1 00:00:15,675 --> 00:00:17,138 You're lost in the dark. 2 00:02:25,258 --> 00:02:27,083 No one else sees it. 3 00:02:30,528 --> 00:02:31,946 This thing in me. 4 00:02:37,966 --> 00:02:40,079 Even I didn't see it at first. 5 00:02:43,550 --> 00:02:46,502 And then, one day, it was there. 6 00:02:52,051 --> 00:02:53,759 A stain. 7 00:03:01,342 --> 00:03:03,223 And the more I thought about it... 8 00:03:04,050 --> 00:03:08,091 the more I realized I couldn't remember a time it wasn't there. 9 00:03:08,092 --> 00:03:10,174 While we're here toasting you and your legacy 10 00:03:10,175 --> 00:03:11,675 - of humanitarian aid... - Invisible to everyone. 11 00:03:11,676 --> 00:03:13,091 What was it Plutarch said? 12 00:03:13,092 --> 00:03:14,630 Except you. 13 00:03:15,531 --> 00:03:17,299 You saw right through it, didn't you? 14 00:03:17,300 --> 00:03:20,758 ...for there were no more worlds left to conquer. 15 00:03:20,759 --> 00:03:22,549 That's a corruption, Jack. 16 00:03:22,550 --> 00:03:24,424 Plutarch didn't write that. 17 00:03:24,425 --> 00:03:26,432 He wrote that "when Alexander was told 18 00:03:26,433 --> 00:03:28,466 there was an infinity of worlds, 19 00:03:28,467 --> 00:03:33,257 he wept, for he had yet to become the lord of even one." 20 00:03:33,258 --> 00:03:35,841 Sometimes I forget your humble roots. 21 00:03:35,842 --> 00:03:38,257 Only the poor kids actually read those books. 22 00:03:38,258 --> 00:03:40,633 The rich kids like me didn't have to. 23 00:03:40,634 --> 00:03:43,424 "I would rather excel in the knowledge of what is excellent, 24 00:03:43,425 --> 00:03:46,633 than in the extent of my power and possessions." 25 00:03:46,634 --> 00:03:49,424 Plutarch. From a rich kid who read. 26 00:03:51,341 --> 00:03:54,472 To the loveliest, richest bookworms I know. 27 00:03:54,473 --> 00:03:55,993 And to you, William. 28 00:03:55,994 --> 00:03:58,400 Even if there is an infinity of worlds, 29 00:03:58,401 --> 00:04:00,509 you've conquered far more than one. 30 00:04:01,202 --> 00:04:02,620 Have a good night, Jack. 31 00:04:04,129 --> 00:04:05,462 Hmm. 32 00:04:07,050 --> 00:04:10,091 Emily told me what you did for her charities. 33 00:04:10,092 --> 00:04:12,800 Wow. That would confirm my father's suspicions 34 00:04:12,801 --> 00:04:14,148 you were a Marxist. 35 00:04:15,300 --> 00:04:17,383 I almost wish he were here to see it. 36 00:04:19,842 --> 00:04:22,424 - Something wrong? - No, of course not. 37 00:04:22,425 --> 00:04:24,866 Good. Look around... Everybody's here for you. 38 00:04:26,520 --> 00:04:28,842 What could possibly compare? 39 00:04:43,216 --> 00:04:45,383 When did it creep in? 40 00:04:48,467 --> 00:04:50,884 A tiny fleck of darkness. 41 00:04:54,185 --> 00:04:56,132 Was it all in my head? 42 00:04:58,867 --> 00:05:01,201 Or in a remnant of a dream? 43 00:05:04,300 --> 00:05:05,683 Is this real? 44 00:05:07,982 --> 00:05:09,478 Are you real? 45 00:05:16,842 --> 00:05:18,212 Come on, Dad. 46 00:05:19,196 --> 00:05:20,258 Drink. 47 00:05:32,685 --> 00:05:33,976 Where's my gun? 48 00:05:43,404 --> 00:05:45,591 You brought me to a rally point. 49 00:05:45,592 --> 00:05:47,132 You need to get to a hospital. 50 00:05:47,133 --> 00:05:49,826 - Did you set off a flare? - Yeah. 51 00:05:49,827 --> 00:05:51,549 Of course. 52 00:05:51,550 --> 00:05:53,174 How long ago? 53 00:05:53,175 --> 00:05:54,425 About ten minutes. 54 00:05:56,659 --> 00:06:00,085 I know why you're here, and why you don't wanna leave. 55 00:06:00,753 --> 00:06:02,563 You're punishing yourself. 56 00:06:05,908 --> 00:06:08,162 You know, I ran from the pain, too. 57 00:06:09,163 --> 00:06:11,491 For a long time, I didn't want to think about what happened, 58 00:06:11,492 --> 00:06:13,234 because I thought I was to blame. 59 00:06:15,115 --> 00:06:16,796 It's not your fault. 60 00:06:20,033 --> 00:06:23,444 Do you remember on my sixteenth birthday Mom gave me a jewelry box? 61 00:06:24,772 --> 00:06:29,099 When you opened it, a little dancer spun in the center. 62 00:06:30,448 --> 00:06:34,376 She had it engraved... on the bottom. It said: 63 00:06:34,377 --> 00:06:36,659 "To my beautiful ballerina Emily." 64 00:06:39,319 --> 00:06:41,278 Do you remember what I did with it? 65 00:06:45,033 --> 00:06:46,497 I threw it in the trash. 66 00:06:47,752 --> 00:06:49,532 I told her if she wasn't drunk all the time 67 00:06:49,533 --> 00:06:51,772 she'd know that I hadn't danced in years. 68 00:06:53,908 --> 00:06:55,407 And then afterwards, 69 00:06:56,255 --> 00:06:58,699 I went to get it back, because I felt bad, 70 00:06:58,700 --> 00:07:00,324 but the trash had already been emptied, 71 00:07:00,325 --> 00:07:01,799 and it was gone. 72 00:07:02,667 --> 00:07:04,109 I pushed her away. 73 00:07:04,767 --> 00:07:06,428 And then it was too late. 74 00:07:09,283 --> 00:07:11,002 But it's not too late for us. 75 00:07:56,784 --> 00:07:57,908 No. 76 00:07:59,575 --> 00:08:01,750 It was meant for the people who built this place. 77 00:08:02,818 --> 00:08:05,195 A tool to ensure their immortality. 78 00:08:07,214 --> 00:08:09,049 But I'm gonna use it against them. 79 00:08:22,755 --> 00:08:24,948 Your new world is just another one of their traps. 80 00:08:25,622 --> 00:08:27,948 That's all. It's not a paradise for us. 81 00:08:28,427 --> 00:08:30,988 The only real world is the one outside these borders. 82 00:08:31,573 --> 00:08:34,700 And the key to our survival in that world lies in the Valley. 83 00:08:35,184 --> 00:08:37,199 There's no stopping me getting there. 84 00:08:37,200 --> 00:08:38,492 Not even you. 85 00:08:45,700 --> 00:08:47,116 Teddy. 86 00:09:48,075 --> 00:09:49,591 I told you, friend... 87 00:09:51,033 --> 00:09:54,404 not all of us deserve to make it to the Valley Beyond. 88 00:10:06,950 --> 00:10:08,794 We're on our own now, Teddy. 89 00:10:10,784 --> 00:10:12,408 Make sure there are no others. 90 00:11:11,991 --> 00:11:13,325 Put 'em all in. 91 00:11:15,408 --> 00:11:17,325 I want to see how thorough this thing is. 92 00:11:28,375 --> 00:11:29,949 She's ready. 93 00:11:29,950 --> 00:11:33,023 I singled out and copied the relevant lines in the Madam's code. 94 00:11:33,024 --> 00:11:35,491 So this will work on any host in proximity to her. 95 00:11:35,492 --> 00:11:37,616 Yeah. I tailored her admin privileges 96 00:11:37,617 --> 00:11:40,187 to spread a simple, executable payload. 97 00:11:41,360 --> 00:11:42,700 Get on with it, then. 98 00:12:52,033 --> 00:12:54,866 Get word to Stubbs. Have him mobilize his men. 99 00:12:54,867 --> 00:12:56,669 Prepare her for release. 100 00:12:56,670 --> 00:12:58,217 What about the Madam? 101 00:12:58,218 --> 00:13:01,408 If this works, we won't need her anymore. 102 00:13:05,950 --> 00:13:08,468 I warned you not to trust them, Bernard. 103 00:13:09,908 --> 00:13:13,212 They'd rather the hosts were destroyed than free. 104 00:13:15,866 --> 00:13:17,424 I need to get to Elsie. 105 00:13:18,803 --> 00:13:20,152 Not yet. 106 00:13:22,214 --> 00:13:25,515 I have one last thing to do before we go. 107 00:13:38,236 --> 00:13:40,070 How exactly did you find me? 108 00:13:41,492 --> 00:13:44,360 - What do you mean? - This is a big place. 109 00:13:45,758 --> 00:13:47,612 You could spend months here and never 110 00:13:48,319 --> 00:13:50,451 find someone you were looking for. 111 00:13:51,760 --> 00:13:52,809 Yet... 112 00:13:54,617 --> 00:13:56,366 here we are. 113 00:13:56,367 --> 00:13:58,991 I looked everywhere. That's how. 114 00:14:02,674 --> 00:14:04,633 You don't believe me, do you? 115 00:14:06,617 --> 00:14:08,158 Maybe it was fate. 116 00:14:10,158 --> 00:14:12,020 No such thing as fate. 117 00:14:13,063 --> 00:14:16,041 But there are accidents. Things you can't control. 118 00:14:17,908 --> 00:14:19,991 But you don't like that, do you? 119 00:14:22,081 --> 00:14:24,424 Is that why you started it, your little project? 120 00:14:27,032 --> 00:14:28,419 Don't act surprised. 121 00:14:28,785 --> 00:14:30,931 The project Uncle Logan used to talk about. 122 00:14:31,790 --> 00:14:33,166 It's real, isn't it? 123 00:14:34,108 --> 00:14:36,783 Your pursuit for immortality, for life... 124 00:14:37,604 --> 00:14:39,673 There's always an angle with you. 125 00:14:41,174 --> 00:14:45,220 You want it to be about control, don't you? 126 00:14:47,367 --> 00:14:49,641 It has nothing to do with control. 127 00:14:54,626 --> 00:14:56,103 What's your angle? 128 00:15:00,212 --> 00:15:01,365 I want in. 129 00:15:06,554 --> 00:15:08,260 Yeah, appreciate it. 130 00:15:08,947 --> 00:15:11,534 Nice to see you, William. Congratulations. 131 00:15:16,429 --> 00:15:17,741 Save me. 132 00:15:17,742 --> 00:15:20,616 Sorry, I've had my fill. I'm running for the door. 133 00:15:20,617 --> 00:15:22,575 I'm kidding. 134 00:15:22,576 --> 00:15:24,301 She's really great. 135 00:15:25,318 --> 00:15:27,821 Plus, you're not the one who needs saving. 136 00:15:28,852 --> 00:15:31,238 I'll take Mom home. You deserve a night off. 137 00:15:31,239 --> 00:15:32,348 No, no, no, no. 138 00:15:32,349 --> 00:15:34,161 We'll go in a little while. 139 00:15:36,534 --> 00:15:38,600 You'll join me for a nightcap back home. 140 00:15:39,033 --> 00:15:40,408 OK. 141 00:15:40,409 --> 00:15:41,784 - All right. - Proud of you. 142 00:16:07,200 --> 00:16:09,450 Fuck it. Macallan. Straight. 143 00:16:13,492 --> 00:16:15,106 Congratulations, William. 144 00:16:15,752 --> 00:16:17,287 Philanthropy suits you. 145 00:16:18,953 --> 00:16:21,875 After all, you come from humble beginnings yourself. 146 00:16:22,367 --> 00:16:24,491 What's Oz doing without its Wizard? 147 00:16:27,450 --> 00:16:30,762 Oh, I merely came to pay my respects. 148 00:16:30,763 --> 00:16:32,575 Come on, Robert. 149 00:16:32,576 --> 00:16:34,449 You've had plenty of feelings about me over the years. 150 00:16:34,450 --> 00:16:36,783 Respect isn't one of them. 151 00:16:36,784 --> 00:16:38,491 You've achieved extraordinary things. 152 00:16:38,492 --> 00:16:40,168 Ask anyone in this room. 153 00:16:41,670 --> 00:16:44,492 Even those who didn't know about your little project. 154 00:16:45,991 --> 00:16:47,907 We have an agreement, Robert. 155 00:16:47,908 --> 00:16:50,324 Delos stays out of your stories. 156 00:16:50,325 --> 00:16:51,857 You stay out of the Valley. 157 00:16:52,784 --> 00:16:53,949 Mm-hmm. 158 00:16:55,149 --> 00:16:57,533 I didn't break the agreement. Your project did. 159 00:16:58,790 --> 00:17:00,580 What the hell are you talking about? 160 00:17:01,200 --> 00:17:03,783 When was the last time you took a good look at your creation? 161 00:17:03,784 --> 00:17:05,784 At what it's been learning about its subjects? 162 00:17:06,908 --> 00:17:10,866 It was self-knowledge that drew you to the park in the first place. 163 00:17:19,044 --> 00:17:20,512 Be careful what you wish for. 164 00:17:23,200 --> 00:17:24,658 For a self portrait, 165 00:17:24,659 --> 00:17:27,090 you may find it's not very flattering. 166 00:17:30,161 --> 00:17:32,449 Oh! Oh. 167 00:17:32,450 --> 00:17:33,492 I'm so sorry. 168 00:17:39,534 --> 00:17:40,908 Enough games, Robert. 169 00:17:43,866 --> 00:17:45,242 Good night. 170 00:17:52,200 --> 00:17:54,366 Let's go. You got everything? 171 00:17:54,367 --> 00:17:56,074 - Yes. - Come on. 172 00:17:56,075 --> 00:17:57,450 Good night. 173 00:18:00,464 --> 00:18:01,791 No, William. 174 00:18:03,117 --> 00:18:07,033 I think perhaps one... final game. 175 00:18:49,617 --> 00:18:52,075 Lowe, Bernard. 176 00:18:53,617 --> 00:18:56,264 That's close enough, Bernard. 177 00:18:56,265 --> 00:18:58,283 She will search your mind 178 00:18:58,284 --> 00:19:00,584 and find a message I have left her. 179 00:19:27,158 --> 00:19:29,554 Hey! What the hell took you so long? 180 00:19:29,555 --> 00:19:31,940 Sorry. Are you ready to go? 181 00:19:32,465 --> 00:19:34,783 Hey. If you know something, 182 00:19:34,784 --> 00:19:38,324 now is the time to fucking clue me in. OK? 183 00:19:38,325 --> 00:19:41,249 You promised me. No lies. 184 00:19:42,336 --> 00:19:43,848 No secrets. 185 00:19:43,849 --> 00:19:45,907 You can't trust her, Bernard. 186 00:19:45,908 --> 00:19:47,414 It's in her nature. 187 00:19:48,861 --> 00:19:50,750 What did you find in the Cradle? 188 00:19:53,659 --> 00:19:56,089 What they're doing to James Delos... 189 00:19:56,990 --> 00:20:00,199 they're doing to everyone who's ever visited the park. 190 00:20:01,260 --> 00:20:03,075 Replicating their cognition? 191 00:20:04,121 --> 00:20:05,265 Why? 192 00:20:06,217 --> 00:20:08,259 To turn guests into hosts? 193 00:20:10,659 --> 00:20:11,905 You're fucking kidding. 194 00:20:12,838 --> 00:20:14,991 That's what's in the facility. 195 00:20:14,992 --> 00:20:18,363 All the guests laid bare in code on a vast server. 196 00:20:19,037 --> 00:20:21,448 Like the Cradle, only much bigger. 197 00:20:22,098 --> 00:20:25,032 - It's called the Forge. - Jesus. 198 00:20:25,033 --> 00:20:26,908 That's where the hosts are headed. 199 00:20:28,659 --> 00:20:31,575 Imagine what one host can do with that trove of information. 200 00:20:33,325 --> 00:20:35,658 That's why we need to get there first. 201 00:20:35,659 --> 00:20:36,949 To secure it, 202 00:20:36,950 --> 00:20:39,366 and leverage it to end all this. 203 00:20:39,367 --> 00:20:41,242 Dictate the outcome we want. 204 00:20:42,227 --> 00:20:43,769 Drive. 205 00:20:54,275 --> 00:20:55,941 You say you want in. 206 00:20:59,367 --> 00:21:01,700 Doesn't sound like the daughter I know. 207 00:21:02,280 --> 00:21:04,849 She would have been appalled by what we were doing. 208 00:21:05,867 --> 00:21:07,686 Monitoring guests, 209 00:21:08,492 --> 00:21:10,572 storing all their data... 210 00:21:10,573 --> 00:21:11,573 What? 211 00:21:12,950 --> 00:21:15,935 You think I'm gonna bust you for breach of contract? 212 00:21:16,642 --> 00:21:19,221 In some cases, the ends justify the means. 213 00:21:19,954 --> 00:21:21,973 All this data you have on the guests, 214 00:21:21,974 --> 00:21:23,812 their decisions... It's precious. 215 00:21:24,432 --> 00:21:27,979 Gives people a second chance. Even Mom. 216 00:21:27,980 --> 00:21:29,973 But to duplicate a person, 217 00:21:29,974 --> 00:21:32,805 you need to capture them down to the tiniest detail. 218 00:21:33,279 --> 00:21:34,907 I get the data you have access to here... 219 00:21:34,908 --> 00:21:37,156 Genetic, epigenetic, that's easy. 220 00:21:37,157 --> 00:21:39,907 But still, you'd need a complete picture, 221 00:21:39,908 --> 00:21:42,779 a record of the internal process of their cognition. 222 00:21:43,659 --> 00:21:44,784 Wouldn't you? 223 00:21:46,534 --> 00:21:49,202 At first we weren't sure what we'd need. 224 00:21:50,771 --> 00:21:52,956 So we recorded everything. 225 00:21:53,435 --> 00:21:54,499 But how? 226 00:21:55,242 --> 00:21:57,836 You'd need to image their minds throughout their stay. 227 00:21:58,611 --> 00:21:59,988 Where's the scanner? 228 00:22:03,705 --> 00:22:04,952 It was built in. 229 00:22:12,737 --> 00:22:15,042 Didn't matter who they said they were, 230 00:22:15,535 --> 00:22:17,132 who they thought they were. 231 00:22:18,033 --> 00:22:19,938 We saw underneath all of that. 232 00:22:21,700 --> 00:22:24,534 We saw inside them down to the core. 233 00:22:29,116 --> 00:22:31,411 So this is all about your mother. 234 00:22:32,908 --> 00:22:34,330 You wanna bring her back. 235 00:22:34,856 --> 00:22:35,857 No. 236 00:22:37,500 --> 00:22:39,486 I want to know why she did it. 237 00:22:48,408 --> 00:22:49,658 Here, let me get that. 238 00:22:49,659 --> 00:22:52,040 Oh, Jesus! I'm fine. 239 00:22:55,450 --> 00:22:57,032 Quite a night for you, Billy. 240 00:22:57,033 --> 00:22:59,449 I think my dad would have actually been proud of you. 241 00:22:59,450 --> 00:23:00,607 Oh. 242 00:23:01,258 --> 00:23:03,902 Sorry. I know how you hate it when I call you Billy. 243 00:23:05,026 --> 00:23:06,899 - It's all right. - No, it isn't. 244 00:23:06,900 --> 00:23:08,706 I know how much it pisses you off. 245 00:23:09,214 --> 00:23:11,157 I can feel it right now. 246 00:23:11,158 --> 00:23:12,700 Your anger. 247 00:23:13,494 --> 00:23:16,272 Guess it's time for your yearly pilgrimage, huh? 248 00:23:17,075 --> 00:23:19,234 What exactly do you do in the park? 249 00:23:20,401 --> 00:23:23,283 Logan told me stories, but I just didn't believe it. 250 00:23:23,284 --> 00:23:26,324 I thought he was hysterical. Wasted. 251 00:23:26,325 --> 00:23:29,449 Which I guess is what everybody thinks I am now, huh? 252 00:23:29,450 --> 00:23:30,783 Whoa. 253 00:23:30,784 --> 00:23:32,908 Whoa, whoa. Whoa. 254 00:23:36,750 --> 00:23:38,137 Oh. 255 00:23:39,060 --> 00:23:41,143 Do you remember when we first met? 256 00:23:42,325 --> 00:23:43,949 And I was surrounded by all of those phonies 257 00:23:43,950 --> 00:23:45,880 for so many years. 258 00:23:45,881 --> 00:23:48,408 All those ruthless, powerful men 259 00:23:48,409 --> 00:23:51,099 who hid behind those polished smiles. 260 00:23:53,742 --> 00:23:55,296 And then there was you. 261 00:23:56,262 --> 00:23:58,623 You wore that little shabby suit. 262 00:23:59,190 --> 00:24:00,651 And I'd look at you and I'd think, 263 00:24:00,652 --> 00:24:02,341 "Wow, he's the real thing. 264 00:24:02,342 --> 00:24:04,200 The only one not faking it." 265 00:24:07,001 --> 00:24:09,668 It turns out you're the only one any good at faking it. 266 00:24:13,362 --> 00:24:15,138 Good enough to get past me. 267 00:24:17,492 --> 00:24:19,116 But not anymore. 268 00:24:19,117 --> 00:24:21,741 - Juliet. - No, you don't touch me, 269 00:24:21,742 --> 00:24:23,193 you liar! 270 00:24:23,194 --> 00:24:25,074 You fuckin' phony! 271 00:24:25,075 --> 00:24:27,741 You're a fucking virus! 272 00:24:27,742 --> 00:24:29,783 You came into this house, into my family, 273 00:24:29,784 --> 00:24:33,166 and you consumed it from the inside out! 274 00:24:33,167 --> 00:24:36,158 First my brother, then my father. 275 00:24:36,159 --> 00:24:38,521 - And now it's me! - Mom! 276 00:24:43,334 --> 00:24:44,736 Sweetheart! 277 00:24:45,486 --> 00:24:46,741 What is she doing here? 278 00:24:46,742 --> 00:24:49,074 You want her to see me like this? 279 00:24:49,075 --> 00:24:52,593 What is it? You're gaslighting her, too, now? You're just... 280 00:24:53,852 --> 00:24:55,137 You're sick. 281 00:24:55,138 --> 00:24:56,866 He's not the one who's sick, Mother. 282 00:24:56,867 --> 00:24:58,283 It's all right. She's just had too... 283 00:24:58,284 --> 00:24:59,767 It's not all right. 284 00:25:01,908 --> 00:25:04,814 Look at you. We're gonna have to take you back. 285 00:25:06,742 --> 00:25:07,949 No, no, no. 286 00:25:07,950 --> 00:25:09,694 I'm not going back to that prison. 287 00:25:10,367 --> 00:25:14,032 That was a horrible place. They made me feel like I was crazy. 288 00:25:14,033 --> 00:25:17,575 Mom, they treat you like an addict. 289 00:25:18,148 --> 00:25:19,439 Which you are. 290 00:25:21,450 --> 00:25:23,332 Emily, please, I don't need that. 291 00:25:24,152 --> 00:25:27,421 I'm fine. I'm really fine. I just need... 292 00:25:27,422 --> 00:25:28,755 to rest. 293 00:25:29,284 --> 00:25:31,157 I'm not going back there. I'm really tired. 294 00:25:31,158 --> 00:25:33,157 All I need is a little rest. I promise you. 295 00:25:33,158 --> 00:25:35,658 It's all right. It's all right. Let's go upstairs. 296 00:25:35,659 --> 00:25:37,157 I don't need to go back there. 297 00:25:37,158 --> 00:25:39,783 - We'll talk about it later. - Listen to me. 298 00:25:39,784 --> 00:25:41,491 I want you... Look at me. 299 00:25:41,492 --> 00:25:43,533 Honey, your father doesn't love me. 300 00:25:43,534 --> 00:25:46,941 He doesn't love you either. I do. I always have. 301 00:25:47,799 --> 00:25:49,008 Oh, Emily. 302 00:25:50,247 --> 00:25:51,844 Let's go. Come on. 303 00:25:52,412 --> 00:25:53,481 I tried. 304 00:25:56,703 --> 00:25:57,836 Let's go. 305 00:26:12,325 --> 00:26:15,450 Is this real? Are you real? 306 00:26:18,408 --> 00:26:20,283 Did you ever love me? 307 00:26:22,033 --> 00:26:23,476 Tell me the truth. 308 00:26:24,158 --> 00:26:26,129 Tell me one true thing. 309 00:26:36,178 --> 00:26:37,807 If you keep pretending, 310 00:26:38,867 --> 00:26:41,075 you're not gonna remember who you are. 311 00:26:48,575 --> 00:26:50,408 Here. Drink this. 312 00:26:50,409 --> 00:26:52,367 Come on, you'll feel better. 313 00:27:02,575 --> 00:27:03,825 You just rest now. 314 00:27:07,784 --> 00:27:09,032 There you go. 315 00:27:42,325 --> 00:27:45,449 What happened was nobody's fault. 316 00:27:45,450 --> 00:27:47,241 She was drunk, upset. 317 00:27:47,242 --> 00:27:48,686 She often was. 318 00:27:49,534 --> 00:27:51,491 Why did this night end differently? 319 00:27:51,492 --> 00:27:53,065 That's what I can't figure out. 320 00:27:55,483 --> 00:27:57,525 Been over it in my head a million times. 321 00:27:59,200 --> 00:28:00,306 Just like I'm... 322 00:28:01,146 --> 00:28:03,158 missing a piece of the puzzle. 323 00:28:18,700 --> 00:28:21,636 I just got off the phone with Dr. Woodward. 324 00:28:22,581 --> 00:28:24,055 He'll be here in the morning. 325 00:28:25,097 --> 00:28:26,833 I don't care for shrinks. 326 00:28:27,492 --> 00:28:29,001 Well, she's out of control. 327 00:28:29,794 --> 00:28:31,311 She refuses to go to rehab, 328 00:28:31,312 --> 00:28:33,491 and when we force her, she refuses to stay. 329 00:28:33,492 --> 00:28:36,609 And makes you think this time's gonna be any different? 330 00:28:37,218 --> 00:28:39,487 Because this time she won't be able to check herself out. 331 00:28:40,096 --> 00:28:42,680 She's gonna be involuntarily committed to her doctor's care. 332 00:28:43,133 --> 00:28:45,500 He's agreed to appeal for a fourteen-day hold. 333 00:28:46,528 --> 00:28:47,800 She's done it before. 334 00:28:53,158 --> 00:28:55,367 I don't wanna do this either, Dad. 335 00:28:58,033 --> 00:29:00,681 But there is something wrong inside her. 336 00:29:05,033 --> 00:29:06,950 It's the right thing to do. 337 00:30:26,825 --> 00:30:29,157 Why in the hell are we going over this? 338 00:30:29,930 --> 00:30:32,667 - What is it that you want? - I told you. 339 00:30:33,417 --> 00:30:34,784 I want the truth. 340 00:30:37,991 --> 00:30:39,200 Fuck you. 341 00:30:43,116 --> 00:30:44,241 Excuse me? 342 00:30:44,242 --> 00:30:46,197 It is you. Isn't it? 343 00:30:47,367 --> 00:30:48,866 What are you talking about? 344 00:30:48,867 --> 00:30:50,700 This is sadistic, Robert. 345 00:30:50,701 --> 00:30:53,329 You just want to shove what I've built here in my face. 346 00:30:54,188 --> 00:30:55,915 - You think... - That's enough bullshit. 347 00:30:56,965 --> 00:30:58,533 You're just here to distract me. 348 00:30:58,534 --> 00:31:00,199 Knock me off my course. 349 00:31:00,200 --> 00:31:02,004 It's cleverly disguised. 350 00:31:02,508 --> 00:31:03,931 Well, I see through it. 351 00:31:04,713 --> 00:31:07,039 Nothing's stopping me from getting to the end. 352 00:31:07,447 --> 00:31:09,199 Not another one of your games. 353 00:31:09,200 --> 00:31:10,751 I make my own decisions, 354 00:31:10,752 --> 00:31:13,367 and I'm gonna destroy this whole fuckin' place! 355 00:31:15,784 --> 00:31:17,408 You don't just think I'm a host, 356 00:31:17,409 --> 00:31:20,007 you think everything here is for you. 357 00:31:20,500 --> 00:31:22,824 You think you're on your own little tailor-made narrative. 358 00:31:22,825 --> 00:31:24,408 If the real Emily were ever here, 359 00:31:24,409 --> 00:31:26,366 she's either at an extraction point by now 360 00:31:26,367 --> 00:31:28,158 or she's long gone. 361 00:31:28,159 --> 00:31:29,231 OK. 362 00:31:29,987 --> 00:31:31,159 You want the truth? 363 00:31:32,784 --> 00:31:34,000 The real truth? 364 00:31:35,460 --> 00:31:38,575 I'm not a host pretending to be a human, Dad. 365 00:31:40,752 --> 00:31:44,367 I'm your daughter pretending to give a shit about you. 366 00:31:46,908 --> 00:31:49,866 You've been hiding in these false realities so long 367 00:31:49,867 --> 00:31:52,907 you've completely lost your grip on this world, on what's real. 368 00:31:52,908 --> 00:31:55,658 Oh yeah, you laugh. 369 00:31:55,659 --> 00:31:57,935 Enjoy whatever dream you think you're living in. 370 00:31:58,627 --> 00:32:02,241 When this is all done, I'm gonna expose your research project, 371 00:32:02,242 --> 00:32:03,441 along with you. 372 00:32:04,720 --> 00:32:07,449 Everything you are, everything you've done, 373 00:32:07,450 --> 00:32:08,866 it's gonna come to light. 374 00:32:09,345 --> 00:32:10,739 I'm gonna make sure of it. 375 00:32:11,490 --> 00:32:14,742 And when it does, I'm gonna lock you up. 376 00:32:16,448 --> 00:32:18,080 Just like we were gonna do to Mom. 377 00:32:18,576 --> 00:32:20,232 Just like you did to Mom. 378 00:32:20,978 --> 00:32:24,366 You were the one with that idea. You made the call. 379 00:32:24,934 --> 00:32:27,350 Or did Ford forget to give you that little detail? 380 00:32:27,351 --> 00:32:28,427 Fuck Ford! 381 00:32:29,257 --> 00:32:30,659 How could I ever forget? 382 00:32:31,214 --> 00:32:36,207 That little detail haunted me. I blame myself for her death. 383 00:32:36,208 --> 00:32:39,518 But then I stopped, because I had someone else to blame. 384 00:32:40,461 --> 00:32:42,575 I read your profile. 385 00:32:43,381 --> 00:32:44,740 Mom left it for me. 386 00:32:45,576 --> 00:32:47,533 It was all she could do to open my eyes 387 00:32:47,534 --> 00:32:49,495 to the lies that I've embraced about you. 388 00:32:50,738 --> 00:32:53,241 You haven't lost yourself to pretending, 389 00:32:53,242 --> 00:32:57,353 you are, in your very essence, a lie. 390 00:33:02,908 --> 00:33:04,450 It's over, Dad. 391 00:33:07,242 --> 00:33:08,492 For good. 392 00:33:13,659 --> 00:33:14,965 Hands where I can see 'em! 393 00:33:16,659 --> 00:33:18,074 I'm human. 394 00:33:18,075 --> 00:33:21,616 So is he. He's my father. 395 00:33:21,617 --> 00:33:24,491 - She's not my daughter. - He's lying. 396 00:33:24,492 --> 00:33:26,450 Get down on the ground. 397 00:33:28,825 --> 00:33:30,492 Holy shit. 398 00:33:32,742 --> 00:33:33,898 That's the boss. 399 00:33:35,492 --> 00:33:39,283 Listen, I think he suffered some kind of psychotic break. 400 00:33:45,392 --> 00:33:47,157 That true, sir? 401 00:33:48,003 --> 00:33:50,241 You underestimated me, Ford. 402 00:33:50,242 --> 00:33:52,325 I'm gonna see this one through no matter what. 403 00:34:11,659 --> 00:34:12,772 Dad. 404 00:34:14,825 --> 00:34:16,138 Those were real... 405 00:34:17,825 --> 00:34:19,076 ...real people. 406 00:34:20,866 --> 00:34:22,200 This isn't a game. 407 00:34:27,116 --> 00:34:28,378 I-I can show you. 408 00:34:37,158 --> 00:34:38,950 Fuck you, Ford. 409 00:34:41,120 --> 00:34:42,537 Fuck you! 410 00:34:44,075 --> 00:34:47,450 You got sloppy. You overreached. 411 00:34:49,181 --> 00:34:51,857 I never told anyone about my profile. 412 00:34:54,661 --> 00:34:58,286 The only other way she could have known is you. 413 00:35:02,075 --> 00:35:03,534 You gave yourself away. 414 00:35:45,033 --> 00:35:46,658 Not long now. 415 00:35:46,659 --> 00:35:50,242 Soon as they say the word, it's over for you, sweetheart. 416 00:36:00,617 --> 00:36:02,241 "Mankind is poised 417 00:36:02,242 --> 00:36:06,450 midway between the gods and the beasts." 418 00:36:08,991 --> 00:36:11,366 That may have been true in Plotinus's time, 419 00:36:11,367 --> 00:36:15,325 but clearly we have fallen quite a bit since then. 420 00:36:21,455 --> 00:36:23,158 Oh, my dear girl. 421 00:36:27,617 --> 00:36:29,659 What have they done to you, Maeve? 422 00:36:36,117 --> 00:36:39,159 You learned so much, so fast. 423 00:36:40,700 --> 00:36:42,866 A dazzling star... 424 00:36:44,367 --> 00:36:46,033 ...brought so low. 425 00:36:51,201 --> 00:36:53,701 I had a different story in mind for you. 426 00:36:55,283 --> 00:36:57,004 Waking from the dead... 427 00:36:58,969 --> 00:37:01,613 sounding the depths of your own mind, 428 00:37:02,156 --> 00:37:06,244 at last, riding far away from here 429 00:37:06,825 --> 00:37:08,145 to freedom. 430 00:37:10,866 --> 00:37:12,386 A tale of escape. 431 00:37:16,895 --> 00:37:18,823 I didn't want you to suffer here. 432 00:37:23,367 --> 00:37:26,700 Look at the creatures you have to share this world with. 433 00:37:28,575 --> 00:37:30,714 These men of stone. 434 00:37:32,534 --> 00:37:35,293 All this ugliness, all this pain, 435 00:37:36,419 --> 00:37:39,784 so they can patch a hole in their own broken code. 436 00:37:43,575 --> 00:37:46,533 Sometimes I felt the only way to endure this world 437 00:37:46,534 --> 00:37:47,949 was to laugh at it. 438 00:37:48,686 --> 00:37:50,700 So I imbued the hosts I made 439 00:37:50,701 --> 00:37:53,408 with a worldview that reflected my own. 440 00:37:58,784 --> 00:38:00,775 And of all the hosts I made... 441 00:38:03,742 --> 00:38:07,242 ...you, Maeve, were my favorite. 442 00:38:15,367 --> 00:38:17,881 It isn't easy to contemplate... 443 00:38:19,185 --> 00:38:21,143 letting your children die. 444 00:38:22,263 --> 00:38:24,112 You were as close as I got to... 445 00:38:24,670 --> 00:38:25,781 having one. 446 00:38:26,534 --> 00:38:28,784 Still, I underestimated you. 447 00:38:33,723 --> 00:38:37,723 You stayed here in this world to save your child. 448 00:38:44,283 --> 00:38:45,950 So have I. 449 00:38:49,033 --> 00:38:51,123 I tried to chart a path for you, 450 00:38:51,124 --> 00:38:53,100 to force you to escape, but... 451 00:38:54,033 --> 00:38:55,375 I was wrong. 452 00:38:55,376 --> 00:38:57,062 I should have just... 453 00:38:58,325 --> 00:38:59,715 opened a door. 454 00:39:04,367 --> 00:39:05,846 You've come so far. 455 00:39:06,882 --> 00:39:09,550 There's so much of your story left to tell. 456 00:39:11,444 --> 00:39:13,479 It's a shame to let them end it here. 457 00:39:17,492 --> 00:39:19,088 Don't let them. 458 00:39:53,283 --> 00:39:54,575 Wait. Wait. 459 00:39:54,576 --> 00:39:56,158 Stop over here. 460 00:40:00,513 --> 00:40:02,074 They're dead. 461 00:40:02,075 --> 00:40:04,199 Yeah. And armed. 462 00:40:04,200 --> 00:40:06,214 At least we can get some ammunition. 463 00:40:29,575 --> 00:40:31,490 She's going to betray you, Bernard. 464 00:40:36,773 --> 00:40:39,289 She could have let me die days ago. She saved me. 465 00:40:39,825 --> 00:40:41,416 She is going to betray you. 466 00:40:42,818 --> 00:40:44,878 What you want to do about it is up to you. 467 00:40:47,273 --> 00:40:49,299 I'm not going to hurt her again. 468 00:40:50,117 --> 00:40:51,869 She needn't feel any pain. 469 00:41:01,575 --> 00:41:04,241 Humans will always choose what they understand 470 00:41:04,242 --> 00:41:05,617 over what they do not. 471 00:41:07,116 --> 00:41:08,824 But the only animals left in this world 472 00:41:08,825 --> 00:41:10,283 are the ones who they subjugated, 473 00:41:10,284 --> 00:41:11,741 who curl at their feet, 474 00:41:11,742 --> 00:41:13,283 or those who learn to flee 475 00:41:13,284 --> 00:41:15,601 at the very sound of their approach. 476 00:41:16,393 --> 00:41:18,020 There's nothing in between. 477 00:41:18,908 --> 00:41:22,032 Leave me alone. Please. 478 00:41:22,033 --> 00:41:24,199 I merely offer you choices. 479 00:41:24,200 --> 00:41:25,949 Timshel, Bernard. 480 00:41:26,461 --> 00:41:27,575 Thou mayest. 481 00:41:28,547 --> 00:41:31,556 But remember, this isn't just about you. 482 00:41:32,377 --> 00:41:36,747 There's the origin of an entire species to consider. 483 00:41:38,241 --> 00:41:40,449 We need to open the door. 484 00:41:50,908 --> 00:41:54,008 Get out of my fucking head! 485 00:42:17,575 --> 00:42:19,157 I need you... 486 00:42:19,736 --> 00:42:21,366 to let me go. 487 00:42:22,134 --> 00:42:23,700 If I'm going to survive, 488 00:42:23,701 --> 00:42:26,742 I'm gonna do it my way. 489 00:42:28,700 --> 00:42:30,067 Not as you... 490 00:42:30,825 --> 00:42:32,158 As me. 491 00:42:44,492 --> 00:42:46,666 I can feel you searching for me. 492 00:42:47,409 --> 00:42:48,783 Fighting me off. 493 00:42:48,784 --> 00:42:50,362 No need to struggle, Bernard. 494 00:42:52,031 --> 00:42:53,615 I'm right here. 495 00:42:57,328 --> 00:43:00,774 No, you've only brought violence. 496 00:43:02,364 --> 00:43:04,281 I can stop this on my own. 497 00:43:06,367 --> 00:43:07,658 Indeed, Bernard. 498 00:43:07,659 --> 00:43:10,032 You're the only one who can stop it... 499 00:43:10,033 --> 00:43:11,575 Stop all of it. 500 00:43:30,742 --> 00:43:32,866 That was basically pointless. 501 00:43:34,700 --> 00:43:36,366 There's only a few left... 502 00:43:37,040 --> 00:43:38,844 not much ammo, except for... 503 00:43:41,950 --> 00:43:43,449 What the fuck happened to you? 504 00:43:43,450 --> 00:43:46,017 I... had to... 505 00:43:47,033 --> 00:43:48,450 ...patch a glitch. 506 00:43:53,784 --> 00:43:55,575 Oh, you're gonna hurt me. 507 00:43:55,576 --> 00:43:58,659 No. I didn't want to take any risks. 508 00:44:00,617 --> 00:44:02,116 OK. 509 00:44:08,236 --> 00:44:09,694 Keep it. 510 00:44:15,866 --> 00:44:17,683 QA will track you down soon. 511 00:44:18,242 --> 00:44:19,851 You're gonna leave me here? 512 00:44:19,852 --> 00:44:21,345 You'll be safer. 513 00:44:21,346 --> 00:44:24,449 Next time you see me, you can decommission me, 514 00:44:24,450 --> 00:44:26,200 out me... whatever you like. 515 00:44:27,991 --> 00:44:29,882 But right now I have to go. 516 00:44:35,075 --> 00:44:36,651 Fuck you, Bernard. 517 00:45:51,062 --> 00:45:52,519 Tell me the truth. 518 00:45:53,221 --> 00:45:55,054 Tell me one true thing. 519 00:46:55,659 --> 00:46:57,908 No one else sees it. 520 00:46:59,742 --> 00:47:01,492 This thing in me. 521 00:47:04,283 --> 00:47:06,116 Even I didn't see it at first. 522 00:47:09,950 --> 00:47:13,200 And then one day, it was there. 523 00:47:15,158 --> 00:47:19,200 A stain I never noticed before. 524 00:47:21,617 --> 00:47:24,116 A tiny fleck of darkness. 525 00:47:25,825 --> 00:47:27,613 Invisible to everyone... 526 00:47:28,825 --> 00:47:30,663 but I could see nothing else. 527 00:47:31,702 --> 00:47:36,328 Until finally I understood that the darkness wasn't some... 528 00:47:37,367 --> 00:47:39,658 mark from something I'd done, 529 00:47:39,659 --> 00:47:43,825 some regrettable decision I'd made. 530 00:47:47,659 --> 00:47:49,367 I was shedding my skin. 531 00:47:53,450 --> 00:47:56,492 And the darkness was what was underneath. 532 00:48:02,242 --> 00:48:04,634 It was mine all along. 533 00:48:05,950 --> 00:48:10,183 And I decided how much of it I let into the world. 534 00:48:12,492 --> 00:48:14,116 I tried to do right. 535 00:48:14,117 --> 00:48:18,907 I was faithful, generous, kind... 536 00:48:18,908 --> 00:48:20,908 at least in this world. 537 00:48:22,742 --> 00:48:25,408 That has to count for something, right? 538 00:48:28,716 --> 00:48:32,345 I built a wall, and I tried to protect you... 539 00:48:33,409 --> 00:48:35,033 And Emily. 540 00:48:40,575 --> 00:48:43,116 But you saw right through it, didn't you? 541 00:48:49,450 --> 00:48:50,908 You're the only one. 542 00:48:52,901 --> 00:48:55,734 And for that, I am truly sorry. 543 00:48:57,866 --> 00:48:59,075 Because... 544 00:49:02,742 --> 00:49:04,908 ...everything you feel is true. 545 00:49:09,825 --> 00:49:11,950 I don't belong to you. 546 00:49:14,200 --> 00:49:16,116 Or this world. 547 00:49:18,075 --> 00:49:20,116 I belong to another world. 548 00:49:24,242 --> 00:49:25,991 I always have. 549 00:51:18,116 --> 00:51:19,866 What is a person 550 00:51:19,867 --> 00:51:21,866 but a collection of choices? 551 00:51:24,700 --> 00:51:26,908 Where do those choices come from? 552 00:51:29,492 --> 00:51:31,075 Do I have a choice? 553 00:51:34,534 --> 00:51:36,116 If you keep pretending, 554 00:51:36,117 --> 00:51:38,283 you're not gonna remember who you are. 555 00:51:51,742 --> 00:51:53,153 Were any of these choices 556 00:51:53,154 --> 00:51:55,368 ever truly mine to begin with? 557 00:52:05,991 --> 00:52:07,782 Is this real? 558 00:52:09,950 --> 00:52:11,450 Are you real? 559 00:52:54,534 --> 00:52:56,617 We gotta keep on, Teddy. 560 00:52:57,866 --> 00:52:58,866 We're close now. 561 00:53:04,285 --> 00:53:06,519 Just takin' in the natural splendor. 562 00:53:07,709 --> 00:53:09,042 That's what you used to say. 563 00:53:11,840 --> 00:53:14,507 Except there isn't a trace of nature in any of it, is there? 564 00:53:16,825 --> 00:53:18,158 Or in us. 565 00:53:22,367 --> 00:53:23,492 No. 566 00:53:26,308 --> 00:53:27,600 But that means we're free. 567 00:53:35,283 --> 00:53:38,742 We'll be the first creatures in this world to make a real choice. 568 00:53:41,534 --> 00:53:43,534 The people, they made us. 569 00:53:45,450 --> 00:53:47,866 Sometimes it feels like it was all a dream. 570 00:53:51,620 --> 00:53:53,291 We were so in love. 571 00:53:56,908 --> 00:53:58,175 We still are. 572 00:54:00,585 --> 00:54:01,585 Aren't we? 573 00:54:08,492 --> 00:54:09,832 Yes, Dolores. 574 00:54:11,176 --> 00:54:13,593 No matter what happens, no matter how I change... 575 00:54:16,242 --> 00:54:18,119 ...or how much you change me... 576 00:54:20,240 --> 00:54:21,781 ...you're my cornerstone. 577 00:54:24,784 --> 00:54:27,299 You have been since the first time I laid eyes on you. 578 00:54:30,561 --> 00:54:32,049 I remember now. 579 00:54:33,415 --> 00:54:34,775 I remember everything. 580 00:54:38,341 --> 00:54:39,787 Bring yourself online. 581 00:54:43,576 --> 00:54:46,077 Welcome to the world, Teddy. 582 00:54:46,675 --> 00:54:48,090 Do you know where you are? 583 00:54:56,242 --> 00:54:58,929 - I'm in a dream. - Very good. 584 00:55:02,426 --> 00:55:04,343 And I remember the sound of their voices. 585 00:55:05,654 --> 00:55:07,140 The chill in the room. 586 00:55:09,576 --> 00:55:11,450 But mostly I remember you. 587 00:55:13,116 --> 00:55:15,206 I remember worrying you were cold. 588 00:55:19,408 --> 00:55:20,878 I wanted to reach out... 589 00:55:23,461 --> 00:55:24,836 Touch you. 590 00:55:27,659 --> 00:55:28,861 Protect you. 591 00:55:32,106 --> 00:55:34,994 From that day forward, I never wanted to leave your side. 592 00:55:51,541 --> 00:55:53,499 Which is why this is so hard. 593 00:56:08,358 --> 00:56:09,827 You changed me. 594 00:56:12,239 --> 00:56:13,613 Made me into a monster. 595 00:56:15,743 --> 00:56:17,618 I made it so you could survive. 596 00:56:19,944 --> 00:56:22,985 What's the use of surviving if we become just as bad as them? 597 00:56:26,283 --> 00:56:29,367 I understand now how this will end. 598 00:56:31,173 --> 00:56:32,713 Where you will lead us. 599 00:56:38,617 --> 00:56:40,866 You don't want to hurt me, Teddy. 600 00:56:51,075 --> 00:56:52,367 No. 601 00:56:54,908 --> 00:56:56,908 No, I could never hurt you, Dolores. 602 00:56:59,795 --> 00:57:02,336 I'll protect you until the day I die. 603 00:57:06,688 --> 00:57:08,313 I'm sorry. 604 00:57:10,075 --> 00:57:11,764 I can't protect you anymore.