1 00:01:32,509 --> 00:01:33,510 [Hari] Do you trust me? 2 00:01:34,511 --> 00:01:36,137 I wish I had never met you. 3 00:01:36,138 --> 00:01:40,392 But you did, and we are here now, 4 00:01:41,435 --> 00:01:46,148 an entire galaxy pivoting around the actions of an individual, you. 5 00:01:47,232 --> 00:01:50,319 [breathes deeply] Raych, Raych... 6 00:01:52,404 --> 00:01:55,156 I don't think that I can do this. 7 00:01:55,157 --> 00:02:00,245 And you, more than anyone know what's really at stake here. 8 00:02:02,331 --> 00:02:03,916 I hate what you've done to us. 9 00:02:04,583 --> 00:02:07,794 I know. It'll help if you're angry. 10 00:02:08,294 --> 00:02:09,420 I'm not angry. I... 11 00:02:13,383 --> 00:02:14,384 I love you. 12 00:02:16,595 --> 00:02:17,699 [breathes shakily] 13 00:02:17,700 --> 00:02:18,805 I know that too, Son. 14 00:02:23,268 --> 00:02:25,082 [sniffles, grunts] 15 00:02:25,083 --> 00:02:26,897 [breathing heavily] 16 00:02:32,528 --> 00:02:34,529 Do it. [grunts] 17 00:02:34,530 --> 00:02:37,616 Go straight to the cryo-pod. It's programmed for you. 18 00:02:38,242 --> 00:02:40,994 And don't stop to say goodbye to her. 19 00:02:42,454 --> 00:02:44,748 Don't implicate her in this. [breathes heavily] 20 00:02:46,708 --> 00:02:49,378 [breathing heavily] 21 00:02:58,804 --> 00:02:59,804 [yells] 22 00:02:59,805 --> 00:03:03,141 [gasps, breathes heavily] 23 00:03:08,063 --> 00:03:09,064 [groans] 24 00:03:11,024 --> 00:03:13,652 [groans] 25 00:03:17,364 --> 00:03:18,365 [breathing heavily] 26 00:03:27,583 --> 00:03:29,835 Raych. [chuckles] 27 00:03:33,422 --> 00:03:35,340 I'm still dreaming, aren't I? [inhales sharply] 28 00:03:35,841 --> 00:03:37,176 This isn't a dream. 29 00:03:41,847 --> 00:03:43,140 How are you still alive? 30 00:03:44,308 --> 00:03:47,311 I'm not. I died on the Deliverance. 31 00:03:48,937 --> 00:03:50,147 You got them all fooled. 32 00:03:50,939 --> 00:03:52,441 They think you care about them. 33 00:03:53,358 --> 00:03:55,611 But the truth is, you don't care about anyone. 34 00:03:56,195 --> 00:03:58,780 They're all just points on a graph. 35 00:04:00,115 --> 00:04:01,449 It's why you're gonna fail. 36 00:04:01,450 --> 00:04:03,868 'Cause you don't care who lives or dies. 37 00:04:03,869 --> 00:04:07,330 - You weren't meant to die. - But you changed the plan. 38 00:04:07,331 --> 00:04:12,586 You implicated me 'cause you didn't trust me. If you had, I would've lived. 39 00:04:12,587 --> 00:04:16,214 As it was, they shot me out the air lock like garbage. 40 00:04:16,215 --> 00:04:17,797 [exhales sharply] 41 00:04:17,798 --> 00:04:20,719 Left me floating frozen for all eternity. 42 00:04:21,553 --> 00:04:22,679 You weren't garbage. 43 00:04:23,514 --> 00:04:24,515 No. 44 00:04:33,023 --> 00:04:38,195 I was your son, and you let me die. 45 00:04:40,906 --> 00:04:46,078 But why am I surprised? We both know it wasn't the first time. 46 00:04:48,914 --> 00:04:50,916 [sighs] 47 00:04:51,917 --> 00:04:53,919 [groans, breathing heavily] 48 00:04:59,007 --> 00:05:00,217 [sighs] 49 00:05:57,774 --> 00:05:58,608 [grunts] 50 00:05:58,609 --> 00:06:00,026 [Gaal] You all right? 51 00:06:00,027 --> 00:06:01,819 He hasn't had legs in over a century. 52 00:06:01,820 --> 00:06:04,322 You know, about the legs, how did you get them, Hari? 53 00:06:04,323 --> 00:06:08,660 I told you, I don't know. I was directed towards Oona's World by Kalle. 54 00:06:08,661 --> 00:06:11,413 [Gaal] How? You were trapped in the Prime Radiant. 55 00:06:11,414 --> 00:06:14,165 She appeared to me. My mind was long gone by then. 56 00:06:14,166 --> 00:06:18,211 She implied that she was the manifestation of the Prime Radiant itself. 57 00:06:18,212 --> 00:06:22,299 I met her. She was as solid as me, but she didn't register as living on our scopes. 58 00:06:22,300 --> 00:06:23,258 And I do? 59 00:06:23,259 --> 00:06:24,509 Yes. 60 00:06:24,510 --> 00:06:28,347 [sighs] My body is as it was the moment before I died. 61 00:06:29,515 --> 00:06:35,270 I walked into the cave with Kalle. I stood in the darkness, weightless and waiting. 62 00:06:36,522 --> 00:06:40,984 And then I awoke beside you feeling the tug of gravity on my spine. 63 00:06:40,985 --> 00:06:42,069 She cloned you. 64 00:06:43,111 --> 00:06:47,032 So, after a century and a half, the Genetic Dynasty has a rival. 65 00:06:47,533 --> 00:06:49,033 The irony isn't lost on me. 66 00:06:49,034 --> 00:06:50,910 Someone wanted you flesh and blood again. 67 00:06:50,911 --> 00:06:54,289 And after all that trouble you went to, turning yourself into an idea. 68 00:06:54,790 --> 00:06:57,793 Have a look at this. I picked up some transmissions. 69 00:06:58,502 --> 00:07:01,213 Foundation has spread all over the Outer Reach. 70 00:07:01,214 --> 00:07:02,129 [distorted voices] 71 00:07:02,130 --> 00:07:05,384 They're selling psychohistory as magic. 72 00:07:05,926 --> 00:07:08,282 They're selling you. The Prophet. 73 00:07:08,283 --> 00:07:10,638 Not me. Him. The other Seldon. 74 00:07:10,639 --> 00:07:13,099 And it was bound to happen. People do love to kneel. 75 00:07:13,100 --> 00:07:15,185 - [monitor beeps] - [Automated Beggar] Approaching Ignis. 76 00:07:15,186 --> 00:07:16,477 Coming up on Ignis. 77 00:07:16,478 --> 00:07:18,272 Unless you hijacked my ship again. 78 00:07:24,611 --> 00:07:27,781 [Gaal] Ignis. [sighs] Imperial holding a thousand years ago. 79 00:07:27,782 --> 00:07:30,930 Diverse life, but no humans since Empire walked away. 80 00:07:30,931 --> 00:07:34,079 Hmm. So, if there's no one here, then who is calling us? 81 00:07:34,080 --> 00:07:36,415 - [rumbling] - Breaking atmo. 82 00:07:39,626 --> 00:07:40,898 [controls beeping] 83 00:07:40,899 --> 00:07:42,171 - Fuck! - What? 84 00:07:44,381 --> 00:07:47,301 Negative ionic particles in the atmosphere have caused a system reboot. 85 00:07:47,302 --> 00:07:48,217 What does that mean? 86 00:07:48,218 --> 00:07:50,470 Well, it means that I've only got roll. I'm flying dead stick. 87 00:07:50,471 --> 00:07:51,471 - Is that bad? - Yes! 88 00:07:51,472 --> 00:07:52,472 [controls beeping] 89 00:07:52,473 --> 00:07:53,472 [grunts] 90 00:07:56,810 --> 00:07:58,103 - Can you get us down? - Shut up! 91 00:07:59,313 --> 00:08:01,857 - Trees! Trees! Trees! - I know! I know! 92 00:08:04,526 --> 00:08:06,445 [grunting, groaning] 93 00:08:07,863 --> 00:08:08,779 Come on! Come on! 94 00:08:08,780 --> 00:08:09,843 - [strains] - [groans] 95 00:08:09,844 --> 00:08:10,908 - [grunts] - [groans] 96 00:08:15,287 --> 00:08:16,288 [grunts] 97 00:08:19,291 --> 00:08:20,501 - [Hari groans] - [Salvor grunting] 98 00:08:20,502 --> 00:08:21,542 [Gaal] Hari, you hurt? 99 00:08:21,543 --> 00:08:26,048 Just a little. It's been a while since I felt physical pain. It's exhilarating. 100 00:08:26,548 --> 00:08:27,798 Maybe in small doses. 101 00:08:27,799 --> 00:08:29,426 Run a diagnostic. I'll be back. 102 00:08:29,427 --> 00:08:30,719 Uh, where are you going? 103 00:08:31,553 --> 00:08:33,429 The jungle. Someone was watching our descent. 104 00:08:33,931 --> 00:08:36,058 I think you should help us repair the ship first. 105 00:08:36,059 --> 00:08:37,933 Well, we made a lot of noise coming down. 106 00:08:37,934 --> 00:08:40,562 If someone's looking for us, I'd rather meet them outside than in here. 107 00:08:40,563 --> 00:08:41,479 [pad powers down] 108 00:08:41,480 --> 00:08:44,775 Fuck! Boarding ramp was damaged in the landing. I'll take the air lock. 109 00:08:54,743 --> 00:08:58,330 You're letting what you saw in your vision affect you. Don't. 110 00:09:10,008 --> 00:09:11,759 [Rue] I knew it wouldn't be easy. 111 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:14,680 They're bound to embargo any recording of an assassination attempt. 112 00:09:14,681 --> 00:09:17,140 True. And recordings from Empire's bedchamber are off-limits. 113 00:09:17,141 --> 00:09:18,808 And on the question of my family? 114 00:09:18,809 --> 00:09:20,477 There's nothing, Dominion. I'm sorry. 115 00:09:21,436 --> 00:09:24,439 Thank you, Markley. We'll have another request soon. 116 00:09:25,023 --> 00:09:26,900 The attempt was in Day's bedroom. 117 00:09:28,318 --> 00:09:30,070 Guess I'll have to work my way in for a look around. 118 00:09:30,071 --> 00:09:32,030 Are you sure that's the only way? 119 00:09:32,614 --> 00:09:35,617 You don't like me offering my young, dimpled flesh for information? 120 00:09:36,410 --> 00:09:38,828 Don't fret, Rue. I won't give more than I choose to. 121 00:09:38,829 --> 00:09:43,750 I hope not. Sometimes I wonder where the shy, sad princess Sareth went. 122 00:09:44,251 --> 00:09:45,794 She died with the rest of my family. 123 00:10:01,143 --> 00:10:02,560 She wants to copulate. 124 00:10:02,561 --> 00:10:05,606 As you hoped. You want a real alliance, not a paper one. 125 00:10:05,607 --> 00:10:08,567 Yes. It's all coming together. But I have... 126 00:10:09,359 --> 00:10:11,945 I've grown accustomed to you in this regard. 127 00:10:12,946 --> 00:10:16,033 You're a man. An impressive man by any measure. 128 00:10:16,034 --> 00:10:17,910 She'll not have seen the like. 129 00:10:18,702 --> 00:10:19,577 Exactly. 130 00:10:19,578 --> 00:10:25,334 And since she proposed the tryst, she will likely be ready. It needn't take long. 131 00:10:26,919 --> 00:10:27,752 [gasps] 132 00:10:27,753 --> 00:10:29,505 And I can feel that you're ready. 133 00:10:30,589 --> 00:10:31,590 [door chimes] 134 00:10:33,884 --> 00:10:35,302 - I'll stay close. - Okay. 135 00:10:38,680 --> 00:10:39,681 Think of me. 136 00:10:54,947 --> 00:10:57,950 Come in, Sareth. I've been anticipating you. 137 00:10:59,868 --> 00:11:01,119 Thank you for agreeing to this. 138 00:11:01,620 --> 00:11:05,958 I understand that matters of romance are important to young ladies. 139 00:11:05,959 --> 00:11:09,753 [chuckles] The inner sanctum. May I? 140 00:11:09,754 --> 00:11:11,421 Please. Look around. 141 00:11:13,882 --> 00:11:19,137 Wow. Look at you. That's something. 142 00:11:19,638 --> 00:11:20,639 Thank you. 143 00:11:21,932 --> 00:11:23,141 [Sareth] Is it being repaired? 144 00:11:24,601 --> 00:11:27,896 It's, uh, mold. Parasites. 145 00:11:28,522 --> 00:11:31,399 It's old. It originally depicted Cleon I, 146 00:11:31,400 --> 00:11:35,320 but it's reconceived for each Day to highlight their particular contribution 147 00:11:35,321 --> 00:11:36,321 to the Empire. 148 00:11:36,905 --> 00:11:39,825 Are those the Orbital Rings above you? Very dramatic. 149 00:11:40,450 --> 00:11:43,704 My brother started them. I finished the job. 150 00:11:44,788 --> 00:11:47,582 [Sareth] They're so much more visible than I thought they would be. 151 00:11:47,583 --> 00:11:51,628 [Day] They were originally designed to be invisible from the ground. 152 00:11:51,629 --> 00:11:55,674 But I wanted people to see the arches, like a shackle around the world. 153 00:11:57,176 --> 00:11:59,928 The citizens need to be reminded that they're only alive 154 00:11:59,929 --> 00:12:01,263 because I will it so. 155 00:12:01,847 --> 00:12:02,973 Hmm. 156 00:12:04,099 --> 00:12:06,810 Your aura. Do you wear it even when you're intimate? 157 00:12:08,187 --> 00:12:09,395 Always. 158 00:12:09,396 --> 00:12:13,150 Dialed up so high? What if you want to, 159 00:12:13,734 --> 00:12:16,069 I don't know... get spanked? 160 00:12:16,695 --> 00:12:19,781 I imagine there are paddles around here that would leave the royal crest imprinted 161 00:12:19,782 --> 00:12:20,740 on one's bottom. 162 00:12:20,741 --> 00:12:22,534 - I'll order some made. - [chuckles] 163 00:12:26,413 --> 00:12:27,915 Your bed is very comfortable. 164 00:12:29,875 --> 00:12:30,708 [chuckles] 165 00:12:30,709 --> 00:12:32,628 There's an old saying that, uh, 166 00:12:33,295 --> 00:12:36,048 a king's head never rests lightly on his pillow. 167 00:12:36,049 --> 00:12:37,423 Is that right? 168 00:12:37,424 --> 00:12:40,572 I just think those other kings need better pillows. 169 00:12:40,573 --> 00:12:43,722 [chuckles] And I think you've told that joke before. 170 00:12:43,723 --> 00:12:44,848 [laughs] 171 00:12:45,682 --> 00:12:46,683 [laughs] 172 00:12:47,351 --> 00:12:48,894 Still laughing about the pillow? 173 00:12:48,895 --> 00:12:50,937 - No. At you. - [chuckles] 174 00:12:50,938 --> 00:12:53,856 I think you'll find, when a man and a woman are together, 175 00:12:53,857 --> 00:12:59,530 if you want things to line up properly, the man needs to be on top. 176 00:12:59,531 --> 00:13:00,948 - Oh? - [breathes heavily] 177 00:13:00,949 --> 00:13:02,031 I feel a fool. 178 00:13:02,032 --> 00:13:05,244 - You'll learn. Let's get your gown up. - [breathes heavily] 179 00:13:06,245 --> 00:13:07,704 - [strains] - [stammers] Your knees? 180 00:13:07,705 --> 00:13:08,955 - No. - Ow! What are you... 181 00:13:08,956 --> 00:13:11,165 - No, I've got it. I've got it. - Ow! [sighs] 182 00:13:11,166 --> 00:13:14,920 Ow. Now, that's my toe. All right. [grunts] I've got it. 183 00:13:18,715 --> 00:13:20,217 - Do you need me to... - Don't talk. 184 00:13:21,093 --> 00:13:22,094 [chuckles] 185 00:13:25,764 --> 00:13:27,035 [Sareth inhales deeply] 186 00:13:27,036 --> 00:13:28,308 You've done this before. 187 00:13:28,892 --> 00:13:30,518 Honestly, never quite like this. 188 00:13:30,519 --> 00:13:32,938 You're putting on an act. I know you've had a lover. 189 00:13:33,605 --> 00:13:35,857 They were killed in the accident that put you on the throne. 190 00:13:35,858 --> 00:13:39,194 Why am I not surprised you know so much of my family's final days? 191 00:13:39,195 --> 00:13:40,904 You have no wish to bed with me. 192 00:13:43,198 --> 00:13:47,703 I know why you're here. I was almost killed in this room. 193 00:13:47,704 --> 00:13:48,911 Oh, it was this room? 194 00:13:48,912 --> 00:13:52,165 I watched you sliding around here, picturing the whole thing, 195 00:13:52,166 --> 00:13:54,125 looking for how they failed. 196 00:13:54,126 --> 00:13:56,085 You wish they got me, don't you? 197 00:13:56,086 --> 00:13:59,214 Maybe you think that would even some imaginary scale of justice? 198 00:13:59,215 --> 00:14:01,549 Maybe you paid for that result? 199 00:14:01,550 --> 00:14:04,261 Yes! I was trying to figure out how assassins got in here. 200 00:14:04,262 --> 00:14:06,220 Not because I hired them. 201 00:14:06,221 --> 00:14:08,848 Because I'm trying to figure out if it's safe to live here. 202 00:14:08,849 --> 00:14:12,144 Have you ever even tried to think about things from my point of view? 203 00:14:12,769 --> 00:14:15,396 Do you even know what another point of view is? 204 00:14:15,397 --> 00:14:18,025 How could you? The people closest to you are you. 205 00:14:18,026 --> 00:14:20,359 You think I can't make you safe? 206 00:14:20,360 --> 00:14:23,300 I am turning Trantor upside down. I will find the traitors... 207 00:14:23,301 --> 00:14:26,241 You've been searching for days, and you've found nothing yet. 208 00:14:26,242 --> 00:14:29,243 Excuse me, Empire, but I am not reassured. 209 00:14:29,244 --> 00:14:32,372 If you're declining my offer of marriage, say it now! 210 00:14:32,373 --> 00:14:33,832 And sign my own death warrant? 211 00:14:34,958 --> 00:14:38,378 Find your traitor and vow to make it safe, if you can, and I accept. 212 00:14:38,379 --> 00:14:40,860 Of course, I can. This I vow! 213 00:14:40,861 --> 00:14:43,342 - Then I accept! - Now leave! 214 00:15:01,276 --> 00:15:03,320 [door closes] 215 00:15:07,282 --> 00:15:08,533 Did you hear it all? 216 00:15:08,534 --> 00:15:10,702 No. I moved down the servant-way. 217 00:15:11,995 --> 00:15:15,499 She suspects I killed her family. I had to accuse her of trying to kill me. 218 00:15:15,500 --> 00:15:18,168 It got heated. We're engaged. 219 00:15:18,169 --> 00:15:20,379 Hmm. Best wishes. 220 00:15:21,463 --> 00:15:24,383 And the killing of her family, there's no trail back to you. 221 00:15:24,384 --> 00:15:25,633 I made sure of that. 222 00:15:25,634 --> 00:15:27,302 We have to be careful with her. 223 00:15:28,804 --> 00:15:31,932 She's smart and not above making plans of her own. 224 00:15:35,102 --> 00:15:38,105 The Empress-to-be is luckier than she deserves. 225 00:15:38,106 --> 00:15:39,189 Mm-hmm. 226 00:15:43,110 --> 00:15:44,528 And you are unfulfilled. 227 00:15:48,532 --> 00:15:50,367 [laughs] 228 00:15:51,994 --> 00:15:54,204 {\an8}[sighs] Thank you, Empire. 229 00:15:54,205 --> 00:15:56,665 Mmm. Call me Cleon. 230 00:15:56,666 --> 00:15:59,126 [chuckles, sighs] Oh. 231 00:16:02,129 --> 00:16:03,630 - Ooh, I like that. [chuckles] - Mmm. 232 00:16:04,173 --> 00:16:05,673 - [chuckles] - [breathes deeply] 233 00:16:05,674 --> 00:16:09,803 You're toothsome. How did you get so delicious? 234 00:16:09,804 --> 00:16:12,097 - I eat a lot of salt, Cleon. - Mmm. 235 00:16:12,098 --> 00:16:14,183 [squeals, laughs] 236 00:16:14,725 --> 00:16:15,726 I'm pre-seasoned. 237 00:16:16,935 --> 00:16:17,936 What's your name? 238 00:16:18,770 --> 00:16:22,608 [sighs] Rue. Rue Corintha from Dominion. 239 00:16:23,734 --> 00:16:27,237 Beautiful name. Beautiful person. 240 00:16:29,907 --> 00:16:35,120 Well, I'm going to mute the effect, in case you want to bite back. 241 00:16:46,965 --> 00:16:48,050 Extraordinary. 242 00:16:48,592 --> 00:16:49,884 Hmm. 243 00:16:49,885 --> 00:16:52,930 Can we go earlier? To when you picked me in the Gossamer Court? 244 00:16:53,555 --> 00:16:58,227 Hmm. Things are getting so extremely interesting here in the present. 245 00:16:58,228 --> 00:17:03,524 We'll return to that. Waiting is half the fun. 246 00:17:03,525 --> 00:17:06,568 Fine. Earlier in the day, it is. 247 00:17:10,864 --> 00:17:13,992 This was assembled from many lenses at Gossamer Court. 248 00:17:13,993 --> 00:17:15,160 Hmm. 249 00:17:19,998 --> 00:17:21,290 - And there you are. - [chuckles] 250 00:17:40,936 --> 00:17:43,105 I think they're trying to get your attention. 251 00:17:43,689 --> 00:17:46,024 One of them is likely to sprain something. 252 00:17:47,109 --> 00:17:48,110 Tragic. 253 00:17:50,153 --> 00:17:52,865 And what do you do to get someone's attention? 254 00:17:53,490 --> 00:17:56,743 Me? I refuse to look up from my game. 255 00:17:57,452 --> 00:17:59,288 Is it having the effect you want? 256 00:18:01,331 --> 00:18:05,085 I can only see your feet, so I'm not too sure. But the banter is promising. 257 00:18:07,588 --> 00:18:08,589 [chuckles] 258 00:18:09,548 --> 00:18:12,467 [Rue] I remember that. My memory ends right after. 259 00:18:13,135 --> 00:18:14,803 And now you can go back to the sex part. 260 00:18:18,140 --> 00:18:19,224 [inhales deeply] 261 00:18:21,310 --> 00:18:24,146 Are you aware it's missing? The memory? 262 00:18:25,022 --> 00:18:26,064 No. 263 00:18:26,773 --> 00:18:30,694 I reached for your hand, and then I was on a transport headed home... 264 00:18:30,695 --> 00:18:31,777 [Dusk] Hmm. 265 00:18:31,778 --> 00:18:35,240 ...with a bite mark on my shoulder and a full bank account. 266 00:18:35,241 --> 00:18:36,240 [chuckles] 267 00:18:36,241 --> 00:18:38,952 It all seemed to make perfect sense, like nothing was missing. 268 00:18:38,953 --> 00:18:40,829 - Hmm. Really? - Hmm. 269 00:18:41,413 --> 00:18:45,167 I imagined an awkward blank space making itself known, like... 270 00:18:45,168 --> 00:18:47,711 - like a wad of cotton in one's mind. - Hmm. 271 00:18:49,004 --> 00:18:51,757 You know, I thought, since you have the ability, that you might... 272 00:18:53,258 --> 00:18:56,345 Hmm. You never edit your own recollections? 273 00:18:57,554 --> 00:19:00,516 I can imagine an emperor cutting away moments he chooses to forget. 274 00:19:00,517 --> 00:19:01,974 [breathes deeply] 275 00:19:01,975 --> 00:19:03,936 But you couldn't let them be lost to history. 276 00:19:05,562 --> 00:19:11,068 No, they would reside in the Memorium with the rest of my normal audits. 277 00:19:11,069 --> 00:19:12,152 Hmm. 278 00:19:12,736 --> 00:19:14,321 It's a fascinating idea though. 279 00:19:15,322 --> 00:19:16,990 - What? - [inhales sharply] 280 00:19:21,912 --> 00:19:24,039 An end to regrets. 281 00:19:25,582 --> 00:19:26,750 Would you do that? 282 00:19:28,877 --> 00:19:32,923 Never. I embrace regrets. 283 00:19:33,507 --> 00:19:36,134 I wanna remember the view from the top of the mountain. 284 00:19:38,512 --> 00:19:41,431 Even if that means I also have to remember the fall. 285 00:19:42,850 --> 00:19:46,895 You're lucky to be able to trust your memories. 286 00:20:12,754 --> 00:20:14,173 [branches snap] 287 00:20:27,561 --> 00:20:29,161 - [branches rustling] - [inhales sharply] 288 00:20:31,315 --> 00:20:35,110 Looks like you haven't quite mastered the gentle art of sneaking up from behind. 289 00:20:36,320 --> 00:20:37,988 That's very good. You should think about... 290 00:20:37,989 --> 00:20:39,114 Drop it. 291 00:20:42,409 --> 00:20:44,661 Raise your hands. Take off that mask. 292 00:20:53,337 --> 00:20:54,630 Hi, Sal. 293 00:20:56,173 --> 00:20:57,799 No. You have to be dead by now. 294 00:20:58,383 --> 00:21:00,259 - Are you disappointed? - No, but... 295 00:21:00,260 --> 00:21:04,348 But you're you. And you get a gift horse, and you check its mouth. 296 00:21:04,932 --> 00:21:07,225 The Beggar told me you were going into cryosleep. 297 00:21:07,226 --> 00:21:09,874 Nothing left for me on Terminus, Sal, so I did the same. 298 00:21:09,875 --> 00:21:12,522 I may have given you command, but she's still coded to me. 299 00:21:12,523 --> 00:21:15,775 I set my cryo-pod for a synchronous wake cycle with the Beggar. 300 00:21:15,776 --> 00:21:19,029 The moment you decided to come back into the world, I would too. 301 00:21:20,364 --> 00:21:21,865 But how could you be here? 302 00:21:22,366 --> 00:21:24,910 [chuckling] You've been bouncing all around this quadrant, Sal. 303 00:21:26,078 --> 00:21:28,163 Picked up your trajectory on Oona's World. 304 00:21:30,916 --> 00:21:32,668 I reached Ignis half a day before you. 305 00:21:34,253 --> 00:21:39,424 And next thing I know, I was hearing your dulcet tones once again. 306 00:21:46,890 --> 00:21:49,684 [laughing] 307 00:21:49,685 --> 00:21:50,936 [both laughing] 308 00:21:56,066 --> 00:21:58,360 [device trilling] 309 00:21:59,486 --> 00:22:00,946 - [sighs] - [Hari] I'm sorry. 310 00:22:02,281 --> 00:22:06,285 I didn't mean to be so cold earlier about Salvor and the vision. 311 00:22:07,578 --> 00:22:09,078 I can't get it out of my head, 312 00:22:09,079 --> 00:22:12,165 so there's no point telling me to just stop thinking about it. 313 00:22:12,708 --> 00:22:14,626 Either help me or just don't say anything. 314 00:22:16,003 --> 00:22:19,381 The whole premise of psychohistory is that the future isn't set in stone. 315 00:22:19,382 --> 00:22:21,967 [chuckles] But all my visions have come true. 316 00:22:25,095 --> 00:22:29,141 On Synnax, you dreamt of a great wave crashing down on you. 317 00:22:29,142 --> 00:22:31,393 It didn't. You're here. 318 00:22:31,977 --> 00:22:34,938 [inhales shakily] So how will we know which of our actions 319 00:22:34,939 --> 00:22:36,272 will stop Salvor's fate? 320 00:22:36,273 --> 00:22:39,443 We can't. Even if we could, should we? 321 00:22:40,235 --> 00:22:42,361 [scoffs] You just want me to give up on her 322 00:22:42,362 --> 00:22:44,907 because you can't make yourself care about anything oth... 323 00:22:44,908 --> 00:22:47,283 Hey! She's Raych's child as well. 324 00:22:47,284 --> 00:22:49,995 [chuckles] That makes her my granddaughter. 325 00:22:50,829 --> 00:22:51,871 If I'd known... 326 00:22:51,872 --> 00:22:55,209 You what? Would you have done it differently? 327 00:22:56,335 --> 00:22:58,837 I don't know. I'd like to think I would. 328 00:23:01,298 --> 00:23:04,927 But an embryo is a very different proposition to an actual person. 329 00:23:07,054 --> 00:23:10,682 [inhales sharply] We hadn't decided yet 330 00:23:11,934 --> 00:23:13,810 if we were gonna have the baby. 331 00:23:16,104 --> 00:23:19,525 'Cause he knew he wouldn't be here. We both wanted it. 332 00:23:24,571 --> 00:23:30,160 You have this moment with her right now. Not everybody gets that. 333 00:23:33,705 --> 00:23:34,998 [beeping] 334 00:23:38,418 --> 00:23:39,962 Gaal, where's the Prime Radiant? 335 00:23:41,046 --> 00:23:42,047 In the cockpit. Why? 336 00:23:43,882 --> 00:23:45,049 She's smiling. 337 00:23:45,050 --> 00:23:47,261 Hide it. Don't tell me where. 338 00:23:47,262 --> 00:23:48,428 Do it now. 339 00:23:53,183 --> 00:23:56,520 Salvor, identify the stranger you're bringing back to our ship. 340 00:23:56,521 --> 00:23:58,105 Technically, I think you'll find it's my ship. 341 00:23:58,106 --> 00:23:59,021 Okay. 342 00:23:59,022 --> 00:24:00,815 Hugo Crast, from Terminus. 343 00:24:00,816 --> 00:24:02,817 He's my lighthouse, the one I told you about. 344 00:24:02,818 --> 00:24:04,862 [Hugo] A little bit more than a lighthouse, Sal. 345 00:24:05,362 --> 00:24:06,363 Open the air lock. 346 00:24:13,078 --> 00:24:14,079 Okay. 347 00:24:20,335 --> 00:24:21,545 [pad buzzes] 348 00:24:24,673 --> 00:24:25,841 Hari, open the door. 349 00:24:25,842 --> 00:24:27,092 Open it, Hari. 350 00:24:31,597 --> 00:24:32,848 Hugo, how tall are you? 351 00:24:33,432 --> 00:24:35,100 Uh, just under two meters. 352 00:24:35,601 --> 00:24:38,895 - 181, according to the Beggar's records. - Hari, what are you doing? 353 00:24:38,896 --> 00:24:42,190 The Beggar says your combined weight is off by three kilograms. 354 00:24:42,191 --> 00:24:46,278 Are you kidding? [scoffs] I could've sweated that off in the jungle. Open up. 355 00:24:48,322 --> 00:24:49,488 [whispering] That's not Hugo. 356 00:24:49,489 --> 00:24:53,994 [scoffs] Hari, three kilograms is nothing. [stammers] It's a few beers. 357 00:24:53,995 --> 00:24:56,205 It's mass, and Hugo's doesn't add up. 358 00:24:56,206 --> 00:24:58,123 It could be his gear, anything. 359 00:25:00,167 --> 00:25:02,669 I've overridden the ship's systems. You won't be able to open it. 360 00:25:02,670 --> 00:25:06,507 Dr. Seldon, it's me, Hugo. I was there at the First Crisis. 361 00:25:06,508 --> 00:25:08,550 I was the one that went and got the Thespins. 362 00:25:08,551 --> 00:25:10,802 "Hooray for Hugo." Remember all that? 363 00:25:11,303 --> 00:25:12,596 - Actually, he doesn't. - Huh? 364 00:25:13,972 --> 00:25:16,225 Hugo is one of us. This is his ship. 365 00:25:17,434 --> 00:25:19,034 [normal voice] His ship? A Thespin ship. 366 00:25:19,728 --> 00:25:21,604 Then he's still genetically encoded on the system. 367 00:25:21,605 --> 00:25:23,482 Yeah, that's right. The Beggar knows him. 368 00:25:23,483 --> 00:25:24,941 Transfer control back to him. 369 00:25:24,942 --> 00:25:28,194 I can't. [chuckles] He slaved it to me permanently. 370 00:25:28,195 --> 00:25:32,282 Did he? Well, I reset the ship to origin settings when I was in the mainframe. 371 00:25:32,283 --> 00:25:34,701 [Salvor] Damn it! If you don't open, I will give command back to him. 372 00:25:34,702 --> 00:25:35,702 Salvor, wait. 373 00:25:35,703 --> 00:25:36,787 Do it. 374 00:25:38,038 --> 00:25:39,664 Beggar, invoke protocol. 375 00:25:39,665 --> 00:25:42,084 {\an8}Ship transfer back to Hugo Crast. 376 00:25:42,960 --> 00:25:44,795 Now he can open the air lock himself. 377 00:25:45,712 --> 00:25:46,712 Open it. 378 00:25:48,340 --> 00:25:50,092 Hari, we have a problem. 379 00:25:51,426 --> 00:25:53,762 - Salvor, watch out! - [grunting] 380 00:25:55,389 --> 00:25:58,392 Disable the ship's external weapons or I'll kill her. 381 00:25:59,017 --> 00:26:01,061 - [device beeps] - [grunts] 382 00:26:05,983 --> 00:26:08,235 [grunting] 383 00:26:09,361 --> 00:26:10,361 Hari! 384 00:26:13,949 --> 00:26:15,784 - Salvor! - Gaal! [grunting] 385 00:26:17,119 --> 00:26:18,161 [both grunt] 386 00:26:19,746 --> 00:26:20,746 [grunts] 387 00:26:20,747 --> 00:26:21,748 [grunting] 388 00:26:26,170 --> 00:26:27,254 Unthink their minds. 389 00:26:36,638 --> 00:26:37,723 So the engagement's done. 390 00:26:38,348 --> 00:26:40,976 He suspected I was a danger. I needed to calm him. 391 00:26:41,643 --> 00:26:45,480 And as you've always said, being pulled closer to the throne has advantages. 392 00:26:46,481 --> 00:26:48,774 I learned the assassins definitely got into the bedchamber. 393 00:26:48,775 --> 00:26:52,237 They used razor swords, and the fresco behind the bed got spattered with blood. 394 00:26:52,238 --> 00:26:55,240 But he had dinner with us the following night. 395 00:26:55,241 --> 00:26:58,242 Is it possible? Perhaps he was replaced after all. 396 00:26:58,243 --> 00:27:01,079 Markley, we need to find out what happened in that room the day of the attempt. 397 00:27:01,080 --> 00:27:03,165 I promise you, Dominion, no one can get those recordings. 398 00:27:03,166 --> 00:27:05,918 Empire gets memory audits, just like concubines 399 00:27:05,919 --> 00:27:07,461 and others who work at the palace. 400 00:27:07,462 --> 00:27:08,712 And they're kept forever. 401 00:27:09,213 --> 00:27:11,590 Original downloads stored in a place called the Memorium. 402 00:27:11,591 --> 00:27:12,757 Can you get in? 403 00:27:12,758 --> 00:27:15,928 Yes. But memories of a Cleon? They'll never release those. 404 00:27:17,304 --> 00:27:18,889 Perhaps not Day's memories. 405 00:27:21,558 --> 00:27:23,977 But surely someone attended to his wounds. 406 00:27:29,274 --> 00:27:31,964 - Claviger? - Keeper Yartell. Order of Empire. 407 00:27:31,965 --> 00:27:34,654 Day wants a memory audit from the Asclepium. 408 00:27:34,655 --> 00:27:37,241 I have the date and time boundaries and the hoard number. 409 00:27:37,242 --> 00:27:38,325 Give it here. 410 00:27:41,578 --> 00:27:43,163 The assassination attempt. 411 00:27:45,499 --> 00:27:47,208 He should have these already. 412 00:27:47,209 --> 00:27:49,460 You know, I do hope somebody's keeping track of the orders. 413 00:27:49,461 --> 00:27:51,712 He's been tearing through everything we have of that date 414 00:27:51,713 --> 00:27:54,508 - down to third assistant cook. - I'm just doing what they told me. 415 00:27:54,509 --> 00:27:55,508 [sighs] 416 00:27:55,509 --> 00:27:57,803 [whirring, beeping] 417 00:28:03,308 --> 00:28:04,726 [whirring, beeping stop] 418 00:28:08,605 --> 00:28:09,605 Thank you, Keeper. 419 00:28:12,526 --> 00:28:14,611 I'm concerned, Demerzel. 420 00:28:15,195 --> 00:28:19,783 Are you saying only Day has the authority to alter his memories? 421 00:28:19,784 --> 00:28:23,620 That's correct. Or yours, or Dawn's. 422 00:28:24,788 --> 00:28:25,789 That can't be right. 423 00:28:28,125 --> 00:28:30,836 Surely we should hold authority in common. 424 00:28:31,503 --> 00:28:34,214 You once did. But in the aftermath of the attack, 425 00:28:34,215 --> 00:28:35,924 Day was suspicious of you both. 426 00:28:37,467 --> 00:28:40,304 But he saw all the scans. He knows we're innocent. He... 427 00:28:43,557 --> 00:28:44,558 Oh. 428 00:28:46,977 --> 00:28:50,731 And yet he's kept his new exclusive power hugged close to his chest. 429 00:28:55,235 --> 00:28:58,530 If Day excised memories from myself or Dawn, 430 00:29:00,407 --> 00:29:02,034 how would we ever know? 431 00:29:03,410 --> 00:29:05,746 Your memories are preserved in the Memorium. 432 00:29:06,622 --> 00:29:09,875 And even more complete, my memory's unalterable. 433 00:29:10,626 --> 00:29:13,128 So there are two backups if there is any question. 434 00:29:15,839 --> 00:29:17,424 But I wouldn't know to question. 435 00:29:20,177 --> 00:29:22,638 I wouldn't feel anything is missing. 436 00:29:23,430 --> 00:29:26,975 If Brother Day took such a drastic step, he would tell me. 437 00:29:27,768 --> 00:29:32,981 And as you know, I must at all times do what's best for Empire, not just Day. 438 00:29:34,149 --> 00:29:36,276 I would let you know, Brother Dusk. 439 00:29:37,277 --> 00:29:41,073 I will always be here, as I always have been. 440 00:29:42,991 --> 00:29:44,952 Brother Day takes a great deal upon himself. 441 00:29:56,922 --> 00:29:57,923 Thank you, Markley. 442 00:30:00,342 --> 00:30:01,343 Play it. 443 00:30:02,803 --> 00:30:05,138 If we can't see the sweep of the sword, let's see who it landed on 444 00:30:05,139 --> 00:30:06,682 and what they did about it. 445 00:30:11,103 --> 00:30:13,343 [Demerzel] A nanotoxin was delivered via molecular blade. 446 00:30:14,022 --> 00:30:17,025 We have 12 seconds before edema leads to brain stem death. 447 00:30:18,902 --> 00:30:20,153 [Day screaming] 448 00:30:20,737 --> 00:30:21,738 Give it to me. 449 00:30:22,739 --> 00:30:23,991 [Day grunting] 450 00:30:26,994 --> 00:30:28,911 - Half a head. - It's not possible. 451 00:30:28,912 --> 00:30:31,080 - That's Demerzel. - Is that a machine? I see machinery. 452 00:30:31,081 --> 00:30:33,250 Trantor had machine people, but that was millennia ago. 453 00:30:33,251 --> 00:30:34,458 All gone. Banned. None survived. 454 00:30:34,459 --> 00:30:37,421 I've touched her hand. It was warm and alive. 455 00:30:37,422 --> 00:30:39,088 [Rue] That's not blood. 456 00:30:39,089 --> 00:30:41,300 [Sareth] But whatever it is, it would surely spatter. 457 00:30:41,301 --> 00:30:42,885 She was in the bedroom with him. 458 00:30:45,804 --> 00:30:47,097 And she's a robot. 459 00:30:51,476 --> 00:30:56,231 [Dusk] I knew we'd end up here as soon as Day asked us to leave the throne room. 460 00:30:56,815 --> 00:31:02,279 He's making choices, sending out incendiary generals on missions. 461 00:31:02,863 --> 00:31:05,365 And now he's taken away this power. 462 00:31:07,868 --> 00:31:10,871 - Certainly not what he intended. - I've never talked to him. 463 00:31:11,747 --> 00:31:16,460 I haven't either. I never had the humility to admit I needed to. 464 00:31:18,086 --> 00:31:19,087 Let's see. 465 00:31:21,507 --> 00:31:24,718 [stammers] What if the corrections to our genome weren't enough 466 00:31:24,719 --> 00:31:26,220 to make our handprints match? 467 00:31:26,221 --> 00:31:27,304 Don't mention that. 468 00:31:28,639 --> 00:31:32,643 If he knows we're no longer made in his image, he will lower the ceiling on us. 469 00:31:34,061 --> 00:31:35,062 Now be quiet. 470 00:31:38,357 --> 00:31:39,983 Cleon, we stand before you. 471 00:31:40,567 --> 00:31:44,488 Sons, brothers, selves, to seek an audience with the august memory 472 00:31:44,489 --> 00:31:46,657 of the source of all that we are. 473 00:31:47,324 --> 00:31:51,870 Our hands tell our stories, and it is your story. 474 00:31:53,205 --> 00:31:56,291 Pray, hear our question. 475 00:31:58,544 --> 00:31:59,920 I bet it's my palm. 476 00:32:16,687 --> 00:32:20,399 I am the memory of Cleon I. Who addresses me? 477 00:32:21,483 --> 00:32:26,321 We do. The 16th and 18th exponents of your being. 478 00:32:27,197 --> 00:32:29,533 We thank you for our lives. 479 00:32:30,742 --> 00:32:32,744 Ask your question, Brothers. 480 00:32:33,328 --> 00:32:36,999 Brother Day has taken sole power to edit our memories, 481 00:32:37,749 --> 00:32:40,752 and we don't have the authority to even find out if he's done so. 482 00:32:40,753 --> 00:32:42,880 Is this in accord with your design? 483 00:32:43,463 --> 00:32:45,132 Squabbles amongst you, is it? 484 00:32:45,632 --> 00:32:47,217 He's taking too much power. 485 00:32:48,093 --> 00:32:52,764 The three sides of Empire are unbalanced. We need to recalibrate... 486 00:32:52,765 --> 00:32:53,849 Enough. 487 00:32:56,351 --> 00:32:57,977 You are one man. 488 00:32:57,978 --> 00:33:02,816 If you become divided, you dishonor me and what I devised. 489 00:33:02,817 --> 00:33:06,737 To be united is your natural state. 490 00:33:08,113 --> 00:33:12,034 To envy Day is to envy yourselves. 491 00:33:12,035 --> 00:33:14,452 Genetically we are identical. 492 00:33:14,453 --> 00:33:19,750 But in our temperaments we must account for variations. And this Day, 493 00:33:20,334 --> 00:33:25,463 he... he allows our domineering side to be o... 494 00:33:25,464 --> 00:33:30,302 I am aware of my own temperament and their many shades. 495 00:33:30,969 --> 00:33:32,804 They are accounted for. 496 00:33:33,514 --> 00:33:34,639 What do you mean? 497 00:33:34,640 --> 00:33:36,558 This is of no concern to you. 498 00:33:37,309 --> 00:33:38,310 How can you say that? 499 00:33:38,852 --> 00:33:41,939 Didn't you create this interface so we could ask you for your help? 500 00:33:42,564 --> 00:33:46,318 I am here to give you what you need. Nothing more. 501 00:33:49,154 --> 00:33:50,947 The dream lives on in you. 502 00:33:50,948 --> 00:33:53,784 Because you kept it alive in you. 503 00:34:00,082 --> 00:34:01,082 [sighs] 504 00:34:02,376 --> 00:34:06,421 Keeper, we want to see data on our memory hoard. 505 00:34:06,422 --> 00:34:09,298 Specifically, how big are our files? 506 00:34:09,299 --> 00:34:12,802 I was unaware Empire was interested in metadata. 507 00:34:12,803 --> 00:34:15,514 Uh, did you not find what you were looking for earlier? 508 00:34:17,056 --> 00:34:18,057 We did not. 509 00:34:18,058 --> 00:34:20,392 Right. Well, I'd have to look it up. 510 00:34:20,393 --> 00:34:24,022 While you're at it, fetch the same for all Cleons. 511 00:34:25,107 --> 00:34:27,671 We'll have something to compare. 512 00:34:27,672 --> 00:34:30,237 All? [stammers] Uh, how far down? 513 00:34:30,904 --> 00:34:33,407 All the way down. There have only been 18 of us. 514 00:34:33,408 --> 00:34:34,740 You can do it, man. 515 00:34:34,741 --> 00:34:37,159 I'll, um, need a moment. Please wait to my left. 516 00:34:40,121 --> 00:34:42,248 - Dumb insolence. - [chuckles] 517 00:34:42,249 --> 00:34:44,376 I ought to have his thumbs cut off. 518 00:34:45,168 --> 00:34:48,839 Do you get the feeling that we are not on top of the heap anymore around here? 519 00:34:50,549 --> 00:34:52,301 Do you think... [sighs] I mean... 520 00:34:52,926 --> 00:34:55,596 We're not in danger, are we? We are Empire. 521 00:34:58,098 --> 00:34:59,682 Do you remember who he was? 522 00:34:59,683 --> 00:35:01,685 [Dawn] Emperor Algren? Pre-Cleonic. 523 00:35:02,269 --> 00:35:05,501 [Dusk] Yes. Look at the brushstroke. Green on the neck. 524 00:35:05,502 --> 00:35:08,734 Added after he died, like a footnote. What's it symbolize? 525 00:35:09,860 --> 00:35:11,361 It's a graven stripe. 526 00:35:12,196 --> 00:35:17,826 It signifies a betrayer. A traitor. He was executed for high treason. 527 00:35:18,577 --> 00:35:21,496 We are multiple, but we are mortal. 528 00:35:22,414 --> 00:35:27,252 And I should've seen this coming. I should've seen all of this coming. 529 00:35:28,420 --> 00:35:29,630 And Day? 530 00:35:30,839 --> 00:35:35,928 Day was always going to write himself into history, one way or the other. 531 00:35:38,347 --> 00:35:39,556 And there were 532 00:35:41,225 --> 00:35:44,102 little conflicts in my reign 533 00:35:44,770 --> 00:35:47,105 that haven't happened for hundreds of years, 534 00:35:47,648 --> 00:35:49,650 and I didn't deal with one of them. 535 00:35:52,027 --> 00:35:54,779 Demerzel pacified the galaxy for me. 536 00:35:54,780 --> 00:35:58,033 But Day, even as a young boy, was ashamed of me for it. 537 00:35:59,326 --> 00:36:01,537 He asked, what will history call me? 538 00:36:03,121 --> 00:36:08,794 Certainly not peace bringer or conqueror or even betrayer. 539 00:36:17,010 --> 00:36:18,262 You're not dead yet. 540 00:36:18,263 --> 00:36:19,470 [chuckles] 541 00:36:19,471 --> 00:36:20,931 Your legacy isn't set. 542 00:36:21,974 --> 00:36:26,728 When a man is old, he doesn't care what he remembers. 543 00:36:28,021 --> 00:36:29,898 He cares how he's remembered. 544 00:36:31,066 --> 00:36:34,987 And at the end, we're all just memoriums. 545 00:36:35,529 --> 00:36:38,448 Perhaps Day did you a favor giving away your chair. 546 00:36:41,034 --> 00:36:42,995 Well, now you can have what I always wanted. 547 00:36:44,788 --> 00:36:45,998 What did you want? 548 00:36:46,582 --> 00:36:47,916 What every young man wants. 549 00:36:49,793 --> 00:36:50,794 A life. 550 00:36:52,713 --> 00:36:53,714 Love. 551 00:36:57,467 --> 00:36:58,677 [chuckles] 552 00:37:00,053 --> 00:37:01,930 I was so beautiful. 553 00:37:02,973 --> 00:37:04,140 [both chuckle] 554 00:37:04,141 --> 00:37:06,185 [clears throat] Empire. 555 00:37:09,479 --> 00:37:10,856 Leave us. 556 00:37:14,735 --> 00:37:15,736 Seventy-eight? 557 00:37:16,695 --> 00:37:19,531 My total cataphyls of memory. 558 00:37:19,532 --> 00:37:20,866 What's my number? 559 00:37:20,867 --> 00:37:23,452 Um, 29. 560 00:37:24,953 --> 00:37:26,580 Let's look at the rest of the Cleons. 561 00:37:27,080 --> 00:37:31,043 Eighty-nine, 87, 82, 562 00:37:31,627 --> 00:37:33,712 83, another 87. 563 00:37:35,172 --> 00:37:36,298 That's reassuring. 564 00:37:36,798 --> 00:37:41,887 Looks like I am on course to hit my average by the time I turn... 565 00:37:44,348 --> 00:37:45,724 - What? - What is it? 566 00:37:49,645 --> 00:37:52,814 Cleon I had 213 cataphyls of memory? 567 00:37:53,941 --> 00:37:56,109 Well, he was special. 568 00:37:57,528 --> 00:38:00,572 It makes sense he'd have a bigger range of life experience. 569 00:38:00,573 --> 00:38:01,657 It does. 570 00:38:03,116 --> 00:38:04,117 But that much bigger? 571 00:38:04,868 --> 00:38:06,495 Did he have that full of a life? 572 00:38:07,287 --> 00:38:10,207 Or is something missing from the rest of ours? 573 00:38:11,291 --> 00:38:12,292 What do we do? 574 00:38:13,794 --> 00:38:18,257 Absolutely nothing, until I can find us some leverage. 575 00:38:37,234 --> 00:38:38,234 Salvor? 576 00:38:38,235 --> 00:38:42,573 - [panting, sighs] You okay? - [Hari sighs] 577 00:38:42,574 --> 00:38:43,657 Physically? Fine. 578 00:38:44,908 --> 00:38:48,120 - Your instincts were right. - Well, hardly reassuring now, is it? 579 00:38:49,162 --> 00:38:50,246 They took my weapons. 580 00:38:50,247 --> 00:38:52,916 - Then we're prisoners. - Whose prisoners and where? 581 00:38:53,417 --> 00:38:55,502 Well, this all predates the Genetic Dynasty. 582 00:38:56,461 --> 00:39:01,049 Emperor Kandar V, his summer palace, probably left to rot by the Cleons. 583 00:39:01,550 --> 00:39:03,030 There are no guards. 584 00:39:03,031 --> 00:39:04,511 Strange for a prison. 585 00:39:05,095 --> 00:39:07,222 - Can you hear that? - [voices whispering indistinctly] 586 00:39:07,223 --> 00:39:08,515 We have to go that way. 587 00:39:08,516 --> 00:39:10,996 I can't hear anything. 588 00:39:10,997 --> 00:39:13,478 I do. Voices. Whispers. 589 00:39:18,984 --> 00:39:21,820 [voices whispering indistinctly] 590 00:39:21,821 --> 00:39:22,905 Coming from up there. 591 00:40:05,030 --> 00:40:09,450 I am Tellem Bond, seventh bodily incarnation of Pa'a, 592 00:40:09,451 --> 00:40:14,623 goddess of light, wisdom, flying creatures and the Second Chamber of Eternity. 593 00:40:15,290 --> 00:40:20,045 Pa'a greets you. Make her sign and declare yourself. 594 00:40:22,089 --> 00:40:28,387 Goddess, I am Hari Seldon of Streeling University. 595 00:40:28,971 --> 00:40:30,012 These are my colleagues. 596 00:40:30,013 --> 00:40:32,099 Can they not speak for themselves? 597 00:40:36,812 --> 00:40:38,689 Gaal Dornick of Synnax. 598 00:40:40,691 --> 00:40:41,858 Salvor. 599 00:40:41,859 --> 00:40:45,612 Welcome, Hari Seldon, Gaal Dornick 600 00:40:45,613 --> 00:40:49,366 and Salvor Hardin of Terminus. 601 00:40:49,367 --> 00:40:50,951 You are our guests. 602 00:40:51,451 --> 00:40:53,787 Offerings sometimes flow against the tide. 603 00:40:53,788 --> 00:40:56,874 Food, from a god to a man. 604 00:40:57,416 --> 00:40:59,585 Thank you for your hospitality, Goddess. 605 00:40:59,586 --> 00:41:01,044 How do we know it's safe to eat? 606 00:41:01,670 --> 00:41:05,924 I might've killed you as you slept. Would I wake you to poison you? 607 00:41:06,550 --> 00:41:08,969 [Salvor] Makes me wonder why you knocked us out in the first place. 608 00:41:08,970 --> 00:41:12,264 I am remote. I don't receive many visitors. 609 00:41:14,266 --> 00:41:18,896 I needed to know your intentions. But if it makes you feel imprisoned, 610 00:41:18,897 --> 00:41:20,647 does it make you feel safe? 611 00:41:20,648 --> 00:41:22,399 Makes me feel armed. 612 00:41:23,400 --> 00:41:26,153 You look hard upon a goddess, Hari Seldon of Streeling. 613 00:41:26,904 --> 00:41:30,449 Apologies. It's just that the sun shines so brightly above you. 614 00:41:31,575 --> 00:41:33,326 Pa'a is goddess of light. 615 00:41:33,327 --> 00:41:37,581 Indeed. And yet as brightly as the sun shines, 616 00:41:37,582 --> 00:41:39,416 you don't seem to be casting a shadow. 617 00:41:41,668 --> 00:41:44,713 Your incarnation isn't very carnate, Goddess. 618 00:41:45,297 --> 00:41:48,759 Whoever's in charge, please, could we end this charade? 619 00:41:54,223 --> 00:41:57,976 Ah. The real Tellem Bond, I presume? 620 00:41:58,477 --> 00:42:00,853 I thought you might be the one to notice. 621 00:42:00,854 --> 00:42:04,711 The mentally incomplete compensate with their other senses. 622 00:42:04,712 --> 00:42:08,570 Sorry, but I wanted to watch you without you watching back. 623 00:42:09,279 --> 00:42:12,699 Once you've spent time with us, you'll understand why we're so cautious. 624 00:42:14,409 --> 00:42:16,328 What brings you to our world? 625 00:42:17,329 --> 00:42:18,330 An instinct. 626 00:42:19,039 --> 00:42:20,248 [voices whispering indistinctly] 627 00:42:20,249 --> 00:42:22,876 It's almost like someone's calling to us. Can you hear that? 628 00:42:24,044 --> 00:42:25,045 Yes. 629 00:42:25,838 --> 00:42:28,548 You mean a voice? My voice. 630 00:42:28,549 --> 00:42:31,426 That's how it's supposed to work. We're a refuge, 631 00:42:31,427 --> 00:42:33,386 and you heard our welcome message. 632 00:42:33,387 --> 00:42:38,600 You two heard it because you're like us. You have all your senses. 633 00:42:38,601 --> 00:42:42,312 Some people call it mentallics, but I prefer "sighted." 634 00:42:42,938 --> 00:42:44,690 I was the first to arrive. 635 00:42:45,274 --> 00:42:50,112 I thought Ignis could serve as a haven for other sighted, so I called for them. 636 00:42:50,737 --> 00:42:55,993 Like a lighthouse to passing ships. But I'm borrowing your image. 637 00:42:55,994 --> 00:42:59,746 I always imagine iron filings drawn by a magnet. 638 00:43:00,539 --> 00:43:01,623 Or a moth to a flame. 639 00:43:03,083 --> 00:43:04,168 Not as deadly. 640 00:43:05,586 --> 00:43:12,050 Anyway, once we found each other, we were safe and strong. 641 00:43:13,260 --> 00:43:16,054 Telepaths of varying abilities and talents. 642 00:43:16,055 --> 00:43:18,849 The sad little goddess was you as a child. 643 00:43:19,433 --> 00:43:23,854 My abilities were misread as godhood, a mistake that almost cost my sanity. 644 00:43:23,855 --> 00:43:27,316 Do not worship children. It is not good for them. 645 00:43:28,150 --> 00:43:29,401 Most had it worse. 646 00:43:29,985 --> 00:43:34,823 Persecuted on our home worlds, they fled before they were killed. 647 00:43:36,658 --> 00:43:37,910 Look at Loron's burns. 648 00:43:42,206 --> 00:43:43,373 Josiah's scar. 649 00:43:45,209 --> 00:43:47,419 You know what that's like, don't you, Gaal? 650 00:43:48,170 --> 00:43:50,297 Running before they can kill you. 651 00:43:50,923 --> 00:43:53,342 I see the little scars, part of your escape. 652 00:43:54,676 --> 00:43:58,514 Is it ironic being sighted but unseen by your god? 653 00:43:59,223 --> 00:44:02,226 Well, I see you, even if your god can't. 654 00:44:03,352 --> 00:44:08,857 And you, standing on the cold edge of your community, desperately wanting to fit in. 655 00:44:09,358 --> 00:44:10,609 You're reading us. 656 00:44:11,235 --> 00:44:13,737 [sighs] Your minds are clear as water. 657 00:44:14,988 --> 00:44:18,408 The things you've lost. The people. 658 00:44:19,993 --> 00:44:23,372 I'm sorry we had to use the image of your man, Salvor. 659 00:44:24,414 --> 00:44:27,626 You know, you're a much more sentimental person than you let on. 660 00:44:28,377 --> 00:44:31,380 Yeah, he kissed me. Fuck you for that. 661 00:44:32,089 --> 00:44:35,967 I didn't think that was gonna happen. I'm sorry. 662 00:44:35,968 --> 00:44:39,930 [Tellem] But, you know, you're more angry about being called sentimental. 663 00:44:40,848 --> 00:44:41,849 I like you. 664 00:44:44,309 --> 00:44:48,897 You were the one pretending to be Raych, the one who was in my head. 665 00:44:49,815 --> 00:44:55,112 Hari Seldon is famous and famously dead and very hard to read. 666 00:44:56,196 --> 00:44:58,407 I needed you to think about your death and resurrection 667 00:44:58,408 --> 00:45:00,909 so I could try to understand what happened. 668 00:45:00,910 --> 00:45:02,995 So do you? What happened? 669 00:45:03,495 --> 00:45:07,416 No idea. Hari's very murky inside. 670 00:45:08,000 --> 00:45:09,835 But I can see you have a plan. 671 00:45:10,544 --> 00:45:14,214 And you think this place and my sighted are a part of it. 672 00:45:15,507 --> 00:45:18,844 That is correct. It is, and they are. 673 00:45:20,721 --> 00:45:23,098 Come to me tomorrow, and we will discuss it. 674 00:45:24,016 --> 00:45:26,894 It's stressful, having you all here, 675 00:45:27,811 --> 00:45:29,688 thinking so loudly. 676 00:45:30,981 --> 00:45:32,649 My people need to rest. 677 00:45:39,198 --> 00:45:42,201 How much did you read in my murk? 678 00:45:44,244 --> 00:45:45,245 Enough, dear. 679 00:45:54,421 --> 00:45:55,422 What is it? 680 00:45:56,798 --> 00:45:57,799 You mean this? 681 00:46:00,260 --> 00:46:01,970 Believe it's called the Prime Radiant. 682 00:46:02,471 --> 00:46:03,472 Yes, that's it. 683 00:46:05,516 --> 00:46:07,809 They were certainly trying hard not to think about it. 684 00:46:09,478 --> 00:46:11,355 I heard Hari tell Gaal to hide it. 685 00:46:12,147 --> 00:46:13,148 [chuckles] 686 00:46:19,571 --> 00:46:22,908 I will find it and break it. 687 00:46:25,077 --> 00:46:27,496 There's not going to be a Second Foundation.