1 00:00:00,467 --> 00:00:02,901 Previously on "dexter"... 2 00:00:04,167 --> 00:00:06,067 Angel: open up, perry, It's the police. Open up. 3 00:00:06,133 --> 00:00:08,334 Hey, angel, i got him! 4 00:00:08,400 --> 00:00:10,100 Dexter: they really found The ice-truck killer? 5 00:00:10,167 --> 00:00:12,601 I saw him, dex. I chased him. 6 00:00:12,667 --> 00:00:16,334 The fun part was Hanging them like cattle 7 00:00:16,400 --> 00:00:18,300 Right before I cut their throats. 8 00:00:18,367 --> 00:00:19,767 Son of a bitch. 9 00:00:19,834 --> 00:00:22,400 Dexter: i have So many questions for him. 10 00:00:22,467 --> 00:00:25,167 What was his message to me? 11 00:00:25,234 --> 00:00:26,868 Now i need to know him. 12 00:00:26,934 --> 00:00:28,734 Hi. 13 00:00:28,801 --> 00:00:30,234 Fuck are you? 14 00:00:32,467 --> 00:00:34,667 Paul bennett, Father on parole. 15 00:00:34,734 --> 00:00:37,067 Dexter morgan. 16 00:00:37,133 --> 00:00:39,100 I can't think Of anything clever to say. 17 00:00:39,167 --> 00:00:41,634 Divorce papers - Sign them now, 18 00:00:41,701 --> 00:00:43,868 And i'll agree to supervised Visits twice a week. 19 00:00:43,934 --> 00:00:45,834 You think you can Really make me back down? 20 00:00:45,901 --> 00:00:47,767 Are you fucking my wife? 21 00:00:49,868 --> 00:00:52,100 I just wish he'd go away. 22 00:00:52,167 --> 00:00:54,567 I mean, why can't he just go Away and disappear forever? 23 00:00:54,634 --> 00:00:57,000 All along, i thought This was a game 24 00:00:57,067 --> 00:01:00,000 My alter ego and i Were playing. 25 00:01:00,067 --> 00:01:04,734 But relationships Change, evolve, 26 00:01:04,801 --> 00:01:07,100 And this one's getting deep. 27 00:01:07,167 --> 00:01:10,667 I realize now My days are numbered. 28 00:01:10,734 --> 00:01:13,501 So i'd better make The most of them. 29 00:01:15,701 --> 00:01:17,567 Your instincts Were dead-on. 30 00:01:17,634 --> 00:01:20,367 They're always dead-on when it Comes to killers. Why is that? 31 00:01:21,334 --> 00:01:22,901 I'm watching you. 32 00:03:23,400 --> 00:03:25,267 Dexter: what are we Looking at here? 33 00:03:25,334 --> 00:03:27,934 Angel: i'm thinking Two circus clowns dancing. 34 00:03:28,000 --> 00:03:29,300 You? 35 00:03:29,367 --> 00:03:32,000 No, it looks like a lobster. See the claws? 36 00:03:34,033 --> 00:03:38,067 Why do bloodstains always Look like crustaceans to you? 37 00:03:38,133 --> 00:03:39,467 I like seafood. 38 00:03:39,534 --> 00:03:43,467 Rorschach would say you have A hard time relating to others. 39 00:03:43,534 --> 00:03:45,467 Not as hard as her. 40 00:03:45,534 --> 00:03:47,300 It does look Like a suicide. 41 00:03:47,367 --> 00:03:49,234 Can i get some light In here, please? 42 00:03:49,300 --> 00:03:51,834 Damn power outages. I don't know, angel. 43 00:03:51,901 --> 00:03:53,868 Most firearm suicides Are committed by men. 44 00:03:53,934 --> 00:03:55,534 Women tend to slash Their wrists, take pills, 45 00:03:55,601 --> 00:03:56,834 Something more ladylike. 46 00:03:56,901 --> 00:03:58,167 Not in miami. 47 00:03:58,234 --> 00:04:00,133 We closed a couple Of suicide cases 48 00:04:00,200 --> 00:04:02,133 Just like this last year, Remember? 49 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:09,834 Look at this mess. 50 00:04:09,901 --> 00:04:11,701 That's a fancy bathtub. Rich husband? 51 00:04:11,767 --> 00:04:14,133 Househusband And aspiring artist. 52 00:04:14,200 --> 00:04:17,067 Ooh. Promising. So, she supported him? 53 00:04:17,133 --> 00:04:18,434 It looks like that. 54 00:04:18,501 --> 00:04:20,334 She was some kind Of big-time prosecutor. 55 00:04:20,400 --> 00:04:22,133 Those other suicides We closed - 56 00:04:22,200 --> 00:04:24,334 Those were high-powered women, Too, right? 57 00:04:24,400 --> 00:04:26,300 I don't know. I think so. 58 00:04:26,367 --> 00:04:29,100 Note to self. 59 00:04:30,934 --> 00:04:33,133 Gayle: i don't care what it Looks like. Somebody killed her. 60 00:04:33,200 --> 00:04:35,400 Doakes: we're checking out All the possibilities. 61 00:04:35,467 --> 00:04:38,868 Was your wife dealing With any emotional problem? 62 00:04:38,934 --> 00:04:40,434 You know, Job stress, the usual, 63 00:04:40,501 --> 00:04:42,367 But she was working Through it in therapy. 64 00:04:42,434 --> 00:04:45,033 She have any other problems That you're aware of? 65 00:04:45,100 --> 00:04:48,133 Are you listening to me? Vanessa didn't kill herself. 66 00:04:48,200 --> 00:04:50,701 Criminals stage suicides All the time. 67 00:04:50,767 --> 00:04:52,634 We'll check into it. 68 00:04:52,701 --> 00:04:54,868 We need to collect your clothes For evidence - 69 00:04:54,934 --> 00:04:56,701 Standard procedure. 70 00:05:08,567 --> 00:05:10,968 Come on. I got to go. There's A dead body in that house. 71 00:05:11,033 --> 00:05:12,701 There's a hot body In here. 72 00:05:12,767 --> 00:05:15,033 I so want To maul you right now. 73 00:05:15,100 --> 00:05:18,334 I so want you to. Call me when you're done, okay? 74 00:05:18,400 --> 00:05:20,534 Yeah, I'll bring handcuffs. 75 00:05:29,601 --> 00:05:32,434 Morgan, What took you so long? 76 00:05:32,501 --> 00:05:35,133 Playing "hide the salami" With mr. Prosthetics? 77 00:05:35,200 --> 00:05:37,501 I don't fuck and tell. Since when? 78 00:05:37,567 --> 00:05:39,300 Can we go inside? I'm kind of wet. 79 00:05:39,367 --> 00:05:40,734 Don't. 80 00:05:40,801 --> 00:05:42,601 No, i need you To see what you can find out 81 00:05:42,667 --> 00:05:44,801 About the victim's relationship With her husband. 82 00:05:44,868 --> 00:05:46,434 It's always The husband, right? 83 00:05:46,501 --> 00:05:48,167 Looks like a suicide, But you never know - 84 00:05:48,234 --> 00:05:49,501 Younger guy, unemployed. 85 00:05:49,567 --> 00:05:52,167 Maybe he was a boy toy, Killed her for her money. 86 00:05:52,234 --> 00:05:53,701 I'm on it. 87 00:05:55,400 --> 00:05:57,934 Doakes is sending you away From a crime scene in the rain, 88 00:05:58,000 --> 00:05:59,367 And you're not Putting up a fight? 89 00:05:59,434 --> 00:06:01,501 I'm a team player. You are? 90 00:06:01,567 --> 00:06:04,400 Fuck you! 91 00:06:06,434 --> 00:06:08,968 Oh, hey, dex, Come on in. 92 00:06:13,501 --> 00:06:14,467 Where's rita? 93 00:06:14,534 --> 00:06:16,400 Uh, she's stuck In traffic. 94 00:06:16,467 --> 00:06:18,400 Power's out In half the city. 95 00:06:18,467 --> 00:06:20,267 Of course, i love The extra kid time, 96 00:06:20,334 --> 00:06:24,501 But, uh, court supervisor - Not so much. 97 00:06:26,901 --> 00:06:28,801 Hey, you know, I feel really bad 98 00:06:28,868 --> 00:06:30,701 About the last time I was here. 99 00:06:30,767 --> 00:06:33,167 I didn't mean to get All alpha male on you. 100 00:06:33,234 --> 00:06:35,400 What are you supposed To say to the guy 101 00:06:35,467 --> 00:06:37,400 Who's f'ing your wife While you're in jail? 102 00:06:39,667 --> 00:06:42,701 Sorry. Sorry i'm late. 103 00:06:42,767 --> 00:06:45,033 Thanks for holding down The fort. 104 00:06:45,100 --> 00:06:46,200 Do you mind if i get going? 105 00:06:46,267 --> 00:06:48,167 I got kids of my own At home to look after. 106 00:06:48,234 --> 00:06:49,901 No, no, no. It's okay. 107 00:06:49,968 --> 00:06:51,200 Dexter and i Are here now. 108 00:06:51,267 --> 00:06:52,501 Bye, kids. 109 00:06:52,567 --> 00:06:54,434 Mom, dexter, The lights are out. 110 00:06:54,501 --> 00:06:56,601 They are? Hey, i brought hot chocolate. 111 00:06:56,667 --> 00:06:58,467 Dad already made us some. 112 00:06:58,534 --> 00:07:00,667 With extra marshmallows. 113 00:07:00,734 --> 00:07:02,601 Tag - you're it! 114 00:07:02,667 --> 00:07:04,033 I'd love Some hot chocolate. 115 00:07:04,100 --> 00:07:06,400 Take two. Looks like he's got extra. 116 00:07:06,467 --> 00:07:08,200 Come here, buddy. 117 00:07:08,267 --> 00:07:13,200 Mom, can dad stay And put us to bed, please? 118 00:07:13,267 --> 00:07:15,334 I think that's why Dexter's here, sweetie. 119 00:07:15,400 --> 00:07:16,434 Dexter doesn't mind. 120 00:07:16,501 --> 00:07:18,334 Yay! 121 00:07:18,400 --> 00:07:20,734 Only a song, no story - It's way past your bedtime. 122 00:07:20,801 --> 00:07:24,100 All right, bedbugs, Let's leave these two alone. 123 00:07:24,167 --> 00:07:26,667 It's not like They need a chaperone. 124 00:07:37,834 --> 00:07:40,701 Meghan dowd, carolyn jillian, And now vanessa gayle - 125 00:07:40,767 --> 00:07:42,567 All three powerful women, 126 00:07:42,634 --> 00:07:45,300 All three shot themselves In the past two years. 127 00:07:45,367 --> 00:07:47,400 They've got to have More in common 128 00:07:47,467 --> 00:07:50,133 Than career ambition And a fondness of firearms. 129 00:07:50,200 --> 00:07:53,133 Why the sudden interest In suicides? 130 00:07:53,200 --> 00:07:56,334 Morbid curiosity. 131 00:07:56,400 --> 00:07:58,667 What can i do for you? 132 00:07:58,734 --> 00:08:00,667 So many things. 133 00:08:00,734 --> 00:08:03,167 I need the blood-spatter report On vanessa gayle. 134 00:08:06,167 --> 00:08:07,767 Blood spatter's Inconclusive. 135 00:08:07,834 --> 00:08:10,100 All i can tell is She was shot at close range. 136 00:08:10,167 --> 00:08:13,734 I wish I had more for you. Me too. 137 00:08:13,801 --> 00:08:16,934 Maria, the d. a. Needs the work sheet 138 00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:18,400 For the ice-truck-killer case. 139 00:08:18,467 --> 00:08:20,968 I'm working on it. When'd you talk to the d. a.? 140 00:08:21,033 --> 00:08:22,868 We had dinner last night. 141 00:08:22,934 --> 00:08:25,767 Mayor allen took us out to Celebrate neil perry's arrest - 142 00:08:25,834 --> 00:08:28,334 Hell of a good time. 143 00:08:28,400 --> 00:08:31,434 Hmm. Hijo de puta. 144 00:08:31,501 --> 00:08:33,200 I'm the one who gets Perry to confess, 145 00:08:33,267 --> 00:08:35,000 And he's got the mayor Kissing his ass. 146 00:08:35,067 --> 00:08:36,234 I wouldn't be too upset. 147 00:08:36,300 --> 00:08:38,801 Matthews will be the one With the egg on his face. 148 00:08:38,868 --> 00:08:40,567 You still believe We got the wrong guy? 149 00:08:40,634 --> 00:08:42,367 Perry's the pretender To the throne. 150 00:08:42,434 --> 00:08:44,934 The real king is still out There, and he'll kill again. 151 00:08:45,000 --> 00:08:46,200 It's just a matter of time. 152 00:08:46,267 --> 00:08:48,000 Or the ice-truck killer Will use perry 153 00:08:48,067 --> 00:08:49,701 As a get-out-of-jail-free Card. 154 00:08:52,534 --> 00:08:55,133 You really think That might happen? 155 00:08:55,200 --> 00:08:57,167 If perry's the wrong guy 156 00:08:57,234 --> 00:09:00,567 And i let him take The fall, definitely. 157 00:09:00,634 --> 00:09:02,767 Thanks, dexter. 158 00:09:02,834 --> 00:09:04,634 What if laguerta's right? 159 00:09:04,701 --> 00:09:08,033 What if the ice-truck killer Does disappear? 160 00:09:11,200 --> 00:09:14,400 No. He's got Unfinished business with me. 161 00:09:14,467 --> 00:09:16,501 Still, i can't just sit On my hands 162 00:09:16,567 --> 00:09:18,434 Waiting for something To happen. 163 00:09:18,501 --> 00:09:21,834 I need a distraction. 164 00:09:21,901 --> 00:09:24,067 Nothing like Some little debbies 165 00:09:24,133 --> 00:09:27,467 And a worthy new adversary To clear my head. 166 00:09:32,868 --> 00:09:35,167 Talk to me, ladies. 167 00:09:35,234 --> 00:09:38,033 What do you have in common? 168 00:09:38,100 --> 00:09:42,067 Same sorority? Pilates instructor? 169 00:09:59,133 --> 00:10:02,334 Dr. Emmett meridian. 170 00:10:06,934 --> 00:10:10,267 The three suicide sisters Shared the same therapist - 171 00:10:10,334 --> 00:10:12,667 Dr. Emmett meridian. 172 00:10:12,734 --> 00:10:15,701 He must be terrible at his job. 173 00:10:27,968 --> 00:10:30,033 So far, he comes up Squeaky clean - 174 00:10:30,100 --> 00:10:32,601 No malpractice suits, No disgruntled patients. 175 00:10:32,667 --> 00:10:35,234 And i thought i was a master At damage control. 176 00:10:35,300 --> 00:10:38,267 Perhaps i should schedule A session with the good doctor 177 00:10:38,334 --> 00:10:41,234 And try out a little Reverse psychology. 178 00:10:41,300 --> 00:10:43,667 Come on in, sean. Have a seat. 179 00:10:43,734 --> 00:10:46,601 Thanks for seeing me On such short notice. 180 00:10:46,667 --> 00:10:49,167 Hey, i expect the police To show up when i call, right? 181 00:10:49,234 --> 00:10:52,000 The least i can do is clear My lunch hour for a cop in need. 182 00:10:52,067 --> 00:10:55,767 So, what brought you here? 183 00:10:55,834 --> 00:10:58,501 A friend of mine died. 184 00:11:01,801 --> 00:11:04,567 She killed herself. 185 00:11:04,634 --> 00:11:06,734 I need to understand why. 186 00:11:06,801 --> 00:11:08,133 How come? 187 00:11:08,200 --> 00:11:10,100 She had everything going For her. It doesn't make sense. 188 00:11:10,167 --> 00:11:13,367 To some people, Death makes perfect sense. 189 00:11:13,434 --> 00:11:16,000 Life - Now, that's the puzzle, 190 00:11:16,067 --> 00:11:18,033 Like you, sean. 191 00:11:18,100 --> 00:11:20,400 What really Brought you here? 192 00:11:20,467 --> 00:11:22,200 I just told you i came - 193 00:11:22,267 --> 00:11:24,267 To talk about Your friend's suicide, i know. 194 00:11:24,334 --> 00:11:26,400 I think you're using This suicide deal 195 00:11:26,467 --> 00:11:28,133 As an excuse To come see me. 196 00:11:31,567 --> 00:11:33,434 You're absolutely right. 197 00:11:36,968 --> 00:11:38,634 How could you tell? 198 00:11:38,701 --> 00:11:40,000 I'm sensing you do it a lot 199 00:11:40,067 --> 00:11:41,968 To keep the world At arm's length. 200 00:11:42,033 --> 00:11:45,868 And what are My real intentions? 201 00:11:49,534 --> 00:11:53,000 As soon As i pay for my lunch, 202 00:11:53,067 --> 00:11:55,067 You're gonna tell me that. 203 00:11:55,133 --> 00:11:56,701 Excuse me a second. 204 00:11:56,767 --> 00:11:59,601 Judging from what i've seen So far, i probably will. 205 00:11:59,667 --> 00:12:01,501 This guy's good. 206 00:12:01,567 --> 00:12:04,701 So why do His patients keep dying? 207 00:12:06,400 --> 00:12:08,367 Vanessa's estimated time Of death 208 00:12:08,434 --> 00:12:11,167 Was monday at 7:00 p. m. 209 00:12:11,234 --> 00:12:13,868 Meridian was in session With scott solomon. 210 00:12:13,934 --> 00:12:18,400 I wonder if mr. Solomon kept His appointment that night. 211 00:12:21,467 --> 00:12:26,167 So, we got almond chicken, And pork fried rice. 212 00:12:26,234 --> 00:12:28,767 Let's start with the basics. You married? 213 00:12:28,834 --> 00:12:30,334 No. 214 00:12:30,400 --> 00:12:31,701 Girlfriend? 215 00:12:31,767 --> 00:12:33,434 Yes. 216 00:12:33,501 --> 00:12:35,467 Sex life? 217 00:12:35,534 --> 00:12:37,667 It's personal. 218 00:12:37,734 --> 00:12:40,434 And this is therapy, Where we share personal things. 219 00:12:44,901 --> 00:12:46,501 You know, it might Help me open up 220 00:12:46,567 --> 00:12:48,434 If you shared something About yourself. 221 00:12:48,501 --> 00:12:50,167 Why did you become A psychiatrist? 222 00:12:50,234 --> 00:12:53,234 See what you just did? 223 00:12:53,300 --> 00:12:56,801 Trying to take control Like that? 224 00:12:56,868 --> 00:12:59,701 You probably get away with it Most of the time, too, right? 225 00:12:59,767 --> 00:13:02,100 That's a way Of preventing other people 226 00:13:02,167 --> 00:13:03,667 From getting close to you. 227 00:13:03,734 --> 00:13:05,868 Let me Ask you something, sean. 228 00:13:10,267 --> 00:13:12,934 Have you ever been Close to anybody? 229 00:13:17,167 --> 00:13:19,567 My foster father. 230 00:13:21,300 --> 00:13:23,934 He's the only one Who ever really knew me. 231 00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:26,534 You're adopted? 232 00:13:26,601 --> 00:13:29,467 Harry took me in When i was 3. 233 00:13:29,534 --> 00:13:31,901 So tell me about harry. 234 00:13:31,968 --> 00:13:35,400 What kind of stuff Did you guys do together? 235 00:13:35,467 --> 00:13:37,868 You know, Normal father/son stuff. 236 00:13:46,501 --> 00:13:48,767 All right. Stop. Enough. 237 00:13:51,267 --> 00:13:52,901 Are you all right? 238 00:13:52,968 --> 00:13:56,167 I'm fine. I'm fine. 239 00:13:56,234 --> 00:13:58,367 Nice ambush. 240 00:13:58,434 --> 00:14:00,567 That was the perfect Point of attack. 241 00:14:00,634 --> 00:14:02,300 I can't believe I finally got you. 242 00:14:02,367 --> 00:14:04,234 I won. 243 00:14:04,300 --> 00:14:07,767 This isn't a game, Dexter. 244 00:14:07,834 --> 00:14:09,267 No, i-i know. 245 00:14:09,334 --> 00:14:11,534 It's not supposed To be fun. 246 00:14:11,601 --> 00:14:12,934 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's just - 247 00:14:13,000 --> 00:14:15,601 You think i want To teach you these things? 248 00:14:15,667 --> 00:14:17,300 This is the only way i know 249 00:14:17,367 --> 00:14:19,968 How to keep you Out of an electric chair. 250 00:14:20,033 --> 00:14:23,534 This is about survival, dex, Nothing else. 251 00:14:23,601 --> 00:14:25,868 Got it? 252 00:14:41,467 --> 00:14:44,367 Man: you've got A visitor, perry. 253 00:14:44,434 --> 00:14:46,200 Miss me? 254 00:14:46,267 --> 00:14:47,701 Don't flatter yourself. 255 00:14:47,767 --> 00:14:50,567 I have to comb through your case Before the trial, 256 00:14:50,634 --> 00:14:52,634 Make sure I have my facts straight 257 00:14:52,701 --> 00:14:54,734 On the notorious Ice-truck killer. 258 00:14:54,801 --> 00:14:58,534 Um, i confessed. What more do you need? 259 00:14:58,601 --> 00:14:59,834 The evidence to line up. 260 00:14:59,901 --> 00:15:01,734 We haven't been able To match your prints 261 00:15:01,801 --> 00:15:03,667 Against the partial On the lozenge wrapper 262 00:15:03,734 --> 00:15:05,334 We found At the abandoned hospital. 263 00:15:05,400 --> 00:15:08,567 Liquid nitrogen - i use it To freeze the body parts. 264 00:15:08,634 --> 00:15:11,534 It's extremely effective, But it burns like a bitch. 265 00:15:11,601 --> 00:15:13,467 Oh. 266 00:15:13,534 --> 00:15:16,701 Or you knew your prints Wouldn't match, 267 00:15:16,767 --> 00:15:19,567 So you purposely burned Your fingertips to hide it. 268 00:15:19,634 --> 00:15:22,767 Are you suggesting That i'm a liar? 269 00:15:22,834 --> 00:15:26,033 Just covering my bases, neil. We both want the same thing. 270 00:15:26,100 --> 00:15:29,701 Uh... 10 minutes alone With angelina? 271 00:15:29,767 --> 00:15:31,601 To see you convicted. 272 00:15:34,734 --> 00:15:38,267 What's in it for me If i help you do your job? 273 00:15:38,334 --> 00:15:40,868 Hmm... 274 00:15:40,934 --> 00:15:43,367 How about immortality? 275 00:15:47,834 --> 00:15:50,300 We found your mother's body Under your house. 276 00:15:50,367 --> 00:15:53,300 Now, you can go down as A pathetic loser who killed mom 277 00:15:53,367 --> 00:15:57,868 Or the most heinous killer 278 00:15:57,934 --> 00:16:00,868 In florida's history - 279 00:16:00,934 --> 00:16:02,667 Your choice. 280 00:16:07,033 --> 00:16:09,968 If i'm going To become a legend, 281 00:16:10,033 --> 00:16:11,934 I need to be memorialized. 282 00:16:12,000 --> 00:16:14,901 I want a reporter here To interview me - front page. 283 00:16:14,968 --> 00:16:17,601 You're not allowed to talk To the press before the trial. 284 00:16:17,667 --> 00:16:20,934 If you want me To cooperate, 285 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:24,667 I'm sure you'll find a way. 286 00:16:31,934 --> 00:16:35,601 Meridian had one thing right. I do crave control. 287 00:16:35,667 --> 00:16:38,901 The longer the ice-truck killer Maintains radio silence, 288 00:16:38,968 --> 00:16:41,767 The less control i have. 289 00:16:41,834 --> 00:16:46,434 Craigslist - it's desperate, I know, but apropos. 290 00:16:46,501 --> 00:16:49,434 Personal ads are filled With desperation. 291 00:16:49,501 --> 00:16:53,434 "tyler from key west," "speedos tanning on the beach," 292 00:16:53,501 --> 00:16:55,601 "touched your tits On friday night" - 293 00:16:55,667 --> 00:16:58,100 At least these folks Aren't just standing by 294 00:16:58,167 --> 00:17:01,601 Waiting for something To happen, and neither am i. 295 00:17:04,501 --> 00:17:08,033 "dear ken, i'm in pieces. 296 00:17:08,100 --> 00:17:12,067 Why the cold shoulder? Love, barbie. " 297 00:17:28,000 --> 00:17:30,934 Hey, i got it. 298 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:32,834 Thanks. 299 00:17:32,901 --> 00:17:35,501 Hey, i know you - Monday night at meridian's. 300 00:17:35,567 --> 00:17:38,234 You're always leaving your 7:00 When i'm arriving for my 8:00. 301 00:17:38,300 --> 00:17:39,667 You missed last week, right? 302 00:17:39,734 --> 00:17:41,467 No, i was there. 303 00:17:41,534 --> 00:17:43,400 I don't remember Ever seeing you, though. 304 00:17:43,467 --> 00:17:44,901 How do you like him? 305 00:17:44,968 --> 00:17:46,334 Meridian? 306 00:17:46,400 --> 00:17:48,467 Best thing that's Ever happened to me... 307 00:17:48,534 --> 00:17:50,267 So far. 308 00:17:50,334 --> 00:17:52,634 How about you? You finding him helpful? 309 00:17:52,701 --> 00:17:53,968 I'm a sociopath. 310 00:17:54,033 --> 00:17:56,100 There's not much He can do for me. 311 00:17:56,167 --> 00:17:58,634 Cute and funny. 312 00:17:58,701 --> 00:18:00,767 Let me guess - taken. 313 00:18:00,834 --> 00:18:03,667 Girlfriend. Lucky girl. 314 00:18:03,734 --> 00:18:06,601 Well, thanks for the help, But i can handle it from here. 315 00:18:06,667 --> 00:18:07,934 All right. 316 00:18:08,000 --> 00:18:11,133 So meridian has an alibi For the time of death. 317 00:18:11,200 --> 00:18:14,767 My sexual hang-ups And control issues aside, 318 00:18:14,834 --> 00:18:19,300 I need a follow-up appointment To dig a little deeper. 319 00:18:19,367 --> 00:18:22,167 Isn't that What therapy's all about? 320 00:18:56,534 --> 00:18:58,367 Oh, my god. 321 00:18:58,434 --> 00:19:00,934 I love your body. 322 00:19:04,701 --> 00:19:07,067 I love your legs. 323 00:19:08,934 --> 00:19:10,767 I love your arms. 324 00:19:12,701 --> 00:19:15,133 I couldn't have made them Better myself. 325 00:19:17,467 --> 00:19:20,200 Hey. 326 00:19:20,267 --> 00:19:21,868 Are you crying? 327 00:19:23,434 --> 00:19:24,968 I'm fine. 328 00:19:27,033 --> 00:19:29,000 Then what? 329 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:32,934 I don't know. 330 00:19:35,734 --> 00:19:39,300 I'm sure this is really hot, Crying after sex. 331 00:19:39,367 --> 00:19:42,667 Everything about you Is hot. 332 00:19:45,267 --> 00:19:47,467 Tell me What you're feeling. 333 00:19:53,367 --> 00:19:55,167 It's... 334 00:19:57,200 --> 00:19:59,367 It's just... 335 00:19:59,434 --> 00:20:02,133 Every time i've ever Been naked with someone... 336 00:20:04,934 --> 00:20:07,133 ...we just fuck. 337 00:20:08,868 --> 00:20:12,000 But not this time? 338 00:20:12,067 --> 00:20:15,133 This is different. 339 00:20:15,200 --> 00:20:16,701 It feels like... 340 00:20:19,100 --> 00:20:22,601 I hate saying this. It sounds so fucking cheesy. 341 00:20:22,667 --> 00:20:25,767 It feels Like making love. 342 00:20:25,834 --> 00:20:28,100 Ew. 343 00:20:30,200 --> 00:20:33,400 Yes. 344 00:20:33,467 --> 00:20:37,501 But, ew, promise me You'll never say that again. 345 00:20:37,567 --> 00:20:39,601 What if i do? 346 00:20:39,667 --> 00:20:41,801 Are you gonna cry about it? 347 00:20:44,267 --> 00:20:46,434 You're so fucked up. 348 00:20:46,501 --> 00:20:49,067 What's up, rock star? 349 00:20:50,868 --> 00:20:53,400 Look at you. 350 00:20:53,467 --> 00:20:55,400 What you doing? Hey. 351 00:20:57,367 --> 00:20:58,801 Where's the supervisor? 352 00:20:58,868 --> 00:21:01,033 Oh, she called on my cell And canceled. 353 00:21:01,100 --> 00:21:03,367 Who wants to play Monster tag? 354 00:21:03,434 --> 00:21:04,434 I do. Yeah? 355 00:21:04,501 --> 00:21:06,734 I'm coming after you. 356 00:21:06,801 --> 00:21:09,067 You better run. 357 00:21:09,133 --> 00:21:11,767 Paul, you know you're not Allowed unsupervised visits. 358 00:21:11,834 --> 00:21:14,634 I know. Big bad paul Needs a babysitter. 359 00:21:14,701 --> 00:21:17,033 It's your day off, right? 360 00:21:17,100 --> 00:21:19,634 Now, would it really be So terrible 361 00:21:19,701 --> 00:21:21,367 If we spent time With our kids together? 362 00:21:21,434 --> 00:21:23,767 I have a lunch date With dexter. 363 00:21:23,834 --> 00:21:25,400 Come on. It'll be fun. 364 00:21:26,734 --> 00:21:28,567 Mom, dad, come on. 365 00:21:33,634 --> 00:21:37,400 I guess I could call dexter. 366 00:21:37,467 --> 00:21:40,434 It's official - i'm nominating You for mom of the year. 367 00:21:41,767 --> 00:21:45,267 Here comes the monster. Here comes the monster. 368 00:21:51,334 --> 00:21:53,701 Contrary to what Dr. Meridian thinks, 369 00:21:53,767 --> 00:21:56,334 I don't always keep others At a distance. 370 00:21:56,400 --> 00:21:58,868 Things are looking up already. 371 00:22:02,801 --> 00:22:04,868 Or not. 372 00:22:04,934 --> 00:22:08,868 Clearly nobody here is My missing partner in crime. 373 00:22:10,167 --> 00:22:12,133 Hey, what's up? You were looking for me? 374 00:22:12,200 --> 00:22:14,601 What did forensics come back With on vanessa gayle? 375 00:22:14,667 --> 00:22:17,300 Gunpowder on her hand, None on her husband's, 376 00:22:17,367 --> 00:22:20,234 High-angle trajectory, Drugs in the tox screen. 377 00:22:20,300 --> 00:22:22,167 It all points to suicide. 378 00:22:22,234 --> 00:22:24,067 No chance it was murder? 379 00:22:24,133 --> 00:22:26,300 Too bad, huh? I had the husband pegged, too. 380 00:22:26,367 --> 00:22:28,868 Was hoping he could help me Score my own sugar mama. 381 00:22:28,934 --> 00:22:29,901 Try craigslist. 382 00:22:29,968 --> 00:22:31,067 I already did - 383 00:22:31,133 --> 00:22:34,300 Nothing but cat ladies And saggy tits. 384 00:22:38,267 --> 00:22:41,133 Miami metro can close This case as a suicide, 385 00:22:41,200 --> 00:22:43,567 But i'm still not convinced. 386 00:22:43,634 --> 00:22:47,167 Maybe my new therapist can shed Some light on my doubts. 387 00:22:47,234 --> 00:22:50,033 You seem on edge today. 388 00:22:53,000 --> 00:22:54,868 I'm not getting What i came here for. 389 00:22:54,934 --> 00:22:56,400 What'd you come here for? 390 00:22:56,467 --> 00:22:58,467 We established In our last visit 391 00:22:58,534 --> 00:23:00,634 That it wasn't to talk About suicide. 392 00:23:00,701 --> 00:23:04,100 Or feelings. Heaven forbid. 393 00:23:04,167 --> 00:23:06,200 So, what do you want To talk about? 394 00:23:06,267 --> 00:23:09,067 Fakes - 395 00:23:09,133 --> 00:23:11,267 People who Pass themselves off 396 00:23:11,334 --> 00:23:12,968 As something they're not. 397 00:23:13,033 --> 00:23:14,567 Like a pre-owned-car Salesman? 398 00:23:14,634 --> 00:23:16,100 A brave politician. 399 00:23:16,167 --> 00:23:18,000 A jew for jesus. 400 00:23:18,067 --> 00:23:20,868 A wolf In sheep's clothing. 401 00:23:20,934 --> 00:23:24,000 Is that how you feel, sean? 402 00:23:24,067 --> 00:23:26,467 Like you're hiding A dark secret? 403 00:23:26,534 --> 00:23:29,200 No, i wasn't talking About me. 404 00:23:29,267 --> 00:23:32,000 Who were you Talking about? 405 00:23:38,234 --> 00:23:40,033 You. 406 00:23:40,100 --> 00:23:44,000 That's a common first-time Reaction to therapy. 407 00:23:44,067 --> 00:23:46,033 You think i can't care About you, 408 00:23:46,100 --> 00:23:49,167 That i'm only pretending to care Because i have another motive. 409 00:23:49,234 --> 00:23:52,033 Bingo. You got me. 410 00:23:52,100 --> 00:23:55,067 I do have another motive. It's called a paycheck. 411 00:23:55,133 --> 00:23:56,567 But that doesn't mean 412 00:23:56,634 --> 00:23:58,934 That i can't care for my Patients or enjoy my job. 413 00:23:59,000 --> 00:24:01,167 How are things at your job? 414 00:24:01,234 --> 00:24:04,300 frustrating, To tell you the truth. 415 00:24:04,367 --> 00:24:07,467 What kind of forensics Do you do? Blood spatter. 416 00:24:07,534 --> 00:24:10,100 Most people Can't stand blood. 417 00:24:10,167 --> 00:24:11,701 I hate it. 418 00:24:11,767 --> 00:24:14,467 Categorizing and analyzing Must be very soothing for you. 419 00:24:17,234 --> 00:24:19,834 Yeah, it is, actually. 420 00:24:19,901 --> 00:24:22,968 So, okay, how are things With your girlfriend? 421 00:24:23,033 --> 00:24:25,367 She canceled lunch with me To be with her ex-husband. 422 00:24:25,434 --> 00:24:26,601 Ouch. 423 00:24:26,667 --> 00:24:29,100 Sounds like things are out Of your control right now. 424 00:24:29,167 --> 00:24:31,567 No wonder you cut yourself Off from your emotions. 425 00:24:31,634 --> 00:24:33,734 That way you never have To feel powerless. 426 00:24:33,801 --> 00:24:36,000 So, then, What should i do? 427 00:24:36,067 --> 00:24:40,167 Accept that certain things Are out of your hands. Let go. 428 00:24:43,167 --> 00:24:45,734 Hey, morgan - i can't believe, Out of two million sperm, 429 00:24:45,801 --> 00:24:47,033 You were the fastest swimmer. 430 00:24:48,200 --> 00:24:50,901 What are you Gonna do about it? 431 00:24:50,968 --> 00:24:52,567 I wanted to kill him, dad. 432 00:24:52,634 --> 00:24:56,300 It must have been tough For you to walk away, son. 433 00:24:56,367 --> 00:24:58,400 I'm proud That you did that. 434 00:24:58,467 --> 00:25:01,467 Don't be, 'cause i still Want to kill him. 435 00:25:01,534 --> 00:25:03,734 When's that Gonna go away? 436 00:25:06,000 --> 00:25:08,934 I think i have everything I need, mr. Perry. 437 00:25:09,000 --> 00:25:10,367 When's the story gonna run? 438 00:25:10,434 --> 00:25:13,534 Well, they're saving space For tomorrow, front page. 439 00:25:13,601 --> 00:25:15,701 I just got to get back And write. 440 00:25:15,767 --> 00:25:18,934 Thanks so much For your time. 441 00:25:20,801 --> 00:25:23,167 Laguerta: How was your interview? It was fine. 442 00:25:23,234 --> 00:25:25,033 You ready to talk About the case? 443 00:25:25,100 --> 00:25:29,100 Sure, as soon as i get To talk to a reporter. 444 00:25:29,167 --> 00:25:30,434 You just did. 445 00:25:30,501 --> 00:25:31,767 Oh, give me a break. 446 00:25:31,834 --> 00:25:34,801 That poser was one of your cop Buddies, but nice try. 447 00:25:34,868 --> 00:25:38,133 In case you forgot, neil, You're the one in jail. 448 00:25:38,200 --> 00:25:39,501 I call the shots. 449 00:25:39,567 --> 00:25:42,100 I could invoke my miranda rights At any time and lawyer up. 450 00:25:42,167 --> 00:25:45,000 If you wanted a lawyer, You'd have one by now. 451 00:25:48,133 --> 00:25:50,334 I know your game, Lieutenant. 452 00:25:50,400 --> 00:25:53,968 You think i'm a fraud And you're trying to prove it, 453 00:25:54,033 --> 00:25:57,601 But the truth is You're the fraud. 454 00:25:59,367 --> 00:26:00,934 You know what, neil? 455 00:26:01,000 --> 00:26:03,167 I'm really not in the mood For your shit today. 456 00:26:03,234 --> 00:26:04,834 I found out How you got promoted. 457 00:26:11,968 --> 00:26:13,601 Back when you And sergeant doakes 458 00:26:13,667 --> 00:26:14,934 Were still partners, 459 00:26:15,000 --> 00:26:16,634 Doakes got the drop On a major coke dealer, 460 00:26:16,701 --> 00:26:18,300 Brought you along For the ride. 461 00:26:18,367 --> 00:26:19,601 How did you get - 462 00:26:19,667 --> 00:26:21,968 When the perp bailed From a third-story apartment, 463 00:26:22,033 --> 00:26:23,300 Doakes took the fire escape, 464 00:26:23,367 --> 00:26:26,267 Sent you to cover the stairs Just in case. 465 00:26:26,334 --> 00:26:30,133 Only... you got lucky 466 00:26:30,200 --> 00:26:31,834 And you made The headline grab, 467 00:26:31,901 --> 00:26:34,601 And so the legend began. 468 00:26:34,667 --> 00:26:37,868 I wonder if doakes would have Made a good lieutenant. 469 00:26:37,934 --> 00:26:40,934 I deserved that promotion. 470 00:26:41,000 --> 00:26:43,634 I'm sure you did. It was a big bust. 471 00:26:43,701 --> 00:26:46,434 Not as big as catching me, Of course, 472 00:26:46,501 --> 00:26:48,934 But, uh, let's be honest. 473 00:26:49,000 --> 00:26:53,200 You didn't catch me. Your captain did. 474 00:26:58,834 --> 00:27:01,601 At least that's what They're saying on the news. 475 00:27:09,234 --> 00:27:11,100 My therapist wants me to accept 476 00:27:11,167 --> 00:27:13,534 The things That are out of my hands. 477 00:27:13,601 --> 00:27:16,434 Tragically for him, He's not out of my hands, 478 00:27:16,501 --> 00:27:17,934 Not if i can find proof 479 00:27:18,000 --> 00:27:21,000 That the death of at least Three women under his care 480 00:27:21,067 --> 00:27:22,834 Was not a coincidence. 481 00:27:29,334 --> 00:27:30,868 Breaking and entering. 482 00:27:43,601 --> 00:27:45,834 I hope he got my good side. 483 00:27:53,400 --> 00:27:57,133 Now, what's he recording For posterity's sake? 484 00:28:10,033 --> 00:28:13,100 Goodbye, dexter. 485 00:28:14,567 --> 00:28:17,133 Hello, ladies. 486 00:28:17,200 --> 00:28:20,667 I need Another prescription. 487 00:28:20,734 --> 00:28:24,901 Dr. Meridian: i'm sorry, Vanessa. I can't do that. 488 00:28:24,968 --> 00:28:28,634 Just one more, please. 489 00:28:28,701 --> 00:28:32,133 We talked about this. 490 00:28:32,200 --> 00:28:35,200 The antidepressants Were a temporary crutch 491 00:28:35,267 --> 00:28:38,634 So that you could start Taking steps on your own. 492 00:28:38,701 --> 00:28:42,167 But you don't understand. I can't do this on my own. 493 00:28:42,234 --> 00:28:44,868 I can't even Get out of fucking bed. 494 00:28:48,467 --> 00:28:52,234 I just - i want to die. 495 00:28:52,300 --> 00:28:55,033 Look at me. 496 00:28:55,100 --> 00:28:58,200 I understand the appeal Of death, okay? 497 00:28:58,267 --> 00:29:00,968 No more pain. 498 00:29:01,033 --> 00:29:04,400 All the career pressure, The hopelessness, gone. 499 00:29:05,934 --> 00:29:07,133 In many cultures, 500 00:29:07,200 --> 00:29:09,267 There's no stigma attached To taking one's life. 501 00:29:09,334 --> 00:29:11,968 Suicide's respected, Even revered 502 00:29:12,067 --> 00:29:14,801 As a matter Of personal conscience. 503 00:29:14,868 --> 00:29:17,267 How do most people do it? 504 00:29:17,334 --> 00:29:20,901 Well, painkillers Are the most common. 505 00:29:20,968 --> 00:29:23,267 But they're Entirely unreliable. 506 00:29:23,334 --> 00:29:26,667 The truly courageous Of heart... 507 00:29:26,734 --> 00:29:28,501 Use guns. 508 00:29:30,734 --> 00:29:32,801 You took women Who trusted you 509 00:29:32,868 --> 00:29:35,400 At their weakest Possible moment, 510 00:29:35,467 --> 00:29:38,934 But rather than help them, You suggested they end it all. 511 00:29:39,000 --> 00:29:42,467 God, you even gave them Permission to use a gun. 512 00:29:42,534 --> 00:29:45,534 You're a mean one, Mr. Shrink. 513 00:29:45,601 --> 00:29:48,434 Create their drug addiction, Pull them off, 514 00:29:48,501 --> 00:29:52,334 Then fill their addled heads With noble thoughts of suicide. 515 00:29:52,400 --> 00:29:55,167 I think i've had A breakthrough in therapy. 516 00:30:06,200 --> 00:30:09,534 Hey, i got your texts. Is everything... 517 00:30:13,434 --> 00:30:15,200 ...okay? 518 00:30:15,267 --> 00:30:18,667 It is now. 519 00:30:18,734 --> 00:30:21,434 Okay, just, I wanted to see you. 520 00:30:21,501 --> 00:30:24,467 I felt bad About missing lunch 521 00:30:24,534 --> 00:30:26,100 To be with paul And the kids. 522 00:30:26,167 --> 00:30:28,601 I hope you didn't get The wrong idea. 523 00:30:28,667 --> 00:30:31,567 No, of course not. 524 00:30:35,067 --> 00:30:36,467 How'd it go? 525 00:30:36,534 --> 00:30:40,667 Really good And incredibly scary. 526 00:30:40,734 --> 00:30:43,000 For the first time In a long while, 527 00:30:43,067 --> 00:30:44,634 I saw how easy it would be 528 00:30:44,701 --> 00:30:47,067 For me to fall back Into my old life. 529 00:30:47,133 --> 00:30:48,701 Why is that scary? 530 00:30:48,767 --> 00:30:53,334 Because... I like my new life. 531 00:30:53,400 --> 00:30:55,300 And i finally feel like I'm in control. 532 00:30:55,367 --> 00:30:56,968 I never felt That way with paul. 533 00:30:57,033 --> 00:30:59,901 I do with you. 534 00:31:07,334 --> 00:31:09,000 This is a disaster. 535 00:31:09,067 --> 00:31:11,334 I chose rita Because she was damaged. 536 00:31:11,400 --> 00:31:14,100 If she gets better, I'll lose her for sure. 537 00:31:18,133 --> 00:31:20,167 I'm ready, dexter. 538 00:31:28,067 --> 00:31:30,133 Oh. 539 00:31:30,200 --> 00:31:33,400 I don't know What i've been so afraid of. 540 00:31:33,467 --> 00:31:36,133 You're The perfect boyfriend. 541 00:31:42,300 --> 00:31:44,901 I want you to spend The night, for real. 542 00:31:53,334 --> 00:31:54,968 I'm so sorry. 543 00:31:55,033 --> 00:31:59,267 I came over here because I thought something was wrong. 544 00:31:59,334 --> 00:32:01,934 But tonight's really not A good night. 545 00:32:02,000 --> 00:32:04,434 I'm right In the middle of a case. 546 00:32:04,501 --> 00:32:07,701 I'm way too distracted. 547 00:32:07,767 --> 00:32:10,000 Now? It's so late. 548 00:32:10,067 --> 00:32:13,434 That's all the more reason To get back to work. 549 00:32:13,501 --> 00:32:16,434 The clock's ticking. 550 00:32:16,501 --> 00:32:18,033 Here. 551 00:32:20,067 --> 00:32:24,367 But i'll call you Tomorrow. Okay? 552 00:32:26,300 --> 00:32:27,767 Okay. 553 00:32:30,667 --> 00:32:31,968 Shit. 554 00:32:32,067 --> 00:32:33,567 I can't have sex with rita. 555 00:32:33,634 --> 00:32:35,400 Every time I sleep with a woman, 556 00:32:35,467 --> 00:32:38,334 She sees me for what I really am - empty - 557 00:32:38,400 --> 00:32:41,434 And then she's gone. 558 00:32:44,067 --> 00:32:46,834 But i don't want rita to go, 559 00:32:46,901 --> 00:32:49,434 Which means i have To deal with this. 560 00:32:49,501 --> 00:32:51,334 I can't kill meridian yet. 561 00:32:51,400 --> 00:32:53,934 I need another therapy session. 562 00:33:11,234 --> 00:33:13,868 Stay where you are. I'm "armed. " 563 00:33:15,534 --> 00:33:17,400 With bad puns? 564 00:33:17,467 --> 00:33:20,100 Mmm. 565 00:33:23,033 --> 00:33:25,067 You said you needed A favor. What's up? 566 00:33:25,133 --> 00:33:26,501 Take off your pants. 567 00:33:26,567 --> 00:33:28,434 Oh, i should have known It was that kind of favor. 568 00:33:28,501 --> 00:33:30,100 You never ask me to come by Before work. 569 00:33:30,167 --> 00:33:32,634 No, but i like The way you think. 570 00:33:32,701 --> 00:33:36,501 I have a patient who lost Both her legs in a car accident, 571 00:33:36,567 --> 00:33:38,033 Really brutal. 572 00:33:38,100 --> 00:33:40,634 Like your mom? 573 00:33:40,701 --> 00:33:43,801 Which is why i want to do Something special for her. 574 00:33:43,868 --> 00:33:45,901 I want to give her 575 00:33:45,968 --> 00:33:48,901 A new smokin' pair Of legs - 576 00:33:48,968 --> 00:33:50,567 Yours. No. 577 00:33:50,634 --> 00:33:52,767 Let me just take a cast. No way. No. 578 00:33:52,834 --> 00:33:55,868 It'll take 20 minutes, tops. Come on, please? 579 00:33:55,934 --> 00:33:59,267 Stop being such a chick. 580 00:33:59,334 --> 00:34:01,334 Sit down. 581 00:34:21,234 --> 00:34:22,634 Feels good. 582 00:34:36,133 --> 00:34:37,567 Can i make One of your cock? 583 00:34:37,634 --> 00:34:40,400 That'd be a hell of a story To tell the bullpen, huh? 584 00:34:40,467 --> 00:34:43,234 Not likely. 585 00:34:43,300 --> 00:34:45,200 I haven't told anyone About us. 586 00:34:45,267 --> 00:34:48,200 Embarrassed about banging Captain hook? 587 00:34:48,267 --> 00:34:50,667 Not even a little. 588 00:34:50,734 --> 00:34:52,167 Then why? 589 00:34:54,567 --> 00:34:57,367 I guess This matters to me. 590 00:34:57,434 --> 00:35:01,133 So if i talk about it And it goes away, 591 00:35:01,200 --> 00:35:04,100 I'm actually losing Something. 592 00:35:06,234 --> 00:35:08,634 Is that retarded? 593 00:35:11,501 --> 00:35:13,734 No. 594 00:35:13,801 --> 00:35:15,834 I got to tell you, 595 00:35:15,901 --> 00:35:18,501 I'm not going anywhere. 596 00:35:18,567 --> 00:35:21,400 Seriously? 597 00:35:28,300 --> 00:35:31,934 And neither are you, 598 00:35:32,000 --> 00:35:34,367 'Cause i got your leg. 599 00:35:45,968 --> 00:35:47,467 Where the hell You been? 600 00:35:47,534 --> 00:35:49,167 With my boyfriend. 601 00:35:49,234 --> 00:35:50,868 Boyfriend? 602 00:35:50,934 --> 00:35:54,100 Yep. We just fucked In his office. 603 00:35:54,167 --> 00:35:57,267 And we're having dinner Tomorrow night. 604 00:35:57,334 --> 00:35:59,033 You looking for me? 605 00:35:59,100 --> 00:36:01,300 Yeah. Shut the door. 606 00:36:04,901 --> 00:36:07,300 Did you tell anyone About our bust, 607 00:36:07,367 --> 00:36:09,501 The one That got me promoted? 608 00:36:09,567 --> 00:36:10,868 No. 609 00:36:10,934 --> 00:36:13,767 Nobody in the press? 610 00:36:13,834 --> 00:36:15,901 Maria, we talked about this When it happened. 611 00:36:15,968 --> 00:36:18,734 It would fuck up your rep and Make me look like a whiny bitch. 612 00:36:18,801 --> 00:36:20,434 It's bad for both of us. 613 00:36:20,501 --> 00:36:23,200 So then the only way To access that information 614 00:36:23,267 --> 00:36:25,767 Would be to read To police report, right? 615 00:36:25,834 --> 00:36:27,834 I guess. 616 00:36:30,167 --> 00:36:32,300 We have to have Our firewall checked. 617 00:36:34,634 --> 00:36:37,734 She was sitting on top of me, Basically naked... 618 00:36:40,300 --> 00:36:43,200 ...asking me To spend the night, 619 00:36:43,267 --> 00:36:45,133 And i didn't know What to do. 620 00:36:45,200 --> 00:36:47,834 It's okay, sean. Don't beat yourself up. 621 00:36:47,901 --> 00:36:50,634 Your girlfriend really means Something to you. 622 00:36:50,701 --> 00:36:51,968 I know that. 623 00:36:52,033 --> 00:36:54,334 If she means something, Why did i run away from her? 624 00:36:54,400 --> 00:36:56,634 The same reason you work so hard To shut everybody else out. 625 00:36:56,701 --> 00:36:58,601 'Cause you're afraid They won't like what they see. 626 00:36:58,667 --> 00:37:02,467 Yeah, I think you're right. 627 00:37:02,534 --> 00:37:03,767 How can i change that? 628 00:37:03,834 --> 00:37:05,934 Well, for starters, You accept the fact 629 00:37:06,000 --> 00:37:09,267 That we all have a big, bad wolf Hiding inside of us, 630 00:37:09,334 --> 00:37:12,133 A darkness we don't want Anyone else to see. 631 00:37:12,200 --> 00:37:13,667 Do you? 632 00:37:13,734 --> 00:37:15,300 Of course i do. 633 00:37:17,501 --> 00:37:18,467 Really? 634 00:37:18,534 --> 00:37:19,968 Mm-hmm. 635 00:37:20,033 --> 00:37:22,200 And how do you deal With your wolf? 636 00:37:22,267 --> 00:37:26,000 Well, first of all, i accepted That it was there. 637 00:37:26,067 --> 00:37:27,968 I made friends with it. 638 00:37:29,667 --> 00:37:33,834 And now i just let it out For a big meal once in a while. 639 00:37:33,901 --> 00:37:37,167 At least three times That we know about. 640 00:37:39,067 --> 00:37:41,167 Can we get back To the sex thing? 641 00:37:41,234 --> 00:37:42,467 This is all about sex. 642 00:37:42,534 --> 00:37:45,534 The reason you avoid Sexual intimacy 643 00:37:45,601 --> 00:37:47,467 Is because you don't want To surrender control. 644 00:37:47,534 --> 00:37:49,067 No, i've Surrendered control. 645 00:37:49,133 --> 00:37:51,167 It's not like my girlfriend Hasn't been, 646 00:37:51,234 --> 00:37:52,801 You know, South of the border. 647 00:37:52,868 --> 00:37:54,634 That's not What i'm talking about. 648 00:37:54,701 --> 00:37:56,501 Intimacy - 649 00:37:56,567 --> 00:37:59,968 Really letting go, Face-to-face - 650 00:38:00,033 --> 00:38:02,300 There's nothing More difficult than that. 651 00:38:02,367 --> 00:38:04,834 The minute you start To accept who you are, 652 00:38:04,901 --> 00:38:06,901 You just might Feel free enough 653 00:38:06,968 --> 00:38:09,133 To share That intimacy together. 654 00:38:17,901 --> 00:38:19,100 What are you doing? 655 00:38:19,167 --> 00:38:21,501 I'd like to talk you through A deep-relaxation technique. 656 00:38:21,567 --> 00:38:23,868 It might bring Some things to the surface. 657 00:38:23,934 --> 00:38:25,367 What kinds of things? 658 00:38:25,434 --> 00:38:27,901 Well, there must have been A time in your life 659 00:38:27,968 --> 00:38:29,801 When you felt Powerless, right? 660 00:38:29,868 --> 00:38:34,100 Foster child, no control Over your destiny. 661 00:38:34,167 --> 00:38:36,400 If we can bring some of those Memories to the surface, 662 00:38:36,467 --> 00:38:38,234 We might find the root Of your control issues. 663 00:38:38,300 --> 00:38:40,968 First, i want you To close your eyes 664 00:38:41,033 --> 00:38:42,834 And focus on your breathing. 665 00:38:42,901 --> 00:38:45,200 I want you to count Each breath, okay? 666 00:38:45,267 --> 00:38:49,334 In, 1, and out, 2. 667 00:38:49,400 --> 00:38:51,434 Just give it a try. 668 00:38:51,501 --> 00:38:53,300 This is ridiculous. 669 00:38:53,367 --> 00:38:55,133 I could be killing him Right now. 670 00:38:55,200 --> 00:38:59,234 Now i want you to think Of a time 671 00:38:59,300 --> 00:39:04,834 When you felt completely And totally powerless. 672 00:39:11,901 --> 00:39:14,334 Hey, morgan. You still fucking your sister? 673 00:39:14,400 --> 00:39:15,834 Leave me alone, josh. 674 00:39:23,968 --> 00:39:26,167 I told you to walk away. 675 00:39:27,300 --> 00:39:29,067 God damn it, dexter. 676 00:39:29,133 --> 00:39:31,934 There are consequences To everything you do in life. 677 00:39:32,834 --> 00:39:36,434 Lose control, become powerless, And it's over. 678 00:39:36,501 --> 00:39:37,701 I found the grave, son. 679 00:39:37,767 --> 00:39:39,300 You're saying I'll be like this forever. 680 00:39:42,634 --> 00:39:47,734 Mommy! 681 00:39:47,801 --> 00:39:49,133 I have to get out of here. 682 00:39:49,200 --> 00:39:51,934 Hey, hey, hey. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Sean, come here. 683 00:39:52,000 --> 00:39:53,901 Sean, sean. 684 00:39:53,968 --> 00:39:56,033 Sean! 685 00:40:11,467 --> 00:40:13,667 Oh, my god. 686 00:40:17,167 --> 00:40:19,234 Are you okay? 687 00:41:04,534 --> 00:41:06,767 Stay. Stay with me. 688 00:42:11,868 --> 00:42:13,667 You're sweet. 689 00:42:16,868 --> 00:42:18,534 I am? 690 00:42:18,601 --> 00:42:22,100 Next time, we'll figure out What to tell the kids 691 00:42:22,167 --> 00:42:25,267 So you don't have To sneak out like this. 692 00:42:27,367 --> 00:42:30,167 You want there to be A next time? 693 00:42:30,234 --> 00:42:34,300 And a time after that. 694 00:42:34,367 --> 00:42:36,601 Don't you? 695 00:42:41,634 --> 00:42:45,567 No. I mean, yeah. 696 00:42:45,634 --> 00:42:47,634 I just... 697 00:42:51,167 --> 00:42:54,767 I didn't freak you out? 698 00:42:54,834 --> 00:42:56,567 Why would you think that? 699 00:42:56,634 --> 00:42:59,567 Dexter, there's nothing You could ever do 700 00:42:59,634 --> 00:43:01,434 That would scare me away. 701 00:43:15,534 --> 00:43:17,701 I really hope You came to apologize. 702 00:43:17,767 --> 00:43:19,934 Nope. I came for a consult. 703 00:43:20,000 --> 00:43:22,234 And you brought beverages? 704 00:43:22,300 --> 00:43:24,400 I got this on loan From the morgue. 705 00:43:24,467 --> 00:43:27,334 Now, i could use An expert opinion, 706 00:43:27,400 --> 00:43:29,767 Specifically Your expert opinion. 707 00:43:29,834 --> 00:43:33,234 See, we can't figure out 708 00:43:33,300 --> 00:43:36,067 Exactly how the killer Cut off this head. 709 00:43:36,133 --> 00:43:38,167 Can you? 710 00:43:38,234 --> 00:43:39,968 Nope. 711 00:43:40,067 --> 00:43:43,234 Really? I think you can. 712 00:43:43,300 --> 00:43:45,234 I mean, you chop people up, Don't you? 713 00:43:45,300 --> 00:43:46,968 Maybe you need A closer look. 714 00:43:47,033 --> 00:43:49,200 No. Keep it away. 715 00:43:55,300 --> 00:43:57,167 I talked To the medical examiner. 716 00:43:57,234 --> 00:43:59,300 He couldn't confirm How your mom died. 717 00:43:59,367 --> 00:44:01,234 Said it might have been A heart attack. 718 00:44:01,300 --> 00:44:03,567 I killed her. You don't have the balls. 719 00:44:03,634 --> 00:44:06,601 I mean, you had to wait Till she died to chop her up. 720 00:44:06,667 --> 00:44:10,667 And even then you were too Squeamish to cut off her head. 721 00:44:10,734 --> 00:44:14,267 Not exactly the same As stuffing roadkill, is it? 722 00:44:14,334 --> 00:44:15,968 Oh, fuck you. 723 00:44:16,033 --> 00:44:19,000 Serial killers get all The glory, don't they, neil? 724 00:44:19,067 --> 00:44:21,100 Especially The ice-truck killer. 725 00:44:21,167 --> 00:44:23,467 You know, you're not The first groupie 726 00:44:23,534 --> 00:44:25,901 To take credit For someone else's work. 727 00:44:25,968 --> 00:44:27,234 Oh, bullshit. 728 00:44:27,300 --> 00:44:28,634 I know details about the case, 729 00:44:28,701 --> 00:44:30,434 Things that weren't Published in the newspapers. 730 00:44:30,501 --> 00:44:33,033 That's because you hacked Into our computer system. 731 00:44:33,100 --> 00:44:35,133 I had the i. t. Guys Check our firewall. 732 00:44:35,200 --> 00:44:37,868 The dmz was breached. You read all our police reports. 733 00:44:37,934 --> 00:44:40,734 You even got yourself A nice paneled car last month. 734 00:44:40,801 --> 00:44:42,033 Nice touch, by the way. 735 00:44:42,100 --> 00:44:43,501 Why are you doing this? 736 00:44:43,567 --> 00:44:46,400 Because you're not a killer. 737 00:44:46,467 --> 00:44:50,734 You're a coward and a fake, Aren't you? 738 00:44:55,100 --> 00:44:58,033 Maybe you need Another look. 739 00:44:58,100 --> 00:45:00,234 No, take it away. 740 00:45:02,801 --> 00:45:06,133 All right, i lied, okay? 741 00:45:08,300 --> 00:45:12,033 Just, i need you To take it away from me... 742 00:45:13,667 --> 00:45:14,968 ...please. 743 00:45:25,567 --> 00:45:27,601 So, what's on your mind, Lieutenant? 744 00:45:27,667 --> 00:45:30,167 We got a lot to get done Before perry's trial. 745 00:45:30,234 --> 00:45:33,801 Yeah, about that trial - I've got some bad news. 746 00:45:33,868 --> 00:45:37,167 Perry recanted his confession This morning. 747 00:45:37,234 --> 00:45:38,968 What are you talking about? 748 00:45:39,033 --> 00:45:41,534 I was going over some details With him at county, 749 00:45:41,601 --> 00:45:44,234 And he admitted that He gave us a false confession. 750 00:45:45,501 --> 00:45:46,968 He's a wannabe, tom. 751 00:45:47,033 --> 00:45:49,501 Just wanted his 15 minutes, That's all. 752 00:45:49,567 --> 00:45:51,501 How do you know which time He was lying? 753 00:45:53,400 --> 00:45:55,834 All due respect, maria, If we dropped charges 754 00:45:55,901 --> 00:45:58,234 Every time someone Recanted his confession, 755 00:45:58,300 --> 00:46:00,300 Our jails would be empty. 756 00:46:00,367 --> 00:46:02,000 We're going to trial. 757 00:46:02,067 --> 00:46:05,334 All due respect, captain, That's really not up to you. 758 00:46:07,000 --> 00:46:09,467 It's up to the d. a. 759 00:46:09,534 --> 00:46:11,834 Man: i understand Your frustration, maria, 760 00:46:11,901 --> 00:46:13,734 But i reviewed The d. a. Work sheets. 761 00:46:13,801 --> 00:46:15,133 The evidence is compelling. 762 00:46:15,200 --> 00:46:17,100 We'll move forward With the trial as planned. 763 00:46:22,667 --> 00:46:25,100 Fair enough. 764 00:46:25,167 --> 00:46:28,434 If that's what you two want, I'm fully behind it. 765 00:46:28,501 --> 00:46:31,300 I was really worried about you. You sure you're all right? 766 00:46:31,367 --> 00:46:32,734 I kept calling your house, 767 00:46:32,801 --> 00:46:34,701 But i think the number You gave me didn't work. 768 00:46:34,767 --> 00:46:36,400 You wouldn't have Reached me anyway, 769 00:46:36,467 --> 00:46:39,434 'Cause i was At my girlfriend's. 770 00:46:39,501 --> 00:46:43,934 I spent the night, Face-to-face. 771 00:46:44,000 --> 00:46:47,968 Sean, that's very good. 772 00:46:48,033 --> 00:46:50,868 It's all good, doctor. 773 00:46:50,934 --> 00:46:52,667 I even stopped worrying About that friend of mine 774 00:46:52,734 --> 00:46:54,167 Who's been out of touch. 775 00:46:54,234 --> 00:46:55,868 You can't control Other people, you know? 776 00:46:55,934 --> 00:46:58,400 This is a real breakthrough. You should be proud of yourself. 777 00:46:58,467 --> 00:47:00,400 I am proud. 778 00:47:06,434 --> 00:47:07,601 Truth be told, 779 00:47:07,667 --> 00:47:11,067 I never expected To make progress in therapy. 780 00:47:11,133 --> 00:47:12,400 That's not true. 781 00:47:12,467 --> 00:47:13,734 If that were true, 782 00:47:13,801 --> 00:47:17,334 You never would have come In here in the first place. 783 00:47:19,200 --> 00:47:20,968 What do you want To focus on today? 784 00:47:21,033 --> 00:47:23,000 I'm glad you asked that. 785 00:47:28,000 --> 00:47:31,100 I'm gonna tell you Something 786 00:47:31,167 --> 00:47:33,467 That i've never told Anyone before. 787 00:47:33,534 --> 00:47:35,234 Okay. 788 00:47:37,033 --> 00:47:39,334 I'm a serial killer. 789 00:47:43,167 --> 00:47:46,667 Oh, god. 790 00:47:46,734 --> 00:47:51,968 Oh, that feels so amazing To say out loud. 791 00:47:52,033 --> 00:47:53,901 Well, you must be letting go, 792 00:47:53,968 --> 00:47:55,801 'Cause i've never heard you make A joke before. 793 00:47:55,868 --> 00:47:58,100 I'm not joking. I kill people. 794 00:47:58,167 --> 00:48:01,434 Whew! There it is again. 795 00:48:04,934 --> 00:48:07,367 You should try it. 796 00:48:07,434 --> 00:48:09,033 I know. 797 00:48:09,100 --> 00:48:13,701 Your big, bad wolf has racked up A tidy little death toll. 798 00:48:15,968 --> 00:48:17,501 I'm just kidding. 799 00:48:17,567 --> 00:48:19,601 I disabled the cameras, And i copied the files. 800 00:48:19,667 --> 00:48:21,901 I don't know What you're talking about. 801 00:48:21,968 --> 00:48:23,968 Then focus on your breathing, And maybe you'll remember - 802 00:48:24,033 --> 00:48:25,601 Meghan, carolyn, vanessa. 803 00:48:25,667 --> 00:48:27,200 Those sessions Are confidential. 804 00:48:27,267 --> 00:48:29,033 I'm a control freak, I know. 805 00:48:29,100 --> 00:48:31,033 But i watched Your home movies. 806 00:48:31,100 --> 00:48:34,467 It's amazing stuff - drugs, Guns, and a crazy psychiatrist. 807 00:48:34,534 --> 00:48:37,534 No wonder you're so well versed In control issues. 808 00:48:37,601 --> 00:48:39,534 You got Quite the god complex. 809 00:48:39,601 --> 00:48:41,834 This session's over. 810 00:48:51,601 --> 00:48:53,634 Not so fast, doc. 811 00:49:12,801 --> 00:49:14,901 You're awake. 812 00:49:14,968 --> 00:49:17,434 Shall we analyze Your dreams? 813 00:49:19,467 --> 00:49:21,634 No. That's right. 814 00:49:21,701 --> 00:49:24,234 You've already told me Everything i need to know, 815 00:49:24,300 --> 00:49:28,067 Except why powerful women? 816 00:49:28,133 --> 00:49:32,067 You took powerful women And made them powerless. 817 00:49:32,133 --> 00:49:35,934 They left behind Families, children. 818 00:49:45,200 --> 00:49:47,868 I have to confess, I'm a little conflicted. 819 00:49:47,934 --> 00:49:50,834 You've helped me make A major self-discovery. 820 00:49:54,434 --> 00:49:57,434 The fact That i'm a killer... 821 00:50:10,667 --> 00:50:13,701 ...that's something I can't control. 822 00:50:20,667 --> 00:50:24,167 You helped me to accept What i really am. 823 00:50:24,234 --> 00:50:26,133 I'm grateful for that. 824 00:50:26,200 --> 00:50:29,434 But... 825 00:50:29,501 --> 00:50:33,300 I was raised with a certain set Of principles. 826 00:50:36,334 --> 00:50:37,667 I'm sorry, doc. 827 00:50:37,734 --> 00:50:42,634 Actions have consequences, And this is yours. 828 00:50:42,701 --> 00:50:44,968 I'm gonna have To let you go. 829 00:50:49,334 --> 00:50:52,300 * jennifer's got daddy's car * 830 00:50:52,367 --> 00:50:56,767 * she's playin' "uptown" On the stereo * 831 00:50:56,834 --> 00:50:59,400 * we go cruisin' so close * 832 00:50:59,467 --> 00:51:04,567 * the way they did long ago * 833 00:51:04,634 --> 00:51:06,968 * my darlin' * 834 00:51:07,033 --> 00:51:11,400 * turn the radio up For that sweet sound * 835 00:51:11,467 --> 00:51:14,667 * hold me close, Never let me go * 836 00:51:16,133 --> 00:51:19,067 * keep this feelin' alive, Make me lose control * 837 00:51:19,133 --> 00:51:20,300 Hello? 838 00:51:20,367 --> 00:51:22,968 Is that eric carmen? 839 00:51:23,033 --> 00:51:25,601 * baby, when i - * 840 00:51:25,667 --> 00:51:28,200 No. What's up? 841 00:51:28,267 --> 00:51:30,701 I'm running late. I'm in The middle of some housework. 842 00:51:30,767 --> 00:51:33,501 If i don't get it done, It's gonna drive me crazy. 843 00:51:33,567 --> 00:51:35,000 I never knew You were so anal. 844 00:51:35,067 --> 00:51:37,033 And i'm a neat freak. 845 00:51:37,100 --> 00:51:39,534 You're just Full of surprises, huh? 846 00:51:39,601 --> 00:51:42,601 Oh, you have no idea. 847 00:51:42,667 --> 00:51:44,801 I'll be there As soon as i can, okay? 848 00:51:44,868 --> 00:51:46,701 Okay.