1 00:00:04,004 --> 00:00:07,213 “Werewolves that are turned, up to four generations from pureblood... 2 00:00:07,407 --> 00:00:12,220 ...are less feral and can transform before, during, and after the lunar cycle." 3 00:00:12,412 --> 00:00:16,918 Human by day, a freak animal killing-machine by moonlight, werewolves are badass. 4 00:00:17,150 --> 00:00:20,825 Best part about it is we already know how to bring these suckers down. 5 00:00:21,054 --> 00:00:24,524 - One of these bad boys right to the heart. - Dean's a demon. 6 00:00:24,725 --> 00:00:28,605 I don't know how you did this, what black-magic stunt you pulled, but hear me: 7 00:00:28,829 --> 00:00:31,708 I will save my brother or die trying. 8 00:00:31,899 --> 00:00:33,708 - Stop. It's over, Dean. - Argh! 9 00:00:33,901 --> 00:00:36,677 There's a difference from what I turned into to what you are. 10 00:00:36,870 --> 00:00:37,905 What's that mean? 11 00:00:38,105 --> 00:00:40,051 I know what you did when you went looking for me. 12 00:00:40,240 --> 00:00:42,777 Which one of us is really the monster, hmm? 13 00:00:43,544 --> 00:00:45,717 You might actually be worse than me. 14 00:00:46,947 --> 00:00:50,690 Got a whole bunch more of these to go. You can make it a lot easier on yourself. 15 00:00:50,884 --> 00:00:53,057 What the hell are we doing to him, Cass? 16 00:00:53,253 --> 00:00:56,393 The ritual of purified blood is the only treatment I know. 17 00:00:59,192 --> 00:01:02,401 - You look worried, fellas. - Welcome back, Dean. 18 00:01:02,596 --> 00:01:05,372 Maybe you should, um, take some time before you get back to work. 19 00:01:05,566 --> 00:01:06,806 Allow yourself to heal. 20 00:02:21,174 --> 00:02:24,314 Damn. A girl after my own heart. 21 00:02:24,511 --> 00:02:27,048 That's the idea, sweetie. 22 00:02:28,782 --> 00:02:29,852 What the hell? 23 00:03:04,751 --> 00:03:06,890 Hey, something I needed to ask you. 24 00:03:09,423 --> 00:03:12,097 - Shoot. - You've been... 25 00:03:12,392 --> 00:03:17,535 ... kicked, bit, scratched, stabbed, possessed, killed... 26 00:03:19,032 --> 00:03:21,103 ...and you sprained your freaking elbow? 27 00:03:22,502 --> 00:03:26,575 Dude, it was more than a sprain, all right? And it was a freaking demon, but... 28 00:03:26,773 --> 00:03:27,945 But what? 29 00:03:28,709 --> 00:03:31,918 That sling come with a slice of crybaby pie, on the side? 30 00:03:33,447 --> 00:03:35,290 Please... 31 00:03:45,859 --> 00:03:47,634 How you doing? 32 00:03:50,464 --> 00:03:52,876 - I'm golden, man. - Come on. 33 00:03:54,401 --> 00:03:55,778 Seriously, I'm good. 34 00:03:55,969 --> 00:04:01,317 I am. You know, we got three more cases of this stuff on ice in the trunk. 35 00:04:01,541 --> 00:04:05,785 Taking some "we" time, best decision we ever made. 36 00:04:06,580 --> 00:04:08,116 Hear that. 37 00:04:19,559 --> 00:04:21,835 See that thing in the paper this morning? 38 00:04:24,264 --> 00:04:25,607 Maybe it was an animal kill. 39 00:04:25,799 --> 00:04:30,407 It was three kills, and it was in the same town, all within the last month. 40 00:04:30,604 --> 00:04:33,744 Yeah. You're right. We should call some guys, have them fix it. 41 00:04:33,940 --> 00:04:36,420 - Good. Smart. - Done. 42 00:04:39,479 --> 00:04:41,186 Or... 43 00:04:42,449 --> 00:04:45,828 - We could be in and out. It's a milk run. - Right. 44 00:04:46,019 --> 00:04:49,000 Because that happens never. 45 00:04:49,189 --> 00:04:53,001 Look, Sam. What we're doing here? It's good. Okay? 46 00:04:53,493 --> 00:04:54,699 You and me hanging out. 47 00:04:57,597 --> 00:04:59,167 But I need to work. 48 00:05:00,867 --> 00:05:02,710 I need this. 49 00:05:07,674 --> 00:05:13,386 If things go sideways, I mean like, an inch, you gotta give me the heads up. 50 00:05:13,680 --> 00:05:16,183 Done. You got my word. 51 00:05:32,199 --> 00:05:33,735 Gentlemen. 52 00:05:35,902 --> 00:05:39,213 Well, I'm not gonna lie. We're damn glad to see you. 53 00:05:39,406 --> 00:05:41,909 You boys must come up on stuff like this all the time. 54 00:05:42,175 --> 00:05:43,711 - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. Definitely. 55 00:05:43,910 --> 00:05:48,154 Hell, seen raccoons in rec rooms, bears in swimming pools, but this? 56 00:05:48,348 --> 00:05:50,885 - You tell me. - Yeah. 57 00:05:54,888 --> 00:05:59,769 Oh, well, where do we start? What with the logging... 58 00:06:00,060 --> 00:06:02,563 - The ice caps. - Bitcoin, yeah. 59 00:06:04,564 --> 00:06:06,271 Obama. 60 00:06:07,400 --> 00:06:09,937 You know, maybe you could walk us through the attacks. 61 00:06:10,437 --> 00:06:12,212 Any similarities, anything weird. 62 00:06:12,405 --> 00:06:14,908 Only thing weird about them was how similar they were. 63 00:06:15,108 --> 00:06:18,954 Folks torn clean through, hearts absent. 64 00:06:19,179 --> 00:06:21,557 - Hearts absent as in...? - Consumed, most likely. 65 00:06:23,617 --> 00:06:24,960 And there were no witnesses? 66 00:06:25,218 --> 00:06:27,459 Town-square attack, parking lot, those were late. 67 00:06:27,787 --> 00:06:32,532 But with how jammed the bar was, you'd think somebody other than Tommy would see. 68 00:06:32,726 --> 00:06:34,766 - And what did he see? - Honestly, not much. 69 00:06:34,961 --> 00:06:37,805 Now, Tommy ain't exactly what we'd call a reliable witness. 70 00:06:38,064 --> 00:06:43,275 He's telling anybody who'll listen he saw a girl go with Barker, and she got torn up too. 71 00:06:43,470 --> 00:06:45,609 - So there was a second victim? - Well, sure. 72 00:06:45,805 --> 00:06:46,977 Except Tommy's a drunk. 73 00:06:47,240 --> 00:06:51,814 There's no body, no DNA, no blood trail, no nothing to suggest that. 74 00:06:52,612 --> 00:06:54,614 - Give me one sec. - Yeah. 75 00:06:55,815 --> 00:06:59,490 - Hearts missing. Sounds wolfy, right? - Yeah. Pretty brazen, even for a werewolf. 76 00:06:59,753 --> 00:07:01,494 You think it was the girl? 77 00:07:02,455 --> 00:07:03,593 Let's find out. 78 00:07:05,325 --> 00:07:09,967 Yeah. Barker and I been raising hell, chasing tail and riding for a long time. 79 00:07:10,163 --> 00:07:14,134 Part of him always knew when his clock ran out it wasn't gonna be pretty. 80 00:07:14,334 --> 00:07:15,779 To go out like that? 81 00:07:15,969 --> 00:07:17,607 By some animal? 82 00:07:17,804 --> 00:07:21,115 - Just ain't right. - You mind, uh, telling us what went down? 83 00:07:21,408 --> 00:07:23,115 It was just another party, you know? 84 00:07:23,310 --> 00:07:27,349 Barker went out back, then everyone's yelling and screaming. He's all torn up. 85 00:07:27,580 --> 00:07:30,652 Sheriff mentioned you thought there might've been a girl involved. 86 00:07:30,850 --> 00:07:33,524 - You think she was killed too? - No. 87 00:07:34,988 --> 00:07:37,025 So there was no girl? 88 00:07:37,691 --> 00:07:39,466 Couldn't say. 89 00:07:41,995 --> 00:07:43,702 You know we're not cops, right? 90 00:07:44,531 --> 00:07:45,839 Badge is a badge. 91 00:07:46,166 --> 00:07:48,976 You should also know that working outdoors the way we do... 92 00:07:49,169 --> 00:07:51,171 ...we see some pretty weird crap. 93 00:07:51,538 --> 00:07:53,518 Stuff that we can't explain. 94 00:07:53,707 --> 00:07:57,849 Hell, half the stuff we wouldn't believe it ourselves had we not seen it together. 95 00:07:58,044 --> 00:08:00,888 You don't live here, mister. Don't have to deal with ridicule. 96 00:08:01,147 --> 00:08:05,220 I'm just saying that crazy might not be as half as crazy as you think. 97 00:08:06,686 --> 00:08:10,532 So if someone were to tell you they saw a ghost, you'd believe that? 98 00:08:13,793 --> 00:08:16,171 Just assume we believe everything. 99 00:08:17,397 --> 00:08:19,070 Okay, then. 100 00:08:19,399 --> 00:08:21,879 Other night I was riding past the old Sturges farm... 101 00:08:22,068 --> 00:08:25,515 ...you know, thinking about the rides me and Barker used to go on. 102 00:08:25,872 --> 00:08:27,180 I saw her, man. 103 00:08:27,374 --> 00:08:29,012 Saw "her" who? 104 00:08:29,209 --> 00:08:31,189 - The girl. - What? After the attack? 105 00:08:31,378 --> 00:08:34,222 Yeah. She was just standing there, all bloody. Watching me. 106 00:08:34,414 --> 00:08:37,224 So I turn the hell around. I ran back thinking: 107 00:08:37,417 --> 00:08:40,830 "Damn, she's hurt or something," but she was just gone. 108 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:43,331 Like, gone. 109 00:08:44,224 --> 00:08:45,862 Like a ghost. 110 00:08:47,260 --> 00:08:49,900 I don't give one red cent in hell what the cops say. 111 00:08:50,096 --> 00:08:52,599 She was there. She was eaten. 112 00:08:52,866 --> 00:08:55,073 She's a freaking ghost. 113 00:09:11,618 --> 00:09:14,565 Ghosts don't shred people like that. 114 00:09:15,388 --> 00:09:21,304 Yeah, well, this fleabag looks like she ain't done chowing down Sons of Anarchy just yet. 115 00:09:22,228 --> 00:09:23,866 Guess she likes bad boys. 116 00:09:24,130 --> 00:09:27,475 Well, wait until she gets a load of us. 117 00:10:12,345 --> 00:10:14,154 Stop ignoring my calls. 118 00:10:14,347 --> 00:10:18,193 Pick up the phone and call me right now. This isn't how it's supposed to go. 119 00:10:18,418 --> 00:10:22,093 Look. I've been down this road before and I'm not going to... 120 00:10:34,934 --> 00:10:36,208 What? 121 00:10:42,709 --> 00:10:43,813 Kate? 122 00:10:58,691 --> 00:11:00,170 I know who you are. 123 00:11:00,360 --> 00:11:01,498 Congratulations. 124 00:11:01,694 --> 00:11:04,334 After what happened at school, I thought you'd let me go. 125 00:11:04,531 --> 00:11:07,307 - That was before you started dropping bodies. - What? 126 00:11:07,500 --> 00:11:11,141 Guy at the bar saw you before you went all Wolverine on his buddy. 127 00:11:11,337 --> 00:11:13,715 So surprise. Here we are. 128 00:11:14,007 --> 00:11:17,477 Kate, you said you were gonna go straight. 129 00:11:17,677 --> 00:11:18,712 What happened? 130 00:11:20,413 --> 00:11:22,051 I guess things change. 131 00:11:22,482 --> 00:11:23,517 Being this... 132 00:11:24,584 --> 00:11:27,656 ...I tried to be strong, but the hunger was too much. 133 00:11:27,854 --> 00:11:29,492 Too hard. 134 00:11:29,689 --> 00:11:32,226 Not like anyone gave me a handbook on being a werewolf. 135 00:11:32,425 --> 00:11:34,735 Looks like you're doing a pretty good job so far. 136 00:11:34,928 --> 00:11:38,375 - Break some hearts, then you eat them. - I was on my own. 137 00:11:38,565 --> 00:11:40,772 I evolved. 138 00:11:41,000 --> 00:11:43,606 So that's what you call killing innocent people? 139 00:11:44,737 --> 00:11:46,273 Whatever you're gonna do... 140 00:11:46,506 --> 00:11:48,543 ...just do it. 141 00:12:00,420 --> 00:12:01,455 Hey. 142 00:12:11,564 --> 00:12:14,568 You know what. Let me do it. 143 00:12:15,068 --> 00:12:16,706 Why? 144 00:12:17,136 --> 00:12:20,413 Because I think you should sit this one out. 145 00:12:21,207 --> 00:12:23,448 - What are you talking about? - You're not ready, Dean. 146 00:12:28,648 --> 00:12:29,752 Hello? 147 00:12:29,949 --> 00:12:34,898 Warden, we had another animal attack over at the high school gymnasium. 148 00:12:35,088 --> 00:12:38,001 Guy was a security guard. Same MO as the other three. 149 00:12:38,224 --> 00:12:40,795 - When? - Deputy said the victim's blood was still warm... 150 00:12:40,994 --> 00:12:43,634 ...when he got there. So had to be less than an hour ago. 151 00:12:43,830 --> 00:12:46,902 Of course. Thank you. Um, I'll be in touch. 152 00:12:47,100 --> 00:12:49,944 - We got a problem. - What, besides Werewolf Barbie over here? 153 00:12:50,837 --> 00:12:55,115 Yeah. There was another kill. Across town, just before dark. 154 00:12:55,308 --> 00:12:58,846 Well, how did Kate get her murder on, and then get back here before-J 155 00:12:59,078 --> 00:13:01,684 - You don't think she did it. - Look. I don't know, man. 156 00:13:01,914 --> 00:13:03,587 But as far as I'm concerned... 157 00:13:06,452 --> 00:13:07,487 Damn it. 158 00:13:08,421 --> 00:13:11,197 All right. If she's not icing people, why play big bad wolf? 159 00:13:11,424 --> 00:13:14,132 Maybe she's running with a pack. Trying to protect them? 160 00:13:14,327 --> 00:13:16,534 Wow, hell of a price to pay. 161 00:13:16,763 --> 00:13:20,006 She was about two seconds away from taking a dirt nap. 162 00:13:20,199 --> 00:13:22,042 - What is that? - It's her phone. 163 00:13:22,268 --> 00:13:24,475 Let's see who she was booty calling when we pulled up. 164 00:13:27,607 --> 00:13:30,349 Thank you for calling the Lincoln Morel. Can I help you? 165 00:13:48,294 --> 00:13:51,366 So, what's this about me not being ready back there? 166 00:13:52,231 --> 00:13:55,735 I wasn't trying to start something, Dean. I was just saying... 167 00:13:55,968 --> 00:13:59,006 ...I thought that was the point of us taking a break. You know? 168 00:13:59,205 --> 00:14:00,843 Oh, no. No. Yeah. I get that. 169 00:14:01,040 --> 00:14:04,214 - And you know, there's no worries there. - Okay. 170 00:14:04,711 --> 00:14:06,213 But I gotta ask. What about you? 171 00:14:08,414 --> 00:14:09,757 "What about me," what? 172 00:14:09,982 --> 00:14:11,017 Are you ready? 173 00:14:12,752 --> 00:14:15,028 Why wouldn't I be ready? 174 00:14:15,221 --> 00:14:16,359 Lester. 175 00:14:17,323 --> 00:14:20,065 - Lester? - 42:13: wife kicked me to the curb. 176 00:14:20,259 --> 00:14:24,435 We haven't had sex for four months, but not that she hasn't been having plenty. 177 00:14:24,664 --> 00:14:27,736 It is possible that you can have your revenge. 178 00:14:27,934 --> 00:14:30,414 Who summons me? For what purpose? 179 00:14:30,603 --> 00:14:32,549 Lester, don't. 180 00:14:32,739 --> 00:14:34,685 Kill my wife, and my soul is yours. 181 00:14:34,874 --> 00:14:36,114 Who are you? 182 00:14:37,710 --> 00:14:38,745 Ow! 183 00:14:38,945 --> 00:14:42,620 You're a punk-ass demon. You work for me now. 184 00:14:46,786 --> 00:14:49,733 - You're serious? This is about Lester? - Yeah. 185 00:14:51,224 --> 00:14:54,296 Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start anything neither, okay? 186 00:14:54,527 --> 00:14:58,134 I'm just saying, maybe... Maybe we ought to talk about that. 187 00:14:59,866 --> 00:15:02,870 Okay. Except there's nothing to talk about. 188 00:15:04,637 --> 00:15:05,980 Okay. 189 00:15:08,074 --> 00:15:09,576 Okay. 190 00:15:15,114 --> 00:15:17,958 I figured since we're opening veins maybe you'd wanna talk... 191 00:15:18,151 --> 00:15:21,496 ...about the guy who you made sell his soul. - The guy you killed? 192 00:15:21,721 --> 00:15:23,598 - That's the same guy? - I was a demon. 193 00:15:23,790 --> 00:15:26,669 Oh, you were a demon. Oh, I didn't realize that. 194 00:15:27,927 --> 00:15:31,340 Hey, man. Lester was gonna pay for that soul shake sooner or later. 195 00:15:31,564 --> 00:15:34,738 - So technically, it's still on you. - What do you want from me, Dean? 196 00:15:34,934 --> 00:15:36,436 Look, I... 197 00:15:36,836 --> 00:15:39,339 I'm not happy about it. Okay? But I needed to find you. 198 00:15:39,572 --> 00:15:42,246 So if I had to bend a few rules... 199 00:15:42,442 --> 00:15:44,922 - Go "dark"? - "Go dark." Sure. 200 00:15:45,111 --> 00:15:46,590 Label it if you want. 201 00:15:46,779 --> 00:15:48,622 Look. Again, I'm not complaining. Okay? 202 00:15:48,815 --> 00:15:51,455 In fact, I'm doing just the opposite of complaining. I... 203 00:15:51,751 --> 00:15:53,253 I just... 204 00:15:53,686 --> 00:15:57,498 - You know, between Lester and the others... - There weren't others. 205 00:15:57,690 --> 00:15:59,761 Okay. Either way. 206 00:16:00,293 --> 00:16:02,170 Maybe we both needed that time off. 207 00:16:08,534 --> 00:16:10,138 This is good. 208 00:16:10,336 --> 00:16:11,815 This is good. 209 00:16:12,438 --> 00:16:14,179 Yeah. Real good. 210 00:16:24,717 --> 00:16:30,531 All right. So the, uh, clerk says a blond rolled into Room 3 just before sun-up. 211 00:16:30,723 --> 00:16:32,669 - She alone? - He thinks so. 212 00:16:37,797 --> 00:16:39,401 She's on the move. 213 00:16:57,817 --> 00:16:59,524 What's she doing? 214 00:17:00,386 --> 00:17:02,195 Looking for breakfast. 215 00:17:12,765 --> 00:17:14,438 Kate. 216 00:17:15,501 --> 00:17:16,844 It's over. 217 00:17:19,005 --> 00:17:20,848 Oh, God. Please. 218 00:17:21,040 --> 00:17:22,917 Don't. I'll give you anything you want. 219 00:17:24,443 --> 00:17:26,184 - Where's Kate? - Who? 220 00:17:26,379 --> 00:17:28,552 You were just in her motel room. 221 00:17:28,948 --> 00:17:30,427 What? That's my room. 222 00:17:30,883 --> 00:17:34,296 - Why were you following that guy? - Robbie? I know him. 223 00:17:34,520 --> 00:17:36,124 I just wanted to surprise him. 224 00:17:37,723 --> 00:17:39,259 Test her. 225 00:17:39,859 --> 00:17:41,236 Test me for what? 226 00:17:42,795 --> 00:17:45,275 No. Help. Somebody help me. 227 00:17:45,565 --> 00:17:47,442 Just take it easy. 228 00:17:49,068 --> 00:17:50,103 I don't wanna die. 229 00:17:58,878 --> 00:18:01,449 Stop it. Stop it. 230 00:18:04,150 --> 00:18:05,754 Don't. 231 00:18:05,985 --> 00:18:08,090 She's my sister. 232 00:18:24,437 --> 00:18:26,110 I lost her. 233 00:18:26,639 --> 00:18:29,848 Kate, why is your sister a werewolf, huh? 234 00:18:30,076 --> 00:18:31,453 - Let her talk. - Why? I am. 235 00:18:31,644 --> 00:18:34,250 - Then put the gun down. - Why? So she can run again? Uh-uh. 236 00:18:34,647 --> 00:18:36,524 She just saved our lives. 237 00:18:42,521 --> 00:18:45,024 My sister's a werewolf because I turned her into one. 238 00:18:46,859 --> 00:18:49,339 Okay. This is the part where you help yourself out. 239 00:18:49,528 --> 00:18:52,372 I don't care. All right? I'm sick of the lies. 240 00:18:52,999 --> 00:18:54,376 Let me get this straight. 241 00:18:55,034 --> 00:18:57,310 We let you run because we take pity on you. 242 00:18:57,503 --> 00:18:59,813 And you turned around and you started making pups? 243 00:19:00,006 --> 00:19:02,316 - You start killing people. - It's not like that. 244 00:19:02,508 --> 00:19:03,543 I'm no killer. 245 00:19:04,710 --> 00:19:07,213 The way I remember from the snuff film you left us... 246 00:19:07,446 --> 00:19:09,858 ...is that you killed your boyfriend's best friend. 247 00:19:10,049 --> 00:19:11,687 That's because Brian went crazy. 248 00:19:11,884 --> 00:19:14,160 - I had no other choice. - Okay, Kate. 249 00:19:14,820 --> 00:19:17,733 - If this wasn't you... - That's a big "if." 250 00:19:18,224 --> 00:19:19,396 ...then who was it'? 251 00:19:20,326 --> 00:19:21,964 Your sister? 252 00:19:23,562 --> 00:19:25,564 Your sister do this, Kate? 253 00:19:27,066 --> 00:19:28,409 Really? 254 00:19:29,368 --> 00:19:31,905 You almost just took a bullet for her? You got nothing. 255 00:19:33,139 --> 00:19:34,379 What do you want me to say? 256 00:19:34,573 --> 00:19:36,712 - The truth? - Hey, guys? Whoa, whoa. 257 00:19:36,909 --> 00:19:39,981 Can we, uh, take it somewhere else? 258 00:19:40,246 --> 00:19:43,853 Oh, yeah. Sure. Let's go grab some coffee. Maybe some bear hearts. 259 00:19:57,229 --> 00:19:59,231 Just so you know... 260 00:19:59,432 --> 00:20:01,070 ...Brian's the reason I carry this. 261 00:20:01,267 --> 00:20:04,441 - Hey. - I'm just showing you something. 262 00:20:05,604 --> 00:20:07,379 In case I ever lose it... 263 00:20:07,573 --> 00:20:09,575 ...like Brian did... 264 00:20:10,209 --> 00:20:11,620 ...you won't have to kill me. 265 00:20:12,111 --> 00:20:14,284 Saying it and doing it are two different things. 266 00:20:14,547 --> 00:20:16,254 I'm serious. 267 00:20:16,549 --> 00:20:18,290 And whether you believe me or not... 268 00:20:18,551 --> 00:20:20,929 ...I've never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. 269 00:20:21,120 --> 00:20:25,466 And I have never, ever eaten a human heart. 270 00:20:28,127 --> 00:20:31,734 Guess that explains all the dead chickens back at the barn? 271 00:20:32,298 --> 00:20:34,039 I eat what I can find. 272 00:20:34,233 --> 00:20:36,110 What people won't miss, hopefully. 273 00:20:36,936 --> 00:20:39,109 Small game, deer. 274 00:20:39,305 --> 00:20:41,148 I meditate. 275 00:20:41,407 --> 00:20:42,613 Yoga helps. 276 00:20:42,808 --> 00:20:44,549 Yoga? 277 00:20:45,044 --> 00:20:46,318 Okay, heh. 278 00:20:46,545 --> 00:20:47,649 You laugh... 279 00:20:47,913 --> 00:20:53,659 ...but I'll pretty much try anything to keep that side of me under control. 280 00:20:54,487 --> 00:20:57,957 Well, that is great, Kate. It really is. 281 00:20:58,157 --> 00:21:01,434 And it's nice to see that this hippy-dippy, new-age crap... 282 00:21:01,627 --> 00:21:04,836 ...has had such a positive influence over your sister. 283 00:21:08,334 --> 00:21:09,574 Tasha... 284 00:21:10,636 --> 00:21:13,082 She's a different story. 285 00:21:14,306 --> 00:21:18,982 After I left school, I was adrift. 286 00:21:19,178 --> 00:21:20,851 Lost. 287 00:21:21,080 --> 00:21:23,856 Not really sure where to go... 288 00:21:24,083 --> 00:21:26,654 ...or what to do. 289 00:21:26,852 --> 00:21:30,356 So I went someplace safe. 290 00:21:31,190 --> 00:21:32,863 I went home. 291 00:21:33,125 --> 00:21:37,005 But even though I'd be good... 292 00:21:37,196 --> 00:21:40,541 ...I started to think about my family. 293 00:21:41,033 --> 00:21:42,671 How safe were they going to be? 294 00:21:42,868 --> 00:21:44,870 I was a werewolf. 295 00:21:45,471 --> 00:21:47,974 And then of course, there was you two. 296 00:21:48,174 --> 00:21:50,882 What if you showed up, tried to kill me? 297 00:21:52,178 --> 00:21:53,714 I couldn't risk that. 298 00:21:55,347 --> 00:21:57,657 So I... 299 00:21:58,384 --> 00:22:00,227 ...walked away. 300 00:22:00,886 --> 00:22:02,365 Never called. 301 00:22:02,555 --> 00:22:04,159 Never wrote. 302 00:22:04,356 --> 00:22:08,395 Just started a new life. 303 00:22:09,028 --> 00:22:13,636 Until one day I saw a posting on my sister's Facebook page. 304 00:22:13,899 --> 00:22:17,346 Tasha had been in a really bad car accident. 305 00:22:18,070 --> 00:22:21,142 The doctors didn't think she was gonna make it. 306 00:22:21,841 --> 00:22:25,152 We were always so close. 307 00:22:25,344 --> 00:22:30,555 So I had to go say goodbye. 308 00:22:36,388 --> 00:22:37,924 Then... 309 00:22:38,257 --> 00:22:39,861 ...it hit me. 310 00:22:40,059 --> 00:22:42,061 This curse that I had... 311 00:22:42,261 --> 00:22:45,401 ...that had brought me nothing but pain and suffering... 312 00:22:45,598 --> 00:22:49,171 ...could actually finally maybe do something good. 313 00:22:50,569 --> 00:22:52,446 If I turned Tasha into a werewolf... 314 00:22:53,439 --> 00:22:55,680 ...it would heal her wounds... 315 00:22:55,875 --> 00:22:59,084 ...save her life, give her a second chance. 316 00:23:00,946 --> 00:23:02,926 So... 317 00:23:03,883 --> 00:23:07,387 ...I did the unthinkable. 318 00:23:09,054 --> 00:23:11,466 At first, I thought I had failed. 319 00:23:12,892 --> 00:23:16,772 That, even though werewolves heal quickly... 320 00:23:16,962 --> 00:23:19,568 ...it was too late for Tasha. 321 00:23:20,933 --> 00:23:22,469 Then she woke up. 322 00:23:22,701 --> 00:23:26,740 Not sick anymore but okay. 323 00:23:26,939 --> 00:23:30,443 Hi. Hey. Hi. 324 00:23:30,643 --> 00:23:32,486 Tasha had so many questions. 325 00:23:32,711 --> 00:23:35,658 What happened? How did she get here? 326 00:23:36,815 --> 00:23:40,262 So I was straight with her. 327 00:23:40,452 --> 00:23:42,591 The good, the bad, the ugly. 328 00:23:42,788 --> 00:23:46,258 Of what we were, why we could never go back home. 329 00:23:46,458 --> 00:23:50,235 And the responsibility we had to control what we'd become. 330 00:23:50,429 --> 00:23:54,002 I picked you up from the hospital. I'm gonna take you someplace safe. Okay? 331 00:23:54,233 --> 00:23:57,112 It was a lot to swallow. 332 00:23:57,303 --> 00:24:01,752 But we had each other, and that felt like enough. 333 00:24:03,676 --> 00:24:06,520 Or so I thought. 334 00:24:34,173 --> 00:24:39,282 My sister, she gave into everything that I had warned her about. 335 00:24:39,478 --> 00:24:42,550 And I knew... 336 00:24:42,815 --> 00:24:45,887 ...even if I couldn't bring myself to admit it then... 337 00:24:48,821 --> 00:24:51,529 ...I knew I was losing her. 338 00:24:51,890 --> 00:24:53,494 So back at the barn... 339 00:24:54,793 --> 00:24:57,899 ...that was all just an act to protect Tasha? 340 00:24:58,897 --> 00:25:00,877 She's family. 341 00:25:01,200 --> 00:25:03,077 And, yeah... 342 00:25:03,335 --> 00:25:04,837 ...worth "eating a bullet" for. 343 00:25:07,306 --> 00:25:09,843 And she needs me more now than ever. 344 00:25:10,042 --> 00:25:14,184 - This is my mess. I gotta clean it up. - And how do you plan on doing that, Kate? 345 00:25:14,380 --> 00:25:16,155 By getting Tasha out of here. 346 00:25:16,348 --> 00:25:18,191 She hasn't listened to you yet. 347 00:25:18,384 --> 00:25:20,386 Why do you think she's gonna start now? 348 00:25:20,652 --> 00:25:23,656 I don't know, but I've gotta try. 349 00:25:23,856 --> 00:25:25,665 You know, we'll go out into the woods. 350 00:25:25,858 --> 00:25:29,032 Drop out for however long it takes until she learns to control this. 351 00:25:29,528 --> 00:25:31,872 Little late for team building, don't you think? 352 00:25:32,064 --> 00:25:33,566 So, what... 353 00:25:33,899 --> 00:25:36,175 ...I just abandon her? 354 00:25:36,402 --> 00:25:38,177 I did this. 355 00:25:38,370 --> 00:25:40,543 I owe her every chance to make it right. 356 00:25:40,739 --> 00:25:42,013 What if she never does? 357 00:25:45,244 --> 00:25:46,917 Then I'll take care of it. 358 00:25:47,112 --> 00:25:48,716 You'll take care of it? 359 00:25:49,281 --> 00:25:50,885 You know what that means? 360 00:25:51,250 --> 00:25:53,389 Why don't you ask Brian? 361 00:25:56,789 --> 00:25:58,860 Well, maybe it doesn't have to come to that. 362 00:25:59,758 --> 00:26:04,400 If you had shot straight with us from the get go, we might've been able to help you a lot sooner. 363 00:26:04,963 --> 00:26:06,135 What do you mean? 364 00:26:06,398 --> 00:26:08,275 By curing the you both. 365 00:26:08,467 --> 00:26:10,413 Pfft. Shut up. 366 00:26:10,969 --> 00:26:15,782 - Yeah. Okay, or you're welcome. - There is no cure for werewolves. 367 00:26:16,241 --> 00:26:18,653 And for a long time that was true. 368 00:26:18,911 --> 00:26:20,117 But we found one. 369 00:26:21,780 --> 00:26:23,487 We got everything we need on our end. 370 00:26:23,816 --> 00:26:26,797 Okay? But the clock is ticking. 371 00:26:26,985 --> 00:26:28,430 And we need one more thing. 372 00:26:28,620 --> 00:26:30,156 Tasha. 373 00:26:30,489 --> 00:26:33,095 Unless you wanna do this without her? 374 00:26:33,425 --> 00:26:34,961 No. No. No. 375 00:26:36,829 --> 00:26:40,675 It's along drive, but I know where to find her. 376 00:26:44,470 --> 00:26:46,780 Dude, what are you doing? There is no cure. 377 00:26:48,006 --> 00:26:51,180 - There's one. - It's a little more complicated than that. 378 00:26:51,410 --> 00:26:54,289 Kate and Tasha are monsters. Last I checked, we kill monsters. 379 00:26:54,480 --> 00:26:57,984 How can you blame Kate for fighting for her sister? We do it all the time. 380 00:26:58,183 --> 00:27:00,686 Well, yeah, and that's worked wonders for us. 381 00:27:00,919 --> 00:27:02,523 Well, we're still here, aren't we? 382 00:27:03,989 --> 00:27:05,491 Yeah, but is it right? 383 00:27:05,691 --> 00:27:07,830 All you've done for me, I still got this mark. 384 00:27:08,026 --> 00:27:09,801 We'll figure that out. We always do. 385 00:27:09,995 --> 00:27:14,876 But you can't take whatever's happened to us, or to you, and dump it at these girls' feet. 386 00:27:15,634 --> 00:27:18,137 All right. So, what, you wanna nuance this thing? 387 00:27:19,505 --> 00:27:21,382 Hit me. What's your plan? 388 00:27:31,984 --> 00:27:33,520 Kate'? 389 00:27:35,387 --> 00:27:36,730 She's out. 390 00:27:36,989 --> 00:27:39,868 Okay. Then, uh, I gotta tell you something. 391 00:27:40,058 --> 00:27:41,162 I, uh... 392 00:27:44,663 --> 00:27:47,735 - I lied about Lester. - What? 393 00:27:49,468 --> 00:27:52,039 - There were others. - Other humans? 394 00:27:52,237 --> 00:27:53,716 No. No. No. 395 00:27:53,906 --> 00:27:58,582 I'm sure there's a few hunters I rubbed... Or I punched the wrong way. 396 00:27:58,844 --> 00:28:00,255 But... 397 00:28:00,579 --> 00:28:04,356 No. I pretty much saved my best stuff for the bad guys. 398 00:28:04,850 --> 00:28:07,228 But you gotta understand something, Dean. 399 00:28:07,419 --> 00:28:09,592 I watched you die. 400 00:28:09,922 --> 00:28:14,098 And I carried you. I carried your corpse... 401 00:28:14,359 --> 00:28:18,068 ...into your room, and I put your dead body... 402 00:28:18,263 --> 00:28:22,370 ...on your bed, and then you just... 403 00:28:23,769 --> 00:28:26,045 - Yeah. - Yeah. 404 00:28:26,238 --> 00:28:27,615 I know. 405 00:28:29,074 --> 00:28:32,544 I guess I was hoping that note would, you know, fill in the blanks. 406 00:28:33,111 --> 00:28:35,387 "Don't look for me"? That note? 407 00:28:35,581 --> 00:28:38,425 Yeah. That was really informative. Thanks. 408 00:28:40,519 --> 00:28:42,965 Yeah. I... 409 00:28:43,956 --> 00:28:45,026 What? 410 00:28:46,024 --> 00:28:47,970 It's embarrassing, you know? 411 00:28:48,527 --> 00:28:50,268 - What's embarrassing? - All of it. 412 00:28:53,131 --> 00:28:54,735 That note. 413 00:28:55,100 --> 00:28:56,807 Crowley. 414 00:28:57,736 --> 00:28:58,942 Everything. 415 00:28:59,271 --> 00:29:00,648 Dean, you were a demon. 416 00:29:00,906 --> 00:29:03,045 I was a demon'? Oh, thanks, I didn't realize. 417 00:29:03,242 --> 00:29:04,949 Oh, shut up. 418 00:29:09,982 --> 00:29:12,622 Not to mention I never even said "thank you," so... 419 00:29:17,155 --> 00:29:18,793 You don't ever have to say that. 420 00:29:18,991 --> 00:29:20,629 Not to me. 421 00:29:23,295 --> 00:29:24,501 Well... 422 00:29:26,431 --> 00:29:28,138 Well, good then. I guess... 423 00:29:28,333 --> 00:29:29,937 I guess it's all gravy. 424 00:29:30,669 --> 00:29:34,173 Little R & R, and we are back at it. 425 00:29:37,976 --> 00:29:39,455 Hey. 426 00:29:40,979 --> 00:29:42,583 How we doing? 427 00:29:44,016 --> 00:29:45,359 We're getting close. 428 00:29:47,786 --> 00:29:49,629 What is this place? 429 00:29:49,921 --> 00:29:53,994 Ever since Tasha and I were little, we've been coming up to this cabin with our parents. 430 00:29:54,192 --> 00:29:56,172 Why do you think Tasha will even be here? 431 00:29:56,361 --> 00:29:58,841 When she became a wolf, we knew it would be hard. 432 00:29:59,031 --> 00:30:03,502 So we kind of came up with this escape plan in case things ever got bad. 433 00:30:03,702 --> 00:30:05,545 So it's a rendezvous spot? 434 00:30:06,538 --> 00:30:07,846 Pretty much. 435 00:30:30,896 --> 00:30:32,637 Now what? 436 00:30:32,831 --> 00:30:36,005 Maybe I should go in first. Explain all this. 437 00:30:36,702 --> 00:30:38,147 Sounds good. 438 00:30:39,071 --> 00:30:40,914 What are you doing? 439 00:30:45,877 --> 00:30:47,413 You son of a bitch. 440 00:30:49,748 --> 00:30:51,750 There is no cure, is there? 441 00:30:53,418 --> 00:30:54,590 I trusted you. 442 00:30:57,856 --> 00:30:59,597 It's not her fault. 443 00:30:59,825 --> 00:31:01,202 It's mine. 444 00:31:01,393 --> 00:31:04,033 - She killed people. - Because I did this to her. okay? 445 00:31:04,229 --> 00:31:06,175 If you want your pound of flesh, take me. 446 00:31:06,365 --> 00:31:08,675 - We'll deal with you later. - But she can be saved. 447 00:31:08,867 --> 00:31:10,278 No. 448 00:31:11,603 --> 00:31:13,742 Tasha's in too deep. 449 00:31:13,939 --> 00:31:16,385 You don't ever come back from that. 450 00:31:16,775 --> 00:31:18,083 Not ever. 451 00:31:24,783 --> 00:31:26,126 Come on, Sammy. 452 00:31:26,585 --> 00:31:28,223 No. 453 00:31:28,787 --> 00:31:30,960 Please don't do this. 454 00:31:32,190 --> 00:31:34,602 Don't. 455 00:31:35,594 --> 00:31:37,596 Please. 456 00:31:37,796 --> 00:31:39,400 Please don't. 457 00:32:29,781 --> 00:32:32,853 I can't believe my own sister betrayed me. 458 00:32:33,118 --> 00:32:34,153 Yeah. 459 00:32:34,352 --> 00:32:36,832 Except she didn't. 460 00:32:37,022 --> 00:32:38,626 You're not gonna shoot me. 461 00:32:38,824 --> 00:32:40,531 And why's that? 462 00:32:40,792 --> 00:32:42,499 Sam. 463 00:32:52,804 --> 00:32:56,183 Drop the gun, or dreamboat here gets his mind blown. 464 00:32:56,374 --> 00:32:58,285 Don't do it, Sam. Unh! 465 00:32:59,845 --> 00:33:00,880 Well... 466 00:33:01,279 --> 00:33:02,781 "Sammy? 467 00:33:11,223 --> 00:33:12,896 Tasha, what are you...? 468 00:33:14,059 --> 00:33:16,972 - Who are these people? - Brandon. Travis. 469 00:33:17,329 --> 00:33:18,706 I turned them. 470 00:33:19,331 --> 00:33:20,401 They're our new family. 471 00:33:20,632 --> 00:33:22,509 Yeah. You're a regular psycho Brady Bunch. 472 00:33:23,969 --> 00:33:25,175 Hey. 473 00:33:28,740 --> 00:33:32,210 - No. - You always had crappy taste in guys. 474 00:33:32,410 --> 00:33:34,515 Tasha, we can talk about this. 475 00:33:36,248 --> 00:33:39,559 They were gonna kill me, and now you're protecting them? 476 00:33:39,751 --> 00:33:41,856 No. I'm protecting you. 477 00:33:42,053 --> 00:33:44,897 Yeah. I'm good. Thanks. 478 00:33:45,090 --> 00:33:46,569 So here's how it's gonna be: 479 00:33:46,758 --> 00:33:50,228 You can walk away, or you can join my pack. 480 00:33:50,428 --> 00:33:51,736 I'm not walking away. 481 00:33:53,565 --> 00:33:56,273 Then prove you got what it takes. 482 00:33:58,503 --> 00:33:59,914 Eat his heart out. 483 00:34:05,243 --> 00:34:06,779 Kate. 484 00:34:10,015 --> 00:34:13,394 - You don't have to do this. - No one's talking to you, Paul Bunyan. 485 00:34:19,925 --> 00:34:21,131 So? 486 00:34:23,128 --> 00:34:25,074 No. 487 00:34:27,799 --> 00:34:29,210 Take them. 488 00:34:29,401 --> 00:34:30,607 Have some fun. 489 00:34:30,802 --> 00:34:32,907 Oh, and I want a heart to go. 490 00:34:33,104 --> 00:34:34,447 Put it in a doggie bag. 491 00:34:38,877 --> 00:34:41,585 - On your knees. - Wow, I am awfully flattered... 492 00:34:47,552 --> 00:34:49,964 T, I can help you get better. 493 00:34:50,155 --> 00:34:52,897 Oh, I am better and smarter. 494 00:34:53,091 --> 00:34:55,970 And stronger and awesome. 495 00:34:56,161 --> 00:34:58,141 I'm a freaking superhero. 496 00:34:58,330 --> 00:35:00,105 Who kills innocent people? 497 00:35:00,732 --> 00:35:03,144 No. That's not you. 498 00:35:03,335 --> 00:35:04,814 You were a good kid. 499 00:35:05,003 --> 00:35:07,847 I was weak and scared. 500 00:35:08,073 --> 00:35:10,178 I let people walk all over me. 501 00:35:10,675 --> 00:35:14,851 Mom. Dad. Friends. Boyfriends. 502 00:35:15,080 --> 00:35:16,115 You. 503 00:35:17,515 --> 00:35:19,461 But I'm not weak anymore. 504 00:35:19,651 --> 00:35:21,790 And I'm not scared. 505 00:35:21,987 --> 00:35:23,694 I'm scary. 506 00:35:24,289 --> 00:35:26,633 I was trying to give you a second chance. 507 00:35:26,825 --> 00:35:29,101 You wouldn't have been normal... 508 00:35:29,294 --> 00:35:31,171 ...but we would have had each other. 509 00:35:31,363 --> 00:35:33,001 We still can. 510 00:35:33,198 --> 00:35:34,939 I'm won't spend life on the run... 511 00:35:35,133 --> 00:35:37,477 ...from people like Mary-Kate and Ashley out there. 512 00:35:37,669 --> 00:35:39,376 We're strong, Kate. 513 00:35:39,604 --> 00:35:41,880 We can go anywhere we want. 514 00:35:42,107 --> 00:35:46,021 We do anything we want, and if anyone gets in our way... 515 00:35:48,546 --> 00:35:50,651 You don't have to be alone anymore. 516 00:35:52,150 --> 00:35:54,528 We can do this together. 517 00:35:54,719 --> 00:35:56,221 You okay? 518 00:35:57,122 --> 00:35:59,193 - I've been better. These guys, huh? - Yeah. 519 00:35:59,391 --> 00:36:02,065 - Can you believe them? - Yeah. A couple of minor leaguers. 520 00:36:02,293 --> 00:36:04,034 Yo, you're dead. 521 00:36:04,229 --> 00:36:06,140 You don't get to talk. In fact... 522 00:36:15,674 --> 00:36:17,244 Welcome to the majors, boys. 523 00:36:20,078 --> 00:36:23,389 Kate, we're gonna be good, okay? 524 00:36:25,083 --> 00:36:27,222 We're gonna be great. 525 00:36:27,419 --> 00:36:28,727 I love you. 526 00:36:30,255 --> 00:36:31,893 I love you too. 527 00:36:43,568 --> 00:36:44,945 I'm sorry. 528 00:36:52,043 --> 00:36:54,045 I'm so sorry. 529 00:37:23,608 --> 00:37:25,713 Are we going after her? 530 00:37:28,480 --> 00:37:30,118 I don't know, Dean. 531 00:37:33,585 --> 00:37:38,000 Well, you gotta admit, when push came to kill, she did good. 532 00:37:39,090 --> 00:37:40,501 Yeah. 533 00:37:41,326 --> 00:37:43,067 Maybe it's good you didn't shoot her. 534 00:37:43,261 --> 00:37:45,969 Really? You gonna Monday-morning quarterback this thing? 535 00:37:49,300 --> 00:37:50,779 If you got an itch to scratch... 536 00:37:50,969 --> 00:37:52,312 Dean, look. 537 00:37:52,504 --> 00:37:55,144 We both jumped on this case. I agree. 538 00:37:55,340 --> 00:37:56,842 Equal pans blame there. 539 00:37:57,075 --> 00:38:00,784 But the whole idea behind laying low was to rest. 540 00:38:00,979 --> 00:38:04,017 To try and deal with everything we... 541 00:38:04,249 --> 00:38:06,126 Everything you went through. 542 00:38:07,085 --> 00:38:08,928 Maybe we jumped back in too fast. 543 00:38:09,120 --> 00:38:10,292 I mean, Dean... 544 00:38:10,488 --> 00:38:11,796 ...you were a demon. 545 00:38:11,990 --> 00:38:14,300 You still have the mark. 546 00:38:14,492 --> 00:38:17,098 - Didn't you ever wanna talk about it? - "Talk about it"? 547 00:38:17,295 --> 00:38:18,603 Talk about it how? 548 00:38:18,797 --> 00:38:20,435 - Come on, man. - I am coming on, Sam. 549 00:38:20,632 --> 00:38:22,839 Look. I know what happened. 550 00:38:23,034 --> 00:38:25,674 Okay? I was there. Remember? 551 00:38:26,771 --> 00:38:29,342 I'm not trying to get by it. This... 552 00:38:29,541 --> 00:38:33,148 - That's not what this was about. - Then what is this about? 553 00:38:33,878 --> 00:38:35,687 It's about getting back in the saddle. 554 00:38:35,880 --> 00:38:39,521 Okay? Doing something good, not stewing in my own crap. 555 00:38:41,553 --> 00:38:43,464 What if you're not ready? 556 00:38:54,632 --> 00:38:58,512 Well, I'll give you one thing, you're pretty damn good at getaways. 557 00:38:58,736 --> 00:39:02,980 Yeah. Well, I decided living was better than being dead. 558 00:39:03,174 --> 00:39:05,017 For what it's worth, thank you. 559 00:39:05,210 --> 00:39:07,315 At the end of the day, she was your sister. 560 00:39:07,512 --> 00:39:08,991 No. 561 00:39:09,180 --> 00:39:11,091 She wasn't. 562 00:39:14,485 --> 00:39:15,987 Listen to me, Kate. 563 00:39:16,187 --> 00:39:19,725 You keep moving, keep your nose clean, we can stop meeting like this. 564 00:39:19,924 --> 00:39:23,531 I hear you, and I will. 565 00:39:23,728 --> 00:39:27,107 But I'm not gonna promise because... 566 00:39:29,167 --> 00:39:30,578 Yeah. 567 00:39:31,269 --> 00:39:32,509 See you around, kid. 568 00:39:32,871 --> 00:39:35,181 I sure as hell hope not. 569 00:40:16,114 --> 00:40:17,718 Let's say you're right. 570 00:40:19,918 --> 00:40:22,626 - About what? Everything. 571 00:40:24,622 --> 00:40:26,932 Maybe I'm not ready to hunt. 572 00:40:30,628 --> 00:40:33,507 But I'm just trying to do the right thing, man. 573 00:40:34,933 --> 00:40:38,107 Because I'm so sick and tired of doing the wrong one.