1 00:00:01,275 --> 00:00:02,375 Kids, back in 2009, 2 00:00:02,375 --> 00:00:03,542 your Aunt Robin was the host 3 00:00:03,542 --> 00:00:05,909 of a morning show for local New York cable. 4 00:00:05,909 --> 00:00:08,275 And it was on early. How early? 5 00:00:09,842 --> 00:00:11,208 Mike? wakey, wakey. 6 00:00:12,408 --> 00:00:15,141 But then, everything changed. 7 00:00:15,141 --> 00:00:16,341 Hey. Hey. 8 00:00:16,341 --> 00:00:17,308 See my show? 9 00:00:17,308 --> 00:00:18,575 Oh, I meant to watch it. 10 00:00:18,575 --> 00:00:19,675 I just got so busy 11 00:00:19,675 --> 00:00:21,675 with the whole "being sound asleep" thing. 12 00:00:21,675 --> 00:00:23,809 It took all night, eight hours down the drain. 13 00:00:23,809 --> 00:00:25,974 Oh, it's fine. But get this: 14 00:00:25,974 --> 00:00:28,141 After the broadcast... 15 00:00:28,141 --> 00:00:30,442 Hi. Are you Robin? 16 00:00:30,442 --> 00:00:31,542 Yeah. 17 00:00:31,542 --> 00:00:32,675 I'm Don, your new co-host. 18 00:00:32,675 --> 00:00:34,675 Don was Don Frank, 19 00:00:34,675 --> 00:00:36,008 seasoned veteran of no fewer 20 00:00:36,008 --> 00:00:38,575 than 39 local morning news teams 21 00:00:38,575 --> 00:00:40,208 from all over the country. 22 00:00:40,208 --> 00:00:42,542 The guy was an industry legend. 23 00:00:43,175 --> 00:00:45,775 Oh. 24 00:00:45,775 --> 00:00:48,442 Wow! You are so going to hit that. 25 00:00:48,442 --> 00:00:49,941 No, I just think we're going 26 00:00:49,941 --> 00:00:51,708 to be great together on the air. 27 00:00:51,708 --> 00:00:54,375 And on the sofa and on the bed and on the coffee table. 28 00:00:54,375 --> 00:00:55,941 All right, all right. 29 00:00:55,941 --> 00:00:57,508 I'm gonna go up on the roof and stand there 30 00:00:57,508 --> 00:00:58,875 by myself for five minutes. 31 00:00:58,875 --> 00:00:59,941 Have fun. 32 00:00:59,941 --> 00:01:01,642 And that's exactly what she did. 33 00:01:01,642 --> 00:01:04,642 She just stood there. 34 00:01:04,642 --> 00:01:06,608 All right, kids, I'm gonna level with you. 35 00:01:06,608 --> 00:01:08,008 That's not what she did. 36 00:01:08,008 --> 00:01:09,108 Here's what she did. 37 00:01:09,108 --> 00:01:11,074 All right, all right. 38 00:01:11,074 --> 00:01:12,508 I'm going to go have a cigarette. 39 00:01:12,508 --> 00:01:13,875 BOTH: What?! 40 00:01:13,875 --> 00:01:15,341 NARRATOR: I promised her I'd never tell you this, 41 00:01:15,341 --> 00:01:16,974 but once upon a time, your Aunt Robin 42 00:01:16,974 --> 00:01:19,141 did enjoy the occasional cigarette, 43 00:01:19,141 --> 00:01:22,341 and occasionally that occasional cigarette... 44 00:01:22,341 --> 00:01:25,175 was more than just occasional. 45 00:01:28,108 --> 00:01:30,141 I just left something like this in my apartment. 46 00:01:30,141 --> 00:01:32,842 Robin, come on, take it to the roof. 47 00:01:32,842 --> 00:01:34,208 We said no smoking in the apartment 48 00:01:34,208 --> 00:01:36,575 after you torched the throw rug doing push-ups. 49 00:01:36,575 --> 00:01:37,708 All right, all right, all right. 50 00:01:37,708 --> 00:01:39,175 Geez. 51 00:01:39,175 --> 00:01:41,375 Yeah, Robin, I mean, God, 52 00:01:41,375 --> 00:01:44,275 not only is that a filthy habit, but also, 53 00:01:44,275 --> 00:01:45,875 can I bum one? Sure. 54 00:01:45,875 --> 00:01:47,475 What?! 55 00:01:47,476 --> 00:01:51,118 "How I Met Your Mother" 56 00:01:51,119 --> 00:01:56,341 - Sync By YesCool - 57 00:01:56,342 --> 00:02:00,000 WwW.addic7ed.com 58 00:02:00,376 --> 00:02:02,408 Kids, your Uncle Marshall definitely doesn't want you 59 00:02:02,408 --> 00:02:05,375 to know this, but he also smoked off and on. 60 00:02:05,375 --> 00:02:09,008 It all started when he was 13, on a camping trip in Minnesota. 61 00:02:09,008 --> 00:02:10,275 Come on, Marshall, let's celebrate. 62 00:02:10,275 --> 00:02:11,974 It's summer vacation. 63 00:02:12,842 --> 00:02:15,875 Okay, but just one. 64 00:02:15,875 --> 00:02:17,909 This is my first and last cigarette ever. 65 00:02:17,909 --> 00:02:22,041 And that was the first of many, many "last cigarettes ever." 66 00:02:22,041 --> 00:02:23,508 That's it. 67 00:02:23,508 --> 00:02:25,375 I am done, I am out. 68 00:02:25,375 --> 00:02:26,408 Last... 69 00:02:26,408 --> 00:02:27,375 Cigarette... 70 00:02:27,375 --> 00:02:28,941 ...ev-arrh! 71 00:02:28,941 --> 00:02:31,041 So, by that point, I'd heard it all before. 72 00:02:31,041 --> 00:02:33,074 Last cigarette ever. 73 00:02:33,074 --> 00:02:35,708 What are you doing? You haven't smoked in six months. 74 00:02:35,708 --> 00:02:37,442 Is this about the McRib? 75 00:02:37,442 --> 00:02:38,708 It's gone, dude, let it go. 76 00:02:38,708 --> 00:02:40,608 I'm worried about work, okay? 77 00:02:40,608 --> 00:02:42,974 They just hired a new head of the legal department, 78 00:02:42,974 --> 00:02:44,775 and he's going to be letting people go. 79 00:02:44,775 --> 00:02:46,308 So that's why you're worried? 80 00:02:46,308 --> 00:02:50,175 The new head of the legal department is Arthur Hobbes. 81 00:02:50,175 --> 00:02:52,141 As in "Artillery Arthur"? 82 00:02:52,141 --> 00:02:53,909 As in your former boss? 83 00:02:53,909 --> 00:02:55,475 Arthur Hobbes was the meanest boss 84 00:02:55,475 --> 00:02:58,941 Marshall or anyone else had ever had. 85 00:02:58,941 --> 00:03:01,508 The last time Marshall worked for him, it ended like this. 86 00:03:01,508 --> 00:03:03,875 I quit! 87 00:03:03,875 --> 00:03:04,875 Yikes. 88 00:03:04,875 --> 00:03:06,442 So does he hold it against you? 89 00:03:06,442 --> 00:03:08,141 Worse. 90 00:03:08,141 --> 00:03:09,575 I'm sorry, who are you? 91 00:03:09,575 --> 00:03:12,308 I'm, I'm Marshall Eriksen. 92 00:03:12,308 --> 00:03:13,875 Hmm. 93 00:03:13,875 --> 00:03:16,809 Um, we had a fairly intense screaming match. 94 00:03:16,809 --> 00:03:18,074 No. 95 00:03:18,074 --> 00:03:20,575 Wherein I suggested that you take your head 96 00:03:20,575 --> 00:03:23,608 and store it within yourself 97 00:03:23,608 --> 00:03:24,941 in a fashion that, 98 00:03:24,941 --> 00:03:26,074 while, while space-saving, 99 00:03:26,074 --> 00:03:28,842 might limit its exposure to, to sunshine. 100 00:03:28,842 --> 00:03:31,708 Well, that describes 95% of my employees 101 00:03:31,708 --> 00:03:34,909 and everyone in my family... except for my dog. 102 00:03:34,909 --> 00:03:39,008 : He's such a good boy. 103 00:03:39,008 --> 00:03:41,742 Well... I'll see you later, uh... 104 00:03:41,742 --> 00:03:44,074 Randall Wilkerson. 105 00:03:44,074 --> 00:03:45,308 Marshall Eriksen. 106 00:03:45,308 --> 00:03:46,608 Gary Dinkersfield, right. 107 00:03:48,608 --> 00:03:50,141 Great, he doesn't remember you. 108 00:03:50,141 --> 00:03:51,442 Not great. 109 00:03:51,442 --> 00:03:52,708 Arthur Hobbes hating Marshall-- that's no big deal. 110 00:03:52,708 --> 00:03:54,074 He hates everyone. 111 00:03:54,074 --> 00:03:56,241 It's the people he doesn't know that he cuts loose. 112 00:03:56,241 --> 00:03:58,974 He just fired What's-His-Face. 113 00:03:58,974 --> 00:04:00,575 He fired What's- His-Face, Ted, 114 00:04:00,575 --> 00:04:02,208 and What's-His-Face was invaluable. 115 00:04:02,208 --> 00:04:04,442 Look, I can understand you getting upset, 116 00:04:04,442 --> 00:04:06,108 but it's not worth killing yourself over. 117 00:04:06,108 --> 00:04:09,475 Yeah, wait till you get laid off, then kill yourself. 118 00:04:09,475 --> 00:04:10,875 Like What's-His-Face. 119 00:04:10,875 --> 00:04:15,275 Although I guess now it's more like Where's-His-Face. 120 00:04:15,275 --> 00:04:16,375 Look, it was just two cigarettes. 121 00:04:16,375 --> 00:04:18,508 Okay, I can handle two. 122 00:04:18,508 --> 00:04:21,408 As long as I don't have three within 24 hours, 123 00:04:21,408 --> 00:04:22,775 then I'm not going to get hooked again. 124 00:04:22,775 --> 00:04:23,842 What's Lily going 125 00:04:23,842 --> 00:04:25,775 to say when she finds out you smoked? 126 00:04:25,775 --> 00:04:27,941 Lily's not going to find out. 127 00:04:27,941 --> 00:04:28,974 I have a system. 128 00:04:28,974 --> 00:04:31,208 Ah, yes, Marshall's system. 129 00:04:44,208 --> 00:04:45,542 Hey, Lil. 130 00:04:45,542 --> 00:04:46,542 You smoked. 131 00:04:46,542 --> 00:04:48,041 Damn it! 132 00:04:48,041 --> 00:04:50,275 NARRATOR: The next morning, your Aunt Robin was thrilled 133 00:04:50,275 --> 00:04:52,909 to be finally going on the air with a real pro. 134 00:04:52,909 --> 00:04:56,175 In three, two, one... 135 00:04:56,175 --> 00:04:57,442 Hi, I'm Robin Scherbatsky. 136 00:04:57,442 --> 00:05:00,275 And I... am Don Frank. 137 00:05:00,275 --> 00:05:01,974 Two teens were arrested late last night 138 00:05:01,974 --> 00:05:03,208 for stealing a police cart. 139 00:05:03,208 --> 00:05:05,241 No, I'm sorry, not a police cart, a police car. 140 00:05:05,241 --> 00:05:06,308 Oh. 141 00:05:06,308 --> 00:05:07,542 Aw, screw it. 142 00:05:07,542 --> 00:05:08,508 Brain fart. 143 00:05:09,742 --> 00:05:11,041 Don't you hate those? 144 00:05:11,041 --> 00:05:12,208 Oh, look at that, 145 00:05:12,208 --> 00:05:14,008 the teleprompter's still running. 146 00:05:14,008 --> 00:05:17,408 Something about a woman giving birth on an uptown bus. 147 00:05:17,408 --> 00:05:19,341 Well, no point in jumping in halfway. 148 00:05:19,341 --> 00:05:22,508 I'll just wait till it's done. 149 00:05:22,508 --> 00:05:26,542 Uh... and she cut the cord with a Metropass. 150 00:05:26,542 --> 00:05:27,542 We'll be right back. 151 00:05:27,542 --> 00:05:29,241 And we're clear. 152 00:05:29,241 --> 00:05:31,708 What the hell was that? Don, you said "brain fart." 153 00:05:31,708 --> 00:05:33,442 Look, Robin, you seem 154 00:05:33,442 --> 00:05:36,275 like a nice kid, but this is my 39th local news show, okay? 155 00:05:36,275 --> 00:05:38,008 And in that time, I've learned three things: 156 00:05:38,008 --> 00:05:40,442 avoid the all-you-can-eat sushi buffet in Bismarck, 157 00:05:40,442 --> 00:05:43,408 do not go to the bathroom with your lapel mic still on, 158 00:05:43,408 --> 00:05:44,708 and three, at this hour, 159 00:05:44,708 --> 00:05:46,475 your entire viewing audience is 160 00:05:46,475 --> 00:05:49,475 one half-drunk slob sitting in his underwear, so... 161 00:05:49,475 --> 00:05:52,108 MIKE: Back in five, four... 162 00:05:52,108 --> 00:05:55,008 Well, let's do a great show for that half-drunk slob. 163 00:05:55,008 --> 00:05:57,642 Well, that half-drunk slob appreciates it. 164 00:05:57,642 --> 00:05:59,742 The next day, Marshall found himself craving a cigarette. 165 00:05:59,742 --> 00:06:04,941 It was driving him crazy, so he decided to get some fresh air. 166 00:06:06,974 --> 00:06:08,041 Oh, no. 167 00:06:08,041 --> 00:06:09,809 You're not up here to jump, are you? 168 00:06:09,809 --> 00:06:10,974 No, no, no, no. 169 00:06:10,974 --> 00:06:12,275 I fired a lot of people today. 170 00:06:12,275 --> 00:06:14,175 I don't need another jumper in my file. 171 00:06:16,341 --> 00:06:18,608 Oh, uh, cigarette? 172 00:06:18,608 --> 00:06:21,442 No, no, thank you. 173 00:06:21,442 --> 00:06:23,375 That's too bad. 174 00:06:23,375 --> 00:06:25,041 You know what I miss, Jeffrey? 175 00:06:25,041 --> 00:06:27,608 Getting to know somebody over a smoke. 176 00:06:27,608 --> 00:06:30,008 People are so interchangeable now, 177 00:06:30,008 --> 00:06:34,408 but you share a butt with somebody, you got a real bond. 178 00:06:35,275 --> 00:06:37,475 You know what? 179 00:06:37,475 --> 00:06:38,675 I will, I will take one. 180 00:06:38,675 --> 00:06:39,708 Okay. 181 00:06:39,708 --> 00:06:40,842 Thank you. 182 00:06:40,842 --> 00:06:42,675 I'm Marshall, by the way, 183 00:06:42,675 --> 00:06:44,408 it's Marshall, Marshall Eriksen. 184 00:06:44,408 --> 00:06:47,108 Yeah. Tell me something Marshall Eriksen. 185 00:06:47,108 --> 00:06:49,208 How would you like to see 186 00:06:49,208 --> 00:06:52,575 a picture of the cutest dog in the world? 187 00:06:58,211 --> 00:07:00,527 Hey. - You smoked. 188 00:07:01,211 --> 00:07:04,877 Yes, I smoked, and it was my third of the day. 189 00:07:04,877 --> 00:07:06,077 You know what that means? 190 00:07:06,077 --> 00:07:07,544 I'm a smoker now. It's all over. 191 00:07:07,544 --> 00:07:10,011 I even bought a pack on the way home and a lighter 192 00:07:10,011 --> 00:07:12,044 and a Vikings lamp, which has nothing to do with anything, 193 00:07:12,044 --> 00:07:13,777 but I saw it in the window and I liked it. 194 00:07:13,777 --> 00:07:15,077 Damn it, Marshall. 195 00:07:15,077 --> 00:07:18,044 We already have four Viking lamps and smoking kills. 196 00:07:18,044 --> 00:07:21,111 It was a way to bond with my boss, okay? 197 00:07:21,111 --> 00:07:23,044 You should have seen me up there. 198 00:07:23,044 --> 00:07:24,444 That is a cute dog. 199 00:07:24,444 --> 00:07:25,810 Yeah. Are those your kids? 200 00:07:25,810 --> 00:07:27,144 Yeah, yeah, whatever. 201 00:07:27,144 --> 00:07:29,745 Hey, oh, look what I got at the mall. 202 00:07:33,111 --> 00:07:34,211 Aw. There he is. 203 00:07:34,211 --> 00:07:35,777 There he is. 204 00:07:35,777 --> 00:07:37,244 Go ahead, you can pet him now. 205 00:07:37,244 --> 00:07:38,211 No. 206 00:07:38,211 --> 00:07:40,511 Yeah, yeah, come on, he likes it. 207 00:07:41,645 --> 00:07:43,311 Scratch him under the chin. 208 00:07:46,077 --> 00:07:47,844 I don't care what your reasons are. 209 00:07:47,844 --> 00:07:49,844 You know how I feel about smoking. 210 00:07:49,844 --> 00:07:51,844 Now, give me the cigarettes. 211 00:07:55,044 --> 00:07:57,311 And the lighter. 212 00:08:07,444 --> 00:08:09,944 Ah, that's the stuff. 213 00:08:09,944 --> 00:08:11,344 What?! What?! Oh, yeah, 214 00:08:11,344 --> 00:08:12,977 add your Aunt Lily to the list. 215 00:08:12,977 --> 00:08:15,044 Whenever Uncle Marshall fell off the wagon, 216 00:08:15,044 --> 00:08:18,077 your Aunt Lily got dragged right down with him. 217 00:08:18,077 --> 00:08:20,044 What you doing? 218 00:08:20,044 --> 00:08:21,678 If you must know, I am reaching out 219 00:08:21,678 --> 00:08:24,645 to City Hall to try to get the mayor on our show. 220 00:08:24,645 --> 00:08:25,910 Oh, my goodness, you are 221 00:08:25,910 --> 00:08:27,578 adorable, 222 00:08:27,578 --> 00:08:29,678 but the mayor's not coming on a show nobody watches. 223 00:08:29,678 --> 00:08:32,578 My colonoscopy had more viewers than this show. 224 00:08:32,578 --> 00:08:34,810 At least that had some twists and turns. 225 00:08:34,810 --> 00:08:36,211 You know, I don't, I don't know 226 00:08:36,211 --> 00:08:37,478 why you're acting like this. 227 00:08:37,478 --> 00:08:39,077 Maybe you're just bitter because you never had 228 00:08:39,077 --> 00:08:40,278 a shot at a network job, 229 00:08:40,278 --> 00:08:42,745 but I think I still do, so I really need to focus. 230 00:08:42,745 --> 00:08:44,011 I've been on a network. 231 00:08:45,877 --> 00:08:47,745 You were on a network? 232 00:08:47,745 --> 00:08:51,511 It was the best Labor Day weekend of my life. 233 00:08:51,511 --> 00:08:54,011 When you do the news, you're in these ergonomic chairs. 234 00:08:54,011 --> 00:08:55,910 It feels like you're sitting on a cloud. 235 00:08:55,910 --> 00:08:58,977 Which was nice 'cause it was right after my colonoscopy. 236 00:08:58,977 --> 00:09:01,544 And the dressing rooms? Oh. 237 00:09:01,544 --> 00:09:02,777 There's dressing rooms? Oh, you bet 238 00:09:02,777 --> 00:09:05,044 your sweet headset there's dressing rooms, Mike. 239 00:09:05,044 --> 00:09:07,910 No changing in the KFC bathroom across the street. 240 00:09:07,910 --> 00:09:09,378 No, sir. 241 00:09:10,044 --> 00:09:11,944 It was heaven. 242 00:09:11,944 --> 00:09:14,578 But the second you get used to it, they go find someone 243 00:09:14,578 --> 00:09:16,745 who isn't "going through a bitter divorce" 244 00:09:16,745 --> 00:09:19,144 and doesn't "reek of gin," 245 00:09:19,144 --> 00:09:20,244 and before you know it, you're stuck 246 00:09:20,244 --> 00:09:21,910 in a dead-end gig, 247 00:09:21,910 --> 00:09:23,611 surrounded by people going nowhere, 248 00:09:23,611 --> 00:09:26,478 doing the news in your tighty whities. 249 00:09:26,478 --> 00:09:30,111 Okay, the underwear thing was your choice, 250 00:09:30,111 --> 00:09:31,177 and I don't like 251 00:09:31,177 --> 00:09:32,177 that it's catching on. 252 00:09:32,177 --> 00:09:34,910 Ah, looking good, fellas. 253 00:09:34,910 --> 00:09:36,077 Feels good, right? 254 00:09:36,077 --> 00:09:37,511 God, I want to kill him. 255 00:09:37,511 --> 00:09:38,877 Of course people watch the show. 256 00:09:38,877 --> 00:09:41,144 You guys watch the show, that's, like, two right there. 257 00:09:43,578 --> 00:09:44,745 Oh, my God. 258 00:09:44,745 --> 00:09:46,877 You guys still haven't seen my show. 259 00:09:46,877 --> 00:09:49,745 What? We never miss it. We've seen it! 260 00:09:49,745 --> 00:09:51,844 Really? What color is the set? 261 00:09:51,844 --> 00:09:54,611 Uh... 262 00:09:54,611 --> 00:09:56,077 Yeah, uh... It's black. 263 00:09:56,077 --> 00:09:57,910 Right. Yeah. With, like, silver 264 00:09:57,910 --> 00:09:59,278 Uh-huh. Yeah. around the edges. 265 00:09:59,278 --> 00:10:01,244 Not your TV set, my show set. 266 00:10:01,244 --> 00:10:02,777 Ah... Oh... 267 00:10:02,777 --> 00:10:04,777 God, if I can't even get my best friends to watch, 268 00:10:04,777 --> 00:10:06,111 who's going to watch? 269 00:10:06,111 --> 00:10:07,211 Lots of people. 270 00:10:07,211 --> 00:10:09,910 Uh, you got bedridden insomniacs. Hmm. 271 00:10:09,910 --> 00:10:12,977 Bums camping outside a department store. 272 00:10:12,977 --> 00:10:14,144 People waiting 273 00:10:14,144 --> 00:10:17,077 in the ER, where the TV is in a cage, 274 00:10:17,077 --> 00:10:19,144 so you can't change the channel. 275 00:10:19,910 --> 00:10:21,544 Ooh, do you have any stalkers? 276 00:10:21,544 --> 00:10:24,645 Yeah, but even Leonard won't watch my show. 277 00:10:25,810 --> 00:10:27,745 I can't believe those guys are smoking out there. 278 00:10:27,745 --> 00:10:28,977 It's freezing out. 279 00:10:28,977 --> 00:10:31,578 Remember when you used to be able to smoke in bars? 280 00:10:31,578 --> 00:10:33,411 Oh, hey, dude. I think that 281 00:10:33,411 --> 00:10:35,244 hot girl over there's smiling at me. 282 00:10:35,244 --> 00:10:37,311 Uh, that's a chair. 283 00:10:37,311 --> 00:10:39,077 But yeah, dude, hit that. 284 00:10:39,844 --> 00:10:41,411 MARSHALL: Guys? 285 00:10:41,411 --> 00:10:42,777 Marco! 286 00:10:42,777 --> 00:10:44,944 Polo! Polo! 287 00:10:44,944 --> 00:10:48,378 Well, it's dividing our group into smokers and non-smokers. 288 00:10:48,378 --> 00:10:49,678 And that's not healthy. 289 00:10:49,678 --> 00:10:51,478 You're right. 290 00:10:52,378 --> 00:10:53,977 Let's go have a smoke. 291 00:10:53,977 --> 00:10:55,044 What?! What?! 292 00:10:55,044 --> 00:10:56,711 Yeah, I'm not proud of it. 293 00:10:56,711 --> 00:10:58,177 ROBIN: Look at you two. 294 00:10:58,177 --> 00:10:59,511 Smokers. 295 00:10:59,511 --> 00:11:01,111 Just like the rest of us. 296 00:11:01,111 --> 00:11:04,745 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 297 00:11:04,745 --> 00:11:06,877 I am not a smoker. 298 00:11:06,877 --> 00:11:07,844 I only smoke 299 00:11:07,844 --> 00:11:09,611 in certain situations. 300 00:11:09,611 --> 00:11:12,678 Postcoital, when I'm with Germans-- 301 00:11:12,678 --> 00:11:14,910 sometimes those two overlap-- 302 00:11:14,910 --> 00:11:17,311 coital, birthdays, 303 00:11:17,311 --> 00:11:18,944 to annoy my mom, 304 00:11:18,944 --> 00:11:20,244 precoital, 305 00:11:20,244 --> 00:11:22,810 on a sailboat, the day the Mets 306 00:11:22,810 --> 00:11:24,711 are mathematically eliminated every year, 307 00:11:24,711 --> 00:11:25,777 and, of course-- 308 00:11:25,777 --> 00:11:28,077 wait for it, 'cause Lord knows I have-- 309 00:11:28,077 --> 00:11:30,411 pregnancy scares. 310 00:11:30,411 --> 00:11:31,678 Why are you smoking right now? 311 00:11:31,678 --> 00:11:34,711 I'm always precoital, Ted. 312 00:11:34,711 --> 00:11:36,511 You know, maybe smoking's not so bad. 313 00:11:36,511 --> 00:11:39,711 I mean, at least it gets us out in the fresh air. 314 00:11:39,711 --> 00:11:42,044 Yeah, and all the coughing really works my abs. 315 00:11:42,044 --> 00:11:45,877 : I... am... ripped! 316 00:11:45,877 --> 00:11:47,678 NARRATOR: But, as glamorous as it was, 317 00:11:47,678 --> 00:11:50,044 within a week, we all hit our breaking point. 318 00:11:52,678 --> 00:11:54,177 You okay, sweetie? 319 00:11:54,177 --> 00:11:57,611 : Actually, baby, my throat's a bit sore. 320 00:12:16,111 --> 00:12:17,777 So, I'm whapping him across the nose 321 00:12:17,777 --> 00:12:19,044 with the newspaper, right? Yeah. 322 00:12:19,044 --> 00:12:20,278 And my wife says, 323 00:12:20,278 --> 00:12:22,611 "Come on, you can't treat your son like that." 324 00:12:22,611 --> 00:12:24,311 I don't know. 325 00:12:26,844 --> 00:12:28,745 Michael, call 911. 326 00:12:29,578 --> 00:12:30,711 Oh... oh, my God. 327 00:12:30,711 --> 00:12:32,311 Okay, yes, yeah, right away. 328 00:12:32,311 --> 00:12:34,414 It's Marshall, by the way. 329 00:12:39,838 --> 00:12:40,905 Oh, my God. 330 00:12:40,905 --> 00:12:42,504 I hope Arthur's okay. 331 00:12:42,504 --> 00:12:44,138 Dibs on his office if he's not. 332 00:12:44,138 --> 00:12:45,872 We have to quit smoking. 333 00:12:45,872 --> 00:12:48,272 : Honey, you said a mouthful. 334 00:12:48,272 --> 00:12:49,671 I wish I had never started. 335 00:12:49,671 --> 00:12:52,471 I mean, I think back to myself at 13 years old. 336 00:12:52,471 --> 00:12:55,805 If I could only go back to that moment... 337 00:13:02,538 --> 00:13:04,471 I hate that little bastard. 338 00:13:04,471 --> 00:13:06,339 : Me, too. 339 00:13:06,339 --> 00:13:07,538 Okay, that's it. 340 00:13:07,538 --> 00:13:09,404 Let's quit. 341 00:13:09,404 --> 00:13:11,305 Let's... Let's do it. 342 00:13:11,305 --> 00:13:13,138 Well, I am proud of you guys. 343 00:13:13,138 --> 00:13:16,272 I have heard how difficult it is for smokers 344 00:13:16,272 --> 00:13:17,504 like yourself to quit, 345 00:13:17,504 --> 00:13:18,905 so, on behalf of nonsmokers, 346 00:13:18,905 --> 00:13:21,571 I salute you, and I am here to help. 347 00:13:21,571 --> 00:13:22,805 So, hand in your cigarettes, 348 00:13:22,805 --> 00:13:25,205 and I will get rid of them one at a time. 349 00:13:25,205 --> 00:13:26,938 You're quitting, dollface. 350 00:13:26,938 --> 00:13:29,438 I know I don't normally call you dollface, 351 00:13:29,438 --> 00:13:31,471 but it kind of works in this voice. 352 00:13:31,471 --> 00:13:33,005 Dollface. 353 00:13:33,005 --> 00:13:34,138 Hey, guys. Hey. 354 00:13:34,138 --> 00:13:36,305 Uh, I was just wondering, um, 355 00:13:36,305 --> 00:13:38,671 is anyone else interviewing the mayor 356 00:13:38,671 --> 00:13:41,404 tomorrow on TV, or is it just me? 357 00:13:41,404 --> 00:13:42,605 Hey, that's great. Whoa! 358 00:13:42,605 --> 00:13:43,738 Hey! 359 00:13:43,738 --> 00:13:45,872 Yeah, Don can suck it while I suck this. 360 00:13:45,872 --> 00:13:47,105 Light me, Marshall. 361 00:13:47,105 --> 00:13:48,705 Actually, um, we've decided 362 00:13:48,705 --> 00:13:50,905 that we're all quitting smoking. 363 00:13:50,905 --> 00:13:52,205 That's fantastic. 364 00:13:52,205 --> 00:13:54,605 I'm sick of you guys bumming my cigarettes. 365 00:13:54,605 --> 00:13:56,239 No, come on, Robin. We-we can't do it 366 00:13:56,239 --> 00:13:57,438 unless we all do it together. 367 00:13:57,438 --> 00:13:58,771 No. 368 00:13:58,771 --> 00:14:00,371 You can sleep with Marshall. 369 00:14:00,371 --> 00:14:01,805 Oh, God, Lily, no. 370 00:14:01,805 --> 00:14:04,172 Sorry, baby, you got to take one for the team. 371 00:14:04,172 --> 00:14:06,471 I-I don't want to sleep with Marshall. 372 00:14:06,471 --> 00:14:08,805 I've seen the looks. Right. 373 00:14:08,805 --> 00:14:10,038 I can't quit right now. 374 00:14:10,038 --> 00:14:12,138 Not before the biggest interview of my life. 375 00:14:12,138 --> 00:14:13,371 It's-it's too stressful. 376 00:14:13,371 --> 00:14:14,671 It's too stressful! 377 00:14:14,671 --> 00:14:15,838 Let's just have one more. Give me a cigarette!! 378 00:14:15,838 --> 00:14:17,705 No, wait! Robin, Robin, think about this 379 00:14:17,705 --> 00:14:18,705 for a second. 380 00:14:18,705 --> 00:14:20,339 Bloomberg is the antismoking mayor. 381 00:14:20,339 --> 00:14:21,905 Do you really want to show up 382 00:14:21,905 --> 00:14:23,404 to that interview smelling like smoke? 383 00:14:23,404 --> 00:14:25,371 It'd be like interviewing a vegetarian 384 00:14:25,371 --> 00:14:26,872 smelling like a McRib. 385 00:14:26,872 --> 00:14:29,172 Really? Like I'm not going through enough right now? 386 00:14:29,172 --> 00:14:30,438 TED: Look, 387 00:14:30,438 --> 00:14:31,438 you're quitting. 388 00:14:31,438 --> 00:14:33,872 We're all quitting. 389 00:14:35,005 --> 00:14:36,638 Fine. I'll quit. 390 00:14:36,638 --> 00:14:37,838 Great. Great. 391 00:14:37,838 --> 00:14:39,972 We just have to get through the first 24 hours. 392 00:14:39,972 --> 00:14:41,571 After that, it's a cakewalk. 393 00:14:42,638 --> 00:14:45,438 Barney, do you have to bite your nails so loud? 394 00:14:45,438 --> 00:14:46,671 I'm not biting my nails. 395 00:14:46,671 --> 00:14:48,438 I'm trying to suck the leftover nicotine 396 00:14:48,438 --> 00:14:49,838 out of my fingertips. 397 00:14:49,838 --> 00:14:51,605 Marshall, can you pass the onion rings? 398 00:14:51,605 --> 00:14:53,239 What, you got dinosaur arms? They're right there. 399 00:14:53,239 --> 00:14:55,838 What do you think cigarettes are doing right now? 400 00:14:55,838 --> 00:14:58,172 You think they're thinking about us? 401 00:14:58,172 --> 00:15:00,371 Dude, if you don't stop tapping your foot, 402 00:15:00,371 --> 00:15:01,638 it's coming off. 403 00:15:01,638 --> 00:15:03,239 Oh, my God, Ted, I'm so sorry. 404 00:15:03,239 --> 00:15:05,938 Maybe I should move it a little bit closer to your ass! 405 00:15:05,938 --> 00:15:07,172 TED: All right. 406 00:15:07,172 --> 00:15:09,239 I am ready to do this right now! 407 00:15:10,638 --> 00:15:12,605 NARRATOR: None of us knew what we were fighting about. 408 00:15:12,605 --> 00:15:14,172 We just knew we wanted to smoke. 409 00:15:14,172 --> 00:15:17,305 More than anything in the world. 410 00:15:22,072 --> 00:15:24,605 It wasn't going very well for Robin, either. 411 00:15:24,605 --> 00:15:26,038 Sorry I'm late. 412 00:15:26,038 --> 00:15:28,938 Someone used the microwave, and the elevator stopped. 413 00:15:28,938 --> 00:15:30,305 What are you doing? 414 00:15:30,305 --> 00:15:32,938 Okay, Don, Don, seriously, not tonight. 415 00:15:32,938 --> 00:15:35,471 Okay, I'm a little bit on edge because I quit smoking 416 00:15:35,471 --> 00:15:37,172 for my interview with the mayor, so just... 417 00:15:38,305 --> 00:15:42,172 Oh, you precious little porcelain unicorn, you. 418 00:15:42,172 --> 00:15:43,738 Why would you do that? 419 00:15:43,738 --> 00:15:45,438 Why?! 420 00:15:45,438 --> 00:15:48,105 Because I care, Don. 421 00:15:48,105 --> 00:15:51,305 I-I care about the show, I-I care about my career. 422 00:15:51,305 --> 00:15:53,605 Unlike you, you unprofessional jerk! 423 00:15:53,605 --> 00:15:55,872 You're-You're sloppy, you're rude, 424 00:15:55,872 --> 00:15:58,272 and I wish you worked half as hard 425 00:15:58,272 --> 00:16:00,771 as the elastic on those stretched-out underpants. 426 00:16:01,972 --> 00:16:03,972 I'm starting to feel like this is getting a little personal. 427 00:16:03,972 --> 00:16:05,805 No, Don, it would be getting personal 428 00:16:05,805 --> 00:16:07,671 if I would say that the reason you bounce 429 00:16:07,671 --> 00:16:10,371 from market to market is because you're a loser-- 430 00:16:10,371 --> 00:16:11,538 a lazy, 431 00:16:11,538 --> 00:16:13,805 obnoxious, loser. 432 00:16:16,905 --> 00:16:18,371 The mayor canceled. 433 00:16:18,371 --> 00:16:20,872 In five, four, 434 00:16:20,872 --> 00:16:23,172 three, two... 435 00:16:26,172 --> 00:16:28,272 Hi, I'm Robin Scherbatsky. 436 00:16:28,272 --> 00:16:29,638 You think I'm a loser? 437 00:16:29,638 --> 00:16:31,371 You're' right. I'm a loser. 438 00:16:31,371 --> 00:16:33,072 But at least I've accepted it. 439 00:16:33,072 --> 00:16:35,438 A plucky raccoon has been cheering up patients 440 00:16:35,438 --> 00:16:37,272 at a local senior center. 441 00:16:37,272 --> 00:16:38,771 I used to be just like that. 442 00:16:38,771 --> 00:16:41,038 Always wanting more and never getting it. 443 00:16:41,038 --> 00:16:43,172 It's a dead end, Robin. 444 00:16:44,339 --> 00:16:45,872 You're never going to be a network anchor. 445 00:16:45,872 --> 00:16:48,771 Just like you're never going to quit smoking. 446 00:16:48,771 --> 00:16:50,972 What are you doing? 447 00:16:50,972 --> 00:16:53,339 I'm enjoying a cigarette. 448 00:16:53,339 --> 00:16:55,205 Oh, that'll get you there. 449 00:16:56,172 --> 00:16:57,671 Oh, that's good. 450 00:16:57,671 --> 00:16:59,005 You want a drag? 451 00:16:59,005 --> 00:17:00,471 Can we be professionals? 452 00:17:00,471 --> 00:17:02,838 Please? Yeah. Yeah, professionals? 453 00:17:02,838 --> 00:17:04,638 You know who's working the camera right now? 454 00:17:04,638 --> 00:17:05,805 A chair. 455 00:17:05,805 --> 00:17:07,172 We're on a show 456 00:17:07,172 --> 00:17:09,239 where we can't even get the cameraman to watch. 457 00:17:09,239 --> 00:17:10,771 That's why the mayor canceled, Robin. 458 00:17:10,771 --> 00:17:12,905 And that's why Mike is on a fried chicken run. 459 00:17:12,905 --> 00:17:15,005 And that's why you and I can enjoy a cigarette 460 00:17:15,005 --> 00:17:16,538 right here on the air. 461 00:17:18,239 --> 00:17:19,438 No, thank you. 462 00:17:19,438 --> 00:17:21,205 Why? 463 00:17:21,205 --> 00:17:23,872 Because of our millions and millions of impressionable viewers? 464 00:17:23,872 --> 00:17:26,938 Okay... If any impressionable viewers 465 00:17:26,938 --> 00:17:28,905 have a problem with this, please give us a call. 466 00:17:28,905 --> 00:17:30,738 The number's on the screen. 467 00:17:33,005 --> 00:17:35,272 Chirp, chirp? Chirp, chirp? 468 00:17:35,272 --> 00:17:37,404 Come on, Robin... 469 00:17:37,404 --> 00:17:38,938 live a little. 470 00:17:50,438 --> 00:17:51,972 Oh, that must be Mike. 471 00:17:51,972 --> 00:17:53,438 He always forgets-- extra crispy. 472 00:17:53,438 --> 00:17:54,538 Hello? 473 00:17:54,538 --> 00:17:55,838 Robin, don't smoke that cigarette! 474 00:17:55,838 --> 00:17:56,805 Marshall?! 475 00:17:56,805 --> 00:17:58,005 We're all watching 476 00:17:58,005 --> 00:17:59,905 and we're all very impressionable. 477 00:17:59,905 --> 00:18:01,339 And I swear to God, if you smoke 478 00:18:01,339 --> 00:18:03,705 that cigarette, we're all going to smoke. 479 00:18:05,005 --> 00:18:06,504 You... 480 00:18:06,504 --> 00:18:08,404 You guys are watching? 481 00:18:08,404 --> 00:18:11,638 : We sure are, sweetheart, and you look fabulous. 482 00:18:11,638 --> 00:18:13,404 Oh, you guys. 483 00:18:13,404 --> 00:18:15,471 You don't have to do this, Robin. You don't have to smoke. 484 00:18:15,471 --> 00:18:17,705 Resist it, honey. 485 00:18:17,705 --> 00:18:20,305 Thanks for the call, guys. 486 00:18:22,738 --> 00:18:24,538 Oh, she did it! 487 00:18:24,538 --> 00:18:25,705 Good for her. 488 00:18:25,705 --> 00:18:27,038 We're not going to smoke. 489 00:18:29,005 --> 00:18:32,172 I have a pack stashed up on the roof. 490 00:18:36,239 --> 00:18:36,972 Uh-oh. 491 00:18:38,471 --> 00:18:41,404 I'm awake. And I'm smoking! 492 00:18:41,404 --> 00:18:45,172 Robin, you know how dangerous it is to wake a sleep smoker? 493 00:18:45,172 --> 00:18:46,872 It's fine. 494 00:18:46,872 --> 00:18:48,805 I bought a pack on my way home. 495 00:18:49,605 --> 00:18:51,005 Hey, great show, Robin. 496 00:18:51,005 --> 00:18:52,305 LILY: Yeah, but that 497 00:18:52,305 --> 00:18:53,805 Don guy, what a tool. 498 00:18:53,805 --> 00:18:56,404 Well, no, he actually apologized to me. 499 00:18:56,404 --> 00:18:58,072 No, I mean when he stood up. 500 00:18:58,072 --> 00:19:00,072 Those briefs were pretty revealing. 501 00:19:00,072 --> 00:19:01,571 You should date that guy. 502 00:19:01,571 --> 00:19:03,404 Yeah. Not in this lifetime. 503 00:19:03,404 --> 00:19:05,538 NARRATOR: They were dating within two months. 504 00:19:05,538 --> 00:19:06,905 But more on that later. 505 00:19:06,905 --> 00:19:09,738 Hey, guys, look, the sun's coming up. 506 00:19:12,905 --> 00:19:15,305 You know what right now is a perfect time for? 507 00:19:15,305 --> 00:19:17,705 A last cigarette ever. 508 00:19:17,705 --> 00:19:18,671 No, I mean, 509 00:19:18,671 --> 00:19:21,838 a real last cigarette ever. 510 00:19:24,072 --> 00:19:25,504 Damn it, let's do it. 511 00:19:25,504 --> 00:19:27,438 Okay. 512 00:19:28,872 --> 00:19:30,404 All right. 513 00:19:30,404 --> 00:19:32,005 Last cigarette ever 514 00:19:32,005 --> 00:19:33,671 on, uh, on the count of three. 515 00:19:33,671 --> 00:19:36,339 One... Two... 516 00:19:36,339 --> 00:19:37,605 Three. 517 00:19:37,605 --> 00:19:39,005 I wish I could tell you 518 00:19:39,005 --> 00:19:42,239 this was anyone's last cigarette,but it wasn't. 519 00:19:42,239 --> 00:19:45,438 But we did eventually all quit smoking for real. 520 00:19:45,438 --> 00:19:49,339 Robin's last cigarette was in June 2013. 521 00:19:49,339 --> 00:19:53,638 Barney's last cigarette was in March 2017. 522 00:19:53,638 --> 00:19:55,305 Lily's last cigarette was the day 523 00:19:55,305 --> 00:19:57,638 she started trying to get pregnant. 524 00:19:57,638 --> 00:19:59,105 And Marshall's last cigarette 525 00:19:59,105 --> 00:20:01,938 was the day his son was born. 526 00:20:01,938 --> 00:20:03,504 And my last cigarette? 527 00:20:03,504 --> 00:20:06,538 Two weeks into dating your mother. 528 00:20:06,539 --> 00:20:08,172 And i'm almost back. 529 00:20:20,350 --> 00:20:21,983 I'm sorry I hit you, buddy. 530 00:20:21,983 --> 00:20:22,951 I wanted to make it 531 00:20:22,951 --> 00:20:25,383 up to you, by giving you this. 532 00:20:26,983 --> 00:20:28,650 Wow, she's hot! 533 00:20:28,650 --> 00:20:32,584 Yeah. Well... some day, you're going to marry her. 534 00:20:32,584 --> 00:20:33,851 No way. 535 00:20:33,851 --> 00:20:36,116 We're pretty lucky. 536 00:20:36,116 --> 00:20:38,350 Totally. 537 00:20:38,350 --> 00:20:39,717 I'll be in my tent. 538 00:20:42,283 --> 00:20:44,183 Oh, no. Wait, hey! 539 00:20:44,183 --> 00:20:45,851 No, don't, don't do that. 540 00:20:49,217 --> 00:20:51,050 Well... 541 00:20:51,050 --> 00:20:53,220 have fun for me. 542 00:20:53,221 --> 00:21:04,000 Sync: YesCool www.addic7ed.com