00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,162 Translated By The Community Of WWW.MY-SUBS.COM 1 00:02:45,480 --> 00:02:47,340 Daytime's still our best option. 2 00:02:47,350 --> 00:02:48,650 They double the guards at night. 3 00:02:48,660 --> 00:02:49,680 And the jeep patrols? 4 00:02:49,690 --> 00:02:53,240 Yeah. and, uh... there's something else. 5 00:02:53,250 --> 00:02:54,360 What? 6 00:02:54,370 --> 00:02:56,810 T-bag's coming. And Mahone. 7 00:02:56,820 --> 00:03:00,090 Bellick. oh, yeah, there's a drug lord, too. 8 00:03:00,100 --> 00:03:01,710 You know what? It's not about them. It's about Whistler, 9 00:03:01,720 --> 00:03:02,490 we got to do whatever... 10 00:03:02,500 --> 00:03:03,880 We don't even know who Whistler is. 11 00:03:03,890 --> 00:03:06,600 What about what he's worth? my son's life. 12 00:03:07,690 --> 00:03:10,090 I just wish there was another way to do this. 13 00:03:11,340 --> 00:03:14,160 To save LJ without handing Whistler over. 14 00:03:14,170 --> 00:03:17,310 Look, man, that's it. There isn't. 15 00:03:18,200 --> 00:03:19,760 I know. 16 00:03:19,810 --> 00:03:20,880 Listen, you worry about the tunnel, 17 00:03:20,890 --> 00:03:22,630 I worry about the guards. 18 00:03:23,070 --> 00:03:25,100 See you tomorrow. Tomorrow. 19 00:03:32,310 --> 00:03:34,400 Hey, now, don't skimp on the braces up there. 20 00:03:34,410 --> 00:03:36,640 In fact, if you want to add a little extra, just... 21 00:03:36,650 --> 00:03:38,940 You know, we can work on this railroad all... 22 00:03:38,950 --> 00:03:41,770 the livelong day, but it don't matter 23 00:03:41,780 --> 00:03:43,740 If Scofield doesn't know what happens once 24 00:03:43,750 --> 00:03:45,010 we get off the train, once we get 25 00:03:45,020 --> 00:03:46,960 out of here, it's every man for himself. 26 00:03:46,970 --> 00:03:49,230 Scofield's not responsible for any of us. 27 00:03:49,240 --> 00:03:50,460 Is that so? 28 00:03:50,470 --> 00:03:51,910 You obviously don't know him very well, 29 00:03:51,920 --> 00:03:53,150 Shakespeare. 30 00:03:53,920 --> 00:03:56,430 When we broke out of fox river, 31 00:03:56,440 --> 00:03:58,730 he tried to screw every one of us. 32 00:03:58,740 --> 00:04:00,240 Half the men ended up either 33 00:04:00,250 --> 00:04:02,370 dead, captured or worse. 34 00:04:02,420 --> 00:04:04,850 The guys who are easiest to catch 35 00:04:05,090 --> 00:04:06,460 Are the one's who spend more time 36 00:04:06,470 --> 00:04:09,330 Pissing and moaning at each other than running. 37 00:04:10,700 --> 00:04:13,000 My only advice to you, 38 00:04:13,220 --> 00:04:15,680 Ecclesiastes 6:13. 39 00:04:15,690 --> 00:04:17,820 "separate thyself from thy enemies, 40 00:04:17,830 --> 00:04:20,320 And take heed of thy friends." 41 00:04:20,330 --> 00:04:21,560 How we doing, Alex? 42 00:04:21,570 --> 00:04:24,320 Well, if those braces hold, 43 00:04:25,050 --> 00:04:26,870 We could be to the surface 44 00:04:26,880 --> 00:04:27,840 Sometime tomorrow. 45 00:04:27,850 --> 00:04:30,320 Let's rotate. keep everybody fresh. 46 00:04:31,480 --> 00:04:34,500 Welcome to the coal mine, canary. 47 00:04:58,050 --> 00:04:59,990 Don't drop your body-water upon me like that! 48 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:02,150 Hey, it ain't coming from me, I swear. 49 00:05:02,560 --> 00:05:04,610 Engineer, come. 50 00:05:04,900 --> 00:05:06,430 Look at this. 51 00:05:10,190 --> 00:05:11,460 We hit a pipe or something? 52 00:05:11,470 --> 00:05:12,820 Oh, no. 53 00:05:29,350 --> 00:05:31,160 That's right above our tunnel. 54 00:05:32,500 --> 00:05:34,470 That's not going to hold till tomorrow. 55 00:05:34,480 --> 00:05:35,960 So what do we do? 56 00:05:36,220 --> 00:05:38,610 We leave tonight. 57 00:06:11,080 --> 00:06:12,390 Tonight? 58 00:06:12,400 --> 00:06:14,550 I thought you said a nighttime escape was impossible. 59 00:06:14,560 --> 00:06:16,660 If the rain keeps up, the tunnel will collapse again, 60 00:06:16,670 --> 00:06:18,310 And that'll be the end of it. 61 00:06:18,320 --> 00:06:19,810 It'll be the end for you. 62 00:06:19,820 --> 00:06:21,270 You're the one on a deadline. 63 00:06:21,280 --> 00:06:22,780 What if it gives out whilwe're inside? 64 00:06:22,790 --> 00:06:23,550 We end up like buried treasure. 65 00:06:23,560 --> 00:06:25,220 You want out, get out! 66 00:06:28,640 --> 00:06:30,280 Look, you're not pulling this off tonight 67 00:06:30,290 --> 00:06:32,210 Without all of us working around the clock. 68 00:06:33,820 --> 00:06:34,550 And none of us 69 00:06:34,560 --> 00:06:35,920 Are ever making it out of here 70 00:06:35,930 --> 00:06:37,850 Without his plan, so if you tell me 71 00:06:37,860 --> 00:06:39,960 That you can figure out a way how to do this at night, 72 00:06:39,970 --> 00:06:42,160 Then i-- we-- can figure out a way 73 00:06:42,170 --> 00:06:44,080 How to get that tunnel dug in time. 74 00:06:48,950 --> 00:06:50,730 Let's start digging. 75 00:07:00,880 --> 00:07:02,500 I think you dropped something. 76 00:07:02,610 --> 00:07:04,990 I've read in old newspapers that make it to sona 77 00:07:05,280 --> 00:07:09,350 How americans hold others to standards they ignore. 78 00:07:09,390 --> 00:07:11,690 How they think no one should have power but them. 79 00:07:12,190 --> 00:07:16,560 I tell everyone it's a lie, but I see it's true. 80 00:07:17,720 --> 00:07:19,380 I know you're leaving. 81 00:07:19,640 --> 00:07:22,160 And I think that after everything I've done to help, 82 00:07:23,260 --> 00:07:25,560 I think it sucks you're not taking me with you! 83 00:07:27,090 --> 00:07:28,600 I know it doesn't seem like it now, 84 00:07:28,610 --> 00:07:31,040 But I'm doing you a favor. I'm giving you a gift. 85 00:07:31,050 --> 00:07:33,160 Oh, wow, life in prison. 86 00:07:33,170 --> 00:07:34,090 Thank you. I've always wanted one of those. 87 00:07:34,100 --> 00:07:36,510 It's better than a life on the run. 88 00:07:36,520 --> 00:07:39,410 I don't belong here. all I did was give a guy... 89 00:07:39,420 --> 00:07:41,110 You're not going! 90 00:07:42,400 --> 00:07:43,990 I'm sorry. 91 00:07:44,450 --> 00:07:45,840 It's for the best. 92 00:07:45,850 --> 00:07:47,550 How do you know what's best for me? 93 00:07:51,680 --> 00:07:53,490 Y cuanto me va costar? 94 00:07:54,030 --> 00:07:55,990 Okay, muchas gracias. 95 00:07:56,210 --> 00:07:57,710 It's good to go. 96 00:07:58,140 --> 00:07:59,890 You know where and when to be, right? 97 00:07:59,900 --> 00:08:01,470 If you're not there, we're screwed. 98 00:08:05,430 --> 00:08:06,620 You all right? 99 00:08:06,630 --> 00:08:08,010 I'm fine. 100 00:08:08,020 --> 00:08:09,570 I'm just going to grab my stuff. 101 00:08:09,580 --> 00:08:14,030 Yeah. probably best if you and James disappear. 102 00:08:14,040 --> 00:08:16,710 I know. I know. 103 00:08:16,890 --> 00:08:18,740 You know where to meet us, right? 104 00:08:19,070 --> 00:08:22,670 Playa blanca. you'll be on the... 105 00:08:22,680 --> 00:08:23,630 3-12. 106 00:08:23,640 --> 00:08:26,640 3-12. we'll see you tomorrow then. 107 00:08:27,320 --> 00:08:28,340 Good luck. 108 00:08:28,350 --> 00:08:30,020 You, too. 109 00:08:30,590 --> 00:08:32,190 Hey, it's that Susan chick. 110 00:08:32,200 --> 00:08:33,910 She wants to meet again. 111 00:08:33,920 --> 00:08:34,890 Good. 112 00:08:34,900 --> 00:08:36,220 Let her know everything's on track. 113 00:08:36,230 --> 00:08:38,850 We want to make her feel as comfortable as possible. 114 00:08:38,850 --> 00:08:40,120 Why shouldn't she be? 115 00:08:40,130 --> 00:08:41,610 She's going to get her guy tomorrow, right? 116 00:08:41,620 --> 00:08:44,620 Well, if Michael's conscience doesn't get in the way. 117 00:08:46,180 --> 00:08:47,470 What do you mean? 118 00:08:47,800 --> 00:08:49,340 He's having doubts. 119 00:08:49,350 --> 00:08:50,270 About if he can pull it off? 120 00:08:50,280 --> 00:08:52,230 About if he should. 121 00:08:52,350 --> 00:08:54,870 But he's going to go through with it, right? 122 00:09:07,670 --> 00:09:09,150 What are you looking for? 123 00:09:09,500 --> 00:09:12,750 Where the power lines connect to Sona's exterior lights. 124 00:09:13,540 --> 00:09:15,420 If cutting the power out there was an option, 125 00:09:15,430 --> 00:09:16,790 Why didn't we do that in the first place? 126 00:09:16,800 --> 00:09:19,120 One, the power out there isn't controlled from in here. 127 00:09:19,130 --> 00:09:22,100 And, two, there's that. 128 00:09:22,940 --> 00:09:24,360 Every prison has a backup generator. 129 00:09:24,370 --> 00:09:27,360 Even if we cut the lights, they'll just come back on again 130 00:09:27,370 --> 00:09:29,590 Immediately. 131 00:09:30,490 --> 00:09:32,490 Well, that's a big, bloody problem. 132 00:09:32,800 --> 00:09:34,780 Tell Lechero I need his phone. 133 00:09:37,850 --> 00:09:39,030 Change of plans, Linc. 134 00:09:39,040 --> 00:09:40,530 We're doing this tonight. 135 00:09:40,540 --> 00:09:43,140 Tonight? what happened, Michael? 136 00:09:43,150 --> 00:09:45,090 Rain, dirt, tunnel, problem. 137 00:09:45,100 --> 00:09:46,390 How long can it hold? 138 00:09:47,540 --> 00:09:49,150 Depends on what? 139 00:09:50,370 --> 00:09:52,620 When the rain stops. 140 00:09:52,630 --> 00:09:55,420 You said breaking out at night was impossible. 141 00:09:55,430 --> 00:09:56,600 Yeah, well... 142 00:09:56,610 --> 00:09:59,140 You want to tell me how you're going to pull this off? 143 00:09:59,150 --> 00:10:01,640 For starters, I need to get ahold of Sucre. 144 00:10:13,670 --> 00:10:16,310 Sucre, do you know what I do for a living? 145 00:10:18,080 --> 00:10:20,000 I have a pretty good idea. 146 00:10:20,510 --> 00:10:21,740 I read people. 147 00:10:21,750 --> 00:10:25,160 And you, my friend, are a coloring book. 148 00:10:27,230 --> 00:10:28,010 I think you left 149 00:10:28,020 --> 00:10:29,800 This in my car. 150 00:10:30,930 --> 00:10:32,590 Look. that... that was just... I mean... 151 00:10:32,600 --> 00:10:34,510 No. no, no, no, no. 152 00:10:34,990 --> 00:10:36,400 My fault. 153 00:10:36,830 --> 00:10:39,070 I guess I just didn't make myself clear 154 00:10:39,080 --> 00:10:41,450 When I laid out the terms of our arrangement. 155 00:10:41,580 --> 00:10:44,980 So I'm going to try again as simply as I know how. 156 00:10:45,190 --> 00:10:47,060 Anything happens-- 157 00:10:47,070 --> 00:10:50,220 Anything at all that I wasn't expecting-- 158 00:10:50,230 --> 00:10:51,270 And there will be one less 159 00:10:51,280 --> 00:10:52,760 Pregnant girl in chicago. 160 00:10:52,770 --> 00:10:55,690 Look, Michael and Lincoln don't tell me everything. 161 00:10:55,700 --> 00:10:57,560 Fernando, this is your last chance. 162 00:10:57,570 --> 00:10:59,100 I want a yes or a no. 163 00:10:59,110 --> 00:11:02,470 Are the brothers gonna break Whistler out of Sona? 164 00:11:02,480 --> 00:11:03,650 Yes. 165 00:11:03,660 --> 00:11:06,640 Are they planning on handing him over to me? 166 00:11:08,130 --> 00:11:09,630 Yes. 167 00:11:11,260 --> 00:11:13,770 Where do you want me to shoot Maricruz first, 168 00:11:13,860 --> 00:11:16,530 In the bun or in the oven? 169 00:11:16,540 --> 00:11:17,960 Okay! 170 00:11:24,060 --> 00:11:26,100 There's one thing I heard. 171 00:11:26,110 --> 00:11:30,370 It's Michael. he's, he's having some concerns about Whistler. 172 00:11:30,550 --> 00:11:32,340 What kind of concerns? 173 00:11:32,890 --> 00:11:34,960 About handing him over. 174 00:11:36,750 --> 00:11:38,280 You got to understand, 175 00:11:38,290 --> 00:11:40,640 He broke out some pretty bad guys last time. 176 00:11:40,920 --> 00:11:43,560 I think he's never forgiven himself for that. 177 00:11:44,430 --> 00:11:46,520 He's planning on leaving him behind? 178 00:11:46,590 --> 00:11:48,090 Maybe. I don't know. 179 00:11:53,950 --> 00:11:55,420 Shh. 180 00:11:57,390 --> 00:11:58,850 Hello, Lincoln. 181 00:11:59,450 --> 00:12:01,090 It's going down tonight. 182 00:12:01,670 --> 00:12:03,230 Tonight? 183 00:12:03,730 --> 00:12:05,330 Should I be worried? 184 00:12:05,820 --> 00:12:07,610 I called you first thing. 185 00:12:07,650 --> 00:12:09,360 I'm being straight up with you. 186 00:12:09,640 --> 00:12:11,510 That's refreshing. 187 00:12:11,520 --> 00:12:13,750 So I'll see you tonight. 188 00:12:14,380 --> 00:12:16,560 You show me yours and I'll show you mine. 189 00:12:19,870 --> 00:12:21,330 It'soing down tonight. 190 00:12:21,610 --> 00:12:23,450 Do you know about that? 191 00:12:23,760 --> 00:12:25,520 I didn't know, I swear. 192 00:12:31,010 --> 00:12:32,640 Get out of here. 193 00:12:44,970 --> 00:12:45,980 How'd it go? 194 00:12:45,990 --> 00:12:47,450 She found the bomb, Linc. 195 00:12:47,460 --> 00:12:49,230 The one we put in her car. 196 00:12:49,460 --> 00:12:51,220 How did she find the bomb, Sucre? 197 00:12:51,230 --> 00:12:53,210 I don't know, bro. I'm sorry. 198 00:12:53,220 --> 00:12:54,780 It's not your fault. 199 00:12:54,790 --> 00:12:55,980 Look, I'll make it 200 00:12:55,990 --> 00:12:57,320 Up to you, I swear. 201 00:12:57,790 --> 00:12:58,710 You can start now. 202 00:12:58,720 --> 00:13:00,640 Michael's in a bit of trouble in Sona. 203 00:13:01,100 --> 00:13:02,690 What kind of trouble? 204 00:13:07,040 --> 00:13:09,450 The rain stopped. does that mean...? 205 00:13:09,460 --> 00:13:11,940 No. the damage is done. 206 00:13:13,230 --> 00:13:14,910 We can't risk waiting. 207 00:13:20,280 --> 00:13:21,740 Anything interesting? 208 00:13:22,330 --> 00:13:23,690 Like some coordinates 209 00:13:23,700 --> 00:13:25,740 The company might want to get their hands on? 210 00:13:27,310 --> 00:13:29,400 If they didn't want me out of here 211 00:13:30,070 --> 00:13:34,350 And yourephew was safe, would you still be doing this? 212 00:13:34,360 --> 00:13:35,790 Breaking out? 213 00:13:36,870 --> 00:13:38,680 No. 214 00:13:38,840 --> 00:13:43,010 Why would you choose to stay if there was a chance at freedom? 215 00:13:43,020 --> 00:13:45,690 Well, I guess that's the difference between us. 216 00:13:46,030 --> 00:13:48,110 I'm willing to pay for my sins. 217 00:13:48,230 --> 00:13:50,000 And I'm not? 218 00:13:50,040 --> 00:13:52,000 That's a good question. 219 00:14:00,200 --> 00:14:02,440 Water's coming down pretty fast up in here, patron. 220 00:14:02,450 --> 00:14:04,160 Yeah. we hav to dig faster. 221 00:14:05,610 --> 00:14:07,740 You know, I've been thinking. 222 00:14:07,750 --> 00:14:09,990 It doesn't have to be every man for himself. 223 00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:12,960 You and I can help each other. 224 00:14:13,460 --> 00:14:17,280 If I need a hand, I'll find someone with a spare. 225 00:14:17,650 --> 00:14:19,620 While it's true I may be lacking 226 00:14:19,630 --> 00:14:20,720 Something inhe west, 227 00:14:20,730 --> 00:14:23,290 I more than make up for it in the north. 228 00:14:23,300 --> 00:14:24,460 Think about it. 229 00:14:24,470 --> 00:14:30,270 Scofield's got us down here doing manual labor; slave labor. 230 00:14:31,390 --> 00:14:33,230 I ain't no slave. 231 00:14:33,720 --> 00:14:34,950 I'm doing this for me. 232 00:14:34,960 --> 00:14:36,810 Why do you think Scofield's up there 233 00:14:36,820 --> 00:14:37,520 And we'rdoe here? 234 00:14:37,530 --> 00:14:39,290 He's planning something. 235 00:14:40,620 --> 00:14:42,440 Who among us isn't? 236 00:14:44,350 --> 00:14:45,940 What the hell is that? 237 00:16:47,020 --> 00:16:47,720 Yeah. 238 00:16:47,730 --> 00:16:50,620 Hello, Lincoln. long time no see. 239 00:16:50,740 --> 00:16:51,950 Not long enough. 240 00:16:51,960 --> 00:16:52,660 I was thinking that we could 241 00:16:52,670 --> 00:16:54,870 Have a little chat in person. 242 00:16:54,880 --> 00:16:56,730 Make sure we're all on the same page 243 00:16:56,740 --> 00:16:58,110 About what's gonna happen tonight. 244 00:16:58,120 --> 00:16:58,850 All right. 245 00:16:58,860 --> 00:17:00,920 30 minutes, this location. I'm sending a text. 246 00:17:27,440 --> 00:17:29,800 Hello. hey, papi, it's me. 247 00:17:30,190 --> 00:17:31,370 Hey. 248 00:17:31,380 --> 00:17:33,200 Lincoln said you needed some help. 249 00:17:33,330 --> 00:17:35,710 How much do you know about electricity? 250 00:17:40,530 --> 00:17:41,940 Hey, you're back. 251 00:17:41,950 --> 00:17:44,700 I'm not real comfortable being alone down here with those... 252 00:17:46,330 --> 00:17:47,370 What's that? 253 00:17:47,380 --> 00:17:51,770 Syrup; honey. make a little pile of dirt. 254 00:17:51,780 --> 00:17:54,140 Gather some dirt. 255 00:17:54,350 --> 00:17:56,310 Scofield said we got to make 256 00:17:56,400 --> 00:17:58,810 Something to cover the hole once we get out. 257 00:17:59,000 --> 00:18:01,140 So when the lights go back on 258 00:18:01,150 --> 00:18:03,460 It's gonna look like nobody ever left. 259 00:18:04,110 --> 00:18:05,760 Go ahead. spread it around. 260 00:18:07,610 --> 00:18:08,960 I was thinking... 261 00:18:11,240 --> 00:18:12,550 We should be a team, yoknow? 262 00:18:12,560 --> 00:18:14,220 Not just during the escape, but after. 263 00:18:14,230 --> 00:18:16,230 Like, like Butch and Sundance. 264 00:18:16,240 --> 00:18:18,250 Butch and sundance died. 265 00:18:18,260 --> 00:18:20,190 Well, I mean in the other parts. 266 00:18:20,200 --> 00:18:21,410 Here's an idea. 267 00:18:21,420 --> 00:18:23,280 We go along with Scofield's plan, 268 00:18:23,290 --> 00:18:24,460 And then when everyone stops 269 00:18:24,470 --> 00:18:25,840 To take a breath, we grab 'em, 270 00:18:25,850 --> 00:18:27,390 Burroughs, Scofield, Bagwell. 271 00:18:27,400 --> 00:18:29,040 We take 'em back home to face charges. 272 00:18:29,050 --> 00:18:30,150 Hell, we'd be heroes. 273 00:18:30,160 --> 00:18:31,480 Might even get a book deal. 274 00:18:31,490 --> 00:18:33,000 We could write it together, Alex. 275 00:18:33,010 --> 00:18:34,560 How'd that be? a book deal? 276 00:18:34,570 --> 00:18:36,000 Yeah. 277 00:18:36,430 --> 00:18:37,950 Gonna make you happy, Brad? 278 00:18:38,020 --> 00:18:39,630 You got a better idea? 279 00:18:40,270 --> 00:18:41,820 Yeah, I do. 280 00:18:41,930 --> 00:18:43,550 Something to do with a wife and kid? 281 00:18:43,560 --> 00:18:45,110 Yeah, something like that. 282 00:18:45,200 --> 00:18:48,230 You got room for one more? 283 00:18:48,350 --> 00:18:50,480 Come on, Alex. 284 00:18:50,490 --> 00:18:52,230 What's a guy like me gonna do? 285 00:18:52,960 --> 00:18:54,840 Let's just let scofield get us out of here, 286 00:18:54,850 --> 00:18:56,980 And then we'll worry about everything else, all right? 287 00:18:57,110 --> 00:18:58,110 All right. 288 00:18:58,120 --> 00:18:59,850 Come on. a little more dirt. 289 00:19:02,600 --> 00:19:06,000 Listen very carefully and do exactly as I tell you. 290 00:19:06,010 --> 00:19:07,840 You sure you don't want Linc to do this? 291 00:19:07,850 --> 00:19:10,210 He knows more about this than I do. 292 00:19:10,430 --> 00:19:11,530 It's not about what you know. 293 00:19:11,540 --> 00:19:12,600 It's about where you work. 294 00:19:12,610 --> 00:19:14,430 And as a Sona employee, my friend, 295 00:19:14,440 --> 00:19:16,650 You have the unique ability of not getting shot 296 00:19:16,660 --> 00:19:18,070 For being here. 297 00:19:20,360 --> 00:19:22,000 You see the admin building? 298 00:19:22,220 --> 00:19:23,150 I see it. 299 00:19:23,160 --> 00:19:24,510 Go to it and make a left. 300 00:19:24,520 --> 00:19:26,710 To it and left. got it. 301 00:19:27,920 --> 00:19:29,520 On the other side is a berm. 302 00:19:29,530 --> 00:19:31,320 There should be a metal cage. 303 00:19:31,330 --> 00:19:33,060 That's the backup generator. 304 00:19:37,180 --> 00:19:38,610 Okay, I see it. 305 00:19:39,690 --> 00:19:41,740 Don't let the tower guard see you get too close. 306 00:19:41,750 --> 00:19:42,960 Just act casual. 307 00:19:42,970 --> 00:19:45,030 When I say now, 308 00:19:45,040 --> 00:19:46,790 You run and duck behind it. 309 00:19:52,490 --> 00:19:53,980 Almost. 310 00:19:57,420 --> 00:19:58,900 Hold on. 311 00:20:01,870 --> 00:20:03,260 Now! 312 00:20:10,550 --> 00:20:12,050 Okay. 313 00:20:12,050 --> 00:20:13,770 Okay. there should be 314 00:20:13,780 --> 00:20:15,710 Some writing near the bottom. 315 00:20:15,720 --> 00:20:17,090 I need the name of the manufacturer, 316 00:20:17,100 --> 00:20:19,040 Make and model number, anything. 317 00:20:20,110 --> 00:20:20,990 Yeah, yeah, yeah, 318 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:21,960 I got it, I got it. 319 00:20:21,970 --> 00:20:24,600 It's, uh, it's, uh, Prana Industrial. 320 00:20:24,610 --> 00:20:28,770 Model number 3210. 321 00:20:28,900 --> 00:20:31,440 3210. is there a customer service number? 322 00:20:32,980 --> 00:20:36,680 1-800-555-1212. 323 00:20:36,690 --> 00:20:40,230 All right. thanks. that's all I need. 324 00:20:40,430 --> 00:20:42,710 You really think you can pull this off tonight? 325 00:20:42,720 --> 00:20:44,210 You want to know the tth? 326 00:20:44,220 --> 00:20:46,790 No, I just want all of it go down smooth. 327 00:20:46,870 --> 00:20:49,350 For everyone to get what they want. 328 00:20:49,510 --> 00:20:51,390 Yeah, I do. 329 00:20:51,610 --> 00:20:54,850 Listen, even if you get this worked out with the lights, 330 00:20:54,860 --> 00:20:57,000 What are you gonna do about the jeep patrols? 331 00:20:57,010 --> 00:20:59,100 We're just gonna have to take our chances. 332 00:20:59,110 --> 00:21:00,930 Maybe you don't. 333 00:21:22,690 --> 00:21:23,930 You all right? 334 00:21:24,230 --> 00:21:25,760 Yeah, I'm fine. 335 00:21:26,380 --> 00:21:27,540 Where's lj? 336 00:21:27,550 --> 00:21:30,600 Somewhere safe. take a load off. 337 00:21:30,720 --> 00:21:32,370 Can I offer you a drink? 338 00:21:34,080 --> 00:21:35,450 What's going on, Susan? 339 00:21:35,460 --> 00:21:36,950 I just wanted to get everyone together 340 00:21:36,960 --> 00:21:38,710 So we can discuss tonight's agenda. 341 00:21:38,720 --> 00:21:40,490 Maybe nail down a few guidelines. 342 00:21:40,500 --> 00:21:42,160 It's the same as before, nothing has changed. 343 00:21:42,170 --> 00:21:43,580 Actually, I was thinking 344 00:21:43,590 --> 00:21:45,780 We should probably include all the players. 345 00:21:45,790 --> 00:21:47,400 Don't you? 346 00:21:50,220 --> 00:21:51,730 What are you doing in here? 347 00:21:53,170 --> 00:21:54,590 Just keeping watch. 348 00:21:55,120 --> 00:21:57,590 Make sure nobody tries to get down to the tunnel. 349 00:22:00,490 --> 00:22:01,500 Who are you calling? 350 00:22:01,510 --> 00:22:03,950 Yeah, hi. is this, uh, customer service? 351 00:22:04,180 --> 00:22:05,540 Yeah, I'm, uh... 352 00:22:05,550 --> 00:22:08,100 I'm a sub working, building down here in panama, 353 00:22:08,110 --> 00:22:10,530 And, um, we got a clntien-site. 354 00:22:10,540 --> 00:22:11,780 They're asking questions 355 00:22:11,790 --> 00:22:14,200 About the 3210 generator we're installing. 356 00:22:14,400 --> 00:22:17,380 Yeah. exactly. um... 357 00:22:17,390 --> 00:22:19,860 Anyway, they want to know, if the main power shuts down, 358 00:22:19,870 --> 00:22:21,520 How long are they gonna be in the dark, 359 00:22:21,530 --> 00:22:24,580 Um, before the generator kicks in? 360 00:22:24,720 --> 00:22:27,020 Yeah. thanks. 361 00:22:27,030 --> 00:22:28,210 I'll hold. 362 00:22:28,220 --> 00:22:29,860 You're a very good liar. 363 00:22:32,660 --> 00:22:34,100 That's the timing? 364 00:22:35,430 --> 00:22:36,900 No, that's, uh... 365 00:22:37,320 --> 00:22:38,230 That's it. 366 00:22:38,240 --> 00:22:39,730 Appreciate it. 367 00:22:41,920 --> 00:22:43,010 Well? 368 00:22:43,020 --> 00:22:44,150 We gonna make it 369 00:22:44,160 --> 00:22:45,240 We should have 370 00:22:45,250 --> 00:22:46,690 Just enough dark to make it out. 371 00:22:47,290 --> 00:22:48,530 With everyone? 372 00:22:50,700 --> 00:22:52,170 You with Whistler? 373 00:22:53,770 --> 00:22:54,590 Yes. 374 00:22:54,600 --> 00:22:57,520 Susan has got a message. 375 00:22:59,070 --> 00:23:01,300 Why? put him on. 376 00:23:04,380 --> 00:23:05,730 It's for you. 377 00:23:11,000 --> 00:23:11,770 Yes? 378 00:23:11,780 --> 00:23:13,260 All right, I got him. what now? 379 00:23:13,270 --> 00:23:14,630 Tell him I want him to listen 380 00:23:14,640 --> 00:23:17,410 Very carefully to the following instructions. 381 00:23:17,420 --> 00:23:19,340 She wants you to listen real care... 382 00:23:19,350 --> 00:23:20,070 I can hear. 383 00:23:20,080 --> 00:23:21,470 Instructions about what? 384 00:23:21,480 --> 00:23:22,670 James? 385 00:23:22,720 --> 00:23:25,190 Was that Sofia? is she there? 386 00:23:25,330 --> 00:23:26,520 Yeah. 387 00:23:26,660 --> 00:23:28,030 What's going on? 388 00:23:28,060 --> 00:23:29,580 He wants to know what this is about. 389 00:23:29,590 --> 00:23:30,630 All right. 390 00:23:30,640 --> 00:23:32,050 I'll tell him. 391 00:23:32,890 --> 00:23:34,100 No! 392 00:23:35,690 --> 00:23:39,730 Was... was that just... 393 00:23:39,740 --> 00:23:41,110 Is that Sofia? 394 00:23:41,200 --> 00:23:42,780 Is that Sofia?! 395 00:23:46,690 --> 00:23:47,850 Have you figured out 396 00:23:47,860 --> 00:23:49,310 The coordinates yet, James? 397 00:23:51,870 --> 00:23:53,360 Please. 398 00:23:53,370 --> 00:23:54,560 Almost. 399 00:23:54,570 --> 00:23:55,340 Wrong answer. 400 00:23:55,350 --> 00:23:56,670 No! 401 00:23:57,140 --> 00:23:58,570 I'll get them for you when we get out 402 00:23:58,580 --> 00:24:00,010 Of here, I swear. 403 00:24:00,020 --> 00:24:02,410 All your promises, your guarantees-- 404 00:24:02,590 --> 00:24:04,360 They mean nothing. 405 00:24:04,370 --> 00:24:06,220 I'm pretty sick of waiting around for you boys 406 00:24:06,230 --> 00:24:07,920 To screw me over. 407 00:24:08,360 --> 00:24:10,860 I want those coordinates by the end of the day. 408 00:24:35,020 --> 00:24:36,290 Gotta do something. 409 00:24:36,460 --> 00:24:38,040 Gotta do something. 410 00:24:40,320 --> 00:24:44,180 We both know that you can't just hand over that information. 411 00:24:44,250 --> 00:24:46,230 Why? why can't i? 412 00:24:46,240 --> 00:24:47,510 Once they get what they want, 413 00:24:47,520 --> 00:24:49,700 They'll have no reason to keep you 414 00:24:49,750 --> 00:24:52,360 Or your girlfriend or my nephew alive. 415 00:24:52,370 --> 00:24:53,900 So what do I do? 416 00:24:55,230 --> 00:24:56,630 I, I just, 417 00:24:56,640 --> 00:24:58,630 I just let them torture Sofia? 418 00:24:58,640 --> 00:25:00,410 We'll work something out. 419 00:25:02,100 --> 00:25:03,800 We'll think it through. 420 00:25:03,840 --> 00:25:05,380 I already have. 421 00:25:13,300 --> 00:25:14,710 Whistler... 422 00:25:15,840 --> 00:25:16,760 Whistler. what is 423 00:25:16,770 --> 00:25:19,420 So special about him anyway, huh? 424 00:25:22,680 --> 00:25:25,070 You think he has anything to do with why them people 425 00:25:25,080 --> 00:25:26,820 Wanted Scofield down here in the first place? 426 00:25:26,830 --> 00:25:28,580 It's really none of my business. 427 00:25:28,590 --> 00:25:30,400 What exactly is your business, Alex? 428 00:25:30,410 --> 00:25:31,980 Something on your mind? 429 00:25:33,500 --> 00:25:35,220 I'm just saying... 430 00:25:35,230 --> 00:25:36,620 If we needed a bargaining chip, 431 00:25:36,630 --> 00:25:38,340 Do you think... 432 00:25:39,080 --> 00:25:41,950 A sharp stick in that dull limey would help us out? 433 00:25:41,960 --> 00:25:43,580 There is no "us." 434 00:25:43,590 --> 00:25:44,390 You and me are a lot more 435 00:25:44,400 --> 00:25:46,000 Alike than you think, Alex. 436 00:25:47,880 --> 00:25:49,080 We both know how it feels 437 00:25:49,090 --> 00:25:50,680 To lose a great love. 438 00:25:51,820 --> 00:25:53,740 How it feels to kill a man. 439 00:25:54,360 --> 00:25:57,010 And we both ended up in here because of Michael Scofield. 440 00:25:57,380 --> 00:25:59,860 Wouldn't it be poetic justice if we could just... 441 00:26:00,550 --> 00:26:01,950 Return the favor? 442 00:26:02,140 --> 00:26:03,830 Justice, huh? 443 00:26:06,000 --> 00:26:08,610 If there was an ounce of it left in this world... 444 00:26:11,400 --> 00:26:14,440 You'd be lying face down in the same unmarked grave 445 00:26:14,450 --> 00:26:17,020 As the restof our inbred family. 446 00:26:21,450 --> 00:26:24,730 The only difference between me and you, Alex, is a badge, 447 00:26:24,740 --> 00:26:26,870 And the last time I checked, you didn't even have that, 448 00:26:26,880 --> 00:26:29,500 So you can just keep on hoping for your happy endings, Alex, 449 00:26:29,510 --> 00:26:31,780 You just keep on plowing ahead with them blinders on, 450 00:26:31,790 --> 00:26:34,230 You know, but the thing abouthem blinders is... 451 00:26:35,630 --> 00:26:38,880 It makes it really hard to watch your back. 452 00:26:46,980 --> 00:26:48,920 It's gonna be better soon, I promise. 453 00:26:50,250 --> 00:26:52,310 He's right, you know. if James loves you 454 00:26:52,320 --> 00:26:54,890 The way he says he does, he'll give us what we want, 455 00:26:55,030 --> 00:26:56,400 And then you and your white knight 456 00:26:56,410 --> 00:26:57,970 Can ride off into the sunset. 457 00:26:59,980 --> 00:27:01,670 Unless you're already with him. 458 00:27:04,480 --> 00:27:05,880 You scared, Susan? 459 00:27:06,530 --> 00:27:08,110 Do I look scared, Lincoln? 460 00:27:08,520 --> 00:27:10,100 To pull something like this... 461 00:27:11,860 --> 00:27:12,800 You desperate? 462 00:27:12,810 --> 00:27:14,450 You need to stop fighting with me. 463 00:27:14,610 --> 00:27:15,450 If you really understood 464 00:27:15,460 --> 00:27:16,740 What was going on, you would know that 465 00:27:16,750 --> 00:27:17,880 We're not the bad guys. 466 00:27:17,900 --> 00:27:18,970 Could've fooled me. 467 00:27:18,980 --> 00:27:20,020 Haven't you ever done 468 00:27:20,030 --> 00:27:21,460 The wrong things for the right reason? 469 00:27:21,470 --> 00:27:23,070 What are the right reasons, Susan? 470 00:27:23,540 --> 00:27:26,010 What is it abo Whistler that's so important. 471 00:27:29,540 --> 00:27:30,890 I could tell you. 472 00:27:31,450 --> 00:27:32,970 But then I'd have to kill you. 473 00:27:34,900 --> 00:27:36,370 You're gonna do that anyway. 474 00:27:37,860 --> 00:27:39,450 Whistler gives us what we want, 475 00:27:39,890 --> 00:27:41,440 Maybe I won't have to. 476 00:27:47,720 --> 00:27:48,980 Linc called. 477 00:27:49,750 --> 00:27:51,070 They're on their way. 478 00:27:53,740 --> 00:27:55,030 I figured them out. 479 00:27:56,110 --> 00:27:57,400 The coordinates. 480 00:27:59,180 --> 00:28:00,720 I'm gonna hand them over. 481 00:28:01,470 --> 00:28:02,490 I thought you should know 482 00:28:02,500 --> 00:28:04,380 So you can take whatever precautions you can. 483 00:28:06,010 --> 00:28:07,320 What if, uh... 484 00:28:07,510 --> 00:28:09,460 What if you give them the wrong coordinates. 485 00:28:10,120 --> 00:28:11,600 It might buy us some more time. 486 00:28:11,680 --> 00:28:13,650 Maybe Linc can get Sofia to safety. 487 00:28:13,660 --> 00:28:15,140 Like he did with Sara? 488 00:28:18,800 --> 00:28:20,080 I'm sorry. i... 489 00:28:21,580 --> 00:28:22,970 I didn't mean to. 490 00:28:22,980 --> 00:28:24,310 I, uh... 491 00:28:25,620 --> 00:28:27,250 I just don't know what else to do. 492 00:28:28,740 --> 00:28:30,020 I'm damned if I do. 493 00:28:30,090 --> 00:28:31,430 I'm damned if I don't. 494 00:28:32,080 --> 00:28:33,200 There's way to win. 495 00:28:33,210 --> 00:28:34,380 It's not about winning anymore. 496 00:28:34,390 --> 00:28:35,680 It's about surviving-- 497 00:28:35,690 --> 00:28:36,600 Which is not the same 498 00:28:36,610 --> 00:28:37,560 As giving up. 499 00:28:37,570 --> 00:28:39,220 But you can go gracefully. 500 00:28:40,760 --> 00:28:41,830 There's honor. 501 00:28:41,910 --> 00:28:43,470 Protecting the ones you love. 502 00:28:43,690 --> 00:28:46,400 Honor's a luxury men like us can't afford. 503 00:28:48,300 --> 00:28:50,890 Can you promise me we' llmake it out of here tonight? 504 00:28:51,180 --> 00:28:52,250 No games. 505 00:28:53,020 --> 00:28:54,910 Can you honestly promise me? 506 00:28:55,000 --> 00:28:57,290 I can promise you I'll do everything in my power. 507 00:28:59,420 --> 00:29:00,930 I wish that were good enough. 508 00:29:01,270 --> 00:29:02,600 If you do this... 509 00:29:02,760 --> 00:29:04,530 If you give them what they want... 510 00:29:05,540 --> 00:29:07,090 Everything that's been lost 511 00:31:21,800 --> 00:31:24,490 He's gonna give it to them. 512 00:31:24,500 --> 00:31:26,320 Relax. I'll see you in a minute. 513 00:31:26,330 --> 00:31:27,660 What are you talking about? 514 00:31:36,800 --> 00:31:37,410 I suppose 515 00:31:37,420 --> 00:31:39,420 Introductions are unnecessary at this point. 516 00:31:39,430 --> 00:31:40,960 What are we doing here, Gretchen? 517 00:31:40,970 --> 00:31:42,310 We're here to say good-bye. 518 00:31:42,570 --> 00:31:44,030 I promise you, sweetheart, 519 00:31:44,450 --> 00:31:46,040 They're not going to hurt you anymore. 520 00:31:46,150 --> 00:31:48,190 Do you have the coordinates, James? 521 00:31:49,000 --> 00:31:50,790 Yes. I'm sorry. 522 00:31:51,590 --> 00:31:52,540 I tried to run away... 523 00:31:52,550 --> 00:31:53,780 This is not your fault. 524 00:31:54,840 --> 00:31:55,900 It's mine. 525 00:31:57,730 --> 00:31:58,500 When took this job, 526 00:31:58,510 --> 00:32:00,150 I knew they weren't good people. 527 00:32:01,590 --> 00:32:03,430 I just didn't know how bad they were. 528 00:32:05,550 --> 00:32:06,940 And everything that's happened... 529 00:32:12,030 --> 00:32:13,400 It's all because of me. 530 00:32:14,840 --> 00:32:16,660 And for that I'm truly sorry. 531 00:32:17,580 --> 00:32:18,950 The coordinates. 532 00:32:20,230 --> 00:32:21,590 Just pass them through. 533 00:32:31,150 --> 00:32:32,760 What the hell are you doing? 534 00:32:33,100 --> 00:32:34,880 I'm buying some goodwill. 535 00:32:35,710 --> 00:32:37,410 You're buying her funeral. 536 00:32:37,780 --> 00:32:38,300 You know I have 537 00:32:38,310 --> 00:32:39,530 What you need. 538 00:32:43,960 --> 00:32:45,030 But only after I know 539 00:32:45,040 --> 00:32:48,300 That Sofia, that lj, 540 00:32:49,040 --> 00:32:50,700 And that these men here... 541 00:32:53,100 --> 00:32:54,460 ...they're all safe. 542 00:32:56,830 --> 00:32:58,610 Do you understand me? 543 00:32:58,970 --> 00:33:00,120 James... 544 00:33:01,160 --> 00:33:02,750 Everything's gonna be all right. 545 00:33:04,070 --> 00:33:05,210 I'm impressed. 546 00:33:05,730 --> 00:33:08,630 It seems our fisherman grew himself a set of oysters. 547 00:33:09,280 --> 00:33:10,830 Can you really trust these men 548 00:33:10,840 --> 00:33:12,280 With her life? 549 00:33:15,190 --> 00:33:16,260 Yeah. 550 00:33:16,950 --> 00:33:18,350 Yeah, I believe I can. 551 00:33:19,040 --> 00:33:20,390 All right, James. 552 00:33:21,650 --> 00:33:23,070 But there's been some confusion 553 00:33:23,080 --> 00:33:26,230 About the timing of things-- last-minute changes, 554 00:33:26,240 --> 00:33:27,560 Etcetera. 555 00:33:27,740 --> 00:33:29,700 I'm gonna make this clear for everyone involved. 556 00:33:30,410 --> 00:33:32,350 If time runs out and I don't have 557 00:33:32,360 --> 00:33:34,280 The second half of those coordinates, 558 00:33:34,720 --> 00:33:36,090 Lj and the senorita 559 00:33:36,100 --> 00:33:37,430 Stop breathing. 560 00:33:42,450 --> 00:33:43,820 Say good-bye, sweetheart. 561 00:33:43,830 --> 00:33:45,430 Lincoln! Linc... 562 00:33:45,440 --> 00:33:47,040 Don't be stupid, Lincoln. 563 00:33:55,890 --> 00:33:57,200 I've helped you. 564 00:33:59,720 --> 00:34:01,060 Now you help me. 565 00:34:03,970 --> 00:34:05,080 Please. 566 00:34:20,560 --> 00:34:22,380 You sure about t timing on the backup generator? 567 00:34:22,390 --> 00:34:23,910 Yeah. all we got to do now 568 00:34:23,920 --> 00:34:25,880 Is cut the power to the exterior lights. 569 00:34:26,290 --> 00:34:27,290 How are you gonna do that? 570 00:34:27,300 --> 00:34:29,950 I'm not-- it can't be accessed from the inside. 571 00:34:32,710 --> 00:34:33,910 How much time have I got? 572 00:34:33,920 --> 00:34:36,480 Let's say, uh, 5:15 tomorrow morning. 573 00:34:36,680 --> 00:34:37,910 That should give us enough time 574 00:34:37,920 --> 00:34:39,760 To dig out the tunnel before the sun comes up. 575 00:34:39,770 --> 00:34:41,860 All right. what about Whistler? what about him? 576 00:34:41,870 --> 00:34:43,430 Well, he manned up-- he could've handed over 577 00:34:43,440 --> 00:34:44,690 The information, but he didn't. 578 00:34:44,700 --> 00:34:46,170 Still concerned about handing him over? 579 00:34:46,180 --> 00:34:48,960 I've got my concerns about pretty much everybody, Linc. 580 00:34:49,240 --> 00:34:50,140 You know what I mean? 581 00:34:50,150 --> 00:34:51,140 Yeah. 582 00:34:52,480 --> 00:34:53,930 Mostly, I'm just tired. 583 00:34:54,810 --> 00:34:56,300 Tired of choices... 584 00:34:57,870 --> 00:34:59,250 Consequences. 585 00:34:59,920 --> 00:35:02,380 I just want this to be over... tonight. 586 00:35:04,080 --> 00:35:05,120 Let's do it. 587 00:35:23,330 --> 00:35:24,470 When you're on the run, 588 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:27,780 You're always looking over your shoulder, 589 00:35:28,520 --> 00:35:30,240 Listinenfor the sirens, 590 00:35:31,040 --> 00:35:31,880 Wondering if that 591 00:35:31,890 --> 00:35:34,360 Pretty girl across the street is staring at you 592 00:35:34,370 --> 00:35:35,660 Because she wants you, 593 00:35:35,670 --> 00:35:38,500 Or... because you're wanted. 594 00:35:41,880 --> 00:35:43,360 You change your name, 595 00:35:43,640 --> 00:35:44,800 The way you look... 596 00:35:46,250 --> 00:35:48,220 And leave everything you ever knew behind. 597 00:35:48,400 --> 00:35:49,920 And the ones you love, 598 00:35:50,680 --> 00:35:52,440 They're the ones who have to pay. 599 00:35:54,650 --> 00:35:56,520 That's what's waiting for you on the outside. 600 00:35:56,530 --> 00:35:58,360 That's why I couldn't bring you on. 601 00:35:59,430 --> 00:36:02,010 Because nothing good can come of this. 602 00:36:04,560 --> 00:36:06,850 Can anything good come from staying in? 603 00:36:09,790 --> 00:36:11,300 It has to be your decision. 604 00:36:11,310 --> 00:36:12,420 I... 605 00:36:12,980 --> 00:36:15,320 I cannot be responsible for you. 606 00:36:17,400 --> 00:36:18,670 You won't have to be. 607 00:36:22,580 --> 00:36:25,330 Does your father still have that phone number I gave you? 608 00:36:27,650 --> 00:36:28,840 I think so. 609 00:36:29,460 --> 00:36:31,130 Well, tell him to call my brother 610 00:36:31,270 --> 00:36:33,490 If he wants to find out where to pick you up tomorrow. 611 00:36:37,060 --> 00:36:38,080 Does that mean... 612 00:36:39,610 --> 00:36:42,130 It means if a million things fall into place... 613 00:36:43,560 --> 00:36:45,130 I'm gonna see my father tomorrow. 614 00:36:47,260 --> 00:36:49,710 Don't let anyone see you with that phone. 615 00:37:01,140 --> 00:37:02,190 I think we did it, Michael. 616 00:37:02,200 --> 00:37:03,410 I believe we're ready. 617 00:37:03,420 --> 00:37:05,510 She's a little wet, but she's ready. 618 00:37:05,520 --> 00:37:06,680 Makes me think of the first thing 619 00:37:06,690 --> 00:37:08,340 I'll do when we're gonna get out. 620 00:37:08,390 --> 00:37:11,590 Just, does anybody know what's spanish for "don't shoot"? 621 00:37:12,360 --> 00:37:13,480 No dispare. 622 00:37:13,490 --> 00:37:14,550 No dis what? 623 00:37:14,560 --> 00:37:16,060 Just relax. nobody's gonna get shot. 624 00:37:16,070 --> 00:37:17,110 Just don't panic. 625 00:37:17,120 --> 00:37:19,380 As soon as Linc cuts the power, we go. 626 00:37:19,600 --> 00:37:20,880 What about the jeep patrol? 627 00:37:20,890 --> 00:37:21,910 Taken care of. 628 00:37:21,920 --> 00:37:23,620 What about the backup generator? 629 00:37:24,160 --> 00:37:25,160 Backup generator? 630 00:37:25,170 --> 00:37:26,130 Nobody said anything about... 631 00:37:26,140 --> 00:37:27,780 There's a lag from when the power 632 00:37:27,790 --> 00:37:29,700 Cuts out to when the nerator kicks back in. 633 00:37:29,710 --> 00:37:31,530 Well, how long a lag are we talking about here? 634 00:37:31,540 --> 00:37:32,680 30 seconds. 635 00:37:34,510 --> 00:37:36,990 You expect us to run in 30 seconds? 636 00:37:37,210 --> 00:37:39,130 As soon as the lights go out, I'm gone. 637 00:37:40,530 --> 00:37:41,880 With or without you. 638 00:39:13,420 --> 00:39:14,710 Now. 639 00:39:16,930 --> 00:39:18,030 Let's go. 640 00:39:23,110 --> 00:39:24,740 Off the bus! now! 641 00:39:40,820 --> 00:39:42,930 As soon as the lights go out, we got to be ready to move. 642 00:39:43,740 --> 00:39:45,720 You want to tell us what the hell the taquito's doing down here? 643 00:39:45,730 --> 00:39:47,740 He's coming with us. I don't think so. 644 00:39:47,750 --> 00:39:49,200 That's not up to you. 645 00:39:53,150 --> 00:39:54,450 Oh, you got to be kidding me. 646 00:39:54,460 --> 00:39:56,990 See, we made up our own decision here. 647 00:39:57,220 --> 00:39:58,340 Well, with the time frame 648 00:39:58,350 --> 00:39:59,950 Being so short and all, 649 00:39:59,960 --> 00:40:02,510 We'd feel a whole lot better about things if we go first. 650 00:40:02,520 --> 00:40:03,780 What are you gonna do, kill me? 651 00:40:03,790 --> 00:40:06,570 No, no. see, if we ain't first, 652 00:40:06,580 --> 00:40:07,940 He's not going at all! all right. 653 00:40:07,950 --> 00:40:09,480 All right! just... 654 00:40:32,480 --> 00:40:33,600 All right. 655 00:40:34,100 --> 00:40:35,780 All right, go. just go. 656 00:40:36,790 --> 00:40:37,980 Just go. 657 00:40:48,030 --> 00:40:49,560 Every man for himself, right? 658 00:41:05,860 --> 00:41:07,620 You want to move up in line, too? 659 00:41:09,620 --> 00:41:11,570 No, I think I'm gonna stay back he. 660 00:41:13,120 --> 00:41:15,100 I just don't want to turn my back on anybody. 661 00:42:43,710 --> 00:42:45,050 30 seconds. 662 00:42:45,510 --> 00:42:46,580 Go. 663 00:00:04,390 --> 00:00:06,100 Previously on Prison Break 664 00:00:06,110 --> 00:00:07,810 Brace gonna be tricky 665 00:00:07,820 --> 00:00:11,550 Must get the tunnel properly supported or it will come down to our heads. 666 00:00:13,540 --> 00:00:16,150 Susan will call you for information 667 00:00:16,260 --> 00:00:18,710 Make sure sure she picked you up, and get in the car , all right? 668 00:00:19,460 --> 00:00:20,930 Eager to call you up 669 00:00:20,940 --> 00:00:23,160 Just thought what you want to know 670 00:00:23,690 --> 00:00:26,650 If you really leaving, 671 00:00:26,880 --> 00:00:29,880 Take me with you, please. I dont want to be here anymore. 672 00:00:30,220 --> 00:00:32,240 You dont want to get inpart with this. 673 00:00:35,450 --> 00:00:38,020 There is a part of me that I dont believe he doesnt work with them. 674 00:00:38,030 --> 00:00:39,500 Cause he is the man I love. 675 00:00:39,510 --> 00:00:41,960 The man is going to take me to my first trip to Paris. 676 00:00:41,970 --> 00:00:44,300 If he doesnt take you, I will. 677 00:00:48,020 --> 00:00:52,220 Impressive blanco, enjoy it 678 00:00:57,020 --> 00:00:59,010 Now we can settle this back 679 00:01:03,220 --> 00:01:05,590 All right, we got 24 hours to dig that tunnel 680 00:01:05,600 --> 00:01:07,930 You mean you want to take our guys three days to dig it first time 681 00:01:07,940 --> 00:01:09,140 Let's just say by some America 682 00:01:09,150 --> 00:01:12,830 We are able to park the dirt,then what? 683 00:01:13,360 --> 00:01:15,180 Have plans to get rid of guards tower? 684 00:01:15,190 --> 00:01:17,760 Michael Mr. Whistler here says 685 00:01:18,200 --> 00:01:20,210 You know you got stop less time by clock 686 00:01:20,220 --> 00:01:21,870 I am still working on that 687 00:01:23,800 --> 00:01:26,910 I like to know this girl could put up with spend any more time and buy us some drinks 688 00:01:26,920 --> 00:01:30,140 I agreed Michael. You know we are all out of energy 689 00:01:30,150 --> 00:01:31,500 I just say there is no better. 690 00:01:31,510 --> 00:01:33,370 I dont give nos what 691 00:01:33,920 --> 00:01:36,800 How could we get out of this hell everyone gonna fall apart 692 00:01:45,460 --> 00:01:46,780 You come? 693 00:01:47,140 --> 00:01:48,870 Not today. 694 00:01:49,240 --> 00:01:52,250 James and I got a lot things to clean up 695 00:01:52,600 --> 00:01:55,010 But I dont trying to do with 696 00:01:56,350 --> 00:01:58,670 You ever wish that you could back time? 697 00:01:58,790 --> 00:02:01,950 Just remember how I was things make sense 698 00:02:02,980 --> 00:02:05,160 Everyday for last three years. 699 00:02:21,220 --> 00:02:22,860 Is that Whistler's girlfriend? 700 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:25,460 Why she's staying in the car? 701 00:02:25,470 --> 00:02:26,990 Cause she think she will see you tomorrow. 702 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:28,500 It's expecting we have time you getting on 703 00:02:28,510 --> 00:02:28,850 And? 704 00:02:28,860 --> 00:02:31,380 You sure that was? 705 00:02:31,390 --> 00:02:32,440 Where are we? 706 00:02:32,500 --> 00:02:36,570 Behind schedule, we should be on the same side by tomorrow afternoon. 707 00:02:36,580 --> 00:02:37,630 What do you mean should? 708 00:02:37,640 --> 00:02:39,500 The tunnel get us into no mans land, 709 00:02:39,510 --> 00:02:43,910 but it get the fence, we're going need new diversion for the tower guards. 710 00:02:44,330 --> 00:02:45,470 What time? 711 00:04:55,540 --> 00:04:57,100 Drop what? 712 00:09:46,400 --> 00:09:47,530 That depends 713 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:49,030 Ok, let's unload it here. 714 00:15:51,280 --> 00:15:54,320 Make the animals walk through the filth 715 00:15:57,920 --> 00:15:59,390 Come here. 716 00:15:59,640 --> 00:16:01,120 Let's go. 717 00:16:14,330 --> 00:16:17,110 Good. Good! Keep going! 718 00:16:20,480 --> 00:16:22,050 We're good. 719 00:16:22,510 --> 00:16:24,200 We are all right. 720 00:17:10,950 --> 00:17:13,200 Sorry. What's up? 721 00:17:13,210 --> 00:17:14,620 It's payday. 722 00:17:14,630 --> 00:17:15,730 You're first 723 00:17:15,740 --> 00:17:17,520 You need to pick up your check. 724 00:17:17,530 --> 00:17:19,990 Ah si si glacia 725 00:17:21,740 --> 00:17:23,200 See you later. 726 00:24:11,490 --> 00:24:12,830 No! 727 00:24:32,520 --> 00:24:34,060 Gotta figure it out. 728 00:29:22,870 --> 00:29:23,880 what's up? 729 00:29:24,160 --> 00:29:24,790 take it easy 730 00:29:24,800 --> 00:29:25,700 okay 731 00:29:25,710 --> 00:29:27,120 no problem 732 00:29:37,220 --> 00:29:40,750 yes,i'd like to speak to Officer Monjares,please 733 00:29:45,260 --> 00:29:47,960 hey Arturo - phone for you 734 00:30:19,270 --> 00:30:20,550 can I talk to you for a minutes 735 00:30:21,660 --> 00:30:23,350 I'm kind of hurry 736 00:30:23,360 --> 00:30:25,630 I got some place to be 737 00:30:25,640 --> 00:30:27,740 where's that 738 00:30:30,230 --> 00:30:32,280 Friends of mine are moving tonight 739 00:30:32,290 --> 00:30:33,720 and they need my help 740 00:30:33,730 --> 00:30:36,150 tell them you're gonna be late 741 00:30:37,990 --> 00:30:39,380 Let's go 742 00:30:39,850 --> 00:30:41,110 walk 743 00:30:51,420 --> 00:30:53,280 Whistler,you have a visitor 744 00:30:54,450 --> 00:30:56,470 whisler,you have a visitor 745 00:31:28,580 --> 00:31:30,260 Michael Scofield,you have a visitor 746 00:31:31,110 --> 00:31:33,410 Michael Scofield,you have a visitor 747 00:32:40,460 --> 00:32:42,300 and then I'll give you the rest 748 00:34:07,470 --> 00:34:09,390 Just get us out of here. 749 00:38:29,510 --> 00:38:31,400 Please, my friends. 750 00:38:31,410 --> 00:38:33,560 They're expecting me and-- 751 00:38:33,690 --> 00:38:36,330 I have some bad news, Jorge 752 00:38:41,820 --> 00:38:43,850 We won't be able to pay you today. 753 00:38:45,670 --> 00:38:48,420 That's fine. I-I can wait until-- 754 00:38:48,430 --> 00:38:51,750 When we ran your identification through processing... 755 00:38:52,520 --> 00:38:54,750 we found a slight problem 756 00:38:55,090 --> 00:38:56,680 What...kind of a problem? 757 00:39:00,640 --> 00:39:03,500 You have warrant out for your arrest. 758 00:39:24,910 --> 00:39:26,500 Get off the bus! 759 00:39:49,760 --> 00:39:52,250 I should I think. 760 00:40:14,030 --> 00:40:16,750 Look, I think I can explain all this. 761 00:40:16,760 --> 00:40:18,960 If I could just get some paperwork from my car 762 00:40:18,970 --> 00:40:21,210 You're not going anywhere. 763 00:40:23,440 --> 00:40:25,150 Understand?