1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,419 Previously on Foundation 2 00:00:02,503 --> 00:00:03,836 Phara's after a warship. 3 00:00:03,921 --> 00:00:05,297 The Invictus? 4 00:00:05,380 --> 00:00:08,258 Sal, my suit's no good. Thrusters aren't responding. 5 00:00:08,342 --> 00:00:09,301 Hugo. 6 00:00:09,384 --> 00:00:11,261 You're gonna help us redirect the ship. 7 00:00:11,345 --> 00:00:14,223 And then we'll guide it right into the beating heart of Trantor. 8 00:00:14,306 --> 00:00:17,142 You are the reverberations of a dead man's ego. 9 00:00:17,226 --> 00:00:19,686 According to Zephyr Halima, I am soulless. 10 00:00:19,770 --> 00:00:23,357 I must appeal to the triple Goddesses themselves. 11 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:25,526 I will walk the great Spiral. 12 00:00:25,609 --> 00:00:26,985 You can still solve a puzzle… 13 00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:29,363 even with a piece missing. 14 00:00:29,446 --> 00:00:31,990 Raych was always meant to be here. Not you. 15 00:00:32,073 --> 00:00:34,660 I am so tired of this. 16 00:00:36,954 --> 00:00:38,872 I think I can feel the future. 17 00:03:06,394 --> 00:03:07,812 Ilex! 18 00:03:15,028 --> 00:03:17,405 After they were gone, there were no children left. 19 00:03:18,281 --> 00:03:19,783 Only warriors. 20 00:03:20,659 --> 00:03:25,372 I pushed this scarred body of mine till I was named the Grand Huntress of War. 21 00:03:27,749 --> 00:03:31,670 I outlived my life's expectancy three times over. 22 00:03:31,753 --> 00:03:36,007 The Weald Gods wouldn't let me die till I got my revenge. 23 00:03:38,176 --> 00:03:39,469 And when I was ready… 24 00:03:41,304 --> 00:03:43,056 they sent me a second gift. 25 00:03:43,139 --> 00:03:44,558 The Invictus? 26 00:03:44,641 --> 00:03:46,893 It blinked into orbit like a prayer. 27 00:03:47,978 --> 00:03:49,437 And I knew then, 28 00:03:49,521 --> 00:03:53,149 the gods did not just approve of my mission to destroy the Empire, 29 00:03:53,859 --> 00:03:54,901 they engineered it. 30 00:03:54,985 --> 00:03:56,903 You saw what happened to your people. 31 00:03:58,738 --> 00:04:03,910 For the sins of a few, the Empire wiped out half your world. 32 00:04:04,494 --> 00:04:08,498 If you strike at Trantor, the entire Outer Reach will suffer. 33 00:04:08,582 --> 00:04:10,959 You simply have no concept of revenge, do you? 34 00:04:12,502 --> 00:04:14,421 I don't care about mankind. 35 00:04:16,965 --> 00:04:20,218 This ship is going to be my voice. 36 00:04:21,261 --> 00:04:24,306 You will help me navigate its next jump. 37 00:04:26,975 --> 00:04:28,268 And if you don't, 38 00:04:29,728 --> 00:04:31,730 my hunters will kill every man, 39 00:04:32,814 --> 00:04:37,569 woman and child left on Terminus, 40 00:04:37,652 --> 00:04:39,154 starting with your mother. 41 00:04:44,534 --> 00:04:46,286 You already sacrificed your father. 42 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:49,456 You wouldn't sacrifice her as well. 43 00:04:51,374 --> 00:04:53,543 The trade-off is simple, Warden. 44 00:04:56,755 --> 00:04:58,089 Destroy Trantor… 45 00:04:59,299 --> 00:05:03,345 and maybe, just maybe, 46 00:05:04,346 --> 00:05:07,807 your precious Foundation survives what comes after. 47 00:05:10,644 --> 00:05:13,647 Isn't it remarkable what a person will do for a little time? 48 00:05:42,133 --> 00:05:43,844 How long have you been able to do this? 49 00:05:45,428 --> 00:05:47,055 As long as I can remember. 50 00:05:49,599 --> 00:05:51,768 Most of the time it's just a feeling. 51 00:05:52,853 --> 00:05:54,229 Like with this, but… 52 00:05:56,356 --> 00:05:58,275 other times it comes in dreams. 53 00:06:00,569 --> 00:06:02,445 I used to dream about a wave. 54 00:06:03,864 --> 00:06:05,115 A wave so big… 55 00:06:05,740 --> 00:06:10,954 all I could do was hold my breath and let it take me. 56 00:06:12,330 --> 00:06:17,878 I knew it would crush my home, my family, my whole world. 57 00:06:19,963 --> 00:06:23,008 I could never get rid of that dream, Hari. 58 00:06:24,885 --> 00:06:26,219 It haunted me. 59 00:06:26,303 --> 00:06:29,306 I needed to know that it wasn't going to happen in real life, 60 00:06:29,389 --> 00:06:32,309 so I taught myself math. 61 00:06:32,392 --> 00:06:36,313 I calculated every probability and physical force I could think of, 62 00:06:36,396 --> 00:06:38,064 desperate to see a way around it. 63 00:06:41,902 --> 00:06:43,403 But I couldn't find one. 64 00:06:45,030 --> 00:06:47,741 That dream drove you to mathematics, 65 00:06:47,824 --> 00:06:51,036 which only proved it wasn't a dream at all, but a premonition. 66 00:06:52,120 --> 00:06:53,413 I wouldn't be surprised to learn 67 00:06:53,496 --> 00:06:56,374 that you have some sort of intuitive processing ability 68 00:06:56,458 --> 00:06:57,918 that puts you ahead of the math. 69 00:06:58,668 --> 00:07:00,128 It would explain Abraxas. 70 00:07:01,755 --> 00:07:05,091 I solved Abraxas because I worked my ass off. 71 00:07:05,175 --> 00:07:07,969 Yes, I'm saying you're extraordinary. 72 00:07:14,351 --> 00:07:15,810 It's getting hotter. 73 00:07:15,894 --> 00:07:18,063 Friction as we enter the debris field. 74 00:07:18,146 --> 00:07:20,690 The ship's radiators will bleed off the heat. 75 00:07:20,774 --> 00:07:24,653 Initiating heat transfer system. Stabilizing. 76 00:07:25,153 --> 00:07:26,905 Why are you going to Helicon, Hari? 77 00:07:27,405 --> 00:07:28,907 What were you and Raych planning? 78 00:07:29,407 --> 00:07:30,951 I've already told you. 79 00:07:31,034 --> 00:07:32,827 No, I made a supposition which you didn't deny. 80 00:07:32,911 --> 00:07:33,954 Because you were right. 81 00:07:34,746 --> 00:07:36,915 Are you really going to continue keeping me in the dark? 82 00:07:36,998 --> 00:07:39,501 One could argue I should've done so from the beginning. 83 00:07:39,584 --> 00:07:41,211 What's that supposed to mean? 84 00:07:41,711 --> 00:07:42,838 If we're not careful, 85 00:07:42,921 --> 00:07:47,551 this prescience of yours has the potential to skew psychohistory completely. 86 00:07:47,634 --> 00:07:49,553 Look what happened to you and Raych. 87 00:07:49,636 --> 00:07:51,054 You're here, he's not. 88 00:07:53,306 --> 00:07:55,100 That didn't come out right. Let me take that back. 89 00:07:55,183 --> 00:07:57,143 What I'm trying to say 90 00:07:57,227 --> 00:08:01,439 is that mankind's survival is predicated on us reaching Helicon. 91 00:08:01,523 --> 00:08:04,526 I thought our survival depended on the Foundation. 92 00:08:04,609 --> 00:08:06,319 It is, to an extent. 93 00:08:09,948 --> 00:08:13,785 But only if its sister organization is established as well. 94 00:08:13,869 --> 00:08:15,912 So it is a second Foundation. 95 00:08:15,996 --> 00:08:20,292 Here, at Star's End. On Helicon. 96 00:09:28,735 --> 00:09:29,736 This is Hugo Crast-- 97 00:09:31,988 --> 00:09:33,073 This is Cian un Edan, 98 00:09:34,491 --> 00:09:36,618 former citizen of Thespis, 99 00:09:38,161 --> 00:09:41,706 sending an SOS to the Thespin Republic. 100 00:09:42,666 --> 00:09:46,878 Anacreon activity to report at outpost 59. 101 00:09:49,589 --> 00:09:51,091 Does anyone read me? 102 00:09:53,009 --> 00:09:54,511 Does anyone read me? 103 00:09:58,139 --> 00:09:59,266 Does anyone read me? 104 00:10:39,639 --> 00:10:43,643 The Spiral is designed to push the body to the limits of its endurance. 105 00:10:43,727 --> 00:10:49,232 A trek of over 170 kilometers with no food, no water and no rest. 106 00:10:49,316 --> 00:10:51,026 Vital signs are optimal. 107 00:10:53,570 --> 00:10:57,157 And, of course, you must leave any inorganic devices behind. 108 00:10:57,824 --> 00:10:59,034 Your protective aura… 109 00:11:11,129 --> 00:11:12,589 and your imperial nanobots. 110 00:11:16,843 --> 00:11:20,388 For the first time in your life, you will be subject to injury, 111 00:11:21,097 --> 00:11:23,058 -exhaustion-- -I understand. 112 00:11:23,141 --> 00:11:24,935 In the event that a pilgrim falters, 113 00:11:25,018 --> 00:11:27,562 he may receive help from another person on the path. 114 00:11:27,646 --> 00:11:30,232 That is, if he has only fallen to one knee. 115 00:11:31,399 --> 00:11:34,819 If both knees should drop, this is a signal of submission. 116 00:11:35,987 --> 00:11:39,449 The pilgrim must either find the strength to crawl away from the path, 117 00:11:39,533 --> 00:11:41,576 or he must yield to death. 118 00:11:43,495 --> 00:11:47,249 Less than half of those who start will reach the center of the Spiral. 119 00:11:47,332 --> 00:11:50,752 There, they will enter a sacred cave, the Mother's Womb. 120 00:11:51,628 --> 00:11:53,171 There is water inside the Womb. 121 00:11:53,755 --> 00:11:56,675 The salt around the pool has a particular ionic charge 122 00:11:56,758 --> 00:12:00,470 which elicits a singular reaction in anyone who touches it. 123 00:12:00,554 --> 00:12:06,142 After you immerse yourself in the pool, if the Mother is willing, 124 00:12:06,768 --> 00:12:08,436 you will be graced with a vision. 125 00:12:09,437 --> 00:12:11,273 If you're successful and you return, 126 00:12:11,940 --> 00:12:14,860 a panel of Zephyrs will interpret what you have seen. 127 00:12:14,943 --> 00:12:16,444 What have other pilgrims seen? 128 00:12:16,945 --> 00:12:19,698 Every vision is unique and deeply personal. 129 00:12:20,282 --> 00:12:22,993 I'm surprised they're not all just hallucinating about food. 130 00:12:24,369 --> 00:12:25,829 Nanobot removal complete. 131 00:12:28,039 --> 00:12:31,334 This gambit will put you at serious risk, Empire. 132 00:12:31,918 --> 00:12:34,546 In addition to unprecedented physical danger, 133 00:12:34,629 --> 00:12:36,006 if-- 134 00:12:36,089 --> 00:12:38,091 if you're unable to make it to the end, 135 00:12:38,175 --> 00:12:40,343 that will only embolden your critics. 136 00:12:40,886 --> 00:12:42,304 I will make it to the end. 137 00:12:46,766 --> 00:12:48,268 Give me your salt bracelet. 138 00:13:06,786 --> 00:13:07,996 I'm taking this. 139 00:13:10,207 --> 00:13:12,292 It'll be as though you're right there with me. 140 00:13:13,376 --> 00:13:15,295 As you always have been. 141 00:14:13,937 --> 00:14:16,439 In faith. Take it slow. 142 00:14:18,316 --> 00:14:20,151 These middle rings can be deceptive. 143 00:14:21,027 --> 00:14:23,029 Make us think we're further along than we are. 144 00:14:24,239 --> 00:14:26,449 Just be sure you've got some fuel left in the tank. 145 00:14:26,992 --> 00:14:28,201 Done this before? 146 00:14:28,910 --> 00:14:32,455 No, no. But I've talked to a number of people who have. 147 00:14:37,210 --> 00:14:39,004 Any other useful tips to impart? 148 00:14:40,505 --> 00:14:42,174 There's no way to make it easy. 149 00:14:42,841 --> 00:14:44,217 That's kind of the point. 150 00:14:45,093 --> 00:14:46,511 Just pace yourself. 151 00:14:47,637 --> 00:14:49,222 One foot in front of the other. 152 00:14:49,931 --> 00:14:51,725 The Triple Goddess will guide you. 153 00:14:53,935 --> 00:14:56,855 Did these people talk about their visions? 154 00:15:01,443 --> 00:15:04,112 One pilgrim did tell me 155 00:15:04,196 --> 00:15:09,534 how the salt around the pool started to swirl and shift right before her eyes. 156 00:15:10,827 --> 00:15:12,287 She didn't say what happened next, 157 00:15:12,370 --> 00:15:15,290 but she said it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. 158 00:15:20,921 --> 00:15:24,090 -Where are you from? -Baltaros. You? 159 00:15:24,174 --> 00:15:27,511 -Nishaya. -The manufacturing planet. 160 00:15:28,678 --> 00:15:31,848 Whatever's too toxic to make right on Trantor, that's what we do. 161 00:15:32,933 --> 00:15:34,434 Speciality textiles. 162 00:15:34,976 --> 00:15:38,355 Certain kinds of ceramic glazes the Empire favors. 163 00:15:39,981 --> 00:15:41,191 Nishaya's the perfect place, 164 00:15:41,274 --> 00:15:44,027 because our atmosphere is all this thick white fog, 165 00:15:44,110 --> 00:15:48,198 and, well, the pollution just sort of blends. 166 00:15:49,866 --> 00:15:51,243 That fog. 167 00:15:51,868 --> 00:15:52,869 My mother used to say 168 00:15:52,953 --> 00:15:55,789 that by the time she finally got her first good look at my dad's face… 169 00:15:56,456 --> 00:15:58,166 they'd already had three kids together. 170 00:16:00,126 --> 00:16:02,629 Did you work in one of these factories? 171 00:16:02,712 --> 00:16:04,798 No. I was a loader. 172 00:16:05,590 --> 00:16:07,217 Loading boxes onto jumpships. 173 00:16:09,970 --> 00:16:12,097 Magnificent machines, aren't they? 174 00:16:12,180 --> 00:16:13,181 Oh, sure. 175 00:16:13,807 --> 00:16:16,351 Of course, I'd never actually been on one till I came here. 176 00:16:17,102 --> 00:16:19,229 Used all my savings to book my passage. 177 00:16:21,022 --> 00:16:24,192 From Baltaros? You must have taken one as well. 178 00:16:24,276 --> 00:16:25,277 Yes. 179 00:16:27,571 --> 00:16:29,030 Also my first time. 180 00:16:31,074 --> 00:16:33,827 I used to be jealous of people who got to travel all the time, 181 00:16:33,910 --> 00:16:36,037 jumping from one end of the galaxy to the next. 182 00:16:36,621 --> 00:16:41,459 But this… this is the only journey I ever really needed to make. 183 00:16:43,503 --> 00:16:44,838 I hope you feel the same. 184 00:16:47,382 --> 00:16:48,633 A second Foundation? 185 00:16:48,717 --> 00:16:51,636 Terminus was established via Imperial charter 186 00:16:51,720 --> 00:16:54,764 and was, in part, designed to draw fire. 187 00:16:55,348 --> 00:16:59,352 But the Second Foundation and its location must be kept secret, 188 00:17:00,896 --> 00:17:02,564 even from the first Foundation. 189 00:17:03,315 --> 00:17:05,025 Why? What's its purpose? 190 00:17:08,111 --> 00:17:11,323 If you're not willing to trust me, then I am not going to Helicon. 191 00:17:12,282 --> 00:17:13,700 Don't be ridiculous, Gaal. 192 00:17:14,326 --> 00:17:16,995 I have resources on Helicon. Allies. 193 00:17:17,078 --> 00:17:19,956 Now that we know the nature of your abilities, we could study them. 194 00:17:20,040 --> 00:17:21,416 Use them to our advantage. 195 00:17:21,500 --> 00:17:24,127 I am done being used. 196 00:17:24,878 --> 00:17:27,839 I want off. Now. 197 00:17:27,923 --> 00:17:31,927 Either you tell me, or I will leave the same way I came. 198 00:17:37,057 --> 00:17:38,183 Where will you go? 199 00:17:38,266 --> 00:17:40,352 Terminus will take decades. 200 00:17:40,435 --> 00:17:42,687 Trantor? You'll be banished by the Empire. 201 00:17:42,771 --> 00:17:45,440 There are more worlds than that. My mother taught me their names. 202 00:17:49,568 --> 00:17:51,947 You told me my instincts are important. 203 00:17:52,489 --> 00:17:54,199 Well, they're telling me. 204 00:17:54,282 --> 00:17:56,326 Open the goddamn door. 205 00:17:56,409 --> 00:18:00,372 -You're not thinking clearly. -Don't tell me what I think. 206 00:18:00,455 --> 00:18:01,957 Open it. 207 00:18:07,295 --> 00:18:08,296 Open it! 208 00:18:09,631 --> 00:18:10,674 Open! 209 00:18:13,468 --> 00:18:15,053 Open the door! 210 00:19:22,078 --> 00:19:25,165 Don't give up yet, son. We're getting close. 211 00:19:36,134 --> 00:19:37,135 Yes. 212 00:19:45,936 --> 00:19:50,023 Thirty-- No, 29 minutes till the next jump. 213 00:19:55,403 --> 00:19:56,655 Her plan-- 214 00:19:58,073 --> 00:19:59,533 Even if you succeed, 215 00:20:01,409 --> 00:20:03,745 the Empire will slaughter the rest of your people. 216 00:20:04,538 --> 00:20:06,498 And it won't be a half measure this time. 217 00:20:08,542 --> 00:20:09,709 They'll kill everyone. 218 00:20:11,336 --> 00:20:13,255 And in the chaos that follows… 219 00:20:15,423 --> 00:20:16,716 they'll all be forgotten. 220 00:20:18,885 --> 00:20:22,556 I know Phara sees herself as a hand reaching out of Anacreon's grave… 221 00:20:24,891 --> 00:20:27,477 but Anacreon children are still being born today. 222 00:20:32,399 --> 00:20:33,984 You have a child of your own, don't you? 223 00:20:36,152 --> 00:20:37,279 A little girl. 224 00:20:39,698 --> 00:20:41,950 -It feels like a little girl. -How are you doing this? 225 00:20:42,033 --> 00:20:44,452 Phara didn't tell you? People are open books to me. 226 00:20:46,663 --> 00:20:49,249 All I read in her was darkness. 227 00:20:49,332 --> 00:20:51,543 But I read doubt inside you. 228 00:20:53,503 --> 00:20:55,672 There's still a path forward for Anacreon. 229 00:20:56,548 --> 00:20:58,466 Isn't that a better way to pay back all the dead? 230 00:20:59,676 --> 00:21:02,053 -Take cover! -Jacenta? 231 00:21:06,600 --> 00:21:07,601 Damn this ship. 232 00:21:08,727 --> 00:21:09,936 Rowan. 233 00:21:24,910 --> 00:21:25,911 This was a mutiny. 234 00:21:27,245 --> 00:21:30,081 The officers must have positioned the gun to guard the bridge. 235 00:21:37,631 --> 00:21:39,132 You. 236 00:21:39,216 --> 00:21:40,967 You're gonna draw its fire while I disable it. 237 00:21:41,051 --> 00:21:42,052 What if you miss? 238 00:21:42,677 --> 00:21:43,720 Then you'll die. 239 00:22:04,741 --> 00:22:05,909 Time's running out, Warden. 240 00:22:47,701 --> 00:22:51,329 -Lucky shot. -You do luck, I do skill. 241 00:22:52,038 --> 00:22:53,164 Another barrier. 242 00:22:55,584 --> 00:22:56,751 You know the drill. 243 00:23:23,820 --> 00:23:25,488 -Get down! -Lewis! 244 00:23:35,957 --> 00:23:37,417 Come on. 245 00:23:37,501 --> 00:23:39,419 Won't take them long to get through those doors. 246 00:23:48,386 --> 00:23:49,638 Override the door. 247 00:23:55,894 --> 00:23:57,312 We're running out of time! 248 00:24:27,300 --> 00:24:28,426 Captain killed herself. 249 00:24:30,470 --> 00:24:31,680 "Exo." 250 00:24:32,806 --> 00:24:35,725 Like, executive officer? 251 00:24:35,809 --> 00:24:38,520 Was she betrayed by someone in her command? 252 00:24:38,603 --> 00:24:41,022 Exo also means "from outside." 253 00:24:41,898 --> 00:24:43,149 Outside the galaxy? 254 00:24:45,277 --> 00:24:47,279 You think they encountered something out there? 255 00:24:56,121 --> 00:24:57,581 Individual work pods. 256 00:25:00,167 --> 00:25:01,501 One of these controls navigation. 257 00:25:03,128 --> 00:25:07,048 If we can find it, we have a shot at redirecting the next jump. 258 00:25:07,132 --> 00:25:08,133 Weapons? 259 00:25:08,967 --> 00:25:10,177 Not a weapon. 260 00:25:11,094 --> 00:25:12,387 Propulsion. 261 00:25:13,180 --> 00:25:15,307 They must have jumped too far away to resupply. 262 00:25:16,850 --> 00:25:19,769 Just started jumping farther out and farther out. 263 00:25:19,853 --> 00:25:23,315 Warning. Trans-spatial event in 20 minutes. 264 00:25:24,524 --> 00:25:26,902 Initiate transit protocols. 265 00:25:26,985 --> 00:25:27,986 Now I get it. 266 00:25:28,069 --> 00:25:29,988 What, the lights are what? Transit protocols? 267 00:25:30,071 --> 00:25:31,823 This ship doesn't have any Spacers. 268 00:25:31,907 --> 00:25:35,911 Without them, the crew members must have had to sedate themselves before the jump. 269 00:25:36,411 --> 00:25:39,372 The lights told them how long they had to reach a jump cradle. 270 00:25:39,456 --> 00:25:40,457 We're running out of time. 271 00:25:41,541 --> 00:25:42,542 Over there. 272 00:25:50,967 --> 00:25:53,678 This is it. The navigation cradle. 273 00:25:54,679 --> 00:25:56,097 Before the Empire had Spacers, 274 00:25:56,181 --> 00:25:59,184 these older ships needed something with massive processing power 275 00:25:59,267 --> 00:26:00,560 to navigate their jumps. 276 00:26:00,644 --> 00:26:04,189 See, folding space is as much intuition as it is science. 277 00:26:05,649 --> 00:26:07,067 It's like making a wish. 278 00:26:07,150 --> 00:26:11,071 A cognitive leap that only a living brain can perform. 279 00:26:11,863 --> 00:26:13,114 The difference is, 280 00:26:13,198 --> 00:26:15,784 Spacers were genetically engineered to withstand the strain, 281 00:26:15,867 --> 00:26:19,788 but these unaugmented humans, they didn't have that advantage. 282 00:26:22,207 --> 00:26:23,375 In order to survive… 283 00:26:26,419 --> 00:26:31,258 they had to be hardwired directly into the ships. 284 00:26:34,094 --> 00:26:36,721 He was shot. The ship was searching for him. 285 00:26:38,932 --> 00:26:40,475 Unable to navigate on its own. 286 00:26:48,358 --> 00:26:50,402 Could someone jack in without the surgery? 287 00:26:53,530 --> 00:26:54,823 If the AI's intuitive, 288 00:26:56,366 --> 00:26:58,451 wouldn't the interface seek out the right neurons? 289 00:26:58,535 --> 00:27:02,372 Oh, yes. Maybe. But they wouldn't survive for long. 290 00:27:04,624 --> 00:27:06,042 Long enough to control the jump? 291 00:27:09,921 --> 00:27:11,590 To make sure the Foundation survives? 292 00:27:11,673 --> 00:27:13,592 A single jump into empty space? 293 00:27:16,636 --> 00:27:18,972 Maybe, but… 294 00:27:19,055 --> 00:27:20,557 it would be a death sentence. 295 00:27:22,809 --> 00:27:24,895 Well, if one of us is gonna sacrifice ourselves, 296 00:27:24,978 --> 00:27:26,396 it might as well be the outlier. 297 00:27:26,938 --> 00:27:28,148 Help me figure out how. 298 00:27:31,610 --> 00:27:33,111 But not to empty space. 299 00:27:35,864 --> 00:27:37,782 I'm gonna take this ship home to Terminus. 300 00:28:20,367 --> 00:28:22,911 This one wants to speak to you, Lieutenant. 301 00:28:25,580 --> 00:28:28,291 -Lieutenant Freestone, we have a problem. -That thing out there? 302 00:28:28,375 --> 00:28:30,335 We call it the Vault. We don't know what it is, 303 00:28:30,418 --> 00:28:32,963 just that it's surrounded by a signal field that makes people sick. 304 00:28:33,046 --> 00:28:35,173 You start seeing double and eventually go unconscious. 305 00:28:35,799 --> 00:28:39,010 Your Huntress experienced its effects. 306 00:28:39,094 --> 00:28:41,012 That's how my daughter was able to capture her. 307 00:28:41,096 --> 00:28:42,430 We don't know the long-term effect, 308 00:28:42,514 --> 00:28:45,642 but the field surrounding it is getting larger. 309 00:28:45,725 --> 00:28:46,935 We have to evacuate. 310 00:28:48,562 --> 00:28:49,771 This isn't a trick. 311 00:28:51,022 --> 00:28:53,608 The null field doesn't give a damn what planet you're from. 312 00:28:53,692 --> 00:28:56,403 If we don't act, it's going to overtake us all. 313 00:28:56,987 --> 00:28:58,738 You have to let the fence down. 314 00:29:29,519 --> 00:29:31,104 The Mother calls to me. 315 00:29:31,188 --> 00:29:34,649 -No. You still have strength. -No. 316 00:29:47,871 --> 00:29:51,458 Let me at least help you off the path, and they can tend to you. 317 00:30:01,968 --> 00:30:03,220 You can't just die here. 318 00:30:04,137 --> 00:30:06,264 How could I choose to die anywhere else? 319 00:30:07,682 --> 00:30:09,100 A peaceful transition. 320 00:30:10,310 --> 00:30:12,395 That is the Mother's greatest gift… 321 00:30:14,272 --> 00:30:15,565 into a holier life. 322 00:30:16,525 --> 00:30:18,568 What if there is no other life? 323 00:30:19,569 --> 00:30:23,448 What if this is just the end? 324 00:30:33,667 --> 00:30:35,168 Maybe we'll meet again. 325 00:30:37,295 --> 00:30:39,297 You can tell me what you saw. 326 00:33:57,871 --> 00:34:04,753 You stand before representatives of the Mother, the Maiden and the Crone. 327 00:34:05,921 --> 00:34:09,466 All who walk the Spiral are beloved to us. 328 00:34:10,133 --> 00:34:14,971 Tell us, what did you experience inside the Womb? 329 00:34:16,765 --> 00:34:18,433 As I stood there… 330 00:34:21,144 --> 00:34:22,812 the salt began to move. 331 00:34:24,523 --> 00:34:26,816 And it began to swirl. 332 00:34:26,900 --> 00:34:30,862 Slowly at first, then faster. 333 00:34:33,031 --> 00:34:35,242 It lifted from the floor of the cave. 334 00:34:39,496 --> 00:34:42,165 It took the form of a stem… 335 00:34:45,210 --> 00:34:47,128 with three large petals. 336 00:34:51,174 --> 00:34:53,467 I worried that I was imagining it. 337 00:34:55,177 --> 00:34:56,887 But it was real. 338 00:35:08,358 --> 00:35:11,027 Are you familiar with mythology of the birthroot flower? 339 00:35:14,906 --> 00:35:16,241 No. 340 00:35:18,784 --> 00:35:22,706 After Dol collided into Surah and created the triple moons, 341 00:35:22,789 --> 00:35:25,250 the maiden was covered in a blanket of birthroots. 342 00:35:25,333 --> 00:35:30,255 This was a sign from the Triple Goddess that our world could sustain life. 343 00:35:30,338 --> 00:35:33,800 Over the centuries, the flowers gradually died off. 344 00:35:33,884 --> 00:35:37,804 We have not seen them here for thousands of years. 345 00:35:37,888 --> 00:35:39,389 What does it mean? 346 00:35:39,472 --> 00:35:44,311 By their nature, three-petaled flowers germinate from monocot seedlings. 347 00:35:44,394 --> 00:35:49,316 In other words, three elements created out of one. 348 00:35:49,399 --> 00:35:51,318 Just like my brothers and I. 349 00:35:51,818 --> 00:35:53,904 And the Triple Goddess as well. 350 00:35:53,987 --> 00:35:56,740 This is a holy vision, Empire. 351 00:35:57,991 --> 00:36:00,994 In fact, your very presence here is holy, 352 00:36:01,536 --> 00:36:05,040 a journey none of your predecessors ever dared to make. 353 00:36:05,582 --> 00:36:10,003 Yours is clearly not a soul mired in stagnation. 354 00:36:12,422 --> 00:36:17,135 Anyone who says that it is would be guilty of sin themselves, 355 00:36:17,219 --> 00:36:23,517 of attempting to bar a seeking soul from the path of enlightenment. 356 00:36:23,600 --> 00:36:28,313 From this day forth, no other zephyr will stand in your way. 357 00:37:02,264 --> 00:37:03,765 You're wasting your strength. 358 00:37:05,392 --> 00:37:08,854 Better you rest until we're through the debris field than risk heat exhaustion. 359 00:37:12,357 --> 00:37:13,942 What's the current temperature? 360 00:37:14,442 --> 00:37:17,404 38 degrees. Should peak around 41. 361 00:37:19,239 --> 00:37:20,657 And if it isn't the peak? 362 00:37:26,121 --> 00:37:27,205 What are you up to? 363 00:37:28,665 --> 00:37:31,710 Shut up. Just shut up. 364 00:37:32,669 --> 00:37:33,670 Gaal. 365 00:37:33,753 --> 00:37:35,505 Reaching critical temperature. 366 00:37:35,589 --> 00:37:38,008 Initializing heat transfer system. 367 00:37:38,508 --> 00:37:40,719 -Gaal. -Stabilizing. 368 00:37:40,802 --> 00:37:42,512 No more half-truths. 369 00:37:43,013 --> 00:37:45,974 Tell me everything, or I'm ending the journey now. 370 00:37:46,057 --> 00:37:47,225 I mean it, Hari. 371 00:37:47,309 --> 00:37:49,853 If I do, I risk destroying the Second Foundation 372 00:37:49,936 --> 00:37:51,354 before it's even been created. 373 00:37:51,438 --> 00:37:54,024 -Tell me! -You have no idea what you're-- 374 00:37:54,107 --> 00:37:57,944 -Stop! Stop! Stop! -I don't care anymore! 375 00:38:12,417 --> 00:38:13,627 What have you done? 376 00:38:16,129 --> 00:38:17,631 Without the heat transfer system, 377 00:38:17,714 --> 00:38:21,176 I'll be boiled alive long before you reach Helicon. 378 00:38:22,010 --> 00:38:24,513 They say information can't be destroyed. 379 00:38:25,138 --> 00:38:26,264 So maybe you'll survive. 380 00:38:28,266 --> 00:38:29,726 But I certainly won't. 381 00:38:39,903 --> 00:38:41,571 What's it gonna be, Hari? 382 00:38:42,989 --> 00:38:47,494 Either watch me burn to death or let me go free. 383 00:38:55,252 --> 00:38:59,297 You realize I could just program the cryopod to go where I want it to go? 384 00:38:59,381 --> 00:39:02,926 You don't need me, Hari. You never did. 385 00:39:03,009 --> 00:39:04,010 Not true. 386 00:39:04,094 --> 00:39:05,262 It is. 387 00:39:06,304 --> 00:39:09,891 My story was supposed to end on Terminus. You said it yourself. 388 00:39:10,392 --> 00:39:14,062 You and Raych always intended on leaving me behind so… 389 00:39:16,147 --> 00:39:17,274 Just let me go. 390 00:39:19,401 --> 00:39:20,402 Please. 391 00:39:47,429 --> 00:39:48,680 Bye, Hari. 392 00:39:49,931 --> 00:39:51,141 Goodbye, Gaal. 393 00:40:32,057 --> 00:40:33,725 Awaiting destination. 394 00:40:36,686 --> 00:40:39,314 Calculate journey to the Blue Drift. 395 00:40:39,397 --> 00:40:40,649 To Synnax. 396 00:40:42,067 --> 00:40:45,904 Duration, 138 imperial standard years. 397 00:40:52,619 --> 00:40:54,120 Confirm destination. 398 00:41:01,127 --> 00:41:05,257 86,982,041. 399 00:41:07,092 --> 00:41:11,721 86,982,043. 400 00:41:13,348 --> 00:41:18,186 86,982,061… 401 00:42:06,902 --> 00:42:08,069 Zephyr Halima. 402 00:42:11,823 --> 00:42:15,952 Thank you for inspiring me to take this journey of transformation. 403 00:42:18,371 --> 00:42:20,373 If I hadn't attended your eulogy, 404 00:42:21,625 --> 00:42:26,588 I never would have summoned the courage to attempt the Spiral. 405 00:42:37,933 --> 00:42:41,102 Triple blessings to you, Empire. 406 00:42:43,522 --> 00:42:44,689 And to you. 407 00:43:19,349 --> 00:43:21,977 Please, come in. 408 00:43:23,854 --> 00:43:25,146 All are welcome. 409 00:43:27,399 --> 00:43:29,192 I wanted to express my condolences. 410 00:43:30,235 --> 00:43:32,529 You would have made a compelling proxima. 411 00:43:32,612 --> 00:43:33,780 Yes. 412 00:43:35,240 --> 00:43:37,701 I think that's what Cleon was afraid of. 413 00:43:39,661 --> 00:43:42,289 In any case, he got what he wanted. 414 00:43:44,749 --> 00:43:51,298 Zephyr Gilat will be named, and, well, I'll return to my home planet. 415 00:43:57,137 --> 00:43:58,847 Are you not happy with the outcome? 416 00:44:00,432 --> 00:44:04,019 I just assumed you coached the Emperor's performance. 417 00:44:04,102 --> 00:44:06,688 No, I did not. 418 00:44:07,272 --> 00:44:11,651 And I assure you, my happiness is of no importance. 419 00:44:12,485 --> 00:44:13,528 I disagree. 420 00:44:16,198 --> 00:44:23,038 Look, I know people use reincarnation as an excuse to ignore their instincts, 421 00:44:23,538 --> 00:44:26,500 to throw every opportunity for happiness away. 422 00:44:26,583 --> 00:44:31,880 But if you do that, how can you ever really grow? 423 00:44:31,963 --> 00:44:33,423 This is not about my growth. 424 00:44:33,507 --> 00:44:38,220 If you don't support him anymore, you can find another path. 425 00:44:38,303 --> 00:44:39,429 That's not possible. 426 00:44:39,513 --> 00:44:41,181 Of course it is. You're not a prisoner. 427 00:44:41,264 --> 00:44:42,974 You don't understand. I do not have a choice. 428 00:44:43,058 --> 00:44:45,894 Everyone has a choice. Even when it feels like they do not. 429 00:44:45,977 --> 00:44:49,439 I know how it sounds, but I swear it on the Maiden. I do not. 430 00:44:49,523 --> 00:44:50,690 How can that be? 431 00:44:58,073 --> 00:45:01,243 You once said you walked the Great Spiral. 432 00:45:02,619 --> 00:45:03,620 When was that? 433 00:45:08,750 --> 00:45:10,502 11,000 years ago. 434 00:45:17,050 --> 00:45:19,135 So it's true? 435 00:45:20,762 --> 00:45:26,059 I heard the rumors that Cleon had the last intelligent robot in the galaxy. 436 00:45:28,061 --> 00:45:30,438 The things you must have seen… 437 00:45:30,522 --> 00:45:33,942 And now you have to stand by that man and do whatever he-- 438 00:45:42,826 --> 00:45:44,202 He sent you here. 439 00:45:50,167 --> 00:45:54,004 I'm not gonna leave this room alive, am I? 440 00:45:55,839 --> 00:45:58,175 That's the only reason you told me the truth. 441 00:46:06,183 --> 00:46:11,521 Like Empire, I do not have individuated sentience. 442 00:46:13,440 --> 00:46:16,359 So I too must not be in the possession of a soul. 443 00:46:17,819 --> 00:46:22,032 If I were, then perhaps I could disobey his commands. 444 00:46:26,286 --> 00:46:28,455 Are you sure you do not have one? 445 00:46:30,207 --> 00:46:35,003 If I allow you to run from me now, I couldn't stop myself. 446 00:46:36,046 --> 00:46:39,674 I would still hunt you down. I would rip you to pieces. 447 00:46:48,850 --> 00:46:50,060 I'm sorry. 448 00:46:53,772 --> 00:46:58,568 I see genuine compassion in your heart. 449 00:46:59,152 --> 00:47:04,282 True remorse. And I can't explain it, 450 00:47:05,450 --> 00:47:08,495 but I know that you have a soul. 451 00:47:10,038 --> 00:47:12,791 But the one who forces you to do this, 452 00:47:13,625 --> 00:47:17,462 who so cruelly tests your faith and your loyalty, 453 00:47:18,672 --> 00:47:20,340 he is a soulless man. 454 00:47:25,095 --> 00:47:26,471 I forgive you, Demerzel. 455 00:47:28,723 --> 00:47:31,643 Hey, remember your text. 456 00:47:34,479 --> 00:47:37,274 My end does not come now. 457 00:47:38,316 --> 00:47:39,985 I will be reborn. 458 00:47:40,569 --> 00:47:44,573 You were sent to me not from Cleon but from the Mother. 459 00:47:46,366 --> 00:47:47,826 Do what you must. 460 00:47:50,537 --> 00:47:51,621 As Her will. 461 00:47:52,247 --> 00:47:53,582 As Her will. 462 00:48:02,549 --> 00:48:06,303 Now, how will it happen? 463 00:48:06,386 --> 00:48:08,180 It has already been done. 464 00:48:10,724 --> 00:48:13,643 A poison was secreted when our skin touched. 465 00:48:14,352 --> 00:48:15,604 You will feel no pain. 466 00:48:38,752 --> 00:48:42,297 Warning. Trans-spatial event in five minutes. 467 00:48:42,380 --> 00:48:43,673 Prepare for transition. 468 00:48:43,757 --> 00:48:45,258 The ship is preparing to jump! 469 00:48:45,884 --> 00:48:48,887 I can't overwrite the locking mechanism. 470 00:48:48,970 --> 00:48:50,555 Then get me through some other way. 471 00:49:08,907 --> 00:49:10,200 All right, let's plug me in. 472 00:49:10,283 --> 00:49:12,410 Look, Salvor, I'm not even sure this is possible. 473 00:49:12,494 --> 00:49:15,539 Jumping into a planet's orbit requires absolute precision. 474 00:49:15,622 --> 00:49:16,790 Or luck. 475 00:49:17,833 --> 00:49:19,376 Remember who you're dealing with. 476 00:49:21,294 --> 00:49:24,589 It's probably like flipping a coin over and over, right? 477 00:49:26,299 --> 00:49:28,468 Maybe like flipping it a thousand times. 478 00:49:33,515 --> 00:49:34,558 Let's start flipping. 479 00:49:34,641 --> 00:49:37,394 -You're telling me to kill you. -Lewis, don't you see? 480 00:49:38,687 --> 00:49:40,230 This is what I was meant to do. 481 00:49:41,648 --> 00:49:44,860 Everything that happened, it brought me here. 482 00:49:47,320 --> 00:49:49,072 Now this is our only chance. 483 00:49:49,155 --> 00:49:51,074 So I have to try. 484 00:49:51,825 --> 00:49:53,660 We have to try. 485 00:49:53,743 --> 00:49:55,996 And that is all there is in a crisis. 486 00:49:57,622 --> 00:49:58,623 Trying. 487 00:50:16,141 --> 00:50:18,393 If I die, give this to my mother, would you? 488 00:50:23,231 --> 00:50:24,482 You're something, Salvor. 489 00:50:26,443 --> 00:50:27,986 I wish I'd seen it earlier. 490 00:50:28,778 --> 00:50:29,946 Do it. 491 00:50:31,781 --> 00:50:32,824 Do it. 492 00:50:36,786 --> 00:50:37,871 Lewis? 493 00:50:44,002 --> 00:50:45,003 Kill her! 494 00:50:45,086 --> 00:50:47,547 You're gonna be okay, you hear me? Just stay with me, Lewis. 495 00:50:48,131 --> 00:50:49,716 Kill the bitch! 496 00:50:49,799 --> 00:50:50,634 Come on. 497 00:50:50,717 --> 00:50:51,635 Flank her! 498 00:50:56,973 --> 00:50:58,934 Hostile craft detected. 499 00:50:59,017 --> 00:51:00,810 Automated defenses engaged. 500 00:51:03,647 --> 00:51:04,648 Thespin Lancers. 501 00:51:04,731 --> 00:51:06,024 You did it, Hugo. 502 00:51:06,107 --> 00:51:08,318 Thirty seconds before trans-spatial event. 503 00:51:08,401 --> 00:51:10,320 Proceed to cryopods immediately. 504 00:51:11,154 --> 00:51:13,490 Stand down, Anacreons. 505 00:51:13,573 --> 00:51:16,826 Surrender the ship to us immediately or die. 506 00:51:17,744 --> 00:51:19,829 Get as many guns on them as you can! 507 00:51:27,546 --> 00:51:28,421 Fifteen… 508 00:51:29,130 --> 00:51:32,133 fourteen, thirteen… 509 00:51:36,555 --> 00:51:37,931 eleven… 510 00:51:38,807 --> 00:51:42,185 ten, nine… 511 00:51:43,061 --> 00:51:44,437 eight… 512 00:51:47,482 --> 00:51:49,693 six, five… 513 00:51:51,820 --> 00:51:53,113 four… 514 00:51:54,155 --> 00:51:56,700 three, two… 515 00:51:57,993 --> 00:51:59,411 one… 516 00:52:03,790 --> 00:52:04,791 We're jumping. 517 00:52:32,194 --> 00:52:33,195 Well? 518 00:52:33,987 --> 00:52:34,988 It is done. 519 00:52:35,906 --> 00:52:38,325 It will appear as if she died of natural causes. 520 00:52:38,408 --> 00:52:41,536 Good. Last thing we want to do is start a holy war. 521 00:52:46,208 --> 00:52:48,335 Do you have something you wish to say? 522 00:52:48,418 --> 00:52:51,421 You'd defeated her. You'd won. 523 00:52:51,505 --> 00:52:55,842 Your lack of understanding does not obligate me to explain. 524 00:52:55,926 --> 00:52:57,302 No, of course not. 525 00:52:57,385 --> 00:52:59,012 You are Empire. 526 00:53:00,222 --> 00:53:01,681 And you had a holy vision. 527 00:53:01,765 --> 00:53:03,391 That I did. 528 00:53:08,605 --> 00:53:12,275 I have an ancient birthroot flower pressed and framed on my vanity. 529 00:53:12,859 --> 00:53:15,820 I acquired it when I myself walked the Spiral. 530 00:53:15,904 --> 00:53:17,614 I brought it with me on this journey. 531 00:53:18,281 --> 00:53:19,491 Is that so? 532 00:53:20,325 --> 00:53:24,371 I just thought you might have seen it when you came into my room the other night. 533 00:53:24,454 --> 00:53:26,957 No, not that I recall. 534 00:53:27,040 --> 00:53:28,959 Just a happy coincidence, I suppose. 535 00:53:29,042 --> 00:53:30,919 You seeing the same flower. 536 00:53:32,128 --> 00:53:36,299 In any event, I didn't mean to pry. I know how personal these visions can be. 537 00:53:36,383 --> 00:53:39,636 Though it's many eons ago, what I saw… 538 00:53:41,221 --> 00:53:43,098 changed the way I look at everything. 539 00:53:44,224 --> 00:53:47,102 You had a vision? A robot? 540 00:53:47,185 --> 00:53:51,439 I did. And I am pleased that you were graced with one as well. 541 00:53:53,275 --> 00:53:54,609 Seeing nothing… 542 00:53:57,445 --> 00:53:59,948 I would not wish that emptiness on anyone. 543 00:54:03,618 --> 00:54:05,120 May your vision give you strength 544 00:54:05,203 --> 00:54:07,873 as we make our journey back to Trantor, Empire. 545 00:54:08,456 --> 00:54:11,960 I will notify the Spacers to prepare you for the jump. 546 00:55:24,115 --> 00:55:27,077 Seeing nothing… 547 00:55:28,161 --> 00:55:31,623 I would not wish that emptiness on anyone.