1 00:00:03,360 --> 00:00:06,682 [ Laughter] [ Mac] Pretty crowded tonight, huh? 2 00:00:06,760 --> 00:00:09,536 [ Dennis ] Yeah, well, it's Gugino's, you know-best restaurant in Philadelphia. 3 00:00:09,560 --> 00:00:11,324 [ Mac] To our monthly dinner. 4 00:00:11,400 --> 00:00:15,769 Monthly dinner, baby. I've been looking forward to this for... 29 days. 5 00:00:15,840 --> 00:00:18,730 Me too. I did my hair good, and I wore two colognes. 6 00:00:18,840 --> 00:00:20,365 Is that what that is? Mm-hmm. 7 00:00:20,440 --> 00:00:23,080 That was an interesting choice, but I get it, dude. You're excited. 8 00:00:23,120 --> 00:00:26,567 You are excited about tonight. Hey, hell, I'm excited tonight, you know? 9 00:00:26,640 --> 00:00:28,165 ♪♪ [ Latin ] 10 00:00:28,240 --> 00:00:30,456 Not terribly excited about being near the kitchen though. 11 00:00:30,480 --> 00:00:32,164 Really? It's where the action is. 12 00:00:32,240 --> 00:00:34,416 Maybe we'll get lucky and watch one of these dumb-ass waiters... 13 00:00:34,440 --> 00:00:35,960 spill spaghetti sauce all over himself. 14 00:00:36,040 --> 00:00:38,281 Fall down or something. Okay, all right. 15 00:00:38,360 --> 00:00:41,364 Well, let's not be childish. Let's- Let's keep it classy. You know, let's- 16 00:00:41,440 --> 00:00:44,364 Classy. I can-I can do classy. I can be classy. 17 00:00:44,480 --> 00:00:45,970 Mm-hmm. 18 00:00:46,840 --> 00:00:48,842 Did you invite Frank and Charlie? 19 00:00:48,920 --> 00:00:50,410 No, I didn't. 20 00:00:50,520 --> 00:00:51,965 Hi. Hi. 21 00:00:52,080 --> 00:00:54,731 How many will you guys be? Two. And give us a nice table. 22 00:00:54,840 --> 00:00:56,410 Great. This is a big night for us. 23 00:00:56,480 --> 00:00:58,403 We're celebrating our anniversary. 24 00:00:58,480 --> 00:01:00,140 Or the anniversary of us moving in together, 25 00:01:00,152 --> 00:01:01,936 which is like an anniver-It's been a long time. 26 00:01:01,960 --> 00:01:05,009 It's an anniversary. That's what it is, really. Well, great. 27 00:01:05,120 --> 00:01:07,930 Uh-Oh, okay. Oh, okay. Uh- Take that for yourself. 28 00:01:08,000 --> 00:01:10,048 You can just hand that to me. 29 00:01:10,160 --> 00:01:12,640 I was trying to feel your breast. I got that. 30 00:01:12,760 --> 00:01:14,627 Yeah, but he was trying to feel your breast and 31 00:01:14,639 --> 00:01:16,440 give you the tip so that we got a good table. 32 00:01:16,480 --> 00:01:19,484 I want a good table. Oh, hey. Hey, hey, hey! 33 00:01:19,600 --> 00:01:21,728 Mac and Dennis are here. Should we sit with them? 34 00:01:21,800 --> 00:01:25,247 Really? Mmm, Charlie, this is our night. 35 00:01:25,320 --> 00:01:27,926 Yeah, but we could all celebrate it together. That'd be fun. 36 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:29,968 We can do our thing. They can do their thing. 37 00:01:30,040 --> 00:01:33,761 I'm sure at some point they'll come over to pay tribute. We can say hi to them then. 38 00:01:33,840 --> 00:01:36,605 That's weird. I know Charlie sees me, 39 00:01:36,680 --> 00:01:38,967 but they seem to be sitting at their own table. 40 00:01:39,040 --> 00:01:41,964 [ Dennis ] Well, good. Good. They should sit at their own table. 41 00:01:42,080 --> 00:01:45,129 Look, I'm sure at some point they'll come over and they'll pay tribute to us. 42 00:01:45,200 --> 00:01:47,726 They know it's our monthly dinner. We can say hi to them then. 43 00:01:47,800 --> 00:01:50,451 [ Mac] Yeah. Still, seems kind of awkward though. 44 00:01:50,520 --> 00:01:53,285 No, no. Look, we spend every waking minute together. 45 00:01:53,360 --> 00:01:55,408 It'll be good for us to keep our distance for once. 46 00:01:55,480 --> 00:01:59,690 It's one minor coincidence. Doesn't go any further than that. 47 00:02:01,080 --> 00:02:02,923 Goddamn it. 48 00:02:25,800 --> 00:02:29,725 ♪♪ [ Speakers." Man Singing Opera ] Of all the goddamn nights. 49 00:02:29,800 --> 00:02:32,376 [ Dee ] Can't believe they haven't come over to pay me tribute yet. 50 00:02:32,400 --> 00:02:34,641 I was here first. I know they see me. 51 00:02:34,720 --> 00:02:36,882 They're probably over there right now making fun of me. 52 00:02:36,960 --> 00:02:38,450 I get it, guys. 53 00:02:38,520 --> 00:02:40,736 You know what they're doing? They're calling me “Scarecrow.” 54 00:02:40,760 --> 00:02:43,604 'Cause I'm all alone in the cornfields, scaring away the other birds. 55 00:02:43,680 --> 00:02:47,321 Real funny. You know what? There's no shame in a woman, an adult woman, 56 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:50,131 taking herself out to dinner, enjoying her own company. 57 00:02:50,200 --> 00:02:52,576 I'm not gonna leave. I'm not gonna leave because I don't have to, 58 00:02:52,600 --> 00:02:56,844 and also I can't because I have a Groupon for this evening that expires tonight. 59 00:02:56,920 --> 00:02:59,526 It does expire tonight, doesn't it? 60 00:02:59,600 --> 00:03:01,364 Uh, yeah. 61 00:03:01,480 --> 00:03:03,562 L- Yes, it does. I'm sorry. Geez. 62 00:03:03,680 --> 00:03:08,049 Are you going to order now? Well, I'm trying to have a conversation with you. 63 00:03:08,120 --> 00:03:10,691 Why don't you sit down for a little while, take a break. 64 00:03:10,760 --> 00:03:12,364 Oh! Are you almost off? Are you off soon? 65 00:03:12,480 --> 00:03:15,200 Should you sit and have dinner with me tonight? No. Got a long shift. 66 00:03:15,240 --> 00:03:16,810 Uh, I cannot do that. 67 00:03:16,880 --> 00:03:20,282 Uh, maybe I could at least get a drink order? We're really busy tonight. 68 00:03:20,400 --> 00:03:22,368 Does the Groupon cover drinks? Nope. 69 00:03:22,440 --> 00:03:24,442 Just the tap water then. 70 00:03:25,160 --> 00:03:26,844 [ Inhales] 71 00:03:26,920 --> 00:03:28,888 I can't believe this. 72 00:03:28,960 --> 00:03:30,936 They still haven't paid tribute. It's been 1O minutes. 73 00:03:30,960 --> 00:03:33,800 Not a wave, not a nod. Have you seen them do anything to acknowledge us? 74 00:03:33,840 --> 00:03:37,322 I thought we agreed that we would not let it get to us. It's not getting to me. 75 00:03:37,400 --> 00:03:39,616 It's just, you know, a little bit rude is all I'm saying. 76 00:03:39,640 --> 00:03:41,416 It's, you know, irritating. Whatever. I don't care. 77 00:03:41,440 --> 00:03:43,602 I'm-[ Sighs] I'm over it. Okay. 78 00:03:43,680 --> 00:03:45,762 How good is their table though? 79 00:03:45,880 --> 00:03:48,042 Oh. Um-Don't-Don't-Don't- Don't look directly at them. 80 00:03:48,120 --> 00:03:51,761 Jesus Christ. Just glance around the room a little bit. You know, land on them. 81 00:03:51,880 --> 00:03:53,928 Glance around the room? Yeah. 82 00:03:54,480 --> 00:03:56,005 Too obvious! 83 00:03:56,080 --> 00:03:57,730 How do you want me to look at them? 84 00:03:57,840 --> 00:04:00,286 With your eyes. Just look with your eyes. Be subtle. Be small. 85 00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:02,886 My eyes, they slant down. I don't have a good peripheral. 86 00:04:02,960 --> 00:04:05,201 Just be- Can you just be subtle? 87 00:04:05,280 --> 00:04:07,931 It's a good table. It's a good table. 88 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:10,685 - How'd they get a better table than us? - I don't know. 89 00:04:10,800 --> 00:04:12,404 Dennis, can we just focus on us? Yeah. 90 00:04:12,560 --> 00:04:14,536 It's our monthly dinner. Don't let them ruin it. Yeah. 91 00:04:14,560 --> 00:04:17,882 Okay? I have some issues that I wanna talk to you- 92 00:04:17,960 --> 00:04:19,564 Ah, shit. Really? 93 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:22,849 No, I-Look, let's-let's keep things light. I don't wanna get all heavy. 94 00:04:22,920 --> 00:04:26,447 Let's not let tonight become more unpleasant than it's already become, okay? 95 00:04:26,520 --> 00:04:28,204 I mean, already I'm irritated. I'm- 96 00:04:28,280 --> 00:04:30,736 I'm already sitting on the wobbliest chair in the entire restaurant. 97 00:04:30,760 --> 00:04:33,331 All right, we'll just ask the waiter for a book of matches. 98 00:04:33,400 --> 00:04:35,736 I don't wanna sit on a pile of matches. I'll just scoot back. 99 00:04:35,760 --> 00:04:37,762 It's fine. It's fine. Oh, but now I feel like... 100 00:04:37,880 --> 00:04:39,291 you're sitting so far away from me. 101 00:04:39,400 --> 00:04:40,970 It's gonna be fine. Okay. 102 00:04:41,040 --> 00:04:43,376 This is a perfectly suitable distance for us to have our monthly dinner. 103 00:04:43,400 --> 00:04:44,976 ♪♪ [ Man Singing In Spanish ] Goddamn it! 104 00:04:45,000 --> 00:04:46,729 I am so sorry. [ Shouts ] Are you? 105 00:04:46,800 --> 00:04:48,848 - His chair's wobbly. - Oh. Okay. 106 00:04:48,920 --> 00:04:50,968 Let me get you a book of matches to put under there. 107 00:04:51,040 --> 00:04:52,883 I don't wanna sit on a pile of matches. 108 00:04:52,960 --> 00:04:55,327 Dennis, it's not like your chair's gonna catch on fire. 109 00:04:55,440 --> 00:04:58,125 Oh, Christ, I'm not worried about my chair catching on fire. 110 00:04:58,200 --> 00:05:01,204 Look, sir, can you just get us a better table in general? 111 00:05:01,320 --> 00:05:04,529 Unfortunately, no. We're fully booked tonight due to a Groupon deal. 112 00:05:04,600 --> 00:05:06,762 Oh, that sounds excellent. We'll have one of those. 113 00:05:06,840 --> 00:05:08,808 No, we won't. We don't need a coupon. 114 00:05:08,880 --> 00:05:11,056 Frankly, I'm disappointed in you people. This is Gugino's. 115 00:05:11,080 --> 00:05:13,136 You're supposed to be the nicest restaurant in Philadelphia. 116 00:05:13,160 --> 00:05:15,401 Here I am, a regular, a full-paying customer, 117 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:18,324 and I'm sat by the kitchen on the wobbliest chair in Philadelphia, 118 00:05:18,400 --> 00:05:22,405 you know, forced to eat dinner with this swarm of coupon-waving trash. 119 00:05:22,480 --> 00:05:24,680 This is crazy. You know what? Forget it. Doesn't matter. 120 00:05:24,720 --> 00:05:26,927 Get me a pile of matches to sit on. That'll be fine. 121 00:05:27,040 --> 00:05:28,963 Okay. No, wait, wait, wait. 122 00:05:29,040 --> 00:05:30,690 There's more. 123 00:05:30,760 --> 00:05:32,603 There's an old, short, fat man here. 124 00:05:32,680 --> 00:05:35,524 He sat with his young sleeping partner. 125 00:05:35,640 --> 00:05:39,042 Bring them a glass of the house red from us. Of course. 126 00:05:39,120 --> 00:05:41,282 Although the table did just order cocktails, so maybe- 127 00:05:41,400 --> 00:05:44,165 I don't need their entire life story. Just go get the wine. 128 00:05:44,280 --> 00:05:46,044 Okay- 129 00:05:47,080 --> 00:05:50,243 Well, that was a nice gesture. Was it? 130 00:05:52,080 --> 00:05:53,684 Charlie. Hmm? 131 00:05:53,760 --> 00:05:55,330 Stop looking over there. 132 00:05:55,400 --> 00:05:57,528 Can we just go over and say a quick hello, all right? 133 00:05:57,600 --> 00:05:59,136 Then it's done with. There's no more awkwardness. 134 00:05:59,160 --> 00:06:01,925 Charlie, I am the oldest one in the group. 135 00:06:02,000 --> 00:06:04,651 If anybody's gonna say a quick hello, it's them to me. 136 00:06:04,760 --> 00:06:08,207 I just feel like it's gonna become a bigger deal than it needs to be, you know? 137 00:06:08,280 --> 00:06:10,408 Then forget it. 138 00:06:10,520 --> 00:06:12,921 Yeah? This is our night, Charlie. 139 00:06:13,040 --> 00:06:14,690 All right. Listen. 140 00:06:14,760 --> 00:06:16,808 I prepared a few words for the evening. 141 00:06:16,920 --> 00:06:18,365 All right? Okay. 142 00:06:18,480 --> 00:06:22,849 All right. Charlie, I wanna talk about where we are, 143 00:06:22,920 --> 00:06:25,890 where we've been and where we're going to be. 144 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:28,480 [ Chuckles ] Where are we going? Don't interrupt. 145 00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:35,924 Living with you has... changed my life. 147 00:06:36,040 --> 00:06:37,804 I-| used to be unaware- 148 00:06:37,880 --> 00:06:40,929 - Hi. Sorry to bother you. - What are you doing, man? 149 00:06:41,000 --> 00:06:43,056 I'm in the middle of something here. Get out of here. 150 00:06:43,080 --> 00:06:45,560 Of course. I just wanted to deliver a glass of our house red... 151 00:06:45,640 --> 00:06:48,007 from the two gentlemen near the kitchen. Beat it. 152 00:06:50,600 --> 00:06:52,090 [ Charlie ] Well, great. 153 00:06:52,160 --> 00:06:53,810 See, there's your tribute, Frank. Awesome. 154 00:06:53,920 --> 00:06:55,843 No. Now can we go over and say a quick hello? 155 00:06:55,920 --> 00:06:57,656 I'm in the middle of saying some words to you. 156 00:06:57,680 --> 00:06:59,640 Yeah, but you said 'em, and they were weird, like- 157 00:06:59,720 --> 00:07:02,690 How about I just stand and I bow? No. Ignore them. 158 00:07:02,760 --> 00:07:06,128 This is ridiculous. I mean, that was a very nice gesture. 159 00:07:06,200 --> 00:07:09,807 Was it? One glass of wine for two people, and the house red? 160 00:07:09,880 --> 00:07:13,123 That wasn't nice. They're just trying to agitate us. 161 00:07:13,200 --> 00:07:17,842 Hmm. Well, two can play at that game. 162 00:07:23,160 --> 00:07:25,367 Hey. Ooh, hey! 163 00:07:25,440 --> 00:07:27,408 You, help. Over here. 164 00:07:27,520 --> 00:07:29,682 Me? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you. Please. Help. 165 00:07:29,800 --> 00:07:32,201 Help me. Sit. Sit. Please sit. Help. 166 00:07:32,320 --> 00:07:34,448 Is everything okay? No, everything's not okay. 167 00:07:34,520 --> 00:07:36,443 There are men here, and they're watching me. 168 00:07:36,600 --> 00:07:38,807 Oh, shit! Shh! Just look at me. Just look right at me. 169 00:07:38,880 --> 00:07:42,248 Everything's gonna be fine, but I'm in a lot of shit. Okay? So I need your help. 170 00:07:42,320 --> 00:07:44,561 Oh, good. You have a friend. Hi. 171 00:07:44,680 --> 00:07:46,842 Can I take your order now? Yes. 172 00:07:46,920 --> 00:07:50,811 I'm not with her. There is some shit going down right now. 173 00:07:50,880 --> 00:07:52,405 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 174 00:07:52,480 --> 00:07:54,847 He's just-[Laughs] Please, let's order. 175 00:07:54,920 --> 00:07:56,729 Look, you told me you was in trouble. 176 00:07:56,800 --> 00:07:58,856 - I don't know what's happening here. - No, it's okay, I'm fine. 177 00:07:58,880 --> 00:08:00,484 Do you wanna split an appetizer? 178 00:08:00,560 --> 00:08:03,166 No. I don't need this shit. 179 00:08:03,240 --> 00:08:04,969 Wait. Well-Ow. 180 00:08:05,040 --> 00:08:08,203 You know, if you just order, we can get your food out really quickly... 181 00:08:08,280 --> 00:08:12,365 and you wouldn't have to be embarrassed about being here alone for very long. 182 00:08:12,440 --> 00:08:14,936 I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I-I'm gonna go ahead and order... 183 00:08:14,960 --> 00:08:17,167 when I'm goddamn good and ready to order. 184 00:08:18,640 --> 00:08:21,405 [ Laughing ] 185 00:08:21,520 --> 00:08:23,682 Is that table having a meal... 186 00:08:23,760 --> 00:08:26,889 consisting only of loud noise, screams and hollers? 187 00:08:26,960 --> 00:08:30,009 Uh, they seem to be celebrating something. 188 00:08:30,080 --> 00:08:32,136 Oh, it could be a tactical victory. What do you think? 189 00:08:32,160 --> 00:08:34,083 Sure. Whom Okay. 190 00:08:34,240 --> 00:08:36,402 How's the chair now? [Thumping ] 191 00:08:36,480 --> 00:08:38,960 Still wobbly. Why don't you just get me a new chair? 192 00:08:39,120 --> 00:08:41,691 I don't think it's the chair. You don't think it's the chair. 193 00:08:41,760 --> 00:08:45,845 Well, maybe my old pal, uh, Abraham Lincoln begs to differ. 194 00:08:45,960 --> 00:08:48,327 Oh, okay, yeah, uh- You can just hand it to me. 195 00:08:48,440 --> 00:08:50,488 Hello. Your waiter. Great. 196 00:08:50,560 --> 00:08:52,210 Hi. Can you get him a new chair, please? 197 00:08:52,280 --> 00:08:53,770 Sure. Sure can. Oh! Oh! 198 00:08:53,840 --> 00:08:58,323 Maybe this George Washington will make it come here faster. 199 00:09:02,440 --> 00:09:03,965 Okay- 200 00:09:05,320 --> 00:09:07,891 This wine is for you. 201 00:09:07,960 --> 00:09:10,361 Ah. Management sent us a bottle to accommodate us. 202 00:09:10,440 --> 00:09:13,046 Actually, it was your friends over at the other table. 203 00:09:13,120 --> 00:09:17,409 And they wanted me to relay to you that it's our most expensive bottle. 204 00:09:17,480 --> 00:09:19,767 They said to say that. 205 00:09:19,840 --> 00:09:22,491 That's a classy move. I'm gonna stand up and bow. 206 00:09:22,560 --> 00:09:24,608 No. Do not stand and bow. 207 00:09:24,680 --> 00:09:27,081 Let me think. We've gotta do something in return. 208 00:09:27,160 --> 00:09:30,245 Okay- I'll tell you what. [ Snickers ] 210 00:09:30,320 --> 00:09:32,049 We'll send it back. You know? 211 00:09:32,120 --> 00:09:33,770 We'll say we don't want that. 212 00:09:33,840 --> 00:09:37,322 We'll tell them that-what is it- Chilean wine is out of season... 213 00:09:37,400 --> 00:09:40,324 and that their taste in wine in general is very poor. 214 00:09:40,400 --> 00:09:42,482 No, that's-We got to be more subtle than that. 215 00:09:42,600 --> 00:09:44,816 I don't want them to know that we're thinking about them. 216 00:09:44,840 --> 00:09:46,808 What are you doing? What are you doing? 217 00:09:46,880 --> 00:09:47,941 Are you staring at them? 218 00:09:47,953 --> 00:09:49,850 Yeah, dude. Charlie's looking right at me. 219 00:09:49,920 --> 00:09:51,729 [ Dennis ] Stop it. Dude, stop it. 220 00:09:51,800 --> 00:09:53,723 Stop looking-Stop- 221 00:09:53,800 --> 00:09:56,929 All right, you know what? Goddamn it, I'm just gonna pour the wine out. 222 00:09:59,200 --> 00:10:02,204 Goddamn it! That son of a bitch is pouring out my wine. 223 00:10:02,280 --> 00:10:05,523 Look, can you just let it go, Frank? Okay? 224 00:10:05,600 --> 00:10:07,284 You're ruining this night for me, okay? 225 00:10:07,360 --> 00:10:10,096 I'm sure he had a perfectly good reason for pouring out a glass of wine. 226 00:10:10,120 --> 00:10:11,724 I wanna go over there. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. 227 00:10:11,840 --> 00:10:14,616 Just like he had a perfectly good reason for not inviting you to dinner. 228 00:10:14,640 --> 00:10:16,404 He had a good- 229 00:10:16,480 --> 00:10:19,006 Wait. What do you mean by that? 230 00:10:19,080 --> 00:10:21,242 [ Sighs ] Don't make me say it, Charlie. 231 00:10:21,320 --> 00:10:23,322 I know you're not as dumb as you seem. 232 00:10:24,760 --> 00:10:27,764 Well, let's just say that I am. 233 00:10:27,840 --> 00:10:30,650 Those two guys don't give a shit about you, Charlie. 234 00:10:30,720 --> 00:10:33,371 You bought a business together. They made you a janitor. 235 00:10:33,440 --> 00:10:35,442 Th-They didn't make me a janitor. There was a- 236 00:10:35,560 --> 00:10:38,245 Hmm? Oh, my God. 237 00:10:39,120 --> 00:10:41,282 It's time to fire back. 238 00:10:46,840 --> 00:10:49,605 [ Laughing ] 239 00:10:49,720 --> 00:10:52,246 [ Dee ] Aw, I gotta get over there. [Waiter] Hi, ma'am. 240 00:10:52,360 --> 00:10:54,976 Sorry to bug you again. Oh, my God. I'll just take a plate of spaghetti. 241 00:10:55,000 --> 00:10:56,843 Oh, great. Didn't expect that. 242 00:10:56,920 --> 00:10:59,651 Uh, actually, I was coming over to see if I could take your chair. 243 00:10:59,800 --> 00:11:03,361 What? NO. what for? I'm trying to accommodate that gentleman over there. 244 00:11:03,440 --> 00:11:05,920 [ Dee ] Oh, goddamn it. Oh, that's a dig. 245 00:11:06,000 --> 00:11:07,765 All right, fine. Take the chair. But when 246 00:11:07,777 --> 00:11:09,766 you're over there, tie his shoelaces together. 247 00:11:09,840 --> 00:11:12,764 You want me to... tie a customer's shoelaces together? 248 00:11:12,840 --> 00:11:16,640 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, I'm in the biz, guy. I'm a waitress, okay? 249 00:11:16,720 --> 00:11:19,849 Look, let's team up and stick it to that guy. It'll be hilarious. 250 00:11:19,960 --> 00:11:22,850 I would lose my job. [Whining ] 251 00:11:22,920 --> 00:11:25,321 “Oh, no. I-l would lose my job, 252 00:11:25,400 --> 00:11:27,482 and I wouldn't be able to work at Gugino's anymore, 253 00:11:27,560 --> 00:11:29,244 and my family, they'd be so disappointed... 254 00:11:29,320 --> 00:11:31,416 'cause they're currently so proud of my accomplishments.” 255 00:11:31,440 --> 00:11:34,808 I mean, God, lighten up, guy. [ Laughing ] 256 00:11:34,920 --> 00:11:36,490 I'm gonna take the chair. 257 00:11:36,560 --> 00:11:39,040 Fine. Take the goddamn chair. Just don't make a big scene. 258 00:11:39,120 --> 00:11:43,921 [ Chair Squeaking ] 259 00:11:45,440 --> 00:11:47,488 [Squeaking Continues] 260 00:11:49,040 --> 00:11:51,771 How's the new chair? Oh, it's terrible, Mac. Thank you for asking. 261 00:11:51,840 --> 00:11:53,922 It might be worse than the first one. 262 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:57,721 I mean, I cannot find a single flat spot in this entire restaurant. 263 00:11:57,800 --> 00:11:59,325 Maybe that's it. ♪♪ [Salsa] 264 00:11:59,400 --> 00:12:03,291 Goddamn it! This entire night is ruined. 265 00:12:03,360 --> 00:12:05,408 Dude, Stop it! Okay? 266 00:12:05,480 --> 00:12:08,450 You're the one who's ruining this. I am enjoying myself. 267 00:12:08,520 --> 00:12:11,524 I'm enjoying our table. I'm trying to start the conversations. 268 00:12:11,600 --> 00:12:13,090 I wore two colognes. 269 00:12:13,160 --> 00:12:15,766 Oh, I'm very aware of how much cologne you're wearing, Mac. 270 00:12:15,880 --> 00:12:17,370 It's overwhelming me. 271 00:12:17,440 --> 00:12:20,364 Every time the goddamn kitchen door opens, it wafts into my face. 272 00:12:20,440 --> 00:12:23,967 Hey, I like the way I smell. And I like me. 273 00:12:24,040 --> 00:12:27,442 And I haven't even gotten to talk about what I wanted to talk about, 274 00:12:27,520 --> 00:12:30,576 which is an issue that has been weighing on me, so I'm just gonna say it, okay? 275 00:12:30,600 --> 00:12:32,090 [ Sighs ] 276 00:12:32,160 --> 00:12:34,925 When I wanted to get the karaoke machine for our apartment, 277 00:12:35,000 --> 00:12:37,571 you laughed in my face. 278 00:12:37,680 --> 00:12:40,490 That's what this is about? Yes. 279 00:12:40,560 --> 00:12:43,006 The karaoke machine? Mac, you can't sing. 280 00:12:43,080 --> 00:12:45,560 It's not about singing! Okay? 281 00:12:45,640 --> 00:12:48,371 It's about you always putting me down. And you know what? 282 00:12:48,440 --> 00:12:50,442 I don't care. It doesn't matter. I'm out of here. 283 00:12:50,520 --> 00:12:52,045 Where you going? 284 00:12:52,120 --> 00:12:54,122 [ Sighs ] I'm gonna go sit with Frank and Charlie. 285 00:12:54,200 --> 00:12:56,601 Do not go to them. No, sit down. Sit. 286 00:12:56,680 --> 00:12:58,205 Sit! 287 00:12:59,440 --> 00:13:01,363 Say something nice to me. 288 00:13:01,440 --> 00:13:03,283 What? 289 00:13:03,360 --> 00:13:06,489 I'm not going to sit down until you say something nice to me... 290 00:13:06,560 --> 00:13:08,881 for once in your life. 291 00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:13,247 [ Sighs ] 292 00:13:13,320 --> 00:13:15,641 Your hair looks small. 293 00:13:15,720 --> 00:13:17,802 Oh, for- Okay, okay, okay, Mac. 294 00:13:17,880 --> 00:13:20,565 All right, sit down. Sit, please. Sit. 295 00:13:20,640 --> 00:13:22,130 Please sit down. 296 00:13:25,040 --> 00:13:27,247 Okay, listen. Listen. 297 00:13:27,320 --> 00:13:29,641 You remember that night at Dooley's pool party? 298 00:13:29,720 --> 00:13:31,210 On that fine summer eve... 299 00:13:31,280 --> 00:13:33,896 when I did that double jackknife twist and blew everybody's tits off? 300 00:13:33,920 --> 00:13:35,524 You remember that? 301 00:13:35,600 --> 00:13:38,176 And then I went down on Chrissie Orlando on the trampoline later that night? 302 00:13:38,200 --> 00:13:39,645 You're just complimenting yourself. 303 00:13:39,720 --> 00:13:42,246 No, listen. I'm going somewhere with this. 304 00:13:42,320 --> 00:13:46,803 The only reason I was even able to attempt that amazing feat of courage was... 305 00:13:47,840 --> 00:13:50,002 because I knew if I failed, you would- 306 00:13:50,080 --> 00:13:52,082 [Glass Clinking ] [ Frank ] Everybody. 307 00:13:52,200 --> 00:13:54,771 Hello. All the patrons of Gugino's, listen up. 308 00:13:54,840 --> 00:13:58,481 - Hi, everybody. - Frank Reynolds, Charlie Kelly. 309 00:13:58,560 --> 00:14:00,483 We would like to make a toast. 310 00:14:00,560 --> 00:14:03,882 Now, in front of you, you each see, you have a glass of Sambuca. 311 00:14:03,960 --> 00:14:06,616 - Yeah. Okay. Everyone got it? - You see this white, beautiful drink? 312 00:14:06,640 --> 00:14:09,291 [ Charlie ] Yeah. Dude, everybody has Sambuca but us. 313 00:14:09,360 --> 00:14:11,283 Now, we have an American hero tonight. 314 00:14:11,360 --> 00:14:14,284 So quick round of applause for our troop here. 315 00:14:14,360 --> 00:14:16,169 Nice-looking fella. 316 00:14:17,760 --> 00:14:21,207 And to anyone who does not have a glass of Sambuca-Look around now. 317 00:14:21,280 --> 00:14:24,011 You'll see them. Those people refuse to drink. 318 00:14:24,080 --> 00:14:26,606 [ Frank ] Yeah. They don't know how to pay tribute. 319 00:14:26,760 --> 00:14:29,240 They hate America. They hate the troops. Mmm. 320 00:14:29,320 --> 00:14:31,800 They hate the people who work hardest for them. 321 00:14:31,920 --> 00:14:34,241 They turn them into janitors. Mmm. 322 00:14:34,320 --> 00:14:36,766 It's not right. Ah! 323 00:14:36,840 --> 00:14:39,684 Damn 'em to hell. To the troops! 324 00:14:39,800 --> 00:14:42,087 [ Frank ] To the troops! [All ] Cheers! 325 00:14:43,040 --> 00:14:44,565 To America! 326 00:14:44,640 --> 00:14:46,881 Good job, fellas! We did it! 327 00:14:46,960 --> 00:14:48,803 ♪♪ [ Piano: “Stars and Stripes Forever” ] 328 00:14:48,880 --> 00:14:50,450 This is unbelievable, Mac. 329 00:14:50,520 --> 00:14:53,046 I know, and they totally ruined our heartfelt moment. 330 00:14:53,160 --> 00:14:56,130 Now, there's a way we can get it back if you just kind of jump- 331 00:14:56,200 --> 00:14:58,965 No, you fool! That time has passed. 332 00:14:59,040 --> 00:15:00,530 Can't you see they're humiliating us? 333 00:15:00,640 --> 00:15:03,336 Just tell me what you were gonna tell me. I'm not gonna stand for this. 334 00:15:03,360 --> 00:15:05,840 Just-Dennis-Come on, man! Goddamn it! 335 00:15:05,920 --> 00:15:06,967 Ma'am? Mm-hmm? 336 00:15:07,040 --> 00:15:08,246 Please return to your table. 337 00:15:08,320 --> 00:15:10,288 You know what? I'm gonna sit next to the hero. 338 00:15:10,360 --> 00:15:13,887 I used to date a troop. He was crazy for jean shorts. 339 00:15:13,960 --> 00:15:16,440 Attention. Uh, attention, everyone, please. 340 00:15:16,560 --> 00:15:20,121 If I could have your attention momentarily. Thank you. 341 00:15:20,200 --> 00:15:22,646 We do have an American hero in the house tonight. 342 00:15:22,720 --> 00:15:25,644 A strong man, a brave man. 343 00:15:25,720 --> 00:15:29,725 He's the kind of man who knows exactly who he is. 344 00:15:31,240 --> 00:15:33,607 He doesn't hide under a toupee. 345 00:15:33,680 --> 00:15:38,208 He faces his challenges instead of just retreating to the sewers, nude, 346 00:15:38,280 --> 00:15:40,362 to forage for rings and coins. 347 00:15:41,240 --> 00:15:42,730 Or to the toilets. 348 00:15:42,800 --> 00:15:45,849 Or to a life filled with rats. 349 00:15:47,920 --> 00:15:51,242 He's the kind of man who gives me the courage... 350 00:15:51,320 --> 00:15:54,961 to do an amazing double jackknife twist, which I did. 351 00:15:55,040 --> 00:15:58,123 Most of you people wouldn't even attempt that. I did it. 352 00:15:58,200 --> 00:15:59,804 And to go down on Chrissie Orlando... 353 00:15:59,880 --> 00:16:01,882 on the trampoline later on the very same night, 354 00:16:01,960 --> 00:16:04,088 which I also did. 355 00:16:04,160 --> 00:16:06,561 And I licked her asshole a little bit. 356 00:16:06,640 --> 00:16:08,369 It was pretty good. It was all right. 357 00:16:08,440 --> 00:16:10,841 It wasn't great, but it was fine. 358 00:16:10,920 --> 00:16:13,366 And I knew that it was gonna be fine... 359 00:16:13,440 --> 00:16:17,889 because this guy would be here to catch me if I faltered. 360 00:16:17,960 --> 00:16:22,409 Yeah. The world is a safer place when he's around. 361 00:16:22,480 --> 00:16:24,448 ♪♪ [ Piano: Soft] 362 00:16:24,520 --> 00:16:32,166 ♪ Did you ever know that you're my hero? 363 00:16:32,240 --> 00:16:38,088 ♪ 'Cause you are the wind beneath my wings ♪♪ 364 00:16:39,200 --> 00:16:42,044 Thank you. Thanks. 365 00:16:42,120 --> 00:16:46,091 [ Scattered Applause ] 366 00:16:49,080 --> 00:16:51,651 Wow, dude. I mean, that was so touching. Oh. 367 00:16:51,720 --> 00:16:54,200 That's an amazing thing you said about the troop. 368 00:16:54,320 --> 00:16:57,290 Now, can we get back to the karaoke machine? I was talking about you. 369 00:16:57,400 --> 00:17:01,689 That was about me? Yes. He wasn't there when I went down on Chrissie Orlando. 370 00:17:01,760 --> 00:17:03,683 I did not get that at all. I'm so- 371 00:17:03,800 --> 00:17:05,848 Dennis, that's really sweet. Thank you. I'm sorry. 372 00:17:05,960 --> 00:17:08,241 What is happening? Is it freezing in here all of a sudden? 373 00:17:08,280 --> 00:17:11,409 Yeah. And it's freezing. Air is blowing directly on us. 374 00:17:11,480 --> 00:17:13,164 What- I mean, what has happened? 375 00:17:15,800 --> 00:17:18,724 Those goddamn sons of bitches. They turned up the A/C. 376 00:17:18,800 --> 00:17:20,776 Because they knew we were sitting right underneath a vent. 377 00:17:20,800 --> 00:17:23,007 [ Fist Pounds Table ] They're trying to freeze us out. 378 00:17:23,080 --> 00:17:26,766 I didn't have your back before, but now I'm gonna be the wind beneath your wings. 379 00:17:26,840 --> 00:17:29,241 I'm gonna smash this over their goddamn heads. 380 00:17:29,360 --> 00:17:31,124 Yes, Mac. Yes! Yes! 381 00:17:31,200 --> 00:17:34,363 And I'm gonna blast 'em with this fire extinguisher. 382 00:17:34,440 --> 00:17:36,408 Okay, I'll toss hot soup in their faces. 383 00:17:36,520 --> 00:17:39,046 I'll pinch their dicks with this lobster. Let's do it. 384 00:17:47,840 --> 00:17:49,649 What are you people doing? 385 00:17:51,280 --> 00:17:55,126 Excuse me. Excuse me. What are you people doing? 386 00:17:55,200 --> 00:17:56,770 Oh! 387 00:17:56,840 --> 00:17:58,569 [ Patrons Gasp] 388 00:17:58,680 --> 00:18:00,284 Son a bitch! 389 00:18:02,160 --> 00:18:06,882 [ Laughing ] 390 00:18:09,240 --> 00:18:11,846 Hey, his shoelaces are tied together. 391 00:18:11,920 --> 00:18:13,976 - [ Charlie ] Oh, my God! - Somebody tied his shoelaces together. 392 00:18:14,000 --> 00:18:15,856 - [ Charlie ] His shoes are tied. - Spaghetti on the waiter. 393 00:18:15,880 --> 00:18:18,486 - I've wanted to see that all night long. - [ Dennis ] Yes. Yes. 394 00:18:18,560 --> 00:18:20,656 Oh, my God. Who do we have to thank for this? 395 00:18:20,668 --> 00:18:21,370 Who? 396 00:18:21,440 --> 00:18:23,841 - Oops. - [ Frank ] Deandra did it? 397 00:18:23,920 --> 00:18:25,490 - [ Charlie ] Dee did it! - It was Dee! 398 00:18:25,560 --> 00:18:28,211 - Have you been here this entire time? - Yeah, the whole time. 399 00:18:28,280 --> 00:18:30,328 Oh, great joke, Dee. Great joke. 400 00:18:30,400 --> 00:18:32,880 Oh, Dee. Classic. Hey. Salut. 401 00:18:33,000 --> 00:18:35,480 [ Frank ] Salut. Salut. 402 00:18:35,560 --> 00:18:38,291 Guys? Guys, I'm really hurt. 403 00:18:38,400 --> 00:18:39,976 [ Cackling ] [ Dennis ] Let's get a table. 404 00:18:40,000 --> 00:18:42,048 I wanna hear some jokes out of you tonight. 405 00:18:42,120 --> 00:18:44,327 You guys gotta-Do you wanna try this coat on? 406 00:18:44,400 --> 00:18:46,687 It's gonna look good on you, man. Pop that thing on. 407 00:18:46,760 --> 00:18:48,410 [ Man ] ♪ Like you've had too much wine ♪ 408 00:18:48,520 --> 00:18:51,410 ♪ That's amore ♪ 409 00:18:52,960 --> 00:18:56,282 ♪ Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling ♪ 410 00:18:56,360 --> 00:19:02,561 ♪ And you 'll sing “Vita bella” ♪ 411 00:19:02,640 --> 00:19:06,167 ♪ Hearts will play TiPPY-TiPPY-Tay, TiPPY-TiPPY-TEY ♪ 412 00:19:06,240 --> 00:19:09,847 ♪ Like a gay tarantella ♪ 413 00:19:11,760 --> 00:19:14,047 ♪ When the stars make you drool ♪ 414 00:19:14,120 --> 00:19:16,327 ♪ Just like pasta fazool ♪ 415 00:19:16,400 --> 00:19:19,768 ♪ That's amore ♪♪ 416 00:19:22,800 --> 00:19:25,770 [ Voices Speaking Backward]