1 00:01:19,079 --> 00:01:20,788 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 2 00:01:32,009 --> 00:01:33,551 (MEN CLAMORING) 3 00:01:41,101 --> 00:01:43,144 (YELLING) 4 00:01:46,315 --> 00:01:48,441 (SCREAMING) 5 00:01:59,411 --> 00:02:00,620 (GROANING) 6 00:02:05,542 --> 00:02:07,960 MAN: Some of us was in the Second Kansas Colored. 7 00:02:08,045 --> 00:02:10,588 We fought the Rebs at Jenkins' Ferry last April 8 00:02:10,714 --> 00:02:12,381 just after they killed every Negro soldier 9 00:02:12,508 --> 00:02:14,217 they captured at Poison Springs. 10 00:02:15,219 --> 00:02:17,011 So at Jenkins' Ferry, 11 00:02:17,221 --> 00:02:19,764 we decided warn't takin' no Reb prisoners. 12 00:02:19,890 --> 00:02:22,517 And we didn't leave a one of 'em alive. 13 00:02:23,227 --> 00:02:25,186 The ones of us that didn't die that day, 14 00:02:25,270 --> 00:02:28,064 we joined up with the 1 1 6th U.S. Colored, sir, 15 00:02:28,190 --> 00:02:29,774 from Camp Nelson, Kentucky. 16 00:02:30,526 --> 00:02:32,777 LINCOLN: What's your name, soldier? 17 00:02:32,903 --> 00:02:35,029 Private. Harold Green, sir. 18 00:02:36,448 --> 00:02:38,074 I'm Corporal Ira Clark, sir. 19 00:02:38,200 --> 00:02:40,284 Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry. 20 00:02:40,452 --> 00:02:42,453 We're waiting over there. 21 00:02:42,704 --> 00:02:44,247 We're leaving our horses behind 22 00:02:44,373 --> 00:02:45,915 and shipping out with the 24th Infantry 23 00:02:46,041 --> 00:02:48,876 for the assault next week on Wilmington. 24 00:02:51,046 --> 00:02:53,381 LINCOLN: How long have you been a soldier? 25 00:02:53,966 --> 00:02:55,550 Two years, sir. 26 00:02:56,051 --> 00:02:57,969 LINCOLN: The Second Kansas Colored Infantry, 27 00:02:58,095 --> 00:03:00,388 they fought bravely at Jenkins' Ferry. 28 00:03:00,764 --> 00:03:01,973 That's right, sir. 29 00:03:02,099 --> 00:03:03,766 They killed a thousand Rebel soldiers, sir. 30 00:03:03,892 --> 00:03:05,685 They were very brave. 31 00:03:06,103 --> 00:03:09,272 And making $3 less each month than white soldiers. 32 00:03:09,439 --> 00:03:10,606 Us Second Kansas boys... 33 00:03:10,691 --> 00:03:13,985 Another $3 subtracted from our pay for our uniforms. 34 00:03:14,278 --> 00:03:15,528 That was true, yes sir, but that's changed. 35 00:03:15,612 --> 00:03:18,781 Equal pay now, but still no commissioned Negro officers. 36 00:03:18,866 --> 00:03:20,867 LINCOLN: I'm aware of that, Corporal Clark. 37 00:03:20,951 --> 00:03:22,952 Yes, sir. That's good that you're aware, sir... 38 00:03:23,287 --> 00:03:24,287 Do you think the Wilmington attack... 39 00:03:24,371 --> 00:03:26,914 Now that white people have accustomed themselves 40 00:03:26,999 --> 00:03:28,749 to seeing Negro men with guns 41 00:03:28,834 --> 00:03:30,001 fighting on their behalf, 42 00:03:30,127 --> 00:03:31,419 and now that they can tolerate 43 00:03:31,503 --> 00:03:33,754 Negro soldiers getting equal pay 44 00:03:33,839 --> 00:03:36,382 maybe in a few years, they can abide the idea 45 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:38,759 of Negro lieutenants and captains. 46 00:03:38,844 --> 00:03:41,470 In fifty years, maybe a Negro colonel. 47 00:03:42,222 --> 00:03:44,807 In a hundred years, the vote. 48 00:03:48,353 --> 00:03:51,397 What will you do after the war, Corporal Clark? 49 00:03:52,816 --> 00:03:54,150 Work, sir. 50 00:03:54,860 --> 00:03:57,028 -Hm. -Perhaps you'll hire me. 51 00:03:57,154 --> 00:03:58,654 Perhaps I will. 52 00:03:59,156 --> 00:04:00,781 But you should know, sir, 53 00:04:00,866 --> 00:04:02,992 that I get sick at the smell of boot black 54 00:04:03,076 --> 00:04:04,994 and I cannot cut hair. 55 00:04:05,662 --> 00:04:07,371 I've yet to find a man could cut mine 56 00:04:07,456 --> 00:04:09,790 so that it'd make any difference. 57 00:04:10,000 --> 00:04:11,375 IRA: You got springy hair for a white man. 58 00:04:11,460 --> 00:04:12,710 Yes, I do. 59 00:04:12,794 --> 00:04:15,046 My last barber hanged himself. (CHUCKLES) 60 00:04:17,007 --> 00:04:18,966 And the one before that. 61 00:04:19,134 --> 00:04:20,718 Left me his scissors in his will. 62 00:04:20,802 --> 00:04:22,136 (CHUCKLES) 63 00:04:24,306 --> 00:04:25,348 YOUNG MAN 1 : President Lincoln, sir. 64 00:04:25,432 --> 00:04:26,432 Good evening, boys. 65 00:04:26,516 --> 00:04:28,100 YOUNG MAN 2: We saw you, and... 66 00:04:28,268 --> 00:04:30,019 -We were at... -We was at Gettysburg. 67 00:04:30,103 --> 00:04:31,771 You boys fight at Gettysburg? 68 00:04:31,855 --> 00:04:33,981 No, didn't fight there, we just signed up last month. 69 00:04:34,399 --> 00:04:36,275 We saw him two years ago at the cemetery dedication. 70 00:04:36,360 --> 00:04:39,362 Yeah. We heard you speak... (STAMMERING) Goddamn. 71 00:04:39,529 --> 00:04:40,988 Uh, hey, how tall are you, anyway? 72 00:04:41,073 --> 00:04:42,406 Aw, jeez, shut up. 73 00:04:42,866 --> 00:04:44,033 Could you hear what I said? 74 00:04:44,117 --> 00:04:45,368 YOUNG MAN 1 : No, sir. Not much. 75 00:04:45,577 --> 00:04:46,619 It was... 76 00:04:46,703 --> 00:04:48,162 "Four score and seven years ago, 77 00:04:48,246 --> 00:04:50,081 "our fathers brought forth from this continent 78 00:04:50,165 --> 00:04:51,624 "a new nation, conceived in liberty 79 00:04:51,708 --> 00:04:52,917 "and dedicated to the proposition 80 00:04:53,001 --> 00:04:54,585 "that all men are created equal." 81 00:04:55,170 --> 00:04:56,671 That's good. Thank you. 82 00:04:56,838 --> 00:04:58,547 "Now we are engaged in a great civil war, 83 00:04:58,632 --> 00:05:00,383 "testing whether that nation or any nation 84 00:05:00,467 --> 00:05:01,801 "so conceived and so dedicated, 85 00:05:01,885 --> 00:05:03,052 "can long endure. 86 00:05:03,178 --> 00:05:04,387 (STAMMERING) 87 00:05:04,471 --> 00:05:05,721 "We are met on a great battlefield of that war." 88 00:05:06,556 --> 00:05:07,556 That's good, thank you. 89 00:05:07,641 --> 00:05:08,641 YOUNG MAN 2: "We come to dedicate 90 00:05:08,725 --> 00:05:09,892 "a portion of that field 91 00:05:09,977 --> 00:05:11,560 "as a final resting place for those who here 92 00:05:11,645 --> 00:05:13,938 "gave their lives that that nation might live." 93 00:05:14,022 --> 00:05:17,066 His uncles, they died on the second day of fighting. 94 00:05:17,150 --> 00:05:18,651 I know the last part. It is, uh... 95 00:05:18,735 --> 00:05:20,653 OFFICER: Company up! Moving out! 96 00:05:21,154 --> 00:05:23,489 You boys best go and find your company. 97 00:05:23,573 --> 00:05:25,491 -And thank you. -Thank you, sir. 98 00:05:25,575 --> 00:05:27,576 -God bless you. -God bless you, too. 99 00:05:27,661 --> 00:05:29,161 God bless you. 100 00:05:41,925 --> 00:05:44,844 "That we here highly resolve that these dead 101 00:05:44,928 --> 00:05:47,054 "shall not have died in vain. 102 00:05:47,889 --> 00:05:50,016 "That this nation, under God, 103 00:05:50,225 --> 00:05:52,560 "shall have a new birth of freedom 104 00:05:53,228 --> 00:05:56,522 "and that government of the people, by the people, 105 00:05:56,898 --> 00:05:58,524 "for the people 106 00:05:58,608 --> 00:06:01,110 "shall not perish from the earth." 107 00:06:29,097 --> 00:06:31,057 LINCOLN: It's nighttime. 108 00:06:31,975 --> 00:06:34,977 Ship's moved by some terribie power 109 00:06:35,645 --> 00:06:37,563 at a terrific speed. 110 00:06:38,523 --> 00:06:40,399 And though it's imperceptible in the darkness, 111 00:06:40,484 --> 00:06:43,569 I have an intuition that we're headed towards a shore. 112 00:06:43,653 --> 00:06:46,447 No one else seems to be aboard the vessel. 113 00:06:46,656 --> 00:06:50,993 I'm very keenly aware of my aloneness. 114 00:06:52,037 --> 00:06:53,954 "I could be bounded in a nutshell 115 00:06:54,039 --> 00:06:56,916 "and count myself a king of infinite space 116 00:06:57,459 --> 00:06:59,376 "were it not that I have bad dreams." 117 00:07:00,545 --> 00:07:01,670 Hmm. 118 00:07:01,838 --> 00:07:03,589 I reckon it's the speed that's strange to me. 119 00:07:03,673 --> 00:07:06,300 I'm used to going at a deliberate pace. 120 00:07:08,887 --> 00:07:10,179 I should spare you, Molly. 121 00:07:10,263 --> 00:07:12,431 I shouldn't tell you my dreams. 122 00:07:12,516 --> 00:07:15,184 I don't want to be spared if you aren't. 123 00:07:15,393 --> 00:07:17,186 And you spare me nothing. 124 00:07:19,731 --> 00:07:21,273 Perhaps it's... 125 00:07:22,192 --> 00:07:24,819 It's the assault on Wilmington Port. 126 00:07:25,695 --> 00:07:28,280 You dream about the ship before a battle, usually. 127 00:07:28,907 --> 00:07:30,574 How's the coconut? 128 00:07:31,701 --> 00:07:33,410 Beyond description. 129 00:07:35,038 --> 00:07:37,331 Almost two years, nothing mends. 130 00:07:38,542 --> 00:07:40,668 Another casualty of the war. 131 00:07:43,171 --> 00:07:45,172 Who wants to listen to a useless woman 132 00:07:45,257 --> 00:07:47,258 grouse about her carriage accident? 133 00:07:47,342 --> 00:07:48,968 -I do. -Stuff. 134 00:07:50,095 --> 00:07:51,971 You tell me dreams, that's all. 135 00:07:52,055 --> 00:07:53,806 I'm your soothsayer. 136 00:07:54,099 --> 00:07:55,641 That's all I am to you anymore. 137 00:07:55,725 --> 00:07:57,685 I'm not to be trusted 138 00:07:58,979 --> 00:08:01,772 even if it was not a carriage accident. 139 00:08:02,357 --> 00:08:04,650 Even if it was an attempted assassination. 140 00:08:04,734 --> 00:08:05,943 It was most probably an accident. 141 00:08:06,027 --> 00:08:09,572 It was an assassin whose intended target was you. 142 00:08:11,408 --> 00:08:14,618 How are the plans coming along for the big shindy? 143 00:08:15,245 --> 00:08:17,288 I don't want to talk about parties. 144 00:08:17,414 --> 00:08:19,165 You don't care about parties. 145 00:08:19,249 --> 00:08:22,668 Not much, but they're a necessary hindrance. 146 00:08:24,129 --> 00:08:25,504 (LINCOLN SIGHS) 147 00:08:28,216 --> 00:08:29,425 I know. 148 00:08:30,886 --> 00:08:33,053 I know what it's about, the ship. 149 00:08:35,599 --> 00:08:39,560 It's not Wilmington Port. It's not a military campaign. 150 00:08:41,396 --> 00:08:43,981 It's the amendment to abolish slavery. 151 00:08:44,691 --> 00:08:45,816 Why else would you force me 152 00:08:45,901 --> 00:08:48,110 to invite demented radicals into my home? 153 00:08:51,948 --> 00:08:53,616 You're going to try to get the amendment passed 154 00:08:53,700 --> 00:08:55,326 in the House of Representatives 155 00:08:55,619 --> 00:08:57,077 before the term ends? 156 00:08:57,162 --> 00:08:58,412 Before the Inauguration? 157 00:08:58,496 --> 00:09:00,998 Don't spend too much money on the flubdubs. 158 00:09:03,501 --> 00:09:05,753 No one is loved as much as you. 159 00:09:06,630 --> 00:09:10,007 No one's ever been loved so much by the people. 160 00:09:10,091 --> 00:09:11,967 You might do anything now. 161 00:09:12,093 --> 00:09:14,553 Don't... Don't waste that power 162 00:09:14,638 --> 00:09:16,722 on an amendment bill that's sure of defeat. 163 00:09:20,268 --> 00:09:23,812 Did you remember Robert's coming home for the reception? 164 00:09:24,522 --> 00:09:25,564 Mm? 165 00:09:28,109 --> 00:09:29,860 I knew you'd forget. 166 00:09:35,283 --> 00:09:37,701 That's the ship you're sailing on, 167 00:09:37,786 --> 00:09:39,828 the 1 3th Amendment. 168 00:09:40,247 --> 00:09:42,998 You needn't tell me I'm right. I know I am. 169 00:09:43,375 --> 00:09:44,875 -(DOOR CREAKING) -Oh! 170 00:09:45,710 --> 00:09:47,419 Oh, it's late, Mrs. Keckley. 171 00:09:47,504 --> 00:09:50,464 Well, she needs this for the grand reception. 172 00:09:54,803 --> 00:09:56,345 It's slow work. 173 00:09:57,889 --> 00:09:59,265 Good night. 174 00:10:02,102 --> 00:10:04,103 Did you tell her a dream? 175 00:10:06,648 --> 00:10:07,648 (DOOR OPENS) 176 00:11:23,850 --> 00:11:25,100 (KISSES) 177 00:11:37,906 --> 00:11:39,406 -Papa. -Mm-hmm. 178 00:11:40,116 --> 00:11:41,784 Papa, I want to see Willie. 179 00:11:41,951 --> 00:11:44,119 LINCOLN: Me, too, Taddie, but we can't. 180 00:11:44,454 --> 00:11:45,621 TAD: Why not? 181 00:11:45,747 --> 00:11:46,997 LINCOLN: Willie's gone. 182 00:11:47,082 --> 00:11:49,375 It's three years now he's gone. 183 00:11:50,585 --> 00:11:52,294 (PLAYING A MARCH) 184 00:12:02,055 --> 00:12:03,305 (MUSIC STOPS) 185 00:12:19,531 --> 00:12:22,491 The part assigned to me is to raise the flag. 186 00:12:23,743 --> 00:12:28,539 Which, if there be no fault in the machinery, I will do. 187 00:12:29,874 --> 00:12:31,375 And when up 188 00:12:32,085 --> 00:12:34,837 it'll be for the people to keep it up. 189 00:12:40,802 --> 00:12:42,428 That's my speech. 190 00:12:42,512 --> 00:12:43,929 (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) 191 00:12:44,013 --> 00:12:45,139 (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) 192 00:12:45,223 --> 00:12:47,558 ALL: (SINGING) We are coming, Father Abraham 193 00:12:47,642 --> 00:12:50,144 Three hundred thousand more 194 00:12:50,228 --> 00:12:52,479 From Mississippi's winding stream 195 00:12:52,564 --> 00:12:54,815 And from New England's shore 196 00:12:54,899 --> 00:12:56,942 We leave our plow and workshops 197 00:12:57,026 --> 00:12:58,068 Our wives... 198 00:12:58,736 --> 00:13:02,239 Even if every Republican in the House votes yes, 199 00:13:02,532 --> 00:13:05,075 far from guaranteed. Since when has our party 200 00:13:05,160 --> 00:13:07,411 unanimously supported anything? 201 00:13:08,204 --> 00:13:11,248 But say all our fellow Republicans vote for it. 202 00:13:12,083 --> 00:13:14,168 We'd still be twenty votes short. 203 00:13:14,335 --> 00:13:15,335 Only twenty? 204 00:13:15,462 --> 00:13:16,503 (LAUGHS) "Only twenty?" 205 00:13:16,588 --> 00:13:17,838 We can find twenty votes. 206 00:13:17,964 --> 00:13:20,799 Twenty House Democrats who'll vote to abolish slavery? 207 00:13:20,884 --> 00:13:22,009 In my opinion... 208 00:13:22,093 --> 00:13:24,094 To which I always listen. 209 00:13:24,262 --> 00:13:27,097 -Or pretend to. -With all three of my ears. 210 00:13:28,766 --> 00:13:30,100 We'll win the war soon. 211 00:13:30,185 --> 00:13:32,227 It's inevitable, isn't it? 212 00:13:32,645 --> 00:13:34,563 Well, it ain't won yet. 213 00:13:34,939 --> 00:13:38,400 You'll begin your second term with semi-divine stature. 214 00:13:38,818 --> 00:13:41,278 Imagine the possibilities peace will bring. 215 00:13:41,362 --> 00:13:43,405 Why tarnish your invaluable luster 216 00:13:43,490 --> 00:13:44,698 with a battle in the House? 217 00:13:44,782 --> 00:13:46,492 It's a rat's nest in there. 218 00:13:46,576 --> 00:13:49,161 It's the same gang of talentless hicks and hacks 219 00:13:49,245 --> 00:13:51,580 who rejected the amendment 1 0 months ago. 220 00:13:51,664 --> 00:13:53,040 We'll lose. 221 00:13:55,084 --> 00:13:57,002 I like our chances now. 222 00:13:58,463 --> 00:14:01,340 Well, consider the obstacles that we'd face. 223 00:14:02,258 --> 00:14:04,218 The aforementioned two-thirds majority 224 00:14:04,302 --> 00:14:05,969 needed to pass an amendment. 225 00:14:06,054 --> 00:14:09,389 We have a Republican majority, but barely more than 50%. 226 00:14:09,474 --> 00:14:10,807 Fifty-six. 227 00:14:12,852 --> 00:14:15,854 We need Democratic support. There's none to be had. 228 00:14:15,939 --> 00:14:17,773 Since the House last voted on the amendment, 229 00:14:17,857 --> 00:14:19,233 there's been an election. 230 00:14:19,317 --> 00:14:20,692 Sixty-four Democrats 231 00:14:20,777 --> 00:14:23,195 lost their House seats in November. 232 00:14:23,488 --> 00:14:25,781 That's 64 Democrats looking for work come March. 233 00:14:25,865 --> 00:14:26,949 I know. 234 00:14:27,033 --> 00:14:28,534 They don't need to worry about re-election. 235 00:14:28,618 --> 00:14:29,993 They can vote however it suits them. 236 00:14:30,078 --> 00:14:33,330 But we can't buy the vote for the amendment. 237 00:14:33,414 --> 00:14:35,374 -It's too important. -(KNOCKING ON DOOR) 238 00:14:35,458 --> 00:14:37,584 I said nothing of buying anything. 239 00:14:37,669 --> 00:14:40,003 We need twenty votes was all I said. 240 00:14:40,171 --> 00:14:43,549 Start of my second term, plenty of positions to fill. 241 00:14:43,633 --> 00:14:45,217 (CROWD OUTSIDE CLAMORING) 242 00:14:47,804 --> 00:14:48,971 Mr. President, may I present 243 00:14:49,055 --> 00:14:51,139 Mr. and Mrs. Jolly who've come from Missouri... 244 00:14:51,224 --> 00:14:53,267 From Jeff City, President. 245 00:14:53,518 --> 00:14:54,851 Mr. Jolly. 246 00:14:55,812 --> 00:14:56,979 Ma'am. 247 00:14:57,230 --> 00:14:59,856 And this here by the fire is Secretary of State Seward. 248 00:14:59,941 --> 00:15:00,941 (DOOR CLOSES) 249 00:15:03,236 --> 00:15:04,570 Jeff City? 250 00:15:07,699 --> 00:15:11,410 I heard tell once of a Jefferson City lawyer 251 00:15:12,453 --> 00:15:14,288 who had a parrot 252 00:15:14,706 --> 00:15:16,915 that'd wake him each morning, crying out, 253 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:19,543 "Today is the day the world shall end, 254 00:15:19,627 --> 00:15:21,712 "as scripture has foretold." 255 00:15:23,047 --> 00:15:24,590 And, uh, one day 256 00:15:25,675 --> 00:15:27,593 the lawyer shot him, 257 00:15:27,927 --> 00:15:30,762 for the sake of peace and quiet, I presume. 258 00:15:30,972 --> 00:15:33,599 Thus fulfilling, for the bird at least, 259 00:15:33,850 --> 00:15:35,350 his prophecy. 260 00:15:44,319 --> 00:15:46,820 There's only one toll booth in Jeff City, 261 00:15:46,904 --> 00:15:48,447 to the southwest 262 00:15:48,531 --> 00:15:51,074 and this man Heinz Sauermagen from Rolla 263 00:15:51,159 --> 00:15:53,368 been in illegal possession for near two yar 264 00:15:53,453 --> 00:15:55,704 since your man General Schofield 265 00:15:55,788 --> 00:15:57,331 set him up there. 266 00:15:57,498 --> 00:15:59,458 But President Monroe give that toll gate 267 00:15:59,542 --> 00:16:00,834 to my granpap 268 00:16:00,918 --> 00:16:02,711 and Quincy Adams 269 00:16:02,795 --> 00:16:04,379 (CLEARS THROAT) give my pap a letter 270 00:16:04,464 --> 00:16:06,214 saying it's our'n for keeps. 271 00:16:06,424 --> 00:16:08,175 Mrs. Jolly got the... 272 00:16:08,259 --> 00:16:10,344 Show Mr. Lincoln the Quincy Adams letter. 273 00:16:10,803 --> 00:16:12,638 That's unnecessary, Mrs. Jolly. 274 00:16:12,722 --> 00:16:13,805 Just tell me what you want from me. 275 00:16:14,724 --> 00:16:16,016 (COUGHS) 276 00:16:16,517 --> 00:16:19,394 Mr. Jolly's emphysema don't care for cigars. 277 00:16:20,271 --> 00:16:22,856 Madame, do you know about the proposed 278 00:16:22,940 --> 00:16:23,982 1 3th Amendment of the Constitution? 279 00:16:24,067 --> 00:16:25,942 Yes, sir, everybody knows of it. 280 00:16:26,235 --> 00:16:27,694 The President favors it. 281 00:16:27,779 --> 00:16:29,321 -Do you? -We do. 282 00:16:29,447 --> 00:16:31,406 You know that it abolishes slavery? 283 00:16:31,491 --> 00:16:32,658 Yes, sir, I know it. 284 00:16:32,742 --> 00:16:34,951 And is that why you favor it? 285 00:16:35,411 --> 00:16:38,330 What I favor is ending the war. 286 00:16:39,040 --> 00:16:42,668 Once we do away with slavery, the Rebs'll quit fighting 287 00:16:43,169 --> 00:16:45,337 since slavery's what they're fighting for. 288 00:16:45,421 --> 00:16:48,006 Mr. Lincoln, you always says so. 289 00:16:49,801 --> 00:16:51,426 With the amendment, slavery's ended. 290 00:16:51,511 --> 00:16:53,637 And they'll give up. The war can finish then. 291 00:16:54,639 --> 00:16:58,141 If the war finished first, before we end slavery... 292 00:16:58,226 --> 00:17:00,644 President Lincoln says the war won't stop 293 00:17:00,728 --> 00:17:02,729 unless we finish slavery. 294 00:17:03,314 --> 00:17:04,856 But if it did. 295 00:17:04,941 --> 00:17:06,858 The South is exhausted. 296 00:17:07,443 --> 00:17:10,195 If they run out of bullets and men 297 00:17:11,114 --> 00:17:13,365 would you still want your... 298 00:17:13,783 --> 00:17:15,534 Who's your Representative? 299 00:17:15,618 --> 00:17:18,078 Jeff City? That's Congressman Burton. 300 00:17:18,162 --> 00:17:19,413 "Beanpole" Burton. 301 00:17:19,497 --> 00:17:21,540 I mean, Josiah Burton, yes, sir. 302 00:17:21,624 --> 00:17:22,666 A Republican, 303 00:17:22,750 --> 00:17:25,836 undecided on the question of the amendment, I believe. 304 00:17:25,920 --> 00:17:27,546 Perhaps you could call on him 305 00:17:27,630 --> 00:17:29,548 and inform him of your enthusiasm. 306 00:17:29,924 --> 00:17:30,966 Yeah. 307 00:17:31,050 --> 00:17:32,592 SEWARD: Madame. 308 00:17:32,969 --> 00:17:35,554 If the Rebels surrendered next week 309 00:17:36,013 --> 00:17:38,432 would you, at the end of this month 310 00:17:39,684 --> 00:17:41,101 want Congressman Burton to vote 311 00:17:41,185 --> 00:17:43,103 for the 1 3th Amendment? 312 00:17:45,982 --> 00:17:48,859 If that was how it was, no more war and all 313 00:17:48,943 --> 00:17:51,236 I reckon Mr. Jolly much prefer not to have 314 00:17:51,320 --> 00:17:53,238 Congress pass the amendment. 315 00:17:54,198 --> 00:17:56,116 SEWARD: Hmm. And, uh 316 00:17:57,326 --> 00:17:58,869 why is that? 317 00:18:00,288 --> 00:18:01,329 Niggers. 318 00:18:01,414 --> 00:18:03,206 If he don't have to let some Alabama coon 319 00:18:03,291 --> 00:18:04,374 come up to Missouri 320 00:18:04,459 --> 00:18:05,834 steal his chickens and his job, 321 00:18:05,918 --> 00:18:07,753 we'd much prefer that. 322 00:18:10,089 --> 00:18:11,465 The people. 323 00:18:11,549 --> 00:18:13,884 I begin to see why you're in such a great hurry 324 00:18:13,968 --> 00:18:15,051 to put it through. 325 00:18:15,136 --> 00:18:17,429 Would you let me study this letter, sir, 326 00:18:17,513 --> 00:18:18,513 about the toll booth? 327 00:18:19,390 --> 00:18:21,475 Come back to me in the morning 328 00:18:21,559 --> 00:18:24,102 and we'll consider what the law says. 329 00:18:25,563 --> 00:18:27,189 You be sure to 330 00:18:27,690 --> 00:18:29,441 visit Beanpole. 331 00:18:30,193 --> 00:18:33,570 Tell him that you support passage of the amendment 332 00:18:33,654 --> 00:18:35,739 as a military necessity. 333 00:18:36,574 --> 00:18:37,741 NICOLAY: Thank you. 334 00:18:39,452 --> 00:18:41,953 Oh, Nicolay, when you have a moment. 335 00:18:45,583 --> 00:18:47,167 (CROWD CLAMORING) 336 00:18:50,463 --> 00:18:51,463 (DOOR CLOSES) 337 00:19:20,576 --> 00:19:21,618 If procuring votes 338 00:19:21,702 --> 00:19:23,662 with offers of employment is what you intend 339 00:19:23,746 --> 00:19:24,996 I'll fetch a friend from Albany 340 00:19:25,081 --> 00:19:26,873 who can supply the skulky men 341 00:19:26,958 --> 00:19:29,084 gifted at this kind of shady work 342 00:19:29,168 --> 00:19:30,460 and spare me the indignity 343 00:19:30,545 --> 00:19:33,004 of actually speaking to Democrats. 344 00:19:33,089 --> 00:19:35,632 Spare you the exposure and liability. 345 00:19:36,801 --> 00:19:38,218 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 346 00:19:38,469 --> 00:19:41,054 Pardon me, that's a distress signal 347 00:19:41,305 --> 00:19:44,933 which I am bound, by solemn oath, to respond to. 348 00:19:48,646 --> 00:19:50,397 Tom Pendel took away the glass camera plates 349 00:19:50,481 --> 00:19:52,440 of slaves Mr. Gardner sent over 350 00:19:52,525 --> 00:19:54,276 because Tom says Mama says they're too distressing. 351 00:19:54,360 --> 00:19:55,569 You had nightmares all night long. 352 00:19:55,653 --> 00:19:57,445 I'll have worse nightmares if you don't let me look 353 00:19:57,530 --> 00:19:59,322 at the plates again. 354 00:20:00,616 --> 00:20:01,867 Perhaps. 355 00:20:03,703 --> 00:20:05,495 You can't afford a single defection 356 00:20:05,580 --> 00:20:06,746 from anyone in the party. 357 00:20:06,831 --> 00:20:09,374 Not even a single Republican absent when they vote. 358 00:20:09,458 --> 00:20:11,668 You know who you've got to see. 359 00:20:14,380 --> 00:20:16,381 Send over to Blair House. 360 00:20:18,968 --> 00:20:22,804 Ask Preston Blair can I call on him around 5:00. 361 00:20:23,389 --> 00:20:24,848 God help you. 362 00:20:25,641 --> 00:20:27,893 God alone knows what he'll ask you to give him. 363 00:20:29,478 --> 00:20:31,354 If the Blairs tell them to, 364 00:20:31,439 --> 00:20:33,857 no Republican will balk at voting for the amendment. 365 00:20:34,066 --> 00:20:36,526 No conservative Republican is what you mean. 366 00:20:36,611 --> 00:20:38,945 All Republicans ought to be conservative. 367 00:20:39,238 --> 00:20:40,405 I founded this party, 368 00:20:40,489 --> 00:20:42,616 in my own goddamn home, to be a 369 00:20:42,700 --> 00:20:45,035 conservative anti-slavery party, 370 00:20:45,119 --> 00:20:47,329 not a hobbyhorse for goddamn radical abolitionists. 371 00:20:47,413 --> 00:20:49,205 Damp down the dyspepsia, Daddy. 372 00:20:49,290 --> 00:20:51,082 You'll frighten the child. 373 00:20:51,167 --> 00:20:53,126 You need us to keep the conservative side 374 00:20:53,210 --> 00:20:54,544 of the party in the traces 375 00:20:54,629 --> 00:20:55,962 while you diddle the radicals 376 00:20:56,047 --> 00:20:58,173 and bundle up with Thaddeus Stevens's gang! 377 00:20:58,257 --> 00:20:59,591 You need our help! 378 00:20:59,675 --> 00:21:01,217 Yes, sir, I do. 379 00:21:01,469 --> 00:21:02,886 Well, what do we get? 380 00:21:02,970 --> 00:21:04,429 Whoa! Blunt! 381 00:21:04,847 --> 00:21:07,724 Your manners, Monty, must be why Mr. Lincoln 382 00:21:07,934 --> 00:21:09,684 pushed you out of his Cabinet. 383 00:21:09,769 --> 00:21:11,269 -I wasn't pushed! -Oh, of course you weren't. 384 00:21:11,354 --> 00:21:12,854 He was pushed out to placate the damn radicals! 385 00:21:12,939 --> 00:21:17,275 -I agreed to resign. -Oh, Daddy, please! Daddy. 386 00:21:19,445 --> 00:21:22,572 Oh. You don't mind, boy, do you? 387 00:21:22,865 --> 00:21:24,741 He spends his days with soldiers. 388 00:21:24,825 --> 00:21:25,825 They taught me a song. 389 00:21:26,077 --> 00:21:27,369 Did they? (LAUGHS) 390 00:21:28,454 --> 00:21:30,830 Soldiers know all manner of songs. 391 00:21:31,791 --> 00:21:33,291 How's your brother Bob? 392 00:21:33,376 --> 00:21:34,542 He's at school now, but he's coming 393 00:21:34,627 --> 00:21:36,336 to visit in four days for the shindy. 394 00:21:36,420 --> 00:21:38,546 At school. Ain't that fine? 395 00:21:38,881 --> 00:21:40,423 Good he's not in the Army. 396 00:21:40,508 --> 00:21:42,384 He wants to be, but Mama said he cannot. 397 00:21:42,468 --> 00:21:44,386 Dangerous life, soldiering. 398 00:21:44,470 --> 00:21:47,389 Your mama is wise to keep him clean out of that. 399 00:21:47,473 --> 00:21:50,642 Now, your daddy knows that what I want 400 00:21:50,726 --> 00:21:53,561 in return for all the help I can give him 401 00:21:54,063 --> 00:21:56,439 is to go down to Richmond, like he said I could 402 00:21:56,524 --> 00:21:58,775 as soon as Savannah fell 403 00:21:59,276 --> 00:22:01,319 and talk to Jefferson Davis. 404 00:22:01,779 --> 00:22:04,280 Now give me terms I can offer to Jefferson Davis 405 00:22:04,532 --> 00:22:06,825 to start negotiating for peace. 406 00:22:06,993 --> 00:22:08,076 He'll talk to me. 407 00:22:08,244 --> 00:22:10,704 Conservative members of your party 408 00:22:10,788 --> 00:22:14,416 want you to listen to overtures from Richmond. 409 00:22:14,959 --> 00:22:16,543 That above all! 410 00:22:17,336 --> 00:22:20,505 They'll vote for this rash and dangerous amendment 411 00:22:20,589 --> 00:22:23,967 only if every other possibility is exhausted. 412 00:22:24,552 --> 00:22:27,095 Our Republicans ain't abolitionists. 413 00:22:27,722 --> 00:22:30,682 We can't tell our people they can vote yes 414 00:22:30,891 --> 00:22:32,100 on abolishing slavery 415 00:22:32,184 --> 00:22:35,228 unless at the same time we can tell them 416 00:22:35,438 --> 00:22:38,231 that you're seeking a negotiated peace. 417 00:22:46,407 --> 00:22:49,117 Leo, it's 1 00 miles to Richmond. 418 00:22:49,326 --> 00:22:50,994 Get him drunk so he can sleep. 419 00:22:51,078 --> 00:22:52,454 Yes, ma'am. 420 00:22:52,955 --> 00:22:54,372 Here, Daddy. 421 00:22:54,790 --> 00:22:55,874 Oh. 422 00:22:56,125 --> 00:22:58,126 -Thank you. -Yes, sir, all right. 423 00:22:58,711 --> 00:22:59,836 Where's my hat? 424 00:22:59,920 --> 00:23:01,546 Leo has your hat. 425 00:23:01,714 --> 00:23:02,964 All right? 426 00:23:04,425 --> 00:23:05,925 Go make peace. 427 00:23:18,397 --> 00:23:20,440 Thunder forth, God of War. 428 00:23:22,568 --> 00:23:25,987 We'll commence our assault on Wilmington from the sea. 429 00:23:29,658 --> 00:23:30,992 Why is this burnt? 430 00:23:31,911 --> 00:23:33,495 Was the boy playing with it? 431 00:23:33,579 --> 00:23:35,830 It got took by a breeze several nights back. 432 00:23:35,915 --> 00:23:37,582 This is an official War Department map. 433 00:23:37,875 --> 00:23:39,501 And the entire Cabinet's waiting 434 00:23:39,585 --> 00:23:40,668 to hear what it portends. 435 00:23:40,753 --> 00:23:41,836 WELLES: A bombardment. 436 00:23:42,505 --> 00:23:45,256 From the largest fleet the Navy has ever assembled. 437 00:23:45,341 --> 00:23:47,759 Old Neptune, shake thy hoary locks! 438 00:23:48,010 --> 00:23:49,844 Fifty-eight ships are under way, 439 00:23:49,929 --> 00:23:52,263 of every tonnage and firing range. 440 00:23:52,389 --> 00:23:54,682 STANTON: We'll keep up a steady barrage. 441 00:23:55,184 --> 00:23:56,476 Our first target is Fort Fisher. 442 00:23:56,560 --> 00:23:58,228 It defends Wilmington Port. 443 00:23:58,354 --> 00:24:00,271 SPEED: A steady barrage? 444 00:24:00,898 --> 00:24:02,941 A hundred shells a minute. 445 00:24:04,026 --> 00:24:05,068 Till they surrender. 446 00:24:05,778 --> 00:24:07,153 -Dear God. -(ALL MURMURING) 447 00:24:07,446 --> 00:24:10,615 LINCOLN: Wilmington's their last open seaport, therefore... 448 00:24:10,699 --> 00:24:13,368 Wilmington falls, Richmond falls after. 449 00:24:14,120 --> 00:24:17,122 And the war is done. 450 00:24:18,249 --> 00:24:19,541 MEN: Hear, hear! 451 00:24:19,625 --> 00:24:21,668 Then why, if I might ask 452 00:24:21,752 --> 00:24:23,002 are we not concentrating 453 00:24:23,087 --> 00:24:25,255 the nation's attention on Wilmington? 454 00:24:25,381 --> 00:24:27,715 Why, instead, are we reading in the Herald 455 00:24:28,425 --> 00:24:29,759 that the anti-slavery amendment 456 00:24:29,885 --> 00:24:32,887 is being precipitated onto the House floor for debate? 457 00:24:33,055 --> 00:24:34,055 Because your eagerness, 458 00:24:34,140 --> 00:24:35,807 in what seems an unwarranted intrusion 459 00:24:35,891 --> 00:24:38,476 of the executive into legislative prerogatives, 460 00:24:38,561 --> 00:24:40,395 is compelling it to what's... 461 00:24:40,729 --> 00:24:43,481 To what's likely to be its premature demise. 462 00:24:43,566 --> 00:24:44,566 MEN: Hear, hear! 463 00:24:44,650 --> 00:24:46,276 You signed the Emancipation Proclamation. 464 00:24:46,402 --> 00:24:47,360 You've done all that could be done. 465 00:24:47,444 --> 00:24:48,653 The Emancipation Proclamation's 466 00:24:48,737 --> 00:24:50,822 merely a war measure. After the war, the courts... 467 00:24:50,906 --> 00:24:52,657 When Edward Bates was Attorney General, 468 00:24:52,741 --> 00:24:53,950 he felt confident enough to let you sign it! 469 00:24:54,076 --> 00:24:56,077 Different lawyers, different opinions. 470 00:24:56,162 --> 00:24:58,663 It frees slaves as a military exigent. Not... 471 00:24:58,789 --> 00:25:02,417 I don't recall Edward Bates being any too certain about 472 00:25:02,793 --> 00:25:05,253 the legality of my proclamation. 473 00:25:06,797 --> 00:25:08,590 Just it wasn't downright criminal. 474 00:25:08,674 --> 00:25:10,175 (ALL CHUCKLING) 475 00:25:10,593 --> 00:25:12,427 Somewheres in between. 476 00:25:13,971 --> 00:25:14,971 Mm. 477 00:25:16,098 --> 00:25:18,808 Back when I rode the legal circuit in Illinois, 478 00:25:18,934 --> 00:25:21,227 I defended a woman from Metamora 479 00:25:21,312 --> 00:25:23,104 named Melissa Goings. 480 00:25:23,981 --> 00:25:25,940 Seventy-seven years old. 481 00:25:26,650 --> 00:25:29,777 They said she'd murdered her husband. He was 83. 482 00:25:30,529 --> 00:25:32,322 He was choking her 483 00:25:33,115 --> 00:25:36,159 and she grabbed a hold of a stick of firewood 484 00:25:36,285 --> 00:25:38,870 and fractured his skull and he died. 485 00:25:39,997 --> 00:25:41,831 In his will, he wrote, 486 00:25:42,625 --> 00:25:43,958 (CHUCKLES) 487 00:25:44,126 --> 00:25:46,294 "I expect she has killed me." 488 00:25:46,670 --> 00:25:48,713 (ALL LAUGHING) 489 00:25:50,007 --> 00:25:52,675 "If I get over it, I will have revenge." 490 00:25:52,968 --> 00:25:54,469 (LAUGHTER CONTINUES) 491 00:25:58,140 --> 00:26:00,058 No one was keen to see her convicted, 492 00:26:00,142 --> 00:26:02,393 he was that kind of husband. 493 00:26:03,145 --> 00:26:04,771 I asked the prosecuting attorney 494 00:26:04,855 --> 00:26:08,066 if I might have a short conference with my client. 495 00:26:08,234 --> 00:26:11,402 She and I went into a room in the courthouse, 496 00:26:11,570 --> 00:26:13,363 but I alone emerged. 497 00:26:13,864 --> 00:26:15,573 The window in the room was found to be wide open. 498 00:26:15,658 --> 00:26:19,244 It was believed the old lady may have climbed out of it. 499 00:26:20,996 --> 00:26:22,664 (CHUCKLING) I told the bailiff, 500 00:26:23,499 --> 00:26:24,540 right before I left her in the room 501 00:26:24,667 --> 00:26:25,708 she asked me where she could get 502 00:26:25,834 --> 00:26:28,628 a good drink of water, and I told her, Tennessee. 503 00:26:28,712 --> 00:26:30,213 (MEN LAUGHING) 504 00:26:31,507 --> 00:26:34,050 Mrs. Goings was seen no more in Metamora. 505 00:26:34,176 --> 00:26:36,344 Enough justice had been done. 506 00:26:36,762 --> 00:26:39,430 They even forgave the bondsman her bail. 507 00:26:40,849 --> 00:26:41,849 USHER: I'm afraid I don't see... 508 00:26:41,934 --> 00:26:43,393 I decided 509 00:26:44,687 --> 00:26:47,689 that the Constitution gives me war powers 510 00:26:48,857 --> 00:26:50,149 but no one knows just exactly 511 00:26:50,234 --> 00:26:52,277 what those powers are. 512 00:26:53,195 --> 00:26:54,320 Some say they don't exist. 513 00:26:54,405 --> 00:26:56,072 I don't know. I decided 514 00:26:56,198 --> 00:26:58,408 I needed them to exist to uphold my oath 515 00:26:58,534 --> 00:27:00,743 to protect the Constitution. 516 00:27:01,036 --> 00:27:02,704 Which I decided meant I could take 517 00:27:02,788 --> 00:27:04,664 the Rebels' slaves from them 518 00:27:04,748 --> 00:27:07,125 as property confiscated in war. 519 00:27:07,710 --> 00:27:09,836 That might recommend to suspicion that I agree 520 00:27:09,920 --> 00:27:11,087 with the Rebs that their slaves 521 00:27:11,213 --> 00:27:12,297 are property in the first place. 522 00:27:12,381 --> 00:27:14,632 Of course, I don't. Never have. 523 00:27:16,051 --> 00:27:17,593 I'm glad to see any man free, 524 00:27:17,720 --> 00:27:19,887 and if calling a man property 525 00:27:19,972 --> 00:27:21,264 or war contraband 526 00:27:21,390 --> 00:27:24,600 does the trick, why I caught at the opportunity. 527 00:27:25,561 --> 00:27:28,229 Now here's where it gets truly slippery. 528 00:27:28,564 --> 00:27:31,357 I use the law allowing for the seizure 529 00:27:31,442 --> 00:27:32,525 of property in a war 530 00:27:32,609 --> 00:27:34,068 knowing it applies only to the property 531 00:27:34,153 --> 00:27:36,821 of governments and citizens of belligerent nations. 532 00:27:36,905 --> 00:27:39,240 Well, the South ain't a nation. 533 00:27:39,408 --> 00:27:41,993 That's why I can't negotiate with them. 534 00:27:42,119 --> 00:27:44,912 So if, in fact, the Negroes are property, 535 00:27:44,997 --> 00:27:46,289 according to the law, 536 00:27:46,415 --> 00:27:48,291 have I the right to take the Rebels' property 537 00:27:48,417 --> 00:27:50,209 from them, if I insist they're rebels only 538 00:27:50,294 --> 00:27:53,254 and not citizens of a belligerent country? 539 00:27:53,505 --> 00:27:55,006 And slipperier still, I maintain it ain't 540 00:27:55,090 --> 00:27:57,925 our actual Southern states in rebellion 541 00:27:58,427 --> 00:28:00,762 but only the rebels living in those states, 542 00:28:00,846 --> 00:28:04,182 the laws of which states remain in force. 543 00:28:05,601 --> 00:28:08,311 "The laws of which states remain in force." 544 00:28:08,437 --> 00:28:10,521 That means that since it's states' laws that determine 545 00:28:10,606 --> 00:28:13,066 whether Negroes can be sold as slaves, 546 00:28:13,150 --> 00:28:14,650 as property, 547 00:28:15,110 --> 00:28:17,487 the federal government doesn't have a say in that. 548 00:28:17,613 --> 00:28:19,197 At least not yet. 549 00:28:19,782 --> 00:28:23,034 Then Negroes in those states are slaves, 550 00:28:23,118 --> 00:28:24,118 hence property, 551 00:28:24,203 --> 00:28:26,371 hence my war powers allow me to confiscate them 552 00:28:26,455 --> 00:28:28,706 as such, so I confiscate them. 553 00:28:29,333 --> 00:28:30,958 But if I'm a respecter of states' laws, 554 00:28:31,043 --> 00:28:32,418 how then can I legally free them 555 00:28:32,503 --> 00:28:34,796 with my Proclamation as I done? 556 00:28:35,672 --> 00:28:38,049 Unless I'm canceling states' laws? 557 00:28:43,055 --> 00:28:45,139 I felt the war demanded it. 558 00:28:46,016 --> 00:28:47,809 My oath demanded it. 559 00:28:48,977 --> 00:28:50,520 I felt right with myself, 560 00:28:50,646 --> 00:28:52,897 and I hoped it was legal to do it. 561 00:28:52,981 --> 00:28:54,649 I'm hoping still. 562 00:28:56,402 --> 00:29:00,405 Two years ago, I proclaimed these people emancipated. 563 00:29:00,656 --> 00:29:04,826 "Then, thenceforward and forever free." 564 00:29:06,537 --> 00:29:08,287 Now let's say the courts decide I had no authority 565 00:29:08,372 --> 00:29:10,998 to do it. They might well decide that. 566 00:29:11,333 --> 00:29:13,126 Say there's no amendment abolishing slavery, 567 00:29:13,210 --> 00:29:14,669 say it's after the war 568 00:29:14,753 --> 00:29:16,712 and I can no longer use my war powers 569 00:29:16,839 --> 00:29:18,589 to just ignore the courts' decisions 570 00:29:18,674 --> 00:29:21,134 like I sometimes felt I had to do. 571 00:29:21,218 --> 00:29:24,762 Might those people I freed be ordered back into slavery? 572 00:29:28,684 --> 00:29:29,892 That's why I'd like to get 573 00:29:30,018 --> 00:29:31,978 the 1 3th Amendment through the House, 574 00:29:32,062 --> 00:29:34,188 on its way to ratification by the states. 575 00:29:34,273 --> 00:29:35,982 Wrap the whole slavery thing up, 576 00:29:36,066 --> 00:29:38,860 forever and aye, as soon as I'm able. Now! 577 00:29:38,944 --> 00:29:40,403 End of this month. 578 00:29:40,529 --> 00:29:42,196 And I'd like you to stand behind me 579 00:29:42,281 --> 00:29:45,116 like my Cabinet's most always done. 580 00:29:53,417 --> 00:29:55,209 As the preacher said, 581 00:29:56,044 --> 00:29:58,254 "I could write shorter sermons, 582 00:29:58,422 --> 00:30:01,257 "but once I start, I get too lazy to stop." 583 00:30:01,383 --> 00:30:02,425 (MEN CHUCKLING) 584 00:30:06,555 --> 00:30:08,181 It seems to me, sir, you're describing 585 00:30:08,265 --> 00:30:10,183 precisely the sort of dictator 586 00:30:10,267 --> 00:30:12,059 the Democrats have been howling about. 587 00:30:12,227 --> 00:30:14,020 SPEED: Dictators aren't susceptible to law. 588 00:30:14,104 --> 00:30:15,605 USHER: Neither is he. He just said as much. 589 00:30:15,731 --> 00:30:17,398 Ignoring the courts? Twisting meanings? 590 00:30:17,483 --> 00:30:19,400 What reins him in from... From... 591 00:30:19,485 --> 00:30:21,986 Well, the people do that, I suppose. 592 00:30:23,238 --> 00:30:25,698 I signed the Emancipation Proclamation, 593 00:30:25,782 --> 00:30:28,784 what, a year and a half before my second election? 594 00:30:28,911 --> 00:30:30,661 I felt I was within my power to do it, 595 00:30:30,746 --> 00:30:34,248 however, I also felt that I might be wrong about that. 596 00:30:34,416 --> 00:30:35,541 I knew the people would tell me. 597 00:30:35,626 --> 00:30:37,293 I gave them a year and a half to think about it, 598 00:30:37,419 --> 00:30:38,711 and they re-elected me. 599 00:30:38,795 --> 00:30:40,671 And come February the first, 600 00:30:40,756 --> 00:30:43,591 I intend to sign the 1 3th Amendment! 601 00:30:44,426 --> 00:30:45,426 (PEN CLATTERS ON TABLE) 602 00:30:48,680 --> 00:30:50,264 (CROWD CLAMORING) 603 00:30:53,435 --> 00:30:54,435 (DOOR CLOSES) 604 00:30:54,937 --> 00:30:57,188 Well, Mr. Representative Ashley. 605 00:30:57,814 --> 00:30:59,357 Tell us the news from the Hill. 606 00:30:59,441 --> 00:31:00,483 ASHLEY: Ah, well, the news... 607 00:31:00,609 --> 00:31:02,568 Why, for instance, is this thus, 608 00:31:02,653 --> 00:31:04,487 and what is the reason for this thusness? 609 00:31:04,613 --> 00:31:07,198 James, we want you to bring the anti-slavery amendment 610 00:31:07,282 --> 00:31:08,282 to the floor for debate, 611 00:31:08,367 --> 00:31:09,825 -immediately. -Excuse me, what? 612 00:31:10,285 --> 00:31:12,662 You are the amendment's manager, are you not? 613 00:31:12,788 --> 00:31:13,955 I am, of course, but... 614 00:31:14,039 --> 00:31:16,832 Then we're counting on robust radical support 615 00:31:16,959 --> 00:31:18,584 so tell Mr. Stevens we expect him 616 00:31:18,669 --> 00:31:19,919 to put his back into it. 617 00:31:20,003 --> 00:31:21,087 It's not going to be easy, but... 618 00:31:21,171 --> 00:31:22,797 It's impossible. 619 00:31:23,298 --> 00:31:24,590 No. I am sorry, no. 620 00:31:24,675 --> 00:31:28,010 We can't organize anything immediately in the House. 621 00:31:28,303 --> 00:31:29,595 I have been canvassing the Democrats 622 00:31:29,680 --> 00:31:30,721 since the election, 623 00:31:30,806 --> 00:31:32,265 in case any of them have softened 624 00:31:32,349 --> 00:31:34,058 after they got walloped, but 625 00:31:34,142 --> 00:31:35,893 they have stiffened, if anything, Mr. Secretary. 626 00:31:35,978 --> 00:31:37,103 There aren't nearly enough votes. 627 00:31:37,187 --> 00:31:39,230 We're whalers, Mr. Ashley. 628 00:31:41,692 --> 00:31:45,653 Whalers? As in, uh... Whales? 629 00:31:45,737 --> 00:31:48,155 We've been chasing this whale for a long time. 630 00:31:48,699 --> 00:31:50,199 And we finally placed a harpoon 631 00:31:50,325 --> 00:31:51,367 in the monster's back. 632 00:31:51,493 --> 00:31:53,494 It's in, James. It's in. 633 00:31:53,579 --> 00:31:56,163 We finish the deed now. We can't wait. 634 00:31:56,248 --> 00:31:59,500 Or with one flop of his tail, he'll smash the boat 635 00:31:59,585 --> 00:32:01,711 and send us all to eternity. 636 00:32:01,837 --> 00:32:04,130 On the 31 st of this month, of this year, 637 00:32:04,214 --> 00:32:06,549 put the amendment up for a vote. 638 00:32:08,844 --> 00:32:10,052 Whalers? 639 00:32:10,262 --> 00:32:11,304 That's what he said. 640 00:32:11,388 --> 00:32:14,056 The man's never been near a whale ship in his life. 641 00:32:15,726 --> 00:32:17,727 Withdraw radical support. 642 00:32:18,562 --> 00:32:20,313 Force him to abandon this scheme, 643 00:32:20,397 --> 00:32:22,189 whatever he's up to. 644 00:32:22,899 --> 00:32:25,359 (STAMMERING) He drags his feet about everything, 645 00:32:25,444 --> 00:32:27,528 Lincoln... Why this urgency? 646 00:32:27,946 --> 00:32:29,614 We got it through the Senate without difficulty 647 00:32:29,698 --> 00:32:30,906 because we had the numbers. 648 00:32:31,033 --> 00:32:33,534 Come December, you'll have the same in the House. 649 00:32:33,619 --> 00:32:35,536 The amendment will be the easy work of 1 0 minutes. 650 00:32:35,621 --> 00:32:37,121 He's using the threat of the amendment 651 00:32:37,205 --> 00:32:38,956 to frighten the Rebels into an immediate surrender. 652 00:32:39,207 --> 00:32:41,042 I imagine we'd rejoice to see that. 653 00:32:41,209 --> 00:32:43,085 Will you rejoice when the Southern states 654 00:32:43,211 --> 00:32:44,837 have rejoined the Union pell-mell, 655 00:32:44,921 --> 00:32:46,881 as Lincoln intends them to, and one by one, 656 00:32:46,965 --> 00:32:48,299 each refuses to ratify the amendment? 657 00:32:48,717 --> 00:32:50,551 If we pass it, which we won't. 658 00:32:50,636 --> 00:32:53,888 Why are we cooperating with him? 659 00:32:54,723 --> 00:32:57,475 We all know what he's doing and we all know what he'll do. 660 00:32:57,559 --> 00:33:00,728 We can't offer up abolition's best legal prayer 661 00:33:01,229 --> 00:33:02,271 to his games and tricks. 662 00:33:02,397 --> 00:33:03,856 He said he'd welcome the South back 663 00:33:03,940 --> 00:33:05,149 with all its slaves in chains. 664 00:33:05,233 --> 00:33:07,610 Three years ago he said that, to calm the border states. 665 00:33:07,736 --> 00:33:09,278 STEVENS: I don't! 666 00:33:11,823 --> 00:33:14,200 You said we all know what he'll do. I don't know. 667 00:33:14,284 --> 00:33:15,576 You know he isn't to be trusted. 668 00:33:15,661 --> 00:33:16,994 Trust? Oh. 669 00:33:17,162 --> 00:33:18,704 I'm sorry, I was under the misapprehension 670 00:33:18,789 --> 00:33:21,499 that your chosen profession was politics. 671 00:33:21,583 --> 00:33:23,959 I never trusted the President, never trusted anyone, 672 00:33:24,086 --> 00:33:25,795 but hasn't he surprised you? 673 00:33:25,921 --> 00:33:28,047 ASA: No, Mr. Stevens, he hasn't. 674 00:33:28,131 --> 00:33:30,591 (SIGHS) Nothing surprises you, Asa, 675 00:33:31,009 --> 00:33:33,135 therefore nothing about you is surprising. 676 00:33:33,261 --> 00:33:35,012 Perhaps that is why your constituents 677 00:33:35,097 --> 00:33:37,765 did not re-elect you to the coming term. 678 00:33:37,849 --> 00:33:38,849 (CHUCKLES) 679 00:33:39,142 --> 00:33:40,476 It's late. 680 00:33:40,602 --> 00:33:41,811 I'm old. 681 00:33:42,938 --> 00:33:44,438 I'm going home. 682 00:33:48,318 --> 00:33:50,611 Lincoln, the inveterate dawdler. 683 00:33:51,113 --> 00:33:52,863 Lincoln, the Southerner. 684 00:33:52,948 --> 00:33:55,950 Lincoln, the capitulating compromiser, 685 00:33:56,785 --> 00:33:59,453 our adversary, and 686 00:34:00,288 --> 00:34:04,041 leader of the godforsaken Republican party. 687 00:34:04,126 --> 00:34:05,334 Our party. 688 00:34:05,460 --> 00:34:08,838 Abraham Lincoln has asked us to work with him 689 00:34:08,964 --> 00:34:12,466 to accomplish the death of slavery in America. 690 00:34:13,844 --> 00:34:16,053 Retain, even in opposition 691 00:34:17,472 --> 00:34:19,849 your capacity for astonishment. 692 00:34:26,148 --> 00:34:28,607 The President is never to be mentioned. Nor I. 693 00:34:28,692 --> 00:34:30,317 You're paid for your discretion. 694 00:34:30,861 --> 00:34:32,278 Hell, you can have that for nothing. 695 00:34:32,362 --> 00:34:35,072 What we need money for is bribes, to speed things up. 696 00:34:35,157 --> 00:34:36,949 SEWARD: No, nothing strictly illegal. 697 00:34:37,033 --> 00:34:38,743 It's not illegal to bribe Congressmen, 698 00:34:38,827 --> 00:34:40,244 they'd starve otherwise. 699 00:34:40,328 --> 00:34:43,831 I have explained to Mr. Bilbo and Mr. Latham that 700 00:34:43,915 --> 00:34:45,624 we are offering patronage jobs 701 00:34:45,709 --> 00:34:46,834 to the Dems who vote yes. 702 00:34:47,335 --> 00:34:49,670 -Jobs and nothing more. -That's correct. 703 00:34:49,838 --> 00:34:50,880 Congressmen come cheap. 704 00:34:51,006 --> 00:34:53,174 Few thousand bucks will buy you all you need. 705 00:34:53,258 --> 00:34:55,551 The President would be unhappy to hear you did that. 706 00:34:55,677 --> 00:34:58,053 (CHUCKLES) Will he be unhappy if we lose? 707 00:34:58,597 --> 00:35:00,639 The money I managed to raise for this endeavor 708 00:35:00,724 --> 00:35:03,392 is only for your fees, your food and lodging. 709 00:35:03,935 --> 00:35:05,186 Uh-huh. 710 00:35:05,562 --> 00:35:07,480 If that squirrel-infested attic 711 00:35:07,564 --> 00:35:08,898 you've quartered us in is any measure, 712 00:35:09,024 --> 00:35:10,649 you ain't raised much. 713 00:35:10,734 --> 00:35:11,859 Shall we get to work? 714 00:35:13,779 --> 00:35:15,362 (GAVEL BANGING) 715 00:35:15,447 --> 00:35:18,032 The House recognizes Fernando Wood, 716 00:35:18,116 --> 00:35:19,450 (ALL CLAMORING) 717 00:35:19,534 --> 00:35:22,536 the honorable Representative from New York. 718 00:35:26,249 --> 00:35:27,750 Estimable colleagues. 719 00:35:28,877 --> 00:35:31,295 Two bloody years ago this month 720 00:35:32,214 --> 00:35:33,214 His Highness, 721 00:35:33,298 --> 00:35:35,716 King Abraham Africanus the First, 722 00:35:36,134 --> 00:35:37,176 (MEN CLAMORING) 723 00:35:37,260 --> 00:35:39,553 our great usurping Caesar, 724 00:35:39,930 --> 00:35:43,307 violator of habeas corpus and freedom of the press, 725 00:35:43,391 --> 00:35:44,433 abuser of states' rights... 726 00:35:44,559 --> 00:35:47,436 If Lincoln really were a tyrant, Mr. Wood, 727 00:35:47,562 --> 00:35:49,396 he'd have had your empty head 728 00:35:49,481 --> 00:35:51,148 impaled on a pike! 729 00:35:51,983 --> 00:35:53,567 (MEN CHEERING AND APPLAUDING) 730 00:35:53,944 --> 00:35:56,028 And the country better for it! 731 00:35:56,279 --> 00:35:58,739 Radical Republican autocrat, 732 00:35:59,074 --> 00:36:02,076 ruling by fiat and martial law, 733 00:36:02,786 --> 00:36:05,412 affixed his name to his heinous and illicit 734 00:36:05,497 --> 00:36:07,623 Emancipation Proclamation 735 00:36:07,916 --> 00:36:10,835 promising it would hasten the end of the war, 736 00:36:10,919 --> 00:36:14,255 which yet rages on and on. 737 00:36:15,841 --> 00:36:17,967 He claimed, as tyrants do 738 00:36:18,510 --> 00:36:20,177 that the war's emergencies 739 00:36:20,262 --> 00:36:22,763 permitted him to turn our army into... 740 00:36:23,014 --> 00:36:26,600 The New York delegation is looking decidedly uninspired. 741 00:36:27,102 --> 00:36:30,312 ...and radical Republicanism's abolitionist fanaticism! 742 00:36:30,438 --> 00:36:31,939 (MEN CLAMORING) 743 00:36:34,442 --> 00:36:36,694 His Emancipation Proclamation 744 00:36:37,112 --> 00:36:39,697 has obliterated millions of dollars... 745 00:36:40,949 --> 00:36:42,741 Over in Pennsylvania, 746 00:36:42,826 --> 00:36:45,286 who's the sweaty man eating his thumb? 747 00:36:45,370 --> 00:36:47,788 LATHAM: Unknown to me. Seems jumpy. 748 00:36:48,498 --> 00:36:50,040 Perhaps he'll jump. 749 00:36:50,959 --> 00:36:52,543 (MEN CLAMORING) 750 00:36:54,337 --> 00:36:57,047 But all that was not enough for this dictator, 751 00:36:57,132 --> 00:36:59,341 who now seeks to insinuate... 752 00:36:59,467 --> 00:37:00,634 Jesus. 753 00:37:01,303 --> 00:37:02,845 When's this son of liberty sum-a-bitch gonna sit down? 754 00:37:02,971 --> 00:37:04,972 John Ellis is gonna break his watch if he doesn't stop. 755 00:37:06,308 --> 00:37:09,226 WOOD: We are once again asked, nay 756 00:37:09,311 --> 00:37:12,730 commanded, to consider a proposed 1 3th Amendment 757 00:37:12,981 --> 00:37:14,231 (MEN CLAMORING) 758 00:37:14,316 --> 00:37:16,609 which, if passed, shall set at immediate liberty 759 00:37:16,693 --> 00:37:18,444 four million coloreds while manacling 760 00:37:18,528 --> 00:37:20,863 the limbs of the white race in America. 761 00:37:20,989 --> 00:37:22,656 If it is passed, 762 00:37:23,533 --> 00:37:25,034 but it shall not pass! 763 00:37:25,160 --> 00:37:26,160 (MEN CHEERING AND CLAMORING) 764 00:37:30,832 --> 00:37:31,790 What's more interesting 765 00:37:31,875 --> 00:37:32,875 is how dismal and disgruntled 766 00:37:33,001 --> 00:37:34,335 Mr. Yeaman appears. 767 00:37:35,503 --> 00:37:37,338 WOOD: Every member of this House... 768 00:37:37,547 --> 00:37:38,714 He should be cheering right now. 769 00:37:38,840 --> 00:37:40,341 Looks like he ate a bad oyster. 770 00:37:40,425 --> 00:37:42,593 WOOD: ...Party and the constituents it serves 771 00:37:42,677 --> 00:37:43,844 shall oppose... 772 00:37:44,554 --> 00:37:47,306 Point of order, Mr. Speaker, if you please. 773 00:37:47,390 --> 00:37:49,141 Mr. Speaker, I still have the floor. 774 00:37:49,225 --> 00:37:50,309 And the gentleman from Pennsylvania 775 00:37:50,393 --> 00:37:51,644 is out of order! 776 00:37:51,728 --> 00:37:53,604 When will Mr. Wood conclude his interminable gabble? 777 00:37:53,688 --> 00:37:55,856 Some of us breathe oxygen 778 00:37:56,358 --> 00:37:59,151 and we find the mephitic fumes of his oratory 779 00:37:59,235 --> 00:38:02,529 a lethal challenge to our pulmonary capabilities! 780 00:38:02,614 --> 00:38:04,198 (MEN LAUGHING) 781 00:38:05,742 --> 00:38:08,202 We shall oppose this amendment, 782 00:38:08,286 --> 00:38:10,871 and any legislation that so affronts natural law 783 00:38:11,289 --> 00:38:13,540 insulting to God as to man! 784 00:38:13,750 --> 00:38:16,043 Congress must never declare equal 785 00:38:16,127 --> 00:38:18,379 those whom God created unequal! 786 00:38:18,463 --> 00:38:19,463 (MEN CHEERING) 787 00:38:23,885 --> 00:38:26,679 Slavery is the only insult to natural law, 788 00:38:26,763 --> 00:38:28,555 you fatuous nincompoop! 789 00:38:28,640 --> 00:38:29,640 (MEN LAUGHING AND CHEERING) 790 00:38:29,766 --> 00:38:32,476 Order! 791 00:38:33,311 --> 00:38:35,479 Procedure, Mr. Speaker. 792 00:38:35,730 --> 00:38:37,189 Mr. Wood has the floor. 793 00:38:37,273 --> 00:38:38,649 Instruct us, 794 00:38:38,733 --> 00:38:40,234 oh, Great Commoner. 795 00:38:40,318 --> 00:38:42,736 What is unnatural, in your opinion? 796 00:38:43,113 --> 00:38:45,114 Niggrahs casting ballots? 797 00:38:45,240 --> 00:38:46,782 Niggrah representatives? 798 00:38:46,908 --> 00:38:48,909 Is that natural, Stevens? 799 00:38:49,327 --> 00:38:50,828 Intermarriage? 800 00:38:50,912 --> 00:38:51,996 (MEN CLAMORING) 801 00:38:52,080 --> 00:38:54,123 What violates natural law? 802 00:38:54,290 --> 00:38:56,834 Slavery and you. 803 00:38:57,502 --> 00:38:59,920 Pendleton, you insult God! 804 00:39:01,923 --> 00:39:03,173 You unnatural noise. 805 00:39:04,009 --> 00:39:05,968 (MEN LAUGHING AND CHEERING) 806 00:39:08,096 --> 00:39:10,431 Mr. Colfax, please, use your gavel! 807 00:39:10,765 --> 00:39:12,057 -You are out of order! -Order in the Cabinet! 808 00:39:12,142 --> 00:39:13,142 ASHLEY: Instruct the Sergeant-at-Arms 809 00:39:13,268 --> 00:39:14,226 to suppress this! 810 00:39:14,310 --> 00:39:15,436 We are in session! 811 00:39:15,562 --> 00:39:17,521 -Please don't encourage this! -(GOAT BLEATS) 812 00:39:17,605 --> 00:39:19,231 Don't encourage this! 813 00:39:20,108 --> 00:39:21,108 (LAUGHS) 814 00:39:24,279 --> 00:39:26,238 You're back! You're back! You're back! 815 00:39:26,322 --> 00:39:27,364 (LAUGHS) 816 00:39:27,449 --> 00:39:29,408 I am. The goat got big. 817 00:39:29,617 --> 00:39:31,952 Help me get one of these to my room. 818 00:39:32,078 --> 00:39:33,912 -She in there? -She's asleep, probably. 819 00:39:33,997 --> 00:39:35,497 -You need help, sir? -No, sir. 820 00:39:35,623 --> 00:39:36,582 They went to see Avonia Jones last night 821 00:39:36,666 --> 00:39:37,875 in a play about Israelites. 822 00:39:37,959 --> 00:39:39,710 Could you bring your pa this letter I writ 823 00:39:39,794 --> 00:39:40,961 about my insolvency proceeding? 824 00:39:41,087 --> 00:39:43,213 Deliver your own goddamn petition. 825 00:39:43,298 --> 00:39:44,423 There's a new book. Sam Beckwith 826 00:39:44,507 --> 00:39:45,799 says it's about finches and finches' beaks, 827 00:39:45,925 --> 00:39:46,925 about how they change. 828 00:39:47,510 --> 00:39:48,552 (WHISPERS) He's here. 829 00:39:48,636 --> 00:39:51,138 He's here! Mrs. Cuthbert, he's here! 830 00:39:51,681 --> 00:39:53,098 -Robbie. -Hi, Mom. 831 00:39:53,183 --> 00:39:54,516 -Oh, Robbie. -Hey. 832 00:39:54,642 --> 00:39:55,809 -Robbie. -Hey. 833 00:39:56,311 --> 00:39:57,311 Oh. 834 00:39:58,188 --> 00:39:59,772 (TAD CONTINUES INDISTINCTLY) 835 00:39:59,856 --> 00:40:02,191 You're only staying a few days, why'd you pack all that? 836 00:40:02,317 --> 00:40:03,901 Well, I don't know how long... 837 00:40:03,985 --> 00:40:05,152 Go tell your father Robert's home. 838 00:40:05,653 --> 00:40:08,238 Mr. Nicolay says Daddy's secluded with Mr. Blair. 839 00:40:08,323 --> 00:40:09,948 Tell him anyway. 840 00:40:12,285 --> 00:40:13,994 -Did you forget to eat? -(CHUCKLES) 841 00:40:14,120 --> 00:40:15,788 -Exactly like him. -No. 842 00:40:16,039 --> 00:40:18,874 You'll linger a few days extra after the reception 843 00:40:19,000 --> 00:40:20,542 before you go back to school. 844 00:40:20,668 --> 00:40:22,669 Well, I don't know if I'm going to go back... 845 00:40:22,796 --> 00:40:26,006 We'll fatten you up before you return to Boston. 846 00:40:27,008 --> 00:40:29,051 -All right, Mom. -All right. 847 00:40:30,470 --> 00:40:31,762 Oh, Robbie. 848 00:40:32,514 --> 00:40:35,349 Jefferson Davis is sending three delegates. 849 00:40:35,642 --> 00:40:37,851 Stephens, Hunter and Campbell. 850 00:40:39,062 --> 00:40:41,271 Vice President of the Confederacy, 851 00:40:41,356 --> 00:40:43,148 the former Secretary of State 852 00:40:43,233 --> 00:40:45,818 and their Assistant Secretary of War. 853 00:40:46,194 --> 00:40:49,029 They're coming in earnest to propose peace. 854 00:40:50,865 --> 00:40:53,826 I know this is unwelcome news for you. 855 00:40:54,327 --> 00:40:55,702 Now hear me. 856 00:40:56,913 --> 00:40:59,748 I went to Richmond to talk to traitors. 857 00:41:00,875 --> 00:41:03,418 To smile at and plead with traitors 858 00:41:04,504 --> 00:41:07,339 because it'll be spring in two months. 859 00:41:08,007 --> 00:41:09,842 The roads will be passable, 860 00:41:09,926 --> 00:41:12,219 the spring slaughter commences. 861 00:41:13,221 --> 00:41:15,222 Four bloody springs now. 862 00:41:17,225 --> 00:41:18,892 Think of my Frank, 863 00:41:19,519 --> 00:41:21,728 whom you've taken to your heart. 864 00:41:21,855 --> 00:41:24,690 How you'll blame yourself if the war takes my son 865 00:41:24,774 --> 00:41:27,276 as it's taken multitudes of sons. 866 00:41:29,028 --> 00:41:31,321 Think of all the boys who will die 867 00:41:31,406 --> 00:41:33,365 if you don't make peace. 868 00:41:33,449 --> 00:41:35,367 You must talk with these men. 869 00:41:35,451 --> 00:41:36,827 I intend to, Preston. 870 00:41:36,911 --> 00:41:38,996 In return, I must ask you to support our push for the amendment... 871 00:41:39,080 --> 00:41:40,664 No, this is not horse trading. 872 00:41:40,748 --> 00:41:41,748 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 873 00:41:41,916 --> 00:41:42,916 Not now! 874 00:41:43,585 --> 00:41:45,419 Bob. I'm sorry. 875 00:41:46,379 --> 00:41:47,379 -Welcome home. -Thank you, sir. 876 00:41:47,463 --> 00:41:49,590 Looking fit, Robert. Harvard agrees with you. 877 00:41:49,716 --> 00:41:50,924 -Mr. Blair. -Fit and rested. 878 00:41:51,050 --> 00:41:53,969 Could you give us a moment, please, Robert? Thank you. 879 00:41:55,638 --> 00:41:58,807 I will procure your votes for you, as I promised. 880 00:41:59,726 --> 00:42:03,061 You have always kept your word to me. 881 00:42:04,230 --> 00:42:06,440 Those Southern men are coming. 882 00:42:07,275 --> 00:42:10,110 I beg you, in the name of gentle Christ, sir. 883 00:42:10,236 --> 00:42:11,236 I understand. 884 00:42:11,321 --> 00:42:13,030 Talk peace with these men. 885 00:42:13,114 --> 00:42:14,948 I understand, Preston. 886 00:42:17,577 --> 00:42:19,411 LATHAM: We have one abstention so far. 887 00:42:19,495 --> 00:42:20,621 SCHELL: Jacob Graylor. 888 00:42:20,747 --> 00:42:22,748 He'd like to be Federal Revenue Assessor 889 00:42:22,832 --> 00:42:24,583 for the 5th District of Pennsylvania. 890 00:42:25,001 --> 00:42:26,835 So the total of Representatives 891 00:42:26,961 --> 00:42:30,047 voting three weeks from today is reduced to 1 82, 892 00:42:30,131 --> 00:42:32,049 which means 1 22 yes votes 893 00:42:32,133 --> 00:42:34,134 to reach the requisite two-thirds of the House. 894 00:42:34,260 --> 00:42:36,929 Assuming all Republicans vote for the amendment. 895 00:42:39,307 --> 00:42:41,725 Then despite our abstention, 896 00:42:41,809 --> 00:42:43,393 to reach a two-thirds majority, 897 00:42:43,478 --> 00:42:45,229 we remain twenty yeses short. 898 00:42:45,313 --> 00:42:46,355 For which we're seeking 899 00:42:46,481 --> 00:42:48,982 from among 64 lame duck Democrats. 900 00:42:49,442 --> 00:42:53,654 Fully 39 of these we deem unredeemable no votes. 901 00:42:55,949 --> 00:42:57,991 The kind that hates niggers. 902 00:42:58,451 --> 00:43:00,661 Hates God for makin' niggers. 903 00:43:00,995 --> 00:43:03,747 The Good Lord on high would despair of their souls. 904 00:43:03,831 --> 00:43:06,959 Thank you for that pithy explanation, Mr. Bilbo. 905 00:43:07,085 --> 00:43:08,752 We've abandoned these 39 to 906 00:43:08,836 --> 00:43:10,504 the devil that possesses them. 907 00:43:10,588 --> 00:43:11,588 We would... 908 00:43:12,924 --> 00:43:16,426 The remaining lame ducks, on whom we've been working with a purpose. 909 00:43:17,345 --> 00:43:18,428 Charles Hanson. 910 00:43:18,805 --> 00:43:20,180 Congressman. 911 00:43:21,516 --> 00:43:23,600 My colleagues and I would like a moment of your time. 912 00:43:23,685 --> 00:43:25,477 I wonder if you've given much thought... 913 00:43:26,104 --> 00:43:27,354 Giles Stuart. 914 00:43:32,694 --> 00:43:34,194 Rather clumsy. 915 00:43:46,708 --> 00:43:48,292 LATHAM: Nelson Merrick. 916 00:43:54,882 --> 00:43:55,882 Homer Benson. 917 00:44:01,889 --> 00:44:03,557 My name is Richard Schell. 918 00:44:03,641 --> 00:44:06,059 I wanted you to have a look at this prospectus here. 919 00:44:07,895 --> 00:44:09,062 And lastly, 920 00:44:10,982 --> 00:44:13,150 Clay Hawkins. Of Ohio. 921 00:44:14,068 --> 00:44:16,153 Tax Collector for the Western Reserve. 922 00:44:16,237 --> 00:44:17,821 That pays handsomely. 923 00:44:17,905 --> 00:44:19,656 Don't just reach for the highest branches, 924 00:44:19,741 --> 00:44:21,575 they sway in every breeze. 925 00:44:22,160 --> 00:44:24,077 Assistant Port Inspector in Morristown 926 00:44:24,203 --> 00:44:25,662 looks like the ticket to me. 927 00:44:25,747 --> 00:44:27,581 Boats, they, they make me sick. 928 00:44:27,665 --> 00:44:29,708 So just stand on the dock. 929 00:44:30,001 --> 00:44:32,586 Let the Assistant Assistant Port Inspector's stomach 930 00:44:32,712 --> 00:44:34,004 go weak. 931 00:44:36,090 --> 00:44:37,924 SEWARD: And, lastly, Democratic yes vote 932 00:44:38,009 --> 00:44:39,926 number six, Hawkins. 933 00:44:40,011 --> 00:44:41,011 From Ohio. 934 00:44:41,095 --> 00:44:42,179 Six? 935 00:44:42,263 --> 00:44:43,847 Well, thus far. 936 00:44:43,931 --> 00:44:46,058 Plus Graylor's abstention. 937 00:44:46,517 --> 00:44:48,935 -From tiny acorns and so on. -What did Hawkins get? 938 00:44:49,062 --> 00:44:51,188 Postmaster of the Millersburg Post Office. 939 00:44:51,272 --> 00:44:52,606 He's selling himself cheap, ain't he? 940 00:44:52,690 --> 00:44:54,941 Well, he wanted Tax Collector of the Western Reserve. 941 00:44:55,026 --> 00:44:57,110 First term Congressman who couldn't manage reelection. 942 00:44:57,195 --> 00:44:58,278 I felt it unseemly 943 00:44:58,363 --> 00:44:59,863 and they bargained him down to Postmaster. 944 00:44:59,947 --> 00:45:01,365 Scatter them over several rounds of appointments 945 00:45:01,449 --> 00:45:02,866 so no one notices, then burn this ledger, 946 00:45:02,950 --> 00:45:05,035 please, after you're done. 947 00:45:08,081 --> 00:45:10,374 Time for my public opinion bath. 948 00:45:10,541 --> 00:45:11,792 Might as well let them in. 949 00:45:13,753 --> 00:45:15,921 Seven yeses with Mr. Ellis. 950 00:45:16,964 --> 00:45:18,465 Thirteen to go. 951 00:45:19,634 --> 00:45:21,134 One last item. 952 00:45:21,636 --> 00:45:23,428 An absurdity, but 953 00:45:24,472 --> 00:45:26,807 my associates report that among the Representatives 954 00:45:26,933 --> 00:45:29,476 a fantastical rumor's bruited about, 955 00:45:29,977 --> 00:45:32,437 which I immediately disavowed, 956 00:45:32,897 --> 00:45:34,898 that you'd allowed bleary old Preston Blair 957 00:45:34,982 --> 00:45:36,066 to sojourn to Richmond 958 00:45:36,150 --> 00:45:38,235 to invite Jeff Davis to send commissioners 959 00:45:38,319 --> 00:45:40,904 up to Washington with a peace plan. 960 00:45:44,492 --> 00:45:47,244 I, of course, told them that you would never. 961 00:45:47,328 --> 00:45:50,163 Not without consulting me, you wouldn't. 962 00:45:50,915 --> 00:45:53,166 Because why on earth would you? 963 00:47:19,837 --> 00:47:21,254 Much obliged. 964 00:47:28,346 --> 00:47:29,346 SEWARD: Why wasn't I consulted? 965 00:47:29,430 --> 00:47:30,931 I'm Secretary of State. 966 00:47:31,098 --> 00:47:34,601 And you informally send a reactionary dotard to... 967 00:47:36,062 --> 00:47:37,437 What will happen, do you imagine, 968 00:47:37,563 --> 00:47:40,106 when these peace commissioners arrive? 969 00:47:40,233 --> 00:47:41,274 We'll hear them out. 970 00:47:41,567 --> 00:47:43,026 Oh. Splendid. 971 00:47:43,402 --> 00:47:44,694 And next, the Democrats will invite them 972 00:47:44,779 --> 00:47:46,279 up to hearings on the Hill. 973 00:47:46,405 --> 00:47:48,949 And the newspapers... Oh, the newspapers. 974 00:47:49,075 --> 00:47:50,450 The newspapers will ask, 975 00:47:50,576 --> 00:47:52,369 "Why risk enraging the Confederacy 976 00:47:52,453 --> 00:47:53,453 "over the issue of slavery 977 00:47:53,538 --> 00:47:55,914 "when they're here to make peace?" 978 00:47:57,375 --> 00:47:59,960 We'll lose every Democrat we've got, 979 00:48:00,044 --> 00:48:01,628 more than likely conservative Republicans 980 00:48:01,712 --> 00:48:03,296 will join them, and all our work, 981 00:48:03,422 --> 00:48:05,715 all our preparing the ground for the vote 982 00:48:05,800 --> 00:48:06,967 laid waste for naught. 983 00:48:07,051 --> 00:48:08,802 The Blairs promised support for the amendment 984 00:48:08,886 --> 00:48:09,886 if we listen to these people. 985 00:48:09,971 --> 00:48:11,805 Oh, the Blairs promise, do they? 986 00:48:11,931 --> 00:48:12,973 You think they'll keep their promise 987 00:48:13,099 --> 00:48:14,140 once we've heard these delegates 988 00:48:14,225 --> 00:48:16,142 and refused them, which we will have to do, 989 00:48:16,227 --> 00:48:17,727 since their proposal most certainly 990 00:48:17,812 --> 00:48:19,145 will be predicated on 991 00:48:19,230 --> 00:48:20,814 keeping their slaves! 992 00:48:20,898 --> 00:48:23,441 What hope for any Democratic votes, Willum, 993 00:48:23,651 --> 00:48:25,735 if word gets out that I've refused a chance 994 00:48:25,820 --> 00:48:27,487 to end the war? 995 00:48:27,947 --> 00:48:29,739 You think word won't get out? 996 00:48:30,741 --> 00:48:32,242 In Washington? 997 00:48:33,995 --> 00:48:35,996 It's either the amendment or this Confederate peace. 998 00:48:36,122 --> 00:48:37,914 You cannot have both. 999 00:48:38,666 --> 00:48:41,334 "If you can look into the seeds of time, 1000 00:48:42,169 --> 00:48:45,255 "And say which grain will grow and which will not, 1001 00:48:45,339 --> 00:48:46,506 "Speak then to me." 1002 00:48:46,591 --> 00:48:48,174 A disaster. This is a disaster. 1003 00:48:48,259 --> 00:48:50,594 Time is a great thickener of things, Willum. 1004 00:48:50,678 --> 00:48:52,470 Yes, I suppose it is. 1005 00:48:52,972 --> 00:48:55,015 Actually, I have no idea what you mean by that. 1006 00:48:57,184 --> 00:48:59,019 Get me 1 3 votes. 1007 00:48:59,979 --> 00:49:02,314 Them fellas from Richmond ain't here yet. 1008 00:49:02,440 --> 00:49:03,982 (INDISTINCT TALKING) 1009 00:49:12,658 --> 00:49:14,367 (SHIP HORN BLOWING) 1010 00:49:23,502 --> 00:49:25,879 ROBERT: You drafted half the men in Boston. 1011 00:49:25,963 --> 00:49:28,798 What do you think their families think about me? 1012 00:49:28,883 --> 00:49:30,800 The only reason they don't throw things and spit on me 1013 00:49:30,885 --> 00:49:32,385 is 'cause you're so popular. 1014 00:49:32,470 --> 00:49:36,222 I can't concentrate on, on British Mercantile Law. 1015 00:49:36,307 --> 00:49:38,475 I don't care about British Mercantile Law. 1016 00:49:40,686 --> 00:49:42,354 I might not even want to be a lawyer. 1017 00:49:44,106 --> 00:49:47,484 It's a sturdy profession. And a useful one. 1018 00:49:47,568 --> 00:49:52,572 Yes, and I want to be useful, but now, not afterwards. 1019 00:49:52,657 --> 00:49:54,407 I ain't wearing them things, Mr. Slade. 1020 00:49:54,492 --> 00:49:55,492 They never fit right. 1021 00:49:55,576 --> 00:49:57,827 The missus will have you wear them. Don't think... 1022 00:49:57,912 --> 00:49:59,829 You're delaying, that's your favorite tactic. 1023 00:49:59,914 --> 00:50:01,831 -Be useful... -You won't tell me no, 1024 00:50:01,916 --> 00:50:03,750 but the war will be over in a month, and you know it will. 1025 00:50:03,876 --> 00:50:06,503 I've found that prophesying 1026 00:50:07,380 --> 00:50:11,091 is one of life's less profitable occupations. 1027 00:50:11,217 --> 00:50:12,217 (CHUCKLING) 1028 00:50:12,885 --> 00:50:15,011 Why do some slaves cost more than others? 1029 00:50:15,096 --> 00:50:16,429 Uh, if they're still young and healthy, 1030 00:50:16,555 --> 00:50:18,098 or if the women can still conceive, they pay more. 1031 00:50:18,182 --> 00:50:20,850 Put them back in the box, you scoundrel. 1032 00:50:22,269 --> 00:50:24,187 We'll return them to Mr. Gardner's studio 1033 00:50:24,271 --> 00:50:25,772 day after next. 1034 00:50:26,857 --> 00:50:28,608 Be careful with them now. 1035 00:50:29,443 --> 00:50:31,194 These things should have stayed on the calf. 1036 00:50:31,278 --> 00:50:35,699 When you were a slave, Mr. Slade, did they beat you? 1037 00:50:35,783 --> 00:50:37,283 I was born a free man. 1038 00:50:37,410 --> 00:50:40,203 Nobody beat me except I beat them right back. 1039 00:50:40,287 --> 00:50:42,288 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 1040 00:50:42,373 --> 00:50:43,373 Mr. Lincoln... 1041 00:50:43,457 --> 00:50:47,377 Mrs. Keckley was a slave. Ask her if she was beaten. 1042 00:50:47,461 --> 00:50:49,295 -TAD: Were you... -Tad. 1043 00:50:49,797 --> 00:50:50,880 KECKLEY: I was beaten with a fire shovel 1044 00:50:50,965 --> 00:50:52,215 when I was younger than you. 1045 00:50:52,299 --> 00:50:55,135 You should go to Mrs. Lincoln. She's in Willie's room. 1046 00:50:56,262 --> 00:50:57,470 She never goes in there. 1047 00:50:57,596 --> 00:51:00,974 The reception line is already stretching out the door. 1048 00:51:03,310 --> 00:51:05,895 See, I'll be the only man over 1 5 and under 65 1049 00:51:05,980 --> 00:51:08,064 in this whole place not in uniform. 1050 00:51:08,149 --> 00:51:09,607 I'm under 1 5. 1051 00:51:30,296 --> 00:51:32,297 My head hurts so. 1052 00:51:35,760 --> 00:51:38,511 I prayed for death the night Willie died. 1053 00:51:39,680 --> 00:51:42,849 My headaches are how I know I didn't get my wish. 1054 00:51:45,352 --> 00:51:48,855 How to endure the long afternoon 1055 00:51:48,939 --> 00:51:50,356 and deep into the night. 1056 00:51:50,483 --> 00:51:51,691 I know. 1057 00:51:51,776 --> 00:51:54,944 Trying not to think about him. How will I manage? 1058 00:51:55,029 --> 00:51:56,863 -Somehow. You will. -Somehow? 1059 00:51:56,989 --> 00:51:57,989 Oh. 1060 00:51:58,073 --> 00:52:00,116 Somehow. Somehow. 1061 00:52:02,369 --> 00:52:03,787 Every party. 1062 00:52:04,455 --> 00:52:05,705 Every... 1063 00:52:08,793 --> 00:52:10,126 And now 1064 00:52:11,504 --> 00:52:14,380 four years more in this terrible house, 1065 00:52:14,507 --> 00:52:16,299 reproaching us. 1066 00:52:17,843 --> 00:52:19,969 He was a very sick little boy. 1067 00:52:20,054 --> 00:52:22,472 We should have canceled that reception, shouldn't we? 1068 00:52:22,556 --> 00:52:23,973 We didn't know how sick he was. 1069 00:52:24,058 --> 00:52:25,642 I knew. I knew. 1070 00:52:26,727 --> 00:52:29,062 I saw that night (VOICE BREAKING) he was dying. 1071 00:52:29,188 --> 00:52:32,565 Three years ago, the war was going so badly. 1072 00:52:32,691 --> 00:52:35,401 We had to put on a face. 1073 00:52:35,486 --> 00:52:36,986 (VOICE BREAKING) But I saw Willie was dying. 1074 00:52:37,112 --> 00:52:38,655 Molly... 1075 00:52:38,739 --> 00:52:40,490 (SOBBING) I saw him. 1076 00:52:42,910 --> 00:52:44,410 It's too hard. 1077 00:52:48,082 --> 00:52:49,082 (KISSES) 1078 00:52:50,417 --> 00:52:51,751 Too hard. 1079 00:52:57,424 --> 00:52:59,008 -(CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING) -(LAUGHING) 1080 00:52:59,093 --> 00:53:01,177 Oh, gracious saints! 1081 00:53:01,262 --> 00:53:03,012 (INDISTINCT) 1082 00:53:13,899 --> 00:53:16,776 She's just ten feet yonder. I'd like to keep my job. 1083 00:53:16,861 --> 00:53:18,194 -How nice to see you. -Nice to see you. 1084 00:53:18,612 --> 00:53:21,781 Senator Sumner. It's been much too long. 1085 00:53:21,907 --> 00:53:23,533 "Oh, who can look on that celestial face..." 1086 00:53:23,617 --> 00:53:24,617 And? 1087 00:53:24,702 --> 00:53:26,202 James Ashley, ma'am. We've met several times. 1088 00:53:26,287 --> 00:53:27,954 Praise heavens, praise heavens. 1089 00:53:28,080 --> 00:53:30,290 Just when I had abandoned hope of amusement, 1090 00:53:30,374 --> 00:53:31,624 it's the Chairman of the House Ways 1091 00:53:31,750 --> 00:53:33,626 -and Means Committee. -Mrs. Lincoln. 1092 00:53:34,086 --> 00:53:36,379 Madame President, if you please. 1093 00:53:36,964 --> 00:53:38,464 (LAUGHS) 1094 00:53:38,549 --> 00:53:40,216 Don't convene another subcommittee 1095 00:53:40,301 --> 00:53:41,384 to investigate me, sir. 1096 00:53:41,468 --> 00:53:43,303 I'm teasing. Smile, Senator Wade. 1097 00:53:43,429 --> 00:53:45,305 I believe I am smiling, Mrs. Lincoln. 1098 00:53:45,389 --> 00:53:46,556 As long as your household accounts 1099 00:53:46,640 --> 00:53:48,474 are in order, madam, 1100 00:53:48,601 --> 00:53:50,894 we'll have no need to investigate them. 1101 00:53:50,978 --> 00:53:53,897 You have always taken such a lively, 1102 00:53:53,981 --> 00:53:57,817 even prosecutorial interest in my household accounts. 1103 00:53:57,902 --> 00:54:00,570 Your household accounts have always been so interesting. 1104 00:54:00,654 --> 00:54:02,655 Yes, thank you. It's true. 1105 00:54:03,282 --> 00:54:05,658 The miracles I have wrought 1106 00:54:05,743 --> 00:54:08,244 out of fertilizer bills and cutlery invoices, 1107 00:54:08,329 --> 00:54:09,954 but I had to. 1108 00:54:11,165 --> 00:54:13,166 Four years ago, when the President and I arrived, 1109 00:54:13,250 --> 00:54:14,751 this was pure pigsty. 1110 00:54:14,835 --> 00:54:16,753 Tobacco stains on the Turkey carpets. 1111 00:54:16,837 --> 00:54:20,423 Mushrooms, green as the moon, sprouting from the ceilings. 1112 00:54:20,507 --> 00:54:23,760 And a pauper's pittance allotted for improvements. 1113 00:54:23,844 --> 00:54:26,846 As if your committee joined with all of Washington 1114 00:54:26,931 --> 00:54:28,431 awaiting in what you anticipated 1115 00:54:28,515 --> 00:54:30,975 would be our comfort in squalor. 1116 00:54:31,435 --> 00:54:33,770 Further proof that my husband and I 1117 00:54:33,854 --> 00:54:35,521 were prairie primitives 1118 00:54:35,648 --> 00:54:38,691 unsuited to the position to which an error of the people, 1119 00:54:38,817 --> 00:54:42,278 a flaw in the Democratic process had elevated us. 1120 00:54:42,363 --> 00:54:45,281 The past is the past. It's a new year now 1121 00:54:45,366 --> 00:54:49,535 and we are all getting along, or so they tell me. 1122 00:54:49,620 --> 00:54:51,788 I gather we are working together. 1123 00:54:51,872 --> 00:54:53,873 The White House and the other House, 1124 00:54:53,958 --> 00:54:55,208 hatching little plans together. 1125 00:54:55,334 --> 00:54:56,376 -ROBERT: Mother. -What? 1126 00:54:56,460 --> 00:54:58,544 -You're creating a bottleneck. -Oh. 1127 00:54:58,671 --> 00:55:00,505 Oh, I'm detaining you. 1128 00:55:01,215 --> 00:55:04,050 And more importantly, the people behind you. 1129 00:55:04,843 --> 00:55:07,470 How the people love my husband. 1130 00:55:08,055 --> 00:55:12,058 They flock to see him by their thousands on public days. 1131 00:55:12,559 --> 00:55:15,561 They will never love you the way they love him. 1132 00:55:16,689 --> 00:55:19,816 How difficult it must be for you to know that 1133 00:55:19,900 --> 00:55:22,568 and yet how important to remember it. 1134 00:55:33,163 --> 00:55:35,999 Since we have the floor next in the debate, 1135 00:55:36,083 --> 00:55:38,418 I thought I'd suggest you might 1136 00:55:39,086 --> 00:55:41,004 temper your contribution 1137 00:55:41,088 --> 00:55:44,090 so as not to frighten our conservative friends. 1138 00:55:44,174 --> 00:55:46,259 Ashley insists you're ensuring approval 1139 00:55:46,343 --> 00:55:48,261 by dispensing patronage 1140 00:55:48,345 --> 00:55:51,014 to otherwise undeserving Democrats. 1141 00:55:51,098 --> 00:55:52,932 I can't ensure a single damn thing 1142 00:55:53,058 --> 00:55:54,684 if you scare the whole House silly 1143 00:55:54,768 --> 00:55:56,519 with talk of land appropriations 1144 00:55:56,603 --> 00:55:58,521 and revolutionary tribunals. 1145 00:55:58,605 --> 00:56:01,024 When the war ends, I intend to 1146 00:56:01,108 --> 00:56:05,903 push for full equality, the Negro vote, and much more. 1147 00:56:06,613 --> 00:56:08,322 Congress shall mandate the seizure 1148 00:56:08,449 --> 00:56:09,949 of every foot of Rebel land 1149 00:56:10,075 --> 00:56:12,618 and every dollar of their property. 1150 00:56:13,954 --> 00:56:15,496 We'll use their confiscated wealth 1151 00:56:15,622 --> 00:56:17,540 to establish hundreds of thousands 1152 00:56:17,624 --> 00:56:19,167 of free Negro farmers 1153 00:56:19,293 --> 00:56:21,919 and, at their side, soldiers armed to occupy 1154 00:56:22,004 --> 00:56:23,629 and transform the heritage of traitors. 1155 00:56:25,257 --> 00:56:26,716 We'll build up a land down there 1156 00:56:26,800 --> 00:56:29,969 of free men and free women and free children and freedom. 1157 00:56:31,638 --> 00:56:34,807 The nation needs to know that we have such plans. 1158 00:56:35,642 --> 00:56:38,519 That's the untempered version of reconstruction. 1159 00:56:40,647 --> 00:56:42,315 (CHUCKLING) It is not... 1160 00:56:42,441 --> 00:56:44,984 It's not quite exactly what I intend. 1161 00:56:47,321 --> 00:56:50,698 But we shall oppose one another in the course of time. 1162 00:56:50,824 --> 00:56:52,867 Now we're working together, and I'm asking you... 1163 00:56:52,993 --> 00:56:54,202 For patience, I expect. 1164 00:56:54,328 --> 00:56:56,037 When the people disagree, bringing them together 1165 00:56:56,163 --> 00:56:58,664 requires going slow until they're ready to... 1166 00:56:58,791 --> 00:57:00,833 Shit on the people and what they want 1167 00:57:00,959 --> 00:57:01,918 and what they're ready for. 1168 00:57:02,002 --> 00:57:03,211 I don't give a goddamn about the people 1169 00:57:03,337 --> 00:57:04,545 and what they want. 1170 00:57:04,671 --> 00:57:05,797 This is the face of someone 1171 00:57:05,881 --> 00:57:07,256 who has fought long and hard 1172 00:57:07,341 --> 00:57:08,466 for the good of the people 1173 00:57:08,550 --> 00:57:11,219 without caring much for any of them. 1174 00:57:11,345 --> 00:57:13,054 And I look a lot worse without my wig. 1175 00:57:14,348 --> 00:57:17,850 The people elected me to represent them, 1176 00:57:17,976 --> 00:57:20,645 to lead them, and I lead. You ought to try it. 1177 00:57:23,357 --> 00:57:26,484 I admire your zeal, Mr. Stevens 1178 00:57:26,568 --> 00:57:30,363 and I have tried to profit from the example of it, but 1179 00:57:31,365 --> 00:57:32,406 if I'd listened to you, 1180 00:57:32,533 --> 00:57:33,866 I'd have declared every slave free 1181 00:57:33,992 --> 00:57:36,494 the minute the first shell struck Fort Sumter. 1182 00:57:36,578 --> 00:57:38,121 And the border states would have gone over 1183 00:57:38,205 --> 00:57:40,373 to the Confederacy, the war would have been lost 1184 00:57:40,499 --> 00:57:41,874 and the Union along with it, 1185 00:57:42,000 --> 00:57:43,918 and instead of abolishing slavery 1186 00:57:44,044 --> 00:57:45,711 as we hope to do in two weeks, 1187 00:57:45,838 --> 00:57:48,381 we'd be watching, helpless as infants, as it spread 1188 00:57:48,507 --> 00:57:50,591 from the American South into South America. 1189 00:57:50,717 --> 00:57:53,511 Oh, how you have longed to say that to me. 1190 00:57:54,388 --> 00:57:56,097 You claim you trust them, 1191 00:57:56,223 --> 00:57:58,558 but you know what the people are. 1192 00:57:59,393 --> 00:58:02,145 You know that the inner compass, 1193 00:58:02,229 --> 00:58:04,730 that should direct the soul towards justice 1194 00:58:04,857 --> 00:58:08,442 has ossified in white men and women, North and South, 1195 00:58:08,569 --> 00:58:10,319 unto utter uselessness, 1196 00:58:10,404 --> 00:58:12,613 through tolerating the evil of slavery. 1197 00:58:12,739 --> 00:58:14,782 White people cannot bear the thought 1198 00:58:14,908 --> 00:58:16,742 of sharing this country's infinite abundance 1199 00:58:16,869 --> 00:58:18,411 with Negroes. 1200 00:58:20,747 --> 00:58:23,749 A compass, I learned when I was surveying, 1201 00:58:24,418 --> 00:58:27,587 it'll point you true north from where you're standing. 1202 00:58:27,713 --> 00:58:29,505 But it's got no advice about 1203 00:58:29,590 --> 00:58:32,216 the swamps and deserts and chasms 1204 00:58:32,301 --> 00:58:34,844 that you'll encounter along the way. 1205 00:58:34,928 --> 00:58:36,345 If in pursuit of your destination, 1206 00:58:36,430 --> 00:58:38,347 you plunge ahead, heedless of obstacles 1207 00:58:38,432 --> 00:58:41,893 and achieve nothing more than to sink in a swamp, 1208 00:58:43,270 --> 00:58:45,646 what's the use of knowing true north? 1209 00:59:01,955 --> 00:59:05,291 Robert's going to plead with us to let him enlist. 1210 00:59:07,836 --> 00:59:11,964 Make time to talk to Robbie. You only have time for Tad. 1211 00:59:12,049 --> 00:59:13,507 Tad is young. 1212 00:59:13,967 --> 00:59:17,720 So is Robert. Too young for the Army. 1213 00:59:17,804 --> 00:59:20,806 Plenty of boys younger than Robert signing up. 1214 00:59:23,810 --> 00:59:25,478 Don't take Robbie. 1215 00:59:26,188 --> 00:59:27,939 Don't let me lose my son. 1216 00:59:28,023 --> 00:59:29,023 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 1217 00:59:29,149 --> 00:59:31,859 Go away! We're occupied! 1218 00:59:35,697 --> 00:59:36,948 Secretary Stanton has sent over 1219 00:59:37,032 --> 00:59:38,491 to tell you that as of half an hour ago 1220 00:59:38,617 --> 00:59:40,993 the shelling of Wilmington Harbor has commenced. 1221 00:59:44,164 --> 00:59:45,706 (DOOR CLOSING) 1222 00:59:46,041 --> 00:59:48,876 They cannot possibly maintain under this kind of an assault. 1223 00:59:49,002 --> 00:59:51,462 Terry has got 1 0,000 men surrounding the goddamn port. 1224 00:59:51,546 --> 00:59:52,546 Why doesn't he answer... 1225 00:59:52,673 --> 00:59:54,590 Fort Fisher is a mountain of a building, Edwin. 1226 00:59:54,675 --> 00:59:55,758 It's the largest fort they have, sir. 1227 00:59:55,842 --> 00:59:57,718 Twenty-two big Seacoast guns on each rampart. 1228 00:59:57,803 --> 00:59:59,095 They've been reinforcing it for the last two years. 1229 00:59:59,179 --> 01:00:01,264 They've taken 1 7,000 shells since yesterday! 1230 01:00:01,348 --> 01:00:03,975 I want to hear Fort Fisher is ours 1231 01:00:04,059 --> 01:00:05,268 and Wilmington has fallen. 1232 01:00:05,352 --> 01:00:06,852 Send another damn cable! 1233 01:00:06,979 --> 01:00:09,563 The problem's their commander, Whiting! 1234 01:00:10,357 --> 01:00:11,774 He engineered the fortress himself, 1235 01:00:11,858 --> 01:00:12,900 the damn thing's his child. 1236 01:00:13,026 --> 01:00:15,361 He'll defend it till his every last man is gone. 1237 01:00:15,487 --> 01:00:17,905 LINCOLN: "Come on out, you old rat!" 1238 01:00:19,992 --> 01:00:23,953 (CHUCKLES) That's what Ethan Allen called out 1239 01:00:24,037 --> 01:00:27,581 to the commander of Fort Ticonderoga in 1 776. 1240 01:00:27,708 --> 01:00:29,750 "Come on out, you old rat!" 1241 01:00:30,877 --> 01:00:32,086 (SIGHS) Of course, there were only 1242 01:00:32,212 --> 01:00:34,588 40 odd Redcoats at Ticonderoga. 1243 01:00:35,841 --> 01:00:39,510 There is one Ethan Allen story that I'm very partial to. 1244 01:00:39,594 --> 01:00:42,096 No, you're going to tell a story. 1245 01:00:42,723 --> 01:00:45,141 I don't believe that I can bear 1246 01:00:45,225 --> 01:00:47,184 to listen to another one of your stories right now. 1247 01:00:47,894 --> 01:00:50,771 I need the B&O sideyard schedules for Alexandria! 1248 01:00:50,897 --> 01:00:52,315 I asked for them this morning! 1249 01:00:52,399 --> 01:00:56,986 (LAUGHING) It was right after the Revolution, 1250 01:00:57,070 --> 01:00:59,447 right after peace had been concluded. 1251 01:00:59,573 --> 01:01:02,491 And Ethan Allen went to London 1252 01:01:02,576 --> 01:01:04,243 to help our new country 1253 01:01:04,369 --> 01:01:06,746 conduct its business with the King. 1254 01:01:07,706 --> 01:01:10,374 The English sneered at how rough we are 1255 01:01:10,459 --> 01:01:12,793 and rude and simple-minded, and on like that, 1256 01:01:12,919 --> 01:01:13,878 everywhere he went 1257 01:01:13,962 --> 01:01:16,922 till one day he was invited to the townhouse 1258 01:01:17,049 --> 01:01:18,966 of a great English lord. 1259 01:01:21,261 --> 01:01:24,263 Dinner was served and beverages imbibed, 1260 01:01:25,057 --> 01:01:27,391 time passed, as happens, and 1261 01:01:27,476 --> 01:01:30,102 Mr. Allen found he needed the privy. 1262 01:01:31,646 --> 01:01:34,273 He was grateful to be directed thence. 1263 01:01:35,442 --> 01:01:36,984 (CLEARS THROAT) 1264 01:01:37,944 --> 01:01:40,029 -Relieved, you might say. -(LAUGHTER) 1265 01:01:40,113 --> 01:01:41,447 (CHUCKLES) 1266 01:01:42,115 --> 01:01:44,784 Now, Mr. Allen discovered 1267 01:01:45,619 --> 01:01:46,911 on entering the water closet, 1268 01:01:46,995 --> 01:01:49,580 that the only decoration therein 1269 01:01:49,664 --> 01:01:52,291 was a portrait of George Washington. 1270 01:01:55,796 --> 01:01:58,172 Ethan Allen done what he came to do, 1271 01:01:58,298 --> 01:02:00,633 and returned to the drawing room. 1272 01:02:01,301 --> 01:02:03,427 His host and the others were disappointed 1273 01:02:03,512 --> 01:02:05,554 when he didn't mention Washington's portrait. 1274 01:02:05,639 --> 01:02:08,265 Finally, His Lordship couldn't resist and asked Mr. Allen 1275 01:02:08,350 --> 01:02:10,059 had he noticed it, the picture of Washington. 1276 01:02:10,143 --> 01:02:11,602 He had. 1277 01:02:11,686 --> 01:02:13,270 Well, what did he think of its placement, 1278 01:02:13,355 --> 01:02:16,399 did it seem appropriately located to Mr. Allen? 1279 01:02:16,483 --> 01:02:18,567 Mr. Allen said it did. 1280 01:02:18,652 --> 01:02:20,361 His host was astounded. 1281 01:02:20,487 --> 01:02:22,488 "Appropriate?" (CHUCKLES) 1282 01:02:22,614 --> 01:02:25,491 "George Washington's likeness in a water closet?" 1283 01:02:25,617 --> 01:02:28,994 "Yes," said Mr. Allen. "Where it'll do good service. 1284 01:02:29,704 --> 01:02:31,789 "The whole world knows nothing will make an Englishman 1285 01:02:31,873 --> 01:02:34,125 "shit quicker than the sight of George Washington." 1286 01:02:34,209 --> 01:02:35,835 (ALL LAUGHING) 1287 01:02:38,547 --> 01:02:40,506 I love that story. 1288 01:02:42,801 --> 01:02:44,135 (CLICKING) 1289 01:02:46,972 --> 01:02:48,681 (INDISTINCT TALKING) 1290 01:03:07,325 --> 01:03:09,535 Fort Fisher is ours. We've taken the port. 1291 01:03:09,661 --> 01:03:11,203 And Wilmington? 1292 01:03:13,290 --> 01:03:14,373 We've taken the fort, 1293 01:03:14,499 --> 01:03:16,792 but the city of Wilmington has not surrendered. 1294 01:03:17,627 --> 01:03:19,378 How many casualties? 1295 01:03:20,046 --> 01:03:22,298 (TELEGRAPH CONTINUES CLICKING) 1296 01:03:31,725 --> 01:03:33,642 -Heavy losses. -And more to come. 1297 01:03:33,727 --> 01:03:36,312 It sours the national mood. It might suffice... 1298 01:03:36,396 --> 01:03:38,314 To what? To bring this down? 1299 01:03:38,398 --> 01:03:40,900 Not in a fight like this. This is to the death. 1300 01:03:40,984 --> 01:03:42,568 That's gruesome. 1301 01:03:42,861 --> 01:03:45,321 Are you despairing or merely lazy? 1302 01:03:45,405 --> 01:03:48,574 This fight is for the United States of America. 1303 01:03:48,658 --> 01:03:51,577 Nothing "suffices." A rumor? Nothing. 1304 01:03:51,703 --> 01:03:54,580 They're not lazy. They're busily buying votes 1305 01:03:54,664 --> 01:03:57,917 while we hope to be saved by "the national mood"? 1306 01:03:59,211 --> 01:04:00,920 (INDISTINCT TALKING) 1307 01:04:03,924 --> 01:04:07,510 Before this blood is dry, when Stevens next takes the floor, 1308 01:04:07,594 --> 01:04:09,345 taunt him. You excel at that. 1309 01:04:09,429 --> 01:04:11,514 Get him to proclaim what we all know he believes 1310 01:04:11,598 --> 01:04:13,265 in his coal-colored heart. 1311 01:04:13,350 --> 01:04:16,018 That this vote is meant to set the black race on high, 1312 01:04:16,102 --> 01:04:17,102 to niggerate America... 1313 01:04:17,229 --> 01:04:19,605 George, please, stay on course. 1314 01:04:20,440 --> 01:04:22,608 Bring Stevens to full froth. 1315 01:04:23,443 --> 01:04:25,194 I can ensure that every newspaperman 1316 01:04:25,278 --> 01:04:26,612 from Louisville to San Francisco 1317 01:04:26,738 --> 01:04:28,614 will be here to witness it and print it. 1318 01:04:28,740 --> 01:04:31,450 (GAVEL BANGING) 1319 01:04:31,535 --> 01:04:33,869 The floor belongs to the mellifluent gentleman 1320 01:04:33,954 --> 01:04:36,455 from Kentucky, Mr. George Yeaman. 1321 01:04:42,295 --> 01:04:44,421 I thank you, Speaker Colfax. 1322 01:04:50,136 --> 01:04:51,387 (SIGHS) 1323 01:04:52,180 --> 01:04:55,933 Although I am disgusted by slavery, 1324 01:04:56,017 --> 01:04:57,518 (MEN AGREEING) 1325 01:05:00,105 --> 01:05:02,690 I rise on this sad and solemn day 1326 01:05:03,316 --> 01:05:06,485 to announce that I'm opposed to the amendment. 1327 01:05:06,611 --> 01:05:08,153 (MEN APPLAUDING) 1328 01:05:11,366 --> 01:05:14,785 We must consider what will become of colored folk 1329 01:05:14,869 --> 01:05:18,789 if four million are, in one instant, set free. 1330 01:05:19,165 --> 01:05:20,374 They'll be free, George, 1331 01:05:20,500 --> 01:05:22,334 that's what will become of them. 1332 01:05:22,460 --> 01:05:23,460 (MEN LAUGHING) 1333 01:05:23,587 --> 01:05:24,628 Think how splendid 1334 01:05:25,630 --> 01:05:27,506 if Mr. Yeaman switched. 1335 01:05:27,632 --> 01:05:30,426 Too publicly against us. He can't change course now. 1336 01:05:30,510 --> 01:05:33,637 Not for some miserable little job, anyways. 1337 01:05:33,722 --> 01:05:36,890 And we will be forced to enfranchise 1338 01:05:37,017 --> 01:05:39,268 the men of the colored race. 1339 01:05:39,352 --> 01:05:41,478 It would be inhuman not to. 1340 01:05:42,188 --> 01:05:45,816 Now who among us is prepared to give Negroes the vote? 1341 01:05:45,900 --> 01:05:47,151 (ALL SHOUTING IN PROTEST) 1342 01:05:47,277 --> 01:05:48,527 And, and, 1343 01:05:48,653 --> 01:05:50,863 what shall follow upon that? 1344 01:05:51,656 --> 01:05:53,699 Universal enfranchisement? 1345 01:05:55,035 --> 01:05:56,076 Votes for women? 1346 01:05:56,202 --> 01:05:57,870 (ALL YELLING) 1347 01:06:03,835 --> 01:06:05,002 We... 1348 01:06:07,547 --> 01:06:08,589 WOOD: Bless my eyes. 1349 01:06:08,715 --> 01:06:11,300 If it isn't the Postmaster of Millersburg, Ohio. 1350 01:06:11,676 --> 01:06:12,843 (DOOR CLOSES) 1351 01:06:13,345 --> 01:06:16,388 Mr. LeClerk felt honor-bound to inform us 1352 01:06:16,514 --> 01:06:17,473 (SNIFFING) 1353 01:06:17,557 --> 01:06:19,391 of your disgusting betrayal. 1354 01:06:20,560 --> 01:06:22,227 Your prostitution. 1355 01:06:23,355 --> 01:06:25,731 Is that true, Postmaster Hawkins? 1356 01:06:27,025 --> 01:06:29,360 Is your maidenly virtue for sale? 1357 01:06:32,197 --> 01:06:33,155 HAWKINS: If my neighbors hear 1358 01:06:33,239 --> 01:06:34,448 that I voted yes for nigger freedom 1359 01:06:34,574 --> 01:06:35,949 and no to peace, they will kill me. 1360 01:06:36,076 --> 01:06:37,117 A deal is a deal. 1361 01:06:37,243 --> 01:06:38,786 You men know better than to piss your pants 1362 01:06:38,912 --> 01:06:40,329 just 'cause there's talk about peace talks. 1363 01:06:40,413 --> 01:06:42,331 -Look, I'll find another job! -My neighbors in Nashville, 1364 01:06:42,415 --> 01:06:43,957 they found out I was loyal to the Union, 1365 01:06:44,084 --> 01:06:45,459 they came after me with gelding knives. 1366 01:06:45,585 --> 01:06:47,086 -I'll find another job. -You do right, Clay Hawkins. 1367 01:06:47,212 --> 01:06:50,506 I want to do right! But I got no courage! 1368 01:06:50,590 --> 01:06:52,257 BILBO: Wait. You wanted... What was it? 1369 01:06:52,384 --> 01:06:54,176 A tax man for the Western Reserve? 1370 01:06:54,260 --> 01:06:56,095 Hell, you can have the whole state of Ohio if you want... 1371 01:06:56,221 --> 01:06:57,721 Oh, crap. 1372 01:06:59,057 --> 01:07:00,265 (GRUNTS) 1373 01:07:00,475 --> 01:07:01,809 SEWARD: Eleven votes? 1374 01:07:01,935 --> 01:07:04,103 Two days ago, we had twelve. What happened? 1375 01:07:04,229 --> 01:07:05,187 There are defections in the ranks. 1376 01:07:05,271 --> 01:07:06,271 It's the goddamn rumors 1377 01:07:06,398 --> 01:07:07,356 regarding the Richmond delegation. 1378 01:07:07,440 --> 01:07:08,440 -Yes. The peace offer. -Groundless. 1379 01:07:08,566 --> 01:07:11,151 -And yet the rumors persist. -They are ruining us. 1380 01:07:11,277 --> 01:07:13,320 Among the few remaining Representatives 1381 01:07:13,446 --> 01:07:14,988 who seem remotely plausible, 1382 01:07:15,115 --> 01:07:17,574 there is a perceptible increase in resistance. 1383 01:07:17,659 --> 01:07:19,284 Resistance, hell. 1384 01:07:19,953 --> 01:07:22,287 Thingamabob Hollister, Dem from Indiana. 1385 01:07:22,414 --> 01:07:25,124 I approached him, sumbitch near to murdered me. 1386 01:07:25,250 --> 01:07:28,127 Colorado Territory... What's this one? 1387 01:07:28,628 --> 01:07:31,797 Job description... Taxpayers and... 1388 01:07:31,923 --> 01:07:33,674 Oh, shit! Cracky! 1389 01:07:33,925 --> 01:07:34,925 (GUN FIRES) 1390 01:07:35,009 --> 01:07:36,135 (PEOPLE EXCLAIM IN SURPRISE) 1391 01:07:37,095 --> 01:07:38,637 (GROANS) 1392 01:07:42,809 --> 01:07:45,602 Fuck you, you son of a bitch! Goddamn! 1393 01:07:51,693 --> 01:07:54,319 -Perhaps you pushed too hard. -I push nobody. 1394 01:07:54,779 --> 01:07:57,030 Perhaps we need reinforcements. 1395 01:07:57,490 --> 01:07:59,700 If Jeff Davis wants to cease hostilities, 1396 01:07:59,826 --> 01:08:02,244 who do you think is going to give a genuine solid shit 1397 01:08:02,328 --> 01:08:03,412 to free slaves? 1398 01:08:03,496 --> 01:08:04,788 Get back to it. 1399 01:08:05,665 --> 01:08:07,374 And gentlemen, good day. 1400 01:08:08,543 --> 01:08:10,127 We are at an impasse. 1401 01:08:10,211 --> 01:08:12,546 Tell Lincoln to deny the rumors, publicly. 1402 01:08:12,672 --> 01:08:13,672 Tell us what you expect of us. 1403 01:08:14,174 --> 01:08:15,883 I expect you to do your work. 1404 01:08:16,009 --> 01:08:17,509 And have sufficient sense and taste 1405 01:08:17,635 --> 01:08:20,095 not to presume to instruct the President. 1406 01:08:20,180 --> 01:08:21,180 Or me. 1407 01:08:22,056 --> 01:08:24,850 Is there a Confederate offer, or not? 1408 01:08:40,867 --> 01:08:42,534 GRANT: Gentlemen. 1409 01:08:44,829 --> 01:08:47,247 I suggest you work some changes to your proposal 1410 01:08:47,373 --> 01:08:49,374 before you give it to the President. 1411 01:08:49,501 --> 01:08:51,543 We're eager to be on our way to Washington. 1412 01:08:51,669 --> 01:08:53,837 Mr. Lincoln tell you to tell us this? 1413 01:08:53,922 --> 01:08:57,883 It says "securing peace for our two countries" 1414 01:08:58,009 --> 01:08:59,551 and it goes on like that. 1415 01:09:00,428 --> 01:09:02,596 -I don't... -There is just one country. 1416 01:09:02,722 --> 01:09:05,057 You and I, we're citizens of that country. 1417 01:09:05,391 --> 01:09:08,393 I'm fighting to protect it from armed rebels. 1418 01:09:09,020 --> 01:09:10,187 From you. 1419 01:09:10,271 --> 01:09:12,189 But Mr. Blair, he told us, 1420 01:09:12,273 --> 01:09:14,650 he told President Jefferson Davis that we... 1421 01:09:14,734 --> 01:09:17,277 A private citizen like Preston Blair 1422 01:09:17,403 --> 01:09:18,445 can say what he pleases, 1423 01:09:18,571 --> 01:09:21,365 since he has no authority over anything. 1424 01:09:21,449 --> 01:09:25,035 If you want to discuss peace with President Lincoln, 1425 01:09:26,079 --> 01:09:27,913 consider revisions. 1426 01:09:28,414 --> 01:09:29,957 If we're not to discuss 1427 01:09:30,083 --> 01:09:32,501 a truce between warring nations, 1428 01:09:32,585 --> 01:09:34,545 what in heaven's name can we discuss? 1429 01:09:35,588 --> 01:09:37,256 Terms of surrender. 1430 01:09:39,759 --> 01:09:41,844 GRANT: "Office United States Military Telegraph, 1431 01:09:41,928 --> 01:09:42,928 "War Department. 1432 01:09:43,054 --> 01:09:45,430 "For Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. 1433 01:09:45,557 --> 01:09:47,766 "January 20, 1865. 1434 01:09:48,268 --> 01:09:50,561 "I will state confidentially that I am convinced 1435 01:09:50,645 --> 01:09:52,938 "upon conversation with these commissioners 1436 01:09:53,064 --> 01:09:54,523 "that their intentions are good 1437 01:09:54,607 --> 01:09:57,943 "and their desire sincere to restore peace and union. 1438 01:09:58,611 --> 01:10:00,445 "I fear now they're going back 1439 01:10:00,572 --> 01:10:03,532 "without any expression of interest from anyone 1440 01:10:03,616 --> 01:10:07,160 "in authority, Mr. Lincoln, will have a bad influence. 1441 01:10:08,454 --> 01:10:11,456 "I will be sorry should it prove impossible for you 1442 01:10:11,583 --> 01:10:13,125 "to have an interview with them. 1443 01:10:13,251 --> 01:10:15,502 "I am awaiting your instructions. 1444 01:10:17,338 --> 01:10:19,548 "U.S. Grant, Lieutenant General, 1445 01:10:19,632 --> 01:10:21,258 "Commanding Armies, United States." 1446 01:10:23,303 --> 01:10:25,512 After four years of war, and 1447 01:10:26,764 --> 01:10:29,308 near 600,000 lives lost, 1448 01:10:29,434 --> 01:10:32,185 he believes we can end this war now. 1449 01:10:35,857 --> 01:10:38,692 My trust in him is marrow deep. 1450 01:10:44,949 --> 01:10:47,826 You could bring the delegates to Washington. 1451 01:10:48,119 --> 01:10:50,329 In exchange for the South's immediate surrender, 1452 01:10:50,455 --> 01:10:53,373 we could promise them the amendment's defeat. 1453 01:10:54,709 --> 01:10:59,379 They'd agree, don't you think? We'd end the war. This week. 1454 01:11:01,716 --> 01:11:03,258 Or, if you could manage 1455 01:11:03,343 --> 01:11:06,470 without seeming to do it, to, uh... 1456 01:11:10,558 --> 01:11:12,684 The peace delegation might encounter delays 1457 01:11:12,810 --> 01:11:14,728 as they travel up the James River. 1458 01:11:14,854 --> 01:11:17,189 Particularly with the fighting around Wilmington. 1459 01:11:24,072 --> 01:11:25,489 Within ten days' time, 1460 01:11:25,573 --> 01:11:28,200 we might pass the 1 3th Amendment. 1461 01:11:48,221 --> 01:11:50,180 (CLOCK TICKING RAPIDLY) 1462 01:12:04,946 --> 01:12:06,279 (MUMBLING) 1463 01:12:10,785 --> 01:12:13,078 Here's a 1 6-year-old boy, 1464 01:12:13,204 --> 01:12:14,746 they're going to hang him. 1465 01:12:14,872 --> 01:12:17,582 He's with the Fifteenth Indiana Cavalry near Bulford. 1466 01:12:17,709 --> 01:12:20,627 It seems he lamed his horse to avoid battle. 1467 01:12:22,547 --> 01:12:24,006 I don't think even Stanton would complain 1468 01:12:24,090 --> 01:12:25,090 if I pardoned him. 1469 01:12:25,216 --> 01:12:26,425 You think Stanton would complain? 1470 01:12:26,551 --> 01:12:29,636 I don't know, sir. I don't know who you're, uh... 1471 01:12:29,762 --> 01:12:32,139 -What time is it? -It's 3:40 in the morning. 1472 01:12:32,265 --> 01:12:35,726 Don't let him pardon any more deserters. 1473 01:12:35,810 --> 01:12:38,520 Mr. Stanton thinks you pardon too many. 1474 01:12:38,604 --> 01:12:40,147 He's generally apoplectic on the subject. 1475 01:12:40,273 --> 01:12:41,815 He oughtn't have done that, crippled his horse. 1476 01:12:41,941 --> 01:12:43,191 That was cruel, but you don't just hang 1477 01:12:43,276 --> 01:12:44,276 a 1 6-year-old boy for that... 1478 01:12:44,402 --> 01:12:45,527 Ask the horse what he thinks. 1479 01:12:45,611 --> 01:12:49,239 ...for cruelty. There'd be no 1 6-year-old boys left. 1480 01:12:50,491 --> 01:12:51,908 (SIGHS) 1481 01:13:07,800 --> 01:13:10,135 Grant wants me to bring the secesh delegates 1482 01:13:10,261 --> 01:13:11,762 to Washington. 1483 01:13:14,140 --> 01:13:16,433 So there are secesh delegates? 1484 01:13:17,143 --> 01:13:19,394 He was afraid, that's all it was. 1485 01:13:19,479 --> 01:13:22,439 I don't care to hang a boy for being frightened, either. 1486 01:13:23,024 --> 01:13:25,108 What good would it do him? 1487 01:13:31,532 --> 01:13:32,783 (SIGHS) 1488 01:13:39,832 --> 01:13:42,167 War's nearly done, ain't that so? 1489 01:13:45,505 --> 01:13:47,672 What use is one more corpse? 1490 01:13:49,884 --> 01:13:51,510 Any more corpses? 1491 01:14:00,645 --> 01:14:02,521 Do you need company? 1492 01:14:02,647 --> 01:14:05,524 LINCOLN: ln times like this, I'm best alone. 1493 01:14:31,342 --> 01:14:32,884 (SIGHS) 1494 01:14:44,355 --> 01:14:48,567 "Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, City Point. 1495 01:14:49,944 --> 01:14:52,154 "I have read your words with interest. 1496 01:14:52,238 --> 01:14:53,238 "I ask that, 1497 01:14:53,364 --> 01:14:55,740 "regardless of any action I take in the matter 1498 01:14:55,867 --> 01:14:58,910 "of the visit of the Richmond commissioners 1499 01:14:59,912 --> 01:15:01,496 "you maintain among your troops 1500 01:15:01,581 --> 01:15:04,416 "military preparedness for battle 1501 01:15:05,418 --> 01:15:07,711 "as you have done until now. 1502 01:15:13,801 --> 01:15:16,303 "Have Captain Saunders convey the commissioners to me 1503 01:15:16,429 --> 01:15:18,096 "here in Washington. 1504 01:15:19,557 --> 01:15:21,600 "A. Lincoln." And the date. 1505 01:15:21,767 --> 01:15:23,101 Yes, sir. 1506 01:15:27,148 --> 01:15:28,982 Shall I transmit, sir? 1507 01:15:32,612 --> 01:15:34,905 You think we choose to be born? 1508 01:15:40,661 --> 01:15:42,412 I don't suppose so. 1509 01:15:43,748 --> 01:15:46,583 Are we fitted to the times we're born into? 1510 01:15:48,461 --> 01:15:50,128 Well, I don't know about myself. 1511 01:15:51,130 --> 01:15:52,631 You may be, 1512 01:15:53,466 --> 01:15:55,008 sir. Fitted. 1513 01:15:59,138 --> 01:16:00,805 What do you reckon? 1514 01:16:02,767 --> 01:16:04,809 Well, I'm an engineer. 1515 01:16:07,438 --> 01:16:09,356 I reckon there's machinery, 1516 01:16:09,482 --> 01:16:12,359 but no one's done the fitting. 1517 01:16:15,821 --> 01:16:17,530 You're an engineer. 1518 01:16:17,865 --> 01:16:21,451 You must know Euclid's axioms and common notions. 1519 01:16:23,663 --> 01:16:25,497 I must have in school, but... 1520 01:16:25,623 --> 01:16:26,790 I never had much of schooling, 1521 01:16:26,874 --> 01:16:29,793 but I read Euclid in an old book I borrowed. 1522 01:16:30,628 --> 01:16:33,213 Little enough ever found its way in here, 1523 01:16:33,339 --> 01:16:35,674 but once learnt, it stayed learnt. 1524 01:16:38,552 --> 01:16:41,304 Euclid's first common notion is this, 1525 01:16:41,973 --> 01:16:44,266 "Things which are equal to the same thing 1526 01:16:44,350 --> 01:16:47,227 "are equal to each other." 1527 01:16:48,896 --> 01:16:51,231 That's a rule of mathematical reasoning. 1528 01:16:51,357 --> 01:16:53,608 It's true because it works. 1529 01:16:53,693 --> 01:16:55,860 Has done and always will do. 1530 01:16:58,155 --> 01:17:00,657 In his book, mmm, 1531 01:17:01,701 --> 01:17:04,202 Euclid says this is "self-evident." 1532 01:17:05,162 --> 01:17:06,121 You see? There it is, 1533 01:17:06,205 --> 01:17:08,873 even in that 2,000-year-old book 1534 01:17:09,000 --> 01:17:10,542 of mechanical law. 1535 01:17:10,668 --> 01:17:12,585 It is a self-evident truth 1536 01:17:12,712 --> 01:17:15,755 that things which are equal to the same thing 1537 01:17:15,881 --> 01:17:18,091 are equal to each other. 1538 01:17:21,178 --> 01:17:23,054 We begin with equality. 1539 01:17:24,515 --> 01:17:26,057 That's the origin, isn't it? 1540 01:17:26,183 --> 01:17:29,060 That's balance. That's... That's fairness. 1541 01:17:33,733 --> 01:17:35,692 That's justice. 1542 01:17:42,742 --> 01:17:44,451 Just read me back the last sentence 1543 01:17:44,577 --> 01:17:46,786 of the telegram, please. 1544 01:17:47,413 --> 01:17:49,539 "Have Captain Saunders convey the commissioners to me 1545 01:17:49,623 --> 01:17:50,623 "here in Washington." 1546 01:17:51,375 --> 01:17:53,960 A slight emendation, if you would, Sam. 1547 01:17:57,465 --> 01:17:59,215 "Have Captain Saunders convey the gentlemen 1548 01:17:59,300 --> 01:18:00,550 "aboard the River Queen 1549 01:18:01,385 --> 01:18:05,096 "as far as Hampton Roads, Virginia, 1550 01:18:05,473 --> 01:18:07,557 "and there wait until 1551 01:18:10,227 --> 01:18:12,645 "further advice from me. 1552 01:18:15,107 --> 01:18:17,317 "Do not proceed to Washington." 1553 01:18:24,241 --> 01:18:25,950 (TELEGRAPH CLICKING) 1554 01:18:57,108 --> 01:18:58,817 (INDISTINCT TALKING) 1555 01:19:02,822 --> 01:19:05,281 COLFAX: The World, the Herald, the Times, 1556 01:19:05,366 --> 01:19:07,325 New York, Chicago, 1557 01:19:07,660 --> 01:19:09,536 the Journal of Commerce, 1558 01:19:09,662 --> 01:19:11,204 even your hometown paper's here. 1559 01:19:11,330 --> 01:19:14,791 Say you believe only in legal equality for all races, 1560 01:19:14,875 --> 01:19:16,251 not racial equality. 1561 01:19:16,335 --> 01:19:18,002 I beg you, sir. 1562 01:19:18,337 --> 01:19:21,506 Compromise. Or you risk it all. 1563 01:19:32,393 --> 01:19:33,643 (SIGHS) 1564 01:19:43,195 --> 01:19:45,238 I've asked you a question, Mr. Stevens, 1565 01:19:45,364 --> 01:19:47,240 and you must answer me. 1566 01:19:47,992 --> 01:19:50,326 Do you or do you not hold that the precept 1567 01:19:50,411 --> 01:19:53,872 that "All men are created equal" is meant literally? 1568 01:19:59,503 --> 01:20:02,297 Is that not the true purpose of the amendment? 1569 01:20:02,381 --> 01:20:05,258 To promote your ultimate and ardent dream to elevate... 1570 01:20:05,384 --> 01:20:07,760 The true purpose of the amendment, Mr. Wood, 1571 01:20:07,887 --> 01:20:09,637 you perfectly named, 1572 01:20:09,722 --> 01:20:11,890 brainless obstructive object... 1573 01:20:12,016 --> 01:20:13,183 (LAUGHTER) 1574 01:20:13,267 --> 01:20:16,561 Now you have always insisted, Mr. Stevens, 1575 01:20:17,396 --> 01:20:20,940 that Negroes are the same as white men are. 1576 01:20:21,859 --> 01:20:24,402 The true purpose of the amendment... 1577 01:20:52,806 --> 01:20:54,224 I don't hold with equality in all things, 1578 01:20:54,308 --> 01:20:56,434 only with equality before the law. Nothing more. 1579 01:20:56,560 --> 01:20:58,102 (MEN SHOUTING IN PROTEST) 1580 01:20:58,229 --> 01:21:00,813 That's... That's not so. 1581 01:21:01,440 --> 01:21:04,859 You believe that Negroes are entirely equal to white men. 1582 01:21:04,944 --> 01:21:06,152 You've said it a thousand times! 1583 01:21:06,278 --> 01:21:08,571 For shame! For shame! 1584 01:21:08,656 --> 01:21:11,491 Stop prevaricating and answer Representative Wood! 1585 01:21:11,742 --> 01:21:13,785 I don't hold with equality in all things, 1586 01:21:13,869 --> 01:21:14,911 only with equality before the law. 1587 01:21:14,995 --> 01:21:17,914 After the decades of fervent advocacy... 1588 01:21:18,290 --> 01:21:19,958 He's answered your questions! 1589 01:21:20,084 --> 01:21:21,793 This amendment's not to do with race equality. 1590 01:21:21,919 --> 01:21:25,046 I don't hold with equality in all things, 1591 01:21:25,130 --> 01:21:28,758 only with equality before the law, and nothing more! 1592 01:21:28,842 --> 01:21:31,052 Who'd ever have guessed that old nightmare 1593 01:21:31,136 --> 01:21:32,971 capable of such control? 1594 01:21:33,097 --> 01:21:34,889 He might make a politician someday. 1595 01:21:34,974 --> 01:21:36,224 I need to go. 1596 01:21:36,308 --> 01:21:37,809 Mrs. Keckley. 1597 01:21:40,604 --> 01:21:43,314 Your frantic attempt to delude us now 1598 01:21:43,440 --> 01:21:44,983 is unworthy of a representative. 1599 01:21:45,109 --> 01:21:47,151 It is, in fact, unworthy of a white man! 1600 01:21:47,278 --> 01:21:48,861 (MEN SHOUT APPRECIATIVELY) 1601 01:21:51,448 --> 01:21:53,908 How can I hold that all men are created equal 1602 01:21:53,993 --> 01:21:57,078 when here before me stands, stinking, 1603 01:21:57,162 --> 01:22:00,748 the moral carcass of the gentleman from Ohio, proof 1604 01:22:00,833 --> 01:22:03,334 that some men are inferior, 1605 01:22:03,460 --> 01:22:05,962 endowed by their Maker with dim wits, 1606 01:22:06,046 --> 01:22:08,006 impermeable to reason, 1607 01:22:08,132 --> 01:22:11,175 with cold, pallid slime in their veins 1608 01:22:11,302 --> 01:22:13,636 instead of hot, red blood! 1609 01:22:13,721 --> 01:22:17,473 You are more reptile than man, George! 1610 01:22:17,558 --> 01:22:19,892 So low and flat that the foot of man 1611 01:22:20,019 --> 01:22:21,352 is incapable of crushing you. 1612 01:22:21,478 --> 01:22:23,229 How dare you? 1613 01:22:23,355 --> 01:22:26,441 Yet even you, Pendleton, 1614 01:22:26,525 --> 01:22:27,567 (LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE) 1615 01:22:27,693 --> 01:22:29,444 who should have been gibbeted for treason 1616 01:22:29,528 --> 01:22:30,570 long before today. 1617 01:22:30,696 --> 01:22:33,156 Even worthless, unworthy you 1618 01:22:33,240 --> 01:22:36,242 ought to be treated equally before the law! 1619 01:22:36,368 --> 01:22:37,952 (APPLAUSE AND CHEERING) 1620 01:22:38,037 --> 01:22:41,748 And so again, sir, again and again and again I say, 1621 01:22:41,874 --> 01:22:44,959 I do not hold with equality in all things, 1622 01:22:45,044 --> 01:22:47,295 only with equality before the law. 1623 01:22:47,379 --> 01:22:48,880 (MEN CHEERING) 1624 01:22:51,216 --> 01:22:54,302 Mr. Speaker, will you permit this vile, boorish man 1625 01:22:54,386 --> 01:22:56,888 to slander and to threaten me? 1626 01:22:57,097 --> 01:22:58,556 And to reduce these proceedings 1627 01:22:58,682 --> 01:23:01,934 on this most important matter into an anarchic 1628 01:23:02,561 --> 01:23:04,854 and tawdry burlesque? 1629 01:23:05,230 --> 01:23:07,065 (MEN CONTINUE CHEERING) 1630 01:23:09,360 --> 01:23:11,903 (MEN SHOUTING) 1631 01:23:29,088 --> 01:23:32,548 You asked if ever I was surprised. 1632 01:23:33,050 --> 01:23:35,718 Today, Mr. Stevens, 1633 01:23:35,886 --> 01:23:36,886 I was surprised. 1634 01:23:37,763 --> 01:23:41,391 You've led the battle for race equality for 30 years. 1635 01:23:46,730 --> 01:23:49,899 The basis of every hope for this country's future life, 1636 01:23:49,983 --> 01:23:53,027 you denied Negro equality. I'm nauseated. 1637 01:23:53,112 --> 01:23:55,697 You refused to say that all humans are... 1638 01:23:55,781 --> 01:23:57,573 Well, human. 1639 01:23:58,283 --> 01:24:00,702 Have you lost your very soul, Mr. Stevens? 1640 01:24:01,036 --> 01:24:02,286 Is there nothing you won't say? 1641 01:24:02,371 --> 01:24:04,038 I'm sorry you're nauseous, Asa. 1642 01:24:04,123 --> 01:24:05,790 That must be unpleasant. 1643 01:24:06,959 --> 01:24:08,292 I want the amendment to pass, 1644 01:24:08,377 --> 01:24:10,294 so that the Constitution's first 1645 01:24:10,421 --> 01:24:11,796 and only mention of slavery 1646 01:24:11,880 --> 01:24:14,048 is its absolute prohibition. 1647 01:24:14,133 --> 01:24:16,467 For this amendment, for which I have worked all my life 1648 01:24:16,593 --> 01:24:19,220 and for which countless colored men and women 1649 01:24:19,304 --> 01:24:20,388 have fought and died 1650 01:24:20,472 --> 01:24:23,474 and now hundreds of thousands of soldiers... 1651 01:24:23,600 --> 01:24:25,143 No, sir, no. 1652 01:24:26,145 --> 01:24:29,313 It seems there's very nearly nothing I won't say. 1653 01:24:41,452 --> 01:24:42,952 (BELL TOLLING) 1654 01:25:00,304 --> 01:25:01,929 I'm not going in. 1655 01:25:07,019 --> 01:25:09,312 You said you wanted to help me. 1656 01:25:09,772 --> 01:25:13,524 But this is just a clumsy attempt to discourage me. 1657 01:25:13,650 --> 01:25:16,027 I've been to Army hospitals. I've seen surgeries. 1658 01:25:16,111 --> 01:25:19,030 I went and visited the malaria barges with Mama. 1659 01:25:19,156 --> 01:25:21,032 She told me she didn't take you inside. 1660 01:25:21,116 --> 01:25:22,533 I snuck in afterwards. 1661 01:25:22,659 --> 01:25:24,952 I've seen what it's like. This changes nothing. 1662 01:25:27,790 --> 01:25:29,165 Well, at all rate, son, 1663 01:25:29,249 --> 01:25:31,083 I'm happy to have your company. 1664 01:25:37,800 --> 01:25:40,426 -LINCOLN: Good morning, Jim. -Hello, Mr. President. 1665 01:25:40,511 --> 01:25:42,345 -Good to see you again. -Good to see you. 1666 01:25:43,514 --> 01:25:47,099 Well, boys, first question. You getting enough to eat? 1667 01:25:47,392 --> 01:25:48,434 Hello, sir. 1668 01:25:48,519 --> 01:25:49,894 -What's your name, soldier? -Robert. 1669 01:25:49,978 --> 01:25:52,480 -Good to meet you, Robert. -Nice to meet you. 1670 01:25:52,564 --> 01:25:53,564 -What's your name? -Kevin. 1671 01:25:53,649 --> 01:25:54,690 Tell me your names as I go past. 1672 01:25:54,775 --> 01:25:56,150 I'd like to know who I'm talking to. Kevin. 1673 01:25:56,235 --> 01:25:59,111 -Mr. President. John. -John. I've seen you before. 1674 01:25:59,196 --> 01:26:00,279 Mr. President. 1675 01:26:01,031 --> 01:26:02,240 LINCOLN: Make sure you get some steak. 1676 01:26:02,324 --> 01:26:03,825 I wouldn't mind one myself, right now. 1677 01:27:09,391 --> 01:27:10,808 (SNIFFS) 1678 01:27:16,273 --> 01:27:17,773 (SOBBING) 1679 01:27:19,276 --> 01:27:20,735 LINCOLN: What's the matter, Bob? 1680 01:27:27,075 --> 01:27:29,035 I have to do this, and I will do it. 1681 01:27:29,119 --> 01:27:30,494 And I don't need your permission to enlist. 1682 01:27:30,579 --> 01:27:34,498 That same speech has been made by how many sons 1683 01:27:34,583 --> 01:27:37,126 to how many fathers since the war began? 1684 01:27:37,210 --> 01:27:38,419 "I don't need your damn permission, 1685 01:27:38,503 --> 01:27:41,047 "you miserable old goat, I'm gonna enlist anyhow." 1686 01:27:41,173 --> 01:27:42,173 And what wouldn't those 1687 01:27:42,299 --> 01:27:43,591 numberless fathers have given 1688 01:27:43,675 --> 01:27:45,509 to be able to say to their sons 1689 01:27:45,636 --> 01:27:48,846 as I now say to mine, "I'm Commander in Chief." 1690 01:27:49,806 --> 01:27:51,223 So, in point of fact, without my permission 1691 01:27:51,350 --> 01:27:54,393 you ain't enlisting in nothing nowhere, young man. 1692 01:27:54,519 --> 01:27:56,979 It's Mama you're scared of, it's not me getting killed. 1693 01:28:00,192 --> 01:28:01,859 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 1694 01:28:04,863 --> 01:28:07,490 I have to do this! And I will! 1695 01:28:08,367 --> 01:28:11,035 Or I will feel ashamed of myself for the rest of my life! 1696 01:28:11,161 --> 01:28:13,120 Whether or not you fought is what's gonna matter, 1697 01:28:13,205 --> 01:28:15,915 and not just to other people, but to myself! 1698 01:28:16,041 --> 01:28:17,541 I won't be you, Pa, I can't do that, 1699 01:28:17,668 --> 01:28:19,877 but I don't want to be nothing! 1700 01:28:23,256 --> 01:28:24,882 I can't lose you. 1701 01:28:31,139 --> 01:28:32,974 LINCOLN: He'll be fine, Molly. 1702 01:28:33,058 --> 01:28:35,393 City Point's a way back from the front lines 1703 01:28:35,477 --> 01:28:36,477 and the fighting. 1704 01:28:37,020 --> 01:28:40,398 He'll be an adjutant, running messages for General Grant. 1705 01:28:41,525 --> 01:28:43,651 The war will take our son. 1706 01:28:43,735 --> 01:28:46,320 A sniper, or a shrapnel shell, a typhus 1707 01:28:46,405 --> 01:28:47,405 same as took Willie. 1708 01:28:47,531 --> 01:28:50,908 It takes hundreds of boys a day. He'll die uselessly. 1709 01:28:51,034 --> 01:28:53,411 And how will I ever forgive you? 1710 01:28:54,413 --> 01:28:56,914 Most men, their firstborn is their favorite. 1711 01:28:57,040 --> 01:28:59,667 You've always blamed Robert for being born. 1712 01:28:59,751 --> 01:29:01,085 For trapping you in a marriage 1713 01:29:01,169 --> 01:29:02,753 that's only ever given you grief 1714 01:29:02,879 --> 01:29:05,006 -and caused you regret. -That's simply not true. 1715 01:29:05,090 --> 01:29:06,757 And if the slaughter of Cold Harbor's 1716 01:29:06,883 --> 01:29:09,176 on your hands same as Grant, God help us. 1717 01:29:09,553 --> 01:29:11,762 We'll pay for the oceans of spilled blood 1718 01:29:11,847 --> 01:29:14,098 you've sanctioned, the uncountable corpses! 1719 01:29:14,182 --> 01:29:16,934 We'll be made to pay with our son's dear blood! 1720 01:29:17,060 --> 01:29:18,602 Just this once, Mrs. Lincoln, 1721 01:29:18,687 --> 01:29:21,439 I demand of you to try and take the liberal 1722 01:29:21,565 --> 01:29:23,441 and not the selfish point of view. 1723 01:29:23,567 --> 01:29:24,775 Robert will never forgive himself. 1724 01:29:24,901 --> 01:29:26,444 You imagine he'll forgive us 1725 01:29:26,528 --> 01:29:30,114 if we continue to stifle this very natural ambition? 1726 01:29:31,199 --> 01:29:33,409 And if I refuse to take the high road? 1727 01:29:36,246 --> 01:29:39,582 If I won't pick up the rough old cross, 1728 01:29:39,958 --> 01:29:42,793 will you threaten me again with the madhouse? 1729 01:29:42,878 --> 01:29:46,380 As you did when I couldn't stop crying over Willie. 1730 01:29:46,465 --> 01:29:48,883 When I showed you what heartbreak, 1731 01:29:48,967 --> 01:29:51,635 real heartbreak, looked like. 1732 01:29:51,720 --> 01:29:53,220 And you hadn't the courage 1733 01:29:53,305 --> 01:29:55,389 -to countenance, to help me! -That's right, that's right... 1734 01:29:55,474 --> 01:29:57,725 When you refused so much as to comfort Tad, 1735 01:29:57,809 --> 01:29:59,977 a child who was not only sick, dangerously sick, 1736 01:30:00,062 --> 01:30:01,062 but beside himself with grief! 1737 01:30:01,146 --> 01:30:03,314 I was holding him in my arms when he died. 1738 01:30:03,440 --> 01:30:05,900 But your grief, your grief, your inexhaustible grief! 1739 01:30:05,984 --> 01:30:07,860 How dare you throw that up at me? 1740 01:30:07,944 --> 01:30:09,153 And his mother wouldn't let him near her 1741 01:30:09,237 --> 01:30:10,488 because she's screaming from morning to night! 1742 01:30:10,572 --> 01:30:12,615 I couldn't risk him seeing how angry I was! 1743 01:30:12,699 --> 01:30:14,158 Pacing the halls, howling at shadows 1744 01:30:14,242 --> 01:30:15,826 and furniture and ghosts! 1745 01:30:15,911 --> 01:30:16,911 (SOBBING) 1746 01:30:16,995 --> 01:30:18,996 I ought to have done it for Tad's sake, 1747 01:30:19,081 --> 01:30:20,831 for everybody's goddamn sake, 1748 01:30:20,957 --> 01:30:22,583 I should have clapped you in the madhouse! 1749 01:30:22,667 --> 01:30:24,126 Then do it! 1750 01:30:25,170 --> 01:30:27,004 Do it! Don't you threaten me! 1751 01:30:27,130 --> 01:30:29,507 You do it this time. Lock me away. 1752 01:30:29,591 --> 01:30:31,634 You'll have to, I swear, 1753 01:30:32,010 --> 01:30:34,095 if Robert is killed. 1754 01:30:41,478 --> 01:30:42,645 (SIGHS) 1755 01:30:52,823 --> 01:30:55,199 I couldn't tolerate you grieving so for Willie 1756 01:30:55,325 --> 01:30:57,952 because I couldn't permit it in myself. 1757 01:30:58,537 --> 01:31:00,538 Though I wanted to, Mary. 1758 01:31:01,498 --> 01:31:03,374 I wanted to crawl under the earth, 1759 01:31:03,500 --> 01:31:05,709 into the vault, with his coffin. 1760 01:31:07,129 --> 01:31:10,714 And I still do. Every day I do. 1761 01:31:11,216 --> 01:31:13,801 Don't speak to me about grief. 1762 01:31:23,061 --> 01:31:26,814 I must make my decisions, Bob must make his, you yours. 1763 01:31:26,898 --> 01:31:30,317 And bear what we must. Hold and carry what we must. 1764 01:31:30,402 --> 01:31:34,071 What I carry within me, you must allow me to do it. 1765 01:31:34,197 --> 01:31:37,074 Alone, as I must. And you alone, Mary, 1766 01:31:37,200 --> 01:31:40,744 you alone may lighten this burden. 1767 01:31:42,539 --> 01:31:43,914 Or render it intolerable. 1768 01:31:44,416 --> 01:31:45,916 As you choose. 1769 01:31:53,258 --> 01:31:56,510 (SINGING OPERA) 1770 01:32:07,731 --> 01:32:09,690 You think I'm ignorant of what you're up to 1771 01:32:09,774 --> 01:32:10,858 because you haven't discussed 1772 01:32:10,942 --> 01:32:13,277 this scheme with me as you ought to have done? 1773 01:32:13,361 --> 01:32:16,197 When have I ever been so easily bamboozled? 1774 01:32:16,573 --> 01:32:17,865 I believe you when you insist 1775 01:32:17,949 --> 01:32:19,450 that amending the Constitution 1776 01:32:19,576 --> 01:32:21,535 and abolishing slavery will end this war. 1777 01:32:21,620 --> 01:32:23,954 And since you are sending my son into the war, 1778 01:32:24,080 --> 01:32:27,124 woe unto you if you fail to pass the amendment. 1779 01:32:30,295 --> 01:32:33,297 Seward doesn't want me leaving big muddy footprints 1780 01:32:33,423 --> 01:32:34,924 all over town. 1781 01:32:38,637 --> 01:32:40,721 (SOFTLY) No one has ever lived who knows better than you 1782 01:32:40,805 --> 01:32:42,890 the proper placement of footfalls 1783 01:32:42,974 --> 01:32:44,892 on treacherous paths. 1784 01:32:44,976 --> 01:32:47,728 Seward can't do it. You must. 1785 01:32:48,480 --> 01:32:52,149 Because if you fail to acquire the necessary votes, 1786 01:32:52,234 --> 01:32:55,110 woe unto you, sir. You will answer to me. 1787 01:33:09,459 --> 01:33:10,793 Thank you. 1788 01:33:16,967 --> 01:33:19,802 I know the vote is only four days away. 1789 01:33:20,428 --> 01:33:22,096 I know you're concerned. 1790 01:33:22,180 --> 01:33:24,265 Thank you for your concern over this. 1791 01:33:25,183 --> 01:33:27,977 And I want you to know, they'll approve it. 1792 01:33:29,312 --> 01:33:31,021 God will see to it. 1793 01:33:32,816 --> 01:33:34,858 I don't envy Him his task. 1794 01:33:36,611 --> 01:33:39,029 He may wish He'd chosen an instrument for His purpose 1795 01:33:39,155 --> 01:33:42,157 more wieldy than the House of Representatives. 1796 01:33:43,368 --> 01:33:45,202 Then you'll see to it. 1797 01:33:47,372 --> 01:33:50,791 Are you afraid of what lies ahead for your people 1798 01:33:50,875 --> 01:33:52,376 if we succeed? 1799 01:33:53,878 --> 01:33:56,171 White people don't want us here. 1800 01:33:56,548 --> 01:33:58,966 -Many don't. -What about you? 1801 01:34:04,389 --> 01:34:06,682 I don't know you, Mrs. Keckley. 1802 01:34:07,684 --> 01:34:09,059 Any of you. 1803 01:34:10,520 --> 01:34:13,522 You're familiar to me, as all people are, 1804 01:34:14,816 --> 01:34:17,818 unaccommodated, poor, bare, forked creatures, 1805 01:34:17,902 --> 01:34:19,570 such as we all are. 1806 01:34:20,864 --> 01:34:23,574 You have a right to expect what I expect. 1807 01:34:24,075 --> 01:34:26,076 And likely our expectations 1808 01:34:26,161 --> 01:34:28,662 are not incomprehensible to each other. 1809 01:34:32,250 --> 01:34:34,501 I assume I'll get used to you. 1810 01:34:35,670 --> 01:34:37,588 Now what you are to the nation, 1811 01:34:38,757 --> 01:34:41,258 what'll become of you once slavery's day is done, 1812 01:34:41,593 --> 01:34:43,385 I don't know. 1813 01:34:45,013 --> 01:34:47,598 What my people are to be, I can't say. 1814 01:34:49,768 --> 01:34:52,853 Negroes have been fighting and dying for freedom 1815 01:34:53,438 --> 01:34:55,939 since the first of us was a slave. 1816 01:34:56,024 --> 01:34:59,526 I never heard any ask what freedom would bring. 1817 01:35:01,654 --> 01:35:03,280 Freedom is first. 1818 01:35:06,117 --> 01:35:07,534 As for me, 1819 01:35:08,953 --> 01:35:11,622 my son died fighting for the Union, 1820 01:35:12,832 --> 01:35:14,875 wearing the Union blue. 1821 01:35:15,460 --> 01:35:17,211 For freedom he died. 1822 01:35:19,297 --> 01:35:21,006 And I'm his mother. 1823 01:35:23,218 --> 01:35:26,136 That's what I am to the nation, Mr. Lincoln. 1824 01:35:30,475 --> 01:35:32,226 What else must I be? 1825 01:35:41,653 --> 01:35:43,570 My whole hand's gonna be proud in about five seconds. 1826 01:35:43,655 --> 01:35:45,239 Let's see how proud you can be. 1827 01:35:45,323 --> 01:35:46,323 (BANGING ON DOOR) 1828 01:35:46,408 --> 01:35:48,992 Go away. That watch fob, is that gold? 1829 01:35:49,077 --> 01:35:50,661 You keep your eyes off my fob. 1830 01:35:50,745 --> 01:35:52,955 Gentlemen, you have a visitor. 1831 01:35:53,039 --> 01:35:55,165 BILBO: Goddamn! LATHAM: Hey, Bill. 1832 01:35:55,250 --> 01:35:56,750 (LINCOLN CLEARS THROAT) 1833 01:35:57,335 --> 01:35:58,961 Well, I'll be fucked. 1834 01:35:59,045 --> 01:36:00,504 I wouldn't bet against it. 1835 01:36:00,588 --> 01:36:01,755 Mr...uh? 1836 01:36:02,507 --> 01:36:03,924 W. N. Bilbo. 1837 01:36:04,008 --> 01:36:06,093 Yeah, Mr. Bilbo. Gentlemen. 1838 01:36:06,177 --> 01:36:07,177 Sir. 1839 01:36:07,554 --> 01:36:09,054 Why are you here? No offense, 1840 01:36:09,180 --> 01:36:12,474 but Mr. Seward's banished the very mention of your name. 1841 01:36:12,559 --> 01:36:14,226 He won't even let us use fifty cent pieces 1842 01:36:14,352 --> 01:36:16,186 'cause they've got your face on 'em. 1843 01:36:16,938 --> 01:36:19,523 The Secretary of State here tells me that you got 1844 01:36:19,607 --> 01:36:22,067 1 1 Democrats in the bag. That's encouraging. 1845 01:36:22,193 --> 01:36:25,904 Oh, you've got no cause to be encouraged, sir. 1846 01:36:27,115 --> 01:36:29,241 Are we being fired? 1847 01:36:30,618 --> 01:36:34,538 "We have heard the chimes at midnight, Master Shallow." 1848 01:36:35,540 --> 01:36:36,999 I'm here to alert you boys 1849 01:36:37,083 --> 01:36:40,210 that the great day of reckoning is nigh upon us. 1850 01:36:40,628 --> 01:36:42,546 The Democrats we've yet to bag, sir, 1851 01:36:42,630 --> 01:36:45,382 the patronage jobs simply won't bag 'em. 1852 01:36:45,467 --> 01:36:48,093 They require more convincing, Mr. President. 1853 01:36:49,721 --> 01:36:52,598 Mm-hmm. Do me a favor, will you? 1854 01:36:52,724 --> 01:36:53,765 Sure. 1855 01:36:53,892 --> 01:36:55,893 It snagged my eye in the paper this morning 1856 01:36:55,977 --> 01:36:57,394 that the Governor Curtin 1857 01:36:57,479 --> 01:36:59,813 is set to declare a winner in the disputed 1858 01:36:59,898 --> 01:37:00,898 Congressional election for the... 1859 01:37:00,982 --> 01:37:02,149 Pennsylvania 1 6th District. 1860 01:37:02,567 --> 01:37:05,319 District. What a joy to be comprehended. 1861 01:37:05,403 --> 01:37:07,988 Hop on a train to Philadel, call on the Governor... 1862 01:37:08,072 --> 01:37:09,448 Send Latham. Or Schell. 1863 01:37:09,574 --> 01:37:11,533 No, he'll do fine. Just polish yourself up first. 1864 01:37:11,618 --> 01:37:12,951 (CHUCKLES) 1865 01:37:13,495 --> 01:37:15,579 The incumbent is claiming he won it. Name of... 1866 01:37:15,663 --> 01:37:16,705 Coffroth. 1867 01:37:16,789 --> 01:37:17,956 -That's him. -SCHELL: Coffroth. 1868 01:37:18,082 --> 01:37:19,958 -He's a Democrat. -I understand that. 1869 01:37:20,627 --> 01:37:22,753 -Silly name. -LINCOLN: A little bit silly. 1870 01:37:23,296 --> 01:37:26,215 Uh, tell Governor Curtin it'd be much appreciated 1871 01:37:26,299 --> 01:37:28,926 if he'd invite the House of Representatives 1872 01:37:29,010 --> 01:37:30,052 to decide who won. 1873 01:37:30,136 --> 01:37:32,763 He's entitled to do that. He'll agree to it. 1874 01:37:32,847 --> 01:37:35,140 Then advise Coffroth 1875 01:37:35,266 --> 01:37:37,601 if he hopes to retain his seat, 1876 01:37:37,685 --> 01:37:39,978 then he'd better pay a visit to Thaddeus Stevens. 1877 01:37:40,104 --> 01:37:41,688 SEWARD: Well, pity poor Coffroth. 1878 01:37:41,773 --> 01:37:42,814 (LAUGHTER) 1879 01:37:42,941 --> 01:37:43,899 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 1880 01:37:43,983 --> 01:37:45,275 It opens! 1881 01:37:52,283 --> 01:37:53,659 You are Canfrey? 1882 01:37:55,662 --> 01:37:58,830 Coffroth, Mr. Stevens. Alexander Coffroth. 1883 01:37:58,957 --> 01:38:01,875 Are we representatives of the same state? 1884 01:38:01,960 --> 01:38:03,919 (STAMMERS) Yes, sir. We sit only three desks apart. 1885 01:38:04,003 --> 01:38:05,837 I haven't noticed you. 1886 01:38:06,464 --> 01:38:09,466 I'm a Republican and you, Coughdrop, are a Democrat? 1887 01:38:09,551 --> 01:38:12,928 (STAMMERING) Well, uh, I, um, that is to say... 1888 01:38:13,012 --> 01:38:15,013 The modern travesty of Thomas Jefferson's 1889 01:38:15,139 --> 01:38:16,265 political organization 1890 01:38:16,349 --> 01:38:18,100 to which you've attached yourself like a barnacle 1891 01:38:18,184 --> 01:38:21,478 has the effrontery to call itself the Democratic Party. 1892 01:38:21,563 --> 01:38:24,523 You are a Democrat. What's the matter with you? 1893 01:38:24,649 --> 01:38:26,233 Are you wicked? 1894 01:38:26,317 --> 01:38:27,901 -Well, I felt... -Never mind. 1895 01:38:27,986 --> 01:38:30,237 Coffsnot, you were ignominiously trounced 1896 01:38:30,321 --> 01:38:31,863 at the hustings in November's election 1897 01:38:31,990 --> 01:38:33,949 by your worthy challenger, a Republican. 1898 01:38:34,033 --> 01:38:35,909 No, sir, I was not trounced. 1899 01:38:35,994 --> 01:38:37,995 He wants to steal my seat. I didn't lose the election. 1900 01:38:38,079 --> 01:38:39,538 What difference does it make if you lost or not? 1901 01:38:39,664 --> 01:38:43,834 The governor of our state is... A Democrat? 1902 01:38:45,003 --> 01:38:47,337 No, he's, he's a... 1903 01:38:48,339 --> 01:38:49,298 (STAMMERING) 1904 01:38:49,382 --> 01:38:52,676 Re-... 1905 01:38:53,761 --> 01:38:56,013 -...-pub-...-lic-... -...-pub-...-lic-... 1906 01:38:56,097 --> 01:38:57,639 -...-can. -...-can. Republican. 1907 01:38:57,724 --> 01:38:59,933 I know what he is. This is a rhetorical exercise. 1908 01:39:00,018 --> 01:39:01,893 And Congress is controlled by what party? Yours? 1909 01:39:04,397 --> 01:39:06,189 Your party was beaten. 1910 01:39:06,274 --> 01:39:08,817 Your challenger's party now controls the House 1911 01:39:08,901 --> 01:39:11,612 and hence the House Committee on Elections, 1912 01:39:11,696 --> 01:39:14,156 so you have been beaten. 1913 01:39:14,240 --> 01:39:17,159 You shall shortly be sent home in disgrace. Unless... 1914 01:39:17,243 --> 01:39:18,243 I know what I must do, sir. 1915 01:39:18,369 --> 01:39:20,621 I will immediately become a Republican and vote yes... 1916 01:39:20,705 --> 01:39:21,705 No! 1917 01:39:22,457 --> 01:39:24,875 Coffroth will vote yes, 1918 01:39:25,460 --> 01:39:26,918 but Coffroth will remain a Democrat 1919 01:39:27,045 --> 01:39:28,003 until after he does so. 1920 01:39:28,087 --> 01:39:29,671 Why wait to switch? I'm happy to... 1921 01:39:29,756 --> 01:39:32,007 We want to show the amendment has bipartisan support, 1922 01:39:32,091 --> 01:39:34,051 you idiot. Early in the next Congress, 1923 01:39:34,135 --> 01:39:36,386 when I tell you to do so, you will switch parties. 1924 01:39:36,471 --> 01:39:40,015 Now congratulations on your victory, and get out. 1925 01:39:40,099 --> 01:39:42,559 Now, give me the names 1926 01:39:42,644 --> 01:39:44,603 of whoever else you've been hunting. 1927 01:39:44,937 --> 01:39:46,229 Aw, hell. 1928 01:39:46,606 --> 01:39:47,648 George Yeaman. 1929 01:39:47,732 --> 01:39:49,149 Yes. Yeaman. 1930 01:39:49,901 --> 01:39:51,360 Among others. 1931 01:39:51,444 --> 01:39:53,070 -But Yeaman, that'd count. -Yeah. 1932 01:39:53,154 --> 01:39:54,946 Y-E-A-M-A-N. 1933 01:39:55,406 --> 01:39:56,740 I got it. 1934 01:39:57,617 --> 01:39:58,700 Kentucky. 1935 01:40:01,663 --> 01:40:04,706 I can't vote for the amendment, Mr. Lincoln. 1936 01:40:12,256 --> 01:40:14,424 I saw a barge once, Mr. Yeaman, 1937 01:40:15,093 --> 01:40:17,427 filled with colored men in chains 1938 01:40:17,553 --> 01:40:18,762 heading down the Mississippi 1939 01:40:18,888 --> 01:40:20,764 to the New Orleans slave markets. 1940 01:40:22,225 --> 01:40:23,433 It sickened me. 1941 01:40:24,769 --> 01:40:27,229 And more than that, it brought a shadow down. 1942 01:40:28,773 --> 01:40:31,108 A pall around my eyes. 1943 01:40:32,777 --> 01:40:35,445 Slavery troubled me as long as I can remember 1944 01:40:36,280 --> 01:40:38,490 in a way it never troubled my father, 1945 01:40:39,492 --> 01:40:41,785 though he hated it, in his own fashion. 1946 01:40:43,246 --> 01:40:45,163 He knew no smallholding dirt farmer 1947 01:40:45,289 --> 01:40:46,957 could compete with slave plantations 1948 01:40:47,083 --> 01:40:49,334 so he took us out from Kentucky 1949 01:40:49,460 --> 01:40:50,669 to get away from 'em. 1950 01:40:50,795 --> 01:40:52,587 He wanted Indiana kept free. 1951 01:40:54,132 --> 01:40:55,799 He wasn't a kind man 1952 01:40:57,427 --> 01:41:00,846 but there was a rough, moral urge for fairness, 1953 01:41:00,972 --> 01:41:02,305 for freedom in him. 1954 01:41:03,349 --> 01:41:05,308 I learnt that from him, I suppose. 1955 01:41:06,185 --> 01:41:07,519 If little else from him. 1956 01:41:10,148 --> 01:41:12,357 We didn't care for one another, Mr. Yeaman. 1957 01:41:15,987 --> 01:41:17,571 Well, I'm sorry to hear that. 1958 01:41:17,655 --> 01:41:20,741 Loving kindness, that most ordinary thing, came to me 1959 01:41:20,825 --> 01:41:22,993 from other sources. I'm grateful for that. 1960 01:41:23,119 --> 01:41:25,954 Well, I hate it, too, sir. 1961 01:41:27,331 --> 01:41:28,665 Slavery, but... 1962 01:41:29,709 --> 01:41:32,627 But we're entirely unready for emancipation. 1963 01:41:33,171 --> 01:41:34,296 And there's too many questions... 1964 01:41:34,380 --> 01:41:35,714 We're unready for peace, too, ain't we? 1965 01:41:35,840 --> 01:41:36,840 (BOTH CHUCKLE) 1966 01:41:36,966 --> 01:41:39,176 Yeah, when it comes, it'll present us with conundrums 1967 01:41:39,302 --> 01:41:42,596 and dangers greater than any we faced during the war, 1968 01:41:42,680 --> 01:41:44,431 bloody as it's been. 1969 01:41:44,515 --> 01:41:48,393 We'll have to extemporize and experiment with what it is, 1970 01:41:48,519 --> 01:41:49,644 when it is. 1971 01:41:53,024 --> 01:41:54,691 I read your speech, George. 1972 01:41:55,651 --> 01:41:57,319 Negroes and the vote, 1973 01:41:58,404 --> 01:41:59,529 that's a puzzle. 1974 01:42:00,406 --> 01:42:04,034 No, no. But, but, but Negroes can't 1975 01:42:04,869 --> 01:42:07,913 uh, vote, Mr. Lincoln. 1976 01:42:09,165 --> 01:42:10,832 You're not suggesting we enfranchise colored people? 1977 01:42:11,000 --> 01:42:12,626 I'm asking only that 1978 01:42:12,710 --> 01:42:16,546 you disenthrall yourself from the slave powers. 1979 01:42:18,090 --> 01:42:19,174 I'll let you know when 1980 01:42:19,258 --> 01:42:20,884 there's an offer on my desk for surrender. 1981 01:42:21,010 --> 01:42:22,177 There's none before us now. 1982 01:42:22,261 --> 01:42:23,386 What's before us now, 1983 01:42:23,513 --> 01:42:26,223 that's the vote on the 1 3th Amendment. 1984 01:42:27,600 --> 01:42:29,851 And it's going to be so very close. 1985 01:42:33,064 --> 01:42:35,023 You see what you can do. 1986 01:42:44,367 --> 01:42:45,867 I can't make sense of it. 1987 01:42:46,410 --> 01:42:48,370 What he died for. 1988 01:42:50,957 --> 01:42:53,250 Mr. Lincoln, I hate them all. 1989 01:42:53,376 --> 01:42:55,460 I do. All black people. 1990 01:42:55,753 --> 01:42:56,920 (DOOR OPENS) 1991 01:42:58,422 --> 01:42:59,589 (DOOR SHUTS) 1992 01:43:04,971 --> 01:43:07,222 I am a prejudiced man. 1993 01:43:09,934 --> 01:43:11,810 Well, I'd change that in you if I could, 1994 01:43:12,061 --> 01:43:13,436 but that's not why I come. 1995 01:43:14,272 --> 01:43:15,939 I might be wrong, Mr. Hutton, 1996 01:43:16,065 --> 01:43:19,442 but I expect colored people most likely be free. 1997 01:43:20,319 --> 01:43:21,570 And when that's so, it's simple truth 1998 01:43:21,654 --> 01:43:23,655 that your brother's bravery 1999 01:43:23,781 --> 01:43:25,615 and his death helped make it so. 2000 01:43:27,285 --> 01:43:28,493 Only you can decide whether 2001 01:43:28,619 --> 01:43:29,953 that's sense enough for you or not. 2002 01:43:33,791 --> 01:43:35,584 My deepest sympathies to your family. 2003 01:43:42,133 --> 01:43:43,758 (CARRIAGE PULLS AWAY) 2004 01:43:48,306 --> 01:43:50,849 We've managed our members to a fare-thee-well. 2005 01:43:52,143 --> 01:43:53,310 You've had no defections 2006 01:43:53,436 --> 01:43:55,353 from the Republican right to trouble you. 2007 01:43:56,647 --> 01:43:58,356 Whereas as to what you promised, 2008 01:43:59,442 --> 01:44:01,443 where the hell are the commissioners? 2009 01:44:02,361 --> 01:44:04,821 Oh, my God. It's true. 2010 01:44:06,490 --> 01:44:08,783 You... You lied to me. 2011 01:44:09,118 --> 01:44:12,579 Mr. Lincoln, you evaded my request for a denial 2012 01:44:12,663 --> 01:44:14,664 that there is a Confederate peace offer, 2013 01:44:14,790 --> 01:44:16,625 because there is one! 2014 01:44:16,959 --> 01:44:20,962 We are absolutely guaranteed to lose the whole thing. 2015 01:44:21,047 --> 01:44:23,965 We don't need a goddamn abolition amendment! 2016 01:44:24,550 --> 01:44:26,343 Leave the Constitution alone! 2017 01:44:26,677 --> 01:44:27,802 ASHLEY: What if the peace commissioners 2018 01:44:27,887 --> 01:44:29,346 appear today, or worse... 2019 01:44:32,808 --> 01:44:35,018 I can't listen to this anymore. 2020 01:44:37,188 --> 01:44:40,148 I can't accomplish a goddamn thing 2021 01:44:40,232 --> 01:44:42,734 of any human meaning or worth 2022 01:44:42,860 --> 01:44:46,613 until we cure ourselves of slavery 2023 01:44:46,697 --> 01:44:49,407 and end this pestilential war! 2024 01:44:50,701 --> 01:44:53,328 And whether any of you or anyone else knows it, 2025 01:44:53,412 --> 01:44:55,372 I know I need this! 2026 01:44:56,165 --> 01:44:58,833 This amendment is that cure! 2027 01:45:02,171 --> 01:45:04,881 We are stepped out upon the world stage now! 2028 01:45:05,007 --> 01:45:06,216 Now! 2029 01:45:06,884 --> 01:45:09,844 With the fate of human dignity in our hands! 2030 01:45:11,681 --> 01:45:14,224 Blood's been spilt to afford us this moment! 2031 01:45:14,433 --> 01:45:16,726 Now! Now! Now! 2032 01:45:17,561 --> 01:45:20,605 And you grousle and heckle and dodge about like 2033 01:45:20,731 --> 01:45:22,691 pettifogging Tammany Hall hucksters! 2034 01:45:23,901 --> 01:45:25,568 See what is before you. 2035 01:45:26,529 --> 01:45:29,280 See the here and now, that's the 2036 01:45:29,407 --> 01:45:32,450 hardest thing, the only thing that accounts. 2037 01:45:34,412 --> 01:45:38,498 Abolishing slavery by constitutional provision 2038 01:45:38,582 --> 01:45:42,377 settles the fate for all coming time 2039 01:45:43,629 --> 01:45:46,631 not only of the millions now in bondage 2040 01:45:48,759 --> 01:45:51,720 but of unborn millions to come. 2041 01:45:53,264 --> 01:45:57,475 Two votes stand in its way. These votes must be procured. 2042 01:46:01,897 --> 01:46:06,484 We need two yeses, three abstentions, or 2043 01:46:06,610 --> 01:46:07,736 four yeses 2044 01:46:07,820 --> 01:46:11,531 and one more abstention, and the amendment will pass. 2045 01:46:11,615 --> 01:46:13,116 You got a night, and a day, and a night, 2046 01:46:13,242 --> 01:46:14,576 and several perfectly good hours. 2047 01:46:14,660 --> 01:46:16,661 Now get the hell out of here and get 'em. 2048 01:46:17,496 --> 01:46:18,997 Yes. But how? 2049 01:46:21,250 --> 01:46:22,584 Buzzards' guts, man. 2050 01:46:25,129 --> 01:46:29,299 I am the President of the United States of America 2051 01:46:30,009 --> 01:46:32,469 clothed in immense power. 2052 01:46:34,972 --> 01:46:37,307 You will procure me these votes. 2053 01:46:52,448 --> 01:46:53,615 (SIGHS) 2054 01:47:03,459 --> 01:47:05,168 (SIGHS DEEPLY) 2055 01:47:19,600 --> 01:47:21,518 (CROWD MURMURING) 2056 01:47:36,784 --> 01:47:38,535 (MURMURING STOPS) 2057 01:47:46,585 --> 01:47:49,379 We welcome you, ladies and gentlemen, 2058 01:47:51,382 --> 01:47:53,758 first in the history of this people's chamber, 2059 01:47:55,219 --> 01:47:56,594 to your House. 2060 01:47:57,471 --> 01:47:58,888 (APPLAUSE) 2061 01:48:19,577 --> 01:48:20,743 (GAVEL POUNDS) 2062 01:48:21,412 --> 01:48:22,912 COLFAX: Mr. Ashley, the floor is yours. 2063 01:48:23,831 --> 01:48:25,165 (APPLAUDING) 2064 01:48:31,505 --> 01:48:33,464 On the matter of the joint resolution before us, 2065 01:48:33,591 --> 01:48:34,674 presenting a 1 3th Amendment 2066 01:48:34,758 --> 01:48:37,010 to our National Constitution, 2067 01:48:37,094 --> 01:48:39,387 which was passed last year by the Senate 2068 01:48:39,471 --> 01:48:40,889 and which has been debated now 2069 01:48:40,973 --> 01:48:43,516 by this estimable body for the past several weeks, 2070 01:48:44,602 --> 01:48:45,810 today we will vote. 2071 01:48:47,104 --> 01:48:48,271 (CHEERING) 2072 01:48:49,690 --> 01:48:50,773 (BOOING) 2073 01:48:51,275 --> 01:48:53,193 By mutual agreement, 2074 01:48:53,277 --> 01:48:55,528 we shall hear brief, final statements, 2075 01:48:55,613 --> 01:48:56,613 (LAUGHTER) 2076 01:48:57,114 --> 01:48:58,573 beginning with 2077 01:48:58,657 --> 01:49:00,909 the honorable George Pendleton of Ohio. 2078 01:49:00,993 --> 01:49:02,202 (APPLAUSE) 2079 01:49:07,291 --> 01:49:08,625 I have just received 2080 01:49:10,544 --> 01:49:11,628 confirmation 2081 01:49:12,338 --> 01:49:14,714 of what previously has been merely rumored. 2082 01:49:14,798 --> 01:49:17,383 Affidavits from loyal citizens 2083 01:49:17,468 --> 01:49:19,010 recently returned from Richmond. 2084 01:49:19,136 --> 01:49:21,679 They testify that commissioners have indeed 2085 01:49:21,972 --> 01:49:23,264 come north and ought to have arrived 2086 01:49:23,349 --> 01:49:25,225 by now in Washington City 2087 01:49:25,309 --> 01:49:28,311 bearing an offer of immediate cessation 2088 01:49:28,687 --> 01:49:29,854 of our civil war. 2089 01:49:30,231 --> 01:49:31,731 (SHOCKED CLAMORING) 2090 01:49:32,191 --> 01:49:33,316 WOOD: Is it true, sir? 2091 01:49:33,651 --> 01:49:35,902 Are there Confederate commissioners in the capital? 2092 01:49:35,986 --> 01:49:37,779 I have no idea where they are or if they've arrived. 2093 01:49:37,863 --> 01:49:38,988 WOOD: They'll arrive. 2094 01:49:39,323 --> 01:49:41,241 PENDLETON: I appeal to my fellow Democrats, 2095 01:49:41,325 --> 01:49:43,493 to all Republican representatives 2096 01:49:43,577 --> 01:49:44,994 who give a fig for peace, 2097 01:49:45,329 --> 01:49:47,330 postpone this vote! 2098 01:49:47,539 --> 01:49:48,665 Until we have answers 2099 01:49:48,749 --> 01:49:49,916 from the President himself! 2100 01:49:50,209 --> 01:49:51,209 WOOD: Postpone the vote! 2101 01:49:51,669 --> 01:49:54,045 DEMOCRATIC REPRESENTATIVES: (CHANTING) Postpone the vote! 2102 01:49:54,129 --> 01:50:00,301 Postpone the vote! Postpone the vote! 2103 01:50:00,386 --> 01:50:03,429 Postpone the vote! 2104 01:50:03,514 --> 01:50:05,139 -Postpone the vote! -SERGEANT: Gentlemen! 2105 01:50:05,224 --> 01:50:06,641 Postpone the vote! 2106 01:50:07,101 --> 01:50:12,313 Postpone the vote! Postpone the vote! 2107 01:50:14,233 --> 01:50:16,109 I have made a motion! 2108 01:50:16,193 --> 01:50:18,736 Does anyone care to second my motion? 2109 01:50:19,280 --> 01:50:20,738 (CHANTING CONTINUES) 2110 01:50:30,874 --> 01:50:32,041 Gentlemen. 2111 01:50:33,252 --> 01:50:34,836 The conservative faction 2112 01:50:34,920 --> 01:50:37,046 of border and western Republicans 2113 01:50:37,131 --> 01:50:39,340 cannot approve this amendment, 2114 01:50:39,425 --> 01:50:41,509 about which we harbor grave doubts, 2115 01:50:42,261 --> 01:50:45,805 if a peace offer is being held hostage to its success. 2116 01:50:46,765 --> 01:50:48,683 Joining together with our Democratic colleagues, 2117 01:50:48,767 --> 01:50:49,892 I second the motion 2118 01:50:49,977 --> 01:50:51,394 to postpone. 2119 01:50:51,478 --> 01:50:53,354 SCHELL: He must deny peace commissioners are in the city. 2120 01:50:53,439 --> 01:50:54,731 Quick, man. Quick. 2121 01:51:12,624 --> 01:51:13,750 (PANTING) 2122 01:51:15,919 --> 01:51:17,253 (GROANING) 2123 01:51:37,232 --> 01:51:38,316 (COUGHING) 2124 01:51:38,942 --> 01:51:39,942 (GROANS) 2125 01:51:41,528 --> 01:51:42,820 (PANTING) 2126 01:51:44,406 --> 01:51:47,325 This is precisely what Mr. Wood wishes me 2127 01:51:47,409 --> 01:51:48,659 to respond to? 2128 01:51:49,995 --> 01:51:51,746 Word for word, this is precisely 2129 01:51:51,830 --> 01:51:53,706 the assurance that he demands of me? 2130 01:51:54,208 --> 01:51:55,500 Yes, sir. 2131 01:51:57,211 --> 01:51:58,503 (PANTING) 2132 01:51:59,421 --> 01:52:00,463 (CHUCKLING) 2133 01:52:15,270 --> 01:52:16,771 Give this to Mr. Ashley. 2134 01:52:20,275 --> 01:52:23,986 Uh, I feel I have to say, Mr. Lincoln, that... 2135 01:52:25,114 --> 01:52:26,614 Could you please just step outside? 2136 01:52:26,990 --> 01:52:28,074 You want to have a chat now, 2137 01:52:28,158 --> 01:52:29,283 with the whole of the House of Representatives 2138 01:52:29,368 --> 01:52:30,493 waiting on this? 2139 01:52:31,120 --> 01:52:33,496 Making false representation to Congress, is... 2140 01:52:34,164 --> 01:52:35,748 -It's... -It's impeachable, 2141 01:52:35,833 --> 01:52:38,501 but I've made no such false representation. 2142 01:52:38,919 --> 01:52:40,169 But there are. 2143 01:52:40,879 --> 01:52:42,213 There is a delegation from Richmond. 2144 01:52:42,965 --> 01:52:44,298 Give me the note, Johnnie. 2145 01:52:48,095 --> 01:52:49,887 Please, deliver that to Mr. Ashley. 2146 01:52:54,351 --> 01:52:55,852 (CROWD MURMURING) 2147 01:53:00,566 --> 01:53:01,774 (MURMURING DIES DOWN) 2148 01:53:09,199 --> 01:53:10,366 From the President. 2149 01:53:11,285 --> 01:53:12,452 "So far as I know, there are no 2150 01:53:12,536 --> 01:53:13,953 "peace commissioners in the city 2151 01:53:14,037 --> 01:53:15,371 "nor are there likely to be." 2152 01:53:15,456 --> 01:53:16,581 -(CROWD MURMURING) -(GAVEL POUNDING) 2153 01:53:16,665 --> 01:53:18,332 "So far as I know"? 2154 01:53:19,710 --> 01:53:20,793 That means nothing. 2155 01:53:22,254 --> 01:53:25,256 Are there commissioners from the South, or aren't there? 2156 01:53:26,675 --> 01:53:28,134 ASHLEY: The President has answered you, sir. 2157 01:53:28,218 --> 01:53:29,510 Your peace offer is a fiction. 2158 01:53:29,803 --> 01:53:30,970 That is not a denial. 2159 01:53:31,847 --> 01:53:33,389 It is a lawyer's dodge! 2160 01:53:34,850 --> 01:53:36,934 Mr. Haddam, is your faction satisfied? 2161 01:53:39,813 --> 01:53:42,315 The conservative Republican faction is satisfied. 2162 01:53:42,399 --> 01:53:43,900 And we thank Mr. Lincoln. 2163 01:53:45,152 --> 01:53:47,153 I move to table Mr. Wood's motion. 2164 01:53:47,613 --> 01:53:48,654 Tabled! 2165 01:53:48,739 --> 01:53:50,031 -(SCATTERED APPLAUSE) -(CROWD MURMURING) 2166 01:53:52,159 --> 01:53:54,785 Mr. Colfax, I order the main question. 2167 01:53:55,537 --> 01:53:57,371 A motion has been made to bring the bill 2168 01:53:57,456 --> 01:53:59,373 for the 1 3th Amendment to a vote. 2169 01:53:59,458 --> 01:54:00,500 Do I hear a second? 2170 01:54:00,667 --> 01:54:01,834 I second the motion. 2171 01:54:02,044 --> 01:54:04,295 (POUNDS GAVEL) So moved, so ordered. 2172 01:54:05,005 --> 01:54:06,130 The Clerk will now... 2173 01:54:06,215 --> 01:54:07,381 Quiet, please! 2174 01:54:09,009 --> 01:54:11,302 The Clerk will now call the roll for the voting. 2175 01:54:17,392 --> 01:54:18,559 We begin with Connecticut. 2176 01:54:18,852 --> 01:54:20,561 Mr. Augustus Benjamin, 2177 01:54:20,646 --> 01:54:23,022 on the matter of this amendment, how say you? 2178 01:54:23,482 --> 01:54:24,565 Nay! 2179 01:54:26,193 --> 01:54:27,693 CLERK: Mr. Arthur Bentleigh. 2180 01:54:28,278 --> 01:54:30,029 Nay! (SPITS) 2181 01:54:33,450 --> 01:54:35,785 Mr. John Ellis, how say you? 2182 01:54:36,203 --> 01:54:37,245 ELLIS: Aye! 2183 01:54:37,329 --> 01:54:38,329 -MAN: What! -(CROWD EXCLAIMING) 2184 01:54:38,413 --> 01:54:39,455 (POUNDING TABLES) 2185 01:54:45,045 --> 01:54:48,005 Missouri next. Mr. Walter Appleton. 2186 01:54:48,966 --> 01:54:50,258 APPLETON: I vote no. 2187 01:54:51,927 --> 01:54:53,177 Mr. Josiah Burton. 2188 01:54:54,721 --> 01:54:58,516 Beanpole Burton is pleased to vote yea! 2189 01:54:59,560 --> 01:55:00,560 (SCATTERED CLAPPING) 2190 01:55:00,644 --> 01:55:01,978 CLERK: The State of New Jersey. 2191 01:55:02,062 --> 01:55:04,230 -Mr. Nehemiah Cleary. -CLEARY: No! 2192 01:55:07,067 --> 01:55:08,484 Mr. James Martinson. 2193 01:55:09,111 --> 01:55:11,153 Mr. Martinson has delegated me 2194 01:55:11,572 --> 01:55:13,322 to say he is indisposed. 2195 01:55:14,199 --> 01:55:15,533 And he abstains. 2196 01:55:17,953 --> 01:55:19,161 Mr. Austin J. Roberts. 2197 01:55:19,413 --> 01:55:21,706 Also indisposed, also abstaining. 2198 01:55:27,004 --> 01:55:28,296 CLERK: Illinois concluded. 2199 01:55:30,507 --> 01:55:32,717 Mr. Harold Hollister. How say you? 2200 01:55:33,427 --> 01:55:34,468 No. 2201 01:55:35,429 --> 01:55:36,721 CLERK: Mr. Hutton. 2202 01:55:37,973 --> 01:55:40,141 Mr. William Hutton. Cast your vote. 2203 01:55:42,561 --> 01:55:45,146 William Hutton, remembering at this moment 2204 01:55:45,230 --> 01:55:47,106 his beloved brother Frederick 2205 01:55:47,190 --> 01:55:49,525 votes against the amendment. 2206 01:55:50,902 --> 01:55:52,778 (CLOCK TICKING) 2207 01:56:01,872 --> 01:56:02,997 Webster Allen votes no. 2208 01:56:06,293 --> 01:56:07,501 -(TYPEWRITER CLACKING) -Webster Allen, 2209 01:56:07,586 --> 01:56:10,087 Illinois, Democrat, 2210 01:56:10,172 --> 01:56:12,173 votes no. 2211 01:56:13,925 --> 01:56:17,720 Halberd Law, Indiana, Democrat, 2212 01:56:17,804 --> 01:56:19,221 votes no. 2213 01:56:21,433 --> 01:56:24,894 Archibald Moran, yes. 2214 01:56:27,648 --> 01:56:30,232 Ambrose Baylor, yes. 2215 01:56:32,110 --> 01:56:34,779 Mr. Walter H. Washburn. 2216 01:56:35,614 --> 01:56:36,781 WASHBURN: Votes no. 2217 01:56:40,535 --> 01:56:43,412 And Mr. George Yeaman, how say you? 2218 01:56:55,425 --> 01:56:56,967 (WHISPERING) My vote ties us. 2219 01:57:01,098 --> 01:57:02,139 Sir, Mr. Yeaman, 2220 01:57:02,224 --> 01:57:03,933 I didn't hear your vote. 2221 01:57:04,726 --> 01:57:07,561 I said "Aye", Mr. McPherson! 2222 01:57:08,397 --> 01:57:09,438 Aye! 2223 01:57:09,564 --> 01:57:10,564 Traitor! 2224 01:57:10,691 --> 01:57:11,691 Order! 2225 01:57:12,150 --> 01:57:13,317 (CLAMORING) 2226 01:57:25,288 --> 01:57:26,789 COLFAX: Order in my chamber! 2227 01:57:33,547 --> 01:57:36,382 Mr. McPherson, you may proceed. 2228 01:57:39,761 --> 01:57:42,179 CLERK: Mr. Clay R. Hawkins of Ohio. 2229 01:57:52,399 --> 01:57:54,024 -Goddamn it, I'm voting yes. -(LOUD PROTESTS) 2230 01:57:55,152 --> 01:57:57,069 I don't care, you shoot me dead! 2231 01:57:57,154 --> 01:57:59,572 You shoot me dead! I am voting yes! 2232 01:58:01,074 --> 01:58:02,450 Mr. Edwin F. LeClerk. 2233 01:58:03,034 --> 01:58:04,034 No! 2234 01:58:06,872 --> 01:58:10,040 Oh, to hell with it. Shoot me dead, too! Yes! 2235 01:58:10,542 --> 01:58:11,667 (OUTRAGED PROTESTS) 2236 01:58:13,378 --> 01:58:14,378 I mean... 2237 01:58:15,130 --> 01:58:17,590 Abstention. Abstention! 2238 01:58:17,758 --> 01:58:18,966 (CROWD MURMURING) 2239 01:58:21,970 --> 01:58:23,429 MAN: Spineless! No gender. 2240 01:58:29,895 --> 01:58:31,353 Mr. Alexander Coffroth. 2241 01:58:36,610 --> 01:58:38,611 I vote 2242 01:58:39,362 --> 01:58:40,404 yes. 2243 01:58:41,072 --> 01:58:42,323 (APPLAUDING) 2244 01:58:45,327 --> 01:58:46,410 SERGEANT: Yea. 2245 01:58:46,495 --> 01:58:47,870 (TYPEWRITER CLACKING) 2246 01:58:47,996 --> 01:58:49,538 James Brooks... 2247 01:58:50,540 --> 01:58:51,749 Nay. 2248 01:58:52,959 --> 01:58:54,418 Josiah Grenelle... 2249 01:58:55,712 --> 01:58:56,921 Yea. 2250 01:58:58,048 --> 01:58:59,215 Meyer Strauss... 2251 01:59:00,550 --> 01:59:01,634 Nay. 2252 01:59:02,302 --> 01:59:04,345 -CLERK: Mr. Joseph Marstern. -Nay. 2253 01:59:04,429 --> 01:59:06,806 -CLERK: Mr. Chilton A. Elliot. -No! 2254 01:59:07,307 --> 01:59:09,308 -CLERK: Mr. Daniel G. Stuart. -I vote yes. 2255 01:59:09,684 --> 01:59:10,684 -CLERK: Mr. Howard Guilfoyle. -Yea. 2256 01:59:10,811 --> 01:59:12,186 -CLERK: John F. McKenzie. -Yea. 2257 01:59:12,354 --> 01:59:13,562 -CLERK: Andrew E. Fink. -Nay. 2258 01:59:13,647 --> 01:59:15,189 -CLERK: Mr. John A. Castle. -Yea. 2259 01:59:15,273 --> 01:59:16,649 -CLERK: Mr. Hanready. -Nay. 2260 01:59:16,817 --> 01:59:18,234 -CLERK: And Mr. Rufus Warren? -Yea. 2261 01:59:39,172 --> 01:59:40,923 CLERK: The roll call concludes. 2262 01:59:41,424 --> 01:59:43,592 The voting is completed. Now... 2263 01:59:43,677 --> 01:59:46,428 Mr. Clerk, please call my name. 2264 01:59:47,556 --> 01:59:48,764 I want to cast a vote. 2265 01:59:48,849 --> 01:59:50,099 PENDLETON: I object. 2266 01:59:50,976 --> 01:59:52,351 The Speaker doesn't vote. 2267 01:59:52,644 --> 01:59:54,812 The Speaker may vote if he so chooses. 2268 01:59:55,230 --> 01:59:57,147 It is highly unusual, sir. 2269 01:59:57,357 --> 01:59:58,983 This isn't usual, Mr. Pendleton. 2270 01:59:59,067 --> 02:00:00,276 This is history. 2271 02:00:02,737 --> 02:00:05,155 How does Mr. Schuyler Colfax vote? 2272 02:00:09,995 --> 02:00:11,453 Aye, of course. 2273 02:00:11,663 --> 02:00:12,955 (CROWD LAUGHING) 2274 02:00:34,728 --> 02:00:35,978 The final vote. 2275 02:00:37,814 --> 02:00:39,857 Eight absent or not voting. 2276 02:00:41,776 --> 02:00:43,569 Fifty-six votes against. 2277 02:00:44,821 --> 02:00:47,072 One hundred and nineteen votes for. 2278 02:00:48,116 --> 02:00:49,825 With a margin of two votes... 2279 02:00:51,328 --> 02:00:52,953 (CLOCK TICKING) 2280 02:00:58,418 --> 02:01:01,879 (CHURCH BELLS CHIMING FAINTLY) 2281 02:01:14,100 --> 02:01:16,060 (CHIMING GETS LOUDER) 2282 02:01:16,144 --> 02:01:18,062 (CANNONS BLASTING) 2283 02:01:26,321 --> 02:01:27,905 (ALL CLAMORING) 2284 02:01:31,993 --> 02:01:33,911 (CHEERING) 2285 02:01:38,625 --> 02:01:40,501 We chose great leadership. 2286 02:01:50,845 --> 02:01:52,012 (BELLS TOLLING) 2287 02:01:54,599 --> 02:01:56,433 ALL: (SINGING) We'll rally round the flag, boys 2288 02:01:56,518 --> 02:01:58,268 We'll rally once again 2289 02:01:58,353 --> 02:02:00,354 Shouting the battle cry of freedom 2290 02:02:01,773 --> 02:02:04,233 We will rally from the hillside 2291 02:02:04,317 --> 02:02:06,235 We'll gather from the plain 2292 02:02:06,319 --> 02:02:09,905 Shouting the battle cry of freedom 2293 02:02:10,281 --> 02:02:14,535 The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah! 2294 02:02:14,619 --> 02:02:16,453 Down with the traitor 2295 02:02:16,538 --> 02:02:18,247 And up with the star 2296 02:02:18,456 --> 02:02:22,376 Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom! 2297 02:02:22,669 --> 02:02:24,294 Congratulations, Mr. Chairman. 2298 02:02:24,379 --> 02:02:26,463 The bill, Mr. McPherson. May I? 2299 02:02:26,589 --> 02:02:28,215 (SINGING CONTINUES) 2300 02:02:28,925 --> 02:02:32,428 The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah! 2301 02:02:32,762 --> 02:02:35,305 That's, that's the official bill. 2302 02:02:35,390 --> 02:02:37,433 I'll return it in the morning. 2303 02:02:38,018 --> 02:02:39,393 Creased, 2304 02:02:40,270 --> 02:02:41,270 but unharmed. 2305 02:02:41,354 --> 02:02:45,024 Shouting the battle cry of freedom 2306 02:02:45,108 --> 02:02:49,403 We are springing to the call Of the loyal, true and brave 2307 02:02:49,571 --> 02:02:50,863 Shouting the battle cry of freedom 2308 02:02:51,197 --> 02:02:53,032 -(PEOPLE CHEERING) -(BAND PLAYING) 2309 02:02:53,158 --> 02:02:55,325 And we'll fill our vacant ranks 2310 02:02:55,410 --> 02:02:57,327 With a million freemen more 2311 02:02:58,204 --> 02:03:00,956 Shouting the battle cry of freedom 2312 02:03:02,125 --> 02:03:03,667 The Union forever! 2313 02:03:04,502 --> 02:03:06,003 Hurrah, boys, hurrah! 2314 02:03:06,588 --> 02:03:10,007 Down with the traitor And up with the star 2315 02:03:31,946 --> 02:03:34,073 A gift for you. 2316 02:03:38,411 --> 02:03:40,496 The greatest measure of the 1 9th century, 2317 02:03:40,580 --> 02:03:41,663 passed by corruption, 2318 02:03:41,748 --> 02:03:45,000 aided and abetted by the purest man in America. 2319 02:04:03,645 --> 02:04:05,562 I wish you had been present. 2320 02:04:06,356 --> 02:04:08,440 -I wish I'd been. -It was a spectacle. 2321 02:04:09,317 --> 02:04:11,777 You can't bring your housekeeper to the House. 2322 02:04:11,861 --> 02:04:13,862 I won't give them gossip. 2323 02:04:13,947 --> 02:04:15,489 This is enough. 2324 02:04:15,865 --> 02:04:16,990 This is... 2325 02:04:18,660 --> 02:04:20,452 It's more than enough for now. 2326 02:04:22,038 --> 02:04:23,747 Read it to me again, my love. 2327 02:04:25,750 --> 02:04:27,626 -"Proposed..." -And adopted. 2328 02:04:27,710 --> 02:04:29,086 "Adopted, 2329 02:04:29,754 --> 02:04:30,879 "an amendment to 2330 02:04:30,964 --> 02:04:33,924 "the Constitution of the United States. 2331 02:04:34,008 --> 02:04:35,425 "Section One. 2332 02:04:35,844 --> 02:04:39,638 "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude 2333 02:04:39,722 --> 02:04:42,516 "except as a punishment for crime 2334 02:04:42,600 --> 02:04:46,061 "whereof the party shall have been duly convicted 2335 02:04:46,604 --> 02:04:49,439 "shall exist within the United States 2336 02:04:49,941 --> 02:04:53,402 "or any place subject to their jurisdiction." 2337 02:04:53,486 --> 02:04:54,903 Section Two. 2338 02:04:55,405 --> 02:04:59,575 "Congress shall have power to enforce this amendment 2339 02:04:59,659 --> 02:05:01,660 "by appropriate legislation." 2340 02:05:08,710 --> 02:05:10,043 (CROWD CHEERING) 2341 02:05:13,214 --> 02:05:14,548 (SHIP HORN BLOWING) 2342 02:05:23,850 --> 02:05:25,058 Let me be blunt. 2343 02:05:25,768 --> 02:05:27,436 Will the Southern states 2344 02:05:27,520 --> 02:05:30,063 resume their former position in the Union 2345 02:05:30,148 --> 02:05:31,648 speedily enough to enable us 2346 02:05:31,733 --> 02:05:34,318 to block ratification to this here 2347 02:05:34,402 --> 02:05:35,569 1 3th Amendment? 2348 02:05:40,200 --> 02:05:41,742 I'd like peace immediately. 2349 02:05:42,702 --> 02:05:44,119 Yes, and? 2350 02:05:46,998 --> 02:05:49,583 I'd like your states restored to 2351 02:05:49,667 --> 02:05:53,253 their practical relations with the Union immediately. 2352 02:05:56,007 --> 02:05:58,091 If this could be given to me in writing, 2353 02:05:58,635 --> 02:06:00,552 as Vice President of the Confederacy, 2354 02:06:00,637 --> 02:06:01,970 I'd bring that document 2355 02:06:02,055 --> 02:06:03,889 with celerity, to Jefferson Davis. 2356 02:06:06,559 --> 02:06:07,684 Surrender. 2357 02:06:08,186 --> 02:06:10,520 And we can discuss reconstruction. 2358 02:06:12,357 --> 02:06:13,941 Surrender won't be thought of. 2359 02:06:14,734 --> 02:06:17,903 Unless you've assured us, in writing, 2360 02:06:17,987 --> 02:06:20,697 that we'll be readmitted in time to block this amendment. 2361 02:06:21,282 --> 02:06:24,826 This is the arrogant demand of a conqueror. 2362 02:06:25,036 --> 02:06:27,913 You'll not be a conquered people, Mr. Hunter. 2363 02:06:27,997 --> 02:06:29,456 You will be citizens. 2364 02:06:30,625 --> 02:06:32,209 Returned to the laws and the guarantees of rights 2365 02:06:32,293 --> 02:06:33,293 of the Constitution. 2366 02:06:34,212 --> 02:06:36,880 Which now extinguishes slavery. 2367 02:06:36,965 --> 02:06:39,716 And with it, our economy. 2368 02:06:40,051 --> 02:06:41,385 All our laws will be determined by 2369 02:06:41,469 --> 02:06:43,095 a Congress of vengeful Yankees. 2370 02:06:43,888 --> 02:06:46,431 All our rights will be subject to a Supreme Court 2371 02:06:47,141 --> 02:06:49,142 benched by bloody Republican radicals. 2372 02:06:49,811 --> 02:06:52,729 All our traditions will be obliterated. 2373 02:06:53,690 --> 02:06:55,440 We won't know ourselves anymore. 2374 02:06:57,485 --> 02:06:59,903 We ain't here to discuss reconstruction. 2375 02:06:59,988 --> 02:07:02,364 We have no legal basis for that discussion. 2376 02:07:02,448 --> 02:07:04,074 But I don't want to deal falsely. 2377 02:07:04,158 --> 02:07:06,702 The Northern states will ratify, most of them. 2378 02:07:06,786 --> 02:07:08,578 As I figure it, it remains for two of the Southern states 2379 02:07:08,663 --> 02:07:09,705 to do the same, 2380 02:07:09,789 --> 02:07:11,456 even after all are readmitted. 2381 02:07:11,541 --> 02:07:13,125 And I've been working on that. 2382 02:07:14,085 --> 02:07:15,210 Tennessee and Louisiana. 2383 02:07:15,628 --> 02:07:17,838 Arkansas, too, most likely. It'll be ratified. 2384 02:07:18,548 --> 02:07:21,300 Slavery, sir... It's done. 2385 02:07:34,772 --> 02:07:37,524 If we submit ourselves to law, Alex, 2386 02:07:38,276 --> 02:07:40,277 even submit to losing freedoms, 2387 02:07:41,696 --> 02:07:43,864 the freedom to oppress, for instance 2388 02:07:44,991 --> 02:07:46,783 we may discover other freedoms 2389 02:07:46,909 --> 02:07:48,410 previously unknown to us. 2390 02:07:49,495 --> 02:07:53,040 Had you kept faith with the democratic process, 2391 02:07:53,124 --> 02:07:54,583 as frustrating as that can be... 2392 02:07:54,667 --> 02:07:55,917 Come, sir. 2393 02:07:56,044 --> 02:07:58,545 Spare us, at least, these pieties. 2394 02:07:59,505 --> 02:08:01,089 Did you defeat us with ballots? 2395 02:08:02,550 --> 02:08:04,384 How have you held your Union together? 2396 02:08:05,386 --> 02:08:06,595 Through democracy? 2397 02:08:07,847 --> 02:08:09,598 How many hundreds of thousands have died 2398 02:08:09,682 --> 02:08:11,099 during your administration? 2399 02:08:12,518 --> 02:08:15,145 Your Union, sir, is bonded in cannon fire and death. 2400 02:08:18,941 --> 02:08:20,359 It may be you're right. 2401 02:08:24,781 --> 02:08:27,616 But say all we done is show the world 2402 02:08:27,700 --> 02:08:29,868 that democracy isn't chaos. 2403 02:08:32,538 --> 02:08:35,999 That there is a great, invisible strength 2404 02:08:36,084 --> 02:08:37,459 in a people's union. 2405 02:08:38,378 --> 02:08:42,255 Say we've shown that a people can endure awful sacrifice 2406 02:08:42,340 --> 02:08:44,007 and yet cohere. 2407 02:08:44,634 --> 02:08:45,801 Mightn't that save at least 2408 02:08:45,885 --> 02:08:48,136 the idea of democracy to aspire to? 2409 02:08:49,597 --> 02:08:51,890 Eventually to become worthy of? 2410 02:08:56,062 --> 02:08:57,979 At all rates, whatever may be proven 2411 02:08:58,064 --> 02:09:00,273 by blood and sacrifice 2412 02:09:00,358 --> 02:09:01,900 must have been proved by now. 2413 02:09:12,286 --> 02:09:14,413 Shall we stop this bleeding? 2414 02:09:17,375 --> 02:09:19,960 (RUMBLING) 2415 02:10:53,054 --> 02:10:54,054 Once he surrenders, 2416 02:10:54,138 --> 02:10:55,931 send his boys back to their homes 2417 02:10:56,766 --> 02:10:58,391 and their farms, their shops. 2418 02:11:00,311 --> 02:11:01,436 Yes, sir. 2419 02:11:02,772 --> 02:11:03,772 As we discussed. 2420 02:11:03,856 --> 02:11:06,066 Liberality all around, not punishment. 2421 02:11:06,150 --> 02:11:07,234 I don't want that. 2422 02:11:08,110 --> 02:11:10,987 And their leaders, Jeff and the rest of them, 2423 02:11:11,072 --> 02:11:12,364 they escape, leave the country 2424 02:11:12,448 --> 02:11:14,950 while my back's turned, that wouldn't upset me none. 2425 02:11:16,285 --> 02:11:18,995 When peace comes, it mustn't just be hangings. 2426 02:11:25,461 --> 02:11:27,003 By outward appearance 2427 02:11:28,756 --> 02:11:31,550 you're 1 0 years older than you were a year ago. 2428 02:11:32,093 --> 02:11:33,218 Hmm. 2429 02:11:34,887 --> 02:11:37,138 Some weariness has bit at my bones. 2430 02:11:50,611 --> 02:11:52,904 I never seen the like of it before, 2431 02:11:52,989 --> 02:11:54,489 what I seen today. 2432 02:11:56,075 --> 02:11:57,909 Never seen the like of it before. 2433 02:12:00,621 --> 02:12:02,163 You always knew that. 2434 02:12:03,583 --> 02:12:05,125 What this was going to be. 2435 02:12:06,961 --> 02:12:09,045 Intimate and ugly. 2436 02:12:12,216 --> 02:12:13,717 You must have needed to see it close 2437 02:12:13,801 --> 02:12:15,093 when you decided to come down here. 2438 02:12:16,220 --> 02:12:17,304 Hmm. 2439 02:12:34,447 --> 02:12:38,116 We've made it possible for one another to do terrible things. 2440 02:12:40,494 --> 02:12:42,078 We've won the war. 2441 02:12:43,080 --> 02:12:46,416 Now you have to lead us out of it. 2442 02:14:18,467 --> 02:14:20,093 You have an itch to travel? 2443 02:14:20,428 --> 02:14:22,262 Mm-hmm. I'd like that. 2444 02:14:23,764 --> 02:14:26,015 To the West, by rail. 2445 02:14:26,100 --> 02:14:27,475 Overseas. 2446 02:14:29,645 --> 02:14:30,812 The Holy Land. 2447 02:14:31,981 --> 02:14:33,231 (MARY CHUCKLES) 2448 02:14:33,816 --> 02:14:35,442 Awfully pious for a man 2449 02:14:35,526 --> 02:14:38,069 who takes his wife out buggy-riding on Good Friday. 2450 02:14:38,821 --> 02:14:39,988 Jerusalem. 2451 02:14:40,573 --> 02:14:42,407 Where David and Solomon walked. 2452 02:14:42,742 --> 02:14:46,202 I dream of walking in that ancient city. 2453 02:14:52,501 --> 02:14:54,210 All anyone will remember of me 2454 02:14:54,295 --> 02:14:56,963 is I was crazy and I ruined your happiness. 2455 02:14:57,715 --> 02:15:00,258 Anyone thinks that doesn't understand, Molly. 2456 02:15:04,138 --> 02:15:05,638 When they look at you, 2457 02:15:07,141 --> 02:15:09,893 at what it cost to live at the heart of this, 2458 02:15:11,395 --> 02:15:13,646 they'll wonder at it. They'll wonder at you. 2459 02:15:13,731 --> 02:15:14,898 They should. 2460 02:15:16,233 --> 02:15:17,442 But they should also look at 2461 02:15:17,526 --> 02:15:19,068 the wretched woman by your side 2462 02:15:19,153 --> 02:15:21,988 if they want to understand what this was truly like. 2463 02:15:23,115 --> 02:15:24,616 For the ordinary person. 2464 02:15:25,659 --> 02:15:27,243 For anyone other than you. 2465 02:15:27,411 --> 02:15:29,162 You must try to be happier. 2466 02:15:30,122 --> 02:15:31,664 We must, both of us. 2467 02:15:32,208 --> 02:15:34,417 We've been so miserable for so long. 2468 02:15:44,094 --> 02:15:46,888 I did say some colored men... 2469 02:15:46,972 --> 02:15:49,432 The intelligent, the educated, and the 2470 02:15:49,517 --> 02:15:51,476 veterans. I qualified it. 2471 02:15:51,560 --> 02:15:53,061 Mr. Stevens is furious. 2472 02:15:53,145 --> 02:15:54,854 He wants to know why you qualified it. 2473 02:15:54,939 --> 02:15:57,190 No one heard the intelligent or educated part. 2474 02:15:57,274 --> 02:15:59,317 All they heard was the first time 2475 02:15:59,401 --> 02:16:02,111 any president has ever made mention 2476 02:16:02,196 --> 02:16:03,530 of Negro voting. 2477 02:16:03,906 --> 02:16:07,700 Still, I wish I'd mentioned it in a better speech. 2478 02:16:07,785 --> 02:16:09,536 Mr. Stevens also wants to know 2479 02:16:09,620 --> 02:16:11,454 why you didn't make a better speech. 2480 02:16:12,915 --> 02:16:14,082 -(ALL CHUCKLING) -(KNOCK ON DOOR) 2481 02:16:14,166 --> 02:16:15,458 NICOLAY: Mrs. Lincoln is waiting in the carriage. 2482 02:16:15,584 --> 02:16:18,044 She wants me to remind you of the hour, and that 2483 02:16:18,128 --> 02:16:20,922 you'll have to pick up Miss Harris and Major Rathbone. 2484 02:16:24,426 --> 02:16:26,261 -Am I in trouble? -No, sir. 2485 02:16:26,762 --> 02:16:28,137 Thank you, Mr. Slade. 2486 02:16:43,696 --> 02:16:45,154 I suppose it's time to go. 2487 02:16:46,782 --> 02:16:48,408 Though I would rather stay. 2488 02:17:40,252 --> 02:17:42,003 -(GRUNTING) -(SWORDS CLANKING) 2489 02:17:44,340 --> 02:17:45,506 (MAN LAUGHS) 2490 02:17:46,717 --> 02:17:48,343 (SWORDS CONTINUE CLANKING) 2491 02:17:56,727 --> 02:17:57,852 (AUDIENCE GASPS) 2492 02:18:06,612 --> 02:18:07,737 (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) 2493 02:18:18,207 --> 02:18:20,583 The President has been shot! 2494 02:18:21,543 --> 02:18:23,378 (AUDIENCE GASPS) 2495 02:18:23,545 --> 02:18:24,796 The President 2496 02:18:24,880 --> 02:18:27,632 has been shot! At Ford's Theater! 2497 02:18:28,050 --> 02:18:29,133 (CROWD CLAMORING) 2498 02:18:29,885 --> 02:18:31,386 (WOMEN SHRIEKING) 2499 02:18:33,305 --> 02:18:35,515 No. No! 2500 02:18:36,058 --> 02:18:38,393 (SCREAMS) 2501 02:19:09,508 --> 02:19:12,844 It's 7:22 in the morning. 2502 02:19:13,887 --> 02:19:15,596 Saturday, the 15th of April. 2503 02:19:15,681 --> 02:19:16,973 It's all over. 2504 02:19:17,057 --> 02:19:18,474 The President is no more. 2505 02:19:22,229 --> 02:19:24,188 Now he belongs to the ages. 2506 02:19:30,529 --> 02:19:32,280 LINCOLN: Fondly do we hope, 2507 02:19:33,949 --> 02:19:35,992 fervently do we pray, 2508 02:19:37,536 --> 02:19:40,496 that this mighty scourge of war, 2509 02:19:40,581 --> 02:19:42,540 may speedily pass away. 2510 02:19:45,627 --> 02:19:48,171 Yet if God wills that it continue 2511 02:19:48,797 --> 02:19:51,132 until all the wealth piled 2512 02:19:51,216 --> 02:19:54,343 by the bondman's 250 years 2513 02:19:54,428 --> 02:19:57,472 of unrequited toil shall be sunk 2514 02:19:58,807 --> 02:20:02,894 and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash 2515 02:20:02,978 --> 02:20:06,647 shall be paid by another drawn with the sword 2516 02:20:07,941 --> 02:20:10,318 as was said 3,000 years ago, 2517 02:20:10,402 --> 02:20:12,612 so still it must be said, 2518 02:20:13,489 --> 02:20:15,323 "The judgments of the Lord 2519 02:20:16,241 --> 02:20:20,620 "are true and righteous altogether." 2520 02:20:26,335 --> 02:20:28,044 With malice toward none, 2521 02:20:30,255 --> 02:20:32,298 with charity for all, 2522 02:20:33,967 --> 02:20:35,676 with firmness in the right, 2523 02:20:35,761 --> 02:20:38,054 as God gives us to see the right, 2524 02:20:38,138 --> 02:20:41,307 let us strive on to finish the work we are in, 2525 02:20:42,059 --> 02:20:44,393 to bind up the nation's wounds, 2526 02:20:45,270 --> 02:20:46,729 to care 2527 02:20:47,064 --> 02:20:49,398 for him who shall have borne the battle 2528 02:20:50,692 --> 02:20:52,610 and for his widow 2529 02:20:53,237 --> 02:20:54,487 and his orphan, 2530 02:20:56,240 --> 02:21:00,409 to do all which may achieve and cherish 2531 02:21:01,578 --> 02:21:06,207 a just and a lasting peace among ourselves 2532 02:21:07,626 --> 02:21:09,669