1 00:00:00,300 --> 00:00:01,767 Previously on "dexter"... 2 00:00:02,567 --> 00:00:04,133 Dexter: it is my new friend. 3 00:00:04,200 --> 00:00:05,701 When he broke Into my apartment, 4 00:00:05,767 --> 00:00:08,434 He took some time To get to know me - my life, 5 00:00:08,501 --> 00:00:11,167 My secrets. 6 00:00:13,267 --> 00:00:15,667 Same as the others - No blood. 7 00:00:15,734 --> 00:00:18,167 Somebody who was here Last night saw something. 8 00:00:18,234 --> 00:00:20,234 They got a night watchman, But we can't find him. 9 00:00:20,300 --> 00:00:22,133 Dexter: It's the guard - tucci. 10 00:00:22,200 --> 00:00:24,133 I think he's alive. 11 00:00:24,200 --> 00:00:27,634 Matthews: taking tucci Over to county. 12 00:00:27,701 --> 00:00:29,734 Rudy here is gonna put me Back together again. 13 00:00:29,801 --> 00:00:32,901 Yo, pretty boy, You're stealing my thunder. 14 00:00:32,968 --> 00:00:34,133 I don't know. 15 00:00:34,200 --> 00:00:36,467 I just might have to Fight you for this one. 16 00:00:36,534 --> 00:00:39,100 How about you focus on Whether or not he was the man 17 00:00:39,167 --> 00:00:41,634 You saw at the old hospital That night, mr. Perry? 18 00:00:41,701 --> 00:00:44,234 It was difficult to tell. It was dark. 19 00:00:44,300 --> 00:00:48,200 Florida prisons kick free 25,000 inmates a year. 20 00:00:48,267 --> 00:00:50,234 I search for the ones who think They beat the system, 21 00:00:50,300 --> 00:00:52,200 Like jeremy downs. 22 00:00:52,267 --> 00:00:53,667 Jeremy got off easy. 23 00:00:53,734 --> 00:00:56,334 To the coroner, the knife Strokes looked random, 24 00:00:56,400 --> 00:00:58,701 But i saw the work Of a young virtuoso. 25 00:00:59,767 --> 00:01:01,434 Are you gonna fuck me, Faggot? 26 00:01:01,501 --> 00:01:03,734 'Cause i killed The last guy who raped me. 27 00:01:03,801 --> 00:01:06,601 I understand now. 28 00:01:06,667 --> 00:01:09,501 Jeremy didn't murder that boy Four years ago. 29 00:01:09,567 --> 00:01:12,334 He was taking out the garbage. 30 00:01:12,400 --> 00:01:13,901 Wait, is that all? 31 00:03:15,200 --> 00:03:18,734 The fbi estimates that there Are less than 50 serial killers 32 00:03:18,801 --> 00:03:20,934 Active in the united states Today. 33 00:03:25,868 --> 00:03:28,133 We don't get together At conventions, 34 00:03:28,200 --> 00:03:31,901 Share trade secrets, Or exchange christmas cards... 35 00:03:31,968 --> 00:03:35,367 But sometimes i wonder What it's like for the others. 36 00:03:37,601 --> 00:03:40,701 The only sound i hear, 37 00:03:40,767 --> 00:03:42,901 The only sound In the entire world... 38 00:03:44,367 --> 00:03:46,267 ...is my heart beating. 39 00:04:02,367 --> 00:04:04,801 I swear to christ, morgan, After this case, 40 00:04:04,868 --> 00:04:07,200 I'm submitting your ass For psychiatric evaluation. 41 00:04:08,367 --> 00:04:10,767 I'm just retracing Castoff patterns, 42 00:04:10,834 --> 00:04:12,133 Directionality angles. 43 00:04:12,200 --> 00:04:14,167 Can you tell us What happened here or not? 44 00:04:14,234 --> 00:04:15,467 It's an execution. 45 00:04:15,534 --> 00:04:17,901 The kid's an honor student, Editor of his school yearbook. 46 00:04:17,968 --> 00:04:19,467 It's all in the knife work. 47 00:04:19,534 --> 00:04:21,334 It's skillful, No wasted motion. 48 00:04:21,400 --> 00:04:23,067 The killer had experience. 49 00:04:23,133 --> 00:04:26,033 Every stroke Hit a major artery... 50 00:04:26,100 --> 00:04:29,000 Or at least came close. 51 00:04:36,567 --> 00:04:40,501 Are you getting a goddamn Hard-on there, morgan? 52 00:04:41,734 --> 00:04:43,200 No, it's truly horrific. 53 00:04:43,267 --> 00:04:45,300 He was yearbook committee, You said? 54 00:04:45,367 --> 00:04:47,501 I want your report On this tomorrow. 55 00:04:53,167 --> 00:04:54,701 I wish i could say 56 00:04:54,767 --> 00:04:57,400 Sergeant doakes is my Biggest problem right now, 57 00:04:57,467 --> 00:04:59,000 But he's not. 58 00:05:00,534 --> 00:05:03,734 I've seen these wounds before. 59 00:05:06,667 --> 00:05:09,033 You're drooling On laguerta's couch. 60 00:05:11,501 --> 00:05:13,634 Debra: you pulling A midnight shift? 61 00:05:13,701 --> 00:05:16,167 Lopez has the trots. Why are you still here? 62 00:05:16,234 --> 00:05:17,634 Why not? 63 00:05:17,701 --> 00:05:20,000 Nothing at home except an empty Fridge and an empty bed. 64 00:05:20,067 --> 00:05:22,300 If i wasn't married And 10 years younger... 65 00:05:22,367 --> 00:05:24,601 I'd still be in high school. Keep dreaming. 66 00:05:24,667 --> 00:05:26,200 Wiseass. 67 00:05:26,267 --> 00:05:28,701 I've been chasing leads On the ice-truck killer. 68 00:05:28,767 --> 00:05:30,601 Pathetic long shots, Mostly. 69 00:05:30,667 --> 00:05:32,567 Yeah? What kind of leads? 70 00:05:32,634 --> 00:05:34,067 I looked at the research. 71 00:05:34,133 --> 00:05:36,634 With mass murderers, it's dumb Shit that trips them up. 72 00:05:36,701 --> 00:05:39,801 Son of sam got a parking ticket Outside his own crime scene. 73 00:05:39,868 --> 00:05:41,634 So you ran Parking violations 74 00:05:41,701 --> 00:05:43,534 At the crime scenes Of our guy? 75 00:05:43,601 --> 00:05:45,067 Smart. 76 00:05:45,133 --> 00:05:47,801 Yeah, but none of the registered Owners had criminal records. 77 00:05:47,868 --> 00:05:50,567 Try "moving violations. " 78 00:05:50,634 --> 00:05:54,234 Timothy mcveigh drove way Too fast on the way out of town. 79 00:05:59,734 --> 00:06:01,767 Neil perry - I know that name. 80 00:06:07,367 --> 00:06:09,934 Yeah, he came forward As a witness two weeks ago 81 00:06:10,000 --> 00:06:12,234 When pieces of tony tucci Were showing up around town. 82 00:06:12,300 --> 00:06:13,868 He rode through a stop sign 83 00:06:13,934 --> 00:06:16,133 Two blocks From the third crime scene 84 00:06:16,200 --> 00:06:17,934 At the seven seas motel. 85 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:20,000 Why would A voluntary witness 86 00:06:20,067 --> 00:06:22,200 Be at two separate Crime scenes? 87 00:06:22,267 --> 00:06:23,434 I don't know. 88 00:06:23,501 --> 00:06:25,501 Maybe he was Chopping up hookers. 89 00:06:25,567 --> 00:06:28,501 Holy mother of fuck, Is this him? 90 00:06:28,567 --> 00:06:30,067 Let's find out. 91 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:35,234 Are you sure This is the right address? 92 00:06:35,300 --> 00:06:37,501 According to dmv, This is where perry lives. 93 00:06:37,567 --> 00:06:39,801 With his seven inbred cousins, By the look of it. 94 00:06:39,868 --> 00:06:41,567 Something Has got to be wrong 95 00:06:41,634 --> 00:06:43,567 With somebody that can live In a steel box. 96 00:06:43,634 --> 00:06:45,334 Aluminum, actually. 97 00:06:45,400 --> 00:06:47,634 Nina and i had A deluxe multisectional. 98 00:06:47,701 --> 00:06:48,901 For real? 99 00:06:48,968 --> 00:06:52,100 It was our starter home. 100 00:06:52,167 --> 00:06:53,501 This is our car. 101 00:06:53,567 --> 00:06:55,267 One of the victims Was seen 102 00:06:55,334 --> 00:06:56,868 Getting in a wood-paneled Station wagon 103 00:06:56,934 --> 00:06:58,634 On the night of her death. 104 00:06:58,701 --> 00:07:00,667 Let's take one step at a time. Let's find our guy. 105 00:07:00,734 --> 00:07:02,200 According to his files, 106 00:07:02,267 --> 00:07:04,834 He works as a computer analyst For miami lake. 107 00:07:04,901 --> 00:07:06,968 Look up... slowly. 108 00:07:08,868 --> 00:07:11,334 All right, Take the front door. 109 00:07:11,400 --> 00:07:13,133 Cover all the exits. I'm going to the back. 110 00:07:13,200 --> 00:07:14,534 Okay. 111 00:07:22,234 --> 00:07:24,968 Open up, perry! It's the police! 112 00:07:25,033 --> 00:07:27,334 Open up, perry! Police! 113 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:28,667 Open up, perry! 114 00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:34,534 Open the door! 115 00:07:37,667 --> 00:07:39,234 Hey, angel, i got him! 116 00:07:39,300 --> 00:07:41,734 Police! Stop running, perry! 117 00:07:41,801 --> 00:07:44,033 Get the fuck down! 118 00:07:53,000 --> 00:07:54,400 Fuck! 119 00:08:10,100 --> 00:08:13,200 I knew i recognized The knife work of the killer. 120 00:08:13,267 --> 00:08:14,868 Jeremy downs. 121 00:08:14,934 --> 00:08:16,067 I had him. 122 00:08:16,133 --> 00:08:17,934 He was mine... 123 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:21,734 Until i found out the boy Jeremy killed raped him... 124 00:08:21,801 --> 00:08:24,067 So i let jeremy go. 125 00:08:25,100 --> 00:08:27,000 It seemed fair. 126 00:08:27,067 --> 00:08:30,767 But my random act of kindness Was misguided. 127 00:08:30,834 --> 00:08:33,067 If i had followed My instincts, 128 00:08:33,133 --> 00:08:35,267 This boy's high-school yearbook Would still have an editor. 129 00:08:35,334 --> 00:08:38,501 Laguerta: captain matthews Is coordinating the fdle 130 00:08:38,567 --> 00:08:40,968 To launch a statewide manhunt... 131 00:08:43,100 --> 00:08:45,801 The task force will tear apart The house for any evidence 132 00:08:45,868 --> 00:08:48,434 That links neil perry To the ice-truck murders. 133 00:08:48,501 --> 00:08:51,934 We need proof this time, People - tangible proof. 134 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:53,601 What is it? 135 00:08:53,667 --> 00:08:56,133 They really found The ice-truck killer? 136 00:08:56,200 --> 00:08:58,834 I did. 137 00:08:58,901 --> 00:09:00,467 Yes, yes. 138 00:09:00,534 --> 00:09:02,667 We will financially guarantee Extradition from anywhere. 139 00:09:02,734 --> 00:09:04,000 James? 140 00:09:04,067 --> 00:09:06,067 Yeah, i'm on it, lieutenant. I'll run the task force. 141 00:09:06,133 --> 00:09:07,133 I need you and pullman 142 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:08,901 To stay with the knife victim In the alley. 143 00:09:08,968 --> 00:09:10,968 His parents Are high-profile. 144 00:09:11,067 --> 00:09:12,467 Whatever you need. 145 00:09:12,534 --> 00:09:14,300 Angel... 146 00:09:14,367 --> 00:09:17,133 You found perry. You run the task force. 147 00:09:17,200 --> 00:09:19,534 Contact the fugitive's Friends, family, 148 00:09:19,601 --> 00:09:21,033 Co-workers, coke dealer - 149 00:09:21,100 --> 00:09:22,734 Anybody who might try To hide him. 150 00:09:22,801 --> 00:09:24,567 You want us To circulate his photo? 151 00:09:24,634 --> 00:09:26,834 In neighborhoods only. Keep it away from the media. 152 00:09:26,901 --> 00:09:28,734 This case stays low-profile. 153 00:09:28,801 --> 00:09:30,901 The last thing i need is another Tony tucci on my hands. 154 00:09:30,968 --> 00:09:32,567 Anything else, lieutenant? 155 00:09:32,634 --> 00:09:34,501 Yes - Choose task-force members 156 00:09:34,567 --> 00:09:36,400 Who can put Their regular duties aside 157 00:09:36,467 --> 00:09:38,501 And bust ass until Neil perry's apprehended. 158 00:09:38,567 --> 00:09:39,901 Dominic. 159 00:09:39,968 --> 00:09:41,467 Okay, that's all. Thank you. 160 00:09:41,534 --> 00:09:44,367 Do you really think This is the guy? 161 00:09:44,434 --> 00:09:45,834 It's all lining up. 162 00:09:45,901 --> 00:09:48,767 I saw him, dex. I chased him. 163 00:09:48,834 --> 00:09:50,701 Debra morgan. 164 00:09:50,767 --> 00:09:53,567 Get over here. You're on the team. 165 00:09:53,634 --> 00:09:55,834 Do you hear that? I'm on the team. 166 00:09:57,133 --> 00:09:58,801 Do you think we get hats? 167 00:09:58,868 --> 00:10:01,434 Hardly looks a guy Capable of terrorizing miami. 168 00:10:01,501 --> 00:10:04,000 A science camp, maybe. 169 00:10:06,100 --> 00:10:08,601 I'm off. I'll keep you in the loop. 170 00:10:10,267 --> 00:10:11,934 Where's my blood report, Sparky? 171 00:10:12,000 --> 00:10:13,534 I'm on it, sergeant. 172 00:10:24,701 --> 00:10:26,701 How you doing, Mrs. Bennett? 173 00:10:26,767 --> 00:10:28,901 Hey, charlie. Where are the kids? 174 00:10:28,968 --> 00:10:30,801 Your husband swung by A few minutes ago. 175 00:10:30,868 --> 00:10:32,000 He didn't tell you? 176 00:10:32,067 --> 00:10:34,067 I never seen cody Light up like that before. 177 00:10:34,133 --> 00:10:35,834 Big treat - The old man coming down. 178 00:10:35,901 --> 00:10:38,167 Wait, wait. Wait. Paul? 179 00:10:38,234 --> 00:10:40,033 Yeah. He just picked up the kids. 180 00:10:40,100 --> 00:10:41,968 You gave my children To paul? 181 00:10:42,033 --> 00:10:43,400 Are you stupid? 182 00:10:44,634 --> 00:10:47,033 I told the administrative office That cody and astor 183 00:10:47,100 --> 00:10:49,033 Are not to be released Into his custody! 184 00:10:49,100 --> 00:10:50,667 Well, nobody told me. 185 00:10:50,734 --> 00:10:54,200 He just got out Of fucking jail! 186 00:10:57,000 --> 00:11:00,067 Everyone, follow strict, Sterile protocol. 187 00:11:00,133 --> 00:11:03,434 There will be no contamination Of my crime scene. 188 00:11:03,501 --> 00:11:06,100 Bag anything that could be used 189 00:11:06,167 --> 00:11:08,434 To murder or dispose Of a human body. 190 00:11:08,501 --> 00:11:10,834 That's pretty much Everything in here, boss. 191 00:11:10,901 --> 00:11:12,667 Except this. 192 00:11:12,734 --> 00:11:15,067 He's a sick fuck. 193 00:11:15,133 --> 00:11:16,501 Some might say that. 194 00:11:16,567 --> 00:11:20,234 To others, Crypto-taxidermy is a fine art. 195 00:11:20,300 --> 00:11:22,868 I got a mummified Chupacabra at home. 196 00:11:22,934 --> 00:11:24,534 Can i have permission To run masuka's prints 197 00:11:24,601 --> 00:11:26,033 As the ice-truck killer? 198 00:11:26,100 --> 00:11:27,601 No need for that. 199 00:11:27,667 --> 00:11:29,434 I'll give you Some warm dna right now. 200 00:11:29,501 --> 00:11:31,601 God, you're gross. I didn't hear that. 201 00:11:32,868 --> 00:11:35,133 Detective, I found something. 202 00:11:35,200 --> 00:11:37,167 An archive of hidden files. 203 00:11:37,234 --> 00:11:39,033 A lot of how-to documents - 204 00:11:39,100 --> 00:11:41,801 Draining blood from cattle, Wartime amputation techniques. 205 00:11:41,868 --> 00:11:43,701 "butchering The human carcass"? 206 00:11:43,767 --> 00:11:44,934 There's even an article 207 00:11:45,000 --> 00:11:47,200 About countries that Don't extradite to the u. s. 208 00:11:47,267 --> 00:11:48,501 We got this fucker. 209 00:11:48,567 --> 00:11:50,167 We got jack shit, morgan. 210 00:11:50,234 --> 00:11:51,968 Everything in here Is circumstantial. 211 00:11:52,033 --> 00:11:53,634 We need Some hard evidence. 212 00:11:53,701 --> 00:11:55,834 Hey, i'm not done Looking yet. 213 00:11:55,901 --> 00:11:57,501 Are you? 214 00:12:00,167 --> 00:12:02,434 The school had no right To release my children to paul. 215 00:12:02,501 --> 00:12:03,934 No, they didn't. 216 00:12:04,000 --> 00:12:05,400 He lost his custody rights 217 00:12:05,467 --> 00:12:07,334 Right around the time my head Hit the living room wall. 218 00:12:07,400 --> 00:12:08,834 I would think so. 219 00:12:08,901 --> 00:12:10,868 I- i should be out Looking for my kids. 220 00:12:10,934 --> 00:12:13,267 Rita, the best thing You could do for the kids 221 00:12:13,334 --> 00:12:15,200 Is stay here In case he tries to call. 222 00:12:15,267 --> 00:12:16,534 What if he doesn't? 223 00:12:16,601 --> 00:12:18,334 I mean, What if he kidnapped them 224 00:12:18,400 --> 00:12:20,501 To get back at me For putting him in jail? 225 00:12:20,567 --> 00:12:23,100 Dexter, i - 226 00:12:27,367 --> 00:12:28,334 Hi. 227 00:12:28,400 --> 00:12:30,067 i got you. 228 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:33,300 Astor! 229 00:12:33,367 --> 00:12:35,467 Mom, look - it's dad. He came home. 230 00:12:35,534 --> 00:12:36,767 Paul: yeah. 231 00:12:36,834 --> 00:12:39,267 What, you think i was Gonna move to the moon? 232 00:12:39,334 --> 00:12:41,834 Stop it. Just stop. 233 00:12:41,901 --> 00:12:43,334 Do you know I called the police? 234 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:45,834 Why? I told you i was Taking them to the carnival. 235 00:12:45,901 --> 00:12:47,100 No, you didn't. 236 00:12:47,167 --> 00:12:49,467 Rita, i called you At the hotel. 237 00:12:49,534 --> 00:12:51,601 They said You were on a break, 238 00:12:51,667 --> 00:12:55,334 So i left a message with The info and my cell number. 239 00:12:59,267 --> 00:13:02,067 Uh, hi. How are you? 240 00:13:02,133 --> 00:13:05,367 I'm paul bennett, Father on parole. 241 00:13:05,434 --> 00:13:08,701 Uh, dexter morgan. 242 00:13:08,767 --> 00:13:12,701 Uh, i can't think Of anything clever to say. 243 00:13:14,167 --> 00:13:16,467 Paul, this is unacceptable. 244 00:13:16,534 --> 00:13:18,167 I- i have custody. 245 00:13:18,234 --> 00:13:20,734 You can't just take them Without my permission. 246 00:13:20,801 --> 00:13:23,067 I came To see my babies. 247 00:13:23,133 --> 00:13:25,934 I missed them, rita. 248 00:13:26,000 --> 00:13:28,033 I missed a lot of things. 249 00:13:35,267 --> 00:13:39,167 I should phone the station, Call off the dogs. 250 00:13:39,234 --> 00:13:41,968 Dexter, look - My dad's home. 251 00:13:42,033 --> 00:13:44,567 Yeah, i see that, buddy. 252 00:13:58,968 --> 00:14:00,667 Hey, angel. 253 00:14:00,734 --> 00:14:02,968 You're the expert On manufactured living. 254 00:14:03,033 --> 00:14:05,033 This closet look A little small to you? 255 00:14:08,501 --> 00:14:09,834 A little. 256 00:14:24,501 --> 00:14:25,634 Sweet. 257 00:14:36,868 --> 00:14:39,234 I've got Newspaper articles. 258 00:14:39,300 --> 00:14:41,300 "dismembered body Found in a pool. " 259 00:14:41,367 --> 00:14:43,033 "ice-truck killer Appalls miami. " 260 00:14:43,100 --> 00:14:44,534 This is a record Of everything he's ever done. 261 00:14:44,601 --> 00:14:45,834 I got photos. 262 00:14:45,901 --> 00:14:47,968 Did we release those photos To the press? 263 00:14:48,033 --> 00:14:49,133 No. 264 00:14:49,200 --> 00:14:51,501 Did he take them himself? He had to. 265 00:14:51,567 --> 00:14:53,267 Did we just hit The mother lode? 266 00:14:53,334 --> 00:14:54,868 No. 267 00:14:54,934 --> 00:14:57,567 We hit the motherfucking Mother lode. 268 00:14:57,634 --> 00:14:59,534 Oh, my... 269 00:14:59,601 --> 00:15:02,367 The evidence just keeps Piling up at the mobile home. 270 00:15:02,434 --> 00:15:04,534 I just authorized an excavation Of the back patio. 271 00:15:04,601 --> 00:15:06,467 I think there's something Buried there. 272 00:15:06,534 --> 00:15:08,534 What are we doing To find neil perry? 273 00:15:08,601 --> 00:15:11,267 I put his name in the automated System and notified the fbi. 274 00:15:11,334 --> 00:15:12,634 Airports on alert? 275 00:15:12,701 --> 00:15:14,968 Airports, train stations, Bus lines. 276 00:15:15,033 --> 00:15:16,834 We should track His credit cards. 277 00:15:16,901 --> 00:15:19,067 Already done, along with a. t.m. s And bank accounts. 278 00:15:19,133 --> 00:15:21,934 I also put a tap On his home phone. 279 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:25,968 Seems you thought Of everything. 280 00:15:26,033 --> 00:15:28,534 It seems that way. 281 00:15:28,601 --> 00:15:30,267 Hmm. 282 00:15:33,701 --> 00:15:35,200 Look, maria - 283 00:15:35,267 --> 00:15:36,834 No need to apologize. 284 00:15:36,901 --> 00:15:38,868 I don't require your approval To do my job. 285 00:15:38,934 --> 00:15:40,167 I know that. 286 00:15:40,234 --> 00:15:41,400 I've been kicking your ass 287 00:15:41,467 --> 00:15:43,000 'Cause i knew You had this in you. 288 00:15:43,067 --> 00:15:46,801 Well, thank you for making me The woman i am today. 289 00:15:48,033 --> 00:15:49,701 Astor: I love you to everything. 290 00:15:52,267 --> 00:15:55,100 I love you To everything, too. 291 00:16:00,367 --> 00:16:03,634 He's not gonna Hit you anymore. 292 00:16:03,701 --> 00:16:05,634 He told me at the carnival. 293 00:16:05,701 --> 00:16:08,567 I made him promise. 294 00:16:10,701 --> 00:16:13,100 Thank you, baby. 295 00:16:19,400 --> 00:16:22,467 I haven't had time to process As much as the kids. 296 00:16:22,534 --> 00:16:26,934 I mean, paul was supposed to be Locked up for another year. 297 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:29,767 Cody seems To be processing okay. 298 00:16:29,834 --> 00:16:31,701 Cody's too young. 299 00:16:31,767 --> 00:16:35,000 A dad's just a concept to him, Not a person. 300 00:16:35,067 --> 00:16:39,801 But astor - she remembers What he put us through. 301 00:16:42,767 --> 00:16:45,234 Well, at least You're not married anymore. 302 00:16:46,968 --> 00:16:48,667 That's just it. 303 00:16:48,734 --> 00:16:50,334 Technically, we are. 304 00:16:50,400 --> 00:16:54,334 When paul went to prison, I started divorce proceedings, 305 00:16:54,400 --> 00:16:57,167 But he refused To sign the paperwork. 306 00:16:57,234 --> 00:16:58,868 As a power play? 307 00:16:58,934 --> 00:17:00,934 I don't think so. 308 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:03,968 I think for all the darkness That haunts him, 309 00:17:04,033 --> 00:17:06,067 Paul loves having a family. 310 00:17:06,133 --> 00:17:08,634 I think he's just afraid To let go. 311 00:17:10,133 --> 00:17:12,567 When did you First notice it? 312 00:17:12,634 --> 00:17:18,234 This darkness Inside the guy you fell for. 313 00:17:19,968 --> 00:17:21,868 I always knew It was there. 314 00:17:21,934 --> 00:17:25,334 I guess i just didn't think I deserved better... 315 00:17:25,400 --> 00:17:27,200 Till i met you. 316 00:17:36,234 --> 00:17:38,901 I have a dark side, too. 317 00:17:41,534 --> 00:17:43,467 What? I do. 318 00:17:43,534 --> 00:17:45,901 Somehow i doubt that. 319 00:17:45,968 --> 00:17:48,234 You have a good heart, Dexter. 320 00:17:48,300 --> 00:17:52,267 You're not like paul. You don't hurt people. 321 00:17:56,667 --> 00:17:58,501 Innocent people. 322 00:18:03,934 --> 00:18:07,133 I don't hurt Innocent people. 323 00:18:29,868 --> 00:18:32,968 Hey, dude, the bowling alley's Around the corner. 324 00:18:36,300 --> 00:18:39,067 Hey, i'm looking For jeremy downs. 325 00:18:39,133 --> 00:18:40,367 Jeremy? 326 00:18:40,434 --> 00:18:43,200 * he vacated The premises! * 327 00:18:44,601 --> 00:18:46,267 Focus. 328 00:18:46,334 --> 00:18:48,300 I'm trying to find jeremy. 329 00:18:48,367 --> 00:18:50,534 Oh, i get it. 330 00:18:53,267 --> 00:18:57,367 Look, man, i'm not really Into that homo shit, 331 00:18:57,434 --> 00:19:00,634 But i'm kind of short On money for weed, 332 00:19:00,701 --> 00:19:03,868 So i guess i'll do it for less Than jeremy's charging. 333 00:19:03,934 --> 00:19:05,934 Wait. What does jeremy charge? 334 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:07,801 Jeremy's selling himself? 335 00:19:07,868 --> 00:19:10,467 I mean, he's always hanging out With the brokeback boys 336 00:19:10,534 --> 00:19:12,067 Down at flamingo park. 337 00:19:12,133 --> 00:19:14,501 Comes back With fistfuls of cash. 338 00:19:22,167 --> 00:19:23,534 It's me. 339 00:19:23,601 --> 00:19:25,267 Get your ass over To neil perry's place. 340 00:19:25,334 --> 00:19:26,901 You're gonna Want to see this. 341 00:19:26,968 --> 00:19:28,300 Deb, it's my day off. 342 00:19:28,367 --> 00:19:29,767 Just get your ass over here. 343 00:19:29,834 --> 00:19:31,834 We're about to bust open the Goods on the ice-truck killer. 344 00:19:45,534 --> 00:19:47,300 Not what i expected. 345 00:20:23,567 --> 00:20:25,167 So lifelike. 346 00:20:37,100 --> 00:20:38,234 Debra: hey, dex. 347 00:20:38,300 --> 00:20:40,100 I thought You'd want to be here. 348 00:20:40,167 --> 00:20:42,801 Something's buried down there. Masuka's been digging all night. 349 00:20:42,868 --> 00:20:44,567 I hate to break this To you, deb, 350 00:20:44,634 --> 00:20:46,734 But you know you've got The wrong guy here, right? 351 00:20:46,801 --> 00:20:49,234 The ice-truck killer drains The blood from his victims, 352 00:20:49,300 --> 00:20:50,601 Freezes their bodies, 353 00:20:50,667 --> 00:20:52,367 And only then severs Their limbs. 354 00:20:52,434 --> 00:20:55,267 It's clean and efficient - His psychological signature. 355 00:20:55,334 --> 00:20:57,501 Neil perry, on the other hand, Stuffs roadkill. 356 00:20:57,567 --> 00:20:59,634 Yeah, and turns it Into fucked-up fantasy shit. 357 00:20:59,701 --> 00:21:01,133 But the fantasies Are all wrong. 358 00:21:01,200 --> 00:21:03,501 The guy we're looking for Wouldn't turn dead, dirty things 359 00:21:03,567 --> 00:21:04,801 Into living cartoons. 360 00:21:04,868 --> 00:21:06,367 He'd find that pathetic. 361 00:21:06,434 --> 00:21:08,033 How do you know? 362 00:21:08,100 --> 00:21:09,434 Because it is pathetic. 363 00:21:09,501 --> 00:21:13,067 Deb, trust me. Neil perry is not a killer. 364 00:21:13,133 --> 00:21:14,801 He's a dabbler. He's a waste of time. 365 00:21:14,868 --> 00:21:16,467 If the guy we're looking for 366 00:21:16,534 --> 00:21:19,167 Took his early fantasies out On animals, he'd bury them. 367 00:21:19,234 --> 00:21:21,267 And want about An early human kill? 368 00:21:21,334 --> 00:21:22,734 Would he bury that, too? 369 00:21:22,801 --> 00:21:24,200 Sure. Probably. 370 00:21:24,267 --> 00:21:26,400 Then turn around. 371 00:21:26,467 --> 00:21:27,801 You were saying? 372 00:21:28,868 --> 00:21:31,868 Angel: it looks like An adult female. 373 00:21:31,934 --> 00:21:34,200 Any idea how long The body's been down there? 374 00:21:34,267 --> 00:21:36,033 Based on decomposition, 375 00:21:36,100 --> 00:21:38,300 She's been tits up For two, maybe three years. 376 00:21:38,367 --> 00:21:40,033 We'll know more After the autopsy. 377 00:21:40,100 --> 00:21:43,200 What happened to the limbs? Did they rot off? 378 00:21:43,267 --> 00:21:44,667 No. 379 00:21:44,734 --> 00:21:46,367 They're clean cuts. 380 00:21:46,434 --> 00:21:48,534 But he didn't chop up The whole body. 381 00:21:48,601 --> 00:21:50,400 This could be Perry's first kill, 382 00:21:50,467 --> 00:21:52,968 Like he was experimenting. 383 00:21:53,033 --> 00:21:54,534 You're the expert, dex. 384 00:21:54,601 --> 00:21:57,834 What do you think? 385 00:21:57,901 --> 00:21:59,334 Sure. Sounds good. 386 00:21:59,400 --> 00:22:01,834 Actually, It sounds perfectly awful. 387 00:22:01,901 --> 00:22:07,334 For weeks, i've felt like A student in a master class. 388 00:22:07,400 --> 00:22:11,300 Is it really possible That the master's on the run? 389 00:22:11,367 --> 00:22:14,901 And even more tragic, Does he live in a double-wide? 390 00:22:16,901 --> 00:22:19,334 The gravitron Goes so fast, mom. 391 00:22:19,400 --> 00:22:22,067 My dad took me on it Three times. 392 00:22:22,133 --> 00:22:25,400 Wow. Is that so? 393 00:22:25,467 --> 00:22:28,100 All right, let me Cut you guys up some fruit. 394 00:22:28,167 --> 00:22:30,767 Astor wouldn't go. She was afraid. 395 00:22:30,834 --> 00:22:33,267 So what? I don't like fast rides. 396 00:22:35,501 --> 00:22:38,067 Shh! 397 00:22:38,133 --> 00:22:40,067 Hello? 398 00:22:42,934 --> 00:22:45,601 Who wants doughnuts? I do. 399 00:22:45,667 --> 00:22:47,667 Paul, you can't just walk In here whenever you want. 400 00:22:47,734 --> 00:22:49,534 You don't live here Anymore. 401 00:22:49,601 --> 00:22:53,067 Oh. Sorry about that. Old habits. 402 00:22:53,133 --> 00:22:56,133 I'll ring the doorbell Next time. 403 00:22:58,801 --> 00:23:01,200 I got these for you. 404 00:23:03,834 --> 00:23:05,200 All right. 405 00:23:05,267 --> 00:23:08,501 I'll just put them in, uh, Something. 406 00:23:08,567 --> 00:23:10,767 Dad, can i have A doughnut? 407 00:23:10,834 --> 00:23:12,434 You got it, buddy. Coming up. 408 00:23:12,501 --> 00:23:14,801 What, n-now you're making me out To be the bad guy? 409 00:23:14,868 --> 00:23:17,567 They haven't Had breakfast yet. 410 00:23:17,634 --> 00:23:19,334 You know what? 411 00:23:19,400 --> 00:23:21,334 Kidlet, my bad. Sorry about that. 412 00:23:21,400 --> 00:23:23,634 These doughnuts Are for after school. 413 00:23:23,701 --> 00:23:26,133 But i could whip up Some eggs and pancakes. 414 00:23:26,200 --> 00:23:27,300 Paul! 415 00:23:27,367 --> 00:23:29,934 Very little syrup, I promise. 416 00:23:30,000 --> 00:23:31,400 And meat. You into meat? 417 00:23:31,467 --> 00:23:32,601 Uh-huh. 418 00:23:32,667 --> 00:23:37,100 I like meat on my feet. It's real squishy. 419 00:23:37,167 --> 00:23:38,901 Paul. 420 00:23:38,968 --> 00:23:41,234 You can't do this Anymore, paul. 421 00:23:41,300 --> 00:23:42,834 What?! What?! 422 00:23:42,901 --> 00:23:45,467 Help raise my kids?! 423 00:23:45,534 --> 00:23:49,133 Yes, i can. That's my job. 424 00:23:50,901 --> 00:23:52,467 All right, look. 425 00:23:53,968 --> 00:23:56,167 I- i can't even Begin to understand 426 00:23:56,234 --> 00:23:58,634 How difficult this has been For you, rita, 427 00:23:58,701 --> 00:24:00,467 Being a single mom, okay? 428 00:24:02,200 --> 00:24:07,000 A- and for that, I- i'm eternally sorry. 429 00:24:07,067 --> 00:24:10,267 I let you down. 430 00:24:10,334 --> 00:24:12,634 I let everybody down. 431 00:24:16,934 --> 00:24:20,033 But if i could just Find that frying pan. 432 00:24:20,100 --> 00:24:21,501 Astor... 433 00:24:21,567 --> 00:24:25,501 Want to help me Find the frying pan? 434 00:24:31,334 --> 00:24:33,934 We got a profile of neil perry. 435 00:24:34,000 --> 00:24:35,868 He's a computer expert. 436 00:24:35,934 --> 00:24:39,000 I.q. - off the chart. He's a loner, no priors. 437 00:24:39,067 --> 00:24:40,667 His father split when he was 6. 438 00:24:40,734 --> 00:24:42,968 His mother Was an alcoholic, abusive, 439 00:24:43,033 --> 00:24:45,667 And possibly his first victim. 440 00:24:45,734 --> 00:24:47,334 Roberta perry. 441 00:24:47,400 --> 00:24:50,434 Dental records say she was The one under the patio. 442 00:24:50,501 --> 00:24:52,267 Now, neil kept her death quiet 443 00:24:52,334 --> 00:24:55,100 By cashing her social-security Checks for the last two years, 444 00:24:55,167 --> 00:24:57,501 But he did not kill her For the money. 445 00:24:57,567 --> 00:24:59,234 Morgan? 446 00:24:59,300 --> 00:25:01,033 We think he wanted release. 447 00:25:01,100 --> 00:25:03,167 Roberta perry Ran her son's life, 448 00:25:03,234 --> 00:25:04,968 Controlled him, Beat him as a kid. 449 00:25:05,033 --> 00:25:07,334 We think he dreamt About killing her for years. 450 00:25:07,400 --> 00:25:09,033 I just spoke with perry's Cellphone provider. 451 00:25:09,100 --> 00:25:10,234 Can they track his location? 452 00:25:10,300 --> 00:25:12,234 No signal - he probably Turned off his phone. 453 00:25:12,300 --> 00:25:15,234 But, according to records, He used it on some of the nights 454 00:25:15,300 --> 00:25:17,234 The ice-truck killer victims Were taken. 455 00:25:17,300 --> 00:25:18,534 Who did he call? 456 00:25:18,601 --> 00:25:20,467 Voice mail, mostly, Checking messages. 457 00:25:20,534 --> 00:25:22,400 Verizon triangulated The location. 458 00:25:22,467 --> 00:25:24,200 All the calls came From the same place - 459 00:25:24,267 --> 00:25:26,434 A six-block area On southwest 8th street. 460 00:25:26,501 --> 00:25:27,801 The tamiami trail. 461 00:25:27,868 --> 00:25:29,601 That strip's Full of no-tell motels. 462 00:25:29,667 --> 00:25:31,868 It's like a happy Hunting ground for hookers. 463 00:25:31,934 --> 00:25:34,634 There's a good chance that's Where he's killing his victims. 464 00:25:34,701 --> 00:25:36,400 Let's recanvass the area For leads. 465 00:25:36,467 --> 00:25:38,801 Now that we've got A photo of this guy, 466 00:25:38,868 --> 00:25:41,634 Maybe we can find somebody Who actually saw him. 467 00:25:41,701 --> 00:25:43,534 Let's go. 468 00:25:43,601 --> 00:25:45,868 You're starting To look like her. 469 00:25:45,934 --> 00:25:48,100 Want to stop by your house, Check in with your family? 470 00:25:48,167 --> 00:25:49,968 I'd rather check in With your brother. 471 00:25:50,033 --> 00:25:52,334 His instincts are usually Pretty good on this stuff. 472 00:25:52,400 --> 00:25:54,400 Yeah, not today. He'd just piss on our parade. 473 00:25:54,467 --> 00:25:56,033 He needs his day off. 474 00:25:57,467 --> 00:25:59,467 The first time I saw his work, 475 00:25:59,534 --> 00:26:01,334 I felt like a spanish explorer 476 00:26:01,400 --> 00:26:03,701 Landing of the shores Of the new world. 477 00:26:03,767 --> 00:26:06,100 No blood in the victims, 478 00:26:06,167 --> 00:26:08,901 No spatter, no stain. 479 00:26:08,968 --> 00:26:12,133 Deb is wrong about him. 480 00:26:12,200 --> 00:26:15,234 It's okay. Hell, i've made mistakes. 481 00:26:15,300 --> 00:26:18,501 In fact, i'm about to correct A big one right now. 482 00:26:20,300 --> 00:26:22,400 Jeremy downs. 483 00:26:24,267 --> 00:26:25,901 Hey, you want company? 484 00:26:25,968 --> 00:26:28,234 Just keep walking And looking ahead. 485 00:26:28,300 --> 00:26:31,501 There's some mangroves Over by the lake. 486 00:26:31,567 --> 00:26:32,968 We can go in there. 487 00:26:33,033 --> 00:26:35,767 It's too public. My car's in the parking lot. 488 00:26:35,834 --> 00:26:37,133 Are your windows tinted? 489 00:26:37,200 --> 00:26:38,601 I said, "eyes front. " 490 00:26:42,167 --> 00:26:44,100 What's wrong? 491 00:26:48,501 --> 00:26:50,033 Shit. Shit. 492 00:26:51,434 --> 00:26:54,033 Get the fuck out of my way! 493 00:26:54,100 --> 00:26:56,267 Take it easy, jeremy! Stay right there! 494 00:26:56,334 --> 00:26:58,100 Take him down! Take him down! 495 00:26:59,868 --> 00:27:01,934 Hands behind your back. 496 00:27:02,000 --> 00:27:04,634 Stand up! Stand up! 497 00:27:16,601 --> 00:27:19,033 Miami metro p. d. Can we have a minute? 498 00:27:19,100 --> 00:27:20,300 Yeah. 499 00:27:20,367 --> 00:27:21,734 This guy look familiar? 500 00:27:21,801 --> 00:27:23,167 I don't know. 501 00:27:23,234 --> 00:27:25,901 They come. They go. You get it? 502 00:27:25,968 --> 00:27:27,567 They "come. " Yeah. 503 00:27:27,634 --> 00:27:30,667 Look, my feet are aching From pounding the pavement. 504 00:27:30,734 --> 00:27:32,367 You think You could help us out? 505 00:27:32,434 --> 00:27:33,801 What's your name? 506 00:27:33,868 --> 00:27:36,868 Laline consuelo garciá gómez. 507 00:27:40,267 --> 00:27:42,434 Laline... 508 00:27:42,501 --> 00:27:44,868 Oíste del hombre que le dicen El ice-truck killer? 509 00:27:44,934 --> 00:27:46,400 Sí. 510 00:27:46,467 --> 00:27:47,868 Puede ser el. 511 00:27:47,934 --> 00:27:50,300 So let's try this again. 512 00:27:50,367 --> 00:27:52,501 Have you seen this man? 513 00:27:54,033 --> 00:27:55,534 He's a regular. 514 00:27:55,601 --> 00:27:57,701 Rents a room By the month - cash. 515 00:27:57,767 --> 00:27:59,300 When was the last time He was here? 516 00:27:59,367 --> 00:28:00,501 He's here now. 517 00:28:00,567 --> 00:28:02,300 He brought a girl to his room This morning. 518 00:28:02,367 --> 00:28:04,033 A working girl? A hooker? 519 00:28:04,100 --> 00:28:05,300 What's the room number? 520 00:28:05,367 --> 00:28:06,601 20. Here's the master. 521 00:28:06,667 --> 00:28:07,834 Call for backup. 522 00:28:07,901 --> 00:28:10,367 Let's hope this girl Is still alive. 523 00:28:10,434 --> 00:28:11,701 Do we wait for tactical? 524 00:28:11,767 --> 00:28:14,300 Not with a possible victim In there. 525 00:28:29,000 --> 00:28:30,801 Clear. 526 00:28:30,868 --> 00:28:33,400 It's okay. We're here now. You're safe. 527 00:28:37,200 --> 00:28:40,267 Please get me out - hurry - Before he comes back! 528 00:28:40,334 --> 00:28:41,467 Where is he? 529 00:28:41,534 --> 00:28:42,734 Please, i want to get out! 530 00:28:42,801 --> 00:28:44,067 Where was he going? 531 00:28:44,133 --> 00:28:46,567 The liquor store. He said he's coming right back. 532 00:28:49,734 --> 00:28:51,234 What? 533 00:28:55,501 --> 00:28:57,267 Hey, where's doakes? He paged me. 534 00:28:57,334 --> 00:28:59,334 We need your report From that kid in the alley. 535 00:28:59,400 --> 00:29:00,868 But it's my day off. 536 00:29:00,934 --> 00:29:03,200 I was just at don shula's Famous golf course. 537 00:29:03,267 --> 00:29:05,100 Did you finish Your report or not? 538 00:29:05,167 --> 00:29:06,601 Yeah, it's in my lab. 539 00:29:06,667 --> 00:29:08,400 Wait. 540 00:29:08,467 --> 00:29:09,868 I'm on to you. 541 00:29:12,334 --> 00:29:14,067 Excuse me? 542 00:29:14,133 --> 00:29:16,834 Your crazy-ass, knife-slashing Two-step in the alley. 543 00:29:16,901 --> 00:29:18,267 You were right. 544 00:29:18,334 --> 00:29:20,067 You said the killer Had previous experience. 545 00:29:20,133 --> 00:29:21,934 He did. 546 00:29:22,000 --> 00:29:24,067 Oh. Really? 547 00:29:24,133 --> 00:29:25,868 Masuka lifted a print From the alley 548 00:29:25,934 --> 00:29:27,601 That matched a kid From juvie. 549 00:29:27,667 --> 00:29:30,567 Cut up a victim five years ago. Same knife technique. 550 00:29:30,634 --> 00:29:33,701 We just grabbed him At flamingo park. 551 00:29:33,767 --> 00:29:35,567 Great work, sergeant. 552 00:29:35,634 --> 00:29:37,667 Yeah. Your instincts were dead-on. 553 00:29:37,734 --> 00:29:39,934 They're always dead-on When it comes to killers. 554 00:29:40,000 --> 00:29:41,300 Why is that? 555 00:29:41,367 --> 00:29:45,234 I'll just go get That report. 556 00:29:45,300 --> 00:29:46,634 I'm watching you. 557 00:30:00,567 --> 00:30:01,968 Miss me? 558 00:30:02,033 --> 00:30:04,200 Police. On the ground. 559 00:30:04,267 --> 00:30:05,767 Get down slowly. 560 00:30:09,901 --> 00:30:13,767 * now the day is over * 561 00:30:13,834 --> 00:30:15,400 * night is drawing nigh * 562 00:30:15,467 --> 00:30:16,968 Get down! 563 00:30:17,033 --> 00:30:20,000 * the shadows of the evening * 564 00:30:20,067 --> 00:30:21,968 * steal across the sky * 565 00:30:22,033 --> 00:30:24,200 I said get the fuck down! 566 00:30:24,267 --> 00:30:26,601 * now the darkness gathers * 567 00:30:26,667 --> 00:30:29,667 Facedown - let's go! * stars begin to peep * 568 00:30:29,734 --> 00:30:33,834 * birds and beasts and flowers * 569 00:30:33,901 --> 00:30:38,100 * soon will be asleep * 570 00:30:41,400 --> 00:30:44,067 What else do you want to put In the concoction? 571 00:30:44,133 --> 00:30:45,634 Gummi bears. 572 00:30:45,701 --> 00:30:49,100 How do you two plan to eat that, Spread it on toast? 573 00:30:49,167 --> 00:30:51,367 It already Has toast in it. 574 00:30:51,434 --> 00:30:53,100 So it does. 575 00:30:55,968 --> 00:30:58,234 Keep mashing. I'll get the door. 576 00:31:01,234 --> 00:31:03,467 Oh. Hey, there, big guy. 577 00:31:03,534 --> 00:31:06,300 Uh, dexter, right? 578 00:31:06,367 --> 00:31:08,701 Paul, hi. Rita's not here. 579 00:31:08,767 --> 00:31:11,734 Oh, that's okay. I'm actually here for the kids. 580 00:31:11,801 --> 00:31:14,501 I came to dazzle them With my booty. 581 00:31:14,567 --> 00:31:17,334 This booty. 582 00:31:17,400 --> 00:31:19,400 This is awkward. 583 00:31:19,467 --> 00:31:21,367 I'm afraid I'm not comfortable 584 00:31:21,434 --> 00:31:23,501 Letting you inside the house Without rita here. 585 00:31:25,801 --> 00:31:28,334 Who are you, anyway, Like, the babysitter? 586 00:31:28,400 --> 00:31:30,267 I'm watching the kids Right now, 587 00:31:30,334 --> 00:31:33,234 So i suppose that makes me The babysitter. 588 00:31:37,200 --> 00:31:39,601 Are you fucking my wife? 589 00:31:39,667 --> 00:31:41,868 I'll let rita know You stopped by. 590 00:31:41,934 --> 00:31:44,601 Or i could just walk in. It's my house. 591 00:31:44,667 --> 00:31:45,734 I own this place. 592 00:31:45,801 --> 00:31:47,901 I bet she didn't Tell you that, did she? 593 00:31:47,968 --> 00:31:49,734 Homeowner issues Are way over my head. 594 00:31:49,801 --> 00:31:51,767 I should probably Just call the police, 595 00:31:51,834 --> 00:31:53,234 Let them sort this out. 596 00:32:05,200 --> 00:32:07,400 Is that it? 597 00:32:07,467 --> 00:32:09,167 Yeah. 598 00:32:09,234 --> 00:32:12,067 Yeah, why don't you Give those presents 599 00:32:12,133 --> 00:32:14,601 To my little buckets Of sunshine, 600 00:32:14,667 --> 00:32:17,267 Tell rita she can reach me At the motor court? 601 00:32:17,334 --> 00:32:18,801 Okay. 602 00:32:18,868 --> 00:32:23,100 He might be a crack-addled, Wife-abusing yahoo, 603 00:32:23,167 --> 00:32:26,200 But he refuses To abandon his kids. 604 00:32:27,567 --> 00:32:30,634 I'm not sure That's a good thing. 605 00:32:36,467 --> 00:32:38,934 Doakes: take him on in. I'll be right there. 606 00:32:39,000 --> 00:32:40,167 You got it. 607 00:32:40,234 --> 00:32:42,634 Congratulations. 608 00:32:42,701 --> 00:32:45,067 You just brought down The most notorious serial killer 609 00:32:45,133 --> 00:32:46,501 In florida history. 610 00:32:46,567 --> 00:32:49,834 Fucking "a. " He's in booking right now. 611 00:32:49,901 --> 00:32:52,534 It sucks You weren't a part of this. 612 00:32:52,601 --> 00:32:55,634 I mean, you and me - we paved The way for this, right? 613 00:32:55,701 --> 00:32:58,300 I'm cool. I've got my own bad guy. 614 00:32:58,367 --> 00:33:02,067 Listen, i just picked up A message from tony tucci. 615 00:33:02,133 --> 00:33:04,234 Our favorite Fun-loving amputee's 616 00:33:04,300 --> 00:33:05,934 Getting out of the hospital. 617 00:33:06,033 --> 00:33:07,634 There's a party tonight. 618 00:33:07,701 --> 00:33:09,334 No, thanks. I don't want to go, either. 619 00:33:09,400 --> 00:33:10,667 But the guy lost body parts, 620 00:33:10,734 --> 00:33:12,467 And we get to tell him We caught the guy. 621 00:33:12,534 --> 00:33:14,167 What else you got going on? 622 00:33:14,234 --> 00:33:16,200 Wouldn't you like to know? 623 00:33:16,267 --> 00:33:17,801 There will be hookers there. 624 00:33:19,033 --> 00:33:21,300 All right. Fine, mr. Grumpy head. 625 00:33:21,367 --> 00:33:24,100 Have it your way. 626 00:33:24,167 --> 00:33:26,133 Rita: Did he threaten you? 627 00:33:26,200 --> 00:33:29,334 No. Nothing like that. 628 00:33:29,400 --> 00:33:31,567 He was just Marking his territory. 629 00:33:31,634 --> 00:33:33,834 Fucking bastard. 630 00:33:33,901 --> 00:33:37,868 Only you could make Those words cute. 631 00:33:37,934 --> 00:33:39,868 Stop it. 632 00:33:42,300 --> 00:33:44,567 Paul said He owns this house. 633 00:33:44,634 --> 00:33:46,033 Is that true? 634 00:33:46,100 --> 00:33:47,667 Yeah. Yeah. 635 00:33:47,734 --> 00:33:49,367 He had it before we met. 636 00:33:49,434 --> 00:33:51,200 I think he got it In a drug trade. 637 00:33:53,601 --> 00:33:56,567 Dex, what am i gonna do? 638 00:33:56,634 --> 00:33:58,367 I'd start By getting a divorce. 639 00:33:58,434 --> 00:34:01,801 God, this is such a mess, And i've dragged you into it. 640 00:34:04,868 --> 00:34:06,801 There, there. 641 00:34:06,868 --> 00:34:08,567 I just wish - 642 00:34:08,634 --> 00:34:10,834 I just wish he'd go away. 643 00:34:10,901 --> 00:34:13,767 Why can't he just go away And disappear forever? 644 00:34:13,834 --> 00:34:17,467 He can do that... 645 00:34:17,534 --> 00:34:19,801 Very easily. 646 00:34:53,601 --> 00:34:55,334 Oh, shit. 647 00:34:55,400 --> 00:34:57,901 Fuck. 648 00:34:57,968 --> 00:35:01,167 We - we need to talk. 649 00:35:01,234 --> 00:35:02,734 Yeah. 650 00:35:02,801 --> 00:35:05,367 Just let me grab my heart up Off the fucking floor. 651 00:35:05,434 --> 00:35:08,067 Holy fuck, rita. Whew. 652 00:35:08,133 --> 00:35:10,467 Come on in. 653 00:35:10,534 --> 00:35:11,968 Uh, no. 654 00:35:12,033 --> 00:35:14,567 No, i-i'm good right here. 655 00:35:14,634 --> 00:35:16,100 Aw, come on. 656 00:35:16,167 --> 00:35:17,934 Don't be that way. Come on in. 657 00:35:18,000 --> 00:35:19,834 I got a six-pack chilling In the cooler. 658 00:35:19,901 --> 00:35:21,934 No. 659 00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:24,501 No more. 660 00:35:24,567 --> 00:35:26,667 What? 661 00:35:26,734 --> 00:35:29,300 No more surprise visits To the house, 662 00:35:29,367 --> 00:35:31,567 No more intimidating My friends, 663 00:35:31,634 --> 00:35:33,734 And especially No more disney dad. 664 00:35:33,801 --> 00:35:36,167 You lost your right To be a father 665 00:35:36,234 --> 00:35:38,167 When you beat Your children's mother. 666 00:35:38,234 --> 00:35:40,367 If you want to get to know Astor and cody, 667 00:35:40,434 --> 00:35:42,701 You're gonna have to work For that privilege. 668 00:35:42,767 --> 00:35:45,067 Whoa, whoa, babe, Can i get a word in here? 669 00:35:45,133 --> 00:35:47,133 No. 670 00:35:47,200 --> 00:35:49,567 Divorce papers. 671 00:35:49,634 --> 00:35:51,467 They're the ones you refused To sign in prison. 672 00:35:51,534 --> 00:35:53,033 Sign them now, 673 00:35:53,100 --> 00:35:55,601 And i'll agree to supervised Visits twice a week. 674 00:35:55,667 --> 00:35:58,834 Show me you can do that for Six months, and then maybe - 675 00:35:58,901 --> 00:36:01,934 Maybe - i'll think about A nonsupervised schedule. 676 00:36:02,000 --> 00:36:05,033 Is this some kind Of joke, rita? 677 00:36:07,067 --> 00:36:09,534 You think you can really Make me back down? 678 00:36:09,601 --> 00:36:12,434 No, i don't. 679 00:36:12,501 --> 00:36:14,801 But what else Am i gonna do, paul? 680 00:36:14,868 --> 00:36:17,033 A judge put me in control. 681 00:36:17,100 --> 00:36:19,968 I'm in control now, And i have the power 682 00:36:20,033 --> 00:36:22,501 To make sure you never see Your children again 683 00:36:22,567 --> 00:36:24,834 Unless you do Exactly as i tell you. 684 00:36:27,300 --> 00:36:30,033 Goddamn, you are fine When you're mad. 685 00:36:30,100 --> 00:36:32,400 I love the new you. 686 00:36:32,467 --> 00:36:35,534 I do. My ass is yours to kick. 687 00:36:35,601 --> 00:36:38,400 I deserve it. Here - look. 688 00:36:38,467 --> 00:36:42,100 Rita, i'm a changed man, And i swear to god - 689 00:36:42,167 --> 00:36:44,601 I am going to prove it To you. 690 00:36:47,467 --> 00:36:50,033 Angel: All right. There she is. 691 00:36:52,934 --> 00:36:54,534 Anybody Bring any popcorn? 692 00:36:59,634 --> 00:37:00,868 You got him. 693 00:37:03,434 --> 00:37:05,100 Both of them. 694 00:37:06,801 --> 00:37:08,534 Where's perry's lawyer? 695 00:37:08,601 --> 00:37:10,167 Angel: He waived the right. 696 00:37:10,234 --> 00:37:14,000 I can't hear a thing. Who's got the remote? 697 00:37:14,067 --> 00:37:15,767 There they are - 698 00:37:15,834 --> 00:37:18,701 My two colleagues... 699 00:37:20,334 --> 00:37:23,133 ...technically speaking. 700 00:37:23,200 --> 00:37:26,067 Thankfully, One of them's a fraud. 701 00:37:26,133 --> 00:37:27,934 Perry: ... because you assume that. 702 00:37:28,000 --> 00:37:29,834 So you can assume I killed them. 703 00:37:29,901 --> 00:37:32,267 You can assume Anything that you want. 704 00:37:32,334 --> 00:37:34,934 The doer Is merely a fiction 705 00:37:35,000 --> 00:37:39,267 That's added to the deed - The deed. 706 00:37:39,334 --> 00:37:40,934 The deed is everything. 707 00:37:44,634 --> 00:37:48,434 At least i hope he's a fraud. 708 00:37:49,567 --> 00:37:51,033 Whoa! 709 00:37:51,100 --> 00:37:53,167 Here's to my new hand. 710 00:37:53,234 --> 00:37:54,968 Some say bravery 711 00:37:55,033 --> 00:37:57,434 Is being the only one Who knows you're afraid. 712 00:37:57,501 --> 00:38:00,267 But i've worked with a lot of Amputees, and i got to say - 713 00:38:00,334 --> 00:38:03,267 I don't think Tony knew he was afraid. 714 00:38:03,334 --> 00:38:06,801 Here's to one crazy bastard. 715 00:38:06,868 --> 00:38:08,868 Kiss my atrophied ass. 716 00:38:10,367 --> 00:38:11,934 Now for the main event. 717 00:38:12,000 --> 00:38:13,267 Medical marijuana? 718 00:38:14,801 --> 00:38:16,868 You wish. 719 00:38:16,934 --> 00:38:19,834 Can you, uh, Help me out here, rudy? 720 00:38:19,901 --> 00:38:22,567 Whoo! 721 00:38:22,634 --> 00:38:26,467 Look at that shit. Half human, half machine. 722 00:38:26,534 --> 00:38:28,133 But all man, baby. 723 00:38:32,868 --> 00:38:34,167 I got it. 724 00:38:37,400 --> 00:38:38,834 Yeah. 725 00:38:40,801 --> 00:38:42,467 May i have this dance? 726 00:38:42,534 --> 00:38:44,300 Hey, buddy, you might have A chance with me, after all. 727 00:38:44,367 --> 00:38:45,534 Oh, don't worry. 728 00:38:45,601 --> 00:38:49,200 There's still plenty enough Of me to go around. 729 00:38:51,400 --> 00:38:53,200 So, you made That hand and foot? 730 00:38:53,267 --> 00:38:54,434 Mm-hmm. 731 00:38:54,501 --> 00:38:57,167 You did a good thing. 732 00:38:57,234 --> 00:39:01,667 Tony lost a piece of himself, And i helped him find it. 733 00:39:01,734 --> 00:39:06,100 I mean, how often in life do you Get to make someone whole? 734 00:39:06,167 --> 00:39:07,968 I wouldn't know. 735 00:39:08,033 --> 00:39:10,234 It's like living art - What you do. 736 00:39:10,300 --> 00:39:12,000 It's funny You should say that, 737 00:39:12,067 --> 00:39:14,167 Because before I turned to prosthetics, 738 00:39:14,234 --> 00:39:15,834 I, uh, studied The human form 739 00:39:15,901 --> 00:39:17,734 At the university of paris - Sorbonne. 740 00:39:17,801 --> 00:39:19,834 Really? 741 00:39:19,901 --> 00:39:22,801 Yeah. 742 00:39:22,868 --> 00:39:24,601 Have you had dinner yet? 743 00:39:24,667 --> 00:39:26,400 I would love to. 744 00:39:28,734 --> 00:39:31,033 Uh, i thought i'd come And show my support. 745 00:39:31,100 --> 00:39:32,634 Bad timing? 746 00:39:32,701 --> 00:39:33,868 No. No. 747 00:39:33,934 --> 00:39:36,667 Um, have some champagne, Sergeant. 748 00:39:41,701 --> 00:39:43,434 See, we got blogs. 749 00:39:43,501 --> 00:39:44,801 We got podcasts. 750 00:39:44,868 --> 00:39:47,133 You know, The information won't stop. 751 00:39:47,200 --> 00:39:50,067 It comes into your head And bleeds out your eyes, 752 00:39:50,133 --> 00:39:52,801 And it's all crap, You know? 753 00:39:52,868 --> 00:39:57,133 See, you got to dare For greatness these days 754 00:39:57,200 --> 00:39:58,767 To get people's attention. 755 00:39:58,834 --> 00:40:01,200 Hmm. 756 00:40:01,267 --> 00:40:02,501 Mm-hmm. 757 00:40:02,567 --> 00:40:04,367 Did i get yours? 758 00:40:10,067 --> 00:40:13,234 Masuka: ohh. This is worse than foreplay. 759 00:40:13,300 --> 00:40:15,300 Why doesn't she ask him Any questions? 760 00:40:15,367 --> 00:40:17,334 I have no idea What she's doing, 761 00:40:17,400 --> 00:40:19,334 But my patience Is wearing thin. 762 00:40:21,634 --> 00:40:25,100 I gave jeremy a chance, And he blew it. 763 00:40:27,501 --> 00:40:29,934 Is this one going to Disappoint me, too? 764 00:40:31,968 --> 00:40:34,200 That's an interesting Interview technique. 765 00:40:34,267 --> 00:40:37,400 I'm tired Of asking questions. 766 00:40:37,467 --> 00:40:39,534 You're getting off on this Too fucking much. 767 00:40:39,601 --> 00:40:41,534 Getting off on what? 768 00:40:41,601 --> 00:40:43,133 The game. 769 00:40:43,200 --> 00:40:45,567 I'm guessing that's why You didn't request a lawyer - 770 00:40:45,634 --> 00:40:47,100 So you can sit here 771 00:40:47,167 --> 00:40:49,033 And say whatever shit Comes into your head. 772 00:40:49,100 --> 00:40:51,200 Meanwhile, my ass Is spreading like cheez whiz, 773 00:40:51,267 --> 00:40:53,467 Waiting for you to figure out This isn't the fun part. 774 00:40:53,534 --> 00:40:56,267 What are you Talking about? 775 00:40:58,734 --> 00:41:01,133 We got you dead to rights. 776 00:41:01,200 --> 00:41:03,801 But the good times Won't start rolling 777 00:41:03,868 --> 00:41:05,734 Till you're in a courtroom 778 00:41:05,801 --> 00:41:08,300 With your own Personal judge ito 779 00:41:08,367 --> 00:41:12,601 And court tv Carrying your scary-ass scowls 780 00:41:12,667 --> 00:41:15,067 And crazy-shit live. 781 00:41:15,133 --> 00:41:18,734 Fascination with serial killers Is an american pastime. 782 00:41:18,801 --> 00:41:22,100 You've got groupie housewives, Magazine profiles, 783 00:41:22,167 --> 00:41:25,801 Maybe even a summer Blockbuster movie... 784 00:41:25,868 --> 00:41:27,934 All waiting for you. 785 00:41:28,000 --> 00:41:30,968 But the feeding frenzy Won't start 786 00:41:31,033 --> 00:41:33,200 Till you throw out the chum. 787 00:41:33,267 --> 00:41:36,501 Until then, I'm just gonna chill. 788 00:41:39,868 --> 00:41:42,801 You're right. 789 00:41:42,868 --> 00:41:45,133 Yeah. This isn't the fun part. 790 00:41:50,501 --> 00:41:53,367 The fun part... 791 00:41:53,434 --> 00:41:55,334 Was hanging them Like cattle. 792 00:41:55,400 --> 00:41:58,334 Hanging who? 793 00:41:58,400 --> 00:42:01,501 The hookers... 794 00:42:01,567 --> 00:42:03,734 Right before I cut their throats. 795 00:42:03,801 --> 00:42:05,868 Son of a bitch. 796 00:42:05,934 --> 00:42:08,234 I used gravity roots To hang them upside down 797 00:42:08,300 --> 00:42:09,634 To drain the blood. 798 00:42:09,701 --> 00:42:10,834 Then... 799 00:42:10,901 --> 00:42:12,200 Angel: That shit is privileged. 800 00:42:12,267 --> 00:42:14,400 The press never Got ahold of that. 801 00:42:14,467 --> 00:42:16,601 ...i dipped them in liquid Nitrogen to freeze the blood 802 00:42:16,667 --> 00:42:20,167 Before i cut them into nice, Clean pieces. 803 00:42:20,234 --> 00:42:21,634 Yes. 804 00:42:21,701 --> 00:42:24,868 See, you got to understand - I- i hate blood. 805 00:42:24,934 --> 00:42:27,467 And there it is - 806 00:42:27,534 --> 00:42:30,267 All the expectations i had, 807 00:42:30,334 --> 00:42:35,234 All the promises of greatness Wiped out. 808 00:42:35,300 --> 00:42:38,901 My circle of friends Is down to one. 809 00:42:47,067 --> 00:42:49,234 How - what are you Doing here? 810 00:42:49,300 --> 00:42:50,467 Are you a cop? 811 00:42:50,534 --> 00:42:52,400 The cameras are off. I have one minute. 812 00:42:52,467 --> 00:42:54,601 Tell me why. I need to know. 813 00:42:54,667 --> 00:42:56,000 Why what? Don't! 814 00:42:58,868 --> 00:43:00,434 You killed again. 815 00:43:00,501 --> 00:43:02,634 I told you - I warned you - 816 00:43:02,701 --> 00:43:05,534 Don't kill anyone Who doesn't deserve to die. 817 00:43:05,601 --> 00:43:07,200 Why did you do it? 818 00:43:10,667 --> 00:43:13,067 To feel something different. 819 00:43:15,067 --> 00:43:16,801 Different than what? 820 00:43:18,634 --> 00:43:21,033 What do you normally feel? 821 00:43:29,267 --> 00:43:31,000 Nothing. 822 00:43:31,067 --> 00:43:32,567 Fucking nothing at all. 823 00:43:32,634 --> 00:43:35,167 I hate every fucking Goddamn second of it. 824 00:43:35,234 --> 00:43:38,267 I can't stand it - Living my life in my head. 825 00:43:53,701 --> 00:43:56,133 Does killing Make it better? 826 00:43:58,367 --> 00:44:00,367 No. 827 00:44:00,434 --> 00:44:02,767 Worse. 828 00:44:02,834 --> 00:44:05,133 Fucking worse than ever. 829 00:44:06,968 --> 00:44:08,968 Put your hands On the table. 830 00:44:11,701 --> 00:44:12,734 Do it. 831 00:44:18,667 --> 00:44:20,767 I'm a lot like you, You know? 832 00:44:20,834 --> 00:44:23,601 Yeah, right. You're a killer? 833 00:44:27,868 --> 00:44:29,534 I'm empty... 834 00:44:33,601 --> 00:44:37,367 ...but i found a way to make it Feel less bottomless. 835 00:44:41,667 --> 00:44:43,000 How? 836 00:44:43,067 --> 00:44:45,167 Pretend. 837 00:44:45,234 --> 00:44:48,467 You pretend the feelings Are there for the world 838 00:44:48,534 --> 00:44:51,133 And for the people Around you. 839 00:44:53,400 --> 00:44:55,868 Who knows? Maybe one day they will be. 840 00:44:55,934 --> 00:44:58,067 What the hell Are you doing, morgan? 841 00:44:58,133 --> 00:44:59,868 I'm scraping under the nails For blood. 842 00:44:59,934 --> 00:45:01,200 Get out. 843 00:45:01,267 --> 00:45:03,300 I want 10 more minutes With this piece of shit 844 00:45:03,367 --> 00:45:05,033 Before his lawyer shows. 845 00:45:08,300 --> 00:45:09,701 Stand up! 846 00:45:09,767 --> 00:45:11,868 Living my life in my head - 847 00:45:11,934 --> 00:45:14,601 I know exactly What jeremy means. 848 00:45:14,667 --> 00:45:17,400 At least i had someone To talk to - 849 00:45:17,467 --> 00:45:20,067 Harry, my foster father. 850 00:45:20,133 --> 00:45:23,300 He spent endless hours Teaching me how to survive. 851 00:45:23,367 --> 00:45:25,767 Excuse me, are you Jeremy downs' lawyer? 852 00:45:25,834 --> 00:45:28,167 Yes, i am. I'm just Heading over to see him. 853 00:45:28,234 --> 00:45:29,667 Sooner would be better. 854 00:45:31,067 --> 00:45:32,267 Seriously. 855 00:45:32,334 --> 00:45:33,834 Thank you. 856 00:45:41,634 --> 00:45:44,534 My mom died when i was 16- Cancer - 857 00:45:44,601 --> 00:45:48,734 And then it was just me, My brother, my dad. 858 00:45:48,801 --> 00:45:50,534 You have a brother? 859 00:45:50,601 --> 00:45:51,734 Yeah. Dexter. 860 00:45:51,801 --> 00:45:54,100 He and my dad Were really tight. 861 00:45:54,167 --> 00:45:56,067 They were always Spending time together. 862 00:45:56,133 --> 00:45:59,033 I guess i was jealous. 863 00:45:59,100 --> 00:46:02,200 What, you mean you weren't Daddy's little girl? 864 00:46:02,267 --> 00:46:04,434 No, i was, kind of. 865 00:46:04,501 --> 00:46:07,067 He just took a special Interest in dex, you know? 866 00:46:07,133 --> 00:46:09,033 I think that's why I became a cop. 867 00:46:09,100 --> 00:46:10,567 That's what he was. 868 00:46:10,634 --> 00:46:11,968 I thought maybe 869 00:46:12,033 --> 00:46:14,067 He would give me More attention or something. 870 00:46:14,133 --> 00:46:15,601 And did he? 871 00:46:15,667 --> 00:46:17,634 Not really... 872 00:46:17,701 --> 00:46:21,467 But we had our moments. 873 00:46:21,534 --> 00:46:25,000 What about you? How'd you become... 874 00:46:25,067 --> 00:46:27,467 Captain hook? 875 00:46:27,534 --> 00:46:31,801 Well, when i was little, My mom got in a car accident, 876 00:46:31,868 --> 00:46:33,667 And she lost both her legs. 877 00:46:33,734 --> 00:46:36,167 That's terrible. 878 00:46:36,234 --> 00:46:39,567 I remember When it happened, 879 00:46:39,634 --> 00:46:42,534 I just wanted to put her Back together... 880 00:46:42,601 --> 00:46:44,467 You know, Like humpty-dumpty, 881 00:46:44,534 --> 00:46:49,267 Just the pieces Weren't around. 882 00:47:14,834 --> 00:47:17,434 I'm going to miss My playmate. 883 00:47:20,667 --> 00:47:22,834 Sure, there's rita And the kids, 884 00:47:22,901 --> 00:47:26,133 But they don't know The real me. 885 00:47:26,200 --> 00:47:28,601 They can never Know the real me. 886 00:47:30,467 --> 00:47:33,367 And now the father is back. 887 00:47:35,200 --> 00:47:37,234 Things have changed. 888 00:47:39,667 --> 00:47:41,434 Everything has changed. 889 00:47:44,167 --> 00:47:47,734 I always prided myself On being an outsider, 890 00:47:47,801 --> 00:47:50,701 But now... 891 00:47:50,767 --> 00:47:55,300 I feel the need To connect with someone. 892 00:48:00,067 --> 00:48:02,801 I saw myself in jeremy... 893 00:48:02,868 --> 00:48:05,601 But instead of helping him Like harry helped me, 894 00:48:05,667 --> 00:48:08,200 I gave him a piece Of fortune-cookie advice 895 00:48:08,267 --> 00:48:10,000 That he never even heard. 896 00:48:10,067 --> 00:48:13,200 I failed him. 897 00:48:13,267 --> 00:48:15,667 He deserves better... 898 00:48:15,734 --> 00:48:18,601 And he'll get it from now on. 899 00:48:40,901 --> 00:48:43,234 I guess i was wrong. 900 00:48:43,300 --> 00:48:48,267 Jeremy did hear my advice. 901 00:48:48,334 --> 00:48:52,767 He killed someone Who deserved to die. 902 00:48:53,968 --> 00:48:55,868 What's the status On perry? 903 00:48:55,934 --> 00:48:57,601 I'm having him transferred Right now. 904 00:48:57,667 --> 00:48:59,667 The d. a. Wants to keep him At county, 905 00:48:59,734 --> 00:49:02,567 Pending arraignment. 906 00:49:02,634 --> 00:49:05,667 Maria, it was Your decision making 907 00:49:05,734 --> 00:49:08,734 That led to his capture And arrest, 908 00:49:08,801 --> 00:49:11,100 And you made All our lives easier 909 00:49:11,167 --> 00:49:13,133 By getting the bastard To confess. 910 00:49:13,200 --> 00:49:15,200 I'm just doing my job. 911 00:49:15,267 --> 00:49:18,334 It feels good to be Praising your police work 912 00:49:18,400 --> 00:49:21,934 Instead of your politics For a change. 913 00:49:22,000 --> 00:49:24,300 We need to make An official comment. 914 00:49:24,367 --> 00:49:27,133 Don't worry. I'll keep it short. 915 00:49:27,200 --> 00:49:29,133 I'm just heading downstairs now For the press conference. 916 00:49:29,200 --> 00:49:31,200 The press conference Is over. 917 00:49:31,267 --> 00:49:33,767 Oh, and, uh, don't worry. 918 00:49:33,834 --> 00:49:35,968 I kept it short. 919 00:49:36,033 --> 00:49:38,267 You got to be fucking Kidding me. 920 00:49:38,334 --> 00:49:39,901 That was my bust. 921 00:49:39,968 --> 00:49:41,501 This is my department. 922 00:49:44,167 --> 00:49:47,834 Did you at least Give me credit? 923 00:49:47,901 --> 00:49:50,133 Yes. I just gave it to you. 924 00:49:50,200 --> 00:49:51,934 Haven't you been listening? 925 00:49:58,234 --> 00:50:02,033 Ever since harry's death, I've been alone... 926 00:50:05,367 --> 00:50:09,567 ...but now, For the first time... 927 00:50:09,634 --> 00:50:12,000 I feel alone. 928 00:50:12,067 --> 00:50:14,434 How long you need With the prisoner? 929 00:50:18,767 --> 00:50:20,968 As long as i can get. 930 00:50:21,033 --> 00:50:22,534 Jeremy is gone, 931 00:50:22,601 --> 00:50:24,634 And neil perry Will soon vanish 932 00:50:24,701 --> 00:50:27,501 Into the catacombs Of the system. 933 00:50:27,567 --> 00:50:30,868 I have so many Questions for him. 934 00:50:30,934 --> 00:50:33,300 How did he discover My secrets? 935 00:50:33,367 --> 00:50:36,033 What was his message to me? 936 00:50:37,634 --> 00:50:40,467 He's been in my home, 937 00:50:40,534 --> 00:50:45,334 My photos... my life. 938 00:50:45,400 --> 00:50:47,901 He knows me. 939 00:50:47,968 --> 00:50:50,567 Now i need to know him... 940 00:50:56,901 --> 00:51:00,267 ...to connect face-to-face 941 00:51:00,334 --> 00:51:03,467 Before he's beyond My reach forever. 942 00:51:15,901 --> 00:51:17,534 Hi. 943 00:51:20,234 --> 00:51:23,234 Who the fuck are you?