1 00:00:00,720 --> 00:00:02,249 Kids, you may be wondering 2 00:00:02,250 --> 00:00:04,680 How many of these stories I'm telling you are true. 3 00:00:04,690 --> 00:00:05,919 It's a fair question. 4 00:00:05,920 --> 00:00:07,249 After all, there's a fine line 5 00:00:07,250 --> 00:00:10,120 Between a good story and a bald-faced lie. 6 00:00:11,332 --> 00:00:12,454 I've never met anyone 7 00:00:12,455 --> 00:00:14,454 Who could work that line better than your Uncle Barney. 8 00:00:14,455 --> 00:00:16,784 Heck, he could jump rope with it. 9 00:00:16,785 --> 00:00:18,385 I love to travel myself. 10 00:00:18,395 --> 00:00:19,294 Really? 11 00:00:19,295 --> 00:00:20,994 Where's the best place you've visited? 12 00:00:20,995 --> 00:00:22,294 Hawaii's nice. 13 00:00:22,295 --> 00:00:24,894 A buddy of mine lives in Seattle. 14 00:00:24,895 --> 00:00:25,664 That's a good spot. 15 00:00:25,665 --> 00:00:27,364 But the best place? 16 00:00:27,365 --> 00:00:29,264 I'd have to say the moon. 17 00:00:29,265 --> 00:00:31,303 Hi. Neil Armstrong. 18 00:00:31,423 --> 00:00:33,841 No! You did not convince a girl that you were 19 00:00:33,893 --> 00:00:35,672 The first man to walk on the moon! 20 00:00:35,792 --> 00:00:37,922 That happened seven years before you were born! 21 00:00:37,923 --> 00:00:41,132 Ted, baby doll, minor hurdle. 22 00:00:41,133 --> 00:00:44,462 Oh, yeah, well, our spaceship passed through a wormhole 23 00:00:44,463 --> 00:00:46,686 Or some gamma Rays or something. 24 00:00:46,806 --> 00:00:49,625 I started aging backwards, blah, blah, blah. 25 00:00:49,651 --> 00:00:52,271 So, you work in a yogurt shop. That must be wild. 26 00:00:54,044 --> 00:00:58,000 Although, I did actually work In a yogurt store in High School. 27 00:00:58,046 --> 00:00:59,631 And it was indeed... 28 00:01:00,499 --> 00:01:02,038 Wild. 29 00:01:02,039 --> 00:01:06,178 Anyhoo, 20 minutes later, the eagle landed. 30 00:01:06,179 --> 00:01:08,639 We knocked Space boots. 31 00:01:08,649 --> 00:01:11,248 Houston, we have a moaner. 32 00:01:11,249 --> 00:01:15,518 Other Space-related double entendres. 33 00:01:15,519 --> 00:01:17,360 Why do you feel the need to lie all the time? 34 00:01:17,480 --> 00:01:18,694 I'm not lying! 35 00:01:18,740 --> 00:01:20,318 Guys, we made sweet love. 36 00:01:20,319 --> 00:01:21,619 I got pictures. 37 00:01:25,399 --> 00:01:26,850 I hate my job. 38 00:01:26,930 --> 00:01:27,972 What are you talking about? 39 00:01:27,991 --> 00:01:29,120 I thought you just interviewed the mayor. 40 00:01:29,121 --> 00:01:30,620 Mayor mcwoof. 41 00:01:30,621 --> 00:01:33,020 He wears a dog costume and teaches kids not to litter. 42 00:01:33,021 --> 00:01:35,260 At least He's supposed to. 43 00:01:35,261 --> 00:01:37,660 Oh, I don't want to talk about mayor mcwoof. 44 00:01:37,661 --> 00:01:42,078 I want to talk about these amazing insoles From bon appe-feet! 45 00:01:42,198 --> 00:01:44,367 Just look how shock-absorbent they are! 46 00:01:44,405 --> 00:01:45,973 Prop table! Table's a prop! 47 00:01:47,580 --> 00:01:49,271 We'll be right back. 48 00:01:51,141 --> 00:01:52,610 We'll be right back. 49 00:01:52,611 --> 00:01:54,910 Oh. Sorry, Robin. 50 00:01:54,911 --> 00:01:56,480 Got bored. 51 00:01:56,481 --> 00:01:58,611 Yeah, I don't blame you. 52 00:01:59,351 --> 00:02:04,320 Man, just one decent interview Would be so nice for a change. 53 00:02:04,321 --> 00:02:07,849 Fine. I'll look at my schedule, see when I'm available. 54 00:02:07,850 --> 00:02:09,873 But I want a list of questions ahead of time, 55 00:02:09,993 --> 00:02:11,246 And my personal life is off limits. 56 00:02:11,366 --> 00:02:13,814 Ted, you caught seven peanuts in a row. 57 00:02:13,934 --> 00:02:15,903 It's impressive, but it's not newsworthy. 58 00:02:15,904 --> 00:02:19,303 - You caught seven in a row? - Seven in a row. 59 00:02:19,304 --> 00:02:20,903 But that's not what I'm talking about that. 60 00:02:20,904 --> 00:02:24,213 No. I'm talking about how I was selected to build 61 00:02:24,214 --> 00:02:26,605 A scale model of the empire state building 62 00:02:26,725 --> 00:02:30,413 For the largest recreation Of the New York skyline in the world. 63 00:02:30,414 --> 00:02:32,653 Is that the thing you were playing with the other night? 64 00:02:32,654 --> 00:02:34,451 I wasn't playing. 65 00:02:34,571 --> 00:02:36,153 I was working. 66 00:02:36,154 --> 00:02:37,323 "it's you." 67 00:02:37,324 --> 00:02:38,593 "it's me." 68 00:02:38,594 --> 00:02:40,593 "I saw you in the street. 69 00:02:40,594 --> 00:02:41,994 Are you Annie?" 70 00:02:42,768 --> 00:02:43,801 "yes." 71 00:02:44,092 --> 00:02:47,632 Ted, are you acting out the last scene 72 00:02:47,660 --> 00:02:49,703 Of sleepless in Seattle with little dolls? 73 00:02:51,205 --> 00:02:52,426 How long have you been out here? 74 00:02:52,688 --> 00:02:53,590 Ten seconds. 75 00:02:53,609 --> 00:02:55,543 Yeah. Just the last scene. 76 00:02:56,052 --> 00:02:58,615 Oh, Ted. Again? 77 00:02:58,869 --> 00:03:00,549 Ooh. That's the pizza. 78 00:03:00,587 --> 00:03:01,839 Baby, do you have any cash? 79 00:03:02,393 --> 00:03:05,464 Oh. You know, uh, I don't... I actually... 80 00:03:05,473 --> 00:03:07,354 I don't think that I should Have to pay. 81 00:03:08,947 --> 00:03:11,632 'cause I'm not a fan of pizza. 82 00:03:11,752 --> 00:03:13,501 What?! 83 00:03:13,529 --> 00:03:15,670 Marshall, we've driven halfway across the country 84 00:03:15,673 --> 00:03:17,929 For a piece of pizza literally hundreds of times. 85 00:03:17,940 --> 00:03:20,249 I once caught you eating pizza in the shower. 86 00:03:20,250 --> 00:03:23,519 Marshall, there's a cartoon of you on our coupons. 87 00:03:23,520 --> 00:03:25,749 I'm not saying Marshall's a guy who likes pizza, 88 00:03:25,750 --> 00:03:27,078 But last time he went in for a physical, 89 00:03:27,124 --> 00:03:28,946 Doctor says, "marshall, you got to stop eating pizza." 90 00:03:28,978 --> 00:03:31,177 Marshall says, "why?" doc says, "so I can examine you." 91 00:03:31,178 --> 00:03:33,145 But seriously, we kid because we love. 92 00:03:33,265 --> 00:03:34,839 All right, look, the reason 93 00:03:34,867 --> 00:03:38,191 That I don't have any money on me is because... 94 00:03:40,261 --> 00:03:41,257 I got mugged. 95 00:03:41,491 --> 00:03:42,887 You...? What? 96 00:03:44,507 --> 00:03:47,361 Can somebody please pay Arthur? All right? I'm starving! 97 00:03:47,390 --> 00:03:49,172 How's your dad, by the way? Better. 98 00:03:49,203 --> 00:03:51,119 Good. Mm. Mm. 99 00:03:51,492 --> 00:04:01,705 Sync by honeybunny www.addic7ed.com 100 00:04:04,007 --> 00:04:05,862 Oh, my God, you got mugged?! 101 00:04:05,897 --> 00:04:06,679 Who mugged you? 102 00:04:06,699 --> 00:04:09,071 Was he wearing a black skull-knit cap And a five o'clock shadow? 103 00:04:09,072 --> 00:04:10,271 Did he say, "stick 'em up?" 104 00:04:10,272 --> 00:04:13,103 Yes, Barney, because I got mugged in 1947 105 00:04:13,223 --> 00:04:15,242 At the corner of abbott and costello. No. 106 00:04:15,252 --> 00:04:18,451 I was cutting through central park on my way home from work... 107 00:04:19,014 --> 00:04:20,551 Watch it. 108 00:04:20,552 --> 00:04:21,851 Don't get any closer. 109 00:04:21,852 --> 00:04:25,722 It's cool. It's cool. 110 00:04:28,462 --> 00:04:30,691 It was... Completely terrifying. 111 00:04:30,692 --> 00:04:34,261 It was... Completely terrifying. 112 00:04:34,262 --> 00:04:35,201 What are you doing? 113 00:04:35,202 --> 00:04:35,890 I'm rehearsing. 114 00:04:35,961 --> 00:04:37,213 I'm gonna pretend this happened to me later 115 00:04:37,241 --> 00:04:38,601 To try and get some sympathy sex. 116 00:04:39,297 --> 00:04:40,571 Barney, that won't work. 117 00:04:41,141 --> 00:04:41,981 Will it? 118 00:04:42,017 --> 00:04:43,213 Big time. I'll allow it. 119 00:04:43,443 --> 00:04:47,493 I can't believe Someone pointed a gun at my marshmallow. 120 00:04:47,613 --> 00:04:48,861 Now, I'm shaking. 121 00:04:48,882 --> 00:04:50,830 I-I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. 122 00:04:50,840 --> 00:04:53,410 Oh! Here, sweetie. I have something that will help you sleep. 123 00:04:55,580 --> 00:04:57,289 Just stick this under your pillow. 124 00:04:57,318 --> 00:04:58,671 You'll sleep like a freakin' baby. 125 00:04:58,672 --> 00:05:00,171 Robin, put that away. 126 00:05:00,172 --> 00:05:01,563 It's not going to hurt anyone. 127 00:05:01,622 --> 00:05:03,920 The safety's... on. 128 00:05:04,681 --> 00:05:05,748 Okay, you know what? 129 00:05:05,779 --> 00:05:07,681 Let's all just relax. 130 00:05:07,682 --> 00:05:09,299 We don't need a gun. 131 00:05:09,662 --> 00:05:12,439 I'd just like to forget this ever happened 132 00:05:12,460 --> 00:05:13,821 And try to move on with my life. 133 00:05:13,822 --> 00:05:15,999 Just like to forget this ever happened 134 00:05:16,043 --> 00:05:17,914 And try to move on with my life. 135 00:05:18,034 --> 00:05:18,912 This is great stuff. 136 00:05:18,948 --> 00:05:20,261 I think I'm gonna add tears, though. 137 00:05:20,992 --> 00:05:24,231 Listen, baby, I know that it's scary, but look at me. 138 00:05:24,599 --> 00:05:26,402 I'm fine, okay? 139 00:05:26,682 --> 00:05:28,701 Can we just put this behind us? 140 00:05:28,702 --> 00:05:29,551 Oh, that's gold, but I'm going 141 00:05:29,671 --> 00:05:30,971 To switch it to " put me behind you." 142 00:05:32,799 --> 00:05:34,860 Look, baby, you don't have to worry about me. 143 00:05:34,891 --> 00:05:38,611 I mean, yes, I'm a little scared, but I'm a new yorker. 144 00:05:38,612 --> 00:05:40,511 I'm not gonna let this change me. 145 00:05:40,512 --> 00:05:41,979 I've changed! 146 00:05:42,582 --> 00:05:44,433 I'm a gun person now. 147 00:05:45,992 --> 00:05:48,151 Clip! Yeah, maybe we should just take 148 00:05:48,152 --> 00:05:51,062 A break for a little bit... I said, "clip." 149 00:05:53,292 --> 00:05:55,761 You want to get a gun? Not a scary one. 150 00:05:55,762 --> 00:05:58,031 Just a cute, little, pink beretta that matches 151 00:05:58,032 --> 00:06:00,071 These adorable strappy sandals I just bought. 152 00:06:00,072 --> 00:06:02,032 By the way, our new credit card works. 153 00:06:02,042 --> 00:06:03,690 You don't need a gun. 154 00:06:03,810 --> 00:06:06,374 Every statistic in the world points to the fact that 155 00:06:06,372 --> 00:06:09,381 It's safer not to have a gun in the home than to have one, 156 00:06:09,382 --> 00:06:11,111 Especially in our home. 157 00:06:11,112 --> 00:06:13,581 You know how I'm always accidentally injuring you. 158 00:06:13,582 --> 00:06:15,212 Pretty easy, right? 159 00:06:28,602 --> 00:06:31,201 Hurry up, baby. The party's about to start. 160 00:06:31,202 --> 00:06:33,102 Boo! 161 00:06:34,872 --> 00:06:36,001 Oh, my God, Lily! 162 00:06:36,002 --> 00:06:38,201 I thought you were going as a sexy cat! 163 00:06:38,202 --> 00:06:41,441 I changed my mind. 164 00:06:41,442 --> 00:06:43,711 And now you want to bring a gun into that equation? 165 00:06:43,712 --> 00:06:47,085 I know, you're right, but every time I close my eyes, 166 00:06:47,205 --> 00:06:49,721 I picture that guy pointing a gun at you. 167 00:06:50,589 --> 00:06:52,206 And you're my whole world, Marshall. 168 00:06:52,246 --> 00:06:54,051 If something ever happened to you, I would just... 169 00:06:54,052 --> 00:06:55,321 I would just... Okay. 170 00:06:55,322 --> 00:06:58,191 Okay... No, I know. I know. 171 00:06:58,192 --> 00:07:00,261 Okay, look, I've got to admit something. 172 00:07:00,262 --> 00:07:04,108 That mugging didn't happen exactly the way that I said it did. 173 00:07:04,228 --> 00:07:07,631 Aha! So he was wearing a black, skull-knit cap. 174 00:07:07,632 --> 00:07:11,702 Told... Ja! No, he wasn't wearing A black, skull-knit cap. 175 00:07:12,612 --> 00:07:14,542 He wasn't wearing anything. 176 00:07:15,683 --> 00:07:19,451 Wait, so... Watch it. 177 00:07:19,452 --> 00:07:21,511 Don't get any closer. 178 00:07:21,512 --> 00:07:24,081 It's... It's cool. 179 00:07:24,082 --> 00:07:25,982 It's cool. 180 00:07:25,992 --> 00:07:27,621 He naked-muggered you? 181 00:07:27,622 --> 00:07:30,121 I'm not going to ask where he was keeping the gun. 182 00:07:30,122 --> 00:07:32,222 Are we sure it was a gun? 183 00:07:32,232 --> 00:07:33,361 Okay, no, guys. 184 00:07:33,362 --> 00:07:38,462 I was, I was walking home from work... Through central park, 185 00:07:38,472 --> 00:07:41,002 And I stopped at the zoo. 186 00:07:43,472 --> 00:07:46,171 Watch it. Don't get any closer. 187 00:07:46,172 --> 00:07:48,342 Oh, it's cool. It's cool. 188 00:07:54,882 --> 00:08:02,791 You're telling us... That you got mugged... By a monkey. 189 00:08:02,792 --> 00:08:04,781 I got mugged by a monkey. 190 00:08:13,905 --> 00:08:16,749 You got mugged by a monkey? 191 00:08:16,869 --> 00:08:18,787 Yep, I got mugged by a monkey. 192 00:08:18,907 --> 00:08:21,243 I was embarrassed, so I made up the other story. 193 00:08:21,263 --> 00:08:23,460 But the point is, Lily, you don't need a gun. 194 00:08:23,699 --> 00:08:26,035 Oh, forget about the gun. We're on this now. 195 00:08:26,155 --> 00:08:28,325 Whoa, monkeys are mugging people now? 196 00:08:28,359 --> 00:08:29,778 It really is a jungle out there. 197 00:08:29,898 --> 00:08:32,571 Oh, my God! That monkey has our address. 198 00:08:32,590 --> 00:08:33,801 What if he's in a gang? 199 00:08:33,921 --> 00:08:36,461 I hope he doesn't do a swing-by. 200 00:08:37,461 --> 00:08:40,530 Why didn't you just ask the zookeeper to get your wallet back? 201 00:08:40,531 --> 00:08:42,630 'cause I saw what the monkey was doing with it, 202 00:08:42,631 --> 00:08:44,301 And I didn't really want it after that. 203 00:08:44,971 --> 00:08:46,753 Hey, guys. What's up? 204 00:08:46,873 --> 00:08:51,117 Oh, some new information has come to light on Marshall's mugging. 205 00:08:51,237 --> 00:08:52,840 Oh, really? Did they catch the guy? 206 00:08:52,841 --> 00:08:54,471 Well, he's behind bars. 207 00:08:55,141 --> 00:08:57,140 Well, where did they find him? 208 00:08:57,141 --> 00:09:00,710 Oh, I'm guessing naked in a tree, throwing his own feces. 209 00:09:00,711 --> 00:09:02,150 Oh, I've seen that guy. 210 00:09:02,151 --> 00:09:03,420 See, that's why I take cabs. 211 00:09:03,421 --> 00:09:05,381 You know how they caught him, right? 212 00:09:06,653 --> 00:09:09,190 There was a tail on him. There was a tail on him! 213 00:09:10,474 --> 00:09:12,630 Okay... What is going on? 214 00:09:12,750 --> 00:09:14,945 All right, Robin, here's what happened. 215 00:09:14,966 --> 00:09:17,161 No-no-no-no! Let me tell it. It's my story. 216 00:09:18,071 --> 00:09:22,171 You see, young Marshall Was at the zoo eating a banana... 217 00:09:23,844 --> 00:09:25,810 No, I wasn't eating a banana! 218 00:09:25,811 --> 00:09:27,040 If you're gonna tell it, tell it right. 219 00:09:27,041 --> 00:09:28,021 Oh, you're right. 220 00:09:28,063 --> 00:09:30,140 The banana was on the ground. 221 00:09:42,583 --> 00:09:45,806 There was no... There was no banana. 222 00:09:45,926 --> 00:09:48,365 Marshall, I apologize... truly. 223 00:09:49,101 --> 00:09:51,101 Robin, here's what happened. 224 00:09:52,231 --> 00:09:53,370 Oh, God. 225 00:09:53,371 --> 00:09:54,977 Oh, God, don't shoot. 226 00:09:55,097 --> 00:09:57,440 There was no banana! Oh, come on. 227 00:09:57,441 --> 00:10:00,910 Barney, I know, Marshall didn't get mugged by a monkey. 228 00:10:01,714 --> 00:10:03,410 Marshall? 229 00:10:04,117 --> 00:10:05,341 That part he got right. 230 00:10:06,278 --> 00:10:07,310 Guys! 231 00:10:07,311 --> 00:10:09,680 This is not an uncommon thing, okay? 232 00:10:09,681 --> 00:10:12,950 In Thailand, in China, in Costa Rica, 233 00:10:12,951 --> 00:10:14,920 People get mugged by monkeys all the time. 234 00:10:14,921 --> 00:10:16,160 Monkeys are gatherers. 235 00:10:16,161 --> 00:10:17,865 Because of their intersocial dynamics, 236 00:10:17,985 --> 00:10:20,290 Having a predisposition towards stealing 237 00:10:20,291 --> 00:10:22,061 Gives one a genetic advantage. 238 00:10:22,731 --> 00:10:24,869 You were mugged by a monkey! 239 00:10:25,097 --> 00:10:26,900 Maybe he was just curious. 240 00:10:26,901 --> 00:10:28,601 Were you wearing a yellow hat? 241 00:10:29,502 --> 00:10:32,004 Marshall, in all seriousness, this is a great story. 242 00:10:32,018 --> 00:10:33,670 I mean, can I interview you about it on my show? 243 00:10:33,671 --> 00:10:35,402 What?! He gets to be on your show? 244 00:10:35,430 --> 00:10:36,710 What about my model? 245 00:10:36,711 --> 00:10:39,410 No one wants to see a guy come on my show and play with dolls. 246 00:10:39,411 --> 00:10:41,711 Okay, first of all, that is not what it is. 247 00:10:41,721 --> 00:10:42,950 And second of all, 248 00:10:42,951 --> 00:10:45,181 You just had a guy on your show playing with dolls. 249 00:10:45,191 --> 00:10:47,090 So, your dolls are favored to win 250 00:10:47,091 --> 00:10:49,060 At the rhinebeck collector awards next month. 251 00:10:49,061 --> 00:10:51,120 Only if they behave themselves. 252 00:10:51,121 --> 00:10:52,890 Last year, I found one of them cavorting 253 00:10:52,891 --> 00:10:55,230 With a g.I. Joe. 254 00:10:55,231 --> 00:10:57,230 It's not funny. 255 00:10:57,231 --> 00:10:58,600 What were you thinking? 256 00:10:58,601 --> 00:11:00,431 What if you'd gotten pregnant? 257 00:11:01,441 --> 00:11:03,840 And you invited him back for a follow-up interview. 258 00:11:03,841 --> 00:11:05,770 Only because the FBI asked us 259 00:11:05,771 --> 00:11:07,840 To keep him occupied while they search his house. 260 00:11:08,670 --> 00:11:12,361 Come on, Marshall. I need the story. It's got everything. 261 00:11:12,481 --> 00:11:16,301 Crime, monkeys, no stupid model of the empire state building 262 00:11:16,332 --> 00:11:17,761 That takes up my entire living room 263 00:11:17,783 --> 00:11:19,851 And makes the whole place smell like glue. 264 00:11:20,320 --> 00:11:23,660 Come on. Do this for me... As a friend? 265 00:11:24,071 --> 00:11:26,247 It'd be fun to see you on tv. Yeah. 266 00:11:26,465 --> 00:11:31,030 Okay... Can you promise to present it in a way 267 00:11:31,031 --> 00:11:32,951 That doesn't make a joke out of the fact 268 00:11:32,970 --> 00:11:34,422 That I got mugged by a monkey? 269 00:11:35,996 --> 00:11:38,170 You got mugged by a monkey. 270 00:11:40,507 --> 00:11:41,871 Oh, my God. 271 00:11:41,881 --> 00:11:43,565 I just got mugged. What? 272 00:11:43,685 --> 00:11:46,591 Is what I was saying to this girl at the bar earlier... 273 00:11:46,711 --> 00:11:49,380 It was completely terrifying. 274 00:11:49,381 --> 00:11:50,914 I just want to forget 275 00:11:50,951 --> 00:11:53,690 This ever happened and try to move on with my life. 276 00:11:53,691 --> 00:11:55,520 Oh, you poor thing. 277 00:11:55,521 --> 00:11:56,920 Neil? 278 00:11:56,921 --> 00:11:59,690 Neil. Neil. I... I... Neil! 279 00:11:59,691 --> 00:12:03,460 Lady, my name's not Neil. It's bar... Gah-gah! 280 00:12:03,461 --> 00:12:04,961 Why are you calling him Neil? 281 00:12:04,971 --> 00:12:06,500 Because that's his name. 282 00:12:06,501 --> 00:12:07,930 He's Neil Armstrong. 283 00:12:07,931 --> 00:12:10,070 The cyclist? I thought 284 00:12:10,071 --> 00:12:11,901 You were supposed to be on a shuttle mission? 285 00:12:11,911 --> 00:12:13,740 I thought you just got mugged. 286 00:12:15,504 --> 00:12:17,310 Okay, I can do this. 287 00:12:17,311 --> 00:12:21,280 Uh, uh, you see, I was on my way to the launch pad 288 00:12:21,281 --> 00:12:24,121 When I was mugged. 289 00:12:24,359 --> 00:12:29,051 And the mugger took my space shuttle keys. 290 00:12:29,061 --> 00:12:31,360 Nailed it. Who's up for a three-way? 291 00:12:31,361 --> 00:12:32,760 I am. 292 00:12:32,761 --> 00:12:34,460 Me, too. 293 00:12:34,461 --> 00:12:37,300 And it was the best three-way ever. 294 00:12:37,301 --> 00:12:39,038 Strange, 'cause you look 295 00:12:39,059 --> 00:12:41,330 Like you just had two vodka tonics thrown in your face. 296 00:12:41,331 --> 00:12:43,570 And you have lime in your hair. 297 00:12:43,571 --> 00:12:45,001 I do? 298 00:12:45,811 --> 00:12:47,929 The story's better with my ending. 299 00:12:48,208 --> 00:12:50,530 Just... Okay? 300 00:12:50,881 --> 00:12:53,710 So, there we are, zero gravity. 301 00:12:53,711 --> 00:12:56,020 The three of us wearing nothing but space helmets... 302 00:12:56,021 --> 00:12:57,120 Marshall! 303 00:12:57,121 --> 00:12:58,871 You won't believe it. 304 00:12:58,903 --> 00:13:02,120 I pitched the monkey mugger story To my producer and he loves it! 305 00:13:02,121 --> 00:13:04,761 Oh... Wow. Yeah! 306 00:13:04,881 --> 00:13:06,110 Really? Cool. Yeah! 307 00:13:06,118 --> 00:13:08,161 I mean, who's ever heard of a guy getting mugged by a monkey? 308 00:13:08,194 --> 00:13:11,400 No one except for the good people of Thailand, 309 00:13:11,401 --> 00:13:14,300 China, Costa Rica, and plenty of other countries 310 00:13:14,301 --> 00:13:16,638 Where monkey crime is an extremely common nuisance. 311 00:13:16,681 --> 00:13:17,981 Well, the best part is, he said that 312 00:13:18,013 --> 00:13:19,556 It might get picked up to go national. 313 00:13:19,676 --> 00:13:23,202 Guys, this monkey mugger story could make me famous. 314 00:13:24,808 --> 00:13:26,704 Me, too. 315 00:13:27,481 --> 00:13:30,336 Guys, this is bad. I-I can't, I can't do this. 316 00:13:30,456 --> 00:13:32,326 So, it'll be a little embarrassing... so what? 317 00:13:32,446 --> 00:13:34,860 It's not that. Guys... 318 00:13:37,021 --> 00:13:39,139 I wasn't mugged by a monkey. 319 00:13:42,857 --> 00:13:45,458 So, you weren't mugged by a monkey? 320 00:13:45,578 --> 00:13:46,600 No, I wasn't. 321 00:13:47,227 --> 00:13:48,843 So what you're saying is 322 00:13:48,963 --> 00:13:52,438 The monkey tricked you into giving him your wallet? 323 00:13:52,458 --> 00:13:53,710 No, that's not what I'm saying. 324 00:13:53,711 --> 00:13:55,007 So you mugged the monkey? 325 00:13:55,127 --> 00:13:57,105 Guys, there was no monkey! 326 00:13:57,225 --> 00:13:59,521 It was a human being with a gun. 327 00:14:00,604 --> 00:14:02,790 Are you sure it wasn't one monkey 328 00:14:02,791 --> 00:14:04,923 Standing on another monkey's shoulders, 329 00:14:04,951 --> 00:14:06,420 Wearing a men's trench coat? 330 00:14:06,421 --> 00:14:07,656 Be about the right height. 331 00:14:07,712 --> 00:14:10,471 No! I... I just made that story up 332 00:14:10,481 --> 00:14:11,737 So that Lily wouldn't get a gun. 333 00:14:11,754 --> 00:14:13,067 The truth is that it never happened. 334 00:14:14,538 --> 00:14:16,646 I don't buy it. What? 335 00:14:16,692 --> 00:14:19,168 You heard me. I think you were mugged by a monkey. 336 00:14:19,216 --> 00:14:20,900 You just don't want to go on Robin's show 337 00:14:20,901 --> 00:14:21,965 'cause you're afraid it'll make you 338 00:14:21,987 --> 00:14:23,778 Look like a big joke. Well, won't it? 339 00:14:23,801 --> 00:14:25,940 The biggest, 'cause it's so funny. 340 00:14:26,491 --> 00:14:28,305 Well, it never happened, okay? 341 00:14:28,348 --> 00:14:30,730 And I can lie to you guys about it because you're my best friends. 342 00:14:30,790 --> 00:14:32,026 I am, but go on. 343 00:14:32,146 --> 00:14:35,251 But I can't lie about it on national tv. 344 00:14:37,021 --> 00:14:38,290 Ted, you've known him the longest. 345 00:14:38,291 --> 00:14:39,591 Is he telling the truth? 346 00:14:41,861 --> 00:14:43,893 Ted, don't... 347 00:14:49,978 --> 00:14:51,802 I can't tell. 348 00:14:53,441 --> 00:14:55,208 He smells good. 349 00:14:56,322 --> 00:14:58,301 But I just can't tell. 350 00:15:01,181 --> 00:15:03,110 Well, I'm still saying it happened. 351 00:15:03,230 --> 00:15:07,320 Maybe. But, Marshall, if you didn't get mugged by a monkey, 352 00:15:07,321 --> 00:15:09,320 You can't let Robin report it on her show. 353 00:15:09,321 --> 00:15:10,650 I mean, this could hurt her credibility. 354 00:15:10,651 --> 00:15:11,355 Oh, please! Journalists lie all the time. 355 00:15:13,121 --> 00:15:14,890 I'm sorry, but I will believe 356 00:15:14,891 --> 00:15:17,955 That Jack Palance is dead when I see the body. 357 00:15:18,075 --> 00:15:20,100 Okay, this may come as a shock to you, Barney, 358 00:15:20,101 --> 00:15:21,730 But people don't like to be lied to. 359 00:15:21,731 --> 00:15:25,200 Wrong! They don't like finding out they've been lied to. 360 00:15:25,201 --> 00:15:27,400 "because a lie is just a great story 361 00:15:27,401 --> 00:15:29,140 That someone ruined with the truth." 362 00:15:29,141 --> 00:15:30,310 Barney Stinson. 363 00:15:30,311 --> 00:15:34,040 Case in point, what that girl Sarah did to me! 364 00:15:34,041 --> 00:15:35,910 I think you mean what you did to her. 365 00:15:35,911 --> 00:15:38,550 No, I mean what she did to me. 366 00:15:38,551 --> 00:15:41,520 The truth is, I'm afraid the three-way story 367 00:15:41,521 --> 00:15:43,690 Didn't go exactly the way I said it did. 368 00:15:43,691 --> 00:15:46,191 Nailed it. Who's up for a three-way? 369 00:15:48,713 --> 00:15:50,190 Lisa, wait. 370 00:15:50,778 --> 00:15:52,091 Yes, Neil? 371 00:15:52,101 --> 00:15:54,601 Oh, you're Lisa? Sarah, wait. 372 00:15:56,044 --> 00:15:57,578 Look. 373 00:15:58,459 --> 00:16:00,251 I'm not Neil Armstrong. 374 00:16:00,500 --> 00:16:02,201 I'm sorry I lied. 375 00:16:02,491 --> 00:16:06,710 Well, I guess I wasn't completely honest with you, either. 376 00:16:06,711 --> 00:16:08,980 I mean, I said that I was 28, 377 00:16:08,981 --> 00:16:10,680 But the truth is that I'm really 31. 378 00:16:10,681 --> 00:16:13,020 And if we're being completely honest, 379 00:16:13,021 --> 00:16:17,491 I went to the doctor the other day and found out... 31! 380 00:16:17,611 --> 00:16:20,155 I was happy, very happy, 381 00:16:20,275 --> 00:16:24,631 Thinking that I had nailed a 28-year-old with some sun damage. 382 00:16:25,143 --> 00:16:27,230 People want the lie. 383 00:16:27,231 --> 00:16:30,100 Marshall, they need the lie, which is why, 384 00:16:30,101 --> 00:16:32,900 As far as I'm concerned, you were mugged by a monkey. 385 00:16:32,901 --> 00:16:35,603 Just as sure as I had that three-way. 386 00:16:35,723 --> 00:16:39,180 I am the greatest in the world! 387 00:16:39,181 --> 00:16:41,440 Bar... Barney! 388 00:16:41,441 --> 00:16:42,710 Is that the three-way belt? 389 00:16:42,711 --> 00:16:44,751 You know it. Props! 390 00:16:46,485 --> 00:16:48,827 Man, I slept so great last night. 391 00:16:49,291 --> 00:16:51,920 Can you believe I almost bought a gun? 392 00:16:51,921 --> 00:16:54,691 I'm so glad you got mugged by a monkey. 393 00:16:57,434 --> 00:17:00,200 Okay... You guys got me. 394 00:17:00,201 --> 00:17:01,585 I was just nervous. 395 00:17:01,612 --> 00:17:03,406 I, I got mugged by a monkey. 396 00:17:03,470 --> 00:17:04,858 Yes! I knew it. 397 00:17:04,884 --> 00:17:06,640 Wait a minute. Now I'm thinking 398 00:17:06,666 --> 00:17:09,070 You really weren't mugged by a monkey. 399 00:17:09,071 --> 00:17:11,025 Come on, Ted. Why would he make something like that up? 400 00:17:11,056 --> 00:17:12,330 Yeah, come on, Ted. 401 00:17:13,259 --> 00:17:15,441 Come here. 402 00:17:20,021 --> 00:17:22,217 Okay, seriously, what is that cologne? 403 00:17:22,337 --> 00:17:24,388 It's intoxicating. 404 00:17:24,772 --> 00:17:26,221 So, late the following night, 405 00:17:26,295 --> 00:17:28,370 We all went to the set of Robin's show. 406 00:17:28,490 --> 00:17:29,930 Okay, Marshall, now, don't be nervous. 407 00:17:29,931 --> 00:17:31,123 What we're going to do is we're going to sit you... 408 00:17:31,184 --> 00:17:33,139 What the hell is this? 409 00:17:33,259 --> 00:17:36,178 I don't know. Looks like something covered by a sheet. 410 00:17:36,571 --> 00:17:37,711 Guess if you want to find out, 411 00:17:37,734 --> 00:17:39,419 You're going to have to do a story on it. 412 00:17:39,452 --> 00:17:40,951 You're going to be covered by a sheet 413 00:17:40,982 --> 00:17:43,070 If you don't get your stupid model out of here. 414 00:17:43,783 --> 00:17:45,621 Dude, what are you doing? 415 00:17:45,977 --> 00:17:48,680 I don't think Marshall's going to lie on tv. 416 00:17:48,681 --> 00:17:50,431 And when he backs out, I want to be there 417 00:17:50,451 --> 00:17:52,211 For my friend, Robin, with a story. 418 00:17:52,538 --> 00:17:54,922 Or rather, 102 stories, 419 00:17:54,953 --> 00:17:58,958 Because that's how tall a certain iconic New York landmark is. 420 00:17:59,361 --> 00:18:01,326 Now, I want to buy a gun. 421 00:18:01,446 --> 00:18:04,083 Whoa, the monkey's here. Yeah, surprise. 422 00:18:04,104 --> 00:18:05,344 We thought it would help the story 423 00:18:05,403 --> 00:18:07,360 To bring him here so you could face your attacker. 424 00:18:07,629 --> 00:18:09,557 Yeah. Because of this incident, 425 00:18:09,590 --> 00:18:12,525 We will be sending Captain Bobo to a wildlife sanctuary. 426 00:18:12,587 --> 00:18:14,540 Oh, I bet he'll like it there. 427 00:18:14,541 --> 00:18:15,584 No, ma'am. 428 00:18:15,874 --> 00:18:18,444 You see, we'll be splitting him up from his mate, Milly. 429 00:18:19,012 --> 00:18:21,241 They've been together for a long time. 430 00:18:22,432 --> 00:18:24,050 His mate's name is Milly? 431 00:18:24,357 --> 00:18:26,372 And then, the interview began. 432 00:18:26,492 --> 00:18:30,020 Marshall, in your own words, Describe what happened. 433 00:18:30,021 --> 00:18:32,451 Well, I would, I... 434 00:18:32,461 --> 00:18:34,190 I would love to tell you what happened, Robin. 435 00:18:35,144 --> 00:18:38,230 But I'm just, I'm so curious 436 00:18:38,231 --> 00:18:40,630 As to what is going on underneath that sheet. 437 00:18:40,631 --> 00:18:42,298 Well, we're not here to talk about that. 438 00:18:42,386 --> 00:18:44,232 We're here to talk about your mugging. Right. 439 00:18:44,262 --> 00:18:46,348 Well, people get mugged in New York City all the time, 440 00:18:46,375 --> 00:18:49,051 Robin, but how often do you get to see 441 00:18:49,270 --> 00:18:50,638 Whatever's under that sheet? 442 00:18:50,672 --> 00:18:51,715 Mike, can we get a shot of that? 443 00:18:51,942 --> 00:18:53,680 We'll be right back. We're clear. 444 00:18:53,681 --> 00:18:55,110 What the hell are you doing? 445 00:18:55,111 --> 00:18:58,716 Robin, I... I wasn't really mugged by a monkey, okay? 446 00:18:58,744 --> 00:19:00,480 I just made up that story so that Lily wouldn't buy a gun. 447 00:19:00,481 --> 00:19:02,248 So you weren't mugged by a monkey? 448 00:19:02,282 --> 00:19:03,284 No, what are you talking about, baby? 449 00:19:03,311 --> 00:19:04,701 Of course I was mugged by a monkey. 450 00:19:04,745 --> 00:19:05,990 Great, tell it to America. 451 00:19:05,991 --> 00:19:06,941 We're back in five. 452 00:19:06,967 --> 00:19:08,006 No-no-no, not back in five. 453 00:19:08,023 --> 00:19:09,069 I wasn't mugged by a monkey. 454 00:19:09,107 --> 00:19:10,741 Okay, that's it. I'm getting a gun. No-no-no! 455 00:19:10,774 --> 00:19:12,630 Don't get a gun. I was mugged by a monkey. 456 00:19:12,631 --> 00:19:14,141 Well, then Bobo here is going away. 457 00:19:14,183 --> 00:19:15,762 Wasn't! I wasn't mugged by a monkey! 458 00:19:15,882 --> 00:19:17,544 Ted, do you have any idea if Marshall was mugged by a monkey? 459 00:19:17,574 --> 00:19:18,413 None whatsoever. 460 00:19:18,474 --> 00:19:21,501 Just tell me, were you or were you not mugged by Captain Bobo? 461 00:19:21,524 --> 00:19:23,421 Yeah, baby, just tell us what really happened. 462 00:19:23,449 --> 00:19:25,040 Yeah, Marshall, just us tell the truth. 463 00:19:29,610 --> 00:19:30,980 And that's when Marshall realized 464 00:19:30,981 --> 00:19:32,820 There was only one thing he could say. 465 00:19:32,821 --> 00:19:34,027 All right! 466 00:19:34,821 --> 00:19:36,290 Here's the truth. 467 00:19:37,010 --> 00:19:39,091 I... 468 00:19:40,440 --> 00:19:42,360 Am going back to bed. 469 00:19:42,361 --> 00:19:43,990 And that was it. 470 00:19:43,991 --> 00:19:46,882 We never found out what really happened to Uncle Marshall's wallet. 471 00:19:47,120 --> 00:19:48,502 But we do know this. 472 00:19:48,622 --> 00:19:52,968 Aunt Lily never got a gun, Robin's credibility remained unimpeached, 473 00:19:53,258 --> 00:19:55,745 And Bobo and Milly lived out their days together 474 00:19:55,776 --> 00:19:57,340 In the Central Park Zoo. 475 00:19:57,738 --> 00:19:59,940 Damn it. 476 00:19:59,941 --> 00:20:01,505 All right, Ted, mic up. 477 00:20:01,764 --> 00:20:04,050 Mic'd up and made up. 478 00:20:04,051 --> 00:20:05,980 Red leather, yellow leather. 479 00:20:05,981 --> 00:20:08,320 Well, that wasn't very satisfying. 480 00:20:08,321 --> 00:20:09,750 When I tell everyone at work this story, 481 00:20:09,751 --> 00:20:11,120 I'm saying he was mugged by a monkey. 482 00:20:11,121 --> 00:20:12,841 And I'm going to keep the banana on a string thing. 483 00:20:12,873 --> 00:20:13,941 That was working. 484 00:20:13,993 --> 00:20:15,990 Barney, enough with the lies. 485 00:20:15,991 --> 00:20:17,511 You can't just tack on a new ending 486 00:20:17,529 --> 00:20:19,560 Because you're not satisfied with how a story wraps up. 487 00:20:20,075 --> 00:20:22,061 Oh, really? 488 00:20:22,071 --> 00:20:24,530 Well, mark my words, Mosby. 489 00:20:24,531 --> 00:20:28,340 Someday you'll be telling this story, you'll see it my way. 490 00:20:28,460 --> 00:20:29,710 Doubtful. 491 00:20:29,711 --> 00:20:31,932 And then, kids, you'll never believe what happened. 492 00:20:32,052 --> 00:20:33,211 The monkey got loose! 493 00:20:34,914 --> 00:20:36,510 He's got one of my dolls! 494 00:20:36,763 --> 00:20:38,908 Bobo, come here, Bobo. 495 00:20:39,028 --> 00:20:40,556 Bobo... Whow whow whow... 496 00:20:40,676 --> 00:20:42,791 He's climbing the building! 497 00:20:45,225 --> 00:20:46,707 Bobo, come here. 498 00:20:47,091 --> 00:20:49,591 I'll get him. 499 00:20:53,401 --> 00:20:55,400 Is this really happening? 500 00:20:55,401 --> 00:20:57,201 Sure is, Ted. 501 00:20:57,586 --> 00:21:04,032 Sync by honeybunny www.addic7ed.com