1 00:01:46,523 --> 00:01:47,733 Stop! 2 00:01:47,774 --> 00:01:48,944 Damn you. 3 00:01:49,150 --> 00:01:50,530 Stop! 4 00:01:51,027 --> 00:01:53,737 No way. 5 00:01:56,908 --> 00:02:00,538 "wanted: Yusuke Hibisawa?" 6 00:02:00,745 --> 00:02:01,825 You bastard!? 7 00:02:03,915 --> 00:02:04,665 Help! 8 00:02:04,874 --> 00:02:06,174 Don't! 9 00:02:07,377 --> 00:02:08,627 l'll kill her. 10 00:02:08,837 --> 00:02:10,207 Let her go! 11 00:02:33,403 --> 00:02:36,953 "Foreign Ministry, Deputy Director: Katsuya Seta" 12 00:02:37,949 --> 00:02:39,659 Any comment on the testimony? 13 00:02:39,868 --> 00:02:42,118 You must have something to say. 14 00:02:44,289 --> 00:02:46,579 Have you received money from the Mafia? 15 00:02:46,791 --> 00:02:47,961 No comment. 16 00:02:48,167 --> 00:02:50,747 You used ODA as a cover. 17 00:02:51,129 --> 00:02:53,089 l don't know. Out of my way. 18 00:02:53,298 --> 00:02:56,258 The lives of innocent children are being taken! 19 00:02:56,467 --> 00:02:59,387 Mr. Seta, give us your statement. 20 00:03:13,484 --> 00:03:15,074 "The Municipal Court" 21 00:03:16,237 --> 00:03:17,107 lt's Maruo! 22 00:03:17,322 --> 00:03:19,322 Here he comes. 23 00:03:20,325 --> 00:03:21,615 You bastard! 24 00:03:21,826 --> 00:03:24,116 Murderer! 25 00:03:24,329 --> 00:03:26,079 Any word of apology? 26 00:03:26,289 --> 00:03:29,959 Congressman Maruo, is your son really innocent? 27 00:03:30,209 --> 00:03:31,839 He was falsely accused. 28 00:03:32,045 --> 00:03:34,335 lt's over anyway! 29 00:03:53,775 --> 00:03:55,475 "Another Criminal Dies" 30 00:03:55,735 --> 00:03:57,355 "Mysterious Deaths" 31 00:03:57,570 --> 00:03:59,660 "Series of Deaths" 32 00:03:59,948 --> 00:04:01,408 "Heart Attack" 33 00:04:01,616 --> 00:04:02,906 "Sudden Deaths" 34 00:04:05,411 --> 00:04:07,041 Yet another criminal has died. 35 00:04:08,206 --> 00:04:14,126 They all died of heart attacks without any history of illness. 36 00:04:14,504 --> 00:04:19,474 Police are looking for a connection between these mysterious deaths. 37 00:04:24,514 --> 00:04:25,974 What is it? 38 00:04:27,141 --> 00:04:28,231 Hey! 39 00:04:56,754 --> 00:04:59,464 "Killers Found Dead" 40 00:04:59,674 --> 00:05:01,884 A follow-up report. 41 00:05:02,093 --> 00:05:05,853 The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare have announced... 42 00:05:06,097 --> 00:05:10,057 that these deaths may have been caused by an unknown pathogen. 43 00:05:10,268 --> 00:05:13,188 The victims so far, are all criminals or suspects... 44 00:05:13,479 --> 00:05:18,529 and those wanted by the police. 45 00:05:19,152 --> 00:05:27,332 They are working on a solution as it is becoming a worldwide phenomenon. 46 00:05:27,535 --> 00:05:30,245 The strange deaths that are happening is God's work. 47 00:05:30,455 --> 00:05:34,415 God has sent the sinners to hell. 48 00:05:34,709 --> 00:05:38,839 He has raged against the evil of mankind. 49 00:05:39,130 --> 00:05:45,430 Let Him light our way! 50 00:05:53,478 --> 00:05:54,478 "Savior Kira" 51 00:05:54,729 --> 00:05:56,809 Kira's awesome. 52 00:05:57,774 --> 00:06:00,114 Who is he anyway? 53 00:06:00,318 --> 00:06:03,608 Don't you know? He's our savior. 54 00:06:03,821 --> 00:06:05,281 "Praise Kira" 55 00:06:05,490 --> 00:06:09,950 "Please kill more criminals and make this a better world." 56 00:06:10,203 --> 00:06:13,793 "The thought of them in fear makes me smile." 57 00:06:14,082 --> 00:06:16,712 Kira's just a murderer. 58 00:06:17,168 --> 00:06:20,168 "He's an angel of the Underworld." 59 00:06:20,463 --> 00:06:22,263 "Criminals deserve to die." 60 00:06:22,465 --> 00:06:24,415 "l want the lot dead." 61 00:06:24,634 --> 00:06:25,344 Got it? 62 00:06:25,593 --> 00:06:28,803 No, not yet. 63 00:06:29,055 --> 00:06:32,925 "Trash to trash can, criminals to Kira" 64 00:06:35,853 --> 00:06:40,983 "Kira is a devil. He's the one who should be punished!" 65 00:06:43,778 --> 00:06:48,658 "No one bullies me anymore at school." 66 00:06:48,866 --> 00:06:53,826 "Thanks to Kira." 67 00:06:54,205 --> 00:06:57,325 He's the talk of the net. 68 00:06:57,542 --> 00:07:01,172 l think it's very likely that Kira exists. 69 00:07:01,420 --> 00:07:03,300 He definitely exists. 70 00:07:03,506 --> 00:07:06,126 They're all criminals, right? 71 00:07:06,342 --> 00:07:09,802 l think it's way too extreme. 72 00:07:10,054 --> 00:07:12,224 Criminals should die anyway. 73 00:07:12,431 --> 00:07:16,311 Kill my parents, too. Just kidding! 74 00:07:16,727 --> 00:07:19,977 We interrupt our program for this news. 75 00:07:20,523 --> 00:07:25,403 The suspect who broke into a consumer finance company in Tokyo... 76 00:07:25,695 --> 00:07:27,855 has been identified. 77 00:07:28,447 --> 00:07:31,657 His name is Hiromichi lmaizumi, age 45. 78 00:07:31,951 --> 00:07:37,291 The police say that he is deeply in debt... 79 00:07:37,707 --> 00:07:41,327 which could be the motive for this armed robbery. 80 00:07:41,752 --> 00:07:44,712 We give you live report from the scene. 81 00:07:49,886 --> 00:07:52,346 "HlROMlCHl lMAlZUMl" 82 00:07:52,847 --> 00:07:54,467 Live from Shinjuku. 83 00:07:54,682 --> 00:07:59,732 Three employees have been killed, and five hostages remain. 84 00:07:59,937 --> 00:08:02,397 We can hear the suspect shouting. 85 00:08:02,690 --> 00:08:07,610 Five hours have passed since the holdup began, but still no sign of... 86 00:08:11,282 --> 00:08:13,742 l see people coming out. 87 00:08:14,285 --> 00:08:16,905 A riot squad is entering the building. 88 00:08:17,288 --> 00:08:19,868 The suspect is still inside. 89 00:08:21,375 --> 00:08:26,085 The hostages are coming out. They're all safe! 90 00:08:29,300 --> 00:08:33,430 We've just received news that the suspect is dead. 91 00:08:34,138 --> 00:08:37,218 According to the employees held hostage... 92 00:08:37,475 --> 00:08:43,605 lmaizumi suddenly clutched his chest and collapsed. 93 00:08:43,856 --> 00:08:46,066 Another mysterious death. 94 00:08:46,317 --> 00:08:47,187 ls that it? 95 00:08:47,401 --> 00:08:50,571 l can't think of anything else. 96 00:08:50,821 --> 00:08:54,201 lt's Kira. He did it. 97 00:08:54,408 --> 00:08:58,368 Unbelievable! 98 00:09:19,517 --> 00:09:19,767 Here. 99 00:09:19,976 --> 00:09:20,846 Up the middle. 100 00:09:27,942 --> 00:09:30,402 Yeah! 101 00:09:41,872 --> 00:09:43,462 Excellent! 102 00:10:00,308 --> 00:10:02,098 Show off. 103 00:10:02,435 --> 00:10:04,435 lt's your fault. 104 00:10:06,856 --> 00:10:08,686 You're impossible. 105 00:10:09,483 --> 00:10:11,073 You thief. 106 00:10:20,786 --> 00:10:23,246 Future Superintendent, betting? 107 00:10:23,497 --> 00:10:24,657 l'll buy you lunch. 108 00:10:24,874 --> 00:10:26,754 That money's not clean. 109 00:10:27,001 --> 00:10:28,791 l worked hard for it. 110 00:10:29,503 --> 00:10:31,553 l wanted to celebrate. 111 00:10:31,756 --> 00:10:33,376 Celebrate what? 112 00:10:34,008 --> 00:10:35,428 The notice board. 113 00:10:36,552 --> 00:10:40,142 You've passed the Bar Exam. 114 00:10:44,018 --> 00:10:48,858 l'm the one who wanted to be a district attorney. 115 00:10:49,065 --> 00:10:53,105 You don't have to rush it, Shiori. 116 00:10:53,361 --> 00:10:56,281 l just want to catch up with you. 117 00:10:56,572 --> 00:10:58,032 l support Kira. 118 00:10:58,240 --> 00:10:59,700 He's our savior. 119 00:10:59,950 --> 00:11:03,830 But he just ignores civil rights and false charges. 120 00:11:04,038 --> 00:11:05,998 l can't approve of him. 121 00:11:07,083 --> 00:11:10,173 Does studying law help? 122 00:11:10,378 --> 00:11:11,498 Kira helps. 123 00:11:11,712 --> 00:11:12,922 Hear hear! 124 00:11:14,340 --> 00:11:17,010 Let's do a research on Kira. 125 00:11:17,343 --> 00:11:20,393 They're all talking about Kira. 126 00:11:21,138 --> 00:11:23,518 He's the god of justice. 127 00:11:23,849 --> 00:11:26,679 That sounds too arrogant. 128 00:11:26,894 --> 00:11:28,314 Oh really? 129 00:11:28,646 --> 00:11:31,516 All criminals should be punished by the law. 130 00:11:31,857 --> 00:11:36,067 l might do the same if l had his special powers. 131 00:11:36,237 --> 00:11:37,317 Never. 132 00:11:38,072 --> 00:11:42,742 You have your own way of changing the world with law. 133 00:11:42,952 --> 00:11:45,292 The law has its limits. 134 00:11:45,704 --> 00:11:47,374 There are limits to everything. 135 00:11:50,543 --> 00:11:56,173 Last month, l hacked into the database of the police Agency. 136 00:11:58,759 --> 00:12:01,259 l needed to find out... 137 00:12:01,595 --> 00:12:06,055 whether the criminals were receiving adequate punishment. 138 00:12:13,774 --> 00:12:18,574 But what l saw was the limit to the justice l believed in. 139 00:12:22,450 --> 00:12:23,620 This can't be... 140 00:12:23,826 --> 00:12:24,776 "wanted" 141 00:12:25,953 --> 00:12:27,003 "Case Dropped" 142 00:12:28,581 --> 00:12:29,371 "Unsolved" 143 00:12:30,791 --> 00:12:35,591 Many criminals were never captured for some reason. 144 00:12:35,796 --> 00:12:39,506 The secret data showed they were free from punishment. 145 00:12:41,427 --> 00:12:44,547 "Takuo Shibuimaru" 146 00:12:44,805 --> 00:12:47,265 "Case Dropped" 147 00:12:47,475 --> 00:12:52,345 We were kept in the dark about that to avoid confusion. 148 00:12:52,646 --> 00:12:56,606 ls that really... possible? 149 00:12:56,817 --> 00:12:58,777 l couldn't believe it, either. 150 00:13:00,237 --> 00:13:01,447 A MONTH AGO 151 00:13:01,655 --> 00:13:04,655 That's why l needed to see for myself. 152 00:13:19,548 --> 00:13:21,508 You got away with murder. 153 00:13:21,717 --> 00:13:23,467 ls that fair? 154 00:13:23,844 --> 00:13:27,064 l get carried away sometimes. 155 00:13:27,723 --> 00:13:29,143 And then... 156 00:13:29,808 --> 00:13:32,768 l hear this voice. 157 00:13:32,978 --> 00:13:36,018 What does it say? 158 00:13:39,109 --> 00:13:40,819 "Kill him!" 159 00:13:45,866 --> 00:13:47,366 Just kidding. 160 00:13:49,912 --> 00:13:53,622 You've taken years off my life. 161 00:13:54,667 --> 00:13:56,037 Did you hear it? 162 00:13:56,919 --> 00:13:59,629 The cry of the parent whose kid l killed when they heard the verdict. 163 00:14:00,172 --> 00:14:10,012 "Bring back my child!" 164 00:14:11,934 --> 00:14:15,194 What're you looking at? 165 00:14:15,938 --> 00:14:18,358 A relative of the kid? 166 00:14:23,696 --> 00:14:25,606 This reminds me. 167 00:14:27,241 --> 00:14:30,661 How it felt as the knife slipped into the flesh... 168 00:14:31,537 --> 00:14:34,537 and cut through his heart. 169 00:14:38,919 --> 00:14:43,049 Why am l here? 170 00:14:43,424 --> 00:14:45,384 l don't remember. 171 00:14:49,763 --> 00:14:52,643 No one can put me behind bars. 172 00:15:05,237 --> 00:15:07,157 Why did you go there? 173 00:15:08,073 --> 00:15:09,373 lt's dangerous. 174 00:15:09,575 --> 00:15:13,405 Shiori, do you still disapprove of Kira? 175 00:15:14,246 --> 00:15:18,746 Do you honestly believe they'll be punished by the law? 176 00:15:24,214 --> 00:15:26,224 l will not tell her the rest. 177 00:15:27,051 --> 00:15:31,511 No one will know my secret. 178 00:15:43,192 --> 00:15:46,782 "The Compendium of Laws" 179 00:16:16,517 --> 00:16:21,807 Whoever's name is written on this notebook will die. 180 00:16:25,317 --> 00:16:30,777 The trial of the high school girl murder case was held today. 181 00:16:31,031 --> 00:16:36,451 The alleged killer, Kaonuma showed no sign of remorse... 182 00:16:36,704 --> 00:16:40,294 making the victim's family even angrier. 183 00:16:42,251 --> 00:16:50,131 Yosuke Kaonuma allegedly kidnapped Tae Taeyama in Nagano... 184 00:16:50,342 --> 00:16:55,722 and dragged her into a public toilet where he stabbed her to death. 185 00:16:59,435 --> 00:17:04,225 He sent a letter to the papers admitting his deeds. 186 00:17:04,398 --> 00:17:10,148 The police are searching thoroughly for other charges. 187 00:17:23,542 --> 00:17:25,842 Don't forget your handkerchief. 188 00:17:26,044 --> 00:17:26,884 Got it. 189 00:17:27,129 --> 00:17:28,669 Then off you go. 190 00:17:30,132 --> 00:17:34,432 You're up at last. l envy college students. 191 00:17:34,636 --> 00:17:36,346 Be careful of strangers. 192 00:17:36,555 --> 00:17:38,255 l will. Bye. 193 00:17:38,474 --> 00:17:39,724 Bye. 194 00:17:41,810 --> 00:17:44,730 Light, hurry and eat up your breakfast. 195 00:17:44,938 --> 00:17:46,308 Okay. 196 00:17:50,068 --> 00:17:52,198 "A Sudden Death in Jail" 197 00:17:52,404 --> 00:17:54,574 "Yosuke Kaonuma" 198 00:18:02,998 --> 00:18:07,628 "YOSUKE KAONUMA" 199 00:18:15,803 --> 00:18:19,183 Aren't you having breakfast? 200 00:18:36,031 --> 00:18:37,821 Remember him? 201 00:19:00,347 --> 00:19:07,977 "TAKUO SHlBUlMARU" 202 00:19:35,007 --> 00:19:36,667 What is it? 203 00:19:37,134 --> 00:19:38,844 Are you alright? 204 00:19:39,011 --> 00:19:40,761 Help! 205 00:19:41,013 --> 00:19:43,223 Hey! 206 00:19:43,557 --> 00:19:44,677 What's wrong? 207 00:19:45,350 --> 00:19:49,020 Wake up. 208 00:19:49,271 --> 00:19:58,201 Takuo! 209 00:19:58,405 --> 00:19:59,695 What's happening? 210 00:20:05,871 --> 00:20:06,911 He's dead. 211 00:20:07,414 --> 00:20:10,334 Shit! 212 00:20:25,265 --> 00:20:27,475 Glad you like it. 213 00:20:56,672 --> 00:20:58,012 What's the matter? 214 00:20:58,924 --> 00:21:01,594 Can't you believe your eyes? 215 00:21:10,519 --> 00:21:15,609 So, the god of death pays me a visit. 216 00:21:18,944 --> 00:21:21,404 l dropped the notebook. 217 00:21:24,950 --> 00:21:27,910 Are you taking it away from me? 218 00:21:28,453 --> 00:21:33,293 Finders keepers. lt's all yours. 219 00:21:34,292 --> 00:21:39,842 Do l have to give you my life in return? 220 00:21:46,972 --> 00:21:53,232 Don't worry. lf you don't want it, pass it on to someone else. 221 00:21:53,478 --> 00:21:58,438 ln which case, l'll erase your memory of the "Death Note". 222 00:22:00,068 --> 00:22:02,188 ls that all? 223 00:22:02,863 --> 00:22:10,833 You may experience agony and fear that only the user will come to know. 224 00:22:13,081 --> 00:22:15,671 Well, that might not concern you. 225 00:22:24,676 --> 00:22:30,346 Can other people... see you, too? 226 00:22:30,932 --> 00:22:36,902 Only the people who touch the "Death Note". 227 00:22:37,522 --> 00:22:38,862 Tell me your name. 228 00:22:39,107 --> 00:22:41,687 Curious? 229 00:22:46,114 --> 00:22:48,284 Call me "Ryuk". 230 00:22:49,326 --> 00:22:50,656 Ryuk... 231 00:22:57,250 --> 00:23:00,630 FOUR MONTHS LATER THE METROPOLlTAN POLlCE DEPARTMENT 232 00:23:04,508 --> 00:23:06,298 lt's impossible. We can't make this case. 233 00:23:07,427 --> 00:23:13,347 The victims are criminals and are scattered all over the world. 234 00:23:13,600 --> 00:23:18,730 We see no connection whatsoever. 235 00:23:19,314 --> 00:23:20,314 Chief. 236 00:23:20,524 --> 00:23:25,194 This may be caused by some unknown virus after all. 237 00:23:25,529 --> 00:23:29,239 Want to throw it over to the Ministry of Health? 238 00:23:31,243 --> 00:23:36,373 l'm convinced that this is a massacre. 239 00:23:37,749 --> 00:23:41,959 l will not tolerate it; the way he carries out his crimes. 240 00:23:43,296 --> 00:23:45,166 We must get the bastard. 241 00:23:46,049 --> 00:23:50,089 We're with you all the way, Chief. 242 00:23:50,971 --> 00:23:54,351 l have to see the Commissioner. 243 00:24:00,188 --> 00:24:04,108 THE NATlONAL POLlCE AGENCY 244 00:24:10,532 --> 00:24:11,912 l'm here, Sir. 245 00:24:13,577 --> 00:24:16,787 Matsubara, when did you come back? 246 00:24:17,330 --> 00:24:18,370 Yesterday. 247 00:24:18,623 --> 00:24:23,543 The lCPO have concluded that the culprit is in Japan. 248 00:24:24,212 --> 00:24:26,382 How did they conclude that? 249 00:24:26,590 --> 00:24:30,090 The first death occurred in Japan. 250 00:24:30,427 --> 00:24:34,047 So the culprit must be here. That's what "L" says. 251 00:24:34,389 --> 00:24:35,219 "L"? 252 00:24:37,559 --> 00:24:39,229 Oh him. 253 00:24:39,436 --> 00:24:44,726 He's cracked many unsolved cases all over the world. 254 00:24:46,067 --> 00:24:49,067 He's our last chance. 255 00:24:50,113 --> 00:24:51,033 Watari. 256 00:24:57,662 --> 00:25:02,752 We can contact "L" only through Watari. 257 00:25:03,418 --> 00:25:08,628 l've been asked to present this message from "L". 258 00:25:18,767 --> 00:25:22,937 Hello everyone. l am "L". 259 00:25:23,939 --> 00:25:28,229 The unexplainable deaths that have occurred around the world... 260 00:25:28,777 --> 00:25:37,117 is most likely caused by a single genius; a slaughter by a vicious human being. 261 00:25:41,998 --> 00:25:48,208 This data shows the deaths in Asia caused by the Micrwa virus... 262 00:25:48,421 --> 00:25:52,801 along with the distinctions of sex, age and nationality of the deceased. 263 00:25:53,051 --> 00:25:55,181 A distribution chart. 264 00:25:56,388 --> 00:26:05,058 A natural occurrence would show a gentle slope like this. 265 00:26:09,317 --> 00:26:13,777 Now, this is the chart of the unexplainable deaths. 266 00:26:14,781 --> 00:26:16,201 l see. 267 00:26:16,950 --> 00:26:21,250 Are you suggesting that the deaths are unnatural? 268 00:26:21,663 --> 00:26:22,663 Yes. 269 00:26:23,164 --> 00:26:26,004 l will call the culprit, "Kira" for now. 270 00:26:26,209 --> 00:26:31,759 But that doesn't necessarily mean that he did it alone. 271 00:26:33,174 --> 00:26:39,894 This shows the number of people and the success rates of the crime. 272 00:26:40,307 --> 00:26:44,097 Group crimes are much less successful. 273 00:26:47,647 --> 00:26:51,937 lf we assume that this is a group crime... 274 00:26:52,235 --> 00:26:58,315 he would have to have at least 80 accomplices around the world. 275 00:27:00,160 --> 00:27:06,920 With 80 accomplices, the success rate would drop enormously. 276 00:27:07,500 --> 00:27:12,250 This indicates that it is being done by an individual. 277 00:27:12,547 --> 00:27:17,927 Then how do you explain all the killings at the same time? 278 00:27:18,511 --> 00:27:20,011 Your theory won't work. 279 00:27:20,889 --> 00:27:28,349 l could narrow the profile down and prove to you, how he executes his plan. 280 00:27:30,190 --> 00:27:31,190 How? 281 00:27:33,234 --> 00:27:37,154 This is all for now. Until then, good-bye. 282 00:27:44,329 --> 00:27:47,249 You don't agree with him? 283 00:27:47,665 --> 00:27:52,795 lt's not a matter of agreeing, we have no other choice. 284 00:27:57,092 --> 00:28:02,262 l will make Yagami the leader of the lnvestigation Team. 285 00:28:04,432 --> 00:28:05,472 Yes, Sir. 286 00:28:13,441 --> 00:28:16,031 "Kira" 287 00:28:16,653 --> 00:28:18,363 Look Ryuk. 288 00:28:18,822 --> 00:28:22,702 They're all talking about him on the net. 289 00:28:24,035 --> 00:28:28,495 The world can feel that justice indeed exists. 290 00:28:28,957 --> 00:28:32,327 "Kira", that's me. 291 00:28:35,296 --> 00:28:37,796 Feeling good, huh? 292 00:28:38,007 --> 00:28:43,257 They all know that the bad guys are being eliminated. 293 00:28:44,180 --> 00:28:50,810 The good will rejoice and the bad will tremble in fear. 294 00:28:51,479 --> 00:28:53,649 History is about to change. 295 00:28:55,275 --> 00:28:58,685 "Death Note" will help make a crime-free world. 296 00:29:00,488 --> 00:29:02,988 The future is in my hands. 297 00:29:03,283 --> 00:29:05,703 What a hero! 298 00:29:14,252 --> 00:29:17,712 They've sent me news about Kira. 299 00:29:19,549 --> 00:29:21,589 "A news flash" 300 00:29:32,604 --> 00:29:36,444 We bring you live report... 301 00:29:36,649 --> 00:29:38,479 Who's he? 302 00:29:38,776 --> 00:29:44,026 From the lnternational Criminal police Organization. 303 00:29:47,827 --> 00:29:51,867 "My name is Lind L. Tailor, known as L." 304 00:29:52,790 --> 00:29:59,880 "l have been asked by the lCPO to help find the serial killer." 305 00:30:00,131 --> 00:30:05,761 "This is one of the most brutal crimes in history." 306 00:30:08,723 --> 00:30:12,143 "The mastermind behind this, known as Kira..." 307 00:30:12,352 --> 00:30:18,152 "has an extraordinary ego, and is a vile and immature criminal." 308 00:30:18,483 --> 00:30:21,443 "lmmature" is right. 309 00:30:24,322 --> 00:30:30,082 "l, L will assure you that Kira will be arrested at all cost." 310 00:30:30,286 --> 00:30:31,656 Be my guest. 311 00:30:31,829 --> 00:30:35,669 "Kira, l can easily read your moves..." 312 00:30:36,042 --> 00:30:38,042 "because of your immaturity." 313 00:30:38,336 --> 00:30:42,046 "You are not allowed to exist in this world." 314 00:30:44,008 --> 00:30:48,348 "You are far lower than the criminals you've eliminated." 315 00:30:48,513 --> 00:30:50,683 You are, too. 316 00:30:53,017 --> 00:30:55,227 l'll let the world know. 317 00:30:57,105 --> 00:31:01,145 "However, there are many who support Kira." 318 00:31:01,526 --> 00:31:05,986 "He has taken the law into his hands." 319 00:31:07,156 --> 00:31:11,696 lt's a pity l can't play games with you anymore. 320 00:31:15,039 --> 00:31:18,379 "But if we allow people to be judged this way..." 321 00:31:18,751 --> 00:31:25,051 "our civilization will revert to a world of brutality." 322 00:31:29,304 --> 00:31:30,644 40 seconds... 323 00:31:52,410 --> 00:31:53,950 Call an ambulance! 324 00:32:06,299 --> 00:32:07,509 lmpressive. 325 00:32:08,593 --> 00:32:11,973 So, Kira... 326 00:32:12,263 --> 00:32:16,483 You can kill people without lifting a finger. 327 00:32:20,104 --> 00:32:21,564 Hear this, Kira. 328 00:32:22,607 --> 00:32:26,937 The man you've just killed is a convict on death row. 329 00:32:28,279 --> 00:32:34,239 lt was hidden from the media, and his arrest was strictly confidential. 330 00:32:35,620 --> 00:32:40,080 We made him appear as me. 331 00:32:41,459 --> 00:32:44,799 The real L is still alive. 332 00:32:47,382 --> 00:32:50,302 Kill me if you dare! 333 00:32:55,973 --> 00:33:00,273 You can't, can you? 334 00:33:01,646 --> 00:33:03,186 And Kira... 335 00:33:03,398 --> 00:33:07,318 l have new piece of information. 336 00:33:09,153 --> 00:33:13,203 You are now around Tokyo area. 337 00:33:14,534 --> 00:33:18,914 We've made you think it was worldwide 338 00:33:19,163 --> 00:33:22,873 But the broadcast was restricted. 339 00:33:23,835 --> 00:33:30,625 The first crime occurred in Japan, so we knew you were here somewhere. 340 00:33:32,677 --> 00:33:35,507 But now, we're sure. 341 00:33:35,680 --> 00:33:36,760 Awesome! 342 00:33:37,181 --> 00:33:38,431 This isn't a game! 343 00:33:39,392 --> 00:33:40,812 Watch your mouth. 344 00:33:41,519 --> 00:33:42,599 Sorry. 345 00:33:46,149 --> 00:33:50,109 The police are right behind you. 346 00:33:50,987 --> 00:33:54,987 Kira. We will solve every mystery... 347 00:33:55,450 --> 00:33:57,700 and hunt you down without fail. 348 00:33:58,327 --> 00:34:02,207 Your penalty is death! 349 00:34:05,752 --> 00:34:08,002 My penalty? 350 00:34:09,714 --> 00:34:11,174 l am justice! 351 00:34:14,761 --> 00:34:19,181 No, l am justice. 352 00:34:19,807 --> 00:34:23,187 Savior of the weak and God of the new world. 353 00:34:23,394 --> 00:34:27,694 The ones who disobey are evil. 354 00:34:29,233 --> 00:34:33,823 You kill in the name of justice. Humans are fun! 355 00:34:37,200 --> 00:34:40,870 l've gotta see who wins. 356 00:34:41,537 --> 00:34:42,497 Right. 357 00:34:44,415 --> 00:34:47,455 Chief, l've confirmed. 358 00:34:49,462 --> 00:34:53,422 The fake L on TV has actually died. 359 00:34:54,801 --> 00:34:58,891 L actually narrowed the culprit down. 360 00:34:59,096 --> 00:35:02,346 They've sacrificed the life of a convict. 361 00:35:03,768 --> 00:35:07,728 That makes them no different from Kira. 362 00:35:10,525 --> 00:35:13,485 "L vs Kira" 363 00:35:17,073 --> 00:35:18,573 "Convict Killed On Air" 364 00:35:22,328 --> 00:35:23,328 "Kira, the Killer" 365 00:35:23,538 --> 00:35:25,828 "A Full lnvestigation" 366 00:35:26,207 --> 00:35:28,707 "Detective L vs Kira" 367 00:35:29,210 --> 00:35:32,210 "Heart Attack, Lind L. Tailor" 368 00:35:32,380 --> 00:35:35,090 "Kira Kills Convict" 369 00:35:35,383 --> 00:35:38,763 At first l thought it was "Candid Camera". 370 00:35:39,011 --> 00:35:41,141 What do you think of Kira? 371 00:35:41,347 --> 00:35:43,057 He should leave it to the police. 372 00:35:43,266 --> 00:35:44,426 And the court. 373 00:35:46,018 --> 00:35:46,478 What? 374 00:35:46,769 --> 00:35:48,689 Did you see the news? 375 00:35:48,896 --> 00:35:50,016 Oh that. 376 00:35:50,815 --> 00:35:51,765 Come in. 377 00:35:53,276 --> 00:35:54,146 Sayu! 378 00:36:01,784 --> 00:36:04,244 They let a person die on TV. 379 00:36:04,453 --> 00:36:08,673 l thought it was a dirty trick using a convict. 380 00:36:10,293 --> 00:36:13,963 l knew you'd be on Kira's side. 381 00:36:14,797 --> 00:36:16,877 He's far better than L. 382 00:36:18,426 --> 00:36:22,386 Kira is a murderer. What he's doing isn't justice. 383 00:36:22,680 --> 00:36:25,270 But the crime rate is dropping. 384 00:36:25,474 --> 00:36:27,734 He's just holding us down with fear. 385 00:36:30,021 --> 00:36:32,481 Think of it as a revolution. 386 00:36:32,815 --> 00:36:34,765 Revolutions have betrayed us. 387 00:36:35,026 --> 00:36:39,486 What a fighter! 388 00:36:40,114 --> 00:36:41,204 Shut up. 389 00:36:41,991 --> 00:36:42,951 Huh? 390 00:36:43,701 --> 00:36:46,161 Nothing. Let's go outside. 391 00:37:17,568 --> 00:37:19,108 Wanna try it, too? 392 00:37:22,031 --> 00:37:23,071 Why not. 393 00:37:29,997 --> 00:37:33,327 l can't... with people around. 394 00:37:35,753 --> 00:37:37,963 Not unless it were our last kiss. 395 00:37:41,550 --> 00:37:46,220 What if she were to discover that you are Kira? 396 00:37:47,264 --> 00:37:52,064 l believe Shiori would understand someday. 397 00:37:56,857 --> 00:38:01,527 L, here's a report from the lnvestigation Team. 398 00:38:01,904 --> 00:38:02,994 please begin. 399 00:38:04,782 --> 00:38:10,042 This chart as requested by L, shows the victims' times of deaths. 400 00:38:11,664 --> 00:38:15,294 l see nothing special here. 401 00:38:15,793 --> 00:38:19,133 Have you heard of? The Law of Large Numbers? 402 00:38:19,380 --> 00:38:20,840 Large Numbers? 403 00:38:21,924 --> 00:38:28,014 lt's a theorem Bernoulli created in observing nature in 171 3. 404 00:38:30,182 --> 00:38:32,482 ls L watching this? 405 00:38:33,019 --> 00:38:35,729 lt's connected to L's computer. 406 00:38:40,192 --> 00:38:45,112 We split this seemingly random data into seven sections. 407 00:38:46,073 --> 00:38:47,283 ls L doing that? 408 00:38:47,491 --> 00:38:49,241 l guess. 409 00:38:57,543 --> 00:38:58,713 What is that? 410 00:38:59,420 --> 00:39:01,760 lt looks familiar. 411 00:39:03,007 --> 00:39:05,677 A timetable. 412 00:39:06,052 --> 00:39:08,472 A college students' schedule. 413 00:39:10,765 --> 00:39:13,215 Mondays start from third period. 414 00:39:13,476 --> 00:39:15,306 Tuesdays have early starts. 415 00:39:19,523 --> 00:39:25,903 College student Kira, who doesn't kill during class. 416 00:39:31,118 --> 00:39:33,078 You're in a good mood. 417 00:39:33,412 --> 00:39:35,252 Huh, am l? 418 00:39:35,748 --> 00:39:39,038 You've promised to tell me how things are going with Shiori. 419 00:39:39,251 --> 00:39:40,961 No, l haven't. 420 00:39:42,755 --> 00:39:45,755 l'm curious, too. What's going on with you and her? 421 00:39:47,760 --> 00:39:49,220 Father's home. 422 00:39:49,428 --> 00:39:51,468 Don't run away from me! 423 00:39:52,807 --> 00:39:53,307 You're back. 424 00:39:53,516 --> 00:39:54,306 Welcome home. 425 00:39:54,517 --> 00:39:55,807 Light and Shiori are... 426 00:39:55,976 --> 00:39:57,596 Blabbermouth. 427 00:39:57,937 --> 00:40:00,437 What about him? 428 00:40:03,150 --> 00:40:04,900 Here you are. 429 00:40:05,736 --> 00:40:08,316 lt's nice drinking at home. 430 00:40:10,825 --> 00:40:13,115 l knew you were exhausted. 431 00:40:14,453 --> 00:40:15,753 Why? 432 00:40:16,247 --> 00:40:18,617 You're in charge of Kira's case. 433 00:40:20,960 --> 00:40:22,340 Why would l be? 434 00:40:22,670 --> 00:40:24,960 Seems like there's a lot on your mind. 435 00:40:26,340 --> 00:40:29,800 Father, l want to help you. 436 00:40:30,177 --> 00:40:31,137 Light. 437 00:40:32,304 --> 00:40:37,064 l know you've helped us several times before. 438 00:40:38,853 --> 00:40:40,813 You have a sharp mind. 439 00:40:42,022 --> 00:40:44,732 And l'm very proud of you. 440 00:40:44,942 --> 00:40:46,572 l'm proud, too. 441 00:40:47,862 --> 00:40:48,862 That's right. 442 00:40:50,531 --> 00:40:57,081 But this time, we're dealing with a dangerous killer. 443 00:40:58,789 --> 00:41:04,339 He's a devil that kills without doing anything himself. 444 00:41:07,381 --> 00:41:09,881 l can't have you involved. 445 00:41:10,718 --> 00:41:11,838 But l could... 446 00:41:12,052 --> 00:41:13,182 No. 447 00:41:15,890 --> 00:41:19,180 This is my case. 448 00:41:21,061 --> 00:41:25,361 Your time will come 5 or 10 years from now. 449 00:41:26,275 --> 00:41:30,395 Save your strength for then. 450 00:41:31,488 --> 00:41:33,198 Don't rush it. 451 00:41:35,492 --> 00:41:36,912 l understand. 452 00:41:37,870 --> 00:41:39,250 l'll go study. 453 00:41:40,497 --> 00:41:42,247 For 10 years from now. 454 00:41:46,086 --> 00:41:46,916 Father. 455 00:41:48,339 --> 00:41:50,879 But if something were to happen to you... 456 00:41:51,091 --> 00:41:56,301 l'd send Kira to the gallows. 457 00:42:12,196 --> 00:42:17,326 Can you believe that your father was in charge of the case? 458 00:42:25,000 --> 00:42:26,960 police's database? 459 00:42:27,127 --> 00:42:31,167 This is today's report on the investigation. 460 00:42:31,799 --> 00:42:35,679 They know Kira is a student. 461 00:42:44,144 --> 00:42:47,694 24 criminals are dying per day! 462 00:42:48,107 --> 00:42:51,107 precisely one per hour. 463 00:42:51,485 --> 00:42:52,735 What does this mean? 464 00:42:53,404 --> 00:42:56,244 Kira isn't a student after all. 465 00:42:56,991 --> 00:42:59,621 That's not what he's telling us. 466 00:43:00,494 --> 00:43:02,334 Then what? 467 00:43:02,621 --> 00:43:05,711 He can manipulate the times of death. 468 00:43:05,916 --> 00:43:09,626 Manipulate the times of death? 469 00:43:10,379 --> 00:43:11,749 And one more thing. 470 00:43:12,881 --> 00:43:17,341 Our information has been leaking out to Kira. 471 00:43:18,887 --> 00:43:24,267 lt was three days ago that we discovered he was a student. 472 00:43:24,476 --> 00:43:27,726 From the next day, the time became irregular. 473 00:43:27,980 --> 00:43:29,650 Which means... 474 00:43:29,898 --> 00:43:36,818 Kira is telling the police that he is amongst us. 475 00:43:41,785 --> 00:43:47,455 Don't you think it's a quiet afternoon for a revolution? 476 00:43:49,043 --> 00:43:54,763 The crime rate is dropping, thanks to Kira. 477 00:43:55,924 --> 00:44:00,144 We're getting closer to a crime-free world. 478 00:44:01,347 --> 00:44:05,387 Who could have imagined such a future was possible? 479 00:44:11,315 --> 00:44:15,275 What's the matter, Ryuk? Tired of apples? 480 00:44:17,404 --> 00:44:19,824 There's no one... 481 00:44:38,967 --> 00:44:42,257 l'm being followed. Since when? 482 00:44:42,471 --> 00:44:43,931 The day before yesterday. 483 00:44:44,139 --> 00:44:45,559 Why didn't you tell me? 484 00:44:46,058 --> 00:44:50,228 l'm not on your side nor L's. 485 00:44:52,606 --> 00:44:54,186 police, right? 486 00:44:54,400 --> 00:44:58,400 No, they can't be onto me yet. 487 00:44:58,862 --> 00:45:00,782 Who can he be? 488 00:45:19,133 --> 00:45:20,973 Light. 489 00:45:21,176 --> 00:45:26,056 We, gods of death, survive on the years of human lives. 490 00:45:26,348 --> 00:45:27,598 What do you mean? 491 00:45:27,975 --> 00:45:33,145 People who die because of the book, leave behind the years... 492 00:45:33,355 --> 00:45:37,975 You take away the years they were supposed to live, right? 493 00:45:39,653 --> 00:45:44,283 How do you think we've come to know your names? 494 00:45:47,911 --> 00:45:49,541 You can see them. 495 00:45:50,164 --> 00:45:53,834 Uh-huh. 496 00:45:54,418 --> 00:45:56,708 Your names and the years you'll live. 497 00:45:58,422 --> 00:46:00,172 You can see the years l have left 498 00:46:00,382 --> 00:46:02,382 and his name, too? 499 00:46:03,510 --> 00:46:07,720 Don't you want to see like me? 500 00:46:11,393 --> 00:46:13,563 l might. 501 00:46:14,229 --> 00:46:17,319 What do l give you in return? 502 00:46:17,524 --> 00:46:20,904 Half the years of your life. 503 00:46:21,778 --> 00:46:23,148 No way. 504 00:46:23,363 --> 00:46:26,993 Then how will you get his name? 505 00:46:44,176 --> 00:46:47,546 Chief, three others died in jail. 506 00:46:47,804 --> 00:46:50,604 Shirami cut his fingers 507 00:46:50,807 --> 00:46:52,767 and drew a large star on the wall. 508 00:46:53,268 --> 00:46:57,648 Yadanaka left a suicide note. 509 00:46:58,106 --> 00:47:02,106 And Tobe escaped from his cell and ran into the lavatory... 510 00:47:02,486 --> 00:47:05,656 where he died of heart attack. 511 00:47:09,201 --> 00:47:13,001 Mr. Yagami. 512 00:47:13,247 --> 00:47:16,617 Tell the press that it was nothing more than a heart attack. 513 00:47:17,751 --> 00:47:19,001 Why? 514 00:47:19,419 --> 00:47:24,219 lt seems like Kira is trying to test something with these deaths. 515 00:47:37,312 --> 00:47:41,572 See? 516 00:47:41,775 --> 00:47:45,485 lt's all here; the information they didn't give in their statement. 517 00:47:47,114 --> 00:47:51,624 The killings were carried out just as l'd written. 518 00:47:52,286 --> 00:47:53,616 What a surprise! 519 00:47:54,454 --> 00:47:57,584 Today in Kanagawa at 2:40 in the afternoon... 520 00:47:57,791 --> 00:48:02,501 There was a robbery at Teikai Bank which left three employees dead. 521 00:48:02,713 --> 00:48:07,383 Three men disappeared with 2.5 million yen. 522 00:48:08,343 --> 00:48:13,763 Later, two of them were captured, but one is still on the run. 523 00:48:15,392 --> 00:48:18,812 He is Kiichiro Osoreda, age 36. 524 00:48:19,104 --> 00:48:21,614 His past convictions were... 525 00:48:21,815 --> 00:48:22,975 Ryuk. 526 00:48:23,317 --> 00:48:24,317 Huh? 527 00:48:25,068 --> 00:48:29,488 people who touch the "Death Note" can see you, right? 528 00:48:30,073 --> 00:48:31,663 So what? 529 00:49:16,787 --> 00:49:18,907 The bus is starting. 530 00:49:36,682 --> 00:49:38,642 The bus is a nice change. 531 00:49:40,644 --> 00:49:44,524 There's someone following me for the past three days. 532 00:49:50,028 --> 00:49:51,988 Why are you following me? 533 00:49:54,866 --> 00:49:58,906 Are you someone from the inquiry agency? 534 00:50:01,373 --> 00:50:03,833 l don't know what you're talking about. 535 00:50:05,877 --> 00:50:07,377 What is this? 536 00:50:36,825 --> 00:50:40,115 lf you wanna live, do as l say. 537 00:50:40,954 --> 00:50:43,714 Shut up! Be quiet! 538 00:50:45,041 --> 00:50:46,171 Light... 539 00:50:54,676 --> 00:50:56,046 Call the company. 540 00:50:59,890 --> 00:51:03,600 This is Sasaki on bus 124. 541 00:51:05,103 --> 00:51:06,443 This bus is mine! 542 00:51:06,646 --> 00:51:09,566 lf you want the hostages alive, get me 100 million. 543 00:51:15,781 --> 00:51:20,031 "l'll find a chance and grab him." 544 00:51:24,456 --> 00:51:26,786 Don't. lt's too risky. 545 00:51:28,418 --> 00:51:30,378 You must leave it to me. 546 00:51:30,629 --> 00:51:35,009 How could l trust you? l am the son of a cop. 547 00:51:40,597 --> 00:51:41,507 Let me go. 548 00:51:41,765 --> 00:51:42,925 Wait. 549 00:51:43,767 --> 00:51:46,097 l can save you from him. 550 00:51:46,269 --> 00:51:51,069 How will l know that you're not an accomplice? 551 00:51:51,775 --> 00:51:52,895 Accomplice? 552 00:51:53,193 --> 00:51:58,243 ln most cases, they team up and one of them works as a lookout. 553 00:52:04,454 --> 00:52:05,544 Alright. 554 00:52:10,961 --> 00:52:12,001 The FBl? 555 00:52:12,587 --> 00:52:16,297 His name... Raye lwamatsu. 556 00:52:24,975 --> 00:52:26,015 Hey! 557 00:52:26,518 --> 00:52:27,688 What're you up to? 558 00:52:35,193 --> 00:52:39,153 Kid, you have some nerve. 559 00:52:41,575 --> 00:52:45,695 What in the hell are you? 560 00:52:45,912 --> 00:52:49,922 Can you see me? 561 00:52:50,125 --> 00:52:52,995 Where did you come from? 562 00:52:56,089 --> 00:53:00,009 l see. A piece of the "Death Note". 563 00:53:00,218 --> 00:53:00,838 You monster! 564 00:53:01,052 --> 00:53:02,012 Get down! 565 00:53:10,103 --> 00:53:11,273 Too bad. 566 00:53:11,938 --> 00:53:16,318 l'm the god of death so l don't die easily. 567 00:53:25,410 --> 00:53:26,370 Stop! 568 00:53:26,912 --> 00:53:28,002 Stop the bus! 569 00:53:51,394 --> 00:53:54,404 Kiichiro Osoreda, car accident. 570 00:53:54,731 --> 00:53:57,401 On March 29th, 2006... 571 00:53:58,610 --> 00:54:09,040 he gets on the 10: 12 Kyonan bus bound for the Okukawa Garage. 572 00:54:09,454 --> 00:54:13,964 He carries a gun with 8 bullets, and tries to rob the bus... 573 00:54:14,876 --> 00:54:21,086 but sees a horrifying phantom and starts to fire at it. 574 00:54:22,050 --> 00:54:26,850 With no bullets left, he hurries off the bus and... 575 00:54:27,055 --> 00:54:29,765 You. 576 00:54:30,016 --> 00:54:32,386 lf you have questions, come to me directly. 577 00:54:32,811 --> 00:54:34,771 l won't run or hide. 578 00:54:35,522 --> 00:54:36,562 Let's go. 579 00:55:10,473 --> 00:55:12,643 Your mother's coming. 580 00:55:13,226 --> 00:55:14,766 And the busjacker? 581 00:55:15,895 --> 00:55:17,265 Died instantly. 582 00:55:17,731 --> 00:55:22,111 Serves him right. The police are all over the place. 583 00:55:23,987 --> 00:55:25,147 We should... 584 00:55:26,239 --> 00:55:27,159 lt's okay. 585 00:55:27,532 --> 00:55:32,082 l've already told the police about what we saw. 586 00:55:32,871 --> 00:55:36,751 So lie down and rest. 587 00:55:37,876 --> 00:55:40,456 promise me you'll never do it again. 588 00:55:43,923 --> 00:55:48,053 lf something were to happen to you, l don't know what l'd do. 589 00:55:50,680 --> 00:55:52,140 Shiori... 590 00:56:18,625 --> 00:56:19,745 You're back. 591 00:56:20,043 --> 00:56:21,043 Hi. 592 00:56:27,258 --> 00:56:29,508 ls something the matter? 593 00:56:30,428 --> 00:56:31,968 lt's nothing. 594 00:56:41,439 --> 00:56:46,779 "He, which made them at the beginning, made them male and female." 595 00:56:47,821 --> 00:56:54,581 "A man shall leave father and mother, and cleave to his wife." 596 00:56:56,121 --> 00:57:00,621 "And they twain shall be one flesh." 597 00:57:03,461 --> 00:57:04,881 The Bible. 598 00:57:06,464 --> 00:57:10,344 When are we going to church to meet with the priest? 599 00:57:10,552 --> 00:57:12,142 ls Saturday okay? 600 00:57:12,470 --> 00:57:13,850 Fine. 601 00:57:15,265 --> 00:57:20,305 Raye, you must be very careful. You're dealing with Kira. 602 00:57:22,272 --> 00:57:26,482 Who used to go on dangerous missions for L? 603 00:57:27,193 --> 00:57:29,493 You've changed me. 604 00:57:32,615 --> 00:57:35,485 The new victim left a note. 605 00:57:44,836 --> 00:57:49,206 "L, DlD YOU KNOW?" 606 00:57:52,343 --> 00:57:58,893 "THE GOD OF DEATH, EATS..." 607 00:57:59,058 --> 00:58:00,638 "NOTHlNG BUT AppLES!" 608 00:58:03,062 --> 00:58:04,062 Sorry. 609 00:58:09,944 --> 00:58:13,744 There can't be only one FBl agent. 610 00:58:14,073 --> 00:58:17,493 Suspecting that Kira was someone within the authority... 611 00:58:18,369 --> 00:58:22,209 L must have had the FBl secretly follow me. 612 00:58:23,374 --> 00:58:28,754 That would mean he's not the only agent in Japan. 613 00:58:30,757 --> 00:58:34,127 lf l kill him, l'll be suspected. 614 00:58:35,887 --> 00:58:41,847 But what if all the FBl agents on this case were to die? 615 00:58:42,894 --> 00:58:45,024 Hey, Light. 616 00:58:45,521 --> 00:58:48,361 The FBl aren't criminals. 617 00:58:51,653 --> 00:58:54,113 Killing them anyway? 618 00:58:58,076 --> 00:59:00,826 "Minami-Aoyama Catholic Church" 619 00:59:07,293 --> 00:59:08,213 Raye. 620 00:59:08,419 --> 00:59:10,419 l'm sorry, Naomi. 621 00:59:10,922 --> 00:59:13,922 l just got a call. l'll join you later. 622 00:59:14,133 --> 00:59:16,303 But Father made time for us. 623 00:59:16,803 --> 00:59:18,103 patch things up for me. 624 01:00:54,275 --> 01:01:00,155 "Raye lwamatsu. l am Kira. Use the transceiver inside." 625 01:01:00,365 --> 01:01:04,405 "l will talk to you directly." 626 01:01:21,761 --> 01:01:24,551 Hello, l am Kira. 627 01:01:25,431 --> 01:01:27,931 l am watching your every move. 628 01:01:28,768 --> 01:01:31,768 Do not look around. Face forward. 629 01:01:33,022 --> 01:01:36,442 Remember, l can always kill you. 630 01:01:40,738 --> 01:01:43,528 How will l know you're not a fake? 631 01:01:44,450 --> 01:01:49,410 l'll show you. See the man sitting next to you 632 01:01:50,039 --> 01:01:56,709 His name is Taruhito Ozaki, arrested for rape two years ago. 633 01:01:57,046 --> 01:02:03,176 But the victims feared revenge, and did not press charges against him. 634 01:02:04,053 --> 01:02:06,563 He deserves to be punished. 635 01:02:07,390 --> 01:02:10,930 Taruhito Ozaki heart attack 636 01:02:11,144 --> 01:02:13,694 Taruhito Ozaki sits on the right hand side of the train. 637 01:02:13,896 --> 01:02:16,356 After it leaves Akasakabashi Station, 638 01:02:16,774 --> 01:02:21,744 he will die quietly from a heart attack. 639 01:02:24,157 --> 01:02:25,567 Stay calm. 640 01:02:26,617 --> 01:02:33,707 Now quietly, see if he's dead and make him look like he's sleeping. 641 01:02:56,731 --> 01:03:00,191 Do you believe l'm Kira now? 642 01:03:00,985 --> 01:03:04,275 You killed him just to prove that? 643 01:03:04,489 --> 01:03:06,529 Just answer my questions. 644 01:03:06,741 --> 01:03:12,701 Tell me how many people from the FBl are here in Japan. 645 01:03:15,291 --> 01:03:20,421 lf you refuse, l'll start killing the passengers one by one. 646 01:03:30,014 --> 01:03:34,814 There are 11 people besides myself. 647 01:03:37,563 --> 01:03:41,113 Do you know all their names and faces? 648 01:03:42,652 --> 01:03:43,652 No. 649 01:03:46,113 --> 01:03:49,873 l'm telling you the truth. 650 01:03:50,117 --> 01:03:56,157 But surely, you must know who your leader is, don't you? 651 01:03:58,584 --> 01:03:59,674 l do. 652 01:04:00,670 --> 01:04:03,840 You'll find five pieces of paper. 653 01:04:11,889 --> 01:04:17,559 Write down the name of your leader inside the blank of the first page. 654 01:04:17,812 --> 01:04:19,442 Accurately. 655 01:04:19,981 --> 01:04:23,781 lf you make it up, l'll know immediately. 656 01:04:24,026 --> 01:04:26,486 l wouldn't dare if l were you. 657 01:04:48,342 --> 01:04:50,432 Cut on the computer. 658 01:04:50,720 --> 01:04:52,350 You'll soon get... 659 01:04:52,597 --> 01:04:55,677 all 12 lDs of the FBl from your leader. 660 01:04:55,891 --> 01:04:57,561 "Free Access Available" 661 01:05:29,550 --> 01:05:30,880 l've got it. 662 01:05:32,678 --> 01:05:34,388 Open it. 663 01:05:42,104 --> 01:05:47,324 Look at the pictures of the agents attached to their lDs... 664 01:05:47,526 --> 01:05:53,066 and fill in their names accurately inside the rest of the blanks. 665 01:06:43,499 --> 01:06:44,499 Done. 666 01:06:45,668 --> 01:06:51,298 Now, put them back in the envelope, and place it on the rack. 667 01:07:18,117 --> 01:07:22,697 Get off at Shinagawa park Station. 668 01:07:22,955 --> 01:07:25,995 And leave the transceiver behind. 669 01:07:59,617 --> 01:08:00,657 Raye. 670 01:08:04,705 --> 01:08:05,705 Naomi? 671 01:08:13,088 --> 01:08:14,168 Raye. 672 01:08:25,351 --> 01:08:31,901 Raye... 673 01:08:34,777 --> 01:08:39,237 Raye! 674 01:09:52,104 --> 01:09:55,524 Raye lwamatsu, heart attack. 675 01:09:57,860 --> 01:10:01,990 Cancels all schedule, and rides the train from Akasakabashi. 676 01:10:02,197 --> 01:10:07,737 Gets on the 10:40 train 677 01:10:07,953 --> 01:10:10,413 from the last door of the fourth car. 678 01:10:11,415 --> 01:10:13,915 He takes the manila envelope... 679 01:10:16,337 --> 01:10:20,007 and dies three seconds after getting off. 680 01:10:28,390 --> 01:10:30,020 Five in Tokyo, three in Kanagawa, 681 01:10:30,225 --> 01:10:31,805 and four others. 682 01:10:32,478 --> 01:10:34,848 They all died of heart attacks. 683 01:10:35,064 --> 01:10:41,784 Their leader in Washington is said to have died at the same hour. 684 01:10:41,987 --> 01:10:43,777 FBl agents? 685 01:10:43,989 --> 01:10:51,039 They were instructed by L to secretly investigate the case. 686 01:10:51,497 --> 01:10:55,117 By L? Did you know about this? 687 01:10:55,334 --> 01:10:58,594 lt's all out of the blue. 688 01:11:01,799 --> 01:11:04,549 "A Report on FBl Activities" 689 01:11:05,260 --> 01:11:10,010 The FBl agents that were investigating the case died. 690 01:11:11,684 --> 01:11:13,944 All heart attacks. 691 01:11:15,688 --> 01:11:21,228 Kira is now killing people besides criminals. 692 01:11:24,196 --> 01:11:29,076 lt is possible that we may all become targets. 693 01:11:29,702 --> 01:11:32,662 You should think carefully... 694 01:11:33,288 --> 01:11:38,458 about your families and your loved ones. 695 01:11:40,045 --> 01:11:44,415 You are free to drop out of this investigation. 696 01:11:45,384 --> 01:11:51,014 l guarantee that you will not be demoted or punished for doing so. 697 01:11:51,390 --> 01:11:57,850 Those of you who are not afraid to risk everything can stay. 698 01:12:00,274 --> 01:12:06,864 Lastly, l thank those who fought with us till this day. 699 01:12:57,122 --> 01:12:59,672 There's only six of us. 700 01:12:59,875 --> 01:13:02,995 Watari and l are with you. 701 01:13:03,295 --> 01:13:07,625 l have faith in people who have a strong sense of justice. 702 01:13:07,841 --> 01:13:09,011 L. 703 01:13:10,135 --> 01:13:14,465 l'm sorry but it's getting hard to trust you. 704 01:13:14,723 --> 01:13:20,193 You give us orders from a safe place, keeping yourself hidden at all times. 705 01:13:20,646 --> 01:13:22,976 How can you expect us to trust you? 706 01:13:23,148 --> 01:13:26,108 We can't have you working with us. 707 01:13:26,318 --> 01:13:27,438 He's right. 708 01:13:28,320 --> 01:13:33,160 To tell the truth, l've also had doubts about you. 709 01:13:33,992 --> 01:13:38,332 You tend to take drastic measures. 710 01:13:41,542 --> 01:13:47,922 However, your cooperation is essential to finding Kira. 711 01:13:49,007 --> 01:13:55,927 lf you want to work with us, why don't you show yourself? 712 01:13:58,183 --> 01:14:02,103 And then we could fight together. 713 01:14:03,021 --> 01:14:04,151 Fine. 714 01:14:04,356 --> 01:14:05,476 Watari. 715 01:14:12,531 --> 01:14:17,121 l will take you to L. 716 01:15:24,436 --> 01:15:27,016 How do you do, l'm L. 717 01:15:38,116 --> 01:15:40,446 l am Yagami. 718 01:15:40,619 --> 01:15:42,369 Ukita. Aizawa. Mogi. 719 01:15:42,579 --> 01:15:44,119 Sanami. Matsuda. 720 01:15:48,126 --> 01:15:49,126 Hey you! 721 01:15:49,962 --> 01:15:54,722 lf l were Kira, you'd be dead by now. 722 01:15:55,259 --> 01:15:56,759 What do you mean? 723 01:15:56,969 --> 01:15:58,929 From what we know so far... 724 01:15:59,137 --> 01:16:01,257 Kira needs the names and features 725 01:16:01,515 --> 01:16:04,475 of the targets in order to kill them. 726 01:16:04,643 --> 01:16:07,773 From now on, do not give out your real names. 727 01:16:08,146 --> 01:16:11,976 As for myself, call me Ryuzaki. 728 01:16:14,152 --> 01:16:15,112 Alright. 729 01:16:18,991 --> 01:16:23,871 Kira can also manipulate one's behavior before death. 730 01:16:25,372 --> 01:16:31,882 The suicide notes written in jail were probably Kira's experiment. 731 01:16:32,170 --> 01:16:33,130 Experiment? 732 01:16:33,380 --> 01:16:35,210 He tested them to see how accurately, 733 01:16:35,424 --> 01:16:38,684 he could kill the FBl agents. 734 01:16:39,678 --> 01:16:43,308 He's sent a message to me through their suicide notes. 735 01:16:43,515 --> 01:16:45,595 Did Kira do that, too? 736 01:16:45,809 --> 01:16:49,559 The agents died eight days after this experiment. 737 01:16:50,188 --> 01:16:53,108 During that time, he somehow got 738 01:16:53,317 --> 01:16:57,187 the names from one particular agent. 739 01:16:57,738 --> 01:17:00,028 Kira is someone within the authority... 740 01:17:00,198 --> 01:17:03,988 marked by the FBl, before the experiment. 741 01:17:04,578 --> 01:17:05,748 Exactly. 742 01:17:06,371 --> 01:17:09,421 That should be easy to narrow down. 743 01:17:09,708 --> 01:17:10,538 Sure. 744 01:17:12,419 --> 01:17:18,589 Gathering from Kira's behavior, he is very immature and hates to lose. 745 01:17:20,761 --> 01:17:22,391 Just like me. 746 01:17:23,347 --> 01:17:26,217 l've been losing up till now but things are going to change. 747 01:17:26,433 --> 01:17:32,653 Let's win this together. 748 01:17:32,939 --> 01:17:34,189 Ryuzaki. 749 01:17:34,983 --> 01:17:40,243 This isn't a game, this is an investigation. 750 01:17:40,530 --> 01:17:42,820 Our purpose is no different. 751 01:17:52,417 --> 01:17:56,627 "Busjacker Killed in Accident" 752 01:18:17,567 --> 01:18:22,107 "11 a. m. Kyonan Bus" 753 01:18:28,954 --> 01:18:33,004 "lnvestigation closed" 754 01:18:44,136 --> 01:18:46,346 l've collected all the tapes. 755 01:18:49,641 --> 01:18:52,771 The ones from the security camera. 756 01:18:53,103 --> 01:18:54,523 Thanks for the trouble. 757 01:19:30,682 --> 01:19:31,772 This is him. 758 01:19:34,644 --> 01:19:36,564 Oh yes, he was sitting at the back. 759 01:19:36,855 --> 01:19:37,765 l remember. 760 01:19:37,981 --> 01:19:43,241 He was quarrelling with a young man when the robber came on the bus. 761 01:19:43,528 --> 01:19:45,948 What did this young man look like? 762 01:19:46,281 --> 01:19:49,331 Handsome. Not that l have a thing for boys. 763 01:19:49,534 --> 01:19:54,874 Brave too. He didn't seem afraid when the gun was pointed at him. 764 01:19:55,540 --> 01:19:57,920 Was he questioned by the police? 765 01:19:58,585 --> 01:20:02,165 No. Actually, he disappeared. 766 01:20:03,840 --> 01:20:06,800 Maybe he didn't want to be involved, either. 767 01:20:08,178 --> 01:20:09,218 Here. 768 01:20:11,681 --> 01:20:13,221 And this... 769 01:21:21,543 --> 01:21:23,593 You've narrowed down the list? 770 01:21:24,629 --> 01:21:25,459 Yes. 771 01:21:26,464 --> 01:21:27,344 Who's on it? 772 01:21:42,480 --> 01:21:44,940 The Chief's and Deputy Chief's families. 773 01:21:45,984 --> 01:21:48,494 Why don't you explain? 774 01:21:50,989 --> 01:21:56,039 This is the moment of Agent lwamatsu's death. 775 01:21:56,244 --> 01:21:59,664 As you can see, he is pointing towards the train. 776 01:22:01,041 --> 01:22:02,631 Someone was on it? 777 01:22:02,834 --> 01:22:04,424 presumably Kira. 778 01:22:13,178 --> 01:22:14,138 Who is she? 779 01:22:14,888 --> 01:22:16,388 lwamatsu's fiance. 780 01:22:18,308 --> 01:22:24,188 She was a talented FBl agent who used to work under me. 781 01:22:24,981 --> 01:22:31,571 She probably noticed something unusual and decided to follow him. 782 01:22:31,780 --> 01:22:34,620 Let's contact her right away. 783 01:22:34,824 --> 01:22:38,244 She's disappeared since his death. 784 01:22:38,495 --> 01:22:42,495 He must have been onto somebody. 785 01:22:42,749 --> 01:22:45,579 And we are one of them. 786 01:22:45,794 --> 01:22:49,714 With a probability of less than three percent. 787 01:22:49,881 --> 01:22:51,221 Questioning us? 788 01:22:51,383 --> 01:22:52,383 No. 789 01:22:53,218 --> 01:22:59,308 We'll set up cameras and bugs in both your houses. 790 01:22:59,974 --> 01:23:03,564 We cannot allow this kind of outrage! 791 01:23:03,853 --> 01:23:05,813 lf this comes out, we're all fired. 792 01:23:06,022 --> 01:23:09,402 l thought we weren't afraid to risk everything. 793 01:23:13,571 --> 01:23:16,571 Fine. Let's do it. 794 01:23:16,741 --> 01:23:17,621 Chief! 795 01:23:17,826 --> 01:23:21,696 Check for any blind spots, and do it thoroughly. 796 01:23:21,913 --> 01:23:24,043 What about your wife and daughter? 797 01:23:24,249 --> 01:23:25,869 l'm aware! 798 01:23:26,918 --> 01:23:31,048 But we'll never clear ourselves if we avoid this. 799 01:23:31,756 --> 01:23:37,846 We'll set the cameras and bugs for, shall we say, seven days. 800 01:23:38,138 --> 01:23:43,308 Why don't we have Chief watch his own family then? 801 01:23:43,935 --> 01:23:45,305 Alright. 802 01:23:47,439 --> 01:23:50,479 Mr. Yagami and l will watch his house. 803 01:23:51,025 --> 01:23:54,605 Rest of you take turns and watch Mr. Kitamura's. 804 01:24:19,053 --> 01:24:20,643 This man... 805 01:24:20,889 --> 01:24:22,059 Recognize him? 806 01:24:24,225 --> 01:24:26,475 He was following Light. 807 01:24:27,687 --> 01:24:29,557 Something the matter? 808 01:24:32,400 --> 01:24:33,610 He died. 809 01:24:37,071 --> 01:24:42,201 He was killed by Kira while investigating the case. 810 01:24:47,332 --> 01:24:49,882 Hey, Light. 811 01:24:50,084 --> 01:24:52,714 Why are you scheduling deaths for weeks ahead? 812 01:24:52,962 --> 01:24:59,842 So as not to be suspected, in case l'm hospitalized or tied up somehow. 813 01:25:01,012 --> 01:25:02,722 You think of everything. 814 01:25:03,223 --> 01:25:05,723 Welcome to my show... 815 01:25:05,975 --> 01:25:09,055 "Misamisa's Happy Sweets!" 816 01:25:10,146 --> 01:25:12,606 Here's what l'm making today. 817 01:25:12,816 --> 01:25:14,146 Can't wait! 818 01:25:14,526 --> 01:25:19,396 Fatten your friends with croissant-pudding! 819 01:25:25,078 --> 01:25:26,158 What is it? 820 01:25:27,705 --> 01:25:28,905 Nothing. 821 01:25:30,542 --> 01:25:38,762 You can fatten your rival in love as much as five kilos. 822 01:25:39,551 --> 01:25:43,931 My rival would be the pop star, Ai Otsuka. 823 01:25:44,472 --> 01:25:49,562 But l ended up getting fat instead! 824 01:25:49,978 --> 01:25:51,938 Now who's the devil? 825 01:25:53,606 --> 01:25:56,186 Croissant-pudding completed. 826 01:25:56,776 --> 01:25:59,856 Let's make pigs out of our rivals in love! 827 01:26:00,113 --> 01:26:01,783 Excellent! 828 01:26:02,448 --> 01:26:05,118 Who do you respect the most? 829 01:26:07,620 --> 01:26:08,660 Kira. 830 01:26:09,497 --> 01:26:11,417 A follower of Kira, too? 831 01:26:11,875 --> 01:26:15,835 He's so cool being the executioner and all. 832 01:26:16,296 --> 01:26:18,546 The youngsters should agree. 833 01:26:20,008 --> 01:26:23,968 Actually, Kira saved me. 834 01:26:24,929 --> 01:26:26,009 What do you mean? 835 01:26:26,264 --> 01:26:29,814 Misa, l've told you not to talk about Kira. 836 01:26:30,018 --> 01:26:32,018 Why can't l? 837 01:26:32,270 --> 01:26:35,310 please cut the bit about Kira. 838 01:26:36,774 --> 01:26:39,114 Where's my freedom? 839 01:26:40,987 --> 01:26:43,527 l can't ask about her private life? 840 01:26:43,781 --> 01:26:47,281 You can, but not on this subject. 841 01:26:47,535 --> 01:26:50,535 Everyone's talking about Kira. 842 01:26:52,040 --> 01:26:54,460 Thank you all! 843 01:26:54,667 --> 01:26:57,167 Bye! 844 01:27:16,522 --> 01:27:17,562 Light. 845 01:27:28,493 --> 01:27:30,993 This is Ms. Maki. 846 01:27:31,746 --> 01:27:34,826 She wants to ask you something. 847 01:27:37,168 --> 01:27:38,248 How do you do? 848 01:27:38,836 --> 01:27:40,086 Hello. 849 01:27:41,047 --> 01:27:45,007 l'm doing an article on Kira's case. 850 01:27:45,259 --> 01:27:48,009 l've heard you met Raye lwamatsu. 851 01:27:49,514 --> 01:27:53,274 Remember the man on the bus from the FBl? 852 01:27:53,977 --> 01:27:55,637 Oh him. 853 01:27:56,145 --> 01:28:00,605 He was killed by Kira while investigating the case. 854 01:28:01,150 --> 01:28:02,820 l didn't know. 855 01:28:03,361 --> 01:28:04,151 You didn't? 856 01:28:04,362 --> 01:28:08,822 He was the one following Light. 857 01:28:10,201 --> 01:28:11,201 That's right. 858 01:28:12,203 --> 01:28:15,043 Because he suspected you were Kira. 859 01:28:16,499 --> 01:28:20,249 Are you trying to say l killed him? 860 01:28:20,461 --> 01:28:23,011 Kira can kill with a name. 861 01:28:23,339 --> 01:28:27,469 You've used the busjack to find out Raye's name. 862 01:28:29,095 --> 01:28:30,965 That's funny. 863 01:28:31,347 --> 01:28:34,217 Did Raye die immediately afterwards? 864 01:28:34,434 --> 01:28:35,854 Three days later. 865 01:28:36,227 --> 01:28:43,397 lf l were Kira, l would've killed him as soon as l discovered his name. 866 01:28:43,651 --> 01:28:45,651 Light can't be Kira. 867 01:28:46,988 --> 01:28:48,028 You're wrong. 868 01:28:48,322 --> 01:28:50,072 And rude. 869 01:28:50,324 --> 01:28:54,374 l may sue you so l'm putting down your words. 870 01:28:56,581 --> 01:28:59,041 Other agents died, too. 871 01:28:59,584 --> 01:29:04,764 But if you killed Raye first, you thought you would be suspected. 872 01:29:04,922 --> 01:29:07,762 That's why he wasn't killed right away. 873 01:29:08,092 --> 01:29:09,552 Am l wrong? 874 01:29:09,761 --> 01:29:12,141 All the agents died? 875 01:29:12,597 --> 01:29:14,717 l never heard that on the news. 876 01:29:14,932 --> 01:29:16,852 lt was kept a secret. 877 01:29:19,228 --> 01:29:21,228 You're making it up. 878 01:29:22,273 --> 01:29:25,233 l didn't know she was such a person. 879 01:29:25,485 --> 01:29:27,065 On the subway... 880 01:29:27,361 --> 01:29:31,661 you somehow found out the names 881 01:29:32,033 --> 01:29:33,703 of the agents and killed them all. 882 01:29:39,499 --> 01:29:42,669 This is a waste of time. Let's go. 883 01:29:46,964 --> 01:29:48,224 Light Yagami. 884 01:29:49,592 --> 01:29:55,472 You can't kill me. l've given you my false name. 885 01:29:58,059 --> 01:29:59,639 Go away. 886 01:30:01,104 --> 01:30:03,564 Raye was my fiance. 887 01:30:05,024 --> 01:30:10,034 l'll hunt Kira down and won't stop till l put him behind bars. 888 01:30:13,533 --> 01:30:15,033 What was that? 889 01:30:15,576 --> 01:30:17,156 She's crazy. 890 01:30:18,996 --> 01:30:21,246 False name, huh? 891 01:30:29,090 --> 01:30:32,550 Another one's on your tail. 892 01:30:35,179 --> 01:30:38,309 Sure you don't want my eyes? 893 01:30:41,018 --> 01:30:43,648 You're in deep shit. 894 01:31:27,940 --> 01:31:34,950 The people who set-up the cameras told me that Light checked for signs of entry. 895 01:31:38,075 --> 01:31:42,995 Other than that, we found nothing suspicious in his room. 896 01:31:43,206 --> 01:31:46,456 Were all those cameras necessary? 897 01:31:46,667 --> 01:31:51,797 Light's characteristics, his lQ and lifestyle... 898 01:31:52,256 --> 01:31:55,716 they all fit the profile. 899 01:31:55,927 --> 01:31:58,797 This is a waste of time. 900 01:31:59,639 --> 01:32:04,519 lf there's even a speck of doubt, we must continue. 901 01:32:04,936 --> 01:32:08,896 Without that determination, we'll never catch Kira. 902 01:32:16,113 --> 01:32:21,203 Hey Light, talk to me. No one's watching. 903 01:32:23,579 --> 01:32:25,289 Give me an apple. 904 01:32:27,124 --> 01:32:28,504 l demand one! 905 01:32:31,128 --> 01:32:33,418 Come on! 906 01:32:42,765 --> 01:32:44,055 Apples? 907 01:32:50,982 --> 01:32:52,112 What's wrong? 908 01:32:54,986 --> 01:32:57,946 L's onto me completely. 909 01:32:58,990 --> 01:33:01,490 Someone's been in my room. l smell it. 910 01:33:01,742 --> 01:33:07,292 There are cameras and bugs hidden everywhere. 911 01:33:11,752 --> 01:33:16,052 L wasn't so easy to deal with after all. 912 01:33:16,507 --> 01:33:20,467 As long as l'm being watched, there are no apples for you. 913 01:33:21,262 --> 01:33:22,802 What?! 914 01:33:24,265 --> 01:33:28,515 Let's look for the cameras and find a blind spot. 915 01:34:01,677 --> 01:34:07,057 Your son is a hard worker. You must be very proud. 916 01:34:10,061 --> 01:34:13,441 He wishes to join the police Agency. 917 01:34:15,232 --> 01:34:18,322 How will my son be cleared? 918 01:34:19,278 --> 01:34:22,238 lf he does nothing suspicious, 919 01:34:22,573 --> 01:34:25,583 and there's a murder by Kira. 920 01:34:26,911 --> 01:34:29,751 You want us to wait for a murder? 921 01:34:30,247 --> 01:34:32,287 lt seems so. 922 01:34:36,379 --> 01:34:37,549 Have one. 923 01:34:47,598 --> 01:34:50,728 DAY THREE 924 01:34:53,354 --> 01:34:55,984 lt's dinnertime! 925 01:35:09,203 --> 01:35:10,543 l'm taking a break. 926 01:35:23,467 --> 01:35:26,547 Chief, you must rest. 927 01:35:27,179 --> 01:35:29,639 You haven't slept in three days. 928 01:35:31,183 --> 01:35:35,773 How could l, when my family are being suspected? 929 01:35:43,654 --> 01:35:46,994 Yes? Understood. 930 01:35:54,331 --> 01:35:58,291 We have confirmed the deaths of... 931 01:35:58,502 --> 01:36:03,882 three killers that were on the run, and two convicts on death row. 932 01:36:04,133 --> 01:36:05,763 ls that so? 933 01:36:07,344 --> 01:36:09,304 Not too fast. 934 01:36:10,890 --> 01:36:15,100 Have you forgotten that Kira can manipulate time? 935 01:36:16,979 --> 01:36:22,979 We won't know for sure until a new crime is reported. 936 01:36:37,208 --> 01:36:41,498 DAY FlVE 937 01:37:23,087 --> 01:37:24,627 DAY SEVEN 938 01:37:24,838 --> 01:37:26,708 Aren't you worried? 939 01:37:27,466 --> 01:37:29,546 Dad hasn't come home in a week. 940 01:37:29,843 --> 01:37:31,093 l'm used to it. 941 01:37:32,513 --> 01:37:35,273 Father's hard at work. You should be, too. 942 01:37:35,474 --> 01:37:36,814 Okay. 943 01:37:39,353 --> 01:37:43,273 Eating chips after dinner. You're gonna get fat. 944 01:37:43,482 --> 01:37:47,442 l'll be up all night studying. l need my strength. 945 01:37:47,861 --> 01:37:48,821 Thanks for dinner. 946 01:37:52,533 --> 01:37:53,663 Wow! 947 01:38:20,936 --> 01:38:26,606 Trading ended with a recovery of 10,800 dollars. 948 01:38:27,026 --> 01:38:31,396 This morning, crude oil price had declined to... 949 01:38:31,572 --> 01:38:35,412 60 dollars per barrel. 950 01:38:38,954 --> 01:38:43,334 We have just received new information. 951 01:38:43,584 --> 01:38:47,754 The suspect accused of kidnapping a five-year-old girl in Edogawa... 952 01:38:48,005 --> 01:38:50,585 has been arrested. 953 01:38:51,091 --> 01:38:58,311 Toru Kashimayama, age 29, allegedly kidnapped Kasumi Miuchizawa. 954 01:38:58,515 --> 01:39:03,095 Her body was found buried under the floor of his apartment. 955 01:39:03,479 --> 01:39:08,479 On the 28th of last month, Kasumi was playing in a park near her home... 956 01:39:08,776 --> 01:39:15,566 where she was last seen climbing into a red car. 957 01:39:18,327 --> 01:39:20,497 He's not watching the news. 958 01:39:50,150 --> 01:39:53,280 Something seems to have happened at the scene. 959 01:39:53,570 --> 01:39:56,070 Mr. Murai... 960 01:39:56,323 --> 01:39:57,783 Live from Funabori. 961 01:39:57,991 --> 01:40:02,161 Kashimayama has just died. 962 01:40:02,871 --> 01:40:05,501 According to information... 963 01:40:05,791 --> 01:40:09,131 Kashimayama was said to have been in the middle of an interrogation... 964 01:40:09,336 --> 01:40:14,796 when he suddenly died of heart attack. 965 01:40:15,175 --> 01:40:17,465 Mr. Murai? 966 01:40:17,678 --> 01:40:20,558 Do you suspect Kira? 967 01:40:21,306 --> 01:40:27,596 The cause of death is still unknown, but there is that possibility. 968 01:40:27,813 --> 01:40:29,693 This is Kira's latest crime. 969 01:40:29,857 --> 01:40:32,477 Light is no longer under suspicion. 970 01:40:33,652 --> 01:40:36,652 lsn't that enough? 971 01:40:38,157 --> 01:40:39,817 Ryuzaki! 972 01:41:11,148 --> 01:41:15,358 "TORU KASHlMAYAMA" 973 01:41:15,778 --> 01:41:19,238 The Chief's and Deputy Chief's families are cleared. 974 01:41:20,866 --> 01:41:25,196 Ryuzaki, aren't you satisfied? 975 01:41:27,164 --> 01:41:28,214 Watari. 976 01:41:29,208 --> 01:41:33,418 Recover all the bugs and cameras from their houses. 977 01:41:33,754 --> 01:41:35,214 Understood. 978 01:41:36,757 --> 01:41:39,047 You must be relieved, Chief. 979 01:41:39,259 --> 01:41:40,969 lt'll be a fresh start. 980 01:41:59,655 --> 01:42:03,315 Light, the cameras are all gone. 981 01:42:25,722 --> 01:42:28,642 There's nothing like eating apples... 982 01:42:29,059 --> 01:42:31,139 free from the public eye. 983 01:42:34,898 --> 01:42:36,068 But Light. 984 01:42:36,316 --> 01:42:42,736 What if your sister had taken that bag of chips? 985 01:42:44,533 --> 01:42:48,243 l'm the only one who likes consomme flavor. 986 01:43:17,900 --> 01:43:21,860 A phone call from Naomi Misora. 987 01:43:25,699 --> 01:43:27,199 lt's been a while. 988 01:43:27,993 --> 01:43:28,873 L. 989 01:43:30,537 --> 01:43:36,327 As of now, l will prove to you that Light Yagami is Kira... 990 01:43:37,461 --> 01:43:39,381 by risking my life. 991 01:43:49,973 --> 01:43:53,893 "Shiori" 992 01:43:55,103 --> 01:43:56,103 Hello? 993 01:43:56,897 --> 01:43:58,477 Can we meet? 994 01:43:59,399 --> 01:44:00,359 Where? 995 01:44:00,567 --> 01:44:01,567 The art gallery. 996 01:44:01,777 --> 01:44:04,027 l was just thinking about you. 997 01:44:06,114 --> 01:44:08,124 When can you come? 998 01:44:09,284 --> 01:44:13,544 l can leave right now so... in 30 minutes. 999 01:44:14,623 --> 01:44:15,923 Light... 1000 01:44:17,459 --> 01:44:19,039 You sound strange. 1001 01:44:25,634 --> 01:44:26,934 Shiori? 1002 01:44:40,148 --> 01:44:43,728 We're monitoring the art gallery. 1003 01:44:43,986 --> 01:44:45,436 Let me see it. 1004 01:44:58,667 --> 01:45:00,167 l'm at the entrance. 1005 01:45:00,377 --> 01:45:01,787 Come inside. 1006 01:45:02,170 --> 01:45:06,470 l'll be by Ekusuhso Kenak's "Mask and Death". 1007 01:45:06,675 --> 01:45:07,835 Alright. 1008 01:45:12,639 --> 01:45:15,179 We can see how Kira kills? 1009 01:45:15,392 --> 01:45:17,982 What do you mean by that? 1010 01:45:27,362 --> 01:45:28,742 Light? 1011 01:45:30,490 --> 01:45:33,700 l knew it. Kira is Light. 1012 01:45:36,830 --> 01:45:40,420 ls my son still a suspect? 1013 01:45:53,263 --> 01:45:54,183 Shiori. 1014 01:45:54,347 --> 01:45:55,427 Light! 1015 01:45:56,600 --> 01:45:57,890 Forgive me. 1016 01:45:58,727 --> 01:45:59,977 Light Yagami. 1017 01:46:01,605 --> 01:46:06,895 lf you want to see her alive, confess right now. 1018 01:46:08,320 --> 01:46:10,450 That you've killed Raye. 1019 01:46:11,573 --> 01:46:13,823 And that you are Kira! 1020 01:46:17,496 --> 01:46:18,906 Get some cops in there! 1021 01:46:22,918 --> 01:46:24,838 You've got it all wrong. 1022 01:46:25,337 --> 01:46:26,627 l'm not Kira. 1023 01:46:26,838 --> 01:46:28,548 lf you keep on lying... 1024 01:46:30,967 --> 01:46:32,007 l'll kill her. 1025 01:46:32,219 --> 01:46:33,259 No! 1026 01:46:34,387 --> 01:46:37,517 Even if l were, she has nothing to do with it. 1027 01:46:37,849 --> 01:46:39,979 Kill me instead! 1028 01:46:40,227 --> 01:46:44,937 l'll teach you the pain of losing your loved one. 1029 01:46:45,148 --> 01:46:46,398 Don't do it! 1030 01:46:47,609 --> 01:46:49,279 please, not Shiori. 1031 01:46:49,486 --> 01:46:50,606 Light... 1032 01:46:52,447 --> 01:46:54,657 How miserable you are! 1033 01:46:55,867 --> 01:47:01,617 The almighty Kira, begging for his girlfriend's life. 1034 01:47:01,832 --> 01:47:04,752 l'm telling you, l'm not Kira! 1035 01:47:05,252 --> 01:47:08,712 You can't kill without a name. 1036 01:47:12,759 --> 01:47:15,259 l'll tell you mine. 1037 01:47:16,429 --> 01:47:19,059 Naomi Misora. 1038 01:47:19,599 --> 01:47:26,019 Naomi is in katakana characters, and Misora, Chinese ones. 1039 01:47:27,440 --> 01:47:34,360 Now that you know my name, go ahead and kill me! 1040 01:47:41,454 --> 01:47:43,214 Naomi Misora... 1041 01:47:46,585 --> 01:47:47,205 The police? 1042 01:47:47,419 --> 01:47:48,709 They're almost there. 1043 01:47:48,920 --> 01:47:51,550 No, hold them back a little longer. 1044 01:47:51,798 --> 01:47:52,918 What? 1045 01:47:53,175 --> 01:47:54,795 Here's the good part. 1046 01:47:55,010 --> 01:47:58,760 How dare you! This isn't a show. 1047 01:47:59,681 --> 01:48:01,851 You want to save her? 1048 01:48:02,434 --> 01:48:04,564 Then kill me. 1049 01:48:05,478 --> 01:48:07,268 Like you did Raye. 1050 01:48:08,064 --> 01:48:10,574 Like all the criminals you've executed. 1051 01:48:11,693 --> 01:48:16,323 Go on and kill without laying a hand on me! 1052 01:48:16,573 --> 01:48:19,283 But l'm not Kira! 1053 01:49:13,421 --> 01:49:19,761 Shiori! 1054 01:49:21,805 --> 01:49:22,845 please... no. 1055 01:49:23,848 --> 01:49:25,428 This can't be happening! 1056 01:49:25,934 --> 01:49:27,274 Shiori? 1057 01:49:37,570 --> 01:49:38,780 She's armed. 1058 01:49:39,572 --> 01:49:42,702 Shiori, hang in there. 1059 01:49:43,201 --> 01:49:44,241 Shiori. 1060 01:49:45,412 --> 01:49:46,752 Light... 1061 01:49:47,580 --> 01:49:49,040 Shiori... 1062 01:49:59,843 --> 01:50:05,063 That was... our last kiss. 1063 01:50:08,518 --> 01:50:17,188 Shiori... 1064 01:50:19,988 --> 01:50:21,948 Why?! 1065 01:50:23,158 --> 01:50:25,278 Why did you shoot her? 1066 01:50:25,952 --> 01:50:34,672 Tell me! 1067 01:50:39,758 --> 01:50:40,718 Stop! 1068 01:50:51,853 --> 01:50:55,733 This was a miscalculation. 1069 01:50:56,358 --> 01:51:02,908 Naomi Misora's miscalculation was that l saw her. 1070 01:51:03,156 --> 01:51:09,576 She also shouldn't have told me she was Raye's fiance. 1071 01:51:10,038 --> 01:51:13,328 Nobody uses false names on weddings. 1072 01:51:13,750 --> 01:51:16,670 The church is open to everyone, 1073 01:51:17,379 --> 01:51:22,129 so it was easy to find out her name. 1074 01:51:28,556 --> 01:51:31,426 Naomi Misora, suicide. 1075 01:51:32,268 --> 01:51:34,978 Arranges to meet with her fiance's killer. 1076 01:51:35,271 --> 01:51:40,861 Takes his girlfriend hostage at the Omei Art Gallery. 1077 01:51:41,111 --> 01:51:47,451 She makes the girlfriend call him 1078 01:51:47,617 --> 01:51:51,327 on April 15th, 14: 15. 1079 01:51:52,122 --> 01:51:55,122 She then contacts a third party; the lnvestigation Team... 1080 01:51:55,375 --> 01:52:04,375 and tries to make the killer confess as they watch. 1081 01:52:04,968 --> 01:52:11,518 At 14:55, she stops the hostage from running away. 1082 01:52:13,935 --> 01:52:20,015 but in a moment of madness, ends up shooting herself. 1083 01:52:41,129 --> 01:52:42,709 l'm sorry. 1084 01:52:44,591 --> 01:52:47,801 lf only we'd gotten here earlier. 1085 01:52:53,683 --> 01:52:55,483 l'll send for a car. 1086 01:53:02,734 --> 01:53:07,324 Didn't expect Shiori to die, did you? 1087 01:53:15,955 --> 01:53:20,825 l'm the one who killed Shiori. 1088 01:53:21,169 --> 01:53:22,339 Huh? 1089 01:53:23,505 --> 01:53:26,255 With the help of "Death Note". 1090 01:53:26,883 --> 01:53:28,803 But how? 1091 01:53:30,053 --> 01:53:36,023 Naomi ended up killing Shiori, but you can't make people kill. 1092 01:53:36,226 --> 01:53:41,516 lf you write their names, they'd all die of heart attacks. 1093 01:53:42,232 --> 01:53:44,732 l know. 1094 01:53:46,194 --> 01:53:53,034 That's why l wrote Shiori's name on the page next to Naomi's. 1095 01:54:02,585 --> 01:54:07,665 Shiori Akino, killed by a third person. 1096 01:54:08,883 --> 01:54:15,893 Gets kidnapped at the Omei Art Gallery. 1097 01:54:16,099 --> 01:54:20,979 On April 15th, 14: 15, she is forced to call up her boyfriend. 1098 01:54:22,105 --> 01:54:26,015 She gets away as the police break in. 1099 01:54:26,609 --> 01:54:30,279 But at 14:55, a warning shot hits her... 1100 01:54:30,488 --> 01:54:36,368 and she dies trying to protect her boyfriend. 1101 01:54:39,414 --> 01:54:43,004 lt didn't have to say anything about Naomi shooting Shiori, 1102 01:54:43,209 --> 01:54:46,419 or vice versa. 1103 01:54:46,629 --> 01:54:51,169 Does that mean, Naomi just happened to kill Shiori? 1104 01:54:51,968 --> 01:54:54,088 A coincidence? 1105 01:54:55,805 --> 01:55:01,435 That's hardly a perfect scheme for killing Shiori. 1106 01:55:02,395 --> 01:55:06,895 lt was no coincidence. l planned everything. 1107 01:55:08,526 --> 01:55:14,486 All l wrote was that Shiori would be killed by a gunshot. 1108 01:55:14,991 --> 01:55:20,041 And that Naomi would carry a gun in order to shoot herself. 1109 01:55:20,705 --> 01:55:23,995 No one carries a gun around in Japan... 1110 01:55:25,168 --> 01:55:31,468 which means that the gun Naomi has, would be shot at Shiori. 1111 01:55:33,718 --> 01:55:35,638 Hear this. 1112 01:55:36,012 --> 01:55:41,812 "Death Note" changes our destinies in the most natural way. 1113 01:55:42,935 --> 01:55:46,145 So even though it wasn't written, 1114 01:55:47,065 --> 01:55:49,935 everything went according to my plan. 1115 01:55:50,151 --> 01:55:54,151 You're a devil in disguise. 1116 01:55:59,535 --> 01:56:03,365 My girlfriend was killed before my eyes. 1117 01:56:03,915 --> 01:56:08,535 lf l tell them l want to join the team and capture Kira... 1118 01:56:09,504 --> 01:56:15,304 everyone would sympathize and believe me without a doubt. 1119 01:56:19,972 --> 01:56:21,312 Shiori. 1120 01:56:26,062 --> 01:56:27,652 Light, you know what? 1121 01:56:28,064 --> 01:56:34,744 You're far worse than god of death. 1122 01:56:38,032 --> 01:56:42,242 Shiori truly loved you. 1123 01:56:43,579 --> 01:56:48,459 Didn't you love her at all? 1124 01:56:52,922 --> 01:56:55,512 l don't know. 1125 01:57:04,350 --> 01:57:07,480 Misa, l know you're lonely. 1126 01:57:08,104 --> 01:57:10,274 Don't come close to me! 1127 01:57:10,565 --> 01:57:14,065 You're the one who said you wanted to die. 1128 01:57:14,277 --> 01:57:16,357 l didn't say such a thing. 1129 01:57:16,571 --> 01:57:19,661 Let's go to heaven. Your parents are waiting. 1130 01:57:20,074 --> 01:57:22,334 We'll go together. 1131 01:57:25,246 --> 01:57:28,326 You're an assistant director. 1132 01:57:28,875 --> 01:57:33,125 l'll tell, and you'll lose your job forever! 1133 01:57:33,713 --> 01:57:38,633 l've been watching you at the studio, in the hallway. 1134 01:57:39,635 --> 01:57:42,965 We'll die together. l'm giving you my life. 1135 01:57:44,098 --> 01:57:45,598 That's my destiny. 1136 01:57:46,100 --> 01:57:47,480 Moron! 1137 01:57:48,352 --> 01:57:52,652 Who said l want to go to heaven or to hell? 1138 01:58:00,406 --> 01:58:04,486 Don't worry. lt won't hurt a bit. 1139 01:58:04,952 --> 01:58:06,792 No... 1140 01:58:08,623 --> 01:58:12,583 Somebody! Help me! 1141 01:59:20,111 --> 01:59:23,241 Light, your car's here. 1142 01:59:26,617 --> 01:59:29,367 Let's get you home. 1143 01:59:29,579 --> 01:59:33,249 Father, l have a request. 1144 01:59:33,624 --> 01:59:34,834 What is it? 1145 01:59:35,960 --> 01:59:38,550 Let me on the team. 1146 01:59:41,424 --> 01:59:45,224 Shiori was killed because of Kira. 1147 01:59:46,554 --> 01:59:49,104 l'll never forgive him. 1148 01:59:49,390 --> 01:59:53,850 So please put me on the team. 1149 01:59:56,564 --> 01:59:58,024 We welcome you! 1150 02:00:07,158 --> 02:00:10,118 We meet at last. 1151 02:00:12,788 --> 02:00:14,458 l am L. 1152 02:00:18,294 --> 02:00:20,804 Lend us your brain. 1153 02:00:23,925 --> 02:00:27,005 We'll capture Kira together. 1154 02:00:42,693 --> 02:00:46,283 First, apologize. 1155 02:00:57,124 --> 02:00:59,134 "Consomme Flavor"