1 00:00:03,920 --> 00:00:07,469 300 years before the birth of Christ 2 00:00:07,680 --> 00:00:13,357 The old Empire ruled Cartago the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea 3 00:00:13,560 --> 00:00:18,634 Cartago was challenged until and in a war 4 00:00:18,840 --> 00:00:21,718 by Rome was brutally defeated. 5 00:00:24,320 --> 00:00:27,995 This film is based on true facts. 6 00:00:32,320 --> 00:00:35,869 Facts which took place in the 3rd century BC 7 00:00:39,440 --> 00:00:43,035 written by historichi of the time 8 00:00:45,240 --> 00:00:48,312 and checked by contemporary scholars. 9 00:00:50,560 --> 00:00:53,393 Put your hands in the blood. 10 00:00:56,440 --> 00:00:59,000 I swear ...... 11 00:00:59,200 --> 00:01:02,317 ... for as long as I live ... 12 00:01:02,520 --> 00:01:08,789 ... I am an enemy of Rome will be. 13 00:01:10,360 --> 00:01:15,070 It was only a matter of time before the rivalry 14 00:01:15,280 --> 00:01:18,670 between Cartago and Rome again would lead to war. 15 00:01:18,880 --> 00:01:25,149 A war, which would seal the child's destiny as one of the greatest leaders in history 16 00:01:25,360 --> 00:01:26,998 Hannibal. 17 00:01:29,200 --> 00:01:33,478 I was born for revenge, educated to achieve the impossible. 18 00:01:33,680 --> 00:01:38,037 I will forever be remembered as the greatest enemy of Rome. 19 00:01:41,520 --> 00:01:47,311 This is the story of a General that his army to pushed the limits of human endurance. 20 00:01:48,280 --> 00:01:50,032 Continue! 21 00:01:50,240 --> 00:01:55,200 The story of a man so brilliant that Rome he nearly helped the destruction. 22 00:02:04,600 --> 00:02:06,87 Above is the story -- 23 00:02:07,080 --> 00:02:11,995 - How history can change by a single decision. 24 00:02:12,200 --> 00:02:17,035 A decision that would seal fate Hannibal - 25 00:02:17,240 --> 00:02:23,395 - And decide on whom to Europe would govern the next 600 years. 26 00:02:37,120 --> 00:02:39,793 War is the only thing I have ever known. 27 00:02:40,000 --> 00:02:43,310 War between Rome and Cartago. 28 00:02:44,200 --> 00:02:48,478 My father fought Rome 40 years earlier and we were defeated. 29 00:02:48,680 --> 00:02:53,390 Humiliated, deprived of honor and our land. 30 00:02:56,040 --> 00:02:58,998 But under my father's command, we again risen 31 00:02:59,200 --> 00:03:03,478 extended our territory from North Africa to Spain. 32 00:03:03,680 --> 00:03:07,992 But it could never be two rulers the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. 33 00:03:08,800 --> 00:03:14,352 Gaius Terentius Varro Rooms delegate in Spain 34 00:03:18,320 --> 00:03:23,075 Either Rome or Cartago tenonder should go -- 35 00:03:23,280 --> 00:03:27,398 - And I swore on my father's memory, -- 36 00:03:27,600 --> 00:03:30,956 - It would NOT Cartago. 37 00:03:32,520 --> 00:03:35,239 Hannibal. 38 00:03:36,640 --> 00:03:41,191 Gaius Terentius Varro. Special Ambassador of the Roman Senate. 39 00:03:43,120 --> 00:03:46,874 My brothers, Mago and Hasdrubal. 40 00:03:51,040 --> 00:03:53,793 I think you know why I'm here. 41 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:58,278 It came to our attention that you military threats Saguntumm expressed against the city. Yes. 42 00:03:58,480 --> 00:04:03,076 Sagunto is an ally of Rome, She has our full protection 43 00:04:03,280 --> 00:04:08,434 Sagunto is a town in Spain, NOT in Italy. 44 00:04:09,680 --> 00:04:14,470 And yet they remain allies Spanish attacks of Cartago. 45 00:04:14,680 --> 00:04:18,639 Tell me, Gaius Terentius Varro: 46 00:04:20,600 --> 00:04:24,912 If this was a city in Room Eins territory, what would you do? 47 00:04:31,720 --> 00:04:35,315 I trust that you know the rules. 48 00:04:35,520 --> 00:04:40,071 Verklaa war on Suguntum, and you declare war on Rome. 49 00:04:47,640 --> 00:04:51,110 Suguntum, SZuid Spain. 219 BC. 50 00:05:00,120 --> 00:05:03,237 For Cartago! 51 00:05:17,120 --> 00:05:21,671 My Suguntum attack was brutal, provceren to Rome and to attack me. 52 00:05:21,880 --> 00:05:23,552 It worked. 53 00:05:23,760 --> 00:05:29,279 The elders council, Cartago, Norway Aafrika. In the autumn of 219 BC. 54 00:05:31,200 --> 00:05:33,794 Rome will this unprovoked attack -- 55 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:37,913 - Not to tolerate any of our allies. 56 00:05:39,080 --> 00:05:44,359 We require that you charge the General, -- 57 00:05:44,560 --> 00:05:48,235 - Hannibal, to extradite the Roman authorities 58 00:05:48,440 --> 00:05:51,955 - And his trial. 59 00:05:52,160 --> 00:05:57,359 In whose name do you threaten us here in Cartago? 60 00:05:57,560 --> 00:06:01,314 Suguntum was punished for attacks our allies. 61 00:06:15,040 --> 00:06:19,397 This will end badly. The Launch, He wants a war. 62 00:06:20,280 --> 00:06:25,229 Hanno the Great. Hannibal's political opponents. 63 00:06:31,880 --> 00:06:36,078 Here in the folds of my gown -- 64 00:06:36,280 --> 00:06:39,272 - Hang peace or war. 65 00:06:41,000 --> 00:06:43,753 What you choose Cartago? 66 00:06:43,960 --> 00:06:46,349 Peace or war? 67 00:06:48,320 --> 00:06:51,949 Just say, Fabius. Let Rome decide. 68 00:06:57,800 --> 00:06:59,153 WAR! 69 00:07:01,080 --> 00:07:04,038 In stabbing and burning to the ground. 70 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:16,276 The war which I was born had begun. 71 00:07:16,480 --> 00:07:20,473 It would be a battle for our world to survive. 72 00:07:28,120 --> 00:07:31,999 New Cartago, Spain. 218 BC. 73 00:07:37,040 --> 00:07:41,431 In Spain claimed his army Hannibal together to fight his war. 74 00:07:41,640 --> 00:07:46,998 Recruited from Spain and Africa, it was an army of all kinds but one created by a common goal -- 75 00:07:47,200 --> 00:07:53,389 - To restore the honor and power in Cartago. 76 00:08:01,760 --> 00:08:06,197 8000 horsemen, 40,000 foot soldiers, garlands and lance liers. 77 00:08:06,400 --> 00:08:10,279 - I want the men at all times ready to go. - They are ready, my brother. 78 00:08:10,480 --> 00:08:15,429 Mago, Hannibal's brother jonste. Captain of the infantry. 79 00:08:15,640 --> 00:08:20,316 - Your Maherbal Numidian horsemen. - How fast are they? 80 00:08:20,520 --> 00:08:24,195 - Ask me not to the mouth. - They are faster than the Romans. 81 00:08:24,400 --> 00:08:29,520 Maharbal. Captain of the riders and military adviser. 82 00:08:29,720 --> 00:08:33,713 - Elephants? - 37. Their toesand? - All healthy animals. 83 00:08:35,120 --> 00:08:39,955 Make these kids are gone. We go to war. 84 00:08:45,800 --> 00:08:51,591 Rome two armies. One from Sicily, Cartago where they hope to attack. 85 00:08:51,800 --> 00:08:57,352 The other from southern France where they will attack us here in Spain. 86 00:08:58,480 --> 00:09:01,119 Only, we will not be here. 87 00:09:01,320 --> 00:09:05,108 We always wanted the war to bring the Romans. Fight them on their own territory. 88 00:09:05,320 --> 00:09:08,073 Now is the day. 89 00:09:08,280 --> 00:09:11,750 Pe ship can not attack because skim the rule the seas. 90 00:09:11,960 --> 00:09:16,476 Instead, we will attack the country, We draw our military by Spain and France, -- 91 00:09:16,680 --> 00:09:19,752 - On the Rhone and then east to Italy. 92 00:09:19,960 --> 00:09:24,556 We know that the coastal roads are monitored closely -- 93 00:09:24,760 --> 00:09:27,672 - Zodus we go over the Alps. 94 00:09:31,840 --> 00:09:35,799 - 50,000 soldiers over the mountains? - It is the shortest path. 95 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:40,596 Even in their wildest dreams, the Romans not think we are so bold. 96 00:09:40,800 --> 00:09:46,636 Gisco just come back from the Alps. He thinks that it must succeed. 97 00:09:46,840 --> 00:09:51,118 And as we all know, he is the most conservative of all. 98 00:09:51,320 --> 00:09:55,279 Alexander conquered the world with 50,000. 99 00:09:56,680 --> 00:10:01,515 Not bad for a Greek. But we can improve. 100 00:10:04,840 --> 00:10:07,877 Go and bring your troops informed. 101 00:10:13,960 --> 00:10:17,396 They shall not want. 102 00:10:17,600 --> 00:10:21,275 - That they should not. - I see it sit. 103 00:10:21,480 --> 00:10:24,756 Hasdrubal, Hannibal's brother. Captain of the Spanish provinces. 104 00:10:24,960 --> 00:10:30,398 Unfortunately for you my brother I can not take everybody. 105 00:10:30,600 --> 00:10:35,151 I need someone to stay here for to defend our territory. 106 00:10:36,120 --> 00:10:40,033 - Then stay and defend it. - You know what I mean. 107 00:10:40,240 --> 00:10:45,712 Father fought for 8 years to Cartago and Spain. And you leave everything behind for such risk. 108 00:10:45,920 --> 00:10:50,835 - Big wins are so made. - The big defeat. 109 00:10:52,400 --> 00:10:55,631 We must show that we are not Rome more with us around. 110 00:10:55,840 --> 00:11:01,870 And I will make every effort to honor and respect to repair of Cartago. 111 00:11:02,080 --> 00:11:07,393 but I can only do so if I know Spain in good hands. 112 00:11:09,400 --> 00:11:11,277 Brother ... 113 00:11:12,320 --> 00:11:17,394 I promise you, that within the year the banks of the Tiber are -- 114 00:11:17,600 --> 00:11:20,797 - Triumph in Rome. 115 00:11:21,920 --> 00:11:26,072 50,000 lives are in your hands. 116 00:11:28,120 --> 00:11:31,635 Who will take the lead in my place? You? 117 00:11:31,840 --> 00:11:36,391 Me they would not follow. But they do follow you, brother. 118 00:11:36,600 --> 00:11:39,637 They follow you until death. 119 00:11:42,120 --> 00:11:46,989 I asked my people nothing less than total sacrifice. 120 00:11:49,600 --> 00:11:52,990 their most precious achetrlatend, -- 121 00:11:53,200 --> 00:11:57,478 - Knowing that they would perhaps never come back. 122 00:11:58,560 --> 00:12:01,233 No exceptions allowed. 123 00:12:01,440 --> 00:12:04,557 Imilce, Hannibal woman. Spanish Princess. 124 00:12:11,640 --> 00:12:13,631 Ready? 125 00:12:13,840 --> 00:12:16,912 Well, as you can see, we make progress. 126 00:12:18,840 --> 00:12:20,637 Well. 127 00:12:25,880 --> 00:12:30,431 - In Cartago will be safe, Imilce. - Safe? 128 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:36,949 Your Spanish woman hostage in Cartago at least to be that my people not to walk to Rome. 129 00:12:37,160 --> 00:12:39,628 It is normal practice in a war. 130 00:12:39,840 --> 00:12:43,230 Do not like it for my safety. 131 00:12:46,840 --> 00:12:52,597 We have fought hard for Spain. We must ensure her safety. 132 00:12:53,360 --> 00:12:57,239 Fighting? You even married for Spain. 133 00:13:04,080 --> 00:13:07,117 This will soon be over ... 134 00:13:08,520 --> 00:13:12,195 ... I will have my revenge on Rome. 135 00:13:14,160 --> 00:13:17,311 And we will be together again. 136 00:13:24,080 --> 00:13:28,312 In the spring of 218 BC Hannibal's army departs from southern Spain. 137 00:13:29,880 --> 00:13:34,431 In the first war with Rome had Cartago fought defensive -- 138 00:13:34,640 --> 00:13:36,392 - And lost. 139 00:13:36,600 --> 00:13:41,435 The Romans expected the second same conduct would know war. 140 00:13:42,320 --> 00:13:47,440 But do what Rome least expected became the trademark of Hannibal. 141 00:13:49,320 --> 00:13:54,189 The War to bring Rome meant 90,000 infantry, -- 142 00:13:54,400 --> 00:13:57,756 - 12,000 cavalry and 37 elephants -- 143 00:13:57,960 --> 00:14:01,396 - Move over 2400 kilometers. The winter came along. 144 00:14:04,280 --> 00:14:08,398 We will reach the Rhone before harvest, and may then supplies store before we cross the Alps. 145 00:14:08,600 --> 00:14:12,036 If the harvest is on time, or we are not too late. 146 00:14:12,240 --> 00:14:17,189 - I would not want to be in the mountains when it snows. - We have time, Maharbal. 147 00:14:17,400 --> 00:14:23,873 South of the Ebro River they traveled through area belonging to tribes who were loyal to Cartago .. 148 00:14:24,080 --> 00:14:28,596 But once again north of the river they entered enemy territory. 149 00:14:44,000 --> 00:14:47,436 Our guides I suppose? 150 00:14:49,280 --> 00:14:53,956 We are secure passage depended on the good will of local tribes, -- 151 00:14:54,160 --> 00:14:58,073 - Cartago neither loyal to Rome or not, -- 152 00:14:58,280 --> 00:15:01,431 - Only they themselves. 153 00:15:14,720 --> 00:15:17,439 He says he agreed. 154 00:15:21,160 --> 00:15:25,676 He says the roads are difficult hove and we are lost without guides. 155 00:15:28,480 --> 00:15:32,792 He even suggests that to be our guide. 156 00:15:33,000 --> 00:15:38,791 Tell him that we are grateful and we thank him for his help. 157 00:15:40,560 --> 00:15:45,236 It was a risk but we had no choice. 158 00:15:55,120 --> 00:15:58,908 Few of my men were ever been this far north. 159 00:15:59,120 --> 00:16:02,590 They were nervous and uncertain. 160 00:16:04,320 --> 00:16:06,515 and not unfounded. 161 00:16:25,680 --> 00:16:30,754 Hannibal, what will we do with deserters? 162 00:16:30,960 --> 00:16:34,953 We lose men, if we let me catch the horses, pulling them in pieces as an example. 163 00:16:35,160 --> 00:16:40,871 Save the horses, our numbers will increase when the northern tribes join us. 164 00:16:42,960 --> 00:16:46,111 Ambush! 165 00:16:46,320 --> 00:16:48,515 Baghold Hey! 166 00:16:50,520 --> 00:16:54,308 - The bastard led us into a trap! Take cover! 167 00:17:52,520 --> 00:17:54,829 Maharbal ... 168 00:17:57,760 --> 00:18:02,993 They are scum, that's it if you wanted vertouwt. 169 00:18:04,200 --> 00:18:08,079 - How do we find our way? - The prisoners will show us the way. 170 00:18:08,280 --> 00:18:11,556 Otherwise, kill them. 171 00:18:21,960 --> 00:18:24,838 The valley of the Rhone, Southern France Autumn 218 BC, -- Our journey had just begun, 172 00:18:25,040 --> 00:18:30,194 - And it was by natural forces distinguish the weak from the strong. 173 00:18:31,520 --> 00:18:36,833 I knew that only the fittest useful would be in Italy. 174 00:18:51,080 --> 00:18:55,471 General review everything we have. It took too long to get here. 175 00:18:55,680 --> 00:18:59,195 We miscalculated us. If we spend the winter .... 176 00:18:59,400 --> 00:19:03,678 If we spend the winter, the major our army ever waiting on the other side. 177 00:19:03,880 --> 00:19:06,952 We go over the mountains! 178 00:19:12,600 --> 00:19:16,832 - The Romans arrived in Marseille. - That's only three days away. 179 00:19:17,040 --> 00:19:21,591 - We will attack them there. - We go to them in their territory! 180 00:19:22,800 --> 00:19:26,509 Winter or summer, We go over the Alps -- 181 00:19:26,720 --> 00:19:29,632 - And make it off. 182 00:19:31,240 --> 00:19:36,598 The Roman army stopped in Marseille for themselves obtaining supplies for their trip to Spain. 183 00:19:37,440 --> 00:19:40,671 They had no idea that Hannibal's army was so close. 184 00:19:41,920 --> 00:19:44,150 - It can not be. - Yes General. 185 00:19:44,360 --> 00:19:47,750 He's been on and Pyrineeën is almost on the banks of the Rhone. 186 00:19:47,960 --> 00:19:50,394 We wanted to fight him in Spain. 187 00:19:50,600 --> 00:19:55,913 Maybe he protect Spain us to fight in France. 188 00:19:56,120 --> 00:20:00,910 Publius Scipio was a typical Roman general reliable, predictable. 189 00:20:01,120 --> 00:20:05,318 He just wanted me and rushing me to finish. If he could find me. 190 00:20:06,360 --> 00:20:09,875 Publius Scipio II. Son of the Consul. 191 00:20:10,080 --> 00:20:13,470 OR Rome is its purpose? 192 00:20:13,680 --> 00:20:16,558 That's not so dusty, -- 193 00:20:16,760 --> 00:20:19,957 - He must stay close to the shoreline to get there. 194 00:20:20,160 --> 00:20:23,948 Nobody would be army inside the country to pull through. 195 00:20:24,160 --> 00:20:27,311 The terrain is too difficult. 196 00:20:27,520 --> 00:20:30,956 The mountains and precipices that cursed. 197 00:20:40,480 --> 00:20:44,837 Tomorrow we leave and intercept them. 198 00:20:55,600 --> 00:20:59,798 Hannibal abandoned camp in the Rhone Valley Autumn 218 BC. 199 00:21:01,640 --> 00:21:05,519 - What do you mean, they are gone? - For three days he says. 200 00:21:05,720 --> 00:21:07,711 In what direction are they gone? 201 00:21:07,920 --> 00:21:10,753 Oostwaarst, to the mountains. 202 00:21:14,400 --> 00:21:18,359 You think they happen to the Alps? 203 00:21:18,560 --> 00:21:21,518 If he succeeds, we were waiting on the other side. 204 00:21:21,720 --> 00:21:24,234 I go back to Italy to put together a new army. 205 00:21:24,440 --> 00:21:28,991 We will crush him while his home is in ashes. 206 00:21:30,120 --> 00:21:33,999 We will NOT underestimate the barbarian. 207 00:21:34,200 --> 00:21:39,354 Publius Scipio had to recognize the many rival. 208 00:21:39,560 --> 00:21:42,916 It was a lesson that the Scipio family, -- 209 00:21:43,120 --> 00:21:46,715 - And especially the son would never forget. 210 00:22:09,600 --> 00:22:13,798 E2N thing stood between us and Roman territory. 211 00:22:15,400 --> 00:22:19,473 200 km snow, ice and rocks. 212 00:22:28,080 --> 00:22:32,551 Hannibal was at the foot of the Alps at the beginning of winter. 213 00:22:34,840 --> 00:22:39,789 His men were just the mild climate of Spain and Africa -- 214 00:22:40,000 --> 00:22:45,438 - But were not prepared for such circumstances. 215 00:23:13,720 --> 00:23:17,679 When the army went to altitudes of 2400 meters, -- 216 00:23:17,880 --> 00:23:22,954 - There was no food no shuilplaatsen found. 217 00:23:33,800 --> 00:23:38,351 To have had to come through my men marching without rest. 218 00:23:38,560 --> 00:23:42,633 If we were to stop we would freeze to death. 219 00:23:42,840 --> 00:23:46,469 The cold and hunger gnawed at us. 220 00:23:46,680 --> 00:23:49,194 Come on! Keep moving. 221 00:23:50,880 --> 00:23:52,199 That's it! 222 00:23:52,400 --> 00:23:55,392 Each day we lost thousand lives 223 00:23:55,600 --> 00:24:00,071 But I was sure our course. 224 00:24:04,520 --> 00:24:06,431 Keep moving! 225 00:24:14,080 --> 00:24:16,753 Do not stop here or you're coming! 226 00:24:18,520 --> 00:24:20,317 Keep moving! 227 00:24:51,320 --> 00:24:54,073 When they reached the summit they saw -- 228 00:24:54,280 --> 00:24:58,637 - That the road was blocked by a landslide. 229 00:25:33,120 --> 00:25:37,193 - Why are we stopping? - The road is blocked. 230 00:25:46,680 --> 00:25:49,114 Bring firewood and wine. 231 00:26:12,240 --> 00:26:14,390 Hurry, hurry! 232 00:26:16,920 --> 00:26:19,912 Put the wine in the snow and keep it cold. 233 00:26:58,000 --> 00:27:00,912 It only needs some time. 234 00:27:46,920 --> 00:27:50,310 50,000 men went into the mountains. 235 00:27:50,520 --> 00:27:55,071 Measuring just over half came on the other side. 236 00:27:58,240 --> 00:28:00,879 To the Romans to keep away from Cartago -- 237 00:28:01,080 --> 00:28:05,358 - That was a sacrifice I was willing to accept. 238 00:28:17,440 --> 00:28:22,195 The journey took seven months of Cartago. 239 00:28:22,400 --> 00:28:28,032 70,000 men died or deserted road. 240 00:28:30,200 --> 00:28:34,557 An even greater challenge was waiting. 241 00:28:40,240 --> 00:28:42,037 We are touched. 242 00:28:42,240 --> 00:28:47,234 Hannibal came to fight. but are weakened and demoralized troops -- 243 00:28:47,440 --> 00:28:53,197 - Had their real enemy is not in the eye. 244 00:29:01,720 --> 00:29:05,872 They have survived, but now they are all sick. 245 00:29:06,080 --> 00:29:09,789 The General cold, they are not used. 246 00:29:10,640 --> 00:29:14,428 - Can anything be done? - Rust maybe. 247 00:29:14,640 --> 00:29:19,589 But even then I can not say when they will be ready for battle. 248 00:29:28,280 --> 00:29:32,034 - This is no longer an army. - They only need food and rest. 249 00:29:32,240 --> 00:29:36,597 - We need more soldiers. - We will be recruiting local tribes. 250 00:29:36,800 --> 00:29:41,430 - All barbarians. - Warriors Marhabal, like us. 251 00:29:41,640 --> 00:29:44,871 They hate Rome, as we do. 252 00:29:47,320 --> 00:29:50,551 I fought not only against the Romans. 253 00:29:50,760 --> 00:29:54,389 Half of their army of allies came from Italy. 254 00:29:56,840 --> 00:30:01,197 To Rome I had the strength to defeat their tests. 255 00:30:18,600 --> 00:30:20,636 What do you want from me? 256 00:30:20,840 --> 00:30:24,071 Food, weapons and troops. 257 00:30:26,240 --> 00:30:30,472 - To fight the Romans? - In order to defeat them. 258 00:30:30,680 --> 00:30:34,832 Your men look more dead than alive. They're starving and exhausted. 259 00:30:35,040 --> 00:30:38,191 - When you speak of madness. - No. 260 00:30:39,520 --> 00:30:41,158 Freedom. 261 00:30:41,360 --> 00:30:45,911 What if your army leaves? We have Rome earlier assaults. 262 00:30:47,160 --> 00:30:50,391 You know what they do with those who fight them? 263 00:30:50,600 --> 00:30:55,958 They let anyone alive, the bodies of our people were together with our dogs. 264 00:30:56,160 --> 00:31:02,315 If you will be joining us from Rome no longer a threat based. I swear. 265 00:31:18,040 --> 00:31:22,477 Cowards! What have we cowards? 266 00:31:22,680 --> 00:31:27,117 They are not cowards. They previously fought against the Romans. 267 00:31:27,320 --> 00:31:29,914 So what do we do now? 268 00:31:35,080 --> 00:31:39,278 We go back. Over the mountains. 269 00:31:44,960 --> 00:31:49,033 If we stay and fight. 270 00:31:49,240 --> 00:31:51,959 We do not have enough soldiers. 271 00:31:59,520 --> 00:32:02,796 No battle is won in numbers. 272 00:32:03,000 --> 00:32:06,549 What counts is the will to survive. 273 00:32:06,760 --> 00:32:12,039 To that I asked my men to prove the prisoners on trial. A fight to the death. 274 00:32:12,240 --> 00:32:16,074 The reward: their freedom. 275 00:32:23,240 --> 00:32:28,473 I wanted to show my army that they looked dead in the eye -- 276 00:32:28,680 --> 00:32:32,309 - Or would fight for a greater honor. 277 00:33:17,800 --> 00:33:22,954 This man has earned his freedom by fighting to the death. 278 00:33:23,920 --> 00:33:26,798 I gave him no choice. 279 00:33:27,000 --> 00:33:32,870 Just like our gods we have no choice then let us fight for life. 280 00:33:33,080 --> 00:33:37,676 In the coming days for you Roman Army come to stand. 281 00:33:38,840 --> 00:33:41,559 They are by far more than we. 282 00:33:41,760 --> 00:33:45,309 He has more food in his stomach and is better supplied. 283 00:33:45,520 --> 00:33:49,308 But the Roman soldier fights because he gets the order to do so. 284 00:33:49,520 --> 00:33:52,717 We fight to regain what is ours. 285 00:33:52,920 --> 00:33:58,472 The Romans thought that we are barbarians, savages. 286 00:34:00,680 --> 00:34:04,070 Maybe some of us can. 287 00:34:04,280 --> 00:34:06,475 But if we are to battle, -- 288 00:34:06,680 --> 00:34:10,719 - It is the knowledge that courage will give us victory. 289 00:34:10,920 --> 00:34:15,471 Cowardice and hesitation will give us nothing else deliver over the defeat and death. 290 00:34:15,680 --> 00:34:20,390 We fight for our lives! We fight for our Cartago! 291 00:34:50,320 --> 00:34:53,676 Publius Scipios first troops. November 218 BC, northern Italy. 292 00:34:53,880 --> 00:35:00,638 While Hannibal strengthened his army, withdrew Publius Scipios north confrontation meeting. 293 00:35:04,600 --> 00:35:07,876 The sooner we know numbers and position, -- 294 00:35:08,080 --> 00:35:12,232 - The faster we can to punish these barbarian but ever to set foot on Roman territory to have put. 295 00:35:43,480 --> 00:35:46,870 - How much? - 4-5.000 of infantry and cavalry. 296 00:35:47,080 --> 00:35:50,834 Keep your men out of sight behind the hill. 297 00:35:53,000 --> 00:35:56,276 Here it begins. 298 00:36:09,360 --> 00:36:15,037 The Romans would think that we easily targets were weakened by the long journey. 299 00:36:16,040 --> 00:36:20,272 That is exactly what I wish she thought. 300 00:37:53,720 --> 00:37:56,188 A gift of Rome. 301 00:38:05,960 --> 00:38:10,351 - The riders claimed not disappoint General? - They fought bravely and had a good line. 302 00:38:10,560 --> 00:38:12,869 That is so. 303 00:38:13,080 --> 00:38:16,709 Our Roman colleagues had just not much sense in a fight. 304 00:38:16,920 --> 00:38:21,835 - You almost had him slain. - Almost? Did you not look Marhabal? 305 00:38:22,040 --> 00:38:25,316 He was rescued by his son. 306 00:38:26,240 --> 00:38:29,915 Two generations escaped. 307 00:38:30,120 --> 00:38:33,829 The luck seems to them, Which family is this? 308 00:38:34,040 --> 00:38:38,477 It's the Scipio, one of Rome's noblest families. 309 00:38:38,680 --> 00:38:43,629 Their blood is as red as that determined their soldiers. 310 00:38:44,800 --> 00:38:48,554 This time the father was injured. The next time it might be the son in turn. 311 00:38:48,760 --> 00:38:53,880 Then we can stop them, that's noble Scipio. And their service to Rome. 312 00:39:24,000 --> 00:39:28,710 OK, General, Cartago, we join with U. 313 00:39:29,840 --> 00:39:32,149 You're welcome. 314 00:39:32,360 --> 00:39:37,753 What you saw today, is just the beginning. My friend. 315 00:39:44,680 --> 00:39:47,831 Hannibal's first triumph in Roman territory -- 316 00:39:48,040 --> 00:39:52,795 - Sealed an alliance with the Northern Italian strains. 317 00:39:55,160 --> 00:39:59,472 In response, Rome withdrew its troops from Sicily -- 318 00:39:59,680 --> 00:40:02,877 - To strengthen the forces of Scipio. 319 00:40:03,200 --> 00:40:08,479 Consul Sempronius Longus withdraw northward. November 218 BC 320 00:40:23,120 --> 00:40:25,554 - Longus. - Publius. 321 00:40:26,640 --> 00:40:28,710 Thank U. 322 00:40:32,360 --> 00:40:36,797 I understand that you have dad lives through your heroism. 323 00:40:39,240 --> 00:40:43,552 And I'm glad to see that my colleague on the hand is better. 324 00:40:43,760 --> 00:40:48,709 The doctors assure me that I will fully recover. 325 00:40:48,920 --> 00:40:54,790 I believe we should attack Hannibal expeditiously. 326 00:40:57,480 --> 00:41:01,155 And let him enjoy this fortuitous victory. 327 00:41:01,360 --> 00:41:04,909 Coincidentally that was, Longus. 328 00:41:05,120 --> 00:41:10,797 They came from nothing, they trampled us almost before we could draw our swords. 329 00:41:11,000 --> 00:41:15,516 I am so surprised you about the barbarian speaks. 330 00:41:15,720 --> 00:41:19,599 On one days can learn a lot, Sempronius. 331 00:41:19,800 --> 00:41:23,952 For one we confront, I propose that we equip our military to leave this winter. 332 00:41:24,160 --> 00:41:28,711 Every hour that he is on our territory spends is an insult. 333 00:41:28,920 --> 00:41:33,550 We must act, fast action before they can settle. 334 00:41:35,800 --> 00:41:39,076 Tomorrow I go Trebia. 335 00:41:45,280 --> 00:41:51,435 If Consuls Longus Publius and hold the highest political office in Rome. 336 00:41:51,640 --> 00:41:54,871 Every reign lasted one years. 337 00:41:55,640 --> 00:42:00,794 At the end of his term was coming Longus determined to fight. 338 00:42:03,840 --> 00:42:09,119 In Trebia I fought him before his army could prepare. And he bit the bait ini. 339 00:42:09,320 --> 00:42:12,710 25,000 of their best soldiers were massacred. 340 00:42:16,440 --> 00:42:21,355 In Trasmanië turned the horn of the Roman army tegn me. 341 00:42:21,560 --> 00:42:27,192 The protection of fog we drove them to one more and a further 15,000 still bad off. 342 00:42:27,400 --> 00:42:32,269 Some have drowned themselves rather than our sword to finish. 343 00:42:39,960 --> 00:42:44,476 I used only one name, only known to few. 344 00:42:44,680 --> 00:42:48,434 A shadow coming from the mountains. 345 00:42:48,640 --> 00:42:53,430 Now my shaded area on the heart of Italy. 346 00:42:54,440 --> 00:42:57,477 Yet a decisive victory, -- 347 00:42:57,680 --> 00:43:00,911 - And this war would be over. 348 00:43:05,000 --> 00:43:09,073 Hannibal's army stood in battle from Rome. 349 00:43:10,720 --> 00:43:15,669 For the first time in 50 years was appointed a military dictator. 350 00:43:15,880 --> 00:43:19,714 They chose Fabius Maximus. 351 00:43:19,920 --> 00:43:25,756 May I remind you that Hannibal Army at 150 km from Rome. 352 00:43:25,960 --> 00:43:29,748 But we must fight them, fight until they are destroyed. 353 00:43:29,960 --> 00:43:32,918 Or until we go out tenonder. 354 00:43:33,120 --> 00:43:37,989 Do you doubt the courage and the honor of the Romans? 355 00:43:38,200 --> 00:43:44,116 These are the facts, Trebia cost us 20,000 lives. 356 00:43:44,320 --> 00:43:49,792 We lost a Consul and 15,000 Transmanië soldiers. 357 00:43:50,000 --> 00:43:52,639 We are losing. 358 00:43:52,840 --> 00:43:58,836 And if we continue in this way Rome tenonder direct confrontation will go. 359 00:44:04,400 --> 00:44:08,518 Now is the time to be ruthless. 360 00:44:08,720 --> 00:44:13,111 And not only against our enemies but also with ourselves. 361 00:44:14,200 --> 00:44:17,909 To face our failures and our strategic thrust. 362 00:44:18,120 --> 00:44:21,556 What you propose, Fabius? 363 00:44:22,760 --> 00:44:27,356 That we rob him of the only thing he reformatting: 364 00:44:27,560 --> 00:44:29,630 Battles. 365 00:44:29,840 --> 00:44:33,469 The best way to fight him for him not to fight. 366 00:44:33,680 --> 00:44:38,549 Oh yes he has a great army, but it consists of different peoples -- 367 00:44:38,760 --> 00:44:43,197 - Which can easily be divided by blocking their supply ... 368 00:44:45,080 --> 00:44:51,030 ... and the starvation of his troops. In short, we take them in the stomach. 369 00:44:55,720 --> 00:45:00,111 This is a tactic of cowards, not that of soldiers. 370 00:45:00,320 --> 00:45:04,996 Is the Roman army tactics to those of a barbarian? 371 00:45:05,200 --> 00:45:08,510 I would the Roman army to do anything -- 372 00:45:08,720 --> 00:45:13,191 - Hannibal to this once and for all defeat. 373 00:45:17,800 --> 00:45:19,791 On the trip to the south -- 374 00:45:20,000 --> 00:45:23,754 - Gnawed at me like a disease that no enemy could. 375 00:45:26,000 --> 00:45:31,916 - Do they really think if they win? - They know that a hungry army a weak army. 376 00:45:32,120 --> 00:45:35,192 We must find a way so they will attack us. 377 00:45:35,400 --> 00:45:38,073 - Where is the healer? - He is my brother. 378 00:45:38,280 --> 00:45:43,149 We do not need this battlefield to defeat Romans. I want to see their homes burn to ashes. 379 00:45:43,360 --> 00:45:48,832 Their harvest their fields. Making them All feel safe. All in ashes. 380 00:45:49,040 --> 00:45:52,794 Except that of Fabius. 381 00:45:53,000 --> 00:45:56,037 His property must remain intact. 382 00:45:56,880 --> 00:46:02,750 Then we'll see how safe he still feels when he sees those around him are losing everything. 383 00:46:18,000 --> 00:46:22,118 Fabius So, what do you think of your strategy? 384 00:46:24,520 --> 00:46:28,195 He wants to provoke but nly. Let him not. 385 00:46:28,400 --> 00:46:32,598 Your property is not in smoke. 386 00:46:45,360 --> 00:46:49,751 - The infection is very deep. - Can anything be done? 387 00:46:51,480 --> 00:46:55,029 - Sorry - Let me only. 388 00:46:55,240 --> 00:46:57,231 Outside! 389 00:46:59,400 --> 00:47:01,960 Am I my mind? 390 00:47:02,160 --> 00:47:05,072 Yes. Sorry. 391 00:47:08,000 --> 00:47:11,549 Perhaps they see this as a bad omen. 392 00:47:12,960 --> 00:47:16,953 - But it's not. - Of course not. 393 00:47:30,800 --> 00:47:34,759 You know what it means to be a Roman citizen, Scipio? 394 00:47:34,960 --> 00:47:40,273 It means that wherever you are and who you are, -- 395 00:47:40,480 --> 00:47:45,474 - And you are attacked or wrongly treated, that all powers of Rome will defend you. 396 00:47:46,960 --> 00:47:50,748 - This is a unique private empty. - I understand. 397 00:47:50,960 --> 00:47:55,351 This suggests a barbarian example, -- 398 00:47:55,560 --> 00:47:59,030 - To all who live at odds with Rome. 399 00:48:00,680 --> 00:48:04,150 I speak for my own. You are loyal to Fabius. 400 00:48:04,360 --> 00:48:10,310 Fabius is my commander. Who the commander is, he has my support. 401 00:48:10,520 --> 00:48:13,353 Fabius vernederdt Rome. 402 00:48:14,480 --> 00:48:18,268 My friend here has no discipline. Forgive him. 403 00:48:18,480 --> 00:48:23,031 But perhaps this is an interesting. 404 00:48:27,760 --> 00:48:30,911 Hesitate to speak freely, Scipio. 405 00:48:31,120 --> 00:48:34,271 We are among friends. 406 00:48:36,400 --> 00:48:42,635 Our current tactics let us seem weak. Hannibal laughs at us. 407 00:48:44,240 --> 00:48:47,277 This is not the way to Rome should behave. 408 00:48:47,480 --> 00:48:53,430 Zoho, in other circumstances .... 409 00:48:54,920 --> 00:48:57,388 ... You could attack the barbarians? 410 00:48:57,600 --> 00:49:01,354 Yes, with the right leadership. 411 00:49:03,000 --> 00:49:05,195 Well, my friend. 412 00:49:05,400 --> 00:49:09,951 Perhaps Fabius' policy does not long from Rome. 413 00:49:10,160 --> 00:49:15,393 His dictatorship is nearing its end. I probably Wardt consul. 414 00:49:15,600 --> 00:49:19,513 Then we might otherwise find ways to solve our problem. 415 00:49:24,920 --> 00:49:30,199 Six months later, his true ambition, Varro was Consul. 416 00:49:31,720 --> 00:49:37,955 Fabius' dictatorship came to an end and the tactics to Hannibal not to attack. 417 00:49:39,240 --> 00:49:43,711 Scipio was appointed as the new regime general. 418 00:49:45,480 --> 00:49:49,439 He came to Rome the largest army ever been raised -- 419 00:49:49,640 --> 00:49:52,791 - And went to confront Hannibal. 420 00:49:59,120 --> 00:50:03,398 Southern Italy. 216 BC. 421 00:50:23,000 --> 00:50:28,313 It was one of the bloodiest battles ever. 422 00:50:31,720 --> 00:50:36,191 Eight legions seems, 85,000 soldiers. 423 00:50:38,520 --> 00:50:42,911 - Fabius miss you already? - 85,000 ... 424 00:50:45,360 --> 00:50:49,035 - The largest Roman army ever. - They come as one, we will kill them as one. 425 00:50:49,240 --> 00:50:52,994 - They are well trained it is a hard nut. - Discipline is a virtue but a vice. 426 00:50:53,200 --> 00:50:57,113 She learned only one way to fight, that makes them predictable. 427 00:50:57,320 --> 00:51:01,950 We will surprise them, and see each other from falling. 428 00:51:09,760 --> 00:51:11,830 Gisco ... 429 00:51:13,240 --> 00:51:16,550 You're scared. Of course not. 430 00:51:17,760 --> 00:51:20,911 Not required. There there are 80,000 Romans. 431 00:51:22,400 --> 00:51:26,109 But not one of them is called Gisco. 432 00:51:30,480 --> 00:51:34,314 Cannae. 01 augustus 216 BC. 433 00:51:37,800 --> 00:51:40,075 This is ideal. 434 00:51:40,280 --> 00:51:45,638 We us there on the back. At right protected by the river and left through the hills. 435 00:51:46,920 --> 00:51:51,516 They can surprise us with an attack. And their riders can take us in the back. 436 00:51:52,600 --> 00:51:57,230 - That I would not be so sure. - We are almost twice as much as she. 437 00:51:58,080 --> 00:52:03,359 We verzmelen our troops and forming a massive shield and smash their central line. 438 00:52:03,560 --> 00:52:07,314 Then we'll see of what wood it is made. 439 00:52:07,520 --> 00:52:11,718 My only concern is whether he will fight. 440 00:52:13,040 --> 00:52:15,634 Ooh, he will be fighting. 441 00:52:20,320 --> 00:52:23,596 Hannibal's camp. 02 augustus 216 BC. 442 00:52:25,120 --> 00:52:28,112 They are much more and they chose a battlefield, -- 443 00:52:28,320 --> 00:52:31,995 - Ideal for their riders. A smart choice. 444 00:52:32,200 --> 00:52:35,431 But not as smart as they think. 445 00:52:35,640 --> 00:52:39,997 We will prepare our forces in the form of an arc. 446 00:52:40,200 --> 00:52:43,749 Strong and flexible 447 00:52:46,360 --> 00:52:50,273 Mago, you have command of this line. 448 00:52:57,480 --> 00:53:00,313 I can not stress enough how important it is for this battle. 449 00:53:02,480 --> 00:53:06,359 The Romans, our preparation but we see no fear. 450 00:53:08,840 --> 00:53:12,230 They will distrust simply because they have so much more. 451 00:53:12,440 --> 00:53:15,273 We will leave them in the delusion. 452 00:53:20,880 --> 00:53:25,715 Remember that their strength may be their weakness. 453 00:53:27,360 --> 00:53:32,150 Just before our attack lines I want you Maharbal attacking their riders. 454 00:53:32,360 --> 00:53:34,316 Forward! 455 00:53:36,640 --> 00:53:40,394 When they arrive they will see our riders answer. 456 00:53:40,600 --> 00:53:45,833 At all costs you must drive them back and sow confusion. 457 00:53:52,560 --> 00:53:54,232 Continue to progress! 458 00:54:08,280 --> 00:54:13,479 We will suffer huge losses, but you must drive them back. 459 00:54:35,000 --> 00:54:39,949 The Romans will respond by a wave of foot soldiers to send. They have more troops and to take advantage of that. 460 00:54:40,160 --> 00:54:44,597 Soldiers of Rome! The fame! 461 00:55:16,120 --> 00:55:20,432 Be patient brother. ground slowly and give your price. 462 00:55:50,720 --> 00:55:52,756 Automatically converted when your line breaks, and should -- 463 00:55:52,960 --> 00:55:56,714 - They will be sucked. They will send more and more soldiers. 464 00:55:56,920 --> 00:55:59,559 Reserves .. ATTACKS! 465 00:56:09,160 --> 00:56:13,517 Now they think they have won. 466 00:56:19,800 --> 00:56:22,633 Let them taste the victory ... 467 00:56:28,920 --> 00:56:34,790 ... before our hidden reserves and mobilize their flanks to block 468 00:56:51,160 --> 00:56:53,913 They will be surrounded on three sides. 469 00:56:54,680 --> 00:56:58,468 They can only backwards. 470 00:57:33,320 --> 00:57:36,392 Then you come back with your cavalry and cut them off the pass. 471 00:57:39,280 --> 00:57:41,840 No mercy. 472 00:57:56,520 --> 00:58:01,878 Cannae, southern Italy. The summer of 216 BC. 473 00:59:02,760 --> 00:59:06,878 It was the biggest ever victory on the battlefield. 474 00:59:07,080 --> 00:59:10,789 60,000 Romans slain by our swords. 475 00:59:11,000 --> 00:59:16,279 The military and political elite slaughtered in one days. 476 00:59:16,480 --> 00:59:22,271 A victory greater than that of Alexander or equal to me who on the planet. 477 00:59:23,520 --> 00:59:27,115 And yet I felt no triomfator. 478 00:59:40,920 --> 00:59:47,109 Cannae was the darkest chapter in Roman history. 479 00:59:51,000 --> 00:59:57,838 Everything that Rome had ever stood in a few hours uitgeveegd Hannibal. 480 00:59:59,160 --> 01:00:03,756 his next move would be the outcome of the war record -- 481 01:00:03,960 --> 01:00:06,997 - And walk of history. 482 01:00:17,600 --> 01:00:21,115 We must quickly leave ... to Rome. 483 01:00:21,960 --> 01:00:25,350 My men can be ready for council days. 484 01:00:26,520 --> 01:00:29,080 We do not go to Rome. 485 01:00:29,280 --> 01:00:31,748 - It's over, we won. - No. 486 01:00:31,960 --> 01:00:37,193 Not before Rome is destroyed and wiped off the map. 487 01:00:38,320 --> 01:00:40,595 Why? 488 01:00:40,800 --> 01:00:44,679 What?! We are not barbarians! 489 01:00:45,880 --> 01:00:50,476 Rome sits on his knees, to prove that we we should have won the city can not destroy. 490 01:00:53,680 --> 01:00:57,992 We will no more, Maharbal. 491 01:00:58,200 --> 01:01:00,031 It's over. 492 01:01:01,960 --> 01:01:06,590 The gods have not given everything to one man. 493 01:01:06,800 --> 01:01:12,193 You know how to win, Hannibal. But you do not know how to consolidate the victory 494 01:01:13,440 --> 01:01:16,238 What do you propose? 495 01:01:19,680 --> 01:01:23,514 We give Rome the conditions for their surrender. 496 01:01:34,920 --> 01:01:40,552 Cannae was Hannibal's third great victory over Roman territory. 497 01:01:40,760 --> 01:01:46,995 The standards of the then war had been to secure victory over Rome. 498 01:01:49,120 --> 01:01:53,557 But Rome was not ready to accept defeat. 499 01:01:56,160 --> 01:01:59,550 I will not point the finger. 500 01:01:59,760 --> 01:02:03,673 I will not blame. 501 01:02:03,880 --> 01:02:08,032 But this I say so. If Rome wants to survive, -- 502 01:02:08,240 --> 01:02:11,550 - NOW it has a new army needed. 503 01:02:13,680 --> 01:02:17,070 I lower the age for recruitment to 17 -- 504 01:02:17,280 --> 01:02:21,273 - And reduce the qualification requirements for military enlistment. 505 01:02:21,480 --> 01:02:23,471 And I go further. 506 01:02:23,680 --> 01:02:29,357 I grant amnesty to all criminals and slaves who would fight under the Roman flag. 507 01:02:30,560 --> 01:02:34,030 We will find soldiers wherever we can. 508 01:02:34,240 --> 01:02:38,677 We will use all means available. And if that means we have to empty out the temples -- 509 01:02:38,880 --> 01:02:43,670 - And the weapons and gold that we sacrificed to the gods back, then whether it be so. 510 01:02:43,880 --> 01:02:46,553 - Da is blasphemy! - It is the reality 511 01:02:46,760 --> 01:02:51,038 The gods have weapons unnecessary. We do! 512 01:02:53,200 --> 01:02:56,351 No more battles. 513 01:02:56,560 --> 01:03:00,269 No more noble gestures. 514 01:03:00,480 --> 01:03:05,998 We will chase those barbarians, little by little, day by day -- 515 01:03:06,200 --> 01:03:09,954 - Until there is nothing left of him shooting over substance -- 516 01:03:10,160 --> 01:03:14,790 - As I said from the beginning. 517 01:03:15,680 --> 01:03:19,912 Arogantie and proudly brought us where we are today. 518 01:03:20,120 --> 01:03:24,193 But this is not a battle for the honor or the glory -- 519 01:03:24,400 --> 01:03:27,073 - Or to make promotional 520 01:03:28,440 --> 01:03:33,389 This is a fight to the death! For the survival of Rome itself. 521 01:03:36,600 --> 01:03:39,558 They were supposed to surrender. 522 01:03:39,760 --> 01:03:44,231 Did you really think that the Roman would surrender? 523 01:03:47,040 --> 01:03:50,191 We passed through this country on our willpower. 524 01:03:50,400 --> 01:03:54,757 We destroyed all our armies they afstuurden! Several times we have battles they won. 525 01:03:54,960 --> 01:03:58,953 The Romans could not forever continue to compose new armies. 526 01:03:59,160 --> 01:04:02,038 Neither appoint new leaders. Under the rules of the art would have ended here. 527 01:04:02,240 --> 01:04:05,391 We always followed the rules? 528 01:04:10,120 --> 01:04:12,315 Brother ... 529 01:04:12,520 --> 01:04:16,308 - I want you to return to Cartago. - Why? 530 01:04:16,520 --> 01:04:21,958 In order to persuade the Senate to send more troops so that we can finish here. 531 01:04:22,160 --> 01:04:25,391 We take town after town Italy, -- 532 01:04:25,600 --> 01:04:31,914 - To Rome is completely surrounded by hostile territory so they have to surrender. 533 01:04:37,360 --> 01:04:40,079 Cartago. The Elder Board. Autumn of 216 BC. 534 01:04:51,920 --> 01:04:57,040 These are the rings of Roman senators, -- 535 01:04:57,240 --> 01:05:00,915 - Who have died by our swords. 536 01:05:02,800 --> 01:05:08,193 They are the symbols of our many victories in Rome. 537 01:05:11,400 --> 01:05:15,188 What we need now is more troops ... 538 01:05:16,720 --> 01:05:21,236 ... once and for all so we can end this war. 539 01:05:22,120 --> 01:05:26,750 Well ... Mago Barca If the Romans are still nearly defeated -- 540 01:05:26,960 --> 01:05:30,748 - Your brothers by heroic troops, why has he now needs our help? 541 01:05:30,960 --> 01:05:35,988 With new resources and more troops can we stop this campaign. 542 01:05:36,200 --> 01:05:41,274 I seem to remember that your brother that we would be short lived. 543 01:05:41,480 --> 01:05:46,270 How long will it take now? Three years. 544 01:05:46,480 --> 01:05:49,074 And what have you achieved? 545 01:05:50,680 --> 01:05:53,353 This campaign is about my friends. 546 01:05:53,560 --> 01:05:59,078 Hannibal's army in Italy receives no further support of these Senate. 547 01:05:59,280 --> 01:06:03,512 Furthermore, I want you, Mago Barca, -- 548 01:06:03,720 --> 01:06:06,917 - Gets the order of the reinforcements, -- 549 01:06:07,120 --> 01:06:10,715 - We will send to Spain. 550 01:06:20,680 --> 01:06:25,708 We won and won and won again. 551 01:06:25,920 --> 01:06:29,230 But they are sending reinforcements -- 552 01:06:29,440 --> 01:06:33,319 - To everyone except for Hannibal. 553 01:06:35,120 --> 01:06:38,396 His enemies are still powerful. 554 01:06:38,600 --> 01:06:42,593 They are all jealous of him, now more than ever. 555 01:06:51,560 --> 01:06:53,869 If we have control in Spain, -- 556 01:06:54,080 --> 01:06:58,756 - I return to Hannibal and I will take as many soldiers as I can. 557 01:06:58,960 --> 01:07:02,032 They let him down by his successes. 558 01:07:02,240 --> 01:07:05,869 What will they do if it fails? 559 01:07:06,880 --> 01:07:10,429 Pray for him, so he does not fail. 560 01:07:22,800 --> 01:07:28,079 Without reinforcements could Hannibal not attack Rome. 561 01:07:29,240 --> 01:07:33,518 For the next seven years he was isolated from everything. 562 01:07:37,400 --> 01:07:39,550 Rome. 210 BC. 563 01:07:39,760 --> 01:07:43,639 While Rome was ever stronger anda plan devised, -- 564 01:07:43,840 --> 01:07:47,833 - In order to end the war with Hannibal. 565 01:07:49,600 --> 01:07:55,789 - What is so urgent, Scipio? - I have a proposal. - Yes, I already thought 566 01:07:56,000 --> 01:07:59,037 Hannibal now we fight nine years. 567 01:07:59,240 --> 01:08:02,949 And you gave Rome a shield which the enemy apparently not affected by ... 568 01:08:03,160 --> 01:08:06,596 Yeah, what do you do? 569 01:08:06,800 --> 01:08:12,318 One victory does not reach you through your hide, but by the sword. 570 01:08:15,760 --> 01:08:21,790 Fine words, Scipio. But the last time we made the same mistake and was almost killed us. 571 01:08:22,000 --> 01:08:26,073 Only a fool makes the same mistakes twice. 572 01:08:26,280 --> 01:08:30,239 I mean, here we leave everything as it is - 573 01:08:30,440 --> 01:08:34,558 - But we do an invasion in Spain -- 574 01:08:34,760 --> 01:08:39,914 Hannibal while sitting here, we Cartagoniërs yonder a beating. 575 01:08:40,120 --> 01:08:43,032 It is precisely hetgene he did with us. 576 01:08:43,240 --> 01:08:46,198 And who will lead new army? 577 01:08:49,640 --> 01:08:53,918 Are not you too young to lead a Roman army? You know the rules. 578 01:08:54,120 --> 01:08:57,999 Fabius And you know how to reverse that. 579 01:08:58,200 --> 01:09:04,309 Sorry, Scipio. I do not think Rome will take that risk. 580 01:09:04,520 --> 01:09:11,119 But Fabius underestimated Rome's desire to end the war with Hannibal. 581 01:09:15,600 --> 01:09:20,879 After ten years working to have seen Hannibal, Scipio would immediately prove -- 582 01:09:21,080 --> 01:09:23,469 - How he had just learned. 583 01:09:27,080 --> 01:09:31,676 We must always ask what the enemy least expects. 584 01:09:33,240 --> 01:09:36,038 And that we do. 585 01:09:38,520 --> 01:09:43,799 His brothers, we will expect them in an open battle will impugn, ... as we always did. 586 01:09:44,800 --> 01:09:47,109 But we just do not. 587 01:09:47,320 --> 01:09:52,110 Instead, we failed to do in Italy where Hannibal 588 01:09:53,000 --> 01:09:55,753 We go to their capital. 589 01:09:55,960 --> 01:09:59,157 New Cartago is our goal. 590 01:10:00,600 --> 01:10:03,717 We lure away their defense, and thus lure them in the fall -- 591 01:10:03,920 --> 01:10:07,276 - We will destroy the city. 592 01:10:07,480 --> 01:10:09,914 We will know no mercy. 593 01:10:30,360 --> 01:10:32,874 While Scipio engulfing Spain, -- 594 01:10:33,080 --> 01:10:36,356 - The only man who could stop, -- 595 01:10:36,560 --> 01:10:41,156 - Was ordered to remain in Italy. Powerless. 596 01:10:49,400 --> 01:10:53,996 General, I see no good omens in the entrails. 597 01:10:54,200 --> 01:10:59,194 But look deeper. I'm tired you fumbling. 598 01:10:59,400 --> 01:11:01,277 You would not think I am lying, General? 599 01:11:01,480 --> 01:11:05,996 I would let you cut open and serve as it would help me .... Bit priest. 600 01:11:06,200 --> 01:11:09,397 Why the gods in question? 601 01:11:10,240 --> 01:11:13,550 The war is not fought. 602 01:11:14,760 --> 01:11:20,198 Scipio wins victory after victory in Spain on our territory -- 603 01:11:20,400 --> 01:11:23,756 - While we rot. 604 01:11:25,080 --> 01:11:29,153 Is this the end, Hannibal? 605 01:11:33,520 --> 01:11:39,152 I call my brother. Hasdrubal? He questioned me like you. 606 01:11:39,360 --> 01:11:42,875 - But together we Rome. - The Senate will never .... 607 01:11:43,080 --> 01:11:46,470 The pot on the Senate! They do not read me the law. 608 01:11:46,680 --> 01:11:51,435 These cowards will not say what I can and can not do. 609 01:11:53,920 --> 01:11:57,959 I had my brother Hasdrubal not seen in 11 years. 610 01:11:58,160 --> 01:12:02,597 I asked him that his army from Spain brought us here to strengthen. 611 01:12:02,800 --> 01:12:06,236 He said that he was on. 612 01:12:07,000 --> 01:12:09,753 Take this message to my brother. 613 01:12:12,320 --> 01:12:16,916 Together with him I knew we would be invincible. 614 01:12:26,280 --> 01:12:30,717 The problem was that Fabius knew. 615 01:12:32,880 --> 01:12:36,668 Their two armies plans to join together in Umbriëm. 616 01:12:36,880 --> 01:12:41,271 Well. Let us prepare a welcome. 617 01:12:55,000 --> 01:12:56,638 Stand, beware! 618 01:13:29,400 --> 01:13:32,551 - 50,000 lives are in your hands. - You could follow them brother. 619 01:13:32,760 --> 01:13:35,320 Is this how it all ends? 620 01:13:35,520 --> 01:13:39,195 - They follow you until death. - I will be an enemy of Rome. 621 01:13:45,360 --> 01:13:50,832 With Hasdrubal Hannibal's death took the hope of victory in Rome. 622 01:13:53,520 --> 01:13:58,469 Scipio returned to Rome as large triomfater back. 623 01:13:58,680 --> 01:14:02,798 Now he zlefs even greater ambition. 624 01:14:05,160 --> 01:14:08,311 Roman senators, I thank You 625 01:14:08,520 --> 01:14:12,229 But there's more glory to gather. 626 01:14:13,880 --> 01:14:18,476 With the conquest of Spain only, we win this war. 627 01:14:19,720 --> 01:14:24,316 To safeguard our country from the occupiers of Cartago 628 01:14:26,080 --> 01:14:30,596 ... we must fight to bring Africa. 629 01:14:31,960 --> 01:14:34,190 To Cartago. 630 01:14:36,080 --> 01:14:42,189 Cartago will attack them if we recall Hannibal to defend their homeland. 631 01:14:42,400 --> 01:14:46,871 And on African soil, I will beat him! 632 01:14:59,120 --> 01:15:00,917 Like Hannibal threatened Rome once, -- 633 01:15:02,720 --> 01:15:07,111 - Scipio was now planning to take in Cartago. 634 01:15:08,640 --> 01:15:12,758 The elders council, Cartago, North Africa. We are experiencing the greatest crisis of the past 40 years 635 01:15:12,960 --> 01:15:15,872 The enemy is on our territory -- 636 01:15:16,080 --> 01:15:19,516 - And threatened our survival. 637 01:15:21,120 --> 01:15:25,955 We should take all measures to secure our homeland. 638 01:15:29,200 --> 01:15:33,034 Hannibal should we not get back? 639 01:15:34,080 --> 01:15:39,029 It is his fault that we are in this mess there. 640 01:15:39,240 --> 01:15:43,153 Had Italy not attacked by crazy, -- 641 01:15:43,360 --> 01:15:46,955 - Had he not deprive Spain of his defense -- 642 01:15:47,160 --> 01:15:50,470 - Then our enemy now had not felt so comfortable .. 643 01:15:51,920 --> 01:15:56,755 The decision not to recall Hannibal was a disaster. 644 01:15:59,280 --> 01:16:05,549 Cartagos army was crushed in the battle for Great Plains. 645 01:16:23,640 --> 01:16:28,714 Hannibal remained one years in exile -- 646 01:16:28,920 --> 01:16:34,278 - Until he was called back to Cartago verde dereputatie of things and the politicians to save. 647 01:16:37,560 --> 01:16:40,996 But already in the beginning was it him. 648 01:16:43,720 --> 01:16:47,838 - We are losing our allies to Rome. - Scipio is not stupid. 649 01:16:48,040 --> 01:16:53,068 He uses exactly the same tactic we used against him. We weaken our allies poaching. 650 01:16:53,280 --> 01:16:57,273 These allies include the Numidian cavalry 651 01:16:58,040 --> 01:17:00,156 How? 652 01:17:00,360 --> 01:17:02,191 4000. 653 01:17:04,920 --> 01:17:10,358 So they have a stronger cavalry. Our only real advantage. 654 01:17:10,560 --> 01:17:14,269 All we have is still an army of untrained recruits. 655 01:17:15,080 --> 01:17:19,517 - We still have you General. - And I love you still, and all the gods I shall you need. 656 01:17:21,760 --> 01:17:24,957 Scipio is in Zama. 657 01:17:25,160 --> 01:17:27,230 Yes. 658 01:17:27,440 --> 01:17:33,515 I want as soon as possible and know its exact strength at his disposal. 659 01:17:36,200 --> 01:17:40,910 Scipios' camp. Zama, North Africa. 202 BC. 660 01:18:01,440 --> 01:18:04,671 Hannibal 'camp. Zama, North Africa. 202 BC. 661 01:18:05,680 --> 01:18:10,037 Those things are still too young General, We must have training. 662 01:18:10,240 --> 01:18:12,959 But they have never disappointed me. ....... General. 663 01:18:14,760 --> 01:18:20,278 - We thought we were dead ... - But they just gave us a tour. 664 01:18:21,840 --> 01:18:24,718 They showed you their camp? 665 01:18:24,920 --> 01:18:30,278 Scipio himself showed us everything. 666 01:18:32,960 --> 01:18:37,590 We thought we were dead, we thought they would kill us. 667 01:18:37,800 --> 01:18:42,715 But he, the General, showed us his camp. 668 01:18:42,920 --> 01:18:47,152 What he showed you? His Numidian cavalry? 669 01:18:47,360 --> 01:18:51,353 Yes. He showed us that first of al 670 01:18:52,480 --> 01:18:56,837 - Since I have no doubt. - Sorry, General ... 671 01:18:57,040 --> 01:19:02,558 You did what you had to do. I can ask nothing of you. You may go back to your department. 672 01:19:06,640 --> 01:19:11,668 What he tries to do? He tries to scare us or is he vechetn us? 673 01:19:13,480 --> 01:19:16,313 I would not know. 674 01:19:16,520 --> 01:19:19,671 I want to talk to him. 675 01:19:29,000 --> 01:19:34,791 Hannibal and Scipio came face to face on the plains of Zama. 676 01:20:04,560 --> 01:20:08,712 This battle is for nothing, Scipio. 677 01:20:10,520 --> 01:20:14,354 I always thought I understood you. 678 01:20:14,560 --> 01:20:17,836 The man understood that took such great risks. 679 01:20:18,040 --> 01:20:24,115 Then it is a surprise to learn that Hannibal would have run away from a fight. 680 01:20:24,320 --> 01:20:27,551 Rome oeren will not believe. 681 01:20:33,360 --> 01:20:36,318 There are already too many deaths. 682 01:20:36,520 --> 01:20:41,389 A pointless slaughter of good men on both sides can be avoided. 683 01:20:41,600 --> 01:20:43,909 No. 684 01:20:44,120 --> 01:20:49,433 If there is one thing I learned is that war should be fought completely. 685 01:20:50,160 --> 01:20:55,188 - You taught me that lesson. - You have achieved everything you owe to me, Scipio. 686 01:20:56,400 --> 01:20:58,960 If I had not been -- 687 01:20:59,160 --> 01:21:03,950 - You would have become commander? I made you great. 688 01:21:04,160 --> 01:21:08,676 You were the cause, that is not the same. 689 01:21:12,680 --> 01:21:16,593 Had you taken to Rome when our gates were open for you, then we would not now stand. 690 01:21:16,800 --> 01:21:19,997 You did not call it then. 691 01:21:20,200 --> 01:21:24,512 - I will finish it NOW. - Do not personally. 692 01:21:24,720 --> 01:21:29,840 It became personal when you put foot down on Roman territory. 693 01:21:32,000 --> 01:21:36,278 Tomorrow we will decide on the course of our history. 694 01:21:51,240 --> 01:21:56,360 The battle was fought at Zama. 150 km south of Cartago. 695 01:21:56,560 --> 01:22:01,953 In his 16 years campaign against Hannibal Rome had not lost a battle. 696 01:22:45,600 --> 01:22:48,717 Hannibal's army had 50,000 soldiers -- 697 01:22:48,920 --> 01:22:52,595 - 30,000 more than Sciopos' army. 698 01:22:54,000 --> 01:22:59,233 His 80 war elephants, the first Roman infantry attacks. 699 01:23:31,800 --> 01:23:37,238 But Scipio anticipated well, -- 700 01:23:37,440 --> 01:23:40,238 - At the last moment were his lines open 701 01:23:40,440 --> 01:23:44,319 - The beasts were lured into corridors of death. 702 01:23:58,440 --> 01:24:03,878 The surviving elephant turned back and trampled their own army. 703 01:24:10,520 --> 01:24:14,433 All of my Roman enemies showed a weakness that I could exploit. 704 01:24:14,640 --> 01:24:18,918 I was always too smart, too strong and moisture better than them. 705 01:24:19,120 --> 01:24:21,509 Save Scipio. 706 01:24:21,720 --> 01:24:26,191 Scipio imitated my own copy my strategy and tactics. 707 01:24:26,400 --> 01:24:30,598 Only now I saw how well he understood me. 708 01:24:31,720 --> 01:24:36,271 The riders that he had taken from me, got the order to determine our fate, -- 709 01:24:36,480 --> 01:24:39,631 - Just as we did with them at Cannae. 710 01:24:39,840 --> 01:24:44,391 In Zama he used everything he learned from me, -- 711 01:24:44,600 --> 01:24:47,068 - To beat me. 712 01:24:47,920 --> 01:24:53,438 General, put yourself in veilgheid. You must live 713 01:24:53,640 --> 01:24:58,589 Cartago, you need live. 714 01:25:05,360 --> 01:25:08,955 Hannibal fled Zama. 715 01:25:09,160 --> 01:25:12,789 The war was over. Rome had won. 716 01:25:15,200 --> 01:25:18,875 19 years later. 717 01:25:22,160 --> 01:25:27,792 But as long as Hannibal was alive Rome would know no peace. 718 01:25:31,160 --> 01:25:36,029 She finally found him in northern Turkey Bitnië. 719 01:25:51,600 --> 01:25:56,515 Hannibal Rome would never give the satisfaction that they could kill him. 720 01:26:06,480 --> 01:26:12,715 Now is the time for the Romans to deliver this hated old man. 721 01:26:34,800 --> 01:26:36,836 Fabius saved Rome from its biggest crisis. 722 01:26:37,040 --> 01:26:40,430 But did not live long enough to defeat Hannibal at Zama to see. 723 01:26:40,640 --> 01:26:44,235 Mago his brother would never look back 724 01:26:44,440 --> 01:26:47,113 He died at sea before the battle of Zama. 725 01:26:47,320 --> 01:26:53,395 Scipios political career had never seen such success as his military. 726 01:26:53,600 --> 01:26:57,229 He died shortly after Hannibal. 727 01:27:08,560 --> 01:27:11,154 - Is that all? - Yes General. 728 01:27:15,760 --> 01:27:19,036 I just wrote what he told me. 729 01:27:19,240 --> 01:27:21,629 I ..... I know. 730 01:27:23,440 --> 01:27:27,911 And if anyone ever man who will read his stories, -- 731 01:27:28,120 --> 01:27:30,953 - Then the Romans are. 732 01:27:31,160 --> 01:27:35,119 Hannibal Rome brought to the abyss of destruction. 733 01:27:35,320 --> 01:27:39,791 But after the battle of Cannae Rome not to take -- 734 01:27:40,000 --> 01:27:44,391 - He failed to give them the kiss of death. 735 01:27:44,600 --> 01:27:48,354 Through his threatening Rome undertook action. 736 01:27:48,560 --> 01:27:53,395 Eventually the power that they could ever prevail - 737 01:27:53,600 --> 01:27:58,674 - Not only Cartago but also almost the entire known world. 738 01:27:58,880 --> 01:28:04,034 Even after his suicide did Hannibal go live in the minds of the Romans. 739 01:28:04,240 --> 01:28:08,119 Spokend always a painful reminder. 740 01:28:08,320 --> 01:28:11,073 Rome's worst nightmare. 741 01:28:12,500 --> 01:28:19,000 Translated by Euro Counter for the ab on 18-11-2006.