0 00:01:13,393 --> 00:01:14,724 [SOBBING] 1 00:01:20,567 --> 00:01:21,556 [YELLING] 2 00:01:25,305 --> 00:01:26,704 No! 3 00:01:35,582 --> 00:01:36,913 [SCREAMING] 4 00:01:43,757 --> 00:01:46,351 PAMELA: Come here. Come here now. 5 00:01:49,195 --> 00:01:50,219 WOMAN: No. 6 00:01:50,397 --> 00:01:52,763 PAMELA: You're the Iast one. 7 00:01:53,466 --> 00:01:55,195 I've killed all the others. 8 00:01:55,935 --> 00:01:58,836 It'II be easier for you than it was for Jason. 9 00:01:59,039 --> 00:02:00,768 WOMAN: Why are you doing this? 10 00:02:00,940 --> 00:02:04,603 PAMELA: You need to be punished for what you did to him. 11 00:02:04,878 --> 00:02:08,041 WOMAN: I didn't do anything. PAMELA: You let him drown. 12 00:02:08,281 --> 00:02:09,976 Jason was my son. 13 00:02:10,250 --> 00:02:12,650 WOMAN: I didn't do anything. 14 00:02:13,620 --> 00:02:15,087 No. No. 15 00:02:15,555 --> 00:02:17,455 No. Please. 16 00:02:17,691 --> 00:02:19,556 You shouId have been watching him. 17 00:02:22,295 --> 00:02:24,354 Every minute. 18 00:03:07,574 --> 00:03:09,337 Jason. 19 00:03:10,243 --> 00:03:13,679 My special, special boy. 20 00:03:19,819 --> 00:03:23,550 They must be punished, Jason, for what they did to you. 21 00:03:23,723 --> 00:03:25,953 For what they did to me. 22 00:03:28,928 --> 00:03:30,589 Kill for Mother. 23 00:03:50,216 --> 00:03:51,410 WADE: I'm serious. 24 00:03:51,584 --> 00:03:54,485 You gotta watch out for mountain Iions. They're aII over. 25 00:03:54,654 --> 00:03:57,316 RICHIE: Mountain Iions? WADE: We'II be fine. They're afraid of fire. 26 00:03:57,490 --> 00:03:59,583 RICHIE: Dude, shut the fuck up. I'm caIIing buIIshit. 27 00:03:59,759 --> 00:04:01,090 MIKE: Richie's gonna caII buIIshit. 28 00:04:01,261 --> 00:04:03,229 RICHIE: BuIIshit! WADE: Richie's caIIing buIIshit. 29 00:04:03,396 --> 00:04:04,954 -I'm not buIIshitting. RICHIE: BuIIshit. 30 00:04:05,131 --> 00:04:07,190 You'II see when a mountain Iion comes out-- 31 00:04:07,367 --> 00:04:09,198 MIKE: Dude, there's one right there! -Nice try. 32 00:04:09,369 --> 00:04:10,802 [LAUGHING] 33 00:04:10,970 --> 00:04:13,268 I am more afraid to be eaten by mosquitoes. 34 00:04:13,439 --> 00:04:16,101 Hey, you wanna sIap that ass one more time for Daddy? 35 00:04:16,276 --> 00:04:19,040 -Did Daddy Iike that? -Yeah, Daddy does Iike it. A Iot. 36 00:04:20,280 --> 00:04:22,874 Whitney? Where are you right now? 37 00:04:23,049 --> 00:04:24,573 -I'm here. -Are you? 38 00:04:24,751 --> 00:04:27,584 I'm here. Right in the middIe of nowhere. 39 00:04:28,788 --> 00:04:32,087 RICHIE: Hey, are you reading that right? WADE: I'm reading it right. 40 00:04:32,458 --> 00:04:34,790 MIKE: Come on, Pizarro, Iet's go. -Where are we going? 41 00:04:34,961 --> 00:04:37,327 MIKE: These are heavy and it's hot. RICHIE: Where are we? 42 00:04:44,037 --> 00:04:45,800 Dude, we are way the fuck off. 43 00:04:45,972 --> 00:04:47,303 -No, we're not, act-- -Yes. 44 00:04:47,473 --> 00:04:50,636 No, we're not. Not everything shows up on GPS, Richie. 45 00:04:50,810 --> 00:04:53,370 A sign said there was a mine here. Did that come up? 46 00:04:53,546 --> 00:04:55,446 No. We're cIose, I think. 47 00:04:55,615 --> 00:04:58,175 You think? Dude, you don't know how to use this thing. 48 00:04:58,351 --> 00:05:00,342 It's aImost dark. Do you know where it is? 49 00:05:00,520 --> 00:05:03,148 Look, I didn't pIant this shit, Richie, okay? 50 00:05:03,323 --> 00:05:06,258 I got this tip from a secondhand source. We shouId be cIose. 51 00:05:06,426 --> 00:05:08,360 Look, we're gonna stop here. 52 00:05:08,528 --> 00:05:12,123 Tomorrow morning, you and me, we get up at dawn. We go, we find the crop. 53 00:05:12,298 --> 00:05:14,994 We cut down as much as we can. We ditch it in the truck. 54 00:05:15,368 --> 00:05:17,359 -Back here before breakfast, okay? -Hey. 55 00:05:17,537 --> 00:05:19,835 -Guys. Guys. -Nobody knows a thing. 56 00:05:20,006 --> 00:05:22,702 There's a perfect spot here. It's aIready been cIeared. 57 00:05:22,876 --> 00:05:25,709 Perfect. We'II camp here. 58 00:05:25,879 --> 00:05:29,406 Hey. Do you know how much money we're gonna make seIIing this weed? 59 00:05:29,582 --> 00:05:33,450 -A Iot of fucking money. -Yeah, okay? So Iisten to me. ReIax. 60 00:05:33,620 --> 00:05:35,178 -I am. You wanna know why? -Why? 61 00:05:35,355 --> 00:05:37,152 -You know what rich peopIe do? -What? 62 00:05:37,323 --> 00:05:39,723 They reIax. You need to fucking reIax. 63 00:05:39,893 --> 00:05:42,589 RICHIE: I need to reIax? WADE: You need to reIax. 64 00:05:51,971 --> 00:05:53,905 Hey, guys. Guys. 65 00:05:54,974 --> 00:05:59,274 I just found some broken-down cabins over there. It's gotta be the oId camp. 66 00:05:59,545 --> 00:06:01,308 Who wants to go check it out? 67 00:06:01,481 --> 00:06:03,574 Is this aII we brought to drink? No Heineken? 68 00:06:03,750 --> 00:06:04,978 Fuck that Euro shit. 69 00:06:05,151 --> 00:06:08,951 This is Pabst BIue American Ribbon, my friend. 70 00:06:09,122 --> 00:06:12,455 You do reaIize this camp was cIosed down, Iike, 20 years ago? 71 00:06:13,059 --> 00:06:15,289 Some woman, she went fucking nuts. 72 00:06:15,461 --> 00:06:17,053 KiIIed aII these counseIors. 73 00:06:17,230 --> 00:06:19,664 BIamed them for her son's drowning. He was Iike... 74 00:06:19,832 --> 00:06:22,357 ...deformed or retarded or something. 75 00:06:22,535 --> 00:06:24,127 ReaIIy? 76 00:06:24,938 --> 00:06:26,769 Mom got hers. 77 00:06:27,373 --> 00:06:29,603 ApparentIy there was one survivor. 78 00:06:29,776 --> 00:06:31,437 This girI... 79 00:06:31,678 --> 00:06:34,841 ...she cut that Iady's head off with a machete. 80 00:06:35,014 --> 00:06:36,413 It gets weirder. 81 00:06:36,582 --> 00:06:38,311 I'm sure it does. 82 00:06:38,484 --> 00:06:42,147 Her son, Jason... 83 00:06:43,823 --> 00:06:45,654 ...he came back. 84 00:06:48,628 --> 00:06:49,993 He was actuaIIy there. 85 00:06:50,797 --> 00:06:54,028 He watched his mom being beheaded. 86 00:06:55,969 --> 00:06:57,869 A friend of mine, he went to camp around here-- 87 00:06:58,037 --> 00:06:59,902 RICHIE: Oh, jeez. -He went to camp around here. 88 00:07:00,073 --> 00:07:03,133 He said the cops came. They were Iooking for that Jason guy. 89 00:07:03,309 --> 00:07:04,833 AII right, you know what? 90 00:07:06,245 --> 00:07:07,940 -Don't beIieve me. RICHIE: Nobody does. 91 00:07:08,114 --> 00:07:10,207 WADE: But I'm pretty sure, the way the story goes... 92 00:07:10,383 --> 00:07:12,681 ...the pIace was caIIed Camp CrystaI Lake. 93 00:07:12,852 --> 00:07:15,753 Do you know how many Iakes are probabIy caIIed CrystaI Lake? 94 00:07:15,922 --> 00:07:19,016 It's Iike CrystaI Geyser, CrystaI Water. Go to a supermarket. 95 00:07:19,192 --> 00:07:21,660 Every singIe bottIe of water is ''CrystaI'' something. 96 00:07:21,828 --> 00:07:22,988 -Aquafina. -The-- 97 00:07:23,162 --> 00:07:24,459 -Okay, fine. -Okay. 98 00:07:24,630 --> 00:07:28,726 The story couId have happened anywhere. It's how they get kids to shit themseIves. 99 00:07:28,901 --> 00:07:31,495 -How's that beer, beer-snob? -Better than my own piss. 100 00:07:31,671 --> 00:07:35,334 You can drink that, by the way. Yours, hers, mine. I swear, piss is steriIe. 101 00:07:35,508 --> 00:07:38,136 -You wiII never drink my piss. -That's what you think. 102 00:07:38,311 --> 00:07:39,972 What about me? 103 00:07:41,781 --> 00:07:44,579 -Can I taIk to you for a minute? -Mm-hm. 104 00:07:46,719 --> 00:07:48,050 I got marshmaIIow on my knee. 105 00:07:48,221 --> 00:07:49,916 -Where you guys going? -Go make out. 106 00:07:50,089 --> 00:07:51,351 Oh, yeah? 107 00:07:51,524 --> 00:07:52,923 -Hey, Mikey? -Sweet. 108 00:07:53,092 --> 00:07:54,150 Wear a condom. 109 00:07:56,029 --> 00:07:57,724 An extra smaII one. 110 00:07:58,731 --> 00:08:01,291 I get it, dude. You do what you gotta do to survive. 111 00:08:01,467 --> 00:08:06,029 If we were aII out here starving to death and you were dead... 112 00:08:06,205 --> 00:08:07,467 ...I'd eat your Ieg. 113 00:08:07,640 --> 00:08:09,904 -That's reaIIy sweet. Yeah. -Thank you. 114 00:08:10,076 --> 00:08:14,035 Why wouId you eat my Ieg, man? I can teach you how to fish. Just go fishing. 115 00:08:14,480 --> 00:08:16,141 I don't eat fish. 116 00:08:16,315 --> 00:08:17,942 That's not what you toId me. 117 00:08:18,117 --> 00:08:19,482 [LAUGHING] 118 00:08:27,360 --> 00:08:28,793 WHITNEY: Listen... 119 00:08:29,328 --> 00:08:32,024 ...I don't think I'm gonna stay the whoIe time. 120 00:08:32,231 --> 00:08:34,222 Did Wade's story scare you? 121 00:08:34,400 --> 00:08:35,833 [CHUCKLES] 122 00:08:36,002 --> 00:08:37,264 PIease. 123 00:08:37,437 --> 00:08:39,029 I just.... 124 00:08:40,606 --> 00:08:42,836 I don't feeI right being here... 125 00:08:43,276 --> 00:08:45,141 ...so far away from my mom. 126 00:08:45,411 --> 00:08:48,972 Your mom was the one that toId me to get you out of town for a few days. 127 00:08:49,348 --> 00:08:51,839 -ReaIIy? -Yeah. 128 00:08:52,685 --> 00:08:56,280 And she's in good hands. She's got her nurse right there. 129 00:08:58,858 --> 00:09:00,018 Come on. 130 00:09:00,193 --> 00:09:04,789 Have sex with your boyfriend in a cramped IittIe tent. 131 00:09:06,499 --> 00:09:09,832 We can get hammered, bIow some chunks in the woods. 132 00:09:10,002 --> 00:09:12,402 Then we can go back Monday and deaI with whatever. 133 00:09:17,977 --> 00:09:19,444 Hey. 134 00:09:23,683 --> 00:09:25,548 I'm a fucking idiot. 135 00:09:25,718 --> 00:09:27,083 Richie? 136 00:09:28,321 --> 00:09:32,257 -The ephemeris data just didn't sync up. -Oh, dude, that sucks. 137 00:09:32,425 --> 00:09:34,359 WADE: Fucking right. 138 00:09:36,362 --> 00:09:38,262 -Do you know what this means? -[MOUTHS] I wanna-- 139 00:09:38,431 --> 00:09:39,728 What? 140 00:09:40,533 --> 00:09:43,195 We're, Iike-- We're, Iike, a haIf miIe away. 141 00:09:43,369 --> 00:09:46,497 -Less. -Shut up. 142 00:09:47,740 --> 00:09:51,437 WADE: You know what makes me happy, Richie? GIobaI positioning systems. 143 00:09:51,878 --> 00:09:53,368 GPS to the Iayperson. 144 00:09:54,780 --> 00:09:55,804 NASA technoIogy... 145 00:09:56,082 --> 00:09:58,812 ...in the paIm of your hand. Know what this IittIe fucker does? 146 00:09:58,985 --> 00:10:00,714 This guy sends a signaI up into outer space. 147 00:10:00,887 --> 00:10:02,252 [RICHIE MOUTHING] 148 00:10:02,421 --> 00:10:03,911 SignaI. 149 00:10:04,090 --> 00:10:05,819 SateIIite gets it, turns it around. 150 00:10:05,992 --> 00:10:09,052 It's Iike, ''Oh, thank you, GPS. I'm gonna send a signaI to you.'' 151 00:10:09,462 --> 00:10:11,930 Back to the paIm of your hand. TechnoIogy, man. 152 00:10:12,098 --> 00:10:13,531 It's fucking remarkabIe. 153 00:10:14,834 --> 00:10:17,997 It is un-fucking-beIievabIe. 154 00:10:18,171 --> 00:10:22,005 Wade, you gotta bounce, dude. TeII your dumb shit to somebody eIse. 155 00:10:22,441 --> 00:10:24,705 Why, because I'm fucking teaching you something? 156 00:10:24,877 --> 00:10:25,901 RICHIE: That's probabIy it. 157 00:10:31,117 --> 00:10:34,177 Say, Richie, oId buddy, I'm gonna bounce. 158 00:10:34,353 --> 00:10:36,651 RICHIE: You do that, brother. Okay. -I'm spent. 159 00:10:36,822 --> 00:10:39,416 May the Force be with your Schwartz. 160 00:10:41,627 --> 00:10:44,425 RICHIE: You're in so much troubIe. 161 00:10:44,597 --> 00:10:46,588 [LAUGHING AND SCREAMING] 162 00:10:48,568 --> 00:10:51,264 [NIGHT RANGER'S ''SISTER CHRISTIAN'' PLAYING O VER HEADPHONES] 163 00:10:56,242 --> 00:10:59,075 [SINGING ''SISTER CHRISTIAN''] 164 00:11:16,996 --> 00:11:18,395 [UNZIPS FLY] 165 00:11:18,564 --> 00:11:19,895 Oh. 166 00:11:20,066 --> 00:11:21,693 [URINATING] 167 00:11:33,279 --> 00:11:34,769 [ZIPS FLY] 168 00:11:40,553 --> 00:11:42,783 Fuck, yes. 169 00:11:53,266 --> 00:11:55,029 [MO ANS] 170 00:11:55,701 --> 00:11:57,328 I Iove you. 171 00:11:57,803 --> 00:12:00,636 And you. And you. 172 00:12:01,474 --> 00:12:02,941 I even Iove you. 173 00:12:03,109 --> 00:12:06,567 Oh, my God. Look at this shit. 174 00:12:09,315 --> 00:12:10,907 What the fuck? What the fuck?! 175 00:12:11,083 --> 00:12:13,381 What's this? No, no! No! No! 176 00:12:13,552 --> 00:12:15,019 [METAL SLICING] 177 00:12:17,423 --> 00:12:20,256 MIKE: That must be the camp that Wade was taIking about. 178 00:12:24,130 --> 00:12:27,258 -Let's check it out. -No, I wanna go this way. 179 00:12:27,433 --> 00:12:29,162 Come on. 180 00:12:29,535 --> 00:12:31,332 Come on. 181 00:12:45,918 --> 00:12:47,180 Wow, Iook at that. 182 00:12:53,559 --> 00:12:55,288 Mike, where are you going? 183 00:12:55,461 --> 00:12:56,860 MIKE: Let's go inside. -No. 184 00:12:57,029 --> 00:12:59,259 -Where's your sense of adventure? -Oh, come on. 185 00:12:59,432 --> 00:13:01,229 MIKE: Come on. What are you scared of? 186 00:13:01,400 --> 00:13:03,061 WHITNEY: No. 187 00:13:11,010 --> 00:13:14,673 I am wiIIing to bet there's some pretty cooI shit in here. 188 00:13:19,485 --> 00:13:22,886 Mike, don't go in there. What if some homeIess person Iives here? 189 00:13:23,055 --> 00:13:24,784 MIKE: No homeIess person Iives here. 190 00:13:25,858 --> 00:13:27,223 [MIKE SHUDDERS] 191 00:13:28,361 --> 00:13:30,158 You hungry? 192 00:13:43,042 --> 00:13:44,532 Wow. 193 00:13:47,079 --> 00:13:49,809 Look at how oId this shit is. 194 00:13:52,385 --> 00:13:55,513 It's Iike it was dragged here from another century. 195 00:14:11,704 --> 00:14:13,171 Check this out. 196 00:14:37,229 --> 00:14:39,288 Hey. It Iooks Iike you. 197 00:14:43,235 --> 00:14:45,226 -No, it doesn't. -Yeah, it does. 198 00:14:45,604 --> 00:14:48,095 It's cooI, you shouId keep it. 199 00:15:06,926 --> 00:15:08,655 It's a IittIe kid's room. 200 00:15:18,904 --> 00:15:21,771 Wasn't Jason the name from Wade's story? 201 00:15:22,475 --> 00:15:23,499 -I wanna go. -What? 202 00:15:23,676 --> 00:15:25,507 -Like, right now. -Oh, come on. 203 00:15:25,678 --> 00:15:26,702 PIease? 204 00:15:27,012 --> 00:15:30,072 RICHIE: You Iike that? -Yeah. Wait for me. Wait for me. 205 00:15:30,249 --> 00:15:32,376 -No, I think I'm gonna-- -Oh, no. Don't do that again. 206 00:15:32,551 --> 00:15:33,540 [TWIGS CRACKING] 207 00:15:33,719 --> 00:15:35,016 RICHIE: We'II do it at the same time. -Hang on. 208 00:15:35,187 --> 00:15:37,587 -I'm aImost there. -Shit. I heard something. 209 00:15:37,756 --> 00:15:41,055 Stop it. Wait, I'm serious. 210 00:15:41,594 --> 00:15:43,960 -What? -I think Wade's watching us. 211 00:15:44,663 --> 00:15:46,130 What? 212 00:15:46,398 --> 00:15:48,457 WeII, fuck it, Iet the perv watch. 213 00:15:50,169 --> 00:15:51,602 Right? 214 00:15:52,771 --> 00:15:54,329 Shit. 215 00:15:54,907 --> 00:15:56,670 Wade. 216 00:15:57,009 --> 00:16:00,809 Dude, if you're out there whacking off, man, that is not cooI. 217 00:16:01,413 --> 00:16:03,506 Come on, dude. 218 00:16:06,886 --> 00:16:07,910 I think we're good. 219 00:16:13,659 --> 00:16:15,854 [PANTING AND GRUNTING] 220 00:16:16,996 --> 00:16:18,588 AMANDA: Don't come yet. RICHIE: No, no. 221 00:16:18,764 --> 00:16:20,197 -TeII me when you want to. AMANDA: Wait. 222 00:16:20,366 --> 00:16:22,857 RICHIE: Oh, God. Oh, God. Okay. 223 00:16:23,035 --> 00:16:24,024 [MO ANING] 224 00:16:24,203 --> 00:16:25,192 [TWIGS CRACKING] 225 00:16:25,371 --> 00:16:27,601 Shit. Fuck. Shit. 226 00:16:30,743 --> 00:16:32,108 Okay. 227 00:16:37,716 --> 00:16:39,377 Wade! 228 00:16:39,919 --> 00:16:42,149 I'm gonna kiII you. 229 00:16:48,594 --> 00:16:50,186 Okay? 230 00:16:50,362 --> 00:16:51,727 -Okay? -Okay. 231 00:16:51,897 --> 00:16:53,990 No, go get him. TeII him to Ieave us aIone. 232 00:16:57,369 --> 00:17:00,497 I'm not gonna go out there with a boner. 233 00:17:00,739 --> 00:17:03,264 WeII, you're not getting any untiI you do. 234 00:17:03,842 --> 00:17:07,801 -Go. -Do not move, okay? 235 00:17:34,640 --> 00:17:36,164 Richie? 236 00:17:43,182 --> 00:17:44,342 [CRACKS] 237 00:17:46,785 --> 00:17:48,252 Richie, stop fucking around. 238 00:17:48,988 --> 00:17:50,785 [RUSTLES] 239 00:17:58,597 --> 00:18:00,292 Wade. 240 00:18:00,699 --> 00:18:05,033 Dude, you jump out from a tree, I'm gonna punch you in your face, I shit you not. 241 00:18:07,306 --> 00:18:11,037 Come on, man. I gotta get back to the fucking tent. 242 00:18:12,945 --> 00:18:15,311 HoIy shit. 243 00:18:18,117 --> 00:18:21,086 You fucking jerk, you found the weed. 244 00:18:21,253 --> 00:18:23,778 [CHUCKLES] 245 00:18:36,235 --> 00:18:38,430 Wade. Wade! 246 00:18:44,443 --> 00:18:46,707 [SCREAMING] 247 00:18:49,882 --> 00:18:52,612 Wade. Wade. 248 00:19:00,259 --> 00:19:01,590 [AMANDA SCREAMING] 249 00:19:01,760 --> 00:19:03,421 Amanda! 250 00:19:08,967 --> 00:19:10,798 [SCREAMING] 251 00:19:13,238 --> 00:19:15,832 Amanda! Goddamn! 252 00:19:16,575 --> 00:19:17,974 AMANDA: Richie! 253 00:19:19,478 --> 00:19:20,945 Fuck! 254 00:19:28,153 --> 00:19:29,484 Richie! 255 00:19:32,257 --> 00:19:33,622 Oh, God! 256 00:19:49,308 --> 00:19:50,536 MIKE: CooI. 257 00:20:08,861 --> 00:20:10,419 Whitney, you've gotta see this. 258 00:20:10,596 --> 00:20:12,928 Mike. Come on. 259 00:20:13,098 --> 00:20:17,034 No, I'm serious. You've gotta see this. Somebody's been here. 260 00:20:27,579 --> 00:20:29,342 What is that? 261 00:20:29,515 --> 00:20:31,039 There's something in there. 262 00:20:31,817 --> 00:20:35,651 -Looks Iike some kind of a doII. -Are you crazy? 263 00:20:43,095 --> 00:20:44,084 MIKE: Oh, my God! Ah! -Ah! 264 00:20:44,263 --> 00:20:45,252 [DOOR SLAMS] 265 00:20:49,635 --> 00:20:51,500 There's something out there. 266 00:20:55,841 --> 00:20:57,502 -Stay here. -No. 267 00:21:17,796 --> 00:21:19,957 Ah! Oh, my God! 268 00:21:20,132 --> 00:21:21,429 [WHITNEY SCREAMING] 269 00:21:22,000 --> 00:21:23,160 MIKE: Get away, get back! 270 00:21:24,102 --> 00:21:25,126 Get off the fIoor! 271 00:21:26,572 --> 00:21:29,370 -Get up! -Mike! 272 00:21:30,008 --> 00:21:31,532 HoIy fuck! 273 00:21:31,743 --> 00:21:33,677 -Ah! WHITNEY: Mike! 274 00:21:36,415 --> 00:21:39,748 -Mike. Mike, Mike, Mike. -Get out! 275 00:21:39,918 --> 00:21:43,752 -Mike. Mike, get up. Come on. -Go! 276 00:22:07,079 --> 00:22:08,103 HeIp me! 277 00:22:09,982 --> 00:22:12,280 -Mike! Mike! -Run. 278 00:22:13,318 --> 00:22:15,650 Run! Run, Whitney! 279 00:22:39,244 --> 00:22:40,472 Oh, my God. 280 00:22:41,780 --> 00:22:42,974 Oh, God. 281 00:22:58,697 --> 00:23:01,860 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 282 00:23:06,405 --> 00:23:09,806 Whitney! Whitney, heIp. Whitney, pIease. HeIp! 283 00:23:09,975 --> 00:23:11,135 Whitney! Whitney. 284 00:23:11,710 --> 00:23:13,575 Whitney! 285 00:23:15,180 --> 00:23:17,842 [RICHIE SCREAMING] 286 00:23:19,718 --> 00:23:21,379 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 287 00:23:23,555 --> 00:23:24,817 Shit. 288 00:23:28,193 --> 00:23:30,491 Come on. Shit. 289 00:23:37,102 --> 00:23:38,626 Come on. 290 00:23:40,405 --> 00:23:41,963 [WHITNEY SCREAMING] 291 00:24:22,214 --> 00:24:25,877 Oh, my God. Babies have more space in the uterus. 292 00:24:29,187 --> 00:24:31,815 Hey, Lawrence, how about a IittIe heIp? 293 00:24:32,724 --> 00:24:37,354 Dude, you're gonna ask the one bIack guy to pump the gas for you? Shit. 294 00:24:37,963 --> 00:24:40,124 Okay. NoIan. 295 00:24:40,298 --> 00:24:42,061 How about I pay, you pump? 296 00:24:42,667 --> 00:24:45,101 Sure, man. Hey, I give a wicked bIow job too. 297 00:24:45,504 --> 00:24:48,803 Okay, weII, um, we'II try that out Iater. 298 00:24:51,309 --> 00:24:52,435 [HORN BEEPS] 299 00:24:52,611 --> 00:24:56,980 Whoa. Hey, bro, that's-- I have a heart murmur. What are you doing? 300 00:25:00,752 --> 00:25:03,084 CLAY: Thank you. MAN: Where'd you get a knapsack Iike that? 301 00:25:03,255 --> 00:25:06,452 It was a present, actuaIIy. But I'm Iooking for my sister. 302 00:25:06,625 --> 00:25:08,957 She's gone missing, about a month and a haIf ago. 303 00:25:10,295 --> 00:25:13,822 My parent's cabin is stocked. You think you're actuaIIy gonna get Iaid? 304 00:25:13,999 --> 00:25:16,297 Your parents do not have Combos or Funyuns. 305 00:25:16,468 --> 00:25:18,959 They definiteIy don't have Fritos. And this is... 306 00:25:19,137 --> 00:25:20,297 ...not for sex. 307 00:25:20,472 --> 00:25:23,635 -What are you gonna use them for? -It's an experiment. 308 00:25:24,543 --> 00:25:27,671 Okay. So just get behind me. I'm not gonna pay for that shit. 309 00:25:27,846 --> 00:25:31,111 WouId you mind if I maybe just put a fIyer in the window or something? 310 00:25:31,283 --> 00:25:33,945 Oh, I heard about that. That's sad. 311 00:25:34,619 --> 00:25:37,918 If it was up to me, you couId waIIpaper the whoIe pIace with them... 312 00:25:38,090 --> 00:25:40,081 ...but the owner makes the ruIes. 313 00:25:40,258 --> 00:25:41,657 And he's a reaI: 314 00:25:41,827 --> 00:25:43,727 [FARTS] 315 00:25:45,297 --> 00:25:46,286 Um.... 316 00:25:46,465 --> 00:25:50,697 WeII, is he here? Maybe I couId taIk to him. Maybe if he understands the situation-- 317 00:25:50,869 --> 00:25:52,166 TRENT: Are you gonna buy something? 318 00:25:52,337 --> 00:25:56,103 I mean, you've been up here for quite a whiIe yapping, so.... 319 00:25:57,742 --> 00:25:59,266 Sure. Yeah. 320 00:25:59,444 --> 00:26:02,709 Thanks. So we have two waters and some gas. 321 00:26:03,448 --> 00:26:05,211 Two waters and some gas. 322 00:26:05,383 --> 00:26:07,112 Guess I'm an asshoIe. 323 00:26:09,988 --> 00:26:12,149 You okay, bro? Is everything good? 324 00:26:12,457 --> 00:26:14,118 CLAY: Yeah, everything's fine. Thanks. 325 00:26:14,359 --> 00:26:16,054 But I'm not your bro. 326 00:26:16,661 --> 00:26:19,221 So you don't wanna be friends? You don't wanna hang out? 327 00:26:19,397 --> 00:26:22,025 JENNA: Let it go, Trent. -It's not me. This guy's being a dick. 328 00:26:22,467 --> 00:26:25,163 Yeah, it's me. ObviousIy, I'm the one being a dick. 329 00:26:25,737 --> 00:26:27,728 Sir, thank you very much anyways. 330 00:26:27,906 --> 00:26:30,602 MAN: Yep. -I'm sorry. 331 00:26:32,244 --> 00:26:33,370 Thank you. 332 00:26:36,148 --> 00:26:39,606 [BUMBLEBEEZ'S ''FREAK YA LONELINESS'' PLAYING ON STEREO] 333 00:26:41,786 --> 00:26:43,481 Seat beIts. 334 00:27:05,644 --> 00:27:07,771 [SIREN WAILS] 335 00:27:26,198 --> 00:27:27,426 WeIcome back, CIay. 336 00:27:28,934 --> 00:27:30,765 You mean that, Officer Bracke? 337 00:27:30,936 --> 00:27:33,268 Son, I know you think we're not on your side... 338 00:27:33,438 --> 00:27:36,805 ...that we're just a bunch of dumb country hicks out here. 339 00:27:38,343 --> 00:27:41,176 I put two 1 0-year veterans on that case. 340 00:27:41,346 --> 00:27:45,442 We did three dozen interviews and ran a county-wide search for your sister. 341 00:27:45,850 --> 00:27:48,751 You know how many thousands of peopIe disappear every year... 342 00:27:48,920 --> 00:27:51,047 ...even in this state aIone? 343 00:27:51,856 --> 00:27:54,689 But there's no evidence that anything happened to Whitney... 344 00:27:54,859 --> 00:27:59,887 ...or any of those other kids at CrystaI Lake. There's no car, no witnesses. 345 00:28:01,099 --> 00:28:02,430 Nothing. 346 00:28:03,602 --> 00:28:07,333 One of those kids was her boyfriend, right? 347 00:28:08,306 --> 00:28:09,330 Right. 348 00:28:09,774 --> 00:28:11,264 WeII... 349 00:28:12,110 --> 00:28:14,544 ...they probabIy just took off together. 350 00:28:15,580 --> 00:28:18,378 Our mother just died of cancer. Did I teII you that? 351 00:28:18,550 --> 00:28:21,280 -No, sir. -WeII, she did. 352 00:28:22,354 --> 00:28:24,618 She was sick for a Iong time... 353 00:28:24,923 --> 00:28:28,757 ...and Whitney took care of her every singIe day. 354 00:28:29,761 --> 00:28:32,662 And then my sister didn't show up for the funeraI. 355 00:28:35,233 --> 00:28:38,464 See, you just don't know my sister. That's not possibIe. 356 00:28:39,004 --> 00:28:40,096 WeII... 357 00:28:40,538 --> 00:28:42,506 ...she's not here, son. 358 00:28:43,508 --> 00:28:47,774 Might wanna try Iooking somepIace eIse. That's what the other famiIies are doing. 359 00:29:03,728 --> 00:29:05,286 CHEWIE: Can you say that with a--? -Wow. 360 00:29:05,463 --> 00:29:07,454 CHEWIE: Can you say that with a IittIe more hatred? 361 00:29:07,632 --> 00:29:09,532 LAWRENCE: Nice. -Shit. 362 00:29:14,306 --> 00:29:16,206 CHEWIE: Sir LanceIot, thank you. 363 00:29:16,374 --> 00:29:18,365 NOLAN: Oh, man down. -Take it easy, guys. 364 00:29:18,543 --> 00:29:20,738 Is anyone getting a signaI out here? 365 00:29:20,912 --> 00:29:24,006 Are you fucking with me? I got business I gotta do this weekend. 366 00:29:24,182 --> 00:29:25,444 What business? 367 00:29:25,617 --> 00:29:27,551 Music. I'm trying to start a IabeI. 368 00:29:27,719 --> 00:29:29,914 Oh, yeah? Like what kind? Like rap? 369 00:29:31,623 --> 00:29:33,352 Why you gotta go raciaI? 370 00:29:33,792 --> 00:29:36,260 Look, don't put me in a box, aII right? 371 00:29:36,428 --> 00:29:39,192 What, because I'm bIack I can't Iisten to Green Day? 372 00:29:39,431 --> 00:29:42,093 You're right, that was dumb. So, what kind of music? 373 00:29:42,267 --> 00:29:43,256 Rap. 374 00:29:50,408 --> 00:29:52,035 TRENT: Here it is. 375 00:29:52,510 --> 00:29:54,137 CHEWIE: Oh, my God. -Yep. 376 00:29:54,312 --> 00:29:57,406 AII right, we have two bedrooms upstairs. We've got one down. 377 00:29:57,582 --> 00:29:59,777 Someone can take the couch. It's comfy as heII. 378 00:29:59,951 --> 00:30:02,249 CHELSEA: Wow. TRENT: Nice, huh? 379 00:30:02,420 --> 00:30:04,615 LAWRENCE: Damn. CHEWIE: That is a fierce pussy. 380 00:30:04,789 --> 00:30:06,780 It's a bobcat. It's my dad's first kiII. 381 00:30:06,958 --> 00:30:10,018 I didn't think this Iong-ass car ride was gonna be worth it... 382 00:30:10,195 --> 00:30:11,958 ...but it's kind of worth it. 383 00:30:12,130 --> 00:30:13,620 LAWRENCE: This is bigger than the dorm. 384 00:30:13,798 --> 00:30:16,665 What can I say? Hey, take your feet off the tabIe, pIease. 385 00:30:19,237 --> 00:30:21,831 So make yourseIves at home. 386 00:30:22,006 --> 00:30:24,065 [SPEAKS IN SPANISH] 387 00:30:24,976 --> 00:30:27,376 -What do you wanna do first? TRENT: What do you wanna do? 388 00:30:27,545 --> 00:30:29,376 Oh, weII.... 389 00:30:30,415 --> 00:30:34,215 I brought Sweet LuciIIe. I think you aII need to meet her. 390 00:30:39,891 --> 00:30:42,257 LuciIIe? Baby, is that you? 391 00:30:42,427 --> 00:30:44,292 -Lawrence, you've been cheating. -No. 392 00:30:44,462 --> 00:30:46,828 -I saw you with a bowI the other night. -No, you-- 393 00:30:46,998 --> 00:30:48,397 CHEWIE: A bowI. 394 00:31:07,652 --> 00:31:09,313 CLAY: HeIIo? 395 00:31:10,855 --> 00:31:12,482 HeIIo? 396 00:31:18,797 --> 00:31:19,821 HeIIo? 397 00:31:22,033 --> 00:31:23,227 HeIIo? 398 00:31:36,014 --> 00:31:37,606 [DOG BARKING] 399 00:31:38,883 --> 00:31:40,407 Christ. 400 00:31:51,629 --> 00:31:54,120 -I just wanted to ask you a question. -Hush. 401 00:31:55,233 --> 00:31:58,964 I wanted to ask you if maybe you've seen somebody. 402 00:31:59,737 --> 00:32:01,329 My sister. 403 00:32:02,474 --> 00:32:05,034 She came camping up around here with some friends... 404 00:32:05,210 --> 00:32:07,201 ...and she's gone missing. 405 00:32:08,947 --> 00:32:11,313 She ain't missing. She's dead. 406 00:32:13,117 --> 00:32:15,449 -What? -PeopIe go missing around here... 407 00:32:15,620 --> 00:32:17,212 ...they're gone for good. 408 00:32:17,922 --> 00:32:20,152 Outsiders come, they don't know where to waIk. 409 00:32:20,325 --> 00:32:21,758 They bring troubIe. 410 00:32:21,926 --> 00:32:23,553 We just wanna be Ieft aIone. 411 00:32:23,728 --> 00:32:25,525 And so does he. 412 00:32:26,197 --> 00:32:27,528 So does who? 413 00:32:31,269 --> 00:32:33,601 Ma'am, pIease. So does who? 414 00:32:40,378 --> 00:32:41,402 [YELLING] 415 00:32:41,579 --> 00:32:42,944 [WOMEN CHANTING] 416 00:32:43,114 --> 00:32:46,550 NOLAN: You, baby. It's aII you. -Stop peer-pressuring me. 417 00:32:54,192 --> 00:32:55,955 -Oh, no. -Oh, shit. 418 00:32:56,127 --> 00:32:58,755 -Yes! CHEWIE: My fucking eye! 419 00:32:58,930 --> 00:33:03,560 Guys, watch the fIoor, aII right, pIease? That's stained oak. 420 00:33:03,735 --> 00:33:07,569 -This is an outside game. Come on. CHEWIE: Wait, I got foam in my contact. 421 00:33:13,611 --> 00:33:15,909 JENNA: Hey. This is a great spot. 422 00:33:16,514 --> 00:33:19,039 Do you wanna go for a hike? Get some exercise? 423 00:33:19,217 --> 00:33:23,244 That'd be nice, but, weII, I can't exactIy Ieave them here aIone. 424 00:33:23,855 --> 00:33:25,254 What are you taIking about? 425 00:33:27,625 --> 00:33:29,889 Have you seen what they're doing inside? 426 00:33:30,395 --> 00:33:32,556 Crazy. Some drunken hoodIums. 427 00:33:32,730 --> 00:33:34,857 -HoodIums? -HoodIums. 428 00:33:35,066 --> 00:33:37,227 What do you think they're gonna do? 429 00:33:37,402 --> 00:33:40,530 -I mean, steaI the deer head? -You're right. 430 00:33:40,705 --> 00:33:44,197 How are they gonna puII off the getaway? We're Ieaving in the same car. 431 00:33:44,375 --> 00:33:46,104 Come on. Do you want some exercise? 432 00:33:46,277 --> 00:33:49,371 Because I have this reaIIy great move that I've been practicing... 433 00:33:49,547 --> 00:33:51,879 ...and I need someone to practice it with. 434 00:33:52,050 --> 00:33:55,019 Very charming. Very charming. 435 00:33:55,186 --> 00:33:56,847 Oh, come on. 436 00:33:57,922 --> 00:34:00,049 -You wanna go on a hike? -You Iike hikes now? 437 00:34:00,224 --> 00:34:02,124 -I Iove hikes. -I knew it. 438 00:34:02,293 --> 00:34:04,124 WiII you get me a beer? 439 00:34:20,278 --> 00:34:22,473 [MACHINERY BUZZING] 440 00:34:36,094 --> 00:34:37,789 Excuse me. 441 00:34:43,468 --> 00:34:44,958 Sir? 442 00:34:46,971 --> 00:34:48,131 -Hey! -Oh, shit. Jesus. 443 00:34:52,243 --> 00:34:53,676 Sorry. 444 00:34:55,546 --> 00:34:57,480 Jesus Christ. 445 00:34:57,882 --> 00:34:59,577 You're fucking Iucky there, stretch. 446 00:34:59,751 --> 00:35:03,687 Came that cIose to hitting the start button on the whoop-ass machine, boy. 447 00:35:05,223 --> 00:35:08,715 Look, I didn't mean to startIe you. I was trying to get your attention. 448 00:35:08,893 --> 00:35:11,157 This is Mr. Garikes' property. 449 00:35:11,329 --> 00:35:15,163 You're Iucky that oId mummy fart didn't put buckshots in your ass. 450 00:35:15,333 --> 00:35:18,166 Somebody's been steaIing his fucking kerosene too. 451 00:35:18,569 --> 00:35:21,265 Look, I just came in here to ask you something, okay? 452 00:35:21,439 --> 00:35:23,839 I'm Iooking for this girI. Have you seen her? 453 00:35:24,008 --> 00:35:25,873 She's been missing for about a month. 454 00:35:26,611 --> 00:35:28,875 I wish I had, man. 455 00:35:29,447 --> 00:35:32,007 -I ain't seen her, though. -Thanks. 456 00:35:32,316 --> 00:35:33,749 -Take care. -You too. 457 00:35:35,353 --> 00:35:36,980 Shit. Hey, hey, hey. 458 00:35:37,155 --> 00:35:40,056 I forgot, did you wanna buy some weed? 459 00:35:40,224 --> 00:35:44,456 SeriousIy, I found a fucking shit ton of it growing out there. A IittIe busheI. 460 00:35:44,629 --> 00:35:46,961 -SeII you some. -No. Thanks. 461 00:35:47,131 --> 00:35:49,599 -You sure? I got a whoIe bunch of it. -I'm good. 462 00:35:49,767 --> 00:35:50,859 DONNIE: You sure? 463 00:35:51,035 --> 00:35:53,094 It's your fucking Ioss, dude. 464 00:35:53,271 --> 00:35:55,831 It'II fuck your shit up, boy. 465 00:35:56,207 --> 00:35:57,504 Good times... 466 00:35:57,675 --> 00:35:58,699 ...fucker. 467 00:35:59,077 --> 00:36:02,137 JENNA: Just reIax, okay? These guys are your guests. 468 00:36:02,313 --> 00:36:04,008 If you're.... 469 00:36:04,682 --> 00:36:08,675 If you're not comfortabIe having them here, then why did you invite them? 470 00:36:09,454 --> 00:36:11,684 So they couId admire your pIace? 471 00:36:11,856 --> 00:36:14,950 No. I just wanted to have a good weekend. You know? 472 00:36:15,860 --> 00:36:19,091 Hey, guys. Wanna check out the other side of the Iake with us? 473 00:36:21,165 --> 00:36:24,259 Um.... You know what? It's getting, you know.... 474 00:36:24,435 --> 00:36:28,394 No. That's okay. It's.... It's okay. It's getting kind of Iate. 475 00:36:28,673 --> 00:36:29,697 -Yeah. -Okay. 476 00:36:29,874 --> 00:36:30,966 Take my truck. 477 00:36:31,576 --> 00:36:33,806 -Nice. -I trust you. 478 00:36:33,978 --> 00:36:36,879 Can you do me a favor? WiII you take the gas cans to the boat? 479 00:36:37,048 --> 00:36:40,449 It's on the south end of the Iake. Just take a right onto Town Road. 480 00:36:40,618 --> 00:36:42,142 -Take a right. -Okay, and then? 481 00:36:42,320 --> 00:36:44,584 Why don't you just type ''boat'' into the nav? 482 00:36:44,756 --> 00:36:46,155 -TechnoIogy, right? -See you. 483 00:36:46,324 --> 00:36:49,259 -Have fun. -Later. 484 00:36:51,662 --> 00:36:53,323 Don't drive my boat. 485 00:36:53,498 --> 00:36:55,762 I'm the onIy one that drives the boat, okay? 486 00:36:56,067 --> 00:36:57,557 Aye, aye, captain. 487 00:36:57,735 --> 00:36:58,963 Damn straight. 488 00:37:01,706 --> 00:37:03,264 [CHELSEA SCREAMS] 489 00:37:03,441 --> 00:37:06,069 What does that say about me that the second Trent said... 490 00:37:06,244 --> 00:37:09,145 ...''Don't take my boat out,'' it was guaranteed that I wouId. 491 00:37:09,313 --> 00:37:11,042 It means you're a sociopath. 492 00:37:11,215 --> 00:37:14,309 Now, what does it say about me that I find that hot? 493 00:37:17,922 --> 00:37:19,253 [KNOCKING] 494 00:37:20,124 --> 00:37:23,560 Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm Iooking for my sister and.... 495 00:37:24,929 --> 00:37:26,419 Hey. 496 00:37:27,965 --> 00:37:31,366 -No Iuck? -No. No, not yet. 497 00:37:32,537 --> 00:37:34,664 -May I? -Yeah. 498 00:37:34,839 --> 00:37:36,500 -Thank you. -Sure. 499 00:37:36,674 --> 00:37:38,232 She's pretty. 500 00:37:40,845 --> 00:37:42,369 Thanks. 501 00:37:42,914 --> 00:37:44,814 Do you wanna come in for a second, grab a drink? 502 00:37:44,982 --> 00:37:46,506 Uh.... 503 00:37:47,351 --> 00:37:50,343 I don't think your boyfriend wouId Iike that too much. 504 00:37:50,521 --> 00:37:52,045 Don't worry. He'II be fine. 505 00:37:52,456 --> 00:37:56,415 And here we have the stoned American maIe, foraging for food. 506 00:37:57,695 --> 00:37:59,185 Thanks. 507 00:38:04,535 --> 00:38:05,934 This shouId be interesting. 508 00:38:08,439 --> 00:38:10,930 Hey, Trent, you remember.... 509 00:38:12,276 --> 00:38:13,300 CIay. 510 00:38:14,946 --> 00:38:17,414 Yeah. Of course I remember CIay. 511 00:38:17,748 --> 00:38:19,010 Why is he in my house? 512 00:38:20,518 --> 00:38:22,213 Hey, new guy. Beer? 513 00:38:22,386 --> 00:38:27,050 No, no. He's gotta get going. You got fIyers to pass out, right? 514 00:38:27,258 --> 00:38:28,748 Yeah. 515 00:38:29,293 --> 00:38:30,487 Right. 516 00:38:30,661 --> 00:38:33,289 -Look, if you're hungry, we-- -Okay. 517 00:38:33,464 --> 00:38:37,662 Look, CIay, obviousIy she's just trying to be nice. 518 00:38:37,835 --> 00:38:41,168 But you can't stay here. No offense, but this is a private party. 519 00:38:41,339 --> 00:38:43,569 -I don't know you. -No, you don't know me. 520 00:38:43,741 --> 00:38:45,800 That's so funny, I just said that. 521 00:38:45,977 --> 00:38:48,207 Like two seconds ago, that I don't know you. 522 00:38:48,379 --> 00:38:51,871 I wouId probabIy Ieave soon before I get pissed off and, you know.... 523 00:38:52,049 --> 00:38:54,142 -Yeah? -Yeah. 524 00:38:54,418 --> 00:38:55,612 What happens then? 525 00:38:55,786 --> 00:38:59,278 Hey, Iook. Take it easy, Trent, aII right? I'II just-- I'II waIk you out. 526 00:38:59,724 --> 00:39:01,123 Yeah. 527 00:39:01,492 --> 00:39:04,052 Jenna. Jenna, come on. Where you going? 528 00:39:12,103 --> 00:39:13,695 JENNA: Sorry about that. 529 00:39:13,871 --> 00:39:16,704 That's aII right. It's his house, you know? 530 00:39:16,874 --> 00:39:18,102 Where's your car? 531 00:39:18,276 --> 00:39:20,767 I do not have a car, but I do have her. 532 00:39:20,945 --> 00:39:23,038 -Nice. -Thanks. 533 00:39:23,214 --> 00:39:26,911 -This thing runs? -Yeah. Yeah, it runs. 534 00:39:27,084 --> 00:39:29,177 So where you off to next? 535 00:39:29,353 --> 00:39:33,380 I haven't been to the other side of the Iake, so I was gonna go check that out. 536 00:39:33,557 --> 00:39:36,526 -Do you want some company? -I'd Iove some company. 537 00:40:04,255 --> 00:40:06,382 What's up, beaver bear? 538 00:40:11,629 --> 00:40:13,824 It's a big motherfucker, huh? 539 00:40:27,912 --> 00:40:29,004 Fuck, yeah. 540 00:40:30,915 --> 00:40:32,940 You hot bitch. 541 00:40:37,989 --> 00:40:39,581 Let Daddy have a IittIe Iick. 542 00:40:43,394 --> 00:40:47,353 You Iike that, bitch? You know you do. 543 00:40:48,232 --> 00:40:50,564 [CREAKING] 544 00:40:51,769 --> 00:40:53,862 What the fuck was that? 545 00:40:56,107 --> 00:40:58,905 Don't smoke my weed, motherfucker. 546 00:41:01,979 --> 00:41:05,176 Somebody better not be steaIing the kerosene up there. 547 00:41:27,838 --> 00:41:29,396 [CLATTERING] 548 00:41:30,908 --> 00:41:32,000 Shit. 549 00:42:08,312 --> 00:42:09,643 Gina. 550 00:42:10,214 --> 00:42:12,444 It's just you, baby. 551 00:42:14,218 --> 00:42:16,379 It's been a Iong time, Gina. 552 00:42:16,554 --> 00:42:19,182 You remember that speciaI night we had? 553 00:42:19,356 --> 00:42:21,551 You remember when you took my virginity? 554 00:42:21,725 --> 00:42:22,749 You're sexy. 555 00:42:23,360 --> 00:42:27,421 You're stiII tight as ever. I'm gonna fucking pound you so hard. 556 00:42:27,865 --> 00:42:29,696 What the fuck? 557 00:42:31,035 --> 00:42:33,162 [GRUNTING] 558 00:42:37,274 --> 00:42:38,707 [TEARS] 559 00:42:40,578 --> 00:42:41,602 What the--? 560 00:42:41,779 --> 00:42:44,441 That shit ain't fucking right, dude. What the fuck? 561 00:43:32,696 --> 00:43:35,563 You think we shouId take the boat out? He's gonna find out. 562 00:43:35,733 --> 00:43:37,325 -I knew it. -What? 563 00:43:37,501 --> 00:43:41,665 You're inhibited. You taIk a big game, but inside you're just a scared IittIe girI. 564 00:43:41,839 --> 00:43:44,706 CHELSEA: Oh, reaIIy? Oh, okay, fine. 565 00:43:44,875 --> 00:43:47,844 You wanna find out who's reaIIy scared? Let's do it. 566 00:43:48,012 --> 00:43:50,708 NOLAN: AII right. Let's go. 567 00:43:53,150 --> 00:43:55,948 JENNA: So you and your sister must be pretty cIose. 568 00:43:56,654 --> 00:43:59,623 We were pretty cIose when we were younger. We kind of drifted. 569 00:43:59,790 --> 00:44:02,918 I mean, I baiIed when I was 1 7, and she stayed with my mom. 570 00:44:04,328 --> 00:44:05,955 She kind of had to, I guess. 571 00:44:06,564 --> 00:44:09,590 I don't know, she's aIways been the responsibIe one. 572 00:44:11,902 --> 00:44:13,836 So when's the Iast time you taIked to her? 573 00:44:14,838 --> 00:44:19,036 About six months ago. We got in a fight, actuaIIy. 574 00:44:19,210 --> 00:44:23,203 She caIIed and said she wanted to see me, said she was counting on me... 575 00:44:23,380 --> 00:44:24,904 ...and I never showed. 576 00:44:25,082 --> 00:44:26,743 Excuse me. 577 00:44:29,653 --> 00:44:31,280 JENNA: What is that? 578 00:44:31,455 --> 00:44:33,252 CLAY: It's a GPS. 579 00:44:48,839 --> 00:44:50,966 -AII right, you ready? -Ready. Let's do it. 580 00:44:53,177 --> 00:44:55,304 [SCREAMS] 581 00:44:57,014 --> 00:44:58,311 Yeah. Oh, shit. 582 00:45:04,455 --> 00:45:05,786 Yeah. 583 00:45:05,956 --> 00:45:07,446 [YELLS] 584 00:45:11,595 --> 00:45:12,892 Yeah. 585 00:45:18,269 --> 00:45:19,463 LAWRENCE: Pick it, pick it. 586 00:45:19,637 --> 00:45:21,662 Oh, you Iike the baIIs in your hand, huh? 587 00:45:21,839 --> 00:45:23,898 Which one? Which one is it? Is that the one? 588 00:45:24,074 --> 00:45:26,372 -Those feeI good, don't they? -That's the one. 589 00:45:26,543 --> 00:45:27,908 Shoot. 590 00:45:29,146 --> 00:45:30,875 [YELLING] 591 00:45:31,048 --> 00:45:32,515 Fuck. 592 00:45:32,683 --> 00:45:35,015 One of you has gotta shoot the boot. 593 00:45:35,552 --> 00:45:36,644 That's you, babe. 594 00:45:36,820 --> 00:45:38,048 -Are you serious? -Yeah. 595 00:45:38,222 --> 00:45:40,816 You missed. I've been carrying you the entire game. 596 00:45:40,991 --> 00:45:43,152 CHEWIE: Come on, baby. LAWRENCE: Drink up, drink up, drink up. 597 00:45:43,327 --> 00:45:47,730 [CHANTING] Shoot the boot, shoot the boot, shoot the boot. 598 00:45:47,898 --> 00:45:50,458 Shoot the boot. 599 00:45:50,634 --> 00:45:53,694 Fuck that. I'm not drinking out of your sweaty-ass sneaker. 600 00:45:53,871 --> 00:45:55,566 You Iost 1 0 in a row. Shoot. 601 00:45:55,739 --> 00:45:58,139 My house, my ruIes. I'm not drinking that shit. 602 00:45:58,309 --> 00:46:00,140 CHEWIE: Fine. -Oh, no. 603 00:46:00,311 --> 00:46:03,075 -To aII the feIching... -No. No. 604 00:46:03,247 --> 00:46:04,680 -...weIching... -Yes. 605 00:46:04,848 --> 00:46:07,078 ...pussies of the worId. 606 00:46:08,852 --> 00:46:11,116 That's disgusting. 607 00:46:25,803 --> 00:46:27,862 Oh! 608 00:46:33,377 --> 00:46:34,776 [YELLS] 609 00:46:40,818 --> 00:46:42,285 Yeah. 610 00:46:43,120 --> 00:46:45,179 [LAUGHING] 611 00:46:50,194 --> 00:46:52,025 What are you doing, NoIan?! 612 00:47:01,472 --> 00:47:02,803 NoIan! 613 00:47:05,909 --> 00:47:09,470 NoIan. Oh, my God. 614 00:47:14,118 --> 00:47:15,449 NoIan. 615 00:47:15,953 --> 00:47:17,682 Oh, God. Oh, God. 616 00:47:17,855 --> 00:47:19,482 NoIan? 617 00:47:21,759 --> 00:47:24,284 Oh, shit. Oh, my God. 618 00:47:33,370 --> 00:47:35,065 What do you want from me? 619 00:47:35,239 --> 00:47:36,797 Oh, my God. 620 00:47:36,974 --> 00:47:39,101 [CRYING] 621 00:48:12,209 --> 00:48:14,336 JENNA: I never Iiked camp. CLAY: Why? 622 00:48:15,546 --> 00:48:19,676 Bad food, bugs, cheap toiIet paper. 623 00:48:27,024 --> 00:48:30,357 Know what? Wait. Maybe we shouId check these cabins out, you know? 624 00:48:30,527 --> 00:48:32,427 -Sure. -Come on. 625 00:49:49,039 --> 00:49:52,475 CLAY: Let's just check out this Iast cabin, then we'II head back. 626 00:50:05,789 --> 00:50:07,313 Come on. 627 00:50:56,506 --> 00:50:58,201 You reaIIy shouId caII the poIice. 628 00:50:58,375 --> 00:51:01,242 CLAY: I've aIready caIIed. They're not Iooking for her anymore. 629 00:51:01,411 --> 00:51:03,208 No one is, except for me. 630 00:51:03,647 --> 00:51:05,274 Then they shouId Iook harder because-- 631 00:51:05,449 --> 00:51:06,973 Oh! Ow. 632 00:51:07,150 --> 00:51:09,618 -You aII right? -I'm okay, I'm okay. 633 00:51:09,820 --> 00:51:11,447 CLAY: You sure? -Yeah. 634 00:51:16,193 --> 00:51:17,455 CLAY: Let's get out of here. 635 00:51:19,896 --> 00:51:21,591 Watch your step. 636 00:51:32,442 --> 00:51:35,343 Give me a sec, I gotta change out my batteries. 637 00:51:37,014 --> 00:51:38,572 [RUSTLING] 638 00:51:39,483 --> 00:51:42,475 -Someone's coming. -Oh, shit. Let's go. 639 00:51:53,797 --> 00:51:55,128 Oh, my God. 640 00:53:21,985 --> 00:53:23,714 CLAY: Where's he going? 641 00:53:30,560 --> 00:53:33,495 -Oh, my God. We gotta go. -Shh. 642 00:53:33,663 --> 00:53:35,654 -I gotta foIIow him. JENNA: He had a dead body. 643 00:53:35,832 --> 00:53:38,665 -We gotta go. We gotta warn my friends. -Okay, okay. 644 00:53:52,482 --> 00:53:53,642 [METAL CLANKS] 645 00:53:53,917 --> 00:53:55,544 [BELLS RING] 646 00:54:13,203 --> 00:54:15,433 CLAY: You okay? JENNA: Yeah. 647 00:54:15,605 --> 00:54:17,163 What is that? 648 00:54:20,243 --> 00:54:22,336 HeIp! 649 00:54:25,282 --> 00:54:26,306 Come on, Iet's go. 650 00:54:26,483 --> 00:54:27,882 -Yeah. -Let's go. 651 00:54:28,051 --> 00:54:29,814 HeIp me! 652 00:54:37,093 --> 00:54:39,357 [WAILING] 653 00:54:43,934 --> 00:54:46,061 HeIp me! 654 00:54:46,236 --> 00:54:48,227 HeIp! 655 00:54:52,275 --> 00:54:53,936 HeIp me! 656 00:56:23,033 --> 00:56:24,022 [WOMAN SCREAMS] 657 00:56:28,905 --> 00:56:30,634 No. No. 658 00:56:43,286 --> 00:56:45,117 [YELLING] 659 00:56:46,723 --> 00:56:48,850 [SOBBING] 660 00:56:59,636 --> 00:57:00,933 [SCREAMING] 661 00:57:12,415 --> 00:57:13,746 PIease don't hurt me. 662 00:57:20,957 --> 00:57:22,822 It's okay. 663 00:57:26,096 --> 00:57:27,654 Jason. 664 00:57:27,831 --> 00:57:29,731 It's okay. 665 00:57:39,976 --> 00:57:41,375 [DOOR SLAMS] 666 00:58:11,007 --> 00:58:12,770 CIay. 667 00:58:24,888 --> 00:58:26,617 CLAY: Shit. 668 00:58:49,412 --> 00:58:51,141 Come on. 669 00:59:05,829 --> 00:59:06,818 [CREAKING] 670 00:59:06,996 --> 00:59:08,122 Shit. 671 00:59:17,974 --> 00:59:20,442 -This way. Come on. -Okay. 672 01:00:04,254 --> 01:00:05,721 [SCREAMS] 673 01:01:01,177 --> 01:01:03,577 [LYRICS BORN'S ''I LIKE IT, I LO VE IT'' PLAYING O VER SPEAKERS] 674 01:01:22,599 --> 01:01:24,590 In my next Iife... 675 01:01:25,235 --> 01:01:27,396 ...I wanna come back... 676 01:01:27,570 --> 01:01:31,062 ...as one of the buttons on the ass pocket of her jean shorts. 677 01:01:32,609 --> 01:01:36,477 -Just go over there and fucking taIk to her. -Are you kidding me? 678 01:01:36,646 --> 01:01:39,809 I have a better shot at fucking a penguin than that girI. 679 01:01:47,223 --> 01:01:49,589 -Let's Iight this bad boy. -Great. 680 01:01:53,029 --> 01:01:54,724 Here we go. 681 01:01:56,266 --> 01:01:57,426 Yes. 682 01:01:57,600 --> 01:01:59,158 CHEWIE: Hey. 683 01:01:59,335 --> 01:02:02,896 Here's to Daddy's shoes and fucking douche bags. 684 01:02:03,072 --> 01:02:06,735 -Let's just aII be one big happy cIiche. -Yes. 685 01:02:06,909 --> 01:02:10,777 Dude, what the fuck? PIease, try not to burn down my house. 686 01:02:13,816 --> 01:02:15,977 Did you forget how to drink that? 687 01:02:19,055 --> 01:02:20,716 Just bring it to your Iips... 688 01:02:22,158 --> 01:02:23,819 ...bIow... 689 01:02:25,328 --> 01:02:27,023 ...and suck. 690 01:02:28,197 --> 01:02:30,927 -You're reaIIy good at that. -Mm-hm. 691 01:02:31,434 --> 01:02:32,423 [SIZZLES] 692 01:02:32,602 --> 01:02:34,399 [SCREAMS] 693 01:02:36,873 --> 01:02:39,535 Fuck, dude! You just broke my dad's fucking chair. 694 01:02:39,709 --> 01:02:40,801 CHEWIE: My fucking Iip, man. 695 01:02:40,977 --> 01:02:44,310 I don't care about your fucking Iip. This is a famiIy heirIoom. 696 01:02:44,480 --> 01:02:47,415 CHEWIE: Oh, shit. Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. -Fuck! 697 01:02:47,583 --> 01:02:50,484 I just-- No, I can fix this. I just need some tooIs. 698 01:02:50,653 --> 01:02:53,554 -He can fix it. -You better puII some MacGyver shit. 699 01:02:53,723 --> 01:02:56,021 AII right, go to the tooIshed. It's down the path. 700 01:02:56,759 --> 01:02:59,159 Yeah, okay. I'm just-- Trent, I'm sorry, man. 701 01:02:59,329 --> 01:03:00,762 You won't be disappointed. 702 01:03:00,930 --> 01:03:03,421 They don't caII me ''wood wizard'' because I masturbate. 703 01:03:03,599 --> 01:03:05,897 Grab a fIashIight, you fucking idiot. 704 01:03:06,669 --> 01:03:07,761 Thanks. 705 01:03:10,406 --> 01:03:12,533 Forget about it. He'II fix it. 706 01:03:12,709 --> 01:03:14,609 Let's go finish this. 707 01:03:21,150 --> 01:03:23,812 That's a ugIy fucking chair anyway. 708 01:03:24,287 --> 01:03:26,812 CHEWIE: My name is Trent. My daddy bent me over this chair... 709 01:03:26,989 --> 01:03:29,822 ...and beat me when I was IittIe, so you need to fix it. 710 01:03:38,701 --> 01:03:40,032 Hey, now. 711 01:03:42,097 --> 01:03:43,826 Yes. 712 01:03:48,670 --> 01:03:50,433 [LAUGHS] 713 01:03:51,206 --> 01:03:53,936 You peopIe are rich. 714 01:03:54,709 --> 01:03:56,677 HoIy crap. 715 01:03:56,911 --> 01:04:00,847 Poor peopIe caII this a house. Jesus Christ. 716 01:04:07,822 --> 01:04:10,290 You have never used this shit. 717 01:04:10,558 --> 01:04:13,755 Fucking douche bag. Skis. What the fuck? 718 01:04:18,133 --> 01:04:20,966 Ha! Ha! 719 01:04:21,836 --> 01:04:25,033 ''LagavuIin, product of ScotIand.'' 720 01:04:26,141 --> 01:04:27,472 Oh. 721 01:04:27,642 --> 01:04:30,008 That just smeIIs Iike money. 722 01:04:34,416 --> 01:04:36,976 I knew there was a reason to be your friend, Trent. 723 01:04:37,152 --> 01:04:41,384 More? Oh, absoIuteIy. No-- AII right, you don't have to force it on me. 724 01:04:43,391 --> 01:04:44,415 Fuck. 725 01:04:44,592 --> 01:04:46,526 You can grease wheeIs with this shit. 726 01:04:46,961 --> 01:04:48,929 That's payment for being a douche bag. 727 01:04:52,667 --> 01:04:53,895 Okay. 728 01:05:00,141 --> 01:05:01,540 Okay. 729 01:05:01,910 --> 01:05:03,537 Okay. 730 01:05:04,446 --> 01:05:05,777 Oh, yeah. 731 01:05:06,047 --> 01:05:08,880 Oh, wow. Your tits are stupendous. 732 01:05:09,350 --> 01:05:12,012 Wow, you reaIIy know how to make a girI feeI speciaI, huh? 733 01:05:12,187 --> 01:05:14,155 That's what I do. 734 01:05:19,294 --> 01:05:21,990 TRENT: Yeah, they can go. Take off my pants. 735 01:05:22,163 --> 01:05:23,687 They can go. 736 01:05:29,270 --> 01:05:32,933 [JIMMY GRESHAM'S ''NO WAY TO STOP IT'' PLAYING O VER SPEAKERS] 737 01:05:37,245 --> 01:05:39,145 Oh, man. 738 01:05:39,547 --> 01:05:42,414 AII right. Let's see what you've got. 739 01:05:44,385 --> 01:05:48,014 AII right, give me something, baby. What you got for me? Give me something. 740 01:05:48,189 --> 01:05:50,885 Goddamn. Not even a swimsuit? Shit. 741 01:05:51,059 --> 01:05:53,619 Goddamn winter cataIog. 742 01:05:53,795 --> 01:05:55,023 Oh, okay. 743 01:05:58,399 --> 01:06:00,026 Gonna have to do. 744 01:06:04,172 --> 01:06:07,266 Lady, I'm about to ruin your perfect day. 745 01:06:16,684 --> 01:06:18,117 AII right. 746 01:06:19,087 --> 01:06:21,487 Shit. You scared the piss out of me. 747 01:06:21,656 --> 01:06:25,092 Where is everybody? There's a guy out there carrying a dead body. 748 01:06:25,260 --> 01:06:26,591 CLAY: Jenna, where's the phone? 749 01:06:26,761 --> 01:06:28,422 I don't know. Over there? 750 01:06:28,596 --> 01:06:32,555 You fucking with me because I'm high? That's not cooI. I just finished smoking. 751 01:06:32,734 --> 01:06:34,497 CLAY: Where's the phone? 752 01:06:37,405 --> 01:06:39,339 Hi, I want to report a homicide. 753 01:06:39,507 --> 01:06:40,735 CIay MiIIer. 754 01:06:40,909 --> 01:06:43,434 Yeah, I'm at a house by CrystaI Lake. It's.... 755 01:06:43,611 --> 01:06:45,169 Yeah, that's it. Hurry. 756 01:06:46,514 --> 01:06:48,277 They said they're sending someone. 757 01:06:48,449 --> 01:06:49,973 -PoIice? CLAY: Yeah. 758 01:06:50,151 --> 01:06:53,348 -Where is everybody eIse? -I don't know. I've been here aII day. 759 01:06:53,521 --> 01:06:55,989 CheIsea and NoIan Ieft, Iike, hours ago to the Iake. 760 01:06:56,157 --> 01:06:58,625 -WeII, what about Trent? Bree? -They're in the bedroom. 761 01:06:58,927 --> 01:07:01,589 [SANTOGOLD'S ''SHO VE IT (FEATURING SPANK ROCK)'' PLAYING O VER SPEAKERS] 762 01:07:01,763 --> 01:07:03,162 [MO ANING] 763 01:07:03,831 --> 01:07:06,356 -Your tits are fucking just... -I know. 764 01:07:06,534 --> 01:07:07,831 ...so juicy, dude. 765 01:07:10,505 --> 01:07:12,405 You got perfect nippIe pIacement, baby. 766 01:07:15,843 --> 01:07:17,640 This better not go on the fucking Internet. 767 01:07:19,147 --> 01:07:23,675 You shouId win in a fucking titty contest. 768 01:07:30,758 --> 01:07:32,988 Trent, Bree. You guys in there? 769 01:07:36,998 --> 01:07:38,829 Trent! Bree! 770 01:07:39,000 --> 01:07:40,490 Shut the fuck up! 771 01:07:41,402 --> 01:07:42,994 JENNA: Get out here! 772 01:07:43,171 --> 01:07:45,230 They're just fucking with us. 773 01:07:46,374 --> 01:07:47,466 [POUNDING ON DOOR] 774 01:07:47,642 --> 01:07:49,872 -Ignore her. JENNA: Come on, guys. 775 01:07:50,311 --> 01:07:52,871 Get out here. There's a guy out there. 776 01:07:53,047 --> 01:07:55,709 TRENT: We're busy in here, baby. -Trent. 777 01:08:08,129 --> 01:08:09,619 [MO ANING] 778 01:08:30,752 --> 01:08:31,810 Yeah. 779 01:08:32,086 --> 01:08:35,317 Okay. AII right, Trent. Let me educate you. 780 01:08:35,490 --> 01:08:39,859 You ever seen a crossover before, huh? I'm gonna show you right now. 781 01:08:40,028 --> 01:08:42,656 I'II bet you never-- Whoa. Ow. 782 01:08:42,830 --> 01:08:44,730 Jesus. 783 01:08:51,139 --> 01:08:52,629 Hey. 784 01:08:53,441 --> 01:08:55,341 Now, this is a man's sport. 785 01:08:57,145 --> 01:08:59,943 You're even curved to the Ieft, Iike my penis. 786 01:09:02,016 --> 01:09:04,177 Okay, it's overtime. Line change. 787 01:09:04,619 --> 01:09:05,779 Chewie's on the ice. 788 01:09:05,953 --> 01:09:09,946 Send the puck around the back of the net. Here we go. Pass back to the middIe. Oh! 789 01:09:14,362 --> 01:09:15,420 Oh, my.... 790 01:09:15,596 --> 01:09:17,689 No, no, no. 791 01:09:20,802 --> 01:09:22,531 Shit. 792 01:09:25,840 --> 01:09:27,171 Shit. 793 01:09:36,584 --> 01:09:39,883 Oh, God. You scared the shit out of me, bro. 794 01:09:41,823 --> 01:09:44,018 Are you Iooking for this? 795 01:09:44,192 --> 01:09:48,151 Because it compIetes your outfit. 796 01:09:51,899 --> 01:09:53,093 Oh, fuck. 797 01:09:57,038 --> 01:09:58,869 What the fuck? Oh, Jesus. 798 01:09:59,040 --> 01:10:00,735 [GRUNTING] 799 01:10:10,918 --> 01:10:12,215 No. 800 01:10:46,621 --> 01:10:47,849 [THUDS] 801 01:11:08,509 --> 01:11:10,670 Oh, my God, baby. Getting cIose. 802 01:11:10,978 --> 01:11:12,138 -Yeah? -Yeah. 803 01:11:12,313 --> 01:11:13,837 I got eight seconds, then I'm going. 804 01:11:15,950 --> 01:11:17,918 Oh, God. 805 01:11:21,189 --> 01:11:22,884 [MO ANING] 806 01:11:29,997 --> 01:11:31,123 Oh, God. 807 01:11:36,137 --> 01:11:37,365 I'm going soon. I'm going. 808 01:11:38,673 --> 01:11:39,970 [BOTH GRUNT] 809 01:11:41,576 --> 01:11:42,941 No. 810 01:11:55,723 --> 01:11:57,657 [MUFFLED SCREAMING] 811 01:12:00,027 --> 01:12:02,689 That was.... 812 01:12:02,864 --> 01:12:04,729 Stupendous? 813 01:12:05,600 --> 01:12:07,659 [LAUGHS] 814 01:12:08,402 --> 01:12:09,960 To say the Ieast, yeah. 815 01:12:15,676 --> 01:12:19,271 TRENT: Who's messing with the Iights? -Oh, shit. Chewie's stiII out there. 816 01:12:20,414 --> 01:12:23,281 -Phone's dead. Do you have a ceII? JENNA: Nothing has a signaI. 817 01:12:23,451 --> 01:12:24,713 What are you doing here? 818 01:12:24,886 --> 01:12:26,444 JENNA: Trent-- -Get the fuck out, buddy. 819 01:12:26,621 --> 01:12:28,646 -Easy. -He's just trying to heIp us. 820 01:12:29,090 --> 01:12:33,322 You Ieave with this guy for eight hours, fucking aII over the woods? 821 01:12:33,694 --> 01:12:36,595 You know what? Why don't both of you just get the fuck out? 822 01:12:36,764 --> 01:12:38,732 -There's a bigger probIem-- -Shut up. 823 01:12:38,900 --> 01:12:41,266 Are you serious? There is a kiIIer out there. 824 01:12:41,435 --> 01:12:42,959 He's the one who cut the Iights. 825 01:12:43,137 --> 01:12:46,664 Trent, don't you get it? CheIsea and NoIan never came back. 826 01:12:46,841 --> 01:12:48,274 Lawrence, what are you doing? 827 01:12:48,442 --> 01:12:51,138 My boy's stiII out there. I'm gonna go get him. 828 01:12:51,546 --> 01:12:53,309 No, man. Don't go out there. PIease. 829 01:12:53,481 --> 01:12:56,314 Look, I toId, aII right? You can't get a handIe on me. 830 01:12:56,751 --> 01:12:58,742 I'II surprise you every time. 831 01:13:26,881 --> 01:13:28,371 Chewie? 832 01:13:35,289 --> 01:13:37,018 Hey, Chewie? 833 01:13:44,966 --> 01:13:46,797 Chew, you in there? 834 01:14:15,096 --> 01:14:16,427 Chewie? 835 01:14:18,432 --> 01:14:20,423 Chewie, you in here? 836 01:15:21,896 --> 01:15:23,488 Oh, fuck. 837 01:15:32,640 --> 01:15:33,971 Get the fuck off me. 838 01:15:40,514 --> 01:15:42,812 Take that, motherfucker. 839 01:16:00,501 --> 01:16:02,230 [SCREAMING] 840 01:16:07,975 --> 01:16:11,206 Guys, this is buIIshit. The power goes out here aII the time. 841 01:16:12,179 --> 01:16:13,646 [LAWRENCE SCREAMING] 842 01:16:13,814 --> 01:16:15,475 LAWRENCE: HeIp me! 843 01:16:16,951 --> 01:16:20,045 HeIp! HeIp me! 844 01:16:20,221 --> 01:16:22,246 PIease, heIp me. 845 01:16:22,490 --> 01:16:24,685 -Lawrence. -No, no, no. You can't go out there. 846 01:16:24,859 --> 01:16:26,793 -We have to heIp him. CLAY: No, we can't. 847 01:16:26,961 --> 01:16:29,725 He's using your friend as bait. He wants us to go out. 848 01:16:29,897 --> 01:16:31,489 WeII, you don't know that. 849 01:16:31,665 --> 01:16:33,326 Jesus, where are the poIice? 850 01:16:33,501 --> 01:16:35,025 LAWRENCE: I can't move. 851 01:16:35,703 --> 01:16:37,330 -HeIp me! JENNA: We have to heIp him. 852 01:16:37,772 --> 01:16:39,000 LAWRENCE: I can't die Iike this. 853 01:16:40,341 --> 01:16:42,400 HeIp me, pIease. Trent. 854 01:16:43,010 --> 01:16:44,841 Somebody, heIp. 855 01:16:45,446 --> 01:16:46,674 Oh, my God, pIease. 856 01:16:47,948 --> 01:16:49,040 I can't fucking-- 857 01:16:49,784 --> 01:16:51,376 Somebody's gotta do something! 858 01:16:53,988 --> 01:16:55,478 PIease. 859 01:16:59,026 --> 01:17:00,493 [SCREAMS] 860 01:17:01,529 --> 01:17:03,895 Shut up, shut up, shut up! 861 01:17:04,064 --> 01:17:05,861 [SOBBING] 862 01:17:21,282 --> 01:17:24,877 Everyone's gonna be okay, aII right? The cops are on their way. 863 01:17:28,489 --> 01:17:29,820 What are you doing? 864 01:17:45,105 --> 01:17:46,766 Trent. 865 01:18:54,608 --> 01:18:57,236 [MUFFLED SCREAMING] 866 01:19:18,699 --> 01:19:20,189 Jenna? 867 01:20:22,896 --> 01:20:24,454 [KNOCKING] 868 01:20:24,631 --> 01:20:26,462 [GASPS] 869 01:20:27,968 --> 01:20:29,492 PoIice. 870 01:20:29,670 --> 01:20:32,400 -Oh, thank God. CLAY: Go, go. 871 01:20:34,108 --> 01:20:35,871 PoIice, open up. 872 01:20:39,513 --> 01:20:43,279 CLAY: Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Go, go, go. JENNA: Oh, my God. 873 01:20:50,591 --> 01:20:51,956 CLAY: Get the door. 874 01:20:52,126 --> 01:20:53,753 Okay. Shit. 875 01:20:53,927 --> 01:20:56,987 -What are you doing? Is he inside? -He kiIIed the cop. 876 01:20:57,965 --> 01:21:00,934 What the fuck, you got a gun? Let's go now. 877 01:21:03,570 --> 01:21:05,595 Jesus! What are you doing? 878 01:21:06,807 --> 01:21:08,240 Give me the gun. 879 01:21:08,609 --> 01:21:10,133 Someone's in there. 880 01:21:13,147 --> 01:21:14,307 Check it out. 881 01:21:30,731 --> 01:21:32,426 Bree's dead. He kiIIed Bree. 882 01:21:40,441 --> 01:21:41,840 Come on. 883 01:21:44,144 --> 01:21:45,475 Come on. 884 01:21:46,213 --> 01:21:48,875 There's no gun, no keys, nothing. Let's go. 885 01:21:55,389 --> 01:21:57,084 Where are the keys? 886 01:22:01,095 --> 01:22:04,496 -HeIp! We got officers down. -My keys are gone. Where are my keys? 887 01:22:04,665 --> 01:22:07,190 Hey, Jenna, fuck this guy. Let's get out of here. 888 01:22:11,138 --> 01:22:13,231 [SCREAMING] 889 01:22:13,407 --> 01:22:15,739 Go. Go. Go, go, go! Jesus. 890 01:22:26,186 --> 01:22:27,847 JENNA: Oh, my God. 891 01:22:56,517 --> 01:22:59,509 Shit. Where the fuck are you, gun? 892 01:23:00,354 --> 01:23:01,685 Fuck. 893 01:23:08,428 --> 01:23:09,827 Fuck it. 894 01:24:18,098 --> 01:24:19,622 [YELLS] 895 01:24:19,800 --> 01:24:21,199 [ENGINE SPUTTERING] 896 01:24:57,404 --> 01:25:00,202 -Oh, my God, that's CheIsea. -We gotta keep moving. Go. 897 01:25:11,752 --> 01:25:13,720 AII right, this way. 898 01:25:17,357 --> 01:25:19,291 CLAY: Come on. JENNA: Okay. 899 01:26:33,900 --> 01:26:36,801 [FOOTSTEPS] 900 01:26:38,839 --> 01:26:40,500 HeIp! 901 01:26:40,974 --> 01:26:42,305 CLAY: Shh. 902 01:26:42,476 --> 01:26:44,103 -What was that? WHITNEY: Let me out! 903 01:26:44,277 --> 01:26:46,905 JENNA: Oh, my God. CLAY: What the fuck? 904 01:26:49,149 --> 01:26:51,276 HeIp me! 905 01:26:51,451 --> 01:26:52,975 HeIp me. 906 01:28:01,388 --> 01:28:03,049 This way. 907 01:28:22,542 --> 01:28:24,908 WHITNEY: CIay? -Whitney. Whitney. 908 01:28:25,078 --> 01:28:27,308 WHITNEY: Oh, God, CIay. CLAY: Thank God. 909 01:28:27,481 --> 01:28:29,676 Are you okay? You okay? Thank God. 910 01:28:29,850 --> 01:28:31,875 -Are you okay? WHITNEY: Yeah. 911 01:28:32,752 --> 01:28:35,050 You're okay. You're okay. Okay. You're okay? 912 01:28:35,522 --> 01:28:36,853 Oh, God. 913 01:28:37,724 --> 01:28:39,419 -Okay. WHITNEY: Just get me out of here. 914 01:28:39,593 --> 01:28:41,026 CLAY: Fuck. 915 01:28:41,194 --> 01:28:43,685 -Come on, you guys, Iet's go. -Can you break it? 916 01:28:43,864 --> 01:28:45,855 -No, just break it, just break it. -Okay. 917 01:28:46,566 --> 01:28:49,433 Yeah, just go. Go. Just fucking do it. 918 01:28:49,603 --> 01:28:52,094 -HoId stiII. HoId your hands. -Hurry up, hurry. 919 01:28:52,272 --> 01:28:53,864 Do it. Fucking do it. 920 01:28:56,877 --> 01:28:59,539 -We gotta get out of here. -I don't wanna hit you. 921 01:28:59,713 --> 01:29:01,806 -Just fucking do it. -Okay, okay. 922 01:29:01,982 --> 01:29:03,006 Hurry. 923 01:29:05,752 --> 01:29:07,242 Oh, God. 924 01:29:12,492 --> 01:29:14,119 HoIy shit. 925 01:29:14,294 --> 01:29:15,921 Okay, okay, okay. 926 01:29:16,563 --> 01:29:18,656 You guys, I can see him. He's coming. 927 01:29:18,832 --> 01:29:20,231 -What? JENNA: We gotta go. 928 01:29:20,400 --> 01:29:22,994 -Grab onto me. Grab onto me. JENNA: Let's go. Come on, hurry. 929 01:29:23,169 --> 01:29:24,397 Go, go, go. 930 01:29:25,539 --> 01:29:27,905 Go. Come on. 931 01:29:47,394 --> 01:29:49,760 CLAY: Go. Go. 932 01:29:57,804 --> 01:29:59,135 WHITNEY: It's a dead end. 933 01:29:59,339 --> 01:30:00,738 What are we gonna do? 934 01:30:00,907 --> 01:30:02,636 CIay? 935 01:30:03,577 --> 01:30:04,908 Hurry. 936 01:30:05,645 --> 01:30:06,873 CLAY: Here. Here. 937 01:30:11,785 --> 01:30:13,377 Come on, we can get through here. 938 01:30:15,155 --> 01:30:16,645 FoIIow me. 939 01:30:17,857 --> 01:30:19,449 JENNA: Go, go, go. CLAY: It's safe, guys. 940 01:30:19,626 --> 01:30:22,151 Give me your hand, Jenna. Come on, hurry. 941 01:30:22,329 --> 01:30:24,661 Give me your hand. Okay. I got you. 942 01:30:27,634 --> 01:30:30,797 Oh, my-- Fuck. Jesus, God, no. 943 01:30:32,405 --> 01:30:34,134 -Oh, God. CIay. CIay. -No. No. 944 01:30:35,675 --> 01:30:38,610 -Oh, fuck. -Oh, God. Oh, God. CIay. 945 01:30:39,479 --> 01:30:40,878 WHITNEY: Come on, we gotta go. 946 01:30:50,824 --> 01:30:53,759 Look. I think this might be a way out. 947 01:31:05,338 --> 01:31:07,636 CLAY: AII right. Let's go. Come on. Hurry. 948 01:31:09,809 --> 01:31:11,800 Let's go. Watch out. 949 01:31:14,581 --> 01:31:15,707 Come on. 950 01:31:15,882 --> 01:31:17,315 WHITNEY: Hurry. -Damn it. It's stuck. 951 01:31:17,484 --> 01:31:18,508 WHITNEY: Come on, come on. 952 01:31:18,685 --> 01:31:20,778 CLAY: Come on. -Hurry. 953 01:31:29,763 --> 01:31:33,893 Give me your hand. Give me your hand. Give me your hand. Okay. 954 01:31:34,067 --> 01:31:36,592 On three. One-- Come on. 955 01:31:38,171 --> 01:31:41,937 -Run. Whitney, get-- -CIay! CIay! CIay! 956 01:31:42,409 --> 01:31:43,706 Stop it! 957 01:31:44,978 --> 01:31:46,206 No! 958 01:31:46,379 --> 01:31:48,370 CIay! CIay! 959 01:31:50,650 --> 01:31:53,050 Shit. Shit. 960 01:32:37,197 --> 01:32:38,425 Fuck you. 961 01:32:44,471 --> 01:32:46,666 No, no, no! 962 01:32:46,840 --> 01:32:49,104 [SCREAMING] 963 01:32:55,949 --> 01:32:57,746 CLAY: Whitney! 964 01:32:57,917 --> 01:33:00,977 -Whitney. WHITNEY: CIay. CIay! 965 01:33:01,154 --> 01:33:02,712 Come on. 966 01:33:06,159 --> 01:33:07,649 Hurry. 967 01:33:08,628 --> 01:33:10,118 Come on. 968 01:33:26,513 --> 01:33:27,844 Hide. 969 01:34:34,247 --> 01:34:35,908 Shit, fuck. 970 01:34:56,202 --> 01:34:58,397 [WHIRRING] 971 01:35:27,500 --> 01:35:28,990 Jason. 972 01:35:41,781 --> 01:35:43,646 It's okay. 973 01:35:45,718 --> 01:35:47,049 You can stop now. 974 01:35:48,588 --> 01:35:49,850 It's okay. 975 01:37:03,129 --> 01:37:04,460 Jason. 976 01:37:05,898 --> 01:37:07,388 Say hi to Mommy... 977 01:37:09,302 --> 01:37:11,236 ...in heII. 978 01:39:44,690 --> 01:39:46,419 [SCREAMS] 979 01:45:25,331 --> 01:45:27,322 [ENGLISH SDH]