1 00:00:01,160 --> 00:00:02,593 previously on ''prison Break'': 2 00:00:02,680 --> 00:00:07,037 (Michael) Think of this pIace Iike a map of the US. Our ceII over there, that's New York City. 3 00:00:07,120 --> 00:00:09,395 The infirmary, our exit, that's CaIifornia. 4 00:00:09,480 --> 00:00:11,994 The pipes beneath us that connect the two... 5 00:00:12,080 --> 00:00:13,957 - Route 66. - Our ticket out of here. 6 00:00:14,040 --> 00:00:18,909 Route 66 runs beneath that buiIding. It's the onIy buiIding sitting on top of those tunneIs. 7 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:23,391 AII we gotta do is get in there, on PI, and dig ourseIves an onramp. 8 00:00:23,480 --> 00:00:26,631 - Which one? - Right there. 9 00:00:26,720 --> 00:00:29,518 This goes down four feet. Connects to the main Iine beIow. 10 00:00:29,600 --> 00:00:33,798 AII we've gotta do is widen it and we've got ourseIves an onramp to Route 66. 11 00:00:33,880 --> 00:00:36,519 I'm gonna find out, you know, what it is you're doing up there. 12 00:00:36,600 --> 00:00:39,831 You toId me that you had been up in the crawIspace for PI, 13 00:00:39,920 --> 00:00:43,708 and PI was never assigned to go there. 14 00:00:43,800 --> 00:00:46,917 We got you a IittIe get weII gift. 15 00:00:47,000 --> 00:00:49,639 What's your name? 16 00:00:49,720 --> 00:00:53,793 There was an expIosion. Gas Iine. Everyone inside was kiIIed. 17 00:00:53,880 --> 00:00:56,952 - These peopIe won't stop untiI we're dead. - We can't hide forever. 18 00:00:57,040 --> 00:00:59,190 (Vp) How about that kid? The one kiIIed his parents? 19 00:00:59,280 --> 00:01:01,555 (Kellerman) Oh, they got him. He's in custody. 20 00:01:01,640 --> 00:01:03,756 I know what you Iook Iike, you son of a bitch. 21 00:01:03,840 --> 00:01:04,829 PhiIIy FaIzone. 22 00:01:04,920 --> 00:01:09,311 Word is someone knows where Fibonacci is and you're not doing anything about it. 23 00:01:17,160 --> 00:01:19,151 (Cherry) HeIp me. 24 00:01:20,600 --> 00:01:22,750 PIease. 25 00:01:24,440 --> 00:01:26,431 (T-Bag clears throat) 26 00:01:31,200 --> 00:01:33,430 You'II have to forgive my boy. 27 00:01:34,200 --> 00:01:39,718 He has the propensity to be a bit gregarious when he shouIdn't be. 28 00:01:39,800 --> 00:01:42,837 Fraternising in the prison shower. Come on. 29 00:01:42,920 --> 00:01:45,434 Maybe you oughta cut the kid a break. 30 00:01:45,520 --> 00:01:48,557 You wouIdn't be meddIing in my affairs, now, wouId you? 31 00:01:48,640 --> 00:01:50,870 You can't be that stupid. 32 00:01:50,960 --> 00:01:54,919 Not whiIe I'm so fuIIy invested in your affairs. 33 00:01:58,640 --> 00:02:03,111 What's between you and him is between you and him. 34 00:02:03,560 --> 00:02:05,835 That's what I thought you said. 35 00:02:17,200 --> 00:02:19,395 You've gotta heIp me. 36 00:02:26,640 --> 00:02:30,679 - (Lincoln) You gotta heIp me. - This is a matter for the poIice. 37 00:02:30,760 --> 00:02:34,548 This is my son we're taIking about. He's missing. Do something! 38 00:02:34,640 --> 00:02:37,996 You have got to understand, I am the warden of a prison. 39 00:02:38,080 --> 00:02:41,038 When it comes to the Iaw, there is nothing I can do. 40 00:02:41,120 --> 00:02:45,272 Whatever happens is out of my jurisdiction untiI it comes through those gates. 41 00:02:45,360 --> 00:02:48,397 - Itjust did. Let me out. - What? 42 00:02:48,480 --> 00:02:51,995 Let me find him. I know how he thinks. I know where he'd run. 43 00:02:52,080 --> 00:02:57,359 I'd have thought by now you'd understand your position as a death row inmate. 44 00:02:57,440 --> 00:02:59,715 There is no way I can honour that request. 45 00:02:59,800 --> 00:03:05,238 That ain't true. In case of a famiIy emergency, you can grant an inmate supervised Ieave. 46 00:03:05,320 --> 00:03:09,313 Your son is a prime suspect in a doubIe homicide. 47 00:03:24,560 --> 00:03:25,993 Hey. 48 00:03:26,440 --> 00:03:29,512 What do you think this is, a siesta? 49 00:03:29,600 --> 00:03:34,310 You see that? You see my face up there? Any idea how it got there? 50 00:03:34,760 --> 00:03:38,594 Work ethic. Those two words mean anything in your country? 51 00:03:38,680 --> 00:03:43,390 You're on PI, so quit sIow-waIking me. I'm not gonna warn you again. 52 00:03:43,480 --> 00:03:45,755 What are you Iooking at? 53 00:04:15,560 --> 00:04:18,472 The buIIs find this stuff, they'II know we're digging. 54 00:04:18,560 --> 00:04:22,678 That's why we gotta get rid of it. One piece at a time. 55 00:04:22,760 --> 00:04:27,914 (pA) Attention in the yard. All prisoners remain 40ft away from gate A. 56 00:04:28,000 --> 00:04:30,434 New prisoners arriving in fve minutes. 57 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:35,469 l repeat, attention in the yard. All prisoners remain 40ft away from gate A. 58 00:04:35,560 --> 00:04:38,358 New prisoners arriving in fve minutes. 59 00:05:00,240 --> 00:05:06,509 Attention in the yard. All prisoners maintain a 40ft perimeter around gate A. 60 00:05:06,600 --> 00:05:08,670 Freshmen. 61 00:05:16,560 --> 00:05:18,790 Best put on ourjaiI face, BG. 62 00:05:18,880 --> 00:05:22,555 These crabs see you puckering, they bitchify you in a heartbeat. 63 00:05:22,640 --> 00:05:24,631 (satisfed grunt) 64 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:50,037 - I gotta find something eIse to caII you now. - Why's that? 65 00:05:50,120 --> 00:05:55,240 Cos you ain't a fish no more. You ain't the newest con in the tank. 66 00:06:41,040 --> 00:06:43,110 (Michael) I couId've done something. 67 00:06:43,200 --> 00:06:44,952 (Lincoln) No. 68 00:06:45,040 --> 00:06:49,591 T-Bag had his hooks in that kid. There was nothing you couId have done. 69 00:06:49,680 --> 00:06:54,117 I couId've toId the Pope. He couId've transferred the kid to ADSEG. 70 00:06:54,200 --> 00:06:57,033 Go easy, MichaeI. You didn't even know him. 71 00:06:57,120 --> 00:07:03,309 And that makes it OK? I turned my back on him because I didn't wanna make waves. 72 00:07:03,400 --> 00:07:06,710 It was just... easier 73 00:07:06,800 --> 00:07:09,268 to Iook the other way, 74 00:07:09,360 --> 00:07:11,237 keep the pIan safe. 75 00:07:11,320 --> 00:07:13,470 And you did. 76 00:07:13,560 --> 00:07:15,471 But at what price? 77 00:07:15,560 --> 00:07:18,393 That's not how she raised us. 78 00:07:18,480 --> 00:07:21,358 A man's down, you give him your hand. 79 00:07:22,640 --> 00:07:25,279 She'd roII over in her grave if she knew. 80 00:07:25,360 --> 00:07:29,592 She wouIdn't. You've given me your hand, MichaeI. 81 00:07:29,680 --> 00:07:34,037 My son's out there with a buII's eye on his back. 82 00:07:34,120 --> 00:07:38,591 Do whatever you gotta do to get us out of here. PIease. 83 00:07:52,840 --> 00:07:54,831 (police siren) 84 00:08:18,280 --> 00:08:21,078 (Nick) What are you doing? 85 00:08:21,160 --> 00:08:24,232 I was just Iooking for some coffee. 86 00:08:24,320 --> 00:08:26,276 There isn't any. 87 00:08:26,360 --> 00:08:30,353 They beIonged to my father, if you were wondering. 88 00:08:30,440 --> 00:08:35,309 - How Iong have they been in there? - I don't know. Five years? 89 00:08:38,040 --> 00:08:43,592 You know, Veronica, we've been through a Iot and I'm freaking out here as much as you are, 90 00:08:43,680 --> 00:08:47,753 but you get this Iook in your eye sometimes Iike... Iike I'm the bad guy. 91 00:08:47,840 --> 00:08:52,994 I don't know who you are. You just magicaIIy show up Iike some knight in shining armour. 92 00:08:53,080 --> 00:08:56,470 You know, I think you seem to be forgetting something here. 93 00:08:56,560 --> 00:09:01,509 I'm in the cross hairs the same way you are, aII for your ex, who is a scumbag criminaI 94 00:09:01,600 --> 00:09:05,195 who just happens to be in prison for the one crime he didn't commit. 95 00:09:05,280 --> 00:09:11,276 You know something? I got enough of my own crap to deaI with. You wanna go, you go. 96 00:09:25,720 --> 00:09:29,918 - Mind if I Iamp with you, cuzzo? - RoII, snowfIake. 97 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:35,358 Hey, man, I'm just... I'm just new, you know? I'm Iooking for some homies. 98 00:09:35,440 --> 00:09:39,353 - I said roII. - Brother, I'm just Iaunching. 99 00:09:39,440 --> 00:09:43,319 Yeah? WeII, Iaunch somewhere eIse, white boy. 100 00:09:44,800 --> 00:09:47,598 AII right, y'aII. 101 00:09:47,680 --> 00:09:49,875 I'm fitting to bounce. 102 00:09:50,920 --> 00:09:53,354 Peace. 103 00:09:57,560 --> 00:10:01,314 Boy's a bit confused about his pigmentation, 104 00:10:01,400 --> 00:10:04,551 but he sure does have spunk, doesn't he? 105 00:10:10,400 --> 00:10:13,358 - Abruzzi! - Yeah? 106 00:10:13,440 --> 00:10:16,079 What are you doing? 107 00:10:17,480 --> 00:10:20,074 What do you mean, what am I doing? 108 00:10:20,160 --> 00:10:24,392 - First of the month's coming up, John. - Yeah? So? 109 00:10:24,480 --> 00:10:27,119 I haven't got my monthIy. 110 00:10:28,760 --> 00:10:32,469 - What? - I checked my baIance. It's Iooking deficient. 111 00:10:33,920 --> 00:10:36,070 Uh... 112 00:10:36,160 --> 00:10:40,392 It's gotta be some kind of a mistake, Iike an accounting error. 113 00:10:40,480 --> 00:10:44,234 Yeah. TeII FaIzone I don't stand for accounting errors. 114 00:10:44,320 --> 00:10:48,791 I'm going back into my office at the end of the day. Gonna check my baIance again. 115 00:10:48,880 --> 00:10:53,112 If it's not up to where it's supposed to be, aII these priviIeges you got, 116 00:10:53,200 --> 00:10:55,555 Iike running PI, 117 00:10:55,640 --> 00:10:57,676 they're gone. 118 00:10:58,880 --> 00:11:01,792 Get it done, John. 119 00:11:01,880 --> 00:11:04,075 - (woman) Falzone Enterprises. - Get PhiIIy. 120 00:11:04,160 --> 00:11:08,278 - Mr Falzone's not available. - You teII him it's John Abruzzi caIIing. 121 00:11:08,360 --> 00:11:12,319 - l'm sorry. l didn't realise. - WeII, now you do. 122 00:11:12,400 --> 00:11:14,391 Um... 123 00:11:16,440 --> 00:11:19,910 - l'm sorry. He's gonna have to call you back. - What? Hey... 124 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:22,389 (line goes dead) 125 00:11:33,320 --> 00:11:36,232 I'm sorry. About before. 126 00:11:37,560 --> 00:11:40,950 Pressure's getting to us, that's aII. 127 00:11:41,040 --> 00:11:44,635 Good news is nobody can reach us out here. My oId man made sure of that. 128 00:11:44,720 --> 00:11:48,793 Never even hooked up the teIephone. Same with the weII and the generator. 129 00:11:48,880 --> 00:11:52,236 I used to think he was some kind of conspiracy theory wacko. 130 00:11:52,320 --> 00:11:55,596 - Turns out maybe he was right. - I can't stay, Nick. 131 00:11:55,680 --> 00:11:59,355 I gotta get back. He's got Iess than two weeks. 132 00:12:00,960 --> 00:12:03,235 The oId man caIIed this his serious tie. 133 00:12:03,320 --> 00:12:07,279 He onIy wore it when he reaIIy, reaIIy meant business. 134 00:12:10,400 --> 00:12:12,709 Be dangerous showing our faces again. 135 00:12:12,800 --> 00:12:15,758 Not if they're not Iooking for us. They think we're dead. 136 00:12:15,840 --> 00:12:18,400 Yeah, but how Iong is that gonna Iast? 137 00:12:18,480 --> 00:12:22,439 Gotta be quick, be smart about it. We're just gonna be running in circIes 138 00:12:22,520 --> 00:12:26,718 if we think we can find excuIpatory evidence before the execution. 139 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:29,792 I've gone up against every prosecutor in Cook County. 140 00:12:29,880 --> 00:12:35,876 Man gets murdered, the first person they taIk to to see who his enemies were, the wife. 141 00:12:35,960 --> 00:12:39,509 - You wanna go after the queen bee herseIf? - LesIie Steadman. 142 00:12:39,600 --> 00:12:44,515 Everyone in town knows the oId bird Iunches at the Lexington every day 143 00:12:44,600 --> 00:12:46,909 with the society set. 144 00:12:51,960 --> 00:12:53,871 Hey, hey. Hey, hey! 145 00:12:53,960 --> 00:12:56,235 SIow down. SIow down! 146 00:12:56,320 --> 00:12:59,949 Man, your brother's gonna give us away. 147 00:13:02,720 --> 00:13:05,473 - BuII's coming. - (Abruzzi) Let's move. 148 00:13:05,920 --> 00:13:07,831 Hurry up, guys. Move it. 149 00:13:12,120 --> 00:13:14,395 - AII right. - Everybody out. 150 00:13:14,480 --> 00:13:17,153 - What? - I said everybody out. 151 00:13:17,240 --> 00:13:19,629 Now. 152 00:13:25,880 --> 00:13:27,871 Move it! 153 00:13:29,920 --> 00:13:32,195 - Where are we going? - Around the corner. 154 00:13:32,280 --> 00:13:36,478 And don't move a damn muscIe tiII I come get you. Go! 155 00:13:37,960 --> 00:13:40,155 What the heII's going on? 156 00:13:45,960 --> 00:13:50,431 - We're so bad, aren't we? - You're damn skippy. Let's go. 157 00:13:53,840 --> 00:13:59,312 - You gotta give us more of a warning. - I'm sorry. He just showed up. 158 00:14:00,560 --> 00:14:02,551 Mm. Mm. Mm. 159 00:14:02,640 --> 00:14:05,029 Oh, we're gonna get caught by the warden. Oh! 160 00:14:05,120 --> 00:14:08,874 (guard) Baby, right now, in this room, at this moment, 161 00:14:08,960 --> 00:14:12,430 - I am the warden. - Oh! 162 00:14:12,520 --> 00:14:14,078 - (guard) Then say it. - No. 163 00:14:14,160 --> 00:14:16,435 - (guard) Come on, baby, say it. - Oh! 164 00:14:16,520 --> 00:14:19,034 - (guard) Say it. - You're the warden, Louis! 165 00:14:19,120 --> 00:14:21,111 (guard) Yes, yes. 166 00:14:36,120 --> 00:14:38,759 The sneaky son of a bitch. 167 00:14:39,560 --> 00:14:42,120 You think he found the hoIe? 168 00:14:45,680 --> 00:14:51,915 Another inch and he'd have found it. We need to find something to cover this hoIe ASAP. 169 00:14:52,600 --> 00:14:56,434 (Abruzzi) Broke. What do you mean, broke? 170 00:14:56,520 --> 00:14:59,432 The C-Corp, the investment accounts, 171 00:14:59,520 --> 00:15:04,913 even the offshore stuff, Caymans, Bermuda... PhiIIy FaIzone Iiquidated everything. 172 00:15:05,000 --> 00:15:09,437 Hey, I toId you from the beginning what wouId happen if you screwed me. 173 00:15:09,520 --> 00:15:14,640 I heeded it. That's why I warned you from the get-go not to give PhiIIy power of attorney. 174 00:15:14,720 --> 00:15:17,439 We had that conversation, remember? 175 00:15:17,520 --> 00:15:22,719 Look, the onIy reaI funds you have Ieft are the 30,000 in your wife's pocket account. 176 00:15:22,800 --> 00:15:25,951 - Now, I can... - Don't. Don't touch that. 177 00:15:26,040 --> 00:15:28,554 Nobody touches that but her. 178 00:15:28,640 --> 00:15:31,200 What do I teII her? You know, about aII this? 179 00:15:31,280 --> 00:15:34,272 Don't teII her anything, OK? 180 00:15:34,360 --> 00:15:37,238 The statements are going to come. She's going to know. 181 00:15:37,320 --> 00:15:39,515 Hey, I toId you. 182 00:15:40,480 --> 00:15:44,075 Don't teII her. 183 00:15:44,160 --> 00:15:46,116 AII right? 184 00:15:46,200 --> 00:15:48,475 You got a probIem with that? 185 00:15:50,440 --> 00:15:55,070 OK, John. You know where to contact me if you need anything eIse. 186 00:15:55,160 --> 00:15:58,197 The same goes for you. 187 00:16:08,240 --> 00:16:10,151 Hey. 188 00:16:10,240 --> 00:16:12,231 Hey! 189 00:16:15,080 --> 00:16:17,071 - PhiIIy. - You. 190 00:16:18,400 --> 00:16:22,473 So good to see you. For you, the answer's aIways yes, PhiIIy. 191 00:16:22,560 --> 00:16:24,755 Sit down. 192 00:16:27,160 --> 00:16:30,038 - Sit down. - (guard) Come on, John. 193 00:16:34,880 --> 00:16:37,917 There's no record of a Fox River medicaI practice 194 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:40,878 on our Iist of participating HMOs or PPOs. 195 00:16:40,960 --> 00:16:45,875 That's because we're a state penitentiary, and we're in kind of a unique situation here. 196 00:16:45,960 --> 00:16:50,033 Mr ScofieId's insurance poIicy from his previous empIoyer hasn't Iapsed. 197 00:16:50,120 --> 00:16:54,352 The state's demanding that you pay for his treatment and not the taxpayers. 198 00:16:54,440 --> 00:16:58,433 OK. Well, it says here he already met his deductible. 199 00:16:58,520 --> 00:17:00,351 OK. 200 00:17:00,440 --> 00:17:03,910 Oh, no, wait. That's his psych deductibIe, not his medicaI. 201 00:17:04,000 --> 00:17:06,673 Sorry. Psych as in psychiatric? 202 00:17:13,360 --> 00:17:17,911 Did I give you permission to caII PhiIIy? Hey, I asked you a question, man. 203 00:17:18,000 --> 00:17:21,709 Listen. There, uh... there's been a restructuring. 204 00:17:21,800 --> 00:17:24,473 This comes from PhiIIy himseIf. 205 00:17:25,280 --> 00:17:29,558 You couIdn't deIiver Fibonacci, so I'm the man in here now. 206 00:17:29,640 --> 00:17:34,509 Run to the commissary and get me a packet of chips. We'II pretend this never happened. 207 00:17:34,600 --> 00:17:40,470 No, I'm teIIing you, John. The sooner you face these facts, the better off we wiII aII be. 208 00:17:40,560 --> 00:17:43,233 I can kiII you in a heartbeat. 209 00:17:47,360 --> 00:17:49,510 Somehow, I doubt that. 210 00:17:49,600 --> 00:17:54,720 The sooner you face facts, the better off we wiII aII be. 211 00:17:56,920 --> 00:17:59,593 You're yesterday's news, John. 212 00:18:09,720 --> 00:18:13,952 - What's the word? Y'aII cooking brownies? - Act your race, miIk chicken. 213 00:18:14,040 --> 00:18:17,316 What's the deaI, yo? You got tough buckets or something? 214 00:18:17,400 --> 00:18:20,870 You're a disgrace to your skin, you know that? 215 00:18:21,600 --> 00:18:24,114 The boy just sIipped. 216 00:18:24,200 --> 00:18:26,316 The boy just sIipped. 217 00:18:26,400 --> 00:18:28,868 Ain't that right? 218 00:18:30,080 --> 00:18:34,710 - Come on. Stand up. - (guard) Cons, Iet's get back to your ceIIs. 219 00:18:34,800 --> 00:18:36,995 What's your name, boy? 220 00:18:47,560 --> 00:18:49,835 - Who's that? - StoIte. 221 00:18:49,920 --> 00:18:52,480 StoIte. You've heard about my kid, right? 222 00:18:52,560 --> 00:18:55,233 - Take the tray, Linc. - I, uh.... 223 00:18:57,000 --> 00:18:59,719 I just need to caII him. 224 00:18:59,800 --> 00:19:05,830 Just take the tray, or I'm gonna shove it in there and you can eat it off the ground. 225 00:19:10,120 --> 00:19:12,873 You have a son. Josh. 226 00:19:13,800 --> 00:19:16,189 Don't do anything stupid, Linc. 227 00:19:16,920 --> 00:19:21,391 I'm not. I just wanna ask you a question, then I'm gonna Iet go. 228 00:19:23,960 --> 00:19:26,076 What if it were Josh? 229 00:19:26,160 --> 00:19:28,355 What if it were your son? 230 00:19:31,600 --> 00:19:33,477 PIease. 231 00:20:11,440 --> 00:20:13,271 (phone rings) 232 00:20:15,360 --> 00:20:18,318 - Dad? - LJ. Thank God. Are you aII right? 233 00:20:19,280 --> 00:20:21,589 No. Nowhere near it. 234 00:20:21,680 --> 00:20:26,470 - What do you mean? Where are you? - What they're saying about me, it's not true. 235 00:20:26,560 --> 00:20:29,597 - I know it's not true. - They killed her. They killed her. 236 00:20:29,680 --> 00:20:32,478 Right in front of me. Right in front of my eyes. 237 00:20:32,560 --> 00:20:34,994 - You gotta... - Why are they doing this? 238 00:20:35,080 --> 00:20:37,913 You gotta step up. You gotta be the man now. 239 00:20:38,000 --> 00:20:40,309 - You understand me, LJ? - Yeah. 240 00:20:40,400 --> 00:20:45,076 - OK. I want you to caII Veronica. - Her number is disconnected. I aIready tried. 241 00:20:45,160 --> 00:20:48,550 Nick Savrinn. You caII Nick Savrinn. Works for Project Justice. 242 00:20:48,640 --> 00:20:51,279 You caII him once we're done. You got it? 243 00:20:51,360 --> 00:20:54,238 Nick Savrinn. OK. 244 00:20:54,320 --> 00:20:57,596 - OK, I'II caII. I'II caII. - AII right, man. 245 00:20:58,040 --> 00:21:00,759 Hang in there, man. lt's gonna be all right. 246 00:21:00,840 --> 00:21:02,717 Hey... 247 00:21:02,800 --> 00:21:05,712 - They're here. - Who's here? 248 00:21:05,800 --> 00:21:07,711 LJ? 249 00:21:07,800 --> 00:21:09,153 LJ! 250 00:21:58,320 --> 00:22:00,709 (phone vibrates) 251 00:22:08,320 --> 00:22:10,038 (cocks gun) 252 00:22:12,240 --> 00:22:14,674 You hear that? 253 00:22:16,120 --> 00:22:18,714 Did you hear it? 254 00:22:18,800 --> 00:22:20,995 You know what that means? 255 00:22:22,240 --> 00:22:25,118 Why don't you ask your mom what it means? 256 00:22:25,200 --> 00:22:30,991 Oh, I'm sorry. You might have troubIe getting an answer out of her right about now, huh? 257 00:22:33,520 --> 00:22:35,511 LJ? 258 00:22:53,960 --> 00:22:56,349 (car horn) 259 00:23:15,240 --> 00:23:18,516 - I saw that. - Just getting connected, that's aII. 260 00:23:19,160 --> 00:23:21,151 There she is. 261 00:23:22,120 --> 00:23:25,112 Mrs Steadman? I'm Dick SisIer. 262 00:23:25,200 --> 00:23:29,113 This is Francette KeIIy of the NationaI Victims' Rights Association. 263 00:23:29,200 --> 00:23:33,990 We assist victims of vioIent crimes, gather support for tough-on-crime poIiticians. 264 00:23:34,080 --> 00:23:39,154 If your organisation's Iooking for a hand-out, you can go through my business manager. 265 00:23:39,240 --> 00:23:43,119 Ma'am, that is not why we're here, actuaIIy. May we sit down? 266 00:23:43,200 --> 00:23:48,035 We hoped you couId heIp us with one of our more pubIic cases. The LincoIn Burrows case. 267 00:23:48,120 --> 00:23:52,875 He's making cIaims that he's innocent, that others had motive to murder your husband. 268 00:23:52,960 --> 00:23:56,999 - I don't have time for a Iong conversation. - It doesn't have to be Iong. 269 00:23:57,080 --> 00:24:00,959 If we taIked about who had motive to kiII Terrence, we'd be here aII day. 270 00:24:01,040 --> 00:24:02,632 - I'm sorry? - Look around. 271 00:24:02,720 --> 00:24:05,996 HaIf the peopIe here were sharehoIders in his company. 272 00:24:06,080 --> 00:24:08,594 Every one of them sat at my husband's memoriaI 273 00:24:08,680 --> 00:24:12,673 and every one of them was thinking the same thing: ''Thank God he's gone.'' 274 00:24:12,760 --> 00:24:15,558 - Why wouId they think that? - Money. 275 00:24:15,640 --> 00:24:19,633 As soon as rumours of the indictment started, they ran for the exits. 276 00:24:19,720 --> 00:24:23,508 - I wasn't aware of any indictment. - It never came down. He died first. 277 00:24:23,600 --> 00:24:27,559 - Anything to do with EcofieId? - Do the math. CEO gets indicted for fraud. 278 00:24:27,640 --> 00:24:32,475 Investors start Iosing money. Lots of money. If I didn't know Burrows puIIed that trigger, 279 00:24:32,560 --> 00:24:37,998 I'd say it was any one of these peopIe in the restaurant. We're taIking haIf a biIIion doIIars. 280 00:24:38,080 --> 00:24:40,514 PeopIe have kiIIed for a Iot Iess. 281 00:24:45,000 --> 00:24:47,195 Hey, what's up? 'Sup? 282 00:25:00,960 --> 00:25:04,430 (T-Bag) Not a good position you find yourseIf in, is it? 283 00:25:05,680 --> 00:25:08,797 Whites don't want you. BIacks don't want you. 284 00:25:08,880 --> 00:25:12,111 You're just caught in the middIe, aren't you? 285 00:25:12,200 --> 00:25:14,191 A reguIar 'tweener. 286 00:25:15,480 --> 00:25:18,836 We're different, you and me, Iot of ways. 287 00:25:18,920 --> 00:25:23,516 But, you know, the funny thing is we're aIso a Iot aIike. 288 00:25:24,760 --> 00:25:29,072 CoupIe of dogs with runny noses that nobody Ioves. 289 00:25:32,280 --> 00:25:34,555 How's that knee, by the way? 290 00:25:34,640 --> 00:25:38,315 - What the heII are you doing? - Don't get me wrong. I'm just a friend. 291 00:25:38,400 --> 00:25:41,073 - A fruity friend. I don't need none of that. - Easy. 292 00:25:41,160 --> 00:25:47,793 No. No. You think you're getting up in this, you got another thing coming, you homo. 293 00:25:48,680 --> 00:25:52,070 - You got a fouI mouth, you know that? - Yeah. I do. 294 00:25:52,160 --> 00:25:56,073 And you come near me again, I'm gonna kiII you. 295 00:25:58,160 --> 00:26:02,153 WeII, then, you're just gonna have to, IittIe man. 296 00:26:06,360 --> 00:26:09,158 - (T-Bag) You sIeep with one eye open. - Bring it on. 297 00:26:09,240 --> 00:26:13,597 - Oh, I'm gonna bring it on in spades. - (Michael) You oughta Ieave that kid aIone. 298 00:26:13,680 --> 00:26:18,549 Maybe you are in no position to be teIIing me my business. Hm? 299 00:26:18,640 --> 00:26:21,473 That's what I thought. 300 00:26:24,800 --> 00:26:28,554 I'm sure you can understand my reIuctance to discuss past patients. 301 00:26:28,640 --> 00:26:32,838 My understanding is that under HIPAA we're aIIowed to share information 302 00:26:32,920 --> 00:26:36,595 as Iong as it furthers the care of the patient. 303 00:26:36,680 --> 00:26:41,515 I'm not accustomed to making enquiries Iike this, but I... 304 00:26:41,600 --> 00:26:44,273 I feeI Iike I can get through to him. 305 00:26:44,360 --> 00:26:46,715 I can heIp him. 306 00:26:46,800 --> 00:26:51,032 - I imagine he needs it in there. - What did you treat him for? 307 00:26:51,480 --> 00:26:53,994 MichaeI suffered from a coupIe of things. 308 00:26:54,080 --> 00:26:56,958 One was a condition caIIed Iow Iatent inhibition. 309 00:26:57,040 --> 00:27:00,032 Sorry. I'm not famiIiar with the term. 310 00:27:00,120 --> 00:27:02,759 PeopIe who suffer from Iow Iatent inhibition 311 00:27:02,840 --> 00:27:05,638 see everyday things Iike you or I do, Iike this Iamp. 312 00:27:07,520 --> 00:27:12,071 But where we just process the image of a Iamp, they process everything. 313 00:27:12,160 --> 00:27:16,950 The stem, the buIb, the boIts, even the washers inside. 314 00:27:17,040 --> 00:27:22,512 Their brains are more open to incoming stimuli in the surrounding environment. 315 00:27:22,600 --> 00:27:27,390 Other peopIe's brains - yours and mine - shut out the same information. 316 00:27:27,480 --> 00:27:30,552 We have to do it in order to keep our sanity. 317 00:27:30,640 --> 00:27:33,996 If someone with a Iow IQ has Iow Iatent inhibition, 318 00:27:34,080 --> 00:27:37,595 it aImost aIways resuIts in mentaI iIIness. 319 00:27:37,680 --> 00:27:43,118 But if someone has a high IQ, it aImost aIways resuIts in creative genius. 320 00:27:46,200 --> 00:27:49,237 Do you think MichaeI's a genius? 321 00:27:49,320 --> 00:27:53,313 WeII, I think that word's been derogated in the media these days. 322 00:27:53,400 --> 00:27:56,836 But in the cIassic sense of the word, yes, I do. 323 00:27:58,240 --> 00:28:02,028 You... you said there was something eIse you treated him for? 324 00:28:02,120 --> 00:28:05,396 He came to me with absoIuteIy no sense of seIf-worth. 325 00:28:05,480 --> 00:28:08,631 The Ioss of both parents very often does that to a chiId. 326 00:28:08,720 --> 00:28:13,919 But with the Iow Iatent inhibition, something interesting happened to MichaeI. 327 00:28:14,000 --> 00:28:17,879 He became very attuned to aII the suffering around him. 328 00:28:17,960 --> 00:28:20,190 He couIdn't shut it out. 329 00:28:20,280 --> 00:28:22,350 He became a rescuer, 330 00:28:22,440 --> 00:28:27,753 one of those peopIe who are more concerned with other peopIe's weIfare than their own. 331 00:28:27,840 --> 00:28:30,308 I didn't know aII this about him. 332 00:28:30,400 --> 00:28:34,075 Then maybe you don't know MichaeI ScofieId. 333 00:28:34,720 --> 00:28:36,711 Yeah. 334 00:28:44,800 --> 00:28:47,758 (T-Bag) # Oh, Tweener 335 00:28:47,840 --> 00:28:51,879 # I'm coming 336 00:28:51,960 --> 00:28:55,794 # Oh, Tweener 337 00:28:56,000 --> 00:28:58,275 # Oh, Tweener 338 00:28:58,360 --> 00:29:02,069 # I'm a-coming for you 339 00:29:02,160 --> 00:29:04,196 # I'm coming 340 00:29:04,280 --> 00:29:06,271 # Coming 341 00:29:07,840 --> 00:29:10,593 # Is you ready? Are you ready? 342 00:29:10,680 --> 00:29:12,671 # However you are, see, I'm here 343 00:29:12,760 --> 00:29:14,955 # I'm coming for you 344 00:29:17,720 --> 00:29:20,393 # Are you ready? Are you ready? 345 00:29:20,480 --> 00:29:23,233 # I'm coming, I'm coming 346 00:29:23,320 --> 00:29:26,153 # I'm a-coming, I'm a-coming, I'm coming 347 00:29:26,240 --> 00:29:28,435 # I am coming 348 00:29:50,680 --> 00:29:53,274 I checked my voicemaiI at work. 349 00:29:54,400 --> 00:29:58,916 LincoIn's son LJ just Ieft me a message. He's in troubIe. 350 00:30:08,080 --> 00:30:10,469 (phone vibrates) 351 00:30:10,560 --> 00:30:13,711 - HeIIo? - LJ, it's Veronica. Where are you? 352 00:30:13,800 --> 00:30:16,872 Oh, Veronica, I don't know. You gotta come get me. 353 00:30:16,960 --> 00:30:20,077 We can't, OK? We're not in Chicago. You have to come to us. 354 00:30:20,160 --> 00:30:23,357 Oh. AII right. Where's that? 355 00:30:24,160 --> 00:30:25,878 Oh. 356 00:30:25,960 --> 00:30:28,758 Oh. How the heII do they know where I am? 357 00:30:28,840 --> 00:30:31,991 - (Veronica) What's going on? - (LJ) How do they know where l am? 358 00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:36,437 - LJ, LJ, I want you to Iisten to me. - Everywhere I go, they're there. 359 00:30:36,520 --> 00:30:40,752 I want you to Iisten to me, OK? I need you to come to us. We're in Lake Mercer. 360 00:30:40,840 --> 00:30:42,956 - Where's that? - On the Iowa border. 361 00:30:43,040 --> 00:30:45,713 There's a bus station. We'II meet you there. 362 00:30:45,800 --> 00:30:50,157 - They're stiII aIive. - The bird in the hand just became three. 363 00:30:50,240 --> 00:30:53,198 - (Veronica) Keep your cellphone open. - (Kellerman) Let's go. 364 00:30:53,280 --> 00:30:55,157 - But the kid's right... - Let's go. 365 00:30:55,240 --> 00:30:57,117 - (LJ) OK. - (Veronica) OK, what? 366 00:30:57,200 --> 00:31:01,352 OK, I'II keep it open. They're Ieaving. They're Ieaving. 367 00:31:01,440 --> 00:31:04,989 LJ, I need to know that you hear me, OK? Lake Mercer. 368 00:31:05,080 --> 00:31:07,389 Lake Mercer. OK. 369 00:31:07,480 --> 00:31:09,471 AII right, bye. 370 00:31:19,480 --> 00:31:21,471 (glass smashes) 371 00:31:38,040 --> 00:31:40,873 What the heII are you doing? 372 00:31:42,360 --> 00:31:45,352 DeIivering yesterday's news. 373 00:31:46,280 --> 00:31:48,271 (Gus screams) 374 00:31:56,760 --> 00:32:00,116 Your bus Ieaves from depot six in just a few minutes. 375 00:32:00,200 --> 00:32:02,191 Thanks. 376 00:32:20,240 --> 00:32:24,028 - Yo, man, get off me, bitch. - Let's pants him. 377 00:32:36,960 --> 00:32:44,230 I... wanted you to know that if you're Iooking for someone to taIk to, you're not aIone. 378 00:32:44,320 --> 00:32:48,472 It's part of my job to counseI inmates and heIp them with their probIems. 379 00:32:48,560 --> 00:32:51,074 I got things pretty weII figured out. 380 00:32:52,560 --> 00:32:56,758 I sort of backed into some information about you. 381 00:32:56,840 --> 00:33:01,356 I hope you don't mind, but there's a reason I became a doctor. 382 00:33:01,440 --> 00:33:04,113 It's in my nature to want to heIp. 383 00:33:05,200 --> 00:33:08,909 From what I understand, it's in your nature too. 384 00:33:09,000 --> 00:33:15,189 You did a Iot of good things before you were in here. Community work, charity work. 385 00:33:15,280 --> 00:33:17,350 What happened? 386 00:33:21,040 --> 00:33:26,717 The man you're taIking about died the moment I stepped inside these waIIs. 387 00:33:26,800 --> 00:33:28,791 AII right. 388 00:33:34,080 --> 00:33:37,311 (pA) Shuttle now arriving on platform one. 389 00:33:37,400 --> 00:33:40,073 Shuttle departs in ten minutes. 390 00:34:06,360 --> 00:34:10,069 Ladies and gentIemen, United States Secret Service. 391 00:34:10,160 --> 00:34:13,630 PIease remain caIm. Remain where you are. 392 00:34:59,840 --> 00:35:02,434 (man) Watch your step, son. 393 00:35:26,280 --> 00:35:28,032 Hey. 394 00:35:28,120 --> 00:35:30,111 Come here. 395 00:35:34,480 --> 00:35:36,471 It's OK. 396 00:35:37,800 --> 00:35:39,597 They're Ieaving. 397 00:35:41,520 --> 00:35:43,750 (phone beeps) 398 00:35:52,920 --> 00:35:54,831 You're safe now, aII right? 399 00:36:14,800 --> 00:36:18,110 You received communication from your attorney. 400 00:36:18,200 --> 00:36:22,159 PIease sign this document certifying that I inspected it for contraband 401 00:36:22,240 --> 00:36:25,755 without at any time breaching attorney-cIient priviIege 402 00:36:25,840 --> 00:36:29,196 by reading the materiaIs encIosed herein. 403 00:37:28,920 --> 00:37:35,029 - What are you grinning about? - I'm gonna be out in the reaI worId in a bit. 404 00:37:35,120 --> 00:37:40,513 The fact that I'm gonna get me one fine piece of taiI certainIy don't hurt either. 405 00:37:40,600 --> 00:37:43,751 Nothing Iike taiI, eh, ScofieId? 406 00:37:43,840 --> 00:37:45,558 (laughs) 407 00:37:52,280 --> 00:37:56,193 - (screams) Son of a bitch! - This ends right now. 408 00:37:56,280 --> 00:37:59,875 Oh, you just screwed some major Ieague pooch, pretty. 409 00:37:59,960 --> 00:38:02,997 I'm gonna sing Iike a whoIe tree fuII of birds now. Badge! 410 00:38:03,080 --> 00:38:06,152 You wanna sing, then sing. 411 00:38:06,240 --> 00:38:08,629 But you know what I think? 412 00:38:08,720 --> 00:38:11,439 You don't have the guts. 413 00:38:11,520 --> 00:38:15,877 You want out of here just as much as the rest of us. 414 00:38:15,960 --> 00:38:18,474 We got a probIem here? 415 00:38:22,840 --> 00:38:24,512 No. 416 00:38:24,600 --> 00:38:26,397 I, uh... 417 00:38:27,640 --> 00:38:31,315 I thought we was missing some tooIs here. 418 00:38:31,400 --> 00:38:34,039 My bad. 419 00:38:35,280 --> 00:38:37,475 Get back to work. 420 00:38:38,880 --> 00:38:40,871 Now. 421 00:38:41,760 --> 00:38:45,548 You and I may be stuck together in this IittIe dance, but I caII the shots. 422 00:38:45,640 --> 00:38:47,995 First shot, that kid out there, 423 00:38:48,080 --> 00:38:50,594 you don't touch him ever. 424 00:38:53,160 --> 00:38:55,993 Do we understand each other? 425 00:39:06,680 --> 00:39:08,272 We do. 426 00:39:08,360 --> 00:39:10,715 (Bellick) Out of the way, JuIio. 427 00:39:10,800 --> 00:39:12,597 Abruzzi. 428 00:39:15,800 --> 00:39:19,839 You and me, we're gonna have a conversation. 429 00:39:33,640 --> 00:39:36,074 (Lincoln) How come he didn't faII through? 430 00:39:50,320 --> 00:39:53,073 - What? - I warned you. 431 00:39:53,680 --> 00:39:57,309 I'II get it together. You gotta give me more time. 432 00:39:57,400 --> 00:39:59,789 You've had your time, John. 433 00:40:14,560 --> 00:40:17,757 You tripping on something, AIice? 434 00:40:28,960 --> 00:40:31,235 Yeah. That's what I thought. 435 00:40:31,680 --> 00:40:35,719 Lamp it up in here again, I'II be fixing to break some shop. 436 00:40:42,240 --> 00:40:44,549 Uh-oh. We got a probIem. 437 00:40:51,240 --> 00:40:53,071 BeIIick. 438 00:40:55,800 --> 00:41:00,316 Boss. Boss. What's happening? What are they doing? 439 00:41:00,400 --> 00:41:04,951 - Fixing the break room. - What are you taIking about? That's PI. 440 00:41:05,040 --> 00:41:07,031 I run it. 441 00:41:09,640 --> 00:41:11,835 Not any more, you don't. 442 00:42:00,880 --> 00:42:04,111 Visiontext SubtitIes: Margaret Burke 443 00:42:08,680 --> 00:42:10,671 ENGLISH SDH 9999 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 www.tvsubtitles.net