1 00:00:03,003 --> 00:00:04,703 - Where is it? It was right here. - _ 2 00:00:04,838 --> 00:00:06,772 - I cannot find it. And by the way, Mac, - _ 3 00:00:06,774 --> 00:00:08,506 - what're you even talking about? - _ 4 00:00:08,575 --> 00:00:10,441 The word is superstition, not "stupid-stition." 5 00:00:10,477 --> 00:00:12,443 I know what the word is, Charlie. 6 00:00:12,479 --> 00:00:16,381 I'm saying your green man suit is a stupid superstition. 7 00:00:16,383 --> 00:00:18,934 Oh, really? Then why do the Eagles keep winning? 8 00:00:18,936 --> 00:00:20,201 Also, by the way, dude, 9 00:00:20,237 --> 00:00:22,404 uh, you're a Cowboys fan, so shut the hell up. 10 00:00:22,406 --> 00:00:23,805 I'm not a Cowboy fan, I'm a Tony Romo fan. 11 00:00:23,940 --> 00:00:25,340 And he retired, so now I bleed green. 12 00:00:25,409 --> 00:00:26,675 - Go, Birds! Go, Birds! - All right, well, I'm not 13 00:00:26,744 --> 00:00:28,477 going to the Super Bowl without it. I got to find it. 14 00:00:28,612 --> 00:00:30,412 Yeah, don't make us late, Charlie, all right? 15 00:00:30,414 --> 00:00:32,414 I-If you can't find it, you can't find it, you know? 16 00:00:32,416 --> 00:00:34,566 The-the fans have no effect on the outcome of the game, anyway. 17 00:00:34,635 --> 00:00:36,368 - Do you know how football works? - Yes. 18 00:00:36,503 --> 00:00:39,237 That's right, your voodoo bullshit is not gonna mean anything if... 19 00:00:39,239 --> 00:00:40,705 Wh-What's going on with your eye? 20 00:00:40,774 --> 00:00:42,574 Uh, nothing, I got a, I think I got an eyelash in it. 21 00:00:42,643 --> 00:00:44,576 Well, you're, like, scratching it, and it's blinking. 22 00:00:44,578 --> 00:00:46,178 I just, I slept on it funny. 23 00:00:46,180 --> 00:00:47,912 What the hell is the holdup here? 24 00:00:47,981 --> 00:00:49,313 Frank, this is why 25 00:00:49,350 --> 00:00:51,600 I wanted total control over the guest list, all right? 26 00:00:51,735 --> 00:00:54,069 The eyes of the world are gonna be on Philadelphia, 27 00:00:54,138 --> 00:00:57,672 and I want to show them that we are not just degenerates, okay? 28 00:00:57,675 --> 00:01:00,875 And that is why I'm very nervous about these guys. 29 00:01:01,484 --> 00:01:02,778 Chug! Chug! Chug! 30 00:01:02,880 --> 00:01:03,879 Chug! Chug! Chug! 31 00:01:04,014 --> 00:01:05,280 Hey. 32 00:01:05,282 --> 00:01:06,481 Chug! Oh! 33 00:01:06,483 --> 00:01:08,566 Do me a favor, hold that corner right there. 34 00:01:08,602 --> 00:01:10,769 - What's this? - Uh, I got to put up a sign. 35 00:01:10,771 --> 00:01:13,238 I want people to know we're closed for salmonella 36 00:01:13,373 --> 00:01:14,839 because of the Super Bowl. 37 00:01:14,875 --> 00:01:16,908 Okay. First of all, 38 00:01:16,977 --> 00:01:19,644 how is "salmonella" the only word you spelled correctly? 39 00:01:19,680 --> 00:01:21,513 And second of all, which is it? Are we closed for salmonella, 40 00:01:21,648 --> 00:01:23,581 or are we closed 'cause of the Super Bowl? It's very confusing. 41 00:01:23,650 --> 00:01:25,734 - Look, do me a favor? Okay? Just go find green man. - Yep. 42 00:01:25,803 --> 00:01:28,536 Please? Please, thank you. 43 00:01:28,605 --> 00:01:30,739 - Charlie. Here, eat this asparagus. - What? 44 00:01:30,874 --> 00:01:32,274 No, I can't eat that right now. That-That's not right. 45 00:01:32,276 --> 00:01:33,408 It's not part of my rituals. 46 00:01:33,543 --> 00:01:35,009 Okay, do you know what's not right... 47 00:01:35,045 --> 00:01:37,011 is that we are trying to start a family, 48 00:01:37,047 --> 00:01:39,080 - and you're not taking it very seriously. - Okay, no, I hear you, 49 00:01:39,149 --> 00:01:40,832 but what I need to take seriously right now 50 00:01:40,834 --> 00:01:41,966 is the Super Bowl, okay? 51 00:01:42,002 --> 00:01:43,568 And that means sticking to my color system. 52 00:01:43,703 --> 00:01:45,837 All right? I wear green. I don't eat it. 53 00:01:45,972 --> 00:01:47,639 I'm green man. I eat brown, 54 00:01:47,708 --> 00:01:49,975 preferably, uh, milksteak with a little light char to it. 55 00:01:50,110 --> 00:01:51,776 And I drink yellow, because beer is yellow, 56 00:01:51,779 --> 00:01:53,845 and that is what has been working all season long! 57 00:01:53,881 --> 00:01:55,980 - Oh, my God. - I don't want to talk about this right now. 58 00:01:56,016 --> 00:01:57,933 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where're you going? - Huh? 59 00:01:57,935 --> 00:01:59,000 Got to find green man. 60 00:01:59,069 --> 00:02:00,524 Why does no one understand this? 61 00:02:00,704 --> 00:02:03,138 Nobody cares about your stupid superstitions. 62 00:02:03,207 --> 00:02:05,140 - Dude, just get off my back, all right? Let me find it. - No. 63 00:02:05,209 --> 00:02:07,676 Man, look, I just wish one time 64 00:02:07,678 --> 00:02:09,811 you would not make everything so difficult. 65 00:02:09,880 --> 00:02:11,129 Yeah, and you know what? 66 00:02:11,247 --> 00:02:12,680 Sometimes I wish you'd just disappear. 67 00:02:13,452 --> 00:02:16,634 Yo, check it out. I got one last surprise. 68 00:02:22,173 --> 00:02:23,842 This is very nice. 69 00:02:23,844 --> 00:02:25,911 Party bus! 70 00:02:26,046 --> 00:02:27,846 - No way. - Fully stocked. 71 00:02:31,552 --> 00:02:33,401 - There it is! - You found it! - MAC: All right. 72 00:02:33,537 --> 00:02:35,470 - You found the damn suit. Can we go now? - Nice. 73 00:02:35,539 --> 00:02:37,639 Where the hell is green man?! 74 00:02:39,891 --> 00:02:40,742 Where is it?! 75 00:02:42,679 --> 00:02:45,013 Well, I just can't find it, so I'm gonna have to, like, 76 00:02:45,148 --> 00:02:46,348 buy a new one on the way up there. 77 00:02:46,483 --> 00:02:47,966 Who knows if it's even gonna have the same powers 78 00:02:48,101 --> 00:02:49,434 as the other one did. I... 79 00:02:50,571 --> 00:02:52,437 Where is everybody? 80 00:02:53,017 --> 00:02:54,372 Guys? 81 00:02:55,843 --> 00:02:58,718 _ 82 00:03:23,036 --> 00:03:25,303 Honey? 83 00:03:25,305 --> 00:03:27,639 Hello? 84 00:03:28,742 --> 00:03:30,842 Mac? 85 00:03:30,977 --> 00:03:33,244 Dee? 86 00:03:33,280 --> 00:03:35,213 Frank? 87 00:03:37,968 --> 00:03:40,936 I made my friends disappear. 88 00:03:42,072 --> 00:03:45,807 I made my friends disappear! 89 00:04:01,041 --> 00:04:02,774 Hey, Frank! 90 00:04:02,909 --> 00:04:06,311 I'm going through your stuff! 91 00:04:11,501 --> 00:04:12,867 Hey, Mac! 92 00:04:12,936 --> 00:04:15,337 I'm going through your stuff! 93 00:04:16,398 --> 00:04:17,672 I got your... 94 00:04:17,674 --> 00:04:20,007 sticky Bible! 95 00:04:20,043 --> 00:04:21,943 Dee! 96 00:04:21,945 --> 00:04:24,011 I'm going through your stuff! 97 00:04:26,016 --> 00:04:28,567 Dee, woof! 98 00:04:39,913 --> 00:04:42,414 I don't know why I'm screaming. This doesn't hurt at all. 99 00:04:44,617 --> 00:04:47,602 Countdown to the game. And start the clock. 100 00:04:47,604 --> 00:04:50,405 E-A-G-L-E-S! 101 00:04:50,407 --> 00:04:53,074 Eagles! All right, boys. 102 00:04:53,076 --> 00:04:54,943 I'm home alone in the bar, you know? 103 00:04:54,945 --> 00:04:57,145 It's all me. This is, like, my bar now. 104 00:04:57,280 --> 00:05:00,765 Hey, cheers to you and the big game, boys, right? 105 00:05:00,900 --> 00:05:02,167 Really cool, too, man. 106 00:05:02,169 --> 00:05:04,302 Those, like, those uniforms look really cool on you. 107 00:05:04,371 --> 00:05:06,504 You guys look, like, really strong. 108 00:05:09,610 --> 00:05:11,977 I am a little bored. 109 00:05:16,850 --> 00:05:18,700 What the heck? 110 00:05:19,903 --> 00:05:21,836 Hello? 111 00:05:22,939 --> 00:05:24,806 Hello? 112 00:05:25,674 --> 00:05:26,808 Mac? 113 00:05:27,771 --> 00:05:29,677 Dee? 114 00:05:29,746 --> 00:05:31,679 Frank? 115 00:05:31,748 --> 00:05:33,882 Is this a joke? 116 00:05:36,036 --> 00:05:37,635 Cricket? 117 00:05:37,671 --> 00:05:39,237 Uncle Jack? 118 00:05:39,372 --> 00:05:40,731 Is this a joke? 119 00:05:43,377 --> 00:05:44,909 It's only my imagination. 120 00:05:44,978 --> 00:05:47,646 It's only my imagination. It's only my imagination. 121 00:05:55,939 --> 00:05:57,405 Okay. 122 00:05:57,540 --> 00:06:00,141 So, he tries to punch me. He misses. 123 00:06:00,143 --> 00:06:02,076 - Oh. - He misses. What an idiot, huh? 124 00:06:02,112 --> 00:06:02,866 Yeah. 125 00:06:03,580 --> 00:06:04,679 I got it. 126 00:06:11,037 --> 00:06:13,037 - Hey, idiot. - What? 127 00:06:13,073 --> 00:06:14,973 Read the sign. 128 00:06:14,975 --> 00:06:17,976 "Closed for salmonella because Super Bowl." 129 00:06:18,111 --> 00:06:19,778 Well, which one is it? Is it closed for salmonella, 130 00:06:19,780 --> 00:06:21,712 - or is it closed for the Super Bowl? - I don't know. 131 00:06:22,329 --> 00:06:23,447 Burglars. 132 00:06:25,669 --> 00:06:27,268 Thi-This is my bar. 133 00:06:29,006 --> 00:06:30,538 I have to defend it. 134 00:06:34,227 --> 00:06:35,676 Ah, I know. 135 00:07:14,184 --> 00:07:19,555 _ 136 00:07:45,882 --> 00:07:48,166 Ooh, ooh, that's a gusher. 137 00:07:48,301 --> 00:07:50,034 I got to stop the bleeding. 138 00:07:50,641 --> 00:07:52,170 Help! Help! 139 00:07:55,446 --> 00:07:56,841 Oh, shit. 140 00:07:58,578 --> 00:08:00,845 Uh, okay. Okay. 141 00:08:10,740 --> 00:08:13,407 Oh, God. Oh, this is gonna suck. 142 00:08:15,579 --> 00:08:17,411 Oh! Shit! 143 00:08:19,316 --> 00:08:20,732 Okay. 144 00:08:43,640 --> 00:08:46,907 It's time for the Super Bowl. Super Bowl. 145 00:08:49,112 --> 00:08:50,645 Oh, man. 146 00:08:55,404 --> 00:08:56,601 What? 147 00:08:57,904 --> 00:09:00,271 How is the game starting? Uh... 148 00:09:00,406 --> 00:09:02,740 How did I lose an entire day?! 149 00:09:02,742 --> 00:09:05,009 Oh, shit, I got to get the TV on! 150 00:09:09,082 --> 00:09:10,748 Oh, shit. Hey, uh, help? 151 00:09:12,006 --> 00:09:13,167 Oh, who am I kidding, man? 152 00:09:13,170 --> 00:09:15,503 No one's gonna leave their TVs right now. 153 00:09:17,774 --> 00:09:20,308 My colors. 154 00:09:20,443 --> 00:09:23,044 I-I didn't do my color rituals. Guys, 155 00:09:23,046 --> 00:09:25,246 you're gonna lose the game because of me! 156 00:09:25,282 --> 00:09:27,315 I'm so sorry I let you guy... 157 00:09:27,317 --> 00:09:29,600 I let you guys down, man. I didn't... 158 00:09:29,603 --> 00:09:31,361 Oh, I blew it. 159 00:09:31,938 --> 00:09:33,838 It's gonna be my fault. 160 00:09:39,212 --> 00:09:42,013 Hey. Hey there, fella. Whoa, whoa, whoa. 161 00:09:42,082 --> 00:09:45,112 Be careful. Don't-don't... don't go by the traps. 162 00:09:45,147 --> 00:09:46,300 Don't... Come here, come here, come here. 163 00:09:46,369 --> 00:09:48,703 Come here, come here, come here. Come here. I got you. 164 00:09:48,772 --> 00:09:50,078 You're gonna be okay. 165 00:09:50,674 --> 00:09:52,440 'Cause I know what it's like to be caught in a trap now, 166 00:09:52,442 --> 00:09:54,041 and it's not okay. 167 00:09:54,110 --> 00:09:56,777 I won't let you get caught in a trap, okay? 168 00:09:56,813 --> 00:09:59,647 You're so cute and tiny and... 169 00:10:01,349 --> 00:10:02,233 and brown. 170 00:10:05,338 --> 00:10:07,438 Healthy-looking fellow, huh? 171 00:10:19,102 --> 00:10:21,101 Ah. The brown is down. 172 00:10:21,137 --> 00:10:23,438 The brown is down. 173 00:10:23,440 --> 00:10:25,039 Wasn't too bad. 174 00:10:27,143 --> 00:10:29,510 Eagles must have scored. It's working! 175 00:10:29,546 --> 00:10:31,779 All right. All right, let's get that TV on. 176 00:10:35,134 --> 00:10:37,267 I ate my brown, and it worked! 177 00:10:37,304 --> 00:10:39,470 I ate my brown! 178 00:10:43,310 --> 00:10:46,811 Although I got a feeling that's gonna come back to haunt me later. 179 00:10:48,348 --> 00:10:50,348 No, right now. 180 00:10:54,571 --> 00:10:57,372 Never, ever, ever, ever, ever eat a rat. 181 00:11:13,406 --> 00:11:15,873 Oh, man, that sounds like the Pats scored, huh? 182 00:11:16,009 --> 00:11:18,609 Okay, I-I just got to keep going with my colors, right? 183 00:11:18,611 --> 00:11:20,812 All right, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm-I'm gonna keep going. 184 00:11:20,947 --> 00:11:22,747 I'm gonna... I'm gonna wear green. 185 00:11:22,749 --> 00:11:25,099 I'm gonna drink yellow. All right. 186 00:11:25,135 --> 00:11:26,834 Green. What's-what's green? What's green? 187 00:11:26,969 --> 00:11:29,437 What can I...? 188 00:11:29,439 --> 00:11:30,838 Okay, I got it. 189 00:11:30,874 --> 00:11:32,573 Okay, boys, I got it. 190 00:11:32,609 --> 00:11:33,975 Here's the play. 191 00:11:33,977 --> 00:11:35,860 I'm not gonna let you fellas down. 192 00:11:35,912 --> 00:11:38,379 I'm gonna untie my shoes, 193 00:11:38,381 --> 00:11:40,381 I'm gonna toss them over the rope. 194 00:11:40,383 --> 00:11:43,134 That's gonna lower that green paint can down to me. 195 00:11:52,078 --> 00:11:54,478 Shoes goes up. 196 00:11:54,514 --> 00:11:56,681 Soar like an Eagle! 197 00:11:56,683 --> 00:11:58,566 Aah! Okay, boys, 198 00:11:58,635 --> 00:12:01,502 I'm not gonna let you down. 199 00:12:01,504 --> 00:12:04,438 Soar like an Eagle! Yeah! 200 00:12:13,915 --> 00:12:16,401 Oh, shit. 201 00:12:16,536 --> 00:12:18,736 Okay, plan B. 202 00:12:20,173 --> 00:12:22,874 Oh, no. Okay. 203 00:12:23,922 --> 00:12:24,675 Bear with me. 204 00:12:25,690 --> 00:12:26,543 All right. 205 00:12:26,579 --> 00:12:28,346 Let's chew through this bad boy. 206 00:12:28,348 --> 00:12:29,814 I'm gonna chew through it. 207 00:12:34,704 --> 00:12:36,904 There we go. Okay. 208 00:12:36,973 --> 00:12:39,307 Here we go. 209 00:12:40,643 --> 00:12:43,378 Oh, no. 210 00:12:43,513 --> 00:12:44,979 All right. 211 00:12:45,114 --> 00:12:46,647 I'm just gonna have to catch it. 212 00:12:46,716 --> 00:12:47,785 One... 213 00:12:48,734 --> 00:12:49,934 two... 214 00:12:50,069 --> 00:12:51,102 three. 215 00:13:08,705 --> 00:13:10,371 Okay, I'm green. 216 00:13:11,830 --> 00:13:12,908 That's... 217 00:13:13,176 --> 00:13:15,242 Nice. Sounds like it's working. 218 00:13:15,311 --> 00:13:16,577 All right. 219 00:13:16,646 --> 00:13:17,903 Got to get some yellow. 220 00:13:19,382 --> 00:13:22,349 Got to get some yellow! Got to drink some beers, boys! 221 00:13:31,477 --> 00:13:32,409 I'm coming, beer! 222 00:13:32,445 --> 00:13:34,212 I'm gonna get my yellow! 223 00:13:41,242 --> 00:13:43,704 Oh, shit! 224 00:13:44,130 --> 00:13:45,506 I'm stuck. 225 00:14:12,135 --> 00:14:14,101 Oh! 226 00:14:26,649 --> 00:14:28,098 Not enough yellow! 227 00:14:29,602 --> 00:14:31,802 Where the hell am I gonna get some yellow? 228 00:14:35,341 --> 00:14:36,908 Oh, God. 229 00:14:37,010 --> 00:14:39,677 Oh, God. 230 00:14:42,397 --> 00:14:43,547 Oh, this is awful. 231 00:14:43,616 --> 00:14:46,234 You can do it, Charlie. You drink that yellow. 232 00:14:47,370 --> 00:14:48,502 You got us here! 233 00:14:48,571 --> 00:14:49,904 Now finish what you started. 234 00:14:50,039 --> 00:14:52,239 Whoa. Hey, dudes. 235 00:14:52,242 --> 00:14:53,974 Finish your color rituals. 236 00:14:54,043 --> 00:14:55,309 Okay. Here goes! 237 00:14:55,311 --> 00:14:57,778 Go, Eagles! 238 00:14:59,549 --> 00:15:01,531 Oh, that was rough. 239 00:15:01,568 --> 00:15:02,666 Now turn on that TV. 240 00:15:02,735 --> 00:15:03,734 Yeah! 241 00:15:03,803 --> 00:15:05,336 Oh! 242 00:15:05,338 --> 00:15:07,939 I don't think I can get there, boys. 243 00:15:08,074 --> 00:15:09,140 You watched every game this season... you can't miss 244 00:15:09,275 --> 00:15:10,474 the end of the most important one. 245 00:15:10,510 --> 00:15:11,675 Oh, come on, man. 246 00:15:11,711 --> 00:15:13,677 I did the color rituals. Isn't that enough? 247 00:15:13,713 --> 00:15:15,346 The only reason the Eagles made it this far 248 00:15:15,348 --> 00:15:17,081 is because of your superstitions. 249 00:15:17,083 --> 00:15:19,500 The rituals. They say you're caught in a bear trap. 250 00:15:19,502 --> 00:15:21,301 They say you lost two quarts of blood. 251 00:15:21,337 --> 00:15:22,570 They say you're hallucinating! 252 00:15:22,639 --> 00:15:23,904 Who's "they"? 253 00:15:23,907 --> 00:15:25,506 Everyone who didn't believe in you. 254 00:15:25,508 --> 00:15:27,708 And I got two words for them: (bleep) 'em! 255 00:15:27,843 --> 00:15:30,578 - Right! - You've got this, Charlie. You're an Eagle. 256 00:15:30,647 --> 00:15:32,512 - Yeah! - Now go turn on that TV! 257 00:15:32,549 --> 00:15:35,399 Yeah! Here I go! 258 00:15:35,468 --> 00:15:36,600 - Yeah, come on, Charlie. You got this. - Come on, Charlie. 259 00:15:41,140 --> 00:15:42,873 - Come on, Charlie. Come on! - Pull that chain! Pull it! 260 00:15:44,477 --> 00:15:45,253 Yeah! 261 00:15:46,212 --> 00:15:48,946 - Come on, Charlie. You can do this, baby. - Let's go. 262 00:15:49,081 --> 00:15:50,948 Oh, glass! 263 00:15:51,083 --> 00:15:53,300 - I stepped right on the glass! - Yeah, 264 00:15:53,303 --> 00:15:54,702 - but keep pushing, man. - No pain, no gain! 265 00:15:54,837 --> 00:15:56,237 Okay. I got it. 266 00:15:58,308 --> 00:15:59,315 - Oh! - Oh! 267 00:16:00,743 --> 00:16:02,709 I forgot about that one! 268 00:16:02,745 --> 00:16:04,578 Why would anybody do that to anybody? 269 00:16:04,614 --> 00:16:06,635 Fight through it. Fight through the pain! 270 00:16:06,649 --> 00:16:08,866 - Come on, come on. - Move, move. 271 00:16:09,001 --> 00:16:10,262 Oh, I forgot... 272 00:16:10,603 --> 00:16:12,120 - Oh! - Shit! 273 00:16:12,605 --> 00:16:15,782 Come on, man. You got it. You took that one, eh? Keep going, Charlie. 274 00:16:17,410 --> 00:16:19,076 - Come on, Charlie. - Pull that chain! 275 00:16:19,145 --> 00:16:20,277 - Pull that chain! Pull that chain! - I am pulling, 276 00:16:20,280 --> 00:16:22,146 - you big fat assholes! - Pull that chain! 277 00:16:22,215 --> 00:16:23,747 There's some slack in here. Pull it. 278 00:16:24,042 --> 00:16:25,299 There you go. 279 00:16:25,434 --> 00:16:27,567 Come on, Charlie. 280 00:16:28,292 --> 00:16:29,569 I can't do it! 281 00:16:30,832 --> 00:16:31,571 I can't do it. 282 00:16:31,608 --> 00:16:34,041 No, no, it's too hard. 283 00:16:34,043 --> 00:16:36,310 No, the trap. It was designed for animals. 284 00:16:36,379 --> 00:16:37,778 Yeah. So? 285 00:16:38,920 --> 00:16:40,047 You're a human, dude. 286 00:16:40,116 --> 00:16:41,999 Use your thumbs. 287 00:16:42,134 --> 00:16:44,201 - What do you mean, use my thumbs? - There's a release lever 288 00:16:44,270 --> 00:16:46,404 on the bottom. Thumbs. 289 00:16:46,999 --> 00:16:48,606 What?! 290 00:16:48,608 --> 00:16:51,742 Well, why didn't you tell me there was a release lever?! 291 00:16:51,877 --> 00:16:53,744 You bought the trap, Charlie. 292 00:16:53,879 --> 00:16:57,481 I only know about the release lever because you know about the release lever. 293 00:16:57,517 --> 00:16:59,166 Y-You get that, right? 294 00:16:59,168 --> 00:17:02,436 Yeah, no, I-I totally get that. 295 00:17:02,472 --> 00:17:04,104 - He's not getting it. - We're-we're not real. - No, I get it. 296 00:17:04,173 --> 00:17:07,240 Quick question: where is the release lever? 297 00:17:07,276 --> 00:17:08,976 - It's on the bottom! - It's on the bottom! 298 00:17:09,111 --> 00:17:10,244 - The bottom of the trap. - Yeah. You set it up. 299 00:17:10,246 --> 00:17:12,247 I see it. Okay. 300 00:17:15,401 --> 00:17:16,466 Oh! 301 00:17:20,073 --> 00:17:21,338 Patriots with the ball at their own 302 00:17:21,407 --> 00:17:23,207 - nine yard line. - Oh! 303 00:17:23,209 --> 00:17:26,076 Oh, Brady's got the ball. The ball... What?! 304 00:17:26,112 --> 00:17:27,811 Brady's got the ball with time on the clock!? 305 00:17:27,847 --> 00:17:30,014 Oh, shit, what happened? What changed? 306 00:17:30,016 --> 00:17:31,565 Yeah... you're gonna 307 00:17:31,601 --> 00:17:32,900 - have to get back in that trap. - Yeah. 308 00:17:33,035 --> 00:17:36,103 Aw, come on, man. You just told me to get out of it. 309 00:17:36,239 --> 00:17:38,372 Yeah, that was before Brady had the ball. 310 00:17:38,968 --> 00:17:40,441 Does it have to be the same leg or... 311 00:17:40,510 --> 00:17:42,710 - Yeah. - Same leg. - Damn it! 312 00:17:42,712 --> 00:17:44,712 Are you sure this is gonna work? 313 00:17:44,781 --> 00:17:46,714 Every single thing that every fan does, 314 00:17:46,783 --> 00:17:50,267 at home or at the stadium, makes a direct impact in the game. 315 00:17:50,403 --> 00:17:52,936 Aw... shit. 316 00:17:52,972 --> 00:17:54,572 _ 317 00:18:36,949 --> 00:18:39,048 - synced and corrected by sot26 - www.addic7ed.com