1 00:00:02,752 --> 00:00:05,880 So he's in the law house, right... 2 00:00:05,955 --> 00:00:08,423 Oh, please stop talking. Just let me finish my story. 3 00:00:08,491 --> 00:00:11,585 Describing an episode of Law and Order in full detail is not a story. 4 00:00:11,661 --> 00:00:15,097 No, it's so good. First of all, I think I could be a really good lawyer. 5 00:00:15,165 --> 00:00:17,395 I'm better than Sam Waterston, I'll tell you that much. 6 00:00:17,467 --> 00:00:19,799 You want to be a lawyer? Don't you think you should know how to read or write? 7 00:00:19,869 --> 00:00:23,805 Objection. Hearsay. That's lawyer talk. That's the kind of stuff you have to do. 8 00:00:23,873 --> 00:00:26,205 That serial killer killed another woman last night. Really? 9 00:00:26,276 --> 00:00:32,146 Yeah. It says here he's targeting young, attractive blondes. 10 00:00:32,215 --> 00:00:35,412 Okay, that's it. I'm not closing the bar by myself anymore. 11 00:00:35,485 --> 00:00:38,784 Why? What are you worried about? You don't fit the description. 12 00:00:38,855 --> 00:00:40,914 I fit the description. No, no. Young, attractive... 13 00:00:40,990 --> 00:00:44,323 I fit the description. All right. Well, first of all, you're too big, Dee. 14 00:00:44,394 --> 00:00:46,328 You're like a... You're like a female Larry Bird. 15 00:00:46,396 --> 00:00:48,159 There's too much of you. There's not too much of me. 16 00:00:48,231 --> 00:00:50,665 He would never finish the job. He'd get the job done. 17 00:00:50,733 --> 00:00:53,759 He'd spend his whole night hacking and sawing. Then he still wouldn't be done. 18 00:00:53,837 --> 00:00:56,237 He would open his box of tools and say, "What tools am I gonna use for this?" 19 00:00:56,306 --> 00:00:59,469 He could use normal tools. He'd look at that pile of bones and flesh and say... 20 00:00:59,542 --> 00:01:02,477 "How many people have I murdered tonight?" "How is this just one person?" 21 00:01:02,545 --> 00:01:06,641 Mm-hmm. Well, guess what. You're Larry Bird. 22 00:01:06,716 --> 00:01:09,241 That's okay, 'cause Larry Bird's an excellent player. He's an awesome player. 23 00:01:09,319 --> 00:01:11,514 What's up, bitches? Hey yo! 24 00:01:11,588 --> 00:01:13,453 Hey. This guy, he got laid last night. 25 00:01:13,523 --> 00:01:16,253 What? No, I didn't. Yeah, you did. You didn't come home. 26 00:01:16,326 --> 00:01:18,817 Yes, I did. You're wearing the same clothes you were wearing yesterday. 27 00:01:18,895 --> 00:01:21,489 That's what you were wearing yesterday. These are different clothes. 28 00:01:21,564 --> 00:01:24,294 Where'd you get those scratches on your neck? What? 29 00:01:24,367 --> 00:01:26,426 You got scratches on your neck. No, I don't. 30 00:01:26,502 --> 00:01:28,663 Oh, let me see. No. What? 31 00:01:28,738 --> 00:01:31,434 I gotta take a piss. I don't have any... 32 00:01:31,507 --> 00:01:34,032 You guys are... Huh? 33 00:01:35,445 --> 00:01:37,538 Well, that was weird. Wow. 34 00:01:37,614 --> 00:01:40,640 He's been acting like that a lot lately. What's gotten into him? 35 00:01:40,717 --> 00:01:43,618 Serial killing. 36 00:02:16,551 --> 00:02:20,749 If I'm gonna prove that Mac is guilty, I gotta apply a little pressure. 37 00:02:20,822 --> 00:02:24,053 I'm gonna get a chain saw. A chain saw? 38 00:02:24,126 --> 00:02:26,390 You can't just torture someone 'cause you think they're guilty. 39 00:02:26,461 --> 00:02:29,055 Oh, don't give me that liberal bullshit. 40 00:02:29,131 --> 00:02:31,759 Mac is not the serial killer. He's not smart enough. He's a dumb person. 41 00:02:31,833 --> 00:02:33,767 And dumb people are not capable of serial killing. 42 00:02:33,835 --> 00:02:37,498 Oh, yeah? What about the scratches on his neck? I got a hunch about this. 43 00:02:37,572 --> 00:02:39,972 You got a hunch? Frank's got a hunch. Let's just convict him. 44 00:02:40,042 --> 00:02:43,603 Let's carve our best friend to pieces with a chain saw based on a hunch. Jesus Christ, Frank. 45 00:02:43,679 --> 00:02:46,170 Dee, why don't you and I use a little textbook psychology? 46 00:02:46,248 --> 00:02:49,115 And that'll lead us to the real serial killer's doorstep. 47 00:02:49,184 --> 00:02:51,243 Are you all gonna go against me on this? 48 00:02:51,320 --> 00:02:53,447 Sorry, Larry Bird. Stop trying to use the Larry Bird thing. 49 00:02:53,522 --> 00:02:56,047 I don't know. Shh. 50 00:02:56,124 --> 00:02:57,751 What are you guys talking about? 51 00:02:57,826 --> 00:02:59,851 Nothing. Nothing. 52 00:02:59,928 --> 00:03:02,795 Okay, I forgot about this thing that I gotta do, take care of. 53 00:03:02,864 --> 00:03:06,265 I was thinking about it in the bathroom. And I figured I should just go deal with it now. 54 00:03:06,335 --> 00:03:08,895 So I'm just gonna go deal with it now. I guess I'll see you guys later? 55 00:03:08,971 --> 00:03:10,700 Okay, bye. 56 00:03:10,772 --> 00:03:14,230 Oh, if I prove that he is guilty... 57 00:03:14,309 --> 00:03:17,244 I am gonna torture the shit out of him. 58 00:03:35,130 --> 00:03:38,293 Hey, you. We need to talk. 59 00:03:38,367 --> 00:03:40,927 I don't understand. I thought we talked about this. 60 00:03:41,003 --> 00:03:43,096 We did. It's just that my friends are getting suspicious. 61 00:03:43,171 --> 00:03:46,766 And I cannot have them find out that we are dating again. Why not? 62 00:03:46,842 --> 00:03:51,973 Because of your... Oh, God. Situation down there. 63 00:03:52,047 --> 00:03:54,413 You mean my penis? Well, you don't have to say it out loud. 64 00:03:54,483 --> 00:03:56,610 I told you. I'm getting rid of it. 65 00:03:56,685 --> 00:03:59,779 I know. But when, dude? I feel like I've been putting a lot of time in here. 66 00:03:59,855 --> 00:04:02,688 Soon. It takes time. Look, I know that it takes time. 67 00:04:02,758 --> 00:04:04,692 I've been reading up on the subject. 68 00:04:04,760 --> 00:04:08,252 But maybe we should just take it easy until then. 69 00:04:08,330 --> 00:04:11,094 Because of the penis? Oh, boy. There it is. 70 00:04:11,166 --> 00:04:13,100 The penis. Yes. Because of the pen... 71 00:04:13,168 --> 00:04:15,432 Okay, listen. Here's the deal. 72 00:04:15,504 --> 00:04:17,972 I feel like we make out, and it's great. I mean, really great. 73 00:04:18,040 --> 00:04:20,531 But then things start to get hot and heavy and you scratch me. 74 00:04:20,609 --> 00:04:23,203 Which is cool. But you're really strong, and it hurts. 75 00:04:23,278 --> 00:04:27,738 And sometimes... just sometimes... I bump up against it. 76 00:04:27,816 --> 00:04:31,274 And I... I just can't handle that. 77 00:04:31,353 --> 00:04:34,516 Really? Because you seem like you can handle anything. 78 00:04:34,589 --> 00:04:36,523 I mean, with that body. 79 00:04:38,593 --> 00:04:42,359 Well. Yeah, I mean, physically, sure. 80 00:04:42,431 --> 00:04:45,161 I mean, I guess I can handle pretty much any situation. 81 00:04:45,233 --> 00:04:49,533 I mean, I do... work out. So... 82 00:04:49,604 --> 00:04:51,504 You sure do. 83 00:04:53,442 --> 00:04:56,570 I don't know. He's been in there a long time. 84 00:04:56,645 --> 00:04:59,045 You think he's chopping up bodies? He's not chopping up anything. 85 00:04:59,114 --> 00:05:03,050 He's not a serial killer. Hey, man. What'd I tell you about bringing that chain saw? 86 00:05:03,118 --> 00:05:05,086 Hey, you want to take a picture with it? 87 00:05:05,153 --> 00:05:07,348 No. We're on an invest... Do you have a camera? Yeah. 88 00:05:07,422 --> 00:05:09,856 Oh, yeah. Absolutely then. 89 00:05:09,925 --> 00:05:12,155 Yeah. All right. How's this look? Does this look cool? 90 00:05:12,227 --> 00:05:14,354 Hold it closer to your face and look really crazy. 91 00:05:14,429 --> 00:05:16,192 Like I'm killing somebody? 92 00:05:16,264 --> 00:05:18,232 Let me start it and get my tongue... Put your tongue there. 93 00:05:18,300 --> 00:05:21,030 There he is. There he is. Oh! 94 00:05:21,103 --> 00:05:23,503 We got ourselves a serial killer. 95 00:05:23,572 --> 00:05:25,437 No, you don't have anything. That's inconclusive, Frank. 96 00:05:25,507 --> 00:05:28,340 Look, look. He's guilty as sin. Look at him. He's sneaking around. 97 00:05:28,410 --> 00:05:30,401 You gotta have hard evidence. You don't have any hard evidence. 98 00:05:30,479 --> 00:05:33,937 I'll tell you what you do have. You got a camera. So let's snap one off, all right? 99 00:05:34,015 --> 00:05:35,949 Okay, like this? Okay, right. 100 00:05:36,017 --> 00:05:37,951 Put your tongue closer to the blade. 101 00:05:40,122 --> 00:05:42,056 Dennis! 102 00:05:42,124 --> 00:05:44,251 Dee. What the hell are you doing? 103 00:05:44,326 --> 00:05:46,260 Get outta here. You're gonna blow my cover. 104 00:05:46,328 --> 00:05:48,091 This seems extraordinarily dangerous. 105 00:05:48,163 --> 00:05:50,097 Dee, that is the point of being here. 106 00:05:50,165 --> 00:05:53,191 This is the area of the highest concentration of murders by the serial killer. 107 00:05:53,268 --> 00:05:56,567 I know. That's why I feel like a sitting duck out there. You volunteered for this, Sis. 108 00:05:56,638 --> 00:06:00,233 If you recall, I didn't want to use you as the bait. You do not fit the profile. 109 00:06:00,308 --> 00:06:03,709 I fit the profile, Dennis! That's the right attitude. Now pull these out or something. 110 00:06:03,778 --> 00:06:06,645 You need to look sexy for this guy. Otherwise, he's never gonna... Come on. 111 00:06:06,715 --> 00:06:09,741 I just feel like this is a very inappropriate outfit for how cold it is out here. 112 00:06:09,818 --> 00:06:11,752 Is it cold out here? It's freezing! 113 00:06:11,820 --> 00:06:14,380 I have a down jacket on, a wool blanket. It's a very toasty situation I got back here. 114 00:06:14,456 --> 00:06:18,449 Get back out there, tiger. You can do it. I believe in you. 115 00:06:21,663 --> 00:06:24,393 Oh, Mac? 116 00:06:24,466 --> 00:06:26,457 Are you in there? 117 00:06:28,403 --> 00:06:30,337 We're clear, Charlie. Come on. 118 00:06:30,405 --> 00:06:32,430 This is an illegal search, Frank. 119 00:06:32,507 --> 00:06:34,907 What's the decorating motif of this place... prison cell? 120 00:06:34,976 --> 00:06:37,774 I'm pretty sure you need a warrant to be doing this, buddy. 121 00:06:37,846 --> 00:06:41,009 What... Why are you wearing those gloves? Fingerprints. 122 00:06:41,082 --> 00:06:44,142 You think I want some Jew lawyer crawling up my ass in six months? 123 00:06:44,219 --> 00:06:46,585 Objection. Extremely racist, man. 124 00:06:46,655 --> 00:06:49,249 The guy's innocent, all right? You're poking around... 125 00:06:49,324 --> 00:06:51,485 but there's no point to it 'cause you're not gonna find anything. 126 00:06:51,560 --> 00:06:55,621 Oh! And Bingo was his nameo 127 00:06:55,697 --> 00:06:57,824 The Human Anatomy. 128 00:06:57,899 --> 00:07:00,766 He's got a half a chapter highlighted... 129 00:07:00,835 --> 00:07:03,929 on the removal of human genitalia. 130 00:07:04,005 --> 00:07:08,442 Hey, Frank, what guy hasn't done some extensive research on his own genitalia? All right? 131 00:07:08,510 --> 00:07:10,740 Don't say "you," buddy, because I woke up... 132 00:07:10,812 --> 00:07:13,713 to you doing some pretty frantic research last night, pal. 133 00:07:13,782 --> 00:07:17,183 We could go tit for tat on that one. So you better drop that subject. 134 00:07:17,252 --> 00:07:21,154 All I'm saying is that the book doesn't mean anything. You got no evidence! 135 00:07:21,223 --> 00:07:23,157 You got no case, Frank. 136 00:07:23,225 --> 00:07:26,956 It stinks, that stuff. This stuff is Drakkar Noir, man. 137 00:07:33,702 --> 00:07:37,729 Damn, girl. Who you with? Oh. 138 00:07:37,806 --> 00:07:41,799 I think you got the wrong idea. I'm not with anybody. 139 00:07:41,876 --> 00:07:43,901 Word? Well, lookee here. 140 00:07:43,979 --> 00:07:49,542 Maybe if you get up off that crack rock, you can come and be Pepper Jack’s best ho. 141 00:07:49,618 --> 00:07:51,711 Oh, no. I'm not on any crack rock. 142 00:07:51,786 --> 00:07:54,846 I mean, one... Okay, one time I was hooked on the crack rock. 143 00:07:54,923 --> 00:07:58,825 But that was because I was trying to get on welfare and fail a drug test. 144 00:07:58,893 --> 00:08:01,521 But that stuff, you gotta be careful because it'll mess you. 145 00:08:01,596 --> 00:08:04,827 Why are you asking? Do you have some on you? 146 00:08:04,899 --> 00:08:08,232 Hi. Uh, sir, I'm sorry. We're trying to conduct a little business here. 147 00:08:08,303 --> 00:08:12,296 Ho. Pepper Jack’s trying to conduct some business here too. You with this cracker? 148 00:08:12,374 --> 00:08:16,242 No. Well, technically, we drove here together. But I'm not with anybody. 149 00:08:16,311 --> 00:08:17,903 You heard it. Your bitch chose me. 150 00:08:17,979 --> 00:08:20,846 See now, Pepper Jack, I feel like we're miscommunication. 151 00:08:20,915 --> 00:08:23,247 Bitch, you speak when spoken to now. 152 00:08:23,318 --> 00:08:27,186 Oh, no. No. Sir, you know what? We're just gonna get out of here. Dee, let's go. 153 00:08:27,255 --> 00:08:30,053 Whoa. Now you're not just gonna come here and take Pepper Jack’s best ho. 154 00:08:30,125 --> 00:08:32,218 You want this ho back, Pepper Jack needs to get paid. 155 00:08:32,294 --> 00:08:35,354 Pepper Jack, are you serious? Do Pepper Jack look like he playing? 156 00:08:35,430 --> 00:08:37,557 I don't think Pepper Jack’s playing. 157 00:08:37,632 --> 00:08:39,361 I feel like Pepper Jack isn't playing either. No, Pepper Jack is not playing. 158 00:08:39,434 --> 00:08:41,368 In fact, Pepper Jack about to cut somebody. Oh, please don't cut. 159 00:08:41,436 --> 00:08:44,564 Oh, no cutting. That's not necessary. All right, how much? 160 00:08:44,639 --> 00:08:49,576 Well, what you got? I don't know. Seven bucks and a stupid thermos. 161 00:08:49,644 --> 00:08:52,636 Is that Fraggle Rock? Yeah. 162 00:08:52,714 --> 00:08:56,548 Oh, Pepper Jack love Fraggle Rock. 163 00:08:56,618 --> 00:08:59,553 Listen, I feel like we've been going about this the wrong way. 164 00:08:59,621 --> 00:09:02,283 I mean, you can't just jump into the mind of a serial killer. 165 00:09:02,357 --> 00:09:04,552 I feel like you need to walk in his shoes. 166 00:09:04,626 --> 00:09:08,824 Right. We need to go deeper. We need to eat, breathe and sleep serial killer. 167 00:09:08,897 --> 00:09:12,594 Go through all of the steps that this guy would in order to understand his thoughts. 168 00:09:12,667 --> 00:09:14,225 Yeah. Okay, what's the first step? 169 00:09:14,302 --> 00:09:17,135 Here's what I think. If I was gonna start mass murdering people... 170 00:09:17,205 --> 00:09:20,504 I feel like the first thing I would do is pick a victim. 171 00:09:20,575 --> 00:09:23,567 Right. We need a victim. We need to find somebody who we would want to kill. 172 00:09:23,645 --> 00:09:25,237 Mm-hmm. But who? 173 00:09:25,313 --> 00:09:27,247 Here you go, Dee. Thanks. 174 00:09:27,315 --> 00:09:30,443 And shithead. Hope you burn your tongue. 175 00:09:34,222 --> 00:09:36,850 Sit down. No. What the hell is wrong with you? 176 00:09:36,925 --> 00:09:41,953 What is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you? I saw you last night! 177 00:09:42,030 --> 00:09:44,726 You did? So you admit it? 178 00:09:44,799 --> 00:09:47,199 Yeah. Don't ever admit it, Mac! Don't ever admit it! 179 00:09:47,268 --> 00:09:49,498 It makes my job that much harder. All right, look. 180 00:09:49,571 --> 00:09:52,267 You gotta quit this thing, buddy. I tried, dude. I tried. 181 00:09:52,340 --> 00:09:56,208 But it's like a drug. I just get wrapped up in the moment and boom, it just happens. 182 00:09:56,277 --> 00:09:58,973 I don't care what your sick and twisted reasons are. I don't want to hear it. 183 00:09:59,047 --> 00:10:00,776 Who else knows about this? Nobody. Just her. 184 00:10:00,849 --> 00:10:03,181 Well, that's good. She won't be a problem. She ain't gonna tell anybody. 185 00:10:03,251 --> 00:10:06,482 But I gotta tell you, buddy. Frank's onto you. Frank knows? 186 00:10:06,554 --> 00:10:08,522 Well, he's sniffing around. Oh, goddamn it. 187 00:10:08,590 --> 00:10:12,219 When the time is right, he's gonna come at you, and he's gonna come at you hard! 188 00:10:12,293 --> 00:10:14,818 Here's what you gotta do. You gotta deny. 189 00:10:14,896 --> 00:10:17,694 Deny. Just deny it. Just deny it. Deny, deny, deny, deny. 190 00:10:17,766 --> 00:10:19,700 You just deny it. Deny it to the end. 191 00:10:19,768 --> 00:10:22,532 If you deny something, it means it never happened. It never happened. 192 00:10:22,604 --> 00:10:24,902 You gotta promise me something here, buddy. Uhhuh? 193 00:10:24,973 --> 00:10:26,907 You gotta stop. 194 00:10:26,975 --> 00:10:29,637 Well, okay. That's gonna be a little bit of an issue, man. 195 00:10:29,711 --> 00:10:31,645 I don't know if I can promise that. Are you serious? 196 00:10:31,713 --> 00:10:34,204 I want to stop. I just... Okay. Hey, man. Hey, hey. 197 00:10:34,282 --> 00:10:36,944 Shh, shh, shh. We're gonna get you the help. All right? 198 00:10:37,018 --> 00:10:40,715 But in the meantime, you gotta give me the time to, like, build your case. 199 00:10:40,789 --> 00:10:43,087 You know? To... To help your defense out. 200 00:10:45,026 --> 00:10:48,359 Like, you know, I gotta do my thing. And then... 201 00:10:51,166 --> 00:10:53,691 And then I do some moves. 202 00:10:53,768 --> 00:10:55,565 Yeah. I'm into it. Okay. Yeah, all right. 203 00:10:55,637 --> 00:10:58,868 What the hell does that have anything to do with what we're talking about? 204 00:10:58,940 --> 00:11:00,874 Lawyer stuff. It's a great show. Are you gonna help me? 205 00:11:00,942 --> 00:11:03,570 Yeah, man. Are you wearing my Drakkar? 206 00:11:03,645 --> 00:11:06,978 Ooh, ooh, ooh. Accusations. 207 00:11:07,048 --> 00:11:08,982 Well, it's just... Those are no good. 208 00:11:09,050 --> 00:11:13,290 It's my favorite... 209 00:11:14,958 --> 00:11:18,985 I'm telling you, Dee, this is a bad idea. No. We need killing tools. 210 00:11:19,063 --> 00:11:21,554 But you're not using your head. This is serial killing 101. 211 00:11:21,632 --> 00:11:24,260 You don't buy anything that can be traced back to you. 212 00:11:24,334 --> 00:11:26,564 We're not buying anything. 213 00:11:26,637 --> 00:11:29,868 My neighbor Gary works here. He is desperately in love with me. 214 00:11:29,940 --> 00:11:33,740 We need killing tools, he needs me to smile at him every once in a while. 215 00:11:33,811 --> 00:11:36,279 We're gonna take whatever we want for free. There's gonna be no paper trail. 216 00:11:36,346 --> 00:11:38,610 That works. I wonder if they have painter's overalls. 217 00:11:38,682 --> 00:11:41,378 How come? Well, my guy's a painter. 218 00:11:41,452 --> 00:11:45,081 I go from house to house gaining very easy access to my victims. 219 00:11:45,155 --> 00:11:47,350 And more importantly, gaining their trust. Uhhuh. 220 00:11:47,424 --> 00:11:49,756 Who's your guy? Psycho clown. 221 00:11:49,827 --> 00:11:51,761 Psycho clown? 222 00:11:51,829 --> 00:11:55,230 Yeah. I like to dress like a clown when I slaughter. Now help me grab some killing tools. 223 00:11:55,299 --> 00:11:58,200 The serial killer's probably not a psycho clown, Dee. 224 00:11:58,268 --> 00:12:01,396 Whoa. What do you think of these gardening shears? 225 00:12:01,472 --> 00:12:05,306 I like those gardening shears very much. But do they cut through bone? 226 00:12:05,375 --> 00:12:09,368 Oh, yeah. That's a good question. Hey, Gary. 227 00:12:09,446 --> 00:12:12,609 These shears, they do cut through bone, yes? 228 00:12:12,683 --> 00:12:15,379 Uh, yeah. I guess. Yeah, I thought so. 229 00:12:15,452 --> 00:12:18,546 Gary, my brother and I, we're gonna take these shears. 230 00:12:18,622 --> 00:12:21,819 But we're gonna take 'em on the hush-hush. What? 231 00:12:21,892 --> 00:12:23,883 For free. 232 00:12:23,961 --> 00:12:26,452 Oh, okay. Okay. 233 00:12:26,530 --> 00:12:30,899 Get back to work. There you go. 234 00:12:30,968 --> 00:12:33,903 Oh, man. That guy's a pussy. Yeah, spineless. 235 00:12:33,971 --> 00:12:36,599 Hello. 236 00:12:36,673 --> 00:12:38,106 Messy. Too messy. 237 00:12:38,175 --> 00:12:39,608 Very messy. 238 00:12:41,879 --> 00:12:44,439 Do you mind if my associate and I ask you a couple questions? 239 00:12:44,515 --> 00:12:47,609 Don't feel compelled to answer any of them, Mrs. Mac. 240 00:12:47,684 --> 00:12:50,619 I will be recording this conversation. You want a fresh cigarette? 241 00:12:50,687 --> 00:12:52,848 Here, here. Yeah. 242 00:12:52,923 --> 00:12:54,857 I notice you like cherry pie. 243 00:12:54,925 --> 00:12:57,860 Cut the chitchat. My client's clearly a busy woman. Ask your questions. 244 00:12:57,928 --> 00:13:01,329 In your opinion, ma'am, was your son an angry child? 245 00:13:01,398 --> 00:13:03,366 Objection. Leading. 246 00:13:03,433 --> 00:13:07,767 Did he ever exhibit any hatred toward women? Irrelevant questioning. 247 00:13:07,838 --> 00:13:10,306 Do you think he was raised in a dysfunctional family? Move to strike. 248 00:13:10,374 --> 00:13:13,434 Wait a minute. What are you talking about? Ask her fair questions! 249 00:13:13,510 --> 00:13:16,877 I'll give you one question, and then we're out of here! One question. 250 00:13:16,947 --> 00:13:19,142 You think your son's out there killing people? 251 00:13:19,216 --> 00:13:21,878 Yeah. Oh! 252 00:13:21,952 --> 00:13:24,147 That's it, lady! Damn it! 253 00:13:24,221 --> 00:13:26,052 You just buried me! Chain saw serial killer. 254 00:13:26,123 --> 00:13:31,459 You buried me. That's my whole case! I'll be in touch. 255 00:13:33,597 --> 00:13:36,395 I can't believe you actually dressed like a clown. You're gonna draw so much attention. 256 00:13:36,466 --> 00:13:38,661 I thought we were getting into the killer's shoes. 257 00:13:38,735 --> 00:13:41,363 But the killer's not a psycho clown, Dee. That's only in movies... stupid ones. 258 00:13:41,438 --> 00:13:44,373 Oh, really? John Wayne Gacy? He was a psycho clown. 259 00:13:44,441 --> 00:13:47,433 He was an excellent one. Did good work. Come on, Dee, that's... 260 00:13:47,511 --> 00:13:50,378 Yeah, actually, you're right. He was pretty... Okay, okay. Here she comes. 261 00:13:50,447 --> 00:13:53,041 This is the fun part, Dee. This is the part that we've been working up to. 262 00:13:53,116 --> 00:13:55,516 This is what all the work has been for. We're gonna follow our victim. 263 00:13:55,586 --> 00:13:57,520 Uhhuh. And then we're gonna jump her. 264 00:13:57,588 --> 00:14:00,887 And then I'm gonna strangle her and you're gonna chop her into pieces. 265 00:14:00,958 --> 00:14:03,654 Okay, but what are we really gonna do? 266 00:14:03,727 --> 00:14:07,288 Huh? We're not really gonna kill her. What are we gonna do? 267 00:14:07,364 --> 00:14:11,733 Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. That's a bummer. Yeah, you're right. 268 00:14:11,802 --> 00:14:15,101 Let's just follow her for a little. We'll throw a good scare into her. 269 00:14:15,172 --> 00:14:17,697 Figure out what to do later. That's just not as much fun as actually... 270 00:14:17,774 --> 00:14:22,234 No. No. I know. It's good enough. Let's do this. Okay. 271 00:15:09,726 --> 00:15:12,786 Oh, my God. My eyes feel like fire. 272 00:15:12,863 --> 00:15:15,593 Dee, if you hadn't been squeaking around like a goddamn psycho clown... 273 00:15:15,666 --> 00:15:18,533 she never would've noticed us. No, this is not my fault. 274 00:15:18,602 --> 00:15:20,661 Everything we do is backfiring. We need a new plan. 275 00:15:20,737 --> 00:15:23,934 No shit, Sis. But what's the plan? What? We need a confession. 276 00:15:24,007 --> 00:15:27,875 What the hell are you doing? I'm spying. I'm spying on everybody. 277 00:15:27,944 --> 00:15:31,675 And I got good news. I know the killer is Mac. 278 00:15:31,748 --> 00:15:35,775 I got hard evidence. I got a confession from his mother. 279 00:15:35,852 --> 00:15:38,343 Holy shit, Dee. You know what? I just realized something. What? 280 00:15:38,422 --> 00:15:40,754 I know who the killer is. You do? 281 00:15:40,824 --> 00:15:44,783 Yes. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Dee, the real serial killer is Mac. 282 00:15:44,861 --> 00:15:47,455 That's what I just said. 283 00:15:47,531 --> 00:15:49,328 How did we not see it earlier? I don't know. 284 00:15:49,399 --> 00:15:51,594 Whatever! I got a plan. 285 00:15:51,668 --> 00:15:54,501 We gotta set a trap. We're gonna get a confession. 286 00:15:54,571 --> 00:15:57,597 But first, we gotta lure him in on the phone. 287 00:15:57,674 --> 00:16:00,108 Hold that thought, Frank. I just came up with a plan. 288 00:16:00,177 --> 00:16:03,044 Uhhuh. We need to set a trap and get a confession from him. 289 00:16:03,113 --> 00:16:06,947 Ooh, but first, we gotta lure him in on the phone. Yes! 290 00:16:07,017 --> 00:16:10,316 Are you shitting me? Now, Dee, can you do a girl's voice? 291 00:16:12,389 --> 00:16:14,584 Well, this was fun. Right? Mm-hmm. 292 00:16:14,658 --> 00:16:17,718 Now I'm gonna go. Uh, same time tomorrow? 293 00:16:17,794 --> 00:16:21,195 Well, maybe we could go out or something. 294 00:16:21,264 --> 00:16:23,323 You know, to a restaurant. Or... Or to your bar. 295 00:16:23,400 --> 00:16:28,531 Ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Yeah, that's not gonna work. 296 00:16:28,605 --> 00:16:33,201 I'm getting tired of this. I feel like you're afraid that people will see us together. 297 00:16:33,276 --> 00:16:35,210 No. I don't care if people see us together. 298 00:16:35,278 --> 00:16:38,406 I just don't want them to think that we're dating. We are dating! 299 00:16:38,482 --> 00:16:42,009 I don't think it's too much to ask for you to keep this quiet, considering your condition. 300 00:16:42,085 --> 00:16:46,545 Look, it's not like I'm ashamed of you. I'm ashamed of myself. 301 00:16:48,291 --> 00:16:51,454 Well, it's over. I don't know what happened, man, but it's over. 302 00:16:51,528 --> 00:16:54,497 What's over? Did you go back? Of course I went back, Charlie. 303 00:16:54,564 --> 00:16:57,158 Damn it, Mac. I told you not to go back. You're digging me a pretty big hole here! 304 00:16:57,234 --> 00:17:00,260 It doesn't matter, because she won't talk to me anymore, dude. 305 00:17:00,337 --> 00:17:03,932 Well, that's very interesting. She talks... When did you start hearing voices? 306 00:17:04,007 --> 00:17:05,668 That could actually help us. 307 00:17:05,742 --> 00:17:08,870 What's the I. D? Private. Should I answer it? 308 00:17:08,945 --> 00:17:13,041 Yeah. I'll allow it. Go, go, go. Uh, hello? 309 00:17:13,116 --> 00:17:17,553 Uh, okay. Uh, could you hold on one second? 310 00:17:17,621 --> 00:17:20,385 Some chick named Sandy. She said we met at the bar the other night. 311 00:17:20,457 --> 00:17:23,358 Speakerphone. Can you do it on speakerphone for this? Yeah. Okay. 312 00:17:23,427 --> 00:17:26,362 Hey, Sandy. Uh, what's crackin'? 313 00:17:26,430 --> 00:17:28,364 This is Mac, right? 314 00:17:28,432 --> 00:17:32,698 Good-looking guy, great sense of humor, really bulky? 315 00:17:32,769 --> 00:17:34,896 Uh, more ripped. Strike that. 316 00:17:34,971 --> 00:17:36,563 Jacked. Irrelevant. 317 00:17:36,640 --> 00:17:38,232 Toned. Exaggeration. 318 00:17:38,308 --> 00:17:40,037 I work out. I'll allow it. 319 00:17:40,110 --> 00:17:42,271 Okay. Yeah, that's me. Listen. I was thinking... 320 00:17:42,345 --> 00:17:44,472 maybe you should come over to my place tonight. 321 00:17:44,548 --> 00:17:48,143 There's no one here. I'm all alone. 322 00:17:48,218 --> 00:17:50,618 Could you come take care of me? I'll allow it. 323 00:17:50,687 --> 00:17:53,520 Uh, yeah. Yeah, I can take care of you. 324 00:17:53,590 --> 00:17:56,718 Great. Then I'll see you at my place. Great. 325 00:17:56,793 --> 00:17:58,283 I'll see you tonight. I'll allow it. 326 00:17:58,361 --> 00:18:00,295 We got him. 327 00:18:00,363 --> 00:18:03,355 Let's get the video camera and get the hell outta here. Where are we going? 328 00:18:03,433 --> 00:18:05,628 To catch a predator. 329 00:18:07,938 --> 00:18:10,031 Whose apartment is this? My friend Gary's. 330 00:18:10,106 --> 00:18:12,768 Gary the hardware store guy? Yeah. He's, like, never here. 331 00:18:12,843 --> 00:18:14,834 Why do you have his keys? 332 00:18:14,911 --> 00:18:17,209 'Cause he asked me to water his plants when he's out of town. 333 00:18:17,280 --> 00:18:20,078 All of his plants are dead. Well, I don't do it. 334 00:18:20,150 --> 00:18:22,641 I'm gonna go oil my chain saw. What? 335 00:18:22,719 --> 00:18:25,916 Frank, we don't need the chain saw. Is that what's in that bag? 336 00:18:25,989 --> 00:18:29,356 Oh, we do. Because drawing a confession out of someone... 337 00:18:29,426 --> 00:18:32,395 is like doing a beautiful dance... 338 00:18:32,462 --> 00:18:36,091 a beautiful dance with a chain saw. 339 00:18:37,734 --> 00:18:40,294 He makes less and less sense as the days go by. I don't get it at all. 340 00:18:40,370 --> 00:18:41,962 All right, let's set up. Yep. 341 00:18:45,708 --> 00:18:50,372 Gettin' laid tonight. "Come on in. I am horny. " 342 00:18:50,446 --> 00:18:52,505 Giddyap. Hello? 343 00:18:52,582 --> 00:18:55,915 Sandy? Hey, come on in. 344 00:18:55,985 --> 00:18:57,976 Have a seat. I made you some cookies. 345 00:18:58,054 --> 00:19:00,454 I'm just in here changing into my bikini. 346 00:19:00,523 --> 00:19:02,457 Really? Can I come back? Uhuh. 347 00:19:02,525 --> 00:19:04,652 Oh. Got the wine coolers. 348 00:19:04,727 --> 00:19:06,888 Yummy. Did you bring any condoms? 349 00:19:06,963 --> 00:19:10,160 Ooh, not really into the whole condom thing. So... 350 00:19:10,233 --> 00:19:12,701 Hello, Mac. How are you? 351 00:19:12,769 --> 00:19:14,634 What are you doing, dude? 352 00:19:14,704 --> 00:19:17,673 Why don't you have a seat, enjoy a cookie, have some iced tea. 353 00:19:17,740 --> 00:19:20,800 Okay. Who are you here to see? 354 00:19:20,877 --> 00:19:24,108 My friend Sandy. Oh, Sandy. Sandy, huh? 355 00:19:24,180 --> 00:19:27,479 Is Sandy a young, attractive, blonde girl? 356 00:19:27,550 --> 00:19:31,714 I have no idea. Uh, Sandy. Why don't you come out here, please? 357 00:19:32,955 --> 00:19:35,048 Oh. Why hello, Mac. 358 00:19:35,124 --> 00:19:37,388 Not so young and attractive, is she? What? 359 00:19:37,460 --> 00:19:40,054 Must be a big disappointment. What is going on here? 360 00:19:40,129 --> 00:19:43,724 What were you planning on doing to Sandy? What do you think, dude? 361 00:19:43,800 --> 00:19:45,859 Well, according to this phone transcript, Mac... 362 00:19:45,935 --> 00:19:49,098 you were going to "take care of her"? 363 00:19:49,172 --> 00:19:52,835 Yeah. Take care of her. The Human Anatomy. How about a little light reading? 364 00:19:52,909 --> 00:19:55,878 What are you doing with my book? You know where I got it, Mac. 365 00:19:55,945 --> 00:19:58,004 Tie him up! Come on, Frank. 366 00:19:58,081 --> 00:20:00,515 Tie me up? Jesus Christ! Get the camera away from me! 367 00:20:00,583 --> 00:20:02,517 Before you go, I should tell you I'm... 368 00:20:02,585 --> 00:20:05,952 I'm sorry, Mac. You can't keep running from this thing. You gotta face this head on! 369 00:20:06,022 --> 00:20:08,957 I'm gonna get you off this. Don't be afraid to show me your ugly side. 370 00:20:09,025 --> 00:20:12,085 All right. Put that away, Frank. You don't need a chain saw. 371 00:20:12,161 --> 00:20:14,095 You're talking to an innocent man. 372 00:20:14,163 --> 00:20:16,961 All right, Mac. I'm gonna ask you now 'cause I'm tired and hungry. 373 00:20:17,033 --> 00:20:19,467 I want to go home. I want to wash my hands of this whole stinking mess. 374 00:20:19,535 --> 00:20:23,528 Did you or did you not snap into an alternate and distinct personality... 375 00:20:23,606 --> 00:20:26,871 causing you to go on a serial killing rampage? 376 00:20:26,943 --> 00:20:30,344 What? No. What? Yes, you did. 377 00:20:30,413 --> 00:20:34,042 You... All right, Mac. You're crazy, right? You're a crazy person. 378 00:20:34,117 --> 00:20:36,642 Sometimes you're two people. Let's see the other guy. Let him out. 379 00:20:36,719 --> 00:20:38,880 Let who out? The serial killer, Mac! 380 00:20:38,955 --> 00:20:41,048 Let the serial killer out! I'm not a serial killer! 381 00:20:41,124 --> 00:20:43,649 Then why all the shady behavior? I've been banging the tranny! 382 00:20:43,726 --> 00:20:46,126 I didn't want you guys to find out. No. You're trying to... 383 00:20:46,195 --> 00:20:48,095 What? Ew. 384 00:20:48,164 --> 00:20:50,098 Oh. I don't even know how that works. 385 00:20:50,166 --> 00:20:53,693 It's complicated. There's a lot... She tapes it back. 386 00:20:53,769 --> 00:20:55,737 Oh, really? Come on, man. Oh, my God, man. 387 00:20:55,805 --> 00:20:58,069 I've been reading up and... Wait, wait, wait. 388 00:20:58,141 --> 00:21:00,336 Dude, wait. So you're not the serial killer? 389 00:21:00,409 --> 00:21:03,139 No. I just won this case. That means you're a free man. 390 00:21:03,212 --> 00:21:06,704 You're not a serial killer. See, when I came in... And I was doing... 391 00:21:06,782 --> 00:21:09,512 You guys don't even get it, do you? I'm gonna get a beer. 392 00:21:09,585 --> 00:21:12,748 Dee, do you think this guy's got any beer in his fridge? 393 00:21:12,822 --> 00:21:16,280 No. There's a bunch of severed heads in there. What? 394 00:21:16,359 --> 00:21:19,920 There's about 15 severed heads in there, I'd say. 395 00:21:23,266 --> 00:21:25,598 Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's heads in there. 396 00:21:25,668 --> 00:21:27,761 There's a lot of heads in there. A shitload of heads. 397 00:21:27,837 --> 00:21:29,532 We're in the killer's apartment? Yes! 398 00:21:29,605 --> 00:21:31,539 Neighbor Gary? Gary. 399 00:21:31,607 --> 00:21:33,768 Oh, my God. I don't know who Gary is. 400 00:21:33,843 --> 00:21:36,107 Wait. Shh, shh, shh. 401 00:21:36,179 --> 00:21:38,113 I think I hear keys. 402 00:21:45,354 --> 00:21:47,982 What are you people doing in my apartment?