1 00:00:21,364 --> 00:00:26,364 2 00:01:04,806 --> 00:01:06,775 (OBJECTS CLATTERING) 3 00:01:14,615 --> 00:01:16,552 (DEVICE WHIRRING) 4 00:01:22,391 --> 00:01:23,459 Mm-mmm. 5 00:01:42,144 --> 00:01:43,445 (ZIPS BAG) 6 00:01:58,594 --> 00:01:59,928 (TRILLING) 7 00:02:00,895 --> 00:02:02,364 生きている You're alive. 8 00:02:46,641 --> 00:02:49,411 - (MACHINES WHIRRING) - (MONITOR BEEPING) 9 00:02:56,184 --> 00:02:58,721 何の夢を見ている? What are you dreaming, little angel? 10 00:03:29,750 --> 00:03:31,052 (SNIFFS) 11 00:03:42,130 --> 00:03:43,599 (YAWNS) 12 00:03:57,278 --> 00:03:58,714 (GASPS) 13 00:04:35,849 --> 00:04:36,851 (GRUNTS) 14 00:04:59,240 --> 00:05:00,339 (BEEPS) 15 00:05:00,341 --> 00:05:01,642 (GASPS) 16 00:05:16,757 --> 00:05:17,925 Well... 17 00:05:21,930 --> 00:05:24,296 もう一度 Try again. 18 00:05:24,298 --> 00:05:26,565 今はこれが精一杯だ Well, that's the best I can do for now. 19 00:05:26,567 --> 00:05:27,666 恩に着るよ先生 I'm really grateful, Doc. 20 00:05:27,668 --> 00:05:29,601 来週は残業があるから I'll be getting some overtime next week. 21 00:05:29,603 --> 00:05:30,870 払える時でいい Yeah, pay me when you can. 22 00:05:30,872 --> 00:05:32,741 これをあんたに Here, I got these for you. 23 00:05:33,507 --> 00:05:35,674 妻は農場で働いている My wife works out at Farm 22. 24 00:05:35,676 --> 00:05:37,044 頂くよ (CHUCKLES) Thank you. 25 00:05:38,012 --> 00:05:39,481 また今度 CYBORG: See you next time. 26 00:05:40,382 --> 00:05:41,448 支払いが果物だと Keep getting paid in fruit, 27 00:05:41,450 --> 00:05:43,418 農家になっちゃう and we'll be picking these ourselves. 28 00:05:47,122 --> 00:05:48,490 こんにちは お寝坊さん Hello, sleepyhead. 29 00:05:50,726 --> 00:05:51,726 Hi. 30 00:05:53,127 --> 00:05:54,430 具合はどう How do you feel? 31 00:05:56,330 --> 00:05:57,563 まあまあ Okay. 32 00:05:57,565 --> 00:05:59,435 痛みは? Any pain anywhere? 33 00:05:59,967 --> 00:06:01,002 ない No. 34 00:06:01,670 --> 00:06:03,705 しびれは - Numbness? ない - No. 35 00:06:05,005 --> 00:06:06,674 動きは? Motor dysfunction? 36 00:06:07,409 --> 00:06:09,678 おなかすいた I'm a little hungry. 37 00:06:10,111 --> 00:06:11,644 食べて IDO: Eat this. 38 00:06:11,646 --> 00:06:13,148 血糖値を上げる Get your sugar levels up. 39 00:06:18,885 --> 00:06:20,652 (LAUGHS) 40 00:06:20,654 --> 00:06:22,990 味覚は正常だな Taste receptors are working. 41 00:06:23,892 --> 00:06:25,657 Thank you. 42 00:06:25,659 --> 00:06:29,096 皮をむけば気に入るよ You'll like this a whole lot better with the peel off. 43 00:06:30,498 --> 00:06:32,464 失礼だけど I don't mean to be rude... 44 00:06:32,466 --> 00:06:34,570 あなたたち誰? but am I supposed to know you? 45 00:06:35,170 --> 00:06:36,568 実は Actually... 46 00:06:36,570 --> 00:06:38,070 初対面だ we haven't met. 47 00:06:38,072 --> 00:06:41,609 私はイド 看護師のガーハド I'm Dr. Dyson Ido. This is Nurse Gerhad. 48 00:06:43,644 --> 00:06:45,947 私は誰? And do you know who I am? 49 00:06:47,647 --> 00:06:49,983 そのうち Well, we were hoping... 50 00:06:49,985 --> 00:06:51,784 思い出すよ you'd fill in that part. 51 00:06:51,786 --> 00:06:54,053 全身を造り直した Since you're a total replacement cyborg... 52 00:06:54,055 --> 00:06:57,222 ほとんどが 破壊されていたから and most of your cyber body was destroyed... 53 00:06:57,224 --> 00:06:58,858 記録がない we can't find any records. 54 00:06:58,860 --> 00:07:03,532 奇跡的に 脳は傷が無い But your very human brain was miraculously intact. 55 00:07:04,599 --> 00:07:07,399 だから 記憶が残っているはず Theoretically, you should remember something. 56 00:07:07,401 --> 00:07:09,872 そうなの Oh. Well... 57 00:07:11,238 --> 00:07:12,974 覚えてない It's still pretty blank. 58 00:07:14,575 --> 00:07:17,512 なにも No, it's completely blank, actually. 59 00:07:21,515 --> 00:07:23,584 名前すら I don't even know my own name. 60 00:07:28,356 --> 00:07:30,659 良いこともあるよ Let's look at the bright side. 61 00:07:31,291 --> 00:07:33,861 涙は正常だ Your tears are working. 62 00:07:45,238 --> 00:07:46,608 Mmm. 63 00:07:49,074 --> 00:07:50,074 とってもおいしい That's so good. 64 00:07:50,478 --> 00:07:51,680 これは何 What do you call this? 65 00:07:52,413 --> 00:07:54,049 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 66 00:08:17,572 --> 00:08:20,438 あれは何 Yeow! What's that? 67 00:08:20,440 --> 00:08:22,308 ザレムだ - Zalem. - Oh! 68 00:08:22,310 --> 00:08:24,713 最後の空中都市 The last of the great sky cities. 69 00:08:26,682 --> 00:08:30,015 魔法で 浮いてるの? - What holds it up? Magic? - No. 70 00:08:30,017 --> 00:08:33,088 テクノロジーだよ Something stronger. Engineering. 71 00:08:37,825 --> 00:08:39,891 どこ見てる (MAN SHOUTS IN SPANISH) 72 00:08:39,893 --> 00:08:42,260 ここは アイアンシティー And down here, we have Iron City. 73 00:08:42,262 --> 00:08:43,728 魅力的なところさ With all its charm. 74 00:08:43,730 --> 00:08:47,165 あなたの名前はイドー Dr. Dyson Ido. That's you. 75 00:08:47,167 --> 00:08:50,272 私に名前を While I'm learning names, do you have one for me? 76 00:08:51,305 --> 00:08:52,306 アリータ Alita. 77 00:08:57,012 --> 00:08:58,012 いい名前だろ It's a nice name. 78 00:08:59,281 --> 00:09:00,281 うれしい I love it. 79 00:09:00,715 --> 00:09:02,213 私の名ね Can I keep it? 80 00:09:02,215 --> 00:09:04,750 思い出すまでは At least until I can remember my real name? 81 00:09:04,752 --> 00:09:06,387 ありがとう - IDO: Mm-hmm. - Thank you. 82 00:09:07,823 --> 00:09:09,521 いいんだ Okay. 83 00:09:09,523 --> 00:09:11,223 見てみるか - Do you want to take a look? - Yes. 84 00:09:11,225 --> 00:09:13,628 (PEOPLE SHOUTING IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES) 85 00:09:16,864 --> 00:09:18,930 違う言葉が多い Why are there so many languages? 86 00:09:18,932 --> 00:09:21,199 戦争の後 Um, after the big war I told you about... 87 00:09:21,201 --> 00:09:22,101 没落戦争 ALITA: The Fall. 88 00:09:22,103 --> 00:09:24,803 ザレムが残り After The Fall, only Zalem was left... 89 00:09:24,805 --> 00:09:27,908 世界中の生存者が集まった and survivors came here from all over the world. 90 00:09:28,943 --> 00:09:31,343 みんなザレムのために働いている Everybody down here works for Zalem. 91 00:09:31,345 --> 00:09:33,513 工場、農場、 The Factory, the Farms... 92 00:09:33,515 --> 00:09:35,247 ザレムに行った人は? Does anyone ever go up to Zalem? 93 00:09:35,249 --> 00:09:36,115 一緒に行こう (GASPS) We should go. 94 00:09:36,117 --> 00:09:38,050 ザレムには 誰も行けない Nobody from down here ever goes up. 95 00:09:38,052 --> 00:09:39,787 規則だ It's a rule that's never broken. 96 00:09:40,320 --> 00:09:41,656 どうした What? 97 00:09:46,127 --> 00:09:49,528 これは痛い ANNOUNCER: Oh! And he takes him down hard! 98 00:09:49,530 --> 00:09:51,033 あれは? What is that? 99 00:09:52,200 --> 00:09:53,701 モーターボール IDO: It's Motorball. 100 00:09:54,234 --> 00:09:55,635 カッコいい That's so cool. 101 00:09:55,637 --> 00:09:58,974 時間のムダ Nothing you need to be wasting your time watching. 102 00:10:00,441 --> 00:10:02,443 (PLAYING MODERN CLASSICAL MUSIC) 103 00:10:03,610 --> 00:10:04,945 (COIN CLATTERS) 104 00:10:16,391 --> 00:10:17,793 アリータ Alita. 105 00:10:18,792 --> 00:10:20,262 待ってて One minute, please. 106 00:10:25,800 --> 00:10:27,232 (DOG WHIMPERS) 107 00:10:27,234 --> 00:10:28,269 Hi. 108 00:10:30,037 --> 00:10:31,105 Hello. 109 00:10:31,640 --> 00:10:33,239 食べる? You want some? 110 00:10:33,241 --> 00:10:34,309 さあ Here you go. 111 00:10:37,679 --> 00:10:39,314 抱っこ? Can I hug you? 112 00:10:39,613 --> 00:10:40,815 Hi. 113 00:10:41,614 --> 00:10:43,250 (GIGGLES) 114 00:11:01,801 --> 00:11:03,669 通ります CENTURION: Step aside. 115 00:11:03,671 --> 00:11:06,005 道を空けなさい Out of the way. 116 00:11:06,007 --> 00:11:08,343 - (BOTH GRUNT) - (DOG BARKS) 117 00:11:11,546 --> 00:11:12,748 (DOG YELPING) 118 00:11:19,487 --> 00:11:21,189 すごいな Outstanding. 119 00:11:24,325 --> 00:11:26,393 ちゃんと前を見ろよ Why don't you watch where you're going? 120 00:11:29,196 --> 00:11:30,428 見たことない I gotta admit... 121 00:11:30,430 --> 00:11:33,368 センチュリオンに 挑むなんて I never saw anybody challenge a Centurion before. 122 00:11:35,704 --> 00:11:38,205 重いな Whoa. You're heavy. 123 00:11:38,739 --> 00:11:39,940 えっと I mean... 124 00:11:40,742 --> 00:11:41,941 君 Oh. 125 00:11:41,943 --> 00:11:43,445 サイボーグだね You're a cyborg. 126 00:11:45,613 --> 00:11:47,482 手がきれい Sorry, I was just admiring your hand. 127 00:11:48,450 --> 00:11:49,984 見ても? Can I see? 128 00:11:56,190 --> 00:11:57,191 へえ Wow. 129 00:11:58,759 --> 00:12:00,194 素晴らしい出来だ It's really nice work. 130 00:12:01,862 --> 00:12:03,131 イドーが作った? Did Doc Ido do it? 131 00:12:03,664 --> 00:12:05,497 私を全部 He built all of me. 132 00:12:05,499 --> 00:12:08,568 脳以外 Except my core. That's mine. 133 00:12:08,570 --> 00:12:11,138 とにかく上出来 Well, he did a really great job. 134 00:12:13,742 --> 00:12:15,207 さっきのあれは何? Hey, what are those things? 135 00:12:15,209 --> 00:12:16,411 センチュリオン? The Centurions? 136 00:12:17,243 --> 00:12:19,511 どこから来たの (CHUCKLES) What planet are you from? 137 00:12:19,513 --> 00:12:21,746 ゴミ捨て場 Ido found me in the Scrapyard. 138 00:12:21,748 --> 00:12:23,716 ゴミ捨て場? そう - The Scrapyard? - Mm-hmm. 139 00:12:23,718 --> 00:12:25,650 それって But that would mean... 140 00:12:25,652 --> 00:12:26,919 こんにちは先生 Hey, Doc. 141 00:12:26,921 --> 00:12:29,257 部品は手に入ったよ I got those driver-boards you were looking for. 142 00:12:30,557 --> 00:12:31,756 アリータは知らないんだ Alita is new here. 143 00:12:31,758 --> 00:12:33,659 学んでいる She's still learning about things. 144 00:12:33,661 --> 00:12:34,794 行かないと HUGO: I gotta go. 145 00:12:34,796 --> 00:12:36,127 あとで届ける I'll drop those off later. 146 00:12:36,129 --> 00:12:38,965 修理を頼みたい I need a rebuild on a quad servo. 147 00:12:38,967 --> 00:12:40,535 また会おう Maybe I'll see you around. 148 00:12:43,838 --> 00:12:45,106 誰なの? Who is that? 149 00:12:45,540 --> 00:12:46,942 ヒューゴさ IDO: Hugo. 150 00:12:47,809 --> 00:12:50,108 働き者なんだが He's a hard worker, but... 151 00:12:50,110 --> 00:12:52,279 帰ろう Alita, come on, let's go home. 152 00:12:52,847 --> 00:12:54,281 (ENGINE STARTS) 153 00:12:59,421 --> 00:13:01,189 ヒューゴ 行こう - Hugo. - Let's go home. 154 00:13:30,984 --> 00:13:32,988 (KEYS JANGLING) 155 00:13:34,922 --> 00:13:36,357 - (METAL THUDS) - (GASPS) 156 00:13:37,825 --> 00:13:39,026 (MEOWS) 157 00:13:44,699 --> 00:13:45,765 (WEAPON UNSHEATHES) 158 00:13:45,767 --> 00:13:46,968 (SCREAMS) 159 00:14:16,229 --> 00:14:17,462 あいつらのおかげで There's the damn Jackers 160 00:14:17,464 --> 00:14:20,098 バラバラさ that ripped me to shreds standing right there. 161 00:14:20,100 --> 00:14:23,968 センチュリオンは見てただけ And that vale madre Centurion wouldn't lift a finger. 162 00:14:23,970 --> 00:14:26,505 なぜ彼らは 手足を奪ったの? Why would anyone wanna take your arms and legs? 163 00:14:26,507 --> 00:14:27,508 接続して Torque coupling. 164 00:14:29,477 --> 00:14:32,547 やつらは 闇取引するんだ Those Jackers want your parts for the black market. 165 00:14:33,580 --> 00:14:35,314 モータボールのため To supply the Motorball games. 166 00:14:35,316 --> 00:14:37,048 あなた幸運だった You were lucky. 167 00:14:37,050 --> 00:14:40,184 昨日女性が 殺された Another girl was murdered last night, right near there. 168 00:14:40,186 --> 00:14:43,722 バラバラにされ Yeah, I heard that guy carves girls up... 169 00:14:43,724 --> 00:14:45,390 売られた and sells their body parts. 170 00:14:45,392 --> 00:14:46,560 (SHUSHES) 171 00:14:49,028 --> 00:14:51,263 すまない CYBORG: Sorry, Doc. 172 00:14:51,265 --> 00:14:52,865 暗くなったら 出かけるな For now, I don't want you out after dark. 173 00:14:52,867 --> 00:14:54,199 いいな? Is that understood? 174 00:14:54,201 --> 00:14:55,336 わかった Okay. 175 00:14:56,204 --> 00:14:57,636 出かけるなら And if you go out during the day, 176 00:14:57,638 --> 00:14:59,771 遠くへ行くな don't wander too far from this neighborhood. 177 00:14:59,773 --> 00:15:00,872 わかった Okay. 178 00:15:00,874 --> 00:15:01,939 約束だぞ Promise? 179 00:15:01,941 --> 00:15:03,310 約束する I promise. 180 00:15:14,488 --> 00:15:15,724 あなた Hey, kid. 181 00:15:29,771 --> 00:15:31,506 何するの? Hey, what's your problem? 182 00:15:45,552 --> 00:15:46,720 あの子は? Who's the girl? 183 00:15:48,155 --> 00:15:50,291 新しい助手 My new assistant. 184 00:15:52,459 --> 00:15:55,694 私たちの娘の体よ I was surprised to see her in our daughter's body. 185 00:15:55,696 --> 00:15:58,399 処分すべきだった You were supposed to have destroyed that years ago. 186 00:16:00,901 --> 00:16:03,137 出来なかった そうね - I couldn't. - Clearly. 187 00:16:04,973 --> 00:16:07,709 誰のための体か 話したの? And did you tell her who you built that body for? 188 00:16:09,810 --> 00:16:11,143 (SIGHS) 189 00:16:11,145 --> 00:16:13,946 娘は死んだんだよ キレン Our daughter is dead, Chiren. 190 00:16:13,948 --> 00:16:15,780 もう忘れよう あら - You need to let it go. - Oh. 191 00:16:15,782 --> 00:16:18,820 こだわってるのは あなた It's obviously not me that's clinging to something here. 192 00:16:20,188 --> 00:16:22,190 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 193 00:16:29,296 --> 00:16:30,831 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 194 00:16:33,501 --> 00:16:34,669 こっちだ PLAYER: Over here! 195 00:16:45,778 --> 00:16:47,111 (PLAYERS CHEERING) 196 00:16:47,113 --> 00:16:49,280 ヒューゴ やあ - Hugo. - Hey, Alita. 197 00:16:49,282 --> 00:16:50,783 モーターボール? Is this Motorball? 198 00:16:50,785 --> 00:16:52,717 ただの練習さ It's just a scrimmage. 199 00:16:52,719 --> 00:16:54,089 やってみる? Do you wanna join in? 200 00:16:54,722 --> 00:16:55,987 (CHUCKLES) 201 00:16:55,989 --> 00:16:57,658 モーターボールは 人気さ Come on, every kid's gotta play Motorball. 202 00:16:59,627 --> 00:17:01,459 もちろん Sure, why not? 203 00:17:01,461 --> 00:17:03,330 もう一度チームを 組みましょう I want us to be a team again. 204 00:17:04,766 --> 00:17:06,401 新しい組織と I have a great new setup... 205 00:17:07,235 --> 00:17:09,101 装備があるの and equipment... 206 00:17:09,103 --> 00:17:10,772 あなたの技術力に 見合った worthy of your skills. 207 00:17:12,038 --> 00:17:14,273 一緒に造りましょう Together, we can build the finest champions 208 00:17:14,275 --> 00:17:15,743 最強の戦士を this game has ever seen. 209 00:17:16,677 --> 00:17:18,209 ザレムに帰れる Could be my ticket home. 210 00:17:18,211 --> 00:17:21,246 わからないのか When are you going to realize there is no way back? 211 00:17:21,248 --> 00:17:22,880 帰れないんだ It just does not happen. 212 00:17:22,882 --> 00:17:24,049 ベクターならやってくれる Vector can make it happen. 213 00:17:24,051 --> 00:17:26,017 ベクターを信頼しているのか I can't believe you trust Vector. 214 00:17:26,019 --> 00:17:28,355 彼には コネがある He has very high connections. 215 00:17:30,290 --> 00:17:32,626 化け物作りは 手伝わない I won't help you build monsters. 216 00:17:40,366 --> 00:17:42,536 とにかくザレムに帰る I'm going to get back to Zalem somehow. 217 00:17:43,636 --> 00:17:46,907 素手でもやるわ I'll claw my way there with my bare hands if I have to. 218 00:18:06,193 --> 00:18:07,861 みんな アリータだ Hey, everyone, this is Alita. 219 00:18:09,764 --> 00:18:10,829 Hi. 220 00:18:10,831 --> 00:18:12,667 やればうまくなる Best way to learn is to go in. 221 00:18:28,415 --> 00:18:29,681 パスしろ PLAYER 1: Pass the ball! 222 00:18:29,683 --> 00:18:30,815 そうだ HUGO: That's it. 223 00:18:30,817 --> 00:18:32,686 空きにつっこめ Lean into your turns, look for an opening. 224 00:18:33,754 --> 00:18:35,790 わかった I think I'm getting it! 225 00:18:39,326 --> 00:18:40,761 (CROWD EXCLAIMS) 226 00:18:41,661 --> 00:18:43,597 回ってるぞ HUGO: You can let go of the remote now. 227 00:18:45,600 --> 00:18:46,901 あら Oh, crap. 228 00:18:49,335 --> 00:18:51,238 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 229 00:18:54,007 --> 00:18:56,175 つかまえろ - PLAYER 2: Come on, get her! - PLAYER 3: Come on, get her! 230 00:18:56,177 --> 00:18:57,275 止めろ PLAYER 2: Cut her off! 231 00:18:57,277 --> 00:18:58,680 ボールを彼女に Koyomi, pass her the ball. 232 00:19:00,113 --> 00:19:01,415 ボールを持ったぞ And she got it! She got it! 233 00:19:03,217 --> 00:19:04,518 止めろ PLAYER 4: Get her! 234 00:19:05,987 --> 00:19:07,421 (CROWD EXCLAIMS) 235 00:19:10,056 --> 00:19:11,459 悪いな お姫さん Sorry, princess. 236 00:19:12,794 --> 00:19:13,891 やったな Nice, Tanji, thanks. 237 00:19:13,893 --> 00:19:15,762 彼女は初めてなんだぞ She's never played before. 238 00:19:18,032 --> 00:19:19,300 (PLAYERS CHEERING) 239 00:19:20,234 --> 00:19:21,436 気にするな Sorry. 240 00:19:22,836 --> 00:19:24,305 (CHEERING) 241 00:19:33,580 --> 00:19:34,846 取った Got this! 242 00:19:34,848 --> 00:19:35,849 俺のだ Mine! 243 00:19:43,457 --> 00:19:44,691 やってみろ PLAYER 5: You got me! 244 00:19:45,593 --> 00:19:46,594 (SCREAMS) 245 00:19:48,930 --> 00:19:50,531 (CROWD EXCLAIMS) 246 00:19:54,234 --> 00:19:55,870 (CHEERING AND WHOOPING) 247 00:20:01,007 --> 00:20:02,009 やるじゃない KOYOMI: Good shot. 248 00:20:07,148 --> 00:20:09,948 お前の彼女 壊しちまった Your freak girlfriend's got some serious malfunctions. 249 00:20:09,950 --> 00:20:11,549 すまない I'm really sorry. 250 00:20:11,551 --> 00:20:13,351 恥をかかせたな She humiliated you so severely. 251 00:20:13,353 --> 00:20:15,487 (LAUGHS SARCASTICALLY) 252 00:20:15,489 --> 00:20:17,355 今夜また会おう All right, I'll see you tonight. 253 00:20:17,357 --> 00:20:19,960 彼女は 恋人じゃない And, uh, she's not my girlfriend. 254 00:20:21,696 --> 00:20:22,697 知るか Whatever. 255 00:20:28,169 --> 00:20:29,434 (HUGO GRUNTS) 256 00:20:29,436 --> 00:20:31,572 才能がある You've got some talent for this game. 257 00:20:32,606 --> 00:20:33,906 帰らないと I've got to get home now. 258 00:20:33,908 --> 00:20:36,044 イドーと約束した Ido wants me in the house before dark. 259 00:20:39,278 --> 00:20:40,815 送るよ Do you want a ride? 260 00:20:41,315 --> 00:20:42,717 (LAUGHING) 261 00:20:46,754 --> 00:20:48,254 思い出せない? So you can't remember anything? 262 00:20:48,256 --> 00:20:49,553 やってるけど I'm trying to. 263 00:20:49,555 --> 00:20:52,690 好きな食べ物は? Family, friends, favorite food? 264 00:20:52,692 --> 00:20:55,226 ないわ オレンジかな Nothing. Well, maybe oranges. 265 00:20:55,228 --> 00:20:56,594 昨日から But that's just since yesterday. 266 00:20:56,596 --> 00:20:58,496 オレンジ? そう - Oranges? - Uh-huh. 267 00:20:58,498 --> 00:21:00,535 それじゃだめ Nope. Unacceptable. 268 00:21:01,401 --> 00:21:03,438 いいものがある Here, check this out. 269 00:21:04,270 --> 00:21:06,039 有難うセニョール Thank you very much, Senora. 270 00:21:09,477 --> 00:21:11,043 毎度あり SALESMAN: And here you go. 271 00:21:11,045 --> 00:21:12,177 ありがと Thank you. 272 00:21:12,179 --> 00:21:13,646 いいか You ready? 273 00:21:13,648 --> 00:21:14,649 食べて Try this. 274 00:21:15,016 --> 00:21:16,017 信じて Trust me. 275 00:21:17,317 --> 00:21:18,618 チョコだ It's chocolate. 276 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:24,689 Mmm. 277 00:21:24,691 --> 00:21:26,728 とってもおいしい だろ - That is so great. - It's good, right? 278 00:21:28,261 --> 00:21:30,528 好きな食べ物ができた - I have a favorite food now. - (LAUGHS) 279 00:21:30,530 --> 00:21:31,763 大好物 - HUGO: Thank you. - This is my favorite food. 280 00:21:31,765 --> 00:21:33,031 そんな言い方 Well, I wouldn't call it that. 281 00:21:33,033 --> 00:21:34,099 するわ I would. 282 00:21:34,101 --> 00:21:36,070 みろよ Hey, look. Check it out. 283 00:21:37,036 --> 00:21:38,469 ハンター戦士だ It's a Hunter-Warrior. 284 00:21:38,471 --> 00:21:42,006 ザパン 賞金稼ぎだ He's a bounty hunter. Named Zapan. 285 00:21:42,008 --> 00:21:43,710 獲物を探している Scanning for his mark. 286 00:21:45,379 --> 00:21:47,081 ああはなりたくない I wouldn't wanna be that guy. 287 00:21:48,615 --> 00:21:50,584 剣を見て ALITA: Look at that sword. 288 00:21:51,418 --> 00:21:53,588 銃は違法だ All guns are outlawed in Iron City. 289 00:21:54,254 --> 00:21:55,990 死刑になる Punishable by death. 290 00:21:58,191 --> 00:22:00,527 ザレムには逆らえない Anything that challenges Zalem. 291 00:22:20,347 --> 00:22:22,015 (GATE SQUEAKING) 292 00:22:25,385 --> 00:22:28,085 言ったろう 暗くなる前に帰れ Didn't I tell you to be home before dark? 293 00:22:28,087 --> 00:22:31,555 道に迷っただけ What's the big deal? I just lost track of time. 294 00:22:31,557 --> 00:22:34,892 誰も信じるな Yeah. Don't trust anyone. 295 00:22:34,894 --> 00:22:37,764 ここでは皆 ヒドイことをする People do terrible things to each other here. 296 00:22:38,532 --> 00:22:40,198 腕をどうしたの What happened to your arm? 297 00:22:40,200 --> 00:22:41,432 食べろ Here, eat this. 298 00:22:41,434 --> 00:22:42,702 大丈夫? You okay? 299 00:22:48,808 --> 00:22:51,211 お前の脳には 栄養が必要 You still need proper nourishment for your brain. 300 00:22:54,613 --> 00:22:55,882 チョコある? You have any chocolate? 301 00:23:00,988 --> 00:23:02,588 ここは厳しい HUGO: It's a harsh world. 302 00:23:02,590 --> 00:23:05,290 弱者は狩られる The strong prey on the weak down here. 303 00:23:05,292 --> 00:23:07,495 夢を追わなきゃ You gotta stay focused on your dream. 304 00:23:08,429 --> 00:23:10,161 あなたの夢は? What's your dream? 305 00:23:10,163 --> 00:23:11,766 見せるよ I'll show you. 306 00:23:31,317 --> 00:23:33,520 秘密の場所だ This is my secret place. 307 00:23:34,555 --> 00:23:35,922 眺めがいい Best view in town. 308 00:23:40,294 --> 00:23:41,496 わあ Wow. 309 00:23:43,063 --> 00:23:44,198 ホントすごい Really cool. 310 00:23:44,998 --> 00:23:46,601 違うよ (CHUCKLES) No. Look. 311 00:23:47,301 --> 00:23:48,603 あれさ That view. 312 00:23:49,903 --> 00:23:50,904 あら ALITA: Oh. 313 00:23:51,771 --> 00:23:52,806 そうね Right. 314 00:23:58,578 --> 00:24:00,780 上には何があるの I wonder what it's like up there. 315 00:24:02,816 --> 00:24:05,252 ここより いいものさ HUGO: Better than this dump down here. 316 00:24:07,453 --> 00:24:09,254 聞こえたか Listen. 317 00:24:09,256 --> 00:24:10,892 (機械音) (MACHINERY HUMMING IN DISTANCE) 318 00:24:11,924 --> 00:24:15,128 ザレムへの荷物の音さ It's stuff from the Factory going up to Zalem. 319 00:24:16,963 --> 00:24:20,100 荷物だけで 人は行けない But the tubes are just for cargo, not for people. 320 00:24:21,434 --> 00:24:22,868 君みたいに強かったら If I was as strong as you, 321 00:24:22,870 --> 00:24:25,336 すぐザレムに行く I'd climb that tube to Zalem right now. 322 00:24:25,338 --> 00:24:26,905 入れてくれないわ They don't let anybody up there. 323 00:24:26,907 --> 00:24:29,374 そう思わせているんだ Yeah, that's what they want you to think. 324 00:24:29,376 --> 00:24:31,476 コネがないと You just gotta know the right people. 325 00:24:31,478 --> 00:24:33,814 あるんだ - I happen to be connected. - Oh. 326 00:24:36,816 --> 00:24:38,986 必要なことはやらないと You gotta be willing to do what it takes. 327 00:24:42,021 --> 00:24:43,723 必要なことなら 何だって Whatever it takes. 328 00:24:46,393 --> 00:24:48,762 君は見たことあるはず Funny thing is, you've seen it. 329 00:24:49,296 --> 00:24:50,998 覚えてないだけ You just can't remember. 330 00:24:51,532 --> 00:24:52,934 どういうこと? What do you mean? 331 00:24:55,603 --> 00:24:57,305 ゴミ捨て場で 拾われただろ Doc found you in the Scrapyard. 332 00:24:59,039 --> 00:25:01,942 ザレムから 捨てられたんだよ All that stuff is dumped from Zalem. 333 00:25:02,742 --> 00:25:04,778 ザレムに居たのさ 君は So you must be from up there. 334 00:25:10,182 --> 00:25:11,618 そうかも I guess so. 335 00:25:12,786 --> 00:25:15,286 何を見たのか 教えてくれ If you could just tell me what those eyes have seen. 336 00:25:15,288 --> 00:25:16,688 教えられたら いいのに I wish I could. 337 00:25:16,690 --> 00:25:18,892 思い出そうとしても I keep trying to remember, but... 338 00:25:19,692 --> 00:25:22,828 思い出せない It's still a blank. 339 00:25:22,830 --> 00:25:25,232 私は何でもない I'm starting to feel like I wasn't very important. 340 00:25:26,534 --> 00:25:27,799 ただの普通の女の子 Just an insignificant girl 341 00:25:27,801 --> 00:25:30,037 ゴミと一緒に 捨てられた thrown out with the rest of the garbage. 342 00:25:33,073 --> 00:25:34,208 (HUGO SIGHS) 343 00:25:43,584 --> 00:25:45,052 (DOOR CLOSES) 344 00:27:12,372 --> 00:27:14,272 やめて アリータ - No! Stop! - Alita! 345 00:27:14,274 --> 00:27:15,276 やめて Don't do it! 346 00:27:16,209 --> 00:27:17,210 しまった IDO: Oh, no. 347 00:27:18,077 --> 00:27:19,509 ワナだ It's a trap. 348 00:27:19,511 --> 00:27:23,246 俺を探しているのか 先生 Looking for me, Doctor? 349 00:27:23,248 --> 00:27:27,752 それとも ハンター戦士と呼ぼうか Or should I say, Hunter-Warrior? (CHUCKLES) 350 00:27:27,754 --> 00:27:29,187 ハンター戦士? "Hunter-Warrior"? 351 00:27:29,189 --> 00:27:31,459 (CACKLING) 352 00:27:33,727 --> 00:27:35,759 これはこれは ROMO: Oh, no. 353 00:27:35,761 --> 00:27:38,798 見つかっちまった Looks like he's got us. 354 00:27:40,801 --> 00:27:42,203 動くなよ IDO: Don't move. 355 00:27:43,938 --> 00:27:46,004 女の子が一緒だとは Hey, thanks for bringing a girl. 356 00:27:46,006 --> 00:27:48,209 手間が省けた That's gonna save us some time. 357 00:27:55,782 --> 00:27:57,284 (YELLS) 358 00:27:59,620 --> 00:28:01,619 (ROMO LAUGHING) 359 00:28:01,621 --> 00:28:05,759 やったな人間 Nice shot, for a Meat-Boy. 360 00:28:15,201 --> 00:28:17,103 やめて - (GRUNTS) - No! 361 00:28:18,706 --> 00:28:20,875 私を助けに? NYSSIANA: You came to rescue me? 362 00:28:21,740 --> 00:28:24,411 親切ね That is so sweet. 363 00:28:25,144 --> 00:28:26,279 (CHUCKLES) 364 00:28:26,980 --> 00:28:28,813 いい目をしてる You have nice eyes. 365 00:28:28,815 --> 00:28:32,018 男は俺のだ 女はくれてやる He's mine. You can have the girl. 366 00:28:34,822 --> 00:28:36,553 目はもらう So long as I get his eyes. 367 00:28:36,555 --> 00:28:37,557 アリータ逃げろ Alita, run! 368 00:28:41,394 --> 00:28:42,462 (GRUNTS) 369 00:28:46,165 --> 00:28:47,367 (GRUNTING) 370 00:28:55,075 --> 00:28:56,209 なんと My God. 371 00:28:58,444 --> 00:29:00,280 引き裂け Rip that flea! 372 00:29:06,120 --> 00:29:08,255 あなたはキレイね NYSSIANA: You are so beautiful. 373 00:29:09,422 --> 00:29:14,094 引き裂いて 中を見てやる I wanna rip you open and see if you're ugly inside. 374 00:29:16,330 --> 00:29:17,331 他のやつらと同じように Like the others. 375 00:29:20,700 --> 00:29:22,303 (BOTH GRUNTING) 376 00:29:36,482 --> 00:29:38,151 死ぬ所を見てろ Watch her die. 377 00:29:52,297 --> 00:29:53,299 (SNARLS) 378 00:29:58,171 --> 00:29:59,239 (GRUNTING) 379 00:30:14,854 --> 00:30:16,055 (GRUNTS) 380 00:30:19,825 --> 00:30:21,161 (GRUNTS) 381 00:30:21,995 --> 00:30:24,094 来いチビ Come here, little flea... 382 00:30:24,096 --> 00:30:26,499 頭を ちぎってやる so I can pinch your head off. 383 00:30:29,268 --> 00:30:30,938 (GRUNTING) 384 00:30:44,450 --> 00:30:46,053 Hi-yah! 385 00:30:53,794 --> 00:30:55,294 GELDA: 99! 386 00:30:55,296 --> 00:30:56,497 左に敵 On your left! 387 00:31:01,700 --> 00:31:03,234 Hi-yah! 388 00:31:03,236 --> 00:31:04,238 (ROARS) 389 00:31:05,771 --> 00:31:07,240 (GROANS) 390 00:31:11,777 --> 00:31:13,180 (GRUNTS) 391 00:31:15,848 --> 00:31:18,516 覚えてろチビ You'll pay, little flea. 392 00:31:18,518 --> 00:31:20,320 忘れないぞ Grewishka does not forget. 393 00:31:20,987 --> 00:31:22,355 殺してやる I'm coming for you. 394 00:31:25,292 --> 00:31:26,393 ふたりとも Both. 395 00:31:28,260 --> 00:31:29,395 (LAUGHS) 396 00:31:31,565 --> 00:31:33,167 (PANTING) 397 00:31:34,767 --> 00:31:37,304 忘れないぞ GREWISHKA: Grewishka does not forget! 398 00:31:40,574 --> 00:31:43,608 戦った時 思い出した ALITA: When I was fighting, I remembered something. 399 00:31:43,610 --> 00:31:45,543 私戦ってた I was in a huge battle. 400 00:31:45,545 --> 00:31:47,144 驚いたよ IDO: You surprised me. 401 00:31:47,146 --> 00:31:49,048 私も ALITA: Well, you surprised me, too. 402 00:31:50,616 --> 00:31:52,416 戦争の前は Before The Fall... 403 00:31:52,418 --> 00:31:56,053 警察がいたが there were police to stop criminals. 404 00:31:56,055 --> 00:31:59,392 今は我々が 犯罪者を捕まえている Now, the Factory pays us to do the dirty work. 405 00:32:00,861 --> 00:32:04,098 ハンター戦士 17739 Hunter-Warrior 17739. 406 00:32:04,730 --> 00:32:06,665 ハンター戦士なのね You are a Hunter-Warrior. 407 00:32:06,667 --> 00:32:08,068 (DOOR CHIMES) 408 00:32:11,004 --> 00:32:12,406 ここにいろ You stay here. 409 00:32:13,206 --> 00:32:14,641 殺すなよ Don't kill anyone. 410 00:32:45,471 --> 00:32:49,042 賞金は 2万クレジット Bounty for the cyborg Nyssiana was 20,000 credits. 411 00:32:50,844 --> 00:32:52,478 (METALLIC RATTLING) 412 00:32:53,412 --> 00:32:55,947 早く正体を 教えて欲しかった You should've told me who you really are. 413 00:32:55,949 --> 00:32:57,915 お金のため? And do you do it for the money? 414 00:32:57,917 --> 00:33:00,251 金が必要 I take the money. 415 00:33:00,253 --> 00:33:03,254 そうでなきゃとっくに 病院は閉めてた Otherwise the clinic would've closed long ago. 416 00:33:03,256 --> 00:33:04,823 他にも理由がある I do this work for other reasons 417 00:33:04,825 --> 00:33:06,091 話したくない I'd rather not talk about. 418 00:33:06,093 --> 00:33:08,191 話して You have to talk about it. 419 00:33:08,193 --> 00:33:10,396 戦ったら思い出した Something during the fight triggered a memory. 420 00:33:11,130 --> 00:33:13,630 月にいた I was on the moon. 421 00:33:13,632 --> 00:33:16,269 私の事 もっと教えて You know more about me than you're saying. 422 00:33:17,136 --> 00:33:18,838 私の体は 誰の体? Whose body is this? 423 00:33:20,440 --> 00:33:21,542 私は誰? Who am I? 424 00:33:31,750 --> 00:33:33,653 あなたの娘ね? ALITA: This was your daughter? 425 00:33:37,289 --> 00:33:39,225 彼女のために この体を造ったのね You built this body for her? 426 00:33:40,626 --> 00:33:42,726 名前はアリータ Her name was Alita. 427 00:33:42,728 --> 00:33:44,829 楽しみしていた She was really looking forward to waking up 428 00:33:44,831 --> 00:33:46,467 足で走ることを with legs that could run. 429 00:33:50,269 --> 00:33:52,605 速い足だもの You built her a pair of fast legs. 430 00:33:55,342 --> 00:33:57,544 使わなかったよ She never got to use them. 431 00:33:58,644 --> 00:34:00,480 殺されたんだ She was murdered. 432 00:34:02,114 --> 00:34:03,382 何があったの? What happened? 433 00:34:05,151 --> 00:34:07,685 ある晩 私の患者が来た A patient of mine came to the clinic one night, 434 00:34:07,687 --> 00:34:09,189 ヤクを探しに looking for drugs. 435 00:34:10,390 --> 00:34:12,857 私はモーターボールの 改造をしていた I was a tuner for the Motorball games... 436 00:34:12,859 --> 00:34:17,197 彼を強化した and I had made a machine body for him of obscene strength. 437 00:34:21,234 --> 00:34:24,435 自業自得だった He was my demon, coming back to me. 438 00:34:24,437 --> 00:34:26,707 何をしている Hey! What are you doing there? 439 00:34:31,844 --> 00:34:33,212 (GRUNTS) 440 00:34:35,080 --> 00:34:36,716 - (SCREAMS) - (GRUNTING) 441 00:34:40,587 --> 00:34:43,323 アリータは 逃げられなかった Alita couldn't get out of the way fast enough. 442 00:34:45,125 --> 00:34:47,324 母親のキレンは Her mother, Chiren, 443 00:34:47,326 --> 00:34:49,529 アリータの死に 向き合えなかった couldn't deal with Alita's death. 444 00:34:52,332 --> 00:34:54,801 それとも 私に向き合えなかったのかも Maybe she just couldn't deal with me. 445 00:34:58,103 --> 00:34:59,739 復讐することにした So I went hunting. 446 00:35:01,841 --> 00:35:03,643 やつを殺す I needed to kill him. 447 00:35:05,645 --> 00:35:08,946 私が殺された方が 良かったのかも Maybe I was just hoping that he would kill me. 448 00:35:08,948 --> 00:35:10,882 苦しんだよ It brought no peace. 449 00:35:10,884 --> 00:35:12,984 改造された悪魔は 他にもいた There were other demons like him out there... 450 00:35:12,986 --> 00:35:17,391 私の責任だ and I felt, somehow, I was responsible for all of them. 451 00:35:18,491 --> 00:35:20,926 だから ハンター戦士になった So I registered as a Hunter-Warrior. 452 00:35:20,928 --> 00:35:22,930 そういうこと There's nothing noble about it. 453 00:35:25,064 --> 00:35:26,933 心の平穏は? Did you ever find peace? 454 00:35:29,268 --> 00:35:30,870 お前さ I found you. 455 00:35:33,140 --> 00:35:34,373 あなたの娘じゃない I'm not your daughter. 456 00:35:37,410 --> 00:35:38,946 自分が誰なのかも 知らない I don't know what I am. 457 00:35:40,145 --> 00:35:42,545 私は知っているよ I do. 458 00:35:42,547 --> 00:35:44,850 見てごらん Have a look at your original Cyber-core. 459 00:35:45,151 --> 00:35:46,384 (TYPING) 460 00:35:46,386 --> 00:35:48,353 お前の脳だ This is your brain. 461 00:35:48,355 --> 00:35:51,658 普通の健康な ティーンエージャーの脳だ A normal healthy teenage girl's brain. 462 00:35:52,392 --> 00:35:54,328 本当にそんなものが 有れば If there is such a thing. 463 00:35:55,895 --> 00:35:57,928 お前の心臓 But this is your heart. 464 00:35:57,930 --> 00:36:00,464 お前のオリジナル Part of your original core... 465 00:36:00,466 --> 00:36:04,601 反物質リアクター powered by an Anti-Matter Micro-Reactor. 466 00:36:04,603 --> 00:36:07,437 心臓が強いってこと? - So I've got a strong heart? - (CHUCKLES) 467 00:36:07,439 --> 00:36:08,505 強くて You have a heart strong enough 468 00:36:08,507 --> 00:36:11,410 この街を何年間も 動かせる to power all of Iron City for years. 469 00:36:13,747 --> 00:36:15,480 失われた技術さ This is lost technology. 470 00:36:15,482 --> 00:36:17,684 誰も作れないんだ Nobody's made this stuff since... 471 00:36:18,951 --> 00:36:20,118 戦争前から before The Fall. 472 00:36:20,120 --> 00:36:21,955 そうなの (CHUCKLES) Yeah, right. 473 00:36:23,022 --> 00:36:24,825 私は300歳? So I'm 300 years old? 474 00:36:25,725 --> 00:36:27,728 その通り Sweetheart, you are. 475 00:36:44,544 --> 00:36:47,513 私の選手は負けない I don't want my players losing unless I tell them to. 476 00:36:48,614 --> 00:36:51,382 成り行きではダメだ It can't be left to chance. 477 00:36:51,384 --> 00:36:53,317 最強の戦士を 約束しただろ You promised me champions. 478 00:36:53,319 --> 00:36:56,187 あなたは私に 最高の見返りを約束した And you promised me the best of everything. 479 00:36:56,189 --> 00:36:58,723 軍用の動力が要る Get those military servos I asked for. 480 00:36:58,725 --> 00:37:00,661 それじゃ勝てないぞ You don't have a winning attitude. 481 00:37:01,493 --> 00:37:04,330 明日の試合の準備をしろ Just be ready for tomorrow's game. 482 00:37:11,337 --> 00:37:12,806 (MUFFLED THUMPING) 483 00:37:24,417 --> 00:37:25,852 (GREWISHKA GROANING) 484 00:37:28,355 --> 00:37:29,487 助けてくれ GREWISHKA: Help me. 485 00:37:29,489 --> 00:37:30,924 どうしたの グレビシュカ CHIREN: Grewishka? 486 00:37:32,390 --> 00:37:34,993 せっかくあなたを 造ったのに Why should I waste my talent on you? 487 00:37:34,995 --> 00:37:36,997 やられたんだ Look what she's done to me. 488 00:37:38,031 --> 00:37:40,734 イドーの娘に Ido's little cyber girl. 489 00:37:44,270 --> 00:37:45,972 何ですって? What did you say? 490 00:37:49,841 --> 00:37:54,545 私のことを99って 呼んでた ALITA: The woman in my memory called me 99. 491 00:37:54,547 --> 00:37:59,150 記憶が蘇ったんだ IDO: What you saw was a flash of your previous life. 492 00:37:59,152 --> 00:38:00,650 私は誰だったの? ALITA: Who was I? 493 00:38:00,652 --> 00:38:02,488 そのうち思い出すよ IDO: In time, you'll remember. 494 00:38:04,123 --> 00:38:05,725 (EXHALES DEEPLY) 495 00:38:37,924 --> 00:38:39,793 (MACHINE TRILLING) 496 00:38:41,460 --> 00:38:43,462 (MACHINE WHIRRING) 497 00:38:44,129 --> 00:38:46,065 (GROANING) 498 00:38:47,901 --> 00:38:49,402 あの娘を ぶった切りたい I wanna rip her in half. 499 00:38:50,236 --> 00:38:51,438 グレビシュカ VECTOR: Grewishka. 500 00:38:53,105 --> 00:38:55,475 なんてザマだ Oh, how the mighty have fallen. 501 00:38:56,475 --> 00:38:58,243 分解してるのか Are we stripping him for parts? 502 00:38:58,245 --> 00:38:59,712 これを見て I need you to look at something. 503 00:39:03,450 --> 00:39:05,783 遠隔チップで 監視されている It's a Telepresence Chip. He's wired. 504 00:39:05,785 --> 00:39:08,152 ザレムの誰かが 取り付けた Somebody in Zalem is riding him. 505 00:39:08,154 --> 00:39:11,388 この街のすべては 監視されている There are watchers behind the eyes all over the city. 506 00:39:11,390 --> 00:39:12,556 今では普通だ Pretty common now. 507 00:39:12,558 --> 00:39:14,161 取り除くわ I'd just as soon remove it... 508 00:39:14,761 --> 00:39:16,194 改造中に while I'm rebuilding him. 509 00:39:16,196 --> 00:39:17,393 余計なことをするな VECTOR: Why are you wasting time 510 00:39:17,395 --> 00:39:19,464 このポンコツに on this burnt-out street junk? 511 00:39:19,466 --> 00:39:20,864 こっちの話よ CHIREN: It's a personal matter. 512 00:39:20,866 --> 00:39:23,669 ベクターよ GREWISHKA: (IN DIFFERENT TONE) Do you like your job, Vector? 513 00:39:24,569 --> 00:39:26,404 自分の地位が好きか If you like your position 514 00:39:26,406 --> 00:39:28,571 富や権力が and the many comforts that come with it... 515 00:39:28,573 --> 00:39:32,711 それなら キレンに従え I strongly suggest you listen to Dr. Chiren. 516 00:39:34,747 --> 00:39:35,815 ノヴァ Nova. 517 00:39:37,149 --> 00:39:38,517 失礼を My apologies. 518 00:39:39,250 --> 00:39:41,953 誰がグレビシュカを? Who did this to Grewishka? 519 00:39:41,955 --> 00:39:43,690 サイボーグの少女 A little cyborg girl. 520 00:39:44,524 --> 00:39:45,656 衝撃は Though the impact points 521 00:39:45,658 --> 00:39:47,560 異常に強力 are evidence of extraordinary power... 522 00:39:49,294 --> 00:39:50,928 小さな体から I don't understand how she could create 523 00:39:50,930 --> 00:39:53,563 なぜそんな力が such force with such a small body. 524 00:39:53,565 --> 00:39:57,167 肉体からではない It was not the power of the body that did this. 525 00:39:57,169 --> 00:39:58,268 心から生じた It was the mind. 526 00:39:58,270 --> 00:40:02,640 パンツァークンスト という技 She knows the fighting techniques of Panzer Kunst. 527 00:40:02,642 --> 00:40:04,540 グレビシュカを改造し Rebuild Grewishka. 528 00:40:04,542 --> 00:40:06,745 連れて来させろ Have him bring her to me. 529 00:40:07,212 --> 00:40:08,214 彼女を殺してから Dead. 530 00:40:10,181 --> 00:40:11,817 (STRAINED GRUNTING) 531 00:40:16,989 --> 00:40:17,991 去った He's gone. 532 00:40:19,325 --> 00:40:21,060 まだだ - (DISTORTED) Not gone. - (GASPS) 533 00:40:22,194 --> 00:40:23,729 乗り移った Repatched. 534 00:40:25,397 --> 00:40:27,600 賢い女性だ You're a clever woman, Doctor. 535 00:40:29,167 --> 00:40:32,271 手段を選ばない And determined to reach your goal at any cost. 536 00:40:35,308 --> 00:40:37,674 約束しよう So I'll make you this offer. 537 00:40:37,676 --> 00:40:40,611 満足させてくれれば If and when you have pleased me... 538 00:40:40,613 --> 00:40:43,517 欲しいものをやろう I will grant you the destiny you seek. 539 00:40:44,149 --> 00:40:45,218 ザレムだ Zalem. 540 00:40:47,085 --> 00:40:48,652 私をザレムへ? You'll send me to Zalem? 541 00:40:48,654 --> 00:40:50,657 そうだ I'm there right now. 542 00:40:52,223 --> 00:40:54,827 期待に添います Consider my services engaged. 543 00:40:58,997 --> 00:41:00,533 (GRUNTS) 544 00:41:01,132 --> 00:41:02,134 (GROANS) 545 00:41:14,881 --> 00:41:16,879 グレビシュカに 賞金が懸かっていない There is no bounty on Grewishka. 546 00:41:16,881 --> 00:41:19,650 報告したのに But you reported it to the Factory. 547 00:41:19,652 --> 00:41:21,384 彼の連続殺人を Him killing all of those women... 548 00:41:21,386 --> 00:41:22,953 誰かが彼を 守っている Somebody's protecting him. 549 00:41:22,955 --> 00:41:24,924 そんなことが出来るのは? Who has the power to do that? 550 00:41:27,227 --> 00:41:29,629 お偉いさんだ Someone far beyond us here. 551 00:41:31,564 --> 00:41:33,966 行こう We better stay off the street for now. 552 00:41:35,401 --> 00:41:37,636 ハンター戦士になりたい I wanna be a Hunter-Warrior like you. 553 00:41:38,437 --> 00:41:40,138 だめだ Alita, that's impossible. 554 00:41:40,140 --> 00:41:41,605 チームになれる We could be a team. 555 00:41:41,607 --> 00:41:43,440 危険だ 汚れ仕事だよ Alita, this is dangerous, dirty work. 556 00:41:43,442 --> 00:41:45,243 知ってる いや知らない - I know. - No, you don't. 557 00:41:45,245 --> 00:41:46,779 決めつけないで How is that your choice to make? 558 00:41:47,513 --> 00:41:48,645 絶対にだめ It's out of the question. 559 00:41:48,647 --> 00:41:50,513 命を賭ければ I might need a life-or-death situation 560 00:41:50,515 --> 00:41:51,815 自分を取り戻せる to remember who I was. 561 00:41:51,817 --> 00:41:53,951 一瞬でもいい Even if it's just for a second. 562 00:41:53,953 --> 00:41:56,120 忘れた方が 良いこともある Alita, some things are better left forgotten. 563 00:41:56,122 --> 00:41:59,056 この手を 血で染めるな I don't want blood on these hands, too. 564 00:41:59,058 --> 00:42:00,960 自分で見つける Then I'll find out for myself. 565 00:42:01,393 --> 00:42:02,928 アリータ Alita. 566 00:42:06,399 --> 00:42:07,732 (CHEERING) 567 00:42:07,734 --> 00:42:09,333 もう うんざり ALITA: I'm just tired of it. 568 00:42:09,335 --> 00:42:12,069 小さな女の子じゃないわ He just wants me to be his perfect little girl. 569 00:42:12,071 --> 00:42:15,138 自分で 決めるんだ HUGO: So, you gonna live by his rules or yours? 570 00:42:15,140 --> 00:42:16,306 ゲーム開始です ANNOUNCER: What a battle! 571 00:42:16,308 --> 00:42:19,542 彼らは戦い続けています These two have been going at each other all match. 572 00:42:19,544 --> 00:42:21,279 モータボールへようこそ Welcome to Motorball. 573 00:42:21,281 --> 00:42:22,815 (CHEERING) 574 00:42:27,687 --> 00:42:30,256 ジャシュガンが ボールを取った ANNOUNCER: Jashugan has got the ball. 575 00:42:31,857 --> 00:42:33,692 クレイモアの攻撃 Claymore attacks! 576 00:42:35,560 --> 00:42:37,730 かわした Jashugan takes him out! 577 00:42:46,772 --> 00:42:49,875 マサクスが蹴散らした Masakus sends Jashugan flying! 578 00:42:51,944 --> 00:42:54,881 カティが取った Kutty now with the ball, one point. 579 00:42:55,614 --> 00:42:57,917 ザリキが追いかける Zariki is in hot pursuit. 580 00:43:00,285 --> 00:43:01,720 (ENGINE REVS) 581 00:43:05,558 --> 00:43:08,395 ザリキ脱落 - Wipeout, Zariki! - Whoo! 582 00:43:12,864 --> 00:43:15,801 カティ投げられた And he throws Kutty like a rag doll! 583 00:43:24,576 --> 00:43:27,113 見せよう Come on. Let me show you something. 584 00:43:30,917 --> 00:43:32,750 みんな知り合いさ I know all the pit crews and tuners. 585 00:43:32,752 --> 00:43:34,020 紹介する I'll introduce you around. 586 00:43:36,156 --> 00:43:37,724 トップは誰 Who's the top player? 587 00:43:40,326 --> 00:43:41,324 ジャシュガンが Right now, I'd say Jashugan 588 00:43:41,326 --> 00:43:43,493 優勝候補 has the best chance of making Final Champion. 589 00:43:43,495 --> 00:43:45,895 左の調子が悪い Camber's still off in the left bogie. 590 00:43:45,897 --> 00:43:48,699 オーバステアした I was oversteering in turn six. 591 00:43:48,701 --> 00:43:50,234 優勝するとどうなる? What's Final Champion? 592 00:43:50,236 --> 00:43:52,969 最高さ It's the best thing a Motorball player can win. 593 00:43:52,971 --> 00:43:55,906 毎年 優勝者は Every few years, they choose a player that can't be beaten... 594 00:43:55,908 --> 00:43:57,641 ザレムへ行ける and he gets to go to Zalem. 595 00:43:57,643 --> 00:43:59,210 やあ PLAYER: Hey, Hugo. 596 00:43:59,212 --> 00:44:02,212 ゆっくりやれ 速くなる JASHUGAN: Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. 597 00:44:02,214 --> 00:44:03,714 もう一回 正確に Do it once, do it right. 598 00:44:03,716 --> 00:44:05,919 ピットさせて Juggernaut needs to pit, right now. 599 00:44:06,518 --> 00:44:07,951 負けたいの? Do you like to lose? 600 00:44:07,953 --> 00:44:09,888 彼をここに Then get him in here. 601 00:44:11,723 --> 00:44:14,794 改造したクレイモアはどうした? Claymore is a rebuild. Why is he not tracking? 602 00:44:17,562 --> 00:44:19,129 アリータが来てるわ CHIREN: Alita's here. 603 00:44:19,131 --> 00:44:20,730 彼はベクター That's Vector. 604 00:44:20,732 --> 00:44:22,632 モータボールの支配者 He basically runs Motorball. 605 00:44:22,634 --> 00:44:24,701 彼と取引してるんだ We do a lot of business with his team. 606 00:44:24,703 --> 00:44:26,502 部品を売っている Selling parts to him and his new tuner. 607 00:44:26,504 --> 00:44:27,670 キレン Chiren. 608 00:44:27,672 --> 00:44:29,140 試合に戻ろう Let's go, guys. Come on, get me back out there. 609 00:44:29,142 --> 00:44:31,477 コネがあるのは あなただけじゃない What? You're not the only one with connections. 610 00:44:32,745 --> 00:44:35,315 カティが ジョシュガンに迫る ANNOUNCER: Kutty closing in on Juggernaut. 611 00:44:37,216 --> 00:44:39,518 キヌーバが カティを追う Kinuba has Kutty in his sights. 612 00:44:45,457 --> 00:44:46,492 (SCREAMS) 613 00:44:49,160 --> 00:44:50,496 (YELLING) 614 00:44:51,997 --> 00:44:53,663 キヌーバが勝ちました Oh! Kinuba went through him 615 00:44:53,665 --> 00:44:56,567 グラインドカッター です like laundry with those Grindcutters. 616 00:44:56,569 --> 00:44:58,505 しかし 合法なのでしょうか? Is that weapon even legal? 617 00:45:02,674 --> 00:45:04,607 あの武器が強すぎて Kinuba's too strong with that new weapon. 618 00:45:04,609 --> 00:45:06,512 勝ち目がない He's screwing up the odds. 619 00:45:07,413 --> 00:45:09,145 そうね You know... 620 00:45:09,147 --> 00:45:11,517 あの武器を 手に入れましょう I could really use his Grindcutters... 621 00:45:12,518 --> 00:45:14,087 私たちの計画に for our other project. 622 00:45:17,256 --> 00:45:19,455 ANNOUNCER: Crimson Wind making her way through the field. 623 00:45:19,457 --> 00:45:20,492 楽しんでる? So, what do you think? 624 00:45:22,261 --> 00:45:23,563 (CROWD EXCLAIMING) 625 00:45:24,163 --> 00:45:25,365 大好き I like it. 626 00:45:27,600 --> 00:45:29,498 ヒューゴ 行こう Yo, Hugo. We gotta go. 627 00:45:29,500 --> 00:45:31,134 仕事だ Hey, something's come up. 628 00:45:31,136 --> 00:45:33,437 どこへ? ちょっとね - Where are you going? - I just gotta do something. 629 00:45:33,439 --> 00:45:35,040 帰れるね? Can you get back okay? 630 00:45:35,774 --> 00:45:37,310 ええ Yeah, sure. 631 00:45:38,343 --> 00:45:40,377 明日も出かけよう Can you go out tomorrow? 632 00:45:40,379 --> 00:45:41,978 見せたい場所がある I wanna show you this place me and Tanji know. 633 00:45:41,980 --> 00:45:43,748 街の外だよ It's out in the Badlands. 634 00:45:43,750 --> 00:45:45,251 何か思い出せるかも It might help with your memory. 635 00:45:46,352 --> 00:45:47,520 感謝してる I'd appreciate that. 636 00:45:48,319 --> 00:45:49,752 ありがとう Thanks. 637 00:45:49,754 --> 00:45:51,190 何もかも For everything. 638 00:45:53,158 --> 00:45:56,161 投げた ANNOUNCER: Wow! He is throwing down! 639 00:45:58,696 --> 00:46:00,933 優勝したぞ! - (LAUGHING) - Whoo! 640 00:46:07,473 --> 00:46:08,474 あぶない Oh, shit! 641 00:46:09,607 --> 00:46:10,910 これは一体 - What the hell? - Shit. 642 00:46:14,812 --> 00:46:16,015 (GRUNTS) 643 00:46:16,781 --> 00:46:17,984 (YELLS) 644 00:46:18,651 --> 00:46:20,219 (GROANING) 645 00:46:23,788 --> 00:46:25,357 (GROANING) 646 00:46:29,495 --> 00:46:31,029 急げ MAN: Hurry up! 647 00:46:34,366 --> 00:46:35,368 殺すぞ You're dead! 648 00:46:38,303 --> 00:46:39,670 この野郎 You little runts! 649 00:46:39,672 --> 00:46:41,307 頭カチ割るぞ I'm gonna smash your skulls! 650 00:46:45,444 --> 00:46:46,646 (GRUNTING) 651 00:46:47,846 --> 00:46:49,615 やめろ KINUBA: You can't do this to me! 652 00:46:50,783 --> 00:46:52,352 いいぞ 渡せ - MAN 1: Ready. - MAN 2: Give me. 653 00:46:53,852 --> 00:46:55,518 気をつけろ - (GROANS) - Careful. 654 00:46:55,520 --> 00:46:56,386 お前ら KINUBA: You street punks! 655 00:46:56,388 --> 00:46:58,457 思い知らせてやる I'm gonna make you pay for this. 656 00:47:22,480 --> 00:47:23,549 よくやった Nice work. 657 00:47:24,917 --> 00:47:26,386 礼を言う Compliments to your crew. 658 00:47:27,620 --> 00:47:29,388 ありがとうございます Thank you, sir. 659 00:47:32,725 --> 00:47:34,225 渡しておきます I'll pass it on. 660 00:47:34,227 --> 00:47:36,694 分け前は Hey, man, where's my cut? 661 00:47:36,696 --> 00:47:37,861 彼女に話すのか? Hey, when you gonna tell your hardbody 662 00:47:37,863 --> 00:47:39,196 サイボーグを 襲ってること you jack cyborgs, huh? 663 00:47:39,198 --> 00:47:40,596 言わない I'm not. 664 00:47:40,598 --> 00:47:41,931 お前も言うな And neither are you. 665 00:47:41,933 --> 00:47:44,370 フラれるのが怖いか You afraid she's gonna cut you loose? 666 00:47:49,741 --> 00:47:50,944 (GRUNTS) 667 00:47:52,511 --> 00:47:55,011 グラインドカッターを キレンに Get the Grindcutters over to Chiren right away. 668 00:47:55,013 --> 00:47:56,481 裏口を使え Use the service gate. 669 00:47:57,616 --> 00:47:58,618 行け Go. 670 00:48:06,524 --> 00:48:08,193 (PANTING) 671 00:48:13,064 --> 00:48:14,964 ベクターお前 KINUBA: Vector, you prick. 672 00:48:14,966 --> 00:48:16,433 気づくべきだった I should've known. 673 00:48:16,435 --> 00:48:18,504 大事なのは What you should've known, my friend... 674 00:48:19,471 --> 00:48:21,107 選手ではなく is that no one... 675 00:48:22,975 --> 00:48:25,078 ゲームなんだよ is greater than the game. 676 00:48:28,747 --> 00:48:30,015 (SCREAMS) 677 00:48:45,864 --> 00:48:47,864 外には何が? ALITA: What's outside the city? 678 00:48:47,866 --> 00:48:48,998 大したものはない HUGO: Not much. 679 00:48:49,000 --> 00:48:50,567 戦争で設備は消えた The war wiped out all utilities 680 00:48:50,569 --> 00:48:52,037 何もかも and most everything else. 681 00:48:55,674 --> 00:49:00,143 一夜にして スカイシティは落ちた All we know is the sky cities fell all in one night... 682 00:49:00,145 --> 00:49:02,312 最後の攻撃 when the enemy launched the last attack 683 00:49:02,314 --> 00:49:03,750 総攻撃だった with every ship they had. 684 00:49:04,783 --> 00:49:06,251 敵は誰? Who was the enemy? 685 00:49:06,919 --> 00:49:08,786 URMさ The URM. 686 00:49:08,788 --> 00:49:12,625 火星連合共和国 United Republics of Mars. The U-R-M. 687 00:49:13,326 --> 00:49:14,190 URM ALITA: URM. 688 00:49:14,192 --> 00:49:16,794 最後の夜 On that last night of the war... 689 00:49:16,796 --> 00:49:19,462 地が揺れ 空が燃えた the earth shook and the sky burned. 690 00:49:19,464 --> 00:49:22,634 朝には ザレムだけが残った But in the morning, Zalem still stood. 691 00:49:23,169 --> 00:49:24,603 今も空中に It's just up ahead. 692 00:49:32,444 --> 00:49:35,179 ザレムの戦いの船だよ This ship is from the battle of Zalem. 693 00:49:35,181 --> 00:49:36,346 戦時のものを見れば I figured that maybe seeing stuff 694 00:49:36,348 --> 00:49:38,151 思い出すかも from the war would help trigger your... 695 00:49:46,491 --> 00:49:47,991 部品は盗まれている Salvagers have jacked some stuff 696 00:49:47,993 --> 00:49:49,362 何年間も over the years for metal... 697 00:49:49,995 --> 00:49:51,295 でもURMの テクノロジーは but it's all URM technology, 698 00:49:51,297 --> 00:49:52,596 残っているはず so it's mostly been left alone. 699 00:49:52,598 --> 00:49:55,031 URMの船なのね - This is an URM ship? - HUGO: Uh-huh. 700 00:49:55,033 --> 00:49:56,333 売れないんだ You know, it's pretty hard to sell this stuff 701 00:49:56,335 --> 00:49:58,301 誰も知らないから since no one knows what it is... 702 00:49:58,303 --> 00:49:59,404 黙ってて Shh! 703 00:50:07,913 --> 00:50:09,515 指令室に行こう We have to go to the command deck. 704 00:50:11,651 --> 00:50:13,118 前方よ It's forward. 705 00:50:13,884 --> 00:50:15,518 どうして知ってるの? How does she know that? 706 00:50:15,520 --> 00:50:18,391 僕らは行けない 水の下だ Hey, we can't get there. It's underwater. 707 00:50:51,288 --> 00:50:53,593 どのくらい 潜れるんだ? How long do you think she can hold her breath? 708 00:50:54,627 --> 00:50:55,895 知るか I don't know. 709 00:51:05,837 --> 00:51:07,573 (EXHALES DEEPLY) 710 00:52:00,491 --> 00:52:01,660 (BEEPING) 711 00:52:20,946 --> 00:52:22,248 (CLANGS) 712 00:52:25,884 --> 00:52:27,553 (BREATHES DEEPLY) 713 00:52:42,000 --> 00:52:43,669 悪い予感 Oh, this can't be good. 714 00:53:00,152 --> 00:53:01,487 (MACHINE TRILLING) 715 00:53:05,823 --> 00:53:07,292 (SIGHS) 716 00:53:08,593 --> 00:53:09,594 忘れるんだ Forget it. 717 00:53:10,328 --> 00:53:11,631 やらない I won't do it. 718 00:53:12,029 --> 00:53:13,031 でも But... 719 00:53:13,832 --> 00:53:16,199 お願い But you have to. 720 00:53:16,201 --> 00:53:17,667 グレビシュカと 戦うために This would help us fight Grewishka 721 00:53:17,669 --> 00:53:19,805 他の敵も来る and anyone else he sends after us. 722 00:53:21,772 --> 00:53:22,774 この体 This body... 723 00:53:23,841 --> 00:53:26,408 必要なパワーがある it has the power I need. 724 00:53:26,410 --> 00:53:29,513 つながりを感じる 説明できないけど I feel a connection to it I can't explain. 725 00:53:29,515 --> 00:53:31,346 きっと これが私 This could be who I am. 726 00:53:31,348 --> 00:53:33,783 やり直せるチャンスなんだ You've been given a chance to start over, 727 00:53:33,785 --> 00:53:34,917 白紙から with a clean slate. 728 00:53:34,919 --> 00:53:36,252 幸運なんだ How many of us get that? 729 00:53:36,254 --> 00:53:38,657 船がなぜ Why did an enemy warship... 730 00:53:40,259 --> 00:53:41,794 私に反応を? respond to me? 731 00:53:42,426 --> 00:53:43,863 関係があるから Because I knew that ship. 732 00:53:44,730 --> 00:53:46,932 私は あれに乗ってた I've been on others like it, haven't I? 733 00:53:48,334 --> 00:53:49,833 そうよね? Haven't I? 734 00:53:49,835 --> 00:53:53,002 お前が何者だったにせよ 今は違う Ouf, whatever you were, it's not who you are now. 735 00:53:53,004 --> 00:53:54,507 違わない No! 736 00:53:56,575 --> 00:53:58,576 私は戦士 I'm a warrior, aren't I? 737 00:54:00,011 --> 00:54:01,513 あなたは何でも And you know. 738 00:54:02,047 --> 00:54:03,949 知っているはず You've always known. 739 00:54:09,453 --> 00:54:10,922 これは ベルサーカ This is called a Berserker. 740 00:54:12,957 --> 00:54:16,895 URMのサイボーグだ It's a humanoid weapon-system created by the URM Technarchy. 741 00:54:17,863 --> 00:54:18,962 お前の脳は Your core 742 00:54:18,964 --> 00:54:21,701 この体に 適合する was designed to interface with this type of body. 743 00:54:22,835 --> 00:54:25,935 お前が起動した Your identity code activated it. 744 00:54:25,937 --> 00:54:28,540 お前の本能的な 戦闘技術は The instinctive fighting technique you use... 745 00:54:29,975 --> 00:54:35,178 パンツァークンスト 失われた技だ is Panzer Kunst, a lost combat art for machine bodies. 746 00:54:35,180 --> 00:54:37,714 ベルサーカが 使う技 It was used by the Berserkers. 747 00:54:37,716 --> 00:54:41,717 ためらわずに 戦える理由だ This is why you're drawn to conflict without hesitation. 748 00:54:41,719 --> 00:54:43,620 訓練されている It's part of your training. 749 00:54:43,622 --> 00:54:46,826 お前は ただの戦士じゃない You are not just a warrior, Alita. 750 00:54:48,627 --> 00:54:50,659 URM ベルサーカ You're an URM Berserker, 751 00:54:50,661 --> 00:54:54,632 史上最強の サイボーグだ the most advanced cyborg weapon ever created. 752 00:54:55,299 --> 00:54:56,732 だから 絶対に And that is exactly why 753 00:54:56,734 --> 00:54:59,939 組み合わせない I will never unite you with this body. 754 00:55:04,042 --> 00:55:05,411 わかったわ That's fine. 755 00:55:07,078 --> 00:55:08,413 わかった Fine. 756 00:55:11,850 --> 00:55:12,985 (SIGHS) 757 00:55:36,507 --> 00:55:38,574 用件を State your business. 758 00:55:38,576 --> 00:55:41,046 ハンター戦士に登録を I'm here to register as a Hunter-Warrior. 759 00:55:47,752 --> 00:55:49,455 どうだった? How'd it go? 760 00:55:54,225 --> 00:55:56,058 ハンター戦士になった You're a Hunter-Warrior, all right. 761 00:55:56,060 --> 00:55:57,493 先生は怒るぞ Doc's gonna be pissed. 762 00:55:57,495 --> 00:55:59,164 私のルールでやる Whose rules do I live by? 763 00:56:01,366 --> 00:56:02,902 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 764 00:56:07,272 --> 00:56:09,004 わかってるのか Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you sure about this? 765 00:56:09,006 --> 00:56:10,707 賞金稼ぎの店だ This place is just for bounty hunters, nobody else... 766 00:56:10,709 --> 00:56:12,341 これは何 What do you think this is? 767 00:56:12,343 --> 00:56:15,111 イドーは私が 戦いの虜だって Besides, Ido says I'm drawn to conflict. 768 00:56:15,113 --> 00:56:16,748 (WHIMPERS) 769 00:56:17,448 --> 00:56:20,150 あら Oh. I remember you. 770 00:56:20,152 --> 00:56:22,484 元気? How's it going, little guy? 771 00:56:22,486 --> 00:56:24,522 そう Good? (GIGGLES) 772 00:56:26,158 --> 00:56:27,159 私の後ろに Just watch my back. 773 00:56:29,160 --> 00:56:30,161 やれやれ Oh, boy. 774 00:56:34,332 --> 00:56:36,535 (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) 775 00:56:40,038 --> 00:56:41,740 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 776 00:56:47,513 --> 00:56:49,915 ザパン 壊すな BARKEEP: Hey, Zapan! Not the furniture. 777 00:56:59,892 --> 00:57:01,893 なぜここに? What brings you in here, sweets? 778 00:57:02,928 --> 00:57:04,928 賞金稼ぎを見学? Come to see the Hunters up close? 779 00:57:04,930 --> 00:57:06,198 違う Not exactly. 780 00:57:10,835 --> 00:57:12,004 (CHUCKLES) 781 00:57:14,306 --> 00:57:16,242 女の子は 賞金稼ぎだ Cupcake here is a bounty hunter. 782 00:57:16,975 --> 00:57:18,676 マジかよ? - What? - (LAUGHTER) 783 00:57:19,310 --> 00:57:21,009 行ってきたんだろ So, you went down, 784 00:57:21,011 --> 00:57:23,513 登録して you filled out your application forms... 785 00:57:23,515 --> 00:57:24,980 IDカードをもらった you got your ID badge... 786 00:57:24,982 --> 00:57:27,252 それで俺たちと 同じだとさ and now you're just like us, yeah? 787 00:57:28,654 --> 00:57:29,719 紹介しよう Let me introduce you 788 00:57:29,721 --> 00:57:31,281 プロの仲間を to some of your professional colleagues. 789 00:57:32,924 --> 00:57:36,192 マスタークライブリー This is Master Clive Lee of the White Hot Palm. 790 00:57:36,194 --> 00:57:38,631 200人 殺した He has over 200 confirmed kills. 791 00:57:39,464 --> 00:57:41,297 207. 792 00:57:41,299 --> 00:57:42,998 スクリューヘッド ZAPAN: Well, and this is Screwhead, 793 00:57:43,000 --> 00:57:45,837 最も怖い奴 one of our most lethal bounty hunters. 794 00:57:47,205 --> 00:57:49,371 マクティーグ And then, there's McTeague... 795 00:57:49,373 --> 00:57:52,408 番犬の飼い主 the Dogmaster, with his Hellhounds. 796 00:57:52,410 --> 00:57:53,877 (HELLHOUND GROWLS) 797 00:57:53,879 --> 00:57:55,411 彼の悩みは His biggest problem is having enough left to identify after, 798 00:57:55,413 --> 00:57:58,181 バラバラになった獲物を 集めること so he can collect the bounty. 799 00:57:58,183 --> 00:57:59,315 (HELLHOUNDS GROWLING) 800 00:57:59,317 --> 00:58:01,020 (DOG WHIMPERS) 801 00:58:01,786 --> 00:58:03,656 そして俺 And then, there's me. 802 00:58:04,355 --> 00:58:06,156 ザパン Zapan. 803 00:58:06,158 --> 00:58:09,228 伝説の剣の持ち主 Keeper of the legendary Damascus Blade. 804 00:58:10,962 --> 00:58:16,098 バターみたいに 装甲が切れる Honed to a monomolecular edge. It slices armor like butter. 805 00:58:16,100 --> 00:58:19,502 URM製だ 失われた技術 Forged before The Fall by the lost arts of URM metallurgy. 806 00:58:19,504 --> 00:58:21,674 誰を殺して 手に入れたの? And who did you kill to acquire it? 807 00:58:22,940 --> 00:58:24,174 (SIGHS) 808 00:58:24,176 --> 00:58:26,042 (SWORD SHEATHES) 809 00:58:26,044 --> 00:58:30,049 ハンター戦士は 一匹狼 A Hunter-Warrior is a solitary predator. 810 00:58:31,082 --> 00:58:34,150 みなライバルだ You'll be competing against us for the kill. 811 00:58:34,152 --> 00:58:36,121 顔を覚えておけ You can see what you're up against. 812 00:58:40,625 --> 00:58:41,860 ありがと Thanks. 813 00:58:44,796 --> 00:58:47,596 頼みがある I came to ask for your help... 814 00:58:47,598 --> 00:58:51,500 グレビシュカを倒す against our common enemy, Grewishka. 815 00:58:51,502 --> 00:58:53,536 彼は体制に守られて He's being protected by the system, 816 00:58:53,538 --> 00:58:56,275 やり放題 and continues to rampage unchecked. 817 00:58:57,042 --> 00:58:59,210 私とイドーを狙ってる And now, he's after Ido and me. 818 00:59:00,245 --> 00:59:02,478 だから助けてほしい So I'm calling on you... 819 00:59:02,480 --> 00:59:04,917 ハンター戦士の みんなに my Hunter-Warrior brothers. 820 00:59:05,584 --> 00:59:07,683 力を合わせよう Let's band together 821 00:59:07,685 --> 00:59:10,622 これっきり奴を and defeat him once and for all. 822 00:59:11,957 --> 00:59:13,723 (SNICKERING) 823 00:59:13,725 --> 00:59:15,326 (HUNTER-WARRIORS LAUGHING) 824 00:59:18,596 --> 00:59:20,332 応じる者は? Any takers? Hmm? 825 00:59:21,567 --> 00:59:22,968 いないか? No? 826 00:59:23,500 --> 00:59:24,836 驚いたな Big surprise. 827 00:59:26,236 --> 00:59:29,340 俺は普通 You know, normally, I wouldn't take a rookie under my wing... 828 00:59:30,140 --> 00:59:31,875 新米の世話をしないが share my knowledge. 829 00:59:31,877 --> 00:59:34,611 今回は特別に I'm willing to make an exception in your case... 830 00:59:34,613 --> 00:59:36,379 人間のコイツと別れて if you'll cut loose Meat-Boy over here 831 00:59:36,381 --> 00:59:37,681 俺と飲むんなら and let me buy you a drink. 832 00:59:37,683 --> 00:59:39,318 だまれ Hey, watch it. 833 00:59:41,051 --> 00:59:44,254 口先だけの 整形男から And what could I learn from a loudmouth pretty boy... 834 00:59:44,256 --> 00:59:46,321 何が学べるの? who spends all of his money on his face? 835 00:59:46,323 --> 00:59:48,826 (LAUGHTER AND WHISTLING) 836 00:59:51,997 --> 00:59:54,696 手足を引っこ抜いて Maybe I'll pull your arms and legs off, 837 00:59:54,698 --> 00:59:57,167 頭を道路に転がせば roll your head around in the street. 838 00:59:57,169 --> 00:59:59,402 マナーが学べる Maybe that'll teach you some manners. 839 00:59:59,404 --> 01:00:00,703 (LAUGHS) 840 01:00:00,705 --> 01:00:02,538 あなたの髪が 乱れちゃう You might mess up your hair. 841 01:00:02,540 --> 01:00:04,910 (EXCLAIMING AND LAUGHING) 842 01:00:05,944 --> 01:00:07,704 ケンカを買え HUNTER-WARRIOR 1: You gonna take that, Zapan? 843 01:00:08,379 --> 01:00:10,748 女の子が怖いのか HUNTER-WARRIOR 2: He's scared of the pretty girl. 844 01:00:11,515 --> 01:00:13,049 Aah! 845 01:00:13,051 --> 01:00:14,352 (CROWD EXCLAIMS) 846 01:00:16,219 --> 01:00:17,221 (GRUNTS) 847 01:00:35,573 --> 01:00:37,842 剣が泣く You do not deserve such a weapon. 848 01:00:40,245 --> 01:00:43,214 英雄だと 聞いてたけど I heard you were the heroes of Iron City. 849 01:00:44,750 --> 01:00:46,616 がっかり I am not impressed. 850 01:00:46,618 --> 01:00:48,284 正気か? What the hell are you doing? 851 01:00:48,286 --> 01:00:50,288 ここはまかせて (WHISPERS) I'm gonna need you to stand way back. 852 01:00:53,257 --> 01:00:55,960 挑戦を受けるわ I will take on anyone in this room. 853 01:00:56,660 --> 01:00:58,928 私が勝ったら And if I win... 854 01:00:58,930 --> 01:01:00,933 私と一緒に戦うの you fight alongside me. 855 01:01:03,567 --> 01:01:05,103 鼻を折りやがった This bitch broke my nose. 856 01:01:05,502 --> 01:01:06,971 そうよ Yes, I did. 857 01:01:09,107 --> 01:01:10,272 英雄ですって? Heroes? 858 01:01:10,274 --> 01:01:12,875 ポンコツの ゴロツキばかり All I see are junkyard punks, assorted cyber-trash... 859 01:01:12,877 --> 01:01:15,444 モーターボールの 燃えカスは and a bunch of drunken Motorball burnouts 860 01:01:15,446 --> 01:01:17,215 遅すぎて 参加できない too slow to play the game. 861 01:01:24,156 --> 01:01:25,390 (ALL GRUNTING) 862 01:01:55,520 --> 01:01:56,955 (DEVICE CRACKLING) 863 01:01:59,158 --> 01:02:00,292 Thanks, Hugo. 864 01:02:10,567 --> 01:02:11,801 (YELLING) 865 01:02:11,803 --> 01:02:13,005 Oh, no. 866 01:02:26,616 --> 01:02:27,819 やめろ Hold it! 867 01:02:29,555 --> 01:02:31,687 やめるんだ Knock it off! 868 01:02:31,689 --> 01:02:33,558 タダでは 修理しないぞ Or no more free repairs! 869 01:02:44,870 --> 01:02:46,569 彼女の連れ I'm with her. 870 01:02:46,571 --> 01:02:48,339 すまない Sorry about this. 871 01:02:50,942 --> 01:02:53,009 話をしよう You and I are going to have a little talk. 872 01:02:53,011 --> 01:02:54,710 話はしたわ No, we had our talk. 873 01:02:54,712 --> 01:02:56,779 決めつけてた You didn't leave me another choice. 874 01:02:56,781 --> 01:02:58,082 (ALL GRUNTING) 875 01:03:15,701 --> 01:03:16,902 動くな IDO: Don't move. 876 01:03:28,680 --> 01:03:30,078 グレビシュカ It's Grewishka. 877 01:03:30,080 --> 01:03:31,283 体をどうした? What's happened to him? 878 01:03:33,185 --> 01:03:35,087 答えてやろう Well, to answer your question... 879 01:03:40,725 --> 01:03:42,995 グラインドカッターだ I've had a little upgrade. 880 01:03:52,536 --> 01:03:54,205 女の子に用がある I'm only here for the girl. 881 01:03:56,440 --> 01:03:57,975 くれてやる Ah, she's all yours. 882 01:04:02,580 --> 01:04:04,045 みんなも見捨てるのか What about the rest of you? 883 01:04:04,047 --> 01:04:05,781 賞金が かかっていない There ain't no bounty on this guy, Doc. 884 01:04:05,783 --> 01:04:07,051 (CHUCKLES) 885 01:04:07,518 --> 01:04:08,654 出番はない Not our problem. 886 01:04:15,060 --> 01:04:16,926 イドー平気よ It's all right, Ido. 887 01:04:16,928 --> 01:04:18,130 (DOG YAPS) 888 01:04:19,596 --> 01:04:21,999 (GROWLS, BARKING) 889 01:04:22,433 --> 01:04:23,701 なんと Aw. 890 01:04:24,535 --> 01:04:26,470 勇気があるのは 犬だけ The only one with courage. 891 01:04:29,040 --> 01:04:30,839 無邪気だ So innocent. 892 01:04:30,841 --> 01:04:32,107 (EXTRACTS WEAPON) 893 01:04:32,109 --> 01:04:34,011 - (BARKING STOPS) - (ALL EXCLAIMING) 894 01:04:34,812 --> 01:04:36,315 (GRUNTS) 895 01:04:37,482 --> 01:04:42,286 無邪気なやつは 生きられない Iron City is no place for innocents, little flea. 896 01:04:52,129 --> 01:04:56,033 悪を見過ごさない ALITA: I do not stand by in the presence of evil. 897 01:04:59,469 --> 01:05:03,408 悪を見過ごさない I do not stand by in the presence of evil. 898 01:05:04,709 --> 01:05:06,210 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 899 01:05:20,792 --> 01:05:22,728 こっちへ来い Come to my world. 900 01:05:25,430 --> 01:05:26,828 (GREWISHKA LAUGHS) 901 01:05:26,830 --> 01:05:28,065 来いよチビ Come, little flea. 902 01:05:28,866 --> 01:05:30,768 行くな Alita! No! 903 01:05:37,707 --> 01:05:39,208 (GREWISHKA LAUGHS) 904 01:05:39,210 --> 01:05:42,578 地下へようこそ GREWISHKA: Welcome to the underworld. My world. 905 01:05:42,580 --> 01:05:46,915 上の世界へは From here, there are worlds above worlds above worlds... 906 01:05:46,917 --> 01:05:49,685 想像以上に 遠いぞ going farther up than you can imagine. 907 01:05:49,687 --> 01:05:53,087 死体は 下へ落ちて And the trash of each one flows down to the one below... 908 01:05:53,089 --> 01:05:55,727 ここへ来る 'til it all ends up here. 909 01:05:56,861 --> 01:05:59,094 俺はここで生きた It's where I used to live. 910 01:05:59,096 --> 01:06:01,399 そしてあなたは ここで死ぬ And it's where you're going to die. 911 01:06:04,868 --> 01:06:07,038 (GRUNTING) 912 01:06:16,580 --> 01:06:18,013 (CRACKLING) 913 01:06:18,015 --> 01:06:19,283 (SCOFFS) 914 01:06:31,763 --> 01:06:33,431 踊れ Dance, little flea. 915 01:06:55,819 --> 01:06:57,588 (GROANING) 916 01:06:59,857 --> 01:07:01,359 (GRUNTS) 917 01:07:16,107 --> 01:07:18,375 野垂れ死ぬはずだったが I was forgotten here to rot. 918 01:07:18,942 --> 01:07:20,344 拾われて But I was saved... 919 01:07:20,745 --> 01:07:21,877 再生した remade... 920 01:07:21,879 --> 01:07:25,317 お前の運命と 同じ手によって by the same hand that shapes your destiny even now. 921 01:07:26,984 --> 01:07:28,116 誰の手? Whose hand? 922 01:07:28,118 --> 01:07:31,187 ノヴァさ My master, Nova. 923 01:07:31,189 --> 01:07:32,824 私の何を 知っているの? What do you know about me? 924 01:07:36,560 --> 01:07:38,430 (ALITA YELLING) 925 01:07:48,839 --> 01:07:50,640 (YELLS) 926 01:07:50,642 --> 01:07:51,643 (WEAPONS SHEATHE) 927 01:08:03,221 --> 01:08:06,121 お前は死なない GELDA: You have the soul of a survivor. 928 01:08:06,123 --> 01:08:07,325 (GRUNTING) 929 01:08:08,426 --> 01:08:10,529 あきらめるな You'll never give up. 930 01:08:13,964 --> 01:08:15,029 Aah. 931 01:08:15,031 --> 01:08:16,535 隠されたものを 知れ Know what is hidden. 932 01:08:17,568 --> 01:08:19,200 常に求めよ Always ask... 933 01:08:19,202 --> 01:08:22,273 見えていないものを what is it that you are not seeing? 934 01:08:23,206 --> 01:08:25,173 ノヴァ? ALITA: Nova? 935 01:08:25,175 --> 01:08:28,345 彼は宿敵 GELDA: He is the dragon that must be slain. 936 01:08:30,113 --> 01:08:31,315 もう一度 Again. 937 01:08:32,183 --> 01:08:34,682 何てザマだ - GREWISHKA: Look at you. - (GRUNTS) 938 01:08:34,684 --> 01:08:36,554 どこへ行く Where are you going? 939 01:08:42,559 --> 01:08:43,794 (GRUNTING) 940 01:08:45,362 --> 01:08:47,230 どうした? What's the matter? 941 01:08:47,232 --> 01:08:49,164 もう遊ばないのか My little toy doesn't want to play anymore? 942 01:08:49,166 --> 01:08:50,531 (GRUNTS) 943 01:08:50,533 --> 01:08:52,834 お前を生きた I'll turn you into a living pendant 944 01:08:52,836 --> 01:08:54,869 ペンダントにしてやる to adorn my chest. 945 01:08:54,871 --> 01:08:58,274 毎日聞いてやる Then I can hear your voice every moment of the day... 946 01:08:58,276 --> 01:09:00,545 慈悲を乞う声を pleading for mercy! 947 01:09:01,112 --> 01:09:02,413 (GRUNTING) 948 01:09:06,850 --> 01:09:08,420 (GREWISHKA CHUCKLING) 949 01:09:13,890 --> 01:09:15,492 Hi-yah! 950 01:09:16,327 --> 01:09:18,796 - (GREWISHKA SCREAMS) - (GRUNTS) 951 01:09:20,732 --> 01:09:22,265 慈悲など乞わない Fuck your mercy. 952 01:09:22,267 --> 01:09:23,835 (GROANING) 953 01:09:30,942 --> 01:09:32,477 やめろ No! 954 01:09:40,017 --> 01:09:41,252 (GROWLING) 955 01:09:50,228 --> 01:09:51,863 (PANTING AND GROANING) 956 01:09:53,397 --> 01:09:55,033 (HELLHOUNDS BARKING) 957 01:09:57,602 --> 01:09:59,301 戻ってこい Break off! 958 01:09:59,303 --> 01:10:00,971 (BARKING) 959 01:10:03,206 --> 01:10:06,844 犬嫌いは 嫌いだ He wasn't a dog lover. I hate that. 960 01:10:09,313 --> 01:10:11,015 なんてことだ Oh, come on. 961 01:10:15,953 --> 01:10:17,755 すまない I'm sorry. 962 01:10:18,889 --> 01:10:20,458 本当にすまない I'm so sorry. 963 01:10:29,666 --> 01:10:32,901 娘の身代わり? You think you can replace us that easily? 964 01:10:32,903 --> 01:10:35,706 好きなだけ 生き返らせなさい Bring her back as many times as you like. 965 01:11:11,541 --> 01:11:13,877 お前はもう 無敵だ No one will dare harm you again. 966 01:11:15,312 --> 01:11:16,881 (MACHINE TRILLING) 967 01:11:29,327 --> 01:11:32,630 ベルサーカの 適応能力 It's the adaptive technology of the Berserker body. 968 01:11:34,998 --> 01:11:36,598 装甲が 再構成される The shell is reconfiguring 969 01:11:36,600 --> 01:11:39,002 潜在意識のイメージに to her subconscious image of herself. 970 01:11:41,438 --> 01:11:44,039 見たことがない I've never seen anything like it. 971 01:11:44,041 --> 01:11:47,978 全システムが 微調整される It's making micro-adjustments throughout every system. 972 01:11:52,716 --> 01:11:55,018 少し大人になったみたい Looks like she's a little older than you thought. 973 01:12:16,005 --> 01:12:17,975 やあ お前 Well, look at you. 974 01:12:40,063 --> 01:12:42,330 お前が正しかった Well, you were right. 975 01:12:42,332 --> 01:12:44,835 戦士の魂は 戦士の肉体が必要 A warrior's spirit needs a warrior's body. 976 01:12:54,444 --> 01:12:55,610 (WHOOSHING) 977 01:12:55,612 --> 01:12:58,948 プラズマだ It draws in air, generating an arc plasma... 978 01:12:58,950 --> 01:13:01,383 仕組みはわからない but how you control it, I don't know. 979 01:13:01,385 --> 01:13:04,285 マニュアルはないだろ? Didn't exactly come with a manual, did you? 980 01:13:04,287 --> 01:13:05,924 おそらく武器だ It's some kind of weapon. 981 01:13:14,131 --> 01:13:15,899 お前は戦士 Now you know who you are. 982 01:13:25,276 --> 01:13:27,178 外見だけはな But that's just a shell. 983 01:13:28,479 --> 01:13:30,815 どうするかは It's not bad or good. 984 01:13:32,049 --> 01:13:33,651 お前次第 That part's up to you. 985 01:13:45,462 --> 01:13:46,663 見ろよ Check these out. 986 01:13:47,998 --> 01:13:49,000 仕入れたばかり Pretty fresh, right? 987 01:13:55,206 --> 01:13:56,207 アリータ Alita! 988 01:13:59,943 --> 01:14:00,945 すごい Wow. 989 01:14:02,112 --> 01:14:03,812 君 You're... 990 01:14:03,814 --> 01:14:06,214 また会えた? うれしいよ - Back together? - Very back together. 991 01:14:06,216 --> 01:14:07,618 (CHUCKLES) 992 01:14:09,286 --> 01:14:10,755 なんだか You look... 993 01:14:11,322 --> 01:14:12,454 変わったね different. 994 01:14:12,456 --> 01:14:13,856 ナノテクよ It's all nanotech. 995 01:14:13,858 --> 01:14:15,958 イドーも知らない技術で いっぱい It's a bunch of stuff even Ido hasn't figured out yet. 996 01:14:15,960 --> 01:14:18,160 前よりも強くなった? So are you stronger than you were? 997 01:14:18,162 --> 01:14:19,898 そう もっと速いわ Yeah. And faster, too. 998 01:14:20,965 --> 01:14:22,166 感じるの It feels... 999 01:14:23,166 --> 01:14:24,535 自分をもっと more me. 1000 01:14:28,538 --> 01:14:29,704 男は怖がるんだ HUGO: You know, some guys might be 1001 01:14:29,706 --> 01:14:31,140 君みたいな女の子を intimidated by a girl like you. 1002 01:14:31,142 --> 01:14:32,307 どうして? ALITA: Really? Why is that? 1003 01:14:32,309 --> 01:14:33,808 俺を 'Cause you could rip my arm off 1004 01:14:33,810 --> 01:14:35,142 やっつけられるだろ and beat me with the wet end. 1005 01:14:35,144 --> 01:14:36,744 (BOTH LAUGH) 1006 01:14:36,746 --> 01:14:39,616 なら 怒らせないで Well, then, don't piss me off. 1007 01:14:40,651 --> 01:14:43,118 彼女が嫌い? Why don't you like her? 1008 01:14:43,120 --> 01:14:46,221 機械が 嫌いなんだ I just never got the whole hardbody thing. 1009 01:14:46,223 --> 01:14:47,789 それにURM製だ And besides, she's URM. 1010 01:14:47,791 --> 01:14:50,359 昔は敵だった It means she was probably the enemy at one point. 1011 01:14:50,361 --> 01:14:54,061 300年前はね Yeah, 300 years ago. 1012 01:14:54,063 --> 01:14:55,232 気にしないの Get over it. 1013 01:14:56,065 --> 01:14:57,135 (CHUCKLES) 1014 01:14:58,102 --> 01:15:00,869 感覚が良くなった I'm a lot more touch sensitive, too. 1015 01:15:00,871 --> 01:15:03,340 フィードバックが 精密 A lot higher density of force feedback and... 1016 01:15:04,541 --> 01:15:06,176 触った感じも texture sensors. 1017 01:15:08,178 --> 01:15:09,948 試す? You wanna try it? 1018 01:15:18,054 --> 01:15:19,056 感じる? You can feel this? 1019 01:15:19,756 --> 01:15:20,757 ええ Yes. 1020 01:15:25,729 --> 01:15:27,031 目を閉じて Close your eyes. 1021 01:15:27,764 --> 01:15:29,666 いいから Close your eyes. 1022 01:15:36,306 --> 01:15:37,975 これはどう? How about this? 1023 01:15:38,442 --> 01:15:39,743 感じる Yes. 1024 01:15:44,547 --> 01:15:45,983 どこかわかる? Where am I now? 1025 01:15:47,518 --> 01:15:48,920 あなたは You're... 1026 01:15:51,255 --> 01:15:52,290 私と一緒 with me. 1027 01:16:11,274 --> 01:16:13,277 気にするの? Does it bother you... 1028 01:16:14,510 --> 01:16:17,378 私は完全な 人間ではない that I'm not completely human? 1029 01:16:17,380 --> 01:16:21,251 一番 人間らしいよ You are the most human person I have ever met. 1030 01:16:34,998 --> 01:16:37,066 - (GREWISHKA GRUNTING) - (OBJECTS CLATTERING) 1031 01:16:37,068 --> 01:16:39,401 目を修理させてくれない He won't even let me fix his eye. 1032 01:16:39,403 --> 01:16:40,872 痛みが欲しいって He says he wants the pain. 1033 01:16:47,243 --> 01:16:48,246 もういい Enough. 1034 01:16:49,947 --> 01:16:50,948 (GRUNTS) 1035 01:16:54,251 --> 01:16:55,453 ノヴァ Nova. 1036 01:17:00,791 --> 01:17:02,360 しくじったな You have failed me. 1037 01:17:05,162 --> 01:17:06,397 立て Stand. 1038 01:17:10,134 --> 01:17:14,402 彼女が何者か 教えてやる You will never triumph until you understand what she is. 1039 01:17:14,404 --> 01:17:16,204 生き残りだ She's the last of her kind. 1040 01:17:16,206 --> 01:17:18,910 URMの 最高の兵器だ The finest weapon of the URM Technarchy. 1041 01:17:20,044 --> 01:17:23,012 アリータを殺せ I need you to destroy this Alita. 1042 01:17:23,014 --> 01:17:25,083 心臓を持って来い I need you to bring me her heart. 1043 01:17:27,751 --> 01:17:29,486 命にかえても I live only for her death. 1044 01:17:38,196 --> 01:17:39,964 乗り移られるのは キライだ VECTOR: I hate when he does that. 1045 01:17:43,968 --> 01:17:46,203 失敗を許さない人だ This is not a man who tolerates failure. 1046 01:17:47,871 --> 01:17:51,338 自分の将来が 心配だよ I'm not trusting my future to a piece of iron. 1047 01:17:51,340 --> 01:17:53,243 どうするつもり? What do you have in mind? 1048 01:18:02,752 --> 01:18:04,054 夢に To dreams. 1049 01:18:07,590 --> 01:18:09,658 やる気がある I like your drive, Hugo. 1050 01:18:09,660 --> 01:18:12,063 俺のチームにいれば安泰 You have a solid future with my team. 1051 01:18:13,563 --> 01:18:15,365 夢はザレム My future's in Zalem. 1052 01:18:16,132 --> 01:18:18,068 あなたとの約束を忘れない I remember your promise every day. 1053 01:18:19,303 --> 01:18:20,371 ザレムに送ってくれるって To send me up. 1054 01:18:21,238 --> 01:18:23,174 100万クレジットで When I get you a million credits. 1055 01:18:23,808 --> 01:18:25,243 個人的に Personally... 1056 01:18:26,242 --> 01:18:29,479 天国で仕えるより 地獄で支配したい I'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven. 1057 01:18:32,349 --> 01:18:34,650 上では 最下層だぞ We'd be at the bottom of the food chain up there, 1058 01:18:34,652 --> 01:18:36,120 しかしここでは but down here... 1059 01:18:37,321 --> 01:18:39,357 まるで王様だ we can live like kings. 1060 01:18:42,225 --> 01:18:43,857 そこでだ So... 1061 01:18:43,859 --> 01:18:46,197 お前の友人について 教えてくれ Tell me about this friend of yours. 1062 01:18:47,296 --> 01:18:48,629 アリータのこと? Alita? 1063 01:18:48,631 --> 01:18:50,132 彼女の名前か? Is that her name? 1064 01:18:50,134 --> 01:18:52,103 アリータ ふーむ Alita. Hmm. 1065 01:19:07,484 --> 01:19:08,486 おはよう Hi. 1066 01:19:09,653 --> 01:19:10,888 おはよう Hi. 1067 01:19:11,188 --> 01:19:12,390 (GROANS) 1068 01:19:15,992 --> 01:19:17,993 何があったの? What happened to you? 1069 01:19:17,995 --> 01:19:20,363 ベクターと会った I wound up hanging out with Vector. 1070 01:19:21,598 --> 01:19:23,367 少し飲んだ Some alcohol was involved. 1071 01:19:24,635 --> 01:19:25,903 見ればわかる Apparently. 1072 01:19:26,870 --> 01:19:28,270 ベクターは何て? So, Vector? 1073 01:19:28,272 --> 01:19:30,541 ザレムへの コネでしょ? Is that your connection for getting into Zalem? 1074 01:19:31,675 --> 01:19:32,877 そうさ Yeah. 1075 01:19:33,243 --> 01:19:34,245 あら Oh. 1076 01:19:35,178 --> 01:19:37,281 行かないと思ってた I was hoping maybe you'd wanna stay. 1077 01:19:38,081 --> 01:19:41,185 すぐには 行かない Hey, it's not right away. 1078 01:19:42,185 --> 01:19:44,453 まず稼がないと I still gotta raise the rest of the money first. 1079 01:19:44,455 --> 01:19:45,523 いいの It's okay. 1080 01:19:46,956 --> 01:19:48,824 あなたの夢だから It's your dream. 1081 01:19:48,826 --> 01:19:51,395 知ってるわ I know it's what you've always wanted. 1082 01:19:54,564 --> 01:19:55,565 なあ You know... 1083 01:19:57,634 --> 01:19:59,069 今までは ハッキリしてた I was always so sure. 1084 01:20:02,005 --> 01:20:03,440 君と出会って Now you come along... 1085 01:20:05,509 --> 01:20:07,144 分からなくなった nothing's clear anymore. 1086 01:20:23,126 --> 01:20:25,328 どれくらい稼ぐ必要が? How much more do you need before you can go? 1087 01:20:27,630 --> 01:20:29,065 9万 90k. 1088 01:20:29,565 --> 01:20:30,600 9万? 90k? 1089 01:20:31,669 --> 01:20:33,134 賞金で稼げる I can make that in bounties. 1090 01:20:33,136 --> 01:20:34,235 知ってるの I'll just figure out who has 1091 01:20:34,237 --> 01:20:35,503 誰が高いか the highest prices on their heads... 1092 01:20:35,505 --> 01:20:36,472 捕まえるわ and then I'll take them out. 1093 01:20:36,474 --> 01:20:38,440 やめてくれ 頼んでない No, I can't ask you to do that for me. 1094 01:20:38,442 --> 01:20:41,145 必要なら何でもする I'd do whatever I had to for you. 1095 01:20:42,211 --> 01:20:43,978 何でもあげるわ I'd give you whatever I have. 1096 01:20:43,980 --> 01:20:45,248 何してる What are you doing? 1097 01:20:46,483 --> 01:20:48,016 (HEART BEATING) 1098 01:20:48,018 --> 01:20:49,921 私の心臓だって I'd give you my heart. 1099 01:20:51,188 --> 01:20:53,021 あげる Take it. 1100 01:20:53,023 --> 01:20:55,190 URMのリアクター It's got an URM Micro-Reactor for a power supply, 1101 01:20:55,192 --> 01:20:56,924 きっと数百万ぐらいは probably worth millions. 1102 01:20:56,926 --> 01:20:58,627 これを売って With your connections, you can find a buyer... 1103 01:20:58,629 --> 01:21:00,995 一緒にザレムへ行こう you could make enough for both of us to go to Zalem... 1104 01:21:00,997 --> 01:21:02,496 それから安い リアクターを探せば and then we just find a cheap replacement... 1105 01:21:02,498 --> 01:21:03,567 よせよ No. 1106 01:21:04,835 --> 01:21:07,705 いつも部品 売ってるでしょ Come on, you buy and sell parts all day long. 1107 01:21:10,241 --> 01:21:12,143 人のために そんなことするな Don't just do things for people. 1108 01:21:13,544 --> 01:21:15,244 どんなにいい考えでも No matter how good you think they are, 1109 01:21:15,246 --> 01:21:17,148 どんなに高くても or how deserving they are. 1110 01:21:18,114 --> 01:21:20,017 私は命がけよ It's all or nothing with me. 1111 01:21:21,952 --> 01:21:23,487 それが私 This is who I am. 1112 01:21:24,787 --> 01:21:25,989 知ってる I know. 1113 01:21:28,692 --> 01:21:29,694 もういいんだ It's okay. 1114 01:21:30,794 --> 01:21:32,263 戻して Put it back. 1115 01:21:41,737 --> 01:21:43,139 (ALITA SIGHS) 1116 01:21:43,873 --> 01:21:45,173 (PUFFS) 1117 01:21:45,175 --> 01:21:46,735 強烈だった? That was pretty intense, huh? (CHUCKLES) 1118 01:21:47,845 --> 01:21:49,113 (CHUCKLES) 1119 01:21:49,880 --> 01:21:51,713 すっごく Yeah, that was very intense. 1120 01:21:51,715 --> 01:21:53,117 (LAUGHS) 1121 01:21:53,617 --> 01:21:55,019 ごめん Sorry. 1122 01:21:56,687 --> 01:21:59,020 他の方法があるかも Maybe there's another way. 1123 01:21:59,022 --> 01:22:01,957 ベクターは 君を二軍に Vector wants you to try out for Second League. 1124 01:22:01,959 --> 01:22:03,292 本当に? What? 1125 01:22:03,294 --> 01:22:05,526 モーターボールの スターになって You become a big Motorball star, 1126 01:22:05,528 --> 01:22:07,228 山ほど稼いで make a pile of money... 1127 01:22:07,230 --> 01:22:09,196 一緒にザレムへ行こう we can go to Zalem together. 1128 01:22:09,198 --> 01:22:10,499 何言ってるの? What are you talking about? 1129 01:22:10,501 --> 01:22:12,770 プロにはなれない I can't be a pro Motorball player. 1130 01:22:13,703 --> 01:22:14,772 君は Ali... 1131 01:22:15,938 --> 01:22:17,340 チャンピオンになれる you could be a champion. 1132 01:22:18,575 --> 01:22:19,740 この選抜で勝てば You win this tryout... 1133 01:22:19,742 --> 01:22:22,345 スカウトが殺到するぞ every scout will be killing each other to get to you. 1134 01:22:24,482 --> 01:22:25,515 楽勝 We'll be home free. 1135 01:22:26,116 --> 01:22:28,019 あなたがコーチなら Only if you'll be my coach. 1136 01:22:29,051 --> 01:22:30,118 必要なら Well, if that's what it takes. 1137 01:22:30,120 --> 01:22:32,223 必要よ (CHUCKLES) That's what it takes. 1138 01:22:39,263 --> 01:22:41,428 彼女を殺すのか? Are you going to kill her? 1139 01:22:41,430 --> 01:22:42,433 いや No. 1140 01:22:42,898 --> 01:22:44,468 もっと悪い Much worse. 1141 01:22:45,501 --> 01:22:46,703 (SCOFFS) 1142 01:22:52,742 --> 01:22:54,544 (MUFFLED CROWD CHEERING) 1143 01:22:58,482 --> 01:23:00,216 人間はサイボーグを 愛せるの? Ido, can a human love a cyborg? 1144 01:23:02,019 --> 01:23:03,284 なぜ? Why? 1145 01:23:03,286 --> 01:23:05,489 サイボーグが 人間を愛せるかって? Does this cyborg love a human? 1146 01:23:09,858 --> 01:23:11,261 そうだな Mm-hmm. 1147 01:23:12,229 --> 01:23:15,195 人間はサイボーグを 愛せるよ A human can love a cyborg... 1148 01:23:15,197 --> 01:23:17,157 でも今は ゲームに集中して but you have to keep your mind on the game, Alita. 1149 01:23:18,335 --> 01:23:20,502 ゲームは厳しいぞ It can get very rough out there. 1150 01:23:20,504 --> 01:23:22,439 選抜でもな Even for a tryout. 1151 01:23:23,605 --> 01:23:24,675 さあ Try these. 1152 01:23:26,809 --> 01:23:28,545 私のために? Did you make these for me? 1153 01:23:29,446 --> 01:23:30,613 そうだ Yes. 1154 01:23:32,116 --> 01:23:35,252 速くはならない 規則だ They won't make you any faster. It's regulation. 1155 01:23:36,386 --> 01:23:38,389 少なくとも ヘマはしない But at least they won't fail you. 1156 01:23:42,826 --> 01:23:44,328 約束だ Here's our deal. 1157 01:23:45,662 --> 01:23:47,862 ゲームをして You go in there, you race, 1158 01:23:47,864 --> 01:23:49,630 勝って ここに戻る you win, you come back right here. 1159 01:23:49,632 --> 01:23:54,735 防具をつけて 特にこれを You wear all of these pads, especially this one. 1160 01:23:54,737 --> 01:23:56,204 (GERHAD LAUGHS) 1161 01:23:56,206 --> 01:23:57,938 こんなもの 要らないのに I don't need all this crap. 1162 01:23:57,940 --> 01:23:59,443 付けて Yes, you do. 1163 01:24:00,577 --> 01:24:01,977 忘れるな Remember... 1164 01:24:01,979 --> 01:24:04,311 壊れたら直せない if you wreck this body, I can't fix it. 1165 01:24:04,313 --> 01:24:07,214 URM製だ 知ってる - This is URM technology. - Yes, I know. 1166 01:24:07,216 --> 01:24:08,549 席を探して Now, go find a place to watch, 1167 01:24:08,551 --> 01:24:09,886 緊張させないで because you're making me nervous. 1168 01:24:12,989 --> 01:24:14,591 頑張れ - (GERHAD CHUCKLES) - Good luck. 1169 01:24:15,392 --> 01:24:16,594 あとでね Bye. 1170 01:24:32,776 --> 01:24:35,977 すぐに来てくれて感謝する Thank you for coming on such short notice. 1171 01:24:35,979 --> 01:24:40,048 君たちは ゲームのクズだ You are the scum of the game. 1172 01:24:40,050 --> 01:24:43,351 だが今夜は 選ばれしクズだ But tonight, you are handpicked scum. 1173 01:24:43,353 --> 01:24:45,521 今夜はゲームではない Because tonight is not a game. 1174 01:24:45,523 --> 01:24:47,388 狩りだ It is a hunt. 1175 01:24:47,390 --> 01:24:49,723 50万払う I'm paying 500,000... 1176 01:24:49,725 --> 01:24:55,331 アリータを殺した奴に to the one who kills the girl called Alita. 1177 01:24:59,670 --> 01:25:01,069 (COMM CHIMES) 1178 01:25:01,071 --> 01:25:02,169 Hey. 1179 01:25:02,171 --> 01:25:04,205 どこなの? もう始まる Where are you? The tryout's about to start. 1180 01:25:04,207 --> 01:25:05,673 向かってる I'm on my way. 1181 01:25:05,675 --> 01:25:07,910 やることがある There's something I've gotta do first. 1182 01:25:07,912 --> 01:25:09,276 私たちのためにやるのよ 忘れた? I'm doing this for us, remember? 1183 01:25:09,278 --> 01:25:10,611 見逃さないで You can't miss it. 1184 01:25:10,613 --> 01:25:12,415 信じろ I won't. Trust me. 1185 01:25:16,353 --> 01:25:19,087 頼む やめてくれ Please, just stop. 1186 01:25:19,089 --> 01:25:20,387 何もしてないだろ I didn't do anything to you. 1187 01:25:20,389 --> 01:25:23,259 こっちは仕事だ TANJI: It's just business. Nothing personal. 1188 01:25:25,828 --> 01:25:26,863 タンジやめろ Tanji, stop! 1189 01:25:29,299 --> 01:25:30,568 名前を言うな TANJI: Using my name? 1190 01:25:32,102 --> 01:25:33,671 いったいどうした? Man, what's wrong with you? 1191 01:25:35,237 --> 01:25:37,571 もうやめよう I can't do this anymore. 1192 01:25:37,573 --> 01:25:39,774 最近はお前 来なくなったし What's the matter? You're already gone half the time. 1193 01:25:39,776 --> 01:25:42,110 馬鹿なこと言うな Now you show up with this line of crap! 1194 01:25:42,112 --> 01:25:44,312 ただの機械だろ It's the little hardbody, isn't it? 1195 01:25:44,314 --> 01:25:47,515 もうやめよう わかったか Listen, it's over. Do you understand? 1196 01:25:47,517 --> 01:25:48,717 おれは抜ける I'm out. 1197 01:25:48,719 --> 01:25:51,755 考えろ もうやめるんだ And if you had any brains, you'd leave this behind, too. 1198 01:25:53,223 --> 01:25:54,725 俺は抜ける I'm out. 1199 01:25:55,759 --> 01:25:56,926 永久に For good. 1200 01:25:58,560 --> 01:26:01,329 お前の彼女をバラせば You should've jacked that bitch when you had the chance. 1201 01:26:01,331 --> 01:26:03,434 ザレムへ行けたのに Would've been on your way to Zalem right now. 1202 01:26:05,736 --> 01:26:07,004 (GRUNTING) 1203 01:26:11,041 --> 01:26:13,577 (LAUGHING) 1204 01:26:19,049 --> 01:26:20,481 プロっぽくないな Well, very professional. 1205 01:26:20,483 --> 01:26:21,982 トラブルはごめんだ Hey, man, we don't want any trouble. 1206 01:26:21,984 --> 01:26:25,285 縄張りならすまない 獲物はやるよ If this is your mark, we're sorry. He's all yours. 1207 01:26:25,287 --> 01:26:26,689 (SIGHS) 1208 01:26:27,556 --> 01:26:28,759 ヒューゴ Hugo. 1209 01:26:29,693 --> 01:26:31,493 サイボーグ強盗 Jacking cyborgs. 1210 01:26:31,495 --> 01:26:32,727 お前の彼女は Your little girlfriend might take that 1211 01:26:32,729 --> 01:26:34,932 がっかりだろうな kind of personally, don't you think? 1212 01:26:35,198 --> 01:26:36,765 だろう? Hmm? 1213 01:26:36,767 --> 01:26:38,866 そうだな But you know girls. 1214 01:26:38,868 --> 01:26:41,537 泣くだろうよ そして許すさ She'll probably get all weepy and forgive you... 1215 01:26:43,038 --> 01:26:44,873 お前の頭を 見せれば when I show her your head. 1216 01:26:44,875 --> 01:26:46,410 僕は賞金首じゃない There's no marker out on me. 1217 01:26:53,149 --> 01:26:55,217 いいや There will be. 1218 01:26:55,219 --> 01:26:57,388 殺人犯には わずかな賞金がある Murder pulls a tight little bounty... 1219 01:26:58,654 --> 01:27:00,855 お前みたいなゴミでも even with gutter trash like you. 1220 01:27:00,857 --> 01:27:02,760 殺していない I never killed anyone. 1221 01:27:08,398 --> 01:27:10,033 たった今 殺した You just did. 1222 01:27:11,733 --> 01:27:12,769 (GRUNTS) 1223 01:27:16,273 --> 01:27:19,039 彼女は俺を 殺すかな? She thinks she can punk me, huh? 1224 01:27:19,041 --> 01:27:20,843 - (ZAPAN GRUNTS) - (SCREAMING) 1225 01:27:23,313 --> 01:27:24,713 ヒューゴ逃げろ Hugo, run! 1226 01:27:24,715 --> 01:27:25,949 (ZAPAN GRUNTS) 1227 01:27:35,692 --> 01:27:37,361 (GRUNTING) 1228 01:27:56,080 --> 01:27:57,081 (WOMAN GASPS) 1229 01:28:12,060 --> 01:28:13,130 (GRUNTS) 1230 01:28:14,764 --> 01:28:16,567 (PANTING) 1231 01:28:30,346 --> 01:28:33,347 次は二軍の選抜です ANNOUNCER: Next up is Second League tryouts. 1232 01:28:33,349 --> 01:28:36,553 参加者は並んで Will the Factory practice team report to the line? 1233 01:28:41,224 --> 01:28:42,725 (CROWD CHEERING) 1234 01:28:44,027 --> 01:28:46,527 勝者は The winner tonight will make it one step closer... 1235 01:28:46,529 --> 01:28:49,597 チャンピオンリーグへ 一歩前進です to qualifying for the Champions League. 1236 01:28:49,599 --> 01:28:52,500 手ごわいメンバーです Well, that is one tough lineup. 1237 01:28:52,502 --> 01:28:54,737 今夜はすごい試合に なりそうです This is gonna be one heck of a match tonight. 1238 01:28:57,239 --> 01:28:59,009 (GRUNTING) 1239 01:29:03,145 --> 01:29:04,782 ただのチームじゃない That's no Factory team. 1240 01:29:05,782 --> 01:29:07,313 今なんて? What? 1241 01:29:07,315 --> 01:29:09,517 後ろの二人は These two punks in the back... 1242 01:29:09,519 --> 01:29:11,655 賞金首だ there are bounty markers on them. 1243 01:29:13,488 --> 01:29:16,893 他はハンター戦士だ And the other guys, they are Hunter-Warriors. 1244 01:29:20,095 --> 01:29:21,098 (GASPS) 1245 01:29:25,669 --> 01:29:29,771 今夜は有望な新人 ANNOUNCER: And here comes tonight's one new prospect. 1246 01:29:29,773 --> 01:29:34,545 アリータに拍手を Okay, then, folks, give it up for Alita! 1247 01:29:36,145 --> 01:29:38,312 ヒューゴが連れてきた Hugo brought her right to us. 1248 01:29:38,314 --> 01:29:40,817 彼に何を約束したの - What'd you promise him? - Hmm. 1249 01:29:42,385 --> 01:29:44,821 ザレムだよ I'm sending him to Zalem, of course. 1250 01:29:45,388 --> 01:29:46,590 (CHUCKLES) 1251 01:29:51,995 --> 01:29:53,697 (CROWD CHEERING) 1252 01:29:54,898 --> 01:29:57,134 Alita! Alita! 1253 01:30:01,371 --> 01:30:02,669 Hey. 1254 01:30:02,671 --> 01:30:04,003 新人がひとりなので ANNOUNCER: Since there is only one new prospect... 1255 01:30:04,005 --> 01:30:06,574 調子はどう? チームではありません - What's up? - ...there will be no teams. 1256 01:30:06,576 --> 01:30:10,013 ゲームのタイトルは 首切り The name of the game is Cut-throat. 1257 01:30:14,718 --> 01:30:16,752 お手柔らかに Go easy on me, guys. 1258 01:30:17,420 --> 01:30:19,219 ああ小僧 Sure, kid. 1259 01:30:19,221 --> 01:30:20,823 心配するな No worries. 1260 01:30:22,826 --> 01:30:23,958 (COMM CHIMES) 1261 01:30:23,960 --> 01:30:26,494 アリータ どうしたの? - IDO: Alita! - What are you doing? 1262 01:30:26,496 --> 01:30:28,495 八百長だ 逃げろ It's a setup. You gotta get outta there. 1263 01:30:28,497 --> 01:30:30,233 お前を殺すつもりだ They're gonna kill you! 1264 01:30:33,870 --> 01:30:35,203 誰が? Which ones? 1265 01:30:35,205 --> 01:30:36,607 全員 All of them! 1266 01:30:39,675 --> 01:30:42,745 10秒前 ANNOUNCER: Players, 10-second warning. 1267 01:30:45,748 --> 01:30:46,782 (SCOFFS) 1268 01:30:49,051 --> 01:30:50,286 5秒前 Five seconds... 1269 01:30:52,188 --> 01:30:53,757 (MACHINE BEEPS) 1270 01:31:09,104 --> 01:31:10,437 新人のアリータが The new kid, Alita, 1271 01:31:10,439 --> 01:31:13,042 ボールを手にした takes possession right off the snap. 1272 01:31:14,676 --> 01:31:16,078 (PLAYERS GRUNTING) 1273 01:31:17,246 --> 01:31:18,681 (SCREAMS) 1274 01:31:19,950 --> 01:31:21,816 (CHEERING) 1275 01:31:21,818 --> 01:31:26,256 優勝決定戦より 盛り上がっている A slow Tuesday night just got hotter than the playoffs. 1276 01:31:26,657 --> 01:31:28,592 (ALL GRUNTING) 1277 01:31:36,666 --> 01:31:39,100 プロペラのように Looks like the fans have themselves 1278 01:31:39,102 --> 01:31:40,334 蹴散らした an underdog darling... 1279 01:31:40,336 --> 01:31:44,708 戦う天使だ with the face of an angel and a body built for battle. 1280 01:31:45,340 --> 01:31:46,343 (GRUNTS) 1281 01:31:47,644 --> 01:31:49,079 (CROWD EXCLAIMS) 1282 01:31:52,314 --> 01:31:53,681 頭で Maybe a little Motorball 1283 01:31:53,683 --> 01:31:55,450 モーターボールだ will break out in the middle of this fight. 1284 01:31:55,452 --> 01:31:57,287 くそ Oh, crap. 1285 01:32:02,425 --> 01:32:03,627 (GRUNTS) 1286 01:32:06,496 --> 01:32:08,396 (CROWD CHEERING) 1287 01:32:08,398 --> 01:32:09,530 ゲームは Oh! Looks like it's 1288 01:32:09,532 --> 01:32:11,635 無法地帯だ "No rules Tuesday" out there, folks. 1289 01:32:19,576 --> 01:32:21,178 (WEAPON WHIRRING) 1290 01:32:23,712 --> 01:32:26,183 これは痛い Ouch! You know that hurts! 1291 01:32:27,148 --> 01:32:28,151 (YELLS) 1292 01:32:28,652 --> 01:32:30,285 (ALITA GRUNTING) 1293 01:32:30,287 --> 01:32:34,057 アリータ危ない Stinger's got Alita in a lot of trouble. 1294 01:32:34,523 --> 01:32:35,859 (YELLS) 1295 01:32:45,769 --> 01:32:48,402 ロッカーで彼女は She must've said something in the locker room 1296 01:32:48,404 --> 01:32:50,640 悪口を言ったのか that these guys did not like. 1297 01:32:59,581 --> 01:33:00,850 (GRUNTS) 1298 01:33:10,027 --> 01:33:12,493 背番号 99 Number 99... 1299 01:33:12,495 --> 01:33:14,230 アリータ Alita! 1300 01:33:19,535 --> 01:33:21,203 アリータ 僕だ (PANTING) Ali, it's me. 1301 01:33:21,903 --> 01:33:23,369 トラブル発生 I've got a big problem. 1302 01:33:23,371 --> 01:33:26,039 今はだめよ ヒューゴ Hugo, this is not a good time. 1303 01:33:26,041 --> 01:33:27,678 殺されそうだ HUGO: He's trying to kill me. 1304 01:33:28,278 --> 01:33:29,610 誰があなたを? Who's trying to kill you? 1305 01:33:29,612 --> 01:33:31,814 ザパンだ Zapan, the Hunter-Warrior. 1306 01:33:32,515 --> 01:33:34,084 タンジを殺した He killed Tanji. 1307 01:33:34,649 --> 01:33:36,116 どういうこと? ALITA: What do you mean? 1308 01:33:36,118 --> 01:33:38,220 次は僕だ HUGO: Now, he's coming for me. 1309 01:33:42,591 --> 01:33:44,359 バトルエンジェルは ANNOUNCER: Not sure our Battle Angel 1310 01:33:44,361 --> 01:33:45,929 切り抜けられるか can get out of this one. 1311 01:33:47,229 --> 01:33:49,265 奴が来た Oh, shit. Here he comes! 1312 01:33:51,167 --> 01:33:52,066 今どこ? ALITA: Where are you? 1313 01:33:52,068 --> 01:33:53,970 教会で会おう HUGO: I'm headed to the old church. 1314 01:33:55,104 --> 01:33:57,006 行くわ Okay. I'm coming. 1315 01:34:04,746 --> 01:34:07,147 信じられない ANNOUNCER: I can't believe it! Incredible! 1316 01:34:07,149 --> 01:34:09,853 こんなことは 初めてです I've never seen anything like this. 1317 01:34:32,308 --> 01:34:33,810 (GRUNTING) 1318 01:34:34,810 --> 01:34:36,746 (SCREAMING) 1319 01:35:10,545 --> 01:35:12,780 もうすぐだ Hey, I'm almost there. 1320 01:35:12,782 --> 01:35:14,050 わかった Got it. 1321 01:35:22,190 --> 01:35:23,393 (GRUNTS) 1322 01:35:34,304 --> 01:35:36,038 (ALITA GRUNTING) 1323 01:35:49,818 --> 01:35:51,821 (GRUNTING) 1324 01:35:55,558 --> 01:35:57,560 (SCREAMING) 1325 01:36:16,578 --> 01:36:17,947 どこへ行く? Where are you going, huh? 1326 01:36:20,282 --> 01:36:21,550 (GROANING) 1327 01:36:47,343 --> 01:36:50,212 ヒューゴは殺人犯だ Looks like your Hugo hasn't been entirely honest with you. 1328 01:36:52,614 --> 01:36:54,317 本当なの? Is it true? 1329 01:36:54,617 --> 01:36:55,652 アリータ Ali... 1330 01:36:56,952 --> 01:36:58,354 信じてくれ you don't understand. 1331 01:37:03,559 --> 01:37:05,362 殺していない I never killed anyone. 1332 01:37:06,461 --> 01:37:08,464 部品を盗んだだけ We only jacked parts. 1333 01:37:09,933 --> 01:37:12,636 マヒさせて 奪いと取っただけ We paralyzed them and stripped them, that's all. 1334 01:37:15,203 --> 01:37:17,273 ザレムへの金だ I needed the money for Zalem. 1335 01:37:19,209 --> 01:37:21,478 どけ仕事だ Step aside and let me do my job. 1336 01:37:23,479 --> 01:37:24,811 (GRUNTS) 1337 01:37:24,813 --> 01:37:27,347 彼に触ったら お前を殺す Touch him again and I will kill you. 1338 01:37:27,349 --> 01:37:28,315 ハンター戦士の Interference between 1339 01:37:28,317 --> 01:37:30,351 殺しは合法 a licensed Hunter-Warrior and his kill... 1340 01:37:30,353 --> 01:37:33,588 邪魔をするな is a violation of Factory Law and the Hunter's Code. 1341 01:37:33,590 --> 01:37:35,458 私の獲物よ He's mine! 1342 01:37:36,992 --> 01:37:39,094 じゃ殺せ Then make the kill. 1343 01:37:46,568 --> 01:37:48,537 ハンター戦士だろ Come on, Hunter-Warrior. 1344 01:37:50,072 --> 01:37:52,272 これで仲間だ Tonight, you become one of us. 1345 01:37:52,274 --> 01:37:53,343 (LAUGHS) 1346 01:37:58,747 --> 01:38:00,146 どうした Mm-mmm. 1347 01:38:00,148 --> 01:38:02,182 愛や慈悲はなし You know, there's no room for love or mercy 1348 01:38:02,184 --> 01:38:03,585 掟だ in the Hunter's Code. 1349 01:38:12,193 --> 01:38:14,697 手伝ってやる Let me make it easier for you. 1350 01:38:17,366 --> 01:38:18,368 (GASPS) 1351 01:38:19,335 --> 01:38:20,603 (GASPING) 1352 01:38:22,337 --> 01:38:23,372 ヒューゴ ALITA: Hugo! 1353 01:38:28,111 --> 01:38:32,146 番号 9107 ヒューゴ CENTURION: Deliver the criminal Hugo, Bounty 9107. 1354 01:38:32,148 --> 01:38:35,214 殺人犯 Wanted for the crime of murder. 1355 01:38:35,216 --> 01:38:37,884 俺たちが殺す前に お前が殺せ You better finish him before we do! 1356 01:38:37,886 --> 01:38:40,255 掟なんだぞ It's Hunter Law! (LAUGHS) 1357 01:38:47,596 --> 01:38:49,029 イドーの所に行こう I have to get you to Ido. 1358 01:38:49,031 --> 01:38:51,464 センチュリオンがいる No. Centurions. 1359 01:38:51,466 --> 01:38:53,834 僕を殺さないと If you go back out there with me alive, 1360 01:38:53,836 --> 01:38:55,537 二人とも殺される they'll kill us both. 1361 01:38:55,970 --> 01:38:57,172 (HUGO GROANS) 1362 01:38:59,075 --> 01:39:02,245 どうしよう What did you do? What did you do? 1363 01:39:04,679 --> 01:39:06,415 殺していない HUGO: I didn't kill that guy. 1364 01:39:08,617 --> 01:39:10,185 でも同じだね But what does it matter? 1365 01:39:12,522 --> 01:39:14,123 バラバラにした I tore people apart. 1366 01:39:14,890 --> 01:39:18,127 金のために 君のようなサイボーグを People like you, for money. 1367 01:39:20,629 --> 01:39:22,929 今夜はどこへ 行ってたの? Where were you tonight? 1368 01:39:22,931 --> 01:39:25,198 仲間を止めに I went to go stop the others. 1369 01:39:25,200 --> 01:39:27,604 僕はやめるって言いに なぜ? - And tell them I quit. - Why? 1370 01:39:28,938 --> 01:39:30,870 君を愛しているから Because I love you. 1371 01:39:30,872 --> 01:39:32,408 (CRYING) 1372 01:39:35,010 --> 01:39:36,712 ごめん God, I'm sorry. 1373 01:39:39,748 --> 01:39:41,151 (HUGO SOBBING) 1374 01:39:45,587 --> 01:39:47,357 (COMM BEEPING) 1375 01:39:52,127 --> 01:39:53,362 見つけたか Did you find them? 1376 01:39:54,729 --> 01:39:56,065 いいえ No. 1377 01:39:56,765 --> 01:39:58,401 逃げた They're gone. 1378 01:40:02,572 --> 01:40:06,142 冷たいわ 死なないで (SOFTLY) You're so cold. Please don't die. 1379 01:40:07,443 --> 01:40:09,078 お願い Please don't. 1380 01:40:17,519 --> 01:40:20,422 私の命を彼に あげられたら I'd give him my life if I could. 1381 01:40:33,937 --> 01:40:35,604 できるわ Maybe you can. 1382 01:40:41,277 --> 01:40:43,977 掟を破ることになる You have violated Factory Law and the Hunter's Code 1383 01:40:43,979 --> 01:40:45,548 犯罪者を隠せば by protecting a wanted felon. 1384 01:40:47,315 --> 01:40:51,787 犯罪者のヒューゴは? CENTURION: Where is the criminal Hugo, Bounty 9107? 1385 01:40:57,059 --> 01:40:58,294 ヒューゴは死んだ Hugo is dead. 1386 01:40:58,794 --> 01:41:00,326 賞金を要求する I claim the bounty. 1387 01:41:00,328 --> 01:41:02,866 ハンター戦士 26651 unter-Warrior 26651. 1388 01:41:04,300 --> 01:41:06,503 要求を確認 CENTURION: Claim confirmed. 1389 01:41:13,076 --> 01:41:14,277 Ah. 1390 01:41:15,912 --> 01:41:17,177 (ZAPAN LAUGHS) 1391 01:41:17,179 --> 01:41:19,112 小細工だ Yeah, that's a cute trick. 1392 01:41:19,114 --> 01:41:21,550 上手く行くと思うか You think this is gonna work, huh? Hmm? 1393 01:41:22,818 --> 01:41:25,151 よこせ Give me that. 1394 01:41:25,153 --> 01:41:26,852 違反行為 CENTURION: Violation. 1395 01:41:26,854 --> 01:41:28,922 ザパン Hunter-Warrior Zapan... 1396 01:41:28,924 --> 01:41:30,658 横取りは stealing another's bounty 1397 01:41:30,660 --> 01:41:33,593 規則違反だ is against Factory Law and the Hunter's Code. 1398 01:41:33,595 --> 01:41:34,763 ありがとう Thanks. 1399 01:41:38,701 --> 01:41:39,868 俺の顔が ZAPAN: My face. 1400 01:41:40,870 --> 01:41:42,404 顔が My... My face! 1401 01:41:43,671 --> 01:41:45,106 俺の顔に My face! 1402 01:41:45,108 --> 01:41:46,576 なんてことを No! 1403 01:41:47,242 --> 01:41:48,611 (ZAPAN WHIMPERING) 1404 01:42:01,556 --> 01:42:02,591 彼の具合は? How is he? 1405 01:42:10,131 --> 01:42:13,502 この街は 善人を腐らせる This city corrupts even good people. 1406 01:42:19,242 --> 01:42:20,677 大丈夫 He's good. 1407 01:42:21,076 --> 01:42:22,278 安定している He's stable. 1408 01:42:29,718 --> 01:42:32,589 キレンの腕前は見事だ Chiren's surgical technique was brilliant. 1409 01:42:34,924 --> 01:42:36,960 脳のダメージは無い There's no brain damage. 1410 01:42:44,065 --> 01:42:46,600 ベクターは悪事を働く Vector was running a scam. 1411 01:42:46,602 --> 01:42:48,802 下で生まれたら 下で暮らす If you're born on the ground, you stay on the ground... 1412 01:42:48,804 --> 01:42:50,870 金では解決しない and no amount of money can change that. 1413 01:42:50,872 --> 01:42:53,973 ザレムへ行く唯一の方法は The only one way to get from the lower world to Zalem... 1414 01:42:53,975 --> 01:42:56,009 優勝することだ is to become Final Champion. 1415 01:42:56,011 --> 01:42:58,678 金では買えない You can't buy your way up there. 1416 01:42:58,680 --> 01:43:00,782 確かなの? But how do you know that for sure? 1417 01:43:04,819 --> 01:43:05,955 私はザレムで 生まれた I was born there. 1418 01:43:08,556 --> 01:43:12,261 ザレムの印を 自分で剥がした I've removed it myself, the Mark of Zalem. 1419 01:43:14,229 --> 01:43:15,695 娘の病気で With our daughter's illness, 1420 01:43:15,697 --> 01:43:19,399 私とキレンは 下に降りるハメに Chiren and I were forced to descend here to Iron City. 1421 01:43:19,401 --> 01:43:22,435 元凶は And the man responsible for our exile... 1422 01:43:22,437 --> 01:43:24,937 裏で監視する the watcher behind the eyes... 1423 01:43:24,939 --> 01:43:25,942 ノヴァ is Nova. 1424 01:43:26,308 --> 01:43:27,609 (GASPS) 1425 01:43:28,443 --> 01:43:30,746 彼女の心臓を 手にしたのに You had her heart in your hands... 1426 01:43:32,480 --> 01:43:34,751 殺さなかった and you let her live. 1427 01:43:36,184 --> 01:43:37,953 なぜだ? - I did. - Why? 1428 01:43:40,122 --> 01:43:41,957 私は医者 Because I'm a doctor. 1429 01:43:42,858 --> 01:43:43,860 そして And... 1430 01:43:45,894 --> 01:43:47,729 母親 I'm a mother. 1431 01:43:49,197 --> 01:43:51,566 忘れてたけど And somehow I forgot that. 1432 01:43:54,303 --> 01:43:56,506 もうやめる I can't do this anymore. 1433 01:43:58,706 --> 01:43:59,875 私は抜ける I'm out. 1434 01:44:03,011 --> 01:44:04,546 キレン 待て Chiren, wait. 1435 01:44:15,757 --> 01:44:17,660 ザレムへ行かないか? Don't you think it's time you went to Zalem? 1436 01:44:18,827 --> 01:44:20,393 (SIGHS) 1437 01:44:20,395 --> 01:44:23,329 今すぐ I could send you up there right now. 1438 01:44:23,331 --> 01:44:25,634 私が欲しいものは What I want... 1439 01:44:27,169 --> 01:44:29,372 上には無い it isn't up there. 1440 01:44:40,248 --> 01:44:42,617 (MECHANICAL FOOTSTEPS THUMPING) 1441 01:44:47,822 --> 01:44:50,656 やることがある (WHISPERING) I have to do something. 1442 01:44:50,658 --> 01:44:52,862 戻ってくるから I'll come back for you. 1443 01:44:55,363 --> 01:44:57,399 私のせい This is my fault. 1444 01:45:00,301 --> 01:45:01,901 私のせいよ This is my fault. 1445 01:45:01,903 --> 01:45:04,540 自分を責めるな Don't ever feel sorry for yourself. 1446 01:45:05,773 --> 01:45:08,111 その体を生かせ You're the only one built for this. 1447 01:45:09,912 --> 01:45:11,948 感謝してる パパ Thank you, Father. 1448 01:45:30,666 --> 01:45:32,101 ベクター Vector! 1449 01:45:33,669 --> 01:45:35,668 敵意を探知 CENTURION: Hostile intention detected. 1450 01:45:35,670 --> 01:45:37,606 武器を捨てろ Surrender your weapon. 1451 01:45:46,215 --> 01:45:48,050 武器を捨てろ Surrender your weapon. 1452 01:45:48,850 --> 01:45:49,919 (GRUNTING) 1453 01:46:03,498 --> 01:46:05,201 (POWERING DOWN) 1454 01:46:07,135 --> 01:46:08,670 状況は? Security report. 1455 01:46:09,004 --> 01:46:10,038 (GRUNTS) 1456 01:46:12,006 --> 01:46:13,509 侵入者あり Violation! Violation! 1457 01:46:14,076 --> 01:46:15,611 侵入者 Violation! Violation! 1458 01:46:20,015 --> 01:46:21,550 捕まえたか Did you get her? 1459 01:46:21,983 --> 01:46:23,219 報告しろ Security? 1460 01:46:30,827 --> 01:46:34,831 ヒューゴをザレムへ 送るつもりはなかったのね? You were never going to send Hugo to Zalem, were you? 1461 01:46:37,198 --> 01:46:39,065 おいおい VECTOR: Whoa, whoa, whoa. 1462 01:46:39,067 --> 01:46:41,604 約束はいつも 守っている I always keep my promise to send people up. 1463 01:46:45,340 --> 01:46:47,477 キレンのように Like Dr. Chiren here. 1464 01:46:49,577 --> 01:46:53,146 ノヴァは実験に 人体が要るんだ Nova demands body parts for his experiments. 1465 01:46:53,148 --> 01:46:56,051 優秀な脳は 特に Especially, the brains of people he admires. 1466 01:46:59,955 --> 01:47:04,156 ザレムへ行く方法は これしかない And that is the only way anyone ever gets to Zalem. 1467 01:47:04,158 --> 01:47:06,191 (BREATHING RAGGEDLY) 1468 01:47:06,193 --> 01:47:07,629 - (GRUNTS) - (ALITA GROANS) 1469 01:47:10,131 --> 01:47:11,600 遅かったな It took you long enough. 1470 01:47:15,037 --> 01:47:17,137 お前はここで I knew you wouldn't wait for your fate 1471 01:47:17,139 --> 01:47:18,739 死ぬのだ to find you, little flea. 1472 01:47:18,741 --> 01:47:21,109 立て - (PANTING) - Get up. 1473 01:47:32,321 --> 01:47:33,890 防御リングだ SOLDIER: Defense Ring! 1474 01:47:35,256 --> 01:47:36,291 (SCREAMING) 1475 01:48:01,684 --> 01:48:03,085 任務遂行を GELDA: Finish the mission. 1476 01:48:03,586 --> 01:48:06,122 ザレムを破壊しなさい Destroy Zalem. 1477 01:48:07,590 --> 01:48:09,091 (GRUNTING) 1478 01:48:11,358 --> 01:48:14,563 ザレムを破壊しなさい (ECHOING) Destroy Zalem. 1479 01:48:27,843 --> 01:48:29,812 敵が誰だか わかった I know who my enemy is. 1480 01:48:31,046 --> 01:48:33,081 彼は見ているわ And I know he's watching us now. 1481 01:48:35,451 --> 01:48:36,986 あなたは奴隷 And you're just his slave. 1482 01:48:37,986 --> 01:48:38,988 (GRUNTS) 1483 01:48:45,926 --> 01:48:48,863 私は何でもないただの 少女 And I'm just an insignificant girl. 1484 01:49:01,108 --> 01:49:02,107 (YELLS) 1485 01:49:02,109 --> 01:49:04,380 - (ELECTRICAL CRACKLING) - (GROANING) 1486 01:49:15,489 --> 01:49:16,623 話しなさい Speak. 1487 01:49:16,625 --> 01:49:19,058 待ってくれ No. No. No. Wait. 1488 01:49:19,060 --> 01:49:20,127 話すのよ! Speak! 1489 01:49:20,129 --> 01:49:21,994 何を話せと? What do you want me to say? I will say anything. 1490 01:49:21,996 --> 01:49:23,562 お前じゃない Not you. 1491 01:49:23,564 --> 01:49:24,767 彼よ Him! 1492 01:49:34,076 --> 01:49:35,944 ついに会えたな アリータ (DISTORTED) So we finally meet, Alita. 1493 01:49:36,845 --> 01:49:39,012 本名じゃないが Not your real name, of course. 1494 01:49:39,014 --> 01:49:40,082 ノヴァ? Nova? 1495 01:49:53,461 --> 01:49:54,663 あなたはどこ? Where are you? 1496 01:49:55,130 --> 01:49:58,063 ザレムさ Home. As we speak. 1497 01:49:58,065 --> 01:49:59,801 くつろいでいる Feet up. 1498 01:50:00,803 --> 01:50:01,968 お嬢さん Well, my girl, 1499 01:50:01,970 --> 01:50:04,937 おまえは期待以上だ you've certainly exceeded my expectations. 1500 01:50:04,939 --> 01:50:07,740 グレビシュカを殺した Killing my champion Grewishka. 1501 01:50:07,742 --> 01:50:09,077 素晴らしい Most impressive. 1502 01:50:09,979 --> 01:50:13,745 自分勝手なキレンの 気持ちも変えた And turning a selfish creature like Chiren. 1503 01:50:13,747 --> 01:50:16,048 予想外だ I didn't see that coming. 1504 01:50:16,050 --> 01:50:20,155 逃がしてやる So, when you walk out of here, the Factory won't stop you. 1505 01:50:21,589 --> 01:50:23,022 今回はな This time. 1506 01:50:23,024 --> 01:50:25,825 あなたの許可なんか I don't need your permission to live. 1507 01:50:25,827 --> 01:50:27,429 許可が必要な人間がいる Others might. 1508 01:50:28,362 --> 01:50:30,131 たとえば イドー Your Dr. Ido, for example. 1509 01:50:31,132 --> 01:50:32,768 ヒューゴ And what about Hugo? 1510 01:50:33,736 --> 01:50:35,270 まだ生きているだろう? He's still alive, isn't he? 1511 01:50:35,903 --> 01:50:37,704 捕まえて殺す We will track him down. 1512 01:50:37,706 --> 01:50:38,905 ALITA: Hmm. 1513 01:50:38,907 --> 01:50:41,777 不死身だと 楽しみは I've found the only way to enjoy immortality... 1514 01:50:42,544 --> 01:50:44,412 人の死だ is to watch others die. 1515 01:50:45,179 --> 01:50:46,411 (GROANS) 1516 01:50:46,413 --> 01:50:48,149 操り人形は死んだ You just lost a puppet. 1517 01:50:51,687 --> 01:50:54,457 そうだな これは致死的だ Well, that looks fatal. 1518 01:50:55,424 --> 01:50:56,492 まあいい No matter. 1519 01:50:57,526 --> 01:50:59,495 ベクターは飽きてた Vector was getting tiresome. 1520 01:51:02,764 --> 01:51:05,901 あなたは大きな間違いを You've made the biggest mistake of your life. 1521 01:51:06,734 --> 01:51:08,269 間違いとは? And what's that? 1522 01:51:09,371 --> 01:51:11,239 私を見くびったこと Underestimating who I am. 1523 01:51:12,674 --> 01:51:14,844 また会おう Then until next time. 1524 01:51:16,278 --> 01:51:17,279 覚えておけ Remember. 1525 01:51:21,416 --> 01:51:23,786 すべてお見通しだ I see everything. 1526 01:51:27,421 --> 01:51:28,788 (COMM CHIMES) 1527 01:51:28,790 --> 01:51:30,589 アリータ IDO: Alita. 1528 01:51:30,591 --> 01:51:32,659 やつらはヒューゴを探しに来た Factory enforcers came looking for Hugo. 1529 01:51:32,661 --> 01:51:34,828 生きていることばバレたようだ Somehow they knew he'd been kept alive. 1530 01:51:34,830 --> 01:51:37,563 逃がしたが 町は封鎖された I helped him escape, but they've sealed the city. 1531 01:51:37,565 --> 01:51:39,801 いずれ見つかってしまう 彼はどこ? - They're going to find him. - Where is he? 1532 01:51:40,469 --> 01:51:41,871 彼はザレムへ向かった He's trying to go up. 1533 01:52:02,657 --> 01:52:03,925 ヒューゴ Hugo! 1534 01:52:04,626 --> 01:52:05,895 Hugo! 1535 01:52:06,661 --> 01:52:07,863 Hugo. 1536 01:52:08,563 --> 01:52:10,097 Hugo! 1537 01:52:10,099 --> 01:52:11,097 来るな Stop. 1538 01:52:11,099 --> 01:52:13,066 下へ降りよう ここにいてはいけない You have to come down. We can't stay up here. 1539 01:52:13,068 --> 01:52:16,003 僕はお尋ね者だ 行くしかない There's a bounty on me. This is the only way. 1540 01:52:16,005 --> 01:52:18,704 ここは危険よ すぐに降りよう No, this is dangerous. We have to get down, now. 1541 01:52:18,706 --> 01:52:20,339 下へ行ったら 僕は死ぬ If I go back down there, I'm dead. 1542 01:52:20,341 --> 01:52:22,542 私の話を聞いて No. You have to listen to me, okay? 1543 01:52:22,544 --> 01:52:24,143 私はここに 来たことがあるの I've been right here before. 1544 01:52:24,145 --> 01:52:26,612 ノヴァは あなたを利用して This is exactly where Nova wants you. 1545 01:52:26,614 --> 01:52:28,815 私を殺そうとしているの He's using you to get to me. 1546 01:52:28,817 --> 01:52:30,517 お願い 下へ降りて Come on, we have to go back down. 1547 01:52:30,519 --> 01:52:32,321 行くしかない アリータ We belong up there, Alita. 1548 01:52:33,755 --> 01:52:37,059 あなたと一緒なら 私はどこでもいい We don't belong anywhere except together. 1549 01:52:41,429 --> 01:52:43,032 いつも行ってしまうだろ You'll always be running. 1550 01:52:45,166 --> 01:52:46,267 一緒よ Together. 1551 01:52:47,736 --> 01:52:49,138 私と一緒に Come with me. 1552 01:52:50,638 --> 01:52:52,006 お願い Please. 1553 01:52:54,809 --> 01:52:56,511 逃げられるわ We could be free. 1554 01:52:59,380 --> 01:53:01,183 (BEEPING) 1555 01:53:07,389 --> 01:53:08,754 わかった Okay. 1556 01:53:08,756 --> 01:53:10,459 (CHUCKLES IN RELIEF) 1557 01:53:12,794 --> 01:53:13,996 危ない No! 1558 01:53:18,267 --> 01:53:19,367 (SCREAMS) 1559 01:53:20,736 --> 01:53:22,337 No! 1560 01:53:24,939 --> 01:53:26,474 (SCREAMING) 1561 01:53:30,711 --> 01:53:33,047 (BOTH GRUNTING) 1562 01:53:36,184 --> 01:53:37,319 つかまってて Hold on. 1563 01:53:38,185 --> 01:53:39,354 助けるから I got you. 1564 01:53:42,924 --> 01:53:45,227 動かないで Okay, okay. Don't move. 1565 01:53:46,862 --> 01:53:48,828 じっとしてて Don't move. 1566 01:53:48,830 --> 01:53:50,966 ゆっくり引っ張る I'm gonna lift you up slowly. 1567 01:53:52,067 --> 01:53:53,969 (BOTH GRUNTING) 1568 01:53:56,604 --> 01:53:58,107 (ALITA SOBBING) 1569 01:54:08,282 --> 01:54:09,651 ありがとう Thank you... 1570 01:54:10,952 --> 01:54:12,852 助けてくれて for saving me. 1571 01:54:12,854 --> 01:54:14,223 愛している I love you. 1572 01:54:14,889 --> 01:54:16,090 いやよ No! 1573 01:54:24,299 --> 01:54:25,301 No! 1574 01:54:52,327 --> 01:54:54,326 彼女は数か月で ANNOUNCER: It took her only a few months... 1575 01:54:54,328 --> 01:54:57,396 二軍から順位を上げ to rise through the ranks of the Second League. 1576 01:54:57,398 --> 01:55:00,667 今夜初めて 参加します And tonight, she makes her first appearance 1577 01:55:00,669 --> 01:55:02,435 優勝決定戦に in the Champions League. 1578 01:55:02,437 --> 01:55:05,737 彼女は優勝候補ですから Where she has a chance at becoming Final Champion... 1579 01:55:05,739 --> 01:55:08,342 ザレムへ行けるかもしれません and going to Zalem. 1580 01:55:08,344 --> 01:55:10,312 (CROWD CHEERING) 1581 01:55:15,884 --> 01:55:17,286 (SNIFFS) 1582 01:55:27,629 --> 01:55:28,630 (INHALES DEEPLY) 1583 01:55:36,138 --> 01:55:39,905 CROWD: (CHANTING) Alita! Alita! Alita! 1584 01:55:39,907 --> 01:55:44,511 バトルエンジェルの登場です ANNOUNCER: Let's hear it for the Battle Angel herself... 1585 01:55:44,513 --> 01:55:46,411 背番号は 99 number 99... 1586 01:55:46,413 --> 01:55:49,915 アリータ Alita! 1587 01:55:49,917 --> 01:55:51,519 (CHEERING) 1588 01:56:29,358 --> 01:56:32,227 アリータ CROWD: (CHANTING) Alita! Alita! Alita! 1589 01:56:47,075 --> 01:56:49,211 (CONTINUES CHANTING) 1590 01:56:51,966 --> 01:56:56,966 日本語字幕:とくやまJO Subtitles by explosiveskull Sync by GoldenBeard