1 00:00:00,467 --> 00:00:01,200 Previously on "dexter"... 2 00:00:02,601 --> 00:00:05,267 So if you or that skinny bitch Try to screw with what's mine, 3 00:00:05,334 --> 00:00:08,267 I swear to god, i don't care Who i have to hurt. 4 00:00:08,334 --> 00:00:11,367 Dexter: let's face it, paul. You've been a problem. 5 00:00:11,434 --> 00:00:13,200 It's time for you to go away. 6 00:00:13,267 --> 00:00:15,033 Rita: it's paul. 7 00:00:15,100 --> 00:00:17,200 He violated florida's Three-strikes law. 8 00:00:17,267 --> 00:00:20,100 The cops picked him up Totally strung out on heroin. 9 00:00:20,167 --> 00:00:22,734 He's back in jail. 10 00:00:24,701 --> 00:00:26,734 Holy shit! They're fucking fingertips. 11 00:00:26,801 --> 00:00:30,000 He started getting all rough With me until he saw this. 12 00:00:30,067 --> 00:00:31,334 Then what? 13 00:00:31,400 --> 00:00:33,601 Then he changed his tune, Got all turned on. 14 00:00:33,667 --> 00:00:35,701 Told me To take my fake hand off. 15 00:00:35,767 --> 00:00:37,501 He takes all my nail polish 16 00:00:37,567 --> 00:00:39,267 And paints each nail A different color. 17 00:00:39,334 --> 00:00:41,534 Menthol? Like cough drops. 18 00:00:41,601 --> 00:00:44,801 I could hear them clicking Against his teeth when he... 19 00:00:44,868 --> 00:00:47,467 Son of a bitch loved Those fucking lozenges. 20 00:00:47,534 --> 00:00:49,534 I was confused Because i love you. 21 00:00:49,601 --> 00:00:51,501 What did you say? 22 00:00:51,567 --> 00:00:53,234 I love you. 23 00:00:53,300 --> 00:00:55,834 I love you, too. 24 00:00:58,200 --> 00:00:59,601 Ow. 25 00:00:59,667 --> 00:01:01,701 What? What happened to your lip? 26 00:01:04,734 --> 00:01:06,300 Aah! 27 00:01:06,367 --> 00:01:09,133 No, it's - i had an incident With a tool at the workshop. 28 00:01:09,200 --> 00:01:10,334 Ohh! 29 00:01:16,434 --> 00:01:17,734 Just take it easy. 30 00:01:17,801 --> 00:01:20,167 I need an ambulance At 1228 calendar street. 31 00:01:20,234 --> 00:01:21,767 A guy's been stabbed. 32 00:03:23,300 --> 00:03:26,234 I've never had much use For the concept of hell, 33 00:03:26,300 --> 00:03:29,067 But if hell exists, i'm in it. 34 00:03:36,033 --> 00:03:39,567 The same images running Through my head over and over. 35 00:03:50,734 --> 00:03:52,534 I was there. 36 00:03:52,601 --> 00:03:53,601 Aah! 37 00:03:53,667 --> 00:03:55,701 I saw my mother's death. 38 00:03:56,901 --> 00:03:58,100 Aah! 39 00:03:58,167 --> 00:04:00,601 A buried memory, Forgotten all these years. 40 00:04:00,667 --> 00:04:03,200 It climbed inside me that day. 41 00:04:03,267 --> 00:04:05,868 And it's been with me Ever since - 42 00:04:05,934 --> 00:04:09,334 My dark passenger. 43 00:04:16,667 --> 00:04:20,467 you should be Focusing on me, socio. 44 00:04:25,133 --> 00:04:26,901 Seriously want to get The motherfucker 45 00:04:26,968 --> 00:04:28,300 That did this to batista. 46 00:04:33,133 --> 00:04:34,834 Hey. You all right? 47 00:04:34,901 --> 00:04:36,968 Yeah. I'm okay. 48 00:04:37,033 --> 00:04:40,667 I'm just, you know, Distraught about angel. 49 00:04:40,734 --> 00:04:42,033 How's he doing? Do we know? 50 00:04:42,100 --> 00:04:44,267 Still in surgery. 51 00:04:44,334 --> 00:04:45,868 Laguerta's there. 52 00:04:45,934 --> 00:04:48,834 God, i hate feeling So helpless. 53 00:04:50,167 --> 00:04:53,100 What, no jokes about providing Gross sexual comfort 54 00:04:53,167 --> 00:04:54,734 At a time of crisis? 55 00:04:54,801 --> 00:04:55,901 Our friend was stabbed... 56 00:04:55,968 --> 00:04:58,367 And he might die. 57 00:04:58,434 --> 00:05:00,234 Officer morgan. 58 00:05:05,334 --> 00:05:06,934 What do you think, dex? 59 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:09,534 He put up a fight. There was a struggle. 60 00:05:09,601 --> 00:05:11,200 Attaboy, angel. 61 00:05:11,267 --> 00:05:15,033 Here, this trail - Steady stream of drops. 62 00:05:15,100 --> 00:05:18,868 He had a few seconds. Tried to move away until - 63 00:05:18,934 --> 00:05:20,968 Till he fell. 64 00:05:22,868 --> 00:05:25,133 So much blood. 65 00:05:31,300 --> 00:05:34,701 What's happening to me? 66 00:05:48,734 --> 00:05:53,167 * porque tocan nuestra canción * 67 00:05:53,234 --> 00:05:59,167 * balada de los dos, sufro más * 68 00:05:59,234 --> 00:06:01,334 No way. 69 00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:03,834 You're the one I'm supposed to meet. 70 00:06:03,901 --> 00:06:05,367 In the flesh. 71 00:06:05,434 --> 00:06:08,267 You know, i was just talking To someone about you. 72 00:06:08,334 --> 00:06:09,434 Hmm. 73 00:06:17,601 --> 00:06:19,868 That tickles. 74 00:06:19,934 --> 00:06:22,501 Don't stop. 75 00:06:22,567 --> 00:06:25,467 I wouldn't dream Of stopping. 76 00:06:25,534 --> 00:06:28,133 You're so different This time - 77 00:06:28,200 --> 00:06:29,734 Gentle. 78 00:06:29,801 --> 00:06:32,033 I thought you were gonna Try and get all pervy 79 00:06:32,100 --> 00:06:33,901 With my stump again. 80 00:06:33,968 --> 00:06:36,100 Actually, Your... imperfection 81 00:06:36,167 --> 00:06:38,100 Is what saved you The first time. 82 00:06:38,167 --> 00:06:40,100 Saved me from what? 83 00:06:40,167 --> 00:06:42,667 True artistry. 84 00:06:45,300 --> 00:06:49,267 The message of my work Is not in the product itself, 85 00:06:49,334 --> 00:06:53,467 But rather The presentation. 86 00:06:53,534 --> 00:06:56,167 That wrinkled flesh On your radial carpal joint 87 00:06:56,234 --> 00:06:57,534 Is far from perfect. 88 00:06:57,601 --> 00:06:58,934 It's quite unsightly, Actually. 89 00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:00,934 Hey, you don't have to be An asshole about it. 90 00:07:01,000 --> 00:07:02,467 Hey, hey, No, no, no, no, no. 91 00:07:02,534 --> 00:07:04,667 Shh, shh, shh, Shh, shh, shh. 92 00:07:04,734 --> 00:07:08,400 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend. 93 00:07:10,567 --> 00:07:12,734 Truthfully... 94 00:07:12,801 --> 00:07:15,701 I'm thankful for you. 95 00:07:15,767 --> 00:07:17,834 You're my escape plan. 96 00:07:17,901 --> 00:07:21,200 Escape from what? 97 00:07:21,267 --> 00:07:23,100 The police. 98 00:07:23,167 --> 00:07:26,934 Because of you, i've had To speed up my project. 99 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:29,334 I need something To distract them by. 100 00:07:29,400 --> 00:07:32,300 And i always found A freshly chopped-up body 101 00:07:32,367 --> 00:07:33,601 Always does the trick. 102 00:07:33,667 --> 00:07:35,901 Wait, wait! No! 103 00:07:35,968 --> 00:07:39,033 Don't struggle. That never helps. 104 00:07:39,100 --> 00:07:40,968 I'm compressing Your carotid artery, 105 00:07:41,033 --> 00:07:44,334 And that is cutting off Oxygen to your brain. 106 00:07:44,400 --> 00:07:48,234 In about 10 seconds, You'll be unconscious. 107 00:08:14,767 --> 00:08:17,100 Rudy: hey, it's rudy. Leave a message. 108 00:08:17,167 --> 00:08:19,000 Okay, I guess you went to bed. 109 00:08:19,067 --> 00:08:22,334 Or you fell asleep on the couch Watching "xena" reruns, 110 00:08:22,400 --> 00:08:25,000 Which i still think Makes you a dork. 111 00:08:27,767 --> 00:08:29,968 Either way, Call me when you get this, okay? 112 00:08:30,033 --> 00:08:31,400 Miss you. 113 00:08:33,133 --> 00:08:34,501 He's still in surgery, 114 00:08:34,567 --> 00:08:37,200 But i don't know When we'll hear anything. 115 00:08:37,267 --> 00:08:39,601 So i guess you won't be Coming over tonight. 116 00:08:39,667 --> 00:08:41,934 No. I mean, i can't. 117 00:08:42,000 --> 00:08:43,367 I understand. 118 00:08:43,434 --> 00:08:45,434 You need to be there For your friend. 119 00:08:45,501 --> 00:08:48,067 I haven't told The kids yet. 120 00:08:48,133 --> 00:08:49,400 Told them about angel? 121 00:08:49,467 --> 00:08:53,300 No, about paul... Being back in prison? 122 00:08:53,367 --> 00:08:55,033 I hate Breaking their hearts. 123 00:08:55,100 --> 00:08:56,868 They think so much Of their dad now. 124 00:08:56,934 --> 00:08:58,467 Right. 125 00:09:02,334 --> 00:09:03,834 You know what? 126 00:09:03,901 --> 00:09:06,534 Focus on angel. We can talk about this later. 127 00:09:06,601 --> 00:09:08,000 Thanks. 128 00:09:08,067 --> 00:09:10,734 They're actually coming out Right now. I got to go. 129 00:09:22,868 --> 00:09:25,834 Angel sustained Severe internal injuries. 130 00:09:25,901 --> 00:09:28,534 He lost a lot of blood. 131 00:09:28,601 --> 00:09:31,901 But... the surgery Was successful. 132 00:09:31,968 --> 00:09:35,400 It looks like our boy's Out of the woods. 133 00:09:40,334 --> 00:09:44,801 I know i should stay, Be a part of the group hug. 134 00:09:44,868 --> 00:09:47,133 But i can't focus. 135 00:09:47,200 --> 00:09:49,667 I'm trapped in the clutches Of a memory. 136 00:09:49,734 --> 00:09:52,100 I need to know what it means. 137 00:10:01,200 --> 00:10:02,734 Morgan. 138 00:10:02,801 --> 00:10:06,033 What the fuck Is wrong with you? 139 00:10:06,100 --> 00:10:08,434 I have someplace I have to be. 140 00:10:08,501 --> 00:10:09,868 Oh. 141 00:10:09,934 --> 00:10:11,734 Well, we all got Someplace to be. 142 00:10:11,801 --> 00:10:13,234 But you just found out 143 00:10:13,300 --> 00:10:15,567 That somebody who was supposed To be your friend is gonna live. 144 00:10:15,634 --> 00:10:17,567 Does that make you Feel anything? 145 00:10:17,634 --> 00:10:19,033 Anything at all? 146 00:10:21,300 --> 00:10:24,000 Take your fucking hand Off me. 147 00:10:28,100 --> 00:10:31,467 Just what I always thought. 148 00:10:31,534 --> 00:10:33,267 Right. 149 00:10:38,534 --> 00:10:41,033 * deck the halls With parts of bodies * 150 00:10:41,100 --> 00:10:42,334 * la-da-da-da dum * 151 00:11:03,133 --> 00:11:06,367 Shit. Just what i need. 152 00:11:20,634 --> 00:11:22,300 Hey. 153 00:11:22,367 --> 00:11:23,801 I know it's late. 154 00:11:23,868 --> 00:11:26,133 I guess you didn't get My message. 155 00:11:26,200 --> 00:11:29,901 I drove by And saw your car. 156 00:11:29,968 --> 00:11:31,534 I can go. 157 00:11:31,601 --> 00:11:33,234 Get your ass in here. 158 00:11:33,300 --> 00:11:37,067 It's about time You see where i live anyway. 159 00:11:37,133 --> 00:11:39,934 Oh, you have no idea How much i needed this. 160 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:42,100 You feel good. 161 00:11:42,167 --> 00:11:44,300 And cold - You're freezing. 162 00:11:44,367 --> 00:11:47,467 Well, then stay And keep me warm. 163 00:12:01,467 --> 00:12:04,133 This batista thing Has gotten to you, hasn't it? 164 00:12:06,767 --> 00:12:09,267 Angel's daughter was there. 165 00:12:10,968 --> 00:12:13,501 That's got to be rough. 166 00:12:13,567 --> 00:12:17,300 Daughter of a cop - Just like you. 167 00:12:20,934 --> 00:12:23,000 I remember What that's like - 168 00:12:23,067 --> 00:12:24,801 Kissing your father Goodbye, 169 00:12:24,868 --> 00:12:27,300 Always afraid It's for the last time. 170 00:12:27,367 --> 00:12:28,400 Hey. 171 00:12:28,467 --> 00:12:30,868 Let's get out of town For the weekend - 172 00:12:30,934 --> 00:12:33,200 Just the two of us. 173 00:12:33,267 --> 00:12:36,167 We need to talk. 174 00:12:39,901 --> 00:12:42,701 I'm sitting right here. 175 00:12:42,767 --> 00:12:44,334 Nope. 176 00:12:44,400 --> 00:12:47,167 The time Has got to be right. 177 00:12:49,901 --> 00:12:51,534 Okay. 178 00:12:51,601 --> 00:12:54,334 It'll have to wait... 179 00:12:54,400 --> 00:12:56,400 At least till we catch The asshole 180 00:12:56,467 --> 00:12:58,334 Who did this to batista. 181 00:12:58,400 --> 00:13:01,701 Let me warn you - I can be very persistent. 182 00:13:01,767 --> 00:13:03,534 I need to get out of town, 183 00:13:03,601 --> 00:13:07,400 And i need you To come with me. 184 00:13:07,467 --> 00:13:08,501 Mm-hmm. 185 00:13:10,133 --> 00:13:13,133 What i need is sleep, 186 00:13:13,200 --> 00:13:14,734 Which is not gonna be easy. 187 00:13:14,801 --> 00:13:17,300 I'm totally wired From all this shit. 188 00:13:17,367 --> 00:13:21,200 Well, lucky for you, I have the perfect cure - 189 00:13:21,267 --> 00:13:23,501 My loving arms. 190 00:13:25,634 --> 00:13:29,501 And... i got a little thing To help you sleep. 191 00:13:29,567 --> 00:13:31,968 That ain't No little thing. 192 00:13:33,434 --> 00:13:34,734 I meant valium. 193 00:13:34,801 --> 00:13:37,234 It's one of the perks Working at the hospital. 194 00:13:37,300 --> 00:13:40,167 Wine and valium? 195 00:13:40,234 --> 00:13:42,334 I'll be totally helpless. 196 00:13:42,400 --> 00:13:43,501 You read my mind. 197 00:14:11,934 --> 00:14:13,567 Well, As i live and breathe! 198 00:14:13,634 --> 00:14:15,200 You miss me? 199 00:14:15,267 --> 00:14:18,033 You and the bear claws You're hiding behind your back. 200 00:14:19,367 --> 00:14:22,033 This must be important. 201 00:14:22,100 --> 00:14:24,267 Haven't seen Much of you lately. 202 00:14:24,334 --> 00:14:25,801 No rest for the wicked. 203 00:14:25,868 --> 00:14:28,234 How's gene? 204 00:14:28,300 --> 00:14:30,667 Good days and bad. 205 00:14:30,734 --> 00:14:33,534 He just finished his first round Of radiation. 206 00:14:33,601 --> 00:14:35,968 Well, he's a good guy. 207 00:14:36,033 --> 00:14:38,267 Not much of a bridge player, Though. 208 00:14:38,334 --> 00:14:40,801 harry and gene Used to get so mad 209 00:14:40,868 --> 00:14:43,300 Every time doris and i Would take them to the cleaners. 210 00:14:46,734 --> 00:14:49,667 I was hoping you could dig up An old case file for me. 211 00:14:49,734 --> 00:14:52,167 Well, sure thing. Got a date? 212 00:14:52,234 --> 00:14:54,033 Uh, not exactly. 213 00:14:54,100 --> 00:14:58,167 It's the crime scene Where harry found me. 214 00:15:00,334 --> 00:15:03,567 Uh... i wish i could help, But... 215 00:15:03,634 --> 00:15:05,234 Everything From that long ago 216 00:15:05,300 --> 00:15:07,934 Is boxed up in the basement At city hall. 217 00:15:08,000 --> 00:15:10,000 And, as you can see, 218 00:15:10,067 --> 00:15:13,667 I'm up to my you-know-what In year-end reports, so... 219 00:15:18,767 --> 00:15:21,367 It's my lieutenant. 220 00:15:23,801 --> 00:15:25,934 Camilla, is there anything You remember? 221 00:15:26,000 --> 00:15:30,100 What i remember, dexter morgan, Is your father caring enough 222 00:15:30,167 --> 00:15:34,000 To bring you into his home And give you a loving family. 223 00:15:34,067 --> 00:15:38,167 I wouldn't keep Your lieutenant waiting. 224 00:15:41,567 --> 00:15:43,667 Who found the body parts? 225 00:15:43,734 --> 00:15:45,868 I did. They were left Under the tree. 226 00:15:45,934 --> 00:15:47,834 I thought it was the crew From last night 227 00:15:47,901 --> 00:15:50,968 Just messing around... Till i found the head. 228 00:15:51,067 --> 00:15:52,834 I told him Not to touch anything, 229 00:15:52,901 --> 00:15:54,400 But he never listens. 230 00:15:54,467 --> 00:15:56,167 God, patty, You're such a bitch. 231 00:15:56,234 --> 00:15:58,133 Did you guys see anything Out of the ordinary 232 00:15:58,200 --> 00:15:59,767 Before you found The body? 233 00:15:59,834 --> 00:16:02,601 There were some broken Ornaments by the tree. 234 00:16:02,667 --> 00:16:07,400 Who'd do something like this So close to christmas? 235 00:16:07,467 --> 00:16:09,334 The grinch. 236 00:16:09,400 --> 00:16:11,434 Oh, you're a fucking Riot, max! 237 00:16:11,501 --> 00:16:13,801 Like anyone's gonna go shopping Down here after this. 238 00:16:13,868 --> 00:16:15,434 There go our jobs. 239 00:16:15,501 --> 00:16:19,100 Thank you For your cooperation. 240 00:16:19,167 --> 00:16:22,968 Oh, sucks to be an elf. 241 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:29,467 Get some visual surveillance. 242 00:16:29,534 --> 00:16:32,234 I got here as fast as i could. What are we looking at? 243 00:16:32,300 --> 00:16:34,100 Female victim Cut up into pieces. 244 00:16:34,167 --> 00:16:35,934 The ice-truck killer? So soon? 245 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:38,000 Yep, and after the bloodbath At the hotel, 246 00:16:38,067 --> 00:16:39,801 Can't wait to see How the captain's 247 00:16:39,868 --> 00:16:41,601 Gonna handle the press On this one. 248 00:16:41,667 --> 00:16:44,234 James, i need you to walk dexter Through the crime scene. 249 00:16:44,300 --> 00:16:46,767 And will somebody turn off This goddamn snow machine?! 250 00:16:46,834 --> 00:16:49,667 Your sister Can help you out. 251 00:16:49,734 --> 00:16:51,400 That a whole Sexual-tension thing, 252 00:16:51,467 --> 00:16:52,868 Or am i missing Something? 253 00:16:54,834 --> 00:16:56,767 103. 254 00:16:56,834 --> 00:16:59,300 It's the same numbers He left at marina view hotel. 255 00:16:59,367 --> 00:17:01,200 Any leads As to what they mean? 256 00:17:01,267 --> 00:17:03,601 We've talked to numerologists, Mathematicians, 257 00:17:03,667 --> 00:17:05,901 Code breakers - nothing. They need more to go on. 258 00:17:09,033 --> 00:17:11,534 First he turns My whole world inside out 259 00:17:11,601 --> 00:17:13,100 With a carnival of blood. 260 00:17:16,534 --> 00:17:18,667 Now he leaves me this - 261 00:17:18,734 --> 00:17:22,434 A calming oasis in the desert Of my confusion. 262 00:17:22,501 --> 00:17:24,400 It doesn't make sense. 263 00:17:31,267 --> 00:17:33,334 Crime scene's wiped clean. 264 00:17:33,400 --> 00:17:34,767 Another hooker? 265 00:17:34,834 --> 00:17:37,067 Ho, ho, ho - Another dead ho. 266 00:17:37,133 --> 00:17:38,567 Somebody's been naughty. 267 00:17:38,634 --> 00:17:41,100 Hey, morgan, want to sit On my lap when we're done 268 00:17:41,167 --> 00:17:42,934 And tell me what you want For christmas? 269 00:17:43,000 --> 00:17:44,434 And he's back. 270 00:17:44,501 --> 00:17:45,868 No, thanks. 271 00:17:45,934 --> 00:17:48,501 Last thing on my wish list is A burning sensation when i pee. 272 00:17:49,968 --> 00:17:52,067 This doesn't seem right. 273 00:17:52,133 --> 00:17:54,901 Body parts scattered Among the presents. 274 00:17:54,968 --> 00:17:56,400 Broken ornaments. 275 00:17:56,467 --> 00:18:00,234 It's not his usual Meticulous style. 276 00:18:00,300 --> 00:18:02,801 It seems rushed... 277 00:18:02,868 --> 00:18:04,234 Haphazard. 278 00:18:04,300 --> 00:18:06,601 That would explain why we can't Find one of the hands. 279 00:18:13,000 --> 00:18:14,167 What's wrong? 280 00:18:14,234 --> 00:18:16,801 There's something Underneath the torso. 281 00:18:22,601 --> 00:18:24,968 Merry christmas, miami. 282 00:18:25,033 --> 00:18:26,701 Woman: After all this time, 283 00:18:26,767 --> 00:18:28,834 Why do you think the ice-truck Killer has struck again? 284 00:18:28,901 --> 00:18:32,067 Any answer at this time would be Pure speculation on my part. 285 00:18:32,133 --> 00:18:33,868 Do you think It has any connection 286 00:18:33,934 --> 00:18:36,501 With your department's handling Of the neil perry fiasco? 287 00:18:36,567 --> 00:18:38,100 Sir? 288 00:18:46,601 --> 00:18:48,968 You've arrested The wrong man. 289 00:18:49,033 --> 00:18:51,367 May the world think I'm a rank amateur, 290 00:18:51,434 --> 00:18:56,400 And i'm very, very angry To answer for your mistakes. 291 00:18:58,801 --> 00:19:00,167 Stop the tape. 292 00:19:00,234 --> 00:19:01,501 What are you doing? 293 00:19:01,567 --> 00:19:03,133 Look at her tears. They're rolling up. 294 00:19:03,200 --> 00:19:05,801 Maria: oh, my god. 295 00:19:05,868 --> 00:19:08,501 Bastard's got her Upside down. 296 00:19:08,567 --> 00:19:10,634 Dexter: That's how he bleeds them out. 297 00:19:10,701 --> 00:19:12,400 He strings them up like meat. 298 00:19:21,234 --> 00:19:24,734 No, please, no! 299 00:19:26,567 --> 00:19:28,434 Matthews: All right, turn it off. 300 00:19:28,501 --> 00:19:31,834 I'll have the tape sent To the station for analysis. 301 00:19:31,901 --> 00:19:33,567 Sergeant doakes, You're on point. 302 00:19:33,634 --> 00:19:34,934 With all due respect, sir, 303 00:19:35,000 --> 00:19:36,968 Lieutenant laguerta's in charge Of this investigation. 304 00:19:37,033 --> 00:19:38,367 Not anymore. 305 00:19:38,434 --> 00:19:40,334 The fact is we haven't been able To catch this guy, 306 00:19:40,400 --> 00:19:42,267 And now he's rubbing Our noses in it. 307 00:19:42,334 --> 00:19:44,901 We've got to come up With some fresh ideas. 308 00:19:46,601 --> 00:19:48,968 This is some bullshit. I'll go talk to him. 309 00:19:49,033 --> 00:19:51,367 No, no, no. Do as he says. 310 00:19:51,434 --> 00:19:53,968 The commissioner has his ass In a sling. 311 00:19:54,033 --> 00:19:57,200 He's up for review. Word is he's getting the boot. 312 00:19:57,267 --> 00:20:00,067 So you're just gonna sit back And take this? 313 00:20:00,133 --> 00:20:03,300 Well, if it means being seen As his worthy successor... 314 00:20:03,367 --> 00:20:04,934 I'll be at the hospital. 315 00:20:05,000 --> 00:20:06,767 All right, P.b. And j. Inside, 316 00:20:06,834 --> 00:20:09,100 Cut diagonally, Not straight across. 317 00:20:09,167 --> 00:20:10,400 Tastes better that way. 318 00:20:10,467 --> 00:20:14,000 Has dad said if he's coming over Christmas eve 319 00:20:14,067 --> 00:20:16,234 Or christmas morning? 320 00:20:16,300 --> 00:20:17,834 I miss him. 321 00:20:17,901 --> 00:20:19,968 Well, i'm - i'm afraid Your dad's not gonna make it 322 00:20:20,033 --> 00:20:22,534 This year for the holidays. 323 00:20:22,601 --> 00:20:24,000 Where is he? 324 00:20:24,067 --> 00:20:25,934 Well, uh... he's - 325 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:27,501 He's back in jail, Isn't he? 326 00:20:29,934 --> 00:20:32,067 Look, i know he wanted To say goodbye, 327 00:20:32,133 --> 00:20:33,801 But there wasn't Any time. 328 00:20:33,868 --> 00:20:36,334 He loves you guys So much. 329 00:20:36,400 --> 00:20:38,767 I forgot my math book. 330 00:20:40,334 --> 00:20:43,033 I'm - i'm sure he'd love To hear from you. 331 00:20:43,100 --> 00:20:44,567 We could write him A letter. 332 00:20:44,634 --> 00:20:46,534 It's all your fault. 333 00:20:48,667 --> 00:20:51,334 You could at least pretend You want to be here. 334 00:20:52,801 --> 00:20:55,234 You're the one who had The urgent need for tacos. 335 00:20:55,300 --> 00:20:57,200 Yeah, so we could talk About rudy. 336 00:20:57,267 --> 00:20:59,067 He's been acting Weird lately. 337 00:20:59,133 --> 00:21:02,334 Last night He said we need to talk. 338 00:21:02,400 --> 00:21:04,367 Well, that's never good. 339 00:21:04,434 --> 00:21:06,701 Well, thanks. I feel a lot better. 340 00:21:06,767 --> 00:21:09,234 I've only been obsessing About this all day. 341 00:21:10,901 --> 00:21:13,868 Think you could talk to him For me? 342 00:21:15,300 --> 00:21:16,901 Oh, look, it's rudy. 343 00:21:16,968 --> 00:21:18,434 I sort of called him. 344 00:21:18,501 --> 00:21:21,167 Dex, deb didn't tell me You'd be joining us. 345 00:21:21,234 --> 00:21:23,200 Apparently she's had A lot on her mind. 346 00:21:23,267 --> 00:21:25,267 Oh, shit. 347 00:21:25,334 --> 00:21:28,033 That's work. I have to go. 348 00:21:28,100 --> 00:21:30,667 Here, take mine. Sorry. 349 00:21:36,467 --> 00:21:38,267 What's with your lip? 350 00:21:38,334 --> 00:21:40,400 Deb catch you With a right hook? 351 00:21:40,467 --> 00:21:42,701 She can be pretty protective With the remote. 352 00:21:42,767 --> 00:21:45,868 I had a little workshop accident This morning. 353 00:21:45,934 --> 00:21:48,067 Doesn't look like it happened This morning. 354 00:21:48,133 --> 00:21:49,434 The cut's already Closing up. 355 00:21:49,501 --> 00:21:51,234 Oh, did i sa- I meant yesterday morning. 356 00:21:51,300 --> 00:21:53,167 I think i'm working Too hard. 357 00:21:53,234 --> 00:21:54,901 Anyway, I don't think my lip 358 00:21:54,968 --> 00:21:59,300 Is why deb arranged This little chitchat. 359 00:21:59,367 --> 00:22:02,367 My sister is afraid there may be Trouble in paradise. 360 00:22:02,434 --> 00:22:04,501 Your sister's wrong. 361 00:22:04,567 --> 00:22:06,868 So this whole "need to talk" thing? 362 00:22:06,934 --> 00:22:10,634 I'm starting to look at The big picture. 363 00:22:10,701 --> 00:22:13,000 She's someone That i could see 364 00:22:13,067 --> 00:22:14,968 Spending the rest Of my life with, you know? 365 00:22:15,033 --> 00:22:18,133 No, i don't know. 366 00:22:18,200 --> 00:22:21,734 But i do know that deb's Falling for you... hard. 367 00:22:21,801 --> 00:22:24,133 You hurt her... And you'll hurt me. 368 00:22:24,200 --> 00:22:25,634 Something like that. 369 00:22:25,701 --> 00:22:27,400 Ooh. 370 00:22:30,300 --> 00:22:33,667 Angel, se recupera. 371 00:22:33,734 --> 00:22:36,767 Angel va a estar en la casa Para la navidad. 372 00:22:36,834 --> 00:22:39,734 Okay? El es un hombre Fuerte y strong! 373 00:22:39,801 --> 00:22:40,901 Y además... 374 00:22:40,968 --> 00:22:44,300 I'm tired of hearing You two gallinas cluck. 375 00:22:46,133 --> 00:22:48,901 Hey, you. 376 00:22:48,968 --> 00:22:50,968 You had us so worried. 377 00:22:51,033 --> 00:22:52,434 If i'd have known 378 00:22:52,501 --> 00:22:54,968 That this would get you back In the same room with me, 379 00:22:55,033 --> 00:22:57,734 I would have Gotten stabbed sooner. 380 00:22:57,801 --> 00:23:00,167 I'm gonna get the doctor. 381 00:23:05,767 --> 00:23:08,133 No, no, no. What are you doing? 382 00:23:08,200 --> 00:23:09,868 No, dejalo. 383 00:23:09,934 --> 00:23:12,934 The doctor said you're Lucky to be alive and Still have a liver. 384 00:23:13,000 --> 00:23:15,601 Well, that's why I got two, right? 385 00:23:17,033 --> 00:23:19,200 It's a good thing You decided to be a cop. 386 00:23:22,701 --> 00:23:25,133 Tell me that you caught The cocksucker 387 00:23:25,200 --> 00:23:27,400 That ruined One of my best shirts. 388 00:23:27,467 --> 00:23:30,801 We don't have any leads. Did you see anything? 389 00:23:30,868 --> 00:23:32,834 No. 390 00:23:32,901 --> 00:23:36,501 He was behind me. 391 00:23:36,567 --> 00:23:39,901 I just felt The blade go in. 392 00:23:39,968 --> 00:23:43,400 It happened so fast. 393 00:23:45,067 --> 00:23:47,667 Maria... 394 00:23:47,734 --> 00:23:49,734 How long has nina Been here? 395 00:23:49,801 --> 00:23:52,734 She was the first one At the hospital. 396 00:23:52,801 --> 00:23:54,801 She's been with you The whole time. 397 00:23:54,868 --> 00:23:57,267 Yo no sé porque, pero... 398 00:24:08,868 --> 00:24:13,234 Dexter: my mother was murdered Before my eyes. 399 00:24:13,300 --> 00:24:15,200 Makes sense i'd choose a life 400 00:24:15,267 --> 00:24:17,801 Where i search for meaning In blood. 401 00:24:17,868 --> 00:24:21,901 The sole memory i have of her Is being covered in it. 402 00:24:21,968 --> 00:24:24,400 I need to know more details. 403 00:24:28,300 --> 00:24:31,501 I hope that look means you found Something on batista's shirt. 404 00:24:31,567 --> 00:24:33,100 You should see this. 405 00:24:35,601 --> 00:24:38,501 That's what i drove all the way Back from the hospital for? 406 00:24:38,567 --> 00:24:41,267 This drop of blood doesn't Match the wound pattern 407 00:24:41,334 --> 00:24:43,434 Or the spatter from the rest Of batista's shirt, 408 00:24:43,501 --> 00:24:46,133 And look where it is - on The inside of the back collar. 409 00:24:46,200 --> 00:24:47,434 Angel was stabbed From behind. 410 00:24:47,501 --> 00:24:48,968 You think It's the attacker's blood? 411 00:24:49,033 --> 00:24:50,534 We know Batista fought back. 412 00:24:50,601 --> 00:24:52,400 Well, run the dna. 413 00:24:52,467 --> 00:24:54,968 If this guy's got priors, We'll get a hit on the database. 414 00:24:55,033 --> 00:24:56,234 Already sent a sample To the lab. 415 00:24:56,300 --> 00:24:59,567 Man: let's get this together. Come on. Let's go. 416 00:24:59,634 --> 00:25:02,300 Bring the monitor over here. 417 00:25:02,367 --> 00:25:04,601 Sorry to hear, you know, 418 00:25:04,667 --> 00:25:06,801 About matthews taking you Off the case. 419 00:25:06,868 --> 00:25:09,767 Last gasp Of a desperate man. 420 00:25:09,834 --> 00:25:13,501 Things are gonna change Around here. 421 00:25:13,567 --> 00:25:15,601 And i won't forget Your help. 422 00:25:21,400 --> 00:25:24,334 And i'm very, very angry. 423 00:25:24,400 --> 00:25:27,000 Oh, god, no! No, please! 424 00:25:27,067 --> 00:25:28,968 I can't watch this again. 425 00:25:29,033 --> 00:25:31,567 I know it's tough, but just keep Your eyes on the monitor. 426 00:25:32,801 --> 00:25:34,467 Wait - what was that? 427 00:25:34,534 --> 00:25:35,834 The camera tilts up 428 00:25:35,901 --> 00:25:37,767 Right before he hits The off switch. 429 00:25:37,834 --> 00:25:39,234 Watch. 430 00:25:39,300 --> 00:25:43,567 That, my friends, is a monster Refrigeration unit. 431 00:25:43,634 --> 00:25:46,100 He needs it cold to preserve The bodies. We knew that. 432 00:25:46,167 --> 00:25:47,400 Masuka: But check this out. 433 00:25:47,467 --> 00:25:48,767 Look how much space There is 434 00:25:48,834 --> 00:25:50,434 Between her feet And the ceiling. 435 00:25:50,501 --> 00:25:52,968 This room is bigger than your Standard commercial freezer. 436 00:25:53,033 --> 00:25:54,601 Most likely It was a custom build. 437 00:25:54,667 --> 00:25:56,934 So we should focus our search On commercial districts. 438 00:25:57,000 --> 00:25:59,200 No. Residential. 439 00:25:59,267 --> 00:26:01,300 You think he built this In his own place? 440 00:26:01,367 --> 00:26:03,400 He picks up hookers, right? I worked vice. 441 00:26:03,467 --> 00:26:05,734 The smart girls know not to go Near a factory or a warehouse 442 00:26:05,801 --> 00:26:07,701 Unless you never Want to be seen again. 443 00:26:07,767 --> 00:26:09,834 How do we know he didn't Knock out his victims 444 00:26:09,901 --> 00:26:12,167 Or drug them, then take them Back to a warehouse? 445 00:26:12,234 --> 00:26:13,901 None of the other victims Showed any signs 446 00:26:13,968 --> 00:26:15,534 Of head injury or narcotics. 447 00:26:15,601 --> 00:26:17,367 Besides, what better way To trap a victim 448 00:26:17,434 --> 00:26:19,534 Than to get her to walk Into your own home? 449 00:26:19,601 --> 00:26:21,601 The escort service said She was meeting her client 450 00:26:21,667 --> 00:26:23,934 At the corner of brickell avenue And coral way. 451 00:26:24,000 --> 00:26:25,868 And her body was found At santa's cottage, 452 00:26:25,934 --> 00:26:27,133 Which is on biscayne mall. 453 00:26:27,200 --> 00:26:28,567 We'll map out grids. 454 00:26:28,634 --> 00:26:30,367 We'll focus on Private residences 455 00:26:30,434 --> 00:26:32,701 Drawing large amounts of power Near those areas. 456 00:26:32,767 --> 00:26:35,067 Catch a break... 457 00:26:35,133 --> 00:26:38,334 We'll catch This son of a bitch. 458 00:26:38,400 --> 00:26:40,234 Where the hell Are you going? 459 00:26:40,300 --> 00:26:42,133 I need to do some research On a case. 460 00:26:42,200 --> 00:26:44,300 You were supposed to call me After your lunch with rudy. 461 00:26:44,367 --> 00:26:46,534 I've been freaking out. He sent me this text message. 462 00:26:46,601 --> 00:26:48,567 "cum sail away with me?" 463 00:26:48,634 --> 00:26:50,334 He misspelled "come. " 464 00:26:50,400 --> 00:26:52,367 Dexter, This is no time to joke. 465 00:26:52,434 --> 00:26:54,834 This is good, right? A romantic weekend? 466 00:26:54,901 --> 00:26:56,567 What did he say to you? 467 00:26:56,634 --> 00:26:57,901 Oh, wait, no. Don't. 468 00:26:57,968 --> 00:26:58,968 Don't tell me. 469 00:26:59,067 --> 00:27:00,868 Maybe he wants it To be a surprise. 470 00:27:00,934 --> 00:27:02,968 Unless i should know. Should i know? 471 00:27:03,033 --> 00:27:05,067 Okay, tell me. 472 00:27:05,133 --> 00:27:06,834 You know, no. Don't. 473 00:27:06,901 --> 00:27:08,033 "we need to talk"? 474 00:27:08,100 --> 00:27:09,901 Who says that unless You're getting dumped? 475 00:27:09,968 --> 00:27:11,734 I don't think That's what this is about. 476 00:27:11,801 --> 00:27:14,501 He probably wants me on the Water in case i make a scene. 477 00:27:14,567 --> 00:27:16,400 I always do this. I put myself out there. 478 00:27:16,467 --> 00:27:17,734 I set myself up To get hurt. 479 00:27:17,801 --> 00:27:19,501 He wants to be Part of the family. 480 00:27:19,567 --> 00:27:21,934 What? 481 00:27:22,000 --> 00:27:23,634 Wait. 482 00:27:23,701 --> 00:27:25,934 Like... propose? 483 00:27:26,000 --> 00:27:28,133 I have to get to the library Before it closes, 484 00:27:28,200 --> 00:27:31,000 But we'll talk About this later, okay? 485 00:27:31,067 --> 00:27:33,601 Oh, my god. 486 00:27:33,667 --> 00:27:35,901 Oh, my god! 487 00:27:35,968 --> 00:27:37,634 Aah! 488 00:27:44,601 --> 00:27:47,234 I was never one To dwell on my past, 489 00:27:47,300 --> 00:27:49,133 Always content To leave it a mystery. 490 00:27:49,200 --> 00:27:50,567 No details - 491 00:27:50,634 --> 00:27:53,434 Just a blur of images Rushing by. 492 00:27:53,501 --> 00:27:55,067 But my friend out there 493 00:27:55,133 --> 00:27:57,634 Wants to bring those memories Into focus. 494 00:28:02,634 --> 00:28:04,033 So do i. 495 00:28:04,100 --> 00:28:08,467 This is it for the metro news For 1972 through 1973. 496 00:28:08,534 --> 00:28:10,667 The tribune's archives... 497 00:28:25,400 --> 00:28:27,434 10/3? 498 00:28:31,300 --> 00:28:35,968 1-0-3- same as the hotel, Same as santa's cottage. 499 00:28:36,033 --> 00:28:39,267 This is what he wanted me To find all along. 500 00:28:45,267 --> 00:28:46,634 Close your eyes. 501 00:28:49,067 --> 00:28:50,767 Don't look. 502 00:28:50,834 --> 00:28:54,400 Laura moser... 503 00:28:54,467 --> 00:28:56,534 My mother. 504 00:28:56,601 --> 00:29:00,133 No wonder i felt so Disconnected my entire life. 505 00:29:00,200 --> 00:29:02,868 If i did have emotions, I'd have to feel... 506 00:29:02,934 --> 00:29:05,167 This. 507 00:29:12,167 --> 00:29:15,334 October 3, 1973. 508 00:29:15,400 --> 00:29:16,968 Laura moser And three others 509 00:29:17,033 --> 00:29:18,767 Found chopped up With a chain saw. 510 00:29:18,834 --> 00:29:20,767 Apparently a drug dealer Didn't appreciate 511 00:29:20,834 --> 00:29:22,434 Laura and her friends Stealing his cocaine. 512 00:29:22,501 --> 00:29:24,868 First officer on scene Was harry morgan. 513 00:29:24,934 --> 00:29:26,234 You've been busy. 514 00:29:26,300 --> 00:29:27,567 A crime that big 515 00:29:27,634 --> 00:29:29,801 And yet there's no record of The case file at city hall. 516 00:29:29,868 --> 00:29:31,334 That seems a bit odd. 517 00:29:31,400 --> 00:29:32,767 It's a long time ago. 518 00:29:32,834 --> 00:29:36,367 What is in that report that Harry didn't want me to see?! 519 00:29:36,434 --> 00:29:39,300 Why was there no mention In any of the newspapers 520 00:29:39,367 --> 00:29:41,934 About a 3-year-old boy At the crime scene? 521 00:29:42,000 --> 00:29:44,601 Camilla... 522 00:29:44,667 --> 00:29:47,234 Damn it, i need to know. I need that file. 523 00:29:47,300 --> 00:29:50,200 I can't give you the file 'Cause it no longer exists. 524 00:29:50,267 --> 00:29:53,100 I destroyed it the day Your adoption went through. 525 00:29:53,167 --> 00:29:54,901 You did what? 526 00:29:54,968 --> 00:29:57,534 Made a promise To your father. 527 00:29:57,601 --> 00:29:59,801 Why, to protect him? 528 00:30:01,868 --> 00:30:03,567 To protect you. 529 00:30:11,367 --> 00:30:12,667 Harry had a code. 530 00:30:12,734 --> 00:30:15,300 He'd never ask you To destroy evidence. 531 00:30:15,367 --> 00:30:17,868 Your father was a decent man And an honest cop, 532 00:30:17,934 --> 00:30:21,000 But what he saw in that Cargo container changed him. 533 00:30:21,067 --> 00:30:24,634 You were left there for days, Starving, 534 00:30:24,701 --> 00:30:26,501 In blood 2 inches thick. 535 00:30:35,434 --> 00:30:36,767 Yeah. 536 00:30:36,834 --> 00:30:38,667 Dex, cody's run away! 537 00:30:38,734 --> 00:30:39,801 Are you sure? 538 00:30:39,868 --> 00:30:41,334 Yeah, i've looked Everywhere. 539 00:30:41,400 --> 00:30:43,300 Well, call the police. I'll be right there. 540 00:30:43,367 --> 00:30:44,601 Okay. 541 00:30:47,234 --> 00:30:48,834 Camilla... 542 00:30:48,901 --> 00:30:51,567 I need to know the truth. 543 00:30:51,634 --> 00:30:52,901 Kid... 544 00:30:55,467 --> 00:30:57,200 ...leave this one alone. 545 00:30:57,267 --> 00:31:00,033 I- i-i can't sit here Like this. 546 00:31:00,100 --> 00:31:01,701 I should be out there Doing something. 547 00:31:01,767 --> 00:31:03,734 Rita, the police said You need to stay here 548 00:31:03,801 --> 00:31:05,400 In case cody comes home. 549 00:31:05,467 --> 00:31:07,767 The neighbors are helping. We'll find him. 550 00:31:07,834 --> 00:31:10,667 Yeah, but one squad car For all of miami? 551 00:31:10,734 --> 00:31:13,801 What if some crazy person Picked him up off the street? 552 00:31:16,501 --> 00:31:19,334 It's all my fault. 553 00:31:19,400 --> 00:31:21,567 Honey, what are you Talking about? 554 00:31:21,634 --> 00:31:24,801 I should have heard cody Get out of bed. 555 00:31:24,868 --> 00:31:27,467 I'm his big sister. 556 00:31:27,534 --> 00:31:29,968 Hey. Hey, look at me. 557 00:31:30,033 --> 00:31:32,767 It's not your fault, okay? 558 00:31:32,834 --> 00:31:35,701 Okay? 559 00:31:35,767 --> 00:31:38,334 Could you go get dexter Some water? 560 00:31:43,000 --> 00:31:45,634 Oh, god. 561 00:31:45,701 --> 00:31:48,067 I should have Seen this coming. 562 00:31:48,133 --> 00:31:49,801 Cody was so upset with me 563 00:31:49,868 --> 00:31:52,767 When i told him that paul Was back in jail. 564 00:31:52,834 --> 00:31:54,634 Paul. 565 00:31:54,701 --> 00:31:56,300 Today's thursday, right? 566 00:31:56,367 --> 00:31:57,901 Yeah. 567 00:31:57,968 --> 00:32:01,000 I think i know Where cody might be. 568 00:32:10,701 --> 00:32:12,501 Hey. 569 00:32:12,567 --> 00:32:14,868 Need a push? 570 00:32:18,834 --> 00:32:21,634 Today's the day you meet daddy In the park, huh? 571 00:32:21,701 --> 00:32:23,100 He'll be here. 572 00:32:23,167 --> 00:32:26,601 Oh, baby, i'm so sorry, But he's not coming back - 573 00:32:26,667 --> 00:32:28,234 Not for a long time. 574 00:32:30,734 --> 00:32:33,868 Look, we'll talk about this When we get home, okay? 575 00:32:33,934 --> 00:32:37,400 After all the lies Harry left for me to uncover, 576 00:32:37,467 --> 00:32:39,400 I'd love to run away, too. 577 00:32:39,467 --> 00:32:42,968 He won't even look at me. 578 00:32:43,033 --> 00:32:47,300 I'm not the one in jail, And yet i'm still the bad guy. 579 00:32:47,367 --> 00:32:49,567 Well, you didn't tell them The truth... 580 00:32:49,634 --> 00:32:51,501 About their father. 581 00:32:51,567 --> 00:32:53,934 I told them Paul was back in jail. 582 00:32:54,000 --> 00:32:56,100 Well, right, you told them Wherehe is, 583 00:32:56,167 --> 00:32:57,868 But you didn't tell them Whohe is. 584 00:32:57,934 --> 00:33:00,334 He's still The same drug-using, 585 00:33:00,400 --> 00:33:02,701 Wife-beating redneck He always was. 586 00:33:02,767 --> 00:33:04,601 They should hear that. 587 00:33:04,667 --> 00:33:07,634 You're not a parent. You don't understand. 588 00:33:07,701 --> 00:33:09,734 You do anything To protect your kids. 589 00:33:09,801 --> 00:33:11,801 Rita, wake up. You're not protecting them. 590 00:33:11,868 --> 00:33:14,701 You're protecting paul. 591 00:33:14,767 --> 00:33:17,534 Well, i - I got to get them home. 592 00:33:31,667 --> 00:33:33,934 Somebody's In a good mood. 593 00:33:34,000 --> 00:33:35,868 The commissioner And the review board 594 00:33:35,934 --> 00:33:38,133 Did not look happy This morning. 595 00:33:38,200 --> 00:33:40,334 They've been in matthews' office For two hours. 596 00:33:40,400 --> 00:33:42,734 You thinking his ass is about Three shades of red right now? 597 00:33:42,801 --> 00:33:44,434 I don't care What color it is 598 00:33:44,501 --> 00:33:46,501 As long as it's on its way Out the door. 599 00:33:56,434 --> 00:33:58,601 Tell me that did not Just happen. 600 00:33:58,667 --> 00:34:00,901 It's who you know And who you blow. 601 00:34:00,968 --> 00:34:03,367 Probably picking Their fucking tee time. 602 00:34:03,434 --> 00:34:05,267 Maria, watch your back. 603 00:34:05,334 --> 00:34:08,434 He's gonna be gunning for you Now more than ever. 604 00:34:08,501 --> 00:34:10,901 Let him try. 605 00:34:15,501 --> 00:34:17,834 Angel: My man juan, hook it up. 606 00:34:17,901 --> 00:34:20,567 Woman: they didn't have Road and track so... 607 00:34:22,834 --> 00:34:24,734 That better be A bag of applesauce. 608 00:34:24,801 --> 00:34:27,267 Okay, juan, at this point, You should go save yourself. 609 00:34:27,334 --> 00:34:29,200 Go. 610 00:34:29,267 --> 00:34:32,334 Oh, you got to be Kidding me. 611 00:34:32,400 --> 00:34:34,167 Two double-meats? 612 00:34:34,234 --> 00:34:35,801 A man's got to eat. 613 00:34:37,534 --> 00:34:39,400 You're so cute When you're annoyed. 614 00:34:39,467 --> 00:34:41,734 You know, your mouth makes Those little o's. 615 00:34:41,801 --> 00:34:43,300 Goddamn it, angel, 616 00:34:43,367 --> 00:34:45,400 Do i look like i'm being Fucking cute with you? 617 00:34:45,467 --> 00:34:47,033 Well, Not now you don't, no. 618 00:34:47,100 --> 00:34:49,067 Why do you always Do this - 619 00:34:49,133 --> 00:34:51,501 Make light of things That matter? 620 00:34:51,567 --> 00:34:54,400 Okay, i'm sorry. Okay? 621 00:34:54,467 --> 00:34:57,434 When i come home, I'll eat anything you want. 622 00:34:57,501 --> 00:35:01,033 No jokes, no complaining - I promise. 623 00:35:01,100 --> 00:35:02,834 When you come home? 624 00:35:04,400 --> 00:35:07,901 I thought the way things Are going with us... 625 00:35:07,968 --> 00:35:10,334 I thought You'd forgiven me. 626 00:35:12,634 --> 00:35:15,801 Well, of course I forgive you. 627 00:35:15,868 --> 00:35:18,701 I forgave you A long time ago. 628 00:35:18,767 --> 00:35:21,434 Okay, so let's fix this. 629 00:35:21,501 --> 00:35:23,934 This could be A second chance for us. 630 00:35:30,100 --> 00:35:33,167 Look, You did what you did. 631 00:35:34,634 --> 00:35:37,334 It was hard. 632 00:35:37,400 --> 00:35:42,067 But it got us To face the truth. 633 00:35:42,133 --> 00:35:44,100 We were miserable... 634 00:35:44,167 --> 00:35:46,467 For years. 635 00:35:46,534 --> 00:35:48,701 Do you really Want to survive this 636 00:35:48,767 --> 00:35:50,834 And go right back To being unhappy? 637 00:35:50,901 --> 00:35:52,200 Maybe. 638 00:35:52,267 --> 00:35:55,133 What if i do? 639 00:35:58,300 --> 00:36:01,567 Look, you will always be Jorge's father. 640 00:36:01,634 --> 00:36:05,000 I will always Care about you. 641 00:36:07,300 --> 00:36:10,133 I'll always be here For you. 642 00:36:11,868 --> 00:36:15,334 But our marriage is over. 643 00:36:27,667 --> 00:36:31,200 Why, yes, by all means, tom, Please, come in. 644 00:36:31,267 --> 00:36:34,801 Maria... Let's you and me have a talk. 645 00:36:34,868 --> 00:36:37,367 Congratulations on the review. I hear it went well. 646 00:36:37,434 --> 00:36:40,434 You must be thrilled. But now, if you don't mind - 647 00:36:40,501 --> 00:36:42,033 Let me get Right to the point. 648 00:36:42,100 --> 00:36:44,667 All our mishaps These last few months - 649 00:36:44,734 --> 00:36:47,367 Failure to bring In the ice-truck killer, 650 00:36:47,434 --> 00:36:49,501 Mishandling of tony tucci... 651 00:36:49,567 --> 00:36:51,133 Even neil perry - 652 00:36:51,200 --> 00:36:54,868 Neil perry was your fuck-up... Not mine. 653 00:36:54,934 --> 00:36:57,667 They're all the result Of a bad command structure, 654 00:36:57,734 --> 00:36:59,701 And that's my failure. 655 00:37:01,567 --> 00:37:03,167 Well... 656 00:37:03,234 --> 00:37:06,734 I'm glad to hear you Say that. 657 00:37:06,801 --> 00:37:10,033 Takes a big man to admit His own mistakes. 658 00:37:10,100 --> 00:37:12,400 So this morning, 659 00:37:12,467 --> 00:37:15,033 The commissioner Gave me the go-ahead 660 00:37:15,100 --> 00:37:16,934 To restructure The division. 661 00:37:17,000 --> 00:37:18,467 Effective immediately, 662 00:37:18,534 --> 00:37:21,400 You will no longer serve As my lieutenant. 663 00:37:21,467 --> 00:37:23,434 I'm sorry. 664 00:37:23,501 --> 00:37:25,934 I know this must be difficult For you. 665 00:37:26,000 --> 00:37:29,434 Please, it's ridiculous. 666 00:37:31,901 --> 00:37:33,934 You really Don't want to do this. 667 00:37:34,000 --> 00:37:37,367 Because of your status In the cuban community. 668 00:37:37,434 --> 00:37:39,133 I'm a fucking hero To this community. 669 00:37:39,200 --> 00:37:40,801 You think they're just gonna Accept it? 670 00:37:40,868 --> 00:37:42,601 Your replacement has already Been selected. 671 00:37:42,667 --> 00:37:44,100 Her name is esmé pascal, 672 00:37:44,167 --> 00:37:45,667 A transfer From fort lauderdale - 673 00:37:45,734 --> 00:37:47,067 A real up-and-comer. 674 00:37:47,133 --> 00:37:50,567 Pascal, The haitian-american? 675 00:37:50,634 --> 00:37:53,601 The one who got shot last year In the line of duty. 676 00:37:53,667 --> 00:37:57,000 Mm-hmm. Turns out She's an actual hero. 677 00:37:57,067 --> 00:37:58,734 You think i'm gonna Stay quiet for this, 678 00:37:58,801 --> 00:37:59,868 You're out of your mind. 679 00:37:59,934 --> 00:38:01,601 I did warn you, maria. 680 00:38:03,234 --> 00:38:06,968 I'm gonna need you to clear out This office tonight. 681 00:38:07,033 --> 00:38:08,934 Expect a call From my union rep. 682 00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:11,300 You'll always have a place In the bullpen... 683 00:38:11,367 --> 00:38:12,701 And my fucking lawyer, too! 684 00:38:12,767 --> 00:38:14,434 ...with all the other Detectives. 685 00:38:14,501 --> 00:38:16,033 This isn't Fucking over, tom! 686 00:38:16,100 --> 00:38:20,868 You goddamn Son of a bitch! 687 00:38:27,601 --> 00:38:29,701 Oh, you got to be Kidding me. 688 00:38:29,767 --> 00:38:30,734 How are you? 689 00:38:32,434 --> 00:38:34,033 How the hell do i look? 690 00:38:34,100 --> 00:38:37,133 I can barely remember How i got here. 691 00:38:37,200 --> 00:38:39,167 Look, there's something We need to discuss. 692 00:38:39,234 --> 00:38:41,701 If you came for an apology, You wasted a tank of gas. 693 00:38:41,767 --> 00:38:43,601 Sit. I'm not finished. 694 00:38:43,667 --> 00:38:44,801 Fuck you. 695 00:38:44,868 --> 00:38:47,767 Astor and cody Are in the other room. 696 00:38:51,000 --> 00:38:52,868 Jesus, You brought them here? 697 00:38:52,934 --> 00:38:55,334 Look, i know This will be difficult, 698 00:38:55,400 --> 00:38:58,167 But i need you to explain to Them why you're in this place. 699 00:38:58,234 --> 00:39:01,267 I have no fucking idea Why i'm in this place. 700 00:39:01,334 --> 00:39:04,167 Fine. Fine. 701 00:39:04,234 --> 00:39:06,300 You want to be in denial? Go ahead. 702 00:39:06,367 --> 00:39:08,734 You will never see Your kids again. 703 00:39:08,801 --> 00:39:11,534 Wait, wait, wait, wait. Rita, wait, wait. 704 00:39:13,901 --> 00:39:16,133 I fought so hard To win those kids back, 705 00:39:16,200 --> 00:39:18,067 Especially astor. 706 00:39:18,133 --> 00:39:21,234 If they see me here like this, I'm gonna lose them forever. 707 00:39:21,300 --> 00:39:24,100 Paul, the one good thing That came out of our marriage 708 00:39:24,167 --> 00:39:25,634 Are those kids. 709 00:39:25,701 --> 00:39:27,834 And i know you love them. 710 00:39:27,901 --> 00:39:29,567 But if you want to have 711 00:39:29,634 --> 00:39:31,667 Any kind of real Relationship with them, 712 00:39:31,734 --> 00:39:34,033 It has to be With the father they have, 713 00:39:34,100 --> 00:39:37,334 Not the father They wish they had. 714 00:39:37,400 --> 00:39:39,234 Now, you cheated on me. 715 00:39:39,300 --> 00:39:41,901 You broke my heart, You broke my bones, 716 00:39:41,968 --> 00:39:45,501 And i took it so those kids Wouldn't have to. 717 00:39:45,567 --> 00:39:49,868 But i am giving you the chance To make it all right. 718 00:39:49,934 --> 00:39:52,901 Not for me, But for them. 719 00:39:52,968 --> 00:39:56,701 I- i-i wouldn't know What to say. 720 00:39:56,767 --> 00:40:02,133 Tell them you're paying For your mistakes. 721 00:40:02,200 --> 00:40:04,567 It's a valuable lesson. 722 00:40:04,634 --> 00:40:06,634 It's one you never got. 723 00:40:09,868 --> 00:40:12,567 So what's it gonna be? 724 00:40:17,400 --> 00:40:19,567 Okay. 725 00:40:21,300 --> 00:40:23,367 Cody: daddy! Daddy, daddy! 726 00:40:23,434 --> 00:40:24,934 Hey! 727 00:40:37,200 --> 00:40:39,000 All right, This won't take long. 728 00:40:39,067 --> 00:40:40,767 There was a drop of blood 729 00:40:40,834 --> 00:40:43,167 On the back of your shirt That wasn't yours, 730 00:40:43,234 --> 00:40:45,334 So i need to check The back of your head. 731 00:40:45,400 --> 00:40:47,334 Just so long As it's only my head 732 00:40:47,400 --> 00:40:50,200 You're checking Back there, bro. 733 00:40:50,267 --> 00:40:52,667 How are things With you and rita? 734 00:40:54,100 --> 00:40:58,567 Not so good, actually. We kind of... had words. 735 00:40:58,634 --> 00:41:00,067 I think I really upset her. 736 00:41:00,133 --> 00:41:01,434 Oh, that's rough, man. 737 00:41:01,501 --> 00:41:04,467 Maybe i'm not The right person for her. 738 00:41:04,534 --> 00:41:06,634 Some people are meant to be Alone, right? 739 00:41:06,701 --> 00:41:09,567 Dex, socio, alone sucks. 740 00:41:09,634 --> 00:41:11,634 Ihijo de puta! Sorry. 741 00:41:11,701 --> 00:41:14,734 These are teeth marks. 742 00:41:14,801 --> 00:41:17,868 You definitely Wounded this guy. 743 00:41:17,934 --> 00:41:19,167 Good. 744 00:41:19,234 --> 00:41:21,334 I hope i broke His fucking nose... 745 00:41:21,400 --> 00:41:23,701 Or at least gave him A fat lip. 746 00:41:25,934 --> 00:41:29,501 Angel, have you ever met Deb's boyfriend, rudy cooper? 747 00:41:29,567 --> 00:41:32,968 Yeah. I went by his office A couple of days ago. 748 00:41:33,033 --> 00:41:35,334 Nice guy. Why? 749 00:41:39,868 --> 00:41:42,634 At lunch, rudy said he'd hurt His lip that morning. 750 00:41:42,701 --> 00:41:46,300 He was lying, and i was Too distracted to care. 751 00:41:46,367 --> 00:41:48,434 But he's got My full attention now. 752 00:41:56,801 --> 00:41:58,734 Hey, you here tonight? 753 00:41:58,801 --> 00:42:00,968 Yeah, we're tits-deep In the ice-truck killer. 754 00:42:01,033 --> 00:42:03,267 Might be onto something. It's gonna be an all-nighter. 755 00:42:03,334 --> 00:42:05,334 So that text message You got from rudy 756 00:42:05,400 --> 00:42:08,067 About going away with him - You're not gonna do that? 757 00:42:08,133 --> 00:42:09,634 Tragically, no. 758 00:42:09,701 --> 00:42:12,434 I was all psyched to meet him At the miami beach marina, 759 00:42:12,501 --> 00:42:14,868 But this bullpen's my home Till we finish this. 760 00:42:14,934 --> 00:42:16,567 Good. Good? 761 00:42:16,634 --> 00:42:18,868 I'm working on a theory That rudy was gonna propose, 762 00:42:18,934 --> 00:42:20,534 And now he can't - Why is that good? 763 00:42:20,601 --> 00:42:22,868 No, i meant good that You're making progress here. 764 00:42:22,934 --> 00:42:24,734 Yeah. We're getting closer. 765 00:42:24,801 --> 00:42:26,033 Fingers crossed. 766 00:42:26,100 --> 00:42:28,033 At least i know my sister Is safe tonight, 767 00:42:28,100 --> 00:42:31,267 Which gives me time to check Out my own theory on rudy. 768 00:42:31,334 --> 00:42:34,834 We've defined the area For the residential search. 769 00:42:34,901 --> 00:42:36,767 Good. So we'll start Canvassing tonight. 770 00:42:36,834 --> 00:42:38,834 You take the - 771 00:42:43,300 --> 00:42:44,868 That him? 772 00:42:44,934 --> 00:42:46,968 Yeah, how'd you know? 773 00:42:47,033 --> 00:42:50,501 'Cause you got that stupid-ass Grin on your face again. 774 00:42:50,567 --> 00:42:52,901 Go ahead. Answer it. 775 00:42:55,234 --> 00:42:56,467 Hey. 776 00:42:56,534 --> 00:42:58,701 Rudy: hey, supercop, What's the word? 777 00:42:58,767 --> 00:43:00,367 I'm kind of in a thing Right now. 778 00:43:00,434 --> 00:43:03,567 Got it. I'll be quick. You never answered my text. 779 00:43:03,634 --> 00:43:06,367 Do i have the pleasure Of your company this weekend? 780 00:43:06,434 --> 00:43:08,400 Uh, yeah, about that - 781 00:43:08,467 --> 00:43:10,400 Come on, deb, It's only two days. 782 00:43:10,467 --> 00:43:11,701 I know, i know. 783 00:43:11,767 --> 00:43:13,167 It's just we've had A major break 784 00:43:13,234 --> 00:43:15,200 In the ice-truck-killer Case. 785 00:43:15,267 --> 00:43:17,667 I promise, as soon as we catch This douchebag, 786 00:43:17,734 --> 00:43:20,534 You and i are gonna spend A whole week together in bed. 787 00:43:20,601 --> 00:43:23,367 You are not gonna be able To get rid of me. 788 00:43:23,434 --> 00:43:26,100 Okay, okay, But how about dinner? 789 00:43:26,167 --> 00:43:28,267 Oh, my god, You are persistent. 790 00:43:28,334 --> 00:43:29,968 Well, You got to eat, right? 791 00:43:30,033 --> 00:43:32,901 So why not Eat dinner with me... 792 00:43:32,968 --> 00:43:35,067 On this yacht i'm on? 793 00:43:35,133 --> 00:43:36,868 Where the hell Did you get a yacht? 794 00:43:36,934 --> 00:43:38,534 I rented it. 795 00:43:38,601 --> 00:43:40,834 I thought we'd have A nice couple days together, 796 00:43:40,901 --> 00:43:43,133 But we could still have A nice night. 797 00:43:43,200 --> 00:43:45,868 And there is that thing We need to talk about. 798 00:43:45,934 --> 00:43:47,868 Um... 799 00:43:47,934 --> 00:43:50,300 Okay, well, maybe i can take An hour for dinner. 800 00:43:50,367 --> 00:43:52,234 I can work with an hour. 801 00:43:52,300 --> 00:43:53,901 I mean, a real hour, Not one of your 802 00:43:53,968 --> 00:43:56,033 "let's stretch this out Till 2:00 a. m. 803 00:43:56,100 --> 00:43:58,234 You might as well stay And have sex" hours. 804 00:43:59,400 --> 00:44:02,033 Right. Real hour. 805 00:44:02,100 --> 00:44:03,734 No fakey hour. Got it. 806 00:44:03,801 --> 00:44:05,934 All right, i'll get out of here As fast as i can. 807 00:44:06,000 --> 00:44:07,501 I'll see you soon. 808 00:44:14,834 --> 00:44:18,067 Thinking rudy attacked batista Doesn't make any sense. 809 00:44:18,133 --> 00:44:19,601 He's a loving boyfriend. 810 00:44:19,667 --> 00:44:21,601 He spends his life Helping people in need. 811 00:44:21,667 --> 00:44:24,033 He brought me steaks. 812 00:44:25,734 --> 00:44:27,701 Well, that's just rude. 813 00:44:27,767 --> 00:44:29,501 Why would loving And helpful rudy 814 00:44:29,567 --> 00:44:32,968 Need an industrial-grade Lock... 815 00:44:33,033 --> 00:44:35,234 And a security camera? 816 00:44:35,300 --> 00:44:38,801 How do i get his dna now? 817 00:44:57,634 --> 00:44:59,067 At times like this, 818 00:44:59,133 --> 00:45:03,133 I wish the truth was more Easily accessible, unless - 819 00:45:03,200 --> 00:45:04,901 Right. 820 00:45:06,701 --> 00:45:08,901 But harry taught me To trust my gut. 821 00:45:08,968 --> 00:45:11,734 "people lie all the time," He said. 822 00:45:11,801 --> 00:45:15,501 "but your instinct Will never fail you. " 823 00:45:15,567 --> 00:45:17,267 Hmm. 824 00:45:17,334 --> 00:45:19,534 Some blood from a cut lip, Perhaps? 825 00:45:28,267 --> 00:45:30,667 Fuck me! 826 00:45:30,734 --> 00:45:33,734 I believe your rule specifically Prohibits such action. 827 00:45:39,834 --> 00:45:41,467 Did you do all this? 828 00:45:41,534 --> 00:45:44,701 In fact, i did. 829 00:45:44,767 --> 00:45:46,367 You like? 830 00:45:46,434 --> 00:45:47,667 I like. 831 00:45:47,734 --> 00:45:49,434 I like so much 832 00:45:49,501 --> 00:45:51,934 That it makes what i have To tell you that much harder. 833 00:45:52,000 --> 00:45:53,834 Oh, please tell me You're not leaving. 834 00:45:53,901 --> 00:45:55,167 I'm sorry. I hit traffic. 835 00:45:55,234 --> 00:45:57,067 It took me 30 minutes To get here. 836 00:45:57,133 --> 00:45:59,234 I have to turn around And go right back. 837 00:45:59,300 --> 00:46:01,200 Oh, my god. 838 00:46:01,267 --> 00:46:03,300 Hold on. Hold on! Wait. 839 00:46:03,367 --> 00:46:05,501 Well, you're sort of Forcing my hand here. 840 00:46:05,567 --> 00:46:08,334 I wanted to wait until we were Out in the water, but... 841 00:46:08,400 --> 00:46:11,434 here goes. 842 00:46:11,501 --> 00:46:14,334 I know this seems fast... 843 00:46:14,400 --> 00:46:15,834 But i feel - 844 00:46:15,901 --> 00:46:18,767 I feel that i waited my whole Entire life for you. 845 00:46:18,834 --> 00:46:22,334 And now that you're here, 846 00:46:22,400 --> 00:46:24,601 I don't want you to leave. 847 00:46:24,667 --> 00:46:27,868 Debra morgan... 848 00:46:27,934 --> 00:46:29,634 Will you marry me? 849 00:46:30,968 --> 00:46:32,801 I knew it! I fucking knew it! 850 00:46:32,868 --> 00:46:34,801 Is that your version Of a "yes"? 851 00:46:34,868 --> 00:46:37,467 Yes, yes, yes, yes, But - 852 00:46:37,534 --> 00:46:39,067 No, no, no! Stop at "yes. " 853 00:46:39,133 --> 00:46:40,367 I like that part. 854 00:46:40,434 --> 00:46:43,934 Yes, but let's slow it down, You know? 855 00:46:44,000 --> 00:46:46,601 Let me savor this. I want to be with you. 856 00:46:46,667 --> 00:46:48,133 I want to enjoy it, You know? 857 00:46:48,200 --> 00:46:50,267 So it's a "yes," but - 858 00:46:50,334 --> 00:46:52,267 Okay, i get it. You do? 859 00:46:52,334 --> 00:46:53,901 No, not really, But i can work with it. 860 00:46:53,968 --> 00:46:55,968 Good, good. 861 00:46:56,033 --> 00:46:58,634 Oh, god, i can still wear The ring, right? 862 00:46:58,701 --> 00:47:01,934 Yes, but... There's a condition. 863 00:47:02,000 --> 00:47:05,000 I know you have to Go to work, but... 864 00:47:05,067 --> 00:47:08,100 If you're gonna wear the ring, We need to celebrate. 865 00:47:08,167 --> 00:47:10,834 One glass of champagne - That's all i ask. 866 00:47:10,901 --> 00:47:12,634 Rudy, i - I mean it. 867 00:47:12,701 --> 00:47:15,000 You can't leave your Sort-of fiancé on a yacht 868 00:47:15,067 --> 00:47:17,267 With a cold meal and an unopened Bottle of champagne. 869 00:47:17,334 --> 00:47:18,801 It's kind of cruel. 870 00:47:18,868 --> 00:47:22,534 Just one glass of champagne... To celebrate. 871 00:47:22,601 --> 00:47:23,868 And then you can go back, 872 00:47:23,934 --> 00:47:26,901 Saving miami From the ice-truck killer. 873 00:47:26,968 --> 00:47:29,434 I can live with that. 874 00:47:34,300 --> 00:47:37,033 Hey, i need these two Tested against each other. 875 00:47:37,100 --> 00:47:38,701 It's kind of a rush. 876 00:47:40,200 --> 00:47:42,100 Excuse me, hi. 877 00:47:44,033 --> 00:47:47,133 Hey, these two - tested against Each other right now. 878 00:47:47,200 --> 00:47:48,534 Okay. 879 00:47:52,968 --> 00:47:55,400 Debra: it's deb. Do it. 880 00:47:55,467 --> 00:47:57,133 Hey, i know you're working, 881 00:47:57,200 --> 00:47:59,100 But let me know When you come up for air. 882 00:47:59,167 --> 00:48:02,033 I need to talk to you. I'm in the building. 883 00:48:08,234 --> 00:48:10,167 This yacht's amazing. 884 00:48:10,234 --> 00:48:12,734 I didn't know you went For stuff like this. 885 00:48:12,801 --> 00:48:15,367 Well, you have a whole lot To learn about me. 886 00:48:15,434 --> 00:48:17,067 Was that just The phone ringing? 887 00:48:17,133 --> 00:48:19,968 Yeah - big brother. I let it go to voice mail. 888 00:48:20,033 --> 00:48:21,801 He can wait Till we're done here. 889 00:48:21,868 --> 00:48:24,334 Good. I want you all to myself. 890 00:48:24,400 --> 00:48:26,534 So... 891 00:48:26,601 --> 00:48:28,400 Let the toasting begin. 892 00:48:28,467 --> 00:48:30,167 To... 893 00:48:30,234 --> 00:48:31,767 What comes next. 894 00:48:36,567 --> 00:48:38,701 Mmm. 895 00:48:38,767 --> 00:48:40,934 You're not drinking. 896 00:48:46,667 --> 00:48:48,934 Tastes like menthol, 897 00:48:49,000 --> 00:48:52,033 Which, it turns out, Is not that sexy. 898 00:48:56,767 --> 00:48:58,267 What's the matter? 899 00:48:58,334 --> 00:49:00,400 Nothing. 900 00:49:02,334 --> 00:49:05,467 Just bad memories. 901 00:49:05,534 --> 00:49:08,100 Oh. That's right. 902 00:49:08,167 --> 00:49:09,567 That was the - 903 00:49:09,634 --> 00:49:13,300 The one clue the ice-truck Killer left behind, right? 904 00:49:13,367 --> 00:49:14,667 Right. 905 00:49:16,334 --> 00:49:18,834 Wait. How did you know that? 906 00:49:18,901 --> 00:49:21,167 I don't often Make mistakes, 907 00:49:21,234 --> 00:49:24,234 But when i do, They haunt me. 908 00:49:25,734 --> 00:49:27,601 Hilarious. 909 00:49:29,100 --> 00:49:31,367 Your champagne's Gonna get warm. 910 00:49:31,434 --> 00:49:34,834 You know the one thing I've been dying to ask you? 911 00:49:34,901 --> 00:49:38,067 How did you not know Who i was? 912 00:49:38,133 --> 00:49:40,400 You're a cop. 913 00:49:43,100 --> 00:49:45,467 This isn't funny. 914 00:49:45,534 --> 00:49:48,100 I think A real cop would, um, 915 00:49:48,167 --> 00:49:50,400 At least have a sense That she was in the presence 916 00:49:50,467 --> 00:49:53,667 Of the person She was hunting, right? 917 00:49:53,734 --> 00:49:56,400 You're hurting me! 918 00:49:56,467 --> 00:49:58,767 I didn't show you The best part of my loft. 919 00:49:58,834 --> 00:50:00,067 Built it myself. 920 00:50:01,667 --> 00:50:02,934 Stop it! 921 00:50:03,000 --> 00:50:05,100 My refrigerated room. 922 00:50:06,968 --> 00:50:08,801 Oh, god, Why are you doing this?! 923 00:50:08,868 --> 00:50:11,400 You know, the tricky part Was getting you on the boat. 924 00:50:11,467 --> 00:50:14,567 The other women I could just pay. 925 00:50:14,634 --> 00:50:16,267 But at the end... 926 00:50:16,334 --> 00:50:19,467 You made it easy. 927 00:50:19,534 --> 00:50:22,934 So desperate To fall in love. 928 00:50:25,868 --> 00:50:27,834 Stop. 929 00:50:40,834 --> 00:50:44,267 Dude, you got to see this. 930 00:50:44,334 --> 00:50:46,434 The autopsy on our Santa's cottage victim? 931 00:50:46,501 --> 00:50:48,167 Check it out. 932 00:50:48,234 --> 00:50:51,067 One arm was shorter Than the other. 933 00:50:51,133 --> 00:50:52,901 So that got me thinking. 934 00:50:52,968 --> 00:50:56,167 I mean, our guy isn't sloppy. He's precise. 935 00:50:56,234 --> 00:50:57,701 Not now, vince. 936 00:50:57,767 --> 00:51:00,934 Her left wrist was 2 inches shorter than her right. 937 00:51:01,000 --> 00:51:04,067 I mean, why cut off more On the left side than the right? 938 00:51:04,133 --> 00:51:06,801 Because our girl... 939 00:51:06,868 --> 00:51:09,133 Our girl was A fucking amputee. 940 00:51:10,300 --> 00:51:13,200 I looked up Her medical records. 941 00:51:13,267 --> 00:51:14,467 She had a fake left hand. 942 00:51:14,534 --> 00:51:16,133 That's why We couldn't find it. 943 00:51:16,200 --> 00:51:18,334 The killer cut off That extra piece of wrist 944 00:51:18,400 --> 00:51:20,133 So that we wouldn't see The stump. 945 00:51:20,200 --> 00:51:21,667 Let me see that. 946 00:51:21,734 --> 00:51:23,634 That night Batista was stabbed, 947 00:51:23,701 --> 00:51:25,868 He was following up On a lead he got 948 00:51:25,934 --> 00:51:27,534 From a one-handed Call girl. 949 00:51:27,601 --> 00:51:30,567 Guess what The lead was about. 950 00:51:30,634 --> 00:51:33,367 The ice-truck killer. 951 00:51:33,434 --> 00:51:34,734 Booyah. 952 00:51:39,601 --> 00:51:40,934 You sure? 953 00:51:41,000 --> 00:51:42,968 Positive. The samples You gave me were a match. 954 00:51:43,033 --> 00:51:45,000 They were from The same person. 955 00:51:47,968 --> 00:51:50,300 Hey, you all right? 956 00:51:57,734 --> 00:51:59,834 Where's my sister? 957 00:51:59,901 --> 00:52:02,434 Took her code 12. Left about an hour ago. 958 00:52:02,501 --> 00:52:04,901 She wasn't supposed To go anywhere. 959 00:52:04,968 --> 00:52:07,267 Dispatch, This is dexter morgan. 960 00:52:07,334 --> 00:52:10,367 I need you to raise officer Debra morgan on her radio. 961 00:52:14,868 --> 00:52:16,234 Man: sorry, sir. 962 00:52:16,300 --> 00:52:18,234 She's been out of range For the last half-hour. 963 00:52:21,267 --> 00:52:23,367 Debra: It's deb. Do it. 964 00:52:23,434 --> 00:52:24,634 Where the fuck are you? 965 00:52:24,701 --> 00:52:26,234 I'm here at work, And you're not. 966 00:52:26,300 --> 00:52:27,567 I need to talk to you. 967 00:52:27,634 --> 00:52:29,868 Do not see rudy Until you find me. 968 00:52:29,934 --> 00:52:32,200 Call me when you get this.