1 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:06,850 previously on prison break: آنچه گذشت 2 00:00:06,870 --> 00:00:09,550 Did you ask for a recent photo of lj and sara? آيا عکس جديد تر از ال جي و سارا رو ازشون خواستي؟ 3 00:00:09,570 --> 00:00:10,780 Yeah. آره 4 00:00:10,800 --> 00:00:11,760 Where is it? کجاست؟ 5 00:00:11,780 --> 00:00:15,240 She showed me the pictures,but she wouldn't let me keep them. عکسهارو بهم نشون داد ولي بهم ندادشون 6 00:00:15,250 --> 00:00:16,010 All right. باشه 7 00:00:16,030 --> 00:00:17,740 I want to know who this guy iS. من ميخوام بدونم اين يارو کيه 8 00:00:17,770 --> 00:00:20,030 Said his name was sullins. گفت اسمش سولينزه 9 00:00:20,270 --> 00:00:22,890 Alex,thanks for coming in. الکس ممنون که اومدي 10 00:00:23,200 --> 00:00:24,180 hello,lang. سلام لانگ 11 00:00:24,220 --> 00:00:25,040 What's going on? چي شده؟ 12 00:00:25,060 --> 00:00:28,130 There's all kinds of suits over here going through your office. همه در خواست ها اينجا ميره تو دفتر خودت 13 00:00:28,150 --> 00:00:30,090 - I know you,huh? - Afraid not. ميشناسمت هان؟ ميترسم نشناسي 14 00:00:30,110 --> 00:00:31,670 Yeah,yeah,yeah. آره.آره.آره 15 00:00:31,680 --> 00:00:32,890 You're mcfadden. تو مک فادن هستي 16 00:00:32,900 --> 00:00:34,200 You've confused me with someone else. منو يا يکي ديگه اشتباه گرفتي 17 00:00:34,220 --> 00:00:35,760 You were with the ambassador. تو رو با سفير ديدمت 18 00:00:35,790 --> 00:00:37,830 You don't know me,I don't know you, من تو رو نميشناسم تو هم منو نميشناسي 19 00:00:37,850 --> 00:00:39,460 but it's your job to get me out of here. اما اين وظيفه تو هست که منو بيرون ببري 20 00:00:39,470 --> 00:00:41,160 You break out tomorrow. By 3:00 P.M. فردا بايد فردا کنيم . ساعت سه 21 00:00:41,180 --> 00:00:42,830 - You mean A.M.- No,I mean P.M. منظورت صبحه؟ نه منظورم عصره 22 00:00:42,850 --> 00:00:44,100 We're doing this tomorrow... فردا اينکارو ميکنيم 23 00:00:44,120 --> 00:00:45,920 in the middle of the day. وسط روز 24 00:00:53,910 --> 00:00:55,590 The ring. حلقه 25 00:00:56,540 --> 00:00:58,320 Wise decision. تصميم عاقلانه 26 00:01:01,950 --> 00:01:03,500 Want the ring,brother? حلقه رو ميخواي برادر؟ 27 00:01:03,550 --> 00:01:05,650 That's more your style,man. به تو بيشتر مياد پسر 28 00:01:14,410 --> 00:01:17,480 Hey,hey,hey. It's allright,it's all right. هي هي هي عيب نداره عيب نداره 29 00:01:19,830 --> 00:01:20,910 You all go on back. همه تون بريد اون پشت 30 00:01:20,960 --> 00:01:22,230 Go ahead. شروع کن 31 00:01:22,660 --> 00:01:24,230 No,go ahead. نه. شروع کن 32 00:01:26,370 --> 00:01:28,130 A word. قول 33 00:01:33,020 --> 00:01:35,320 You should try and be more careful in the future. تو بايد سعي کني در اينده بيشتر مواظب باشي 34 00:01:35,370 --> 00:01:36,890 Yes,sir. بله قربان 35 00:01:56,630 --> 00:01:57,610 hey. هي 36 00:01:58,730 --> 00:01:59,810 Hey. هي 37 00:02:00,360 --> 00:02:01,720 What's your name? اسمت چيه؟ 38 00:02:03,280 --> 00:02:04,560 Tyge. تيگ 39 00:02:04,630 --> 00:02:05,930 Michael. مايکل 40 00:02:06,260 --> 00:02:07,210 The australian. استراليايي 41 00:02:07,250 --> 00:02:09,070 You said you knew him from nice. گفتي که طرف رو خوب ميشناسي 42 00:02:09,110 --> 00:02:10,350 Is that true? درسته؟ 43 00:02:10,420 --> 00:02:11,690 You calling me a liar now? منظورت اينه که من دروغ ميگم؟ 44 00:02:11,730 --> 00:02:13,460 He says you're full of it. اون گفت که سرتاپا دروغي 45 00:02:13,520 --> 00:02:15,620 He said he was never an ambassador. اون گفت هيچوقت سفير نبوده 46 00:02:15,970 --> 00:02:19,690 No,not an ambassador,the ambassador. نگفتم که سفيره. گفتم تو سفارت ديدمش 47 00:02:19,730 --> 00:02:22,940 I was concierge at the ambassador hotel. تو هتل سفارت من يه نگهبان بودم 48 00:02:23,050 --> 00:02:26,160 I could've sworn he worked there for a few months. نتونستم بهش فحش بدم چون چند ماهي همگار بوديم 49 00:02:27,910 --> 00:02:29,330 who the hell knows,huh? کي اينو ميدونه هان؟ 50 00:02:29,360 --> 00:02:31,200 I was high half the time. من نيمه وقت کار ميکردم 51 00:02:31,270 --> 00:02:33,250 Kind of why I got fired. به دلايلي اخراج شدم 52 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:34,940 Kind of why I'm in here. به دلايلي اينجام 53 00:02:34,980 --> 00:02:36,970 What was he up to in nice? 54 00:02:36,980 --> 00:02:38,070 What? چي؟ 55 00:02:38,090 --> 00:02:39,910 You writing a book? داري کتاب مينويسي؟ 56 00:02:40,130 --> 00:02:43,070 We're leaving at 3:13-- that gives us three hours 41 minutes. ما اينجا رو ساعت 3:13 ترک ميکنيم اونوقت سه ساعت و 41 دقيقه وقت داريم 57 00:02:43,110 --> 00:02:44,550 And we still don't have a way into no-man's-land. اما هنوز راه ناکجا آباد رو نميدونيم 58 00:02:44,580 --> 00:02:45,290 I'll take care of that. حواسم بهش هست 59 00:02:45,310 --> 00:02:46,720 I just need to check it out first. بايد اول چک کنم 60 00:02:46,760 --> 00:02:47,470 And the fence? حصار ها چي؟ 61 00:02:47,490 --> 00:02:49,190 Your grave digger friends only sprayed the thing once, قبر کن فقط يه بار به حصار اسپري زد 62 00:02:49,210 --> 00:02:51,150 and I'd just as soon not get electrocuted today. واسم زوده که با برق گرفتگي بميرم 63 00:02:51,180 --> 00:02:53,210 Would I feel better if sucre had sprayed the fence again? Yes بهتر نيست سيکور يه بار ديگه هم اسپري به حصار بزنه؟ . 64 00:02:53,220 --> 00:02:55,310 Is that an option? No. موردت اينه؟ نه 65 00:02:55,350 --> 00:02:57,650 Unless he had another reason to be there. تا وقتي که دليل ديگه اي براي اونجا بودن داره 66 00:02:57,660 --> 00:02:58,270 What are you going to do? چکار ميخواي بکني ؟ 67 00:02:58,300 --> 00:03:00,400 Kill someone to get more spray on the fence? يه نفر رو ميکشي که اسپري بيشتر به حصار بخوره؟؟ 68 00:03:00,460 --> 00:03:03,430 I'd think about killing you if it helped us get out of here today. فکر کنم بد نباشه تو رو هم بکشيم تا به بيرون رفتنمون کمک بشه 69 00:03:03,560 --> 00:03:05,310 You know what'll help us get out of here? ميتوني چي بهمون کمک ميکنه از اينجا فرار کنيم؟ 70 00:03:05,340 --> 00:03:06,350 A ladder. يه نردبون 71 00:03:06,390 --> 00:03:07,650 Michael... مايکل ... 72 00:03:08,220 --> 00:03:11,100 where are we gonna go once we get through that fence? بعدش کجا ميريم وقتي از اين نرده ها رد شديم؟ 73 00:03:11,590 --> 00:03:13,530 Just get me a ladder. فقط يه نردبون به من بده 74 00:03:17,700 --> 00:03:19,270 This hammock's shorter than the last one. اين از قبلي کوتاهتره 75 00:03:19,310 --> 00:03:20,980 Well,we might need something to extend it. خب . ممکنه به چيزي براي بزرگ کردنش احتياج داشته باشيم 76 00:03:21,010 --> 00:03:23,070 All right,I'll take care of it. باشه . من درستش ميکنم 77 00:03:23,620 --> 00:03:25,520 I've never been to nice. هيچوقت با يه خوشگل نبودم 78 00:03:25,580 --> 00:03:27,510 I hear it's beautiful. شنيدم خوشگله 79 00:03:27,530 --> 00:03:28,320 I wouldn't know. نميخوام بدونم 80 00:03:28,340 --> 00:03:30,440 I don't care if this guy knows you or not. من کاري ندرم اينا ميشناسنت يا نه 81 00:03:30,470 --> 00:03:34,400 But what I do care about is his apparent fixation with watching you at all times. اما چيزي که ميدونم اينه که هميشه به تو با عشق و محبت نگاه ميکنه 82 00:03:34,430 --> 00:03:35,200 Scofield. اسکافيلد 83 00:03:35,220 --> 00:03:36,680 Visita. 84 00:03:36,720 --> 00:03:38,080 We'll be out of here soon enough. ما بزودي از اينجا خارج ميشيم 85 00:03:38,120 --> 00:03:39,740 He won't be a problem. اون مشکلي نداره 86 00:03:40,380 --> 00:03:43,070 **** 87 00:03:49,580 --> 00:03:50,930 hey,buddy,check it out. هي داداش!اونو چک کن 88 00:03:50,960 --> 00:03:52,500 Do they roll bones in your country? تو کشورت طاس بازي هم ميکنن؟ 89 00:03:52,550 --> 00:03:55,030 Come to my cell,I'll teach you. بيا تو سلول من . بهت ياد ميدم 90 00:03:55,050 --> 00:03:59,890 U want me to come back to your cell and "roll bones real subtle. ميخواي بيام تو سلولت طاس بازي يادم بدي؟ 91 00:03:59,900 --> 00:04:01,480 Hardy har-har. شجاع 92 00:04:01,500 --> 00:04:02,930 Yeah,yeah,yeah,it's hilarious. آره آره آره خيلي خنده داره 93 00:04:02,950 --> 00:04:06,580 Tell me,are you this friendly with all the shirtless guys in sona? بمن بگو با همه اونايي که تو سونا لباس ندارن همينطوري رفتار ميکني؟ 94 00:04:06,610 --> 00:04:07,920 I gave you food yesterday. من ديروز بهت غذا دادم 95 00:04:07,960 --> 00:04:09,510 I gave you a place to sleep. من بهت جا واسه خوابيدن دادم 96 00:04:09,540 --> 00:04:10,810 I wonder why. آخه چرا 97 00:04:11,340 --> 00:04:12,310 What the hell is your problem? مشکلت چيه لعنتي؟ 98 00:04:12,360 --> 00:04:15,870 Look,I just don't want to have sex with you,okay? ببين من فقط نميخوام باهات سکس داشته باشم . باشه؟ 99 00:04:17,700 --> 00:04:19,970 is that so hard to believe? فهميدنش خيلي سخته؟ 100 00:04:29,070 --> 00:04:30,370 get a plate 101 00:04:32,560 --> 00:04:34,650 To make it across no-man's-land, تا تمام ناکجااباد باهاش بسازم 102 00:04:34,700 --> 00:04:36,970 we're going to have to disable two of the tower guards ما بايد دو تا از نگهبان هاي برج رو از کار بندازيم . 103 00:04:37,030 --> 00:04:38,570 I've already taken care of one of them. من قبلا يکيشون رو از کار انداختم 104 00:04:38,600 --> 00:04:40,880 With the other one,we're going to need your help. واسه اونيکي ما به کمک تو احتياج داريم 105 00:04:40,980 --> 00:04:43,290 Every day between 1:00 and 2:00,he takes his lunch break. هرروز بين ساعت 1 تا 2 ميره واسه نهار 106 00:04:43,330 --> 00:04:44,640 He gets a cup of coffee. يه ليوان قهوه هم ميگيره 107 00:04:44,670 --> 00:04:47,690 You need to find out where and put something in that cup. تو بايد بفهيمي کجا که يه چيزي بندازي تو ليوانش 108 00:04:47,720 --> 00:04:49,560 Make sure he's unconscious during the escape. بايد مطمئن شيم که بيهوشه وقتي ميخوايم فرار کنيم 109 00:04:49,590 --> 00:04:52,180 You're dropping this on me with three hours to go? اينو ميذاري به عهده من يا سه ساعت وقت؟ 110 00:04:52,300 --> 00:04:53,510 I don't know what to tell you. نميدونم چي بهت بگم 111 00:04:53,560 --> 00:04:54,680 3:13? 112 00:04:54,710 --> 00:04:56,490 3:13 is when it starts. وقت شروع کاره 3:13 113 00:04:56,530 --> 00:04:58,290 We'll be on the beach by 3:25. ما ساعت 3:25 کنار دريا هستيم 114 00:04:58,330 --> 00:04:59,420 In broad daylight. زير نور خورشيد ساحل 115 00:04:59,460 --> 00:05:01,970 The company still thinks we're doing this at 9:00 tonight,right? همه هنوز فکر ميکنن ما ميخوايم ساعت 9 اينکارو بکنيم 116 00:05:01,990 --> 00:05:04,310 Listen,I can't lie to these people anymore,michael. گوش کن . من ديگه نميتونم به اينا دروغ بگم مايکل 117 00:05:04,330 --> 00:05:06,270 We need time to survey the transfer site, ما وقت ميخوايم تا محوطه رو بر اورد کنيم 118 00:05:06,300 --> 00:05:10,390 to figure out if we can get lj and sara out of there in case they try something. واسه فهميدن اينکه اگه بخوايم سارا و ال جي رو نجات بديم احيانا اتفاقي براشون نيفته 119 00:05:10,870 --> 00:05:11,520 You got the gun? تفنگ رو گرفتي ؟ 120 00:05:11,560 --> 00:05:13,380 Yeah,I got the gun. اره تنفگ رو گرفتم 121 00:05:15,190 --> 00:05:17,080 how's lj? How's sara? ال جي چطوره؟ سارا چطوره؟ 122 00:05:17,120 --> 00:05:18,460 They're fine. خوبن 123 00:05:18,480 --> 00:05:20,390 What about the pictu عکس چي شد؟ 124 00:05:20,670 --> 00:05:22,440 I can't get pictures. نميتونم عکس بگيرم 125 00:05:22,490 --> 00:05:23,430 I need them,linc. من بهش احتياج دارم لينک 126 00:05:23,450 --> 00:05:24,740 I can't get the pictures. نميتونم عکس ها رو بگيرم 127 00:05:24,780 --> 00:05:25,950 How do we know they're still alive? از کجا بدونيم الان زنده هستن؟ 128 00:05:25,980 --> 00:05:27,700 They're the only reason I'm doing this. من فقط بخاطر اونا دارم اينکارو ميکنم 129 00:05:27,730 --> 00:05:29,600 Susan says they're fine. Just trust her. سوزان گفت حالوشن خوبه . بهش اعتماد کن 130 00:05:29,620 --> 00:05:31,480 You're the one who's always telling me we can't trust anybody. تو که هميشه به من ميگفتي به هيچکس اعتماد نکن 131 00:05:31,510 --> 00:05:32,580 Now you're... ... خب تو 132 00:05:32,620 --> 00:05:33,980 you're vouching for this person? تو اين آدم رو تاييد ميکني؟ 133 00:05:34,010 --> 00:05:36,300 There isn't enough time. ديگه وقت نداريم 134 00:05:37,770 --> 00:05:43,190 Listen,if I don't see pictures of lj and sara by 2:30 this afternoon, ببين اگه من تا ساعت 2:30 بعد از ظهر عکس ال جي و سارا رو نبينم 135 00:05:43,950 --> 00:05:46,220 I'm not going anywhere. هيچ جا نميرم 136 00:05:49,380 --> 00:05:52,440 ترجمه : محسن و ناديا proudly presents 137 00:05:52,450 --> 00:05:55,170 sync:YTET-ض¥ت؟µ°¸â جاجا -=www.ydy.com/bbs=- 138 00:05:55,180 --> 00:05:58,280 Prison Break Season 03 Episode 06 فصل سوم قسمت ششم 139 00:06:34,580 --> 00:06:37,020 Can't seem to find american cheese down here. نظر نميرسه امريکايي ها اينجا چنبره بزنن 140 00:06:37,070 --> 00:06:39,340 I hope you like asadero. اميدوارم اسادرو دوست داشته باشي 141 00:06:39,390 --> 00:06:41,670 Yeah. It's perfect. اره . واقعا عاليه 142 00:06:42,440 --> 00:06:46,170 A couple of years ago,I was serving in mosul. چند سال پيش من اونجا خدمت ميکردم 143 00:06:46,880 --> 00:06:49,210 And I was taken prisoner. بعدش افتادم زندان 144 00:06:49,260 --> 00:06:54,120 A few nights later of U.S.Army helicopters. چند شب بعدش از هلي کوپترهاي ارتش امريکا 145 00:06:54,150 --> 00:06:56,400 Two clicks and closing. دبل کليک کردم و بستمش 146 00:06:57,490 --> 00:07:01,010 my hands were still tied behind my back,and I...I ran. دستهام هنوز از پشت بسته شده بودن . و من ... فرار کردم 147 00:07:01,030 --> 00:07:05,190 It didn't occur to me that if this was a rescue mission, واسه من عمليات نجات اتفاق نيافتاد 148 00:07:05,210 --> 00:07:08,340 my captors could hear the choppers. اونا صداي هلي کوپتر رو ميشنيدن 149 00:07:08,400 --> 00:07:13,590 It didn't occur to me that this was actually a hostage exchange, ربطي بمن نداشت درواقع يه رد و بدل کردن گروگان بود 150 00:07:14,000 --> 00:07:20,960 and that my jumping would be viewed as a hostile act. و پرش من بنظر عمل خصمانه اي ميومد 151 00:07:23,140 --> 00:07:25,900 I got recaptured immediately. داشتم همه چي رو پس ميگرفتم 152 00:07:26,430 --> 00:07:30,880 Six rangers died in the firefight. شش تا سرباز در تيراندازي مردند 153 00:07:31,860 --> 00:07:34,460 and for the next three weeks... و سه هفته بعدش... 154 00:07:40,760 --> 00:07:45,620 let's just say men are pigs. بذار بگم اونا خوک بودن 155 00:07:49,560 --> 00:07:51,190 Let's be clear. بيا صادق باشيم 156 00:07:52,390 --> 00:07:54,660 This is an exchange. اين يه مبادله اس 157 00:07:55,390 --> 00:07:59,670 If you don't try to be a hero,you and your father will be okay. اگه سعي نکني يه قهرمان باشي تو و پدرت زنده ميمونين 158 00:07:59,950 --> 00:08:00,840 Okay? باشه؟ 159 00:08:00,880 --> 00:08:02,030 Okay. باشه 160 00:08:02,100 --> 00:08:03,680 Good. خوبه 161 00:08:06,930 --> 00:08:08,540 Eat. بخور 162 00:08:12,390 --> 00:08:13,750 Norman? نورمن؟ 163 00:08:14,000 --> 00:08:15,070 Norman? نورمنن؟ 164 00:08:15,100 --> 00:08:17,050 As you can imagine,he prefers lechero. تا اونجايي که ميدوني اون لچرو رو ترجيح ميده 165 00:08:17,090 --> 00:08:18,430 Norman? نورمن؟ 166 00:08:18,490 --> 00:08:21,500 He kill you before or after he does your taxes. اون اول و اخر کار خودشو ميکنه 167 00:08:22,730 --> 00:08:25,360 kill you when he pleases. هر وقت عشقشه ميکشتت 168 00:08:25,640 --> 00:08:27,140 I'm feeling thirsty. تشنمه 169 00:08:27,210 --> 00:08:29,430 Why don't you go fix us something to drink,boy? چرا نميري يه چيزي واسه نوشيدن بياري پسر؟ 170 00:08:29,460 --> 00:08:32,930 Maybe you ain't got the memorandum,but I've been promoted. شايد اخطاري نگرفته باشي ولي من نوشتمش 171 00:08:32,990 --> 00:08:34,440 Boy. پسر 172 00:08:37,650 --> 00:08:39,700 What did you say to me? Hmm? چرا اينو به من ميگي؟ هان؟ 173 00:08:39,720 --> 00:08:41,310 What's the problem? مشکلت چيه؟ 174 00:08:41,630 --> 00:08:43,370 Stumpy here and his mouth. 175 00:08:43,380 --> 00:08:44,260 That's the problem. اينه مشکل من 176 00:08:44,280 --> 00:08:46,410 I'm calling him out right now! همين الان بهش گفتم 177 00:08:46,480 --> 00:08:47,960 I'll talk to him. من باهاش حرف ميزنم 178 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:49,480 Leave. برو 179 00:08:51,180 --> 00:08:53,240 This isn't over. تموم نشده هنوز 180 00:08:55,860 --> 00:08:57,360 Leave! برو 181 00:09:00,440 --> 00:09:01,400 We was just,uh... ما فقط .. اوه 182 00:09:01,420 --> 00:09:02,810 no,no,no. نه نه نه 183 00:09:02,830 --> 00:09:04,080 The favor you owe me... تو بمن بدهکاري 184 00:09:04,110 --> 00:09:05,640 what have you found out? از کجا فهميدي؟ 185 00:09:05,670 --> 00:09:07,620 A thing like this takes time. چيزايي مثل اين وقت ميگيرن 186 00:09:07,660 --> 00:09:09,210 I can't just walk up to them and say, نميتونم همينطوري برم بهشون بگم 187 00:09:09,230 --> 00:09:12,590 "hey,whoever's been betraying lechero,raise your hand." You kn? هي هرکس خواست ليچرو رو لو بده دستت رو ببر بالا 188 00:09:12,610 --> 00:09:16,050 I asked you to be my ears in this prison,and you hear nothing? ازت خواستم گوشهاي من باشي تو زندان . و تو هيچي نميشنوي؟ 189 00:09:16,080 --> 00:09:19,440 All I know is every time I try and sit down and begin sussing things out, همه چيزي که ميدونم اينه که هروقت خواستم بشينم و گوش بدم همه چي خراب شد 190 00:09:19,460 --> 00:09:21,030 sammy always changes the subject. سامي هميشه موضوع رو عوض ميکنه 191 00:09:21,040 --> 00:09:22,650 Not that I'm saying he's the guy,but... نميگم اين همون ادمه . ولي ... 192 00:09:22,690 --> 00:09:25,740 I don't want to hear your theories. من نميخوام تئوري هات رو بشنوم 193 00:09:25,770 --> 00:09:28,070 I want results. من نتيجه رو ميخوام 194 00:09:46,950 --> 00:09:48,170 is everything okay? همه چي مرتبه؟ 195 00:09:48,220 --> 00:09:48,940 Is james all right? جيمز حالش خوبه؟ 196 00:09:48,980 --> 00:09:50,510 Yeah,he's fine. اره خوبه 197 00:09:50,890 --> 00:09:52,340 Where is this from? اين از کجا اومده؟ 198 00:09:53,450 --> 00:09:56,630 Uribe's,the roadside bodega a few kilometers away. از چند کيلومتر اونطرف تر 199 00:09:56,660 --> 00:09:58,580 If I needed you to id a specific guard-- اگه بهت احتياج داشتم به عنوان گارد ويژه 200 00:09:58,630 --> 00:10:00,730 a tower guard-- could you do it? ميتوني انجامش بدي؟ 201 00:10:00,970 --> 00:10:02,480 I just don't want to get busted. من نميخوام بدبخت بشم 202 00:10:02,530 --> 00:10:04,110 Could you do it or not? ميتوني انجامش بدي يانه؟ 203 00:10:04,150 --> 00:10:05,650 Yes. باشه 204 00:10:09,780 --> 00:10:10,980 - lincoln? - Yeah. لينکون ؟ بله 205 00:10:11,000 --> 00:10:13,210 - What is it?- I need something. چي شده؟ يه چيزي لازم دارم 206 00:10:39,860 --> 00:10:40,750 Teodoro's harmless,man. تئودور ادم بي ضرريه 207 00:10:40,760 --> 00:10:42,050 He's A...He's a clown. اون ... اون يه دلقکه 208 00:10:42,070 --> 00:10:44,100 He's a dead clown. يه دلقک مرده 209 00:10:49,890 --> 00:10:51,100 Hey,man,I wasn't going to say anything, هي پسر من نميخوام چيزي بگم 210 00:10:51,110 --> 00:10:58,280 but,uh,last night, I was looking for my playing cards and guess what? ولي ديشب داشتم ورق بازي ميکردم .. حدس بزن چي شد 211 00:10:59,310 --> 00:11:00,670 I found these. اينا رو پيدا کردم 212 00:11:00,710 --> 00:11:02,150 You're holding out on me. تو ازم مخفي ميکني 213 00:11:02,700 --> 00:11:03,460 Take 'em. بگيرشون 214 00:11:03,500 --> 00:11:04,960 They taste nasty. بوي گند ميدن 215 00:11:04,980 --> 00:11:07,890 Man,you cannot get a better cigar than this. پسر تو نميتوني بهتراز اين سيگار پيدا کني 216 00:11:07,920 --> 00:11:08,990 Where'd you get these? از کجا اورديشون؟ 217 00:11:09,030 --> 00:11:09,640 Augusto? آگوستو؟ 218 00:11:09,650 --> 00:11:11,910 I can't make him stop sending them in to me, نميتونم جلوشو بگيرم که اينا رو نفرسته 219 00:11:11,950 --> 00:11:14,590 but I don't work for him,you understand? ولي من واسه اون کار نميکنم . ميفهمي؟ 220 00:11:15,810 --> 00:11:17,630 You sure you don't mind? مطمئني عقلت رو از دست ندادي؟ 221 00:11:51,550 --> 00:11:53,890 I was in the neighborhood. من در همسايگيش بودم 222 00:11:57,850 --> 00:12:00,210 You came all this way to visit? اينهمه راه اومدي واسه ديدن؟ 223 00:12:00,260 --> 00:12:01,990 I came to get you out of here. اومدم ببرمت بيرون 224 00:12:02,010 --> 00:12:06,040 I can have you in schaum correctional facility in 48 hours. ميتونم تو 48 ساعت همه کارا رو رديف کنم 225 00:12:06,070 --> 00:12:07,610 In st.Louis. در سنت لوييس 226 00:12:07,640 --> 00:12:11,470 Sullins wanted a medium security,but,uh,talked him down. سولينز يه حفاظت معمولي ميخواد .اما باهاش حرف ميزنم 227 00:12:11,510 --> 00:12:13,500 What sort of deal is he getting me? اين چه جور معامله ايه که با من ميکنه؟ 228 00:12:13,540 --> 00:12:15,080 25 years? بيست و پنج سال؟ 229 00:12:15,130 --> 00:12:16,040 Life? زندگي؟ 230 00:12:16,060 --> 00:12:19,090 The director's giving us a lot of latitude in exchange for testimony ، رئيس به اندازي کافي ازادي عمل داده واسه مبادله اطلاعات 231 00:12:19,100 --> 00:12:22,310 against the government in the lincoln burrows conspiracy. جلوي فرمانده وايسسادن و تو طئه عليع لينکون بوروز 232 00:12:22,420 --> 00:12:23,930 So... .پس ... 233 00:12:24,840 --> 00:12:27,250 how does eight years sound? پس صداي هشت ساله چي؟ 234 00:12:27,950 --> 00:12:31,720 Soon as sullins finishes up,we can have a van ready.. وقتي تموم شدن ما يه ون اماده داريم. 235 00:12:31,910 --> 00:12:33,790 I don't think so. فکر نميکنم 236 00:12:33,880 --> 00:12:35,260 What? چي؟ 237 00:12:35,410 --> 00:12:41,190 I appreciate the effort,your effort,but,um,I can't do eight years. من قدر کوششت رو ميدونم اما ...نه واسه هشت سال 238 00:12:41,230 --> 00:12:43,560 You're doing ten now. الان ده ساله که ميدوني 239 00:12:44,320 --> 00:12:46,540 The government is calling in some favors. فرمانده خواسته که لطف کنه 240 00:12:46,550 --> 00:12:47,840 Once you're in the U.S. وقتي تو ارتش بودي 241 00:12:47,870 --> 00:12:50,160 If you don't cooperate,they're going to charge you with everything. اگه همکاري کني اونا همه کار برات انجام ميدن 242 00:12:50,170 --> 00:12:52,970 That's multiple homicide counts. اين يه عمل وحشيانه اس 243 00:12:56,790 --> 00:13:01,610 Without this deal,you are gonna be in prison for the rest of your life. بدون اين معامله تا اخر عمر بايد تو زندان بموني 244 00:13:02,950 --> 00:13:06,880 I appreciate the effort,your effort. من از کوششت ممنونم 245 00:13:06,980 --> 00:13:09,200 But I can'T. ولي نميتونم 246 00:13:09,540 --> 00:13:11,030 Alex! آلکس 247 00:13:13,890 --> 00:13:16,350 While we're getting out of here,and... وقتي از اينجا بريم بيرون و... 248 00:13:17,260 --> 00:13:22,520 if I don't make it,will you make sure this gets to my girlfriend? اگه نتونستم قول ميدي اينو بدي به دوست دخترم؟ 249 00:13:24,810 --> 00:13:26,290 All right. باشه 250 00:13:29,540 --> 00:13:31,000 You know,uh... ميدوني ؟ اه 251 00:13:31,410 --> 00:13:32,470 I could do the same for you. ميخواستم جبران کنم 252 00:13:32,490 --> 00:13:34,880 Tie an anchor bend there. گره لنگررو همينجا ببندم 253 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:36,910 I was just offering. ميخواستم اينکارو بکنم 254 00:13:36,960 --> 00:13:38,820 You know what,if I'm the one who doesn't make it, ميدوني چيه اگه من اوني هستم که نتونستم کاري انجام بدم 255 00:13:38,870 --> 00:13:40,320 and you really want to do me a favor, و تو واقعا ميخواي کاري برام انجام بدي 256 00:13:40,370 --> 00:13:42,940 just hold up your end of the bargain. پس ديگه چون نزن 257 00:13:43,660 --> 00:13:45,030 I'll do everything I can. من هر کاري بتونم ميکنم 258 00:13:45,060 --> 00:13:46,960 I hope that's true. اميدورام حقيقت داشته باشه 259 00:13:47,440 --> 00:13:49,640 How's that knot coming? چطور نمياد؟ 260 00:13:50,520 --> 00:13:52,130 There. انجا 261 00:13:52,970 --> 00:13:55,270 Did I pass your test? من تست تو رو انجام دادم؟ 262 00:13:55,330 --> 00:13:57,660 I told you I'm a fisherman. بهت گفتم من ماهيگيرم 263 00:13:59,070 --> 00:13:59,930 Where are we? ما کجاييم؟ 264 00:13:59,970 --> 00:14:01,980 I found a cell that'll get us into no-man's-land. من يه موبايل پيدا کردم که ما رو از ناکجا اباد در مياره 265 00:14:02,010 --> 00:14:04,090 It's a longer run to the fence than my old one, اين مسير بحصار بلند تر از سن منه 266 00:14:04,130 --> 00:14:05,700 but it's gonna have to do. ولي بايد انجام بشه 267 00:14:05,730 --> 00:14:07,730 Which one? Who lives there? کدومشون؟ کي اونجا زندگي ميکنه؟ 268 00:14:07,770 --> 00:14:10,240 Papo,cheo and sammy. پاپو چوو و سامي 269 00:14:10,330 --> 00:14:11,730 Look,I know what you're thinking, ببين. ميدونم چه فکري ميکني 270 00:14:11,760 --> 00:14:15,170 but it's the only other cell on the second floor with a direct line to the fence, ولي فقط يه سلول ديگه هست تو طبقه دوم که به حصار نزديکه 271 00:14:15,200 --> 00:14:17,530 where we won't be seen the other tower guards. جايي که ما نميتونيم اونيکي نگهبان رو ببينيم 272 00:14:17,570 --> 00:14:19,210 And how do we guarantee that they won't be there? و ما چطور ميتونيم تضمين کنيم که اونا اونجا نخواهند بود؟ 273 00:14:19,250 --> 00:14:23,480 By 2:00,everyone should be out in the courtyard for the lunchtime soccer game. ساعت 2 همه بايد برن تو حياط واسه نهار و فوتبال 274 00:14:24,490 --> 00:14:26,980 you sure it hasn't started already? مطمئني قبلا سروع نکردن؟ 275 00:14:34,880 --> 00:14:38,790 Someone went outside the ring to settle a dispute. يه نفر رفته بيرون تا دعوا راه بندازه 276 00:14:39,270 --> 00:14:44,940 Now,anyone who affronts our justice system in this way must be punished. حالا هر کي بخواد جلوي عدالت ما وايسه بايد مجازات بشه 277 00:14:44,980 --> 00:14:47,930 Now,I know the coward won't come forward. حالا ميخوام نامرداش بيان جلو 278 00:14:47,970 --> 00:14:54,740 But if anyone has information about this shameful act,I demand to know. اما اگه کسي اطلاعات راجع به اين کار شرم اور داره ازش ميخوام بگه 279 00:15:03,060 --> 00:15:04,750 - Let's go,menudo.- Why? بيا بريم منودو - چرا؟ 280 00:15:04,780 --> 00:15:05,950 Lechero wants you لچروو ميخواد تورو ببينه 281 00:15:05,970 --> 00:15:07,700 Move your ass. کونت رو تکون بده 282 00:15:08,860 --> 00:15:10,660 now,every day I see you out in the yard, حالا هرروز بيرون تو حياط ميبينمت 283 00:15:10,700 --> 00:15:12,870 you play your american sports and wear your american clothes. ورزش هاي امريکايي رو انجام ميديم و لباسهاي امريکايي ميپوشيم 284 00:15:12,920 --> 00:15:16,260 I don't think I've heard you speak one word of spanish since you've been here. فکر نکنم تا حالا شنيده باشم اسپانيايي حرف بزني از وقتي اومدي اينجا 285 00:15:16,300 --> 00:15:18,310 I like to practice my english. دوست دارم انگليسيمو تقويت کنم! 286 00:15:18,410 --> 00:15:19,740 And why shouldn't you؟ خودت چي؟ 287 00:15:20,430 --> 00:15:22,490 America is a great nation. امريکا ملت بزرگيه 288 00:15:22,990 --> 00:15:26,270 "One nation,indivisible,with liberty and justice for all." يک ملت جدانشدني باازادي و عدالت براي همه 289 00:15:26,300 --> 00:15:27,660 Is that right? راست ميگي؟ 290 00:15:27,810 --> 00:15:28,540 Yes. آره 291 00:15:28,600 --> 00:15:30,270 Yes. آره 292 00:15:30,330 --> 00:15:32,140 Justice for all. عدالت براي همه 293 00:15:32,170 --> 00:15:36,470 Justice for you and justice for me. عدالت براي تو و براي من 294 00:15:36,880 --> 00:15:38,800 And justice for... و عدالت براي ... 295 00:15:38,810 --> 00:15:41,910 whoever killed that blanquito in the yard. هر کس بلانکيت رو تو حياط بکشه 296 00:15:42,250 --> 00:15:45,020 Now,I know why you didn't say anything out there. حالا. من ميدونم چرا هيچوقت اونجا هيچي نميگي 297 00:15:45,040 --> 00:15:47,980 But you play your silly american games all day long, اما تو تمام بازي هاي امريکايي احمقانه رو در طول روز انجام ميشي 298 00:15:48,000 --> 00:15:51,420 right in front of the stairs where the body was found. همينجا جلوي پله ها جايي که جسد پيدا شد 299 00:15:52,170 --> 00:15:59,510 Now,if you don't tell me what you saw,there will be consequences. حالا اگه بمن نگي چي ديدي خودت ميدوني . 300 00:16:03,820 --> 00:16:08,210 Well,I-I saw one person go into the stairwell. خب . من . من يه نفر رو ديدم تو پله ها 301 00:16:09,420 --> 00:16:14,110 A-and then maybe a minute later,I heard an argument. فکر کنم يه دقيقه بعدش صداي جر و بحث شنيدم 302 00:16:14,180 --> 00:16:16,710 Who did you see? چي ديدي؟ 303 00:16:19,560 --> 00:16:22,290 So after we tie the cord off... بعدش دستامونو بستن 304 00:16:22,850 --> 00:16:24,610 we dig out the bar,we pop open the grate, 305 00:16:24,620 --> 00:16:25,820 and we're,and we're down,right,michael? بعدش ما .. ما پايين بوديم . درسته مايکل؟ 306 00:16:25,840 --> 00:16:29,610 Does anyone want to say anything about what we just saw out there? هيچکس نميخواد راجع به چيزي که اونجا ديديم چيزي بگه؟ 307 00:16:30,200 --> 00:16:31,000 What is there to say? چي واسه گفتن هست؟ 308 00:16:31,040 --> 00:16:32,160 Well,for starters,an hour ago, خب براي شروع کننده ها . يک ساعت 309 00:16:32,200 --> 00:16:34,740 you say maybe we should kill someone and then someone gets killed. تو ميگي شايد ما کسي رو بکشيم بعد يه نفر واقعا کشته ميشه 310 00:16:34,770 --> 00:16:35,420 I didn't say that, من اينو نگفتم 311 00:16:35,440 --> 00:16:37,700 and this is exactly what we should be focusing on right now. و اين دقيقا چيزيه که ما بايد بهش توجه کنيم 312 00:16:37,720 --> 00:16:41,770 Let's spend a couple of hours worrying about another dead body in this hellhole. بيايد چند ساعتي هم راجع به جسد هاي ديگه اين سوراج جهنمي ناراحت باشيم 313 00:16:41,890 --> 00:16:43,170 What do you want? چي ميخواي؟ 314 00:16:43,640 --> 00:16:44,600 What are you doing? چکار ميکني؟ 315 00:16:44,640 --> 00:16:45,860 Lechero wants to see you. لچررو ميخواد تو رو ببينه 316 00:16:45,890 --> 00:16:46,980 I don't have any information. من هيچ اطلاعاتي ندارم 317 00:16:46,990 --> 00:16:48,560 He doesn't want information. اون اطلاعات نميخواد 318 00:16:48,600 --> 00:16:50,230 He wants a confession. اعتراف ميخواد 319 00:16:55,440 --> 00:16:56,660 I didn't do anything. من که کاري نکردم 320 00:16:56,680 --> 00:16:58,860 Listen to him; he's innocent. به حرفاش گوش کن.اون بيگناهه 321 00:16:59,640 --> 00:17:00,920 You want to confess? ميخواي اعتراف کني؟ 322 00:17:00,980 --> 00:17:03,330 You can easily switch places. تو ميتوني راحت جامو عوض کني 323 00:17:07,140 --> 00:17:10,600 maybe now we should start worrying about who the real killer is,huh? شايد ديگه بايد نگران پيدا کردن قاتل واقعي باشيم نه؟ 324 00:17:10,800 --> 00:17:14,180 Yeah,but in this place,there could be a hundred people on that list. آره اما اينجا شايد صد ها مظنون تو ليست باشن 325 00:17:14,200 --> 00:17:18,380 Except I'm thinking a single stab wound to the base of the neck looks pretty professional,alex. غير از اينکه فکر ميکنم ضربه اي که به گردنش خورده خيلي حرفه اي بوده . الکس 326 00:17:18,430 --> 00:17:19,970 I was in visitation,kojak. من قبلا بازرسي شدم .کوجاک 327 00:17:19,990 --> 00:17:22,370 And what makes you so sure that whistler didn't do it? چي باعث شده که مطمئن باشي ويستلر اونکارو نکرده؟ 328 00:17:22,410 --> 00:17:24,090 He's the one that had the run-in with the guy. اون تنها کسي بود که با اون يارو فرار کرد 329 00:17:24,120 --> 00:17:25,400 No,he's got too much to lose. نه .خيلي چيزا رو از دست داده 330 00:17:25,430 --> 00:17:28,550 Well,whistler's gone,and if not now,he probably will be soon,so it's you and me خب. ويستلر رفته . و اگرهم نرفته باشه. احتمالا ميره . پس تو ميموني و من 331 00:17:28,570 --> 00:17:30,410 There's no you and me. من و تويي وجود نداره 332 00:17:30,440 --> 00:17:31,860 We're not leaving here without him. ما اينجا رو بدون اون ترک نميکنيم 333 00:17:31,910 --> 00:17:34,190 In two hours,I'm going out that window and through that fence. در دو ساعت از پنجره ميرم بيرون بطرف حصار 334 00:17:34,240 --> 00:17:34,800 Oh,yeah? اوه !جدي؟ 335 00:17:34,820 --> 00:17:35,890 Yeah,that's right. آره درسته 336 00:17:35,910 --> 00:17:37,340 And where are you going to go to,alex? و تو ميخواي کجا بري الکس؟ 337 00:17:37,370 --> 00:17:38,340 Anywhere but here. هرجا غير اينجا 338 00:17:38,370 --> 00:17:42,310 There's only one road out,and the jungle is under constant patrol by police 24-7 فقط يه راه واسه بيرون رفتن هست.وجنگل زيرنظرگشت پليسه 339 00:17:42,320 --> 00:17:44,040 so,again,where are you going to go to,alex? پس. دوباره. کجا ميخواي بري الکس؟ 340 00:17:44,060 --> 00:17:47,030 3:13,I'm gone. من رفتم 341 00:17:52,210 --> 00:17:54,530 I told you I know nothing about this. بهت گفته بودم چيزي راجع به اين نميدونم 342 00:17:54,570 --> 00:17:56,050 I shouldn'T... من نبايد.... 343 00:17:56,080 --> 00:17:57,180 I shouldn't be here. من نبايد اينجا باشم 344 00:17:57,210 --> 00:17:59,820 I can promise you I,i did not kill that man. قسم ميخورم که من اون مرد رو نکشتم 345 00:17:59,880 --> 00:18:01,840 Someone saw you go down the staircase. يه نفر تورو ديده تو راه پله 346 00:18:01,860 --> 00:18:02,750 Stair... پله ... 347 00:18:02,770 --> 00:18:04,260 is there any other proof? دليل ديگه اي هم داري؟ 348 00:18:04,290 --> 00:18:05,780 My men will find something. آدماي من حتما يه چيزايي ميفهمن 349 00:18:05,820 --> 00:18:07,360 Well,do you see a weapon on me? خب تو منو مسلح ميبيني؟ 350 00:18:07,400 --> 00:18:09,210 I didn't expect to see a weapon on you. من انتظار ندارم تو رو مسلح ببينم 351 00:18:09,240 --> 00:18:11,000 Well,w-why don't they look for that? خب . چرا اونا دنبالش نگشتن؟ 352 00:18:11,010 --> 00:18:12,710 You find that,you'll find the real killer. تو پيداش کردي.تو قاتل واقعي رو پيدا ميکني 353 00:18:12,730 --> 00:18:14,500 Or maybe they find where you planted it. يا شايد اونا جايي که تو کاشتي رو پيدا کنن 354 00:18:14,530 --> 00:18:16,140 So,what,I'm framing someone? که چي. من دارم يکي رو جور ميکنم 355 00:18:16,160 --> 00:18:18,560 Well,did it ever occur to you that someone might be framing me? خب تا حالا شده که يه نفرباهات همچين کاري بکنه؟ 356 00:18:18,590 --> 00:18:19,710 Who would bother? کي به دردسر ميافته؟ 357 00:18:19,730 --> 00:18:20,730 You know the reason I'm here. تو ميدوني من واسه چي اينجام 358 00:18:20,750 --> 00:18:22,050 You know I have powerful enemies. تو ميدوني من دشمنان خطرناک دارم 359 00:18:22,080 --> 00:18:24,590 You think my judgment is swayed by the mayor's friends? تو فکر ميکني دوستهاي مايور قضاوت منو تحت تاثير قرار ميدن؟ 360 00:18:24,640 --> 00:18:26,470 Sit your ass down. بتمرگ 361 00:18:27,050 --> 00:18:36,420 When I was 13,my mother worked for a wealthy man as a maid until one day... وقتي 13 ساله بودم مادرم واسه يه پولداره کار ميکرد تا اينکه يه روز... 362 00:18:36,700 --> 00:18:39,150 she was alone in the house... اون تو خونه تنها بود... 363 00:18:40,240 --> 00:18:42,150 with him and he...... با اون يارو و بعد 364 00:18:47,230 --> 00:18:49,660 everybody knew what he did, همه فهميدن اون چکار کرد 365 00:18:51,770 --> 00:18:56,650 but because he was rich and we were immigrants, ولي چون اون يارو پولدار بود ما هم مهاجر بوديم 366 00:18:56,850 --> 00:19:00,010 the police wouldn't even take a report. پليس حتي يه گذارش هم ننوشت 367 00:19:01,110 --> 00:19:06,460 So,a week later,to gain access through his gates, پس واسه اينکه بتونم برم تو خونه اش 368 00:19:06,520 --> 00:19:10,850 I dressed as a milkman-- a lechero-- لباس شيرفروش هارو پوشيدم 369 00:19:10,920 --> 00:19:15,540 and I made sure that fair punishment was rendered. و من مطمئن بودم انتقامم منصفانه خواهد بود 370 00:19:15,600 --> 00:19:19,160 Now you want to tell me how I favor the rich. حالا تو ميخواي بمن بگي چطور به پولدرا خدمت کنم 371 00:19:21,020 --> 00:19:25,650 I understand the rules here,and I respect them. من قوانين اينجا رو ميدونم و بهشون احترام ميذارم 372 00:19:25,800 --> 00:19:28,380 But why the rush to judgment? پس چرا به قضاوت من اعراض ميکنن؟ 373 00:19:28,440 --> 00:19:33,080 Is there a rule saying you must convict a suspect within ten minutes? ايا قانوني هست که مظنوني را ظرف ده دقيقه متهم کنه؟ 374 00:19:36,040 --> 00:19:37,810 No. نه 375 00:19:41,600 --> 00:19:44,180 We have all the time in the world. ما همه وقتهاي دنيارو داشتيم 376 00:19:45,640 --> 00:19:47,000 Thank you. متشکرم 377 00:19:47,070 --> 00:19:48,810 Now,obviously,I'm not going anywhere. خب طبيعتا . من جايي نميرم 378 00:19:48,850 --> 00:19:51,060 If you need to talk again,I'm gonna be in my cell. اگه خواستي باز صحبت کني من تو سلولم هستم 379 00:19:51,110 --> 00:19:52,310 No. نه 380 00:19:52,540 --> 00:19:55,140 You'll be right here in this chair. تو اينجا رو اين صندلي خواهي بود 381 00:20:10,760 --> 00:20:12,270 what the hell do you want? تو چي ميخواي لعنتي؟ 382 00:20:12,320 --> 00:20:14,010 I don't like you. من مثل تو نيستم 383 00:20:14,200 --> 00:20:16,320 I certainly don't respect you. من اصلا بهت احترام نميذارم 384 00:20:16,330 --> 00:20:18,030 Stop. You're hurting my feelings. بسه.داري حالم رو بهم ميزني 385 00:20:18,060 --> 00:20:19,900 I've seen what you're capable of, ميخوام ببينم چکار ميتوني بکني 386 00:20:19,920 --> 00:20:23,770 but I got to say I never pegged you as a murderer. ميخوام بگم من هيچوقت تو رو قاتل نميدونم 387 00:20:24,070 --> 00:20:26,080 You think I killed tyge? تو فکر ميکني من تيگ رو کشتم؟ 388 00:20:26,110 --> 00:20:29,850 I saw the two of you in the courtyard this morning. من هردوتون رو امروز تو حياط ديدم 389 00:20:29,890 --> 00:20:30,980 I was trying to be nice to him. من داشتم سعي ميکردم باهاش دوست بشم 390 00:20:31,000 --> 00:20:32,110 He started with me. اون شروع کرد 391 00:20:32,120 --> 00:20:34,010 Well,if you didn't kill him,who did? خب اگه تو نکشتي پس کي کشته؟ 392 00:20:34,040 --> 00:20:34,820 Not me. من نبودم 393 00:20:34,840 --> 00:20:36,320 Come on,brad. بس کن براد 394 00:20:36,340 --> 00:20:37,920 Who wanted him dead besides you? کي ميخواست اون بميره غير از تو؟ 395 00:20:37,950 --> 00:20:39,840 You really think I killed that frog? تو واقعا فکر ميکني من اون قورباغه رو کشتم؟ 396 00:20:39,870 --> 00:20:42,330 How many times have i had you at gunpoint? چندبار تاحالا تو تيررس تو بودم؟ 397 00:20:42,360 --> 00:20:45,190 You think I didn't want to pull that trigger? فکر ميکني من نميخواستم با تيگر خوب باشم؟ 398 00:20:48,490 --> 00:20:49,940 hell... لعنتي... 399 00:20:50,790 --> 00:20:53,450 I can't even kill myself. من حتي نميتونم خودم رو بکشم 400 00:21:02,750 --> 00:21:05,790 Hey,you seen anyone see whistler go down the stairway? هي.تو يه نفررو ديدي که ديده باشه ويسلر رفته باشه طرف راه پله؟ 401 00:21:05,810 --> 00:21:07,450 We only been out here a minute. ما بزودي ميريم بيرون 402 00:21:07,490 --> 00:21:08,730 Well,hurry up,then. خب.پس زودباش 403 00:21:08,770 --> 00:21:10,770 The sooner whistler dies, بزودي ويسلر ميميره 404 00:21:10,790 --> 00:21:12,910 the sooner I can give you the chicken foot, بزودي ميتونم بهت پاي مرغ بدم بخوري 405 00:21:12,940 --> 00:21:15,250 or if you prefer,you can give me the chicken foot-- يا اگه دوست داري تو پاي مرغ بهم بده 406 00:21:15,290 --> 00:21:17,810 you know,try and go out like a man. ميدوني سعي کن مثل يه مرد بري بيرون 407 00:21:17,860 --> 00:21:21,580 Either way,you're getting in the ring with me today. اگه نه تو و من با هم تو رينگ خواهيم بود 408 00:21:30,000 --> 00:21:31,430 zylafol. 409 00:21:31,460 --> 00:21:33,360 It's used to anesthetize dogs اين براي بيهوش کردن سگ ها بکار ميره. 410 00:21:33,400 --> 00:21:36,600 Two drops,and the guard should be out within an hour. دوقطره.بعدش نگهبانه بيهوش ميشن 411 00:21:36,870 --> 00:21:39,030 I was expecting whistler's girlfriend to join you. من انتظار داشتم دوست دختر ويسلر بهت ملحق بشه 412 00:21:39,060 --> 00:21:40,620 Where is she? Around the corner in the car? اون کجاست؟يه گوشه اي از ماشين؟ 413 00:21:40,650 --> 00:21:42,120 She came to me. اون اومد سراغ من 414 00:21:42,130 --> 00:21:43,430 I don't mind that she's helping you. فکر نکنم کمکت کنه 415 00:21:43,460 --> 00:21:45,640 I mind that you kept it from me. فکر کنم از من دور نگهش داري 416 00:21:45,670 --> 00:21:46,300 What difference does it make? چه فرقي ميکنه؟ 417 00:21:46,320 --> 00:21:47,870 I mean,we're done by tomorrow,right? منظورم اينه که تا فردا کارمون تمونه نه؟ 418 00:21:47,900 --> 00:21:49,930 No more surprises,lincoln. سورپرايز کافيه لينکون 419 00:21:51,990 --> 00:21:53,350 What?Say it. چي؟ بگو 420 00:21:53,430 --> 00:21:55,830 Can you get any more pictures of sara? ميتوني عکسهاي بيشتري از سارا بهم بدي؟ 421 00:21:55,940 --> 00:21:58,050 Alive?No. زنده؟ نه 422 00:22:00,810 --> 00:22:02,700 You didn't tell him. تو بهش نگفتي 423 00:22:02,770 --> 00:22:05,870 You didn't tell michael that sara's dead. به مايکل نگفتي که سارا مرده 424 00:22:05,950 --> 00:22:08,140 Can we get pictures or not? ميتونيم عکس بگيريم يانه؟ 425 00:22:08,180 --> 00:22:09,830 I'm sure we can cobble something together, مطمئنم ميتونيم يه چيزايي با هم سرهم کنيم 426 00:22:09,900 --> 00:22:12,750 but smart move not telling your brother. ولي حرکت هوشمندانه اي کردي که بهش نگفتي 427 00:22:12,790 --> 00:22:15,670 He seems a little sensitive to me. اون يه خورده نسبت به من حساسه 428 00:22:16,690 --> 00:22:19,030 This is the exchange point-- lj and I will be waiting. نفطه مبادله اينجاست . من و ال جي صبر ميکنيم 429 00:22:19,080 --> 00:22:20,700 You, michael and whistler will meet us there. تو.مايکل و ويستلر. اينجا همديگرو ميبينيم 430 00:22:20,740 --> 00:22:24,100 Everything goes as planned, you'll have your son back by 9:00. همه چي طبق نقشه پيش ميره.تو به پسرت ميرسي ساعت 9 431 00:22:24,750 --> 00:22:26,560 Lincoln? لينکولن؟ 432 00:22:26,600 --> 00:22:28,870 9:00. ساعت 9:00 433 00:22:43,450 --> 00:22:44,620 Which one is it? کدومشونه؟ 434 00:22:44,700 --> 00:22:46,100 I don't know, I think it's the taller one. نميدونم . فکر کنم اون قد بلنده باشه 435 00:22:46,130 --> 00:22:47,840 The other one is always drinking orange juice. اوني که هميشه اب پرتقال ميخوره 436 00:22:47,880 --> 00:22:48,950 - You sure? - I think so, مطمئني؟ - فکر کنم 437 00:22:48,990 --> 00:22:51,440 I'm not completely sure, but they all look the same. کاملا مطمئن نيستم.اما همشون بنظر يکي ميان 438 00:22:51,440 --> 00:22:52,800 We***** 439 00:22:52,910 --> 00:22:54,120 there's ****** 440 00:22:54,200 --> 00:22:54,920 I was***** 441 00:22:55,000 --> 00:22:56,660 come on. بيا 442 00:22:59,570 --> 00:23:01,160 you ****? 443 00:23:01,190 --> 00:23:02,290 get*** 444 00:23:02,370 --> 00:23:03,950 ***juice. 445 00:23:06,250 --> 00:23:10,260 *****please. 446 00:23:22,220 --> 00:23:23,660 Watch where you're going! ببين کجا داري ميري 447 00:23:23,690 --> 00:23:24,750 Here, look, uh... اينجا.ببين. اوه 448 00:23:24,830 --> 00:23:27,870 this is a buddy's, please.Please, I insist. اين رفيقمه . خواهس ميکنم 449 00:23:27,920 --> 00:23:30,950 ***new coffee 450 00:23:30,990 --> 00:23:32,220 - No really. - Toma, toma. نه واقعا . توما توما 451 00:23:33,020 --> 00:23:34,120 Toma. توما 452 00:23:34,200 --> 00:23:35,330 Gracias. ممنونم 453 00:23:35,410 --> 00:23:39,310 Man, I...thank you anyway. پسر.. بهرحال ازت ممنونم 454 00:23:39,420 --> 00:23:40,270 Excuse me, seٌor. ببخشيد 455 00:23:40,310 --> 00:23:41,770 I need to go to sona. من بايد برم سونا 456 00:23:41,840 --> 00:23:44,140 I...my car's run out of gas and-- من... بنزينم داره تموم ميشه و... 457 00:23:44,180 --> 00:23:46,870 sorry.I'm-I'm heading in the wrong, wrong direction. ببخشيد. من ...من مسيررو اشتباه اومدم 458 00:23:46,940 --> 00:23:48,540 I really need to go to sona. من واقعا لازمه که برم سونا 459 00:23:48,620 --> 00:23:51,040 ****** 460 00:23:51,080 --> 00:23:52,600 ******** 461 00:23:52,640 --> 00:23:54,680 Thank you. ممنون 462 00:23:57,280 --> 00:23:59,810 Watch the lid. مواظب دريچه باش 463 00:24:13,450 --> 00:24:15,680 My condolences. تسليت ميگم 464 00:24:15,710 --> 00:24:18,440 You finally make a friend, and now he's about to die. بالاخره دوست پيداکردي 465 00:24:18,470 --> 00:24:20,020 Damn shame. لعنتي 466 00:24:20,100 --> 00:24:22,480 You can stop it, you know. ميتوني تمومش کني . ميدوني 467 00:24:22,520 --> 00:24:27,360 If you hadn't noticed, my position enables me to hear things. اگه بهت تذکر داده نشده. موقعيت من ايجاب ميکنه تا خوب بشنوم 468 00:24:30,560 --> 00:24:31,930 I'm listening. دارم گوش ميدم 469 00:24:31,960 --> 00:24:35,590 The only proof lechero's got is that your man went down that staircase, right? تنها مدرک لچرو اينه که ادم تو رفته طرف راه پله. درسته؟ 470 00:24:35,630 --> 00:24:37,440 What if you had more compelling evidence? اگه شاهد جور کني چي؟ 471 00:24:37,480 --> 00:24:38,530 Well, I don'T. خب . نميتونم 472 00:24:38,570 --> 00:24:39,780 But if you did... ولي اگه بتوني... 473 00:24:39,810 --> 00:24:41,370 you're suggesting I make something up? پيشنهاد ميکني يه جور ديگه رديفش کنم؟ 474 00:24:41,400 --> 00:24:42,950 If it makes your conscience feel better, اگه وجدانت رو راحت ميکنه 475 00:24:42,990 --> 00:24:44,650 then blame it on somebody who deserves it. بندازش گردن کسي که سزاوارشه 476 00:24:44,730 --> 00:24:46,780 Someone who's killed before and gone unpunished. کسي که قبلا آدم کشته ولي مجازات نشده 477 00:24:46,820 --> 00:24:49,200 Yeah, like you maybe. آره.شايد يکي مثل تو 478 00:24:49,390 --> 00:24:52,180 Sammy. سامي 479 00:24:54,300 --> 00:24:57,850 You want me to tell lechero that his right hand man should die? تو ميخواي به لچرو بگي دست راستش بايد بميره؟ 480 00:24:58,040 --> 00:25:01,630 You don't tell lechero squat. تو به لچرواسکات نميگي 481 00:25:01,930 --> 00:25:04,990 Lechero knows this is sammy's ring. لچرو ميدونه اين حلقه مال سمي هستش 482 00:25:05,030 --> 00:25:07,660 If you drop it in the blood by the staircase, اگه بندازيش تو خون هاي پايين راه پله ها 483 00:25:07,700 --> 00:25:09,430 then yell up to lechero what you've found... بعد فرياد بکش و به لچرو بگو چي پيدا کردي 484 00:25:09,470 --> 00:25:14,310 the whole entire prison will hear clear-cut evidence of sammy's guilt. تمام زندان صداتو ميشنون و شاهد گناهکار بودن سامي ميشن 485 00:25:14,350 --> 00:25:18,300 Lechero will have no choice but to comply. لچرو چاره اي نداره جز اينکه قبول کنه 486 00:25:22,910 --> 00:25:25,710 This is sona. اينجا سوناست 487 00:25:25,840 --> 00:25:27,570 Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. سر کوچيکت رو با اين چيزا به درد نيار 488 00:25:27,610 --> 00:25:31,840 All you have to do is drop the ring in the blood and say it was sammy. تمام کاري که بايد بکني اينه که حلقه رو بندازي تو خون و بگي کار سامي بود 489 00:25:31,880 --> 00:25:35,060 I'll take care of the rest. بقيه اش با من 490 00:25:36,830 --> 00:25:39,440 You want to save your friend's life? تو ميخواي جون دوستت رو نجات بدي؟ 491 00:25:39,480 --> 00:25:42,580 Someone else has to diE. يه نفر ديگه بايد بميره 492 00:26:28,960 --> 00:26:31,340 Explain your disagreement with this tyge man. مخالفتت رو با اون توضيح بده 493 00:26:31,380 --> 00:26:34,400 From what I just heard, he knew something about you? تا جايي که من شنيدم اون يه چيزي راجع به تو ميدونه 494 00:26:34,440 --> 00:26:36,600 He thought he knew something about me. اون فکر ميکرد در مورد منم يه چيزايي ميدونه 495 00:26:36,630 --> 00:26:38,990 Opportunity and a motive.That's not a good combination. انگيزه و فرصت. اصلا ترکيب خوبي نيست 496 00:26:39,030 --> 00:26:42,960 You must know there's discontent from many prisoners over how you run sona. بايد بدوني زنداني هاي ديگه اصلا خوششون نمياد تو فرار کني 497 00:26:43,040 --> 00:26:45,610 Now would not be a good time to insult me. الان وقت خوبي نيست که بمن توهين کني 498 00:26:45,650 --> 00:26:48,820 No.No, no, my point is this: You execute me, نه.نه.نه. منظور من اينه.منو محکوم کردي 499 00:26:48,860 --> 00:26:51,010 you get your swift justice and you may placate the masses. ميخواي سريع قضاوت کني و مردم رو آروم کني 500 00:26:51,050 --> 00:26:53,380 But when they find out who really did it... ولي وقتي اونا بفهمن چطوري انجام شده... 501 00:26:53,420 --> 00:26:55,200 they will know you killed an innocent man. اونا ميفهمن که تو يه آدم بيگناه رو کشتي 502 00:26:55,230 --> 00:26:57,010 You're still not answering my question. تو هنوز جواب سوال منو ندادي 503 00:26:57,050 --> 00:26:58,670 What was your disagreement with tyge? جريان مخالفت تو با تيگ چي بود؟ 504 00:26:58,710 --> 00:27:01,070 He was a nosy guy.He got into my business. اون آدم فضولي بود.همش تو کار من دخالت ميکرد 505 00:27:01,110 --> 00:27:03,810 I'm sure he did the same with someone else, and that's what got him killed. من مطمئنم اونم مثل يه نفر ديگه عمل کرده. و اين باعث شده کشته بشه 506 00:27:03,880 --> 00:27:05,510 Would you just admit that you had an argument? ميخواي بگي که دليلي داشتي؟ 507 00:27:05,580 --> 00:27:06,550 This is prison. اينجا زندانه 508 00:27:06,590 --> 00:27:08,900 If someone makes false cusations, I can't back down. اگه کسي اشتباه کنه من ديگه برنميگردم 509 00:27:08,940 --> 00:27:10,150 You must respect that. تو بايد بهش احترام بذاري 510 00:27:10,180 --> 00:27:12,240 Look, I've answered every one of your questions. ببين.من همه سوال هات رو جواب دادم 511 00:27:12,270 --> 00:27:13,940 I've acquitted myself the best that I can. من خيلي خوب تونستم خودم رو تبرئه کنم 512 00:27:14,020 --> 00:27:16,960 Now what can I do to make you trust me? حالا چکار کنم که بهم اعتماد کني؟ 513 00:27:19,800 --> 00:27:22,550 I don't trust anybody today. من امروز به هيچکس اعتماد ندارم 514 00:27:26,340 --> 00:27:28,270 You ******* 515 00:27:28,340 --> 00:27:30,610 you ****** 516 00:27:30,950 --> 00:27:33,680 I mean**** 517 00:27:57,840 --> 00:27:59,280 What's****? 518 00:28:03,280 --> 00:28:07,880 You ******* 519 00:28:08,180 --> 00:28:11,840 there*******for *****people. 520 00:28:12,260 --> 00:28:15,770 I ******sona. 521 00:28:15,810 --> 00:28:19,770 and ******your love. 522 00:28:20,910 --> 00:28:24,570 And******need to***entry. 523 00:28:24,800 --> 00:28:29,410 could ******in this car. 524 00:28:40,300 --> 00:28:42,760 - yeah.- We have the picture. بله - ما الان عکس داريم 525 00:28:42,800 --> 00:28:44,040 How does it look? چطوري هستش؟ 526 00:28:44,110 --> 00:28:46,750 It looks like sara. شبيه ساراست 527 00:28:46,790 --> 00:28:48,110 I'll be at sona in half an hour. تا نيم ساعت ديگه ميرسم سونا 528 00:28:48,150 --> 00:28:50,230 Meet me in the parking lot. تو پارکينگ همديگرو ميبينيم 529 00:28:50,260 --> 00:28:51,640 Is everything okay? همه چيز مرتبه؟ 530 00:28:51,680 --> 00:28:54,020 Hold on, hold on, hold on. صبرکن.صبرکن.صبرکن 531 00:28:55,570 --> 00:28:57,760 Don't ****man? 532 00:28:58,820 --> 00:29:00,720 I ****but 533 00:29:00,800 --> 00:29:03,670 Norman***** 534 00:29:03,710 --> 00:29:08,200 - Norman?Norman st.John?- s! نورمن؟ نورمن؟ اس تي جان؟ 535 00:29:08,470 --> 00:29:11,940 - you****girls? - s! 536 00:29:31,730 --> 00:29:33,020 I'm waiting. منتظرم 537 00:29:33,050 --> 00:29:35,590 There was a complication with the guard. اين نگهبانه نگرانم کرده 538 00:29:35,630 --> 00:29:37,820 Complications drugging the guard? چيزخور کردنش نگرانت کرده؟ 539 00:29:37,870 --> 00:29:40,480 Yeah, but it's been taken care of. اره. اما حواسش هست 540 00:29:40,510 --> 00:29:43,130 Well, that's encouraging, but why are you drugging the guard now خب.اين خبرخوبيه.اما چرا تو الان چيزخورش کردي؟ 541 00:29:43,170 --> 00:29:44,870 when you're escaping tonight? چرا امشب ميخواي فرار کني؟ 542 00:29:44,910 --> 00:29:46,190 Well, it takes that long for the drugs to work... خب. اين دارو تطول ميکشه تا تاثير بذاره 543 00:29:46,230 --> 00:29:49,820 they take an hour, like I told you. يک ساعت . همونطر که گفتم 544 00:29:56,130 --> 00:29:58,600 alex... الکس 545 00:30:26,430 --> 00:30:28,960 you are getting sloppy, alex. چرا انقدر شلخته شدي.الکس 546 00:30:29,010 --> 00:30:31,580 What are you talking about? راجع به چي حرف ميزني؟ 547 00:30:32,410 --> 00:30:33,370 Is this is a joke? داري شوخي ميکني؟ 548 00:30:33,440 --> 00:30:35,710 I stopped hiding things under my mattress a long time ago. من خيلي وقت پيش يه چيزايي زير تشکم قايم کرده بودم 549 00:30:35,750 --> 00:30:38,500 Did you find that under my mattress?'Cause if you did somebody put it there. چيزي زير تشکم پيدا کردي؟ چون اگه پيدا کردي يه نفر اونو گذاشته اونجا 550 00:30:38,540 --> 00:30:40,310 You're gonna have to do better than that. تو بايد بهتر از اينا بشي 551 00:30:40,340 --> 00:30:42,060 Really?Did you find some fingerprints on it?Huh? واقعا؟ اثرانگشت روش پيدا کردي؟ آره؟ 552 00:30:42,110 --> 00:30:43,200 Did you get some fibers? الياف پيدا کردي؟ 553 00:30:43,240 --> 00:30:45,400 What are you gonna do take it to the sona crime lab? چي رو به ازمايشگاه جنايي سونا بردي؟ 554 00:30:45,440 --> 00:30:47,740 They got whistler nailed for walking into the wrong stairwell. اونا ويسلر رو به يه راه پله ديگه هدايت کردن 555 00:30:47,780 --> 00:30:49,940 I'm thinking this is enough to get you guys to switch places. فکر ميکنم عوض کردن جا ديگه کافيه 556 00:30:49,980 --> 00:30:51,190 You know what I mean? ميدوني منظورم چيه؟ 557 00:30:51,230 --> 00:30:52,640 What does that mean, huh?What does that prove? اين چه معني ميده. هان؟ چي رو ثابت ميکنه؟ 558 00:30:52,710 --> 00:30:53,880 It proves everything! همه چي رو ثابت ميکنه 559 00:30:53,920 --> 00:30:55,510 I'm gonna make sure lechero thinks so, too. مطمئنم لچرو هم همين فکرو ميکنه 560 00:30:55,590 --> 00:30:57,140 Michael. مايکل 561 00:30:57,180 --> 00:30:58,740 Michael, I did not kill that man. مايکل من اون مرد رو نشکتم 562 00:30:58,780 --> 00:31:01,160 I did not kill the man. من اون مرد رو نکشتم 563 00:31:08,820 --> 00:31:11,240 What's, what's going on? چي...چي شده؟ 564 00:31:11,280 --> 00:31:13,700 Is everything okay? همه چيز مرتبه؟ 565 00:31:15,320 --> 00:31:18,200 What the hell you doing?Huh? چه غلطي داري ميکني؟ هان؟ 566 00:31:18,240 --> 00:31:19,370 What's that for? اين ديگه براي چيه؟ 567 00:31:19,410 --> 00:31:22,020 Your father tried to be a hero. پدرت سعي داشت يه قهرمان باشه 568 00:31:22,210 --> 00:31:23,530 No, no. نه.نه 569 00:31:23,570 --> 00:31:25,490 Hey, please, please. هي . خواهش ميکنم.خواهش ميکنم 570 00:31:25,530 --> 00:31:28,440 Please, no, stop! خواهش ميکنم.نه. بسه 571 00:31:28,480 --> 00:31:30,500 Once I cut the spinal cord and the sever nerve endings, يه بار نخاع يه نفر رو بريدم. بعد عصبش رو جدا کردم 572 00:31:30,540 --> 00:31:31,510 you won't feel a thing. چيزي احساس نميکني 573 00:31:31,560 --> 00:31:36,320 No, no... نه نه ... 574 00:31:40,320 --> 00:31:41,860 susan, I'm sorry. سوزان . متاسفم 575 00:31:41,890 --> 00:31:43,480 We didn't mean to do thaT. ما نميخواستيم اينکارو بکنيم 576 00:31:43,520 --> 00:31:45,560 Dad, they're gonna kill me. پدر. اونا منو ميکشن 577 00:31:45,600 --> 00:31:46,610 What?Lj? چي؟ ال جي؟ 578 00:31:46,650 --> 00:31:48,800 Yeah, they got a knife to my throat. اره.اونا چاقو رو گذاشتن رو گردنم 579 00:31:48,840 --> 00:31:50,320 Lj! ال جي 580 00:31:50,330 --> 00:31:51,100 -Susan, don't you hurt- - dad... سوزان.اينکارو نکن.- پدر 581 00:31:51,140 --> 00:31:54,460 - the truth.- Truth. حقيقت - حقيقت 582 00:31:56,650 --> 00:31:58,770 Michael's getting out at 3:13. مايکل ساعت 3:13 ميزنه بيرون 583 00:31:58,840 --> 00:32:00,880 We're meeting at the exchange point at 3:45. ما همديگرو تو محل مبادله ميبينيم ساعت 3:45 584 00:32:00,930 --> 00:32:04,560 Susan, please, we did this because we wanted to make sure the site was safe. سوزان.خواهش ميکنم.مااينکارارو کرديم که بفهميم منطقه امنه يانه 585 00:32:04,600 --> 00:32:06,640 That's it, that's the only reason why we did it. همينه. تنها دليلي که اين کارو کرديم 586 00:32:06,710 --> 00:32:10,020 Sounds to me like you're planning another end round.Another rescue. صدات ميگه بازم يه نقشه ديگه داري.يه راه ديگه 587 00:32:10,100 --> 00:32:12,170 No, no.We're not, نه.نه. نداريم 588 00:32:12,220 --> 00:32:15,320 we're not planning, we're not planning another end round. ما نقشه اي نداريم.هيچ نقشه ديگه اي نداريم 589 00:32:15,360 --> 00:32:18,500 No.Please, just...let my son go. نه.خواهش ميکنم.بذار پسرم بره 590 00:32:18,570 --> 00:32:20,540 Leave my son. پسرم رو ول کن 591 00:32:41,090 --> 00:32:45,580 Wow.Living the good life, huh? عجب .زندگي خوب.اره؟ 592 00:32:46,250 --> 00:32:48,440 Is that what this is? همينه؟ 593 00:32:48,470 --> 00:32:52,640 Having too good a time here to contemplate leaving? داشتن لحظات خوب براي يه عمر فکر کردن؟ 594 00:32:53,850 --> 00:32:55,660 I needed some time to think. يه چيزي احتياج داشتم بخورم 595 00:32:55,700 --> 00:32:59,290 Well, I needed some time to finalize our agreement with the panamanians, خب . يه وقت ميخواستم براي تموم کردن توافقم با پانامايي ها 596 00:32:59,330 --> 00:33:01,070 but instead I get dragged down here. ولي در عوض همينجا گير افتادم 597 00:33:01,110 --> 00:33:04,660 Yeah, I'm sure it was really hard to convince you to come down here. اره.مطمئنم متقاعد کردنت خيلي سخت بود که اينجا بموني 598 00:33:05,870 --> 00:33:08,320 I'm gonna be honest. صادقانه ميگم 599 00:33:08,360 --> 00:33:11,040 I was looking forward to seeing you down here like this, داشتم جلوم رو ميديدم تا تورو اينطوري ببينم 600 00:33:11,120 --> 00:33:16,030 but now that I'm here, I, uh, wouldn't wish this on anyone. اما حالا اينجام 601 00:33:17,580 --> 00:33:19,400 Can we just save all this till after... ايا ميتونيم همه اين چيزا رو نجات بديم تا... 602 00:33:19,480 --> 00:33:22,310 I don't know if we can or not.Made up your mind yet, alex? نميدونم ميتونيم يانه.هنوز افکارت باطله.الکس؟ 603 00:33:22,350 --> 00:33:24,470 Eight years, minimum security. هشت سال.حداقل حفاظت 604 00:33:24,520 --> 00:33:26,670 I got 'em down to four. راضيشون ميکنم چهارش کنن 605 00:33:26,710 --> 00:33:28,150 And I leave for the us tonight? و من امشب واسه من و خودت زندگي ميکنم؟ 606 00:33:28,220 --> 00:33:32,320 Once the special prosecutor clears you, you'll be on your way. تا وقتي که تعقيب کننده مخصوصت ولت نکنه. تو همين راه باقي ميموني 607 00:33:32,630 --> 00:33:33,840 What about a special prosecutor? تعقيب کننده مخصوص ؟منظورت چيه؟ 608 00:33:33,880 --> 00:33:37,320 You stand in front of a guy, you, you tell your story and he determines تو مقابل يه نفر مي ايستي.تو.توداستانت رو ميگي و اون تصمصيم ميگيره 609 00:33:37,360 --> 00:33:39,310 if you're gonna be a useful and credible witness. اگه بدرد بخور بودي و شاهد باورکردني 610 00:33:39,350 --> 00:33:41,050 It's a formality. اونوقت تشريفاتي ميشه 611 00:33:41,130 --> 00:33:42,750 "It's a formality"? تشريفاتي ميشه؟ 612 00:33:42,790 --> 00:33:44,230 This is just a formality? فقط تشريفاتي ميشه؟ 613 00:33:44,270 --> 00:33:46,420 You ow, if it were up to me, اگه بمن واگذارش ميکردي 614 00:33:46,460 --> 00:33:49,370 you could rot in here for the rest of your life. ديگه مجبور نبودي تمام عمرت رو اينجا بموني 615 00:33:49,410 --> 00:33:52,020 But the justice department is extremely motivated to اما دايره قضاوت بشدت تحريک ميشه 616 00:33:52,050 --> 00:33:56,060 get to the bottom of this president reynolds business. کار رئيس جمهور رو تموم کن 617 00:33:56,100 --> 00:33:58,500 Alex, this is a hundred percent abovboard. آلکس.اين صددرصد آشکاره 618 00:33:58,540 --> 00:34:00,430 You've made a lot of mistakes in your career. تو توي مسيرت خيلي اشتباه کردي 619 00:34:00,470 --> 00:34:03,160 You know it and I know it, intentional or otherwise. تواينو ميدوني منم ميدونم.بين المللي يا طورديگه. 620 00:34:03,240 --> 00:34:07,430 I've got eight files in my office attesting to that. من هشت تا پرونده تو دفترم دارم که رو اين موضوع قسم خوردن 621 00:34:07,470 --> 00:34:09,590 And if you don't take this offer, واگه تو اين پيشنهاد رو قبول نکني 622 00:34:09,620 --> 00:34:13,670 then I assure you it would be the biggest mistake of your life. پس من بهت اطمينان ميدم که اين بزرگترين اشتباه زندگيت خواهد بود 623 00:34:20,840 --> 00:34:22,010 I know who killed that man. من ميدونم کي اون مرد رو کشته 624 00:34:22,080 --> 00:34:24,930 I'm sure you do.Lechero! مطمئنم که ميدوني . لچرو 625 00:34:29,370 --> 00:34:30,590 What do we have here? ما اينجا چي داريم؟ 626 00:34:30,660 --> 00:34:34,780 I found this in alexander mahone's cell. من اينو تو موبابل الکساندر ماهون پيدا کردم 627 00:34:54,080 --> 00:34:55,210 Convenient! راحت 628 00:34:55,290 --> 00:34:58,730 To blame this on a man who can't even be questioned. مقصر کردن مردي که حتي نميتونه از خودش دفاع کنه 629 00:34:58,880 --> 00:35:01,960 Enough of this already.Cheo! کافيه ديگه چئو 630 00:35:03,620 --> 00:35:05,360 Get the prisoner up. زنداني رو بيار بالا 631 00:35:05,390 --> 00:35:07,360 It's time. وقتشه 632 00:35:17,550 --> 00:35:19,060 You know whistler didn't do this. تو ميدوني ويسلر اينکارو نکرده 633 00:35:19,100 --> 00:35:20,920 He just said he found the shank in mahone's cell? تو گفتي اون يه چيزي تو موبايل ماهون پيدا کرده؟ 634 00:35:20,990 --> 00:35:22,090 Doesn't that prove I'm innont? ثابت نميکنه من بي گناهم؟ 635 00:35:22,130 --> 00:35:23,870 Yore a joke! مسخره 636 00:35:23,910 --> 00:35:24,970 You talk about equality. تو راجع به برابري حرف ميزني 637 00:35:25,010 --> 00:35:27,540 You talk justice, but at the end of the day you're a dictator, توراجع به عدالت حرف ميزني .ولي روز که تموم ميشه ديکتاتور ميشي 638 00:35:27,610 --> 00:35:30,300 and just like any dictator you're terrified of losing your power. و مثل هر رئيس ديگه اي ميترسي قدرتت رو از دست بدي 639 00:35:30,340 --> 00:35:32,190 It'd be very unwise to go any further. بايد خيلي احمق باشم اگه بخوام جلوتر برم 640 00:35:32,230 --> 00:35:35,630 You don't care who the real killer is just as long as you get to string somebody up. تو نميدوني قاتل واقعي کيه .فقط ميخواي به يه نفر الکي گير بدي 641 00:35:35,670 --> 00:35:37,260 That's all that matters to you, isn't it? همه مشکلت اينه.مگه نه؟ 642 00:35:37,300 --> 00:35:40,030 I've determined who's guilty, and the punishment is death. من ميخوام بدونم کي گناهکاره.جواب کارش هم مرگه 643 00:35:40,060 --> 00:35:40,960 You're making a mistake. اشتباه کردي 644 00:35:41,000 --> 00:35:41,940 This is murder! اين قتله 645 00:35:41,980 --> 00:35:43,270 You know it and I know it! تو ميدوني منم ميدونم 646 00:35:43,310 --> 00:35:44,820 At least have the guts to admit it! حداقل دليل داشته باش 647 00:35:44,860 --> 00:35:46,630 You're right! حق با توئه 648 00:35:46,670 --> 00:35:49,470 It's murder. اين جنايته 649 00:35:51,250 --> 00:35:53,250 don't! نکن 650 00:36:08,260 --> 00:36:10,600 I found this in the yard. من اينو تو حياط پيدا کردم 651 00:36:13,320 --> 00:36:16,040 Augusto used to give them to me as tribute. آگوستو اينو بمن داد بعنوان باج 652 00:36:16,080 --> 00:36:18,500 And now you reek of them. وتو الان گندشو دراوردي 653 00:36:29,490 --> 00:36:31,120 Go. برو 654 00:37:03,610 --> 00:37:05,460 ***Okay? باشه؟ 655 00:37:05,530 --> 00:37:07,770 It's sad... خيلي دردناکه... 656 00:37:07,840 --> 00:37:09,880 one ******* 657 00:37:09,920 --> 00:37:13,060 *****of you. 658 00:37:31,080 --> 00:37:33,460 he will be okay. حالش خوب ميشه 659 00:37:50,500 --> 00:37:53,090 I question your love for your son. من درباره عشق به پسرت پرسيدم 660 00:37:53,120 --> 00:37:57,320 He was two seconds away from being decapitated because of you. دو ثانيه مونده بود سرش رو از بدن جدا کنه فقط بخاطر تو 661 00:37:57,360 --> 00:37:59,040 I told you the truth. من حقيقت رو بهت گفتم 662 00:37:59,080 --> 00:38:00,260 Maybe. شايد 663 00:38:00,290 --> 00:38:02,870 But if you have anything else planned, now it's scrapped. ولي اگه نقشه ديگه اي نداشته باشي کارت تمومه 664 00:38:02,900 --> 00:38:05,930 Because, what happens if you try something? چونکه .چي ميشد اگه سعي ميکردي 665 00:38:06,760 --> 00:38:09,310 - I know.- Oh, good. ميدونم - اوه خوبه 666 00:38:16,150 --> 00:38:18,490 This is the same newspaper she was holding in the last picture. اين همون روزنامه ايه که تو آخرين عکسش دستش بود 667 00:38:18,570 --> 00:38:19,880 That's what my guy could get. همينو تونستن رديف کنن 668 00:38:19,920 --> 00:38:21,280 You didn't give me a lot of time. تو وقت بيشتر بهم ندادي 669 00:38:21,310 --> 00:38:23,130 You think michael's not going to notice this? تو فکر ميکني مايکل متوجه اين نکته بشه؟ 670 00:38:23,170 --> 00:38:24,690 Yeah. اره 671 00:38:24,730 --> 00:38:26,430 "Hey, michael, here's the pictures." هي مايکل. اينم عکس 672 00:38:26,470 --> 00:38:28,020 He's going to want to see this close up. حتما سعي ميکنه از نزديک ببينتش 673 00:38:28,060 --> 00:38:30,090 I'm done doing favors for you. من همش دارم بهت حال ميدم 674 00:38:30,130 --> 00:38:33,830 Get out.I'll see you in an hour. برو بيرون.يه ساعت ديگه ميبينمت 675 00:38:58,630 --> 00:39:00,330 no football today? امروز فوتباله؟ 676 00:39:00,410 --> 00:39:03,240 No, no football today. نه امروز فوتبال نيست 677 00:39:07,400 --> 00:39:09,850 You're my brother, sammy? تو برادر مني . سامي؟ 678 00:39:11,550 --> 00:39:13,600 Of course. البته 679 00:39:35,240 --> 00:39:36,600 Michael: It's done? مايکل: تموم شد؟ 680 00:39:36,640 --> 00:39:38,190 The guard will be asleep in a half hour. نگهبانه نيم ساعت ديگه از حال ميره 681 00:39:38,230 --> 00:39:39,930 So we're good. پس خوب شد 682 00:39:39,970 --> 00:39:42,200 Not quite. نه کاملا 683 00:39:42,350 --> 00:39:45,900 They, uh, they know we're breaking out this afternoon. اونا.اوه.اونا ميدونن امروز عصر ميخواي فرار کني 684 00:39:48,320 --> 00:39:49,940 You told her? تو بهش گفتي؟ 685 00:39:50,020 --> 00:39:51,770 = Man, she worked it out...- why didn't you lie? اون ميتونه رديفش کنه...- پس دروغ نگفتي؟ 686 00:39:51,850 --> 00:39:52,940 She worked it out. اون رديفش ميکنه 687 00:39:53,020 --> 00:39:55,670 So what are we gonna do to get the upper hand here, linc? پس تو ميخواي چکار کني با راه پله؟ 688 00:39:55,700 --> 00:39:58,290 - Nothing.- You think they're just going to turn over lj and sara? هيچي.- تو فکر ميکني اونا ال جي و سارا رو پس ميدن؟ 689 00:39:58,320 --> 00:39:59,080 This is too dangerous. اين خيلي خطرناکه 690 00:39:59,160 --> 00:40:00,480 If we try anything, they're just going to... اگه ما هيچکاري نکنيم.اونا... 691 00:40:00,520 --> 00:40:03,090 what, hurt them? چي؟ بهشون اسيب ميزنن؟ 692 00:40:03,430 --> 00:40:06,910 No, not if they want us to deliver on whistler, they won'T. نه.اگه ازمون بخوان ويسلر رو براشون ببريم نه 693 00:40:06,980 --> 00:40:09,920 We're playing this one straight.No games.No surprises. ما راه رو درست دنبال ميکنيم .بدون بازي .بدون غافلگيري 694 00:40:10,000 --> 00:40:12,760 All right? باشه؟ 695 00:40:12,800 --> 00:40:15,250 Show me the pictures. عکس ها رو نشونم بده 696 00:40:17,750 --> 00:40:19,480 Show me the pictures, linc. عکس ها رو نشونم بده .لينک 697 00:40:19,510 --> 00:40:23,330 Come on...the pictures. يالله. عکسها ... 698 00:40:23,410 --> 00:40:26,280 I can't show you the pictures, man. نميتونم عکسها رو نشونت بدم پسر 699 00:40:29,820 --> 00:40:32,240 Why not, linc? چرا نه . لينک؟ 700 00:40:38,030 --> 00:40:41,350 She's dead, michael. سارا مرده . مايکل 701 00:40:44,900 --> 00:40:46,490 I lied to you. من بهت دروغ گفتم 702 00:40:46,530 --> 00:40:49,020 I'm sorry. متاسفم 703 00:40:49,060 --> 00:40:52,290 If you don't break out today, they're going to kill my son. اگه امروز فرار نکني اونا پسر منو ميکشن 704 00:40:52,330 --> 00:40:55,230 They're going to kill lj. اونا ال جي رو ميکشن 705 00:40:55,270 --> 00:40:57,420 Michael, we've got to do this. مايکل ما بايد اينکارو انجام بديم 706 00:40:57,500 --> 00:40:59,620 Michael, we've got to do this! مايکل ما بايد اينکارو انجام بديم 707 00:40:59,650 --> 00:41:02,710 Michael! مايکل 708 00:42:08,960 --> 00:42:15,230 Sara's dead.They killed her. سارا مرده . اونا کشتنش 709 00:42:18,030 --> 00:42:20,990 Oh, man, I'm so sorry. اوه پسر من خيلي متاسفم 710 00:42:22,690 --> 00:42:25,250 I loved her and... من خيلي دوستش داشتم و... 711 00:42:25,330 --> 00:42:28,390 now she's gone. حالا اون مرده 712 00:42:28,430 --> 00:42:30,960 And it's all because of you. و همه اينا بخاطر تو بود 713 00:42:31,000 --> 00:42:33,270 What? چي؟ 714 00:42:34,300 --> 00:42:37,550 Hey, take it easy. هي. سخت نگير 715 00:42:41,510 --> 00:42:43,400 Wh...what? چ...چي؟ 716 00:42:43,480 --> 00:42:45,860 This is your fault. تقصير تو بود 717 00:42:45,900 --> 00:42:47,980 He's told me his grievance. اون بمن گفته بود که راضي نيست 718 00:42:48,050 --> 00:42:51,080 This fight is going to happen. اين دعوا داره شروع ميشه 719 00:42:51,110 --> 00:42:53,160 Just think about what you're doing. فقط فکر کن با کارايي که کردي 720 00:42:53,190 --> 00:42:54,670 I have. دارم 721 00:42:56,800 --> 00:43:01,180 -=www.ydy.com/bbs=- proudly presents 722 00:43:01,250 --> 00:43:05,510 Prison Break Season 03 Episode 06 723 00:43:05,550 --> 00:43:10,700 ترجمه و زيرنويس : محسن رمضاني فرد email: mohsen_rfard@yahoo.com