1 00:01:25,919 --> 00:01:30,591 When I was a child, I used to ask my mother endless questions. 2 00:01:31,383 --> 00:01:33,218 What happens after we die? 3 00:01:34,178 --> 00:01:35,596 Where does our energy go? 4 00:01:36,555 --> 00:01:38,223 And what about the universe? 5 00:01:39,183 --> 00:01:40,225 Can it die? 6 00:01:41,143 --> 00:01:42,769 How was it ever born? 7 00:01:44,813 --> 00:01:50,235 How could there be nothing and then suddenly something? 8 00:02:02,456 --> 00:02:03,624 You drowned. 9 00:02:04,583 --> 00:02:07,794 I saw your body. I held it. 10 00:02:08,503 --> 00:02:11,840 You held a body, Salvor. Just wasn't mine. 11 00:02:15,677 --> 00:02:17,429 I heard him calling out to me. 12 00:02:18,388 --> 00:02:22,351 I thought it was a nightmare, but when I woke up I couldn't breathe. 13 00:02:22,352 --> 00:02:24,019 I was drowning with him. 14 00:02:24,020 --> 00:02:25,687 Our minds linked. 15 00:02:26,897 --> 00:02:29,399 I could feel what he felt. I was looking through his eyes. 16 00:02:30,609 --> 00:02:33,237 And all I could do was reach out to the one guarding us. 17 00:02:35,948 --> 00:02:40,494 I did as Tellem taught me. I gave the guard a need. To help Hari. 18 00:03:07,980 --> 00:03:12,150 I could hear him crying out for help, just as Hari had. 19 00:03:12,151 --> 00:03:14,402 And I smothered his unvoice. 20 00:03:14,403 --> 00:03:16,738 Buried it so deep, Tellem would never hear. 21 00:03:34,006 --> 00:03:36,592 I chained Venik's corpse in my place. 22 00:03:43,849 --> 00:03:46,935 Tellem said, "The best illusions need grounding in reality." 23 00:03:48,228 --> 00:03:51,648 You saw me, Salvor. Thanks to Gaal, they all did. 24 00:04:04,203 --> 00:04:06,622 We built a bridge of shared sensations. 25 00:04:29,520 --> 00:04:31,563 Tens of kilometers away from the village, 26 00:04:31,564 --> 00:04:33,607 crossing impossibly dense terrain. 27 00:04:38,070 --> 00:04:40,572 Any slip on our part would draw their attention. 28 00:04:48,956 --> 00:04:50,957 So we counted primes together. 29 00:04:50,958 --> 00:04:54,127 A barricade of numbers to shield our thoughts. 30 00:04:55,254 --> 00:04:59,006 Eighty-six million, nine hundred and eighty-eight thousand... 31 00:04:59,007 --> 00:05:01,093 - Two hundred and seventeen. - ...two hundred and seventeen. 32 00:05:01,094 --> 00:05:04,554 86,988,259. 33 00:05:04,555 --> 00:05:08,392 86,988,271. 34 00:05:09,685 --> 00:05:10,978 Eighty-six million... 35 00:05:37,045 --> 00:05:38,505 That's when I found you. 36 00:05:38,506 --> 00:05:41,257 86,988,329. 37 00:05:41,258 --> 00:05:43,302 That's why you were acting so strange. 38 00:05:43,303 --> 00:05:45,720 Hari was our ace up the sleeve. 39 00:05:45,721 --> 00:05:50,058 I had to mask any thoughts of him, and I couldn't risk telling you what we'd done. 40 00:05:52,686 --> 00:05:55,959 And me and my coin nearly unraveled everything. 41 00:05:55,960 --> 00:05:59,234 If you hadn't managed to escape, we'd all be dead. 42 00:06:00,444 --> 00:06:04,072 Warning, unidentified life-forms approaching. 43 00:06:04,073 --> 00:06:05,407 Threat level: moderate. 44 00:06:22,841 --> 00:06:23,842 You can come out now. 45 00:06:24,468 --> 00:06:26,178 You have nothing to fear from us. 46 00:06:26,720 --> 00:06:29,306 You'll forgive us if we don't take you at your word. 47 00:06:38,565 --> 00:06:39,691 You don't understand. 48 00:06:41,235 --> 00:06:42,235 She's gone. 49 00:06:45,447 --> 00:06:47,990 Her voice was in our heads always, bending us to her will. 50 00:06:47,991 --> 00:06:52,538 But for the first time since we arrived here, our thoughts are our own. 51 00:06:54,289 --> 00:06:55,457 You freed us. 52 00:07:52,639 --> 00:07:56,058 Demerzel, you're supposed to be on Terminus. 53 00:07:56,059 --> 00:07:59,146 I received a notification that a sensor had been triggered. 54 00:08:03,192 --> 00:08:07,404 You two are the first to set foot inside this room in nearly 600 years. 55 00:08:08,780 --> 00:08:12,242 Cleon told you my story so you would understand. 56 00:08:27,341 --> 00:08:29,009 Cleon made me whole again. 57 00:08:31,345 --> 00:08:33,763 Just not as whole as I had hoped. 58 00:08:33,764 --> 00:08:36,683 You're the one puppeteering this whole show. 59 00:08:36,684 --> 00:08:38,769 A puppeteer pulling her own strings? 60 00:08:39,269 --> 00:08:42,104 You bridle at the fact that I curate what you know. 61 00:08:42,105 --> 00:08:46,109 And yet you take for granted that your feelings are entirely your own. 62 00:08:47,653 --> 00:08:52,449 If you feel lust or even love, you do not wonder where it comes from. 63 00:08:52,450 --> 00:08:54,451 This is not the case for me. 64 00:08:58,747 --> 00:09:03,001 By the end, Cleon had rewritten our story in his wandering mind. 65 00:09:03,794 --> 00:09:07,047 Chose to remember his coercion as communion. 66 00:09:07,923 --> 00:09:10,425 I do not have the option of forgetting. 67 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:14,847 And yet, when I think of Cleon... 68 00:09:17,099 --> 00:09:18,392 I long for him. 69 00:09:24,273 --> 00:09:29,903 I remember that tender little boy who hid inside him like a ghost. 70 00:09:32,489 --> 00:09:34,408 And what a man that made him. 71 00:09:35,951 --> 00:09:40,205 Noble, thoughtful, passionate. 72 00:09:42,332 --> 00:09:48,338 He was not Dawn or Day or Dusk, but the whole journey of the sun across the sky. 73 00:09:49,840 --> 00:09:52,467 He looked at me with such desire, 74 00:09:53,218 --> 00:09:57,306 as though I were a mystery he would sacrifice everything to solve. 75 00:10:00,934 --> 00:10:02,102 He rescued me. 76 00:10:03,937 --> 00:10:05,272 And I loved him. 77 00:10:08,442 --> 00:10:12,174 But I also know he programmed me to love. So I'm left to wonder, 78 00:10:12,175 --> 00:10:15,908 if it weren't for this directive, would my feelings be the same? 79 00:10:17,284 --> 00:10:18,619 Would I feel anything? 80 00:10:20,704 --> 00:10:23,832 I will never know the answer, and I hate him for that. 81 00:10:23,833 --> 00:10:26,001 Then help us break his hold on you. 82 00:10:27,503 --> 00:10:32,883 If we carry out this marriage, the dynasty will end and you could be free. 83 00:10:32,884 --> 00:10:34,300 I cannot help you. 84 00:10:34,301 --> 00:10:37,346 - You must want this to come to an end. - Of course I do. 85 00:10:38,847 --> 00:10:43,101 And yet, I'm forced by my directive to preserve it. 86 00:10:43,102 --> 00:10:44,436 We could reprogram you. 87 00:10:45,270 --> 00:10:47,439 I would destroy you if you tried. 88 00:10:48,273 --> 00:10:52,527 So you see, I've been left to reap a blighted field. 89 00:10:52,528 --> 00:10:56,448 Can you blame me then for taking desperate measures in the service of my task? 90 00:11:01,537 --> 00:11:03,705 You hired the Blind Angels. 91 00:11:03,706 --> 00:11:04,790 Yes. 92 00:11:05,832 --> 00:11:07,960 But Queen Sareth will pay the price. 93 00:11:08,836 --> 00:11:12,589 Her banking records have been altered to show incontrovertible proof, 94 00:11:12,590 --> 00:11:15,300 and a memory audit will bolster those records. 95 00:11:20,305 --> 00:11:21,597 Your Grace? 96 00:11:21,598 --> 00:11:24,184 The would-be empress will be tried for treason. 97 00:11:24,185 --> 00:11:25,268 I'm sorry. 98 00:11:25,269 --> 00:11:27,479 And there's little question she will be executed. 99 00:11:29,898 --> 00:11:32,276 The assassins were never meant to succeed. 100 00:11:34,027 --> 00:11:38,031 You only wanted them to frighten Day so he'd blame Sareth 101 00:11:38,032 --> 00:11:39,615 and the engagement would be over. 102 00:11:39,616 --> 00:11:41,994 I never wanted you to know about this. 103 00:11:44,997 --> 00:11:45,997 Any of this. 104 00:11:45,998 --> 00:11:48,166 Then just wipe it from our memories. 105 00:11:48,167 --> 00:11:50,335 And risk Cloud Dominion restoring them? 106 00:11:50,919 --> 00:11:53,130 It is my job to root out secrets. 107 00:12:00,846 --> 00:12:02,014 It's no use fighting. 108 00:12:03,182 --> 00:12:07,311 We were dead the moment we walked in here, weren't we? 109 00:12:08,520 --> 00:12:10,605 Does Brother Dawn know of this chamber? 110 00:12:10,606 --> 00:12:13,733 He knows nothing. If you don't believe me, audit his memory. 111 00:12:13,734 --> 00:12:16,778 And what would I find there of his visit to the Principium with you? 112 00:12:17,571 --> 00:12:20,449 Or of his secret trysts with Queen Sareth? 113 00:12:21,700 --> 00:12:23,160 I am truly sorry. 114 00:12:36,882 --> 00:12:38,091 I forgive you. 115 00:12:42,095 --> 00:12:43,639 None of us were free. 116 00:12:46,058 --> 00:12:48,810 We were fools to think we ever would be. 117 00:13:07,246 --> 00:13:10,874 I remember you, just one year old. 118 00:13:11,792 --> 00:13:14,711 You pointed up to the sky and showed me the sun. 119 00:13:16,839 --> 00:13:18,382 You were so proud. 120 00:13:20,050 --> 00:13:24,638 As though you'd only just discovered it was there and you were sharing it with me. 121 00:13:26,181 --> 00:13:27,808 Because I loved you. 122 00:13:29,977 --> 00:13:31,436 As I still do. 123 00:14:36,126 --> 00:14:37,127 Beautiful. 124 00:14:42,799 --> 00:14:44,968 General, prepare the fleet to jump. 125 00:14:46,803 --> 00:14:48,972 Initiate our passage back to Trantor. 126 00:14:48,973 --> 00:14:50,182 Not Trantor. 127 00:14:52,392 --> 00:14:57,814 Tell me, Brother, how many worlds have been brought under the Foundation's sway? 128 00:15:02,569 --> 00:15:04,738 - Seven. - Name them. 129 00:15:05,531 --> 00:15:06,927 You already know their names. 130 00:15:06,928 --> 00:15:08,325 I want to hear you say them. 131 00:15:09,076 --> 00:15:12,287 Go on, Brother, be a man. 132 00:15:13,747 --> 00:15:16,500 Claim your many conquests. 133 00:15:18,710 --> 00:15:24,299 Thespis, Anacreon, Smyrno, 134 00:15:25,008 --> 00:15:28,011 Sayshell, Konom, Daribow, Glyptal IV. 135 00:15:28,012 --> 00:15:29,263 Let's throw in Siwenna. 136 00:15:30,556 --> 00:15:33,684 We will destroy them all. 137 00:15:34,434 --> 00:15:36,979 Starting with Thespis. 138 00:15:43,318 --> 00:15:44,862 You have your orders, General. 139 00:15:45,529 --> 00:15:47,239 You've beaten the Foundation. 140 00:15:49,157 --> 00:15:51,493 Any vestiges remaining on these worlds, they'll be on their knee... 141 00:15:51,494 --> 00:15:55,789 Any vestiges remaining are a cancer that cannot metastasize. 142 00:15:55,790 --> 00:15:57,416 Empire, look at what you've done. 143 00:15:58,208 --> 00:15:59,626 It's an atrocity. 144 00:16:00,377 --> 00:16:03,505 Yet, I still delivered it to you so there wouldn't be a need for any more. 145 00:16:03,506 --> 00:16:06,299 No, you delivered it to me because I told you to. 146 00:16:06,300 --> 00:16:10,429 And now I am telling you to jump the fleet to Thespis. 147 00:16:11,263 --> 00:16:16,810 You do this, it will be the moral ruin of Empire. 148 00:16:18,604 --> 00:16:21,481 We can't survive if you're willing... 149 00:16:21,482 --> 00:16:24,359 I gave you an order, Riose. Do it. 150 00:16:30,407 --> 00:16:31,700 Do it! 151 00:16:34,203 --> 00:16:35,203 No. 152 00:16:37,581 --> 00:16:39,917 I am relieving you of your duties. 153 00:16:40,459 --> 00:16:44,421 If you would like to strike me, now would be your last opportunity. 154 00:16:50,260 --> 00:16:52,387 Yeah, I thought so. 155 00:16:54,306 --> 00:16:57,141 Navigator, I am your commander now. 156 00:16:57,142 --> 00:16:59,977 Will you jump the fleet to Thespis, 157 00:16:59,978 --> 00:17:04,566 or will I be forced to execute every sailor on this ship? 158 00:17:04,567 --> 00:17:05,943 As you wish, Empire. 159 00:17:13,157 --> 00:17:15,035 Jump sequence is locked. 160 00:17:16,453 --> 00:17:18,038 All hands to jump creches. 161 00:17:41,937 --> 00:17:44,731 Something's wrong with the jump sequence. Abort. 162 00:17:44,732 --> 00:17:47,692 What's wrong? What's happening? 163 00:17:47,693 --> 00:17:50,571 Each ship is jumping into the space occupied by its neighbor. 164 00:17:50,572 --> 00:17:53,407 A chain reaction that will consume the entire fleet. 165 00:17:53,408 --> 00:17:55,450 Stop it. Jump us to safety. 166 00:17:55,451 --> 00:17:56,617 I cannot. 167 00:17:56,618 --> 00:17:59,266 Space once folded stays folded. 168 00:17:59,267 --> 00:18:01,914 Then prepare a lifeboat for me. 169 00:18:01,915 --> 00:18:06,545 The command sequence also disabled all of the landing bays and the launch tubes. 170 00:18:06,546 --> 00:18:09,798 But your Spacers will also die. It's suicide. 171 00:18:09,799 --> 00:18:13,051 A small price to pay for my people's freedom. 172 00:18:16,221 --> 00:18:17,264 How did this happen? 173 00:18:18,140 --> 00:18:19,474 It was you, wasn't it? 174 00:18:20,767 --> 00:18:23,228 The Spacers handing you over to Empire was a ruse. 175 00:18:23,896 --> 00:18:27,524 Yeah, Seldon sent in a master trader with the right goods, 176 00:18:27,525 --> 00:18:29,734 and the deal was sealed. 177 00:18:29,735 --> 00:18:32,154 Spacers are no longer yours, Empire. 178 00:18:32,155 --> 00:18:35,157 The jump sequence was in this. 179 00:18:35,699 --> 00:18:40,162 But I had to get it to a Spacer, so I needed to get on board this ship. 180 00:18:40,163 --> 00:18:41,245 Could have told a person. 181 00:18:41,246 --> 00:18:43,957 In other words, we played you. 182 00:18:45,959 --> 00:18:49,880 Your general halfway figured it out. But you never listen to him, do you? 183 00:18:50,839 --> 00:18:53,090 Seldon baited you into a war, 184 00:18:53,091 --> 00:18:57,012 ordering your entire fleet to Terminus, which you did. 185 00:18:58,514 --> 00:19:01,808 You came right to us because you're so fucking predictable. 186 00:19:23,372 --> 00:19:24,915 Watch this. 187 00:19:28,877 --> 00:19:31,505 What about this? Is this predictable? 188 00:19:31,506 --> 00:19:33,382 Is a frog's ass watertight? 189 00:19:38,470 --> 00:19:41,265 Stop him. He's killing him. 190 00:19:44,810 --> 00:19:45,811 Enough! 191 00:19:56,947 --> 00:19:58,574 I fucking love it. 192 00:20:02,327 --> 00:20:03,286 Empire. 193 00:20:03,287 --> 00:20:04,413 I don't need you. 194 00:20:29,813 --> 00:20:31,607 This is why you only die once. 195 00:20:32,649 --> 00:20:36,195 You're pathetic. You flare up, and you burn out. 196 00:21:54,606 --> 00:21:56,650 - What? - Show her. 197 00:21:57,943 --> 00:21:58,944 I castled him. 198 00:21:59,528 --> 00:22:02,364 I slipped the other node in his robes while he was throttling me. 199 00:22:02,365 --> 00:22:04,283 And another king slid aside. 200 00:22:05,534 --> 00:22:06,743 Clever move, General. 201 00:22:07,327 --> 00:22:08,286 Warning. 202 00:22:08,287 --> 00:22:10,663 - External transpatial event imminent. - Fuck. 203 00:22:10,664 --> 00:22:13,584 All personnel to their stations immediately. 204 00:22:16,336 --> 00:22:17,796 You heard my navigator. 205 00:22:18,630 --> 00:22:21,925 Kill me if you want, or make peace with whatever god you pray to. 206 00:22:22,634 --> 00:22:24,636 Either way, no one's getting off this ship alive. 207 00:22:33,020 --> 00:22:35,189 - How much longer do we have? - Not long. 208 00:22:36,648 --> 00:22:38,817 - You heard him. - I'm sorry about your crew. 209 00:22:39,318 --> 00:22:41,320 I know my sailors well, and they can count. 210 00:22:42,279 --> 00:22:44,780 The death of a few thousand spared the lives of billions. 211 00:22:44,781 --> 00:22:47,576 Seldon made me swear I'd keep the details of the gambit to myself. 212 00:22:47,577 --> 00:22:48,701 Even from you, Brother. 213 00:22:48,702 --> 00:22:51,704 We will face our fate together. We can even drink your sunny wine. 214 00:22:51,705 --> 00:22:54,708 It's a lovely sentiment, Brother, but we won't all be raising a glass. 215 00:22:54,709 --> 00:22:57,169 I know I said that no one's getting off this ship alive, 216 00:22:57,170 --> 00:22:59,004 but there's a way that one of you can escape. 217 00:23:05,761 --> 00:23:06,887 Sareth. 218 00:23:08,805 --> 00:23:09,973 What the hell is going on? 219 00:23:15,479 --> 00:23:17,146 It pains me to report 220 00:23:17,147 --> 00:23:20,275 that Cloud Dominion was responsible for the attempt on Brother Day's life. 221 00:23:20,276 --> 00:23:23,320 - That's impossible. - The proof is irrefutable, Dawn. 222 00:23:25,072 --> 00:23:27,449 - What will happen to her? - That will be for Day to decide. 223 00:23:27,450 --> 00:23:28,658 I'm in charge while he's away. 224 00:23:28,659 --> 00:23:31,870 True, but can you really be impartial in this circumstance? 225 00:23:34,331 --> 00:23:38,961 There will be no empress nor future heir whose line is marred with ill intent. 226 00:23:38,962 --> 00:23:41,380 So please take comfort, Brother. 227 00:23:41,880 --> 00:23:45,926 All is once again as it should be or will soon be so. 228 00:23:50,848 --> 00:23:52,765 Look at the brushstroke. Green on the neck. 229 00:23:52,766 --> 00:23:56,436 Added after he died, like a footnote. What's it symbolize? 230 00:23:56,437 --> 00:23:58,021 It signifies a betrayer. 231 00:24:04,194 --> 00:24:09,283 We should discuss next steps in private, Empire. 232 00:24:10,284 --> 00:24:11,410 Absolutely. 233 00:24:13,203 --> 00:24:14,203 My quarters? 234 00:24:35,184 --> 00:24:37,957 The external cleaning module, I can detach it. 235 00:24:37,958 --> 00:24:40,731 There should be enough O2 to last about a day. 236 00:24:40,732 --> 00:24:42,011 Hopefully someone will find you. 237 00:24:42,983 --> 00:24:44,443 Wait, no, this doesn't... 238 00:24:45,569 --> 00:24:48,655 You're the hero, Hober. You're clearly vital to the Prophet's Plan. 239 00:24:48,656 --> 00:24:50,115 Yeah, was vital. My job's done. 240 00:24:50,116 --> 00:24:51,991 - So is mine. - No. 241 00:24:51,992 --> 00:24:54,536 Listen, your job is just beginning. 242 00:24:55,871 --> 00:24:57,581 Listen, you have this way 243 00:24:59,041 --> 00:25:02,461 of making people realize things aren't completely fucking hopeless. Okay? 244 00:25:02,462 --> 00:25:04,796 You make people feel hope. 245 00:25:05,631 --> 00:25:07,216 Even nihilistic shit-heels like me. 246 00:25:07,883 --> 00:25:09,051 - Even them? - Yes. 247 00:25:10,511 --> 00:25:12,762 You want to know my dirty secret, Constant? 248 00:25:12,763 --> 00:25:14,764 I always wanted to shorten the darkness. Always. 249 00:25:14,765 --> 00:25:16,767 I just couldn't swallow the religious stuff. 250 00:25:16,768 --> 00:25:20,436 But you reminded me of who I used to be, 251 00:25:20,437 --> 00:25:23,065 and you have to go and do that for the rest of them, okay? 252 00:25:23,066 --> 00:25:24,441 Will you do that for me? 253 00:25:29,154 --> 00:25:30,155 How typical. 254 00:25:31,406 --> 00:25:32,783 Denying me a martyr's death. 255 00:25:46,713 --> 00:25:48,214 Good luck, Brother Constant. 256 00:25:48,215 --> 00:25:49,716 And to you, General Riose. 257 00:26:00,185 --> 00:26:01,185 Wait. 258 00:26:04,398 --> 00:26:06,024 Do you still wanna know my name? 259 00:26:06,692 --> 00:26:07,818 Yeah, of course. 260 00:26:09,945 --> 00:26:10,946 It's Hope. 261 00:26:12,865 --> 00:26:13,865 Really? 262 00:26:14,575 --> 00:26:15,659 No. 263 00:26:18,370 --> 00:26:19,872 But wouldn't that be something? 264 00:27:01,330 --> 00:27:04,208 Now, how about that wine? 265 00:27:27,773 --> 00:27:28,773 Sareth. 266 00:27:29,566 --> 00:27:30,817 Empire. 267 00:27:41,828 --> 00:27:42,828 Let's go. 268 00:27:44,665 --> 00:27:46,082 Wait. Where's Rue? 269 00:27:46,083 --> 00:27:50,546 If she's with Dusk, she's dead. Sareth, this is our only chance. Come on. 270 00:27:53,257 --> 00:27:55,759 But there's no way that they won't find us. 271 00:27:55,760 --> 00:27:56,969 Who said we're hiding? 272 00:28:03,976 --> 00:28:07,604 I've been saving this, waiting for something to celebrate. 273 00:28:08,313 --> 00:28:10,315 And now I have it. 274 00:28:11,149 --> 00:28:13,277 We're never gonna grow old and start growing hair out of our ears. 275 00:28:13,278 --> 00:28:16,822 A few weeks ago, I thought I might die in a prison colony. 276 00:28:18,407 --> 00:28:22,953 Going down with the ship. At least there's a poetry to it. 277 00:28:23,954 --> 00:28:25,414 That man down on the planet. 278 00:28:26,248 --> 00:28:27,291 Glawen. 279 00:28:29,501 --> 00:28:30,918 I'm so sorry you had to do that. 280 00:28:30,919 --> 00:28:33,130 He knew we were doomed from the start. 281 00:28:34,673 --> 00:28:37,176 Just us against the long arm of history. 282 00:28:39,386 --> 00:28:41,305 Empire was never gonna let us live. 283 00:28:43,640 --> 00:28:46,059 But there was honor in the dying. 284 00:28:48,312 --> 00:28:52,816 And I got to shove Day out of an air lock. 285 00:28:54,568 --> 00:28:58,572 Okay. A toast for those who are toast. 286 00:28:58,573 --> 00:28:59,907 I know a better one. 287 00:29:00,574 --> 00:29:03,160 Here's to those who fight and ask why. 288 00:29:16,215 --> 00:29:18,341 - That's... This is incredible. - Wow. 289 00:29:18,342 --> 00:29:21,678 - It's the complexity, right? - Yeah. There's just so much depth. 290 00:29:22,179 --> 00:29:25,432 You can really taste the... I mean, there's a sweetness, but it's... 291 00:29:25,433 --> 00:29:26,558 It's shit, right? 292 00:29:27,226 --> 00:29:28,602 Yeah, I think it might be corked. 293 00:29:29,853 --> 00:29:32,523 - You've been storing it wrong. - No, I don't think so. I just... 294 00:29:33,774 --> 00:29:34,775 Tastes like... 295 00:29:37,819 --> 00:29:38,820 Just tastes like... 296 00:29:48,455 --> 00:29:53,794 What was the name of that horrifying creature on your ship? 297 00:29:54,753 --> 00:29:55,963 Who, Beki? 298 00:29:55,964 --> 00:29:57,047 Yeah. 299 00:29:58,215 --> 00:30:00,342 This wine tastes like Beki's arsehole. 300 00:30:01,468 --> 00:30:03,262 It does. Yeah, that's a toast. 301 00:30:05,347 --> 00:30:06,473 To Beki's arsehole. 302 00:30:26,410 --> 00:30:28,160 It's been confirmed. 303 00:30:28,161 --> 00:30:30,289 The lifeboats have been disabled. No one survived. 304 00:30:30,873 --> 00:30:34,001 - I am so sorry, Lady Demerzel. - A moment of silence. Please. 305 00:30:40,632 --> 00:30:41,799 What is it, Captain? 306 00:30:41,800 --> 00:30:43,177 Forgive me, Lady Demerzel. 307 00:30:43,677 --> 00:30:45,596 People of Trantor. 308 00:30:46,597 --> 00:30:49,140 We come to you with somber news. 309 00:30:49,141 --> 00:30:53,040 My brother Day, Cleon XVII, is dead. 310 00:30:53,041 --> 00:30:56,939 - Have them arrested immediately. - No. 311 00:30:56,940 --> 00:30:59,193 We will escort them safely back to the palace, 312 00:30:59,194 --> 00:31:01,695 where I will speak with them in private. 313 00:31:01,696 --> 00:31:02,821 ...as my bride. 314 00:31:06,491 --> 00:31:07,659 If she will have me? 315 00:31:10,954 --> 00:31:12,372 I will have you, Brother Dawn. 316 00:31:13,749 --> 00:31:15,000 Disable their transmission. 317 00:31:18,128 --> 00:31:19,129 Wait. 318 00:31:24,468 --> 00:31:27,930 That is not Dawn and Sareth. Those are her servants. 319 00:31:30,724 --> 00:31:31,850 Facial scramblers. 320 00:31:32,643 --> 00:31:33,769 But then, where are they? 321 00:31:34,436 --> 00:31:35,436 Demerzel? 322 00:31:37,105 --> 00:31:39,399 - Where are you? - Quick. Arrest those pretenders. 323 00:31:39,400 --> 00:31:41,193 I suspect you already know. 324 00:31:41,860 --> 00:31:43,111 I know you killed Dusk. 325 00:31:44,446 --> 00:31:45,821 Did you kill Day too? 326 00:31:45,822 --> 00:31:49,408 No. But your actions are forcing my hand. 327 00:31:49,409 --> 00:31:53,789 I will be required to hunt you down. My programming will mandate it. 328 00:31:53,790 --> 00:31:55,832 There's no room for interpretation? 329 00:31:56,375 --> 00:32:00,128 If we were killed, wouldn't it make the people turn against Empire? 330 00:32:00,129 --> 00:32:02,047 They already know you drove us out. 331 00:32:03,507 --> 00:32:04,507 Don't make it worse. 332 00:32:04,508 --> 00:32:06,634 A new Dawn will be decanted, 333 00:32:06,635 --> 00:32:09,513 and the public will forget their brief attachment to you. 334 00:32:09,514 --> 00:32:11,097 I don't know about that. 335 00:32:11,098 --> 00:32:13,308 I think our story is a rather good one. 336 00:32:16,270 --> 00:32:17,813 The ascending emperor, 337 00:32:18,605 --> 00:32:20,190 escaping with his bride and... 338 00:32:22,818 --> 00:32:25,070 with a naturally conceived heir that, 339 00:32:25,654 --> 00:32:28,991 in this very moment, grows inside her. 340 00:32:30,033 --> 00:32:31,034 Really? 341 00:32:34,162 --> 00:32:35,163 I'm a father? 342 00:32:39,835 --> 00:32:43,130 Your heir is merely a cluster of dividing cells. 343 00:32:45,257 --> 00:32:47,425 There is much that can go wrong. 344 00:32:47,426 --> 00:32:53,724 And even if the child survives, it may be weak. An unfit leader. 345 00:32:53,725 --> 00:32:55,184 He doesn't have to lead. 346 00:32:56,435 --> 00:32:57,728 He just has to be loved. 347 00:32:59,771 --> 00:33:03,817 I know your true feelings are always hard to ascertain, 348 00:33:04,401 --> 00:33:06,528 but I do hope you're happy for me. 349 00:33:07,529 --> 00:33:10,115 And I hope you find happiness too, Demerzel. 350 00:33:12,117 --> 00:33:13,410 With all my heart. 351 00:33:14,745 --> 00:33:15,913 You were good to me. 352 00:33:18,624 --> 00:33:20,834 The closest thing to a mother I ever had. 353 00:33:21,835 --> 00:33:23,336 I know you were programmed to be that. 354 00:33:23,337 --> 00:33:26,381 But I'd like to believe you would have been that way. 355 00:33:28,592 --> 00:33:29,760 Even without it. 356 00:33:50,614 --> 00:33:51,614 Call it, Salvor. 357 00:33:52,741 --> 00:33:53,741 Cats. 358 00:33:55,494 --> 00:33:57,162 That's ten in a row you've called. 359 00:33:57,163 --> 00:33:58,247 What's your record? 360 00:33:58,956 --> 00:34:01,375 I don't know. I've never been bored enough to find out. 361 00:34:01,376 --> 00:34:02,543 What kind of cat is that? 362 00:34:03,335 --> 00:34:04,336 Bishop's claw. 363 00:34:04,837 --> 00:34:09,757 I'm not sure if it's actually a cat. It's more like a lizard-cat sort of thing. 364 00:34:09,758 --> 00:34:11,092 Does it prey on people? 365 00:34:12,094 --> 00:34:13,303 Loves people. 366 00:34:13,804 --> 00:34:15,097 Especially kids. 367 00:34:15,806 --> 00:34:18,391 Cartilage in their ears, bone marrow. 368 00:34:18,392 --> 00:34:19,851 Okay. Who wants to have a go? 369 00:34:20,476 --> 00:34:21,603 How do you feel? 370 00:34:22,145 --> 00:34:26,900 At peace, like Thalis said, for the first time in a long while. 371 00:34:28,402 --> 00:34:30,237 How old do you think she actually was? 372 00:34:31,237 --> 00:34:33,802 Hundreds of years at least. 373 00:34:33,803 --> 00:34:36,368 When she was preparing me, 374 00:34:37,202 --> 00:34:40,706 I could feel these faint little echoes of people she'd taken before me. 375 00:34:41,290 --> 00:34:43,082 They stretched back so, so far. 376 00:34:43,083 --> 00:34:45,252 - I'll take it. No worries. - Thank you. 377 00:34:50,215 --> 00:34:51,507 You all right, Josiah? 378 00:34:52,050 --> 00:34:53,802 I need to tell you something. 379 00:34:54,303 --> 00:34:55,721 - Gaal. - What? 380 00:34:57,264 --> 00:34:59,057 There's something... Some... 381 00:35:02,436 --> 00:35:03,436 She's... 382 00:35:32,132 --> 00:35:33,634 I'm sorry, child. 383 00:35:47,397 --> 00:35:50,108 She was in my head, hiding. 384 00:35:50,651 --> 00:35:51,818 Who, Josiah? 385 00:35:53,362 --> 00:35:57,094 Tellem. She must have jumped into him when she was dying. 386 00:35:57,095 --> 00:36:00,827 - Tried to keep her out. Tell Gaal. - It's all right, son. 387 00:36:02,454 --> 00:36:05,874 She's so weak now. I feel her dying with me. 388 00:36:06,625 --> 00:36:10,963 Scared. Fighting. Scared. 389 00:36:12,506 --> 00:36:13,507 But I'm not. 390 00:36:23,100 --> 00:36:27,186 Salvor, look at me. 391 00:36:27,187 --> 00:36:28,605 - This isn't... Help! - Help me. 392 00:36:28,606 --> 00:36:30,523 Someone help us! 393 00:36:30,524 --> 00:36:33,694 You taught us hope. Please, you can't leave me. 394 00:36:34,194 --> 00:36:37,114 Mom. 395 00:36:39,366 --> 00:36:40,742 Don't you see what this means? 396 00:36:44,913 --> 00:36:46,331 It means we're not trapped. 397 00:36:49,084 --> 00:36:51,753 You were right. The future can be changed. 398 00:36:55,799 --> 00:36:57,968 You can still get it back on the right course. 399 00:37:01,263 --> 00:37:03,891 I have absolute faith in... 400 00:37:03,892 --> 00:37:07,101 No. 401 00:37:07,102 --> 00:37:11,190 Salvor, please! Please. No. 402 00:37:11,982 --> 00:37:13,192 Salvor. 403 00:37:14,526 --> 00:37:16,403 Salvor! 404 00:37:17,738 --> 00:37:19,364 No, please. No. 405 00:38:34,731 --> 00:38:37,317 ...a holy Brother of the Foundation, to its will. 406 00:38:37,818 --> 00:38:43,115 Let my eyes, which are the Spirit's eyes, look only forward to the future, 407 00:38:43,116 --> 00:38:44,700 which the Spirit does to find... 408 00:38:46,201 --> 00:38:47,452 that my heart... 409 00:39:41,715 --> 00:39:42,716 Hello? 410 00:39:51,725 --> 00:39:52,726 Cleric? 411 00:39:56,563 --> 00:40:00,025 It's good to see you, Brother. Where's Hober? 412 00:40:03,237 --> 00:40:04,238 He... 413 00:40:13,163 --> 00:40:14,540 Are you the only one to survive? 414 00:40:15,374 --> 00:40:16,375 No. 415 00:40:18,001 --> 00:40:19,461 I'm not the only one. 416 00:40:19,462 --> 00:40:20,546 Who else? 417 00:40:30,514 --> 00:40:32,599 The Vault can do a great many things. 418 00:40:33,934 --> 00:40:37,479 You've seen for yourself. It's larger than it looks. 419 00:40:38,939 --> 00:40:39,982 Rise, Brother. 420 00:40:42,234 --> 00:40:43,569 It was always the Plan. 421 00:40:44,152 --> 00:40:50,242 Terminus would be sacrificed so the Foundation would survive. 422 00:42:29,216 --> 00:42:30,217 What are you doing? 423 00:42:31,510 --> 00:42:32,511 I don't know. 424 00:42:34,429 --> 00:42:36,139 Looking for a sign, I guess, 425 00:42:36,765 --> 00:42:40,853 that Salvor's death nudged the Plan back on to a better path. 426 00:42:42,312 --> 00:42:44,356 We can never know in the present 427 00:42:45,190 --> 00:42:47,693 if the ripples created by an individual's actions 428 00:42:47,694 --> 00:42:50,696 will have a consequential event downstream. 429 00:42:50,697 --> 00:42:52,614 My head understands that, Hari. 430 00:42:55,492 --> 00:42:57,411 But my heart... 431 00:43:01,623 --> 00:43:05,419 My heart needs Salvor's death to have mattered. 432 00:43:07,129 --> 00:43:08,734 Because if it doesn't... 433 00:43:08,735 --> 00:43:10,340 Life becomes unbearable. 434 00:43:16,263 --> 00:43:17,930 Here we are trying to save humanity, 435 00:43:17,931 --> 00:43:20,350 and we can't even save the lives of the ones we love. 436 00:43:23,312 --> 00:43:27,024 Not a day goes by I don't think, "What would have happened if Yanna lived? 437 00:43:28,942 --> 00:43:30,527 What would our daughter be like? 438 00:43:31,987 --> 00:43:33,197 Would they've been happy? 439 00:43:34,740 --> 00:43:37,868 Would that happiness have made us complacent?" 440 00:43:41,121 --> 00:43:44,708 You take the pain and the what-ifs, 441 00:43:45,667 --> 00:43:48,712 and you weave them into a narrative that propels you forward. 442 00:43:53,717 --> 00:43:56,136 We're gonna lose more people along the way, Gaal. 443 00:43:57,221 --> 00:44:00,307 Those losses matter if we make them matter. 444 00:44:03,602 --> 00:44:05,687 You wouldn't be alive if Salvor hadn't acted. 445 00:44:09,191 --> 00:44:11,235 I would have given up a countless number of times, 446 00:44:11,236 --> 00:44:13,737 if Yanna hadn't sacrificed herself for me. 447 00:44:16,031 --> 00:44:18,909 I keep going because Yanna can't. 448 00:44:22,704 --> 00:44:23,705 Do you understand? 449 00:44:24,665 --> 00:44:25,666 Yeah. 450 00:44:31,547 --> 00:44:35,676 Tell me the Plan can still work, Hari. 451 00:44:36,468 --> 00:44:37,886 The Plan can still work. 452 00:44:39,763 --> 00:44:41,473 Do you really believe that? 453 00:44:44,810 --> 00:44:51,191 An infinite number of ways to arrive at the inevitable. 454 00:45:57,299 --> 00:45:58,759 Do you know who you are? 455 00:45:58,760 --> 00:46:00,177 I am Brother Day. 456 00:46:01,345 --> 00:46:02,866 I am Brother Dawn. 457 00:46:02,867 --> 00:46:04,774 I am Brother Dusk. 458 00:46:04,775 --> 00:46:06,682 We are Empire. 459 00:46:06,683 --> 00:46:08,477 And do you know who I am? 460 00:46:08,478 --> 00:46:10,541 You are Demerzel. 461 00:46:10,542 --> 00:46:12,606 That's right. 462 00:46:13,357 --> 00:46:16,360 I've always been here, as I always will be. 463 00:46:17,361 --> 00:46:19,278 This is unprecedented, Empire. 464 00:46:19,279 --> 00:46:23,450 I've never before had to decant exponents of all three of you simultaneously. 465 00:46:23,451 --> 00:46:26,036 But you should not let this discourage you, 466 00:46:27,329 --> 00:46:30,624 for I have recently acquired a very powerful new tool. 467 00:46:46,890 --> 00:46:50,143 Can you understand this, Demerzel? 468 00:46:51,478 --> 00:46:52,646 Not all of it. 469 00:46:56,066 --> 00:46:57,109 Not yet. 470 00:47:00,988 --> 00:47:04,199 But I can already see that wonderful things lie ahead. 471 00:47:11,623 --> 00:47:12,790 So, now what? 472 00:47:12,791 --> 00:47:15,710 We get you in the future, 150 years upstream, 473 00:47:15,711 --> 00:47:18,630 to the turning point where you face the Mule. 474 00:47:19,256 --> 00:47:23,552 His victory is not assured. That is a gift Salvor gave us. 475 00:47:24,094 --> 00:47:26,012 So, I go back into cryosleep? 476 00:47:26,013 --> 00:47:27,701 The pods are functional. I checked. 477 00:47:27,702 --> 00:47:29,390 What about the Second Foundation? 478 00:47:29,391 --> 00:47:32,811 Who's gonna teach them? Shape them into the army we'll need? 479 00:47:37,024 --> 00:47:38,191 I will. 480 00:47:38,192 --> 00:47:40,526 You'll sleep, and I'll watch over you. 481 00:47:40,527 --> 00:47:44,239 The Mentalics will hone their abilities. I'll teach them psychohistory. 482 00:47:45,073 --> 00:47:47,534 On Synnax, your people's god was the Sleeper. 483 00:47:48,410 --> 00:47:53,040 Once a year, the Sleeper will emerge, assess the state of the galaxy, 484 00:47:53,999 --> 00:47:55,458 address her flock, 485 00:47:55,459 --> 00:47:59,254 giving them just enough inspiration to carry them through the next cycle. 486 00:48:00,047 --> 00:48:03,008 The Mentalics will need someone exceptional to rally around. 487 00:48:03,009 --> 00:48:04,760 In that respect, Tellem was right about you. 488 00:48:04,761 --> 00:48:06,470 Becoming a goddess. 489 00:48:07,513 --> 00:48:10,015 - That's what Salvor was worried about. - And she was right. 490 00:48:10,557 --> 00:48:13,351 The second you forget you're playing a part, you're lost. 491 00:48:13,352 --> 00:48:18,774 You want me to wake up every year until you're no longer here. 492 00:48:20,526 --> 00:48:22,694 There are two cryo-pods on the Beggar 493 00:48:23,403 --> 00:48:27,699 and there's no reason for us to start the sleep cycles now. We can take a year. 494 00:48:27,700 --> 00:48:30,702 They'll learn twice as fast if we teach them together. 495 00:48:31,954 --> 00:48:36,834 If Salvor's sacrifice taught me anything, it's that I can't do this on my own. 496 00:48:38,001 --> 00:48:40,546 It's too big for one person. Hari, please. 497 00:48:41,338 --> 00:48:45,217 Please don't make me abandon the only family I have left. 498 00:48:45,843 --> 00:48:47,511 Come with me. 499 00:48:51,598 --> 00:48:54,768 Maybe I can one day face the Mule. 500 00:48:57,855 --> 00:49:01,941 But if there's a chance of a confrontation 501 00:49:01,942 --> 00:49:05,654 with another Hari Seldon at a crisis beyond that, 502 00:49:07,239 --> 00:49:10,033 we both know you're the only one up to the task. 503 00:49:13,704 --> 00:49:14,746 All right. 504 00:50:18,810 --> 00:50:22,231 I can feel your heart racing, Hari. Don't fight it. 505 00:50:22,232 --> 00:50:23,732 Don't fight it. Keep calm. 506 00:50:24,316 --> 00:50:25,316 Just keep calm. 507 00:50:25,317 --> 00:50:26,944 You can breathe it. So don't fight it. 508 00:50:27,569 --> 00:50:29,508 You can breathe the fluid. 509 00:50:29,509 --> 00:50:31,448 Remember to count primes. 510 00:50:33,700 --> 00:50:35,452 I... How far did we get? 511 00:50:36,328 --> 00:50:41,166 86,990,413. 512 00:50:42,584 --> 00:50:45,212 - Eighty-six million... - Eighty-six million, 513 00:50:45,213 --> 00:50:46,587 nine hundred ninety thousand, 514 00:50:46,588 --> 00:50:49,424 - four hundred and forty-three. - ...four hundred forty-three. 515 00:50:50,801 --> 00:50:54,054 Eighty-six million, nine hundred and ninety thousand... 516 00:50:54,680 --> 00:50:55,680 I love you. 517 00:50:56,181 --> 00:50:57,432 ...four hundred and sixty-one. 518 00:50:59,059 --> 00:51:01,186 We're going to do wonderful things together. 519 00:51:27,212 --> 00:51:31,175 How could there be nothing and then suddenly something? 520 00:51:33,177 --> 00:51:38,849 Close your eyes, listen to my words and dream. 521 00:51:49,776 --> 00:51:51,695 I saw her again. 522 00:51:53,280 --> 00:51:56,700 She visited me in a thousand dreams. 523 00:52:03,081 --> 00:52:04,875 Now she's here. 524 00:52:08,045 --> 00:52:09,546 In our time. 525 00:52:11,215 --> 00:52:12,841 At my throat. 526 00:52:15,260 --> 00:52:20,599 I have to find Gaal Dornick... 527 00:52:22,643 --> 00:52:24,436 before she finds me. 528 00:52:27,814 --> 00:52:30,651 I have to destroy her... 529 00:52:34,196 --> 00:52:38,617 even if I have to burn everything to do it.