1 00:00:10,867 --> 00:00:13,800 [tense music] 2 00:00:13,800 --> 00:00:17,033 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:17,033 --> 00:00:22,133 TERRY: 4 00:00:17,033 --> 00:00:22,133 America's Got Talent 5 00:00:17,033 --> 00:00:22,133 Season 16 starts right now. 6 00:00:22,133 --> 00:00:23,700 HEIDI: 7 00:00:22,133 --> 00:00:23,700 I have chills. 8 00:00:23,700 --> 00:00:25,166 SOFÍA: 9 00:00:23,700 --> 00:00:25,166 It was perfection. 10 00:00:25,166 --> 00:00:26,734 SIMON: 11 00:00:25,166 --> 00:00:26,734 We need you. 12 00:00:26,734 --> 00:00:28,834 The world needs you. 13 00:00:28,834 --> 00:00:32,500 HOWIE: 14 00:00:28,834 --> 00:00:32,500 You know why I want 15 00:00:28,834 --> 00:00:32,500 to stand for you? 16 00:00:32,500 --> 00:00:35,533 So that I can do this. 17 00:00:35,533 --> 00:00:37,700 [♪♪♪] 18 00:00:45,700 --> 00:00:48,867 - Wow, look at that, Whiskers. 19 00:00:45,700 --> 00:00:48,867 Golden Buzzer. 20 00:00:48,867 --> 00:00:49,767 [cat meows] 21 00:00:49,767 --> 00:00:53,567 ♪ ♪ 22 00:00:53,567 --> 00:00:57,834 ♪ The power of love 23 00:00:53,567 --> 00:00:57,834 is a curious thing ♪ 24 00:00:57,834 --> 00:01:01,867 ♪ Make a-one man weep, 25 00:00:57,834 --> 00:01:01,867 make another man sing ♪ 26 00:01:01,867 --> 00:01:05,633 ♪ Change a hawk 27 00:01:01,867 --> 00:01:05,633 to a little white dove ♪ 28 00:01:05,633 --> 00:01:10,367 ♪ More than a feeling, 29 00:01:05,633 --> 00:01:10,367 that's the power of love ♪ 30 00:01:10,367 --> 00:01:14,100 ♪ Don't need money, 31 00:01:10,367 --> 00:01:14,100 don't take fame ♪ 32 00:01:14,100 --> 00:01:17,767 ♪ Don't need no credit card 33 00:01:14,100 --> 00:01:17,767 to ride this train ♪ 34 00:01:17,767 --> 00:01:20,834 ♪ Tougher than diamonds 35 00:01:17,767 --> 00:01:20,834 and stronger than steel ♪ 36 00:01:20,834 --> 00:01:22,567 - Get up! Get up! 37 00:01:22,567 --> 00:01:24,200 Ahh! 38 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:25,734 - I loved it. 39 00:01:25,734 --> 00:01:28,000 ♪ It's strong 40 00:01:25,734 --> 00:01:28,000 and it's sudden ♪ 41 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:29,667 - So good. 42 00:01:29,667 --> 00:01:32,400 - I loved you. 43 00:01:34,367 --> 00:01:37,333 - ♪ That's the power of love ♪ 44 00:01:37,333 --> 00:01:38,900 ♪ ♪ 45 00:01:38,900 --> 00:01:40,166 ♪ Can you feel it? ♪ 46 00:01:40,166 --> 00:01:42,533 MAN: 47 00:01:40,166 --> 00:01:42,533 Welcome the host 48 00:01:40,166 --> 00:01:42,533 of America's Got Talent, 49 00:01:42,533 --> 00:01:44,533 Terry Crews. 50 00:01:42,533 --> 00:01:44,533 - Ahh! 51 00:01:44,533 --> 00:01:45,800 ♪ ♪ 52 00:01:45,800 --> 00:01:49,934 - Are you ready to meet 53 00:01:45,800 --> 00:01:49,934 your AGT judges? 54 00:01:49,934 --> 00:01:52,100 ♪ To ride this train ♪ 55 00:01:52,100 --> 00:01:56,333 ♪ Tougher than diamonds 56 00:01:52,100 --> 00:01:56,333 and stronger than steel ♪ 57 00:01:56,333 --> 00:01:58,367 ♪ ♪ 58 00:01:58,367 --> 00:01:59,967 TERRY: 59 00:01:58,367 --> 00:01:59,967 Wow. 60 00:01:59,967 --> 00:02:05,200 Man, the energy in here 61 00:01:59,967 --> 00:02:05,200 is electric right now. 62 00:02:05,200 --> 00:02:06,633 Yes. 63 00:02:06,633 --> 00:02:09,567 Now, Simon... 64 00:02:06,633 --> 00:02:09,567 - Yes. 65 00:02:09,567 --> 00:02:13,100 - There have been amazing acts 66 00:02:09,567 --> 00:02:13,100 right here on this stage 67 00:02:13,100 --> 00:02:16,900 that have actually 68 00:02:13,100 --> 00:02:16,900 taken over Las Vegas. 69 00:02:16,900 --> 00:02:19,433 - Yeah. 70 00:02:16,900 --> 00:02:19,433 You go down that strip now, 71 00:02:19,433 --> 00:02:22,600 it's like every billboard 72 00:02:19,433 --> 00:02:22,600 is someone, you know, 73 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:24,467 from this show now. 74 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:24,467 It's unbelievable. 75 00:02:24,467 --> 00:02:26,033 - Yes. 76 00:02:24,467 --> 00:02:26,033 SIMON: Yeah. 77 00:02:26,033 --> 00:02:29,467 And in addition to that, 78 00:02:26,033 --> 00:02:29,467 in November, 79 00:02:29,467 --> 00:02:30,967 America's Got Talent 80 00:02:30,967 --> 00:02:33,500 opens in Vegas 81 00:02:30,967 --> 00:02:33,500 at the Luxor Theater. Yeah. 82 00:02:33,500 --> 00:02:35,166 - Whoo. 83 00:02:33,500 --> 00:02:35,166 - Yes. 84 00:02:35,166 --> 00:02:40,767 - AGT takes over The Strip 85 00:02:35,166 --> 00:02:40,767 at Luxor. 86 00:02:40,767 --> 00:02:42,500 It's for real. 87 00:02:42,500 --> 00:02:44,166 - Wow. Do you have coupons? 88 00:02:44,166 --> 00:02:47,000 - I can get you a discount. 89 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:49,266 - Are you guys ready 90 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:49,266 to get this show started? 91 00:02:49,266 --> 00:02:50,567 - Yes. Let's do it. 92 00:02:50,567 --> 00:02:54,367 - Welcome to America's 93 00:02:50,567 --> 00:02:54,367 Got Talent Season 16. 94 00:02:54,367 --> 00:02:55,967 ♪ You feel the power ♪ 95 00:02:55,967 --> 00:02:57,600 ♪ Just feel the power 96 00:02:55,967 --> 00:02:57,600 of love ♪ 97 00:02:57,600 --> 00:02:59,000 HOWIE: 98 00:02:57,600 --> 00:02:59,000 We should go. 99 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:00,834 Really, Simon, 100 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:00,834 we should all go one night. 101 00:03:00,834 --> 00:03:03,333 SIMON: 102 00:03:00,834 --> 00:03:03,333 Oh, yeah. 103 00:03:03,333 --> 00:03:04,633 - What is happening here? 104 00:03:04,633 --> 00:03:08,300 ♪ You feel the power 105 00:03:04,633 --> 00:03:08,300 of love ♪ 106 00:03:08,300 --> 00:03:14,200 ♪ Feel the power of love ♪ 107 00:03:14,200 --> 00:03:16,133 - Oh, fabulous. 108 00:03:14,200 --> 00:03:16,133 - Oh, look at the little one. 109 00:03:16,133 --> 00:03:19,667 ♪ ♪ 110 00:03:19,667 --> 00:03:21,133 - Hi. 111 00:03:19,667 --> 00:03:21,133 - Oh, they're adorable. 112 00:03:21,133 --> 00:03:23,734 - Hello, beautiful ladies. 113 00:03:21,133 --> 00:03:23,734 How is it going? 114 00:03:23,734 --> 00:03:26,000 [together] Good. 115 00:03:23,734 --> 00:03:26,000 - Good. Where are you all from? 116 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:27,567 - Mesquite, Texas. 117 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:27,567 [applause] 118 00:03:27,567 --> 00:03:30,834 - From Texas. Welcome. 119 00:03:30,834 --> 00:03:33,166 So tell me, who came up 120 00:03:30,834 --> 00:03:33,166 with this routine 121 00:03:33,166 --> 00:03:34,767 that you guys 122 00:03:33,166 --> 00:03:34,767 will be doing for us? 123 00:03:34,767 --> 00:03:38,900 - Our fearless, fabulous 124 00:03:34,767 --> 00:03:38,900 teacher and director, Justin. 125 00:03:38,900 --> 00:03:41,567 He's over there. 126 00:03:38,900 --> 00:03:41,567 Come on out. Come on out. 127 00:03:41,567 --> 00:03:43,467 - Oh. 128 00:03:43,467 --> 00:03:45,967 [cheers and applause] 129 00:03:45,967 --> 00:03:48,200 - Whoa. 130 00:03:48,200 --> 00:03:51,433 - Justin? 131 00:03:48,200 --> 00:03:51,433 - Hello, hello. 132 00:03:51,433 --> 00:03:53,633 - It's so fabulous. 133 00:03:51,433 --> 00:03:53,633 You're Justin? 134 00:03:53,633 --> 00:03:56,066 - I am Justin, 135 00:03:53,633 --> 00:03:56,066 also known as Alyssa Edwards. 136 00:03:56,066 --> 00:03:58,333 - I was going to say, 137 00:03:56,066 --> 00:03:58,333 you don't look like a Justin. 138 00:03:58,333 --> 00:04:00,800 - Heidi said, 139 00:03:58,333 --> 00:04:00,800 "Where is Justin at?" Exactly. 140 00:04:00,800 --> 00:04:04,433 - Is there a big drag scene 141 00:04:00,800 --> 00:04:04,433 in your town in Texas? 142 00:04:04,433 --> 00:04:06,533 - There actually is, 143 00:04:04,433 --> 00:04:06,533 and, you know, 144 00:04:06,533 --> 00:04:10,400 I'm very fortunate 145 00:04:06,533 --> 00:04:10,400 to have so many moms and dads 146 00:04:10,400 --> 00:04:12,133 and families in Mesquite, 147 00:04:10,400 --> 00:04:12,133 Texas, 148 00:04:12,133 --> 00:04:14,500 that not only support me 149 00:04:12,133 --> 00:04:14,500 but they celebrate me. 150 00:04:14,500 --> 00:04:16,133 - Very good. 151 00:04:14,500 --> 00:04:16,133 - Absolutely. 152 00:04:16,133 --> 00:04:18,700 - As a very shy, young, 153 00:04:16,133 --> 00:04:18,700 little boy, 154 00:04:18,700 --> 00:04:22,166 dance was the only way 155 00:04:18,700 --> 00:04:22,166 I could find the words 156 00:04:22,166 --> 00:04:23,700 to express myself, 157 00:04:23,700 --> 00:04:25,934 and I teach that each 158 00:04:23,700 --> 00:04:25,934 and every day to these kids. 159 00:04:25,934 --> 00:04:29,033 So I'm so very proud 160 00:04:25,934 --> 00:04:29,033 of you all and so very honored 161 00:04:29,033 --> 00:04:30,633 to be standing on the stage 162 00:04:29,033 --> 00:04:30,633 with you guys. 163 00:04:30,633 --> 00:04:31,934 SIMON: Aw. 164 00:04:30,633 --> 00:04:31,934 [applause] 165 00:04:31,934 --> 00:04:34,467 HEIDI: 166 00:04:31,934 --> 00:04:34,467 Wow. Alyssa, I mean, 167 00:04:31,934 --> 00:04:34,467 you are incredible. 168 00:04:34,467 --> 00:04:38,000 Are you responsible for them 169 00:04:34,467 --> 00:04:38,000 all looking so fabulous? 170 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:39,467 - What do you guys think? 171 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:39,467 - Oh, yeah. 172 00:04:39,467 --> 00:04:40,767 - Yeah. 173 00:04:39,467 --> 00:04:40,767 - Oh, yeah. 174 00:04:40,767 --> 00:04:43,133 HEIDI: 175 00:04:40,767 --> 00:04:43,133 Thank you so much 176 00:04:40,767 --> 00:04:43,133 for being here today. 177 00:04:43,133 --> 00:04:45,200 Thank you, Alyssa. 178 00:04:43,133 --> 00:04:45,200 Good luck, girls. 179 00:04:45,200 --> 00:04:46,500 - Thank you. 180 00:04:45,200 --> 00:04:46,500 - I can't wait to see this. 181 00:04:46,500 --> 00:04:47,734 - Good luck, you guys. 182 00:04:46,500 --> 00:04:47,734 - Thank you. 183 00:04:47,734 --> 00:04:49,066 - Wow. 184 00:04:47,734 --> 00:04:49,066 - Come on, Let's do it. 185 00:04:49,066 --> 00:04:52,066 [all shouting] 186 00:04:52,066 --> 00:04:53,233 - Get it, get it, get it. 187 00:04:53,233 --> 00:04:54,633 - Mm-hmm. 188 00:04:54,633 --> 00:04:57,133 [cheers and applause] 189 00:04:59,567 --> 00:05:02,166 - Okay, dolls, 190 00:04:59,567 --> 00:05:02,166 y'all know what time it is. 191 00:05:02,166 --> 00:05:03,133 Come on. 192 00:05:03,133 --> 00:05:06,066 [upbeat music] 193 00:05:06,066 --> 00:05:08,233 ♪ ♪ 194 00:05:11,500 --> 00:05:14,767 - ♪ Nails, hair, hips, heels, 195 00:05:11,500 --> 00:05:14,767 face done, lips real ♪ 196 00:05:14,767 --> 00:05:18,400 ♪ Purse full, big bills, 197 00:05:14,767 --> 00:05:18,400 yes, I'm a big deal ♪ 198 00:05:18,400 --> 00:05:21,700 ♪ Legs, legs, face, eyes, 199 00:05:18,400 --> 00:05:21,700 thin waist, thick thighs ♪ 200 00:05:21,700 --> 00:05:25,467 ♪ You, me, you wish, 201 00:05:21,700 --> 00:05:25,467 new phone, who this? ♪ 202 00:05:25,467 --> 00:05:26,934 ♪ Patty-pat-pat 203 00:05:25,467 --> 00:05:26,934 [indistinct] ♪ 204 00:05:26,934 --> 00:05:28,800 ♪ Mama yes God 205 00:05:26,934 --> 00:05:28,800 when you pop that tongue ♪ 206 00:05:28,800 --> 00:05:30,667 ♪ This whole club 207 00:05:28,800 --> 00:05:30,667 is my runway, run ♪ 208 00:05:30,667 --> 00:05:32,200 ♪ Y'all five, four, 209 00:05:30,667 --> 00:05:32,200 three, twos, I'm a one ♪ 210 00:05:32,200 --> 00:05:34,333 ♪ Girl, what did that girl 211 00:05:32,200 --> 00:05:34,333 just say, girl? 212 00:05:34,333 --> 00:05:37,066 ♪ Girl, I don't dance, 213 00:05:34,333 --> 00:05:37,066 I work ♪ 214 00:05:37,066 --> 00:05:38,533 ♪ I don't play, I slay ♪ 215 00:05:38,533 --> 00:05:40,266 ♪ I don't walk, 216 00:05:38,533 --> 00:05:40,266 I strut, strut, strut ♪ 217 00:05:40,266 --> 00:05:41,667 ♪ And then sashay ♪ 218 00:05:40,266 --> 00:05:41,667 - ♪ Okay ♪ 219 00:05:41,667 --> 00:05:43,000 - ♪ But I don't work 220 00:05:41,667 --> 00:05:43,000 for free ♪ 221 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:44,633 ♪ No, that's not the tea, 222 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:44,633 hunty ♪ 223 00:05:44,633 --> 00:05:46,834 - ♪ No ma'am ♪ 224 00:05:44,633 --> 00:05:46,834 - ♪ So make it rain on me ♪ 225 00:05:46,834 --> 00:05:48,100 ♪ And I might let you see ♪ 226 00:05:48,100 --> 00:05:49,333 - ♪ What you gonna 227 00:05:48,100 --> 00:05:49,333 let them see? ♪ 228 00:05:49,333 --> 00:05:51,834 - ♪ My nails, hair, 229 00:05:49,333 --> 00:05:51,834 hips, heels ♪ 230 00:05:51,834 --> 00:05:53,300 ♪ Nails, hair, hips, heels ♪ 231 00:05:53,300 --> 00:05:55,767 ♪ Nails, hair, hips, heels, 232 00:05:53,300 --> 00:05:55,767 heels, heels ♪ 233 00:05:55,767 --> 00:05:57,433 - ♪ Stretch out those legs ♪ 234 00:05:57,433 --> 00:06:00,133 ♪ Stretch out that wrist, 235 00:05:57,433 --> 00:06:00,133 stretch out that weave ♪ 236 00:06:00,133 --> 00:06:01,734 ♪ I don't want 237 00:06:00,133 --> 00:06:01,734 to see you dance ♪ 238 00:06:01,734 --> 00:06:03,834 ♪ I want to see you work, 239 00:06:01,734 --> 00:06:03,834 come on ♪ 240 00:06:03,834 --> 00:06:05,266 ♪ Snap for me, snap for me, 241 00:06:03,834 --> 00:06:05,266 snap ♪ 242 00:06:05,266 --> 00:06:07,200 ♪ Now clap for me, 243 00:06:05,266 --> 00:06:07,200 clap for me, clap ♪ 244 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:09,600 ♪ Clap for me, 245 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:09,600 clap for me, clap ♪ 246 00:06:09,600 --> 00:06:12,200 - Ahh! Ohh! 247 00:06:12,200 --> 00:06:16,367 - ♪ Pose, pose, pose, pose ♪ 248 00:06:16,367 --> 00:06:19,133 ♪ That's all ♪ 249 00:06:19,133 --> 00:06:21,433 [laughs] 250 00:06:21,433 --> 00:06:22,834 [cheers and applause] 251 00:06:22,834 --> 00:06:26,700 - See that little one, 252 00:06:22,834 --> 00:06:26,700 the little one is a superstar. 253 00:06:26,700 --> 00:06:29,967 - What in the world? 254 00:06:26,700 --> 00:06:29,967 That was incredible. 255 00:06:29,967 --> 00:06:32,700 [cheers and applause] 256 00:06:32,700 --> 00:06:35,633 [gentle piano music] 257 00:06:35,633 --> 00:06:39,266 ♪ ♪ 258 00:06:39,266 --> 00:06:41,600 - Ladies, whoo. 259 00:06:41,600 --> 00:06:44,400 I'm going to start with Simon. 260 00:06:41,600 --> 00:06:44,400 What did you think, Simon? 261 00:06:44,400 --> 00:06:46,700 - I think this act 262 00:06:44,400 --> 00:06:46,700 was sensational. 263 00:06:46,700 --> 00:06:48,567 Absolutely sensational. 264 00:06:48,567 --> 00:06:50,600 [cheers and applause] 265 00:06:50,600 --> 00:06:52,633 I really loved you. 266 00:06:52,633 --> 00:06:55,333 - Thank you. 267 00:06:55,333 --> 00:06:57,200 - You know, you win 268 00:06:55,333 --> 00:06:57,200 a million dollars. 269 00:06:57,200 --> 00:06:58,767 What do you do 270 00:06:57,200 --> 00:06:58,767 with the money if you win? 271 00:06:58,767 --> 00:07:01,200 - I would probably have to pay 272 00:06:58,767 --> 00:07:01,200 medical bills, 273 00:07:01,200 --> 00:07:02,800 because I have spina bifida, 274 00:07:02,800 --> 00:07:04,800 and I was born with a tumor 275 00:07:02,800 --> 00:07:04,800 on my spine, 276 00:07:04,800 --> 00:07:07,100 and it's, you know, 277 00:07:04,800 --> 00:07:07,100 given me lots of complications. 278 00:07:07,100 --> 00:07:08,900 SIMON: 279 00:07:07,100 --> 00:07:08,900 I know a little bit 280 00:07:07,100 --> 00:07:08,900 about this. 281 00:07:08,900 --> 00:07:11,533 Obviously, 282 00:07:08,900 --> 00:07:11,533 it's very restricting 283 00:07:11,533 --> 00:07:12,900 in terms of normal things, 284 00:07:12,900 --> 00:07:15,467 let alone dance, 285 00:07:12,900 --> 00:07:15,467 so how do you deal with that? 286 00:07:15,467 --> 00:07:18,533 - There's always days where, 287 00:07:15,467 --> 00:07:18,533 you know, I'm weaker, 288 00:07:18,533 --> 00:07:22,100 but Justin has really helped me 289 00:07:18,533 --> 00:07:22,100 to find my motivation. 290 00:07:22,100 --> 00:07:23,767 He always keeps me going. 291 00:07:23,767 --> 00:07:26,300 No matter, like, how many times 292 00:07:23,767 --> 00:07:26,300 the spina bifida tries 293 00:07:26,300 --> 00:07:28,133 to knock me down, 294 00:07:26,300 --> 00:07:28,133 he's always, like, 295 00:07:28,133 --> 00:07:29,600 "Come on, girl. 296 00:07:28,133 --> 00:07:29,600 You've got this." 297 00:07:29,600 --> 00:07:32,100 Like, and my teammates, like, 298 00:07:29,600 --> 00:07:32,100 they're my number 299 00:07:32,100 --> 00:07:35,166 one supporters. 300 00:07:32,100 --> 00:07:35,166 and, like... 301 00:07:35,166 --> 00:07:36,734 - Aww. 302 00:07:36,734 --> 00:07:41,934 [cheers and applause] 303 00:07:41,934 --> 00:07:43,400 - You've got good friends 304 00:07:41,934 --> 00:07:43,400 up there, haven't you? 305 00:07:43,400 --> 00:07:45,934 - Yes, they're great. 306 00:07:43,400 --> 00:07:45,934 - Yeah, I can sense that. 307 00:07:45,934 --> 00:07:48,400 - I thought it was out 308 00:07:45,934 --> 00:07:48,400 of this world. 309 00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:50,233 It was perfect. 310 00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:50,233 I wish the song was longer, 311 00:07:50,233 --> 00:07:52,367 because I tried to focus 312 00:07:50,233 --> 00:07:52,367 on each one of you. 313 00:07:52,367 --> 00:07:55,200 Each one of you was doing their 314 00:07:52,367 --> 00:07:55,200 own thing, different faces. 315 00:07:55,200 --> 00:07:57,467 I mean, I couldn't get enough 316 00:07:55,200 --> 00:07:57,467 of you guys. 317 00:07:57,467 --> 00:07:58,667 I loved it. 318 00:07:58,667 --> 00:07:59,700 [applause] 319 00:07:58,667 --> 00:07:59,700 - Thank you. 320 00:07:59,700 --> 00:08:03,166 HEIDI: Howie? 321 00:07:59,700 --> 00:08:03,166 - You were fierce. 322 00:08:03,166 --> 00:08:04,367 Your faces. 323 00:08:04,367 --> 00:08:08,000 The little one there, 324 00:08:04,367 --> 00:08:08,000 you are a superstar. 325 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:10,900 You really are. 326 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:10,900 I mean, you all are. 327 00:08:10,900 --> 00:08:13,166 What are you thinking? 328 00:08:10,900 --> 00:08:13,166 I see tears. 329 00:08:13,166 --> 00:08:14,700 - I'm excited. 330 00:08:14,700 --> 00:08:16,000 - [laughs] 331 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:18,367 - Well, I'm excited 332 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:18,367 to meet you. 333 00:08:18,367 --> 00:08:19,700 HEIDI: 334 00:08:18,367 --> 00:08:19,700 This was absolutely 335 00:08:18,367 --> 00:08:19,700 incredible. 336 00:08:19,700 --> 00:08:21,433 You could have 337 00:08:19,700 --> 00:08:21,433 not done it better. 338 00:08:21,433 --> 00:08:23,533 I mean, even down to the nails. 339 00:08:23,533 --> 00:08:25,100 I see everyone 340 00:08:23,533 --> 00:08:25,100 has different color nails. 341 00:08:25,100 --> 00:08:28,367 - Yeah, everyone has the-- 342 00:08:25,100 --> 00:08:28,367 - I'm so a stickler for detail. 343 00:08:28,367 --> 00:08:29,800 I mean, it was perfection, 344 00:08:29,800 --> 00:08:32,133 so you're going to get 345 00:08:29,800 --> 00:08:32,133 your first yes from me. 346 00:08:32,133 --> 00:08:33,700 - Whoo 347 00:08:32,133 --> 00:08:33,700 - Two yeses. 348 00:08:33,700 --> 00:08:34,800 - Whoo. 349 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:35,934 HEIDI: 350 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:35,934 What are you going 351 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:35,934 to give them? 352 00:08:35,934 --> 00:08:37,467 - Yes. 353 00:08:35,934 --> 00:08:37,467 HEIDI: Exciting. 354 00:08:37,467 --> 00:08:42,767 - And now you have four yeses. 355 00:08:42,767 --> 00:08:45,233 [cheers and applause] 356 00:08:45,233 --> 00:08:48,166 [upbeat music] 357 00:08:48,166 --> 00:08:50,133 ♪ ♪ 358 00:08:50,133 --> 00:08:52,233 - Thank you. Thank you. Thanks. 359 00:08:52,233 --> 00:08:53,800 - So good. 360 00:08:53,800 --> 00:08:56,333 ♪ ♪ 361 00:08:56,333 --> 00:08:57,533 - Group hug. Group hug. 362 00:08:57,533 --> 00:08:59,633 SOFÍA: 363 00:08:57,533 --> 00:08:59,633 You show this anywhere 364 00:08:57,533 --> 00:08:59,633 in the world, 365 00:08:59,633 --> 00:09:01,767 I mean, it's a show, you know? 366 00:09:01,767 --> 00:09:03,066 - You guys are on your way. 367 00:09:04,133 --> 00:09:06,200 MAN 1: 368 00:09:04,133 --> 00:09:06,200 Something brought us 369 00:09:04,133 --> 00:09:06,200 together, 370 00:09:06,200 --> 00:09:08,200 and here we are, meant to be. 371 00:09:08,200 --> 00:09:10,967 WOMAN: 372 00:09:08,200 --> 00:09:10,967 Remember, all those 373 00:09:08,200 --> 00:09:10,967 long nights, hard work, 374 00:09:10,967 --> 00:09:12,633 it's all going to pay off. 375 00:09:12,633 --> 00:09:15,266 MAN 2: 376 00:09:12,633 --> 00:09:15,266 They're going to see our 377 00:09:12,633 --> 00:09:15,266 brotherhood and our connection 378 00:09:15,266 --> 00:09:16,500 on that stage. 379 00:09:16,500 --> 00:09:19,900 ♪ I got love for you ♪ 380 00:09:19,900 --> 00:09:22,700 - All right. Let's go. 381 00:09:19,900 --> 00:09:22,700 Let's make it happen, y'all. 382 00:09:22,700 --> 00:09:24,133 ♪ ♪ 383 00:09:24,133 --> 00:09:27,100 - ♪ I got love for you ♪ 384 00:09:24,133 --> 00:09:27,100 - ♪ Nice to meet you ♪ 385 00:09:27,100 --> 00:09:28,967 - Hello. I'm Terry. 386 00:09:28,967 --> 00:09:32,200 And can you introduce 387 00:09:28,967 --> 00:09:32,200 the group you have here? 388 00:09:32,200 --> 00:09:34,300 SIMON: 389 00:09:32,200 --> 00:09:34,300 I love working with groups. 390 00:09:34,300 --> 00:09:36,300 - [speaking Japanese] 391 00:09:36,300 --> 00:09:37,600 This is "UniCircle." 392 00:09:37,600 --> 00:09:40,600 SIMON: 393 00:09:37,600 --> 00:09:40,600 That's what I really want 394 00:09:37,600 --> 00:09:40,600 to find this year, 395 00:09:40,600 --> 00:09:43,900 like, an amazing group, 396 00:09:40,600 --> 00:09:43,900 something new. 397 00:09:43,900 --> 00:09:45,300 That would be my dream. 398 00:09:45,300 --> 00:09:47,033 - Go out and make it happen, 399 00:09:45,300 --> 00:09:47,033 all right? 400 00:09:47,033 --> 00:09:50,367 Thank you so much. 401 00:09:47,033 --> 00:09:50,367 America is waiting for you. 402 00:09:50,367 --> 00:09:53,100 - ♪ I got love for you ♪ 403 00:09:53,100 --> 00:09:55,133 ♪ I got love for you ♪ 404 00:09:53,100 --> 00:09:55,133 - ♪ To a drink ♪ 405 00:09:55,133 --> 00:09:59,133 - ♪ I got love for you ♪ 406 00:09:55,133 --> 00:09:59,133 - ♪ Nice to meet you ♪ 407 00:09:59,133 --> 00:10:00,467 SOFÍA: 408 00:09:59,133 --> 00:10:00,467 Oh, wow. 409 00:10:00,467 --> 00:10:04,433 This looks very exciting, 410 00:10:00,467 --> 00:10:04,433 very different. 411 00:10:04,433 --> 00:10:05,934 Who are you guys? 412 00:10:05,934 --> 00:10:10,367 - We are "UniCircle Flow." 413 00:10:05,934 --> 00:10:10,367 HOWIE: "UniCircle Flow." 414 00:10:10,367 --> 00:10:13,500 - And you guys are from where? 415 00:10:10,367 --> 00:10:13,500 - From Japan. 416 00:10:13,500 --> 00:10:16,033 SOFÍA: 417 00:10:13,500 --> 00:10:16,033 From Japan. 418 00:10:16,033 --> 00:10:17,800 [cheers and applause] 419 00:10:17,800 --> 00:10:21,200 - I just want to add 420 00:10:17,800 --> 00:10:21,200 that this is 421 00:10:21,200 --> 00:10:22,800 just only four members today, 422 00:10:22,800 --> 00:10:25,066 but UniCircle 423 00:10:22,800 --> 00:10:25,066 is bigger than them, 424 00:10:25,066 --> 00:10:28,200 and they're representing 425 00:10:25,066 --> 00:10:28,200 in whole 12 people today. 426 00:10:28,200 --> 00:10:29,266 [cheers and applause] 427 00:10:29,266 --> 00:10:31,033 SOFÍA: 428 00:10:29,266 --> 00:10:31,033 Well, good luck tonight. 429 00:10:31,033 --> 00:10:32,867 Thank you for coming 430 00:10:31,033 --> 00:10:32,867 all the way from Japan. 431 00:10:32,867 --> 00:10:33,800 You look great. 432 00:10:33,800 --> 00:10:35,066 - Yeah. 433 00:10:33,800 --> 00:10:35,066 - Let's see. 434 00:10:35,066 --> 00:10:37,233 - Thank you. 435 00:10:35,066 --> 00:10:37,233 [cheers and applause] 436 00:10:37,233 --> 00:10:38,367 Thank you. 437 00:10:38,367 --> 00:10:40,967 [cheers and applause] 438 00:10:42,667 --> 00:10:45,567 - Does this scare you, Simon, 439 00:10:42,667 --> 00:10:45,567 when you see people on bikes? 440 00:10:45,567 --> 00:10:47,200 - Well, now you mentioned it-- 441 00:10:54,333 --> 00:10:57,266 [upbeat music] 442 00:10:57,266 --> 00:10:59,266 ♪ ♪ 443 00:11:11,367 --> 00:11:13,266 ♪ ♪ 444 00:11:13,266 --> 00:11:14,900 - Yeah! 445 00:11:31,667 --> 00:11:33,834 ♪ ♪ 446 00:11:44,767 --> 00:11:46,133 Oh-ho-ho! 447 00:11:54,033 --> 00:11:55,700 SOFÍA: 448 00:11:54,033 --> 00:11:55,700 Whoa! 449 00:11:56,700 --> 00:11:59,567 ♪ ♪ 450 00:12:01,300 --> 00:12:02,900 HEIDI: 451 00:12:01,300 --> 00:12:02,900 Wow. 452 00:12:02,900 --> 00:12:05,400 ♪ ♪ 453 00:12:09,066 --> 00:12:09,967 - Wow. 454 00:12:09,967 --> 00:12:12,333 ♪ ♪ 455 00:12:19,533 --> 00:12:22,433 Whoo! Bravo. 456 00:12:19,533 --> 00:12:22,433 - Yes! 457 00:12:22,433 --> 00:12:24,734 [cheers and applause] 458 00:12:22,433 --> 00:12:24,734 Oh, my goodness! 459 00:12:24,734 --> 00:12:26,734 ♪ ♪ 460 00:12:32,033 --> 00:12:33,533 - Man! 461 00:12:33,533 --> 00:12:35,166 Wow. 462 00:12:37,934 --> 00:12:39,567 SOFÍA: 463 00:12:37,934 --> 00:12:39,567 Oh, my. 464 00:12:39,567 --> 00:12:41,900 Can you hear them, 465 00:12:39,567 --> 00:12:41,900 how excited they are? 466 00:12:41,900 --> 00:12:43,467 This was amazing. 467 00:12:43,467 --> 00:12:45,233 [cheers and applause] 468 00:12:45,233 --> 00:12:48,467 - The energy, the music. 469 00:12:45,233 --> 00:12:48,467 It all worked together. 470 00:12:48,467 --> 00:12:52,600 It was so exciting. 471 00:12:48,467 --> 00:12:52,600 And Howie was loving you. 472 00:12:52,600 --> 00:12:54,567 - I was. 473 00:12:52,600 --> 00:12:54,567 You know, traditionally, 474 00:12:54,567 --> 00:12:56,166 we see somebody on a unicycle, 475 00:12:56,166 --> 00:12:59,433 they're usually 476 00:12:56,166 --> 00:12:59,433 a clown or a juggler. 477 00:12:59,433 --> 00:13:02,400 For you to bring 478 00:12:59,433 --> 00:13:02,400 beautiful dance, 479 00:13:02,400 --> 00:13:04,800 we have never seen anything 480 00:13:02,400 --> 00:13:04,800 like that before. 481 00:13:04,800 --> 00:13:08,200 And what a great example 482 00:13:04,800 --> 00:13:08,200 for Simon Cowell to see 483 00:13:08,200 --> 00:13:11,000 even with one wheel 484 00:13:08,200 --> 00:13:11,000 you're able to balance. 485 00:13:11,000 --> 00:13:12,934 I don't know if you know 486 00:13:11,000 --> 00:13:12,934 what happened to him 487 00:13:12,934 --> 00:13:15,033 with two wheels. 488 00:13:12,934 --> 00:13:15,033 There was no dancing. 489 00:13:15,033 --> 00:13:18,367 - Don't ask. 490 00:13:15,033 --> 00:13:18,367 HOWIE: Okay. 491 00:13:18,367 --> 00:13:20,767 - I loved it too. 492 00:13:18,367 --> 00:13:20,767 I loved the choreography. 493 00:13:20,767 --> 00:13:24,900 You were all so in sync 494 00:13:20,767 --> 00:13:24,900 and so fast too. 495 00:13:24,900 --> 00:13:26,834 It was absolutely incredible. 496 00:13:26,834 --> 00:13:28,300 [cheers and applause] 497 00:13:28,300 --> 00:13:29,900 Great. 498 00:13:28,300 --> 00:13:29,900 - But, yeah, I mean, 499 00:13:29,900 --> 00:13:32,500 as they were saying, 500 00:13:29,900 --> 00:13:32,500 this is normally 12 people. 501 00:13:32,500 --> 00:13:33,967 It was amazing with just four. 502 00:13:33,967 --> 00:13:36,266 You can only imagine what it's 503 00:13:33,967 --> 00:13:36,266 going to look like with 12. 504 00:13:36,266 --> 00:13:37,767 - Oh, my gosh. 505 00:13:36,266 --> 00:13:37,767 - Let me tell you. 506 00:13:37,767 --> 00:13:41,133 This is one of the most unique, 507 00:13:37,767 --> 00:13:41,133 amazing acts we've seen 508 00:13:41,133 --> 00:13:43,033 on America's Got Talent 509 00:13:41,133 --> 00:13:43,033 over the years. 510 00:13:43,033 --> 00:13:44,633 HEIDI: Very good. 511 00:13:43,033 --> 00:13:44,633 HOWIE: Absolutely. 512 00:13:44,633 --> 00:13:47,633 - Yeah. 513 00:13:44,633 --> 00:13:47,633 I am absolutely 514 00:13:47,633 --> 00:13:49,767 blown away by this. 515 00:13:47,633 --> 00:13:49,767 It was sensational. 516 00:13:49,767 --> 00:13:52,000 SOFÍA: Perfection. 517 00:13:49,767 --> 00:13:52,000 - Thank you. 518 00:13:52,000 --> 00:13:54,300 - So we're going 519 00:13:52,000 --> 00:13:54,300 to start voting. Simon? 520 00:13:54,300 --> 00:13:56,400 - Oh, 100% yes. 521 00:13:54,300 --> 00:13:56,400 - Howie? 522 00:13:56,400 --> 00:13:58,000 - Yes. 523 00:13:56,400 --> 00:13:58,000 - Heidi? 524 00:13:58,000 --> 00:14:01,233 - Yes. 525 00:13:58,000 --> 00:14:01,233 - Yes. You're in! 526 00:14:01,233 --> 00:14:03,066 [♪♪♪] 527 00:14:14,533 --> 00:14:16,633 - That was amazing 528 00:14:14,533 --> 00:14:16,633 in every way. 529 00:14:16,633 --> 00:14:18,767 - I hope you can understand me 530 00:14:16,633 --> 00:14:18,767 like this. 531 00:14:18,767 --> 00:14:20,600 Yeah! 532 00:14:20,600 --> 00:14:22,700 - Let's see. 533 00:14:20,600 --> 00:14:22,700 Do you guys know this song? 534 00:14:22,700 --> 00:14:23,934 HEIDI: 535 00:14:22,700 --> 00:14:23,934 What? 536 00:14:23,934 --> 00:14:25,233 - Do you guys know the moves 537 00:14:23,934 --> 00:14:25,233 to this song? 538 00:14:25,233 --> 00:14:27,800 I've been working on this. 539 00:14:25,233 --> 00:14:27,800 Listen to it, and... 540 00:14:27,800 --> 00:14:29,300 - ♪ I-I-I'm 541 00:14:27,800 --> 00:14:29,300 in the stars tonight ♪ 542 00:14:29,300 --> 00:14:30,300 - Of course. 543 00:14:30,300 --> 00:14:31,834 - I love that song. 544 00:14:31,834 --> 00:14:36,200 - ♪ So watch me bring the fire 545 00:14:31,834 --> 00:14:36,200 and set the night alight ♪ 546 00:14:36,200 --> 00:14:38,900 - We're nonstop on the way 547 00:14:36,200 --> 00:14:38,900 to the top. Let's go. Let's go. 548 00:14:38,900 --> 00:14:40,367 - This is K-pop. 549 00:14:38,900 --> 00:14:40,367 You like K-pop? 550 00:14:40,367 --> 00:14:41,900 - Yes. 551 00:14:40,367 --> 00:14:41,900 HOWIE: I do too. 552 00:14:41,900 --> 00:14:44,600 MAN: 553 00:14:41,900 --> 00:14:44,600 Where are all my dancers at? 554 00:14:41,900 --> 00:14:44,600 Dancers, make some noise. 555 00:14:44,600 --> 00:14:46,000 - ♪ This is getting heavy ♪ 556 00:14:46,000 --> 00:14:48,033 ♪ Can you hear the bass boom, 557 00:14:46,000 --> 00:14:48,033 I'm ready ♪ 558 00:14:48,033 --> 00:14:49,033 TERRY: 559 00:14:48,033 --> 00:14:49,033 Are you ready? 560 00:14:49,033 --> 00:14:50,367 - ♪ Life is sweet as honey ♪ 561 00:14:50,367 --> 00:14:52,800 ♪ Yeah, this beat cha-ching 562 00:14:50,367 --> 00:14:52,800 like money, huh ♪ 563 00:14:52,800 --> 00:14:54,567 - One, two, three... 564 00:14:54,567 --> 00:14:56,033 all: 565 00:14:54,567 --> 00:14:56,033 LTF! 566 00:14:56,033 --> 00:14:59,300 [together] 567 00:14:56,033 --> 00:14:59,300 One, two, three, go. 568 00:14:59,300 --> 00:15:01,066 - [laughs] 569 00:14:59,300 --> 00:15:01,066 - We are... 570 00:15:01,066 --> 00:15:02,533 We are Korean.. 571 00:15:01,066 --> 00:15:02,533 - We are-- 572 00:15:02,533 --> 00:15:03,700 You say we are... 573 00:15:02,533 --> 00:15:03,700 - We are... 574 00:15:03,700 --> 00:15:05,033 [together] 575 00:15:03,700 --> 00:15:05,033 Korean Soul. 576 00:15:05,033 --> 00:15:06,166 - Okay. 577 00:15:05,033 --> 00:15:06,166 - Sorry. 578 00:15:06,166 --> 00:15:07,100 - We are... 579 00:15:07,100 --> 00:15:08,367 all: 580 00:15:07,100 --> 00:15:08,367 Korean Soul. 581 00:15:08,367 --> 00:15:09,400 - We are a boy band. 582 00:15:09,400 --> 00:15:11,000 - ♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪ 583 00:15:11,000 --> 00:15:12,166 - And we are... 584 00:15:12,166 --> 00:15:15,133 all: 585 00:15:12,166 --> 00:15:15,133 ♪ Larger Than Life ♪ 586 00:15:15,133 --> 00:15:19,400 - We first met ten years ago 587 00:15:15,133 --> 00:15:19,400 in a community choir in Seoul. 588 00:15:19,400 --> 00:15:20,567 - I always wanted to be 589 00:15:19,400 --> 00:15:20,567 in a boy band. 590 00:15:20,567 --> 00:15:21,900 I felt like it was a calling, 591 00:15:21,900 --> 00:15:25,166 so I said I'm going to build 592 00:15:21,900 --> 00:15:25,166 my own boy band. 593 00:15:25,166 --> 00:15:27,300 We've been a boy band 594 00:15:25,166 --> 00:15:27,300 for about four years now, 595 00:15:27,300 --> 00:15:30,000 and we've done so many, 596 00:15:27,300 --> 00:15:30,000 like, awesome, amazing things. 597 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:32,300 One of those things 598 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:32,300 was performing with Joey Fatone 599 00:15:32,300 --> 00:15:33,900 and Lance Bass from 'NSYNC. 600 00:15:33,900 --> 00:15:35,633 - Yeah. 601 00:15:33,900 --> 00:15:35,633 - In Cancun. 602 00:15:35,633 --> 00:15:36,734 - Yes. 603 00:15:36,734 --> 00:15:37,934 - ♪ Disco overload ♪ 604 00:15:37,934 --> 00:15:39,767 ♪ I'm into that, 605 00:15:37,934 --> 00:15:39,767 I'm good to go ♪ 606 00:15:39,767 --> 00:15:43,100 - We'd really love to be 607 00:15:39,767 --> 00:15:43,100 famous like, you know, BTS. 608 00:15:43,100 --> 00:15:44,133 - ♪ Let's go ♪ 609 00:15:44,133 --> 00:15:45,767 - ♪ 'Cause I-I-I'm ♪ 610 00:15:45,767 --> 00:15:47,934 - We had a great opportunity 611 00:15:45,767 --> 00:15:47,934 to sign 612 00:15:47,934 --> 00:15:51,033 with an agency in Korea, 613 00:15:47,934 --> 00:15:51,033 but it didn't really go well. 614 00:15:51,033 --> 00:15:56,633 We gave up musical career and 615 00:15:51,033 --> 00:15:56,633 just settled in a normal life. 616 00:15:56,633 --> 00:15:59,734 - So our fans like to be known 617 00:15:56,633 --> 00:15:59,734 as the LTL Army. 618 00:15:59,734 --> 00:16:01,066 And they have their merch. 619 00:16:01,066 --> 00:16:03,000 They have our faces 620 00:16:01,066 --> 00:16:03,000 on their shirts. 621 00:16:03,000 --> 00:16:04,133 Some of them have tattoos. 622 00:16:04,133 --> 00:16:05,400 - Yeah, don't forget 623 00:16:04,133 --> 00:16:05,400 about that tattoos. 624 00:16:05,400 --> 00:16:06,600 - Some of them literally have 625 00:16:05,400 --> 00:16:06,600 our signatures 626 00:16:06,600 --> 00:16:08,700 tattooed on their bodies. 627 00:16:06,600 --> 00:16:08,700 - Yeah. 628 00:16:08,700 --> 00:16:10,567 - Yeah, that's wild. 629 00:16:08,700 --> 00:16:10,567 - So, it's wild. 630 00:16:10,567 --> 00:16:12,834 - I was working 631 00:16:10,567 --> 00:16:12,834 at a convenience store. 632 00:16:12,834 --> 00:16:14,867 He's a, like, 633 00:16:12,834 --> 00:16:14,867 a kindergarten teacher 634 00:16:14,867 --> 00:16:18,400 and painter, and he 635 00:16:14,867 --> 00:16:18,400 went into military service. 636 00:16:18,400 --> 00:16:21,700 He was really sad 637 00:16:18,400 --> 00:16:21,700 and devastating. 638 00:16:21,700 --> 00:16:24,867 - This is our last chance, 639 00:16:21,700 --> 00:16:24,867 so... 640 00:16:24,867 --> 00:16:26,100 [speaks in Korean] 641 00:16:26,100 --> 00:16:27,533 We desperate. 642 00:16:27,533 --> 00:16:30,500 - We're finally here 643 00:16:27,533 --> 00:16:30,500 in America's Got Talent, 644 00:16:30,500 --> 00:16:34,000 the biggest stage, the biggest 645 00:16:30,500 --> 00:16:34,000 competition in the world. 646 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:36,266 - Hello. 647 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:36,266 - It's your time right now. 648 00:16:36,266 --> 00:16:40,200 Go ahead. Yeah! 649 00:16:40,200 --> 00:16:42,734 - America, if you're ready 650 00:16:40,200 --> 00:16:42,734 to have a good time, 651 00:16:42,734 --> 00:16:45,166 let me hear you scream. 652 00:16:45,166 --> 00:16:48,133 - Yes, bring the energy. 653 00:16:48,133 --> 00:16:50,266 SIMON: 654 00:16:48,133 --> 00:16:50,266 Hello. 655 00:16:50,266 --> 00:16:51,934 And who are you? 656 00:16:51,934 --> 00:16:53,433 - My name is Edvin. 657 00:16:51,934 --> 00:16:53,433 - Okay. 658 00:16:53,433 --> 00:16:54,934 Hello, Edvin. 659 00:16:53,433 --> 00:16:54,934 And you are? 660 00:16:54,934 --> 00:16:56,433 - I'm Chris. 661 00:16:54,934 --> 00:16:56,433 - Yeah. 662 00:16:56,433 --> 00:16:57,600 - I'm Price. 663 00:16:57,600 --> 00:16:58,633 - And I'm Dan. 664 00:16:58,633 --> 00:16:59,700 - And we are... 665 00:16:59,700 --> 00:17:01,600 all: 666 00:16:59,700 --> 00:17:01,600 Larger Than Life. 667 00:17:01,600 --> 00:17:05,266 - Yeah. Larger Than Life. 668 00:17:05,266 --> 00:17:07,967 - How old are you all? 669 00:17:05,266 --> 00:17:07,967 - I'm the vintage one. 670 00:17:07,967 --> 00:17:08,867 I'm a little old. 671 00:17:08,867 --> 00:17:11,000 - How old are you? 672 00:17:08,867 --> 00:17:11,000 - 39. 673 00:17:11,000 --> 00:17:13,133 - Okay. 674 00:17:11,000 --> 00:17:13,133 [cheers and applause] 675 00:17:13,133 --> 00:17:14,834 - And you are? 676 00:17:14,834 --> 00:17:16,467 - I'm 33. 677 00:17:14,834 --> 00:17:16,467 - Yeah. 678 00:17:16,467 --> 00:17:17,400 - 33. 679 00:17:17,400 --> 00:17:18,834 - And I'm 30. 680 00:17:17,400 --> 00:17:18,834 - Okay. 681 00:17:18,834 --> 00:17:22,233 And what's been 682 00:17:18,834 --> 00:17:22,233 your inspiration? 683 00:17:22,233 --> 00:17:24,266 - Well, I always just wanted 684 00:17:22,233 --> 00:17:24,266 to be in a boy band, 685 00:17:24,266 --> 00:17:25,700 and I could never be 686 00:17:24,266 --> 00:17:25,700 in a boy band, 687 00:17:25,700 --> 00:17:29,400 so I found these guys 688 00:17:25,700 --> 00:17:29,400 and made a boy band of our own. 689 00:17:29,400 --> 00:17:30,800 - Okay. And tell me what-- 690 00:17:30,800 --> 00:17:32,367 I mean, 691 00:17:30,800 --> 00:17:32,367 you must talk about this a lot. 692 00:17:32,367 --> 00:17:33,934 So what is the big dream? 693 00:17:33,934 --> 00:17:36,367 Where do you see yourself 694 00:17:33,934 --> 00:17:36,367 in five years' time? 695 00:17:36,367 --> 00:17:37,633 - To be here is, like, 696 00:17:37,633 --> 00:17:39,767 the crux of everything 697 00:17:37,633 --> 00:17:39,767 that we've worked for. 698 00:17:39,767 --> 00:17:41,100 I mean, honestly, 699 00:17:41,100 --> 00:17:43,266 getting something 700 00:17:41,100 --> 00:17:43,266 like a Golden Buzzer tonight 701 00:17:43,266 --> 00:17:45,200 would mean so much to us. 702 00:17:45,200 --> 00:17:47,533 It would be so cool 703 00:17:45,200 --> 00:17:47,533 to see our names in lights 704 00:17:47,533 --> 00:17:49,834 in, like, 705 00:17:47,533 --> 00:17:49,834 a residency in Vegas. 706 00:17:49,834 --> 00:17:52,133 Like, I could just see us being 707 00:17:49,834 --> 00:17:52,133 there walking down The Strip 708 00:17:52,133 --> 00:17:54,266 and just walking 709 00:17:52,133 --> 00:17:54,266 into our theater. 710 00:17:54,266 --> 00:17:56,166 - We want to play bigger 711 00:17:54,266 --> 00:17:56,166 venues and stadiums, 712 00:17:56,166 --> 00:17:57,367 and we want to do it all. 713 00:17:57,367 --> 00:17:59,433 - Okay. And do you think-- 714 00:17:57,367 --> 00:17:59,433 presumably, 715 00:17:59,433 --> 00:18:01,266 you believe you can 716 00:17:59,433 --> 00:18:01,266 win the show, yeah? 717 00:18:01,266 --> 00:18:02,700 - Yes. 718 00:18:01,266 --> 00:18:02,700 - 100%. 719 00:18:02,700 --> 00:18:03,900 - Simon Cowell is out there. 720 00:18:03,900 --> 00:18:05,700 Did you hear his voice 721 00:18:03,900 --> 00:18:05,700 out there? 722 00:18:05,700 --> 00:18:06,734 - Oh, my God. 723 00:18:06,734 --> 00:18:08,934 SIMON: 724 00:18:06,734 --> 00:18:08,934 And what are you 725 00:18:06,734 --> 00:18:08,934 going to sing? 726 00:18:08,934 --> 00:18:11,467 - We're going to sing a mash-up 727 00:18:08,934 --> 00:18:11,467 of "Larger Than Life" 728 00:18:11,467 --> 00:18:12,567 and "Tearin' Up My Heart" 729 00:18:12,567 --> 00:18:14,100 by Backstreet Boys 730 00:18:12,567 --> 00:18:14,100 and 'NSYNC. 731 00:18:14,100 --> 00:18:17,333 - Of course. Okay. Good luck. 732 00:18:17,333 --> 00:18:18,800 - Thank you. 733 00:18:17,333 --> 00:18:18,800 - Thank you. 734 00:18:18,800 --> 00:18:21,133 [cheers and applause] 735 00:18:28,667 --> 00:18:31,266 [upbeat music] 736 00:18:31,266 --> 00:18:35,100 all: 737 00:18:31,266 --> 00:18:35,100 ♪ All you people 738 00:18:31,266 --> 00:18:35,100 can't you see, can't you see ♪ 739 00:18:35,100 --> 00:18:39,200 ♪ How your love's 740 00:18:35,100 --> 00:18:39,200 affecting our reality ♪ 741 00:18:39,200 --> 00:18:41,100 ♪ Every time we're down ♪ 742 00:18:41,100 --> 00:18:43,333 ♪ You can make it right ♪ 743 00:18:43,333 --> 00:18:48,934 ♪ That makes you larger 744 00:18:43,333 --> 00:18:48,934 than life ♪ 745 00:18:48,934 --> 00:18:49,934 [buzzer] 746 00:18:49,934 --> 00:18:51,900 - Let me hear y'all scream. 747 00:18:51,900 --> 00:18:55,000 ♪ ♪ 748 00:18:55,000 --> 00:18:56,066 - Okay. 749 00:18:56,066 --> 00:18:58,200 ♪ ♪ 750 00:19:03,767 --> 00:19:08,834 all: 751 00:19:03,767 --> 00:19:08,834 ♪ That makes you larger 752 00:19:03,767 --> 00:19:08,834 than life ♪ 753 00:19:08,834 --> 00:19:10,700 ♪ ♪ 754 00:19:10,700 --> 00:19:11,667 [Indistinct]. 755 00:19:11,667 --> 00:19:13,734 Now you may get down. 756 00:19:13,734 --> 00:19:18,033 ♪ It's tearin' up my heart 757 00:19:13,734 --> 00:19:18,033 when I'm with you ♪ 758 00:19:18,033 --> 00:19:22,934 ♪ But when we are apart 759 00:19:18,033 --> 00:19:22,934 I feel it too ♪ 760 00:19:22,934 --> 00:19:26,033 ♪ And no matter what I do ♪ 761 00:19:26,033 --> 00:19:27,133 [buzzer] 762 00:19:27,133 --> 00:19:31,400 ♪ I feel the pain 763 00:19:27,133 --> 00:19:31,400 with or without you ♪ 764 00:19:31,400 --> 00:19:36,633 - ♪ Baby, I don't understand ♪ 765 00:19:36,633 --> 00:19:40,200 ♪ Just why we can't be lovers ♪ 766 00:19:40,200 --> 00:19:43,700 ♪ Things are getting 767 00:19:40,200 --> 00:19:43,700 out of hand ♪ 768 00:19:43,700 --> 00:19:45,767 - ♪ Everybody, let's go ♪ 769 00:19:45,767 --> 00:19:47,533 - ♪ Tryin' too much but ♪ 770 00:19:47,533 --> 00:19:51,166 all: 771 00:19:47,533 --> 00:19:51,166 ♪ Baby, we can win ♪ 772 00:19:51,166 --> 00:19:53,367 ♪ Let it go ♪ 773 00:19:53,367 --> 00:19:57,166 ♪ If you want me, girl, 774 00:19:53,367 --> 00:19:57,166 let me know ♪ 775 00:19:57,166 --> 00:19:59,900 - Oh, oh, there's no way. 776 00:19:57,166 --> 00:19:59,900 This-- I have to. 777 00:19:59,900 --> 00:20:02,467 [buzzer] 778 00:19:59,900 --> 00:20:02,467 - Ohh. 779 00:20:02,467 --> 00:20:04,967 - ♪ I can't take it anymore ♪ 780 00:20:04,967 --> 00:20:06,000 - Let's go. Let's go. 781 00:20:06,000 --> 00:20:07,734 all: 782 00:20:06,000 --> 00:20:07,734 ♪ It's tearin' up my ♪ 783 00:20:07,734 --> 00:20:09,133 - Let me hear y'all scream. 784 00:20:13,567 --> 00:20:15,533 - Whoo. 785 00:20:15,533 --> 00:20:18,867 [scattered cheers and applause] 786 00:20:18,867 --> 00:20:20,633 - They hung in there. 787 00:20:18,867 --> 00:20:20,633 They hung in there. 788 00:20:20,633 --> 00:20:22,934 [somber music] 789 00:20:22,934 --> 00:20:24,500 - Was that serious? 790 00:20:24,500 --> 00:20:25,834 - That was our party. Yes. 791 00:20:25,834 --> 00:20:29,300 [tense music] 792 00:20:29,300 --> 00:20:31,033 SIMON: 793 00:20:29,300 --> 00:20:31,033 Okay. Heidi? 794 00:20:31,033 --> 00:20:33,233 - I mean, I was so rooting 795 00:20:31,033 --> 00:20:33,233 for you guys. 796 00:20:33,233 --> 00:20:35,200 When you came in here, 797 00:20:33,233 --> 00:20:35,200 I love your energy. 798 00:20:35,200 --> 00:20:37,100 I love you guys 799 00:20:35,200 --> 00:20:37,100 all bought the same shoes. 800 00:20:37,100 --> 00:20:38,633 You bedazzled your jackets. 801 00:20:38,633 --> 00:20:41,934 And then it didn't sound 802 00:20:38,633 --> 00:20:41,934 so great. 803 00:20:41,934 --> 00:20:42,967 - Yes. 804 00:20:41,934 --> 00:20:42,967 - And I wanted it 805 00:20:42,967 --> 00:20:44,333 to sound great for you guys, 806 00:20:44,333 --> 00:20:46,233 but it didn't really, 807 00:20:44,333 --> 00:20:46,233 and I'm sorry. 808 00:20:46,233 --> 00:20:49,500 SIMON: Sofía? 809 00:20:46,233 --> 00:20:49,500 SOFÍA: Yes, unfortunately, 810 00:20:49,500 --> 00:20:51,834 it was, like, a little bit, 811 00:20:49,500 --> 00:20:51,834 like, forced, 812 00:20:51,834 --> 00:20:53,700 so that was, like, 813 00:20:51,834 --> 00:20:53,700 a big problem. 814 00:20:53,700 --> 00:20:56,166 But I didn't want to give you 815 00:20:53,700 --> 00:20:56,166 an X or anything. 816 00:20:56,166 --> 00:20:59,166 They are too drastic. 817 00:20:56,166 --> 00:20:59,166 It wasn't that horrific. 818 00:20:59,166 --> 00:21:02,800 - Thank you so much. 819 00:20:59,166 --> 00:21:02,800 - I would just stop right now. 820 00:21:02,800 --> 00:21:04,967 Honestly, there--it's just-- 821 00:21:02,800 --> 00:21:04,967 HEIDI: Aww. 822 00:21:04,967 --> 00:21:06,633 - No, without being rude, 823 00:21:04,967 --> 00:21:06,633 it was... 824 00:21:06,633 --> 00:21:08,433 [laughter] 825 00:21:08,433 --> 00:21:09,567 - Without being rude. 826 00:21:09,567 --> 00:21:11,567 - Look, it's hard enough 827 00:21:09,567 --> 00:21:11,567 when you're good. 828 00:21:11,567 --> 00:21:14,800 When you're terrible, 829 00:21:11,567 --> 00:21:14,800 it's just... 830 00:21:14,800 --> 00:21:18,266 I'm saying this to be kind, 831 00:21:14,800 --> 00:21:18,266 right? 832 00:21:18,266 --> 00:21:20,567 I would just give it up. 833 00:21:20,567 --> 00:21:22,200 - Wow. 834 00:21:22,200 --> 00:21:23,567 - ♪ It ain't no lie ♪ 835 00:21:23,567 --> 00:21:24,967 - Do you not want 836 00:21:23,567 --> 00:21:24,967 to hear another song? 837 00:21:24,967 --> 00:21:26,033 - No. 838 00:21:26,033 --> 00:21:28,200 - Ooh. 839 00:21:26,033 --> 00:21:28,200 - Oof. 840 00:21:28,200 --> 00:21:30,266 - ♪ Baby, bye, bye, bye ♪ 841 00:21:28,200 --> 00:21:30,266 - ♪ Bye, bye ♪ 842 00:21:30,266 --> 00:21:32,333 HOWIE: Let's vote. 843 00:21:30,266 --> 00:21:32,333 SIMON: Okay. Howie? 844 00:21:32,333 --> 00:21:33,867 - No. 845 00:21:32,333 --> 00:21:33,867 SIMON: Heidi? 846 00:21:33,867 --> 00:21:37,100 - I really like you guys, 847 00:21:33,867 --> 00:21:37,100 but it's a no. I'm sorry. 848 00:21:37,100 --> 00:21:38,667 SIMON: Sofía? 849 00:21:37,100 --> 00:21:38,667 - I don't think you guys 850 00:21:38,667 --> 00:21:41,033 should stop, because 851 00:21:38,667 --> 00:21:41,033 if that makes you happy... 852 00:21:41,033 --> 00:21:42,367 [applause] 853 00:21:41,033 --> 00:21:42,367 - Thank you so much. 854 00:21:42,367 --> 00:21:44,900 - Keep doing it for yourself 855 00:21:42,367 --> 00:21:44,900 but not for AGT, so no. 856 00:21:44,900 --> 00:21:47,066 - In other words, 857 00:21:44,900 --> 00:21:47,066 not in front of other people. 858 00:21:47,066 --> 00:21:49,300 - No, for their friends 859 00:21:47,066 --> 00:21:49,300 and family. 860 00:21:49,300 --> 00:21:51,734 - I wouldn't even do it 861 00:21:49,300 --> 00:21:51,734 for my friends. 862 00:21:51,734 --> 00:21:53,133 Okay. 863 00:21:51,734 --> 00:21:53,133 Thank you for coming, guys. 864 00:21:53,133 --> 00:21:54,300 - No, thank you. 865 00:21:53,133 --> 00:21:54,300 - Thank you, guys. 866 00:21:54,300 --> 00:21:58,200 - Have a great day, guys. 867 00:21:54,300 --> 00:21:58,200 - Bye, y'all. 868 00:21:58,200 --> 00:22:00,266 - Oh, you're sweating. Oh, oh. 869 00:22:00,266 --> 00:22:02,333 - I feel nervous. 870 00:22:00,266 --> 00:22:02,333 - And at the end of the day, 871 00:22:02,333 --> 00:22:04,333 it's four opinions 872 00:22:02,333 --> 00:22:04,333 out of how many? 873 00:22:04,333 --> 00:22:05,800 - Right. 874 00:22:04,333 --> 00:22:05,800 - That's what I'm saying. 875 00:22:05,800 --> 00:22:06,934 - I mean, 876 00:22:05,800 --> 00:22:06,934 we've been touring nationally 877 00:22:06,934 --> 00:22:08,033 for four or five years. 878 00:22:08,033 --> 00:22:09,734 We bring the party 879 00:22:08,033 --> 00:22:09,734 five nights a week, 880 00:22:09,734 --> 00:22:11,767 and our audiences 881 00:22:09,734 --> 00:22:11,767 of thousands love us. 882 00:22:11,767 --> 00:22:13,900 - They're ready for you. 883 00:22:11,767 --> 00:22:13,900 - Cool. 884 00:22:16,333 --> 00:22:17,633 - You guys are 885 00:22:16,333 --> 00:22:17,633 Larger Than Life. 886 00:22:17,633 --> 00:22:18,834 - That's right. 887 00:22:18,834 --> 00:22:20,367 - God, I love you guys. 888 00:22:18,834 --> 00:22:20,367 - Thank you. 889 00:22:20,367 --> 00:22:21,700 - Thank you. Thank you. 890 00:22:21,700 --> 00:22:23,000 HOWIE: 891 00:22:21,700 --> 00:22:23,000 I like when you say, 892 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:25,567 "You should just quit 893 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:25,567 altogether, 894 00:22:25,567 --> 00:22:27,500 but I don't mean that 895 00:22:25,567 --> 00:22:27,500 in a bad way." 896 00:22:27,500 --> 00:22:28,867 - No. 897 00:22:28,867 --> 00:22:30,133 - I think we've seen more 898 00:22:28,867 --> 00:22:30,133 horrible things than that. 899 00:22:30,133 --> 00:22:33,233 - No. I thought, genuinely, 900 00:22:30,133 --> 00:22:33,233 that was a joke. 901 00:22:33,233 --> 00:22:35,967 [cheers and applause] 902 00:22:39,266 --> 00:22:40,800 SIMON: Hello. 903 00:22:39,266 --> 00:22:40,800 - Hi. 904 00:22:40,800 --> 00:22:42,467 - Hi. 905 00:22:40,800 --> 00:22:42,467 - Hi. 906 00:22:42,467 --> 00:22:43,967 - Very nice to meet you. 907 00:22:42,467 --> 00:22:43,967 And who are you? 908 00:22:43,967 --> 00:22:46,166 - I'm Soo-yong. 909 00:22:43,967 --> 00:22:46,166 - I'm Yong-jae. 910 00:22:46,166 --> 00:22:48,100 - I'm Sean. 911 00:22:46,166 --> 00:22:48,100 - And I'm Chi-won. 912 00:22:48,100 --> 00:22:49,033 - And we are... 913 00:22:49,033 --> 00:22:50,333 all: 914 00:22:49,033 --> 00:22:50,333 Korean Soul. 915 00:22:50,333 --> 00:22:52,667 SIMON: Cool. 916 00:22:50,333 --> 00:22:52,667 - Whoo. 917 00:22:52,667 --> 00:22:55,967 - From South Korea. 918 00:22:52,667 --> 00:22:55,967 SIMON: When did you arrive here? 919 00:22:55,967 --> 00:22:57,133 - Ten days ago. 920 00:22:55,967 --> 00:22:57,133 - Yeah. 921 00:22:57,133 --> 00:23:00,033 - Okay. Are you 922 00:22:57,133 --> 00:23:00,033 well-known in Korea? 923 00:23:00,033 --> 00:23:01,467 - No. 924 00:23:00,033 --> 00:23:01,467 SIMON: No. 925 00:23:01,467 --> 00:23:03,233 So this is your opportunity? 926 00:23:03,233 --> 00:23:05,667 - Right. 927 00:23:03,233 --> 00:23:05,667 This is our big opportunity. 928 00:23:05,667 --> 00:23:07,834 - And what's the dream, guys? 929 00:23:07,834 --> 00:23:11,834 - We really want 930 00:23:07,834 --> 00:23:11,834 to be pop star. 931 00:23:11,834 --> 00:23:14,233 [cheers and applause] 932 00:23:14,233 --> 00:23:15,834 - Okay. Good luck, guys. 933 00:23:15,834 --> 00:23:16,934 [together] 934 00:23:15,834 --> 00:23:16,934 Thank you. 935 00:23:16,934 --> 00:23:18,567 - All right. Here we go. 936 00:23:28,767 --> 00:23:31,700 [gentle piano music] 937 00:23:31,700 --> 00:23:32,867 ♪ ♪ 938 00:23:32,867 --> 00:23:35,633 - ♪ I will never find 939 00:23:32,867 --> 00:23:35,633 another lover ♪ 940 00:23:35,633 --> 00:23:40,266 ♪ Sweeter than you, 941 00:23:35,633 --> 00:23:40,266 sweeter than you ♪ 942 00:23:40,266 --> 00:23:43,300 ♪ And I will never find 943 00:23:40,266 --> 00:23:43,300 another lover ♪ 944 00:23:43,300 --> 00:23:45,166 ♪ More precious than you ♪ 945 00:23:45,166 --> 00:23:46,900 ♪ More precious than you ♪ 946 00:23:46,900 --> 00:23:48,066 ♪ Girl, you are ♪ 947 00:23:48,066 --> 00:23:50,200 all: 948 00:23:48,066 --> 00:23:50,200 ♪ Close to me 949 00:23:48,066 --> 00:23:50,200 you're like my mother ♪ 950 00:23:50,200 --> 00:23:52,066 ♪ Close to me 951 00:23:50,200 --> 00:23:52,066 you're like my father ♪ 952 00:23:52,066 --> 00:23:53,900 ♪ Close to me, 953 00:23:52,066 --> 00:23:53,900 you're like my sister ♪ 954 00:23:53,900 --> 00:23:55,867 ♪ Close to me, 955 00:23:53,900 --> 00:23:55,867 you're like my brother ♪ 956 00:23:55,867 --> 00:23:57,033 - ♪ Close to me ♪ 957 00:23:57,033 --> 00:24:01,533 ♪ You are the only one, 958 00:23:57,033 --> 00:24:01,533 my everything ♪ 959 00:24:01,533 --> 00:24:03,900 ♪ For you this song I sing ♪ 960 00:24:03,900 --> 00:24:07,300 all: 961 00:24:03,900 --> 00:24:07,300 ♪ All my life ♪ 962 00:24:07,300 --> 00:24:11,300 ♪ I prayed for someone 963 00:24:07,300 --> 00:24:11,300 like you ♪ 964 00:24:11,300 --> 00:24:14,467 ♪ And I thank God ♪ 965 00:24:14,467 --> 00:24:15,800 ♪ That I ♪ 966 00:24:15,800 --> 00:24:19,166 ♪ That I finally 967 00:24:15,800 --> 00:24:19,166 found you ♪ 968 00:24:19,166 --> 00:24:21,834 ♪ All my life ♪ 969 00:24:21,834 --> 00:24:23,033 - Oh. 970 00:24:23,033 --> 00:24:25,767 ♪ I prayed for someone 971 00:24:23,033 --> 00:24:25,767 like you ♪ 972 00:24:25,767 --> 00:24:32,734 ♪ And I hope that you feel 973 00:24:25,767 --> 00:24:32,734 the same way too ♪ 974 00:24:32,734 --> 00:24:33,900 - ♪ Ooh ♪ 975 00:24:33,900 --> 00:24:38,500 all: 976 00:24:33,900 --> 00:24:38,500 ♪ Yes, I pray 977 00:24:33,900 --> 00:24:38,500 that you do love me ♪ 978 00:24:38,500 --> 00:24:41,266 ♪ You're all I, I've ever, 979 00:24:38,500 --> 00:24:41,266 ever known ♪ 980 00:24:41,266 --> 00:24:44,600 ♪ When you smile all my face 981 00:24:41,266 --> 00:24:44,600 always seems to glow ♪ 982 00:24:44,600 --> 00:24:46,133 - Whoo! 983 00:24:46,133 --> 00:24:48,266 all: 984 00:24:46,133 --> 00:24:48,266 ♪ You're all 985 00:24:46,133 --> 00:24:48,266 that I've ever known ♪ 986 00:24:48,266 --> 00:24:50,300 - ♪ When you smile 987 00:24:48,266 --> 00:24:50,300 my face glows ♪ 988 00:24:50,300 --> 00:24:53,066 all: 989 00:24:50,300 --> 00:24:53,066 ♪ You picked me up 990 00:24:50,300 --> 00:24:53,066 when I was down ♪ 991 00:24:53,066 --> 00:24:58,000 ♪ And I hope that you feel 992 00:24:53,066 --> 00:24:58,000 the same way ♪ 993 00:24:58,000 --> 00:25:01,900 ♪ Pray that you do love me ♪ 994 00:25:01,900 --> 00:25:05,633 ♪ All my life ♪ 995 00:25:05,633 --> 00:25:09,367 ♪ I prayed for someone 996 00:25:05,633 --> 00:25:09,367 like you ♪ 997 00:25:09,367 --> 00:25:11,500 ♪ And I thank ♪ 998 00:25:11,500 --> 00:25:13,867 - ♪ God ♪ 999 00:25:13,867 --> 00:25:15,333 all: 1000 00:25:13,867 --> 00:25:15,333 ♪ That I finally found you ♪ 1001 00:25:15,333 --> 00:25:17,400 - ♪ Finally found you ♪ 1002 00:25:17,400 --> 00:25:20,934 all: 1003 00:25:17,400 --> 00:25:20,934 ♪ All my life ♪ 1004 00:25:20,934 --> 00:25:24,033 ♪ I prayed for someone 1005 00:25:20,934 --> 00:25:24,033 like you ♪ 1006 00:25:24,033 --> 00:25:29,233 ♪ And I hope that you feel 1007 00:25:24,033 --> 00:25:29,233 the same way ♪ 1008 00:25:29,233 --> 00:25:31,667 ♪ Pray that you do ♪ 1009 00:25:31,667 --> 00:25:33,533 ♪ Love me ♪ 1010 00:25:33,533 --> 00:25:36,667 ♪ Too ♪ 1011 00:25:36,667 --> 00:25:38,667 [cheers and applause] 1012 00:25:38,667 --> 00:25:40,633 - Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! 1013 00:25:40,633 --> 00:25:42,700 [cheers and applause] 1014 00:25:44,834 --> 00:25:46,700 [uplifting music] 1015 00:25:46,700 --> 00:25:49,166 - Bravo. 1016 00:25:49,166 --> 00:25:50,967 ♪ ♪ 1017 00:26:07,200 --> 00:26:09,400 - Howie? 1018 00:26:07,200 --> 00:26:09,400 - Oh, amazing. 1019 00:26:09,400 --> 00:26:11,133 Can I ask a question? 1020 00:26:11,133 --> 00:26:12,934 What is it 1021 00:26:11,133 --> 00:26:12,934 in the Korean culture 1022 00:26:12,934 --> 00:26:15,433 that makes so many 1023 00:26:12,934 --> 00:26:15,433 talented people? 1024 00:26:15,433 --> 00:26:16,934 HEIDI: 1025 00:26:15,433 --> 00:26:16,934 Yeah. 1026 00:26:16,934 --> 00:26:19,867 - You guys really check a lot 1027 00:26:16,934 --> 00:26:19,867 of the boxes that you need 1028 00:26:19,867 --> 00:26:21,233 to check to make it. 1029 00:26:21,233 --> 00:26:22,633 And you sounded great. 1030 00:26:21,233 --> 00:26:22,633 I loved it. 1031 00:26:22,633 --> 00:26:24,734 - Thank you. 1032 00:26:22,633 --> 00:26:24,734 - Thank you so much. 1033 00:26:24,734 --> 00:26:27,367 - Heidi, what did you think? 1034 00:26:24,734 --> 00:26:27,367 - It sounded great. 1035 00:26:27,367 --> 00:26:29,767 Super silky smooth. 1036 00:26:29,767 --> 00:26:32,533 The harmonies were beautiful. 1037 00:26:29,767 --> 00:26:32,533 You guys look great. 1038 00:26:32,533 --> 00:26:34,367 I love all 1039 00:26:32,533 --> 00:26:34,367 the color arrangements 1040 00:26:34,367 --> 00:26:35,633 that you guys have on. 1041 00:26:35,633 --> 00:26:37,900 Very nicely put together. 1042 00:26:35,633 --> 00:26:37,900 Why you looked at him? 1043 00:26:37,900 --> 00:26:39,967 Were you responsible for 1044 00:26:37,900 --> 00:26:39,967 all of you all looking so good? 1045 00:26:39,967 --> 00:26:42,100 - He's our fashion kid, 1046 00:26:39,967 --> 00:26:42,100 fashion freak. 1047 00:26:42,100 --> 00:26:45,266 - Yeah. Thumbs-up 1048 00:26:42,100 --> 00:26:45,266 for the fashion kid, yeah. 1049 00:26:45,266 --> 00:26:47,066 I like it. 1050 00:26:47,066 --> 00:26:48,667 SIMON: 1051 00:26:47,066 --> 00:26:48,667 Sofía, what did you think? 1052 00:26:48,667 --> 00:26:51,500 - You guys make 1053 00:26:48,667 --> 00:26:51,500 a great group together. 1054 00:26:51,500 --> 00:26:55,166 I think it's perfect. 1055 00:26:51,500 --> 00:26:55,166 You have all the talent. 1056 00:26:55,166 --> 00:26:58,700 Everything. 1057 00:26:55,166 --> 00:26:58,700 I thought it was spectacular. 1058 00:26:58,700 --> 00:27:00,834 [cheers and applause] 1059 00:27:00,834 --> 00:27:01,900 - Um... 1060 00:27:01,900 --> 00:27:05,100 ♪ ♪ 1061 00:27:05,100 --> 00:27:06,900 [cheers] 1062 00:27:06,900 --> 00:27:08,266 - Probably one of 1063 00:27:06,900 --> 00:27:08,266 the best auditions 1064 00:27:08,266 --> 00:27:09,600 we've had today, right? 1065 00:27:09,600 --> 00:27:13,300 - ♪ The story of my life, 1066 00:27:09,600 --> 00:27:13,300 I'll take her home ♪ 1067 00:27:13,300 --> 00:27:14,767 ♪ I drive all night ♪ 1068 00:27:14,767 --> 00:27:16,000 - Absolutely. 1069 00:27:16,000 --> 00:27:17,800 - You know, 1070 00:27:16,000 --> 00:27:17,800 every lead was great. 1071 00:27:17,800 --> 00:27:20,967 The harmonies were great. 1072 00:27:17,800 --> 00:27:20,967 The song choice was great. 1073 00:27:20,967 --> 00:27:24,166 Good for you. 1074 00:27:20,967 --> 00:27:24,166 Okay, we're going to vote. 1075 00:27:24,166 --> 00:27:25,333 - Can I do the first one? 1076 00:27:24,166 --> 00:27:25,333 - Do it. 1077 00:27:25,333 --> 00:27:27,300 Yes. 1078 00:27:25,333 --> 00:27:27,300 - Okay. Heidi? 1079 00:27:27,300 --> 00:27:29,800 - I give you a yes. 1080 00:27:27,300 --> 00:27:29,800 - Yes. 1081 00:27:29,800 --> 00:27:31,500 - You got four yeses. 1082 00:27:29,800 --> 00:27:31,500 Congratulations. 1083 00:27:31,500 --> 00:27:36,166 - ♪ Until she's broke inside ♪ 1084 00:27:36,166 --> 00:27:38,367 ♪ The story of my life ♪ 1085 00:27:38,367 --> 00:27:40,233 ♪ ♪ 1086 00:27:40,233 --> 00:27:41,867 - No, thank you. 1087 00:27:41,867 --> 00:27:44,033 ♪ ♪ 1088 00:27:46,967 --> 00:27:49,000 - That was beautiful. 1089 00:27:46,967 --> 00:27:49,000 - That was very nice. Yeah. 1090 00:27:49,000 --> 00:27:50,033 - Great song. 1091 00:27:50,033 --> 00:27:52,400 all: 1092 00:27:50,033 --> 00:27:52,400 Yeah! 1093 00:27:52,400 --> 00:27:54,433 - We did it. 1094 00:27:54,433 --> 00:27:56,600 [indistinct chatter] 1095 00:28:00,633 --> 00:28:04,700 SIMON: 1096 00:28:00,633 --> 00:28:04,700 We've seen extraordinary 1097 00:28:00,633 --> 00:28:04,700 things happen over the years. 1098 00:28:04,700 --> 00:28:09,934 2 minutes literally can change 1099 00:28:04,700 --> 00:28:09,934 your life on this show. 1100 00:28:09,934 --> 00:28:11,400 [tense orchestral music] 1101 00:28:11,400 --> 00:28:16,033 WOMAN 1: 1102 00:28:11,400 --> 00:28:16,033 I know how steep 1103 00:28:11,400 --> 00:28:16,033 the competition is. 1104 00:28:16,033 --> 00:28:19,433 MAN 1: 1105 00:28:16,033 --> 00:28:19,433 We've been training 1106 00:28:16,033 --> 00:28:19,433 our whole life for this. 1107 00:28:19,433 --> 00:28:23,000 MAN 2: 1108 00:28:19,433 --> 00:28:23,000 Today could change my life. 1109 00:28:23,000 --> 00:28:26,500 WOMAN 2: 1110 00:28:23,000 --> 00:28:26,500 And I'll tell you what, 1111 00:28:23,000 --> 00:28:26,500 I am here to win. 1112 00:28:26,500 --> 00:28:28,600 - I'm actually just about 1113 00:28:26,500 --> 00:28:28,600 to go onstage. 1114 00:28:28,600 --> 00:28:30,233 - So when I think about 1115 00:28:28,600 --> 00:28:30,233 what you're about to do, 1116 00:28:30,233 --> 00:28:32,433 it just drives me a bit crazy. 1117 00:28:32,433 --> 00:28:36,400 Ah, but that's why I love you, 1118 00:28:32,433 --> 00:28:36,400 though, because you're you. 1119 00:28:36,400 --> 00:28:38,467 SIMON: 1120 00:28:36,400 --> 00:28:38,467 It all comes down to this. 1121 00:28:38,467 --> 00:28:41,100 [cheers and applause] 1122 00:28:41,100 --> 00:28:44,533 - Whoa. Hello. 1123 00:28:41,100 --> 00:28:44,533 What is your name? 1124 00:28:44,533 --> 00:28:46,700 - My name is Matt Johnson. 1125 00:28:44,533 --> 00:28:46,700 - How old are you? 1126 00:28:46,700 --> 00:28:49,367 - I'm 47 years old. 1127 00:28:46,700 --> 00:28:49,367 - And where are you from, Matt? 1128 00:28:49,367 --> 00:28:51,633 - I'm originally from England, 1129 00:28:49,367 --> 00:28:51,633 but I've lived in Vancouver, 1130 00:28:51,633 --> 00:28:53,567 Canada, for 23 years. 1131 00:28:51,633 --> 00:28:53,567 [applause] 1132 00:28:53,567 --> 00:28:56,233 - What do you do for a living 1133 00:28:53,567 --> 00:28:56,233 in Vancouver? 1134 00:28:56,233 --> 00:28:57,767 - I'm an escape artist. 1135 00:28:57,767 --> 00:28:59,233 - Oh. 1136 00:28:57,767 --> 00:28:59,233 SOFÍA: Oh. 1137 00:28:59,233 --> 00:29:01,233 HOWIE: 1138 00:28:59,233 --> 00:29:01,233 I'm looking at the thing 1139 00:28:59,233 --> 00:29:01,233 behind you. 1140 00:29:01,233 --> 00:29:03,233 It already looks, like, crazy. 1141 00:29:03,233 --> 00:29:04,834 - Thank you. 1142 00:29:04,834 --> 00:29:05,867 [laughter] 1143 00:29:05,867 --> 00:29:07,500 HOWIE: 1144 00:29:05,867 --> 00:29:07,500 Wow. Are you married? 1145 00:29:07,500 --> 00:29:10,033 - Are you asking? 1146 00:29:07,500 --> 00:29:10,033 No, no, sorry, yeah. 1147 00:29:10,033 --> 00:29:13,834 - You mean am I proposing? 1148 00:29:10,033 --> 00:29:13,834 - Well, we have the same hair. 1149 00:29:13,834 --> 00:29:15,467 - No, because I always wonder 1150 00:29:15,467 --> 00:29:18,000 when people are escape artists, 1151 00:29:18,000 --> 00:29:20,100 it can be 1152 00:29:18,000 --> 00:29:20,100 very dangerous, right? 1153 00:29:20,100 --> 00:29:22,967 - My wife actually asked me 1154 00:29:20,100 --> 00:29:22,967 to stop doing it 1155 00:29:22,967 --> 00:29:24,834 because of something 1156 00:29:22,967 --> 00:29:24,834 that happened just a year ago. 1157 00:29:24,834 --> 00:29:26,333 She asked me 1158 00:29:24,834 --> 00:29:26,333 to not do it anymore. 1159 00:29:26,333 --> 00:29:30,467 - Oh, and you didn't listen? 1160 00:29:26,333 --> 00:29:30,467 - I have not done it since. 1161 00:29:30,467 --> 00:29:32,000 This is the first time. 1162 00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:34,300 - Okay. 1163 00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:34,300 - What happened? 1164 00:29:34,300 --> 00:29:36,734 - I was working 1165 00:29:34,300 --> 00:29:36,734 on a dangerous escape, 1166 00:29:36,734 --> 00:29:40,700 and I actually hung myself 1167 00:29:36,734 --> 00:29:40,700 and drowned at the same time, 1168 00:29:40,700 --> 00:29:42,433 and I ended up in the ER. 1169 00:29:42,433 --> 00:29:43,500 - No. 1170 00:29:43,500 --> 00:29:45,266 - And so then 1171 00:29:43,500 --> 00:29:45,266 after that happened, 1172 00:29:45,266 --> 00:29:47,033 I just got knocked off 1173 00:29:45,266 --> 00:29:47,033 my saddle. 1174 00:29:47,033 --> 00:29:48,834 I didn't do it anymore, 1175 00:29:48,834 --> 00:29:52,200 but I found it really hard, 1176 00:29:48,834 --> 00:29:52,200 because it's my life. 1177 00:29:52,200 --> 00:29:53,700 It's--you know what? 1178 00:29:53,700 --> 00:29:57,934 And this sounds so ridiculous, 1179 00:29:53,700 --> 00:29:57,934 but I'm here to face my fears. 1180 00:29:57,934 --> 00:30:01,867 I have something to prove, 1181 00:29:57,934 --> 00:30:01,867 that I can do it again. 1182 00:30:01,867 --> 00:30:03,667 - You're scaring me. 1183 00:30:01,867 --> 00:30:03,667 - I know. 1184 00:30:03,667 --> 00:30:05,767 - You're scaring me more, like, 1185 00:30:03,667 --> 00:30:05,767 this thing, 1186 00:30:05,767 --> 00:30:07,667 I see, like, a lot of sharpness 1187 00:30:05,767 --> 00:30:07,667 and things-- 1188 00:30:07,667 --> 00:30:10,066 - Oh, this, I've never 1189 00:30:07,667 --> 00:30:10,066 done this before ever. 1190 00:30:10,066 --> 00:30:11,400 HOWIE: Ever? 1191 00:30:10,066 --> 00:30:11,400 - Ever. 1192 00:30:11,400 --> 00:30:13,900 HOWIE: 1193 00:30:11,400 --> 00:30:13,900 What about rehearsing 1194 00:30:11,400 --> 00:30:13,900 for this opportunity? 1195 00:30:13,900 --> 00:30:16,433 - Yesterday. 1196 00:30:13,900 --> 00:30:16,433 - Once? 1197 00:30:16,433 --> 00:30:18,900 - Yep. 1198 00:30:18,900 --> 00:30:20,567 - I didn't pay attention 1199 00:30:18,900 --> 00:30:20,567 at school, 1200 00:30:20,567 --> 00:30:22,900 so this is what I do 1201 00:30:20,567 --> 00:30:22,900 for a living. 1202 00:30:22,900 --> 00:30:24,266 [laughter] 1203 00:30:24,266 --> 00:30:27,667 - Well, I hope we have EMTs 1204 00:30:24,266 --> 00:30:27,667 ready in the back, 1205 00:30:27,667 --> 00:30:29,567 and I'm really scared. 1206 00:30:27,667 --> 00:30:29,567 Good luck. 1207 00:30:29,567 --> 00:30:33,000 - Thank you. 1208 00:30:29,567 --> 00:30:33,000 [cheers and applause] 1209 00:30:33,000 --> 00:30:34,333 - This is crazy. 1210 00:30:34,333 --> 00:30:37,567 - Fingers and toes crossed. 1211 00:30:37,567 --> 00:30:39,834 - Whew. 1212 00:30:39,834 --> 00:30:41,633 So, judges, 1213 00:30:41,633 --> 00:30:45,567 I'm going to be strapped 1214 00:30:41,633 --> 00:30:45,567 into a regulation straitjacket. 1215 00:30:45,567 --> 00:30:48,066 I will then be locked 1216 00:30:45,567 --> 00:30:48,066 by my ankles to the board 1217 00:30:48,066 --> 00:30:51,433 on this device 1218 00:30:48,066 --> 00:30:51,433 and flipped upside down. 1219 00:30:51,433 --> 00:30:53,433 I'll have to escape 1220 00:30:51,433 --> 00:30:53,433 the straitjacket in order 1221 00:30:53,433 --> 00:30:57,300 to use my arms to flip myself 1222 00:30:53,433 --> 00:30:57,300 the right way up. 1223 00:30:57,300 --> 00:31:00,166 That becomes dangerous when you 1224 00:30:57,300 --> 00:31:00,166 realize that hanging above me 1225 00:31:00,166 --> 00:31:04,700 are two circular saws that spin 1226 00:31:00,166 --> 00:31:04,700 at 2000 revolutions a minute. 1227 00:31:04,700 --> 00:31:07,767 They're attached 1228 00:31:04,700 --> 00:31:07,767 to that counterweight. 1229 00:31:07,767 --> 00:31:09,100 When the escape starts, 1230 00:31:09,100 --> 00:31:13,934 the clear box 1231 00:31:09,100 --> 00:31:13,934 will begin to fill with water. 1232 00:31:13,934 --> 00:31:16,934 When the water reaches 1233 00:31:13,934 --> 00:31:16,934 one of those two pink lines-- 1234 00:31:16,934 --> 00:31:21,433 we're not sure exactly which-- 1235 00:31:16,934 --> 00:31:21,433 it will trip those saws 1236 00:31:21,433 --> 00:31:23,900 to fall into the exact spot 1237 00:31:21,433 --> 00:31:23,900 where I'm hanging. 1238 00:31:23,900 --> 00:31:26,133 - You're not sure which line? 1239 00:31:26,133 --> 00:31:29,100 - We haven't done it enough. 1240 00:31:29,100 --> 00:31:30,967 - Ahh. 1241 00:31:29,100 --> 00:31:30,967 - I have to get myself out 1242 00:31:30,967 --> 00:31:33,033 the right way up 1243 00:31:30,967 --> 00:31:33,033 and get my ankles free 1244 00:31:33,033 --> 00:31:36,500 and escape 1245 00:31:33,033 --> 00:31:36,500 before the saw falls. 1246 00:31:36,500 --> 00:31:40,166 If I don't, I'm literally going 1247 00:31:36,500 --> 00:31:40,166 to be cut in two. 1248 00:31:40,166 --> 00:31:41,433 Wish me luck. 1249 00:31:41,433 --> 00:31:43,233 - Do not try this at home. 1250 00:31:43,233 --> 00:31:44,533 [tense music] 1251 00:31:44,533 --> 00:31:46,667 - Ohh. 1252 00:31:44,533 --> 00:31:46,667 This is crazy. 1253 00:31:46,667 --> 00:31:48,834 ♪ ♪ 1254 00:32:06,600 --> 00:32:09,834 - [gasping] 1255 00:32:09,834 --> 00:32:11,500 Wait, wait, wait, wait, 1256 00:32:09,834 --> 00:32:11,500 wait, wait, wait, wait. 1257 00:32:11,500 --> 00:32:13,600 [gasping] 1258 00:32:15,533 --> 00:32:16,800 Okay, start the saws. 1259 00:32:16,800 --> 00:32:21,033 ♪ ♪ 1260 00:32:21,033 --> 00:32:22,233 - Oh, my God. 1261 00:32:33,700 --> 00:32:35,667 Look how fast that water 1262 00:32:33,700 --> 00:32:35,667 is going up. 1263 00:32:35,667 --> 00:32:38,300 HEIDI: 1264 00:32:35,667 --> 00:32:38,300 And he doesn't know if it's 1265 00:32:35,667 --> 00:32:38,300 the first or the second line! 1266 00:32:38,300 --> 00:32:40,633 [audience gasping] 1267 00:32:43,467 --> 00:32:44,533 - Ahh! 1268 00:32:44,533 --> 00:32:46,967 - Oh, man. He looks like 1269 00:32:44,533 --> 00:32:46,967 he's in trouble. 1270 00:32:46,967 --> 00:32:50,667 ♪ ♪ 1271 00:32:50,667 --> 00:32:53,333 - [groaning] 1272 00:32:58,333 --> 00:32:59,800 - Okay, he's got his arm over. 1273 00:32:59,800 --> 00:33:00,967 He's got his arm over. 1274 00:33:00,967 --> 00:33:02,533 - It's about to hit--look. 1275 00:33:00,967 --> 00:33:02,533 - Hurry up! 1276 00:33:02,533 --> 00:33:03,900 It's almost at the first line. 1277 00:33:03,900 --> 00:33:05,900 [audience screaming] 1278 00:33:05,900 --> 00:33:08,033 -Ahh! 1279 00:33:08,033 --> 00:33:09,233 Hurry up! 1280 00:33:09,233 --> 00:33:12,433 - Go! 1281 00:33:12,433 --> 00:33:15,700 Hurry! Hurry! 1282 00:33:15,700 --> 00:33:18,100 ♪ ♪ 1283 00:33:22,967 --> 00:33:25,100 - Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 1284 00:33:25,100 --> 00:33:29,934 TERRY: Oh, my God. 1285 00:33:25,100 --> 00:33:29,934 HEIDI: It's at the pink line. 1286 00:33:29,934 --> 00:33:31,066 SOFÍA: 1287 00:33:29,934 --> 00:33:31,066 I can't. 1288 00:33:31,066 --> 00:33:33,600 ♪ ♪ 1289 00:33:43,533 --> 00:33:46,066 HEIDI: Stop! 1290 00:33:43,533 --> 00:33:46,066 HOWIE: Go! Go! 1291 00:33:46,066 --> 00:33:47,734 No! Stop it! 1292 00:33:47,734 --> 00:33:51,734 - Ahh! 1293 00:33:47,734 --> 00:33:51,734 - Stop it! 1294 00:33:51,734 --> 00:33:53,900 ♪ ♪ 1295 00:34:02,633 --> 00:34:05,600 - Get up! Get up! 1296 00:34:05,600 --> 00:34:07,600 [audience gasps] 1297 00:34:10,900 --> 00:34:13,834 [cheers and applause] 1298 00:34:16,233 --> 00:34:19,567 - I can't believe it. 1299 00:34:22,800 --> 00:34:25,300 [cheers and applause] 1300 00:34:28,633 --> 00:34:30,800 TERRY: 1301 00:34:28,633 --> 00:34:30,800 Oh, my God. 1302 00:34:30,800 --> 00:34:32,967 My heart. 1303 00:34:32,967 --> 00:34:35,900 [triumphant music] 1304 00:34:35,900 --> 00:34:38,100 ♪ ♪ 1305 00:34:38,100 --> 00:34:39,600 - Simon, what did you think? 1306 00:34:39,600 --> 00:34:42,867 - I mean, anyone who 1307 00:34:39,600 --> 00:34:42,867 puts himself in this position, 1308 00:34:42,867 --> 00:34:45,567 you know, because the trouble 1309 00:34:42,867 --> 00:34:45,567 is, things go wrong, 1310 00:34:45,567 --> 00:34:48,133 and that could have 1311 00:34:45,567 --> 00:34:48,133 been catastrophic, 1312 00:34:48,133 --> 00:34:50,433 but you are brilliant, 1313 00:34:48,133 --> 00:34:50,433 brilliant. 1314 00:34:50,433 --> 00:34:52,533 - Thank you very much. 1315 00:34:50,433 --> 00:34:52,533 - Respect. 1316 00:34:52,533 --> 00:34:55,467 [cheers and applause] 1317 00:34:55,467 --> 00:34:57,033 - I mean, that was insane. 1318 00:34:57,033 --> 00:34:58,867 That looked so dangerous. 1319 00:34:58,867 --> 00:35:00,867 I mean, my stomach still hurts, 1320 00:35:00,867 --> 00:35:04,667 because I was, like, 1321 00:35:00,867 --> 00:35:04,667 so nervous for you. 1322 00:35:04,667 --> 00:35:06,834 - I mean, it was so close, 1323 00:35:04,667 --> 00:35:06,834 because, 1324 00:35:06,834 --> 00:35:08,800 you know, it came down, 1325 00:35:06,834 --> 00:35:08,800 and it almost, like, 1326 00:35:08,800 --> 00:35:11,166 knocked you off the chair. 1327 00:35:08,800 --> 00:35:11,166 You're crazy, 1328 00:35:11,166 --> 00:35:13,734 and you should possibly listen 1329 00:35:11,166 --> 00:35:13,734 to your wife a little bit more. 1330 00:35:13,734 --> 00:35:14,967 - I should, actually. 1331 00:35:14,967 --> 00:35:18,133 - I'm just-- 1332 00:35:14,967 --> 00:35:18,133 I'm actually speechless, 1333 00:35:18,133 --> 00:35:21,400 because I've never been 1334 00:35:18,133 --> 00:35:21,400 more scared 1335 00:35:21,400 --> 00:35:23,900 than I was looking 1336 00:35:21,400 --> 00:35:23,900 at this contraption, 1337 00:35:23,900 --> 00:35:28,734 listening to the amount of time 1338 00:35:23,900 --> 00:35:28,734 that you haven't rehearsed. 1339 00:35:28,734 --> 00:35:32,900 It's just crazy, but I want to 1340 00:35:28,734 --> 00:35:32,900 start the voting by saying yes. 1341 00:35:32,900 --> 00:35:35,200 [cheers and applause] 1342 00:35:35,200 --> 00:35:39,066 - It's a yes. 1343 00:35:35,200 --> 00:35:39,066 - Yes. 1344 00:35:39,066 --> 00:35:42,000 [cheers and applause] 1345 00:35:42,000 --> 00:35:44,367 - Your wife is going 1346 00:35:42,000 --> 00:35:44,367 to hate me, 1347 00:35:44,367 --> 00:35:49,166 but I want to see you again, 1348 00:35:44,367 --> 00:35:49,166 four yeses. 1349 00:35:49,166 --> 00:35:53,467 ♪ ♪ 1350 00:35:53,467 --> 00:35:55,967 - Thank you so much, guys. 1351 00:35:55,967 --> 00:35:57,667 ♪ ♪ 1352 00:35:57,667 --> 00:36:01,400 - Right on, Matt. 1353 00:36:01,400 --> 00:36:03,633 - I've never seen 1354 00:36:01,400 --> 00:36:03,633 anything like that. 1355 00:36:03,633 --> 00:36:04,700 - Good news is I'm alive. 1356 00:36:04,700 --> 00:36:06,867 - Dude, I have been 1357 00:36:04,700 --> 00:36:06,867 freaking out. 1358 00:36:06,867 --> 00:36:08,767 - We got four yeses. 1359 00:36:06,867 --> 00:36:08,767 - That's amazing. 1360 00:36:09,867 --> 00:36:12,066 MAN: 1361 00:36:09,867 --> 00:36:12,066 Having my show in Vegas, 1362 00:36:12,066 --> 00:36:14,533 it's what every magician 1363 00:36:12,066 --> 00:36:14,533 dreams of. 1364 00:36:14,533 --> 00:36:17,567 HOWIE: 1365 00:36:14,533 --> 00:36:17,567 If you drive the Las Vegas 1366 00:36:14,533 --> 00:36:17,567 strip, the billboards, 1367 00:36:17,567 --> 00:36:21,066 there's Mat Franco, Piff, 1368 00:36:17,567 --> 00:36:21,066 Shin Lim. 1369 00:36:21,066 --> 00:36:23,400 - Is your dream having 1370 00:36:21,066 --> 00:36:23,400 your own show in Vegas? 1371 00:36:23,400 --> 00:36:24,834 - Yes. 1372 00:36:23,400 --> 00:36:24,834 - Yes. 1373 00:36:24,834 --> 00:36:26,333 - Good luck. 1374 00:36:26,333 --> 00:36:28,200 [mystical music] 1375 00:36:28,200 --> 00:36:30,367 ♪ ♪ 1376 00:36:33,967 --> 00:36:35,233 [cheers and applause] 1377 00:36:35,233 --> 00:36:37,400 HOWIE: 1378 00:36:35,233 --> 00:36:37,400 What do you think 1379 00:36:35,233 --> 00:36:37,400 this can do for you? 1380 00:36:37,400 --> 00:36:38,667 - I would really like to get 1381 00:36:38,667 --> 00:36:40,166 a residency 1382 00:36:38,667 --> 00:36:40,166 straight out of high school. 1383 00:36:40,166 --> 00:36:42,734 - Good for you. 1384 00:36:40,166 --> 00:36:42,734 - Yeah. 1385 00:36:42,734 --> 00:36:43,934 - I think should 1386 00:36:43,934 --> 00:36:46,300 straight out of school 1387 00:36:43,934 --> 00:36:46,300 to Vegas. 1388 00:36:46,300 --> 00:36:50,133 - My name is Patrick Hyung, 1389 00:36:46,300 --> 00:36:50,133 and I'm a magician. 1390 00:36:50,133 --> 00:36:53,500 For as long as I can remember, 1391 00:36:53,500 --> 00:36:55,734 it has always been my dream 1392 00:36:53,500 --> 00:36:55,734 to have 1393 00:36:55,734 --> 00:36:57,667 my own show in Las Vegas. 1394 00:36:57,667 --> 00:37:00,667 - ♪ Who cares if we hit 1395 00:36:57,667 --> 00:37:00,667 the right stars ♪ 1396 00:37:00,667 --> 00:37:02,934 [Indistinct] 1397 00:37:00,667 --> 00:37:02,934 put the cap into my pocket. 1398 00:37:02,934 --> 00:37:05,600 - ♪ That's who we are, 1399 00:37:02,934 --> 00:37:05,600 we got a story to tell ♪ 1400 00:37:05,600 --> 00:37:08,600 - So my parents weren't 1401 00:37:05,600 --> 00:37:08,600 the biggest fan in magic. 1402 00:37:08,600 --> 00:37:11,133 They wanted me to go 1403 00:37:08,600 --> 00:37:11,133 to school, get good grades. 1404 00:37:11,133 --> 00:37:14,333 So what I did was, 1405 00:37:11,133 --> 00:37:14,333 I would order something online. 1406 00:37:14,333 --> 00:37:16,233 It would be shipped 1407 00:37:14,333 --> 00:37:16,233 to my friend's house. 1408 00:37:16,233 --> 00:37:17,900 I would pick it up 1409 00:37:16,233 --> 00:37:17,900 during lunchtime, 1410 00:37:17,900 --> 00:37:19,667 go to my room, lock the door, 1411 00:37:19,667 --> 00:37:23,033 and I would practice in my room 1412 00:37:19,667 --> 00:37:23,033 every single day. 1413 00:37:23,033 --> 00:37:26,600 My wife hates that I love 1414 00:37:23,033 --> 00:37:26,600 watching magic all day. 1415 00:37:26,600 --> 00:37:27,867 I would walk with 1416 00:37:26,600 --> 00:37:27,867 a deck of cards 1417 00:37:27,867 --> 00:37:28,934 in my hand, 1418 00:37:27,867 --> 00:37:28,934 and she would hate it, 1419 00:37:28,934 --> 00:37:30,600 because I'm not holding 1420 00:37:28,934 --> 00:37:30,600 her hand. 1421 00:37:30,600 --> 00:37:31,967 - ♪ Who cares if we hit 1422 00:37:30,600 --> 00:37:31,967 the right stars ♪ 1423 00:37:31,967 --> 00:37:34,834 - I'm nervous 1424 00:37:31,967 --> 00:37:34,834 - I wish you luck. 1425 00:37:34,834 --> 00:37:37,200 [Indistinct] 1426 00:37:34,834 --> 00:37:37,200 - Okay, I love you. Bye. 1427 00:37:37,200 --> 00:37:38,600 - ♪ We got a story to tell ♪ 1428 00:37:38,600 --> 00:37:40,767 - My dream is to do magic 1429 00:37:38,600 --> 00:37:40,767 the rest of my life. 1430 00:37:40,767 --> 00:37:44,000 - Make magic out there tonight 1431 00:37:40,767 --> 00:37:44,000 for America. 1432 00:37:44,000 --> 00:37:47,400 - America's Got Talent 1433 00:37:44,000 --> 00:37:47,400 I think will change my life. 1434 00:37:47,400 --> 00:37:50,433 ♪ ♪ 1435 00:37:50,433 --> 00:37:53,066 Hello. 1436 00:37:50,433 --> 00:37:53,066 HOWIE: Hello. 1437 00:37:53,066 --> 00:37:54,266 How are you? 1438 00:37:54,266 --> 00:37:55,600 - I'm good. How are you? 1439 00:37:55,600 --> 00:37:58,066 - Great. What's your name? 1440 00:37:55,600 --> 00:37:58,066 - My name is Patrick Hyung. 1441 00:37:58,066 --> 00:37:59,734 - Patrick, and where 1442 00:37:58,066 --> 00:37:59,734 you from, Patrick? 1443 00:37:59,734 --> 00:38:01,033 - I'm from Pittsburgh. 1444 00:38:01,033 --> 00:38:02,100 - Wow, Pittsburgh. 1445 00:38:02,100 --> 00:38:03,567 - My husband 1446 00:38:02,100 --> 00:38:03,567 is from Pittsburgh. 1447 00:38:03,567 --> 00:38:07,166 He loves Pittsburgh. 1448 00:38:03,567 --> 00:38:07,166 Do you love the Steelers? 1449 00:38:07,166 --> 00:38:08,433 - Of course. 1450 00:38:07,166 --> 00:38:08,433 - Okay. 1451 00:38:08,433 --> 00:38:11,166 HOWIE: 1452 00:38:08,433 --> 00:38:11,166 All right. 1453 00:38:08,433 --> 00:38:11,166 We got that out of the way. 1454 00:38:11,166 --> 00:38:12,633 And what do you do 1455 00:38:11,166 --> 00:38:12,633 for a living? 1456 00:38:12,633 --> 00:38:14,433 - I do magic. 1457 00:38:12,633 --> 00:38:14,433 - That's great. 1458 00:38:14,433 --> 00:38:16,734 - Were you born 1459 00:38:14,433 --> 00:38:16,734 with magical powers? 1460 00:38:16,734 --> 00:38:18,667 - Well, I sold my soul 1461 00:38:16,734 --> 00:38:18,667 a long time ago. 1462 00:38:18,667 --> 00:38:22,967 - Good, good, good. 1463 00:38:18,667 --> 00:38:22,967 Then you're very welcome here. 1464 00:38:22,967 --> 00:38:25,333 - Are you married? 1465 00:38:22,967 --> 00:38:25,333 - I am married, yes. 1466 00:38:25,333 --> 00:38:27,533 - Okay. 1467 00:38:25,333 --> 00:38:27,533 - Actually, last year. 1468 00:38:27,533 --> 00:38:30,100 - Is she a fan 1469 00:38:27,533 --> 00:38:30,100 or your assistant or... 1470 00:38:30,100 --> 00:38:31,533 - She liked magic before, 1471 00:38:31,533 --> 00:38:33,367 and now I think 1472 00:38:31,533 --> 00:38:33,367 she's a little bit-- 1473 00:38:33,367 --> 00:38:34,800 SOFÍA: 1474 00:38:33,367 --> 00:38:34,800 Tired of it? 1475 00:38:34,800 --> 00:38:39,433 - Wait, she liked magic-- 1476 00:38:34,800 --> 00:38:39,433 the magic is gone already 1477 00:38:39,433 --> 00:38:42,533 after one year? 1478 00:38:42,533 --> 00:38:45,100 - She think I love magic 1479 00:38:42,533 --> 00:38:45,100 more than her, so yeah. 1480 00:38:45,100 --> 00:38:46,467 I love both, 1481 00:38:45,100 --> 00:38:46,467 I will not be able to pick. 1482 00:38:46,467 --> 00:38:48,367 - Well, if you do well and win 1483 00:38:46,467 --> 00:38:48,367 the million dollars, 1484 00:38:48,367 --> 00:38:49,467 she'll love you regardless. 1485 00:38:49,467 --> 00:38:51,000 - Of course, yes. 1486 00:38:51,000 --> 00:38:53,934 [laughter] 1487 00:38:53,934 --> 00:38:55,233 - Go for it. 1488 00:38:53,934 --> 00:38:55,233 - So would you mind 1489 00:38:55,233 --> 00:38:56,300 if I joined you guys downstage? 1490 00:38:56,300 --> 00:38:57,900 - Please, join us. 1491 00:38:56,300 --> 00:38:57,900 - Awesome. 1492 00:38:57,900 --> 00:39:00,533 [cheers and applause] 1493 00:39:00,533 --> 00:39:03,133 - So I know this may sound 1494 00:39:00,533 --> 00:39:03,133 a little bit strange, 1495 00:39:03,133 --> 00:39:07,066 but the end 1496 00:39:03,133 --> 00:39:07,066 is the beginning. 1497 00:39:07,066 --> 00:39:08,900 I brought with me 1498 00:39:07,066 --> 00:39:08,900 a deck of cards, 1499 00:39:08,900 --> 00:39:11,433 and this will makes sense 1500 00:39:08,900 --> 00:39:11,433 in just a few moments. 1501 00:39:11,433 --> 00:39:13,133 Simon, a brand-new 1502 00:39:11,433 --> 00:39:13,133 deck of cards, 1503 00:39:13,133 --> 00:39:15,834 can you please unwrap 1504 00:39:13,133 --> 00:39:15,834 the deck for me? 1505 00:39:15,834 --> 00:39:16,834 - Yeah. 1506 00:39:16,834 --> 00:39:18,533 - Just pull this 1507 00:39:16,834 --> 00:39:18,533 little seal out. 1508 00:39:18,533 --> 00:39:20,767 Perfect, 1509 00:39:18,533 --> 00:39:20,767 and I'm gonna take this out. 1510 00:39:20,767 --> 00:39:27,633 A brand-new deck of cards come 1511 00:39:20,767 --> 00:39:27,633 factory sealed with sticker, 1512 00:39:27,633 --> 00:39:30,700 and as you can see, 1513 00:39:27,633 --> 00:39:30,700 every deck of cards 1514 00:39:30,700 --> 00:39:33,066 come in brand-new deck orders. 1515 00:39:33,066 --> 00:39:38,433 Jokers and the ad cards, 1516 00:39:33,066 --> 00:39:38,433 we don't need those. 1517 00:39:38,433 --> 00:39:41,166 All the cards, Simon, 1518 00:39:38,433 --> 00:39:41,166 your shuffle, please. 1519 00:39:41,166 --> 00:39:44,600 Give the deck a nice mix 1520 00:39:41,166 --> 00:39:44,600 and shuffle. 1521 00:39:44,600 --> 00:39:46,834 - He's almost as good as Sofía 1522 00:39:44,600 --> 00:39:46,834 with the shuffling. 1523 00:39:46,834 --> 00:39:49,867 - He's almost as good as me. 1524 00:39:49,867 --> 00:39:52,367 [laughter] 1525 00:39:52,367 --> 00:39:57,667 - Good? 1526 00:39:52,367 --> 00:39:57,667 Perfect. Now, watch closely. 1527 00:39:57,667 --> 00:40:01,934 The first one, the ace of 1528 00:39:57,667 --> 00:40:01,934 spades from shuffled deck... 1529 00:40:05,000 --> 00:40:09,433 The ace of spades. 1530 00:40:09,433 --> 00:40:15,633 And the rest 1531 00:40:09,433 --> 00:40:15,633 in just a few seconds. 1532 00:40:15,633 --> 00:40:17,567 Each one of the ace 1533 00:40:15,633 --> 00:40:17,567 is for each of you, 1534 00:40:17,567 --> 00:40:21,033 the spade, the diamond, 1535 00:40:17,567 --> 00:40:21,033 the clubs, and the hearts. 1536 00:40:21,033 --> 00:40:22,467 You can see there's markers 1537 00:40:21,033 --> 00:40:22,467 on the table. 1538 00:40:22,467 --> 00:40:24,467 I want you to sign on the card 1539 00:40:22,467 --> 00:40:24,467 nice and big, 1540 00:40:24,467 --> 00:40:26,700 so we know 1541 00:40:24,467 --> 00:40:26,700 that these are the only aces 1542 00:40:26,700 --> 00:40:28,166 that exist in this world 1543 00:40:26,700 --> 00:40:28,166 with your name on it 1544 00:40:28,166 --> 00:40:29,266 - Sign our name? 1545 00:40:28,166 --> 00:40:29,266 - Yes, 1546 00:40:29,266 --> 00:40:31,800 and make it nice and big. 1547 00:40:31,800 --> 00:40:36,867 Perfect, I'm going to take 1548 00:40:31,800 --> 00:40:36,867 the cards. Show the camera. 1549 00:40:36,867 --> 00:40:42,867 The hearts, the clubs, 1550 00:40:36,867 --> 00:40:42,867 the diamonds, and the spades. 1551 00:40:42,867 --> 00:40:45,033 You know why most people 1552 00:40:42,867 --> 00:40:45,033 don't believe magic? 1553 00:40:45,033 --> 00:40:48,133 It's because they haven't seen 1554 00:40:45,033 --> 00:40:48,133 real magic. 1555 00:40:48,133 --> 00:40:52,000 Watch closely. 1556 00:40:52,000 --> 00:40:57,800 As the first one travel 1557 00:40:52,000 --> 00:40:57,800 invisibly. 1558 00:40:57,800 --> 00:41:02,867 From invisible card 1559 00:40:57,800 --> 00:41:02,867 become visible. 1560 00:41:02,867 --> 00:41:05,967 - Aye. 1561 00:41:02,867 --> 00:41:05,967 - You're kidding me. 1562 00:41:05,967 --> 00:41:07,400 - I'll do it one more time. 1563 00:41:05,967 --> 00:41:07,400 - Do it again. 1564 00:41:07,400 --> 00:41:10,300 [mystical music] 1565 00:41:10,300 --> 00:41:14,033 ♪ ♪ 1566 00:41:14,033 --> 00:41:19,400 - From here, watch. 1567 00:41:19,400 --> 00:41:21,266 - [indistinct]. 1568 00:41:21,266 --> 00:41:23,133 - What? 1569 00:41:21,266 --> 00:41:23,133 - We're shocked. We're shocked. 1570 00:41:23,133 --> 00:41:26,100 - Look, one last one, 1571 00:41:23,133 --> 00:41:26,100 check this out. 1572 00:41:26,100 --> 00:41:27,467 - You're amazing. 1573 00:41:27,467 --> 00:41:28,700 - Can you please 1574 00:41:27,467 --> 00:41:28,700 hold out your hands? 1575 00:41:28,700 --> 00:41:29,867 - Hold my hand out? 1576 00:41:28,700 --> 00:41:29,867 - Put your hand on top. 1577 00:41:29,867 --> 00:41:31,333 - Okay. 1578 00:41:29,867 --> 00:41:31,333 - I'm going to take the deck. 1579 00:41:31,333 --> 00:41:32,867 Watch closely. 1580 00:41:35,300 --> 00:41:37,734 Ace of hearts, this time 1581 00:41:35,300 --> 00:41:37,734 in slow motion, 1582 00:41:37,734 --> 00:41:42,700 one, two. 1583 00:41:42,700 --> 00:41:44,967 Do you feel it? 1584 00:41:42,700 --> 00:41:44,967 Lift up your hand. 1585 00:41:44,967 --> 00:41:47,900 - Lift up my hand? 1586 00:41:44,967 --> 00:41:47,900 - Yes. Open your hands. 1587 00:41:47,900 --> 00:41:49,500 The ace of hearts. 1588 00:41:49,500 --> 00:41:53,033 - What? 1589 00:41:49,500 --> 00:41:53,033 [applause] 1590 00:41:53,033 --> 00:41:54,233 - It traveled back. 1591 00:41:54,233 --> 00:41:57,867 - Wow. How did that happen? 1592 00:41:54,233 --> 00:41:57,867 - Check this out. 1593 00:41:57,867 --> 00:42:01,333 Tonight I want to leave you 1594 00:41:57,867 --> 00:42:01,333 with a piece of mystery. 1595 00:42:01,333 --> 00:42:05,834 All the aces has your name 1596 00:42:01,333 --> 00:42:05,834 on it, 1597 00:42:05,834 --> 00:42:09,967 and I'll do it one more time 1598 00:42:05,834 --> 00:42:09,967 and this time in reverse. 1599 00:42:09,967 --> 00:42:11,600 So watch closely. 1600 00:42:11,600 --> 00:42:15,367 Sofía and Heidi, I want you 1601 00:42:11,600 --> 00:42:15,367 to please lift up your hands, 1602 00:42:15,367 --> 00:42:17,700 hold out your hands, 1603 00:42:17,700 --> 00:42:19,166 and I want you to hold 1604 00:42:17,700 --> 00:42:19,166 both your hands out like this, 1605 00:42:19,166 --> 00:42:22,900 extend them out, facedown, 1606 00:42:19,166 --> 00:42:22,900 both hands, both hands. 1607 00:42:22,900 --> 00:42:24,767 Yes, perfect. 1608 00:42:22,900 --> 00:42:24,767 I want you to cover on top, 1609 00:42:24,767 --> 00:42:25,767 cover on top like this. 1610 00:42:25,767 --> 00:42:28,500 Perfect. 1611 00:42:25,767 --> 00:42:28,500 Hold it nice and tight. 1612 00:42:28,500 --> 00:42:30,600 You know, this may sound 1613 00:42:28,500 --> 00:42:30,600 a little bit strange. 1614 00:42:30,600 --> 00:42:33,200 The end is the beginning. 1615 00:42:33,200 --> 00:42:34,633 The beginning is the end. 1616 00:42:34,633 --> 00:42:37,867 Ladies, 1617 00:42:34,633 --> 00:42:37,867 slowly lift up your hands. 1618 00:42:37,867 --> 00:42:39,433 We made it back. 1619 00:42:39,433 --> 00:42:41,900 - Ohh! 1620 00:42:41,900 --> 00:42:43,800 - Brand-new sealed 1621 00:42:41,900 --> 00:42:43,800 deck of cards. 1622 00:42:43,800 --> 00:42:46,600 - He is really good. 1623 00:42:46,600 --> 00:42:48,066 - Wait, we've been here before. 1624 00:42:48,066 --> 00:42:50,967 Simon, you know what to do. 1625 00:42:50,967 --> 00:42:52,433 - I know what to do. 1626 00:42:50,967 --> 00:42:52,433 - That's your job. 1627 00:42:52,433 --> 00:42:54,934 Take out the cellophane. 1628 00:42:52,433 --> 00:42:54,934 Look, every brand-new deck 1629 00:42:54,934 --> 00:42:56,834 of cards come factory sealed 1630 00:42:54,934 --> 00:42:56,834 with a sticker. 1631 00:42:56,834 --> 00:42:59,500 I'm going to take out 1632 00:42:56,834 --> 00:42:59,500 all the cards out. 1633 00:42:59,500 --> 00:43:04,200 - No. And we're in there. 1634 00:42:59,500 --> 00:43:04,200 You're kidding me. No. 1635 00:43:04,200 --> 00:43:06,133 - Brand-new cards. 1636 00:43:04,200 --> 00:43:06,133 Ace to king, ace to king, 1637 00:43:06,133 --> 00:43:08,367 ace to king 1638 00:43:06,133 --> 00:43:08,367 except for one difference, 1639 00:43:08,367 --> 00:43:11,100 the ace of spade 1640 00:43:08,367 --> 00:43:11,100 has your name on it. 1641 00:43:11,100 --> 00:43:13,233 Wait not just that, 1642 00:43:11,100 --> 00:43:13,233 look, the ace of clubs 1643 00:43:13,233 --> 00:43:15,433 with your name on it, 1644 00:43:13,233 --> 00:43:15,433 the ace of diamonds 1645 00:43:15,433 --> 00:43:17,500 with Sofía's name on it, 1646 00:43:15,433 --> 00:43:17,500 and the last but not least, 1647 00:43:17,500 --> 00:43:19,900 Howie, your ace of hearts. 1648 00:43:19,900 --> 00:43:23,233 Thank you so much. 1649 00:43:19,900 --> 00:43:23,233 Hope you guys enjoyed the ride. 1650 00:43:23,233 --> 00:43:25,700 [cheers and applause] 1651 00:43:25,700 --> 00:43:27,200 [upbeat music] 1652 00:43:27,200 --> 00:43:28,133 - Dang it. 1653 00:43:28,133 --> 00:43:30,734 - That was amazing. 1654 00:43:28,133 --> 00:43:30,734 - Wow. 1655 00:43:30,734 --> 00:43:32,100 - [indistinct]. 1656 00:43:32,100 --> 00:43:34,200 - How did you get us 1657 00:43:32,100 --> 00:43:34,200 back in the deck? 1658 00:43:34,200 --> 00:43:36,066 HOWIE: 1659 00:43:34,200 --> 00:43:36,066 I don't know. 1660 00:43:36,066 --> 00:43:39,066 - That was amazing. 1661 00:43:39,066 --> 00:43:41,433 HOWIE: Wow. 1662 00:43:39,066 --> 00:43:41,433 HEIDI: That is so crazy. 1663 00:43:41,433 --> 00:43:43,767 SOFÍA: That was-- 1664 00:43:41,433 --> 00:43:43,767 HEIDI: It was incredible. 1665 00:43:43,767 --> 00:43:45,834 - Thank you. 1666 00:43:43,767 --> 00:43:45,834 - I mean, it was happening 1667 00:43:45,834 --> 00:43:47,834 right in front of our eyes, 1668 00:43:45,834 --> 00:43:47,834 like, this close. 1669 00:43:47,834 --> 00:43:50,300 How on Earth did you do this? 1670 00:43:50,300 --> 00:43:54,033 - Sold my soul a long time ago. 1671 00:43:50,300 --> 00:43:54,033 HEIDI: You're good. 1672 00:43:54,033 --> 00:43:56,200 - That was special. 1673 00:43:54,033 --> 00:43:56,200 That was, like, mind-blowing. 1674 00:43:56,200 --> 00:43:59,200 You were, like, right in front 1675 00:43:56,200 --> 00:43:59,200 of us. You are amazing. 1676 00:43:59,200 --> 00:44:01,266 - Thank you so much. 1677 00:43:59,200 --> 00:44:01,266 - Very good. 1678 00:44:01,266 --> 00:44:02,500 - Simon? 1679 00:44:02,500 --> 00:44:04,667 - There are certain things 1680 00:44:02,500 --> 00:44:04,667 that can't be explained, 1681 00:44:04,667 --> 00:44:07,166 which means it's magic. 1682 00:44:07,166 --> 00:44:11,000 People laugh at me for saying 1683 00:44:07,166 --> 00:44:11,000 that, but I do believe in it. 1684 00:44:11,000 --> 00:44:13,700 And I liked your whole 1685 00:44:11,000 --> 00:44:13,700 presentation. 1686 00:44:13,700 --> 00:44:14,767 It was very cool. 1687 00:44:14,767 --> 00:44:16,767 - Yes. 1688 00:44:14,767 --> 00:44:16,767 - It was a really, really, 1689 00:44:16,767 --> 00:44:19,734 really good audition. 1690 00:44:16,767 --> 00:44:19,734 Well done. Howie? 1691 00:44:19,734 --> 00:44:23,200 - First of all, I hope you win, 1692 00:44:19,734 --> 00:44:23,200 because I want you 1693 00:44:23,200 --> 00:44:24,467 to love your wife. 1694 00:44:23,200 --> 00:44:24,467 - Of course. 1695 00:44:24,467 --> 00:44:25,633 - I want to bring 1696 00:44:24,467 --> 00:44:25,633 the magic back. 1697 00:44:25,633 --> 00:44:28,433 - More than magic. 1698 00:44:25,633 --> 00:44:28,433 - Yes, equal at least. 1699 00:44:28,433 --> 00:44:30,233 Anyway, let's vote. Heidi? 1700 00:44:30,233 --> 00:44:31,767 - I'm going to start it 1701 00:44:30,233 --> 00:44:31,767 with a yes. 1702 00:44:31,767 --> 00:44:32,734 - Thank you so much. 1703 00:44:32,734 --> 00:44:33,767 - Sofía? 1704 00:44:32,734 --> 00:44:33,767 - Yes. 1705 00:44:33,767 --> 00:44:36,200 - Thank you. 1706 00:44:33,767 --> 00:44:36,200 - Simon? 1707 00:44:36,200 --> 00:44:38,800 - You've got your third yes. 1708 00:44:38,800 --> 00:44:41,667 - Four yeses. 1709 00:44:38,800 --> 00:44:41,667 - Yes. 1710 00:44:41,667 --> 00:44:44,166 HOWIE: 1711 00:44:41,667 --> 00:44:44,166 He was so good. 1712 00:44:44,166 --> 00:44:46,266 - How did he get us 1713 00:44:44,166 --> 00:44:46,266 back in the deck? 1714 00:44:46,266 --> 00:44:48,400 - It's one thing 1715 00:44:46,266 --> 00:44:48,400 to watch magic, 1716 00:44:48,400 --> 00:44:50,934 but when it's happening 1717 00:44:48,400 --> 00:44:50,934 against your own flesh, 1718 00:44:50,934 --> 00:44:52,100 like, it's under your hand, 1719 00:44:52,100 --> 00:44:53,367 and you don't 1720 00:44:52,100 --> 00:44:53,367 feel anything changing... 1721 00:44:53,367 --> 00:44:54,900 - Then it's so strange. 1722 00:44:53,367 --> 00:44:54,900 - That proves magic. 1723 00:44:54,900 --> 00:44:55,967 - Yeah. 1724 00:44:56,500 --> 00:44:59,066 [light music] 1725 00:44:59,066 --> 00:45:01,300 ♪ ♪ 1726 00:45:09,300 --> 00:45:12,834 [♪♪♪] 1727 00:45:12,834 --> 00:45:15,233 - My name is Johnny Showcase, 1728 00:45:12,834 --> 00:45:15,233 and I'm 40 years old. 1729 00:45:15,233 --> 00:45:20,367 I'm an entertainer, singer, 1730 00:45:15,233 --> 00:45:20,367 songwriter, mover, shaker, 1731 00:45:20,367 --> 00:45:23,967 music maker, part-time lover, 1732 00:45:23,967 --> 00:45:25,767 full-time parent. 1733 00:45:25,767 --> 00:45:29,567 ♪ ♪ 1734 00:45:29,567 --> 00:45:33,300 This is my spiritual advisor, 1735 00:45:29,567 --> 00:45:33,300 Rumi Kitchen, and my singers, 1736 00:45:33,300 --> 00:45:35,633 The Truth. 1737 00:45:35,633 --> 00:45:37,233 We've been performing 1738 00:45:35,633 --> 00:45:37,233 for 15 years. 1739 00:45:37,233 --> 00:45:39,333 We've done everything 1740 00:45:37,233 --> 00:45:39,333 you could do. 1741 00:45:39,333 --> 00:45:41,300 I've got enough sweat 1742 00:45:39,333 --> 00:45:41,300 in the game 1743 00:45:41,300 --> 00:45:43,100 to fill up a swimming pool. 1744 00:45:43,100 --> 00:45:46,133 ♪ ♪ 1745 00:45:46,133 --> 00:45:47,700 It's good. 1746 00:45:46,133 --> 00:45:47,700 A lot of the feedback 1747 00:45:47,700 --> 00:45:49,900 that I get that I'm sort of 1748 00:45:47,700 --> 00:45:49,900 a cross 1749 00:45:49,900 --> 00:45:53,867 between Prince, 1750 00:45:49,900 --> 00:45:53,867 Prince Harry... 1751 00:45:53,867 --> 00:45:55,367 - Let's go, Johnny. 1752 00:45:55,367 --> 00:45:59,967 - And a minotaur, 1753 00:45:55,367 --> 00:45:59,967 like, a man-horse. 1754 00:45:59,967 --> 00:46:04,033 You know, 1755 00:45:59,967 --> 00:46:04,033 for instance me if I'm nervous? 1756 00:46:04,033 --> 00:46:06,567 - Are you nervous? 1757 00:46:06,567 --> 00:46:08,367 - Neigh. 1758 00:46:13,467 --> 00:46:14,767 - ♪ Superfly ♪ 1759 00:46:14,767 --> 00:46:15,800 - Let's go. 1760 00:46:15,800 --> 00:46:17,667 They say fake it 1761 00:46:15,800 --> 00:46:17,667 till you make it. 1762 00:46:17,667 --> 00:46:20,433 Well, I've been faking it 1763 00:46:17,667 --> 00:46:20,433 for a long time, 1764 00:46:20,433 --> 00:46:23,400 and this time I think 1765 00:46:20,433 --> 00:46:23,400 I'm going to make it. 1766 00:46:23,400 --> 00:46:26,667 MAN: 1767 00:46:23,400 --> 00:46:26,667 Okay, big applause, folks. 1768 00:46:31,934 --> 00:46:34,233 - Hi, everybody. 1769 00:46:34,233 --> 00:46:37,233 - Finally someone came dressed 1770 00:46:34,233 --> 00:46:37,233 to the party. 1771 00:46:37,233 --> 00:46:38,467 - Hello, Sofía. 1772 00:46:38,467 --> 00:46:40,633 - Hola, como estas? 1773 00:46:40,633 --> 00:46:42,333 - Hello. 1774 00:46:42,333 --> 00:46:44,433 [laughter] 1775 00:46:44,433 --> 00:46:45,700 - Who are you guys? 1776 00:46:45,700 --> 00:46:47,734 - Oh, my name 1777 00:46:45,700 --> 00:46:47,734 is Johnny Showcase. 1778 00:46:47,734 --> 00:46:50,600 This is my spiritual advisor, 1779 00:46:47,734 --> 00:46:50,600 Rumi Kitchen, 1780 00:46:50,600 --> 00:46:54,433 and they're collectively known 1781 00:46:50,600 --> 00:46:54,433 as The Truth. 1782 00:46:54,433 --> 00:46:57,400 - Ah, hello, ladies. 1783 00:46:54,433 --> 00:46:57,400 - That makes sense. 1784 00:46:57,400 --> 00:47:00,300 - So what are you 1785 00:46:57,400 --> 00:47:00,300 advising him on? 1786 00:47:00,300 --> 00:47:04,767 - Cosmic spirals, 1787 00:47:00,300 --> 00:47:04,767 centers in your body, 1788 00:47:04,767 --> 00:47:06,700 centers outside of your body. 1789 00:47:06,700 --> 00:47:10,333 [laughter] 1790 00:47:10,333 --> 00:47:13,200 - Uh-huh. 1791 00:47:10,333 --> 00:47:13,200 So, what got you into this? 1792 00:47:13,200 --> 00:47:15,100 - Well, I've been listening 1793 00:47:13,200 --> 00:47:15,100 and loving music 1794 00:47:15,100 --> 00:47:16,934 from the time that I was, 1795 00:47:16,934 --> 00:47:19,166 you know, just a little kid 1796 00:47:16,934 --> 00:47:19,166 with a radio and a microphone, 1797 00:47:19,166 --> 00:47:20,734 and I listened to all 1798 00:47:19,166 --> 00:47:20,734 the greats, you know, 1799 00:47:20,734 --> 00:47:26,100 Steve Wonders and Cindy Laupers 1800 00:47:20,734 --> 00:47:26,100 and, of course, the legendary, 1801 00:47:26,100 --> 00:47:28,767 Paula Abdul, 1802 00:47:26,100 --> 00:47:28,767 one of my favorites. 1803 00:47:28,767 --> 00:47:30,600 - Uh-huh, uh-huh. 1804 00:47:28,767 --> 00:47:30,600 - You know, I used to envision 1805 00:47:30,600 --> 00:47:33,100 that I was in 1806 00:47:30,600 --> 00:47:33,100 the "Opposites Attract" video, 1807 00:47:33,100 --> 00:47:34,867 and I was the cat. 1808 00:47:34,867 --> 00:47:35,934 Um... 1809 00:47:41,900 --> 00:47:44,767 - All right. Well, good luck. 1810 00:47:44,767 --> 00:47:47,934 [cheers and applause] 1811 00:47:52,834 --> 00:47:55,867 - I need a spiritual advisor. 1812 00:47:52,834 --> 00:47:55,867 - Well, get him. 1813 00:47:55,867 --> 00:47:58,200 I don't think he's that busy, 1814 00:47:55,867 --> 00:47:58,200 to be honest with you. 1815 00:47:58,200 --> 00:47:59,967 [laughter] 1816 00:48:04,667 --> 00:48:05,867 [microphone feedback] 1817 00:48:10,400 --> 00:48:11,633 - Wait, oh, wait. 1818 00:48:11,633 --> 00:48:14,633 [laughter] 1819 00:48:14,633 --> 00:48:17,567 [funky guitar music] 1820 00:48:17,567 --> 00:48:21,133 ♪ ♪ 1821 00:48:21,133 --> 00:48:27,767 ♪ Girl, 1822 00:48:21,133 --> 00:48:27,767 I've been watching you ♪ 1823 00:48:27,767 --> 00:48:30,333 ♪ All night, girl ♪ 1824 00:48:30,333 --> 00:48:34,133 ♪ You know it ain't right ♪ 1825 00:48:34,133 --> 00:48:36,934 ♪ You got your 1826 00:48:34,133 --> 00:48:36,934 leopard-print skirt ♪ 1827 00:48:36,934 --> 00:48:38,433 ♪ And your alligator shoes ♪ 1828 00:48:38,433 --> 00:48:39,567 - Whoo! 1829 00:48:39,567 --> 00:48:43,000 - ♪ I walked up with my 1830 00:48:39,567 --> 00:48:43,000 Sonic soda cup ♪ 1831 00:48:43,000 --> 00:48:46,200 both: 1832 00:48:43,000 --> 00:48:46,200 ♪ And a fever for you ♪ 1833 00:48:46,200 --> 00:48:49,166 - ♪ But I got the situation 1834 00:48:46,200 --> 00:48:49,166 at home, girl ♪ 1835 00:48:49,166 --> 00:48:52,066 ♪ It makes me blue ♪ 1836 00:48:52,066 --> 00:48:54,233 ♪ I legally bound to it, 1837 00:48:52,066 --> 00:48:54,233 baby ♪ 1838 00:48:54,233 --> 00:48:55,734 ♪ So this is what 1839 00:48:54,233 --> 00:48:55,734 we got to do ♪ 1840 00:48:55,734 --> 00:48:57,133 - Yeah! 1841 00:48:57,133 --> 00:49:00,066 - ♪ We got to be ♪ 1842 00:48:57,133 --> 00:49:00,066 all: ♪ Sensual but not sexual ♪ 1843 00:49:00,066 --> 00:49:02,734 - ♪ Because I'm married ♪ 1844 00:49:02,734 --> 00:49:03,834 ♪ We've got to be ♪ 1845 00:49:03,834 --> 00:49:06,166 all: ♪ Sensual 1846 00:49:03,834 --> 00:49:06,166 but not sexual ♪ 1847 00:49:06,166 --> 00:49:07,767 - ♪ Because I'm married ♪ 1848 00:49:07,767 --> 00:49:09,900 - [laughs] 1849 00:49:09,900 --> 00:49:13,433 - ♪ You do the Electric Slide 1850 00:49:09,900 --> 00:49:13,433 so pretty, baby ♪ 1851 00:49:13,433 --> 00:49:15,400 ♪ And I've been looking 1852 00:49:13,433 --> 00:49:15,400 at your thing ♪ 1853 00:49:15,400 --> 00:49:16,800 - ♪ That's right ♪ 1854 00:49:16,800 --> 00:49:18,667 - ♪ But I can surmise 1855 00:49:16,800 --> 00:49:18,667 by the look in your eyes ♪ 1856 00:49:18,667 --> 00:49:22,433 ♪ That you've been looking 1857 00:49:18,667 --> 00:49:22,433 at my ring ♪ 1858 00:49:22,433 --> 00:49:23,633 ♪ Of course we could touch ♪ 1859 00:49:23,633 --> 00:49:25,500 [together] 1860 00:49:23,633 --> 00:49:25,500 ♪ Touch ♪ 1861 00:49:25,500 --> 00:49:26,967 - ♪ But we can't do 1862 00:49:25,500 --> 00:49:26,967 all that much ♪ 1863 00:49:26,967 --> 00:49:28,967 - ♪ Why? ♪ 1864 00:49:26,967 --> 00:49:28,967 - ♪ Because I'm married ♪ 1865 00:49:28,967 --> 00:49:30,867 - Don't hurt 'em, 1866 00:49:28,967 --> 00:49:30,867 Johnny Showcase. 1867 00:49:30,867 --> 00:49:32,834 - ♪ That's right, 1868 00:49:30,867 --> 00:49:32,834 I'm married ♪ 1869 00:49:32,834 --> 00:49:36,233 both: ♪ Doo-doo-doo-doo, 1870 00:49:32,834 --> 00:49:36,233 doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪ 1871 00:49:36,233 --> 00:49:38,300 ♪ Girl, 1872 00:49:36,233 --> 00:49:38,300 if you like what you see ♪ 1873 00:49:38,300 --> 00:49:40,400 ♪ Come and look in my fridge ♪ 1874 00:49:40,400 --> 00:49:42,834 both: ♪ Doo-doo-doo-doo, 1875 00:49:40,400 --> 00:49:42,834 doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪ 1876 00:49:42,834 --> 00:49:44,000 - Oh, my God. 1877 00:49:44,000 --> 00:49:46,633 - ♪ I want to take it 1878 00:49:44,000 --> 00:49:46,633 to the bridge ♪ 1879 00:49:46,633 --> 00:49:48,100 ♪ Oh, girl 1880 00:49:46,633 --> 00:49:48,100 you're so attractive ♪ 1881 00:49:48,100 --> 00:49:49,367 ♪ You're so chic, 1882 00:49:48,100 --> 00:49:49,367 you're my queen ♪ 1883 00:49:49,367 --> 00:49:52,600 ♪ Oh, she wears the crown ♪ 1884 00:49:52,600 --> 00:49:55,300 ♪ And though we 'bout to 1885 00:49:52,600 --> 00:49:55,300 7-10 split ♪ 1886 00:49:55,300 --> 00:49:58,100 ♪ I'm not gonna 1887 00:49:55,300 --> 00:49:58,100 bowl you down ♪ 1888 00:49:58,100 --> 00:50:00,533 ♪ Ooh ♪ 1889 00:50:00,533 --> 00:50:03,800 - ♪ We got to be ♪ 1890 00:50:00,533 --> 00:50:03,800 all: ♪ Sensual but not sexual ♪ 1891 00:50:03,800 --> 00:50:06,500 - ♪ Because I'm married ♪ 1892 00:50:06,500 --> 00:50:07,533 ♪ We've got to be ♪ 1893 00:50:07,533 --> 00:50:09,934 all: 1894 00:50:07,533 --> 00:50:09,934 ♪ Sensual but not sexual ♪ 1895 00:50:09,934 --> 00:50:14,734 all: 1896 00:50:09,934 --> 00:50:14,734 ♪ Because I'm married ♪ 1897 00:50:14,734 --> 00:50:16,467 - Ohh! 1898 00:50:16,467 --> 00:50:17,900 [cheers and applause] 1899 00:50:17,900 --> 00:50:20,467 - Yes, yes. 1900 00:50:20,467 --> 00:50:22,633 [♪♪♪] 1901 00:50:26,000 --> 00:50:27,700 - There was no fakin' the funk. 1902 00:50:27,700 --> 00:50:29,734 ♪ ♪ 1903 00:50:35,900 --> 00:50:37,767 HEIDI: 1904 00:50:35,900 --> 00:50:37,767 Simon, what did you think? 1905 00:50:37,767 --> 00:50:40,300 I'm gonna be honest with you, 1906 00:50:37,767 --> 00:50:40,300 this is not your real name, 1907 00:50:40,300 --> 00:50:42,367 Johnny Showcase. 1908 00:50:42,367 --> 00:50:45,633 You were so annoying, 1909 00:50:45,633 --> 00:50:49,367 and then the act started, 1910 00:50:45,633 --> 00:50:49,367 and it was brilliant. 1911 00:50:49,367 --> 00:50:51,734 - Brilliant. 1912 00:50:49,367 --> 00:50:51,734 - One of my favorite acts-- 1913 00:50:51,734 --> 00:50:54,300 I've got to be honest 1914 00:50:51,734 --> 00:50:54,300 with you--this year. 1915 00:50:54,300 --> 00:50:56,266 [cheers and applause] 1916 00:50:54,300 --> 00:50:56,266 - Yes, by far. 1917 00:50:56,266 --> 00:50:57,667 - Thank you. 1918 00:50:56,266 --> 00:50:57,667 HEIDI: Sofía? 1919 00:50:57,667 --> 00:51:00,834 - I really enjoyed it. 1920 00:50:57,667 --> 00:51:00,834 It was a really big surprise, 1921 00:51:00,834 --> 00:51:03,266 because all that you were 1922 00:51:00,834 --> 00:51:03,266 talking, I really like-- 1923 00:51:03,266 --> 00:51:04,567 - Just rubbish. 1924 00:51:04,567 --> 00:51:09,233 - And then you, like, 1925 00:51:04,567 --> 00:51:09,233 transform yourself in this, 1926 00:51:09,233 --> 00:51:10,967 like, fantastic thing. 1927 00:51:10,967 --> 00:51:12,367 It was great. I loved it. 1928 00:51:12,367 --> 00:51:15,734 - Means a lot coming from you. 1929 00:51:12,367 --> 00:51:15,734 - What did you think, Howie? 1930 00:51:15,734 --> 00:51:18,133 - Oh, there aren't even words. 1931 00:51:15,734 --> 00:51:18,133 I got to say, 1932 00:51:18,133 --> 00:51:20,533 I've said this before to many 1933 00:51:18,133 --> 00:51:20,533 people who've been on the show, 1934 00:51:20,533 --> 00:51:22,734 but the key for me 1935 00:51:20,533 --> 00:51:22,734 is when you move an audience 1936 00:51:22,734 --> 00:51:24,467 and when you can transport us. 1937 00:51:24,467 --> 00:51:26,333 I think you're funny. 1938 00:51:24,467 --> 00:51:26,333 I think it's kitschy, 1939 00:51:26,333 --> 00:51:29,333 and it makes you smile, 1940 00:51:26,333 --> 00:51:29,333 makes you want to sing along. 1941 00:51:29,333 --> 00:51:32,266 I love it. 1942 00:51:29,333 --> 00:51:32,266 - Yeah. 1943 00:51:32,266 --> 00:51:33,433 HEIDI: 1944 00:51:32,266 --> 00:51:33,433 That was so much fun. 1945 00:51:33,433 --> 00:51:36,934 I also, girls, 1946 00:51:33,433 --> 00:51:36,934 love the hairy armpits. 1947 00:51:36,934 --> 00:51:39,433 - We are a body positive group. 1948 00:51:36,934 --> 00:51:39,433 We are body positive. 1949 00:51:39,433 --> 00:51:42,533 - That's right, nothing wrong 1950 00:51:39,433 --> 00:51:42,533 with that, natural. 1951 00:51:42,533 --> 00:51:43,800 - All right. Let's vote. 1952 00:51:43,800 --> 00:51:46,100 I'm going to kick it off 1953 00:51:43,800 --> 00:51:46,100 with a big fat yes. 1954 00:51:46,100 --> 00:51:48,834 - Yes! 1955 00:51:46,100 --> 00:51:48,834 HEIDI: Howie? 1956 00:51:48,834 --> 00:51:50,900 - Yes! 1957 00:51:48,834 --> 00:51:50,900 HEIDI: Sofía? 1958 00:51:50,900 --> 00:51:52,734 - Yes! 1959 00:51:50,900 --> 00:51:52,734 HEIDI: Simon? 1960 00:51:52,734 --> 00:51:54,600 - A ginormous yes. 1961 00:51:54,600 --> 00:51:57,000 [♪♪♪] 1962 00:51:57,000 --> 00:51:58,700 JOHNNY: 1963 00:51:57,000 --> 00:51:58,700 Thank you. 1964 00:51:58,700 --> 00:52:00,266 We'll do you proud. 1965 00:52:00,266 --> 00:52:01,867 - We needed you guys, 1966 00:52:00,266 --> 00:52:01,867 thank you. 1967 00:52:01,867 --> 00:52:03,767 - Thank you. 1968 00:52:01,867 --> 00:52:03,767 - Thank you. 1969 00:52:03,767 --> 00:52:06,000 [♪♪♪] 1970 00:52:08,400 --> 00:52:10,100 TERRY: 1971 00:52:08,400 --> 00:52:10,100 Johnny Showcase! 1972 00:52:10,100 --> 00:52:12,734 - All right! 1973 00:52:10,100 --> 00:52:12,734 TERRY: Johnny Showcase! 1974 00:52:12,734 --> 00:52:14,467 - Yes 1975 00:52:12,734 --> 00:52:14,467 - They were great. 1976 00:52:14,467 --> 00:52:15,600 - Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! 1977 00:52:14,467 --> 00:52:15,600 - That was amazing. 1978 00:52:15,600 --> 00:52:17,633 - Tell me how you're feeling, 1979 00:52:15,600 --> 00:52:17,633 Johnny. 1980 00:52:17,633 --> 00:52:21,100 - I feel--I feel like I'm-- 1981 00:52:17,633 --> 00:52:21,100 I'm levitating right now. 1982 00:52:21,100 --> 00:52:25,734 ♪ ♪ 1983 00:52:25,734 --> 00:52:28,567 I think they liked us. 1984 00:52:28,567 --> 00:52:30,600 I think they liked us! 1985 00:52:30,600 --> 00:52:32,567 [echoing] 1986 00:52:30,600 --> 00:52:32,567 I think they liked us! 1987 00:52:32,567 --> 00:52:35,000 I think they liked us! 1988 00:52:35,800 --> 00:52:37,033 [♪♪♪] 1989 00:52:37,033 --> 00:52:41,233 - All right, 1990 00:52:37,033 --> 00:52:41,233 AGT bound, honey. You ready? 1991 00:52:41,233 --> 00:52:43,934 - Ready. Y'all ready? 1992 00:52:41,233 --> 00:52:43,934 - Is everybody good? 1993 00:52:43,934 --> 00:52:46,066 [together] 1994 00:52:43,934 --> 00:52:46,066 AGT, here we come. 1995 00:52:46,066 --> 00:52:47,300 ♪ ♪ 1996 00:52:47,300 --> 00:52:48,567 - ♪ Boogie fever ♪ 1997 00:52:48,567 --> 00:52:50,333 - We are 1998 00:52:48,567 --> 00:52:50,333 the Curtis Family C Notes, 1999 00:52:50,333 --> 00:52:53,000 and we are 2000 00:52:50,333 --> 00:52:53,000 a rockin' family band. 2001 00:52:53,000 --> 00:52:55,266 - We're coming for you, 2002 00:52:53,000 --> 00:52:55,266 AGT. 2003 00:52:55,266 --> 00:52:57,700 - Both my wife and I 2004 00:52:55,266 --> 00:52:57,700 are music teachers. 2005 00:52:57,700 --> 00:52:59,767 These guys were 2006 00:52:57,700 --> 00:52:59,767 kind of born into this. 2007 00:52:59,767 --> 00:53:03,400 In every room in the house 2008 00:52:59,767 --> 00:53:03,400 there are instruments 2009 00:53:03,400 --> 00:53:06,867 on the walls, 2010 00:53:03,400 --> 00:53:06,867 behind doors, in the bathroom. 2011 00:53:06,867 --> 00:53:10,100 - We didn't have the intention 2012 00:53:06,867 --> 00:53:10,100 of, like, being musicians. 2013 00:53:10,100 --> 00:53:12,233 We just saw instruments 2014 00:53:10,100 --> 00:53:12,233 in the house and were like, 2015 00:53:12,233 --> 00:53:14,133 "Oh, what's this? 2016 00:53:12,233 --> 00:53:14,133 What does this do?" 2017 00:53:14,133 --> 00:53:17,000 - Our parents, 2018 00:53:14,133 --> 00:53:17,000 how they would wake us up, 2019 00:53:17,000 --> 00:53:19,800 is that they would play 2020 00:53:17,000 --> 00:53:19,800 a cymbal or something. 2021 00:53:19,800 --> 00:53:21,567 - Welcome to AGT. 2022 00:53:21,567 --> 00:53:23,500 - ♪ We did the bump, 2023 00:53:21,567 --> 00:53:23,500 bump, bump ♪ 2024 00:53:23,500 --> 00:53:25,500 - ♪ Yes, we did, 2025 00:53:23,500 --> 00:53:25,500 yes, we did ♪ 2026 00:53:25,500 --> 00:53:27,100 ♪ Yes, we did, yeah ♪ 2027 00:53:27,100 --> 00:53:29,967 - I've been a fan of, 2028 00:53:27,100 --> 00:53:29,967 like The Sylvers, 2029 00:53:29,967 --> 00:53:32,934 The Jacksons. 2030 00:53:29,967 --> 00:53:32,934 What is your flow? 2031 00:53:32,934 --> 00:53:37,066 - The golden age of music 2032 00:53:32,934 --> 00:53:37,066 was '50s through '70s, 2033 00:53:37,066 --> 00:53:38,400 and we just kind of vibe 2034 00:53:37,066 --> 00:53:38,400 with that. 2035 00:53:38,400 --> 00:53:39,600 - What is the best thing 2036 00:53:39,600 --> 00:53:42,066 about performing 2037 00:53:39,600 --> 00:53:42,066 together as a family? 2038 00:53:42,066 --> 00:53:43,500 - Being a family band 2039 00:53:43,500 --> 00:53:46,567 really builds a stronger 2040 00:53:43,500 --> 00:53:46,567 connection with our family. 2041 00:53:46,567 --> 00:53:47,934 all: AGT! 2042 00:53:46,567 --> 00:53:47,934 - Ow! 2043 00:53:47,934 --> 00:53:50,333 - I think America 2044 00:53:47,934 --> 00:53:50,333 needs you right now. 2045 00:53:50,333 --> 00:53:52,133 MAN: 2046 00:53:50,333 --> 00:53:52,133 Okay, folks, here we go. 2047 00:53:50,333 --> 00:53:52,133 We are back. Here we go. 2048 00:53:52,133 --> 00:53:57,066 - When we go out on stage, 2049 00:53:52,133 --> 00:53:57,066 you know, for movies, 2050 00:53:57,066 --> 00:53:59,567 when, like, you walk out, 2051 00:53:59,567 --> 00:54:01,867 and that sound effect 2052 00:53:59,567 --> 00:54:01,867 goes... 2053 00:54:01,867 --> 00:54:03,333 ♪ Ahh ♪ 2054 00:54:03,333 --> 00:54:05,066 [laughter] 2055 00:54:05,066 --> 00:54:07,233 [♪♪♪] 2056 00:54:13,300 --> 00:54:14,567 - Hi. 2057 00:54:14,567 --> 00:54:16,100 - Hi. 2058 00:54:14,567 --> 00:54:16,100 - It's so great to be here. 2059 00:54:16,100 --> 00:54:18,567 - You look fantastic. 2060 00:54:16,100 --> 00:54:18,567 - Fantastic. 2061 00:54:18,567 --> 00:54:19,934 - Oh, thank you. 2062 00:54:18,567 --> 00:54:19,934 - Really fantastic. 2063 00:54:19,934 --> 00:54:21,233 Come on, who are you? 2064 00:54:21,233 --> 00:54:23,000 - We're 2065 00:54:21,233 --> 00:54:23,000 the Curtis Family C Notes. 2066 00:54:23,000 --> 00:54:24,200 - And where are you from? 2067 00:54:24,200 --> 00:54:27,633 - We're from San Francisco. 2068 00:54:24,200 --> 00:54:27,633 - Okay. 2069 00:54:27,633 --> 00:54:30,734 And do you all like 2070 00:54:27,633 --> 00:54:30,734 the same kind of music? 2071 00:54:30,734 --> 00:54:32,800 - Yes, sir. 2072 00:54:30,734 --> 00:54:32,800 - Simon. 2073 00:54:32,800 --> 00:54:34,133 [laughter] 2074 00:54:32,800 --> 00:54:34,133 Okay. 2075 00:54:34,133 --> 00:54:35,633 - Sorry. 2076 00:54:35,633 --> 00:54:38,200 - Tell me something interesting 2077 00:54:35,633 --> 00:54:38,200 about the kids' personalities. 2078 00:54:38,200 --> 00:54:40,100 - Well, you know, 2079 00:54:38,200 --> 00:54:40,100 it's interesting, Phoenix, 2080 00:54:40,100 --> 00:54:42,533 she loves the universe. 2081 00:54:42,533 --> 00:54:44,900 She named her instrument 2082 00:54:42,533 --> 00:54:44,900 Neptune, 2083 00:54:44,900 --> 00:54:47,100 because it's the color 2084 00:54:44,900 --> 00:54:47,100 of the planet. 2085 00:54:47,100 --> 00:54:48,900 - Planet, yeah. 2086 00:54:47,100 --> 00:54:48,900 - And she named 2087 00:54:48,900 --> 00:54:52,500 Zahara's guitar Raya, 2088 00:54:48,900 --> 00:54:52,500 which is one of Saturn's moons. 2089 00:54:52,500 --> 00:54:54,567 Kiki has a question 2090 00:54:52,500 --> 00:54:54,567 for Simon, though. 2091 00:54:54,567 --> 00:54:56,333 - Okay. 2092 00:54:54,567 --> 00:54:56,333 - I... 2093 00:54:56,333 --> 00:54:57,433 - Yes. 2094 00:54:57,433 --> 00:54:59,033 - Don't have a name 2095 00:54:57,433 --> 00:54:59,033 for my guitar, 2096 00:54:59,033 --> 00:55:02,133 so I was wondering 2097 00:54:59,033 --> 00:55:02,133 if you could name my guitar. 2098 00:55:02,133 --> 00:55:04,967 - Yes. 2099 00:55:02,133 --> 00:55:04,967 I'm going to call it... 2100 00:55:07,500 --> 00:55:09,200 Moon. 2101 00:55:09,200 --> 00:55:10,200 - Aww. 2102 00:55:09,200 --> 00:55:10,200 - Okay. 2103 00:55:10,200 --> 00:55:11,266 - Yeah. 2104 00:55:10,200 --> 00:55:11,266 - Moon. 2105 00:55:11,266 --> 00:55:13,500 - That's really cool. 2106 00:55:13,500 --> 00:55:16,900 - That's beautiful. 2107 00:55:13,500 --> 00:55:16,900 That is beautiful. 2108 00:55:16,900 --> 00:55:18,867 Oh, my God. That is-- 2109 00:55:16,900 --> 00:55:18,867 - Thank you, Simon, you know... 2110 00:55:18,867 --> 00:55:21,300 - We need a tissue. 2111 00:55:18,867 --> 00:55:21,300 - That's beautiful, Simon. 2112 00:55:21,300 --> 00:55:23,266 Well, think about it, Moon; 2113 00:55:21,300 --> 00:55:23,266 he just came out with that. 2114 00:55:23,266 --> 00:55:24,667 SIMON: Moon. 2115 00:55:23,266 --> 00:55:24,667 - Simon, that was... 2116 00:55:24,667 --> 00:55:28,133 - I'll tell you why, because 2117 00:55:24,667 --> 00:55:28,133 I can see it every day. 2118 00:55:28,133 --> 00:55:29,567 - I love that. 2119 00:55:28,133 --> 00:55:29,567 SIMON: All right. 2120 00:55:29,567 --> 00:55:32,200 No more questions, 2121 00:55:29,567 --> 00:55:32,200 just enjoy yourself, have fun. 2122 00:55:32,200 --> 00:55:33,700 I think it's going 2123 00:55:32,200 --> 00:55:33,700 to be amazing. 2124 00:55:33,700 --> 00:55:34,633 I've got a good feeling. 2125 00:55:34,633 --> 00:55:36,967 - Thank you. 2126 00:55:34,633 --> 00:55:36,967 - Thank you. 2127 00:55:39,433 --> 00:55:41,433 - I hope they're good. 2128 00:55:39,433 --> 00:55:41,433 - I hope they're good too. 2129 00:55:41,433 --> 00:55:44,066 I mean, that will be a real 2130 00:55:41,433 --> 00:55:44,066 stunner. 2131 00:55:44,066 --> 00:55:45,700 If they sound as good 2132 00:55:44,066 --> 00:55:45,700 as they look, 2133 00:55:45,700 --> 00:55:48,767 that would be really-- 2134 00:55:45,700 --> 00:55:48,767 - Yeah, you're right. 2135 00:55:48,767 --> 00:55:51,367 [drumsticks clicking] 2136 00:55:51,367 --> 00:55:54,300 [upbeat funky music] 2137 00:55:54,300 --> 00:55:57,767 ♪ ♪ 2138 00:55:57,767 --> 00:55:59,867 - ♪ Whoo-ooh ♪ 2139 00:55:59,867 --> 00:56:01,734 ♪ Whoo-ooh-ooh ♪ 2140 00:56:01,734 --> 00:56:05,867 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ 2141 00:56:05,867 --> 00:56:08,033 ♪ He was born in Little Rock ♪ 2142 00:56:08,033 --> 00:56:10,333 ♪ Had a childhood sweetheart ♪ 2143 00:56:10,333 --> 00:56:12,900 ♪ They were always 2144 00:56:10,333 --> 00:56:12,900 hand-in-hand ♪ 2145 00:56:12,900 --> 00:56:14,066 - Ohh, that's hot! 2146 00:56:14,066 --> 00:56:16,500 - ♪ [indistinct] ♪ 2147 00:56:16,500 --> 00:56:18,066 - ♪ Mama wore pigtails ♪ 2148 00:56:18,066 --> 00:56:18,967 - My dawg, yeah! 2149 00:56:18,967 --> 00:56:22,000 - ♪ [indistinct] ♪ 2150 00:56:22,000 --> 00:56:27,233 - ♪ Oh, his papa disapproved 2151 00:56:22,000 --> 00:56:27,233 And mama boo-hooed ♪ 2152 00:56:27,233 --> 00:56:30,533 ♪ And they told them time 2153 00:56:27,233 --> 00:56:30,533 and time again ♪ 2154 00:56:30,533 --> 00:56:32,767 ♪ He said I was made 2155 00:56:30,533 --> 00:56:32,767 for lovin' ♪ 2156 00:56:32,767 --> 00:56:35,000 ♪ [indistinct] ♪ 2157 00:56:35,000 --> 00:56:38,433 all: 2158 00:56:35,000 --> 00:56:38,433 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ 2159 00:56:38,433 --> 00:56:41,400 - ♪ She said I was made 2160 00:56:38,433 --> 00:56:41,400 for lovin' ♪ 2161 00:56:41,400 --> 00:56:43,433 - Whoo! 2162 00:56:43,433 --> 00:56:47,400 all: 2163 00:56:43,433 --> 00:56:47,400 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ 2164 00:56:47,400 --> 00:56:49,500 - ♪ All through thick 2165 00:56:47,400 --> 00:56:49,500 and thin ♪ 2166 00:56:49,500 --> 00:56:51,266 ♪ Love just won it ♪ 2167 00:56:51,266 --> 00:56:54,433 - ♪ I love my baby, 2168 00:56:51,266 --> 00:56:54,433 love my baby ♪ 2169 00:56:54,433 --> 00:56:56,300 - Yeah, Mama's good. 2170 00:56:56,300 --> 00:57:00,200 - ♪ Oh, my baby ♪ 2171 00:57:00,200 --> 00:57:01,700 all: 2172 00:57:00,200 --> 00:57:01,700 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ 2173 00:57:01,700 --> 00:57:04,200 - ♪ [indistinct] ♪ 2174 00:57:04,200 --> 00:57:06,300 ♪ Just about to crumble ♪ 2175 00:57:06,300 --> 00:57:08,734 ♪ [indistinct] ♪ 2176 00:57:08,734 --> 00:57:13,734 all: 2177 00:57:08,734 --> 00:57:13,734 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ 2178 00:57:13,734 --> 00:57:16,533 ♪ ♪ 2179 00:57:16,533 --> 00:57:18,867 - Come on, y'all. 2180 00:57:16,533 --> 00:57:18,867 - Let's go, Curtis family. 2181 00:57:18,867 --> 00:57:20,667 - [indistinct]. 2182 00:57:20,667 --> 00:57:24,967 all: 2183 00:57:20,667 --> 00:57:24,967 ♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh ♪ 2184 00:57:24,967 --> 00:57:26,734 ♪ Ahh ♪ 2185 00:57:26,734 --> 00:57:27,967 - [laughs] 2186 00:57:27,967 --> 00:57:32,200 ♪ ♪ 2187 00:57:32,200 --> 00:57:37,367 [cheers and applause] 2188 00:57:37,367 --> 00:57:40,367 - That's what we need 2189 00:57:37,367 --> 00:57:40,367 right now, a little family. 2190 00:57:40,367 --> 00:57:43,300 [cheers and applause] 2191 00:57:43,300 --> 00:57:46,233 - I loved them so much. 2192 00:57:46,233 --> 00:57:48,300 - Yes, yes. 2193 00:57:48,300 --> 00:57:51,734 [Earth, Wind & Fire's 2194 00:57:48,300 --> 00:57:51,734 "September"] 2195 00:57:51,734 --> 00:57:53,867 They kicked the house down. 2196 00:57:53,867 --> 00:57:55,266 SIMON: Wow, wow, wow... 2197 00:57:53,867 --> 00:57:55,266 - Thank you. 2198 00:57:55,266 --> 00:57:59,266 - Wow, wow, wow, wow. Howie? 2199 00:57:59,266 --> 00:58:01,633 - You're a beautiful family, 2200 00:57:59,266 --> 00:58:01,633 it's gorgeous, 2201 00:58:01,633 --> 00:58:02,734 and I loved their performance, 2202 00:58:02,734 --> 00:58:05,233 and I think you guys 2203 00:58:02,734 --> 00:58:05,233 are superstars, 2204 00:58:05,233 --> 00:58:07,700 and you inspired me. Heidi? 2205 00:58:07,700 --> 00:58:09,000 - Before you started, I said, 2206 00:58:09,000 --> 00:58:11,100 "I hope they sound 2207 00:58:09,000 --> 00:58:11,100 as good as they look." 2208 00:58:11,100 --> 00:58:13,166 And to me you did. 2209 00:58:13,166 --> 00:58:16,967 I loved it, and boy, 2210 00:58:13,166 --> 00:58:16,967 Mama knows how to sing. 2211 00:58:16,967 --> 00:58:19,166 HOWIE: 2212 00:58:16,967 --> 00:58:19,166 Yeah, she's got a voice. 2213 00:58:19,166 --> 00:58:21,166 - I mean, 2214 00:58:19,166 --> 00:58:21,166 everything was perfect. 2215 00:58:21,166 --> 00:58:22,767 I would love to see you again. 2216 00:58:22,767 --> 00:58:26,867 You know, I think you guys 2217 00:58:22,767 --> 00:58:26,867 are on the right track. 2218 00:58:26,867 --> 00:58:28,467 [cheers and applause] 2219 00:58:28,467 --> 00:58:30,500 - Thank you so much. 2220 00:58:30,500 --> 00:58:32,600 SIMON: 2221 00:58:30,500 --> 00:58:32,600 Let me ask Mom 2222 00:58:30,500 --> 00:58:32,600 and Dad a question. 2223 00:58:32,600 --> 00:58:35,200 Were you in the music business, 2224 00:58:32,600 --> 00:58:35,200 because I mean, 2225 00:58:35,200 --> 00:58:37,400 you have an amazing voice, 2226 00:58:35,200 --> 00:58:37,400 by the way, Mom? 2227 00:58:37,400 --> 00:58:41,333 - Thank you. Papa C comes 2228 00:58:37,400 --> 00:58:41,333 from a musical family. 2229 00:58:41,333 --> 00:58:43,200 He was one of 2230 00:58:41,333 --> 00:58:43,200 the youngest piano players 2231 00:58:43,200 --> 00:58:45,166 for the Duke Ellington 2232 00:58:43,200 --> 00:58:45,166 Orchestra. 2233 00:58:45,166 --> 00:58:47,467 He was signed by Earth, 2234 00:58:45,166 --> 00:58:47,467 Wind & Fire. 2235 00:58:47,467 --> 00:58:49,033 He doesn't like to brag 2236 00:58:47,467 --> 00:58:49,033 on himself, 2237 00:58:49,033 --> 00:58:50,333 but he plays 2238 00:58:49,033 --> 00:58:50,333 all the instruments. 2239 00:58:50,333 --> 00:58:53,133 That's why they're able 2240 00:58:50,333 --> 00:58:53,133 to play all of theirs. 2241 00:58:53,133 --> 00:58:54,967 - Yeah. 2242 00:58:53,133 --> 00:58:54,967 - He was their first teacher. 2243 00:58:54,967 --> 00:58:56,467 - Is that right? Wow. 2244 00:58:56,467 --> 00:58:57,867 - He's amazing. 2245 00:58:57,867 --> 00:59:00,367 - There are times, you know, 2246 00:58:57,867 --> 00:59:00,367 where we see these families, 2247 00:59:00,367 --> 00:59:03,233 and you can see the kids having 2248 00:59:00,367 --> 00:59:03,233 the worst time, you know, 2249 00:59:03,233 --> 00:59:05,934 because they're 2250 00:59:03,233 --> 00:59:05,934 kind of being forced into it. 2251 00:59:05,934 --> 00:59:07,367 This was the opposite. 2252 00:59:07,367 --> 00:59:09,667 Every one of you looked like 2253 00:59:07,367 --> 00:59:09,667 you were having a great time, 2254 00:59:09,667 --> 00:59:11,333 but there's so much 2255 00:59:09,667 --> 00:59:11,333 more to come. 2256 00:59:11,333 --> 00:59:13,033 I can just feel it. 2257 00:59:13,033 --> 00:59:17,700 I'm so happy that you've 2258 00:59:13,033 --> 00:59:17,700 come on our show, genuinely. 2259 00:59:17,700 --> 00:59:19,300 Let's start with Howie. 2260 00:59:19,300 --> 00:59:20,467 - Yes! 2261 00:59:20,467 --> 00:59:23,834 - Thank you. 2262 00:59:20,467 --> 00:59:23,834 - Heidi. 2263 00:59:23,834 --> 00:59:29,033 - Of course I'm going 2264 00:59:23,834 --> 00:59:29,033 to give you a yes! Of course! 2265 00:59:29,033 --> 00:59:30,467 - Sofía. 2266 00:59:30,467 --> 00:59:35,600 - I am going to have 2267 00:59:30,467 --> 00:59:35,600 to say yes too. 2268 00:59:35,600 --> 00:59:36,967 - You've got four yeses. 2269 00:59:36,967 --> 00:59:40,600 - ♪ Ba-dee-ya, say, 2270 00:59:36,967 --> 00:59:40,600 do you remember? ♪ 2271 00:59:40,600 --> 00:59:41,867 - Thank you so much. 2272 00:59:41,867 --> 00:59:44,734 - ♪ Ba-dee-ya, 2273 00:59:41,867 --> 00:59:44,734 dancing in September ♪ 2274 00:59:44,734 --> 00:59:49,433 - ♪ Ba-dee-ya, golden dreams 2275 00:59:44,734 --> 00:59:49,433 were shiny days ♪ 2276 00:59:49,433 --> 00:59:51,000 - I love them too. 2277 00:59:51,000 --> 00:59:53,533 - I just started crying, 2278 00:59:53,533 --> 00:59:58,233 and it wasn't 2279 00:59:53,533 --> 00:59:58,233 because the judges were-- 2280 00:59:58,233 --> 00:59:59,934 I'm just so proud. 2281 00:59:59,934 --> 01:00:02,333 And for the yeses, 2282 00:59:59,934 --> 01:00:02,333 it was just icing on the cake. 2283 01:00:02,333 --> 01:00:03,767 TERRY: Yes. 2284 01:00:02,333 --> 01:00:03,767 - I'm so proud. 2285 01:00:03,767 --> 01:00:07,166 TERRY: 2286 01:00:03,767 --> 01:00:07,166 Oh, to see the love 2287 01:00:03,767 --> 01:00:07,166 that you have for each other, 2288 01:00:07,166 --> 01:00:11,233 I'm even getting choked up now, 2289 01:00:07,166 --> 01:00:11,233 because it's so special. 2290 01:00:11,233 --> 01:00:14,133 What you guys are 2291 01:00:11,233 --> 01:00:14,133 is what we need. 2292 01:00:14,834 --> 01:00:17,400 [♪♪♪] 2293 01:00:19,734 --> 01:00:20,800 - [trills tongue] 2294 01:00:20,800 --> 01:00:22,767 - The stage is right there. 2295 01:00:22,767 --> 01:00:26,633 - If you had one word 2296 01:00:22,767 --> 01:00:26,633 that would describe 2297 01:00:26,633 --> 01:00:30,900 what you expect to see, 2298 01:00:26,633 --> 01:00:30,900 what word would that be? 2299 01:00:30,900 --> 01:00:34,867 - Surprises. 2300 01:00:30,900 --> 01:00:34,867 I like being surprised. 2301 01:00:34,867 --> 01:00:38,533 - I want to see the unexpected. 2302 01:00:34,867 --> 01:00:38,533 - That's the same thing. 2303 01:00:38,533 --> 01:00:42,333 - All right. 2304 01:00:38,533 --> 01:00:42,333 But in another word. 2305 01:00:42,333 --> 01:00:43,900 - Heidi, what do you 2306 01:00:42,333 --> 01:00:43,900 want to see? 2307 01:00:43,900 --> 01:00:45,800 - Vow. 2308 01:00:45,800 --> 01:00:48,233 - What is that? 2309 01:00:45,800 --> 01:00:48,233 - German for wow. 2310 01:00:48,233 --> 01:00:51,533 - Vow. I want to be vowed. 2311 01:00:48,233 --> 01:00:51,533 I want to go, "Wow!" 2312 01:00:51,533 --> 01:00:55,600 - I vant to be vowed. 2313 01:00:51,533 --> 01:00:55,600 - I vant to be vowed. 2314 01:00:55,600 --> 01:00:58,266 Okay. 2315 01:00:55,600 --> 01:00:58,266 Let's make it happen, y'all. 2316 01:00:58,266 --> 01:01:00,300 - Yes! 2317 01:00:58,266 --> 01:01:00,300 - Whoo! 2318 01:01:00,300 --> 01:01:04,767 - ♪ Those times I waited 2319 01:01:00,300 --> 01:01:04,767 for you seem so long ago ♪ 2320 01:01:04,767 --> 01:01:06,166 - Hi, welcome. How are you? 2321 01:01:06,166 --> 01:01:07,300 - Good. I'm doing good. Thanks. 2322 01:01:07,300 --> 01:01:08,467 I'm excited to be here. 2323 01:01:08,467 --> 01:01:10,400 - What's your name, please? 2324 01:01:08,467 --> 01:01:10,400 - Danny Detri. 2325 01:01:10,400 --> 01:01:12,033 - And where are 2326 01:01:10,400 --> 01:01:12,033 you from, Danny? 2327 01:01:12,033 --> 01:01:13,433 - San Francisco. 2328 01:01:13,433 --> 01:01:15,133 - And, Danny, what's your job? 2329 01:01:13,433 --> 01:01:15,133 What's your day job? 2330 01:01:15,133 --> 01:01:19,100 - I'm a contractor 2331 01:01:15,133 --> 01:01:19,100 at an HR department. 2332 01:01:19,100 --> 01:01:20,533 - Okay. 2333 01:01:20,533 --> 01:01:22,367 And do your friends at work 2334 01:01:20,533 --> 01:01:22,367 know you're doing this today? 2335 01:01:22,367 --> 01:01:23,700 - No. 2336 01:01:22,367 --> 01:01:23,700 - All right, Danny. 2337 01:01:23,700 --> 01:01:26,066 No more questions. 2338 01:01:23,700 --> 01:01:26,066 Good luck. Hope it goes well. 2339 01:01:26,066 --> 01:01:27,233 - Okay. Thanks. 2340 01:01:33,367 --> 01:01:35,300 [clears throat] 2341 01:01:35,300 --> 01:01:38,200 [popping melody] 2342 01:01:38,200 --> 01:01:40,567 ♪ ♪ 2343 01:01:40,567 --> 01:01:42,600 [buzzers] 2344 01:01:42,600 --> 01:01:44,667 [audience jeering] 2345 01:01:48,033 --> 01:01:51,367 [buzzers] 2346 01:01:51,367 --> 01:01:54,000 See, I wanted to, like, 2347 01:01:51,367 --> 01:01:54,000 give you the chance. 2348 01:01:54,000 --> 01:01:55,500 I thought there 2349 01:01:54,000 --> 01:01:55,500 was something else. 2350 01:01:55,500 --> 01:01:58,767 - I want wow. 2351 01:01:55,500 --> 01:01:58,767 Then it went wah-wah-wah-wah. 2352 01:01:58,767 --> 01:02:01,367 - Yeah, actually, I can do 2353 01:01:58,767 --> 01:02:01,367 an hour worth of comedy. 2354 01:02:01,367 --> 01:02:03,033 - Okay, on the way home. 2355 01:02:03,033 --> 01:02:04,567 - Thank you so much. 2356 01:02:03,033 --> 01:02:04,567 Have a great day. 2357 01:02:04,567 --> 01:02:06,200 - All right. 2358 01:02:04,567 --> 01:02:06,200 - Thank you. 2359 01:02:06,200 --> 01:02:09,066 - Thank you. 2360 01:02:06,200 --> 01:02:09,066 - ♪ Goodbye to you ♪ 2361 01:02:09,066 --> 01:02:12,333 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ 2362 01:02:12,333 --> 01:02:13,600 - Vow. 2363 01:02:13,600 --> 01:02:15,633 - That's it. It's over. 2364 01:02:15,633 --> 01:02:17,600 We had--we've had a great run. 2365 01:02:17,600 --> 01:02:19,133 Thanks a lot, Sofía. 2366 01:02:19,133 --> 01:02:20,533 Brought us so much good-- 2367 01:02:19,133 --> 01:02:20,533 - It was a great season. 2368 01:02:20,533 --> 01:02:22,233 - You brought us 2369 01:02:20,533 --> 01:02:22,233 so much good luck. 2370 01:02:22,233 --> 01:02:23,700 - ♪ Goodbye to you ♪ 2371 01:02:23,700 --> 01:02:26,400 - Guys, give it your best shot. 2372 01:02:26,400 --> 01:02:29,533 [cheers and applause] 2373 01:02:29,533 --> 01:02:31,600 - Hello. 2374 01:02:29,533 --> 01:02:31,600 - Welcome to AGT. 2375 01:02:31,600 --> 01:02:32,767 - Thank you. 2376 01:02:31,600 --> 01:02:32,767 - Thank you. 2377 01:02:32,767 --> 01:02:35,033 HOWIE: What's your name? 2378 01:02:32,767 --> 01:02:35,033 - I'm Yohann. 2379 01:02:35,033 --> 01:02:37,767 - And I'm Raphael. 2380 01:02:35,033 --> 01:02:37,767 - We are Les Beaux Frères. 2381 01:02:37,767 --> 01:02:39,133 - Oh, French. 2382 01:02:39,133 --> 01:02:40,500 - French-Canadian. 2383 01:02:39,133 --> 01:02:40,500 - Yeah. 2384 01:02:40,500 --> 01:02:41,934 - Oh, I'm Canadian. 2385 01:02:40,500 --> 01:02:41,934 - Hey! 2386 01:02:41,934 --> 01:02:44,133 - Hey! 2387 01:02:41,934 --> 01:02:44,133 - What do you do? 2388 01:02:44,133 --> 01:02:46,033 - We are circus artists, 2389 01:02:46,033 --> 01:02:49,233 and tonight we will present 2390 01:02:46,033 --> 01:02:49,233 a little surprise. 2391 01:02:49,233 --> 01:02:51,333 - Well, best of luck. 2392 01:02:49,233 --> 01:02:51,333 - See you later. 2393 01:02:51,333 --> 01:02:52,400 - Thank you. 2394 01:02:52,400 --> 01:02:54,133 [cheers and applause] 2395 01:02:55,967 --> 01:02:57,900 - Where'd they go? 2396 01:02:55,967 --> 01:02:57,900 - Where did they go? 2397 01:02:57,900 --> 01:03:00,867 - They just walk off like that? 2398 01:03:00,867 --> 01:03:02,300 Whoa! 2399 01:03:00,867 --> 01:03:02,300 HEIDI: Oh! Wait, what? 2400 01:03:02,300 --> 01:03:03,300 What the heck? 2401 01:03:03,300 --> 01:03:05,400 [orchestral music] 2402 01:03:07,934 --> 01:03:08,834 - [laughs] 2403 01:03:08,834 --> 01:03:12,233 ♪ ♪ 2404 01:03:12,233 --> 01:03:14,433 - Whoa. 2405 01:03:14,433 --> 01:03:18,767 ♪ ♪ 2406 01:03:18,767 --> 01:03:20,934 - Oh! 2407 01:03:18,767 --> 01:03:20,934 - [laughs] 2408 01:03:23,133 --> 01:03:24,266 - Oh! 2409 01:03:24,266 --> 01:03:27,200 - Whoa! 2410 01:03:27,200 --> 01:03:28,367 - [laughs] 2411 01:03:28,367 --> 01:03:31,567 ♪ ♪ 2412 01:03:36,767 --> 01:03:39,633 [laughter] 2413 01:03:39,633 --> 01:03:41,800 ♪ ♪ 2414 01:03:45,533 --> 01:03:46,567 - Oh! 2415 01:03:46,567 --> 01:03:48,266 - Look at Terry's face! 2416 01:03:46,567 --> 01:03:48,266 - Whoa! 2417 01:03:48,266 --> 01:03:50,333 [laughter] 2418 01:03:54,200 --> 01:03:57,266 - [laughs] 2419 01:03:57,266 --> 01:03:58,367 HOWIE: 2420 01:03:57,266 --> 01:03:58,367 Whoa. 2421 01:03:58,367 --> 01:03:59,567 [laughter] 2422 01:03:59,567 --> 01:04:01,800 ♪ ♪ 2423 01:04:08,567 --> 01:04:09,734 HOWIE: 2424 01:04:08,567 --> 01:04:09,734 Oh, no. 2425 01:04:09,734 --> 01:04:11,000 both: 2426 01:04:09,734 --> 01:04:11,000 Ah! 2427 01:04:11,000 --> 01:04:12,834 [laughter] 2428 01:04:12,834 --> 01:04:14,100 - That is brilliant. 2429 01:04:14,100 --> 01:04:16,033 - I kind of want to do this 2430 01:04:14,100 --> 01:04:16,033 with you, Sofía. 2431 01:04:16,033 --> 01:04:20,500 ♪ ♪ 2432 01:04:20,500 --> 01:04:23,233 - Whoa! 2433 01:04:23,233 --> 01:04:25,567 ♪ ♪ 2434 01:04:25,567 --> 01:04:26,567 - [laughs] 2435 01:04:26,567 --> 01:04:28,734 ♪ ♪ 2436 01:04:31,567 --> 01:04:32,767 - Ohh. 2437 01:04:31,567 --> 01:04:32,767 - [laughs] 2438 01:04:32,767 --> 01:04:35,533 - Yeah. 2439 01:04:35,533 --> 01:04:38,300 - Whoa! 2440 01:04:35,533 --> 01:04:38,300 - Oh. 2441 01:04:38,300 --> 01:04:40,066 Oh! 2442 01:04:38,300 --> 01:04:40,066 - [laughs] 2443 01:04:40,066 --> 01:04:42,000 - Yo. 2444 01:04:40,066 --> 01:04:42,000 - Oh, no. 2445 01:04:42,000 --> 01:04:44,567 [laughter] 2446 01:04:50,033 --> 01:04:51,300 - You can do it. 2447 01:04:53,133 --> 01:04:55,667 - Oh, my... 2448 01:04:57,266 --> 01:05:00,633 [applause] 2449 01:05:00,633 --> 01:05:03,066 [laughter] 2450 01:05:03,066 --> 01:05:04,900 [cheers and applause] 2451 01:05:04,900 --> 01:05:08,000 [laughter] 2452 01:05:08,000 --> 01:05:11,000 [cheers and applause] 2453 01:05:11,000 --> 01:05:12,233 - Brilliant! 2454 01:05:12,233 --> 01:05:14,066 [♪♪♪] 2455 01:05:15,967 --> 01:05:18,467 That was amazing! 2456 01:05:18,467 --> 01:05:20,300 - Terry's face. 2457 01:05:18,467 --> 01:05:20,300 - I saw everything. 2458 01:05:20,300 --> 01:05:21,900 - You saw everything? 2459 01:05:21,900 --> 01:05:22,900 - Poor Terry. 2460 01:05:22,900 --> 01:05:24,300 [♪♪♪] 2461 01:05:26,233 --> 01:05:27,500 - Wow. 2462 01:05:27,500 --> 01:05:30,867 Congratulations. 2463 01:05:27,500 --> 01:05:30,867 That was fantastic. 2464 01:05:30,867 --> 01:05:34,633 You know, here we see so many 2465 01:05:30,867 --> 01:05:34,633 cockamamie things, but this... 2466 01:05:34,633 --> 01:05:36,133 HEIDI [laughs]: 2467 01:05:34,633 --> 01:05:36,133 What? 2468 01:05:36,133 --> 01:05:39,066 - I loved this. It's funny, 2469 01:05:36,133 --> 01:05:39,066 and I want you to keep going. 2470 01:05:39,066 --> 01:05:43,433 I don't want you 2471 01:05:39,066 --> 01:05:43,433 to throw in the towels. 2472 01:05:43,433 --> 01:05:45,200 - Oh, Howie. 2473 01:05:43,433 --> 01:05:45,200 - What'd you think, Heidi? 2474 01:05:45,200 --> 01:05:47,800 - What'd I think? 2475 01:05:45,200 --> 01:05:47,800 That is my cup of tea. 2476 01:05:47,800 --> 01:05:48,900 It really is. 2477 01:05:48,900 --> 01:05:51,300 - That's a vow. 2478 01:05:48,900 --> 01:05:51,300 - It was a vow for me. 2479 01:05:51,300 --> 01:05:52,734 I loved it. 2480 01:05:52,734 --> 01:05:55,467 That's my kind of humor, 2481 01:05:52,734 --> 01:05:55,467 and my boys at home, 2482 01:05:55,467 --> 01:05:58,333 they're just laughing 2483 01:05:55,467 --> 01:05:58,333 right now at you guys. 2484 01:05:58,333 --> 01:05:59,467 SIMON: 2485 01:05:58,333 --> 01:05:59,467 Sofía. 2486 01:05:59,467 --> 01:06:00,867 - Yeah, I thought 2487 01:05:59,467 --> 01:06:00,867 it was fantastic. 2488 01:06:00,867 --> 01:06:05,400 I can't wait to see what else 2489 01:06:00,867 --> 01:06:05,400 are you going to take off? 2490 01:06:05,400 --> 01:06:09,233 - That's what talk 2491 01:06:05,400 --> 01:06:09,233 about surprises, right? 2492 01:06:09,233 --> 01:06:10,433 - Yeah. 2493 01:06:10,433 --> 01:06:13,200 - That was very, very, 2494 01:06:10,433 --> 01:06:13,200 very fun. 2495 01:06:13,200 --> 01:06:15,066 I don't know 2496 01:06:13,200 --> 01:06:15,066 where you go next with this, 2497 01:06:15,066 --> 01:06:17,734 but that was hilarious. 2498 01:06:15,066 --> 01:06:17,734 Howie, yes or no? 2499 01:06:17,734 --> 01:06:20,100 - Yes. 2500 01:06:17,734 --> 01:06:20,100 - Heidi? 2501 01:06:20,100 --> 01:06:21,867 - Yes! 2502 01:06:20,100 --> 01:06:21,867 - Sofía? 2503 01:06:21,867 --> 01:06:25,433 - Yes. 2504 01:06:21,867 --> 01:06:25,433 - You have four ouis. 2505 01:06:25,433 --> 01:06:27,633 ♪ ♪ 2506 01:06:27,633 --> 01:06:30,100 Yes is oui. 2507 01:06:27,633 --> 01:06:30,100 Yes. Four yeses. 2508 01:06:30,100 --> 01:06:31,633 [cheers and applause] 2509 01:06:31,633 --> 01:06:33,767 - Thank you. 2510 01:06:33,767 --> 01:06:35,900 - Au revoir! 2511 01:06:33,767 --> 01:06:35,900 - Woo-hoo! 2512 01:06:39,867 --> 01:06:41,100 - Merci! 2513 01:06:41,100 --> 01:06:45,533 - That was absolutely 2514 01:06:41,100 --> 01:06:45,533 fully entertaining. 2515 01:06:45,533 --> 01:06:48,100 Man, I saw way too much. 2516 01:06:45,533 --> 01:06:48,100 [laughter] 2517 01:06:48,100 --> 01:06:49,266 HOWIE: 2518 01:06:48,100 --> 01:06:49,266 Did you see Terry's face? 2519 01:06:49,266 --> 01:06:51,367 - Because Terry had 2520 01:06:49,266 --> 01:06:51,367 another angle. 2521 01:06:51,367 --> 01:06:53,800 - The angle. That was great. 2522 01:06:55,100 --> 01:06:57,633 - Yes! 2523 01:06:55,100 --> 01:06:57,633 - Whoo-ee! 2524 01:06:57,633 --> 01:06:58,767 - Whoo! 2525 01:07:00,633 --> 01:07:03,066 - Are you guys ready 2526 01:07:00,633 --> 01:07:03,066 to show off your talents? 2527 01:07:03,066 --> 01:07:04,567 [together] 2528 01:07:03,066 --> 01:07:04,567 Yes! 2529 01:07:04,567 --> 01:07:07,300 both: 2530 01:07:04,567 --> 01:07:07,300 Guess where we're at. AGT! 2531 01:07:07,300 --> 01:07:10,500 - I'm about to go on stage. 2532 01:07:07,300 --> 01:07:10,500 - You're going to do great. 2533 01:07:10,500 --> 01:07:12,066 Do good. 2534 01:07:10,500 --> 01:07:12,066 I'll talk to you soon. 2535 01:07:12,066 --> 01:07:13,500 - All right. Love you. 2536 01:07:13,500 --> 01:07:15,233 WOMAN: 2537 01:07:13,500 --> 01:07:15,233 We all get to live that 2538 01:07:13,500 --> 01:07:15,233 dream on the stage today. 2539 01:07:15,233 --> 01:07:18,500 - I'm nervous. 2540 01:07:15,233 --> 01:07:18,500 I want--I'm scared. 2541 01:07:18,500 --> 01:07:20,567 - They're going to love you. 2542 01:07:18,500 --> 01:07:20,567 - I'm Gina Brillon. 2543 01:07:20,567 --> 01:07:23,467 I'm 41 years old, 2544 01:07:20,567 --> 01:07:23,467 and I'm a stand-up comedian. 2545 01:07:23,467 --> 01:07:26,367 I was and raised in 2546 01:07:23,467 --> 01:07:26,367 the South Bronx in New York. 2547 01:07:26,367 --> 01:07:27,633 There is five of us kids, 2548 01:07:27,633 --> 01:07:29,867 and so my parents spent 2549 01:07:27,633 --> 01:07:29,867 most of the time 2550 01:07:29,867 --> 01:07:32,166 working two or three jobs 2551 01:07:29,867 --> 01:07:32,166 to take care of us. 2552 01:07:32,166 --> 01:07:34,967 And I did whatever odd jobs 2553 01:07:32,166 --> 01:07:34,967 came my way 2554 01:07:34,967 --> 01:07:37,233 so that I could help 2555 01:07:34,967 --> 01:07:37,233 pay the bills. 2556 01:07:37,233 --> 01:07:40,433 I was a barista. 2557 01:07:37,233 --> 01:07:40,433 I worked at a cell phone store. 2558 01:07:40,433 --> 01:07:42,300 I babysat 2559 01:07:40,433 --> 01:07:42,300 for a couple of families, 2560 01:07:42,300 --> 01:07:44,433 a temp at a law office. 2561 01:07:44,433 --> 01:07:47,533 I just didn't know 2562 01:07:44,433 --> 01:07:47,533 what I'm meant to do in life, 2563 01:07:47,533 --> 01:07:49,967 and then I discovered comedy, 2564 01:07:47,533 --> 01:07:49,967 and it was like that moment 2565 01:07:49,967 --> 01:07:52,533 in Cinderella 2566 01:07:49,967 --> 01:07:52,533 where the shoe fits. 2567 01:07:52,533 --> 01:07:54,200 As you can see, 2568 01:07:52,533 --> 01:07:54,200 it's a packed house in there. 2569 01:07:54,200 --> 01:07:56,000 I didn't really know 2570 01:07:54,200 --> 01:07:56,000 how to do it. 2571 01:07:56,000 --> 01:07:58,800 I didn't know how to start it. 2572 01:07:58,800 --> 01:08:02,533 I just knew I had 2573 01:07:58,800 --> 01:08:02,533 to get out on the stage. 2574 01:08:02,533 --> 01:08:05,300 I got that work ethic 2575 01:08:02,533 --> 01:08:05,300 from my parents, 2576 01:08:05,300 --> 01:08:08,533 so I didn't mind 2577 01:08:05,300 --> 01:08:08,533 having to work every job 2578 01:08:08,533 --> 01:08:10,266 under the sun during the day 2579 01:08:10,266 --> 01:08:13,433 so that I could pay the bills 2580 01:08:10,266 --> 01:08:13,433 and do stand-up at night. 2581 01:08:13,433 --> 01:08:16,633 I never thought I could love 2582 01:08:13,433 --> 01:08:16,633 anything more 2583 01:08:16,633 --> 01:08:18,100 than I love comedy. 2584 01:08:18,100 --> 01:08:20,066 - [raspberries] 2585 01:08:18,100 --> 01:08:20,066 - [laughs] 2586 01:08:20,066 --> 01:08:24,300 But becoming a mom just 2587 01:08:20,066 --> 01:08:24,300 changed everything for me. 2588 01:08:24,300 --> 01:08:27,500 Aw, hi, bug. 2589 01:08:27,500 --> 01:08:31,066 I have to show him 2590 01:08:27,500 --> 01:08:31,066 that you can live your dreams, 2591 01:08:31,066 --> 01:08:33,967 and being able to be 2592 01:08:31,066 --> 01:08:33,967 on such an epic stage, 2593 01:08:33,967 --> 01:08:36,400 this means the world to me. 2594 01:08:36,400 --> 01:08:41,734 One day my son will see 2595 01:08:36,400 --> 01:08:41,734 I made it there. 2596 01:08:41,734 --> 01:08:43,133 I am here to win for my son. 2597 01:08:43,133 --> 01:08:44,767 I am here to win 2598 01:08:43,133 --> 01:08:44,767 for my family. 2599 01:08:44,767 --> 01:08:46,900 Whew. 2600 01:08:49,767 --> 01:08:51,800 SOFÍA: Good evening. 2601 01:08:49,767 --> 01:08:51,800 - Hi. 2602 01:08:51,800 --> 01:08:53,900 - What is your name? 2603 01:08:51,800 --> 01:08:53,900 - Gina. 2604 01:08:53,900 --> 01:08:56,800 - Where are you from, Gina? 2605 01:08:53,900 --> 01:08:56,800 - I'm from the Bronx, New York. 2606 01:08:56,800 --> 01:08:57,800 SOFÍA: Oh, wow. 2607 01:08:56,800 --> 01:08:57,800 HEIDI: Yeah! 2608 01:08:57,800 --> 01:08:59,000 HOWIE: 2609 01:08:57,800 --> 01:08:59,000 The Bronx. 2610 01:08:59,000 --> 01:09:01,467 - Yeah! 2611 01:09:01,467 --> 01:09:03,100 - What are you going 2612 01:09:01,467 --> 01:09:03,100 to do here tonight? 2613 01:09:03,100 --> 01:09:05,800 - I'm here to do some comedy 2614 01:09:03,100 --> 01:09:05,800 for you guys. 2615 01:09:05,800 --> 01:09:07,800 - Okay. 2616 01:09:05,800 --> 01:09:07,800 Thank you for being here. 2617 01:09:07,800 --> 01:09:09,734 - Thank you for having me. 2618 01:09:07,800 --> 01:09:09,734 This is crazy. 2619 01:09:09,734 --> 01:09:11,667 Y'all are so real. 2620 01:09:11,667 --> 01:09:13,166 - Are you nervous? 2621 01:09:13,166 --> 01:09:15,100 - I'm excited more than 2622 01:09:13,166 --> 01:09:15,100 anything else, 2623 01:09:15,100 --> 01:09:16,867 because this is epic. 2624 01:09:16,867 --> 01:09:18,066 - Yes. 2625 01:09:16,867 --> 01:09:18,066 - This is the dream 2626 01:09:18,066 --> 01:09:20,166 that I'm here. 2627 01:09:18,066 --> 01:09:20,166 That's crazy to me. 2628 01:09:20,166 --> 01:09:23,533 - Okay. So let's go. 2629 01:09:20,166 --> 01:09:23,533 Let's see what you can do. 2630 01:09:23,533 --> 01:09:26,934 [cheers and applause] 2631 01:09:26,934 --> 01:09:29,767 - My husband's a great guy. 2632 01:09:26,934 --> 01:09:29,767 I love him. I got a good one. 2633 01:09:29,767 --> 01:09:32,300 I got me a 1978 Caucasian. 2634 01:09:32,300 --> 01:09:33,500 [laughter] 2635 01:09:33,500 --> 01:09:34,867 That's a good model, good year. 2636 01:09:34,867 --> 01:09:36,934 That's right. 2637 01:09:36,934 --> 01:09:38,800 He's not 2638 01:09:36,934 --> 01:09:38,800 just regular white either. 2639 01:09:38,800 --> 01:09:41,867 He's Midwest white, 2640 01:09:38,800 --> 01:09:41,867 which that's organic. 2641 01:09:41,867 --> 01:09:43,700 [laughter] 2642 01:09:43,700 --> 01:09:46,200 That is farm-to-table white, 2643 01:09:43,700 --> 01:09:46,200 you guys, like... 2644 01:09:46,200 --> 01:09:47,800 [laughter] 2645 01:09:47,800 --> 01:09:49,867 I went to the source 2646 01:09:47,800 --> 01:09:49,867 to get my white man. 2647 01:09:49,867 --> 01:09:51,100 Like, I was not playing. 2648 01:09:49,867 --> 01:09:51,100 I was like, 2649 01:09:51,100 --> 01:09:53,133 "I'mma go 2650 01:09:51,100 --> 01:09:53,133 where they make y'all." 2651 01:09:53,133 --> 01:09:54,734 [laughter] 2652 01:09:54,734 --> 01:09:57,333 I was so nervous 2653 01:09:54,734 --> 01:09:57,333 to get married, 2654 01:09:57,333 --> 01:09:59,967 because my husband wanted us 2655 01:09:57,333 --> 01:09:59,967 to write our own vows, 2656 01:09:59,967 --> 01:10:01,400 and I grew up a tomboy. 2657 01:10:01,400 --> 01:10:03,133 I'm a little Puerto Rican girl 2658 01:10:01,400 --> 01:10:03,133 from the South Bronx, man. 2659 01:10:03,133 --> 01:10:05,834 I got a thick skin, and I was 2660 01:10:03,133 --> 01:10:05,834 so afraid that my vows 2661 01:10:05,834 --> 01:10:09,667 were going to be the most 2662 01:10:05,834 --> 01:10:09,667 New York gangster vows. 2663 01:10:09,667 --> 01:10:12,066 I was so afraid that I was 2664 01:10:09,667 --> 01:10:12,066 going to get up there 2665 01:10:12,066 --> 01:10:14,900 and be like, 2666 01:10:12,066 --> 01:10:14,900 "Yo, I dead-ass love you, son." 2667 01:10:14,900 --> 01:10:16,300 [laughter] 2668 01:10:16,300 --> 01:10:18,633 "On God, I love you, man." 2669 01:10:18,633 --> 01:10:19,867 [laughter] 2670 01:10:19,867 --> 01:10:21,066 And my husband is so excited 2671 01:10:21,066 --> 01:10:23,667 that he's married 2672 01:10:21,066 --> 01:10:23,667 a sassy Latina. 2673 01:10:23,667 --> 01:10:24,934 [laughter] 2674 01:10:24,934 --> 01:10:26,500 He loves it, and I get it. 2675 01:10:24,934 --> 01:10:26,500 I get it. 2676 01:10:26,500 --> 01:10:28,600 I'm the only Latin woman 2677 01:10:26,500 --> 01:10:28,600 he's ever been with, 2678 01:10:28,600 --> 01:10:29,900 so I'm his first. 2679 01:10:29,900 --> 01:10:31,667 [laughter] 2680 01:10:31,667 --> 01:10:33,533 Yeah, he's not 2681 01:10:31,667 --> 01:10:33,533 my first white guy. 2682 01:10:33,533 --> 01:10:36,867 [laughter] 2683 01:10:36,867 --> 01:10:38,600 I've been with 2684 01:10:36,867 --> 01:10:38,600 white guys before, 2685 01:10:38,600 --> 01:10:41,667 mainly to gather information, 2686 01:10:38,600 --> 01:10:41,667 bring it back to my people. 2687 01:10:41,667 --> 01:10:44,333 [laughter] 2688 01:10:44,333 --> 01:10:45,800 Luckily on my wedding day, 2689 01:10:45,800 --> 01:10:47,567 I actually had somebody to turn 2690 01:10:45,800 --> 01:10:47,567 to to help me with my vows, 2691 01:10:47,567 --> 01:10:49,000 because I was, 2692 01:10:47,567 --> 01:10:49,000 like, super nervous, 2693 01:10:49,000 --> 01:10:50,467 so I went to a better adult 2694 01:10:49,000 --> 01:10:50,467 than me, 2695 01:10:50,467 --> 01:10:52,367 my sister, 2696 01:10:50,467 --> 01:10:52,367 and me and my sister are tight. 2697 01:10:52,367 --> 01:10:54,367 We're identical twins. 2698 01:10:52,367 --> 01:10:54,367 I have a twin sister, 2699 01:10:54,367 --> 01:10:56,834 and I actually don't talk a lot 2700 01:10:54,367 --> 01:10:56,834 about being a twin, 2701 01:10:56,834 --> 01:11:00,567 because people ask really 2702 01:10:56,834 --> 01:11:00,567 stupid twin questions. 2703 01:11:00,567 --> 01:11:02,300 Like, whenever I say 2704 01:11:00,567 --> 01:11:02,300 I have an identical twin, 2705 01:11:02,300 --> 01:11:05,967 without fail, someone will go, 2706 01:11:02,300 --> 01:11:05,967 "Do you guys look alike?" 2707 01:11:05,967 --> 01:11:08,200 [laughter] 2708 01:11:08,200 --> 01:11:10,633 We are very different 2709 01:11:08,200 --> 01:11:10,633 personality wise, 2710 01:11:10,633 --> 01:11:12,967 me and my sister. 2711 01:11:10,633 --> 01:11:12,967 I'm very silly and playful. 2712 01:11:12,967 --> 01:11:15,500 My sister is very dark 2713 01:11:12,967 --> 01:11:15,500 and sarcastic, 2714 01:11:15,500 --> 01:11:16,767 and she has low self-esteem, 2715 01:11:16,767 --> 01:11:19,233 which is weird, 2716 01:11:16,767 --> 01:11:19,233 because she has my face. 2717 01:11:19,233 --> 01:11:22,200 [laughter] 2718 01:11:22,200 --> 01:11:24,467 Do you know what it's look 2719 01:11:22,200 --> 01:11:24,467 when someone that looks 2720 01:11:24,467 --> 01:11:29,667 exactly like you calls you up 2721 01:11:24,467 --> 01:11:29,667 and goes, "I feel so ugly"? 2722 01:11:29,667 --> 01:11:32,567 [laughter] 2723 01:11:32,567 --> 01:11:35,567 - That's good. 2724 01:11:32,567 --> 01:11:35,567 - That is our face. 2725 01:11:35,567 --> 01:11:37,567 [laughter] 2726 01:11:37,567 --> 01:11:39,600 Thank you so much, guys. 2727 01:11:37,567 --> 01:11:39,600 That's my time. 2728 01:11:39,600 --> 01:11:42,166 Thank you. 2729 01:11:39,600 --> 01:11:42,166 HEIDI: No. 2730 01:11:42,166 --> 01:11:45,600 [cheers and applause] 2731 01:11:45,600 --> 01:11:47,700 - Don't, don't, don't. 2732 01:11:47,700 --> 01:11:49,066 - Gina is a star. 2733 01:11:49,066 --> 01:11:50,567 - Whoo. 2734 01:11:50,567 --> 01:11:53,500 [uplifting music] 2735 01:11:53,500 --> 01:11:57,900 - Oh, my God, Gina! 2736 01:11:53,500 --> 01:11:57,900 What a great surprise. 2737 01:11:57,900 --> 01:12:02,300 That was amazing. I laughed 2738 01:11:57,900 --> 01:12:02,300 at every single joke you made. 2739 01:12:02,300 --> 01:12:03,900 - Thank you so much. 2740 01:12:03,900 --> 01:12:05,900 - Your energy, everything, 2741 01:12:03,900 --> 01:12:05,900 you look amazing, 2742 01:12:05,900 --> 01:12:07,633 and you were so funny, 2743 01:12:05,900 --> 01:12:07,633 I loved it. 2744 01:12:07,633 --> 01:12:09,834 So I want to know 2745 01:12:07,633 --> 01:12:09,834 what the other guys think. 2746 01:12:09,834 --> 01:12:11,200 - You know how I felt. 2747 01:12:11,200 --> 01:12:13,400 I felt that you were just 2748 01:12:11,200 --> 01:12:13,400 having a conversation with us. 2749 01:12:13,400 --> 01:12:14,367 - Right? 2750 01:12:13,400 --> 01:12:14,367 - Thank you. 2751 01:12:14,367 --> 01:12:15,567 SIMON: 2752 01:12:14,367 --> 01:12:15,567 It wasn't like a routine. 2753 01:12:15,567 --> 01:12:17,667 It was like, 2754 01:12:15,567 --> 01:12:17,667 "Yes, and my name is Gina," 2755 01:12:17,667 --> 01:12:19,233 and off you went, 2756 01:12:17,667 --> 01:12:19,233 and... 2757 01:12:19,233 --> 01:12:20,700 - That's why you my boo. 2758 01:12:20,700 --> 01:12:23,500 [laughter] 2759 01:12:23,500 --> 01:12:27,433 That's why you my boo, Simon. 2760 01:12:23,500 --> 01:12:27,433 That's why you my boo. 2761 01:12:27,433 --> 01:12:29,533 - I wish your husband 2762 01:12:27,433 --> 01:12:29,533 was standing right here when 2763 01:12:29,533 --> 01:12:30,767 you were talking about him. 2764 01:12:29,533 --> 01:12:30,767 Like, I wanted to see-- 2765 01:12:30,767 --> 01:12:32,633 - Oh, my God. 2766 01:12:30,767 --> 01:12:32,633 He actually loves it. 2767 01:12:32,633 --> 01:12:34,800 - You were hilarious. 2768 01:12:32,633 --> 01:12:34,800 - Thank you. 2769 01:12:34,800 --> 01:12:36,734 - You're funny. 2770 01:12:34,800 --> 01:12:36,734 I don't want to talk. 2771 01:12:36,734 --> 01:12:39,500 I don't want to interrupt you. 2772 01:12:36,734 --> 01:12:39,500 You are just on a roll. 2773 01:12:39,500 --> 01:12:43,200 You're beautiful. 2774 01:12:39,500 --> 01:12:43,200 You're funny. You're natural. 2775 01:12:43,200 --> 01:12:46,133 - Oh, my God. 2776 01:12:43,200 --> 01:12:46,133 - You checked every box 2777 01:12:46,133 --> 01:12:50,633 a comedian could check, 2778 01:12:46,133 --> 01:12:50,633 and what a great addition 2779 01:12:50,633 --> 01:12:53,734 to the 16th season 2780 01:12:50,633 --> 01:12:53,734 of America's Got Talent. 2781 01:12:53,734 --> 01:12:56,867 - Shut up. 2782 01:12:53,734 --> 01:12:56,867 - That's right. 2783 01:12:56,867 --> 01:12:59,333 - That felt so effortless. 2784 01:12:59,333 --> 01:13:03,400 I am going to give you 2785 01:12:59,333 --> 01:13:03,400 your first yes. 2786 01:13:03,400 --> 01:13:05,734 - Number two. 2787 01:13:03,400 --> 01:13:05,734 - Yes. 2788 01:13:05,734 --> 01:13:07,900 - Three yeses! 2789 01:13:05,734 --> 01:13:07,900 - What? 2790 01:13:07,900 --> 01:13:09,734 - Number four! 2791 01:13:07,900 --> 01:13:09,734 - What? 2792 01:13:09,734 --> 01:13:14,400 [cheers and applause] 2793 01:13:14,400 --> 01:13:17,800 - Thank you. Thank you so much. 2794 01:13:20,533 --> 01:13:22,266 - That was so good. 2795 01:13:20,533 --> 01:13:22,266 - She's very natural. 2796 01:13:22,266 --> 01:13:23,633 - It was so good. 2797 01:13:22,266 --> 01:13:23,633 - Yeah, she's funny. 2798 01:13:23,633 --> 01:13:25,066 - No nerves, 2799 01:13:23,633 --> 01:13:25,066 or you didn't see it. 2800 01:13:25,066 --> 01:13:26,100 - Yeah. 2801 01:13:26,100 --> 01:13:27,433 - I want to know 2802 01:13:26,100 --> 01:13:27,433 what just happened. 2803 01:13:27,433 --> 01:13:28,767 - What just happened? 2804 01:13:28,767 --> 01:13:30,867 - You just got four yeses 2805 01:13:28,767 --> 01:13:30,867 on America's Got Talent, 2806 01:13:30,867 --> 01:13:33,834 the world's biggest 2807 01:13:30,867 --> 01:13:33,834 talent show. 2808 01:13:33,834 --> 01:13:36,066 - You're her boo. 2809 01:13:33,834 --> 01:13:36,066 - I'm her boo. 2810 01:13:36,066 --> 01:13:37,533 I always wanted to be a boo. 2811 01:13:40,033 --> 01:13:41,133 WOMAN 1: 2812 01:13:40,033 --> 01:13:41,133 I am so proud of you. 2813 01:13:41,133 --> 01:13:42,633 I am 2814 01:13:41,133 --> 01:13:42,633 your number one supporter. 2815 01:13:42,633 --> 01:13:44,000 MAN: 2816 01:13:42,633 --> 01:13:44,000 Can you imagine our name 2817 01:13:42,633 --> 01:13:44,000 in lights? 2818 01:13:44,000 --> 01:13:45,967 Like, that's insane. 2819 01:13:45,967 --> 01:13:47,600 - You're going to do 2820 01:13:45,967 --> 01:13:47,600 great, honey. 2821 01:13:47,600 --> 01:13:50,133 - It's all come down to this. 2822 01:13:50,133 --> 01:13:51,934 WOMAN 2: 2823 01:13:50,133 --> 01:13:51,934 So proud of you. 2824 01:13:51,934 --> 01:13:53,467 This is your dream. 2825 01:13:53,467 --> 01:13:55,867 - [laughs] 2826 01:13:55,867 --> 01:13:57,934 - And where are you from? 2827 01:13:55,867 --> 01:13:57,934 - I'm from Ohio. 2828 01:13:57,934 --> 01:13:59,433 - Okay. Well, you know, 2829 01:13:57,934 --> 01:13:59,433 I'm from Michigan, 2830 01:13:59,433 --> 01:14:01,900 so I'm a Midwesterner. 2831 01:13:59,433 --> 01:14:01,900 - Oh, the state up north. 2832 01:14:01,900 --> 01:14:03,967 We don't say Michigan. 2833 01:14:01,900 --> 01:14:03,967 - [laughs] Okay. 2834 01:14:03,967 --> 01:14:05,200 Oh, no, that's true. 2835 01:14:05,200 --> 01:14:06,533 - That's what we call it, 2836 01:14:05,200 --> 01:14:06,533 the state up north. 2837 01:14:06,533 --> 01:14:08,567 - Yeah, yeah, you're for real. 2838 01:14:06,533 --> 01:14:08,567 - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 2839 01:14:08,567 --> 01:14:10,834 [gentle piano music] 2840 01:14:10,834 --> 01:14:12,400 [cheers and applause] 2841 01:14:12,400 --> 01:14:13,433 - Hi. 2842 01:14:12,400 --> 01:14:13,433 - Hello. 2843 01:14:13,433 --> 01:14:14,800 - Hi. How are you? 2844 01:14:14,800 --> 01:14:16,900 - I'm awesome. 2845 01:14:14,800 --> 01:14:16,900 I'm so happy to be here. 2846 01:14:16,900 --> 01:14:18,967 - Well, we're happy you are. 2847 01:14:16,900 --> 01:14:18,967 What's your name? 2848 01:14:18,967 --> 01:14:22,200 - My name is Jane. When I sing, 2849 01:14:18,967 --> 01:14:22,200 I go by Nightbirde. 2850 01:14:22,200 --> 01:14:23,533 HEIDI: Aw, that's nice. 2851 01:14:22,200 --> 01:14:23,533 HOWIE: Nightbirde? 2852 01:14:23,533 --> 01:14:27,500 - That's right. 2853 01:14:23,533 --> 01:14:27,500 - Do you sing for a living? 2854 01:14:27,500 --> 01:14:29,700 - Not recently, but-- 2855 01:14:27,500 --> 01:14:29,700 - Where are you from? 2856 01:14:29,700 --> 01:14:31,367 - I'm from Zanesville, Ohio. 2857 01:14:31,367 --> 01:14:32,800 - Okay. How old are you? 2858 01:14:32,800 --> 01:14:35,333 - I'm 30. 2859 01:14:32,800 --> 01:14:35,333 - 30 years old, 2860 01:14:35,333 --> 01:14:37,133 and the dream 2861 01:14:35,333 --> 01:14:37,133 is to be a singer? 2862 01:14:37,133 --> 01:14:39,133 What are you going to be 2863 01:14:37,133 --> 01:14:39,133 singing for us tonight? 2864 01:14:39,133 --> 01:14:40,467 - I'm singing an original song 2865 01:14:40,467 --> 01:14:42,533 called "It's Okay." 2866 01:14:40,467 --> 01:14:42,533 - "It's Okay." 2867 01:14:42,533 --> 01:14:44,033 - Yeah. 2868 01:14:42,533 --> 01:14:44,033 - It is. 2869 01:14:44,033 --> 01:14:45,300 - Yeah. 2870 01:14:44,033 --> 01:14:45,300 - It's okay. 2871 01:14:45,300 --> 01:14:47,133 - It's okay. 2872 01:14:45,300 --> 01:14:47,133 - What is "It's Okay" about? 2873 01:14:47,133 --> 01:14:51,367 - "It's Okay" is the story 2874 01:14:47,133 --> 01:14:51,367 of the last year of my life. 2875 01:14:51,367 --> 01:14:54,300 - All right. 2876 01:14:51,367 --> 01:14:54,300 And who you here with? 2877 01:14:54,300 --> 01:14:55,734 - I'm here by myself. 2878 01:14:55,734 --> 01:14:57,867 - It's okay. 2879 01:14:55,734 --> 01:14:57,867 [laughter] 2880 01:14:57,867 --> 01:14:59,433 And what do you do 2881 01:14:57,867 --> 01:14:59,433 for a living? 2882 01:14:59,433 --> 01:15:02,266 - I have not been working 2883 01:14:59,433 --> 01:15:02,266 for quite a few years. 2884 01:15:02,266 --> 01:15:03,900 I've been dealing with cancer. 2885 01:15:03,900 --> 01:15:05,734 - Oh, sorry. 2886 01:15:03,900 --> 01:15:05,734 - [laughs] 2887 01:15:05,734 --> 01:15:07,233 No, it's okay. 2888 01:15:05,734 --> 01:15:07,233 - Okay. 2889 01:15:07,233 --> 01:15:09,934 - Yeah. I'm okay. 2890 01:15:07,233 --> 01:15:09,934 - All right. 2891 01:15:09,934 --> 01:15:11,266 [applause] 2892 01:15:11,266 --> 01:15:12,300 - Can I ask you a question? 2893 01:15:12,300 --> 01:15:13,967 How are you now? 2894 01:15:13,967 --> 01:15:16,834 - Last time I checked, 2895 01:15:13,967 --> 01:15:16,834 I had some cancer in my lungs 2896 01:15:16,834 --> 01:15:19,367 and my spine and my liver. 2897 01:15:19,367 --> 01:15:22,567 - Wow. 2898 01:15:19,367 --> 01:15:22,567 - So you're not okay? 2899 01:15:22,567 --> 01:15:25,300 - Well, not in every way, no. 2900 01:15:25,300 --> 01:15:27,600 - You've got a beautiful smile 2901 01:15:25,300 --> 01:15:27,600 and a beautiful glow. 2902 01:15:27,600 --> 01:15:28,967 HEIDI: 2903 01:15:27,600 --> 01:15:28,967 Mm-hmm. You do. 2904 01:15:28,967 --> 01:15:30,333 - And nobody would know. 2905 01:15:28,967 --> 01:15:30,333 - I appreciate it. Thank you. 2906 01:15:30,333 --> 01:15:32,800 It's important that everyone 2907 01:15:30,333 --> 01:15:32,800 knows I'm so much more 2908 01:15:32,800 --> 01:15:34,667 than the bad things 2909 01:15:32,800 --> 01:15:34,667 that happen to me. 2910 01:15:34,667 --> 01:15:36,266 SOFÍA: 2911 01:15:34,667 --> 01:15:36,266 Yes. 2912 01:15:36,867 --> 01:15:38,467 - Yes. 2913 01:15:38,467 --> 01:15:41,100 - All right. Sing for us. 2914 01:15:41,100 --> 01:15:44,467 - Good luck, Nightbirde. 2915 01:16:00,934 --> 01:16:03,867 [gentle piano music] 2916 01:16:03,867 --> 01:16:06,033 ♪ ♪ 2917 01:16:10,166 --> 01:16:14,834 - ♪ I moved to California 2918 01:16:10,166 --> 01:16:14,834 in the summertime ♪ 2919 01:16:14,834 --> 01:16:18,500 ♪ ♪ 2920 01:16:18,500 --> 01:16:23,533 ♪ I changed my name thinking 2921 01:16:18,500 --> 01:16:23,533 that it would change my mind ♪ 2922 01:16:23,533 --> 01:16:26,533 ♪ ♪ 2923 01:16:26,533 --> 01:16:28,433 ♪ I thought 2924 01:16:26,533 --> 01:16:28,433 that all my problems ♪ 2925 01:16:28,433 --> 01:16:32,233 ♪ They would stay behind ♪ 2926 01:16:32,233 --> 01:16:35,100 ♪ I was a stick of dynamite 2927 01:16:32,233 --> 01:16:35,100 and it just was ♪ 2928 01:16:35,100 --> 01:16:40,066 ♪ A matter of time, 2929 01:16:35,100 --> 01:16:40,066 yeah ♪ 2930 01:16:40,066 --> 01:16:44,400 ♪ Oh, dang, oh, my, 2931 01:16:40,066 --> 01:16:44,400 now I can't hide ♪ 2932 01:16:44,400 --> 01:16:48,734 ♪ Said I knew myself 2933 01:16:44,400 --> 01:16:48,734 but I guess I lied ♪ 2934 01:16:48,734 --> 01:16:52,300 ♪ It's okay, it's okay 2935 01:16:48,734 --> 01:16:52,300 it's okay, it's okay ♪ 2936 01:16:52,300 --> 01:16:53,700 ♪ If you're lost ♪ 2937 01:16:53,700 --> 01:16:56,433 ♪ We're all a little lost, 2938 01:16:53,700 --> 01:16:56,433 and it's all right ♪ 2939 01:16:56,433 --> 01:17:00,000 ♪ It's okay, it's okay 2940 01:16:56,433 --> 01:17:00,000 it's okay, it's okay ♪ 2941 01:17:00,000 --> 01:17:01,433 ♪ If you're lost ♪ 2942 01:17:01,433 --> 01:17:04,567 ♪ We're all a little lost, 2943 01:17:01,433 --> 01:17:04,567 and it's all right ♪ 2944 01:17:04,567 --> 01:17:06,400 ♪ ♪ 2945 01:17:06,400 --> 01:17:08,133 ♪ It's all right, 2946 01:17:06,400 --> 01:17:08,133 it's all right ♪ 2947 01:17:08,133 --> 01:17:10,433 ♪ It's all right ♪ 2948 01:17:10,433 --> 01:17:12,934 ♪ ♪ 2949 01:17:14,667 --> 01:17:19,233 ♪ I wrote a hundred pages, 2950 01:17:14,667 --> 01:17:19,233 but I burned them all ♪ 2951 01:17:19,233 --> 01:17:21,000 ♪ Yeah, I burned them all ♪ 2952 01:17:22,433 --> 01:17:26,500 ♪ I blow through yellow lights 2953 01:17:22,433 --> 01:17:26,500 and don't look back at all ♪ 2954 01:17:26,500 --> 01:17:28,233 ♪ I don't look back at all ♪ 2955 01:17:28,233 --> 01:17:32,467 ♪ Oh, dang, oh, my, 2956 01:17:28,233 --> 01:17:32,467 now I can't hide ♪ 2957 01:17:32,467 --> 01:17:36,600 ♪ Said I knew what I wanted 2958 01:17:32,467 --> 01:17:36,600 but I guess I lied ♪ 2959 01:17:36,600 --> 01:17:39,967 ♪ It's okay, it's okay 2960 01:17:36,600 --> 01:17:39,967 it's okay, it's okay ♪ 2961 01:17:39,967 --> 01:17:41,500 ♪ If you're lost ♪ 2962 01:17:41,500 --> 01:17:44,667 ♪ We're all a little lost, 2963 01:17:41,500 --> 01:17:44,667 and it's all right ♪ 2964 01:17:44,667 --> 01:17:47,900 ♪ It's okay, it's okay 2965 01:17:44,667 --> 01:17:47,900 it's okay, it's okay ♪ 2966 01:17:47,900 --> 01:17:49,266 ♪ If you're lost ♪ 2967 01:17:49,266 --> 01:17:52,934 ♪ We're all a little lost, 2968 01:17:49,266 --> 01:17:52,934 and it's all right ♪ 2969 01:17:52,934 --> 01:17:58,000 ♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh, 2970 01:17:52,934 --> 01:17:58,000 it's all right ♪ 2971 01:17:58,000 --> 01:18:01,033 ♪ To be lost sometimes ♪ 2972 01:18:01,033 --> 01:18:03,367 ♪ ♪ 2973 01:18:06,300 --> 01:18:07,767 - Wow. 2974 01:18:07,767 --> 01:18:10,133 [cheers and applause] 2975 01:18:10,133 --> 01:18:13,066 [uplifting music] 2976 01:18:13,066 --> 01:18:15,233 ♪ ♪ 2977 01:18:33,200 --> 01:18:35,967 HOWIE: 2978 01:18:33,200 --> 01:18:35,967 You know, it's funny, 2979 01:18:33,200 --> 01:18:35,967 because singers come on, 2980 01:18:35,967 --> 01:18:39,767 and I think about authenticity, 2981 01:18:35,967 --> 01:18:39,767 you know, when you feel it, 2982 01:18:39,767 --> 01:18:41,500 when it moves you. 2983 01:18:39,767 --> 01:18:41,500 That felt like 2984 01:18:41,500 --> 01:18:44,266 the most authentic thing 2985 01:18:41,500 --> 01:18:44,266 I've heard this season. 2986 01:18:44,266 --> 01:18:45,800 [cheers and applause] 2987 01:18:45,800 --> 01:18:48,033 SOFÍA: 2988 01:18:45,800 --> 01:18:48,033 That was surprisingly 2989 01:18:45,800 --> 01:18:48,033 beautiful. 2990 01:18:48,033 --> 01:18:49,367 It was powerful. 2991 01:18:49,367 --> 01:18:53,166 It was heartfelt, 2992 01:18:49,367 --> 01:18:53,166 and I think you're amazing. 2993 01:18:53,166 --> 01:18:54,567 [cheers and applause] 2994 01:18:54,567 --> 01:18:55,934 HEIDI: 2995 01:18:54,567 --> 01:18:55,934 You gave me chills. 2996 01:18:55,934 --> 01:18:58,667 I mean, your voice 2997 01:18:55,934 --> 01:18:58,667 is so beautiful to listen to. 2998 01:18:58,667 --> 01:19:01,400 It was beautiful 2999 01:18:58,667 --> 01:19:01,400 all the way around. 3000 01:19:01,400 --> 01:19:03,834 - Your voice is stunning. 3001 01:19:01,400 --> 01:19:03,834 HEIDI: Mm-hmm. It is. 3002 01:19:03,834 --> 01:19:07,800 - Absolutely stunning, 3003 01:19:03,834 --> 01:19:07,800 and I totally agree with what 3004 01:19:07,800 --> 01:19:10,867 Howie said, you know, 3005 01:19:07,800 --> 01:19:10,867 about authenticity. 3006 01:19:10,867 --> 01:19:13,100 There was something 3007 01:19:10,867 --> 01:19:13,100 about that song after the way 3008 01:19:13,100 --> 01:19:15,934 you just 3009 01:19:13,100 --> 01:19:15,934 almost casually told us 3010 01:19:15,934 --> 01:19:20,767 what you're going through, 3011 01:19:15,934 --> 01:19:20,767 and, oh, you know... 3012 01:19:20,767 --> 01:19:24,633 - You can't wait until life 3013 01:19:20,767 --> 01:19:24,633 isn't hard anymore 3014 01:19:24,633 --> 01:19:26,800 before you decide to be happy. 3015 01:19:26,800 --> 01:19:29,967 ♪ ♪ 3016 01:19:32,200 --> 01:19:34,867 [applause] 3017 01:19:34,867 --> 01:19:38,133 ♪ ♪ 3018 01:19:39,900 --> 01:19:42,500 - Um... 3019 01:19:42,500 --> 01:19:46,233 ♪ ♪ 3020 01:19:46,233 --> 01:19:48,133 There are, however ... 3021 01:19:48,133 --> 01:19:50,934 There have been 3022 01:19:48,133 --> 01:19:50,934 some great singers this year. 3023 01:19:50,934 --> 01:19:53,934 ♪ ♪ 3024 01:19:53,934 --> 01:19:58,166 Um...and I'm not going 3025 01:19:53,934 --> 01:19:58,166 to give you a yes. 3026 01:19:58,166 --> 01:20:01,367 [audience groans] 3027 01:20:01,367 --> 01:20:03,166 I'm going to give you 3028 01:20:01,367 --> 01:20:03,166 something else. 3029 01:20:03,166 --> 01:20:05,500 [drumroll] 3030 01:20:05,500 --> 01:20:11,400 - ♪ Follow me down where 3031 01:20:05,500 --> 01:20:11,400 the waters run deep ♪ 3032 01:20:11,400 --> 01:20:16,500 ♪ I'll let you drown 3033 01:20:11,400 --> 01:20:16,500 in the worst of me ♪ 3034 01:20:16,500 --> 01:20:22,233 ♪ Though my heart is 3035 01:20:16,500 --> 01:20:22,233 in my hands ♪ 3036 01:20:22,233 --> 01:20:26,266 ♪ I won't break, 3037 01:20:22,233 --> 01:20:26,266 give me faith to bend ♪ 3038 01:20:26,266 --> 01:20:28,900 ♪ ♪ 3039 01:20:28,900 --> 01:20:34,834 ♪ Am I looking for revival ♪ 3040 01:20:34,834 --> 01:20:38,767 - Everything about that 3041 01:20:34,834 --> 01:20:38,767 was really special. 3042 01:20:38,767 --> 01:20:41,700 Good for you. Good for you. 3043 01:20:38,767 --> 01:20:41,700 - Thank you so much. 3044 01:20:41,700 --> 01:20:47,433 - ♪ Will I ever 3045 01:20:41,700 --> 01:20:47,433 breathe again ♪ 3046 01:20:47,433 --> 01:20:48,900 ♪ Again ♪ 3047 01:20:48,900 --> 01:20:51,433 - I have a 2 percent chance 3048 01:20:48,900 --> 01:20:51,433 of survival, 3049 01:20:51,433 --> 01:20:54,500 but 2 percent is 3050 01:20:51,433 --> 01:20:54,500 not zero percent. 3051 01:20:54,500 --> 01:20:57,100 2 percent is something, 3052 01:20:57,100 --> 01:21:00,767 and I wish people knew 3053 01:20:57,100 --> 01:21:00,767 how amazing it is. 3054 01:21:00,767 --> 01:21:03,433 - You blew us all away. 3055 01:21:03,433 --> 01:21:07,700 You are the voice 3056 01:21:03,433 --> 01:21:07,700 we all need to hear this year. 3057 01:21:07,700 --> 01:21:10,600 - That was way more than okay. 3058 01:21:07,700 --> 01:21:10,600 - That was amazing! 3059 01:21:10,600 --> 01:21:13,133 - That was beautiful. 3060 01:21:10,600 --> 01:21:13,133 That was beautiful. 3061 01:21:13,133 --> 01:21:15,133 - God, that really got to me. 3062 01:21:15,133 --> 01:21:17,500 - It pushes all the 3063 01:21:15,133 --> 01:21:17,500 heart string buttons, right? 3064 01:21:17,500 --> 01:21:19,166 - And yet she's still 3065 01:21:17,500 --> 01:21:19,166 so strong. 3066 01:21:19,166 --> 01:21:24,200 - ♪ Will I ever 3067 01:21:19,166 --> 01:21:24,200 breathe again ♪ 3068 01:21:24,200 --> 01:21:25,567 - I did it! 3069 01:21:25,567 --> 01:21:29,600 - ♪ Will I ever 3070 01:21:25,567 --> 01:21:29,600 breathe again ♪ 3071 01:21:31,133 --> 01:21:33,300 [♪♪♪]