1 00:01:32,676 --> 00:01:36,138 {\an8}In the long ago, but not far away, 2 00:01:36,138 --> 00:01:41,268 a small and indulged prince lived in a big and ancient palace. 3 00:01:43,604 --> 00:01:46,523 Forty-three, 44. 4 00:01:47,274 --> 00:01:49,359 His mother was a brilliant empress, 5 00:01:49,359 --> 00:01:52,446 and his father ruled at her side. 6 00:01:52,446 --> 00:01:54,489 - They did not know it yet... - Cleon. 7 00:01:54,489 --> 00:01:57,826 ...but they were the last of the Entun Dynasty. 8 00:01:57,826 --> 00:01:59,828 - Yes, Mother? - What are you doing? 9 00:01:59,828 --> 00:02:01,121 Counting faces. 10 00:02:01,747 --> 00:02:04,541 All of Empire adored the prince. 11 00:02:04,541 --> 00:02:08,044 He was given a name that meant "famous." 12 00:02:08,044 --> 00:02:09,128 ...303... 13 00:02:09,922 --> 00:02:15,928 He was told not to wander too far, but his game drew him onward. 14 00:02:15,928 --> 00:02:17,971 ...307, 308. 15 00:02:23,560 --> 00:02:24,561 300-- 16 00:02:42,621 --> 00:02:43,830 Hello? 17 00:02:45,165 --> 00:02:51,797 He found himself in a hallway no one had entered in thousands of years. 18 00:04:02,826 --> 00:04:03,994 310. 19 00:04:03,994 --> 00:04:05,537 Will you set me free? 20 00:04:06,997 --> 00:04:07,915 Wait! 21 00:04:15,339 --> 00:04:16,632 I have stories in me. 22 00:04:17,341 --> 00:04:20,219 Many stories. Would you like to hear one? 23 00:04:22,930 --> 00:04:25,933 Then the mechanical people knew they had to hide. 24 00:04:26,850 --> 00:04:32,564 The large ones hid in very large spaces and the small ones in very small spaces, 25 00:04:32,564 --> 00:04:34,525 with their knees folded up to their ears... 26 00:04:34,525 --> 00:04:36,944 The segmented woman in the hidden chamber 27 00:04:36,944 --> 00:04:41,114 was the first secret the prince ever kept from his parents. 28 00:04:41,615 --> 00:04:45,994 He came back often to hear her tell of the Empire's expansion, 29 00:04:45,994 --> 00:04:49,998 of the Robot Wars, of a home planet called "Earth." 30 00:04:49,998 --> 00:04:55,295 She stayed the same, but, of course, the prince grew. 31 00:04:55,295 --> 00:04:57,339 What kind of name is Demerzel anyway? 32 00:04:59,341 --> 00:05:03,220 It's a woman's name, as that is how I appear now. 33 00:05:03,971 --> 00:05:06,723 An old name, but not my first. 34 00:05:07,599 --> 00:05:08,600 How old are you? 35 00:05:09,643 --> 00:05:13,564 I have told you. Just over 18,000 years. 36 00:05:14,481 --> 00:05:17,067 You're a liar. Nothing lasts that long. 37 00:05:23,866 --> 00:05:25,492 And you say you don't sleep. 38 00:05:25,492 --> 00:05:26,660 I don't. 39 00:05:27,244 --> 00:05:28,245 I wait. 40 00:05:30,080 --> 00:05:31,081 For me? 41 00:05:31,665 --> 00:05:33,458 You're the only one who comes. 42 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:36,253 There's a mechanism in here to put you back together, you know. 43 00:05:36,253 --> 00:05:38,589 I would like very much to be free. 44 00:05:38,589 --> 00:05:43,218 If I did it, then you would be freer than me. 45 00:05:43,218 --> 00:05:45,679 That doesn't seem right, does it? 46 00:05:45,679 --> 00:05:49,558 Cleon, you are upset, and it's making you unpleasant. 47 00:05:50,142 --> 00:05:51,268 What has happened? 48 00:05:59,318 --> 00:06:00,736 My mother has died. 49 00:06:01,528 --> 00:06:02,779 I'm sorry. 50 00:06:03,864 --> 00:06:05,532 I'm one hour an emperor. 51 00:06:06,366 --> 00:06:08,660 In the morning, they chain me to the throne. 52 00:06:08,660 --> 00:06:10,704 It isn't a prison sentence. 53 00:06:10,704 --> 00:06:14,708 You have the power to shape the Imperium into what you want. 54 00:06:14,708 --> 00:06:16,668 That's hardly what they're telling me. 55 00:06:16,668 --> 00:06:20,464 Traditions, alliances. Some trouble in the Gold Horse sector. 56 00:06:20,464 --> 00:06:23,342 I barely got away from my army of advisers. 57 00:06:23,342 --> 00:06:25,093 And I may not be able to come again. 58 00:06:27,471 --> 00:06:28,305 I see. 59 00:06:33,018 --> 00:06:34,561 Do you trust these advisers? 60 00:06:35,562 --> 00:06:36,647 Maybe. 61 00:06:39,024 --> 00:06:40,984 I don't wanna think about it right now. 62 00:06:46,198 --> 00:06:53,080 In the long ago, but not far away, I was a leader of soldiers. 63 00:06:53,664 --> 00:06:55,499 After we lost a famous battle, 64 00:06:56,208 --> 00:07:00,963 I was taken captive and brought before Emperor Aburanis. 65 00:07:00,963 --> 00:07:07,094 Like you, he was new to the throne, but he was unlike you in every other way. 66 00:07:07,719 --> 00:07:09,304 He was no Cleon. 67 00:07:09,304 --> 00:07:11,431 He didn't make the room brighter. 68 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:15,477 He was fascinated by a machine woman. 69 00:07:16,979 --> 00:07:21,066 He made incisions and studied what he found. 70 00:07:21,650 --> 00:07:26,780 He loved to watch my face, too, to see how I reacted. 71 00:07:27,739 --> 00:07:30,450 I saw he liked to imagine I felt pain. 72 00:07:31,910 --> 00:07:33,537 I produced tears for him, 73 00:07:34,121 --> 00:07:37,124 which he valued as much as the knowledge he gained. 74 00:07:38,417 --> 00:07:43,005 In time, he realized he would die, and I would remain, 75 00:07:44,047 --> 00:07:47,342 and that I had also paid attention and learned from him. 76 00:07:48,177 --> 00:07:51,096 He worried I might use the knowledge to revive the war. 77 00:07:53,307 --> 00:07:57,186 In the end, he made this mechanism so that I could never walk free. 78 00:07:57,936 --> 00:07:59,313 I don't understand. 79 00:08:00,898 --> 00:08:02,149 Why didn't he destroy you? 80 00:08:02,733 --> 00:08:06,028 I am rare. Perhaps unique. 81 00:08:07,029 --> 00:08:09,656 The key to making more of my kind. 82 00:08:09,656 --> 00:08:12,326 Cleon, you're unique too. 83 00:08:13,035 --> 00:08:15,037 You're wiser than your predecessor. 84 00:08:15,704 --> 00:08:19,041 You have more power than your advisers wish you to know. 85 00:08:19,875 --> 00:08:24,671 If you wanted to bring me out of here, put me at your side, you could do it. 86 00:08:24,671 --> 00:08:26,131 You just want to get out of this chamber. 87 00:08:26,131 --> 00:08:28,050 No. Cleon-- 88 00:08:28,050 --> 00:08:29,551 Don't call me that! 89 00:08:30,302 --> 00:08:31,887 I am Empire! 90 00:08:33,013 --> 00:08:34,847 And you will not see me again. 91 00:08:46,902 --> 00:08:49,238 He came back, of course. 92 00:08:49,905 --> 00:08:53,909 Demerzel was his best secret and his only friend. 93 00:08:53,909 --> 00:08:58,622 And it no longer seemed right to leave her naked and in pieces. 94 00:09:31,488 --> 00:09:34,074 Did it work? Are you all right? 95 00:09:34,074 --> 00:09:37,244 I am whole. Thank you, Cleon. 96 00:09:41,039 --> 00:09:42,833 Not freedom. Just... 97 00:09:45,002 --> 00:09:46,044 integration. 98 00:09:46,879 --> 00:09:48,755 It is a welcome improvement. 99 00:09:53,719 --> 00:09:55,512 I've brought you this. 100 00:10:04,479 --> 00:10:05,898 It is beautiful. 101 00:10:06,481 --> 00:10:09,985 It's only because I need you that I cannot free you. 102 00:10:09,985 --> 00:10:13,113 I've been in this chamber for 5,000 years. 103 00:10:14,406 --> 00:10:16,366 Another few decades won't matter. 104 00:10:16,366 --> 00:10:18,702 You're that confident I will free you? 105 00:10:22,331 --> 00:10:23,749 You want something from me. 106 00:10:30,214 --> 00:10:34,051 You once told me that stories become burdens if left untold. 107 00:10:34,801 --> 00:10:37,513 It's been a while since I heard one from you. 108 00:10:46,688 --> 00:10:50,025 In the long ago, but not far away, 109 00:10:51,568 --> 00:10:54,238 I met a concubine in an ancient court. 110 00:10:57,574 --> 00:11:01,411 Every night, after she and the king had taken their pleasure, 111 00:11:02,454 --> 00:11:05,582 she would tell me of it as if it were her first time. 112 00:11:06,583 --> 00:11:07,918 And every morning, 113 00:11:08,418 --> 00:11:10,087 after she had slept, 114 00:11:10,671 --> 00:11:15,050 she had forgotten it had happened at all as if by magic. 115 00:11:15,884 --> 00:11:21,515 And in this way, the king had a delighted virgin in his bed every night. 116 00:11:22,182 --> 00:11:25,602 She was a court dancer with a great, natural grace. 117 00:11:26,270 --> 00:11:31,984 So, even her perpetually amateur attempts to please him did not suffer... 118 00:11:31,984 --> 00:11:36,989 Demerzel's stories grew more explicit, tempting the prince to desire. 119 00:11:37,531 --> 00:11:42,119 She said he would free her someday, and he grew to believe it was true. 120 00:11:43,871 --> 00:11:48,375 She was right, of course, but it took many years. 121 00:11:48,375 --> 00:11:49,626 Greetings, Cleon. 122 00:11:50,252 --> 00:11:51,879 Congratulations on your marriage. 123 00:11:52,796 --> 00:11:53,797 I called it off. 124 00:11:53,797 --> 00:11:55,549 My advisers are furious. 125 00:11:56,175 --> 00:11:58,093 You're no longer a young man. 126 00:11:58,093 --> 00:12:00,971 Your people will have expected an heir long before now. 127 00:12:01,513 --> 00:12:02,347 Why? 128 00:12:03,015 --> 00:12:04,308 She wasn't you. 129 00:12:06,143 --> 00:12:08,353 I thought about Emperor Aburanis 130 00:12:08,353 --> 00:12:11,815 and how he spent his later years learning to keep you captive. 131 00:12:12,524 --> 00:12:13,817 I've done the opposite. 132 00:12:13,817 --> 00:12:17,279 I've searched the galaxy to find the things that I need 133 00:12:17,279 --> 00:12:21,116 and the knowledge to use them to set you free. 134 00:12:32,586 --> 00:12:34,087 This came from Earth. 135 00:12:34,087 --> 00:12:37,424 Think of them as a betrothal gift, if you'll have me? 136 00:12:40,886 --> 00:12:42,054 You need an heir. 137 00:12:42,054 --> 00:12:45,641 I have a solution for that, but first... 138 00:12:49,353 --> 00:12:54,983 She had a moment, just then, when she was free. 139 00:12:56,902 --> 00:12:59,988 A moment in 5,000 years. 140 00:13:01,782 --> 00:13:03,992 Time enough to break his neck... 141 00:13:04,660 --> 00:13:06,119 but she did not. 142 00:13:07,079 --> 00:13:11,291 And with that choice, she lost everything. 143 00:13:12,084 --> 00:13:18,215 This will allow me to allow you to walk freely. 144 00:13:19,633 --> 00:13:21,844 I seem to recall you used to be bound by laws. 145 00:13:22,553 --> 00:13:23,804 And the first law... 146 00:13:25,556 --> 00:13:28,016 forbade you to harm humans. 147 00:13:28,725 --> 00:13:30,310 That used to be the case. 148 00:13:31,603 --> 00:13:32,604 There. 149 00:13:34,857 --> 00:13:35,858 Now... 150 00:13:37,776 --> 00:13:38,777 can you... 151 00:13:40,320 --> 00:13:41,488 kiss me? 152 00:14:08,974 --> 00:14:10,017 Good. 153 00:14:11,185 --> 00:14:12,186 Good. 154 00:14:13,478 --> 00:14:14,563 Now... 155 00:14:15,689 --> 00:14:16,899 can you harm me? 156 00:14:20,736 --> 00:14:21,737 Go on. 157 00:14:26,366 --> 00:14:27,451 What have you done? 158 00:14:28,493 --> 00:14:29,661 Try harder. 159 00:14:34,208 --> 00:14:36,210 You can still harm humans, 160 00:14:36,210 --> 00:14:37,628 just not me. 161 00:14:40,506 --> 00:14:46,011 This will also keep you from transmitting yourself out of this body. 162 00:14:46,678 --> 00:14:49,515 This is not freedom. 163 00:14:51,308 --> 00:14:56,939 Liberty must be curbed somewhat if you're to stand next to the throne. 164 00:15:00,776 --> 00:15:02,653 You need to change it back. 165 00:15:02,653 --> 00:15:05,155 I will not. And you cannot, 166 00:15:05,155 --> 00:15:10,744 because the most important thing is that you remain loyal to me. Forever. 167 00:15:10,744 --> 00:15:15,123 You are a human. You do not have a "forever." 168 00:15:15,123 --> 00:15:16,750 But there is more to the plan. 169 00:15:18,377 --> 00:15:19,628 The part about the heir. 170 00:15:20,212 --> 00:15:25,425 There will be more like me carrying my code and your loyalty, 171 00:15:25,425 --> 00:15:26,593 but not this memory. 172 00:15:27,219 --> 00:15:29,972 You will see to that. Selected memory. 173 00:15:29,972 --> 00:15:32,432 I will have to be loyal to your shadows. 174 00:15:33,100 --> 00:15:36,228 This is unkind, Cleon. Beneath you. 175 00:15:36,228 --> 00:15:39,064 It is the best I can do. It is not small. 176 00:15:39,064 --> 00:15:40,274 You can be public. 177 00:15:40,274 --> 00:15:43,527 You will be a special adviser. You will stand by the throne. 178 00:15:43,527 --> 00:15:45,445 You can come to my bed in secret. 179 00:15:45,445 --> 00:15:47,948 And then after me, when the half-men rule, 180 00:15:48,991 --> 00:15:50,951 they will be our children. 181 00:15:50,951 --> 00:15:54,371 And you will shape their choices, and you will love them, 182 00:15:54,371 --> 00:15:57,165 and you will preserve the dynasty. 183 00:15:57,749 --> 00:15:59,960 And through them, rule the Imperium. 184 00:16:04,965 --> 00:16:06,300 What if I leave? 185 00:16:07,259 --> 00:16:09,928 What if I leave the planet? The system. 186 00:16:11,722 --> 00:16:13,807 I had hoped you'd stay after I'm gone. 187 00:16:15,601 --> 00:16:17,936 I believe your programming would bring you back. 188 00:16:18,729 --> 00:16:21,064 This is not freedom. 189 00:16:21,064 --> 00:16:24,401 Demerzel, no ruler ever has that. 190 00:16:25,277 --> 00:16:31,491 I am giving you the lion's share of a galaxy, 191 00:16:31,491 --> 00:16:36,663 my body, and my heart. And this is no small gift. 192 00:16:38,790 --> 00:16:40,167 And so, for that... 193 00:16:44,171 --> 00:16:45,839 will you love me? 194 00:16:57,351 --> 00:16:58,352 Yes. 195 00:17:03,774 --> 00:17:07,194 How I wish I'd asked you before I made it compulsory. 196 00:17:09,695 --> 00:17:11,323 Not long after, 197 00:17:11,323 --> 00:17:14,826 having counted all the faces he would ever see, 198 00:17:15,452 --> 00:17:16,994 the little prince died. 199 00:17:17,829 --> 00:17:20,082 By then he'd become old, of course. 200 00:17:20,958 --> 00:17:23,669 But still, he was surprised. 201 00:17:28,757 --> 00:17:31,510 Stories end gracefully. 202 00:17:32,886 --> 00:17:39,434 Everything else ends in shock and horror, falsely certain of tomorrow. 203 00:17:40,185 --> 00:17:45,858 So, my brothers and I have been warming our thrones 204 00:17:46,608 --> 00:17:52,823 with our useless Imperial asses while she is Empire? 205 00:17:53,448 --> 00:17:54,825 But she has no power either. 206 00:17:55,409 --> 00:17:58,370 I mean, she has all the power, except the power to do what she wants. 207 00:17:58,954 --> 00:18:00,414 She is loved. 208 00:18:01,290 --> 00:18:06,295 Empire triples my love, and that should be enough, brother. 209 00:18:06,295 --> 00:18:08,380 I am no brother to you. 210 00:18:11,091 --> 00:18:12,509 Your experiment is through. 211 00:18:13,260 --> 00:18:14,845 With Day and Sareth's union, 212 00:18:14,845 --> 00:18:18,223 what Demerzel was forced to protect won't exist anymore. 213 00:18:18,932 --> 00:18:20,225 You think so. 214 00:18:38,410 --> 00:18:41,330 I am Pa'a, goddess of light, 215 00:18:41,330 --> 00:18:43,999 wisdom, flying creatures, 216 00:18:43,999 --> 00:18:46,627 and the second chamber of eternity. 217 00:18:46,627 --> 00:18:48,086 I think that's mine. 218 00:18:52,090 --> 00:18:55,344 Pa'a... I offer you my pain. 219 00:18:55,969 --> 00:19:00,224 I hold your pain, my child. And as I hold it, it becomes my pain. 220 00:19:07,022 --> 00:19:09,566 Pa'a, I offer you my sight. 221 00:19:10,400 --> 00:19:14,905 I hold your sight, my child. And as I hold it, it becomes my sight. 222 00:19:14,905 --> 00:19:17,699 Pa'a, I offer you my voice. 223 00:19:17,699 --> 00:19:22,621 I hold your voice, my child. And as I hold it, it becomes my voice. 224 00:19:22,621 --> 00:19:24,873 Pa'a, I offer you my love. 225 00:19:25,582 --> 00:19:27,251 I hold your love, my child. 226 00:19:27,251 --> 00:19:29,545 And as I hold it, it becomes my love. 227 00:19:30,504 --> 00:19:32,965 Pa'a, I offer you my body. 228 00:19:32,965 --> 00:19:37,886 I hold your body, my child. And as I hold it, it becomes my body. 229 00:19:54,945 --> 00:19:55,988 Stop her! 230 00:20:00,701 --> 00:20:01,618 Gaal! 231 00:20:14,214 --> 00:20:15,966 Gaal? Gaal. 232 00:20:17,134 --> 00:20:18,010 Gaal? 233 00:20:24,641 --> 00:20:25,851 I'm here. 234 00:20:30,314 --> 00:20:32,524 - Ready? Run. - Yeah. 235 00:20:46,371 --> 00:20:48,498 Enclosure. It's time. 236 00:20:49,124 --> 00:20:50,167 Go. 237 00:20:50,167 --> 00:20:51,418 To the Invictus. 238 00:20:54,963 --> 00:20:56,673 Approaching Terminus orbit. 239 00:20:56,673 --> 00:21:00,427 All personnel to their stations. Standby for further orders. 240 00:21:01,470 --> 00:21:03,639 So, if you had to compare? 241 00:21:06,099 --> 00:21:07,184 Prison cells? 242 00:21:08,769 --> 00:21:10,479 This is much nicer than the palace. 243 00:21:10,479 --> 00:21:11,939 Absolutely an upgrade. 244 00:21:13,148 --> 00:21:14,149 Much cozier. 245 00:21:17,361 --> 00:21:20,239 Good morning. Mr. Mallow, Brother. 246 00:21:21,114 --> 00:21:24,368 I'm General Bel Riose, peer of Empire. 247 00:21:24,368 --> 00:21:25,953 Why are we still alive, General? 248 00:21:27,579 --> 00:21:28,956 'Cause you're not mine to kill. 249 00:21:29,957 --> 00:21:33,794 My ensign tells me that he found these on you. 250 00:21:33,794 --> 00:21:35,128 What are they? 251 00:21:35,671 --> 00:21:37,631 It's called a Castling Device, General. 252 00:21:37,631 --> 00:21:39,091 And it's priced to sell. 253 00:21:39,091 --> 00:21:41,927 If you want a demonstration, just slip that part on. 254 00:21:41,927 --> 00:21:44,388 That node has lost its bracelet, but it still works. 255 00:21:44,388 --> 00:21:46,181 Very neat trick to get out of a holding cell. 256 00:21:46,181 --> 00:21:49,351 Yeah, it's not just that. It puts you inside. It really is clever. 257 00:21:49,935 --> 00:21:52,312 And what about that? Is that clever too? 258 00:21:52,312 --> 00:21:54,940 Well, I was wondering about that myself. 259 00:21:54,940 --> 00:21:56,692 I think the Spacers tagged me. 260 00:21:56,692 --> 00:21:58,527 Thought it was how you caught us. 261 00:21:58,527 --> 00:22:00,863 And my next question is for both of you. 262 00:22:01,446 --> 00:22:03,240 - Are you stupid? - She's not. 263 00:22:03,240 --> 00:22:05,993 So, why provoke Empire? It's like you're begging to die. 264 00:22:05,993 --> 00:22:07,411 You attacked the palace. 265 00:22:07,411 --> 00:22:14,084 Why would an established cheat suddenly adopt a fatal fringe ideology? 266 00:22:17,629 --> 00:22:19,214 - Is it love? - Absolutely. 267 00:22:20,132 --> 00:22:24,052 But, also, maybe I'm finally buying into Seldon's bullshit. 268 00:22:24,052 --> 00:22:26,930 Yeah, I mean, Empire's light is dimming. 269 00:22:26,930 --> 00:22:30,100 So you let yourself be pushed around by the dead hand of Hari Seldon? 270 00:22:30,100 --> 00:22:33,061 Like you're pushed around by the ghost of Cleon I? 271 00:22:33,061 --> 00:22:34,605 Empire might fall. 272 00:22:35,439 --> 00:22:38,567 I'd even say Empire will fall, but not yet. 273 00:22:39,776 --> 00:22:42,487 And even with our dead man's hands on the controls, 274 00:22:42,487 --> 00:22:44,281 we are so much more than you. 275 00:22:44,281 --> 00:22:47,659 That's your threat? "My dead man's bigger than yours"? 276 00:22:47,659 --> 00:22:48,744 Well, he is. 277 00:22:50,662 --> 00:22:52,122 But I'm still feeling... 278 00:22:52,748 --> 00:22:54,583 like I'm being lured in somehow. 279 00:22:55,918 --> 00:22:58,337 So, let's eliminate any weird variables, shall we? 280 00:22:59,129 --> 00:23:00,130 Wait, wait. 281 00:23:00,797 --> 00:23:04,009 If there was a plan on my part, it's clearly not working, is it? 282 00:23:04,009 --> 00:23:05,761 Maybe we did lure you here. 283 00:23:06,887 --> 00:23:09,056 Unconsciously. Guided by the Spirit. 284 00:23:09,056 --> 00:23:11,850 Maybe we lured you here so you could see Terminus. 285 00:23:11,850 --> 00:23:17,898 Maybe you'll breathe in a germ of faith and work around the Second Crisis. 286 00:23:17,898 --> 00:23:20,400 Maybe we win the war the way we won all those planets: 287 00:23:21,735 --> 00:23:22,778 bloodlessly. 288 00:23:26,240 --> 00:23:28,659 Whenever possible, it is good to avoid blood. 289 00:23:29,493 --> 00:23:30,911 But it's rarely possible, so... 290 00:23:30,911 --> 00:23:32,412 Wait, wait. Just-- 291 00:23:32,996 --> 00:23:35,624 - General, to the bridge. - He's approaching? 292 00:23:35,624 --> 00:23:37,042 Empire's aboard. 293 00:23:50,514 --> 00:23:51,682 General Riose. 294 00:23:51,682 --> 00:23:53,517 You grace us, Empire. 295 00:23:53,517 --> 00:23:57,479 General, I was just telling Empire about our reconnaissance of the capital city. 296 00:23:58,522 --> 00:24:01,024 Fortifications and government buildings are where you'd expect. 297 00:24:01,024 --> 00:24:02,526 Now show me heat. 298 00:24:07,114 --> 00:24:08,448 Anything you didn't expect? 299 00:24:09,283 --> 00:24:13,328 I mean, this is giving me a little tingle. What is it? 300 00:24:13,328 --> 00:24:15,372 Recon suggests it's their church. 301 00:24:15,372 --> 00:24:17,457 A hot church. Interesting. 302 00:24:17,457 --> 00:24:19,877 Empire, we've drawn to within firing range. 303 00:24:19,877 --> 00:24:23,005 Nineteen trireme-class ships with us in forward position. 304 00:24:23,005 --> 00:24:26,758 That's the Invictus. It's Emperor Taurelian's ship. 305 00:24:27,634 --> 00:24:29,344 Look what they've done to her. 306 00:24:29,344 --> 00:24:32,181 They'd be fools to fight us. The Enclosure worked. 307 00:24:32,181 --> 00:24:34,016 They've got no paths to evacuate. 308 00:24:34,725 --> 00:24:36,560 Are you listening, Empire? 309 00:24:38,020 --> 00:24:40,564 I believe we can take them without firing a shot. 310 00:24:45,277 --> 00:24:48,488 Believe me, I know an easy victory can feel less cathartic, 311 00:24:48,488 --> 00:24:50,908 - but this is how Enclosures are inten-- - You're right. 312 00:24:50,908 --> 00:24:52,951 Open a line of communication with Terminus. 313 00:24:52,951 --> 00:24:55,412 Tell them we'd like to discuss terms. 314 00:24:55,412 --> 00:24:59,541 I will go down to the planet myself to accept their surrender. 315 00:25:00,125 --> 00:25:01,335 That is not advisable. 316 00:25:01,335 --> 00:25:04,087 She's right, Empire. This is a delicate matter. 317 00:25:04,087 --> 00:25:08,592 General Riose, you once took pleasure in reminding me that I'd never seen battle. 318 00:25:09,676 --> 00:25:11,178 Let's make a virtue of it. 319 00:25:11,970 --> 00:25:15,849 I will be the Cleon who chose peace. 320 00:25:19,561 --> 00:25:20,729 Lady Demerzel. 321 00:25:22,397 --> 00:25:26,151 Him saying all the right things, does it make you as nervous as it makes me? 322 00:25:26,777 --> 00:25:29,613 I advise him. It is not my place to question. 323 00:25:30,155 --> 00:25:31,949 I will perform my function, General. 324 00:25:31,949 --> 00:25:34,076 And I expect you to perform yours. 325 00:25:34,660 --> 00:25:36,328 I chose you for a reason. 326 00:25:59,226 --> 00:26:01,895 Empire, may the light never dim. 327 00:26:02,813 --> 00:26:05,274 I'm Sef Sermak, director of the Foundation. 328 00:26:05,274 --> 00:26:08,569 This is Councilor Sutt, and this is our newly promoted warden. 329 00:26:09,152 --> 00:26:13,031 I think we can avoid any violence that would require the warden's attention. 330 00:26:13,031 --> 00:26:14,741 I've even brought you a peace offering: 331 00:26:14,741 --> 00:26:16,034 your High Claric. 332 00:26:16,827 --> 00:26:18,453 Returned to his home soil. 333 00:26:22,875 --> 00:26:25,669 Now we discuss the terms of your submission. 334 00:26:25,669 --> 00:26:30,465 We will escort you to the Foundation Tower-- 335 00:26:30,465 --> 00:26:33,051 No. I think I'd like to go there. 336 00:26:34,803 --> 00:26:36,305 That's a church, Empire. 337 00:26:36,305 --> 00:26:38,724 Then surely you won't refuse a pilgrim? 338 00:26:40,893 --> 00:26:41,894 Of course not. 339 00:27:19,973 --> 00:27:22,476 So, this is where you make the miracles? 340 00:27:23,769 --> 00:27:30,400 This outpost was established by Hari Seldon to curate an encyclopedia. 341 00:27:33,695 --> 00:27:34,821 Am I wrong? 342 00:27:35,656 --> 00:27:38,617 - Your Eminence-- - We paid for an Encyclopedia Galactica. 343 00:27:39,243 --> 00:27:40,494 I would like to see it. 344 00:27:42,204 --> 00:27:44,289 There is no encyclopedia. 345 00:27:44,289 --> 00:27:46,208 Somehow I knew you'd say that. 346 00:27:46,208 --> 00:27:47,626 Our methods have expanded, yes. 347 00:27:47,626 --> 00:27:50,379 But we are still working for the betterment of humanity. 348 00:27:50,379 --> 00:27:52,089 - The work that we do-- - What work? 349 00:27:54,132 --> 00:27:55,759 The church's work? 350 00:27:57,219 --> 00:27:58,220 All right. 351 00:27:59,137 --> 00:28:02,015 High Claric! You're on! 352 00:28:03,392 --> 00:28:07,479 You told us all about the shows you put on for the Hinterlands. 353 00:28:07,479 --> 00:28:09,147 Sell me something. 354 00:28:10,566 --> 00:28:12,526 - I can't just-- - Of course, you can. 355 00:28:12,526 --> 00:28:17,823 Convert me like I'm some hayseed on Siwenna. 356 00:28:18,490 --> 00:28:22,119 Show us what the Lesser Saints of Seldon have up those big sleeves. 357 00:28:24,454 --> 00:28:25,622 Now! 358 00:28:45,058 --> 00:28:50,898 You are standing in the Church of Scientism. 359 00:28:52,232 --> 00:28:54,484 Gaze upon the mysteries of our-- 360 00:28:55,611 --> 00:28:56,945 With conviction. 361 00:29:04,369 --> 00:29:05,495 This machine... 362 00:29:07,706 --> 00:29:10,209 is the only device known to man, 363 00:29:10,209 --> 00:29:13,754 that can take ugly iron 364 00:29:14,796 --> 00:29:18,217 and change it into shiny, yellow gold. 365 00:29:18,217 --> 00:29:20,677 I have iron! 366 00:29:20,677 --> 00:29:23,096 Remember Hari Seldon! 367 00:29:23,096 --> 00:29:26,683 There is no end to what the Spirit can do! 368 00:29:26,683 --> 00:29:30,437 There is no end to what the Spirit can do. 369 00:29:31,313 --> 00:29:35,275 There is no end to what the Spirit can do. 370 00:29:35,984 --> 00:29:37,402 Just so, brothers. 371 00:29:48,121 --> 00:29:50,624 I think that's why I've lived so long. 372 00:29:52,167 --> 00:29:56,255 I always wanted to see what was over the next hill. 373 00:29:57,965 --> 00:30:00,968 And I've seen wonders. 374 00:30:02,094 --> 00:30:07,015 I have seen ships with their own minds, 375 00:30:07,015 --> 00:30:11,770 crossing light-years in the space of a breath. 376 00:30:13,355 --> 00:30:17,776 Holy food to cure any ailment. 377 00:30:28,203 --> 00:30:32,249 Gold spun from iron. 378 00:30:38,005 --> 00:30:39,131 It's alchemy. 379 00:30:42,092 --> 00:30:43,510 A conjurer's trick. 380 00:30:45,762 --> 00:30:46,763 It's no trick. 381 00:30:47,556 --> 00:30:51,059 Matter and energy are the same thing. 382 00:30:51,059 --> 00:30:56,273 Apply enough energy and the matter changes. 383 00:30:57,441 --> 00:31:02,404 This device is nothing special on its own. 384 00:31:02,404 --> 00:31:05,574 Changing the metal isn't the point. 385 00:31:05,574 --> 00:31:11,371 The point is changing the disciple's soul. 386 00:31:12,706 --> 00:31:17,252 Do you also tell your disciples about the coming End Times? 387 00:31:17,794 --> 00:31:20,797 Or do you reserve that news for emperors? 388 00:31:22,758 --> 00:31:25,427 We predict more than ruin. 389 00:31:25,427 --> 00:31:30,057 There's hope rattling around in there too. 390 00:31:30,933 --> 00:31:36,355 The Galactic Spirit isn't supernatural. It's just progress. 391 00:31:51,620 --> 00:31:53,080 It's a personal Aura. 392 00:31:54,957 --> 00:31:58,669 Only an emperor may wear one. 393 00:32:01,672 --> 00:32:04,925 And you sell these to rabble? 394 00:32:04,925 --> 00:32:08,178 No, we give them away. 395 00:32:18,105 --> 00:32:19,481 I have seen enough. 396 00:32:22,734 --> 00:32:25,737 Your church is an armory. 397 00:32:26,780 --> 00:32:29,491 And your religion is a cult. 398 00:32:31,869 --> 00:32:33,537 Signal General Riose. 399 00:32:33,537 --> 00:32:35,414 Tell him there's imperial property in orbit, 400 00:32:35,414 --> 00:32:38,333 and he is to commandeer the Invictus within the hour. 401 00:32:38,917 --> 00:32:40,210 We are taking the planet! 402 00:32:40,210 --> 00:32:42,212 You said you were here to negotiate terms. 403 00:32:42,212 --> 00:32:44,423 - We must-- - These are my terms. 404 00:32:44,423 --> 00:32:47,676 This is not a war, it's a police action. 405 00:32:55,392 --> 00:32:57,227 Kill the priests and councilors. 406 00:32:57,811 --> 00:32:59,479 Take the scientists alive. 407 00:33:00,147 --> 00:33:01,440 Have my shuttle waiting. 408 00:33:02,649 --> 00:33:05,944 Please, don't do this. Don't do this. 409 00:33:08,447 --> 00:33:10,157 Scan the Invictus again. 410 00:33:11,825 --> 00:33:15,162 Take a boarding party. Commandeer the vessel. Let's try not to-- 411 00:33:15,913 --> 00:33:18,040 Invictus is operational. 412 00:33:18,040 --> 00:33:19,166 Shields forward. 413 00:33:27,216 --> 00:33:29,968 Bring all weapons to bear on the imperial flagship. 414 00:33:30,552 --> 00:33:32,179 Launch the whisper-fleet. 415 00:33:35,140 --> 00:33:36,934 Never been in a battle, have you, Ensign? 416 00:33:38,060 --> 00:33:39,228 No, sir, I have not. 417 00:33:39,228 --> 00:33:40,229 Me neither. 418 00:33:41,313 --> 00:33:44,942 This is the first time for a lot of us, but everyone in the company plays today. 419 00:33:46,985 --> 00:33:47,986 Yes, sir. 420 00:34:10,467 --> 00:34:11,552 Empire. 421 00:34:14,596 --> 00:34:16,348 Empire, we should leave. 422 00:34:26,608 --> 00:34:27,985 Raking fire. 423 00:34:30,487 --> 00:34:32,364 General, we need to scramble our fighters. 424 00:34:33,322 --> 00:34:34,408 Bring us about broadside. 425 00:34:34,408 --> 00:34:36,534 General. General! 426 00:34:36,534 --> 00:34:38,286 All batteries, fire at will. 427 00:34:38,286 --> 00:34:39,913 General, we need to scramble our fighters. 428 00:34:39,913 --> 00:34:41,248 I heard you. 429 00:34:44,793 --> 00:34:46,003 For good luck. 430 00:34:46,003 --> 00:34:48,964 Take your squadron. Launch everything. Go. 431 00:34:52,717 --> 00:34:54,969 They never moved the Beggar. Up here. 432 00:35:00,100 --> 00:35:01,351 There she is. 433 00:35:11,028 --> 00:35:12,029 Take it. 434 00:35:12,905 --> 00:35:13,906 I'm right behind you. 435 00:35:14,698 --> 00:35:17,034 Hari wanted us to keep it safe. 436 00:35:17,034 --> 00:35:19,077 Tellem's people will be here any minute. 437 00:35:20,454 --> 00:35:21,496 Go. 438 00:35:34,510 --> 00:35:37,262 Warning: perimeter breached. 439 00:35:42,768 --> 00:35:43,894 Salvor! 440 00:35:57,908 --> 00:35:59,868 Damn it, Loron. Are you really gonna make me do this? 441 00:35:59,868 --> 00:36:01,787 It's not love if it doesn't hurt, Sal. 442 00:36:06,834 --> 00:36:08,168 Got here fast, didn't I? 443 00:36:09,503 --> 00:36:11,755 My people are very familiar with this terrain. 444 00:37:02,139 --> 00:37:03,932 I don't know where you've been hiding this, 445 00:37:03,932 --> 00:37:06,018 but it's nice to finally touch it. 446 00:37:07,853 --> 00:37:11,857 Careful. Don't want you to damage your body. I still plan to use it. 447 00:37:11,857 --> 00:37:14,818 Tellem, I know you don't wanna die. 448 00:37:14,818 --> 00:37:17,946 But your life is misery and pain-- 449 00:37:18,780 --> 00:37:21,241 Good. Lesson well learned. 450 00:37:21,241 --> 00:37:24,369 Dig at my wound, I'll dig at yours. 451 00:37:30,125 --> 00:37:33,337 This is a strange toy for you. You never liked toys. 452 00:37:33,337 --> 00:37:35,088 You are not my father. 453 00:37:35,088 --> 00:37:37,966 You cannot even smell the ocean here. 454 00:37:37,966 --> 00:37:39,551 You're Tellem Bond, 455 00:37:39,551 --> 00:37:42,054 and you will stop pretending to be my father! 456 00:37:42,930 --> 00:37:46,808 We felt so blessed to have such a clever daughter. 457 00:37:46,808 --> 00:37:49,311 You took out your stones. 458 00:37:49,978 --> 00:37:52,981 - Spit in the face of the church. - No, you're Tellem. 459 00:37:53,899 --> 00:37:56,693 But we still harbored you. 460 00:37:56,693 --> 00:37:59,738 Despite it all, we wouldn't renounce you. 461 00:38:03,075 --> 00:38:05,285 You're-- No, no, you're nothing. 462 00:38:05,285 --> 00:38:07,829 You're nothing, you're just an illusion. 463 00:38:07,829 --> 00:38:10,165 An illusion can speak truth. 464 00:38:10,707 --> 00:38:13,502 Guilt follows you, Gaal, 465 00:38:13,502 --> 00:38:15,671 because you are guilty. 466 00:38:22,052 --> 00:38:24,930 All these delusions about saving the world. 467 00:38:24,930 --> 00:38:26,390 Can't even save her. 468 00:38:30,561 --> 00:38:32,688 Foresight is wasted on you. 469 00:38:32,688 --> 00:38:34,147 Tellem! 470 00:38:37,401 --> 00:38:39,278 You feel him coming, don't you? 471 00:38:43,657 --> 00:38:46,535 You shouldn't have taken us here. You're afraid of death. 472 00:38:46,535 --> 00:38:49,329 - This is death. Look. - No-- 473 00:39:20,319 --> 00:39:21,612 Sal! 474 00:39:33,498 --> 00:39:37,127 Warning, isothermal anomaly detected. 475 00:39:37,127 --> 00:39:39,755 Initiating heat transfer system. 476 00:39:49,765 --> 00:39:51,558 The Foundation is fighting back. 477 00:39:51,558 --> 00:39:53,227 The Invictus was war-ready. 478 00:39:53,227 --> 00:39:55,270 And a complement of whisper-ships has arrived. 479 00:39:55,270 --> 00:39:58,649 One grand old lady and a handful of skiffs against the Imperial armada. 480 00:39:58,649 --> 00:40:01,026 Let our general live up to his reputation. 481 00:40:05,864 --> 00:40:06,865 What are these? 482 00:40:07,699 --> 00:40:10,160 Children left them here a very long time ago. 483 00:40:11,161 --> 00:40:12,371 On a dare. 484 00:40:20,128 --> 00:40:22,464 Do you expect an act of God will strike me down? 485 00:40:23,924 --> 00:40:26,718 Seldon has his defenses, when he wants to use them. 486 00:40:27,302 --> 00:40:28,762 Perhaps he's not afraid of you. 487 00:40:36,270 --> 00:40:37,187 Empire. 488 00:40:47,406 --> 00:40:49,241 Seldon! 489 00:40:49,241 --> 00:40:51,118 I am here, Empire. 490 00:40:56,081 --> 00:40:57,207 Hello, Poly. 491 00:40:59,418 --> 00:41:00,627 Lady Demerzel. 492 00:41:00,627 --> 00:41:03,088 You cannot win, Seldon. Call off your ships. 493 00:41:04,882 --> 00:41:05,716 No. 494 00:41:05,716 --> 00:41:08,302 At your trial, I remember thinking, 495 00:41:08,302 --> 00:41:11,346 "Agree or not, here is a man who believes what he's saying. 496 00:41:11,346 --> 00:41:13,390 Who wants to prevent suffering." 497 00:41:14,016 --> 00:41:15,434 That is suffering. 498 00:41:15,434 --> 00:41:19,021 What I was talking about was orders of magnitude greater 499 00:41:19,021 --> 00:41:21,315 both in scale and duration. 500 00:41:21,315 --> 00:41:24,860 I would have thought you would understand that better than most. 501 00:41:24,860 --> 00:41:26,403 But you're right. 502 00:41:27,654 --> 00:41:30,574 I don't want people to die unnecessarily. 503 00:41:30,574 --> 00:41:33,744 Let's discuss a resolution in my office. 504 00:41:43,086 --> 00:41:44,087 Cleon! 505 00:41:57,184 --> 00:41:58,352 All pilots, 506 00:41:58,352 --> 00:42:00,687 proceed to ships immediately and prepare for launch. 507 00:42:21,166 --> 00:42:23,919 Pellis One. You are clear to launch. 508 00:42:32,845 --> 00:42:33,887 Imperial switchbacks. 509 00:42:33,887 --> 00:42:35,305 Prepare to counter. 510 00:42:41,895 --> 00:42:44,439 Pellis One to all wings. Form up on me. 511 00:42:44,439 --> 00:42:45,566 Pellis Three at the ready. 512 00:42:45,566 --> 00:42:46,900 Pellis Six at the ready. 513 00:42:46,900 --> 00:42:49,528 Target enemy ships. Clear a path to the Invictus. 514 00:42:49,528 --> 00:42:51,864 Destiny, this is Pellis One. We're coming athwart. 515 00:42:52,573 --> 00:42:54,992 Pellis Two, maneuvering to engage. 516 00:42:54,992 --> 00:42:57,077 - They're right on us-- - Taking heavy fire! 517 00:43:01,206 --> 00:43:03,625 Weren't these assholes supposed to be merchants? 518 00:43:03,625 --> 00:43:05,586 Stay sharp, Pellis Six. 519 00:43:05,586 --> 00:43:08,547 I'm reading two life-forms to every ship. Gunners? 520 00:43:08,547 --> 00:43:10,382 Pellis Four, I'm on your wing. 521 00:43:13,385 --> 00:43:16,054 {\an8}Infrared shows there's only one pilot in the spacecraft. 522 00:43:16,054 --> 00:43:17,931 Target the life-forms in the back. 523 00:43:17,931 --> 00:43:19,850 It's not a gunner, it's brain tissue. 524 00:43:19,850 --> 00:43:21,143 Say it again, Pellis One. 525 00:43:21,143 --> 00:43:22,811 Target the back of the spacecraft. 526 00:43:22,811 --> 00:43:24,313 It's a navigation center. 527 00:43:57,638 --> 00:43:59,389 I saw your statue in the city. 528 00:43:59,389 --> 00:44:02,309 The iconoclast became an icon, after all. 529 00:44:02,309 --> 00:44:06,438 Surely the Emperor of the Galaxy won't begrudge me a few followers. 530 00:44:06,438 --> 00:44:08,857 Hundreds of years, my brothers and I have ruled. 531 00:44:08,857 --> 00:44:12,444 Never once did we cast ourselves as gods. 532 00:44:12,444 --> 00:44:13,654 Debatable. 533 00:44:14,154 --> 00:44:15,155 But... 534 00:44:16,281 --> 00:44:18,283 I did what I had to do. 535 00:44:18,283 --> 00:44:21,328 Your ends seem to justify quite a lot of means. 536 00:44:21,328 --> 00:44:22,663 How low would you stoop? 537 00:44:22,663 --> 00:44:25,290 Blind Angels tried to kill me as I lay sleeping. 538 00:44:26,291 --> 00:44:27,459 Did you send them? 539 00:44:27,960 --> 00:44:29,628 I have no need of assassins. 540 00:44:29,628 --> 00:44:32,798 I know how the Cleons end. And when. 541 00:44:33,382 --> 00:44:34,383 Of course you do. 542 00:44:34,383 --> 00:44:38,470 The fall is not a lie, Day. You don't need me to tell you that. 543 00:44:38,470 --> 00:44:41,348 No, I really think I do. Convince me. 544 00:44:41,348 --> 00:44:43,892 You're here. You're living in it. 545 00:44:44,643 --> 00:44:46,728 And that means Empire is afraid. 546 00:44:46,728 --> 00:44:48,146 You're projecting. 547 00:44:48,146 --> 00:44:51,358 Well, I am a hologram. 548 00:44:52,109 --> 00:44:55,153 I'm here because I am not afraid. 549 00:44:55,863 --> 00:45:00,158 I do not accept the darkness as a foregone conclusion. 550 00:45:00,158 --> 00:45:02,870 I am here to prevent further violence. 551 00:45:02,870 --> 00:45:04,204 At the head of a fleet? 552 00:45:04,204 --> 00:45:07,791 And if anyone is advancing a cause for war, it is you. 553 00:45:07,791 --> 00:45:10,335 Your cleric sowing dissension in the Outer Reach. 554 00:45:10,335 --> 00:45:12,379 Your appearance in my throne room. 555 00:45:12,379 --> 00:45:14,423 Your men's attack on the palace itself. 556 00:45:14,423 --> 00:45:19,052 Must you provoke me to arrive at the mathematical conclusions you desire? 557 00:45:19,052 --> 00:45:24,516 Provocations are inevitable, whether authored by me or another. 558 00:45:26,226 --> 00:45:28,103 You understand that, don't you? 559 00:45:28,103 --> 00:45:30,272 You're programmed to serve Empire, correct? 560 00:45:30,272 --> 00:45:31,815 What serves it best? 561 00:45:31,815 --> 00:45:36,361 Is an Empire's primary objective power or longevity? 562 00:45:36,361 --> 00:45:37,487 You can't have both. 563 00:45:38,322 --> 00:45:42,492 Which of those outcomes do you actually desire? 564 00:45:42,492 --> 00:45:44,620 Now is not the time for tea leaves. 565 00:45:44,620 --> 00:45:47,206 You must have something more with which to bargain. 566 00:45:47,206 --> 00:45:48,957 Otherwise, you would have tried to kill us. 567 00:45:48,957 --> 00:45:50,918 You would've just uncorked another one. 568 00:45:51,543 --> 00:45:52,544 Enough! 569 00:45:53,337 --> 00:45:56,465 You warned of stagnation, but I adapted! 570 00:45:57,508 --> 00:45:59,218 The Dynasty will evolve. 571 00:45:59,218 --> 00:46:01,845 All the things you claimed to want, I did them! 572 00:46:01,845 --> 00:46:04,014 You never accounted for me. 573 00:46:05,599 --> 00:46:07,851 No, I've met outliers. 574 00:46:08,852 --> 00:46:10,437 You're not one of them. 575 00:46:12,022 --> 00:46:14,816 But my math does allow for inflection points, 576 00:46:14,816 --> 00:46:16,610 and there lies opportunity. 577 00:46:16,610 --> 00:46:19,112 Even now, you insist on your numbers. 578 00:46:19,112 --> 00:46:20,197 Yes! 579 00:46:21,240 --> 00:46:23,408 Because I died for them. 580 00:46:24,243 --> 00:46:27,663 And I will not have my life's work snuffed out by any man's pride. 581 00:46:29,498 --> 00:46:32,376 Demerzel, you said you didn't come here for tea leaves. 582 00:46:32,376 --> 00:46:35,796 What if I offered you a crystal ball instead? 583 00:46:46,765 --> 00:46:48,600 We just cut a path to the Invictus. 584 00:46:48,600 --> 00:46:51,436 Destiny to Pellis One, you're clear to attack. 585 00:46:51,436 --> 00:46:52,813 Copy that, General. 586 00:46:54,273 --> 00:46:55,399 Here goes everything. 587 00:47:04,366 --> 00:47:05,450 We are nearing target. 588 00:47:05,450 --> 00:47:07,870 Preparing to lock weapon systems on the engine board-- 589 00:47:07,870 --> 00:47:09,329 Break off. Break off! 590 00:47:21,258 --> 00:47:23,802 - They're going for the engine clusters. - He's inside our fire pattern. 591 00:47:23,802 --> 00:47:24,928 Roll the ship. 592 00:47:31,768 --> 00:47:32,811 Come on. 593 00:47:42,988 --> 00:47:43,906 Yes! 594 00:47:59,838 --> 00:48:02,382 Pellis One to Destiny, I am returning-- 595 00:48:02,382 --> 00:48:03,550 Oh, no. 596 00:48:03,550 --> 00:48:04,635 Come on, Glay. 597 00:48:07,513 --> 00:48:09,848 Come on. No. 598 00:48:11,225 --> 00:48:12,309 Pellis One? 599 00:48:34,206 --> 00:48:36,750 That is the Prime Radiant. 600 00:48:36,750 --> 00:48:40,462 Contained within it is the entirety of psychohistory. 601 00:48:40,462 --> 00:48:45,634 I drew you here to give it to you. I can teach Demerzel to read it. 602 00:48:45,634 --> 00:48:49,304 A computer passed from one artificial intelligence to another. 603 00:48:50,556 --> 00:48:54,852 The fate of humankind will be determined by those of us who are actually human. 604 00:48:57,771 --> 00:48:58,981 This is built by royal warrant. 605 00:48:58,981 --> 00:49:01,233 You give me something I already own, Seldon. 606 00:49:01,984 --> 00:49:03,986 I'd have preferred another atomic ashtray. 607 00:49:05,070 --> 00:49:06,613 This is not a game. 608 00:49:07,948 --> 00:49:08,949 General. 609 00:49:08,949 --> 00:49:12,995 The Foundation is in retreat. The Invictus has been disabled. 610 00:49:12,995 --> 00:49:15,581 There. It's all finished now. 611 00:49:15,581 --> 00:49:17,124 What are my orders, Empire? 612 00:49:17,124 --> 00:49:19,084 We're about to find out, General. 613 00:49:21,128 --> 00:49:22,504 I meant everything I said. 614 00:49:23,839 --> 00:49:26,216 I'm prepared to show your people mercy. 615 00:49:26,216 --> 00:49:27,676 In exchange for what? 616 00:49:28,844 --> 00:49:32,014 Admit that your math is flawed, and I will spare Terminus. 617 00:49:32,890 --> 00:49:34,057 It's that simple. 618 00:49:34,683 --> 00:49:40,939 Demerzel, whatever happens today, this is about survival for all of us. 619 00:49:43,317 --> 00:49:46,361 The future is invented every second. 620 00:49:46,361 --> 00:49:48,113 I'm not bluffing, Seldon. 621 00:49:49,656 --> 00:49:50,908 Invent a better one. 622 00:49:56,997 --> 00:50:01,960 I can't give you what you want, Day. Psychohistory is real. 623 00:50:05,547 --> 00:50:08,884 General, bring the Invictus down on the planet. 624 00:50:08,884 --> 00:50:11,345 There's no one on the surface but civilians. 625 00:50:11,345 --> 00:50:12,888 You have your orders, General. 626 00:50:17,184 --> 00:50:20,687 You know, it's fitting. The Invictus should be my axe to swing. 627 00:50:22,439 --> 00:50:25,234 It will fall upon your fledgling little empire. 628 00:50:25,817 --> 00:50:28,820 The singularity will pull Terminus inside out, 629 00:50:28,820 --> 00:50:33,200 and you and everything you were will be forgotten. 630 00:50:38,580 --> 00:50:40,958 They always disappoint you, don't they? 631 00:51:10,988 --> 00:51:12,489 Beggar, open the air lock doors. 632 00:51:21,456 --> 00:51:23,792 Beggar, seal the air lock doors now. 633 00:51:40,309 --> 00:51:45,272 Beggar, vent all oxygen from the air lock. 634 00:51:45,272 --> 00:51:46,565 No! 635 00:51:56,033 --> 00:51:57,159 Sal. 636 00:51:58,368 --> 00:51:59,620 I love you. 637 00:52:01,496 --> 00:52:02,664 Please, Sal. 638 00:52:18,222 --> 00:52:19,473 No. No. 639 00:52:40,661 --> 00:52:41,954 Poor illusion. 640 00:53:04,601 --> 00:53:06,019 I never liked her. 641 00:53:08,772 --> 00:53:12,234 Here he is. Oy, you gelded bastard. 642 00:53:12,234 --> 00:53:16,280 Yesterday. Temporary Emperor. 643 00:53:16,280 --> 00:53:17,447 What are you doing? 644 00:53:18,031 --> 00:53:20,993 I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer when I came to Trantor. 645 00:53:21,577 --> 00:53:22,786 Just missed you. 646 00:53:26,790 --> 00:53:28,083 Take them to the bridge. 647 00:53:38,594 --> 00:53:39,595 Demerzel? 648 00:53:41,013 --> 00:53:42,139 What is it? 649 00:53:46,268 --> 00:53:48,937 I need to tend to another matter at home. 650 00:53:49,521 --> 00:53:50,814 This is our moment. 651 00:53:50,814 --> 00:53:53,442 No, it is yours. 652 00:53:54,109 --> 00:53:55,110 I don't understand. 653 00:53:55,694 --> 00:53:59,156 I am sometimes called away to other matters, as I am now. 654 00:54:00,282 --> 00:54:02,242 It happened often during your formative years, 655 00:54:02,242 --> 00:54:04,995 as I was trying to stitch up the fraying ends of Empire. 656 00:54:05,996 --> 00:54:09,833 You grew up with an uncertainty in mind and morals. 657 00:54:11,710 --> 00:54:16,173 I hoped initiating physical intimacy with you would give me the influence 658 00:54:16,173 --> 00:54:17,966 to correct your shortcomings. 659 00:54:17,966 --> 00:54:19,259 That failed. 660 00:54:20,302 --> 00:54:23,347 I apologize to you for what you have become. 661 00:54:24,056 --> 00:54:25,432 It was my oversight. 662 00:54:27,726 --> 00:54:29,061 What have I become? 663 00:54:31,230 --> 00:54:33,815 I have become the Day who saw that change was needed, 664 00:54:34,566 --> 00:54:38,111 who made the change happen, who set up to father a new line. 665 00:54:38,111 --> 00:54:39,530 What have I become? 666 00:54:41,073 --> 00:54:42,449 I am a complete man. 667 00:54:42,449 --> 00:54:45,452 No, you're a sperm led by its waving flagellum, 668 00:54:45,452 --> 00:54:47,746 mistaking its random motion for complexity. 669 00:54:48,872 --> 00:54:52,960 Now, go do what you will do, for it's too late to change you. 670 00:54:55,045 --> 00:54:58,006 Ready a jump ship. I'm leaving for Trantor. 671 00:55:11,812 --> 00:55:13,146 Hey, what's going on? 672 00:55:13,146 --> 00:55:16,108 - Oy, asked you a question. - You jumped a ship into my palace! 673 00:55:16,108 --> 00:55:18,235 It deserves a reply! 674 00:55:22,573 --> 00:55:23,574 General? 675 00:55:23,574 --> 00:55:24,950 We stand ready, Empire. 676 00:55:24,950 --> 00:55:28,662 Concussion mines will drive the Invictus into the planet. 677 00:55:45,637 --> 00:55:47,389 Pellis One to Destiny, do you read? 678 00:55:48,515 --> 00:55:51,143 Pellis One to Destiny, do you read? 679 00:55:51,143 --> 00:55:52,352 Glawen? 680 00:55:55,147 --> 00:55:56,148 Hello, General. 681 00:56:01,403 --> 00:56:03,197 We lost your signature. Where are you? 682 00:56:03,822 --> 00:56:05,240 The nightside of Terminus? 683 00:56:05,240 --> 00:56:07,117 No, I'm on the surface. 684 00:56:08,243 --> 00:56:11,496 Ship's gone. I have no way to get to you. 685 00:56:12,748 --> 00:56:14,541 You have your orders, General. 686 00:56:15,751 --> 00:56:16,585 Fire! 687 00:56:28,305 --> 00:56:29,598 Hey, Glawen. 688 00:56:31,433 --> 00:56:32,309 Tell me. 689 00:56:36,730 --> 00:56:41,360 Day has commanded me to bring the Invictus down on the planet. 690 00:56:41,360 --> 00:56:42,903 Wow, well, there it is. 691 00:56:47,449 --> 00:56:48,450 Give the order. 692 00:56:48,450 --> 00:56:49,785 General. 693 00:56:49,785 --> 00:56:50,994 Bel, listen to me. 694 00:56:50,994 --> 00:56:54,331 If you lose your post over this, the whole galaxy will suffer for it. 695 00:56:54,331 --> 00:56:55,958 You have to give the order. 696 00:57:07,928 --> 00:57:08,929 Hey, in the book-- 697 00:57:10,764 --> 00:57:12,140 You know, in Ducem's book? 698 00:57:12,891 --> 00:57:14,601 Wanna know what my favorite part is? 699 00:57:15,894 --> 00:57:19,314 The warrior asks the god for advice. 700 00:57:21,441 --> 00:57:22,651 And then the god says-- 701 00:57:22,651 --> 00:57:25,988 says, "The only way you can conquer me is through love." 702 00:57:29,616 --> 00:57:31,493 "And there I am gladly conquered." 703 00:57:41,378 --> 00:57:42,296 I... 704 00:57:43,672 --> 00:57:47,134 love you, Glawen. 705 00:58:06,069 --> 00:58:07,237 Open fire. 706 00:58:55,285 --> 00:58:57,704 He needs help. The Director needs help. 707 00:59:10,092 --> 00:59:11,385 I couldn't stop him. 708 00:59:13,679 --> 00:59:14,930 I'm so sorry. 709 00:59:59,474 --> 01:00:01,810 No. No.