1 00:01:14,908 --> 00:01:17,094 WOMAN 1: मेरे पिता एक किसान थे . 2 00:01:18,161 --> 00:01:20,722 हम्म, सभी की तरह जैसा की उस वक़्त होता था. 3 00:01:22,749 --> 00:01:25,018 हालाँकि उनकी शुरुआत वेसी नहीं थी, 4 00:01:25,502 --> 00:01:27,562 [DISTANT RUMBLING] 5 00:01:30,007 --> 00:01:31,116 [अलार्म की आवाज ] 6 00:01:31,216 --> 00:01:33,002 रेडिओ ओपरेटर : कंप्यूटर बता रहा है कि आपकी हालत बहुत ख़राब है . 7 00:01:33,102 --> 00:01:35,946 - नहीं, मुझे पता है मैं क्या कर रहा हू. - मैं ये सीधा पार कर जाऊँगा. 8 00:01:38,265 --> 00:01:40,117 - मैं इसे बंद कर रहा हूँ , Cooper. - नहीं ! 9 00:01:41,518 --> 00:01:44,037 - मैं इसे पूरा बंद कर रहा हूँ. - नहीं, मुझे पावर की जरुरत है ! 10 00:01:46,690 --> 00:01:48,041 [COOPER YELLS] 11 00:01:48,275 --> 00:01:49,418 Murph : डैड? 12 00:01:55,866 --> 00:01:58,602 सारी , Murph. तुम वापस सो जाओ जाके. 13 00:01:58,702 --> 00:02:01,304 - मैंने सोचा की आप वो भूत है . - नहीं . 14 00:02:02,873 --> 00:02:04,942 भूत जैसी कोई चीज नही होती बेटा. 15 00:02:05,042 --> 00:02:07,310 नानाजी ने कहा आप उन्हें देख सकते है. 16 00:02:08,629 --> 00:02:13,583 वो इसलिए कि तुम्हारे नानाजी खुद को भी भूतो के बहुत करीब का समझते है. तुम वापस सो जाओ जाके. 17 00:02:13,717 --> 00:02:15,652 आप उस एक्सीडेंट का सपना देख रहे थे ना?? 18 00:02:16,970 --> 00:02:19,364 बेटा तुम वापस सो जाओ जाके , Murph. हँ.. 19 00:02:46,291 --> 00:02:47,893 WOMAN 1: हमारी गेहूं की फसल ख़तम हो गई. 20 00:02:48,627 --> 00:02:51,062 पाला पड़ने के कारण हमें वो फसल जलानी पड़ी. 21 00:02:51,380 --> 00:02:54,658 फिर भी हमारे पास मक्का था. हमारे पास काफी मक्का था. 22 00:02:54,758 --> 00:02:57,110 लेकिन, उह्ह.... ज्यादातर धूल ही धूल थी वहाँ. 23 00:02:59,429 --> 00:03:02,124 WOMAN 2: मैं समझती हूँ कि मैं बयान नहीं कर सकती. वो सब जैसे बस वहा हमेशा के लिए था. 24 00:03:02,224 --> 00:03:06,203 वो लगातार धूल का गुबार कभी न ख़तम होने वाला. 25 00:03:08,188 --> 00:03:11,341 WOMAN 3: हम प्लास्टिक की शीट पहनते थे. 26 00:03:11,441 --> 00:03:14,219 हमारे मुह और नाक को ढकने के लिए... 27 00:03:14,319 --> 00:03:16,922 जिससे वो धूल हमारे अन्दर ज्यादा न जा सके. 28 00:03:18,532 --> 00:03:22,211 MAN: और हाँ, जब भी हम टेबल सेट करते, हम हमेशा प्लेट उलटी रखते थे. 29 00:03:22,311 --> 00:03:25,555 ग्लास या कप जो भी हो सब उल्टा ही रखना पड़ता था. 30 00:03:30,877 --> 00:03:32,996 Murph, जल्दी से उठो चलो! 31 00:03:33,096 --> 00:03:36,825 Tom, आज 4:00 बजे , तुम और मैं खलिहान में , Herbicide Resistance 101. 32 00:03:36,925 --> 00:03:38,527 - ठीक है? - Yes, sir. 33 00:03:39,970 --> 00:03:41,738 टेबल पर नहीं, Murph. 34 00:03:42,389 --> 00:03:44,324 Dad, क्या आप इसे ठीक कर सकते है? 35 00:03:45,809 --> 00:03:48,445 - COOPER: तुमने मेरे लैंडर के साथ क्या किया ? - ये मैंने नहीं किया. 36 00:03:48,545 --> 00:03:50,589 मुझे सोचने दो , क्या ये तुम्हारा भूत था ? 37 00:03:50,689 --> 00:03:53,091 उसने खटखटाया . वो खटखटाता रहता है . 38 00:03:53,191 --> 00:03:55,016 - TOM: भूत जैसी कोई चीज नहीं होती, पागल . - हे... 39 00:03:55,116 --> 00:03:58,372 - मैंने वो देखा है . और इसे कायरता कहते है . - Dad, इसे बताओ. 40 00:03:58,472 --> 00:04:00,557 देखो , ये बहुत सेंटिफिक नहीं है , Murph. 41 00:04:00,657 --> 00:04:03,060 आपने कहा था की जो हम नहीं जानते उसे स्वीकार करना भी साइंस है. 42 00:04:03,260 --> 00:04:07,097 उसकी बात भी सही है. Cooper हे ... अपनी चीजो की देखभाल शुरू कर दो. 43 00:04:08,623 --> 00:04:09,933 Coop. 44 00:04:12,027 --> 00:04:14,896 अच्छा ठीक है, Murph, तुम साइंस के बारे में बात करना चाहती हो? 45 00:04:15,756 --> 00:04:19,076 तो मुझे भूत की डरावनी बाते मत बताओ. बिलकुल नहीं, तुम्हे आगे बढ़ना चाहिए. 46 00:04:19,176 --> 00:04:22,012 तुम्हे तथ्यों को जुटाना चाहिये , विश्लेषण करो, पहले कैसे और फिर क्यूँ ये जानने की कोशिश करो... 47 00:04:22,112 --> 00:04:25,532 उसके बाद किसी परिणाम पर पहुचो. ठीक है? 48 00:04:26,099 --> 00:04:27,617 - ठीक है . - ऑलराइट. 49 00:04:30,353 --> 00:04:32,622 - स्कूल में अच्छे से रहना. - MAN: रुको. 50 00:04:32,856 --> 00:04:37,344 सुनो आज पैरेंट टीचर कांफ्रेंस है. ग्रांड पेरेंट्स टीचर कांफ्रेंस नही. 51 00:04:37,444 --> 00:04:39,429 [हार्न की आवाज] 52 00:04:39,529 --> 00:04:41,464 रुको भी, बेटा! 53 00:04:42,699 --> 00:04:45,994 - ये धूल का तूफ़ान तो नहीं है. - नही Nelson's अपनी पूरी फसल जला रहा है. 54 00:04:46,094 --> 00:04:47,137 पाला ? 55 00:04:47,237 --> 00:04:50,056 MAN: वो कह रहे है की ये आखिरी फसल है भिंडी की... 56 00:04:50,624 --> 00:04:51,892 सबसे आखिरी. 57 00:04:53,610 --> 00:04:56,405 उसे मक्के की खेती करनी चाहिए हम सब की तरह 58 00:04:56,505 --> 00:04:59,282 अब, तुम Miss Hanley के साथ अच्छे से पेश आना. वो अकेली है. 59 00:04:59,382 --> 00:05:00,951 आप क्या कहना चाहते है? 60 00:05:01,051 --> 00:05:04,246 धरती की जनसँख्या बढाओ. अपना वजन बढ़ाना शुरू करो मेरे बेटे. 61 00:05:04,346 --> 00:05:08,408 तुम शुरू क्यूँ नहीं कर देते अपने काम से कम रखो, बूढ़े इंसान? 62 00:05:15,607 --> 00:05:17,375 ऑलराइट, Murph, एक सेकेण्ड. 63 00:05:18,902 --> 00:05:20,211 Uh-huh. 64 00:05:20,695 --> 00:05:22,139 Third. 65 00:05:22,239 --> 00:05:23,515 [गियर्स की आवाज] 66 00:05:23,615 --> 00:05:25,350 - गियर लगाओ, बेवकूफ. - घुमाओ उसे! 67 00:05:25,450 --> 00:05:26,593 चुप रहो, Tom! 68 00:05:27,869 --> 00:05:30,372 - ये तुमने क्या किया, Murph? - ओह्ह , उसने कुछ नहीं किया. 69 00:05:30,472 --> 00:05:32,974 - टायर पंक्चर हो गया. - Murphy's law. 70 00:05:33,708 --> 00:05:34,689 चुप करो! 71 00:05:34,789 --> 00:05:37,062 - स्पेयर निकालो, Tom. - ये स्प्येयर टायर ही है. 72 00:05:39,589 --> 00:05:41,191 COOPER: पैच किट लेकर आओ! 73 00:05:42,384 --> 00:05:45,662 - TOM: मैं ये केसे ठीक करू यहाँ पर ? - COOPER: तुम्हे ये ठीक करना होगा. 74 00:05:45,762 --> 00:05:47,822 मैं हमेशा यहाँ नहीं रहूँगा तुम्हारी मदद के लिए. 75 00:05:56,147 --> 00:05:57,966 क्या हो रहा है , Murph? 76 00:05:58,066 --> 00:06:01,344 आपने और माँ ने मेरा नाम ऐसा क्यों रखा क्या मैं इतनी ख़राब थी ? 77 00:06:01,444 --> 00:06:04,798 - हमने ऐसा कुछ नहीं किया. - Murphy's Law? 78 00:06:05,657 --> 00:06:09,811 Murphy's Law का ये मतलब नहीं की कुछ बुरा ही होगा. 79 00:06:09,911 --> 00:06:13,356 इसका मतलब ये है कि जो होना लिखा है वो होकर रहेगा . 80 00:06:13,456 --> 00:06:16,101 और ये हमारे लिए ठीक भी है . 81 00:06:18,545 --> 00:06:20,113 [WHIRRING] 82 00:06:20,213 --> 00:06:21,856 ओओह,...! 83 00:06:22,540 --> 00:06:23,733 अंदर चलो. 84 00:06:25,010 --> 00:06:26,528 अंदर बैठो, चलो . 85 00:06:27,762 --> 00:06:29,990 इस पंचर टायर का क्या ? 86 00:06:32,851 --> 00:06:34,285 येहह ... 87 00:06:48,158 --> 00:06:52,229 ये एक भारतीय वायु सेना का ड्रोन है . सौर सेल पूरे एक खेत को ऊर्जा दे सकते है. 88 00:06:52,329 --> 00:06:53,888 तुम गाड़ी चलाओ , Tom. 89 00:06:59,252 --> 00:07:00,687 चलो, चलो, चलो! 90 00:07:02,172 --> 00:07:03,940 उसको ड्रोन की दिशा में रखो. 91 00:07:11,965 --> 00:07:14,484 तेज, Tom. मैं उसे खो रहा हूँ . 92 00:07:14,851 --> 00:07:15,994 ठीक उस तरफ . 93 00:07:17,695 --> 00:07:18,938 हाँ ऐसे ही. 94 00:07:20,223 --> 00:07:21,507 बस... बस... पहुच ही गए. 95 00:07:24,027 --> 00:07:25,336 ओह्ह्ह.... 96 00:07:30,367 --> 00:07:32,052 बहुत अच्छे, Tom. 97 00:07:38,516 --> 00:07:39,893 डैड ? 98 00:07:40,210 --> 00:07:43,063 बस मुझे वो मिल ही गया रुकना मत रुकना मत ! 99 00:07:43,421 --> 00:07:46,074 - डैड! - Tom! 100 00:07:46,174 --> 00:07:48,109 [टायर्स की आवाज] 101 00:07:50,553 --> 00:07:52,989 और आप मुझे बोल रहे थे गाड़ी चलाते रहो. 102 00:07:53,723 --> 00:07:58,286 मैं बस देख रहा था की अगर मैं तुम्हे कुए में कूदने को कहूँगा तो तुम कूद जाओगे क्या. 103 00:08:01,398 --> 00:08:04,334 - हमने उसे खो दिया . - नहीं, हमने नहीं खोया . 104 00:08:16,913 --> 00:08:18,681 तुम इसे चलाना चाहोगी? 105 00:08:24,587 --> 00:08:26,064 इस तरह. 106 00:08:31,344 --> 00:08:32,529 चलो. 107 00:08:33,430 --> 00:08:36,533 उसे बस वहां उतार दो . झील के उस तरफ . 108 00:08:40,729 --> 00:08:42,539 बहुत अच्छे से किया . 109 00:08:45,442 --> 00:08:47,385 TOM: आप क्या सोचते है ये कब से ऊपर घूम रहा था ? 110 00:08:47,485 --> 00:08:50,096 COOPER: दिल्ली मिशन कंट्रोल भी हमारे वाले की तरह ही बर्बाद हो चुका है .... 111 00:08:50,196 --> 00:08:52,132 - ...दस साल पहले . - हुह्ह... 112 00:08:52,365 --> 00:08:54,384 इतना समय दस साल ? 113 00:08:57,245 --> 00:08:59,940 - ये इतना नीचे कैसे आ गया ? - मैं नहीं जानता. 114 00:09:00,040 --> 00:09:03,026 शायद सूर्य ने इसके सोलर पैनल जला दिए या ये नीचे कुछ ढूढ़ रहा होगा. 115 00:09:03,126 --> 00:09:05,478 - क्या ? - मुझे वो बड़ा स्क्रू ड्राईवर देना. 116 00:09:05,795 --> 00:09:08,565 शायद किसी तरह का सिगनल ? मैं नहीं जानता. 117 00:09:13,820 --> 00:09:15,321 आप इसके साथ क्या करने वाले है ? 118 00:09:16,139 --> 00:09:19,409 मैं इसे कुछ सामाजिक जिम्मेदारियां सिखाउंगा ... 119 00:09:20,185 --> 00:09:21,619 जैसे हम फसल काटने की मशीन चलते हैं ठीक वैसे ही . 120 00:09:22,103 --> 00:09:23,705 क्या हम इसे ऐसे ही जाने नहीं दे सकते ? 121 00:09:25,899 --> 00:09:27,667 ये किसी को नुक्सान नहीं पंहुचा रहा था . 122 00:09:29,235 --> 00:09:33,631 इसे हम सब की तरह चीजो के अनुकूल बनना सीखना होगा Murph... 123 00:09:38,119 --> 00:09:40,231 COOPER: यह कैसे काम करता है ? तुम लोग इसे ले तोह आये हो ? 124 00:09:40,331 --> 00:09:43,833 मेरी क्लास का टाइम हो गया इसे. इंतज़ार करना होगा . 125 00:09:45,376 --> 00:09:48,238 - तुमने क्या किया ? - वो आपको बता देंगे जब आप अन्दर जायेंगे . 126 00:09:48,338 --> 00:09:50,573 - क्या मैं पागल होने वाला हूँ ? - मेरे साथ तो नहीं. 127 00:09:50,673 --> 00:09:53,943 - कोशिश करूँगा पागल न होने की . - हे ... आराम से . 128 00:09:55,261 --> 00:09:56,696 मैं संभाल लूँगा. 129 00:10:01,050 --> 00:10:03,920 - तुम लेट हो, Coop. - हाँ , हमारा टायर पंचर हो गया था. 130 00:10:04,020 --> 00:10:07,665 और मुझे लगता है की... वो किसी एशियाई फाइटर प्लेन स्टोर के सामने हुआ होगा. 131 00:10:07,857 --> 00:10:11,511 नहीं, ऐसी बात नहीं है , वो तो सिर्फ एक निगरानी रखने वाला ड्रोन है . 132 00:10:11,611 --> 00:10:14,464 और उसमे अभूतपूर्व सौर सेल लगे हुए हैं . ये भारतीय है. 133 00:10:14,781 --> 00:10:16,216 बैठिये . 134 00:10:17,242 --> 00:10:18,843 तो, उह्ह ... 135 00:10:19,452 --> 00:10:22,138 हमने Tom के नतीजे देखे . 136 00:10:22,580 --> 00:10:24,607 वोह एक बेहतरीन किसान बन सकता है . 137 00:10:24,707 --> 00:10:28,278 हाँ , वो इसमे माहिर है . तो कॉलेज के बारे में क्या ? 138 00:10:28,378 --> 00:10:32,198 देखिये यूनिवर्सिटी सिर्फ कुछ ही लोगो को ले रही है . उनके पास ज्यादा संसाधन नही है ... 139 00:10:32,298 --> 00:10:34,659 मैं अभी भी अपना टैक्स भरता हूँ . 140 00:10:34,759 --> 00:10:36,861 पैसे जाते कहा है ? अब तो कोई सेनायें भी नहीं हैं . 141 00:10:37,262 --> 00:10:39,697 खैर, पैसे यूनिवर्सिटी को नहीं जाते . 142 00:10:40,381 --> 00:10:45,070 - देखो, Coop, तुम्हे वास्तविकता को समझना होगा . - तो तुम मेरे लड़के को कॉलेज से बाहर कर रहे हो ? 143 00:10:45,311 --> 00:10:48,915 - वो सिर्फ 15 साल का है. - Tom के नतीजे पर्याप्त नहीं है . 144 00:10:49,816 --> 00:10:52,085 तुम्हारी कमर का साइज़ क्या है ? कितना होगा , 32? 145 00:10:52,402 --> 00:10:56,139 - या 33? - मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा आप क्या कहना चाहते है . 146 00:10:56,239 --> 00:11:00,760 तुम्हारी कमर को नापने में भी दो नंबर लगते है और तुम मेरे बच्चे का भविष्य सिर्फ एक नंबर से नापना चाहते हो ? 147 00:11:01,536 --> 00:11:04,481 देखिये ... आप एक सभी इंसान है, Coop. 148 00:11:04,581 --> 00:11:06,641 - और एक प्रशिक्षित पायलट भी . - और एक इंजीनियर भी . 149 00:11:07,041 --> 00:11:12,155 अच्छा, ठीक है , लेकिन अब हमें और इंजीनियर्स की जरुरत नहीं है . 150 00:11:12,255 --> 00:11:16,793 अब हमारे टेलीविजन सेट या जहाज खराब नही होते, हमें जरुरत है भोजन की. 151 00:11:16,926 --> 00:11:20,413 दुनिया को किसानो की जरुरत है . अच्छे किसानो की, तुम्हारे जैसो की . 152 00:11:20,513 --> 00:11:22,991 - और Tom. - अनपढ़ किसानो की . 153 00:11:23,808 --> 00:11:27,796 हम रखवालों की पीढ़ी है , Coop. और चीजें बेहतर हो रही है . 154 00:11:27,896 --> 00:11:31,124 - शायद हमारे नाती पोते वो पा सके जो ... - क्या मैं अब जा सकता हूँ , सर ? 155 00:11:32,317 --> 00:11:33,501 नहीं . 156 00:11:34,235 --> 00:11:36,504 Miss Hanley आपसे Murph के बारे में बात करना चाहती है . 157 00:11:36,738 --> 00:11:39,349 HANLEY: Murph बहुत अच्छी है . और वो बहुत ही होशियार भी है . 158 00:11:39,449 --> 00:11:41,768 पर हाल ही के दिनों में उसके साथ एक समस्या पेश आ रही है . 159 00:11:41,868 --> 00:11:45,313 वो ये सब छात्रों को दिखा रही है . चन्द्र अभियान से जुड़े चित्र . 160 00:11:45,413 --> 00:11:50,443 हाँ , ये मेरी पुरानी किताबों में से एक है . उसे ये चित्र बहुत पसंद है . 161 00:11:50,543 --> 00:11:54,322 यह एक पुरानी सरकारी किताब है . अब इसका संशोधित संस्करण आ गया है . 162 00:11:54,422 --> 00:11:55,532 संशोधित संस्करण ? 163 00:11:55,632 --> 00:12:00,061 हाँ जो बताता है की कैसे हमने झूठा अपोलो मिशन तैयार किया ताकि हम सोवियत संघ को बर्बाद कर सके. 164 00:12:06,476 --> 00:12:08,536 तुम्हे भरोसा नहीं की हम चाँद पर गए थे ? 165 00:12:09,562 --> 00:12:11,631 वो एक बेहतरीन ड्रामा था . 166 00:12:11,731 --> 00:12:14,634 जिससे सोवियत संघ ने अपने संसाधनों को बर्बाद कर दिया... 167 00:12:14,734 --> 00:12:18,304 - बेकार के रोकेट और दूसरी बेकार मशीनों को बनाने में . - "बेकार की मशीने." 168 00:12:18,404 --> 00:12:22,559 अगर हम 20 वीं शताब्दी की बर्बादी को दोबारा दोहराना नहीं चाहते, तो... 169 00:12:22,659 --> 00:12:26,554 हमें अपने बच्चों को इस पृथ्वी के बारे में सिखाना होगा . 170 00:12:27,288 --> 00:12:31,392 उन बेकार की मशीनों में से एक MRI भी थी . 171 00:12:31,668 --> 00:12:34,871 अगर उनमे से एक भी बची होती तो, डॉक्टर ढूढ़ पाते ... 172 00:12:34,971 --> 00:12:38,992 मेरी पत्नी के दिमाग में मौजूद कैंसर को... उसके मरने से पहले न की बाद में . 173 00:12:39,092 --> 00:12:42,245 और तब, ये सब वो यहाँ बैठ के सुन रही होती मैं नहीं ... 174 00:12:42,345 --> 00:12:45,731 और तब यह बहुत अच्छा होता , क्योंकि वो हमेशा से थी ... 175 00:12:46,015 --> 00:12:47,617 एक शांत स्वभाव की महिला . 176 00:12:48,184 --> 00:12:50,770 मैं आपकी पत्नी के बारे में क्षमा चाहती हूँ, Mr. Cooper. 177 00:12:51,521 --> 00:12:55,258 लेकिन Murph इसकी वजह से क्लास के कई छात्रों के साथ झगडा कर चुकी है ... 178 00:12:55,358 --> 00:12:59,721 अपोलो मिशन वाली बेवकूफी की वजह से . तो हमने सोचा की आपको बुलाकर सलाह ले सके की कैसे आप ... 179 00:12:59,821 --> 00:13:02,590 उसकी ऐसी नादानियों के साथ घर पर कैसे निपटते हैं. 180 00:13:03,700 --> 00:13:06,811 हाँ, क्या आपको पता है ? उम्म्म , कल रात को एक बेसबॉल का गेम है . 181 00:13:06,911 --> 00:13:09,105 उसे बेसबॉल का बहुत शौक है . 182 00:13:09,205 --> 00:13:13,518 उसकी पसंदीदा टीम खेल रही है . और वहां पर कैंडी और सोडा भी होगा ... 183 00:13:16,504 --> 00:13:18,439 मैं सोच रहा हूँ की मैं उसे वहां ले कर जाऊ . 184 00:13:21,551 --> 00:13:23,194 [WHISTLING] 185 00:13:23,678 --> 00:13:25,229 कैसा रहा ? 186 00:13:25,847 --> 00:13:27,824 मैंने तुम्हे स्कूल से निकलवा दिया . 187 00:13:28,141 --> 00:13:29,575 - क्या ? - MAN [रेडिओ की आवाज]: Cooper. 188 00:13:31,227 --> 00:13:32,462 मैं Cooper बोल रहा हूँ. बोलो. 189 00:13:32,562 --> 00:13:35,465 Coop, जो फसल काटने की मशीने तुमने दोबारा बनायी थी वो ख़राब हो गयी है . 190 00:13:35,565 --> 00:13:37,834 तुम बस उसके कंट्रोलर को रिसेट कर दो . 191 00:13:38,067 --> 00:13:40,795 मैं वो करके देख चुका हूँ . अब तुम्हे ही आके इसे देखना पड़ेगा . 192 00:14:00,423 --> 00:14:03,593 MAN: एक के बाद एक करके ये ख़राब होते जा रहे हैं . 193 00:14:03,693 --> 00:14:05,528 दिशासूचक यंत्र के साथ कुछ है जो समस्या पैदा कर है . 194 00:14:06,929 --> 00:14:09,407 चुम्बकत्व या शायद कुछ और... 195 00:14:28,117 --> 00:14:29,802 [दबी हुई आवाज] 196 00:14:52,425 --> 00:14:56,913 MURPH: किताबो के बारे में कुछ भी विशेष नहीं है जैसा कि आपने कहा था. 197 00:14:57,563 --> 00:15:00,466 - मैं गिनती कर रही हूँ बीच की खाली जगहों की . - क्यों ? 198 00:15:02,110 --> 00:15:04,495 शायद अगर वो भूत हमसे बात करने की कोशश कर रहा हो तो ... 199 00:15:04,987 --> 00:15:06,831 मैं मोर्स कोड पर कोशिश कर रही हूँ . 200 00:15:07,115 --> 00:15:08,599 मोर्स कोड ? 201 00:15:08,699 --> 00:15:10,084 हाँ . 202 00:15:10,201 --> 00:15:12,895 - जिसमे बिंदु और लकीरों का, इस्तेमाल होता है... - मैं जानता हूँ मोर्स कोड क्या होता है, Murph. 203 00:15:12,995 --> 00:15:16,215 पर मुझे नहीं लगता कि तुम्हारा बुकसेल्फ़ तुमसे बात करने की कोशिश कर रहा है . 204 00:15:27,510 --> 00:15:31,989 मुझे सारे GPS और CLOCK रिसेट करने होंगे उस अनियमितता को ठीक करने के लिए . 205 00:15:32,181 --> 00:15:34,825 - कौन सी अनियमितता? - मुझे नहीं पता. 206 00:15:36,519 --> 00:15:38,713 लगता है जैसे ये घर चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र के ऊपर बना है ... 207 00:15:38,813 --> 00:15:41,999 ऐसा पहली बार देखा है, मैंने ट्रेक्टर स्टार्ट कर दिया. 208 00:15:44,569 --> 00:15:47,838 मैंने सुना तुम्हारी स्कूल में मीटिंग के बारे अच्छी नहीं गयी ना. 209 00:15:48,364 --> 00:15:50,174 हेह... आपको पता चल गया ? 210 00:15:51,033 --> 00:15:53,970 ये कुछ ऐसा है Donald, जैसे कि हम भूल गए हों कि हम कौन है . 211 00:15:55,538 --> 00:15:59,441 खोजकर्ता, वैज्ञानिक, सिर्फ रखवाले नहीं . 212 00:16:00,751 --> 00:16:02,445 जब मैं एक बच्चा था ... 213 00:16:02,545 --> 00:16:06,774 ऐसा लगता था जेसे हरदिन कुछ ना कुछ नया बनाया जा रहा है . कोई ... 214 00:16:07,049 --> 00:16:10,444 यंत्र या कोई नया विचार . जैसे हर दिन ही क्रिसमस जैसा था . 215 00:16:10,803 --> 00:16:15,992 लेकिन उन 6 अरब लोगों में से हरेक जैसे ... 216 00:16:16,893 --> 00:16:19,996 सब कुछ पा लेना चाहता था . 217 00:16:21,939 --> 00:16:23,174 [गहरी सांस लेते हुए] 218 00:16:23,274 --> 00:16:25,693 ये दुनिया उतनी भी बुरी नहीं है . 219 00:16:27,445 --> 00:16:31,289 और टॉम भी अच्छा ही करेगा . तुम्हे यहाँ पर नहीं होना चाहिए था . 220 00:16:31,389 --> 00:16:34,402 या तो तुम्हे 40 साल बाद पैदा होना था, या 40 साल पहले. 221 00:16:35,203 --> 00:16:38,005 मेरी लड़की को यह पता था , भगवान उसकी आत्मा को शांति दे. 222 00:16:38,581 --> 00:16:41,475 और तुम्हारे बच्चे भी ये जानते है . खासतौर पे Murph. 223 00:16:41,709 --> 00:16:45,196 हाँ , हम अक्सर आसमान की और देखते और सोचते ... 224 00:16:45,296 --> 00:16:47,973 इन तारों के बीच अपनी जगह के बारे में . 225 00:16:50,092 --> 00:16:54,572 अब हम बस नीचे देखते और इस जगह पर फैली धूल के बारे में चिंता करते रहते हैं . 226 00:16:54,972 --> 00:16:57,908 Cooper, तुम कुछ चीजो में बहुत अच्छे हो ... 227 00:16:58,142 --> 00:17:00,745 पर तुम्हे कभी कुछ ख़ास करने का मौका नहीं मिला . 228 00:17:01,437 --> 00:17:03,072 मैं दुखी होता हूँ, ये सोचकर . 229 00:17:04,582 --> 00:17:08,711 WOMAN 4: आप उम्मीद नहीं कर सकते थे की ये धूल जो आपको इस तरह का भोजन दे रही थी ... 230 00:17:08,945 --> 00:17:12,131 आपको ऐसा बना देगी और आपको तबाह कर देगी . 231 00:17:12,432 --> 00:17:16,761 अप्रैल मैं ... मुझे लगता है जहाँ तक मैं सही हूँ ... पंद्रह अप्रैल को, मैं सोचता हूँ . 232 00:17:17,119 --> 00:17:21,566 यह सब हुआ 1:30 बजे के आसपास जब वो चीज ... उस घाटी के ऊपर से होती हुई आई . 233 00:17:21,666 --> 00:17:23,109 [उत्साह का शोर] 234 00:17:23,209 --> 00:17:27,530 हमारे समय में, असली ख़िलाड़ी हुआ करते थे . ये लफंगे पता नहीं कौन है ? 235 00:17:27,630 --> 00:17:32,443 COOPER: और मेरे दिनों में, लोग खाने और बेसबॉल को लेकर झगड़ने में व्यस्त रहते थे . 236 00:17:32,635 --> 00:17:37,382 बेसबॉल के गेम के साथ पोपकोर्न कितना अजीब लगता है . मुझे एक हॉट डॉग चाहिए . 237 00:17:37,482 --> 00:17:40,109 स्कूल वाले कह रहे थे की तुम मेरे पदचिन्हों पर चल रहे हो . 238 00:17:40,560 --> 00:17:42,161 मुझे जानकर बहुत अच्छा लगा . 239 00:17:42,353 --> 00:17:45,748 - क्या आपको लगता है ये ठीक है ? - आप खेतीबाड़ी से नफरत करते है, Dad. 240 00:17:46,440 --> 00:17:48,134 नानाजी ने बताया . 241 00:17:48,234 --> 00:17:49,752 COOPER: नानाजी ने बताया, हहह ...? 242 00:17:50,069 --> 00:17:52,680 सुनो, ये सब निर्भर करता है कि तुम्हे क्या अच्छा लगता है . 243 00:17:52,780 --> 00:17:54,548 जो भी आप करते है मुझे अच्छा लगता है . 244 00:17:55,157 --> 00:17:56,759 मुझे हमारे खेत पसंद हैं . 245 00:17:57,326 --> 00:17:59,020 तुम बहुत अच्छे किसान बनोगे . 246 00:17:59,120 --> 00:18:01,097 [सभी शोर करते है ] 247 00:18:08,004 --> 00:18:10,272 [सायरन की दूर से आती हुई आवाज ] 248 00:18:11,999 --> 00:18:13,801 चलो अब चलो यहाँ से . 249 00:18:20,558 --> 00:18:22,660 COOPER: ऑलराइट, ये सब कितना अजीब है . 250 00:18:23,269 --> 00:18:25,204 ऑलराइट , सबलोग, मास्क पहन लो . 251 00:18:28,441 --> 00:18:30,543 - Tom? Murph? पहन लिया? - TOM: हाँ . 252 00:19:23,996 --> 00:19:26,682 Murph, Tom, तुम लोगो ने अपनी अपनी खिड़कियाँ बंद की थीं ? 253 00:19:31,003 --> 00:19:32,188 Murph? 254 00:19:53,484 --> 00:19:54,877 MURPH: वही भूत . 255 00:19:56,028 --> 00:19:57,755 अपनी तकिया उठाओ . 256 00:19:58,047 --> 00:20:00,382 तुम आज Tom के साथ में सोने जा रही हो . 257 00:20:55,112 --> 00:20:56,981 COOPER: ये कोई भूत नहीं है . 258 00:21:01,903 --> 00:21:03,821 ये है गुरुत्वाकर्षण . 259 00:21:05,473 --> 00:21:07,825 DONALD: मैं Tom को छोड़ दूंगा, उसके बाद शहर जाऊंगा . 260 00:21:08,017 --> 00:21:12,288 जब तुम लोग इसकी पूजा करना बंद कर दो, उसके बाद इसे साफ कर देना . 261 00:21:37,546 --> 00:21:39,899 ये मोर्स कोड नहीं है, Murph. ये बाइनरी कोड है . 262 00:21:40,299 --> 00:21:42,459 मोटी वाली लाइन एक, और पतली वाली शून्य है . 263 00:21:46,722 --> 00:21:48,157 ये कोर्डिनेटस हैं. 264 00:21:50,643 --> 00:21:53,245 नहीं... नहीं... मम्म - मम्म. 265 00:21:54,605 --> 00:21:55,873 हाँ ये रहा . 266 00:21:57,358 --> 00:21:58,834 Thirty-three. 267 00:22:01,695 --> 00:22:02,838 ये हुई न बात . 268 00:22:04,198 --> 00:22:05,799 मैं इसे मिस नहीं कर सकता ! 269 00:22:06,033 --> 00:22:09,303 नानाजी कुछ देर में वापस आ जायेंगे , Murph. 270 00:22:09,995 --> 00:22:12,765 लेकिन आप नहीं जानते की आप क्या ढूँढने जा रहे हैं . 271 00:22:13,666 --> 00:22:15,300 इसी वजह से ... 272 00:22:16,085 --> 00:22:18,270 मैं तुम्हे साथ नहीं ले जा सकता . 273 00:22:24,260 --> 00:22:25,486 Murph? 274 00:22:27,471 --> 00:22:31,075 नानाजी थोड़ी देर में आ जायेंगे, उनसे कहना मैं उन्हें रेडियो पर संपर्क करूंगा . 275 00:22:37,147 --> 00:22:38,499 - ओह्ह.. ! - हे भगवान . 276 00:22:39,400 --> 00:22:41,385 - तुम यहाँ क्या कर रही हो ? - हे-हे... 277 00:22:41,485 --> 00:22:43,712 ओह्ह , तुम्हे लगता है ये अच्छा मजाक है ? हुह? 278 00:22:43,946 --> 00:22:46,382 तुम्हे यहाँ नहीं होना चाहिए था . 279 00:22:48,117 --> 00:22:50,219 चलो अब खुद को थोडा उपयोगी साबित करो . 280 00:23:53,474 --> 00:23:55,208 [धीरे से] हे, Murph? 281 00:23:56,435 --> 00:23:57,978 Murph. 282 00:24:00,981 --> 00:24:03,417 मुझे लगता है ये इस रोड का अंत है . 283 00:24:06,320 --> 00:24:08,464 आप बोल्ट कटर नहीं लाये क्या ? 284 00:24:09,531 --> 00:24:10,883 तुम कितनी समझदार हो . 285 00:24:38,519 --> 00:24:39,837 MAN'S VOICE: पीछे हटो ! 286 00:24:39,937 --> 00:24:43,090 COOPER: गोली मत चलाना मेरे पास हथियार नहीं है . मेरी बच्ची कार में है . 287 00:24:43,190 --> 00:24:44,750 [चटचटाने की आवाज] 288 00:24:46,819 --> 00:24:48,470 [किसी के चलने की आवाज] 289 00:24:48,570 --> 00:24:50,923 - MAN'S VOICE: घबराओ मत. - आह...! 290 00:25:03,544 --> 00:25:05,729 MAN'S VOICE: तुमने इस जगह को कैसे ढूँढा ? 291 00:25:06,338 --> 00:25:07,773 मेरी बच्ची कहाँ है ? 292 00:25:07,965 --> 00:25:11,952 तुम्हारे पास मिले नक़्शे में इस जगह के कोओर्डीनेट्स पर निशान लगे हुए थे . तुम्हे वो कहाँ से मिले ? 293 00:25:12,052 --> 00:25:13,254 मेरी बच्ची कहाँ है ? 294 00:25:13,354 --> 00:25:16,573 मुझे मजबूर मत करिये . बैठ जाइये ! 295 00:25:16,807 --> 00:25:19,084 COOPER: ओह्ह, तो तुम अभी भी खुद को एक मरीन समझते हो ? 296 00:25:19,184 --> 00:25:21,870 मरीन, अब... नहीं होते . 297 00:25:22,062 --> 00:25:27,092 - और मुझे ऐसा लगता है जैसे तुम मेरे गार्डन की घास काट रहे हो . - तुम्हे वो कोओर्डीनेट्स कहाँ से मिले ? 298 00:25:27,192 --> 00:25:29,845 पर तुम उस घास काटने वाली मशीन जैसे नहीं दिखते . 299 00:25:29,945 --> 00:25:32,848 मुझे लगता है मैं तुम्हे एक अच्छा वैक्यूम क्लीनर तो बना ही सकता हूँ . 300 00:25:32,948 --> 00:25:34,258 WOMAN: नहीं , तुम ऐसा नहीं कर सकते . 301 00:25:35,784 --> 00:25:37,803 TARS, पीछे हटो , प्लीज . 302 00:25:39,204 --> 00:25:42,432 तुम्हे पता है तुम रिस्क ले रही हो, पुरानी मिलिट्री की सिक्यूरिटी का इस्तेमाल करके . 303 00:25:42,791 --> 00:25:46,695 ये पुरानी है, और इनके कण्ट्रोल यूनिट का कोई ठिकाना नहीं . 304 00:25:46,795 --> 00:25:48,864 हमारी सरकार बस यही कर सकती है . 305 00:25:48,964 --> 00:25:50,366 [सांस लेते हुए] 306 00:25:50,466 --> 00:25:51,733 तुम कौन हो ? 307 00:25:52,092 --> 00:25:53,494 Dr. Brand. 308 00:25:53,594 --> 00:25:56,071 मैं एक Dr. Brand को पहले जानता था . वह एक प्रोफेसर थे . 309 00:25:56,346 --> 00:25:57,948 तुम्हे क्यों लगता है मैं Dr. Brand नहीं हूँ ? 310 00:25:58,307 --> 00:26:00,876 क्यूंकि वो तुम्हारे जितने क्यूट नहीं थे . 311 00:26:00,976 --> 00:26:03,579 प्लीज , Dr. Brand. मुझे नहीं पता ये सब क्या है . 312 00:26:04,313 --> 00:26:06,882 लेकिन मैं अपनी बच्ची को लेकर परेशान हूँ, और मैं उसे अभी देखना चाहता हूँ . 313 00:26:06,982 --> 00:26:09,543 तुम मुझे सब सच सच बता दो , मैं तुम्हे वो सब बता दूँगी जो भी तुम जानना चाहते हो . 314 00:26:12,821 --> 00:26:15,924 अधिकारियों और बच्ची को लेकर कांफ्रेंस रूम में पहुँचो, प्लीज . 315 00:26:17,359 --> 00:26:20,137 तुम्हारी बच्ची ठीक है. वो बहुत तेज है . 316 00:26:20,621 --> 00:26:22,523 और उसका एक होशियार भाई भी होगा . 317 00:26:22,623 --> 00:26:25,109 देखो ये तो एकदम साफ़ है कि, तुम लोग इस जगह पर किसी मेहमान को नहीं बुलाना चाहते . 318 00:26:25,209 --> 00:26:29,271 तो तुम लोग हमें वापस बाहर क्यूँ नहीं जाने दे रहे हो, ताकि हम अपने रास्ते जा सके ? हुह्ह...? 319 00:26:29,463 --> 00:26:32,107 - ये इतना आसान नहीं है . - हाँ, जरुर, ये है. 320 00:26:32,341 --> 00:26:36,111 मैं तुम्हारे बारे में कुछ नहीं जानता . मैं इस जगह के बारे में कुछ नहीं जानता . 321 00:26:36,887 --> 00:26:38,155 हाँ , तुम जानते हो . 322 00:26:43,769 --> 00:26:44,953 Dad! 323 00:26:47,523 --> 00:26:48,665 हैलो , Cooper. 324 00:26:50,025 --> 00:26:51,168 प्रोफेसर Brand. 325 00:26:52,536 --> 00:26:55,264 MAN: जरा विस्तार से बताइए आपको इस जगह का पता कैसे चला . 326 00:26:55,364 --> 00:26:58,726 ये एक तरह का एक्सीडेंट था. मैं कह सकता हूँ इत्तेफाकन. हम बस यूँ ही घूम रहे थे ... 327 00:26:58,826 --> 00:27:01,603 आप दुनिया के एक सबसे गुप्त ठिकाने पर बैठे है . 328 00:27:01,703 --> 00:27:05,307 कोई भी यहाँ इत्तेफाकन नहीं आ सकता है . न जा सकता है . 329 00:27:05,541 --> 00:27:09,820 BRAND: Cooper, प्लीज . इन लोगों का सहयोग करो . 330 00:27:09,920 --> 00:27:11,230 देखिये. 331 00:27:12,047 --> 00:27:13,815 ये बताना ज़रा मुश्किल है . 332 00:27:14,049 --> 00:27:18,871 हमें ये कोओर्डीनेट्स एक अजीब तरह की विसंगति से मिले . 333 00:27:18,971 --> 00:27:20,372 किस अजीब तरह की विसंगति से ? 334 00:27:20,472 --> 00:27:23,834 मुझे इसे अलौकिक कहते हुए थोडा संकोच हो रहा है , लेकिन निश्चित तौर पर इसे साइंटिफिक नहीं कह सकते . 335 00:27:23,934 --> 00:27:27,921 आपको अच्छी तरह से निश्चित होके बताना होगा , Mr. Cooper. अभी के अभी . 336 00:27:28,021 --> 00:27:29,373 वो गुरुत्वाकर्षण था . 337 00:27:34,247 --> 00:27:37,222 उम्म, किस तरह की गुरुत्वाकर्षण विसंगति ? कहाँ पर थी वो ? 338 00:27:37,322 --> 00:27:40,684 अब , देखो गुरुत्वाकर्षण के बारे में तुम्हारे उत्साह से मैं खुश हूँ, दोस्त... 339 00:27:40,784 --> 00:27:43,663 लेकिन आपको मुझसे कोई भी जवाब नहीं मिल सकते जब तक मुझे भरोसा नहीं हो जाता . 340 00:27:43,763 --> 00:27:45,555 - कैसा भरोसा ? - COOPER: हाँ . 341 00:27:46,290 --> 00:27:49,818 जैसे , हम यहाँ से सूरक्षित बाहर निकल जायेंगे . न कि किसी कार के ट्रंक में . 342 00:27:49,918 --> 00:27:51,687 [सब हँसते हैं ] 343 00:27:52,296 --> 00:27:55,908 - तुम्हे नहीं पता हम कौन हैं, Coop? - नहीं, प्रोफेसर, मैं नहीं जानता . 344 00:27:56,008 --> 00:27:58,110 WOMAN: तुम मेरे पिता प्रोफेसर Brand को जानते हो . 345 00:27:58,635 --> 00:28:00,028 हम NASA है . 346 00:28:01,722 --> 00:28:04,032 - NASA? - BRAND: NASA. 347 00:28:04,266 --> 00:28:06,159 वही NASA जिसके लिए तुम काम करते थे . 348 00:28:17,112 --> 00:28:18,847 COOPER: मैंने तो सुना था कि सरकार ने NASA बंद करवा दी थी, सर... 349 00:28:18,947 --> 00:28:23,018 हाँ , क्यूंकि हमने ऊपर आसमान से भूख से तड़पते लोगों पर बम गिराने से मना कर दिया था . 350 00:28:23,118 --> 00:28:25,521 जब सरकार को इस बात का एहसास हुआ कि लोगों को मारना ... 351 00:28:25,621 --> 00:28:28,524 लंबे समय का एक अच्छा उपाय नहीं था, तब उन्हें वापस हमारी जरुरत पड़ी . 352 00:28:28,624 --> 00:28:30,692 - लेकिन गुप्त तरीके से . - गुप्त क्यूँ ? 353 00:28:30,792 --> 00:28:34,788 BRAND: क्यूंकि आम लोगों की राय में अंतरिक्ष खोजों पर पैसा खर्च करना अच्छी बात नहीं है . 354 00:28:34,888 --> 00:28:37,482 खासतौर पर तब, जब आप भोजन की कमी से जूझ रहे हों . 355 00:28:38,800 --> 00:28:40,068 पाला . 356 00:28:40,427 --> 00:28:44,664 सात साल पहले गेहूं की फसल हमेशा के लिए ख़तम हो गई, और भिंडी इस साल. 357 00:28:45,015 --> 00:28:46,783 और अब बस ये मक्का बचा है . 358 00:28:47,017 --> 00:28:49,044 और हम बस इसे ही उगा रहे है, पहले से कहीं ज्यादा . 359 00:28:49,144 --> 00:28:53,415 लेकिन आयरलैंड में आलू और धूल के गुबार में गेहूं की तरह ... 360 00:28:53,899 --> 00:28:56,501 मक्का भी ख़तम हो जाएगा . 361 00:28:57,152 --> 00:28:58,295 जल्द ही . 362 00:29:02,199 --> 00:29:03,392 [COOPER सांस लेते हुए ] 363 00:29:03,492 --> 00:29:07,179 हम कोई न कोई रास्ता निकाल लेंगे प्रोफ़ेसर . हमने हमेशा से ही ऐसा किया है . 364 00:29:07,829 --> 00:29:11,933 इसमें कोई दोराय नहीं कि ये पृथ्वी हमारी है . 365 00:29:12,334 --> 00:29:16,438 न सिर्फ हमारी है , बल्कि ये हमारा घर भी है . 366 00:29:17,673 --> 00:29:22,953 पृथ्वी के वातावरण में 80 प्रतिशत नाइट्रोजन गैस है, जो की हम श्वास के साथ अंदर नहीं ले सकते . 367 00:29:23,053 --> 00:29:28,458 लेकिन पाला इसे सोख कर ही फलता फूलता है , और हमारी शुद्ध हवा कम होती जाती है जिससे कम ऑक्सीजन बचती है . 368 00:29:28,558 --> 00:29:32,087 वो आखिरी लोग जो भूखमरी से बच जायेंगे, दम घुटने से मरने वाले पहले लोग होंगे . 369 00:29:32,187 --> 00:29:34,456 और तुम्हारी बच्ची की पीढ़ी... 370 00:29:35,924 --> 00:29:38,343 पृथ्वी पर बची रहने वाली आखिरी पीढ़ी होगी . 371 00:29:38,443 --> 00:29:42,130 WOMAN: Murph थोड़ी थकी हुई है, तो मैं इसे अपने ऑफिस में सुला देती हूँ. 372 00:29:42,531 --> 00:29:44,132 हाँ . धन्यवाद. 373 00:29:46,827 --> 00:29:48,269 ऑलराइट... 374 00:29:48,870 --> 00:29:52,474 अब आप मुझे बताइए की आपका पृथ्वी को बचने की योजना क्या है . 375 00:29:53,041 --> 00:29:56,645 हम पृथ्वी को बचाने की कोशिश नहीं कर रहे हैं . हम इसे छोड़कर जाने की तैयारी में लगे हैं . 376 00:30:02,384 --> 00:30:03,527 COOPER: रेंजर्स. 377 00:30:03,719 --> 00:30:08,782 पृथ्वी की कक्षा में स्थित हमारे एक बहुउपयोगी यान The Endurance का आखिरी हिस्सा. 378 00:30:08,974 --> 00:30:10,700 हमारा अंतिम अभियान . 379 00:30:11,393 --> 00:30:14,454 आपने वहां अंतरिक्ष में लोगों को नया घर तलाश करने भेजा ? 380 00:30:14,980 --> 00:30:16,373 The Lazarus missions. 381 00:30:16,606 --> 00:30:19,668 - ओह्ह.., ये सुनने में अच्छा लगा है . - Lazarus मौत के मुहं से वापस आया . 382 00:30:19,901 --> 00:30:22,003 अच्छा , लेकिन अब उसे यहाँ मरना होगा . 383 00:30:22,529 --> 00:30:25,307 हमारे पूरे सौरमंडल में कोई ऐसा ग्रह नहीं है जिसमे जीवन की संभावना हो ... 384 00:30:25,407 --> 00:30:27,976 और सबसे नजदीकी तारा भी हजारो साल की दूरी पर है . 385 00:30:28,076 --> 00:30:30,846 उस पर भी उपजाऊ होने की कोई क्षमता नहीं है . 386 00:30:32,414 --> 00:30:33,849 आपने उन्हें कहा भेजा ? 387 00:30:34,166 --> 00:30:35,651 Cooper... 388 00:30:35,751 --> 00:30:40,614 मैं अब तुम्हे और नहीं बता सकता जब तक तुम इस एयरक्राफ्ट को उडाने के लिए राजी नहीं हो जाते . 389 00:30:40,714 --> 00:30:44,109 - तुम हमारे सबसे अच्छे पायलेट हो . - मैं कभी समतापमंडल के ऊपर भी नहीं गया हूँ . 390 00:30:44,301 --> 00:30:46,528 ये टीम कभी सिम्युलेटर के बाहर भी नहीं गयी है . 391 00:30:46,762 --> 00:30:50,624 हमें एक अच्छे पायलट की जरुरत है, और ये ठीक वैसा ही मिशन है जिसकी तुम्हे ट्रेनिंग मिली है . 392 00:30:50,724 --> 00:30:52,325 बिना इसे जाने हुए भी मैं हां कैसे कह दूँ ? 393 00:30:53,268 --> 00:30:57,589 एक घंटे पहले, तुम तो ये जानते भी नहीं थे की मैं जिंदा हूँ या मर गया. बहरहाल, तुम जा रहे हो . 394 00:30:57,689 --> 00:31:01,418 हमारे पास और कोई विकल्प नहीं था . लेकिन किसी ने तुम्हे यहाँ भेजा . 395 00:31:01,651 --> 00:31:04,463 - उन्होंने तुम्हे चुना है . - कौन "वो"? 396 00:31:12,329 --> 00:31:14,347 कितना समय लग जायेगा मुझे वहां ? 397 00:31:14,831 --> 00:31:18,051 कहना मुश्किल है, फिर भी कुछ साल तो निश्चित तौर पर लगेंगे ? 398 00:31:18,460 --> 00:31:22,731 - मेरे बच्चे हैं , प्रोफ़ेसर . - तो वहां जाओ और उनको बचने की कोशिश करो . 399 00:31:26,009 --> 00:31:27,452 "वो" कौन है ? 400 00:31:27,552 --> 00:31:31,581 हमें गुरुत्वाकर्षण की विसंगति का पता लगभग 50 साल पहले से लगना शुरू हुआ . 401 00:31:31,681 --> 00:31:35,377 वातावरण के ऊपर मौजूद यंत्रों में लगभग छोटा सा परिवर्तन हुआ तब . 402 00:31:35,477 --> 00:31:38,705 असल में, मुझे लगता है तुम भी उनमे से एक का अनुभव कर चुके हो . 403 00:31:39,272 --> 00:31:41,774 हाँ, शायद. 404 00:31:42,275 --> 00:31:45,387 मेरा एक्सीडेंट . किसी चीज ने मेरा नियंत्रण अचानक ख़राब कर दिया था . 405 00:31:45,487 --> 00:31:46,796 हाँ वही . 406 00:31:47,531 --> 00:31:52,519 लेकिन इन सभी विसंगतियों में से सबसे महत्वपूर्ण ये है : 407 00:31:52,619 --> 00:31:54,688 शनि ग्रह के पास ... 408 00:31:54,788 --> 00:31:56,973 स्पेसटाइम में पैदा हुआ ये बदलाव. 409 00:31:59,000 --> 00:32:02,229 - क्या ये एक वोर्महोल है ? - ये यहाँ पहली बार 48 साल पहले दिखाई दिया था . 410 00:32:02,587 --> 00:32:06,775 - और इसका दूसरा छोर हमें कहा ले जाता है ? - किसी दूसरे तारासमुह मंडल में . 411 00:32:08,427 --> 00:32:10,746 एक वोर्महोल प्राकृतिक रूप से घटने वाली घटना नहीं है. 412 00:32:10,846 --> 00:32:12,364 किसी ने इसे यहाँ रखा है . 413 00:32:13,056 --> 00:32:14,658 - "वो"? - मम्म. 414 00:32:15,058 --> 00:32:19,246 और "वो" जो भी हैं लगता है हमारी राह देख रहे है. 415 00:32:19,604 --> 00:32:24,343 ये वर्महोल हमें दुसरे तारों तक पहुचने में मदद करता है . जैसे ये एकदम सही समय पर आया हो जब हमें इसकी सबसे ज्यादा जरुरत थी . 416 00:32:24,443 --> 00:32:27,429 उन्होंने रहने योग्य ग्रहों तक हमारी पहुँच को संभव कर दिया है . 417 00:32:27,529 --> 00:32:29,514 बारह, वास्तव में, हमारे प्रारंभिक भेजे हुए टोही विमानों के अनुसार. 418 00:32:29,614 --> 00:32:32,059 - तुम लोगों ने वहां टोही विमान भेजे ? - मम्म-हम्म . 419 00:32:32,159 --> 00:32:35,562 हमने वहां लोगों को भेजा. दस साल पहले . 420 00:32:36,496 --> 00:32:38,398 The Lazarus missions. 421 00:32:38,498 --> 00:32:42,310 BRAND: बारह संभावित क्षेत्रों पर , बारह रेंजर लांचर भेजे गए जिसमे... 422 00:32:42,669 --> 00:32:48,183 इंसानी इतिहास के बारह सबसे साहसी लोग शामिल थे, जिनका नेतृत्व असाधारण व्यक्तित्व के Dr. Mann. कर रहे थे 423 00:32:48,283 --> 00:32:51,453 हर एक के लैंडिंग यान में दो साल जिंदा रहने के लिए पर्याप्त साधन थे. 424 00:32:51,553 --> 00:32:53,580 लेकिन वो उसे बाधा सकते थे अगर वो शीतनिद्रा का उपयोग करते तो... 425 00:32:53,680 --> 00:32:56,958 दशकों तक या उससे भी ज्यादा समय तक जैविक परिस्थितियों के निरिक्षण के लिए . 426 00:32:57,058 --> 00:33:00,996 उनका मिशन था दूसरी दुनियाओ तक जाकर जीवन की संभावनाओं को तलाश करना , और अगर कहीं संभावना दिखाई दे तो ... 427 00:33:01,229 --> 00:33:05,717 वो एक सिग्नल भेज कर खुद को शीतनिद्रा में रख सकते थे जब तक उनके पास बचाव अभियान नहीं पहुच जाता . 428 00:33:05,817 --> 00:33:07,961 और क्या होता है अगर उस क्षेत्र पर जीवन की कोई संभावना न हो तो ? 429 00:33:08,487 --> 00:33:10,005 तो वो उनकी बहादुरी कहलाएगी. 430 00:33:10,697 --> 00:33:13,308 आपके पास सभी 12 जगहों पर जाने के लिए संसाधन नहीं है . 431 00:33:13,408 --> 00:33:14,834 नहीं. 432 00:33:15,410 --> 00:33:18,271 वर्महोल से सिर्फ मौलिक जानकारी ही वापस आ सकती है . 433 00:33:18,371 --> 00:33:23,485 जैसे साधारण से बाइनरी स्पंदन प्रतिवर्ष, इनसे हमें सुराग मिलता है कि किस क्षेत्र में संभावनाएं मौजूद हैं . 434 00:33:23,585 --> 00:33:25,478 और एक क्षेत्र में यह सम्भावनाये दिखाई दी है . 435 00:33:25,712 --> 00:33:28,656 सिर्फ एक. ये इतने बड़े तामझाम के लिए काफी नहीं है, तुम्हे नहीं लगता ? 436 00:33:29,090 --> 00:33:32,027 एक पूरा तंत्र जिसमे तीन जगहों पर जीवन की संभावनाए है ? 437 00:33:32,344 --> 00:33:34,329 कोई बड़ी बात नहीं . 438 00:33:36,097 --> 00:33:37,324 ओके. 439 00:33:37,933 --> 00:33:40,568 चलो अगर हमें वहां संभावनाए मिल भी जाये तो ... 440 00:33:42,938 --> 00:33:46,499 - ...आगे क्या ? - ये बड़ी बात है . 441 00:33:46,733 --> 00:33:50,045 यहाँ हमारे पास एक प्लान A और प्लान B है . 442 00:33:50,445 --> 00:33:53,506 क्या तुमने लांच चैंबर मैं किसी अजीब सी चीज पर ध्यान नहीं दिया ? 443 00:34:05,126 --> 00:34:08,146 COOPER: ये पूरी बिल्डिंग अपकेंद्रित है . 444 00:34:08,380 --> 00:34:10,982 एक तरह का यान. एक स्पेस स्टेशन ? 445 00:34:11,216 --> 00:34:15,287 - BRAND: दोनों. प्लान A. - ये तुमने कैसे किया ? 446 00:34:15,387 --> 00:34:19,291 पहली गुरत्वाकर्षण विसंगति ने सब बदल दिया . 447 00:34:19,391 --> 00:34:23,928 अचानक हमने जाना की गुरुत्वाकर्षण से ऊर्जा निकालने मिलने वाली थ्योरी संभव है. 448 00:34:24,062 --> 00:34:28,833 तो मैंने उस थ्योरी पर काम करना शुरू कर दिया और हमने इस बिल्डिंग को बनाना आरम्भ कर दिया . 449 00:34:29,109 --> 00:34:31,494 पर हम अभी उसे पूरी तरह हल नहीं कर पाए हैं . 450 00:34:32,279 --> 00:34:33,922 इसी वजह से प्लान बी . 451 00:34:34,322 --> 00:34:39,102 समस्या है गुरुत्वाकर्षण. इतनी बड़ी मनुष्यजाति को इस ग्रह के बाहर कैसे ले जा सकते हैं . 452 00:34:39,202 --> 00:34:40,595 ये एक तरीका है . 453 00:34:40,829 --> 00:34:43,431 प्लान B: एक तरीके का जनसँख्या विस्फोट . 454 00:34:43,665 --> 00:34:48,520 5,000 जितने निषेचित किये हुए मानव भ्रूण जिनका वजन 900 किलो से भी कम है. 455 00:34:49,129 --> 00:34:50,697 आप उन्हें बड़ा कैसे करेंगे ? 456 00:34:50,797 --> 00:34:53,325 यान पर लगे साधनों द्वारा, हम पहले 10 को पोषित करेंगे . 457 00:34:53,425 --> 00:34:57,404 उसके बाद, सरोगेसी के जरिये , वृधि दर बढ़ती जायेगी . 458 00:34:58,013 --> 00:35:01,374 सिर्फ 30 सालों में , हमारे पास सैकड़ों लोगों की बस्ती होगी . 459 00:35:01,474 --> 00:35:04,953 लेकिन इस बस्ती की की मुख्य समस्या आनुवंशिक भिन्नताए होगी . 460 00:35:05,478 --> 00:35:07,088 अलग अलग आनुवांशिक लोग एक दुसरे का पालन करेंगे . 461 00:35:07,188 --> 00:35:09,749 लेकिन यहाँ के लोगों का क्या ? तुम बस ... 462 00:35:10,025 --> 00:35:13,536 उन्हें यु ही मरने दोगे ? मेरे बच्चों को भी ? 463 00:35:13,778 --> 00:35:17,215 इसीलिए तो मैं प्लान A पर काम कर रहा हूँ . 464 00:35:19,367 --> 00:35:22,312 - आप कितनी दूर तक पहुच गए है ? - बस ये लगभग पूरा होने ही वाला है . 465 00:35:22,412 --> 00:35:24,931 आप मुझसे "लगभग" के ऊपर अपना "सबकुछ" You're asking me to hang everything... 466 00:35:25,874 --> 00:35:27,308 लगाने को कह रह हैं . 467 00:35:27,751 --> 00:35:30,145 मैं बस तुमसे मुझ पर भरोसा करने को कह रहा हूँ . 468 00:35:31,755 --> 00:35:33,031 [सांस लेते हुए] 469 00:35:33,131 --> 00:35:34,899 हमारे लिए एक नया घर तलाश करू . 470 00:35:35,550 --> 00:35:37,652 और जब तुम वापस आओगे ... 471 00:35:38,136 --> 00:35:40,905 मैं ये गुरुत्वाकर्षण की समस्या हल कर चूका होउंगा . 472 00:35:41,765 --> 00:35:43,450 मैं वादा करता हूँ . 473 00:35:55,987 --> 00:35:57,589 MURPH: जाओ यहाँ से ! 474 00:36:08,166 --> 00:36:09,484 Murph. 475 00:36:09,584 --> 00:36:12,687 MURPH: जाओ ! अगर आप जा रहे हैं तो, चले जाइये. 476 00:36:15,382 --> 00:36:18,418 DONALD: ये दुनिया कभी भी तुम्हारे लिए ज्यादा नहीं थी , या थी, Coop? 477 00:36:19,052 --> 00:36:23,306 क्या , सिर्फ इसलिए की मैं वहां जा रहा हूँ मैं ऐसा नहीं सोचता कि मैं यही करने के लिए पैदा हुआ था ? 478 00:36:23,765 --> 00:36:25,700 और ये मुझे उतेजित करता है ? हेह्ह.... 479 00:36:26,309 --> 00:36:28,837 No, that does not make it wrong. 480 00:36:28,937 --> 00:36:33,666 It might. Don't trust the right thing done for the wrong reason. 481 00:36:34,317 --> 00:36:36,720 The why of the thing, that's the foundation. 482 00:36:36,820 --> 00:36:39,205 And the foundation's solid. 483 00:36:42,075 --> 00:36:47,180 We farmers, we sit here every year when the rains fail and we say: 484 00:36:47,372 --> 00:36:48,723 "Next year." 485 00:36:49,290 --> 00:36:53,061 Well, next year ain't gonna save us, nor the one after that. 486 00:36:53,295 --> 00:36:58,024 This world's a treasure, Donald, but it's been telling us to leave for a while now. 487 00:37:02,637 --> 00:37:06,533 Mankind was born on Earth, it was never meant to die here. 488 00:37:09,561 --> 00:37:12,839 Tom will be all right, but you got to make things right with Murph. 489 00:37:12,939 --> 00:37:14,582 I will. 490 00:37:14,941 --> 00:37:18,211 Without making promises you don't know you can keep. 491 00:37:28,747 --> 00:37:30,849 You have to talk to me, Murph. 492 00:37:33,251 --> 00:37:35,445 I need to fix this before I go. 493 00:37:35,545 --> 00:37:38,523 MURPH: Then I'll keep it broken so you have to stay. 494 00:37:40,008 --> 00:37:45,113 After you kids came along, your mom said something to me I never quite understood. 495 00:37:45,388 --> 00:37:47,515 She said, "Now... 496 00:37:48,892 --> 00:37:53,496 we're just here to be memories for our kids." 497 00:37:58,526 --> 00:38:01,129 And I think that now I understand what she meant. 498 00:38:04,783 --> 00:38:08,636 Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future. 499 00:38:10,163 --> 00:38:12,432 You said ghosts didn't exist. 500 00:38:18,797 --> 00:38:20,398 That's right, Murph. 501 00:38:23,510 --> 00:38:25,344 Murph, look at me. 502 00:38:27,889 --> 00:38:30,491 I can't be your ghost right now. 503 00:38:32,185 --> 00:38:34,487 I need to exist. 504 00:38:35,814 --> 00:38:37,832 They chose me. 505 00:38:38,441 --> 00:38:42,503 Murph, they chose me. You saw. You're the one who led me to them. 506 00:38:45,031 --> 00:38:47,634 That's exactly why you can't go. 507 00:38:50,745 --> 00:38:52,805 I figured out the message. 508 00:38:53,122 --> 00:38:56,401 - One word. Know what it is? - Murph. 509 00:38:56,501 --> 00:38:57,936 "Stay." 510 00:38:58,211 --> 00:39:01,189 - It says, "Stay," Dad. - Murph. 511 00:39:02,048 --> 00:39:03,575 You don't believe me. 512 00:39:03,675 --> 00:39:06,536 Look at the books! Look at this. It says, "Stay." 513 00:39:06,636 --> 00:39:09,697 Why...? You're not listening! It says, "Stay!" 514 00:39:09,931 --> 00:39:13,668 - No, I'm coming back. - When? 515 00:39:26,281 --> 00:39:29,017 One for you, one for me. 516 00:39:29,117 --> 00:39:32,387 When I'm up there in hypersleep, or... 517 00:39:32,620 --> 00:39:35,964 traveling near the speed of light, or... 518 00:39:36,165 --> 00:39:38,651 near a black hole... 519 00:39:38,751 --> 00:39:43,598 time's gonna change for me. It's gonna run more slowly. 520 00:39:44,883 --> 00:39:47,276 When we get back... 521 00:39:47,802 --> 00:39:49,287 we're gonna compare. 522 00:39:49,387 --> 00:39:52,315 - MURPH: Time will run differently for us? - Yeah. 523 00:39:53,099 --> 00:39:57,870 By the time I get back, we might even be the same age, you and me. 524 00:39:58,146 --> 00:40:01,481 "What?" Imagine that! 525 00:40:05,028 --> 00:40:06,262 Aw, Murph... 526 00:40:06,362 --> 00:40:09,390 You have no idea when you're coming back. 527 00:40:10,783 --> 00:40:12,929 No idea at all! 528 00:40:15,413 --> 00:40:17,607 Murph, don't... Don't make me leave like this. 529 00:40:17,707 --> 00:40:19,308 Come on, Murph! 530 00:40:19,709 --> 00:40:22,445 Don't make me leave like this, Murph! 531 00:40:29,636 --> 00:40:30,778 Hey... 532 00:40:31,220 --> 00:40:35,208 I love you. Forever. You hear me? 533 00:40:35,308 --> 00:40:38,819 I love you forever, and I'm coming back. 534 00:40:44,317 --> 00:40:45,952 I'm coming back. 535 00:41:03,878 --> 00:41:06,447 - How'd it go? - Fine. 536 00:41:06,798 --> 00:41:08,357 Just fine. 537 00:41:14,722 --> 00:41:15,948 I love you, Tom. 538 00:41:16,391 --> 00:41:18,585 - Travel safe, huh? - Yeah. 539 00:41:18,685 --> 00:41:21,004 You look after our place for me, all right? 540 00:41:21,104 --> 00:41:22,830 - All right? - Uh-huh. 541 00:41:27,435 --> 00:41:31,113 - Hey, can I use your truck while you're gone? - You mean your truck? 542 00:41:32,115 --> 00:41:34,041 I'll make sure they bring it back. 543 00:41:35,868 --> 00:41:37,962 Look after my kids, Donald! 544 00:41:50,133 --> 00:41:53,861 TARS: Go for main engine start. T-minus 10... 545 00:41:54,829 --> 00:41:56,581 - Dad! - ...nine... 546 00:41:56,681 --> 00:41:58,032 Dad! 547 00:41:58,758 --> 00:42:00,402 ...eight... 548 00:42:01,135 --> 00:42:03,738 - seven... - Dad! 549 00:42:03,971 --> 00:42:05,314 ...six... 550 00:42:06,490 --> 00:42:09,210 five, main engine start, four... 551 00:42:10,645 --> 00:42:11,912 three... 552 00:42:12,480 --> 00:42:13,706 two... 553 00:42:14,523 --> 00:42:16,709 one. Booster ignition and... 554 00:42:25,877 --> 00:42:28,437 All engines look good. Beginning roll program. 555 00:42:32,633 --> 00:42:35,570 Prepare for stage one separation. 556 00:42:35,803 --> 00:42:36,946 Stage one. 557 00:42:42,810 --> 00:42:44,745 There is Mach 1. 558 00:42:45,605 --> 00:42:49,417 Everybody good? Plenty of slaves for my robot colony? 559 00:42:51,194 --> 00:42:54,589 They gave him a humor setting so he'd fit in better with his unit. 560 00:42:54,822 --> 00:42:56,557 He thinks it relaxes us. 561 00:42:56,657 --> 00:42:59,552 A giant sarcastic robot. 562 00:43:00,328 --> 00:43:01,813 What a great idea! 563 00:43:01,913 --> 00:43:04,691 TARS: I have a cue light I can use when I'm joking if you like. 564 00:43:04,791 --> 00:43:05,900 That'd probably help. 565 00:43:06,000 --> 00:43:10,021 You can use it to find your way back to the ship after I blow you out the airlock. 566 00:43:11,005 --> 00:43:14,075 - What's your humor setting, TARS? - That's 100 percent. 567 00:43:14,175 --> 00:43:16,068 Let's bring it on down to 75, please. 568 00:43:16,302 --> 00:43:18,237 TARS: Stage two separation. 569 00:43:28,815 --> 00:43:31,175 COOPER: All feeds going manual. 570 00:43:31,275 --> 00:43:33,193 MAN: Going manual. 571 00:43:34,987 --> 00:43:37,223 COOPER: Deactivate probe heater one, two and three. 572 00:43:37,323 --> 00:43:38,466 MAN: Check. 573 00:43:43,955 --> 00:43:46,974 - Taking control. - TARS: This is handover to you. 574 00:43:50,711 --> 00:43:53,105 - MAN: A.D.F. check. - COOPER: Over. 575 00:43:53,339 --> 00:43:57,076 Pull thrusters back. Fuel cells one, two, three. 576 00:43:57,176 --> 00:44:00,613 - MAN: One hundred percent. - COOPER: Ex-mites. 577 00:44:09,480 --> 00:44:14,293 It's hard leaving everything. My kids. Your father. 578 00:44:14,819 --> 00:44:17,263 We're going to be spending a lot of time together. 579 00:44:17,363 --> 00:44:20,508 - We should learn to talk. - And when not to. 580 00:44:22,702 --> 00:44:24,312 Just being honest. 581 00:44:24,412 --> 00:44:26,847 I don't think you need to be that honest. 582 00:44:27,165 --> 00:44:29,650 Hey, TARS, what's your honesty parameter? 583 00:44:29,750 --> 00:44:32,445 - TARS: Ninety percent. - Ninety percent? 584 00:44:32,545 --> 00:44:35,243 Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic, 585 00:44:35,343 --> 00:44:38,409 nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings. 586 00:44:38,509 --> 00:44:40,069 Okay. 587 00:44:40,428 --> 00:44:43,155 Ninety percent it is, Dr. Brand. 588 00:44:46,767 --> 00:44:50,079 We are coming up on the Endurance. Twelve minutes out. 589 00:45:07,079 --> 00:45:09,181 Okay. Taking control. 590 00:45:12,543 --> 00:45:15,521 Approaching module port, 500 meters. 591 00:45:28,434 --> 00:45:29,660 It's all you, Doyle. 592 00:45:48,120 --> 00:45:50,681 Nice and easy, Doyle. Nice and easy. 593 00:45:55,753 --> 00:45:58,406 - I feel good. - Take us home. 594 00:45:58,506 --> 00:46:00,274 [BEEPING] 595 00:46:06,138 --> 00:46:08,441 - Lock. - Target locked. 596 00:46:08,541 --> 00:46:10,543 - COOPER: Well done. - Okay, helmets on. 597 00:46:10,643 --> 00:46:11,786 Good job. 598 00:46:45,136 --> 00:46:48,656 Door's not charging. Never mind. 599 00:47:11,329 --> 00:47:13,139 Cooper, you should have control. 600 00:47:13,372 --> 00:47:14,974 Control here. 601 00:47:16,292 --> 00:47:19,019 Communication with ring module active. 602 00:47:25,384 --> 00:47:27,027 WOMAN: Oh, wow. 603 00:47:32,725 --> 00:47:33,993 TARS: That's initiate. 604 00:47:41,442 --> 00:47:44,044 - COOPER: Are we ready to spin? - Just a sec. 605 00:47:55,373 --> 00:47:57,808 - Hello, CASE. - Hello, TARS. 606 00:47:58,667 --> 00:48:00,686 All right, we're all set. 607 00:48:01,045 --> 00:48:02,646 All right, let's do it. 608 00:48:20,856 --> 00:48:22,458 Heh. 609 00:48:31,700 --> 00:48:33,093 COOPER: Thirty percent of spin. 610 00:48:39,917 --> 00:48:41,352 One G. 611 00:48:42,002 --> 00:48:44,104 How's gravity treating you back there? 612 00:48:44,338 --> 00:48:46,006 Well. 613 00:48:48,676 --> 00:48:50,536 Romilly? Hey, you okay? 614 00:48:50,636 --> 00:48:51,746 - Yeah. - You all right? 615 00:48:51,846 --> 00:48:54,031 Mm. Yeah, I just need a minute. 616 00:48:54,348 --> 00:48:57,640 I think we have some Dramamine in the hab pod, I'm just gonna get that 617 00:48:57,740 --> 00:48:59,600 or maybe in the cryo-beds. I'll just be a sec. 618 00:48:59,700 --> 00:49:01,455 - Hey, Brand? - Yeah? 619 00:49:01,689 --> 00:49:03,316 - Bring a lot. - Heh-heh-heh. 620 00:49:11,991 --> 00:49:14,969 Amelia, be safe. 621 00:49:15,202 --> 00:49:18,773 - Give my regards to Dr. Mann. - I will, Dad. 622 00:49:18,873 --> 00:49:24,395 It looks good for your trajectory. We've calculated two years to Saturn. 623 00:49:24,845 --> 00:49:26,647 That's a lot of Dramamine. 624 00:49:27,256 --> 00:49:29,817 Look after my family, will you, please, sir? 625 00:49:30,259 --> 00:49:33,353 We'll be waiting for you when you get back. 626 00:49:33,554 --> 00:49:37,491 A little older, a little wiser, but happy to see you. 627 00:49:40,227 --> 00:49:43,664 BRAND: Do not go gentle into that good night 628 00:49:44,031 --> 00:49:48,377 Old age should burn and rave at close of day 629 00:49:49,445 --> 00:49:54,508 Rage, rage against the dying of the light 630 00:49:55,284 --> 00:49:59,179 Though wise men at their end Know dark is right 631 00:49:59,413 --> 00:50:02,391 Because their words had forked No lightning they 632 00:50:02,708 --> 00:50:06,353 Do not go gentle into that good night 633 00:50:06,921 --> 00:50:11,558 Rage, rage against the dying of the light 634 00:50:27,858 --> 00:50:29,627 - DOYLE: You good? - ROMILLY: Yeah. 635 00:50:30,444 --> 00:50:32,046 Okay, thank you, sir. 636 00:50:35,449 --> 00:50:37,084 Here. Pills. 637 00:50:39,537 --> 00:50:41,255 So alone. 638 00:50:41,455 --> 00:50:43,482 We have each other. Dr. Mann had it worse. 639 00:50:43,582 --> 00:50:45,025 No, I mean them. 640 00:50:45,125 --> 00:50:46,318 Hm? 641 00:50:46,418 --> 00:50:49,813 COOPER: It's a perfect planet, and we won't find another one like her. 642 00:50:50,297 --> 00:50:53,651 No, it's not like looking for a new condo. 643 00:50:54,677 --> 00:50:56,945 The human race is going to be... 644 00:50:57,146 --> 00:50:58,456 adrift... 645 00:50:58,556 --> 00:51:02,159 desperate for a rock it can cling to while it catches its breath. 646 00:51:02,643 --> 00:51:04,578 We need to find that rock. 647 00:51:04,812 --> 00:51:09,667 And our three prospects are at the edge of what might sustain human life. 648 00:51:10,067 --> 00:51:12,595 Laura Miller's planet is first. 649 00:51:12,695 --> 00:51:14,922 - Laura started our biology program. - COOPER: Mm-hm. 650 00:51:19,827 --> 00:51:23,097 - AMELIA: Uh, Wolf Edmunds is here. - Tell me about Edmunds. 651 00:51:23,831 --> 00:51:26,884 Oh, uh... Wolf's a particle physicist. 652 00:51:28,877 --> 00:51:31,313 None of them had families, huh? 653 00:51:32,256 --> 00:51:35,201 No. No attachments. My father insisted. 654 00:51:35,301 --> 00:51:38,913 They all knew the odds against ever seeing another human being again. 655 00:51:39,013 --> 00:51:41,040 I'm hoping we can surprise at least three of them. 656 00:51:41,140 --> 00:51:43,125 - How about Mann? - Dr. Mann? 657 00:51:43,225 --> 00:51:45,211 He's remarkable. He's the best of us. 658 00:51:45,311 --> 00:51:49,757 He inspired 11 people to follow him on the loneliest journey in human history. 659 00:51:49,857 --> 00:51:51,509 Scientists, explorers. 660 00:51:51,609 --> 00:51:55,796 That's what I love. You know, out there we face great odds. 661 00:51:56,196 --> 00:51:57,915 Death, but... 662 00:51:59,366 --> 00:52:00,801 not evil. 663 00:52:00,993 --> 00:52:02,845 You don't think nature can be evil? 664 00:52:03,120 --> 00:52:06,089 No. Formidable. Frightening. But... 665 00:52:06,582 --> 00:52:08,684 - ...no, not evil. - Hm. 666 00:52:09,835 --> 00:52:13,147 Is a lion evil because it rips a gazelle to shreds? 667 00:52:13,547 --> 00:52:15,949 Just what we take with us, then. 668 00:52:16,091 --> 00:52:17,434 Yeah. 669 00:52:17,551 --> 00:52:19,703 This crew represents the best of humanity. 670 00:52:19,803 --> 00:52:21,038 Even me, huh? 671 00:52:21,138 --> 00:52:23,207 You know what? We agreed, 90 percent. 672 00:52:23,307 --> 00:52:24,708 There you go. 673 00:52:24,808 --> 00:52:27,253 - Don't stay up. - I'll be there in a minute. 674 00:52:27,353 --> 00:52:31,498 Just remember, Coop, you are literally wasting your breath. 675 00:52:38,072 --> 00:52:41,341 Hey, TARS? Let's go over that trajectory one more time. 676 00:52:41,575 --> 00:52:43,343 TARS: Eight months to Mars. 677 00:52:43,744 --> 00:52:46,647 Counter-orbital slingshot around. Fourteen months to Saturn. 678 00:52:46,747 --> 00:52:48,232 Nothing's changed on that. 679 00:52:48,332 --> 00:52:50,517 Just let me ask you something. 680 00:52:52,670 --> 00:52:56,231 - Dr. Brand and Edmunds... - Why are you whispering? They can't hear you. 681 00:52:57,591 --> 00:53:00,661 Dr. Brand and Edmunds. They close? 682 00:53:00,761 --> 00:53:02,246 I wouldn't know. 683 00:53:02,346 --> 00:53:05,316 Is that 90 percent "wouldn't know" or 10 percent "wouldn't know"? 684 00:53:05,416 --> 00:53:08,245 - I also have a discretion setting, Cooper. - Aah. 685 00:53:10,104 --> 00:53:12,372 But not a poker face, Slick. 686 00:53:24,618 --> 00:53:26,169 Hey, guys. 687 00:53:26,286 --> 00:53:29,473 Uh, Dad's about to go down for the long nap. 688 00:53:29,707 --> 00:53:32,401 So I wanted to give you an update. 689 00:53:32,501 --> 00:53:33,727 Uh... 690 00:53:34,169 --> 00:53:37,422 The Earth looks amazing from here. Um... 691 00:53:38,424 --> 00:53:41,327 You can't see any of the dust. Heh. 692 00:53:42,660 --> 00:53:45,656 I really hope you guys are doing great. 693 00:53:45,889 --> 00:53:48,598 I know you're gonna get this message. Professor Brand's assured me that... 694 00:53:48,698 --> 00:53:50,157 he's gonna get it to you. 695 00:53:50,686 --> 00:53:52,830 Know that I love you. 696 00:53:54,148 --> 00:53:56,583 - Is it him? - DONALD: I don't think so, Murph. 697 00:54:03,365 --> 00:54:05,133 You must be Donald. 698 00:54:07,244 --> 00:54:08,512 Hello, Murph. 699 00:54:09,163 --> 00:54:11,265 Why are you in my dad's truck? 700 00:54:11,790 --> 00:54:14,059 He wanted me to bring it for your brother. 701 00:54:14,710 --> 00:54:16,979 He sent you a message. 702 00:54:19,965 --> 00:54:22,034 She's pretty upset with him for leaving. 703 00:54:22,134 --> 00:54:26,321 If you record any messages, I can get them to transmit it to Cooper. 704 00:54:27,306 --> 00:54:30,075 Murph is a bright spark. 705 00:54:30,976 --> 00:54:33,587 Maybe I should fan the flame. 706 00:54:33,687 --> 00:54:36,340 She's already making fools of her teachers. 707 00:54:36,440 --> 00:54:39,576 So maybe she should come and make a fool out of you. 708 00:54:40,360 --> 00:54:43,497 - So where are they? - Heading for Mars. 709 00:54:43,906 --> 00:54:47,910 The next time you hear from Cooper, they'll be coming up on Saturn. 710 00:55:28,805 --> 00:55:33,013 TOM [ON RECORDING]: ...administration wants me to repeat Plant Pathology. Which sucks. 711 00:55:33,413 --> 00:55:36,725 But they said I could start Advanced Agriculture a year early. 712 00:55:38,418 --> 00:55:42,397 All right, I got to go, Dad. Hope you're safe up there. 713 00:55:46,343 --> 00:55:47,995 DONALD: Um, sorry, Coop. 714 00:55:48,095 --> 00:55:53,033 I asked Murph to say hi, but she's as stubborn as her old man. 715 00:55:53,350 --> 00:55:55,285 I'll try again next time. 716 00:56:10,200 --> 00:56:11,852 You all right, Rom? 717 00:56:11,952 --> 00:56:13,553 [COOPER CLEARS THROAT] 718 00:56:14,121 --> 00:56:17,891 This gets to me, Cooper. This. This. 719 00:56:18,292 --> 00:56:21,236 Millimeters of aluminum, that's it, and then nothing... 720 00:56:21,336 --> 00:56:25,399 out there for millions of miles won't kill us in seconds. 721 00:56:26,216 --> 00:56:28,202 You know that some of the finest... 722 00:56:28,302 --> 00:56:32,239 solo yachtsmen in the world don't know how to swim? 723 00:56:32,723 --> 00:56:35,993 They don't know how. And if they go overboard, psst, they're done. 724 00:56:37,644 --> 00:56:39,705 We're explorers, Rom. 725 00:56:41,148 --> 00:56:44,551 This is our boat. Here. 726 00:56:49,781 --> 00:56:51,883 [CRICKETS CHIRPING ON RECORDING] 727 00:56:54,411 --> 00:56:57,514 [THUNDER RUMBLING AND RAIN FALLING ON RECORDING] 728 00:57:11,261 --> 00:57:13,080 COOPER: This is from the, uh... relay probe? 729 00:57:13,180 --> 00:57:15,323 It was in orbit around the Wormhole. 730 00:57:15,724 --> 00:57:18,836 This is the Wormhole, and every time we'd come around... 731 00:57:18,936 --> 00:57:22,247 we would receive images from the other side of the foreign galaxy. 732 00:57:22,481 --> 00:57:24,675 Oh, yeah. Like swinging a periscope around. 733 00:57:24,775 --> 00:57:25,926 Exactly. 734 00:57:26,026 --> 00:57:30,630 So we got a pretty good idea what we're gonna find on the other side, huh? 735 00:57:31,615 --> 00:57:33,050 Navigationally. 736 00:57:34,409 --> 00:57:38,463 AMELIA: Guys? Looks like we'll be approaching the Wormhole in about three hours. 737 00:57:44,544 --> 00:57:45,887 Hey, Coop? 738 00:57:46,463 --> 00:57:49,533 - Can we stop the spinning? - Why? 739 00:57:49,633 --> 00:57:52,269 Because we're close enough to see it now? 740 00:57:53,804 --> 00:57:54,997 All right. 741 00:57:55,097 --> 00:57:56,281 Thanks. 742 00:58:01,937 --> 00:58:03,964 There, that's it! That's the Wormhole! 743 00:58:04,064 --> 00:58:07,593 Say it, don't spray it, Rom. It's a sphere. 744 00:58:07,693 --> 00:58:11,955 Of course it is. What, you...? You thought it would just be a hole? 745 00:58:12,864 --> 00:58:16,051 No, it's just that all the illustrations I've ever seen, they... 746 00:58:16,493 --> 00:58:19,679 ROMILLY: In the illustrations, they're trying to show you how it works. 747 00:58:20,288 --> 00:58:24,359 So they say you want to go from here to there. 748 00:58:24,459 --> 00:58:26,783 - But it's too far, right? - Mm-hm. 749 00:58:27,170 --> 00:58:32,067 So a Wormhole bends space like this, so you can take a shortcut through... 750 00:58:32,300 --> 00:58:33,952 a higher dimension. 751 00:58:34,052 --> 00:58:35,612 Okay, so... 752 00:58:35,846 --> 00:58:38,783 to show that, they've turned three-dimensional space 753 00:58:38,883 --> 00:58:43,962 into two dimensions which turns a Wormhole into two dimensions, a circle. 754 00:58:44,062 --> 00:58:46,614 What's a circle in three dimensions? 755 00:58:47,524 --> 00:58:49,126 - A sphere. - Exactly. 756 00:58:49,443 --> 00:58:51,044 A spherical hole. 757 00:58:51,486 --> 00:58:54,422 But who put it there? Who do we have to thank? 758 00:58:54,740 --> 00:58:59,511 I'm not thanking anybody until we get out of here in one piece, Rom. 759 00:59:06,426 --> 00:59:08,445 COOPER: Any trick to this, Doyle? 760 00:59:09,379 --> 00:59:11,148 No one knows. 761 00:59:18,180 --> 00:59:19,948 The others made it, right? 762 00:59:21,892 --> 00:59:23,660 At least some of them. 763 00:59:55,509 --> 00:59:58,778 Everybody ready to say goodbye to our solar system? 764 00:59:59,554 --> 01:00:01,656 To our galaxy. 765 01:00:03,475 --> 01:00:04,618 Here we go. 766 01:00:16,196 --> 01:00:18,298 [HULL CREAKING AND ALARMS BEEPING] 767 01:00:37,134 --> 01:00:40,704 The controls won't work here. We're passing through the bulk. 768 01:00:40,804 --> 01:00:45,325 It's space beyond our three dimensions. All you can do is record and observe. 769 01:00:56,403 --> 01:00:57,545 What is that? 770 01:00:59,823 --> 01:01:03,927 - I think it's them. - Distorting space-time. 771 01:01:05,912 --> 01:01:07,097 ROMILLY: Don't! Don't! 772 01:01:29,436 --> 01:01:31,037 [BEEPING STOPS] 773 01:01:35,025 --> 01:01:36,576 What was that? 774 01:01:39,279 --> 01:01:40,880 The first handshake. 775 01:01:42,449 --> 01:01:43,891 We're... 776 01:01:45,118 --> 01:01:46,753 We're here. 777 01:02:06,806 --> 01:02:09,126 DOYLE: So the lost communications came through. 778 01:02:09,226 --> 01:02:12,170 - How? - The relay on this side cached them. 779 01:02:12,270 --> 01:02:15,915 So years of basic data. No real surprises. 780 01:02:16,733 --> 01:02:20,437 Miller's site has kept pinging thumbs up, as has Dr. Mann's. Um... 781 01:02:20,537 --> 01:02:22,931 Edmunds' went down three years ago. 782 01:02:23,031 --> 01:02:24,307 Transmitter failure? 783 01:02:24,407 --> 01:02:27,477 Maybe. He was sending the thumbs up right until it went dark. 784 01:02:27,577 --> 01:02:29,396 But Miller's still looks good though, right? 785 01:02:29,496 --> 01:02:31,890 - Because she's coming up fast. - DOYLE: Mm-hm. 786 01:02:32,249 --> 01:02:34,351 With one complication. 787 01:02:34,668 --> 01:02:37,737 The planet is much closer to Gargantua than we thought. 788 01:02:37,837 --> 01:02:40,574 - COOPER: Gargantua? - It's what we're calling the black hole. 789 01:02:40,674 --> 01:02:43,034 Miller's and Dr. Mann's planets both orbit it. 790 01:02:43,134 --> 01:02:46,413 - And Miller's is on the horizon? - ROMILLY: As a basketball around a hoop. 791 01:02:46,513 --> 01:02:48,582 Landing there takes us dangerously close. 792 01:02:48,682 --> 01:02:52,035 And a black hole that big has a huge gravitational pull. 793 01:02:54,521 --> 01:02:57,591 Look, I could swing around that neutron star to decelerate. 794 01:02:57,691 --> 01:02:59,434 AMELIA: No, it's not that. It's time. 795 01:02:59,534 --> 01:03:04,339 The gravity on that planet will slow our clock compared to Earth's drastically. 796 01:03:04,864 --> 01:03:06,099 How bad? 797 01:03:06,199 --> 01:03:09,844 Every hour we spend on that planet will be... 798 01:03:10,620 --> 01:03:12,889 seven years back on Earth. 799 01:03:13,665 --> 01:03:14,808 Jesus. 800 01:03:15,041 --> 01:03:16,810 Well, that's relativity, folks. 801 01:03:18,128 --> 01:03:20,655 Well, we can't just drop down there without... 802 01:03:20,755 --> 01:03:22,699 Cooper, we have a mission. 803 01:03:22,799 --> 01:03:25,452 Yeah, Doyle, we have a mission, and our mission Plan A is... 804 01:03:25,552 --> 01:03:28,788 to find a planet that can habitate the people that are living on Earth right now. 805 01:03:28,888 --> 01:03:31,791 You can't just think about your family. Now you have to think bigger than that. 806 01:03:31,891 --> 01:03:34,970 I am thinking about my family and millions of other families, okay? 807 01:03:35,070 --> 01:03:39,624 Plan A does not work if the people on Earth are dead by the time we pull it off. 808 01:03:40,717 --> 01:03:44,587 No. It doesn't. That's why there's a Plan B. 809 01:03:46,406 --> 01:03:49,449 Okay. Cooper's right. We need to think of time as a resource, 810 01:03:49,549 --> 01:03:52,011 just like oxygen and food. Going down it's gonna cost us. 811 01:03:54,289 --> 01:03:55,957 All right, look. 812 01:03:56,750 --> 01:04:00,278 Dr. Mann's data is promising, but it's gonna take months to get there. 813 01:04:00,378 --> 01:04:02,656 And Edmunds', it's even further. 814 01:04:02,756 --> 01:04:06,993 Miller hasn't sent much, but what she has is very promising. It's water, it's organics... 815 01:04:07,093 --> 01:04:09,329 - You don't find that every day. - No, you don't. 816 01:04:09,429 --> 01:04:11,831 And just think about the resources, including time... 817 01:04:11,931 --> 01:04:14,534 that would be spent trying to get back here. 818 01:04:15,560 --> 01:04:17,020 - Romilly... - Yeah? 819 01:04:17,120 --> 01:04:21,424 ...how far off from Miller's planet do we have to be to stay out of the time shift? 820 01:04:21,524 --> 01:04:23,260 Just back from the cusp. 821 01:04:23,360 --> 01:04:26,388 All right, which is here, just outside of Miller's planet. 822 01:04:26,488 --> 01:04:28,381 - ROMILLY: Right. - Okay. 823 01:04:29,199 --> 01:04:32,060 Here's Gargantua. Here's Miller's planet. 824 01:04:32,160 --> 01:04:35,397 Instead of taking the Endurance into orbit around Miller's planet... 825 01:04:35,497 --> 01:04:38,441 which would conserve fuel, but we would lose a lot of time... 826 01:04:38,541 --> 01:04:41,709 what if we take a wider orbit around Gargantua, 827 01:04:41,809 --> 01:04:45,365 parallel with Miller's planet outside of this time shift, to here? 828 01:04:45,465 --> 01:04:48,326 Then we take the Ranger down, we get Miller, we get her samples. 829 01:04:48,426 --> 01:04:51,204 We come back, we analyze, we debrief. We're in, we're out. 830 01:04:51,304 --> 01:04:53,707 We lose a little fuel, but we save a whole lot of time. 831 01:04:53,807 --> 01:04:55,509 - That'll work. - That's good. 832 01:04:55,609 --> 01:04:58,136 There's no time for monkey business or chit-chat down there. 833 01:04:58,236 --> 01:05:01,098 So, TARS, you should definitely stay here. 834 01:05:01,198 --> 01:05:03,717 CASE, you're with me. Anyone else can stay. 835 01:05:03,817 --> 01:05:07,935 If we're talking about a couple years, I could use the time to research gravity. 836 01:05:08,035 --> 01:05:10,598 Observations from the Wormhole, that's gold to Professor Brand. 837 01:05:10,698 --> 01:05:12,434 COOPER: TARS, factor an orbit of Gargantua. 838 01:05:12,534 --> 01:05:17,355 Conserve fuel, minimize thrusting, but make sure we stay in range of Miller's planet. 839 01:05:17,455 --> 01:05:20,066 - You got it? - TARS: I wouldn't leave you behind... 840 01:05:20,166 --> 01:05:21,309 Dr. Brand. 841 01:05:25,880 --> 01:05:27,607 - COOPER: You ready, CASE? - CASE: Yup. 842 01:05:28,466 --> 01:05:32,070 - You don't say much, do you? - TARS talks plenty for both of us. 843 01:05:33,179 --> 01:05:34,322 Detach. 844 01:05:41,521 --> 01:05:44,582 - Romilly, are you reading these forces? - ROMILLY: It's unbelievable. 845 01:05:47,694 --> 01:05:50,221 A literal heart of darkness. 846 01:05:53,992 --> 01:05:56,770 If we could just see the collapsed star inside... 847 01:05:56,870 --> 01:05:59,722 the singularity, yeah, we'd solve gravity. 848 01:06:00,039 --> 01:06:03,401 - And we can't get anything from it? - Nothing escapes that horizon. 849 01:06:03,501 --> 01:06:04,903 Not even light. 850 01:06:05,003 --> 01:06:08,606 - The answer's there, just no way to see it. - There's Miller's planet. 851 01:06:11,176 --> 01:06:13,210 Goodbye, Ranger. 852 01:06:25,315 --> 01:06:27,675 CASE: This is fast for atmospheric entry. 853 01:06:27,775 --> 01:06:30,128 - Should we use the thrusters to slow? - No. 854 01:06:30,487 --> 01:06:33,890 I'm gonna use the Ranger's aerodynamics to save some fuel. 855 01:06:33,990 --> 01:06:35,266 CASE: Air brake? 856 01:06:35,366 --> 01:06:38,978 - We want to get down fast, don't we? - We want to get there in one piece. 857 01:06:39,078 --> 01:06:42,181 - Hang on. - CASE: Brand, Doyle, get ready. 858 01:06:51,299 --> 01:06:53,359 [ALARMS BEEPING] 859 01:06:57,931 --> 01:07:00,500 - CASE: We should ease! - COOPER: Hands where I can see them. 860 01:07:00,600 --> 01:07:04,003 The only time I went down was when a machine was easing at the wrong time. 861 01:07:04,103 --> 01:07:07,006 - A little caution... - Can get you killed, like reckless driving. 862 01:07:07,106 --> 01:07:09,375 - Cooper, it's too damn fast! - I got this. 863 01:07:14,113 --> 01:07:18,217 - CASE: Should I disable the feedback? - No. I need to feel the air. 864 01:07:22,321 --> 01:07:23,589 Here we go. 865 01:07:26,584 --> 01:07:27,977 It's just water! 866 01:07:29,379 --> 01:07:30,980 The stuff of life. 867 01:07:31,339 --> 01:07:32,824 CASE: Twelve hundred meters. 868 01:07:32,924 --> 01:07:35,034 - Do we have a fix on the beacon? - CASE: Got it! 869 01:07:35,134 --> 01:07:37,829 - Can you maneuver? - I'll need to shave some speed. 870 01:07:37,929 --> 01:07:40,657 I'm gonna spiral down on top of it. Everybody hang on! 871 01:07:42,976 --> 01:07:44,118 CASE: Seven hundred. 872 01:07:46,145 --> 01:07:48,247 On my cue, CASE. On my cue. 873 01:07:51,651 --> 01:07:53,252 CASE: Five hundred meters. 874 01:08:02,620 --> 01:08:03,763 Fire! 875 01:08:17,218 --> 01:08:19,654 - Very graceful. - No. 876 01:08:20,179 --> 01:08:23,365 But very efficient. 877 01:08:24,726 --> 01:08:27,003 What are you waiting for? Let's go! 878 01:08:27,103 --> 01:08:29,122 Go, go, go! 879 01:08:29,239 --> 01:08:32,792 Seven years per hour here. Let's make it count! 880 01:08:49,834 --> 01:08:51,644 [PANTING] 881 01:08:58,801 --> 01:09:00,153 CASE: This way. 882 01:09:02,889 --> 01:09:04,741 About 200 meters. 883 01:09:14,150 --> 01:09:16,277 The gravity's punishing. 884 01:09:16,736 --> 01:09:18,930 Been floating through space too long? 885 01:09:19,030 --> 01:09:21,307 CASE: 110% Earth gravity. 886 01:09:21,407 --> 01:09:23,709 COOPER: Come on. Come on. 887 01:09:26,037 --> 01:09:28,973 - There's nothing here. - CASE: Should be right here. 888 01:09:30,792 --> 01:09:34,095 If the signal's coming from here, then... 889 01:09:43,429 --> 01:09:45,097 Her beacon. 890 01:09:52,730 --> 01:09:53,873 DOYLE: Wreckage. 891 01:09:54,440 --> 01:09:55,708 Where's the rest? 892 01:09:56,109 --> 01:09:57,710 Towards the mountains! 893 01:10:01,447 --> 01:10:03,382 Those aren't mountains. 894 01:10:04,951 --> 01:10:06,385 They're waves. 895 01:10:11,624 --> 01:10:14,393 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. 896 01:10:14,794 --> 01:10:16,896 COOPER: That one's moving away from us. 897 01:10:23,302 --> 01:10:25,071 AMELIA: We need the recorder. 898 01:10:35,148 --> 01:10:37,467 Brand, Doyle, back to the Ranger now! 899 01:10:37,567 --> 01:10:41,012 We're not leaving without her data. 900 01:10:41,112 --> 01:10:44,390 Get back here now! We do not have time! 901 01:10:44,490 --> 01:10:47,051 The second wave is coming! We're in the middle of a swell. 902 01:10:48,244 --> 01:10:49,729 AMELIA: No, I got it. 903 01:10:49,829 --> 01:10:51,931 Get your ass back to the Ranger now! 904 01:10:52,665 --> 01:10:54,100 [GRUNTING] 905 01:10:56,836 --> 01:10:58,980 Brand, get back here now! 906 01:11:00,840 --> 01:11:03,150 AMELIA: No, Cooper, go. Cooper, go. I can't make it. 907 01:11:03,468 --> 01:11:05,945 - Go! - CASE, go get her. 908 01:11:10,641 --> 01:11:12,743 - Go! - Get up. Get up, Brand! 909 01:11:13,561 --> 01:11:15,162 DOYLE: Go, go! Go! 910 01:11:16,647 --> 01:11:19,584 - I'm not gonna make it! - Yes, you are. Yes, you are! 911 01:11:26,324 --> 01:11:28,718 Come on, CASE has her! Get back here, Doyle! 912 01:11:31,621 --> 01:11:33,005 Come on! 913 01:11:35,458 --> 01:11:36,976 Get to the hatch! 914 01:11:41,422 --> 01:11:43,024 Go, go! Go! 915 01:11:48,471 --> 01:11:49,655 Shit. 916 01:11:50,056 --> 01:11:51,991 Manually overriding inside hatch! 917 01:11:55,394 --> 01:11:56,662 Cooper! Wait! 918 01:12:03,903 --> 01:12:07,673 COOPER: The engines are flooded! I'm gonna have to shut her down. 919 01:12:12,119 --> 01:12:13,804 [AMELIA YELLING] 920 01:12:41,023 --> 01:12:42,458 Holy shit. 921 01:12:46,779 --> 01:12:48,214 Hang on! 922 01:12:52,827 --> 01:12:54,428 [YELLING] 923 01:13:19,353 --> 01:13:23,290 - CASE, what's the problem? - Too waterlogged. Let it drain. 924 01:13:24,317 --> 01:13:25,593 Goddamn it! 925 01:13:25,693 --> 01:13:30,431 - I told you to leave me! Why didn't you? - And I told you to get your ass back here! 926 01:13:30,531 --> 01:13:35,302 - One of us was thinking about the mission! - You were thinking about getting home. 927 01:13:37,038 --> 01:13:39,440 I was trying to do the right thing! 928 01:13:39,540 --> 01:13:41,600 Can you tell that to Doyle? 929 01:13:43,594 --> 01:13:46,063 - COOPER: CASE, how much time? - Forty-five to an hour. 930 01:13:47,757 --> 01:13:51,545 The stuff of life, huh? What's this gonna cost us, Brand? 931 01:13:52,345 --> 01:13:54,372 A lot. Decades. 932 01:13:54,472 --> 01:13:56,198 [PANTING] 933 01:13:58,768 --> 01:14:00,119 [GROANS] 934 01:14:01,520 --> 01:14:02,955 What happened to Miller? 935 01:14:03,606 --> 01:14:09,220 Judging by the wreckage, she was broken up by a wave soon after impact. 936 01:14:09,320 --> 01:14:12,256 How's the wreckage stayed together after all these years, huh? 937 01:14:13,407 --> 01:14:15,709 Because of the time slippage. 938 01:14:16,535 --> 01:14:21,140 On this planet's time, she just landed hours ago. 939 01:14:21,958 --> 01:14:24,402 She probably just died minutes ago. 940 01:14:24,502 --> 01:14:28,647 CASE: The data Doyle received was just the initial status echoing endlessly. 941 01:14:28,923 --> 01:14:31,192 Oh, we are not prepared for this. 942 01:14:33,469 --> 01:14:36,998 You eggheads have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop. 943 01:14:37,098 --> 01:14:40,418 Well, we got this far on our brains. Farther than any human in history. 944 01:14:40,518 --> 01:14:42,336 Well, not far enough! 945 01:14:42,436 --> 01:14:46,040 And now we're stuck here till there won't be anyone left on Earth to save. 946 01:14:48,985 --> 01:14:51,754 I'm counting every minute, same as you, Cooper. 947 01:14:56,450 --> 01:14:58,352 Is there any possibility... 948 01:14:58,452 --> 01:15:02,148 I don't know, some kind of a way we can maybe all jump in a black hole? 949 01:15:02,248 --> 01:15:04,016 Gain back the years? 950 01:15:04,583 --> 01:15:06,152 Don't shake your head at me. 951 01:15:06,252 --> 01:15:08,321 Time is relative, okay? 952 01:15:08,421 --> 01:15:11,565 It can stretch and it can squeeze, but... 953 01:15:11,966 --> 01:15:14,243 it can't run backwards. It just can't. 954 01:15:14,343 --> 01:15:18,864 The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity. 955 01:15:21,475 --> 01:15:22,943 Okay. 956 01:15:24,603 --> 01:15:28,549 The beings that led us here, they communicate... 957 01:15:28,649 --> 01:15:30,551 - ...through gravity, right? - Yes. 958 01:15:30,651 --> 01:15:32,920 Could they be talking to us from the future? 959 01:15:33,738 --> 01:15:36,090 - Maybe. - Okay. If they can... 960 01:15:37,199 --> 01:15:40,553 "They" are beings of five dimensions. 961 01:15:40,870 --> 01:15:44,306 To them, time might be another physical dimension. 962 01:15:44,540 --> 01:15:45,975 To them... 963 01:15:46,292 --> 01:15:50,529 the past might be a canyon that they can climb into and the future... 964 01:15:50,629 --> 01:15:53,732 a mountain they can climb up. But to us, it's not, okay? 965 01:15:54,717 --> 01:15:58,236 Look, Cooper, I screwed up. I'm sorry. 966 01:15:59,305 --> 01:16:02,658 - But you knew about relativity. - Oh. 967 01:16:04,268 --> 01:16:05,936 [SOFTLY] Brand... 968 01:16:07,772 --> 01:16:09,290 [SIGHS] 969 01:16:10,316 --> 01:16:12,535 my daughter was 10 years old. 970 01:16:12,860 --> 01:16:15,754 I couldn't teach her Einstein's theories before I left. 971 01:16:16,072 --> 01:16:19,008 Couldn't you have told her you were going to save the world? 972 01:16:19,492 --> 01:16:21,034 No. 973 01:16:22,203 --> 01:16:26,673 When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. 974 01:16:27,875 --> 01:16:31,145 And that is that you want to make sure your children feel safe. 975 01:16:32,088 --> 01:16:36,241 And it rules out telling a 10-year-old that the world is ending. 976 01:16:38,202 --> 01:16:39,778 Cooper? 977 01:16:40,012 --> 01:16:42,323 [DISTANT RUMBLING] 978 01:16:43,390 --> 01:16:45,960 - How long for the engines, CASE? - A minute or two. 979 01:16:46,060 --> 01:16:48,245 We don't have it. Helmets on! 980 01:16:52,066 --> 01:16:53,926 Brand, co-pilot, you're up. 981 01:16:54,026 --> 01:16:56,595 CASE, blow the cabin oxygen through the main thrusters! 982 01:16:56,695 --> 01:16:58,505 - We're gonna spark it. - Roger that. 983 01:16:58,697 --> 01:17:00,132 - Locked. - Depressurizing. 984 01:17:05,913 --> 01:17:07,264 Engines up! 985 01:17:36,026 --> 01:17:37,628 Hello, Rom. 986 01:17:37,987 --> 01:17:39,955 I've waited years. 987 01:17:40,739 --> 01:17:43,275 How...? How many years? 988 01:17:44,410 --> 01:17:47,438 - ROMILLY: By now it must be... - CASE: Twenty-three years... 989 01:17:47,538 --> 01:17:49,548 four months, eight days. 990 01:17:53,669 --> 01:17:55,337 Doyle? 991 01:18:01,051 --> 01:18:04,254 I thought I was prepared. I knew the theory. 992 01:18:05,431 --> 01:18:07,032 Reality's different. 993 01:18:07,975 --> 01:18:09,744 And Miller? 994 01:18:10,728 --> 01:18:12,830 There's nothing here for us. 995 01:18:15,582 --> 01:18:17,084 Why didn't you sleep? 996 01:18:17,943 --> 01:18:22,131 Oh, I had a couple of stretches. But I stopped believing you were coming back. 997 01:18:22,531 --> 01:18:25,634 And something seemed wrong about dreaming my life away. 998 01:18:26,368 --> 01:18:29,305 I learned what I could from the black hole... 999 01:18:29,580 --> 01:18:32,108 but I couldn't send anything to your father. 1000 01:18:32,208 --> 01:18:34,527 We've been receiving, but nothing gets out. 1001 01:18:34,627 --> 01:18:37,012 - AMELIA: Is he alive? - Oh, yeah. 1002 01:18:37,129 --> 01:18:39,323 - Yeah? - Yeah. 1003 01:18:41,926 --> 01:18:45,029 ROMILLY: We've got years of messages stored. 1004 01:18:45,221 --> 01:18:46,455 Cooper. 1005 01:18:46,555 --> 01:18:49,858 COMPUTER: Messages span 23 years. 1006 01:18:51,602 --> 01:18:53,370 Play it from the beginning. 1007 01:18:56,315 --> 01:18:58,325 TOM [ON RECORDING]: Hey, Dad. 1008 01:18:58,859 --> 01:19:01,578 Checking in. Saying hi. 1009 01:19:02,363 --> 01:19:03,931 Um... 1010 01:19:04,031 --> 01:19:06,124 Finished second in school. 1011 01:19:07,409 --> 01:19:10,020 Miss Kurling's still giving me C's though. 1012 01:19:10,120 --> 01:19:13,257 Pulled me down, but seconds not bad. 1013 01:19:14,124 --> 01:19:16,693 Grandpa attended the ceremony. 1014 01:19:17,920 --> 01:19:20,022 Um... Oh. 1015 01:19:20,881 --> 01:19:22,908 I met another girl, Dad. 1016 01:19:23,008 --> 01:19:24,893 I, uh... 1017 01:19:25,344 --> 01:19:27,646 I really think this is the one. 1018 01:19:28,639 --> 01:19:31,925 Name's Lois. That's her right there. 1019 01:19:34,270 --> 01:19:36,772 Murphy stole Grandpa's car. 1020 01:19:36,939 --> 01:19:40,008 She crashed it. She's okay, though. 1021 01:19:40,276 --> 01:19:41,760 Hey, Dad. 1022 01:19:42,278 --> 01:19:43,912 Look at this! 1023 01:19:44,446 --> 01:19:46,248 You're a grandpa. 1024 01:19:47,366 --> 01:19:49,334 His name's Jesse. 1025 01:19:49,702 --> 01:19:54,857 I kind of wanted to call him Coop, but Lois says, uh... maybe next time. 1026 01:19:54,957 --> 01:19:59,478 Donald says he's already earned the "great" part, so we just leave it at that. 1027 01:20:01,088 --> 01:20:02,448 [TOM SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY] 1028 01:20:02,548 --> 01:20:04,441 LOIS: Oh, dear. Oh, dear. 1029 01:20:05,134 --> 01:20:09,071 Say "Bye-bye, Grandpa." Bye-bye, Grandpa. Okay. 1030 01:20:09,388 --> 01:20:11,990 Sorry it's been a while. 1031 01:20:13,267 --> 01:20:14,910 Just... 1032 01:20:16,520 --> 01:20:18,922 what with Jesse and all. 1033 01:20:21,900 --> 01:20:23,502 Uh... 1034 01:20:25,029 --> 01:20:27,664 Grandpa died last week. 1035 01:20:27,781 --> 01:20:31,368 We buried him out in the back forty next to Mom and... 1036 01:20:31,744 --> 01:20:33,428 Jesse. 1037 01:20:33,704 --> 01:20:37,290 Which is where we would have buried you if you'd ever... 1038 01:20:37,541 --> 01:20:39,643 come back. 1039 01:20:40,544 --> 01:20:43,096 Murph was there at the funeral. 1040 01:20:43,422 --> 01:20:46,375 We don't see her that much, but she came for that. 1041 01:20:49,386 --> 01:20:52,405 You aren't listening to this, I know that. 1042 01:20:54,933 --> 01:20:57,786 All these messages are just, like... 1043 01:20:58,854 --> 01:21:03,024 drifting out there in the darkness. 1044 01:21:03,609 --> 01:21:06,044 Lois says that, uh... 1045 01:21:06,737 --> 01:21:09,765 I have to let you go. 1046 01:21:09,865 --> 01:21:11,800 And, uh... 1047 01:21:12,201 --> 01:21:13,885 So... 1048 01:21:16,538 --> 01:21:19,825 I guess I'm letting you go. 1049 01:21:20,584 --> 01:21:23,753 I don't know where you are, Dad... 1050 01:21:23,879 --> 01:21:26,807 but I hope that you're at peace. 1051 01:21:28,300 --> 01:21:29,685 Goodbye. 1052 01:21:42,981 --> 01:21:44,633 Hey, Dad. 1053 01:21:47,069 --> 01:21:48,304 Hey, Murph. 1054 01:21:48,404 --> 01:21:50,822 You son of a bitch. 1055 01:21:54,034 --> 01:21:56,603 I never made one of these when you were still responding... 1056 01:21:56,703 --> 01:21:59,339 because I was so mad at you for leaving. 1057 01:22:02,084 --> 01:22:04,569 And then when you went quiet, it... 1058 01:22:06,797 --> 01:22:10,233 seemed like I should live with that decision. And I have. 1059 01:22:14,138 --> 01:22:16,857 But today's my birthday. 1060 01:22:20,227 --> 01:22:23,897 And it's a special one, because you told me... 1061 01:22:27,526 --> 01:22:32,164 You once told me that when you came back, we might be the same age. 1062 01:22:33,574 --> 01:22:36,960 And today I'm the age you were when you left. 1063 01:22:39,663 --> 01:22:41,815 So it would be a real good time for you to come back. 1064 01:22:41,915 --> 01:22:43,684 [BOTH SOBBING] 1065 01:22:50,215 --> 01:22:51,608 [SNIFFLES] 1066 01:22:56,221 --> 01:23:00,617 I didn't mean to intrude. It's just that I've never seen you in here before. 1067 01:23:01,143 --> 01:23:03,412 I've never been in here before. 1068 01:23:05,189 --> 01:23:10,427 BRAND: I talk to Amelia all the time. It helps. 1069 01:23:10,694 --> 01:23:13,514 - I'm glad you've started. - MURPH: I haven't. I... 1070 01:23:13,614 --> 01:23:16,216 I just had something I needed to get out. 1071 01:23:16,450 --> 01:23:18,936 - I know they're still out there. - I know. 1072 01:23:19,036 --> 01:23:23,315 There are so many reasons their communications might not be getting through. 1073 01:23:23,415 --> 01:23:24,933 I know, professor. 1074 01:23:25,459 --> 01:23:28,478 I'm not sure what I'm more afraid of. 1075 01:23:29,546 --> 01:23:32,382 Them never coming back or... 1076 01:23:33,091 --> 01:23:36,370 coming back to find we've failed. 1077 01:23:36,470 --> 01:23:37,988 Then let's succeed. 1078 01:23:38,931 --> 01:23:40,473 So... 1079 01:23:40,682 --> 01:23:44,920 back to the fourth iteration. Let's run it through some new fields. 1080 01:23:45,020 --> 01:23:48,424 With respect, professor, we've tried that hundreds of times. 1081 01:23:48,524 --> 01:23:52,694 It only has to work once, Murph. 1082 01:23:55,489 --> 01:23:59,435 BRAND: Every rivet that they strike could have been a bullet. 1083 01:23:59,535 --> 01:24:01,603 We've done well for the world here... 1084 01:24:01,703 --> 01:24:06,525 whether or not we crack the equation before I kick the bucket. 1085 01:24:06,625 --> 01:24:09,603 - Don't be morbid, professor. - I'm not afraid of death. 1086 01:24:10,254 --> 01:24:12,589 I'm an old physicist. 1087 01:24:13,340 --> 01:24:15,108 I'm afraid of time. 1088 01:24:22,182 --> 01:24:23,450 MURPH: Time. 1089 01:24:25,394 --> 01:24:27,162 You're afraid of time. 1090 01:24:29,648 --> 01:24:31,717 We've been trying to solve the equation... 1091 01:24:31,817 --> 01:24:34,386 without changing the underlying assumption about time. 1092 01:24:34,486 --> 01:24:36,263 - And? - And that means... 1093 01:24:36,363 --> 01:24:40,893 each iteration is an attempt to prove its own proof. 1094 01:24:40,993 --> 01:24:43,312 It's recursive. It's nonsensical. 1095 01:24:43,412 --> 01:24:47,274 Are you calling my life's work... nonsense, Murph? 1096 01:24:47,374 --> 01:24:49,285 No, I'm saying that you've been trying to... 1097 01:24:49,385 --> 01:24:53,680 finish it with one arm... No, with both arms tied behind your back. 1098 01:24:55,465 --> 01:24:57,867 And I don't understand why. 1099 01:24:58,427 --> 01:25:00,662 I'm an old man, Murph. 1100 01:25:01,179 --> 01:25:03,874 Can we take this point up at another time? 1101 01:25:03,974 --> 01:25:06,401 I want to talk to my daughter. 1102 01:25:08,270 --> 01:25:10,797 BRAND [ON RECORDING]: Stepping out into the universe... 1103 01:25:10,897 --> 01:25:14,793 we must confront the reality of interstellar travel. 1104 01:25:15,611 --> 01:25:20,224 We must reach far beyond our own lifespans. 1105 01:25:20,324 --> 01:25:25,854 We must think not as individuals but as a species. 1106 01:25:28,290 --> 01:25:31,617 Do not go gentle into that good night 1107 01:25:33,086 --> 01:25:35,739 COOPER: TARS kept the Endurance right where we needed her. 1108 01:25:35,839 --> 01:25:38,734 But the trip took years longer than we anticipated. 1109 01:25:38,967 --> 01:25:42,571 We no longer have the fuel to visit both prospects, so... 1110 01:25:42,804 --> 01:25:44,606 we have to choose. 1111 01:25:45,515 --> 01:25:46,942 But how? 1112 01:25:47,684 --> 01:25:49,653 They're both promising. 1113 01:25:50,896 --> 01:25:55,467 Edmunds' data is better, but Dr. Mann is the one still transmitting, so... 1114 01:25:55,567 --> 01:25:58,787 We've no reason to suspect Edmunds's data would have soured. 1115 01:25:59,404 --> 01:26:01,974 His world has key elements to sustain human life. 1116 01:26:02,074 --> 01:26:05,543 - As does Dr. Mann's. - Cooper, this is my field. 1117 01:26:06,411 --> 01:26:07,754 And... 1118 01:26:08,246 --> 01:26:10,482 I really believe Edmunds' is the better prospect. 1119 01:26:10,582 --> 01:26:14,219 - Why? - Gargantua, that's why. 1120 01:26:15,045 --> 01:26:19,157 Look at Miller's planet. Hydrocarbons, organics, yes... 1121 01:26:19,257 --> 01:26:23,979 but no life. Sterile. We'll find the same thing on Mann's. 1122 01:26:24,096 --> 01:26:25,956 Because of the black hole? 1123 01:26:26,056 --> 01:26:29,167 Murphy's Law. Whatever can happen will happen. 1124 01:26:29,267 --> 01:26:31,670 Accident is the first building block of evolution. 1125 01:26:31,770 --> 01:26:34,673 But when you're orbiting a black hole not enough can happen. 1126 01:26:34,773 --> 01:26:39,344 It sucks in asteroids and comets, other events which would otherwise reach you. 1127 01:26:39,444 --> 01:26:41,579 We need to go further afield. 1128 01:26:41,905 --> 01:26:44,541 You once said that Dr. Mann... 1129 01:26:45,492 --> 01:26:47,185 was the best of us. 1130 01:26:47,285 --> 01:26:50,755 He's remarkable. We're only here because of him. 1131 01:26:50,997 --> 01:26:52,899 And yet... Yet here he is. 1132 01:26:52,999 --> 01:26:57,285 He's on the ground, and he's sending a very unambiguous message, 1133 01:26:57,385 --> 01:26:59,906 telling us to come to his planet. 1134 01:27:00,006 --> 01:27:04,936 Granted, but Edmunds' data is more promising. 1135 01:27:05,095 --> 01:27:06,204 We should vote. 1136 01:27:06,304 --> 01:27:08,773 Well, if we vote, there's something you should know. 1137 01:27:09,599 --> 01:27:12,777 Brand? He has a right to know. 1138 01:27:12,978 --> 01:27:14,796 That has nothing to do with it. 1139 01:27:14,896 --> 01:27:18,008 - What does? - She's in love with Wolf Edmunds. 1140 01:27:18,108 --> 01:27:21,152 - ROMILLY: Is that true? - Yes. 1141 01:27:23,822 --> 01:27:26,833 And that makes me want to follow my heart. 1142 01:27:29,995 --> 01:27:33,732 But maybe we've spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory. 1143 01:27:33,832 --> 01:27:35,317 You're a scientist, Brand. 1144 01:27:35,417 --> 01:27:37,260 So listen to me... 1145 01:27:37,794 --> 01:27:42,807 when I say that love isn't something we invented. It's... 1146 01:27:43,508 --> 01:27:46,144 observable, powerful. 1147 01:27:47,929 --> 01:27:49,606 It has to mean something. 1148 01:27:49,706 --> 01:27:54,052 Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing... 1149 01:27:54,152 --> 01:27:57,956 We love people who have died. Where's the social utility in that? 1150 01:27:58,398 --> 01:27:59,508 None. 1151 01:27:59,608 --> 01:28:03,553 Maybe it means something more, something we can't... 1152 01:28:03,653 --> 01:28:05,764 yet understand. 1153 01:28:05,864 --> 01:28:09,626 Maybe it's some evidence, some... 1154 01:28:10,285 --> 01:28:14,815 artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. 1155 01:28:14,915 --> 01:28:19,778 I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade... 1156 01:28:19,878 --> 01:28:22,948 who I know is probably dead. 1157 01:28:23,048 --> 01:28:26,451 Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving... 1158 01:28:26,551 --> 01:28:29,687 that transcends dimensions of time and space. 1159 01:28:31,223 --> 01:28:35,860 Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it yet. 1160 01:28:40,565 --> 01:28:42,534 All right, Cooper... 1161 01:28:44,110 --> 01:28:45,703 yes... 1162 01:28:46,571 --> 01:28:50,108 the tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. 1163 01:28:50,742 --> 01:28:52,710 That doesn't mean I'm wrong. 1164 01:28:53,119 --> 01:28:55,588 Honestly, Amelia... 1165 01:28:57,082 --> 01:28:58,350 it might. 1166 01:29:05,048 --> 01:29:08,059 TARS, chart a course for Dr. Mann's. 1167 01:29:24,851 --> 01:29:28,121 TOM: We'll lose about a third again. But next year... 1168 01:29:30,115 --> 01:29:33,051 Next year I'm gonna work Nelson's farm and we'll make it up. 1169 01:29:33,785 --> 01:29:35,920 What happened to Nelson? 1170 01:29:41,543 --> 01:29:43,820 LOIS: Murph, have you eaten enough? Would you like some more souffle? 1171 01:29:43,920 --> 01:29:47,599 Oh, no. I'm full, thanks. It was delicious. 1172 01:29:48,174 --> 01:29:50,476 Coop, finish your fritter, please. 1173 01:29:52,345 --> 01:29:56,124 Will you spend the night? Your room is exactly as you left it. It's ready. 1174 01:29:56,224 --> 01:29:57,667 I need to get back. 1175 01:29:57,767 --> 01:29:59,578 LOIS: My sewing machine is in there, but there's plenty... 1176 01:29:59,678 --> 01:30:02,071 I need to... 1177 01:30:04,649 --> 01:30:06,692 Too many memories. 1178 01:30:06,818 --> 01:30:09,713 We might have something for that. Hey, Coop. 1179 01:30:14,326 --> 01:30:16,294 [COOP COUGHING] 1180 01:30:17,162 --> 01:30:18,555 The dust. 1181 01:30:20,957 --> 01:30:23,401 Lois, I have a friend who... 1182 01:30:23,801 --> 01:30:25,637 could look at his lungs. 1183 01:30:31,676 --> 01:30:33,728 [DISTANT RUMBLING] 1184 01:30:43,521 --> 01:30:46,258 - COOPER: Amelia, I'm sorry. - You were just being objective. 1185 01:30:46,358 --> 01:30:49,886 Unless you're punishing me for screwing up on Miller's planet. 1186 01:30:49,986 --> 01:30:52,538 No, this wasn't a personal decision. 1187 01:30:53,073 --> 01:30:57,185 If you're wrong, you will have a very personal decision to make. 1188 01:30:57,285 --> 01:31:00,480 Your fuel calculations are based on a return journey. 1189 01:31:00,580 --> 01:31:04,651 Strike out on Mann's planet, and we'll have to decide whether to return home... 1190 01:31:04,751 --> 01:31:07,112 or push on to Edmunds' with Plan B. 1191 01:31:07,212 --> 01:31:11,116 Starting a colony could save us from extinction. 1192 01:31:11,216 --> 01:31:14,452 You might have to decide between seeing your children again... 1193 01:31:14,552 --> 01:31:16,488 and the future of the human race. 1194 01:31:17,689 --> 01:31:19,699 I trust you'll be as objective then. 1195 01:31:26,481 --> 01:31:28,466 He's been asking for you since he came to. 1196 01:31:28,566 --> 01:31:30,293 We were trying to reach you. 1197 01:31:36,157 --> 01:31:37,500 Murph. 1198 01:31:38,201 --> 01:31:40,003 I'm here, professor. 1199 01:31:40,412 --> 01:31:42,781 I let you all down. 1200 01:31:43,081 --> 01:31:46,718 No, you got us so far. Real close. 1201 01:31:48,253 --> 01:31:50,113 I'll finish what you started. 1202 01:31:50,213 --> 01:31:52,724 Good, good Murph. 1203 01:31:54,718 --> 01:31:57,312 You had faith... 1204 01:31:58,221 --> 01:31:59,814 all those... 1205 01:32:00,473 --> 01:32:02,567 all those years. 1206 01:32:03,935 --> 01:32:05,253 I... 1207 01:32:05,353 --> 01:32:08,156 I asked you to have faith. 1208 01:32:09,607 --> 01:32:12,702 I wanted you to believe... 1209 01:32:13,903 --> 01:32:16,080 that your father... 1210 01:32:18,783 --> 01:32:20,685 would come back. 1211 01:32:20,785 --> 01:32:22,078 I do, professor. 1212 01:32:23,705 --> 01:32:27,959 - Forgive me, Murph. - There's nothing to forgive. 1213 01:32:31,028 --> 01:32:34,390 I... I lied, Murph. 1214 01:32:36,468 --> 01:32:38,561 I lied to you. 1215 01:32:44,601 --> 01:32:47,912 There was no need for him to... 1216 01:32:49,022 --> 01:32:51,199 To come back. 1217 01:32:53,485 --> 01:32:57,121 There is no way to help us. 1218 01:32:58,114 --> 01:32:59,457 But Plan A... 1219 01:32:59,699 --> 01:33:03,127 All this. All these people. 1220 01:33:03,953 --> 01:33:06,048 And the equation. 1221 01:33:09,751 --> 01:33:11,603 Did my father know? 1222 01:33:15,298 --> 01:33:17,508 Did he leave me? 1223 01:33:20,970 --> 01:33:22,313 Do... 1224 01:33:23,181 --> 01:33:24,816 not... 1225 01:33:25,475 --> 01:33:27,026 go... 1226 01:33:27,936 --> 01:33:30,021 gentle... 1227 01:33:31,523 --> 01:33:32,990 No. 1228 01:33:34,359 --> 01:33:35,943 No! 1229 01:33:36,653 --> 01:33:38,596 You can't leave. 1230 01:33:38,696 --> 01:33:40,248 You... No. 1231 01:33:41,032 --> 01:33:46,003 MURPH: Dr. Brand, I'm sorry to tell you that your father died today. He had no pain. 1232 01:33:46,187 --> 01:33:48,356 He was at peace. 1233 01:33:48,623 --> 01:33:51,008 I'm very sorry for your loss. 1234 01:34:03,304 --> 01:34:05,073 Brand, did you know? 1235 01:34:07,392 --> 01:34:09,360 He told you, right? 1236 01:34:11,938 --> 01:34:13,814 You knew. 1237 01:34:15,233 --> 01:34:17,326 This was all a sham. 1238 01:34:21,406 --> 01:34:23,591 You left us here. 1239 01:34:25,243 --> 01:34:27,044 To suffocate. 1240 01:34:28,913 --> 01:34:30,548 To starve. 1241 01:34:54,606 --> 01:34:56,574 [ALARM BEEPING] 1242 01:34:57,609 --> 01:34:59,043 COOPER: Frozen cloud. 1243 01:37:12,869 --> 01:37:14,837 [GASPING] 1244 01:37:19,917 --> 01:37:22,136 [CRYING] 1245 01:37:23,379 --> 01:37:26,641 [SOFTLY] It's okay. It's okay. 1246 01:37:33,181 --> 01:37:34,982 It's okay. 1247 01:37:40,104 --> 01:37:42,406 Pray you never learn... 1248 01:37:43,274 --> 01:37:46,911 just how good it can be to see another face. 1249 01:37:55,036 --> 01:37:57,605 I hadn't a lot of hope to begin with, but... 1250 01:37:57,705 --> 01:38:00,341 after so long, I had none. 1251 01:38:01,509 --> 01:38:04,845 My supplies were completely exhausted. 1252 01:38:06,506 --> 01:38:10,559 The last time I went to sleep, I didn't even set a waking date. 1253 01:38:13,971 --> 01:38:16,857 You have literally raised me from the dead. 1254 01:38:17,600 --> 01:38:19,850 - Lazarus. - Hm. 1255 01:38:20,686 --> 01:38:24,240 - What about the others? - I'm afraid you're it, sir. 1256 01:38:24,649 --> 01:38:27,368 So far, surely. 1257 01:38:27,819 --> 01:38:32,757 No, our present situation is that there's very little chance of rescuing any others. 1258 01:38:36,411 --> 01:38:38,921 AMELIA: Dr. Mann. Dr. Mann? 1259 01:38:39,497 --> 01:38:41,390 Tell us about your world. 1260 01:38:44,669 --> 01:38:46,612 Our world, we hope. 1261 01:38:46,712 --> 01:38:48,347 [SNIFFLES] 1262 01:38:50,341 --> 01:38:52,744 Our world, uh... is cold... 1263 01:38:52,844 --> 01:38:54,637 stark... 1264 01:38:56,013 --> 01:38:58,149 but undeniably beautiful. 1265 01:39:00,101 --> 01:39:03,654 MANN: The days are 67 hours long, cold. 1266 01:39:07,558 --> 01:39:09,177 The nights are... 1267 01:39:09,277 --> 01:39:12,112 67 far colder hours. 1268 01:39:17,452 --> 01:39:21,856 The gravity is a very, very pleasant 80 percent of the Earth's. 1269 01:39:21,956 --> 01:39:25,193 Now, up here where I landed, the water is alkali... 1270 01:39:25,293 --> 01:39:29,113 and the air has too much ammonia to breathe for more than just a few minutes... 1271 01:39:29,213 --> 01:39:33,868 but down at the surface, and there is a surface... 1272 01:39:33,968 --> 01:39:35,660 the chlorine dissipates. 1273 01:39:35,761 --> 01:39:39,874 The ammonia gives way to crystalline hydrocarbons and breathable air. 1274 01:39:39,974 --> 01:39:44,245 To organics. Possibly even to life. 1275 01:39:44,979 --> 01:39:47,198 We might be sharing this world. 1276 01:39:47,440 --> 01:39:49,267 These readings are from the surface? 1277 01:39:49,367 --> 01:39:52,970 Over the years, I've dropped various probes. 1278 01:39:53,070 --> 01:39:56,557 - COOPER: How far have you explored? - I've mounted several major expeditions. 1279 01:39:56,657 --> 01:40:00,778 But with oxygen in limited supply, KIPP there really did most of the legwork. 1280 01:40:00,878 --> 01:40:03,606 - TARS: What went wrong with him, sir? - MANN: Degeneration. 1281 01:40:03,706 --> 01:40:07,360 He misidentified the first organics we found as ammonia crystals. 1282 01:40:07,460 --> 01:40:11,656 We struggled on for a time, but ultimately I decommissioned him and... 1283 01:40:11,756 --> 01:40:13,991 used his power source to keep the mission going. 1284 01:40:14,091 --> 01:40:17,161 I thought I was alone before I shut him down. 1285 01:40:17,261 --> 01:40:19,230 Would you like me to look at him? 1286 01:40:19,430 --> 01:40:21,666 No. No. He needs a human touch. 1287 01:40:21,766 --> 01:40:26,337 Dr. Brand, CASE is relaying a message for you from the comm station. 1288 01:40:26,437 --> 01:40:29,198 Okay. Be right there. Excuse me. 1289 01:40:40,910 --> 01:40:43,596 Dr. Brand, I'm sorry to tell you that your father died today. 1290 01:40:44,205 --> 01:40:46,331 He had no pain. 1291 01:40:48,960 --> 01:40:50,761 He was at peace. 1292 01:40:52,547 --> 01:40:54,682 I'm sorry for your loss. 1293 01:40:56,759 --> 01:40:58,102 AMELIA: Is that Murph? 1294 01:40:58,511 --> 01:41:01,038 She's... She's grown. 1295 01:41:01,138 --> 01:41:03,223 Brand, did you know? 1296 01:41:03,891 --> 01:41:06,060 He told you, right? 1297 01:41:08,604 --> 01:41:10,197 You knew. 1298 01:41:11,649 --> 01:41:13,250 This was all a sham. 1299 01:41:14,193 --> 01:41:16,361 You left us here. 1300 01:41:17,989 --> 01:41:19,790 To suffocate. 1301 01:41:21,576 --> 01:41:23,252 To starve. 1302 01:41:26,289 --> 01:41:28,073 Did my father know too? 1303 01:41:28,332 --> 01:41:30,217 [MURPH SNIFFLES] 1304 01:41:30,459 --> 01:41:32,219 Dad? 1305 01:41:33,671 --> 01:41:35,890 I just want to know... 1306 01:41:36,924 --> 01:41:39,126 if you left me here to die. 1307 01:41:41,512 --> 01:41:43,814 I just have to know. 1308 01:41:49,020 --> 01:41:50,738 Cooper, my... 1309 01:41:51,939 --> 01:41:54,133 My father dedicated... 1310 01:41:54,233 --> 01:41:59,738 his whole life to Plan A. I have no idea what she's talking about. 1311 01:42:01,048 --> 01:42:02,616 MANN: I do. 1312 01:42:07,246 --> 01:42:10,215 He never even hoped to get the people off the Earth? 1313 01:42:11,125 --> 01:42:12,635 No. 1314 01:42:16,380 --> 01:42:20,517 But he's been trying to solve the gravity equation for 40 years. 1315 01:42:20,718 --> 01:42:24,438 Amelia, your father solved his equation before I even left. 1316 01:42:24,722 --> 01:42:26,666 Then why wouldn't he use it? 1317 01:42:26,766 --> 01:42:30,795 The equation couldn't reconcile relativity with quantum mechanics. You need more. 1318 01:42:30,895 --> 01:42:32,880 More? More what? 1319 01:42:32,980 --> 01:42:36,050 MANN: More data. You need to see into a black hole. 1320 01:42:36,150 --> 01:42:38,302 The laws of nature prohibit a naked singularity. 1321 01:42:38,402 --> 01:42:40,204 Romilly, is that true? 1322 01:42:41,197 --> 01:42:44,976 If a black hole is an oyster, then the singularity's the pearl inside. 1323 01:42:45,076 --> 01:42:49,913 The gravity's so strong, it's always hidden in darkness... behind the horizon. 1324 01:42:50,831 --> 01:42:52,984 That's why we call it a black hole. 1325 01:42:53,084 --> 01:42:56,804 Okay, but if we see beyond the horizon... 1326 01:42:57,088 --> 01:42:58,656 We can't, Coop. 1327 01:42:58,756 --> 01:43:01,492 MANN: There are some things that aren't meant to be known. 1328 01:43:01,592 --> 01:43:05,705 Your father had to find another way to save the human race from extinction. 1329 01:43:05,805 --> 01:43:09,441 - Plan B. A colony. - Why not tell people? 1330 01:43:10,726 --> 01:43:13,879 - Why keep building those stations? - He knew how hard it would be... 1331 01:43:13,979 --> 01:43:18,175 to get people to work together to save the species instead of themselves. 1332 01:43:18,475 --> 01:43:20,720 - Or their children. - Bullshit. 1333 01:43:20,820 --> 01:43:23,681 MANN: You never would've come here unless you believed you would save them. 1334 01:43:23,781 --> 01:43:26,659 Evolution has yet to transcend that simple barrier. 1335 01:43:26,759 --> 01:43:30,651 We can care deeply, selflessly about those we know, 1336 01:43:30,751 --> 01:43:33,357 but that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight. 1337 01:43:33,457 --> 01:43:35,467 But the lie. 1338 01:43:38,462 --> 01:43:41,081 That monstrous lie? 1339 01:43:42,133 --> 01:43:45,352 Unforgivable. And he knew that. 1340 01:43:45,803 --> 01:43:50,207 He was prepared to destroy his own humanity in order to save the species. 1341 01:43:50,307 --> 01:43:53,027 - He made an incredible sacrifice. - No. 1342 01:43:54,145 --> 01:43:59,124 An incredible sacrifice is being made by the people on Earth who are gonna die! 1343 01:43:59,483 --> 01:44:01,752 Because in his fucking arrogance... 1344 01:44:02,069 --> 01:44:04,255 he declared their case hopeless. 1345 01:44:04,822 --> 01:44:08,392 I'm sorry, Cooper... their case is hopeless. 1346 01:44:08,492 --> 01:44:10,919 No. No. 1347 01:44:11,245 --> 01:44:12,847 We are the future. 1348 01:44:16,417 --> 01:44:18,635 Cooper, what can I do? 1349 01:44:21,547 --> 01:44:23,482 Let me go home. 1350 01:44:23,966 --> 01:44:25,985 MAN: You're absolutely positive? 1351 01:44:26,510 --> 01:44:29,113 His solution was correct. He'd had it for years. 1352 01:44:29,680 --> 01:44:32,408 - It's worthless? - It's half the answer. 1353 01:44:33,267 --> 01:44:36,370 Okay, how do you find the other half? 1354 01:44:36,854 --> 01:44:38,589 Out there? A black hole. 1355 01:44:38,689 --> 01:44:41,825 - But stuck down here on Earth? - Yeah? 1356 01:44:42,860 --> 01:44:44,828 I'm not sure you can. 1357 01:44:46,447 --> 01:44:49,416 MAN: God, they just pack up and leave. 1358 01:44:50,534 --> 01:44:52,920 What are they hoping to find? 1359 01:44:53,204 --> 01:44:54,546 Survival. 1360 01:45:02,046 --> 01:45:03,430 Damn it. 1361 01:45:06,050 --> 01:45:09,945 Murph, don't...? Don't people have a right to know? 1362 01:45:10,471 --> 01:45:14,625 Panic won't help. We just have to keep working, same as ever. 1363 01:45:14,725 --> 01:45:18,129 But isn't that exactly what Professor Brand was manipulating us to do? 1364 01:45:18,229 --> 01:45:21,582 Brand gave up on us. I'm still trying to solve this. 1365 01:45:22,107 --> 01:45:23,692 So... 1366 01:45:24,610 --> 01:45:26,579 do you have an idea? 1367 01:45:26,987 --> 01:45:28,622 A feeling. 1368 01:45:31,742 --> 01:45:34,044 I told you about my ghost. 1369 01:45:35,746 --> 01:45:38,049 My dad thought I called it a ghost... 1370 01:45:38,149 --> 01:45:40,217 because I was scared of it. 1371 01:45:43,379 --> 01:45:45,712 But I was never scared of it. 1372 01:45:46,924 --> 01:45:49,893 I called it a ghost because it felt... 1373 01:45:52,012 --> 01:45:53,981 It felt like a person. 1374 01:45:56,225 --> 01:45:58,193 It was trying to tell me something. 1375 01:46:00,855 --> 01:46:03,958 If there's an answer here on Earth, it's back there... 1376 01:46:04,316 --> 01:46:08,829 somehow, in that room. So I have to find it. 1377 01:46:11,949 --> 01:46:14,001 We're running out of time. 1378 01:46:15,619 --> 01:46:17,688 CASE: What about auxiliary oxygen scrubbers? 1379 01:46:17,788 --> 01:46:20,024 COOPER: No, they can stay. I'll be sleeping anyway. 1380 01:46:20,124 --> 01:46:21,776 - Hey, Coop? - Yeah? 1381 01:46:21,876 --> 01:46:23,944 I have a suggestion for your return journey. 1382 01:46:24,044 --> 01:46:26,897 - Yeah, what's that? - Have one last crack at the black hole. 1383 01:46:28,674 --> 01:46:30,126 I'm going home, Rom. 1384 01:46:30,226 --> 01:46:33,979 Yeah, I know. This isn't going to cost you any time. 1385 01:46:34,430 --> 01:46:36,465 There's a chance for the people on Earth. 1386 01:46:37,016 --> 01:46:40,127 - Talk to me. - Gargantua's an older spinning black hole. 1387 01:46:40,227 --> 01:46:44,173 - It's what we call a gentle singularity. - Gentle? 1388 01:46:44,273 --> 01:46:47,802 They're hardly gentle. But the tidal gravity is so quick that... 1389 01:46:47,902 --> 01:46:52,223 something crossing the horizon fast might survive. A probe, say. 1390 01:46:52,323 --> 01:46:57,061 - What happens after it crosses? - After the horizon is a complete mystery. 1391 01:46:57,161 --> 01:47:00,314 So, what's to say there isn't some way that the probe... 1392 01:47:00,414 --> 01:47:03,400 can glimpse the singularity and relay the quantum data? 1393 01:47:03,500 --> 01:47:06,821 If he's equipped to transmit every form of energy that can pulse. 1394 01:47:06,921 --> 01:47:10,015 TARS: Just when did this probe become a "he," professor? 1395 01:47:10,257 --> 01:47:12,309 TARS is the obvious candidate. 1396 01:47:12,843 --> 01:47:14,829 I've already told him what to look for. 1397 01:47:14,929 --> 01:47:17,706 I'd need the old optical transmitter off KIPP, Cooper. 1398 01:47:17,806 --> 01:47:19,208 You'd do this for us? 1399 01:47:19,308 --> 01:47:23,529 Before you get all teary, remember that as a robot I have to do anything you say. 1400 01:47:24,146 --> 01:47:27,616 - Your cue light's broken. - I'm not joking. 1401 01:47:29,944 --> 01:47:33,264 I'm gonna need TARS to remove and adapt some components from KIPP. 1402 01:47:33,364 --> 01:47:35,766 I don't want to disturb his archival functions. 1403 01:47:35,866 --> 01:47:37,601 I'll supervise. 1404 01:47:37,701 --> 01:47:38,811 All right. 1405 01:47:38,911 --> 01:47:43,649 Dr. Mann, we need to find three secure sites. One for Brand's lab, two for habitat. 1406 01:47:43,749 --> 01:47:46,277 Once those modules have landed, you don't want to move them. 1407 01:47:46,377 --> 01:47:48,988 I can take you to the probe sites, but I don't think... 1408 01:47:49,088 --> 01:47:51,866 these conditions are gonna hold. I think we should wait. 1409 01:47:51,966 --> 01:47:54,869 COOPER: CASE is headed down with the rest of the distillery equipment. 1410 01:47:54,969 --> 01:47:58,105 I'd really like to secure those sites by nightfall. 1411 01:47:59,723 --> 01:48:03,110 Well, these squalls do usually blow over. 1412 01:48:03,227 --> 01:48:04,420 Okay, then. 1413 01:48:04,520 --> 01:48:06,797 - You'll need a long-range transmitter. - Got it. 1414 01:48:06,897 --> 01:48:08,740 - Are you charged? - Yeah. 1415 01:48:09,024 --> 01:48:10,367 Follow me. 1416 01:48:10,859 --> 01:48:14,505 - TARS, 72 hours, yeah? - Roger that, Cooper. 1417 01:48:20,703 --> 01:48:24,047 MANN: Brand told me why you feel you have to go back. 1418 01:48:25,482 --> 01:48:28,569 But I'd be remiss if I didn't at least mention... 1419 01:48:28,669 --> 01:48:32,940 that a mission such as ours could certainly use an extra engineer. 1420 01:48:34,675 --> 01:48:39,029 You better slow down, turbo. Safety first, CASE, remember. 1421 01:48:39,555 --> 01:48:41,607 CASE: Safety first, Cooper. 1422 01:48:42,558 --> 01:48:45,636 COOPER: I have to tell you, Dr. Mann, I'm honored to be a part of this. 1423 01:48:45,936 --> 01:48:51,242 But once we set up base camp and secure those modules, my work's done here. 1424 01:48:51,358 --> 01:48:52,693 I'm going home. 1425 01:48:54,153 --> 01:48:56,455 [SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] 1426 01:49:00,701 --> 01:49:03,861 You have attachments. But even without a family... 1427 01:49:03,961 --> 01:49:09,384 I can promise you that that yearning to be with other people is powerful. 1428 01:49:09,752 --> 01:49:13,388 That emotion is at the foundation... 1429 01:49:13,756 --> 01:49:16,900 of what makes us human. It's not to be taken lightly. 1430 01:49:22,765 --> 01:49:24,649 [LOIS COUGHING] 1431 01:49:24,808 --> 01:49:27,494 - How long have you had that cough? - A while. 1432 01:49:37,946 --> 01:49:40,165 COOP: Mom lets me play in here. 1433 01:49:41,584 --> 01:49:43,335 I don't touch your stuff. 1434 01:49:44,578 --> 01:49:46,546 [WHIRRING] 1435 01:50:14,024 --> 01:50:15,951 Just take this gently. 1436 01:50:20,781 --> 01:50:24,459 You know why we couldn't just send machines on these missions, don't you, Cooper? 1437 01:50:24,785 --> 01:50:29,514 A machine doesn't improvise well because you can't program a fear of death. 1438 01:50:30,290 --> 01:50:34,609 Our survival instinct is our single greatest source of inspiration. 1439 01:50:34,723 --> 01:50:36,638 Take you, for example. 1440 01:50:37,047 --> 01:50:38,682 A father... 1441 01:50:38,882 --> 01:50:42,185 with a survival instinct that extends to your kids. 1442 01:50:43,053 --> 01:50:48,024 What does research tell us is the last thing you're going to see before you die? 1443 01:50:49,434 --> 01:50:52,129 Your children. Their faces. 1444 01:50:52,229 --> 01:50:56,992 At the moment of death, your mind's gonna push a little bit harder to survive. 1445 01:50:57,401 --> 01:50:58,943 For them. 1446 01:50:59,319 --> 01:51:00,871 Deep breath. 1447 01:51:02,865 --> 01:51:06,810 Uh, hey. I bet you're Coop. Why don't you have a seat here for me? 1448 01:51:06,910 --> 01:51:09,546 It's bad. They cannot stay here. 1449 01:51:09,955 --> 01:51:11,348 - Okay? - Yeah. 1450 01:51:19,590 --> 01:51:21,116 ROMILLY: TARS, what's taking so long? 1451 01:51:21,216 --> 01:51:24,161 TARS: Professor, I am having trouble completing the boot up. 1452 01:51:24,261 --> 01:51:26,004 I don't understand. 1453 01:51:31,059 --> 01:51:32,503 [COOPER EXHALES] 1454 01:51:32,603 --> 01:51:34,154 It's funny. 1455 01:51:35,939 --> 01:51:37,866 When I left Earth... 1456 01:51:38,567 --> 01:51:40,952 I thought I was prepared to die. 1457 01:51:42,696 --> 01:51:44,531 The truth is... 1458 01:51:46,241 --> 01:51:51,546 I never really considered the possibility that my planet wasn't the one. 1459 01:51:53,957 --> 01:51:56,360 Nothing worked out the way it was supposed to. 1460 01:51:56,460 --> 01:51:58,002 COOPER: Let's go. 1461 01:52:03,634 --> 01:52:05,393 [YELLS] 1462 01:52:05,969 --> 01:52:08,864 All right, buddy, give me a big deep breath. 1463 01:52:13,560 --> 01:52:15,078 What is this? 1464 01:52:15,395 --> 01:52:19,466 - What are you doing? - I'm sorry! I can't let you leave with that ship. 1465 01:52:19,566 --> 01:52:22,136 We're gonna need it to complete the mission... 1466 01:52:22,236 --> 01:52:25,848 once the others realize what this place isn't. 1467 01:52:25,948 --> 01:52:30,269 We cannot survive here. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! 1468 01:52:30,369 --> 01:52:31,753 [MANN GRUNTING] 1469 01:52:34,873 --> 01:52:36,550 [MANN YELLS] 1470 01:52:39,962 --> 01:52:43,157 - MURPH: They can't stay here anymore. - MAN: You have to leave right now. 1471 01:52:43,257 --> 01:52:46,869 Let me make something abundantly clear. You have a responsibility... 1472 01:52:46,969 --> 01:52:50,230 - MAN: Oh! Jesus! - TOM: Coop, get her stuff. She's going home. 1473 01:52:50,430 --> 01:52:52,416 Dad didn't raise you to be this dumb, Tom! 1474 01:52:52,516 --> 01:52:56,703 Dad didn't raise me, Grandpa did. And he's buried out back with Mom and Jesse. 1475 01:52:57,187 --> 01:53:00,156 [PANTING] You faked all the data? 1476 01:53:01,566 --> 01:53:02,951 MANN: Yeah. 1477 01:53:06,655 --> 01:53:08,432 There's no surface? 1478 01:53:08,532 --> 01:53:10,000 MANN: No. 1479 01:53:10,659 --> 01:53:12,728 I tried to do my duty, Cooper... 1480 01:53:12,828 --> 01:53:18,133 but I knew the day that I arrived here that this place had nothing. 1481 01:53:18,458 --> 01:53:22,554 And I resisted the temptation for years... 1482 01:53:22,879 --> 01:53:25,199 but I knew that... 1483 01:53:25,299 --> 01:53:28,327 if I just pressed that button, then... 1484 01:53:28,427 --> 01:53:30,529 somebody would come and save me. 1485 01:53:31,471 --> 01:53:33,073 You fucking coward. 1486 01:53:33,807 --> 01:53:34,950 Yes. 1487 01:53:40,272 --> 01:53:41,615 Yes. 1488 01:53:43,233 --> 01:53:44,576 Yes. 1489 01:53:45,527 --> 01:53:46,637 Yes. 1490 01:53:46,737 --> 01:53:48,538 [BOTH GRUNTING] 1491 01:53:58,081 --> 01:54:02,727 Listen, if you're not going to go, let your family go. Just save your family. 1492 01:54:03,128 --> 01:54:07,574 And we go live underground with you? Pray that Daddy comes to save us? 1493 01:54:07,674 --> 01:54:11,648 Dad's not coming back. He never was coming back. It's up to me. 1494 01:54:11,748 --> 01:54:14,661 You're gonna save everybody? Because Dad couldn't do it. 1495 01:54:14,761 --> 01:54:19,069 Dad didn't even try! Dad just abandoned us! 1496 01:54:19,519 --> 01:54:21,613 He left us here to die. 1497 01:54:22,022 --> 01:54:23,790 Nobody's going with you. 1498 01:54:27,402 --> 01:54:30,413 You gonna wait for your next kid to die? 1499 01:54:33,116 --> 01:54:34,709 [SOFTLY] Get out. 1500 01:54:35,285 --> 01:54:36,920 And don't come back. 1501 01:54:41,500 --> 01:54:43,635 MURPH: You can keep my stuff. 1502 01:54:44,961 --> 01:54:47,013 [BOTH GRUNTING] 1503 01:54:54,262 --> 01:54:55,939 Stop it! 1504 01:54:58,642 --> 01:55:00,527 No. No! 1505 01:55:01,311 --> 01:55:04,489 Dr. Mann, there's a 50-50 chance you're gonna kill yourself! 1506 01:55:05,023 --> 01:55:07,092 Those are the best odds I've had in years. 1507 01:55:07,192 --> 01:55:09,661 [AIR WHOOSHING AND COOPER YELLING] 1508 01:55:27,462 --> 01:55:29,597 Don't judge me, Cooper. 1509 01:55:30,048 --> 01:55:34,386 You were never tested like I was. Few men have been. 1510 01:55:42,727 --> 01:55:44,195 You tried your best, Murph. 1511 01:55:53,405 --> 01:55:55,703 - You're feeling it, aren't you? - [COOPER COUGHING] 1512 01:55:56,450 --> 01:55:58,585 The survival instinct. 1513 01:55:59,202 --> 01:56:03,640 That's what drove me. It's what drives all of us. And it's what's gonna save us. 1514 01:56:04,708 --> 01:56:08,344 Because I want to save all of us. For you, Cooper. 1515 01:56:13,216 --> 01:56:16,995 I'm sorry, I can't watch you go through this. I'm sorry. 1516 01:56:17,095 --> 01:56:20,064 I thought I could, but I can't. 1517 01:56:20,849 --> 01:56:23,210 I'm here. I'm here for you. 1518 01:56:23,310 --> 01:56:25,653 Just listen to my voice, Cooper. 1519 01:56:26,146 --> 01:56:27,981 I'm right here. 1520 01:56:29,316 --> 01:56:30,950 You're not alone. 1521 01:56:40,368 --> 01:56:42,070 Do you see your children? 1522 01:56:45,123 --> 01:56:46,758 It's okay. 1523 01:56:47,417 --> 01:56:49,469 They're right there with you. 1524 01:56:53,048 --> 01:56:55,934 Did Professor Brand tell you that poem before you left? 1525 01:56:56,468 --> 01:56:58,269 Do you remember? 1526 01:57:00,347 --> 01:57:03,616 MANN [PANTING]: Do not go gentle into that good night 1527 01:57:04,935 --> 01:57:09,781 Old age should burn and rave At close of day 1528 01:57:11,066 --> 01:57:13,743 Rage, rage against the dying of the light 1529 01:57:19,616 --> 01:57:21,543 [COMM CLICKS OFF] 1530 01:57:38,093 --> 01:57:39,828 Brand! Help! 1531 01:57:39,928 --> 01:57:42,188 - Help! - Cooper? 1532 01:57:48,603 --> 01:57:50,088 AMELIA: CASE! 1533 01:57:50,188 --> 01:57:51,781 No air. 1534 01:57:52,315 --> 01:57:53,825 Ammonia. 1535 01:57:54,609 --> 01:57:57,179 Cooper. Cooper, we're coming! CASE! 1536 01:57:57,279 --> 01:57:59,264 - CASE: I have a fix. - Go! Go, go, go! 1537 01:57:59,364 --> 01:58:01,749 CASE: And away! 1538 01:58:13,003 --> 01:58:15,280 Cooper, we're coming. Hang in there. Don't talk. 1539 01:58:15,380 --> 01:58:17,974 Try to breathe as little as possible. We're almost there. 1540 01:58:21,444 --> 01:58:27,066 TARS: There's a security lockout, sir. It requires a person to access function. 1541 01:58:31,813 --> 01:58:33,615 It's all yours, sir. 1542 01:58:41,631 --> 01:58:43,391 AMELIA: Try not to breathe. 1543 01:58:43,992 --> 01:58:48,021 We're coming. We're coming right now. CASE, come on! Come on! 1544 01:58:48,121 --> 01:58:51,132 We got to go faster, CASE! Faster, faster, faster! 1545 01:58:55,337 --> 01:58:57,347 Hang in there. Come on. 1546 01:59:03,553 --> 01:59:07,148 I see him, I see him! CASE, bank! Bank right! 1547 01:59:25,867 --> 01:59:28,970 Cooper! Cooper! I'm here! 1548 01:59:52,102 --> 01:59:54,304 This data makes no sense. 1549 02:00:02,529 --> 02:00:04,014 I'm sorry. 1550 02:00:04,114 --> 02:00:07,000 - What? - Mann was lying! 1551 02:00:14,457 --> 02:00:16,551 Go. Go. 1552 02:00:17,335 --> 02:00:18,653 Romilly. 1553 02:00:18,753 --> 02:00:20,030 AMELIA: Romilly! 1554 02:00:20,130 --> 02:00:22,849 Romilly! Do you read me, Romilly? 1555 02:00:23,133 --> 02:00:25,235 TARS: Step back, professor! Step back! 1556 02:00:31,850 --> 02:00:32,959 [COMM CLICKS ON] 1557 02:00:33,059 --> 02:00:35,945 - COOPER: Romilly... - AMELIA: Romilly, do you read me? 1558 02:00:38,648 --> 02:00:40,483 Keep watch! 1559 02:00:41,151 --> 02:00:42,377 Lois? 1560 02:00:42,777 --> 02:00:45,580 - COOPER: What happened to caution, CASE? - Safety first, Cooper. 1561 02:00:46,656 --> 02:00:50,376 Romilly? Romilly, do you read me? This is Brand. 1562 02:00:52,954 --> 02:00:54,064 AMELIA: Romilly? 1563 02:00:54,164 --> 02:00:57,050 CASE: Dr. Brand. Cooper. There's been an explosion. 1564 02:00:57,375 --> 02:00:59,469 Dr. Mann's compound. 1565 02:01:13,183 --> 02:01:15,610 [WHIRRING] 1566 02:01:26,780 --> 02:01:29,123 TARS, TARS, 10 o'clock! 1567 02:01:35,205 --> 02:01:37,465 COOPER: Let me know when TARS is aboard. 1568 02:01:40,794 --> 02:01:42,970 TARS: Romilly did not survive. 1569 02:01:43,880 --> 02:01:45,615 I could not save him. 1570 02:01:45,715 --> 02:01:47,242 - CASE: TARS is in. - I'll take her now. 1571 02:01:47,342 --> 02:01:50,286 - Do we have a fix on the Ranger? - CASE: He's pushing into orbit! 1572 02:01:50,386 --> 02:01:53,689 If he takes control of that ship, we're dead. 1573 02:01:54,599 --> 02:01:57,860 - He'd maroon us? - He is marooning us. 1574 02:01:59,562 --> 02:02:02,365 I'll meet you guys downstairs. Go wait by the car. 1575 02:02:09,906 --> 02:02:14,418 Come on! Give me your bag. Get in the backseat. Get in the backseat now! 1576 02:02:19,749 --> 02:02:21,968 COOPER: Dr. Mann, please respond. 1577 02:02:22,293 --> 02:02:24,446 Dr. Mann, please respond! 1578 02:02:24,746 --> 02:02:26,823 CASE: He doesn't know the Endurance docking procedure. 1579 02:02:26,923 --> 02:02:29,725 - The autopilot does. - CASE: Not since TARS disabled it. 1580 02:02:30,635 --> 02:02:31,745 Nice. 1581 02:02:31,845 --> 02:02:35,064 - What's your trust setting, TARS? - Lower than yours apparently. 1582 02:02:38,393 --> 02:02:42,005 COOPER: Do not attempt docking. I repeat, do not attempt docking. 1583 02:02:42,105 --> 02:02:43,214 Please res... 1584 02:02:43,314 --> 02:02:44,866 [COMM CLICKS OFF] 1585 02:03:42,582 --> 02:03:45,026 COMPUTER: Auto-docking sequence withheld. 1586 02:03:45,126 --> 02:03:48,095 - Override. - Unauthorized. 1587 02:03:48,504 --> 02:03:50,139 Override. 1588 02:03:50,340 --> 02:03:52,516 Unauthorized. 1589 02:03:56,346 --> 02:04:00,575 Do not attempt docking. I repeat, do not attempt docking. Please resp... 1590 02:04:05,647 --> 02:04:07,740 [GRUNTING] 1591 02:04:44,268 --> 02:04:46,537 Moving slowly toward the Endurance. 1592 02:05:05,540 --> 02:05:07,341 [ALARM BEEPING] 1593 02:05:10,962 --> 02:05:12,614 COMPUTER: Imperfect contact. 1594 02:05:12,714 --> 02:05:15,057 - Override. - Hatch lockout. 1595 02:05:22,557 --> 02:05:25,401 - Is he locked on yet? - CASE: Imperfectly. 1596 02:05:26,936 --> 02:05:28,254 Dr. Mann, do not... 1597 02:05:28,354 --> 02:05:30,281 [ALARM BEEPING] 1598 02:05:40,241 --> 02:05:41,792 [ALARM STOPS] 1599 02:05:49,667 --> 02:05:52,970 COMPUTER: Hatch lockout disengaged. 1600 02:06:01,220 --> 02:06:04,958 Dr. Mann, do not, I repeat, do not open the hatch. 1601 02:06:05,058 --> 02:06:07,001 I repeat, do not open the hatch. 1602 02:06:07,101 --> 02:06:10,237 If you open the hatch, the airlock will depressurize. 1603 02:06:20,740 --> 02:06:22,666 [ALARM BEEPING] 1604 02:06:35,838 --> 02:06:38,432 - What happens if he blows the airlock? - CASE: Nothing good. 1605 02:06:44,013 --> 02:06:46,708 Okay, pull back. Retro thrusters, everything we've got, CASE! 1606 02:06:46,808 --> 02:06:48,584 - CASE: Thrusters are full! - Back! 1607 02:06:48,684 --> 02:06:50,753 Relay my transmission to the onboard computer... 1608 02:06:50,853 --> 02:06:53,006 and have it rebroadcast as emergency P.A. 1609 02:06:53,106 --> 02:06:54,448 Dr. Mann... 1610 02:06:56,734 --> 02:06:59,679 AMELIA: I repeat, do not open the inner hatch. I repeat... 1611 02:06:59,779 --> 02:07:01,122 Brand? 1612 02:07:01,656 --> 02:07:03,766 I don't know what he said to you... 1613 02:07:03,866 --> 02:07:06,836 but I am taking command of the Endurance. 1614 02:07:06,994 --> 02:07:09,338 And then we can talk about completing the mission. 1615 02:07:12,500 --> 02:07:14,310 Dr. Mann, listen to me. 1616 02:07:15,002 --> 02:07:17,304 This is not about my life. 1617 02:07:17,630 --> 02:07:21,183 Or Cooper's life. This is about all mankind. 1618 02:07:21,467 --> 02:07:23,085 There is a moment... 1619 02:07:29,225 --> 02:07:30,660 It is not sa... 1620 02:07:38,860 --> 02:07:40,002 Oh, my God. 1621 02:07:45,616 --> 02:07:47,460 [CONTROLS CLICKING] 1622 02:07:58,212 --> 02:08:02,475 - CASE: There's no point using fuel to chase... - Analyze the Endurance's spin. 1623 02:08:07,430 --> 02:08:09,940 - Cooper, what are you doing? - Docking. 1624 02:08:14,228 --> 02:08:17,131 CASE: Endurance rotation is 67, 68 RPM. 1625 02:08:17,231 --> 02:08:19,759 Okay, get ready to match our spin with the retro thrusters. 1626 02:08:19,859 --> 02:08:23,379 - CASE: It's not possible. - COOPER: No... it's necessary. 1627 02:08:34,916 --> 02:08:37,384 CASE: Endurance is hitting stratosphere! 1628 02:08:41,130 --> 02:08:43,474 AMELIA: She's got no heat shield. 1629 02:08:46,302 --> 02:08:48,154 - CASE, you ready? - Ready. 1630 02:08:56,479 --> 02:08:59,949 CASE: Cooper! This is no time for caution. 1631 02:09:01,192 --> 02:09:03,719 CASE, if I black out, you take the stick. 1632 02:09:03,819 --> 02:09:06,580 TARS, get ready to engage the docking mechanism. 1633 02:09:13,329 --> 02:09:16,399 - CASE: Endurance is starting to heat. - Twenty feet out. 1634 02:09:16,499 --> 02:09:19,068 TARS: I need three degrees starboard, Cooper. 1635 02:09:19,168 --> 02:09:21,237 Ten feet out. 1636 02:09:21,337 --> 02:09:23,906 TARS: Cooper, we are lined up. 1637 02:09:24,006 --> 02:09:25,691 Initiating spin! 1638 02:09:41,023 --> 02:09:42,825 [GROANING] 1639 02:10:07,174 --> 02:10:08,484 Come on, TARS. 1640 02:10:16,642 --> 02:10:18,285 Come on, TARS! 1641 02:10:29,405 --> 02:10:32,124 - TARS: We are locked, Cooper. - Locked. Easing up! 1642 02:10:39,707 --> 02:10:41,342 Easy. 1643 02:10:42,209 --> 02:10:43,844 Easy. 1644 02:10:49,383 --> 02:10:50,785 Retro thrusters! 1645 02:10:58,851 --> 02:11:00,653 Main engines on. 1646 02:11:06,108 --> 02:11:09,019 Pushing out of orbit. Come on, baby. 1647 02:11:16,827 --> 02:11:18,796 Killing main engines! 1648 02:11:19,747 --> 02:11:21,715 Okay, we're out of orbit. 1649 02:11:27,421 --> 02:11:28,656 [LAUGHING] 1650 02:11:28,756 --> 02:11:31,834 Okay. And for our next trick! 1651 02:11:33,469 --> 02:11:37,606 CASE: It'll have to be good. We're heading into Gargantua's pull. 1652 02:11:38,224 --> 02:11:39,366 COOPER: Oh, shit. 1653 02:11:39,767 --> 02:11:41,660 - CASE, take the stick. - Roger that. 1654 02:11:42,812 --> 02:11:44,655 [PANTING] 1655 02:12:02,665 --> 02:12:04,299 [GRUNTING] 1656 02:12:10,339 --> 02:12:12,182 [PANTING] 1657 02:12:18,180 --> 02:12:19,898 [ALARMS WAILING] 1658 02:12:31,527 --> 02:12:33,963 CASE: Cooper, we're slipping towards Gargantua. 1659 02:12:35,197 --> 02:12:37,224 Shall I use main engines? 1660 02:12:37,324 --> 02:12:41,503 No. We got to let her slide as far as we can. 1661 02:12:50,004 --> 02:12:52,948 - COOPER: Give it to me. - TARS: There's good news, there's bad news. 1662 02:12:53,048 --> 02:12:56,777 Yeah, I've heard that one, TARS. Give it to me straight. 1663 02:13:05,519 --> 02:13:08,798 The backup generator kicked in, so the system's stable. They're all good. 1664 02:13:08,898 --> 02:13:10,240 Good. 1665 02:13:10,357 --> 02:13:13,761 Okay. The navigational hub has been completely destroyed. 1666 02:13:13,861 --> 02:13:16,889 We don't have enough life support to make it back to Earth, but... 1667 02:13:16,989 --> 02:13:19,141 I think we can scratch our way to Edmunds' planet. 1668 02:13:19,241 --> 02:13:23,596 - What about fuel? - Not enough. But I have a plan. 1669 02:13:24,121 --> 02:13:28,525 COOPER: We let Gargantua pull us down close to her horizon. 1670 02:13:28,626 --> 02:13:31,946 Then a powered slingshot around, launching us towards Edmunds' planet. 1671 02:13:32,046 --> 02:13:34,615 - AMELIA: Manually? - That's what I'm here for. 1672 02:13:34,715 --> 02:13:37,293 I'm gonna take us just inside the critical orbit. 1673 02:13:37,393 --> 02:13:40,162 - AMELIA: What about time slippage? - Neither of us has time to worry... 1674 02:13:40,262 --> 02:13:42,232 about relativity right now, Dr. Brand. 1675 02:13:46,560 --> 02:13:48,162 I'm sorry, Cooper. 1676 02:13:51,190 --> 02:13:54,677 COOPER: Once we've gathered enough speed around Gargantua... 1677 02:13:54,777 --> 02:13:56,912 we use Lander 1... 1678 02:13:57,112 --> 02:13:59,706 and Ranger 2 as rocket boosters to... 1679 02:14:00,274 --> 02:14:03,076 push us out of the black hole's gravity. 1680 02:14:04,912 --> 02:14:07,648 The Lender's linkages have been destroyed... 1681 02:14:07,748 --> 02:14:10,384 so we'll have to control manually. 1682 02:14:11,293 --> 02:14:14,622 Once Lander 1 is spent, TARS will detach... 1683 02:14:14,722 --> 02:14:16,832 TARS: And get sucked into that black hole. 1684 02:14:17,258 --> 02:14:18,885 AMELIA: Why does TARS have to detach? 1685 02:14:18,985 --> 02:14:21,495 We have to shed the weight to escape the gravity. 1686 02:14:21,595 --> 02:14:23,038 TARS: Newton's third law. 1687 02:14:23,138 --> 02:14:25,916 The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere... 1688 02:14:26,016 --> 02:14:27,626 is to leave something behind. 1689 02:14:27,726 --> 02:14:30,837 Cooper, you can't ask TARS to do this for us. 1690 02:14:30,938 --> 02:14:34,842 He's a robot. So you don't have to ask him to do anything. 1691 02:14:34,942 --> 02:14:38,662 - AMELIA: Cooper, you asshole! - Sorry, you broke up a little bit there. 1692 02:14:38,862 --> 02:14:41,348 TARS: It's what we intended, Dr. Brand. 1693 02:14:41,448 --> 02:14:43,976 It's our only chance to save people on Earth. 1694 02:14:44,076 --> 02:14:47,354 If I can find a way to transmit the quantum data I'll find in there... 1695 02:14:47,454 --> 02:14:49,590 they might still make it. 1696 02:14:50,533 --> 02:14:53,460 Let's just hope there's still someone there to save. 1697 02:15:01,510 --> 02:15:03,478 [HULL CREAKING] 1698 02:15:21,447 --> 02:15:23,415 CASE: Maximum velocity achieved. 1699 02:15:24,366 --> 02:15:26,936 Prepare to fire escape thrusters. 1700 02:15:27,336 --> 02:15:29,772 - Ready? - Ready. 1701 02:15:29,872 --> 02:15:33,067 - TARS: Ready. - CASE: Main engine ignition in three... 1702 02:15:33,167 --> 02:15:34,635 two... 1703 02:15:34,960 --> 02:15:36,895 one. Mark. 1704 02:15:50,225 --> 02:15:51,777 Come on, baby. 1705 02:15:52,645 --> 02:15:55,047 CASE: Lander 1 engines, on my mark. 1706 02:15:55,601 --> 02:15:57,800 Three, two... 1707 02:15:57,900 --> 02:15:59,701 one. Mark. 1708 02:16:04,740 --> 02:16:07,393 Ranger 2 engines, on my mark. 1709 02:16:07,493 --> 02:16:10,170 Three, two, one... 1710 02:16:10,412 --> 02:16:11,880 - Mark. - Fire! 1711 02:16:21,715 --> 02:16:25,185 This little maneuver's gonna cost us 51 years! 1712 02:16:25,761 --> 02:16:28,563 You don't sound so bad for pushing 120! 1713 02:16:33,852 --> 02:16:36,071 [BOTH WHOOP] 1714 02:16:38,440 --> 02:16:40,742 [ALARM BEEPING] 1715 02:16:43,654 --> 02:16:47,124 CASE: Lander 1, prepare to detach on my mark. 1716 02:16:47,491 --> 02:16:50,193 Three, two... 1717 02:16:51,020 --> 02:16:54,056 - one. Mark. - TARS: Detach! 1718 02:16:57,126 --> 02:16:59,695 - AMELIA: Goodbye, TARS. - TARS: Goodbye, Dr. Brand. 1719 02:16:59,795 --> 02:17:02,898 - See you on the other side, Coop. - See you there, Slick! 1720 02:17:05,634 --> 02:17:07,936 [ALARM BEEPING] 1721 02:17:11,306 --> 02:17:13,191 Okay, CASE. 1722 02:17:13,634 --> 02:17:17,612 - Nice reckless flying! - CASE: Learned from the master. 1723 02:17:17,771 --> 02:17:20,424 - Ranger 2, prepare to detach. - What? 1724 02:17:20,524 --> 02:17:23,744 No! No! Cooper! What are you doing? 1725 02:17:23,902 --> 02:17:27,681 Newton's third law. You got to leave something behind. 1726 02:17:27,781 --> 02:17:30,267 You told me we had enough resources for both of us. 1727 02:17:30,367 --> 02:17:32,394 COOPER: We agreed, Amelia... 1728 02:17:32,494 --> 02:17:34,254 90 percent. 1729 02:17:35,831 --> 02:17:37,215 Don't. 1730 02:17:39,126 --> 02:17:40,594 Detach. 1731 02:17:53,390 --> 02:17:56,543 COOPER: Okay, I am nosing down. 1732 02:17:59,938 --> 02:18:02,240 Approaching the event horizon. 1733 02:18:04,193 --> 02:18:08,997 Portside, dipping down beneath it to go through it. 1734 02:18:10,282 --> 02:18:13,352 Heading towards blackness. 1735 02:18:13,452 --> 02:18:15,754 [STATICKY] I have a visual of the event. 1736 02:18:15,954 --> 02:18:17,631 It's all black. 1737 02:18:19,658 --> 02:18:23,261 TARS, do you read me? It's all blackness. 1738 02:18:24,963 --> 02:18:27,765 TARS! Do you read me? Over. 1739 02:18:31,804 --> 02:18:33,271 Okay. 1740 02:18:34,181 --> 02:18:35,732 Screens... 1741 02:18:37,059 --> 02:18:38,860 getting interference. 1742 02:18:40,270 --> 02:18:43,156 Losing control of the stick. I got flashes. 1743 02:18:43,440 --> 02:18:45,909 Flashes of lightness and blackness. 1744 02:18:46,819 --> 02:18:49,621 The turbulence in the gravity is increasing. 1745 02:18:54,243 --> 02:18:55,794 Ah. 1746 02:18:55,994 --> 02:18:58,204 The computers are going down. Agh. 1747 02:18:58,997 --> 02:19:00,882 [ALARMS BEEPING] 1748 02:19:01,667 --> 02:19:03,635 [GRUNTING] 1749 02:19:09,925 --> 02:19:13,061 Gravitational pull. I'm losing control of the stick. 1750 02:19:25,607 --> 02:19:27,826 [YELLING] 1751 02:19:46,128 --> 02:19:47,896 MAN: Murph? Murph, come on! 1752 02:19:53,468 --> 02:19:55,770 COMPUTER: Eject. Eject. 1753 02:19:56,972 --> 02:19:58,356 Eject. 1754 02:19:58,473 --> 02:19:59,941 Eject. 1755 02:20:00,183 --> 02:20:01,526 Eject. 1756 02:20:01,935 --> 02:20:03,320 Eject. 1757 02:20:05,063 --> 02:20:07,032 [GRUNTING] 1758 02:20:10,736 --> 02:20:12,871 [SHIVERING] 1759 02:20:38,597 --> 02:20:40,482 [GASPING] 1760 02:20:49,066 --> 02:20:50,951 [YELLING] 1761 02:20:56,990 --> 02:20:58,792 [GRUNTING] 1762 02:21:45,872 --> 02:21:47,882 [GRUNTING] 1763 02:21:55,215 --> 02:21:56,558 Murph. 1764 02:22:06,226 --> 02:22:08,495 Murph! Murph! Murph! 1765 02:22:16,778 --> 02:22:18,121 Murph. 1766 02:22:25,037 --> 02:22:27,022 No, no, no! 1767 02:22:27,122 --> 02:22:28,482 Murph! 1768 02:22:28,582 --> 02:22:31,393 Murph! No! No! 1769 02:22:41,636 --> 02:22:44,356 [YELLING] 1770 02:23:30,977 --> 02:23:33,038 If you're leaving, just go. 1771 02:23:33,438 --> 02:23:34,706 COOPER: No, no. No. 1772 02:23:36,191 --> 02:23:38,593 No, don't go. Don't go, you idiot. 1773 02:23:38,693 --> 02:23:40,286 Don't go! 1774 02:23:41,947 --> 02:23:43,915 Morse. Morse. 1775 02:23:44,366 --> 02:23:45,708 Morse. 1776 02:23:46,418 --> 02:23:48,478 Dot. Dot. 1777 02:23:48,578 --> 02:23:49,921 S. 1778 02:23:55,752 --> 02:23:57,095 T. 1779 02:24:01,383 --> 02:24:02,534 A. 1780 02:24:02,634 --> 02:24:03,918 Dash! 1781 02:24:06,513 --> 02:24:08,148 Dash! Dash! 1782 02:24:08,348 --> 02:24:09,458 MAN: Murph! 1783 02:24:09,558 --> 02:24:11,860 Murph, we don't have time for this! Come on! 1784 02:24:11,977 --> 02:24:13,603 [PANTING] Y. 1785 02:24:18,600 --> 02:24:19,742 "Stay!" 1786 02:24:30,537 --> 02:24:33,173 Come on. Come on, Murph. Come on! 1787 02:24:33,540 --> 02:24:35,633 What's it say? What's it say, Murph? 1788 02:24:36,126 --> 02:24:37,710 What's it say? 1789 02:24:47,762 --> 02:24:49,189 "Stay." 1790 02:25:24,633 --> 02:25:27,769 Tell him, Murph. Make him stay. 1791 02:25:31,188 --> 02:25:32,774 Make him stay, Murph. 1792 02:25:41,483 --> 02:25:43,660 Make him stay, Murph. 1793 02:25:44,819 --> 02:25:47,247 Don't let me leave, Murph! 1794 02:25:50,158 --> 02:25:52,877 Don't let me leave, Murph! 1795 02:25:54,162 --> 02:25:56,172 [SOBBING] 1796 02:25:58,475 --> 02:26:01,310 No! No! No! 1797 02:26:21,698 --> 02:26:23,499 It was you. 1798 02:26:34,369 --> 02:26:36,713 You were my ghost. 1799 02:26:41,334 --> 02:26:43,428 [STATIC OVER COMM] 1800 02:26:46,131 --> 02:26:49,734 TARS: Cooper. Cooper. Come in, Cooper. 1801 02:26:50,927 --> 02:26:53,730 - TARS? - Roger that. 1802 02:26:55,223 --> 02:26:58,151 - You survived. - Somewhere... 1803 02:26:58,393 --> 02:27:00,503 in their fifth dimension. 1804 02:27:00,603 --> 02:27:03,006 They saved us. 1805 02:27:03,106 --> 02:27:08,386 Yeah? Who the hell is "they"? And just why would they want to help us? 1806 02:27:08,486 --> 02:27:11,264 I don't know, but they constructed this three-dimensional space... 1807 02:27:11,364 --> 02:27:14,726 inside their five-dimensional reality to allow you to understand it. 1808 02:27:14,826 --> 02:27:16,853 Yeah, that ain't working. 1809 02:27:16,953 --> 02:27:18,563 Yes, it is. 1810 02:27:18,663 --> 02:27:22,609 You've seen that time is represented here as a physical dimension. 1811 02:27:22,709 --> 02:27:25,845 You have worked out that you can exert a force across space-time. 1812 02:27:26,212 --> 02:27:29,658 Gravity to send a message. 1813 02:27:29,958 --> 02:27:31,592 Affirmative. 1814 02:27:33,678 --> 02:27:35,304 Gravity... 1815 02:27:35,930 --> 02:27:39,501 can cross the dimensions, including time. 1816 02:27:39,601 --> 02:27:41,194 Apparently. 1817 02:27:44,773 --> 02:27:47,075 Do you have the quantum data? 1818 02:27:47,192 --> 02:27:49,118 Roger. I have it. 1819 02:27:49,778 --> 02:27:53,848 I am transmitting it on all wavelengths, but nothing is getting out, Cooper. 1820 02:27:53,948 --> 02:27:56,501 I can do this. I can do this. 1821 02:27:56,659 --> 02:27:59,479 But such complicated data to a child? 1822 02:27:59,579 --> 02:28:00,772 Not just any child. 1823 02:28:00,872 --> 02:28:05,259 [SOFTLY] What else? Oh, come on, Dad. 1824 02:28:07,128 --> 02:28:09,364 Murph, the fire's out! Come on! 1825 02:28:09,464 --> 02:28:13,768 TARS: Even if you communicate it here, she won't understand its significance for years. 1826 02:28:14,260 --> 02:28:15,787 I get that, TARS. 1827 02:28:15,887 --> 02:28:20,625 But we've got to figure something out or the people on Earth are gonna die. Think! 1828 02:28:20,725 --> 02:28:22,377 Cooper... 1829 02:28:22,477 --> 02:28:25,279 they didn't bring us here to change the past. 1830 02:28:28,566 --> 02:28:30,135 Say that again. 1831 02:28:30,235 --> 02:28:33,996 They didn't bring us here to change the past. 1832 02:28:38,118 --> 02:28:40,378 No, they didn't bring us here at all. 1833 02:28:44,707 --> 02:28:46,876 We brought ourselves. 1834 02:28:55,635 --> 02:28:59,981 TARS, give me the coordinates for NASA in binary. 1835 02:29:00,223 --> 02:29:02,984 In binary. Roger. Feeding data. 1836 02:29:27,000 --> 02:29:29,418 "It's not a ghost." 1837 02:29:30,670 --> 02:29:32,405 "It's gravity." 1838 02:29:32,505 --> 02:29:34,474 COOPER: Don't you get it yet, TARS? 1839 02:29:34,841 --> 02:29:36,934 I brought myself here! 1840 02:29:37,510 --> 02:29:41,314 We're here to communicate with the three-dimensional world. 1841 02:29:41,431 --> 02:29:43,232 We're the bridge! 1842 02:29:50,940 --> 02:29:53,034 I thought they chose me. 1843 02:29:56,070 --> 02:30:00,041 - But they didn't choose me, they chose her. - TARS: For what, Cooper? 1844 02:30:02,243 --> 02:30:04,212 To save the world. 1845 02:30:08,208 --> 02:30:12,821 All of this is one little girl's bedroom. Every moment. 1846 02:30:12,921 --> 02:30:14,406 It's infinitely complex. 1847 02:30:14,506 --> 02:30:19,327 They have access to infinite time and space, but they're not bound by anything! 1848 02:30:19,427 --> 02:30:24,398 They can't find a specific place in time. They can't communicate. 1849 02:30:25,600 --> 02:30:28,670 That's why I'm here. I'm gonna find a way to tell Murph... 1850 02:30:28,770 --> 02:30:30,338 just like I found this moment. 1851 02:30:30,438 --> 02:30:32,841 - How, Cooper? - Love, TARS, love. 1852 02:30:32,941 --> 02:30:37,429 It's just like Brand said. My connection with Murph, it is quantifiable. It's the key! 1853 02:30:37,529 --> 02:30:39,705 What are we here to do? 1854 02:30:40,323 --> 02:30:42,500 Find how to tell her. 1855 02:30:44,994 --> 02:30:46,629 The watch. 1856 02:30:49,457 --> 02:30:50,925 The watch. 1857 02:30:52,001 --> 02:30:53,427 That's it. 1858 02:30:55,630 --> 02:30:58,933 We code the data into the movement of the second hand. 1859 02:31:02,262 --> 02:31:05,540 TARS, translate the data into Morse and feed it to me. 1860 02:31:05,640 --> 02:31:10,236 Translating data to Morse. Cooper, what if she never came back for it? 1861 02:31:11,604 --> 02:31:14,574 She will. She will. 1862 02:31:15,483 --> 02:31:17,410 MAN: Murph, I can see his car! 1863 02:31:18,319 --> 02:31:19,587 He's coming, Murph! 1864 02:31:21,322 --> 02:31:23,457 Okay. I'm coming down. 1865 02:31:24,617 --> 02:31:26,419 TARS: How do you know? 1866 02:31:29,330 --> 02:31:31,465 Because I gave it to her. 1867 02:31:36,546 --> 02:31:39,348 Roger. Morse is dot-dot-dash-dot. 1868 02:31:42,552 --> 02:31:43,979 Dot-dot... 1869 02:31:45,013 --> 02:31:46,981 dash-dot. 1870 02:31:47,140 --> 02:31:49,083 Dot-dash-dot-dot. 1871 02:31:49,183 --> 02:31:52,153 Dot-dash-dot-dot. 1872 02:31:52,353 --> 02:31:53,922 Dash-dash-dash. 1873 02:31:54,022 --> 02:31:56,574 Dash, dash, dash. 1874 02:32:14,542 --> 02:32:16,377 He came back! 1875 02:32:16,794 --> 02:32:21,265 It was him all the time! I didn't know. It was him! 1876 02:32:22,050 --> 02:32:24,310 Dad's gonna save us. 1877 02:33:06,761 --> 02:33:08,112 Eureka! 1878 02:33:11,766 --> 02:33:13,401 It's traditional. 1879 02:33:15,853 --> 02:33:17,446 [MURPH LAUGHS] 1880 02:33:17,689 --> 02:33:19,615 Eureka! 1881 02:33:20,733 --> 02:33:22,618 [PANTING] 1882 02:33:24,028 --> 02:33:25,597 Did it work? 1883 02:33:25,697 --> 02:33:27,832 TARS: I think it might have. 1884 02:33:28,908 --> 02:33:30,268 How do you know? 1885 02:33:30,368 --> 02:33:34,046 Because the bulk beings are closing the tesseract. 1886 02:33:37,583 --> 02:33:39,885 Don't you get it yet, TARS? 1887 02:33:40,753 --> 02:33:42,888 They're not "beings." 1888 02:33:43,256 --> 02:33:44,890 They're us. 1889 02:33:46,634 --> 02:33:50,062 What I've been doing for Murph, they're doing for me. 1890 02:33:50,304 --> 02:33:51,873 For all of us. 1891 02:33:51,973 --> 02:33:54,292 Cooper, people couldn't build this. 1892 02:33:54,392 --> 02:33:57,045 No. No, not yet. 1893 02:33:57,145 --> 02:33:58,904 But one day. 1894 02:33:59,272 --> 02:34:02,783 Not you and me. But people. 1895 02:34:03,151 --> 02:34:07,496 A civilization that's evolved past the four dimensions we know. 1896 02:34:13,786 --> 02:34:15,588 COOPER: What happens now? 1897 02:35:14,514 --> 02:35:16,524 [BIRDS CHIRPING] 1898 02:35:17,892 --> 02:35:19,652 MAN: Mr. Cooper. 1899 02:35:23,564 --> 02:35:25,574 All right. Let's take it slow, sir. 1900 02:35:25,691 --> 02:35:27,885 Nice and easy, Mr. Cooper. 1901 02:35:27,985 --> 02:35:33,332 Remember, you're no spring chicken anymore. Actually, you are 124 years old. 1902 02:35:36,369 --> 02:35:38,337 [CHEERING OUTSIDE] 1903 02:35:40,039 --> 02:35:41,674 Take it slow, sir. 1904 02:35:42,291 --> 02:35:44,819 You were, uh... extremely lucky. 1905 02:35:44,919 --> 02:35:48,556 The Rangers found you with only minutes left in your oxygen supply. 1906 02:35:56,681 --> 02:35:59,233 [GLASS SHATTERS AND KIDS CHEER] 1907 02:36:02,436 --> 02:36:04,071 Where am I? 1908 02:36:05,439 --> 02:36:07,283 Cooper Station. 1909 02:36:08,401 --> 02:36:10,244 Currently orbiting Saturn. 1910 02:36:11,946 --> 02:36:14,290 Cooper Station. 1911 02:36:16,450 --> 02:36:18,519 Nice of you to name it after me. 1912 02:36:18,619 --> 02:36:19,962 [LAUGHS] 1913 02:36:22,290 --> 02:36:23,441 What? 1914 02:36:23,541 --> 02:36:26,952 The station isn't named after you, sir. It's, uh... named after your daughter. 1915 02:36:27,253 --> 02:36:30,323 Although she's always maintained just how important you were. 1916 02:36:30,423 --> 02:36:32,433 Is she still alive? 1917 02:36:34,093 --> 02:36:36,271 She'll be here in a couple weeks. 1918 02:36:37,013 --> 02:36:39,540 She is far too old to be transferring from another station... 1919 02:36:39,640 --> 02:36:42,318 but when she heard that you'd been found... 1920 02:36:43,227 --> 02:36:46,038 well, this is, uh... Murphy Cooper we're talking about. 1921 02:36:46,814 --> 02:36:48,616 Yes, it is. 1922 02:36:50,443 --> 02:36:53,245 We'll have you checked out of here in a couple days. 1923 02:36:55,615 --> 02:36:58,417 I'm sure you'll be excited to see what's in store. 1924 02:36:59,368 --> 02:37:03,564 I actually, uh... did a paper on you in high school. 1925 02:37:03,664 --> 02:37:06,300 I know all about your life back on Earth. 1926 02:37:07,668 --> 02:37:08,903 Oh, yeah. 1927 02:37:09,003 --> 02:37:10,554 Right. 1928 02:37:12,673 --> 02:37:18,312 If... If you'll follow me, we've got a really good situation for you. 1929 02:37:21,349 --> 02:37:25,694 So, uh... when I made my suggestion to Miss Cooper... 1930 02:37:26,312 --> 02:37:29,606 I was delighted to hear that she thought it was perfect. 1931 02:37:32,485 --> 02:37:35,847 WOMAN 1 [ON TV]: It was just constant. Just that steady blow of dirt. 1932 02:37:35,947 --> 02:37:38,933 Of course, I didn't speak to her personally. 1933 02:37:39,033 --> 02:37:41,102 MAN 1: We always set the plate upside-down. 1934 02:37:41,202 --> 02:37:44,021 Glasses or cups, whatever it was, upside-down. 1935 02:37:44,121 --> 02:37:49,110 Well, my dad was a farmer. Uh, like everybody else back then. 1936 02:37:49,210 --> 02:37:51,737 There just wasn't enough food. 1937 02:37:51,837 --> 02:37:54,615 WOMAN 2: We wore little things, little strips... 1938 02:37:54,715 --> 02:37:59,954 of sheet over our nose and mouth so we wouldn't breathe so much of it. 1939 02:38:00,054 --> 02:38:03,583 Well, it was pretty exciting for me because it was hope. 1940 02:38:03,683 --> 02:38:07,962 MAN 2: I don't care who describes it, there is no way for it to be exaggerated. 1941 02:38:08,062 --> 02:38:11,966 MAN: She did confirm just how much you loved farming. 1942 02:38:12,066 --> 02:38:15,411 - Oh, she did, did she? - Yeah. Come here. 1943 02:38:15,695 --> 02:38:20,725 Home sweet home. Everything replaced and put back where it... 1944 02:38:20,825 --> 02:38:23,210 [INTERVIEWEES CONTINUE SPEAKING IN BACKGROUND] 1945 02:38:27,039 --> 02:38:29,150 - Hey, is this...? - Oh, yeah. 1946 02:38:29,250 --> 02:38:32,320 The machine we found out near Saturn when we found you. Yes. 1947 02:38:32,420 --> 02:38:35,156 Its, uh... power source was shot, but we could get you another one. 1948 02:38:35,256 --> 02:38:37,725 Yes. Please. 1949 02:38:38,634 --> 02:38:40,269 TARS: Settings. 1950 02:38:40,428 --> 02:38:42,229 General settings. 1951 02:38:42,430 --> 02:38:44,565 Security settings. 1952 02:38:46,976 --> 02:38:49,570 Honesty, new setting: 1953 02:38:50,438 --> 02:38:52,298 95 percent. 1954 02:38:52,398 --> 02:38:55,200 Confirmed. Additional customization? 1955 02:38:55,776 --> 02:38:57,202 Humor: 1956 02:38:58,404 --> 02:39:00,181 75 percent. 1957 02:39:00,281 --> 02:39:01,915 Confirmed. 1958 02:39:02,283 --> 02:39:05,478 Auto self-destruct T-minus 10, nine... 1959 02:39:05,578 --> 02:39:07,796 Let's make that 60 percent. 1960 02:39:09,790 --> 02:39:12,218 Sixty percent confirmed. 1961 02:39:12,543 --> 02:39:15,929 - Knock-knock. - You want 55? 1962 02:39:20,509 --> 02:39:22,936 Is this really what it was like? 1963 02:39:24,847 --> 02:39:27,566 It was never this clean, Slick. Heh. 1964 02:39:31,771 --> 02:39:35,741 I don't care much for this pretending we're back where we started. 1965 02:39:37,526 --> 02:39:40,120 I want to know where we are. 1966 02:39:41,447 --> 02:39:43,290 Where we're going. 1967 02:39:47,536 --> 02:39:50,690 - Mr. Cooper. The family's all in there. - Yeah. 1968 02:39:50,790 --> 02:39:51,941 Family? 1969 02:39:52,041 --> 02:39:56,120 Yeah, they all came out to see her. She's been in cryo-sleep for almost two years. 1970 02:40:12,478 --> 02:40:14,571 [FAMILY EXITS ROOM] 1971 02:40:28,994 --> 02:40:31,577 - You told them I like farming. - [BOTH LAUGH] 1972 02:40:36,836 --> 02:40:39,004 It was me, Murph. 1973 02:40:40,965 --> 02:40:43,058 I was your ghost. 1974 02:40:44,051 --> 02:40:45,978 I know. 1975 02:40:47,471 --> 02:40:52,251 People didn't believe me. They thought that I was doing it all myself. 1976 02:40:52,351 --> 02:40:53,694 But... 1977 02:40:56,272 --> 02:40:58,732 I knew who it was. 1978 02:41:03,195 --> 02:41:05,664 Nobody believed me. 1979 02:41:05,865 --> 02:41:08,484 But I knew you'd come back. 1980 02:41:10,870 --> 02:41:12,379 How? 1981 02:41:14,081 --> 02:41:17,509 Because my dad promised me. 1982 02:41:23,257 --> 02:41:25,559 Well, I'm here now, Murph. 1983 02:41:26,452 --> 02:41:28,387 I'm here. 1984 02:41:29,346 --> 02:41:30,881 No. 1985 02:41:32,766 --> 02:41:37,196 No parent should have to watch their own child die. 1986 02:41:39,815 --> 02:41:42,984 I have my kids here for me now. 1987 02:41:44,979 --> 02:41:47,080 You go. 1988 02:41:49,700 --> 02:41:51,502 Where? 1989 02:41:54,705 --> 02:41:56,590 Brand. 1990 02:42:05,933 --> 02:42:08,260 MURPH: She's out there... 1991 02:42:13,783 --> 02:42:16,235 setting up camp. 1992 02:42:42,419 --> 02:42:44,429 Alone... 1993 02:42:45,297 --> 02:42:48,267 in a strange galaxy. 1994 02:42:58,852 --> 02:43:03,824 Maybe right now she's settling in for the long nap... 1995 02:43:21,875 --> 02:43:25,012 by the light of our new sun... 1996 02:43:40,185 --> 02:43:42,529 in our new home.