658 00:39:28,245 --> 00:39:30,301 Shelley's going to die if that stuff stays inside him. 659 00:39:30,325 --> 00:39:32,285 Shelley's only one life against all those others. 660 00:39:34,045 --> 00:39:36,245 What are you saying? 661 00:39:36,365 --> 00:39:39,165 How can you condemn him to death like that? 662 00:39:40,605 --> 00:39:41,965 But is he, Ryan? 663 00:39:42,085 --> 00:39:45,845 His thoughts, his words inspire and influence thousands 664 00:39:45,965 --> 00:39:48,285 for centuries. If he dies now, 665 00:39:48,405 --> 00:39:51,125 who knows what damage that will have on future history? 666 00:39:53,085 --> 00:39:55,325 Words matter! 667 00:39:57,325 --> 00:40:02,525 One death, one ripple, and history will change in a blink. 668 00:40:02,645 --> 00:40:04,605 The future will not be the world you know. 669 00:40:04,725 --> 00:40:07,605 The world you came from, the world you were created in 670 00:40:07,725 --> 00:40:10,165 won't exist, so neither will you. 671 00:40:10,285 --> 00:40:14,445 It's not just his life at stake. It's yours. 672 00:40:14,565 --> 00:40:16,885 You want to sacrifice yourself for this? 673 00:40:17,005 --> 00:40:18,805 You want me to sacrifice you? 674 00:40:18,925 --> 00:40:20,645 You want to call it? Do it now. 675 00:40:20,765 --> 00:40:22,045 All of you. 676 00:40:29,405 --> 00:40:34,005 Yeah. Cos sometimes this team structure isn't flat. 677 00:40:34,125 --> 00:40:36,845 It's mountainous, with me at the summit 678 00:40:36,965 --> 00:40:39,325 in the stratosphere. Alone. 679 00:40:39,445 --> 00:40:41,405 Left to choose. 680 00:40:42,925 --> 00:40:45,445 Save the poet, save the universe. 681 00:40:47,365 --> 00:40:49,965 Watch people burn now or tomorrow. 682 00:40:50,085 --> 00:40:52,845 Sometimes, even I can't win. 683 00:40:58,725 --> 00:41:00,205 Please... 684 00:41:00,325 --> 00:41:02,045 Help me. 685 00:41:07,245 --> 00:41:08,805 Release what you hold. 686 00:41:08,925 --> 00:41:11,485 - How? - Release it! 687 00:41:11,605 --> 00:41:12,661 He doesn't know what that means! 688 00:41:12,685 --> 00:41:14,101 You've got to tell him what he's got to do! 689 00:41:14,125 --> 00:41:16,285 I am addressing the Cyberium. 690 00:41:16,405 --> 00:41:19,965 It must execute the host to be extracted. 691 00:41:20,085 --> 00:41:21,325 It's not obeying you. 692 00:41:21,445 --> 00:41:22,805 Hmm. 693 00:41:22,925 --> 00:41:26,485 Then I shall execute the host. 694 00:41:26,605 --> 00:41:29,125 What is your name, sir? 695 00:41:29,245 --> 00:41:31,445 Mary, this is not a good time to talk. 696 00:41:31,565 --> 00:41:34,525 Or names. Are you several men? 697 00:41:34,645 --> 00:41:36,565 A composite of parts. 698 00:41:36,685 --> 00:41:39,885 I am better than men! 699 00:41:40,005 --> 00:41:42,245 Yet I still see a soul in there. 700 00:41:44,005 --> 00:41:47,165 What do you think you see, child? 701 00:41:47,285 --> 00:41:51,085 I see the man who spared my son. 702 00:41:56,485 --> 00:41:58,925 Were you a father? Before? 703 00:42:00,485 --> 00:42:02,085 I was. 704 00:42:03,405 --> 00:42:05,645 You didn't want to be this way. 705 00:42:05,765 --> 00:42:08,725 They hurt you, this modern Prometheus. 706 00:42:10,405 --> 00:42:12,805 You loved once. 707 00:42:14,925 --> 00:42:17,045 And were loved in return. 708 00:42:18,405 --> 00:42:20,005 You do not wish to kill. 709 00:42:27,365 --> 00:42:31,645 My name was Ashad. 710 00:42:35,045 --> 00:42:38,245 I did spare your son... 711 00:42:39,965 --> 00:42:42,805 ...because he's a useless runt, 712 00:42:42,925 --> 00:42:45,325 sickly and weak. 713 00:42:45,445 --> 00:42:47,205 And I did have children. 714 00:42:47,325 --> 00:42:51,245 I slit their throats when they joined the resistance. 715 00:42:51,365 --> 00:42:55,045 In death we are transformed, 716 00:42:55,165 --> 00:42:59,205 improved, updated, as you will learn! 717 00:42:59,325 --> 00:43:01,205 Transformed in death. 718 00:43:01,325 --> 00:43:04,565 I'm sorry, Percy Shelley. So very sorry. 719 00:43:07,205 --> 00:43:09,325 Mrs Doctor, what are you doing to him? 720 00:43:11,965 --> 00:43:12,965 Doctor... 721 00:43:17,645 --> 00:43:20,925 The Cyberium! It's leaving his body! 722 00:43:23,845 --> 00:43:25,125 What just happened? 723 00:43:25,245 --> 00:43:27,725 - How are we back here? - He's reset the house. 724 00:43:27,845 --> 00:43:29,765 Shelley needs help! 725 00:43:29,885 --> 00:43:31,565 I think I've freed him from the Cyberium! 726 00:43:31,685 --> 00:43:34,245 At what cost? 727 00:43:37,165 --> 00:43:39,485 No! 728 00:43:39,605 --> 00:43:41,925 And it chooses me. 729 00:43:42,045 --> 00:43:43,765 Interesting. 730 00:43:43,885 --> 00:43:45,605 Time Lord magnetism. 731 00:43:45,725 --> 00:43:47,525 Looks like I'm the true guardian. 732 00:43:50,285 --> 00:43:54,165 Surrender it or I will execute you. 733 00:43:54,285 --> 00:43:56,565 I'd be very careful with those execution threats. 734 00:43:56,685 --> 00:43:59,045 I can feel it already, fusing to me. 735 00:43:59,165 --> 00:44:00,685 It feels very at home. 736 00:44:00,805 --> 00:44:02,525 Recognising great host material. 737 00:44:02,645 --> 00:44:03,805 Not to big myself up, 738 00:44:03,925 --> 00:44:05,925 but I don't think it'll vacate me without a fight. 739 00:44:14,125 --> 00:44:16,085 - What are you doing? - Transmitting. 740 00:44:16,205 --> 00:44:19,045 My ship will lock on to my signal. 741 00:44:19,165 --> 00:44:21,365 It will tear this reality, 742 00:44:21,485 --> 00:44:25,645 and this planet will remain only in shreds! 743 00:44:25,765 --> 00:44:27,645 This world doesn't end in 1816. 744 00:44:27,765 --> 00:44:29,325 It can't. 745 00:44:29,445 --> 00:44:30,445 It will. 746 00:44:30,565 --> 00:44:32,925 He's bluffing. Don't listen to him. 747 00:44:33,045 --> 00:44:37,125 But I can't be sure. I can't risk this planet! 748 00:44:37,245 --> 00:44:38,245 I can't win! 749 00:44:38,285 --> 00:44:41,165 We are inevitable. 750 00:44:44,405 --> 00:44:45,765 Yes. 751 00:44:46,885 --> 00:44:48,845 You are. 752 00:44:51,885 --> 00:44:53,325 What are you doing? 753 00:44:53,445 --> 00:44:54,925 Giving it what it wants. 754 00:45:09,965 --> 00:45:11,925 What did you do to Shelley? 755 00:45:12,045 --> 00:45:13,765 Old Time Lord trick. Not a nice one. 756 00:45:13,885 --> 00:45:15,885 Pushed his mind to his future death, 757 00:45:16,005 --> 00:45:18,085 tricked the Cyberium into letting go, 758 00:45:18,205 --> 00:45:20,725 hoped his body would survive the trauma. I'm sorry. 759 00:45:20,845 --> 00:45:22,085 I hope you can forgive me. 760 00:45:22,205 --> 00:45:25,205 You saved Shelley, but what does that mean for the future? 761 00:45:25,325 --> 00:45:27,005 It means I've put it in the gravest danger. 762 00:45:27,085 --> 00:45:28,085 Please tell me 763 00:45:28,165 --> 00:45:29,501 - that was part of the plan. - Yes. 764 00:45:29,525 --> 00:45:32,165 A last-minute, imperfect, all-I've-got plan. 765 00:45:32,285 --> 00:45:34,205 Saving Shelley was step one. 766 00:45:34,325 --> 00:45:35,525 What's step two? 767 00:45:35,645 --> 00:45:37,645 Fix the mess I created in step one. 768 00:45:42,165 --> 00:45:44,365 Go to the future, find him 769 00:45:44,485 --> 00:45:48,285 and stop him from rebuilding the Cyber Army. 770 00:45:48,405 --> 00:45:51,645 Shelley, can you give Yaz those symbols and numbers? 771 00:45:51,765 --> 00:45:53,445 We're going to need them. 772 00:45:58,565 --> 00:46:00,605 Well, that was quite the evening. 773 00:46:00,725 --> 00:46:02,605 Indeed. 774 00:46:04,405 --> 00:46:07,005 Perhaps Miss Clairmont would care to retire? 775 00:46:08,845 --> 00:46:11,365 A lie-down could prove restorative. 776 00:46:12,885 --> 00:46:16,045 You pursued Mrs Doctor without a care for my presence... 777 00:46:17,645 --> 00:46:19,605 ...belittled my thoughts and opinions... 778 00:46:20,765 --> 00:46:24,445 ...and then proceeded to use my person as a human shield. 779 00:46:24,565 --> 00:46:26,405 And...? 780 00:46:27,765 --> 00:46:29,685 And the spell is broken, 781 00:46:29,805 --> 00:46:31,045 my lord. 782 00:46:44,005 --> 00:46:45,485 You have returned me to life, 783 00:46:45,605 --> 00:46:48,445 although I feel as though I have none of it left to live. 784 00:46:48,565 --> 00:46:51,445 Sorry about the sneak peek. 785 00:46:51,565 --> 00:46:53,365 Every moment will be precious. 786 00:46:55,205 --> 00:46:56,485 How can we repay you? 787 00:46:56,605 --> 00:46:58,005 Just don't lose hope. 788 00:46:58,125 --> 00:47:00,925 Yeah. Keep doing that writing thing. 789 00:47:01,045 --> 00:47:02,085 If you like. 790 00:47:08,805 --> 00:47:11,285 So, if all the weirdness was the Cyberium, you know, 791 00:47:11,405 --> 00:47:13,525 the bones and Shelley floating about and all that, 792 00:47:13,645 --> 00:47:15,925 why would it reanimate a couple of stiffs 793 00:47:16,045 --> 00:47:17,685 just to bring me a sarnie? 794 00:47:17,805 --> 00:47:20,165 You know, the maid and the creepy little kid? 795 00:47:20,285 --> 00:47:21,925 Er... no. 796 00:47:23,405 --> 00:47:25,325 We thought you saw Shelley, like we did. 797 00:47:25,445 --> 00:47:29,205 Oh, come on! Beady eyes? Made the room go all arctic? 798 00:47:29,325 --> 00:47:31,805 - Where do them two fit in? - I'm not sure they did. 799 00:47:31,925 --> 00:47:32,925 No, come on, Doc. 800 00:47:32,965 --> 00:47:34,541 This is where you jump in with a rational explanation. 801 00:47:34,565 --> 00:47:35,861 I mean, ghosts don't exist, right? 802 00:47:35,885 --> 00:47:38,205 - Unless they do. - What?! 803 00:47:39,965 --> 00:47:41,445 Inside, you three. 804 00:47:41,565 --> 00:47:42,725 We need to talk. 805 00:47:44,405 --> 00:47:45,605 Listen... 806 00:47:45,725 --> 00:47:47,805 You don't need to come with me. 807 00:47:47,925 --> 00:47:50,805 Cyber war zones and people don't mix. 808 00:47:50,925 --> 00:47:53,565 I'll drop you back in 2020. 809 00:47:53,685 --> 00:47:55,685 Or we can use Shelley's numbers. 810 00:47:55,805 --> 00:47:57,165 Co-ordinates, right? 811 00:48:01,285 --> 00:48:04,205 Yeah. Wherever you think's a good place to start. 812 00:48:04,325 --> 00:48:05,765 With step two. 813 00:48:07,085 --> 00:48:09,645 The world was void 814 00:48:09,765 --> 00:48:11,725 The populous and the powerful was a lump 815 00:48:11,845 --> 00:48:14,725 Seasonless, herbless, treeless 816 00:48:14,845 --> 00:48:17,125 Manless, lifeless 817 00:48:17,245 --> 00:48:18,925 A lump of death 818 00:48:19,045 --> 00:48:21,565 A chaos of hard clay 819 00:48:21,685 --> 00:48:25,805 Ships sailorless lay rotting on the sea 820 00:48:25,925 --> 00:48:28,845 And their masts fell down piecemeal 821 00:48:28,965 --> 00:48:30,325 As they dropped 822 00:48:30,445 --> 00:48:33,645 They slept on the abyss without a surge 823 00:48:33,765 --> 00:48:35,765 The waves were dead 824 00:48:35,885 --> 00:48:38,165 The tides were in their grave 825 00:48:39,485 --> 00:48:41,085 The moon, their mistress 826 00:48:41,205 --> 00:48:43,445 Had expired before 827 00:48:43,565 --> 00:48:46,165 The winds withered in the stagnant air 828 00:48:46,285 --> 00:48:47,485 And the clouds perished 829 00:48:49,805 --> 00:48:52,125 Darkness had no need of aid from them 830 00:48:54,485 --> 00:48:56,285 She was the universe. 831 00:49:29,965 --> 00:49:32,485 Any ideas what we're walking into - 832 00:49:32,605 --> 00:49:35,045 this planet, this time period, 833 00:49:35,165 --> 00:49:36,925 in the very far future, 834 00:49:37,045 --> 00:49:39,925 immediate aftermath of the Cyber Wars?