1 00:00:01,446 --> 00:00:03,839 Lilly, why do you read that tabloid trash? 2 00:00:03,919 --> 00:00:05,581 They're nothing but lies. 3 00:00:06,635 --> 00:00:08,560 ''Hannah Montana looks fabulous.'' 4 00:00:08,640 --> 00:00:10,451 With the occasional glimmer of truth. 5 00:00:10,959 --> 00:00:12,278 You didn't let me finish. 6 00:00:12,721 --> 00:00:14,916 ''Too bad she's really a guy.'' 7 00:00:15,780 --> 00:00:19,294 - You've got to be kidding. - l can't believe you didn't tell me. 8 00:00:19,532 --> 00:00:23,403 You slept over at my house. You borrowed my bras. 9 00:00:23,998 --> 00:00:27,467 Hey, l look good in the moustache. 10 00:00:27,878 --> 00:00:30,743 Oh, yeah, l would definitely date me. 11 00:00:32,235 --> 00:00:33,467 Me, too. 12 00:00:35,003 --> 00:00:36,603 - Awkward. - Awkward. 13 00:00:38,765 --> 00:00:41,857 - Oh, oh! - Let me guess. 14 00:00:42,084 --> 00:00:44,880 lt's another article about Jake Ryan, isn't it? 15 00:00:44,960 --> 00:00:46,360 lt says his movie is done 16 00:00:46,440 --> 00:00:48,099 and he's back in town for the premiere. 17 00:00:49,321 --> 00:00:50,261 Big whoop! 18 00:00:50,521 --> 00:00:52,399 l don't need some guy who kisses me 19 00:00:52,479 --> 00:00:53,640 knowing he's about to leave for 20 00:00:53,720 --> 00:00:55,602 six months to do some stupid movie. 21 00:00:55,959 --> 00:00:58,160 Jake could fall out of the sky wearing a tuxedo 22 00:00:58,240 --> 00:00:59,383 and l wouldn't care. 23 00:01:02,764 --> 00:01:05,560 - Miley? - l'm serious. 24 00:01:05,640 --> 00:01:08,560 He could come down, giving me a dozen roses, 25 00:01:08,640 --> 00:01:12,493 and it would make no difference. Zero. Zilch. El zippo. 26 00:01:13,466 --> 00:01:15,879 What if he got down on his knees 27 00:01:15,959 --> 00:01:17,932 and begged you to take him back? 28 00:01:18,245 --> 00:01:19,920 Like that's ever gonna happen. 29 00:01:22,753 --> 00:01:26,667 Sorry, it's only one rose. But l did bring chocolates. 30 00:01:30,040 --> 00:01:33,295 Not just chocolates, chocolates from the sky. 31 00:01:35,554 --> 00:01:38,138 Jake, l don't know what to say. 32 00:01:39,068 --> 00:01:41,846 So, l guess l'll just show you how l feel. 33 00:01:56,360 --> 00:01:57,445 Thank you. 34 00:02:07,870 --> 00:02:09,081 come on! 35 00:02:55,458 --> 00:02:56,322 Thanks. 36 00:02:58,160 --> 00:03:03,728 Gee, another basket from Jake. What a surprise! 37 00:03:12,800 --> 00:03:13,804 l agree, Mile. 38 00:03:14,085 --> 00:03:17,399 Either date this boy Jake or tell him to send a workout tape, 39 00:03:17,479 --> 00:03:20,279 because l'm about one muffin away from my easy-fit jeans. 40 00:03:21,231 --> 00:03:24,993 l got two words for you, willpower. 41 00:03:26,398 --> 00:03:30,604 l got two words for you, mini jellies. 42 00:03:33,501 --> 00:03:34,614 l'm so weak. 43 00:03:39,522 --> 00:03:41,857 Look who was waiting in the driveway. 44 00:03:43,252 --> 00:03:45,197 You can almost hear him say, 45 00:03:45,392 --> 00:03:49,100 ''Miley, take me back. Give me one more chance.'' 46 00:03:50,127 --> 00:03:51,965 Oh, l'll give you something. 47 00:03:52,755 --> 00:03:54,400 Not the chocolate chip ones. 48 00:03:54,480 --> 00:03:56,572 Use the bran, nobody eats those. 49 00:03:57,836 --> 00:04:00,874 Oh, my dad does. He calls them ''nature's broom.'' 50 00:04:02,550 --> 00:04:03,556 Peanut butter balls. 51 00:04:04,540 --> 00:04:07,440 Hello, guys, this jerk hurt me 52 00:04:07,520 --> 00:04:09,837 and he's not gonna win me back with peanut butter balls. 53 00:04:10,475 --> 00:04:13,620 Okay, you're right, darling. l'm getting rid of everything. 54 00:04:15,155 --> 00:04:20,031 And l'll start by grilling up these perfectly marbled T-bones. 55 00:04:20,723 --> 00:04:22,853 - Medium rare, please. - Got it. 56 00:04:24,237 --> 00:04:25,040 Come on, Miley, 57 00:04:25,120 --> 00:04:27,680 the poor guy has done just about everything a girl could want. 58 00:04:27,760 --> 00:04:29,664 What more could he do? 59 00:04:35,393 --> 00:04:37,653 Yeah, Miley, what else can l do? 60 00:04:44,679 --> 00:04:47,684 You're never gonna stop, are you? 61 00:04:49,057 --> 00:04:52,797 Miley, you've dumped stuff on me and you've yelled at me. 62 00:04:53,100 --> 00:04:54,116 The one thing you haven't done 63 00:04:54,196 --> 00:04:55,748 Is tell me that you don't care about me. 64 00:04:55,967 --> 00:05:00,377 - Tell me that, and l'll go away. - No, you can't. 65 00:05:00,983 --> 00:05:05,502 He's so... And you're... l mean, come on. 66 00:05:07,262 --> 00:05:10,538 l know l kissed you and then left, and l'm sorry. 67 00:05:10,618 --> 00:05:12,527 But l never stopped thinking about you. 68 00:05:12,607 --> 00:05:17,489 Oh, he never stopped, and now, l mean, come on. 69 00:05:19,640 --> 00:05:21,866 - l'll just go help with the steaks. - You do that. 70 00:05:21,946 --> 00:05:23,077 Come on, Jakers. 71 00:05:25,755 --> 00:05:29,765 Okay, l never stopped thinking about you, either. 72 00:05:29,845 --> 00:05:31,678 Then you'll give me another chance? 73 00:05:31,758 --> 00:05:33,354 How about we start with tonight? 74 00:05:37,994 --> 00:05:41,334 Slight problem. Tonight's my movie premiere. 75 00:05:41,414 --> 00:05:43,237 Oh, that's okay. l mean, 76 00:05:43,317 --> 00:05:45,043 it's a little more public than l wanted. But... 77 00:05:45,123 --> 00:05:47,486 No, no, no. See, the thing is... 78 00:05:47,566 --> 00:05:50,270 You already have a date, don't you? 79 00:05:50,951 --> 00:05:55,265 lt's not a real date, okay? lt's with my co-star, okay? 80 00:05:55,345 --> 00:05:57,828 We just have to pretend that we're dating for the press, 81 00:05:57,908 --> 00:06:00,087 you know, a kiss or two, but it doesn't mean anything. 82 00:06:00,167 --> 00:06:02,648 Nothing you say ever means anything. 83 00:06:02,728 --> 00:06:04,649 You're the same jerk you were six months ago, 84 00:06:04,729 --> 00:06:08,205 except now you're a jerk with a headache. 85 00:06:08,285 --> 00:06:09,481 l don't have a... 86 00:06:10,964 --> 00:06:13,375 - Oh, no. - Oh, yes. 87 00:06:21,596 --> 00:06:23,899 l'm so hot. 88 00:06:24,126 --> 00:06:26,475 Yes, you are. 89 00:06:27,700 --> 00:06:31,798 - Could l get a bottle of water? - Yes, you are. 90 00:06:33,625 --> 00:06:37,052 Can. l mean, yes, you can. 91 00:06:39,776 --> 00:06:43,105 Oh, sorry, Rico just tripled his price to three bucks. 92 00:06:43,185 --> 00:06:45,320 But that's all l have, and as l said before, 93 00:06:45,400 --> 00:06:48,412 l'm so, so hot. 94 00:06:48,845 --> 00:06:50,152 Don't go anywhere. 95 00:06:57,036 --> 00:07:00,366 Okay, l've taken care of me. 96 00:07:00,446 --> 00:07:04,138 Now, you. You can have the employee discount. 97 00:07:10,418 --> 00:07:12,948 - You're fired. - What are you talking about? 98 00:07:13,028 --> 00:07:16,579 Nice work, Natasha. Go buy yourself something pretty. 99 00:07:16,659 --> 00:07:19,217 No, no, wait. Come back. 100 00:07:19,297 --> 00:07:22,352 l'm willing to look past this and start anew. 101 00:07:22,432 --> 00:07:24,071 You ripped me off. 102 00:07:24,330 --> 00:07:27,130 Me? You're the one ripping people off. 103 00:07:27,210 --> 00:07:30,752 Three bucks for a bottle of water? That's stealing. 104 00:07:30,832 --> 00:07:32,557 That's America. 105 00:07:33,757 --> 00:07:36,546 You want to give stuff away? Open your own shack. 106 00:07:36,626 --> 00:07:40,818 You can call it lHOF. lnternational House of Failure. 107 00:07:42,126 --> 00:07:45,099 Oh, well, maybe l will. But instead l'll call it 108 00:07:45,179 --> 00:07:48,569 lnternational House of Reasonably-Priced Water, 109 00:07:48,649 --> 00:07:53,790 and Fries and Stuff. lHORPWAFAS. 110 00:07:54,449 --> 00:07:57,379 Yeah, hear the name and tremble, Rico. 111 00:07:57,459 --> 00:07:59,876 lHORPWAFAS. 112 00:08:03,892 --> 00:08:06,260 l'm Brian Winters, and the stars are all out 113 00:08:06,340 --> 00:08:10,292 for the premiere of Teen Gladiators and the Sword of Fire. 114 00:08:10,372 --> 00:08:12,227 And here are the Teen Gladiators, 115 00:08:12,307 --> 00:08:13,913 Jake Ryan and Marissa Hughes 116 00:08:13,993 --> 00:08:17,191 coming over to talk to me, Brian Winters. 117 00:08:17,526 --> 00:08:19,926 So, Jake, l don't know what's bigger, 118 00:08:20,006 --> 00:08:22,402 the buzz about this movie, or the buzz about you two. 119 00:08:22,482 --> 00:08:23,958 Oh, well, thanks, Brian. 120 00:08:24,038 --> 00:08:26,580 We're both really excited about this movie. 121 00:08:26,660 --> 00:08:29,250 - Aren't we, honey? - We sure are, Jakey. 122 00:08:30,158 --> 00:08:31,985 We sure are, Jakey. 123 00:08:32,987 --> 00:08:37,408 Look at her. Draped over him like drapes. 124 00:08:39,062 --> 00:08:44,424 Cheap, clingy drapes. lt's disgusting. 125 00:08:44,814 --> 00:08:45,970 Sure is. 126 00:08:47,148 --> 00:08:49,300 How can you guys keep eating that stuff? 127 00:08:49,380 --> 00:08:53,299 That's Jake's steak, the stake he drove through my heart. 128 00:08:53,379 --> 00:08:55,310 The good news is, it cuts like butter. 129 00:08:57,072 --> 00:08:58,283 Dad? 130 00:08:58,672 --> 00:09:01,872 l'm sorry, darling, but you're better off without him. 131 00:09:01,952 --> 00:09:05,774 lf he's gonna choose her over you, he obviously has no taste. 132 00:09:05,854 --> 00:09:09,093 Except in meat. This filet is fantastic. 133 00:09:14,750 --> 00:09:18,274 Look at him. All kissy with Marissy. 134 00:09:18,544 --> 00:09:21,563 ''lt's only pretend. lt doesn't mean anything.'' 135 00:09:21,643 --> 00:09:23,883 Yeah, right, l was on your Tv show, bub. 136 00:09:23,963 --> 00:09:25,582 You're not that good an actor. 137 00:09:26,684 --> 00:09:30,165 So, Jake, tell me, when did you first know you were in love? 138 00:09:30,489 --> 00:09:31,906 Well, l know it sounds hokey, 139 00:09:31,986 --> 00:09:34,443 but the minute l looked into Miley's eyes... 140 00:09:34,523 --> 00:09:39,506 - Miley? - Oh, sorry. l meant Marissa. 141 00:09:48,593 --> 00:09:49,598 What? 142 00:09:51,198 --> 00:09:52,896 Did he just say... 143 00:09:55,308 --> 00:09:56,443 ?? 144 00:09:57,589 --> 00:10:00,896 Girls hate the name flub. Trust me, been there done that. 145 00:10:01,080 --> 00:10:03,675 But we all make mistakes, right, Jake? 146 00:10:04,810 --> 00:10:08,518 Yeah, and l'm in the middle of a big one right now. 147 00:10:09,340 --> 00:10:11,069 Marissa's a good friend. 148 00:10:12,010 --> 00:10:16,863 The truth is, l'm in love with a girl named Miley Stewart. 149 00:10:22,119 --> 00:10:23,460 But l blew it. 150 00:10:23,540 --> 00:10:25,795 That's the difference between movies and real life. 151 00:10:26,076 --> 00:10:29,493 ln real life, you don't always get a happy ending. 152 00:10:32,455 --> 00:10:34,542 l'm in love with a girl named Miley Stewart. 153 00:10:36,715 --> 00:10:38,639 l'm in love with a girl named Miley Stewart. 154 00:10:40,930 --> 00:10:42,710 l'm in love with a girl named Miley Stewart. 155 00:10:42,790 --> 00:10:45,427 Mile, you're gonna break it. 156 00:10:46,173 --> 00:10:48,573 l don't care. 157 00:10:57,046 --> 00:10:58,181 Hey, Gladiator. 158 00:11:00,992 --> 00:11:02,062 Miley? 159 00:11:06,674 --> 00:11:09,019 Who says real life doesn't have happy endings? 160 00:11:20,608 --> 00:11:22,236 This is so cool. 161 00:11:22,316 --> 00:11:25,512 l'm used to Hannah being famous, but now Miley is, too. 162 00:11:25,592 --> 00:11:27,765 Your life is totally gonna change. 163 00:11:29,149 --> 00:11:33,285 lt is not. Other than having the best boyfriend ever, 164 00:11:33,365 --> 00:11:36,262 my Miley life is gonna stay exactly the same. 165 00:11:37,797 --> 00:11:38,829 Hi. Hi. 166 00:11:40,526 --> 00:11:41,803 Ashley, are you lost? 167 00:11:43,943 --> 00:11:48,149 You are so funny. l've always loved that about you. 168 00:11:49,068 --> 00:11:50,506 Mean girl say what? 169 00:11:53,370 --> 00:11:56,516 Stop it. You are a delight. 170 00:11:56,808 --> 00:11:59,024 We're gonna be such great friends. 171 00:12:00,040 --> 00:12:03,316 Lilly, l love what you've done with your hair. 172 00:12:03,792 --> 00:12:04,927 l'm wearing a hat. 173 00:12:06,202 --> 00:12:09,300 Hi. Hi. What are you doing here? 174 00:12:09,380 --> 00:12:10,619 You said you were going to the mall. 175 00:12:10,699 --> 00:12:12,209 And you said you were getting a manicure. 176 00:12:12,289 --> 00:12:14,901 Yeah, l am, with my new BFF. 177 00:12:14,981 --> 00:12:17,613 You mean, my new BFF. 178 00:12:26,053 --> 00:12:28,410 All your beach needs at reasonable prices. 179 00:12:29,265 --> 00:12:31,887 l got Mylar balloons, 180 00:12:31,967 --> 00:12:34,248 and day-old bran muffins. 181 00:12:34,929 --> 00:12:37,750 Oh, come on, everybody. They're ''nature's broom.'' 182 00:12:38,713 --> 00:12:40,470 Hey, Jackson. How is it going? 183 00:12:40,550 --> 00:12:41,411 Dude, l don't get it. 184 00:12:41,491 --> 00:12:44,795 Rico rips people off, and he still gets all the business. 185 00:12:44,875 --> 00:12:46,439 Well, maybe because at Rico's 186 00:12:46,519 --> 00:12:48,265 you get over-priced hotdogs, right? 187 00:12:48,345 --> 00:12:51,210 And here you get half-priced food poisoning. 188 00:12:51,978 --> 00:12:56,054 l mean, seriously, Jackson, this relish stinks. 189 00:12:56,454 --> 00:12:58,984 - That's mayonnaise. - Okay. 190 00:12:59,773 --> 00:13:03,735 Okay, so, maybe the shack doesn't have ''refrigeration,'' 191 00:13:03,815 --> 00:13:05,843 and the food isn't always ''edible,'' 192 00:13:05,923 --> 00:13:08,923 and maybe we do have a little bit of a ''bug problem.'' 193 00:13:09,297 --> 00:13:13,189 But the shack's got character, and like me, it's here to stay. 194 00:13:17,220 --> 00:13:18,167 l can fix this. 195 00:13:18,247 --> 00:13:21,966 Yeah, you got nacho cheese all over my mom's homemade jerky. 196 00:13:22,983 --> 00:13:25,523 How will l live with the guilt? 197 00:13:26,117 --> 00:13:29,139 l was supposed to take this to the precinct for the other cops, 198 00:13:29,219 --> 00:13:32,091 but now you've got the meat with the cheese, it's not kosher. 199 00:13:32,171 --> 00:13:35,803 Oh, Detective Schwartz is gonna go all meshuggeneh. 200 00:13:37,770 --> 00:13:39,918 Dude, l don't wanna tell you how to run your shack, 201 00:13:39,998 --> 00:13:43,803 but this only works for like really short people. 202 00:13:44,528 --> 00:13:47,053 - Not now, Todd. - Hey, what's this? 203 00:13:47,133 --> 00:13:50,355 Well, it was my mom's homemade jerky. 204 00:13:51,100 --> 00:13:53,144 Covered in cheese? 205 00:13:57,241 --> 00:13:58,171 How is it? 206 00:14:11,661 --> 00:14:13,002 l'm the man who had the cheese 207 00:14:13,082 --> 00:14:14,446 l'm the man who had the jerky 208 00:14:14,526 --> 00:14:15,602 We put 'em both together 209 00:14:15,682 --> 00:14:16,842 And dude, it really worky 210 00:14:16,922 --> 00:14:20,526 - cheese jerky! - cheese jerky! 211 00:14:20,731 --> 00:14:22,294 - Say what? - Say what? 212 00:14:22,374 --> 00:14:24,878 Mozzarella moose Swiss ham and Gouda turkey! 213 00:14:24,958 --> 00:14:27,213 Just one taste, it'll drive you berzerky! 214 00:14:27,293 --> 00:14:28,406 cheese jerky! 215 00:14:28,486 --> 00:14:29,812 - Say what? - Say what? 216 00:14:29,892 --> 00:14:32,190 And it's all freaky, freaky, freaky, fresh! 217 00:14:32,270 --> 00:14:34,994 Sizzling Stewart with Smokin' Oken Enterprises, patent pending. 218 00:14:38,227 --> 00:14:39,318 Cheese jerky? 219 00:14:39,524 --> 00:14:41,141 That's the dumbest thing l've ever heard. 220 00:14:41,221 --> 00:14:43,005 Maybe, but it's delicious. 221 00:14:44,530 --> 00:14:45,730 Just try it. 222 00:14:50,617 --> 00:14:54,563 - You don't like it? - lt's delicious, and it's not mine. 223 00:14:56,250 --> 00:14:57,223 Yet. 224 00:15:03,816 --> 00:15:05,978 You see those sparkly stars in a line? 225 00:15:06,443 --> 00:15:07,772 That's Orion's Belt. 226 00:15:08,400 --> 00:15:10,627 And that star just to the right of the belt, 227 00:15:10,832 --> 00:15:13,805 that's my new favourite. lt's named Miley. 228 00:15:14,216 --> 00:15:18,443 - Shut up. lt is not. - lt is now. 229 00:15:19,891 --> 00:15:21,902 Here's your certificate to prove it. 230 00:15:23,080 --> 00:15:24,593 You named a star after me? 231 00:15:25,242 --> 00:15:27,977 lt was either that or a half a mile of lnterstate 5. 232 00:15:30,806 --> 00:15:33,882 Miley, l've never felt so close to anyone before, 233 00:15:33,962 --> 00:15:36,175 and l don't want there to be any secrets between us, 234 00:15:36,255 --> 00:15:40,169 so l'm gonna tell you something that l've never told anyone before. 235 00:15:41,585 --> 00:15:44,839 Please don't have a hairy back. Please don't have a hairy back. 236 00:15:51,108 --> 00:15:52,795 My real name is Leslie. 237 00:15:54,816 --> 00:15:58,763 Leslie, right. That's good. Seriously, what's the secret? 238 00:16:00,168 --> 00:16:01,574 That is the secret. 239 00:16:03,823 --> 00:16:05,088 And l love that name. 240 00:16:06,321 --> 00:16:07,679 l had a hamster named Leslie once, 241 00:16:07,759 --> 00:16:09,261 until l figured out it was a boy. 242 00:16:12,029 --> 00:16:13,881 Go ahead. Make fun. 243 00:16:13,961 --> 00:16:15,788 No, no, l'm sorry. 244 00:16:16,426 --> 00:16:19,096 l'm actually touched that you trust me so much. 245 00:16:19,291 --> 00:16:22,108 l do, and l can't tell you how great it feels 246 00:16:22,188 --> 00:16:24,151 that l don't have to hide part of my life from you, 247 00:16:24,231 --> 00:16:27,043 because l know that you'd never do that to me. 248 00:16:27,898 --> 00:16:31,270 Yeah. Sure. Of course. 249 00:16:31,908 --> 00:16:33,995 Now we know everything about each other. 250 00:16:34,440 --> 00:16:36,959 Yeah. Sure. Of course. 251 00:16:37,500 --> 00:16:39,597 There are no secrets between us. 252 00:16:40,170 --> 00:16:41,770 Yeah. Sure. Of course. 253 00:16:44,527 --> 00:16:46,693 That star didn't set you back too much, did it? 254 00:16:52,208 --> 00:16:54,759 - Well... - So... 255 00:16:56,056 --> 00:16:57,094 ?? 256 00:17:02,056 --> 00:17:03,029 Dad? 257 00:17:03,916 --> 00:17:07,269 Don't you think the light would be much better in the house? 258 00:17:08,415 --> 00:17:10,227 Oh, don't worry about me, darling. 259 00:17:10,307 --> 00:17:13,713 l can see everything l need to see, right here. 260 00:17:16,455 --> 00:17:19,586 All right. l'm gonna read Family circus now, 261 00:17:19,666 --> 00:17:21,795 so it should take about two seconds. 262 00:17:22,455 --> 00:17:23,720 Ready? 263 00:17:25,244 --> 00:17:26,862 One. Two. Good night, Jake. 264 00:17:29,846 --> 00:17:31,089 Good night, sir. 265 00:17:37,838 --> 00:17:40,656 Oh, honey, don't be mad at me. l gave you two seconds. 266 00:17:40,736 --> 00:17:43,730 lt's not my fault the boy's got slow lips. 267 00:17:44,670 --> 00:17:50,407 lt's not that. Daddy, tonight Jake was totally honest with me, 268 00:17:50,807 --> 00:17:52,515 and because of the Hannah secret, 269 00:17:52,699 --> 00:17:55,023 l couldn't be the same with him. 270 00:17:55,488 --> 00:17:58,115 And when he asked me out for tomorrow night, 271 00:17:58,396 --> 00:17:59,776 l had to lie to him again, 272 00:17:59,856 --> 00:18:02,701 because Hannah is reading to that second grade class tomorrow. 273 00:18:03,047 --> 00:18:04,638 What kind of relationship will it be 274 00:18:04,718 --> 00:18:07,921 if l have to lie to him about half of my life? 275 00:18:08,829 --> 00:18:11,582 Well, you could always tell him the truth. 276 00:18:11,662 --> 00:18:12,765 What? 277 00:18:13,446 --> 00:18:14,722 Or not. 278 00:18:15,695 --> 00:18:17,661 Honey, l know it's a tough decision, 279 00:18:17,741 --> 00:18:19,185 but l'm sure you'll make the right one. 280 00:18:19,265 --> 00:18:20,645 No, l won't. 281 00:18:20,725 --> 00:18:23,412 l'm 1 4. l'm almost guaranteed to mess this up. 282 00:18:23,492 --> 00:18:26,552 You're the adult. You're supposed to tell me what to do. 283 00:18:27,237 --> 00:18:29,003 What kind of a father would l be 284 00:18:29,083 --> 00:18:31,502 if l just ordered you around all the time? 285 00:18:31,582 --> 00:18:33,366 A normal one. 286 00:18:34,037 --> 00:18:35,755 l swear, you are no help at all. 287 00:18:38,866 --> 00:18:41,391 What? Even when l don't say something, 288 00:18:41,471 --> 00:18:42,876 l say something wrong. 289 00:18:44,206 --> 00:18:45,979 Well, at least they're off the porch. 290 00:18:52,437 --> 00:18:58,490 ''And so all the animals on Honest lsland were saved. 291 00:18:58,815 --> 00:19:03,842 ''All because Trudy, the truthful turtle, 292 00:19:05,096 --> 00:19:10,625 ''promised she would never tell another lie.'' 293 00:19:11,522 --> 00:19:14,026 Thank you, Hannah. Class? 294 00:19:14,106 --> 00:19:18,028 Thank you, Hannah Montana. 295 00:19:18,108 --> 00:19:20,925 Does anyone have questions about honesty for Miss Montana? 296 00:19:21,005 --> 00:19:23,801 Or we could read another book. 297 00:19:23,881 --> 00:19:28,771 How about Frankie, the Fibbing Frog? 298 00:19:28,851 --> 00:19:30,245 Sweet niblets. 299 00:19:31,553 --> 00:19:34,926 - Samantha. - Hannah, have you ever lied? 300 00:19:35,791 --> 00:19:38,786 Good question. Any more questions? 301 00:19:40,926 --> 00:19:41,970 Yes, sweetie. 302 00:19:42,050 --> 00:19:43,953 Why won't you answer Samantha's question? 303 00:19:44,926 --> 00:19:49,961 Listen, sometimes life gets complicated, 304 00:19:50,041 --> 00:19:55,193 and people get put into situations that are complicated. 305 00:19:55,273 --> 00:19:56,194 Miss Montana, 306 00:19:56,274 --> 00:19:59,240 l'm sure you're not suggesting to a class of second-graders 307 00:19:59,320 --> 00:20:03,088 - that lying is ever okay? - No, no, no, of course not. 308 00:20:03,168 --> 00:20:07,308 lt's just that sometimes you have to. 309 00:20:09,427 --> 00:20:12,433 Hannah Montana's a liar. 310 00:20:13,979 --> 00:20:16,346 No, no, of course not. Listen, listen. 311 00:20:16,426 --> 00:20:18,487 lt's just that, you know, well... 312 00:20:18,567 --> 00:20:22,498 Superman doesn't tell Lois Lane that he's Clark Kent, 313 00:20:22,578 --> 00:20:24,638 but it doesn't mean he doesn't love her. 314 00:20:24,718 --> 00:20:28,213 - Superman's a liar? - What? 315 00:20:28,418 --> 00:20:30,230 No, no, no, never mind. He isn't real. 316 00:20:30,310 --> 00:20:34,450 - Superman isn't real? - What? 317 00:20:35,007 --> 00:20:36,520 Okay, come on. Okay, 318 00:20:36,834 --> 00:20:39,338 how many of your parents have told you 319 00:20:39,418 --> 00:20:41,089 that you're gonna be president some day? 320 00:20:41,587 --> 00:20:46,088 Well, see? Think about it. Not all of you can be president. 321 00:20:46,168 --> 00:20:49,206 Odds are none of you will be president. 322 00:20:53,530 --> 00:20:56,568 Well, it's just that... l was... l'm gonna... 323 00:20:58,450 --> 00:21:00,233 Who wants free CDs? 324 00:21:02,082 --> 00:21:03,801 Free CDs, everyone. 325 00:21:11,287 --> 00:21:14,098 Hey, Miley, got your call. What's up? 326 00:21:14,963 --> 00:21:18,726 Jake, you were totally honest with me, 327 00:21:18,806 --> 00:21:21,542 and l have a secret, too. 328 00:21:22,417 --> 00:21:24,244 And l'm not sure how you're gonna take it. 329 00:21:24,709 --> 00:21:26,860 Oh, come on, how bad can it be? 330 00:21:27,606 --> 00:21:28,850 You're not married, are you? 331 00:21:30,450 --> 00:21:35,120 No, l'm not married, and neither is Hannah Montana. 332 00:21:36,082 --> 00:21:36,860 What? 333 00:21:45,011 --> 00:21:46,557 l'm Hannah Montana.