1 00:00:03,253 --> 00:00:04,425 Let us introduce you to the Men of Letters. 2 00:00:04,671 --> 00:00:07,265 A rabid group of sanctimonious do-gooders. 3 00:00:07,508 --> 00:00:08,509 Secret society. 4 00:00:08,675 --> 00:00:12,100 The last true beacon of light in a world gone topsy-turvy. 5 00:00:12,346 --> 00:00:14,223 European team. They were active during World War ll. 6 00:00:14,431 --> 00:00:15,603 Inducted in 1939, 7 00:00:15,849 --> 00:00:17,442 pan' of a small delegation that was sent to Europe. 8 00:00:17,601 --> 00:00:18,602 We're legacies. 9 00:00:18,769 --> 00:00:20,289 Time travel. That's a reasonable plan? 10 00:00:20,395 --> 00:00:22,944 What, angels got their hands on some Deloreans? How did I get here? 11 00:00:23,106 --> 00:00:24,733 You tapped the power of your soul to get here? 12 00:00:24,900 --> 00:00:26,072 Freaking time travel, man. 13 00:00:26,276 --> 00:00:27,448 The Thule Society, right. They were Nazis. 14 00:00:27,694 --> 00:00:28,695 Nazi necromancers. 15 00:00:28,862 --> 00:00:30,502 Dark magic, mostly with dead people. 16 00:00:30,697 --> 00:00:33,246 You can kill me, but you will never kill all the Thule. 17 00:00:33,450 --> 00:00:35,373 Nazi bastards. 18 00:00:36,370 --> 00:00:37,917 - Lucifer? - Bloody hell. 19 00:00:40,874 --> 00:00:41,921 Let's chat. 20 00:00:42,084 --> 00:00:45,133 We want to kill The Darkness, we need to kill The Darkness. 21 00:00:45,295 --> 00:00:48,390 I've had two shots at Amara. And I don't think I can. 22 00:00:49,091 --> 00:00:50,263 I got it, Dean. 23 00:01:22,833 --> 00:01:24,506 The bed is cold. 24 00:01:27,671 --> 00:01:29,264 What is that, mon amour? 25 00:01:34,011 --> 00:01:35,354 This is why I've come here. 26 00:01:37,139 --> 00:01:39,983 And I thought you occupied my country to meet me. 27 00:01:40,183 --> 00:01:41,184 Mmm-hmm. 28 00:01:41,435 --> 00:01:43,858 You were a bonus, Delphine. 29 00:01:44,688 --> 00:01:47,487 A treasure. Ma petite collaboratrice. 30 00:01:48,650 --> 00:01:49,947 But this, 31 00:01:51,194 --> 00:01:53,314 this is what my country has been waiting for. 32 00:01:53,488 --> 00:01:54,535 Can I see it? 33 00:01:55,449 --> 00:01:58,202 - Naughty Delphine. - Peter. 34 00:02:01,872 --> 00:02:03,670 One little peek. 35 00:02:47,584 --> 00:02:51,054 I have lived a hard life, but these months? 36 00:02:51,254 --> 00:02:54,098 Pretending to love a Nazi cochon like you has been the worst. 37 00:02:54,925 --> 00:02:56,051 But this moment, 38 00:02:57,552 --> 00:03:00,180 watching you die? It is the best. 39 00:03:10,399 --> 00:03:13,243 The Men of Letters send their regards. 40 00:03:27,082 --> 00:03:28,254 We're out. 41 00:03:30,293 --> 00:03:31,840 There was a half a bag yesterday. 42 00:03:32,087 --> 00:03:33,134 I killed it. 43 00:03:33,588 --> 00:03:37,764 Hey, did you know the Nazis had a special branch devoted to archeology? 44 00:03:38,301 --> 00:03:41,350 Little early for Nazi trivia, especially without caffeine. 45 00:03:41,596 --> 00:03:43,690 It's called the "Ahnenerbe." 46 00:03:43,932 --> 00:03:45,309 There were sites all over Germany, 47 00:03:45,517 --> 00:03:47,397 and then as the Nazis increased their territory, 48 00:03:47,436 --> 00:03:50,485 they started popping up in Poland, Finland, North Africa. 49 00:03:50,689 --> 00:03:53,009 Yeah, how is this more important than our coffee situation? 50 00:03:53,150 --> 00:03:55,824 'Cause I found something. I mean, we need something. 51 00:03:56,027 --> 00:03:59,031 A magic, a weapon strong enough to give us a shot against Amara. 52 00:03:59,698 --> 00:04:01,792 So, I've been looking outside the lore in history 53 00:04:01,992 --> 00:04:04,666 and I found this, the Vichy Memorandums. 54 00:04:04,870 --> 00:04:07,794 They were Nazi communications that puzzle historians to this day. 55 00:04:07,998 --> 00:04:12,504 And they speak of a super weapon obtained by the Ahnenerbe, 56 00:04:12,711 --> 00:04:14,311 said to be strong enough to win the war. 57 00:04:14,379 --> 00:04:16,131 Yeah? What was it? 58 00:04:16,840 --> 00:04:21,641 Well, these memos refer to it as "The Hand of God." 59 00:04:21,845 --> 00:04:23,925 That was sort of a catch-all term for several objects 60 00:04:24,014 --> 00:04:26,358 he touched on Earth in Biblical times. 61 00:04:26,641 --> 00:04:29,815 But they're believed to contain traces of his power. 62 00:04:31,313 --> 00:04:33,361 The Nazis believed a lot of things. 63 00:04:33,523 --> 00:04:36,367 Dean, Lucifer's caged, God's MIA. 64 00:04:36,526 --> 00:04:39,496 The only beings strong enough to battle Amara are gone. 65 00:04:40,322 --> 00:04:41,995 If we're gonna fight her, what better way to arm up 66 00:04:42,199 --> 00:04:44,577 than with an actual dose of his power? 67 00:04:45,702 --> 00:04:49,752 Okay, so, you said the Nazis got their hands on one of these 68 00:04:49,998 --> 00:04:50,999 - hands. - Right. 69 00:04:51,166 --> 00:04:54,420 If it was so powerful, it could win them the war, why didn't it? 70 00:04:54,836 --> 00:04:58,010 Because they lost it. En route to Berlin, it was stolen. 71 00:04:58,215 --> 00:05:00,015 The Nazis searched high and low for the thief, 72 00:05:00,175 --> 00:05:02,018 but they never found their prime suspect. 73 00:05:02,260 --> 00:05:06,686 Here, Delphine Seydoux. French mistress to a high-ranking Nazi. 74 00:05:07,182 --> 00:05:08,604 Thought to be a French traitor 75 00:05:08,850 --> 00:05:11,399 until she killed her German lover and made off with the weapon. 76 00:05:12,187 --> 00:05:13,439 Allied spy? French Resistance? 77 00:05:13,688 --> 00:05:14,888 That's what the Nazis thought, 78 00:05:15,273 --> 00:05:18,072 but their investigation led them to a different conclusion. 79 00:05:18,235 --> 00:05:20,203 That she was une Femme de Lettres. 80 00:05:22,739 --> 00:05:24,207 A Woman of Letters. 81 00:05:39,422 --> 00:05:42,642 Uh, sir? Would you like to hear the latest soul numbers? 82 00:05:42,884 --> 00:05:44,932 No, because I don't care. 83 00:05:48,223 --> 00:05:49,770 How about an update on Amara? 84 00:05:52,978 --> 00:05:54,776 Well, the update is... 85 00:05:55,230 --> 00:05:57,107 Well, that there is no update. We still haven't found her. 86 00:05:57,315 --> 00:05:59,238 Sir, if I may? 87 00:06:00,318 --> 00:06:03,413 Since you've claimed the throne, we could use some direction. 88 00:06:04,406 --> 00:06:06,079 Any direction. 89 00:06:06,783 --> 00:06:08,126 We could deploy a force. 90 00:06:08,285 --> 00:06:11,164 Real boots on the ground, shake the trees to find her 91 00:06:11,413 --> 00:06:14,963 with you leading the charge, of course. 92 00:06:16,126 --> 00:06:19,676 We've had a coward and a fool at the helm for too long. 93 00:06:20,630 --> 00:06:22,598 Perhaps it's time to... 94 00:06:25,468 --> 00:06:27,095 Doggie wants to speak. 95 00:06:35,186 --> 00:06:36,278 How dare you. 96 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:38,777 The impudence. 97 00:06:39,274 --> 00:06:41,447 The lack of humility. 98 00:06:41,651 --> 00:06:44,120 It's no way to talk to your master. 99 00:06:45,488 --> 00:06:46,535 Lucifer. 100 00:06:47,991 --> 00:06:49,368 That's a good doggie. 101 00:06:51,536 --> 00:06:53,959 Who knew Men of Letters had European chapters? 102 00:06:54,164 --> 00:06:57,168 Maybe it wasn't an entire chapter, just some assets, you know. 103 00:06:57,375 --> 00:06:59,377 Yeah, and letting women join way back in the '40s? 104 00:06:59,628 --> 00:07:02,347 I just never got the impression they were so big on gender equality. 105 00:07:02,505 --> 00:07:03,665 It's right there in the name. 106 00:07:03,673 --> 00:07:06,517 It was World War ll. An all-hands-on-deck situation. 107 00:07:06,843 --> 00:07:09,141 Yeah, Rosie the Riveter. Cool. 108 00:07:09,346 --> 00:07:12,316 Here we go. This report was written by Clifford Henshaw. 109 00:07:12,515 --> 00:07:15,519 A Bunker-based Man of Letters, back in 1943. 110 00:07:15,685 --> 00:07:16,982 It's the right era. 111 00:07:18,980 --> 00:07:20,027 But it's in French. 112 00:07:26,529 --> 00:07:27,655 - Well? - Hey. 113 00:07:28,657 --> 00:07:30,705 So, it's definitely about Delphine. 114 00:07:30,909 --> 00:07:35,085 Her name's at the top of every page. Check this out. Transcriptions. 115 00:07:35,330 --> 00:07:38,004 From transatlantic cables between Clifford and Delphine. 116 00:07:38,208 --> 00:07:39,209 What do they say? 117 00:07:39,376 --> 00:07:41,879 Give me a second. Web translation's buggy. 118 00:07:43,505 --> 00:07:46,054 Seriously? Dude, it's, like, noon. 119 00:07:46,383 --> 00:07:49,887 Uh, well, you drank all the coffee, so what am I supposed to drink, water? 120 00:07:52,555 --> 00:07:53,556 Look at this. 121 00:07:53,723 --> 00:07:54,883 They were making arrangements 122 00:07:55,058 --> 00:07:57,481 to get the artifact out of Europe, to keep it safe. 123 00:07:58,603 --> 00:08:00,731 Henshaw pulled some strings with a Man of Letters in the OSS 124 00:08:00,939 --> 00:08:02,907 to requisition an active US submarine 125 00:08:03,108 --> 00:08:06,408 to transport Delphine and the weapon back to the States. 126 00:08:06,820 --> 00:08:07,821 Back to here. 127 00:08:07,988 --> 00:08:09,160 - Wait, the Bunker? - Yeah. 128 00:08:09,406 --> 00:08:10,999 It's been here the whole time. 129 00:08:11,241 --> 00:08:12,288 Uh... 130 00:08:17,580 --> 00:08:19,799 No. Never arrived. 131 00:08:20,917 --> 00:08:22,919 "The USS Bluefin came under German attack 132 00:08:23,128 --> 00:08:25,347 "midway through its trip across the Atlantic. 133 00:08:25,588 --> 00:08:28,512 "The sub was sunk, and the ship and its contents 134 00:08:28,758 --> 00:08:30,852 "haven't been recovered to this day." 135 00:08:31,094 --> 00:08:32,767 Great, it's lost. 136 00:08:33,596 --> 00:08:34,688 Or is it? 137 00:08:36,599 --> 00:08:38,146 Yeah, I'd say so. 138 00:08:38,351 --> 00:08:39,477 Tides took the wreckage, 139 00:08:39,686 --> 00:08:42,280 submersibles have been trying to locate it for years. 140 00:08:42,480 --> 00:08:45,029 If James Cameron and his Avatar billions can't find it... 141 00:08:45,275 --> 00:08:49,121 Yeah, but we have something that James Cameron doesn't have. 142 00:09:06,629 --> 00:09:07,721 That's all of it? 143 00:09:07,964 --> 00:09:11,639 Yes, sir. The requested weaponry from your crypts. 144 00:09:12,886 --> 00:09:14,638 Does it please you? 145 00:09:16,056 --> 00:09:17,148 Spare me. 146 00:09:28,485 --> 00:09:29,828 How are your wounds, Doggie? 147 00:09:31,654 --> 00:09:36,034 They are no less than I deserve. 148 00:09:37,994 --> 00:09:38,995 Oh. 149 00:09:39,662 --> 00:09:43,257 You're scared of your master. That's a good doggie. 150 00:09:44,334 --> 00:09:45,381 Ah! 151 00:09:45,543 --> 00:09:49,514 But it's an act. I broke you, but... 152 00:09:51,716 --> 00:09:56,392 Yep, I can still smell it. You've got that delectable little whiff of defiance. 153 00:09:56,596 --> 00:09:58,598 You're just playing, huh? 154 00:09:58,848 --> 00:10:02,944 Waiting for your moment to retake the throne? Am I right? 155 00:10:04,104 --> 00:10:05,401 Yes, sir. 156 00:10:06,856 --> 00:10:09,860 Well, then, tell me, 157 00:10:10,360 --> 00:10:13,910 once and future King of Hell, 158 00:10:15,365 --> 00:10:18,915 you've been watching my rule, what treasonous thoughts do you have 159 00:10:19,202 --> 00:10:21,045 brewing in that little head of yours, huh? 160 00:10:24,707 --> 00:10:25,924 What are you really thinking? 161 00:10:26,543 --> 00:10:27,635 Hmm? 162 00:10:28,461 --> 00:10:30,384 - The truth, sir? - Yeah. 163 00:10:33,383 --> 00:10:34,635 You're not strong enough. 164 00:10:35,552 --> 00:10:39,557 You had your weapons delivered. You realize they won't be enough. 165 00:10:41,099 --> 00:10:44,148 If you thought you could beat Amara, you'd be taking the fight to her. 166 00:10:44,394 --> 00:10:45,395 Right now. 167 00:10:48,273 --> 00:10:49,946 You're a clever little doggie. 168 00:10:51,609 --> 00:10:54,909 You're right, at the moment, I may be a bit under-equipped. 169 00:10:55,446 --> 00:10:58,245 Maybe defeating Amara was bit more of a team effort 170 00:10:58,449 --> 00:11:00,747 than I led certain people to believe. 171 00:11:02,579 --> 00:11:04,252 All that said, 172 00:11:05,790 --> 00:11:08,589 I'm still your master. Did I let you out of that kennel too soon? 173 00:11:10,587 --> 00:11:11,588 No. 174 00:11:15,675 --> 00:11:19,600 No barking. It's show time. 175 00:11:27,937 --> 00:11:29,359 Hello, Dean. 176 00:11:29,939 --> 00:11:33,614 There were several God-touched objects, but never occurred to me 177 00:11:33,776 --> 00:11:37,030 that any had survived the Flood, let alone the 20th century. 178 00:11:37,280 --> 00:11:39,783 Do you think we can use it against Amara? 179 00:11:39,949 --> 00:11:41,166 It's perfect. 180 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:45,292 And I can get you back there. 181 00:11:45,455 --> 00:11:49,130 Without wings? Cass, you can't even teleport. 182 00:11:49,626 --> 00:11:53,176 Time travel is a... It's a whole different system. 183 00:11:53,796 --> 00:11:54,968 Told ya. 184 00:11:55,173 --> 00:11:58,393 So, uh, these the last coordinates? 185 00:11:58,635 --> 00:12:00,808 That's the Bluefin's last transmission to shore, yeah. 186 00:12:00,970 --> 00:12:02,563 - All right. - Wait a second. 187 00:12:02,972 --> 00:12:05,475 Cass, aren't there still risks with time travel? 188 00:12:05,642 --> 00:12:06,859 I mean, aren't there consequences that... 189 00:12:07,060 --> 00:12:09,483 Sam, this is the ideal scenario. 190 00:12:09,646 --> 00:12:10,693 What? 191 00:12:10,855 --> 00:12:13,529 That sub is a tin can floating in the middle of the ocean, doomed to go down. 192 00:12:13,733 --> 00:12:16,577 You can't really mess with history at 20,000 leagues. 193 00:12:16,819 --> 00:12:19,322 We get in, get the weapon, get out. It's a milk run. 194 00:12:19,530 --> 00:12:21,999 No, that's not a very good plan. 195 00:12:22,158 --> 00:12:25,583 Well, if things get out of hand, then Cass will just zap me right back. 196 00:12:27,747 --> 00:12:28,839 You? 197 00:12:29,415 --> 00:12:30,507 You're not going. 198 00:12:32,085 --> 00:12:33,462 - I beg your pardon? - You need to stay here. 199 00:12:33,670 --> 00:12:36,093 - "Stay here?" - Just in case things go sideways, 200 00:12:36,297 --> 00:12:38,817 somebody needs to be left standing to take care of The Darkness. 201 00:12:39,926 --> 00:12:43,396 We can't risk us both! And at the moment, I'm the least valuable player. 202 00:12:43,596 --> 00:12:45,116 You both know that I can't kill Amara, 203 00:12:45,223 --> 00:12:48,568 so, the least I could do is get the thing that we need so that you can. 204 00:12:48,768 --> 00:12:50,270 So you expect me to sit here and ride the pine 205 00:12:50,478 --> 00:12:52,038 while you and Cass go play Jules Verne? 206 00:12:52,105 --> 00:12:54,403 Yes. No? Who? 207 00:12:54,607 --> 00:12:55,984 I won't let him out of my sight. 208 00:13:02,282 --> 00:13:04,284 You'll stay by his side the entire time? 209 00:13:04,701 --> 00:13:05,953 I will. 210 00:13:07,328 --> 00:13:08,375 Sam. 211 00:13:09,706 --> 00:13:12,880 Let me do this. Okay? I need to do this. 212 00:13:19,507 --> 00:13:21,009 - Be safe. - When am I not? 213 00:13:23,219 --> 00:13:24,266 Let's do this, Cass. 214 00:13:29,058 --> 00:13:30,435 Bon voyage. 215 00:13:38,568 --> 00:13:39,694 Cass? 216 00:13:56,794 --> 00:13:57,920 Cass? 217 00:14:14,479 --> 00:14:16,777 See, I enlisted to sink German ships. 218 00:14:16,981 --> 00:14:18,449 You're up. 219 00:14:18,649 --> 00:14:20,743 Let's go, vacation's over. 220 00:14:20,943 --> 00:14:23,571 Now we got zip running patrols in the bay, 221 00:14:23,780 --> 00:14:26,249 and now captain's got us goin' in the wrong direction? 222 00:14:26,449 --> 00:14:29,419 To run some mystery mission for some broad? Tell me that makes sense. 223 00:14:29,619 --> 00:14:31,619 I wouldn't worry about it. Get some rest. 224 00:14:31,788 --> 00:14:33,631 You know I can't rest. 225 00:15:03,569 --> 00:15:07,699 Cass? Why... Wait a second, where's Dean? 226 00:15:08,324 --> 00:15:11,498 We made the leap. He got on, I didn't. 227 00:15:12,578 --> 00:15:13,625 What? 228 00:15:16,999 --> 00:15:19,297 I couldn't make it past the hull. 229 00:15:30,847 --> 00:15:32,269 "1996?" 230 00:15:34,267 --> 00:15:36,690 Where's Delphine? Where's the broad? 231 00:15:36,894 --> 00:15:38,862 I don't know what you're talking about. 232 00:15:40,022 --> 00:15:42,616 Someone must've warded the ship. 233 00:15:42,817 --> 00:15:46,538 Delphine. It has to be. She's protecting the weapon, right? 234 00:15:48,197 --> 00:15:50,916 Cass, just go back to their last port before she boarded. 235 00:15:51,117 --> 00:15:53,085 Leave a message, so Dean knows. 236 00:15:53,286 --> 00:15:54,378 Where? 237 00:15:55,663 --> 00:15:58,166 Where would Dean see it that the crew wouldn't? 238 00:15:59,792 --> 00:16:03,638 He's as likely to find the warding as he is any message I'd leave. 239 00:16:04,714 --> 00:16:07,263 Then send me. You got Dean past the hull. 240 00:16:07,467 --> 00:16:11,392 Right. We'll double down on what screwed us the first time. 241 00:16:12,472 --> 00:16:15,396 You're really bringing your "A" ideas today. 242 00:16:16,392 --> 00:16:18,190 I can't believe I lost it. 243 00:16:20,396 --> 00:16:24,572 Him. I can't believe I lost Dean. 244 00:16:26,319 --> 00:16:28,868 Well, it's up to him now to find and clear the warding. 245 00:16:29,071 --> 00:16:30,573 No. We can help. 246 00:16:30,781 --> 00:16:33,910 There's got to be something in magic or angel lore. 247 00:16:34,827 --> 00:16:36,829 Some way to clear the sigils from the outside. 248 00:16:38,206 --> 00:16:39,332 Cass. 249 00:16:40,583 --> 00:16:43,086 Don't worry. We'll bring him back. 250 00:16:50,885 --> 00:16:54,014 Look out. Coming through. Coming through. 251 00:16:58,267 --> 00:16:59,393 Sir. 252 00:17:09,111 --> 00:17:10,328 When can I smoke? 253 00:17:10,780 --> 00:17:12,340 When it's your turn, I'll let you know. 254 00:17:12,657 --> 00:17:15,501 Surely, some of you boys take breaks in the engine room. 255 00:17:18,663 --> 00:17:19,915 Captain wants you stayed put. 256 00:17:20,122 --> 00:17:23,092 Let me guess. He fears I would distract his men? 257 00:17:23,292 --> 00:17:26,546 Does not want a skirt roaming the decks? Give me the light. 258 00:17:26,963 --> 00:17:30,058 But ma'am, you're wearing pants. 259 00:17:38,432 --> 00:17:40,981 Rich, ain't it? Frog's sitting pretty like Queen of Sheba 260 00:17:41,185 --> 00:17:42,825 and getting room service in the wardroom, 261 00:17:42,895 --> 00:17:47,116 and I can't even gripe because... Have you seen that dame? The gams on her? 262 00:17:47,316 --> 00:17:49,159 Yeah, yeah, she's a hottie. 263 00:17:51,779 --> 00:17:53,452 Yeah, those gams, huh? 264 00:18:02,999 --> 00:18:04,467 Who are you? 265 00:18:05,626 --> 00:18:09,426 Delphine. You might find this hard to believe, but... 266 00:18:13,884 --> 00:18:18,390 Not a soul on this ship knows my name, so I repeat, who are you? 267 00:18:18,598 --> 00:18:20,441 - Coming through. - Hey! 268 00:18:21,517 --> 00:18:25,772 I'm a friend of Clifford Henshaw. I'm a Man of Letters. 269 00:18:28,316 --> 00:18:30,364 That's him! That's the guy. 270 00:18:30,568 --> 00:18:31,569 Captain. 271 00:18:32,862 --> 00:18:34,330 - Sit down. - Okay, I'm on it, Pete. 272 00:18:34,530 --> 00:18:36,930 He took my clothes, and he hog-tied me in the head, this guy. 273 00:18:37,116 --> 00:18:39,156 - What should we do with him, Captain? - Search him. 274 00:18:41,412 --> 00:18:43,414 All right, all right. Yes. 275 00:18:47,043 --> 00:18:48,920 Petey, this yours? 276 00:18:52,089 --> 00:18:53,432 What the hell is this? 277 00:18:55,801 --> 00:18:57,018 It's a phone. 278 00:18:57,845 --> 00:19:00,223 Right. A phone in your pocket. 279 00:19:00,431 --> 00:19:02,525 Well, next thing this guy's gonna tell us is he's from space. 280 00:19:02,725 --> 00:19:04,102 Yeah, or the future. 281 00:19:05,269 --> 00:19:06,361 I am. 282 00:19:10,107 --> 00:19:11,233 Captain James Dearborn? 283 00:19:13,361 --> 00:19:16,615 My name is Dean Winchester, and I am on a mission from the future. 284 00:19:16,947 --> 00:19:19,041 The details of which I am not at liberty to discuss, 285 00:19:19,241 --> 00:19:20,743 but know this, within the hour, 286 00:19:20,951 --> 00:19:24,205 a German Destroyer will find and attack this submarine. 287 00:19:25,581 --> 00:19:27,128 And you will go down. 288 00:19:39,387 --> 00:19:42,186 Okay, you said your piece. Let me tell you what I think. 289 00:19:42,390 --> 00:19:43,482 Captain... 290 00:19:43,683 --> 00:19:45,363 I think you're a soldier that's gone AWOL. 291 00:19:46,227 --> 00:19:48,227 You've hopped a ride home, and this cock-eyed story 292 00:19:48,354 --> 00:19:52,655 is some loony attempt to keep your cover as a civvie. That, or you're a spy. 293 00:19:54,485 --> 00:19:57,580 Deciding which? I'll leave that to the court martial. 294 00:19:57,988 --> 00:19:59,706 I need to speak with this man alone. 295 00:19:59,907 --> 00:20:01,375 Not a chance. 296 00:20:02,201 --> 00:20:06,001 Captain, there are things, things about this mission that you don't know. 297 00:20:06,205 --> 00:20:08,424 Flash Gordon here will remain under guard until we reach the shore. 298 00:20:08,582 --> 00:20:09,583 Gladly. 299 00:20:09,750 --> 00:20:11,468 What if we don't reach shore? What if he's right? 300 00:20:11,669 --> 00:20:15,299 The odds of a German attack, from a surface ship, this far west? 301 00:20:15,506 --> 00:20:16,758 Hunting down a lone submarine? 302 00:20:16,966 --> 00:20:18,183 Captain? 303 00:20:22,054 --> 00:20:25,183 Sonars picked up a surface ship. On a steady bearing, closing. 304 00:20:29,478 --> 00:20:30,525 Understood. 305 00:20:32,106 --> 00:20:33,266 Harris, back to your station. 306 00:20:34,692 --> 00:20:37,115 Giraldi, watch our guest. 307 00:20:37,319 --> 00:20:38,366 Yes, sir. 308 00:20:39,280 --> 00:20:40,782 The Germans, they've come for it. 309 00:20:40,990 --> 00:20:43,960 Delphine, the warding on the hull? The sigil? 310 00:20:45,828 --> 00:20:47,125 That's not like any I've seen. 311 00:20:52,209 --> 00:20:53,689 You're certain of the identification? 312 00:20:53,753 --> 00:20:56,222 Yes, sir. A 36B German Destroyer. 313 00:20:56,422 --> 00:20:59,392 Three thousand yards and closing, bearing zero-nine-zero. 314 00:20:59,592 --> 00:21:01,139 - Clear the bridge. - Clear the bridge! 315 00:21:01,343 --> 00:21:05,393 My mentor in the Men of Letters. He taught me the symbol before he died. 316 00:21:05,890 --> 00:21:08,188 World Series, 1944, go. 317 00:21:10,519 --> 00:21:13,238 You're from the future? Tell me who won? 318 00:21:15,733 --> 00:21:16,780 The Rangers. 319 00:21:16,942 --> 00:21:18,034 The Rangers? 320 00:21:18,235 --> 00:21:20,915 He believed it would keep me and the artifact safe on our journey... 321 00:21:20,946 --> 00:21:21,947 Who are the Rangers? 322 00:21:22,114 --> 00:21:23,866 ...from supernatural interference. 323 00:21:24,074 --> 00:21:25,246 And angelic interference. 324 00:21:25,451 --> 00:21:26,543 Angels? They're not real. 325 00:21:26,744 --> 00:21:28,417 Who are the Rangers? 326 00:21:28,621 --> 00:21:32,671 Look, kid, I don't follow baseball, okay? Yeah, and angels are real. 327 00:21:32,875 --> 00:21:35,469 In fact, one of them is my ride off this ship. 328 00:21:35,669 --> 00:21:38,949 Now the warding that you put up to block, the magic, it must have blocked him, too. 329 00:21:39,131 --> 00:21:40,303 I cleared the one. If there's any more, 330 00:21:40,508 --> 00:21:42,306 we gotta clear those, too. Otherwise, I'm stuck here. 331 00:21:42,510 --> 00:21:44,478 Okay, then. The next president. 332 00:21:44,845 --> 00:21:48,099 Delphine, you wanted the weapon to be at a Men of Letters safe house, right? 333 00:21:48,599 --> 00:21:51,022 I'm from the Bunker, that's how I knew how to find you, 334 00:21:51,602 --> 00:21:53,104 from your communication with Henshaw. 335 00:21:53,312 --> 00:21:56,361 Now, if you clear the way, I can get it there for you. 336 00:21:56,565 --> 00:22:01,321 And that's why you came? To protect the object, the weapon? 337 00:22:02,279 --> 00:22:04,077 Are you gonna answer my question? 338 00:22:05,115 --> 00:22:08,961 Eisenhower, okay? No, Truman. Now would you please shut up? 339 00:22:09,161 --> 00:22:13,166 No. This sub is going down, but the allies do win. 340 00:22:14,917 --> 00:22:16,134 Look, from Men of Letters to Men of Letters, 341 00:22:16,335 --> 00:22:17,803 I'm fighting a war in the future. 342 00:22:18,045 --> 00:22:19,797 It's not like your war, it's big. 343 00:22:20,089 --> 00:22:22,387 Biblical, end-is-nigh big. 344 00:22:23,217 --> 00:22:24,685 And I need your weapon to win. 345 00:22:25,636 --> 00:22:27,809 That is why I came. 346 00:22:29,974 --> 00:22:31,100 But we all die? 347 00:22:34,144 --> 00:22:37,648 Me, the girl, the rest of the crew? 348 00:22:41,819 --> 00:22:43,571 I'm just trying to get your story clear. 349 00:22:51,620 --> 00:22:52,667 Yes. 350 00:22:57,501 --> 00:23:01,472 Look, I know that's a lot to ask. Especially from a complete stranger. 351 00:23:01,672 --> 00:23:02,844 You're not a stranger. 352 00:23:06,218 --> 00:23:08,641 Men of Letters to Men of Letters. 353 00:23:09,680 --> 00:23:11,102 I trust you. 354 00:23:13,851 --> 00:23:14,852 Hatch secured. 355 00:23:15,144 --> 00:23:17,818 Alter course to 2-7-0. Take us down to 60 feet. 356 00:23:18,022 --> 00:23:19,319 Alter course to 2-7-0! 357 00:23:19,523 --> 00:23:21,571 - Altering course to 2-7-0. - Open front ports. 358 00:23:21,775 --> 00:23:22,867 Dive, dive, dive! 359 00:23:23,068 --> 00:23:24,240 Dive, dive, sir. 360 00:23:32,411 --> 00:23:34,379 Wait a second. I think I have something. 361 00:23:34,580 --> 00:23:36,127 The Spell of Gathering. 362 00:23:36,332 --> 00:23:40,553 It's an incantation used to focus the power of celestial beings, angels, 363 00:23:40,753 --> 00:23:43,973 against all drawn forms of evasion. 364 00:23:44,423 --> 00:23:48,223 The spell was designed to clear all mystical or occult blockages. 365 00:23:48,427 --> 00:23:49,644 I mean, this is highly theoretical magic. 366 00:23:49,845 --> 00:23:51,847 It's never been used before, but it sounds like it could work. 367 00:23:52,056 --> 00:23:53,524 You have the ingredients? 368 00:23:53,724 --> 00:23:55,226 Uh... 369 00:23:58,062 --> 00:23:59,314 All but one. 370 00:24:01,231 --> 00:24:04,485 That's why it's never been used before. It requires the power of an archangel. 371 00:24:11,951 --> 00:24:13,874 Well, Sam, we may as well try. 372 00:24:15,704 --> 00:24:17,752 We don't have time for long shots, Cass. 373 00:24:18,749 --> 00:24:20,547 Even at full power, you're not strong enough. 374 00:24:40,980 --> 00:24:42,903 That's the Hand of God? 375 00:24:43,857 --> 00:24:44,858 Doesn't look like much. 376 00:24:45,025 --> 00:24:46,868 No, I suppose it doesn't. 377 00:24:47,069 --> 00:24:50,289 It must have been more impressive in its complete form. 378 00:24:50,489 --> 00:24:52,036 The Ark of the Covenant. 379 00:24:53,617 --> 00:24:57,793 So, full-on Raiders, that's... Okay. 380 00:24:58,455 --> 00:24:59,957 Don't touch it barehanded. 381 00:25:00,457 --> 00:25:02,630 Its power is potent and unstable. 382 00:25:03,585 --> 00:25:06,885 No mortal can survive long with direct contact. 383 00:25:09,383 --> 00:25:14,310 I'll remove the warding. I'll be back. Promise. 384 00:25:16,056 --> 00:25:17,899 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Definitely not you. 385 00:25:20,019 --> 00:25:21,145 Okay. 386 00:25:26,400 --> 00:25:27,492 When? 387 00:25:28,485 --> 00:25:29,486 When what? 388 00:25:30,779 --> 00:25:34,579 When do we win? Months, years, decades? 389 00:25:35,242 --> 00:25:38,246 Got a lot of friends and family on other ships, in other branches. 390 00:25:38,454 --> 00:25:41,003 I wanna know what their chances are. 391 00:25:44,793 --> 00:25:45,965 Years. 392 00:25:47,212 --> 00:25:48,338 1945. 393 00:25:53,010 --> 00:25:54,307 You believe me? 394 00:25:58,599 --> 00:26:00,272 I read a lot of Flash Gordon. 395 00:26:05,189 --> 00:26:07,988 Fifteen-hundred yards. We are not shaking him. 396 00:26:08,192 --> 00:26:09,193 Battle stations. 397 00:26:09,443 --> 00:26:13,698 Sir, respectfully, our orders were to go home, not engage. 398 00:26:13,906 --> 00:26:15,874 XO, do not make me repeat myself. 399 00:26:18,577 --> 00:26:19,829 - Battle stations! - Aye, aye, sir! 400 00:26:20,037 --> 00:26:21,880 General quarters, battle stations. 401 00:26:22,372 --> 00:26:25,842 General quarters, man your battle stations. All hands... 402 00:26:26,043 --> 00:26:27,590 Okay, let's go, let's go, boys. 403 00:26:27,795 --> 00:26:29,672 Let's go. Get a move on, come on. 404 00:26:29,880 --> 00:26:33,134 Okay, okay. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. 405 00:26:33,342 --> 00:26:34,639 Keep it going, keep it going. 406 00:26:34,843 --> 00:26:36,561 - Dispatch, get a move on! Get a move on! - Come on, come on. 407 00:26:36,720 --> 00:26:39,564 Get to it, get to it, get to it. Everyone in positions. 408 00:26:40,849 --> 00:26:42,396 Stand by to load two number 8. 409 00:26:46,063 --> 00:26:48,065 - Load aft torpedoes. - Load aft torpedoes. 410 00:26:48,273 --> 00:26:49,320 Load aft torpedoes. 411 00:26:54,321 --> 00:26:55,322 Harris, open the rear door. 412 00:26:55,489 --> 00:26:57,241 - Opening door. - Clear. 413 00:26:57,449 --> 00:26:59,201 Easy. Ease it down. 414 00:27:07,626 --> 00:27:09,128 - Door secured. - Flood the tube. 415 00:27:10,462 --> 00:27:11,759 Flooding. 416 00:27:13,924 --> 00:27:15,676 - Ready to fire. - Ready to fire. 417 00:27:15,884 --> 00:27:18,004 - Eight hundred yards and closing. - Torpedoes loaded. 418 00:27:18,220 --> 00:27:19,267 Line us up for a bow shot. 419 00:27:19,429 --> 00:27:20,521 Line up for a bow shot. 420 00:27:20,722 --> 00:27:21,922 Lining up for bow shot. 421 00:27:22,891 --> 00:27:23,938 Locked. 422 00:27:24,101 --> 00:27:25,181 In position, ready to fire. 423 00:27:38,323 --> 00:27:40,917 Captain, I've lost his position. 424 00:27:41,118 --> 00:27:42,711 - What? - He's gone. 425 00:27:43,036 --> 00:27:46,666 How is it possible to lose a 3000-ton warship from 800 yards? 426 00:27:49,001 --> 00:27:50,093 Find him! 427 00:27:59,720 --> 00:28:01,438 Thirty yards, sir! He's right on top of us! 428 00:28:01,638 --> 00:28:02,639 How? 429 00:28:02,806 --> 00:28:05,275 Flood negative! Take us down to max depth and rig for silent running! 430 00:28:05,475 --> 00:28:06,476 Silent running! 431 00:28:16,987 --> 00:28:17,988 - What's happening? - Shh. 432 00:28:31,001 --> 00:28:32,844 Leveling out on 300, sir. 433 00:28:52,522 --> 00:28:54,320 - Kill me. - Wait. 434 00:28:56,777 --> 00:28:57,869 You can't do that. 435 00:29:07,996 --> 00:29:09,088 Kill me. 436 00:29:11,792 --> 00:29:14,716 Splashes. Depth charge. 437 00:29:18,090 --> 00:29:20,718 I don't have to kill you, okay? I can just cut it. It'll work. 438 00:29:20,968 --> 00:29:24,268 Not with this. It's spellbound to my blood and my heart. 439 00:29:24,888 --> 00:29:27,687 Its power lives and dies with me. 440 00:29:28,558 --> 00:29:29,605 Do it. 441 00:29:49,830 --> 00:29:50,922 Hold on! 442 00:29:58,797 --> 00:30:00,970 Midshipman down! We need a medic! 443 00:30:03,677 --> 00:30:04,769 Hey. 444 00:30:07,597 --> 00:30:08,644 Cass, what is that? 445 00:30:09,808 --> 00:30:11,435 It's your Spell of Gathering. 446 00:30:11,643 --> 00:30:15,648 Are you nuts? You're not strong enough. Cass, you could get hurt. 447 00:30:16,231 --> 00:30:17,904 You find a better option? 448 00:30:18,942 --> 00:30:21,821 No, but without a serious boost to your angel power, 449 00:30:22,029 --> 00:30:23,155 that spell won't even work. 450 00:30:23,363 --> 00:30:24,865 My strength may surprise you. 451 00:30:28,160 --> 00:30:29,207 Wait a second. 452 00:30:30,662 --> 00:30:34,383 I remember Bobby told me when you needed strength to retrieve us from the past, 453 00:30:34,583 --> 00:30:38,008 you used him to power up. You touched his soul, right? 454 00:30:39,296 --> 00:30:44,052 That's right. I did that. But that procedure can be fatal. 455 00:30:47,429 --> 00:30:51,354 Use my soul. That way, maybe you'll have enough power to wield the spell. 456 00:30:51,808 --> 00:30:52,900 That isn't necessary. 457 00:30:53,101 --> 00:30:57,151 It's worth the risk. Cass, Dean needs our help. 458 00:30:58,857 --> 00:31:00,029 I trust you. 459 00:31:08,742 --> 00:31:09,834 What? 460 00:31:10,744 --> 00:31:13,918 It's just... I don't need you anymore. 461 00:31:14,122 --> 00:31:16,250 Dean's the one with the link to Amara. 462 00:31:16,458 --> 00:31:18,631 Why have I been trying to spare you? 463 00:31:18,835 --> 00:31:23,011 Maybe it's because you're like the girl 464 00:31:23,215 --> 00:31:25,343 who kept turning me down at the prom. 465 00:31:27,260 --> 00:31:31,060 I will touch your soul. Just because you asked so nicely, 466 00:31:31,264 --> 00:31:33,562 and I'll use your spell to blast through the warding 467 00:31:33,767 --> 00:31:37,192 and retrieve Dean and the Hand of God. 468 00:31:37,813 --> 00:31:39,360 And then when Dean comes back 469 00:31:39,564 --> 00:31:43,285 and he finds this place decorated with your guts, 470 00:31:43,485 --> 00:31:45,829 I will tell him the truth, Sam. 471 00:31:46,738 --> 00:31:48,706 I'll just say, "Dean..." 472 00:31:51,660 --> 00:31:55,506 "Dean, he knew the risks. 473 00:31:57,249 --> 00:31:59,468 "He wouldn't take no for an answer." 474 00:32:00,627 --> 00:32:01,628 Lucifer. 475 00:32:02,254 --> 00:32:03,506 In the flesh. 476 00:32:32,033 --> 00:32:33,626 Hello, Castiel. 477 00:32:35,871 --> 00:32:38,545 Medic! Come on! 478 00:32:38,748 --> 00:32:39,795 Damage report? 479 00:32:39,958 --> 00:32:41,960 Battery room's flooded. Hull's breached. 480 00:32:42,586 --> 00:32:43,678 We're dead in the water. 481 00:32:45,380 --> 00:32:46,973 Ship's locked in position above us. 482 00:32:47,174 --> 00:32:49,222 American submarine. 483 00:32:52,012 --> 00:32:56,313 Captain. The Germans are sending a message. 484 00:32:57,058 --> 00:32:59,186 American submarine. 485 00:32:59,394 --> 00:33:01,943 Sir, it's not for you. 486 00:33:06,568 --> 00:33:07,785 Watch your head. 487 00:33:16,578 --> 00:33:17,579 Go ahead. 488 00:33:21,583 --> 00:33:23,881 Hello, mein liebchen. 489 00:33:24,836 --> 00:33:26,838 It is not possible. I killed you. 490 00:33:27,047 --> 00:33:29,141 A little advice, Delphine. 491 00:33:30,133 --> 00:33:33,387 If you want a friend of the Thule to stay dead, 492 00:33:34,054 --> 00:33:35,556 burn the body. 493 00:33:37,390 --> 00:33:38,687 A word for the captain. 494 00:33:39,768 --> 00:33:44,239 You may have noticed you are up against a warship and a crew possessing, 495 00:33:44,439 --> 00:33:47,989 let us say, extraordinary abilities. 496 00:33:49,277 --> 00:33:51,871 And you have taken damage that you cannot recover from. 497 00:33:52,072 --> 00:33:54,291 So, I offer you a choice. 498 00:33:55,242 --> 00:33:58,837 Surface now, relinquish the girl and her cargo, 499 00:33:59,037 --> 00:34:04,385 and I can assure you and your men the highest of POW treatment. 500 00:34:05,377 --> 00:34:07,846 Or you can protect her, 501 00:34:08,838 --> 00:34:13,218 and we will depth charge you and your boat right into the seabed 502 00:34:13,468 --> 00:34:16,142 and recover the cargo ourselves. 503 00:34:17,430 --> 00:34:19,853 You have three minutes to surrender. 504 00:34:25,814 --> 00:34:30,445 I don't expect you to understand, but this cargo, the Germans can't have it. 505 00:34:31,570 --> 00:34:33,038 You need to believe me. 506 00:34:33,238 --> 00:34:35,616 Our orders were to protect you and your cargo. 507 00:34:35,824 --> 00:34:37,371 We wouldn't even consider a surrender. 508 00:34:39,327 --> 00:34:43,673 You had better reconsider. Killing me is your only way off this ship. 509 00:34:48,295 --> 00:34:49,296 Maybe not. 510 00:34:50,672 --> 00:34:53,926 Teach me how to use it. It's the power of God. 511 00:34:54,759 --> 00:34:56,761 Maybe I can use it to save you, save the sub? 512 00:34:57,262 --> 00:34:58,980 - And your war? - I wanna help you now. 513 00:34:59,180 --> 00:35:00,181 Two minutes, Captain. 514 00:35:00,348 --> 00:35:02,942 You save this ship, get us to the surface and then what? 515 00:35:03,184 --> 00:35:04,811 The power of God will consume you, 516 00:35:05,020 --> 00:35:08,149 and you'll have merely brought the weapon closer to the Nazis' grasp. 517 00:35:11,151 --> 00:35:15,327 We are supposed to die. Let us do it with a purpose. 518 00:35:17,115 --> 00:35:18,635 How long can you keep the boat steady? 519 00:35:18,742 --> 00:35:20,665 Not long. And once they resume their attack... 520 00:35:20,869 --> 00:35:22,029 Give me every second you can. 521 00:35:22,078 --> 00:35:23,330 - Delphine, what are you doing? - One minute. 522 00:35:23,538 --> 00:35:24,664 I'm going to get you home. 523 00:35:24,873 --> 00:35:27,717 And I'm going to get you and your men your first German ship. 524 00:35:35,300 --> 00:35:37,974 - No, no, no. - Sam. Sam, it's me. 525 00:35:39,554 --> 00:35:41,397 Cass? Why? 526 00:35:41,723 --> 00:35:46,069 I wanted to be of service to the fight. And only Lucifer can beat her. 527 00:35:46,561 --> 00:35:50,987 You chose this? You have to fight, Cass. Eject him, now! 528 00:35:51,191 --> 00:35:55,913 I can't! It's taking all my strength to keep him from killing you. 529 00:35:56,738 --> 00:35:57,739 And besides, we need him. 530 00:35:57,906 --> 00:36:00,705 No, Cass, we don't. We'll find another way to stop Amara. 531 00:36:03,662 --> 00:36:05,790 We need him to save Dean. 532 00:36:06,706 --> 00:36:07,707 You can't time travel. 533 00:36:09,834 --> 00:36:11,177 Only Lucifer can. 534 00:36:11,461 --> 00:36:12,633 How fast is your ride back? 535 00:36:13,171 --> 00:36:14,172 - Fast. - Good. 536 00:36:14,339 --> 00:36:15,431 It's time! 537 00:36:39,948 --> 00:36:41,120 God help us all. 538 00:36:59,718 --> 00:37:00,719 This is torpedo room... 539 00:37:00,885 --> 00:37:03,229 - Isolate that panel! - We need assistance! 540 00:37:07,976 --> 00:37:09,319 Fire in the control room! 541 00:37:12,397 --> 00:37:16,152 Torpedo room taking water! We need assistance! 542 00:37:21,030 --> 00:37:22,031 Electrical! 543 00:37:26,661 --> 00:37:29,039 Dean. That's not Cass! 544 00:37:32,292 --> 00:37:33,339 Cat's out. 545 00:37:43,511 --> 00:37:44,603 Mmm. 546 00:37:44,846 --> 00:37:46,189 Feel a burden lifted. 547 00:37:46,765 --> 00:37:49,860 You know, this whole deep cover thing, just wasn't, 548 00:37:50,059 --> 00:37:52,403 it wasn't terribly well-thought-out. 549 00:37:52,937 --> 00:37:56,066 Donning this, this Cass mask, 550 00:37:56,274 --> 00:38:00,825 this grim face of angelic constipation, just... 551 00:38:01,362 --> 00:38:03,160 And then, teaming up with you two? 552 00:38:03,364 --> 00:38:06,743 I thought you boys were insufferable as mortal enemies, 553 00:38:06,951 --> 00:38:09,795 but working with you? 554 00:38:10,789 --> 00:38:12,086 That's the soul crusher. 555 00:38:18,713 --> 00:38:21,842 Why the faces, boys? You should be cheering. 556 00:38:22,050 --> 00:38:23,347 We have a common enemy. 557 00:38:23,551 --> 00:38:25,599 With this, she will be no problem. 558 00:38:27,639 --> 00:38:31,610 I will have killed you both by then, but still, come on. 559 00:38:36,564 --> 00:38:37,565 No. 560 00:38:39,859 --> 00:38:40,860 No! 561 00:38:49,369 --> 00:38:50,586 It's kicked. 562 00:38:55,416 --> 00:38:59,592 Well, who'd have thought the Hand of God turned out to be a one-hitter? 563 00:39:39,294 --> 00:39:40,466 So...... 564 00:39:41,629 --> 00:39:42,801 So...... 565 00:39:44,257 --> 00:39:45,634 - Cass? - Yeah. 566 00:39:49,971 --> 00:39:51,689 Now, what do we do? 567 00:39:53,766 --> 00:39:55,109 What else? 568 00:39:56,185 --> 00:39:59,815 We hunt Lucifer. Trap the bastard and save Cass. 569 00:40:02,066 --> 00:40:05,195 Like I said, Lucifer may be in control now, 570 00:40:05,403 --> 00:40:08,452 but Cass may not come back willingly. He chose it. 571 00:40:08,656 --> 00:40:11,500 No. No, not possible. 572 00:40:18,625 --> 00:40:21,504 How'd you get through today? What did you do? 573 00:40:23,922 --> 00:40:25,174 Nothing. 574 00:40:27,467 --> 00:40:28,889 Sam, they... 575 00:40:35,183 --> 00:40:37,026 I was just a witness. 576 00:40:41,189 --> 00:40:43,066 Do you wanna talk about it? 577 00:40:48,029 --> 00:40:50,999 No. No, story for another day. 578 00:41:01,876 --> 00:41:07,224 Hey, the German ship that sank the Bluefin, what happened to it? 579 00:41:08,508 --> 00:41:10,010 It went down. 580 00:41:10,718 --> 00:41:13,346 Unlike the sub, its wreckage was found. 581 00:41:13,554 --> 00:41:16,979 With a giant hole that ripped through the entire thing. 582 00:41:17,183 --> 00:41:21,154 I mean, something must have hit the fuel tanks and exploded, but it burned. 583 00:41:21,354 --> 00:41:22,480 Sank. 584 00:42:26,753 --> 00:42:27,800 English - SDH