1 00:00:01,168 --> 00:00:03,086 Previously on Foundation 2 00:00:03,586 --> 00:00:04,588 Hello? 3 00:00:04,671 --> 00:00:05,923 How long was I asleep? 4 00:00:06,006 --> 00:00:09,051 Thirty-four years, 223 days. 5 00:00:09,134 --> 00:00:14,681 This will not always be your life. But it is your life now. 6 00:00:16,099 --> 00:00:18,435 The Foundation has a breadth of knowledge we lack. 7 00:00:18,519 --> 00:00:20,646 We require a handful of your people. 8 00:00:20,729 --> 00:00:23,649 Phara's after a warship. This is the first Seldon Crisis. 9 00:00:23,732 --> 00:00:25,275 Where's your father? Where's Abbas? 10 00:00:26,985 --> 00:00:29,112 Mom, I'm so sorry. I tried. 11 00:02:09,587 --> 00:02:13,717 The Anthor Belt. Dad used to tell me stories about it. 12 00:02:15,093 --> 00:02:16,594 Wonder what he'd say now. 13 00:02:28,315 --> 00:02:30,775 Would you believe I used to work on one of those things? 14 00:02:31,651 --> 00:02:34,070 Mining palladium. I remember. 15 00:02:34,154 --> 00:02:36,531 My back's sore just looking at all that equipment. 16 00:02:38,158 --> 00:02:40,993 I can't believe it's still there. Your people, they just left it? 17 00:02:41,076 --> 00:02:44,205 Without the Empire's tech, the industry just broke down. 18 00:02:45,081 --> 00:02:49,252 That's when I started doing long-haul routes. Another life. 19 00:02:54,424 --> 00:02:57,469 In other words, you abandoned your own people. 20 00:02:57,552 --> 00:03:00,305 Meant there was one less Thespin to fight over the scraps. 21 00:03:01,014 --> 00:03:02,682 Approaching coordinates. 22 00:03:14,235 --> 00:03:15,236 There's nothing here. 23 00:03:16,112 --> 00:03:18,073 Look closer, Warden. 24 00:03:22,994 --> 00:03:24,746 The Invictus? 25 00:03:29,209 --> 00:03:31,586 The crown jewel of Emperor Taurelian's fleet. 26 00:03:31,670 --> 00:03:33,004 You know of her? 27 00:03:33,088 --> 00:03:37,342 They say, in her day, the Invictus was the most powerful weapons platform 28 00:03:37,425 --> 00:03:39,386 the Empire had ever built. 29 00:03:39,469 --> 00:03:40,929 A world-killer. 30 00:03:45,475 --> 00:03:48,728 Yeah, she disappeared without a trace 700 years ago. 31 00:03:48,812 --> 00:03:51,564 No debris. No distress signals. 32 00:03:51,648 --> 00:03:54,776 People reported sightings of her all across the galaxy, 33 00:03:54,859 --> 00:03:58,154 never responding to hails, never seen in the same place twice. 34 00:03:59,030 --> 00:04:00,699 And you just found her here. 35 00:04:01,616 --> 00:04:03,076 Like she was calling to me. 36 00:04:03,159 --> 00:04:04,828 The Invictus is a jumpship. 37 00:04:04,911 --> 00:04:08,581 The Empire considers jump technology a state secret. 38 00:04:08,665 --> 00:04:11,918 They'd sooner wipe out the entire Outer Reach 39 00:04:12,002 --> 00:04:13,211 than allow you to take this ship. 40 00:04:13,295 --> 00:04:14,754 Nobody knows she's here. 41 00:04:14,838 --> 00:04:17,048 You won't even be able to board. 42 00:04:17,132 --> 00:04:20,010 The air lock will never open for an Anacreon. 43 00:04:27,225 --> 00:04:28,935 Your imperial nanobots, 44 00:04:29,019 --> 00:04:31,479 programmed for expedited healing and identification… 45 00:04:33,231 --> 00:04:35,984 coded to access any imperial ship. 46 00:04:37,986 --> 00:04:39,612 That's why we needed you, Commander. 47 00:04:40,572 --> 00:04:42,073 You're our way in. 48 00:04:43,950 --> 00:04:46,953 Even if that actually works, you don't know where this ship has been 49 00:04:47,037 --> 00:04:48,747 or what happened to the crew. 50 00:04:49,413 --> 00:04:51,708 How do you even know if she's safe to approach? 51 00:04:53,001 --> 00:04:54,168 She isn't. 52 00:05:00,383 --> 00:05:03,970 The two craft we lost attempting to board. 53 00:05:05,138 --> 00:05:07,223 Her defense systems are still active. 54 00:05:08,183 --> 00:05:09,392 Get the suits ready. 55 00:05:09,893 --> 00:05:11,186 It's time. 56 00:05:26,993 --> 00:05:30,538 Do you think any of those mining bases still have active comms? 57 00:05:31,164 --> 00:05:33,166 It's unlikely. But it's possible. 58 00:05:34,584 --> 00:05:36,336 I've got a distress beacon. 59 00:05:38,338 --> 00:05:42,342 It's a neural implant, records everything I see and hear. 60 00:05:42,425 --> 00:05:46,930 If we can get to a dispatch capsule on the Invictus, we can send out a signal. 61 00:05:53,478 --> 00:05:56,731 All right, listen. It's a 10,000-meter jump. 62 00:05:56,815 --> 00:06:01,403 You want to drop fast, with as little extraneous movement as possible. 63 00:06:01,486 --> 00:06:05,281 On your final approach, you'll have to flip over and brake. 64 00:06:05,865 --> 00:06:07,575 The Invictus's automated rail guns 65 00:06:07,659 --> 00:06:10,787 are blind to objects under two meters in diameter. 66 00:06:10,870 --> 00:06:15,208 If we spread out and move with control, we should be invisible to them. 67 00:06:15,292 --> 00:06:16,793 You know what you're doing? 68 00:06:18,295 --> 00:06:19,296 Almost never, lover. 69 00:06:19,379 --> 00:06:21,172 Warden, up front. 70 00:06:21,256 --> 00:06:24,259 You must land on the inner ring to access the air lock. 71 00:06:24,342 --> 00:06:26,469 Miss the inner ring and you will be lost. 72 00:06:37,188 --> 00:06:38,606 I'll go on three. 73 00:06:39,899 --> 00:06:41,776 One. Two-- 74 00:06:49,618 --> 00:06:50,869 Shit. 75 00:07:01,171 --> 00:07:02,172 Almost there. 76 00:07:35,872 --> 00:07:36,873 Good job, Warden. 77 00:07:37,999 --> 00:07:40,335 Sal, my suit's failing. It's no good. 78 00:07:40,418 --> 00:07:42,003 Thrusters aren't responding. 79 00:07:42,504 --> 00:07:44,464 No, no, no. 80 00:07:44,547 --> 00:07:46,424 -I can't-- I can't get it-- -I got you! 81 00:07:46,508 --> 00:07:49,511 -Sal! No, get back. -Hugo! No. No. 82 00:07:49,594 --> 00:07:50,595 Get back. 83 00:07:54,432 --> 00:07:57,268 -Sal. Sal-- -Hugo! 84 00:07:57,352 --> 00:07:59,771 No. No. Hugo. 85 00:08:11,950 --> 00:08:14,828 Swallow your grief, Warden. We have no time for it now. 86 00:08:16,830 --> 00:08:19,332 Air lock's that way. Let's move. 87 00:08:36,016 --> 00:08:37,142 Excuse me, Empire. 88 00:08:37,225 --> 00:08:40,979 I know you're far too rational to have taken what I did as any sort of-- 89 00:08:41,062 --> 00:08:44,357 Go on. I'm curious to hear just what you think you didn't do. 90 00:08:44,441 --> 00:08:48,570 If I hadn't knelt, it would've been a clear contradiction of my faith. 91 00:08:48,653 --> 00:08:51,323 So you knelt before a demagogue. 92 00:08:51,406 --> 00:08:54,909 -I was kneeling to the Mother. -I'm sorry, to the what? 93 00:08:54,993 --> 00:08:57,412 I'm not familiar with that term, 94 00:08:57,495 --> 00:08:59,497 motherless atrocity that I am. 95 00:09:00,415 --> 00:09:02,667 You know I don't agree with Halima's position. 96 00:09:02,751 --> 00:09:07,797 I should hope not. You're not precisely one with the reincarnation cycle yourself. 97 00:09:07,880 --> 00:09:11,509 I wonder what Halima would say if she were made aware of that. 98 00:09:11,592 --> 00:09:14,678 It's not in my interest to publicize your true nature. 99 00:09:14,763 --> 00:09:17,974 This was a staggering betrayal, Demerzel. 100 00:09:18,642 --> 00:09:20,977 It was a betrayal of your directive. 101 00:09:21,061 --> 00:09:25,190 As far as I understood it, you are incapable of disloyalty. 102 00:09:25,273 --> 00:09:28,151 Over all else, your fealty to the Cleonic Dynasty 103 00:09:28,234 --> 00:09:30,070 is embedded into your programming. 104 00:09:30,153 --> 00:09:31,696 And that is precisely my point. 105 00:09:31,780 --> 00:09:34,658 If kneeling were in violation of my protocol, 106 00:09:34,741 --> 00:09:37,327 I would not have been able to. Physically. 107 00:09:37,911 --> 00:09:41,665 The very signals I use to instruct my limbs to bend would have been blocked. 108 00:09:43,041 --> 00:09:48,296 An explanation that also conveniently justifies your actions. 109 00:09:48,380 --> 00:09:49,881 Here is my question, 110 00:09:50,548 --> 00:09:52,342 did you want to kneel? 111 00:09:53,551 --> 00:09:57,305 I am loyal to Empire above all else. 112 00:09:57,389 --> 00:09:59,265 -Forgive me, Empire-- -Spit it out. 113 00:09:59,349 --> 00:10:02,018 It seems Zephyr Halima's speech has struck a chord. 114 00:10:02,686 --> 00:10:05,981 Ambassador Thanwall indicates that she has now become the front-runner. 115 00:10:07,565 --> 00:10:08,942 Well then… 116 00:10:10,318 --> 00:10:14,197 we have to shift her away from this pet subject. 117 00:10:16,408 --> 00:10:18,952 I've gotta figure out what she actually wants from me. 118 00:11:04,789 --> 00:11:07,584 I wouldn't have expected to see you down here, Cleon. 119 00:11:08,376 --> 00:11:10,211 The correct honorific is "Empire." 120 00:11:10,295 --> 00:11:13,923 I have great respect for those who attempt the Spiral. 121 00:11:14,007 --> 00:11:17,719 A sacred ritual, reserved for a proxima's passing. 122 00:11:18,845 --> 00:11:22,182 To walk is to humble oneself before the Triple Goddesses. 123 00:11:25,935 --> 00:11:28,104 I see someone's coached you well. 124 00:11:29,189 --> 00:11:33,568 Tell me, Lady Demerzel, have you had occasion to walk the Spiral? 125 00:11:33,652 --> 00:11:36,154 I have. Many years ago. 126 00:11:38,365 --> 00:11:41,993 Then you know just how transformative the journey can be… 127 00:11:43,328 --> 00:11:46,331 and how the body will suffer. 128 00:11:47,958 --> 00:11:50,377 This man was blinded by the sun. 129 00:11:51,544 --> 00:11:55,298 Many others die attempting to reach the Womb of the Mother. 130 00:11:55,382 --> 00:11:58,093 All very noble deaths, I'm sure. 131 00:11:58,176 --> 00:12:01,554 Zephyr Halima, Empire was hoping to speak frankly with you. 132 00:12:02,389 --> 00:12:05,266 I can appreciate an aggressive early play. 133 00:12:05,350 --> 00:12:09,896 And, well, you've succeeded in drawing me down here into the trenches. 134 00:12:09,980 --> 00:12:14,734 So, I applaud you. I'm here. And I'm listening. 135 00:12:15,443 --> 00:12:18,446 I'm not really sure what it is you're expecting me to say. 136 00:12:18,530 --> 00:12:20,198 What is your ask? 137 00:12:22,367 --> 00:12:24,661 End the Genetic Dynasty. 138 00:12:24,744 --> 00:12:27,622 If you're only fielding offers, consider the following. 139 00:12:27,706 --> 00:12:29,624 In addition to the desalination system, 140 00:12:29,708 --> 00:12:32,335 we will also establish a satellite security station 141 00:12:32,419 --> 00:12:34,379 for the dedicated protection of your people. 142 00:12:34,462 --> 00:12:37,340 Safety and clean water. 143 00:12:37,424 --> 00:12:39,551 We're misunderstanding each other here, Cleon. 144 00:12:39,634 --> 00:12:42,220 My ask is not a tactic. 145 00:12:42,304 --> 00:12:44,723 I only preach what I believe. 146 00:12:44,806 --> 00:12:48,560 And I believe the Genetic Dynasty will be the ruin of us all. 147 00:12:48,643 --> 00:12:50,270 Luminists can see the future now? 148 00:12:50,353 --> 00:12:52,814 I do not claim to see the future. 149 00:12:52,897 --> 00:12:58,486 I only have a sense deep in my soul of what is true and what is wrong. 150 00:12:58,570 --> 00:12:59,821 Wrong? 151 00:12:59,904 --> 00:13:03,867 You don't even remotely comprehend what my familial line has accomplished. 152 00:13:03,950 --> 00:13:07,162 -My brothers and I-- -Brothers? You are not brothers. 153 00:13:07,245 --> 00:13:09,873 You are the reverberations of a dead man's ego, 154 00:13:09,956 --> 00:13:12,959 by nature blind to all that you lack. 155 00:13:13,043 --> 00:13:16,171 The soulless creature cannot recognize itself. 156 00:13:17,130 --> 00:13:20,550 I believe the late Dr. Seldon made a similar observation? 157 00:13:22,761 --> 00:13:25,597 If that is truly what you believe, I am sorry. 158 00:13:25,680 --> 00:13:28,725 You will spend your life shouting into the void. 159 00:13:28,808 --> 00:13:31,144 The only reason you ventured down here 160 00:13:32,062 --> 00:13:35,649 is because you know people are listening to me. 161 00:13:36,316 --> 00:13:38,276 I'm sure, in preparation for your visit, 162 00:13:38,360 --> 00:13:43,406 you were counseled as to the staggering numbers of followers Luminism claims, 163 00:13:43,490 --> 00:13:48,495 all committed to acting in service of truth's light. 164 00:13:48,578 --> 00:13:52,457 Remind me, how many people did it take to bring down your Star Bridge? 165 00:13:53,249 --> 00:13:54,417 Are you threatening me? 166 00:13:54,501 --> 00:13:58,797 I'm only trying to answer your question, to articulate my ask. 167 00:13:59,381 --> 00:14:02,884 I'm not surprised it's left you confused. 168 00:14:02,968 --> 00:14:05,762 It's about something much greater than you. 169 00:14:05,845 --> 00:14:09,224 But I'm sure your adviser will help you to understand. 170 00:14:09,307 --> 00:14:13,228 Now, if you'll excuse me, I have souls that need ministering to. 171 00:14:36,126 --> 00:14:39,004 -Lewis, fall back. Fall back, Lewis. -What, Salvor? 172 00:14:39,087 --> 00:14:41,006 You and Jacenta are too close. Two meters! 173 00:14:41,089 --> 00:14:42,716 Oh, sorry. 174 00:14:48,972 --> 00:14:50,682 Take cover! 175 00:15:09,784 --> 00:15:12,829 If I open the doors, the guns will stop. 176 00:15:12,912 --> 00:15:14,623 Commander! 177 00:15:28,970 --> 00:15:30,305 Now! 178 00:15:38,563 --> 00:15:39,856 Come on. 179 00:16:00,043 --> 00:16:01,711 No! 180 00:16:06,049 --> 00:16:08,176 He served his purpose. 181 00:16:36,955 --> 00:16:40,709 Not you, Warden. You're too dangerous unfettered. 182 00:16:40,792 --> 00:16:42,335 Hold out your hands. 183 00:16:49,134 --> 00:16:50,176 Now, move. 184 00:17:09,446 --> 00:17:10,822 Keep moving. 185 00:17:11,614 --> 00:17:13,742 Atmosphere's frozen. 186 00:17:14,242 --> 00:17:16,286 Must be a hull breach somewhere. 187 00:17:16,870 --> 00:17:21,541 The environmental systems must be off. We should find a regulation panel. 188 00:17:42,145 --> 00:17:44,521 The regulation panel. Over here. 189 00:18:00,830 --> 00:18:03,208 Okay. The system's archaic. 190 00:18:03,875 --> 00:18:06,336 I'll have to input commands with manual code. 191 00:18:07,837 --> 00:18:10,840 I've sealed the breach so it's safe to restore atmosphere. 192 00:18:10,924 --> 00:18:12,008 Do it. 193 00:18:14,761 --> 00:18:17,347 We might have weather in here as the atmosphere regulates. 194 00:18:18,932 --> 00:18:21,685 And now for the gravity. Heads up. 195 00:18:32,946 --> 00:18:36,783 Those lights, what was that? Is that a power surge? 196 00:18:36,866 --> 00:18:38,201 I'm not sure. 197 00:18:38,285 --> 00:18:39,536 Now update security protocols. 198 00:18:39,619 --> 00:18:41,621 I want the internal defenses off-line. 199 00:18:41,705 --> 00:18:44,582 Security's a different system. That'll be closer to the bridge. 200 00:18:46,167 --> 00:18:47,544 Then we head there next. 201 00:19:04,185 --> 00:19:05,186 Sixteen seconds. 202 00:19:06,521 --> 00:19:11,151 Hey, the lights were pulsating consistently every 18 seconds, 203 00:19:11,234 --> 00:19:13,069 and now it's down to 16. 204 00:19:13,153 --> 00:19:15,030 Okay. So, what does that mean? 205 00:19:15,572 --> 00:19:18,533 -Like a countdown? -A countdown to what? 206 00:19:22,287 --> 00:19:23,496 The next jump. 207 00:19:25,957 --> 00:19:29,044 Two weeks ago, my people were out on a scavenging run. 208 00:19:29,878 --> 00:19:31,713 They happened to see the Invictus jump in. 209 00:19:31,796 --> 00:19:34,007 We think her drives are cycling on their own, 210 00:19:34,090 --> 00:19:36,217 setting random time intervals between jumps. 211 00:19:36,301 --> 00:19:39,346 We knew, if we wanted to get control of the ship, 212 00:19:39,429 --> 00:19:42,265 we had to board before she could jump away again. 213 00:19:42,349 --> 00:19:43,642 Jump away where? 214 00:19:46,811 --> 00:19:51,066 They have no idea. That's how the legend started. 215 00:19:51,149 --> 00:19:53,276 That's why the Invictus became a ghost ship. 216 00:19:55,528 --> 00:19:57,822 The crew must have lost control, 217 00:19:57,906 --> 00:20:02,369 and the ship started jumping from one random set of coordinates to the next. 218 00:20:03,787 --> 00:20:07,248 They got marooned out in the dark deep somewhere, 219 00:20:07,332 --> 00:20:08,917 out of comms range… 220 00:20:10,210 --> 00:20:12,337 maybe outside the galaxy completely. 221 00:20:13,797 --> 00:20:17,092 They ran out of food, turned on each other. 222 00:20:17,175 --> 00:20:19,302 How long do we have before the countdown gets to zero? 223 00:20:20,345 --> 00:20:21,972 At this rate… 224 00:20:22,847 --> 00:20:23,848 four hours. 225 00:20:24,599 --> 00:20:25,600 Okay. 226 00:20:26,893 --> 00:20:30,855 So we have four hours to get control, or she blinks away again. 227 00:20:48,206 --> 00:20:50,041 You understand the urgency now. 228 00:20:50,917 --> 00:20:53,253 If we fail and we're lucky, 229 00:20:53,336 --> 00:20:55,213 we end up in the heart of a sun 230 00:20:56,798 --> 00:20:58,758 or staring down the mouth of a black hole. 231 00:20:59,426 --> 00:21:03,972 If we're unlucky, we suffer much longer deaths. 232 00:21:08,727 --> 00:21:10,562 What are your feelings about Halima now? 233 00:21:12,397 --> 00:21:13,898 That was reckless. 234 00:21:14,858 --> 00:21:17,402 There's no question in my mind, that was a threat. 235 00:21:17,485 --> 00:21:19,612 That damn Hari Seldon predicted this. 236 00:21:19,696 --> 00:21:23,658 "An exhortation from one of the galaxy's major religions." 237 00:21:24,200 --> 00:21:28,246 As to Halima's threat, I will enhance the security measures at the palace. 238 00:21:28,330 --> 00:21:31,124 We can assemble a comms team to contain Halima's message, 239 00:21:31,207 --> 00:21:34,836 data filters triggered by certain phrases. "Genetic Dynasty." 240 00:21:34,919 --> 00:21:35,920 No. 241 00:21:36,004 --> 00:21:39,090 I refuse to play defense with this woman. 242 00:21:40,216 --> 00:21:44,179 If she wants to invoke something greater than me, I'll do the same. 243 00:21:45,430 --> 00:21:48,224 I'll prove both her and Seldon wrong. 244 00:21:55,857 --> 00:22:00,028 According to Zephyr Halima, I am soulless, 245 00:22:00,528 --> 00:22:03,239 and therefore incapable of growth. 246 00:22:03,990 --> 00:22:05,116 I disagree. 247 00:22:05,909 --> 00:22:09,871 But as she suggests, the soulless creature cannot recognize itself, 248 00:22:10,580 --> 00:22:14,584 which is why I must appeal to those with a much broader vantage, 249 00:22:15,335 --> 00:22:18,046 broader even than the zephyrs. 250 00:22:18,797 --> 00:22:23,259 I must appeal to the Triple Goddesses themselves. 251 00:22:34,354 --> 00:22:36,856 I will walk the great Spiral. 252 00:22:37,649 --> 00:22:42,320 And I will let the Mother, the Maiden and the Crone decide what is true, 253 00:22:43,571 --> 00:22:44,906 who is right… 254 00:22:47,993 --> 00:22:49,327 and who is wrong. 255 00:24:22,212 --> 00:24:23,338 How does this work? 256 00:24:23,421 --> 00:24:24,965 I'll show you. 257 00:25:37,912 --> 00:25:39,289 I've brought you something. 258 00:25:52,218 --> 00:25:53,762 Color-correction 'hesives. 259 00:25:53,845 --> 00:25:54,971 So you can see red and green. 260 00:25:57,432 --> 00:25:58,558 Thank you. 261 00:25:59,851 --> 00:26:04,022 But I can't. They'll draw attention. 262 00:26:04,773 --> 00:26:07,442 The others, Brother Dusk, Brother Day, 263 00:26:08,318 --> 00:26:09,319 they can't know. 264 00:26:09,903 --> 00:26:11,863 Maybe you could put them on when they're not looking. 265 00:26:12,572 --> 00:26:14,199 They're always looking. 266 00:26:14,824 --> 00:26:17,661 And if they start pulling that thread, it all comes undone. 267 00:26:20,288 --> 00:26:21,373 Yes, Empire. 268 00:26:22,165 --> 00:26:23,375 Please, Azura… 269 00:26:25,210 --> 00:26:26,336 call me Cleon. 270 00:26:28,713 --> 00:26:31,967 It's not just the color blindness. 271 00:26:32,550 --> 00:26:35,178 My thumbs clasp right over left. 272 00:26:36,596 --> 00:26:39,975 My brothers' clasp left over right. 273 00:26:40,684 --> 00:26:42,727 They love brassica. 274 00:26:43,937 --> 00:26:47,190 I find it so bitter I can barely stomach it. 275 00:26:48,108 --> 00:26:50,068 I put my shoes on in a different order. 276 00:26:50,151 --> 00:26:52,529 I point at things with a different crook in my finger. 277 00:26:52,612 --> 00:26:55,740 I eat starches before meats instead of the other way round. 278 00:26:55,824 --> 00:26:59,494 If they notice the 'hesives, they might notice all of it. 279 00:27:01,288 --> 00:27:02,747 Would that really be so terrible? 280 00:27:08,628 --> 00:27:10,005 I'll show you. 281 00:27:23,893 --> 00:27:26,479 This is the first. 282 00:27:26,563 --> 00:27:27,814 The Principium. 283 00:27:28,898 --> 00:27:31,026 The Cleon from whom we're all extracted. 284 00:27:32,485 --> 00:27:33,737 There's more. 285 00:27:44,748 --> 00:27:45,832 Are they alive? 286 00:27:47,334 --> 00:27:48,793 In a manner of speaking. 287 00:27:57,469 --> 00:27:58,970 They're absorbing information, 288 00:27:59,054 --> 00:28:01,306 so as to be up to date with our lives 289 00:28:01,389 --> 00:28:02,807 if they're ever needed. 290 00:28:03,350 --> 00:28:05,268 Needed? For what? 291 00:28:05,894 --> 00:28:11,775 If a Cleon is ever damaged or killed, these are his replacements. 292 00:28:27,457 --> 00:28:30,043 Every moment of my life is a test. 293 00:28:31,628 --> 00:28:36,091 And if I ever fail, if they ever learn how different I am, 294 00:28:37,550 --> 00:28:39,010 it'll be my last day. 295 00:28:41,471 --> 00:28:42,472 And his first. 296 00:28:43,390 --> 00:28:45,767 But they can't. You're Empire. 297 00:28:45,850 --> 00:28:47,143 No more than he is. 298 00:28:48,853 --> 00:28:52,983 My job, my reason for existing, is to be a perfect copy. 299 00:28:53,066 --> 00:28:54,693 And if I can't do that, then-- 300 00:28:58,780 --> 00:29:01,449 The Empire must be protected from mistakes. 301 00:29:02,701 --> 00:29:03,785 Like me. 302 00:29:04,411 --> 00:29:06,663 So I can't take your gift, Azura. 303 00:29:06,746 --> 00:29:08,873 They can't know I'm correcting my sight. 304 00:29:10,125 --> 00:29:13,670 I have to blend in, or I die. 305 00:29:14,838 --> 00:29:17,674 Or you escape. You leave. 306 00:29:18,258 --> 00:29:21,052 They won't care. They'll just wake up your replacement. 307 00:29:21,136 --> 00:29:23,763 They won't let a rogue Emperor go free. They'll have me killed. 308 00:29:23,847 --> 00:29:26,391 Then we'll make it so they can't find you. 309 00:29:26,474 --> 00:29:28,935 I have the most recognizable face in the galaxy. 310 00:29:29,019 --> 00:29:30,020 Not if we change it. 311 00:29:30,687 --> 00:29:32,147 There are biohackers underground. 312 00:29:32,230 --> 00:29:33,732 They could do it with a single incision. 313 00:29:35,066 --> 00:29:37,777 They'd still track me through my nanobots. 314 00:29:40,989 --> 00:29:43,241 There are people who can filter them out. 315 00:29:44,200 --> 00:29:46,703 You think you're the first person who's wanted them gone? 316 00:29:52,542 --> 00:29:54,836 You showed me this place for a reason. 317 00:29:55,962 --> 00:29:58,381 The same reason you jumped off your balcony. 318 00:29:59,257 --> 00:30:00,884 You can't live like this. 319 00:30:02,677 --> 00:30:05,847 You've lived every moment of your life with people watching you. 320 00:30:07,057 --> 00:30:11,061 The Scar's different. You can lose yourself in it. 321 00:30:12,520 --> 00:30:15,190 For Empire, the Scar represents a failure. 322 00:30:16,900 --> 00:30:19,861 For the rest of Trantor, it represents an opportunity. 323 00:30:20,654 --> 00:30:26,826 For the first time in centuries, we can look up and see real clouds, real stars, 324 00:30:27,702 --> 00:30:32,290 not a simulation run by servers designed to keep us complacent. 325 00:30:35,418 --> 00:30:37,212 Will they let me through security with it? 326 00:30:37,295 --> 00:30:38,338 It's cloaked. 327 00:30:49,099 --> 00:30:51,393 It's nothing like your palace. 328 00:30:52,435 --> 00:30:55,563 It's crowded. It's chaotic. 329 00:30:56,481 --> 00:30:57,732 But it's alive. 330 00:30:59,818 --> 00:31:01,403 And it's waiting for you. 331 00:31:02,320 --> 00:31:03,780 Come with me. 332 00:31:14,666 --> 00:31:16,876 You missed the dinner bell. 333 00:31:17,669 --> 00:31:22,215 -Sorry. -Punctuality. Routine. Respect. 334 00:31:23,341 --> 00:31:26,303 These may be practiced traits to the everyman, 335 00:31:26,386 --> 00:31:29,431 but they are innate to a Cleon. 336 00:31:30,015 --> 00:31:31,224 At least, they should be. 337 00:31:31,308 --> 00:31:32,392 Of course. 338 00:31:33,268 --> 00:31:37,397 I was just learning about Trantor. The rest of it. 339 00:31:37,981 --> 00:31:39,816 We are Trantor. 340 00:31:40,650 --> 00:31:43,903 Nothing outside the palace walls is relevant. 341 00:31:59,169 --> 00:32:00,211 Hari? 342 00:32:02,797 --> 00:32:04,883 Computer, what am I looking at? 343 00:32:04,966 --> 00:32:07,594 Hari Seldon Quantum Consciousness Protocol. 344 00:32:08,261 --> 00:32:10,013 It's a projection of some kind. 345 00:32:11,598 --> 00:32:14,559 Computer, identify the issue with Hari Seldon Protocol. 346 00:32:14,643 --> 00:32:16,645 Incomplete neural uplink. 347 00:32:16,728 --> 00:32:17,937 Help me. 348 00:32:18,938 --> 00:32:20,899 Computer, what was the source of uplink? 349 00:32:20,982 --> 00:32:24,486 Initiated with Raych Foss Arrival Protocol. 350 00:32:24,569 --> 00:32:25,570 Can you restart it? 351 00:32:25,654 --> 00:32:27,530 Authorization required. 352 00:32:28,448 --> 00:32:31,826 -Hari, can you hear me? -Help me. 353 00:32:31,910 --> 00:32:36,665 Okay. Listen to me. Focus on my voice. This is Gaal. 354 00:32:36,748 --> 00:32:38,208 Gaal! 355 00:32:38,291 --> 00:32:41,252 You've digitized your consciousness, but something went wrong. 356 00:32:41,336 --> 00:32:44,255 You're glitching, stuck in the loop of the past. 357 00:32:44,339 --> 00:32:45,924 Just concentrate on my voice. 358 00:32:46,633 --> 00:32:48,718 This is the present. This is now. 359 00:32:49,511 --> 00:32:51,805 That's it, Hari. Follow my voice. 360 00:32:51,888 --> 00:32:53,682 That is the past. This is now. 361 00:33:03,191 --> 00:33:04,734 What have you done to yourself, Hari? 362 00:33:05,318 --> 00:33:09,197 I had a data unit implanted in my brain before we left Trantor… 363 00:33:10,740 --> 00:33:13,034 synced to a port hidden in Raych's knife. 364 00:33:13,118 --> 00:33:17,205 Recorded all my thoughts, memories, everything, right up to the moment I-- 365 00:33:19,124 --> 00:33:20,834 Something must've gone wrong. 366 00:33:22,127 --> 00:33:23,378 Where am I? 367 00:33:23,461 --> 00:33:26,798 On a ship called the Raven, headed to Helicon, 368 00:33:26,881 --> 00:33:28,049 your homeworld, Hari. 369 00:33:28,133 --> 00:33:29,634 Helicon. Yes. 370 00:33:32,304 --> 00:33:33,305 How long? 371 00:33:35,807 --> 00:33:37,517 Thirty-four years. 372 00:33:41,521 --> 00:33:43,565 You're not supposed to be here. 373 00:33:44,858 --> 00:33:45,859 Where's Raych? 374 00:33:46,860 --> 00:33:48,486 He sent me instead. 375 00:33:48,570 --> 00:33:51,489 He wouldn't do that. You're supposed to lead the First Foundation. 376 00:33:51,573 --> 00:33:52,741 He knew that. 377 00:33:53,283 --> 00:33:56,494 They'll be facing their first crisis soon. Who's in charge? 378 00:33:56,578 --> 00:33:58,663 Lewis Pirenne, I'd imagine. 379 00:33:58,747 --> 00:34:00,749 He'll get them through the settlement stage, 380 00:34:00,832 --> 00:34:03,209 but for what's coming next, they'll need someone else, you. 381 00:34:03,293 --> 00:34:04,586 Raych knew that. Where's Raych? 382 00:34:05,670 --> 00:34:07,797 It's hard to explain. 383 00:34:09,841 --> 00:34:11,968 You're dead, Hari. 384 00:34:14,596 --> 00:34:15,764 You know that, right? 385 00:34:19,017 --> 00:34:20,352 Raych murdered you. 386 00:34:20,435 --> 00:34:21,519 They think I helped him. 387 00:34:22,729 --> 00:34:23,813 What? Why? 388 00:34:23,897 --> 00:34:27,400 I went to your cabin. Interrupted him. 389 00:34:28,276 --> 00:34:32,280 I saw him bent over you with the knife in your chest. 390 00:34:32,864 --> 00:34:37,118 He threw me in the lifeboat and stayed behind. 391 00:34:37,202 --> 00:34:38,453 What happened to him? 392 00:34:38,536 --> 00:34:39,913 They executed him. 393 00:34:40,956 --> 00:34:42,666 Raych is dead? 394 00:34:44,626 --> 00:34:45,961 Why, Hari? 395 00:34:47,629 --> 00:34:51,174 Hari? Why did he do it? 396 00:34:52,133 --> 00:34:53,176 Hari? 397 00:34:55,845 --> 00:34:57,263 Hari! 398 00:35:07,482 --> 00:35:10,819 We're running out of time. We need to make a move. Now. 399 00:35:10,901 --> 00:35:13,405 We take their weapons, level the playing field. 400 00:35:13,488 --> 00:35:15,865 I'm not a fighter. None of us are. 401 00:35:16,448 --> 00:35:19,703 Most people aren't, until they're left with no other choice. 402 00:35:20,370 --> 00:35:21,412 Stop! 403 00:35:36,886 --> 00:35:38,263 An energy barrier. 404 00:35:40,682 --> 00:35:43,393 It's gotta be a tech precursor to our fence on Terminus. 405 00:35:44,019 --> 00:35:46,688 I'm the only expert here who can safely override it. 406 00:35:48,106 --> 00:35:49,774 But you'll need to uncuff me. 407 00:35:53,695 --> 00:35:55,322 Do it, Warden. 408 00:35:55,405 --> 00:35:56,740 Or we all die for nothing. 409 00:36:16,760 --> 00:36:19,679 That's it. We're all coded in. 410 00:36:41,034 --> 00:36:42,702 Fifteen seconds. 411 00:36:44,371 --> 00:36:46,831 Cuffs back on. Hold out your hands. 412 00:36:46,915 --> 00:36:48,083 What is this? 413 00:36:48,792 --> 00:36:52,295 The older ships used cooling tanks for the jumpdrives. Careful. 414 00:36:53,088 --> 00:36:54,214 Stop stalling. 415 00:37:06,935 --> 00:37:08,603 Keep moving. 416 00:37:20,907 --> 00:37:22,075 Lewis! 417 00:37:44,472 --> 00:37:45,598 No! No! 418 00:38:01,239 --> 00:38:02,866 No, Phara. 419 00:38:02,949 --> 00:38:03,950 We still need her. 420 00:38:05,827 --> 00:38:09,497 There might be more barriers, security protocols to override. 421 00:38:16,755 --> 00:38:18,590 Rowan, please. 422 00:38:19,382 --> 00:38:22,552 We're losing all our experts, and we're running out of time. 423 00:38:22,636 --> 00:38:25,847 You wanna live to carry out your strike against the Empire? 424 00:38:25,930 --> 00:38:28,016 You're not gonna do it if you stay on board this ship. 425 00:38:28,099 --> 00:38:29,643 I'm never leaving the Invictus. 426 00:38:30,894 --> 00:38:32,312 And neither are you. 427 00:38:36,524 --> 00:38:39,778 You're gonna help us redirect the ship before she jumps again. 428 00:38:39,861 --> 00:38:43,239 And then we'll guide it right into the beating heart of Trantor. 429 00:38:46,034 --> 00:38:48,411 The Empire won't have a chance to run, 430 00:38:49,621 --> 00:38:51,414 just like my people did not. 431 00:38:53,291 --> 00:38:57,420 All of Trantor will be nothing but a heap of poisonous ash, 432 00:38:57,504 --> 00:39:00,799 all its evils rendered silent underneath it. 433 00:39:01,633 --> 00:39:04,219 We will deliver that justice to them, Warden. 434 00:39:04,302 --> 00:39:09,599 We will die to bring the Empire to its knees. 435 00:39:28,493 --> 00:39:30,495 Oxygen level at 2%. 436 00:39:31,162 --> 00:39:32,163 Hari? 437 00:39:33,248 --> 00:39:35,375 The ship's shut down without you. 438 00:39:36,751 --> 00:39:38,378 Temperature's dropped. 439 00:39:40,213 --> 00:39:42,465 I don't think I'll be able to breathe much longer. 440 00:39:42,549 --> 00:39:45,760 Please authorize reinstatement of life support systems. 441 00:39:50,557 --> 00:39:54,019 Please authorize reinstatement of life support systems. 442 00:39:57,522 --> 00:39:58,523 Hari? 443 00:39:59,691 --> 00:40:01,860 -Please authorize reinstatement… -Hari, please. 444 00:40:01,943 --> 00:40:04,404 -…of life support systems. -Please, Hari. Please. 445 00:40:04,487 --> 00:40:05,864 Please. Please. 446 00:40:13,580 --> 00:40:15,332 Authorization complete. 447 00:40:35,143 --> 00:40:37,854 I owe you an explanation, Gaal. 448 00:40:37,937 --> 00:40:39,814 I recognize that now. 449 00:40:39,898 --> 00:40:41,399 Why did Raych do it? 450 00:40:41,483 --> 00:40:43,943 I don't understand. Why did he kill you? 451 00:40:44,527 --> 00:40:48,657 My death was an essential element to the success of the Plan. 452 00:40:48,740 --> 00:40:50,325 Don't understand. 453 00:40:50,408 --> 00:40:53,912 The Foundation needs more than a man to inspire it. 454 00:40:53,995 --> 00:40:57,165 It needs a myth that can endure for centuries. 455 00:40:59,668 --> 00:41:01,211 And it worked. 456 00:41:01,294 --> 00:41:04,881 Do you remember what our mortality projections had been for Terminus? 457 00:41:07,258 --> 00:41:09,552 34.2%. 458 00:41:09,636 --> 00:41:11,680 The actual rate was nearly half that. 459 00:41:12,472 --> 00:41:14,766 My death galvanized the Foundation. 460 00:41:14,849 --> 00:41:18,103 The Foundation isn't a religion, Hari. 461 00:41:18,687 --> 00:41:19,688 And you're not a god. 462 00:41:19,771 --> 00:41:22,732 No. Gods are impervious to knives. 463 00:41:23,692 --> 00:41:27,445 But you can kill them. You just stop believing in them. 464 00:41:28,863 --> 00:41:32,492 I don't buy it. I mean, you're egotistical, 465 00:41:32,575 --> 00:41:37,414 but I can't see you sacrificing your life just to turn yourself into this. 466 00:41:37,497 --> 00:41:39,958 -Why not just wait until-- -I have Lethe Syndrome. 467 00:41:41,376 --> 00:41:43,461 Had Lethe Syndrome. 468 00:41:43,545 --> 00:41:45,088 Inherited from my father. 469 00:41:45,672 --> 00:41:49,426 Once the symptoms manifest, the cognitive decline is steep. 470 00:41:49,509 --> 00:41:50,969 Think it through. 471 00:41:51,052 --> 00:41:53,388 We reach Terminus, face famine and the elements, 472 00:41:53,471 --> 00:41:55,473 but I'm no longer the hand of our salvation, 473 00:41:55,557 --> 00:41:58,476 but the crackpot who dragged everyone to a frigid rock. 474 00:41:59,185 --> 00:42:02,105 But you told me it was your dream to see Terminus. 475 00:42:02,188 --> 00:42:05,692 You said you wanted to start the Foundation together. 476 00:42:06,276 --> 00:42:07,819 Yes. 477 00:42:07,902 --> 00:42:10,947 I said it loudly and often, didn't I? 478 00:42:11,031 --> 00:42:13,366 So often I started to bore myself. 479 00:42:14,451 --> 00:42:15,660 You were performing. 480 00:42:15,744 --> 00:42:18,121 I was engineering the narrative. 481 00:42:18,204 --> 00:42:20,206 That's a fancy way of saying you lied. 482 00:42:22,083 --> 00:42:23,710 Approaching debris disk. 483 00:42:33,553 --> 00:42:36,806 Helicon. Home. 484 00:42:38,600 --> 00:42:40,018 The debris field surrounds… 485 00:42:40,101 --> 00:42:41,811 Helicon's dark star. 486 00:42:42,812 --> 00:42:45,523 It's kept your homeworld hidden all these years. 487 00:42:46,316 --> 00:42:51,196 I know where we are, Hari. It's the why I'm struggling with. 488 00:42:52,447 --> 00:42:55,283 Did Raych know about this? Your death? This ship? 489 00:42:55,367 --> 00:42:57,077 Raych knew everything. 490 00:42:58,161 --> 00:43:02,791 I was gonna take my life. He was gonna stay behind to explain why… 491 00:43:03,375 --> 00:43:08,338 then, a week or so later, disappear and reunite with me here. 492 00:43:11,049 --> 00:43:13,593 He loved you. That wasn't a lie. 493 00:43:15,929 --> 00:43:17,889 You should've warned me. 494 00:43:17,973 --> 00:43:19,224 Would you have listened? 495 00:43:19,975 --> 00:43:23,186 I am so tired of this. 496 00:43:24,104 --> 00:43:28,024 You deciding what I need to know when I need to know it. 497 00:43:29,693 --> 00:43:31,403 What changed your plan? 498 00:43:32,278 --> 00:43:34,864 -You really need me to answer that? -Tell me. 499 00:43:35,657 --> 00:43:37,742 He wasn't ever going to leave you. 500 00:43:40,328 --> 00:43:42,497 So you made Raych kill you. 501 00:43:43,790 --> 00:43:45,709 That way he would have to leave me. 502 00:43:47,585 --> 00:43:49,462 -You used him. -That's unfair. 503 00:43:49,546 --> 00:43:50,588 You used both of us. 504 00:43:50,672 --> 00:43:52,632 Raych was always meant to be here. 505 00:43:53,216 --> 00:43:54,926 Not you. Raych. 506 00:43:55,010 --> 00:43:57,470 You were meant to stay on Terminus, to lead Terminus. 507 00:43:57,554 --> 00:44:01,558 Exactly! There was never a version of your plan 508 00:44:01,641 --> 00:44:04,311 where Raych and I were within light-years of each other. 509 00:44:05,145 --> 00:44:09,816 You didn't care about what we wanted, as long as your plan was safe! 510 00:44:10,317 --> 00:44:12,527 You're too smart to play the victim, Gaal. 511 00:44:14,070 --> 00:44:17,699 You welcomed your part in this the moment you solved Abraxas. 512 00:44:17,782 --> 00:44:18,783 I what? 513 00:44:18,867 --> 00:44:21,328 You could've submitted the answer anonymously. 514 00:44:21,411 --> 00:44:23,997 You chose recognition. 515 00:44:24,080 --> 00:44:26,583 No one forced you to come to Trantor. 516 00:44:26,666 --> 00:44:28,335 I came under false pretenses. 517 00:44:28,418 --> 00:44:31,212 You came knowing full well the attention it would bring you 518 00:44:31,296 --> 00:44:33,632 and the danger that put your family in. 519 00:44:34,549 --> 00:44:36,551 You made a choice, Gaal. 520 00:44:36,635 --> 00:44:39,262 You wanted a different life to the one mapped out for you. 521 00:44:39,346 --> 00:44:41,306 When we were hauled up in front of the Emperor, 522 00:44:41,389 --> 00:44:43,475 you made a choice to lie to him. 523 00:44:44,225 --> 00:44:48,313 "If you kill me, the fall accelerates." Isn't that what you told him? 524 00:44:48,396 --> 00:44:51,107 Fine. We're both hypocrites. 525 00:44:51,733 --> 00:44:54,736 If this was really only about the path psychohistory laid out, 526 00:44:54,819 --> 00:44:57,906 then you would've let Cleon kill you in that throne room. 527 00:44:58,615 --> 00:45:00,241 Your followers would've been exiled, 528 00:45:00,325 --> 00:45:02,827 and everything would've fallen into place as planned. 529 00:45:04,162 --> 00:45:05,497 That's true. 530 00:45:06,831 --> 00:45:08,625 So why didn't you? 531 00:45:08,708 --> 00:45:09,834 I wanted to live. 532 00:45:10,877 --> 00:45:12,796 Well, so did Raych. 533 00:45:14,297 --> 00:45:19,928 Now I'm here instead of on Terminus, and Raych is dead. 534 00:45:20,929 --> 00:45:24,015 -And that's on you. Not me. -Is it? 535 00:45:25,183 --> 00:45:27,560 Don't you dare put this on me. 536 00:45:27,644 --> 00:45:30,647 You weren't supposed to be anywhere near my cabin the night I died. 537 00:45:32,107 --> 00:45:33,692 You were meant to be swimming. 538 00:45:33,775 --> 00:45:37,487 Every night, 40 lengths of the pool. Counting primes like clockwork. 539 00:45:37,570 --> 00:45:39,197 I've heard enough from you. 540 00:45:43,702 --> 00:45:45,203 I liked you better when you were dying. 541 00:45:45,287 --> 00:45:48,832 -You came to my cabin. Why? -I was worried about Raych. 542 00:45:48,915 --> 00:45:51,543 -So why not go to his? -I did. He wasn't there. 543 00:45:51,626 --> 00:45:53,670 -Then what happened? -I don't know. I-- 544 00:45:55,505 --> 00:45:57,299 Computer, divert from the debris field. 545 00:45:57,382 --> 00:45:59,551 Authorization required. 546 00:45:59,634 --> 00:46:01,303 Something is going to pierce the hull. 547 00:46:01,386 --> 00:46:03,972 Hari, if you're in the mainframe, you can turn us around. 548 00:46:04,055 --> 00:46:05,515 The shields are strong. 549 00:46:05,598 --> 00:46:07,434 Any micro-breaches will seal automatically. 550 00:46:07,517 --> 00:46:09,269 Turn us around. This is too much. 551 00:46:09,352 --> 00:46:11,396 -Why did you break your routine? -I can't-- 552 00:46:11,479 --> 00:46:13,398 Why did you get out of that pool? 553 00:46:13,481 --> 00:46:15,066 I know what you're trying to do. 554 00:46:15,150 --> 00:46:17,777 You were worried about Raych. You went to his cabin. 555 00:46:17,861 --> 00:46:19,612 He wasn't there. Then what happened? 556 00:46:21,072 --> 00:46:24,784 86,981,803. 557 00:46:27,495 --> 00:46:28,830 I could feel it in the air. 558 00:46:28,913 --> 00:46:32,417 86,981,821. 559 00:46:32,500 --> 00:46:35,086 A sense of doom. 560 00:46:35,170 --> 00:46:36,796 I just-- I had a feeling. 561 00:46:36,880 --> 00:46:38,798 86,981,827. 562 00:46:38,882 --> 00:46:41,176 What kind of a feeling? A memory? A vision? What? 563 00:46:41,259 --> 00:46:42,427 A compulsion? 564 00:46:45,639 --> 00:46:47,724 Like my body knew something before I did. 565 00:46:47,807 --> 00:46:49,559 Hari, the sky. 566 00:46:50,727 --> 00:46:53,021 Like knowing the Star Bridge would fall. 567 00:46:53,104 --> 00:46:55,357 Like knowing when they'd come to arrest me. 568 00:46:55,440 --> 00:46:56,650 How are you awake? 569 00:46:57,233 --> 00:46:58,735 Did you say something? 570 00:46:58,818 --> 00:47:00,654 No. But I was going to ask-- 571 00:47:00,737 --> 00:47:03,156 Someone would speak before they did. 572 00:47:03,239 --> 00:47:05,158 The prodigy speaks. 573 00:47:05,241 --> 00:47:07,327 86,981,000-- 574 00:47:07,410 --> 00:47:09,037 We're all different, Ms. Dornick. 575 00:47:09,120 --> 00:47:11,414 And if you don't know what it is, I urge you to figure it out 576 00:47:11,498 --> 00:47:14,209 before someone else does and uses it against you. 577 00:47:14,292 --> 00:47:16,753 86,981,827. 578 00:47:16,836 --> 00:47:17,879 Terminus. 579 00:47:17,963 --> 00:47:19,047 You're exiling us. 580 00:47:19,756 --> 00:47:21,049 Did you say something? 581 00:47:22,258 --> 00:47:24,094 The prodigy speaks. 582 00:47:24,594 --> 00:47:26,680 You're exiling us. 583 00:47:26,763 --> 00:47:27,847 I'm sorry. 584 00:47:28,807 --> 00:47:30,100 How are you awake? 585 00:47:31,518 --> 00:47:33,144 Did you say something? 586 00:47:33,228 --> 00:47:34,938 -I'm sorry. -You're exiling us. 587 00:47:35,897 --> 00:47:37,983 -How are you awake? -I'm sorry. 588 00:47:38,066 --> 00:47:39,651 Did you say something? 589 00:47:50,787 --> 00:47:54,124 That's why I came to your cabin. That's what you couldn't predict. 590 00:47:56,084 --> 00:47:59,296 I knew what was gonna happen before it did. 591 00:48:00,046 --> 00:48:02,590 Not through math, not through calculations… 592 00:48:04,676 --> 00:48:06,386 I think I can feel the future.