1 00:00:15,715 --> 00:00:19,310 OLDER TED: Kids, the thing about New Year's Eve is that it sucks. 2 00:00:19,419 --> 00:00:20,750 Sure it looks great on TV, 3 00:00:20,854 --> 00:00:22,981 But in reality, it's always just a big letdown, 4 00:00:23,089 --> 00:00:26,456 But in 2005, I attempted to do the impossible; 5 00:00:26,559 --> 00:00:28,459 to give my friends a great New Year's Eve, 6 00:00:28,561 --> 00:00:30,222 I had an idea of how to do it, too, 7 00:00:30,330 --> 00:00:32,730 and all it cost was half my Christmas bonus, 8 00:00:41,474 --> 00:00:44,568 Yeah, that's right. A limo. 9 00:00:51,418 --> 00:00:55,514 - ROBIN: Oh, man, Ted, this is great. - Okay, people, let's talk strategy. 10 00:00:55,655 --> 00:00:58,783 Last New Year's, we went our separate ways, and it sucked. 11 00:00:58,892 --> 00:01:01,486 This year, we party together, or not at all. 12 00:01:01,594 --> 00:01:03,391 Now, I sifted through your party submissions, 13 00:01:03,496 --> 00:01:06,090 - and I narrowed them down to these five. - Question. 14 00:01:06,199 --> 00:01:07,962 Yes, Barney, your submissions were received, 15 00:01:08,068 --> 00:01:11,003 and no, we will not be attending any parties in your pants. 16 00:01:11,104 --> 00:01:12,128 (ALL EXCLAIM) 17 00:01:12,238 --> 00:01:15,833 But you enjoyed the e-vite, right? That was an actual picture of my pants. 18 00:01:15,942 --> 00:01:17,000 Yeah. 19 00:01:17,110 --> 00:01:18,941 We will hit all five parties before midnight, 20 00:01:19,045 --> 00:01:20,672 and then narrow them down to one, 21 00:01:20,780 --> 00:01:23,044 the most awesome party in New York City, 22 00:01:23,149 --> 00:01:27,381 and that is where we will ring, nay, rock in the new year. 23 00:01:27,620 --> 00:01:31,078 All right, and party number one, that's where we get to meet Marybeth? 24 00:01:31,191 --> 00:01:33,557 - Marybeth? - Oh, she works in my office. 25 00:01:33,660 --> 00:01:35,423 She seems like she might be into me. 26 00:01:35,528 --> 00:01:38,964 She's always finding reasons to hug me. So tonight, we'll see... 27 00:01:39,065 --> 00:01:40,327 (CLEARING THROAT) 28 00:01:41,367 --> 00:01:44,461 People often ask me, "Barney, how is it that you're so psyched 29 00:01:44,571 --> 00:01:47,768 - "so much of the time?" - By who? Who asks you that? 30 00:01:47,874 --> 00:01:49,034 (LAUGHING) 31 00:01:49,142 --> 00:01:51,508 And the answer is right here. 32 00:01:51,611 --> 00:01:54,739 My own, personal, get-psyched mix. 33 00:01:54,848 --> 00:01:57,043 Now, people often think a good mix should rise and fall, 34 00:01:57,150 --> 00:02:01,917 but people are wrong. It should be all rise, baby. 35 00:02:02,021 --> 00:02:04,785 Now, prepare yourselves for an audio journey 36 00:02:04,891 --> 00:02:08,349 into the white-hot center of adrenaline. 37 00:02:09,295 --> 00:02:10,387 Bam. 38 00:02:10,530 --> 00:02:12,998 (YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME PLAYING ON STEREO) 39 00:02:13,366 --> 00:02:16,529 - It's working. - I'm definitely getting psyched. 40 00:02:16,636 --> 00:02:20,072 God. I'm reaching dangerous levels of psychage. 41 00:02:20,173 --> 00:02:21,970 Must do robot. 42 00:02:23,042 --> 00:02:25,340 - Let's do this! - Yes! Let's! 43 00:02:25,645 --> 00:02:27,272 Oh, driver? 44 00:02:28,515 --> 00:02:29,482 Hello! 45 00:02:30,650 --> 00:02:31,981 Hey, Ranjit! 46 00:02:32,085 --> 00:02:34,349 Dude, you're driving a limo now. That's awesome. 47 00:02:34,454 --> 00:02:36,547 I've moved up in the world. 48 00:02:37,157 --> 00:02:38,749 How do you guys know each other? 49 00:02:38,858 --> 00:02:42,123 Oh, we rode in his cab one time. It's a long story. 50 00:02:42,328 --> 00:02:43,352 Hey, what are we waiting for? 51 00:02:43,463 --> 00:02:45,658 We got five parties to hit, and three hours to do it. 52 00:02:45,765 --> 00:02:47,096 Oh, I wish I could come with you guys, 53 00:02:47,200 --> 00:02:50,135 but Derek should be coming by any minute to pick me up. 54 00:02:50,236 --> 00:02:53,763 OLDER TED; Oh, yeah, Robin was spending New Year's with her boyfriend Derek, 55 00:02:54,674 --> 00:02:58,007 Derek, He was, like, rich, successful, handsome, 56 00:02:58,178 --> 00:02:59,770 I hated that guy, 57 00:03:00,713 --> 00:03:02,408 Oh, I'll miss you guys. Have fun. 58 00:03:02,515 --> 00:03:03,482 - ROBIN: Bye. - Happy New Year. 59 00:03:03,583 --> 00:03:04,948 - Bye. - Here we go. 60 00:03:07,687 --> 00:03:10,850 - Oh, this kind of sucks. - Okay, nobody get down. 61 00:03:10,957 --> 00:03:13,619 We knew this going in. We're a man down. 62 00:03:13,726 --> 00:03:16,320 That just means were gonna have to party that much harder. 63 00:03:16,429 --> 00:03:18,989 Ranjit. Party number one. 64 00:03:19,098 --> 00:03:22,363 - Party number one! - Party number one! 65 00:03:26,773 --> 00:03:29,765 I can't believe we're leaving a party that had pigs in blankets. 66 00:03:29,876 --> 00:03:32,470 If you think we can beat that, you got some brass ones. 67 00:03:32,645 --> 00:03:34,306 Hey, we've got four more parties to hit. 68 00:03:34,414 --> 00:03:37,815 If party number one turns out to be the best, we'll just limo on back to it. 69 00:03:37,984 --> 00:03:41,511 We didn't really get a chance to meet. I'm Lily, and this is my fiancé, Marshall. 70 00:03:41,621 --> 00:03:45,216 Hi. Marybeth. It's so great to meet you guys. 71 00:03:45,325 --> 00:03:48,351 - Oh, well, my word. - Oh, hey. Well, you're friendly. 72 00:03:48,861 --> 00:03:50,089 (NATALYA LAUGHING) 73 00:03:51,497 --> 00:03:55,331 (IN RUSSIAN ACCENT) Hello, American party friends of Barney's. 74 00:03:56,569 --> 00:03:59,402 - Oh, no. - So, Barney, who's your new friend? 75 00:03:59,505 --> 00:04:03,305 - Natalya. - Oh, friendly. 76 00:04:04,677 --> 00:04:07,510 - So, where are you from, Natalya? - She... Who knows? 77 00:04:07,614 --> 00:04:10,777 The former Soviet Republic of Drunk-off-her-ass-istan? 78 00:04:11,985 --> 00:04:14,510 Super drunk fantastic, huh? 79 00:04:14,621 --> 00:04:15,645 (MUMBLING) 80 00:04:15,755 --> 00:04:17,347 Isn't she awesome? 81 00:04:18,491 --> 00:04:20,220 - How are your feet doing, baby? - Oh, okay. 82 00:04:20,326 --> 00:04:24,194 I love these shoes, but the pain-to-hotness ratio is pretty steep. 83 00:04:24,297 --> 00:04:26,595 Can we swing by the apartment so I can change? 84 00:04:26,699 --> 00:04:28,496 Come on, Lily. We have a tightly scheduled evening 85 00:04:28,601 --> 00:04:31,695 of awesomeness ahead of us. I need you to power through the pain. 86 00:04:31,804 --> 00:04:35,035 Okay, Ted, but these dogs are really barking. 87 00:04:35,375 --> 00:04:38,139 It's true. I can hear them. What's that, little boys? What's that? 88 00:04:38,244 --> 00:04:40,178 You wanna go for a rock? 89 00:04:41,180 --> 00:04:42,875 (YELLING) 90 00:04:42,982 --> 00:04:47,385 - Ranjit, party number two! - Party number two! 91 00:04:47,520 --> 00:04:49,420 (ALL CHEERING) 92 00:04:53,960 --> 00:04:57,623 - Party number two, not so good. - No, let's go back to party number one. 93 00:04:57,730 --> 00:05:01,564 TED: No, no turning back. Ranjit, party number three. 94 00:05:01,668 --> 00:05:03,863 - Party number three! - Yeah! 95 00:05:04,671 --> 00:05:07,902 Oh, wait, wait, wait! We have to turn around. We left Natalya. 96 00:05:08,608 --> 00:05:12,100 - Barney, none of us really liked her. - What? 97 00:05:12,211 --> 00:05:15,442 - Sorry. - Oh, very nice, Lily. 98 00:05:15,548 --> 00:05:18,073 You know, she is a guest in this country. 99 00:05:18,217 --> 00:05:20,879 So, while you may choose to turn your back on her, 100 00:05:20,987 --> 00:05:24,150 I choose to turn my front on her. What up. 101 00:05:25,625 --> 00:05:29,425 - I'm sorry about Barney. - No, I'm having a great time. 102 00:05:29,829 --> 00:05:32,320 I'm really glad that you asked me out tonight. 103 00:05:32,432 --> 00:05:34,059 Me, too. Just a sec. 104 00:05:34,167 --> 00:05:36,567 (CELLPHONE RINGING) 105 00:05:38,171 --> 00:05:41,607 - Hey, Robin. - Ted, Derek stood me up. 106 00:05:42,575 --> 00:05:45,271 OLDER TED; Derek, Now we had a tight schedule to keep that night, 107 00:05:45,378 --> 00:05:48,347 and I was already on a date with another girl, 108 00:05:48,481 --> 00:05:49,846 But it was Robin, 109 00:05:50,416 --> 00:05:52,407 Ranjit, turn it around. 110 00:06:00,393 --> 00:06:03,794 Hi. Oh, God, I am so sorry about this. 111 00:06:03,930 --> 00:06:06,626 You guys had your schedule, and I screwed it all up. 112 00:06:06,799 --> 00:06:09,962 No. This is perfect. It's meant to be. We're all back together. 113 00:06:10,470 --> 00:06:11,459 What happened? 114 00:06:11,571 --> 00:06:14,404 Oh, Derek's stuck in Connecticut closing some deal. 115 00:06:14,507 --> 00:06:16,168 Who works on New Year's Eve? 116 00:06:16,342 --> 00:06:17,775 (COUGHING) 117 00:06:17,877 --> 00:06:19,777 Okay, now I feel worse. 118 00:06:20,646 --> 00:06:24,480 I was really looking forward to this night. This sucks. 119 00:06:28,688 --> 00:06:31,384 - Oh, dude, not now! - What? She needs to get psyched! 120 00:06:31,491 --> 00:06:33,516 - Barney! - Fine. 121 00:06:33,793 --> 00:06:35,920 Maybe I should just go home. 122 00:06:36,829 --> 00:06:38,228 Barney! 123 00:06:38,865 --> 00:06:40,890 My finger slipped. 124 00:06:41,134 --> 00:06:44,661 Look, Robin. You're not going home. Come on, it's New Year's Eve. 125 00:06:44,771 --> 00:06:47,535 Look, so your date fell through, so what? What do you need a date for? 126 00:06:47,640 --> 00:06:51,906 Someone to kiss at midnight? Fine. I'll kiss you at a little bit after midnight. 127 00:06:52,612 --> 00:06:54,603 - Hi, I'm Robin. - Marybeth. 128 00:06:54,714 --> 00:06:57,683 Oh, wow, you're friendly. 129 00:06:58,751 --> 00:07:01,549 I haven't eaten dinner yet. Is there anything to eat in this thing? 130 00:07:01,654 --> 00:07:03,178 That's it. I know what you're jonesing for. 131 00:07:03,289 --> 00:07:07,988 - Ranjit, take us to Gray's Papaya. - Oh, yes, Ted, you rock. 132 00:07:08,394 --> 00:07:11,363 (STAMMERING) We couldn't go back for Natalya, a human being, 133 00:07:11,464 --> 00:07:14,399 - but we do have time for hot dogs? - Yeah, we like hot dogs. 134 00:07:14,534 --> 00:07:17,560 No. No! We are already behind schedule. 135 00:07:17,670 --> 00:07:19,900 Ted, come on, we have an hour-and-a-half before midnight, 136 00:07:20,006 --> 00:07:24,500 - and I don't wanna be kissing Ranjit. - You don't know what you're missing. 137 00:07:24,911 --> 00:07:28,847 - Come on. It's only a 20-minute detour. - Which is exactly how much time I need. 138 00:07:28,948 --> 00:07:31,644 - Ranjit, stop the car. - Stopping the car. 139 00:07:31,984 --> 00:07:34,976 - Wait, baby, what are you doing? - No, I'm going home. 140 00:07:35,087 --> 00:07:36,315 - What? No! - No, you can't, Lily! 141 00:07:36,422 --> 00:07:39,255 I can't stay in these heels any longer, I just can't. 142 00:07:39,358 --> 00:07:40,757 There's a cab over there, 143 00:07:40,860 --> 00:07:42,953 I'll just run back to the apartment and change shoes. 144 00:07:43,062 --> 00:07:44,495 But hot dogs. 145 00:07:44,597 --> 00:07:47,828 Oh, I know, baby, I'd love to go, but it's two against one. 146 00:07:48,601 --> 00:07:50,466 - Okay, I'll go with you. - No, baby. 147 00:07:50,570 --> 00:07:54,768 Baby, you go with them, and I'll meet you at party number three. 148 00:07:54,941 --> 00:07:57,637 - Are you sure? - Lf I don't see you, Happy New... 149 00:07:57,743 --> 00:08:00,906 Don't say that. We'll find each other. 150 00:08:03,049 --> 00:08:05,950 - We'll find each other. - I know we will. 151 00:08:07,720 --> 00:08:08,744 MARSHALL: Bye, Lil. 152 00:08:08,855 --> 00:08:10,152 - Bye. - Bye. 153 00:08:11,824 --> 00:08:13,314 Hell of a woman. 154 00:08:14,627 --> 00:08:17,494 Let's go get some hot dogs! 155 00:08:22,835 --> 00:08:26,134 - Ranjit, party number three. - Party number three. 156 00:08:26,239 --> 00:08:30,107 - Oh yeah! - Look at us, riding around in a limo, 157 00:08:30,276 --> 00:08:32,870 eating hot dogs. It's like we're the President. 158 00:08:33,646 --> 00:08:37,343 - Hey, I bet you're feeling better now. - Oh, so much better. 159 00:08:37,450 --> 00:08:39,748 Guys, is that Moby? 160 00:08:41,020 --> 00:08:42,612 I think that that's Moby. 161 00:08:43,356 --> 00:08:45,984 OLDER TED; Now, kids, Moby was a popular recording artist 162 00:08:46,092 --> 00:08:47,389 when I was young, 163 00:08:47,660 --> 00:08:51,460 - No way. - That's totally Moby. That's awesome. 164 00:08:51,564 --> 00:08:54,089 Should I say something? I should say something, right? 165 00:08:54,200 --> 00:08:56,168 TED: Moby. Hey, Moby! 166 00:08:57,503 --> 00:09:00,495 Oh, my God, he's coming over. Everybody be cool. Everybody be cool. 167 00:09:01,107 --> 00:09:02,972 - Hey. - Hello. 168 00:09:03,209 --> 00:09:05,769 What's up? You going somewhere? 169 00:09:06,078 --> 00:09:09,013 Yeah, I'm just going to this party downtown. 170 00:09:09,549 --> 00:09:11,141 You want a ride? 171 00:09:12,919 --> 00:09:14,011 Sure. 172 00:09:17,957 --> 00:09:19,549 Welcome. 173 00:09:20,760 --> 00:09:22,159 (GIGGLING) 174 00:09:22,261 --> 00:09:25,458 - Wow. You're friendly. - Big fan. 175 00:09:25,665 --> 00:09:27,155 I'm Barney Stinson. 176 00:09:27,633 --> 00:09:30,261 So, what about this party? 177 00:09:30,536 --> 00:09:33,437 Oh, it's just a New Year's thing with some friends. 178 00:09:33,539 --> 00:09:35,507 Wow. That sounds awesome. 179 00:09:38,611 --> 00:09:42,047 - You guys wanna come? - Yeah, we'd love to. 180 00:09:42,515 --> 00:09:44,346 - All right. - Ted. 181 00:09:44,584 --> 00:09:48,418 - Sidebar. - Moby, switch up, will you? 182 00:09:53,225 --> 00:09:54,590 Yeah, what's up? 183 00:09:56,128 --> 00:09:57,618 - What about Lily? - Call her. 184 00:09:57,730 --> 00:09:59,595 I've been trying to call her. I can't get through. 185 00:09:59,699 --> 00:10:01,997 - All the circuits are jammed. - That's New Year's Eve for you. 186 00:10:02,101 --> 00:10:04,729 Well, look, we'll just swing by Moby's party, and then, afterwards... 187 00:10:04,837 --> 00:10:08,273 No, I can't. Lily's waiting. I gotta find her. 188 00:10:09,742 --> 00:10:13,838 - Okay, I'll meet you at party number three. - But... Come on. Moby's party. 189 00:10:13,946 --> 00:10:17,211 Moby's party. Moby's... 190 00:10:19,218 --> 00:10:23,120 - Ranjit, Moby's party. - Moby's party. 191 00:10:26,859 --> 00:10:28,554 This is a cool mix. 192 00:10:28,961 --> 00:10:32,055 You know, people think a great mix has to rise and fall. 193 00:10:32,164 --> 00:10:35,691 - I think it should be all rise. - Yes. Moby. 194 00:10:36,035 --> 00:10:39,835 Yeah, it should start high, get higher. This mix is my pride and joy. 195 00:10:39,939 --> 00:10:44,205 - I never leave home without it. - That's how I feel about Janice here. 196 00:10:50,016 --> 00:10:53,474 So, then I said, your motorcycle was like that when I got here. 197 00:10:53,753 --> 00:10:55,186 (GIGGLING) 198 00:11:00,626 --> 00:11:03,652 - You're not Moby, are you? - Who? 199 00:11:04,630 --> 00:11:09,124 - Moby. The recording artist, Moby. - No. 200 00:11:09,735 --> 00:11:13,262 But when we said, "Hey, Moby," you said, "Yeah." 201 00:11:13,839 --> 00:11:15,500 I thought you said, "Tony." 202 00:11:16,542 --> 00:11:19,102 - So, your name is Tony? - No. 203 00:11:20,880 --> 00:11:25,214 Oh, hey, we're here. All right. You guys gonna come in? 204 00:11:26,018 --> 00:11:28,350 - No. - You sure? 205 00:11:28,754 --> 00:11:32,622 Come on, it's gonna get nuts in there. It's this dude who owes me money. 206 00:11:33,826 --> 00:11:36,294 No, we're good. We're good. 207 00:11:36,462 --> 00:11:38,453 Happy New Year, Not Moby. 208 00:11:42,702 --> 00:11:46,297 Oh, hey, hey. Be safe. 209 00:11:48,741 --> 00:11:49,867 (EXHALES) 210 00:11:50,209 --> 00:11:52,837 - Why did we think that guy was Moby? - I don't know. 211 00:11:52,945 --> 00:11:56,608 I see a short, bald hipster, my mind goes straight to Moby. 212 00:11:56,782 --> 00:11:58,545 (CELLPHONE RINGING) 213 00:12:00,619 --> 00:12:02,314 That's Marshall's phone. 214 00:12:02,488 --> 00:12:03,455 Hey... 215 00:12:06,192 --> 00:12:09,457 - (IN DEEP VOICE) Hello. - Oh, Marshall. Thank God I got through! 216 00:12:09,729 --> 00:12:13,221 - Hey, sexy. - Barney, where's Marshall? 217 00:12:14,100 --> 00:12:16,227 He left his phone in the limo. He's out looking for you. 218 00:12:16,335 --> 00:12:18,929 - What? Where? - Party number three. 219 00:12:19,171 --> 00:12:21,765 Well, I'm here at party number three and... 220 00:12:22,241 --> 00:12:25,176 Oh, my God, guess who just walked in? Moby. 221 00:12:25,277 --> 00:12:27,370 Moby? She's upstairs. 222 00:12:28,547 --> 00:12:31,880 Lily, you have to get out of there this instant. That's not Moby! 223 00:12:31,984 --> 00:12:36,353 Oh, no, I know Moby, and that's... Does he have a gun? 224 00:12:36,622 --> 00:12:37,714 Run! 225 00:12:39,258 --> 00:12:42,455 Oh, my God. Not Moby's party is party number four. 226 00:12:43,062 --> 00:12:44,654 What are the odds? 227 00:12:44,930 --> 00:12:46,420 (GASPING FRANTICALLY) 228 00:12:47,166 --> 00:12:48,155 Who was that guy? 229 00:12:48,267 --> 00:12:50,167 Well, we know it's not Moby, and it's not Tony. 230 00:12:50,269 --> 00:12:52,396 - Ranjit! Drive! - Where to? 231 00:12:52,505 --> 00:12:53,995 - Party number three! - Party number three! 232 00:12:54,106 --> 00:12:55,801 Party number three. 233 00:12:57,409 --> 00:12:59,570 No, but I was just at party number three. 234 00:12:59,678 --> 00:13:03,170 No, no, no. You were at party number four. You must have looked at the list wrong. 235 00:13:03,282 --> 00:13:06,046 Well, after that rather unpsyching experience, 236 00:13:06,152 --> 00:13:08,143 you know what it's time for? 237 00:13:08,254 --> 00:13:11,985 It's time to, what? That's right. Re-psych. 238 00:13:14,326 --> 00:13:15,816 Re... 239 00:13:17,830 --> 00:13:19,161 Where's the... 240 00:13:22,568 --> 00:13:26,060 Oh, my God, Not Moby took my get-psyched mix! 241 00:13:26,639 --> 00:13:30,473 Barney, Barney, what the hell! Barney, it's not worth it. Let it go. 242 00:13:30,709 --> 00:13:33,007 We need to get back on schedule. 243 00:13:33,112 --> 00:13:34,101 (TIRE BURSTING) 244 00:13:34,213 --> 00:13:35,771 Oh, nuts. 245 00:13:41,787 --> 00:13:44,017 Ranjit, you sure I can't help? 246 00:13:45,090 --> 00:13:49,857 No. I am pissed. Ted, I don't want you to see me pissed. 247 00:13:50,663 --> 00:13:52,062 Okay. 248 00:13:53,599 --> 00:13:57,057 Okay, not a problem. He'll jack it up, slap on a tire, 249 00:13:57,169 --> 00:13:59,660 we'll be at party number three in no time. 250 00:13:59,772 --> 00:14:02,866 I wish Marshall would call. Guess the circuits are jammed. 251 00:14:02,975 --> 00:14:04,704 Yeah, you know why all the circuits are jammed? 252 00:14:04,810 --> 00:14:07,745 'Cause everyone's calling their loved ones. Everyone around the world. 253 00:14:07,847 --> 00:14:09,712 Everyone except Barney. 254 00:14:10,282 --> 00:14:11,613 (ROBIN LAUGHING) 255 00:14:12,017 --> 00:14:15,748 Oh, sure. Laugh. Laugh for Barney Stinson. 256 00:14:16,255 --> 00:14:17,813 Laugh for the sad clown 257 00:14:17,923 --> 00:14:22,257 trapped on his whirling carousel of suits, and cigars, 258 00:14:22,361 --> 00:14:26,127 and bimbos, and booze. Round and round it goes. 259 00:14:26,432 --> 00:14:29,424 And where's it all heading? Nowhere. 260 00:14:30,703 --> 00:14:34,002 Is this just 'cause you lost your get-psyched mix? 261 00:14:34,340 --> 00:14:36,831 I'm sorry. Am I not allowed to have a pensive side? 262 00:14:36,942 --> 00:14:41,675 No. No, not tonight. Not in the limo. We gotta stay psyched. 263 00:14:41,780 --> 00:14:46,444 Ted went to a lot of trouble to make this an awesome New Year's. 264 00:14:49,021 --> 00:14:52,184 (SINGING YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME) 265 00:14:56,262 --> 00:14:58,162 (RANJIT SINGING) 266 00:15:00,799 --> 00:15:02,323 I'm gonna get some air. 267 00:15:11,911 --> 00:15:14,744 It'll be fine, we'll be out of here in a jiff. 268 00:15:14,847 --> 00:15:16,007 Ted, I'm gonna head out. 269 00:15:16,115 --> 00:15:18,413 My roommates are having a party not far from here. 270 00:15:18,517 --> 00:15:19,609 What? No! 271 00:15:19,718 --> 00:15:22,050 Look, I know this night isn't turning out the way I planned, but we... 272 00:15:22,154 --> 00:15:24,384 How long have you been in love with Robin? 273 00:15:25,291 --> 00:15:29,591 I'm not in love... We're just friends. Where are you getting that from? 274 00:15:30,195 --> 00:15:32,425 Ted, it's okay. I'm fine. 275 00:15:33,332 --> 00:15:37,268 - And I can tell that she's into you, too. - That's ridiculous. 276 00:15:37,836 --> 00:15:41,772 - Wait, really? - Happy New Year, Ted. 277 00:15:59,692 --> 00:16:02,525 I can't believe Marybeth left before midnight. 278 00:16:02,628 --> 00:16:04,994 Oh, she just had to make an appearance at this other party. 279 00:16:05,097 --> 00:16:06,462 It's no big deal. 280 00:16:06,565 --> 00:16:09,261 The first time I rode in a limo, I was five. 281 00:16:09,368 --> 00:16:12,269 I was on the way to my grandfather's funeral. 282 00:16:12,504 --> 00:16:14,802 I suppose, in a way, I still am. 283 00:16:16,208 --> 00:16:19,405 Okay, wow, it's getting weird in here. I'm gonna call Marshall. 284 00:16:19,511 --> 00:16:22,412 - But he left his phone. - Marshall! 285 00:16:23,615 --> 00:16:25,378 Marshall! 286 00:16:25,951 --> 00:16:29,148 - I'm sorry about your girl. - Sorry about your guy. 287 00:16:30,122 --> 00:16:32,852 Well, at least we both have someone to kiss at midnight. 288 00:16:34,426 --> 00:16:37,589 Did you forget about our little deal? Because I did not. 289 00:16:39,398 --> 00:16:40,922 I did not, too. 290 00:16:41,400 --> 00:16:42,697 (CELLPHONE RINGING) 291 00:16:44,770 --> 00:16:48,331 Derek. Hi, how's work? 292 00:16:48,440 --> 00:16:50,032 Give you some privacy. 293 00:16:50,175 --> 00:16:51,904 LILY: Marshall! 294 00:16:54,747 --> 00:16:56,146 - Hey. - Hey. 295 00:17:01,687 --> 00:17:03,382 - Hey. - Hey. 296 00:17:05,324 --> 00:17:07,053 Marshall! 297 00:17:07,226 --> 00:17:08,250 Okay, how's this for a plan? 298 00:17:08,360 --> 00:17:10,590 We start walking now, we get to party number three by 12:45, 299 00:17:10,696 --> 00:17:12,596 we celebrate the new year in Central Standard time. 300 00:17:12,698 --> 00:17:13,824 Marshall! 301 00:17:13,932 --> 00:17:16,127 - Give it a rest, Ted. - Give what a rest? 302 00:17:16,235 --> 00:17:18,760 Trying to turn this night into anything more than what it is, 303 00:17:18,871 --> 00:17:20,031 which is New Year's Eve, 304 00:17:20,139 --> 00:17:23,700 which is the single biggest letdown of a night, every single year. 305 00:17:24,543 --> 00:17:26,306 - Marshall! - Come on! Come on, 306 00:17:26,412 --> 00:17:28,880 we can still turn this thing around. We've still got 10 minutes. 307 00:17:28,981 --> 00:17:32,678 Stop trying to chase down some magical, perfect New Year's, Ted. 308 00:17:32,785 --> 00:17:34,412 It doesn't exist. 309 00:17:35,988 --> 00:17:38,980 - Marshall! - MARSHALL: Lily! 310 00:17:41,360 --> 00:17:43,988 - Holy crap. - Marshall! 311 00:17:44,096 --> 00:17:45,688 (MARSHALL YELLING) 312 00:17:52,604 --> 00:17:54,697 I knew I'd catch up with you guys eventually. 313 00:17:54,807 --> 00:17:58,402 So much to tell. I couldn't find Lily at party number three, so I walked. 314 00:17:58,510 --> 00:18:00,137 I walked to the next party on the list. 315 00:18:00,245 --> 00:18:02,236 - Not Moby's party? - Yes, Moby's party. 316 00:18:02,347 --> 00:18:03,644 Check it out, he signed my shirt. 317 00:18:07,653 --> 00:18:09,348 And guess what I found? 318 00:18:10,422 --> 00:18:13,255 Yeah, I heard it playing at the party, so I swiped it. 319 00:18:13,358 --> 00:18:16,122 - I know. I know. Come on. - Come on. 320 00:18:16,228 --> 00:18:17,456 Marshall. 321 00:18:19,198 --> 00:18:23,328 Baby, baby. I was so worried about you. Why didn't you call me? 322 00:18:23,435 --> 00:18:26,404 I tried, baby, all the circuits are jammed. But, wait, there's more. 323 00:18:26,505 --> 00:18:29,303 After party number four, I figured you guys went to party number five. 324 00:18:29,408 --> 00:18:32,377 And so I went there, too, and it is awesome! 325 00:18:32,478 --> 00:18:34,776 I wanna cry. It is so awesome. 326 00:18:34,880 --> 00:18:37,440 - We have to go there. - How? We'll never get a cab. 327 00:18:37,549 --> 00:18:39,141 The flat's fixed. 328 00:18:40,152 --> 00:18:43,918 Let's do this! Come on! In! Go, go, go! 329 00:18:44,389 --> 00:18:45,617 - Go, go, go! - Natalya? 330 00:18:45,724 --> 00:18:48,192 Yeah, it turns out she was asleep in the front seat the whole time. 331 00:18:48,293 --> 00:18:50,784 - Ranjit, why didn't you tell me? - I didn't want to wake her. 332 00:18:50,896 --> 00:18:52,193 She looked so peaceful. 333 00:18:52,331 --> 00:18:55,459 Party number five is 20 blocks away and all the way across town. 334 00:18:55,567 --> 00:18:57,330 Ranjit, can you get us there in eight minutes? 335 00:18:57,436 --> 00:18:58,801 I'll get you there in six. 336 00:19:02,808 --> 00:19:04,173 (HORNS HONKING) 337 00:19:04,343 --> 00:19:05,970 I don't think I can do it. 338 00:19:06,111 --> 00:19:07,271 - No, come on. - No, come on. 339 00:19:07,379 --> 00:19:09,108 - Move, you stupid taxi! - Move... 340 00:19:09,214 --> 00:19:11,375 - Three minutes! Come on! - Come on! 341 00:19:11,517 --> 00:19:12,711 (CORK POPPING) 342 00:19:13,819 --> 00:19:15,753 Ranjit, put her in park. 343 00:19:16,355 --> 00:19:17,322 (EXCLAIMS) 344 00:19:17,422 --> 00:19:20,357 Dudes, I'm sure party number five is awesome. 345 00:19:20,692 --> 00:19:24,253 But it's not the best party in New York, 'cause this is. 346 00:19:24,730 --> 00:19:26,425 Right here. 347 00:19:27,299 --> 00:19:28,425 - Cheers. Well said. - LILY: Cheers. 348 00:19:28,534 --> 00:19:30,058 - ROBIN: Cheers. - Cheers. 349 00:19:30,169 --> 00:19:33,661 OLDER TED; And just like that, we were having the perfect New Year's Eve, 350 00:19:34,239 --> 00:19:38,471 Funny thing is, all night long I'd been trying to chase something down 351 00:19:38,577 --> 00:19:41,011 that was right there in that limo, 352 00:19:41,580 --> 00:19:42,547 (KNOCKING ON WINDOW) 353 00:19:44,950 --> 00:19:47,282 Derek? Derek. 354 00:19:48,620 --> 00:19:51,054 - Hey. - Hey. Come on in. 355 00:19:53,659 --> 00:19:54,785 Robin. 356 00:19:56,028 --> 00:19:59,794 I cut my meeting short because I wanted to see you at midnight. 357 00:19:59,898 --> 00:20:03,425 - I can't believe you made it. - I made it, baby. 358 00:20:06,171 --> 00:20:09,004 I super love you, okay? 359 00:20:09,775 --> 00:20:11,640 Here, you need a mint. 360 00:20:12,177 --> 00:20:13,974 ALL: Eight, seven, 361 00:20:14,079 --> 00:20:17,139 six, five, four, 362 00:20:17,249 --> 00:20:20,013 three, two, one! 363 00:20:20,118 --> 00:20:21,107 Happy New Year! 364 00:20:21,220 --> 00:20:24,815 OLDER TED; You probably wanna feel bad for your old man at this point in the story, 365 00:20:24,923 --> 00:20:27,949 Well, don't, Not every night has a happy ending, 366 00:20:28,393 --> 00:20:31,624 But all of it's important, All of it was leading somewhere, 367 00:20:31,997 --> 00:20:34,488 Because suddenly, it was 2006, 368 00:20:35,234 --> 00:20:37,896 And 2006 was a big one, 369 00:20:38,103 --> 00:20:39,161 Ted. 370 00:20:42,774 --> 00:20:45,208 What the hell, man? I thought we had a deal. 371 00:20:48,247 --> 00:20:51,808 What about your guy? It's midnight. Go kiss him. 372 00:20:52,751 --> 00:20:55,914 He kept me waiting. I can keep him waiting. 373 00:20:58,190 --> 00:21:00,090 Well, a deal is a deal. 374 00:21:12,404 --> 00:21:13,928 Happy New Year. 375 00:21:15,941 --> 00:21:17,431 Happy New Year.