1 00:00:30,830 --> 00:00:33,050 They're definitely dragon corps. 2 00:00:33,470 --> 00:00:36,010 They're darken rahl's personal errand boys. 3 00:00:36,110 --> 00:00:39,140 And they never stray far from their master. 4 00:00:39,150 --> 00:00:41,960 Fortune has shined on us today, my friends. 5 00:00:42,070 --> 00:00:44,440 All we have to do is stay on their heels, 6 00:00:44,450 --> 00:00:46,870 And the mice will lead us to the cheese. 7 00:00:47,180 --> 00:00:49,300 Are you ready to face darken rahl, boy? 8 00:00:55,210 --> 00:00:58,210 What figure did you have in your head, peddler? 9 00:00:58,220 --> 00:01:02,460 Twenty thousand pieces of gold, and that's my best price. 10 00:01:02,470 --> 00:01:05,420 For that much, I'll need to see if the merchandise is genuine. 11 00:01:05,430 --> 00:01:08,610 Nobody said anything about services for free. 12 00:01:08,720 --> 00:01:10,410 Well, I'm saying it now. 13 00:01:16,700 --> 00:01:18,120 What do you think they're buying? 14 00:01:19,250 --> 00:01:22,170 Magical weapon, torture device. 15 00:01:25,900 --> 00:01:27,270 It's a boy! 16 00:01:29,680 --> 00:01:32,440 We're no good to the child if we're dead. 17 00:01:36,980 --> 00:01:38,700 Legend of the Seeker S01E05 Listener 18 00:01:41,370 --> 00:01:43,400 Let's see if you're the real thing. 19 00:01:43,630 --> 00:01:47,320 What did my wife make me for breakfast the day I left on this expedition? 20 00:01:50,270 --> 00:01:53,820 It's not the lumpy porridge and the greasy eggs you're thinking about. 21 00:01:54,460 --> 00:01:57,030 It's the black eye she gave you the night before. 22 00:02:00,720 --> 00:02:04,250 Tell me something about one of my men that I don't know. 23 00:02:04,580 --> 00:02:06,010 Take your helmets off. 24 00:02:06,020 --> 00:02:08,190 He needs to see right into your eyes. 25 00:02:21,630 --> 00:02:23,230 There's nothing to tell. 26 00:02:23,240 --> 00:02:26,420 Not one of my men has something in his head that I don't know about? 27 00:02:27,680 --> 00:02:29,190 Not impressive. 28 00:02:29,370 --> 00:02:31,980 We've come a long way for nothing. March. 29 00:02:31,990 --> 00:02:34,150 Tell the man what he wants to know. 30 00:02:34,160 --> 00:02:36,060 He's thinking about the seeker. 31 00:02:39,010 --> 00:02:40,980 We're all thinking about the seeker. 32 00:02:40,990 --> 00:02:42,670 Not the way he is. 33 00:02:43,620 --> 00:02:46,390 He's hoping the seeker kills darken rahl. 34 00:02:47,220 --> 00:02:51,550 He's planning to kill darken rahl himself, if he ever gets him alone. 35 00:02:54,930 --> 00:02:57,250 You want time alone with lord rahl? 36 00:02:57,450 --> 00:02:59,520 I can arrange that, masslar. 37 00:03:04,710 --> 00:03:06,790 Lord rahl is gonna be very happy. 38 00:03:09,940 --> 00:03:11,270 Do you know what he is? 39 00:03:11,280 --> 00:03:13,340 He can see what people are thinking. 40 00:03:13,380 --> 00:03:17,120 The way you and I would read a list of things to buy at the market. 41 00:03:17,890 --> 00:03:19,800 He is a true listener. 42 00:03:19,890 --> 00:03:22,370 In our time, I never thought I'd see it. 43 00:03:22,380 --> 00:03:25,020 The last true listener died 700 years ago. 44 00:03:27,750 --> 00:03:29,130 We have to get that boy away. 45 00:03:29,140 --> 00:03:31,380 Yes, but not yet. What? 46 00:03:31,390 --> 00:03:34,250 If we track them, they'll lead us straight to darken rahl. 47 00:03:34,730 --> 00:03:36,210 They won't hurt him. 48 00:03:36,840 --> 00:03:38,240 He's too precious to them. 49 00:03:38,250 --> 00:03:40,800 We can't let rahl get control of that type of power. 50 00:03:40,810 --> 00:03:42,720 If he knew what people think-- richard. 51 00:03:42,730 --> 00:03:45,840 If we follow them, we can find rahl and kill him. 52 00:03:45,850 --> 00:03:47,720 And the boy will be safe forever. 53 00:03:47,730 --> 00:03:48,950 You do what you want. 54 00:03:48,960 --> 00:03:52,020 But I'm getting him away from them now. 55 00:03:52,740 --> 00:03:54,300 Young people. 56 00:03:54,310 --> 00:03:57,050 Everything is black and white, either-or, 57 00:03:57,060 --> 00:04:02,500 Free the boy, follow the boy,maybe there's a way we can do both. 58 00:04:24,520 --> 00:04:26,980 So no one will recognize you as the great wizard, 59 00:04:26,990 --> 00:04:30,820 Zeddicus zu'l zorander, but how are we gonna save the boy? 60 00:04:30,830 --> 00:04:32,160 With this. 61 00:04:32,680 --> 00:04:35,560 I've being saving her for a rainy day 62 00:04:35,890 --> 00:04:39,020 I say it's pouring at the moment,Wouldn't you? 63 00:04:56,130 --> 00:04:57,350 Shadow people. 64 00:04:57,750 --> 00:04:59,010 Stay back! 65 00:05:12,040 --> 00:05:14,040 To whom do I owe my thanks? 66 00:05:14,100 --> 00:05:15,990 Grannack the great, 67 00:05:16,000 --> 00:05:19,120 Wizard of the first order. 68 00:05:19,450 --> 00:05:22,580 I've been after those monsters for days. 69 00:05:22,590 --> 00:05:24,940 There's a rift to the underworld somewhere in these parts. 70 00:05:24,950 --> 00:05:28,150 Shadow people have been escaping left and right. 71 00:05:28,160 --> 00:05:30,500 Forgive me if I caught you in the crossfire. 72 00:05:31,130 --> 00:05:34,000 And whom do I have the honor of addressing? 73 00:05:34,010 --> 00:05:35,450 Captain ashgar. 74 00:05:36,270 --> 00:05:39,270 Dragon corps. Now that's a bit of luck. 75 00:05:39,380 --> 00:05:42,450 There aren't many who can afford real talent nowadays. 76 00:05:42,460 --> 00:05:45,070 I was hoping perhaps the house of rahl 77 00:05:45,080 --> 00:05:48,890 Might see the value in what I can provide 78 00:05:49,020 --> 00:05:52,080 You want us to bring you into the presence of lord rahl? 79 00:05:52,300 --> 00:05:54,710 A great wizard meet with a great patron. 80 00:05:54,720 --> 00:05:56,050 There are many who would like nothing 81 00:05:56,060 --> 00:05:58,550 More than to stand before darken rahl. 82 00:05:58,680 --> 00:06:02,470 Some as friends, some as spies. 83 00:06:06,870 --> 00:06:08,850 Let's see which you are. 84 00:06:09,330 --> 00:06:12,550 Kranthor, bring out the listener. 85 00:06:21,260 --> 00:06:22,510 He's gone! 86 00:06:26,180 --> 00:06:27,500 Find him! 87 00:06:27,510 --> 00:06:28,930 Put me down! 88 00:06:31,100 --> 00:06:33,360 It's okay. We're friends. 89 00:06:33,580 --> 00:06:35,810 We just wanna take you home. 90 00:06:50,980 --> 00:06:53,280 If you run, they'll just catch you again. 91 00:06:53,290 --> 00:06:54,840 That's okay with me. 92 00:06:55,060 --> 00:06:58,140 They're gonna give me my own room. In a castle. 93 00:06:58,560 --> 00:07:02,540 You just better hope they don't catch you, seeker. 94 00:07:02,680 --> 00:07:05,090 Killing you is all they ever think about. 95 00:07:06,200 --> 00:07:09,340 So, what are you gonna do, sell me? 96 00:07:09,640 --> 00:07:11,710 Or use me yourself? 97 00:07:11,950 --> 00:07:14,980 I'll tell you right now, that'll cost you. 98 00:07:14,990 --> 00:07:16,790 Where do your parents live? 99 00:07:17,310 --> 00:07:18,580 Just my father. 100 00:07:18,590 --> 00:07:21,300 My mother died before they took me away. 101 00:07:22,340 --> 00:07:23,960 Before who took you away? 102 00:07:23,990 --> 00:07:27,110 Some man who used me to cheat at cards. 103 00:07:27,120 --> 00:07:28,880 We don't have time to talk. 104 00:07:29,320 --> 00:07:31,740 We can't let darken rahl get ahold of you. 105 00:07:31,870 --> 00:07:34,150 Where was home? Where did they take you from? 106 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:35,430 Obregon woods. 107 00:07:35,440 --> 00:07:37,170 That's just over the grey hills. 108 00:07:37,280 --> 00:07:39,100 If we walked all night, we could be there by morning 109 00:07:39,100 --> 00:07:41,170 And then head straight back and follow zedd 110 00:07:41,500 --> 00:07:43,850 Whoever took him knows how to cover his tracks. 111 00:07:43,860 --> 00:07:45,980 Take half the men and find him. 112 00:07:45,990 --> 00:07:47,150 Take Ranick. 113 00:07:47,160 --> 00:07:49,220 He could track a snowflake in a blizzard. 114 00:07:49,660 --> 00:07:51,430 I'll face lord rahl. 115 00:07:51,860 --> 00:07:53,230 The only thing he hates more than bad 116 00:07:53,240 --> 00:07:55,270 News is having bad news kept from him. 117 00:07:57,650 --> 00:08:00,600 Surely turning up with a wizard of the first order in tow 118 00:08:00,600 --> 00:08:02,230 Will temper his wrath. 119 00:08:02,310 --> 00:08:04,550 His wrath isn't easily tempered. 120 00:08:09,340 --> 00:08:12,390 Chain the traitor to the horse. We march all night. 121 00:08:14,870 --> 00:08:16,940 Don't take your eyes off the wizard. 122 00:08:22,970 --> 00:08:24,350 Are we close? 123 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:27,620 I used to climb that tree. 124 00:08:33,320 --> 00:08:34,910 That's my house. 125 00:08:39,820 --> 00:08:41,110 Dad! 126 00:08:48,130 --> 00:08:49,610 That's not him. 127 00:08:51,870 --> 00:08:52,940 Excuse me. 128 00:08:52,950 --> 00:08:54,870 Um, there was a man that used to live here. 129 00:08:54,880 --> 00:08:57,080 He had a little boy who was kidnapped. 130 00:08:57,960 --> 00:08:59,800 Do you know where we might find him? 131 00:09:00,060 --> 00:09:01,440 I'm sorry, I don't. 132 00:09:01,450 --> 00:09:04,030 I moved in a long time after he moved away. 133 00:09:04,150 --> 00:09:05,620 All I heard was... 134 00:09:08,940 --> 00:09:10,140 What? 135 00:09:10,410 --> 00:09:11,710 What did you hear? 136 00:09:13,920 --> 00:09:15,580 Not in front of the boy. 137 00:09:21,200 --> 00:09:24,190 Renn, what is it? 138 00:09:26,660 --> 00:09:29,110 He heard that I wasn't kidnapped. 139 00:09:32,270 --> 00:09:34,910 He heard that my father sold me. 140 00:09:35,830 --> 00:09:38,280 For a thousand pieces of gold. 141 00:09:53,900 --> 00:09:55,520 Maybe it's not true. 142 00:09:56,080 --> 00:09:58,070 Maybe it's just a rumor he heard. 143 00:09:59,780 --> 00:10:02,000 You know when you pick up a rock 144 00:10:02,000 --> 00:10:06,430 And there's all these disgusting bugs and worms crawling around under it. 145 00:10:07,080 --> 00:10:10,300 That's what looking inside peoples' heads is like. 146 00:10:13,380 --> 00:10:16,160 Why should my father be any different? 147 00:10:18,420 --> 00:10:19,710 Kahlan. 148 00:10:25,460 --> 00:10:27,510 I've talked to anybody I could find. 149 00:10:27,810 --> 00:10:30,180 He has no family here. 150 00:10:30,690 --> 00:10:32,270 We have to get to zedd. 151 00:10:32,280 --> 00:10:34,550 A chance like this, to get close to rahl... 152 00:10:34,730 --> 00:10:36,290 We're not leaving him with strangers. 153 00:10:36,300 --> 00:10:37,600 Of course we're not. 154 00:10:41,100 --> 00:10:42,690 There's a place called thandor. 155 00:10:42,700 --> 00:10:46,450 It's a hidden valley, magically hidden from all evil. 156 00:10:46,650 --> 00:10:49,400 The sisters of light protect children like him. 157 00:10:49,410 --> 00:10:50,900 Children with gifts. 158 00:10:51,520 --> 00:10:53,230 How long will it take to get there? 159 00:10:53,390 --> 00:10:55,570 Three days. Maybe four. 160 00:10:55,720 --> 00:10:57,090 We'll make it three. 161 00:10:58,300 --> 00:10:59,760 You tell him, I'll pack up. 162 00:11:01,400 --> 00:11:02,630 Richard. 163 00:11:03,070 --> 00:11:05,140 Oh, no. We have to race. 164 00:11:05,150 --> 00:11:07,800 The trail zedd's leaving for us, we don't know how long it'll last. 165 00:11:09,120 --> 00:11:10,210 Renn! 166 00:11:11,410 --> 00:11:13,260 Renn! Renn! 167 00:11:17,300 --> 00:11:18,960 Tell me, captain ashgar, 168 00:11:18,960 --> 00:11:21,360 How many houses have you personally burned to the ground 169 00:11:21,360 --> 00:11:23,420 With residents still inside? 170 00:11:23,420 --> 00:11:27,110 I'm under orders to deliver tradors' life for questioning, masslar, 171 00:11:27,110 --> 00:11:28,320 But I'm warning you. 172 00:11:28,640 --> 00:11:30,320 When your mother bounced you on her knee, 173 00:11:30,330 --> 00:11:32,400 Did she say, "oh, what a wonderful little boy 174 00:11:32,410 --> 00:11:33,950 "someday you'll grow up to burn the eyes 175 00:11:33,960 --> 00:11:36,310 Out of innocent men with red hot iron stakes" 176 00:11:38,950 --> 00:11:40,850 One-minute stop for water. 177 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:45,570 No water for the traitor. 178 00:12:03,570 --> 00:12:04,950 Stop him! 179 00:12:12,750 --> 00:12:15,060 If our wizard of the first order is so eager to be helpful, 180 00:12:15,070 --> 00:12:17,570 Why is he standing there with his hands at his side. 181 00:12:17,940 --> 00:12:20,430 Beyond your powers, grannack the great 182 00:12:21,410 --> 00:12:23,280 Patience, captain. 183 00:12:23,290 --> 00:12:27,810 I'm gathering the magical forces necessary for a spell of this magnitude. 184 00:12:44,510 --> 00:12:46,240 It seems I have a more valuable and more 185 00:12:46,250 --> 00:12:49,340 Reliable gift for lord rahl than I first thought. 186 00:13:11,760 --> 00:13:13,720 Six pieces of silver. 187 00:13:14,010 --> 00:13:19,560 Six pieces of silver, and two pieces of gold. 188 00:13:25,960 --> 00:13:27,470 The rose. 189 00:13:28,310 --> 00:13:29,770 The lion. 190 00:13:30,360 --> 00:13:31,890 And the bull. 191 00:13:36,660 --> 00:13:38,100 The lion. 192 00:13:39,410 --> 00:13:40,760 The lion. 193 00:13:42,140 --> 00:13:43,510 And the star. 194 00:13:45,270 --> 00:13:48,210 What sort of trick do you think you're playing, boy? 195 00:13:48,220 --> 00:13:49,350 Let him go! 196 00:13:51,640 --> 00:13:54,740 A flagon of ale for whoever gets these people out of here. 197 00:13:54,750 --> 00:13:56,650 You are coming with me. Hey! 198 00:13:56,860 --> 00:13:58,760 That was my money. I won it! 199 00:13:58,770 --> 00:14:00,180 No, you stole it. 200 00:14:00,190 --> 00:14:02,340 You cheated. I let you take me home, 201 00:14:02,350 --> 00:14:05,370 But I'm not going to some orphanage for weird children 202 00:14:05,380 --> 00:14:06,740 I'm my own boss now. 203 00:14:06,750 --> 00:14:08,560 You're not telling me what to do. 204 00:14:08,570 --> 00:14:10,750 No, you have to come with us so we can 205 00:14:10,760 --> 00:14:12,710 Take you to thandor and get back to our friend 206 00:14:12,720 --> 00:14:14,420 This may be hard for you to comprehend, 207 00:14:14,430 --> 00:14:17,310 But the fate of the world just might depend on it. 208 00:14:19,060 --> 00:14:21,990 Okay. All right, I'm sorry to have to do this. 209 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:24,070 But I can't let you run away again. 210 00:14:24,210 --> 00:14:25,840 Don't! Unh! 211 00:14:29,700 --> 00:14:31,910 You will not bind his hands! 212 00:14:31,970 --> 00:14:33,230 It's ok, I am not gonna hurt him. 213 00:14:33,240 --> 00:14:34,810 I'm just gonna make sure-- no! 214 00:14:34,940 --> 00:14:36,210 You will not. 215 00:14:41,730 --> 00:14:44,120 Okay, fine. How about this? 216 00:14:45,880 --> 00:14:48,520 If you run away again, I'm gonna take you back to that tarvern 217 00:14:48,520 --> 00:14:51,040 And tell that gambler how you cheated him 218 00:15:08,260 --> 00:15:11,270 Why don't you tell him why the rope upsets you so much? 219 00:15:22,040 --> 00:15:25,420 Sorry it has to be cold, but we have no time to get a fire going. 220 00:15:27,440 --> 00:15:28,990 I'm not eating that. 221 00:15:29,190 --> 00:15:31,260 Come on, it's not bad, really. 222 00:15:31,790 --> 00:15:34,380 I want pheasant with blackberry sauce. 223 00:15:34,390 --> 00:15:35,610 Don't we all. 224 00:15:35,660 --> 00:15:38,320 That's what the prince of aspasia used to give to me. 225 00:15:38,890 --> 00:15:41,090 Every night of the week if I wanted it. 226 00:15:41,590 --> 00:15:44,500 Or he could forget about knowing which one of his wives 227 00:15:44,500 --> 00:15:46,950 Was sleeping with the captain of the guard. 228 00:15:47,120 --> 00:15:49,720 Well, the first pheasant i see is all yours. 229 00:15:49,730 --> 00:15:51,980 I saw a nest of pheasants a mile back, 230 00:15:51,990 --> 00:15:53,900 And there were blackberries growing all over. 231 00:15:53,910 --> 00:15:55,220 No, no. We don't have time. 232 00:15:55,620 --> 00:15:58,320 If you're in a hurry, I'm not stopping you. 233 00:15:58,430 --> 00:16:01,390 I'll just wait right here for the d'harans to find me. 234 00:16:01,400 --> 00:16:06,690 Listen, we're not stopping to pick blackberries and hunt pheasant. 235 00:16:08,160 --> 00:16:09,660 Then I guess I'll have to tell her 236 00:16:09,670 --> 00:16:12,090 About the secret you've been keeping from her 237 00:16:16,560 --> 00:16:18,510 I don't have any secrets from kahlan. 238 00:16:18,520 --> 00:16:19,850 I'm a listener. 239 00:16:19,860 --> 00:16:22,490 Do you think there's anything you can hide from me? 240 00:16:22,500 --> 00:16:26,480 How would you like her to know what you think about when you look at her? 241 00:16:37,020 --> 00:16:38,550 Mm. Not bad. 242 00:16:38,560 --> 00:16:39,920 Could use salt. 243 00:16:40,180 --> 00:16:41,890 Okay, that's enough. Come on. 244 00:16:41,900 --> 00:16:44,870 I need to rest a little after all that food. 245 00:16:50,510 --> 00:16:52,790 It was extremely kind of richard to go 246 00:16:52,800 --> 00:16:54,780 To all the trouble of cooking you this. 247 00:16:54,950 --> 00:17:00,280 Try to understand how important it is for all of us to keep moving. 248 00:17:01,340 --> 00:17:03,250 I'm not ready to start walking. 249 00:17:03,260 --> 00:17:05,020 That...Is enough! 250 00:17:05,030 --> 00:17:06,570 On your feet now! 251 00:17:06,590 --> 00:17:08,620 He wants to kill me. I saw it! 252 00:17:08,630 --> 00:17:10,080 He wants to kill me! 253 00:17:10,090 --> 00:17:11,310 He's not gonna kill you. 254 00:17:11,320 --> 00:17:13,350 It was just something that he thought. 255 00:17:13,490 --> 00:17:16,960 People sometimes think those sort of things when they're angry. 256 00:17:16,970 --> 00:17:18,960 And then they usually do it. No, no. 257 00:17:18,970 --> 00:17:20,110 He's not gonna do it. 258 00:17:20,120 --> 00:17:21,670 I wouldn't be so sure about that. 259 00:17:21,680 --> 00:17:23,930 You are standing up now. 260 00:17:23,940 --> 00:17:25,560 No, I'm not. 261 00:17:25,570 --> 00:17:28,220 Yes, you are. No... 262 00:17:40,150 --> 00:17:41,860 You have to stop that! 263 00:17:41,870 --> 00:17:44,060 We dont know who's in these woods. 264 00:17:45,340 --> 00:17:46,540 Over there! 265 00:17:48,140 --> 00:17:49,280 This way! 266 00:17:49,800 --> 00:17:52,300 Don't count on them giving you a nice room in a castle. 267 00:17:52,310 --> 00:17:54,210 If they think that you're friends with the seeker, 268 00:17:54,210 --> 00:17:56,510 You're gonna die with the seeker. 269 00:17:56,780 --> 00:17:58,870 We have to run. No time for that. 270 00:17:59,080 --> 00:18:00,710 We're staying right here. 271 00:18:44,470 --> 00:18:46,530 You're coming with me, listener. 272 00:19:13,920 --> 00:19:15,380 Richard! 273 00:19:43,960 --> 00:19:47,780 The most anybody ever paid for me was 20,000. 274 00:19:48,500 --> 00:19:50,610 I'm not worth getting killed over. 275 00:19:53,250 --> 00:19:54,880 Could you crush those up for me? 276 00:20:00,210 --> 00:20:02,000 Why are you doing this? 277 00:20:02,370 --> 00:20:04,280 Why did you save my life? 278 00:20:04,650 --> 00:20:07,880 Can't you just look in our heads and see the answer to that? 279 00:20:07,900 --> 00:20:12,010 I see it. I just don't understand it. 280 00:20:12,370 --> 00:20:14,790 Why do you wanna destroy darken rahl if you 281 00:20:14,800 --> 00:20:18,420 Aren't interested in his throne or his gold. 282 00:20:19,220 --> 00:20:22,580 Why are you the only people in the world who are like that? 283 00:20:22,640 --> 00:20:25,640 We're not. We're just the first ones you've met. 284 00:20:33,980 --> 00:20:36,340 This place you're taking me to. 285 00:20:36,770 --> 00:20:38,630 What are the people there like? 286 00:20:40,580 --> 00:20:44,010 They're as good and kind as anyone I've ever known. 287 00:20:45,640 --> 00:20:47,760 Then it's the wrong place for me. 288 00:20:48,130 --> 00:20:49,710 Why do you say that? 289 00:20:51,080 --> 00:20:52,670 Because I'm bad. 290 00:20:54,090 --> 00:20:56,700 No, you're not-- you don't know anything about it. 291 00:20:57,200 --> 00:20:59,090 About the things I've done. 292 00:21:01,620 --> 00:21:04,360 When I was working for the empress of threnegar, 293 00:21:04,370 --> 00:21:05,570 She wanted to know 294 00:21:05,570 --> 00:21:08,980 If there was anybody in her palace who was plotting against her. 295 00:21:10,580 --> 00:21:13,520 I told her there were three people. 296 00:21:14,000 --> 00:21:18,870 The lord chamberlain, the grand vizier and... 297 00:21:20,700 --> 00:21:22,330 ...One of her sons. 298 00:21:23,280 --> 00:21:26,940 She put their heads on iron stakes in front of the palace. 299 00:21:28,140 --> 00:21:30,240 That was not your fault. Yes, it was. 300 00:21:30,300 --> 00:21:32,330 And that was only one time. 301 00:21:32,730 --> 00:21:34,650 If you knew how many... 302 00:21:36,120 --> 00:21:37,980 Nobody gave you a choice. 303 00:21:38,910 --> 00:21:41,610 What happened to you was just as bad. 304 00:21:45,450 --> 00:21:46,650 What? 305 00:21:46,900 --> 00:21:48,150 What happened? 306 00:21:48,670 --> 00:21:49,880 Nothing. 307 00:21:50,500 --> 00:21:54,800 It's not nothing. Kahlan, what happened to you? 308 00:21:57,660 --> 00:21:59,480 What I can do to people... 309 00:22:00,920 --> 00:22:02,790 Bring them under my control. 310 00:22:04,330 --> 00:22:06,710 My mother did that to my father 311 00:22:07,550 --> 00:22:08,710 Why? 312 00:22:11,750 --> 00:22:14,790 She-- she had to. 313 00:22:18,310 --> 00:22:23,360 And when I was 5 years old, and my sister was 3, 314 00:22:24,890 --> 00:22:31,490 My mom died, and my father was freed from her hold on him 315 00:22:34,200 --> 00:22:36,060 So he came to get us. 316 00:22:37,010 --> 00:22:38,950 To claim what was his. 317 00:22:40,750 --> 00:22:47,040 He started making us use our powers to get what he wanted out of people. 318 00:22:49,120 --> 00:22:55,830 We made them do such terrible things. 319 00:22:57,730 --> 00:23:03,930 And if we tried not to he would-- tie you up. Bind your hands. 320 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:07,750 That's why you didn't want me... 321 00:23:11,500 --> 00:23:14,050 Why didn't you just use your power against him? 322 00:23:19,290 --> 00:23:22,150 Because he was her father. 323 00:23:31,020 --> 00:23:35,100 When I was 11, another confessor found us. 324 00:23:35,630 --> 00:23:39,080 She took us away from my father, and brought us to thandor. 325 00:23:40,640 --> 00:23:44,350 The sisters of light became more than parents to us. 326 00:23:46,530 --> 00:23:52,350 They didn't just save our lives, they-- they gave us our lives. 327 00:24:10,000 --> 00:24:11,060 It's okay. 328 00:24:11,430 --> 00:24:17,940 It's just an owl complaining about something, the way owls do. 329 00:24:19,330 --> 00:24:20,820 Does it still hurt? 330 00:24:22,160 --> 00:24:25,840 I would say no, but you'd I'd be lying. 331 00:24:27,610 --> 00:24:29,440 It's my fault you got hurt. 332 00:24:29,980 --> 00:24:32,690 Making you stop to pick blackberries. 333 00:24:32,740 --> 00:24:34,330 Screaming like that. 334 00:24:35,440 --> 00:24:36,930 Why don't you hate me? 335 00:24:36,940 --> 00:24:40,850 You should see more I put my father through when I was your age. 336 00:24:45,300 --> 00:24:47,920 Why haven't you told her what you feel about her? 337 00:24:52,250 --> 00:24:53,780 It's complicated. 338 00:24:55,820 --> 00:24:57,660 You'll understand when you get older. 339 00:24:58,530 --> 00:25:00,600 It's not that complicated. 340 00:25:00,980 --> 00:25:03,900 You're just scared she doesn't feel the same way. 341 00:25:06,100 --> 00:25:07,950 But you don't have to be scared. 342 00:25:10,460 --> 00:25:12,750 She feels the same way you do. 343 00:25:18,080 --> 00:25:19,880 Why doesn't she say anything? 344 00:25:19,890 --> 00:25:21,010 I don't know. 345 00:25:21,020 --> 00:25:22,930 I mean, I know. 346 00:25:22,950 --> 00:25:25,470 It just doesn't make sense. 347 00:25:25,530 --> 00:25:29,980 Something about she's afraid to hurt you with her powers. 348 00:25:36,230 --> 00:25:38,200 Why aren't you lying down? 349 00:25:40,620 --> 00:25:42,170 I'm not tired. 350 00:25:42,810 --> 00:25:45,030 You should be asleep too. 351 00:25:45,140 --> 00:25:46,430 I can't. 352 00:25:50,390 --> 00:25:53,190 Come on, renn. Give it a try. 353 00:25:53,370 --> 00:25:56,820 We have a long long walk tomorrow. 354 00:25:58,960 --> 00:26:02,830 * white glows the lily * 355 00:26:03,420 --> 00:26:07,250 * red glows the rose * 356 00:26:08,060 --> 00:26:11,610 * here lies my laddie * 357 00:26:12,000 --> 00:26:15,430 * look how he grows * 358 00:26:20,800 --> 00:26:22,310 Bear's been by here. 359 00:26:23,440 --> 00:26:24,760 Two of them, by the looks of it. 360 00:26:24,770 --> 00:26:26,600 See where they scratched their backs on the tree? 361 00:26:26,820 --> 00:26:28,660 Do they come out during the day? 362 00:26:28,870 --> 00:26:30,380 Only to eat children. 363 00:26:34,670 --> 00:26:37,700 Why do we have to go to this thandor place? 364 00:26:37,830 --> 00:26:40,950 I could just stay with you. 365 00:26:41,390 --> 00:26:44,010 You can't, renn. It's too dangerous. 366 00:26:44,370 --> 00:26:45,790 I'm not scared. 367 00:26:45,800 --> 00:26:48,300 Do you have any idea how much I could help you? 368 00:26:48,310 --> 00:26:50,330 Yes, you could. 369 00:26:50,460 --> 00:26:52,910 But we can't get you any closer to rahl. 370 00:26:52,920 --> 00:26:54,200 Of course. 371 00:26:54,830 --> 00:27:00,030 Because then I might help him, and that wouldn't be so good for you. 372 00:27:00,040 --> 00:27:02,270 That's only part of it. It's all right. 373 00:27:02,620 --> 00:27:04,120 I understand. 374 00:27:11,390 --> 00:27:14,670 * when shadows long o'er take the day * 375 00:27:14,680 --> 00:27:17,310 * and evil doth enslave us * 376 00:27:19,290 --> 00:27:23,140 * when war and strife and fear hold sway * 377 00:27:23,140 --> 00:27:25,870 * the seeker then shall save us * 378 00:27:26,370 --> 00:27:28,490 I wonder how you'll sound with your tongue cut out. 379 00:27:28,500 --> 00:27:30,080 * when cities burn and kingdoms fall * 380 00:27:30,090 --> 00:27:32,780 * the seeker then shall sound his call * 381 00:27:34,640 --> 00:27:38,240 * when men call darken rahl their lord * 382 00:27:38,990 --> 00:27:42,000 * the seeker then shall raise his sword * 383 00:27:47,550 --> 00:27:53,640 Days are dark and hope is lost and times grow ever weaker-- when 384 00:27:53,650 --> 00:27:56,130 Springtime dies beneath the frost-- 385 00:28:00,760 --> 00:28:05,110 Because then shall come the seeker. Change of plan 386 00:28:06,400 --> 00:28:10,350 When I stand before darken rahl tomorrow, I will tell him that I took it 387 00:28:10,360 --> 00:28:15,280 Upon myself to flay the traitor alive, tied to a pole at the crossroad, 388 00:28:15,290 --> 00:28:19,360 Where all the passersby can watch the crows feast on his eyeballs 389 00:28:19,360 --> 00:28:21,600 And learn from his example. 390 00:28:34,450 --> 00:28:37,340 And my last sight in this life will be a 391 00:28:37,350 --> 00:28:39,950 Treasonous wizard gloating over my demise. 392 00:28:40,650 --> 00:28:42,590 What's your price? Huh? 393 00:28:43,190 --> 00:28:44,600 Gar got your tongue? 394 00:28:45,840 --> 00:28:48,830 Times are hard for all of us. 395 00:28:55,320 --> 00:28:58,780 Halt! In the name of the council of obregon. 396 00:28:58,790 --> 00:28:59,930 Renn! 397 00:29:01,510 --> 00:29:02,820 Renn. 398 00:29:03,190 --> 00:29:04,410 Dad. 399 00:29:05,480 --> 00:29:07,780 I got word that you were asking for me at the old house. 400 00:29:07,790 --> 00:29:09,580 I could hardly believe it. 401 00:29:09,590 --> 00:29:12,000 We rode the horses half to death catching up. 402 00:29:12,210 --> 00:29:14,240 We know that you sold him. 403 00:29:14,250 --> 00:29:17,140 That was a rumor started by the people who took him. 404 00:29:17,250 --> 00:29:18,640 It was a lie. 405 00:29:18,810 --> 00:29:21,570 There's a confessor here, you're not taking the 406 00:29:21,580 --> 00:29:26,510 Boy anywhere until you answer to her. Renn, tell them 407 00:29:26,610 --> 00:29:28,760 Look in my eyes and tell them that I've been looking 408 00:29:28,770 --> 00:29:32,940 For you, every day, every night, for five long years 409 00:29:40,300 --> 00:29:42,060 He's telling the truth. 410 00:29:45,050 --> 00:29:48,360 Whoever you are, thank you for bringing my son to me. 411 00:29:48,480 --> 00:29:50,560 Your son is in great danger. 412 00:29:50,570 --> 00:29:52,530 He needs help with his gift. 413 00:29:52,640 --> 00:29:55,480 He should be brought to the sisters of light until he's a little older. 414 00:29:55,490 --> 00:29:58,240 He's my father. I'm going with him. 415 00:29:59,580 --> 00:30:02,400 We should be going. We have a long journey ahead of us. 416 00:30:18,230 --> 00:30:19,800 Thank you, councilor 417 00:30:30,130 --> 00:30:31,620 We should catch up with zedd. 418 00:30:43,700 --> 00:30:45,720 Prompt delivery of goods. 419 00:30:46,000 --> 00:30:48,850 That's the way darken rahl likes to do business. 420 00:30:49,350 --> 00:30:52,000 Actually, you did me a favor. 421 00:30:52,000 --> 00:30:54,740 I was planning to work for the d'harans anyway. 422 00:30:55,050 --> 00:30:56,720 So thanks, dad. 423 00:30:57,670 --> 00:30:59,960 I married your mother, but I'm not your father. 424 00:31:00,840 --> 00:31:02,990 No son of mine would be a freak like you. 425 00:31:05,580 --> 00:31:07,760 I would've sold you back to those people you were with, 426 00:31:07,760 --> 00:31:13,020 But nowadays, nobody pays better than darken rahl. 427 00:31:13,310 --> 00:31:15,900 He would've paid three times more for me. 428 00:31:16,060 --> 00:31:18,090 You sold me too cheap. 429 00:31:22,310 --> 00:31:24,120 Specially outfitted for the listener. 430 00:31:24,750 --> 00:31:26,340 Is there anything I can get you? 431 00:31:29,400 --> 00:31:32,140 Pheasant with blackberry sauce. 432 00:31:32,150 --> 00:31:33,270 Get the boy what he wants. 433 00:31:33,270 --> 00:31:35,220 Then we race to the meeting point. 434 00:31:35,230 --> 00:31:37,040 Lord rahl is getting impatient. 435 00:31:39,630 --> 00:31:40,850 What are you thinking? 436 00:31:41,030 --> 00:31:43,030 If renn was here you wouldn't have to ask. 437 00:31:43,990 --> 00:31:45,220 I don't have to ask. 438 00:31:45,230 --> 00:31:46,910 You're thinking what I'm thinking. 439 00:31:47,000 --> 00:31:48,600 We shouldn't have let renn go. 440 00:31:49,010 --> 00:31:50,320 He read his father's thoughts. 441 00:31:50,330 --> 00:31:52,440 If something was wrong he wouldn't have gone with him. 442 00:31:52,450 --> 00:31:53,910 I'm not a listener or a confessor. 443 00:31:53,920 --> 00:31:55,510 I can't tell when people are lying, 444 00:31:55,520 --> 00:31:59,010 But something in my gut is telling me that man was hiding something. 445 00:31:59,820 --> 00:32:05,060 Richard, are you sure this isn't just because renn got into your heart? 446 00:32:06,020 --> 00:32:07,540 Like he got into mine? 447 00:32:08,580 --> 00:32:09,810 Maybe. 448 00:32:10,580 --> 00:32:13,550 But I can't let it go. 449 00:32:31,390 --> 00:32:32,860 Stop! 450 00:32:35,950 --> 00:32:37,250 Why? 451 00:32:37,630 --> 00:32:40,300 He's under a powerful enchantment. 452 00:32:40,730 --> 00:32:44,190 Whoever kills him will come to terrible harm. 453 00:32:44,380 --> 00:32:45,990 Possibly death. 454 00:32:46,250 --> 00:32:48,880 Argoth will be honored to take that risk. 455 00:32:50,900 --> 00:32:52,190 Proceed! 456 00:33:12,440 --> 00:33:14,820 Shoot it down! Kill it! 457 00:33:17,900 --> 00:33:19,280 You did that. 458 00:33:19,840 --> 00:33:21,220 Me? 459 00:33:21,850 --> 00:33:24,770 I told you he was under an enchantment. 460 00:33:24,860 --> 00:33:27,170 Astonishing magic and a great wizard in the same 461 00:33:27,180 --> 00:33:30,790 Place at the same time. Coincidence, do you think? 462 00:33:31,960 --> 00:33:35,190 But who am I to judge the truth of such matters. 463 00:33:35,730 --> 00:33:38,060 We'll leave that to darken rahl. 464 00:33:38,390 --> 00:33:40,060 Bind his hands. 465 00:33:40,300 --> 00:33:42,270 He can't do magic without his hands. 466 00:33:54,990 --> 00:33:57,300 Where's renn? That's no concern of yours. 467 00:33:57,310 --> 00:33:59,230 Tell me where he is. Unh! 468 00:34:11,380 --> 00:34:13,450 Did you sell him? To the d'harans? 469 00:34:13,460 --> 00:34:15,090 He was only my stepson. 470 00:34:15,100 --> 00:34:17,290 And that's an excuse? Don't. 471 00:34:17,300 --> 00:34:18,590 He's not worth it. 472 00:34:18,600 --> 00:34:20,690 Just take the money. That's all he cares about. 473 00:34:22,660 --> 00:34:24,710 Which way did they go? South. 474 00:34:26,920 --> 00:34:28,420 If you ever show your face to that boy again, 475 00:34:28,430 --> 00:34:30,610 I will roast you like a pig on a spit 476 00:34:34,390 --> 00:34:35,880 Richard, look! 477 00:34:40,930 --> 00:34:42,760 Zedd's headed the same way as renn. 478 00:34:56,950 --> 00:34:58,350 Welcome back, listener. 479 00:34:59,630 --> 00:35:01,600 Seems you've had quite an adventure. 480 00:35:01,860 --> 00:35:03,620 What do you need me to do? 481 00:35:04,170 --> 00:35:06,200 I need you to tell me who he is, 482 00:35:06,210 --> 00:35:10,590 What he wants, and most importantly, who is he working with. 483 00:35:24,140 --> 00:35:25,910 You'd better tell the truth. 484 00:35:28,460 --> 00:35:31,460 Yes, he's a spy. 485 00:35:32,250 --> 00:35:33,940 I suspected as much. 486 00:35:34,870 --> 00:35:37,360 What he wants is to kill darken rahl. 487 00:35:37,790 --> 00:35:39,700 That I could have guessed. 488 00:35:44,070 --> 00:35:47,570 But what you couldn't have guessed is who he's working with. 489 00:35:47,620 --> 00:35:50,170 And that would be...? Him. 490 00:35:50,180 --> 00:35:51,350 What? 491 00:35:51,360 --> 00:35:52,720 That's a lie. 492 00:35:52,730 --> 00:35:54,860 I swear, I've never seen the wizard before. 493 00:35:54,870 --> 00:35:57,300 Do you also swear that you don't have a flask 494 00:35:57,310 --> 00:35:59,410 Of spirits tucked into your left boot, either? 495 00:35:59,420 --> 00:36:00,620 Spirits? 496 00:36:00,630 --> 00:36:02,550 On duty? All right. 497 00:36:02,560 --> 00:36:03,590 Give me my 10 lashes, 498 00:36:03,600 --> 00:36:07,150 But I swear to you on my mother, I've never met the wizard 499 00:36:07,160 --> 00:36:08,770 He didn't need to meet him. 500 00:36:08,930 --> 00:36:11,820 It was all organized by him. 501 00:36:18,730 --> 00:36:21,230 Calgor has been my friend since childhood. 502 00:36:22,300 --> 00:36:24,450 I know him and trust him like a brother. 503 00:36:24,460 --> 00:36:28,230 Well, ask your friend what he was doing with your wife 504 00:36:28,230 --> 00:36:31,010 While you were on maneuvers last month. 505 00:36:34,840 --> 00:36:36,610 That won't do you any good. 506 00:36:36,940 --> 00:36:41,670 Unless you do the same to him, and him, and him. 507 00:36:41,680 --> 00:36:43,730 They're all in on the wizard's plot. 508 00:36:45,110 --> 00:36:46,730 Arrest them all! 509 00:36:50,570 --> 00:36:54,190 If you could free two fingers, I'd be able to... 510 00:37:00,520 --> 00:37:01,900 Hurry, renn! 511 00:37:02,240 --> 00:37:03,490 Look out! 512 00:37:03,680 --> 00:37:05,190 Renn! 513 00:37:57,370 --> 00:37:58,430 Renn. 514 00:37:58,570 --> 00:38:02,490 If you saw what your father was thinking, why did you go with him? 515 00:38:02,500 --> 00:38:05,720 I saw that he was going to kill you both if I didn't. 516 00:38:06,260 --> 00:38:09,140 I saw that he had more men on their way. 517 00:38:09,610 --> 00:38:11,320 Men with big knives. 518 00:38:16,540 --> 00:38:19,100 And then I saw that you were their friend. 519 00:38:32,130 --> 00:38:33,750 And whose tracks are those? 520 00:38:38,180 --> 00:38:39,360 Fox. 521 00:38:39,390 --> 00:38:41,930 Silver, by the size of the prints. 522 00:38:41,940 --> 00:38:44,460 Excellent! Okay, enough tracking for today. 523 00:38:44,470 --> 00:38:45,840 Time for history. 524 00:38:46,070 --> 00:38:51,590 Tell me the first wizards of aydindril, starting with elenath. 525 00:38:51,600 --> 00:38:53,930 Oh, leave him be. 526 00:38:53,940 --> 00:38:57,130 Give the boy too many lessons, and he won't have time to learn anything. 527 00:38:57,140 --> 00:39:00,070 As if you ever let up on me for one second. 528 00:39:08,990 --> 00:39:10,210 We're here. 529 00:39:10,770 --> 00:39:11,990 We're where? 530 00:39:14,290 --> 00:39:15,570 Thandor. 531 00:39:19,320 --> 00:39:20,520 Wildranath. 532 00:39:20,530 --> 00:39:21,970 Galadrahn. 533 00:40:00,490 --> 00:40:02,050 Welcome, renn. 534 00:40:02,070 --> 00:40:04,330 We've all been looking forward to meeting you. 535 00:40:04,340 --> 00:40:06,290 How did you--? Henry. 536 00:40:06,300 --> 00:40:10,080 Henry always knows what's coming, long before it gets here. 537 00:40:16,250 --> 00:40:18,070 We have to say goodbye now. 538 00:40:18,430 --> 00:40:19,990 I don't want to. 539 00:40:21,550 --> 00:40:23,470 I wanna stay with you. 540 00:40:23,480 --> 00:40:24,940 We'll come back. 541 00:40:25,040 --> 00:40:26,990 When the midlands are free. 542 00:40:33,360 --> 00:40:35,390 Tell him what you feel about him. 543 00:40:36,500 --> 00:40:37,750 It'll be okay. 544 00:40:43,330 --> 00:40:45,310 I'm sorry I kicked you where I kicked you. 545 00:40:46,170 --> 00:40:47,730 It's closing now. 546 00:40:49,560 --> 00:40:53,060 Remember, moss grows on the north side of the tree, 547 00:40:53,100 --> 00:40:56,040 And cows lie down when it's going to rain, 548 00:40:56,460 --> 00:41:01,190 And you're gonna be all right no matter what. 549 00:41:05,580 --> 00:41:07,020 Go. 550 00:41:21,110 --> 00:41:22,480 Well, if we ever get to be parents, 551 00:41:22,490 --> 00:41:24,390 I guess we will have had some practice. 552 00:41:34,470 --> 00:41:36,560 Hey, you! 553 00:41:36,830 --> 00:41:38,160 Get away. 554 00:41:38,500 --> 00:41:40,720 That's how you treat a friend of mine? 555 00:41:47,840 --> 00:41:49,300 Thank you, wizard. 556 00:41:49,620 --> 00:41:50,830 I'm sorry I doubted you. 557 00:41:50,840 --> 00:41:53,000 You had every reason to. 558 00:41:53,180 --> 00:41:56,660 I hope you enjoyed your moment of flight, because you won't have another. 559 00:41:56,670 --> 00:41:59,410 That's a spell that only works one time in a thousand. 560 00:41:59,420 --> 00:42:00,860 You were lucky. 561 00:42:03,680 --> 00:42:05,310 Long life to the seeker. 562 00:42:05,690 --> 00:42:07,620 Long life to you, sir. 563 00:42:07,630 --> 00:42:09,370 I will join you in your fight against rahl, 564 00:42:09,370 --> 00:42:11,600 Wherever I am, however I can. 565 00:42:11,770 --> 00:42:14,590 But right now I must make sure my family is safe. 566 00:42:14,600 --> 00:42:17,510 What I can give you right now is something I heard at the fort. 567 00:42:17,670 --> 00:42:20,000 Darken rahl just sent 200 men to a city 568 00:42:20,000 --> 00:42:23,260 Called kelabra, on a mission of great importance. 569 00:42:27,360 --> 00:42:28,820 To kelabra, then. 570 00:42:28,830 --> 00:42:31,690 There's just one problem. 571 00:42:32,430 --> 00:42:37,790 Kelabra was destroyed in the eruption of mt.Mariah 2000 years ago, 572 00:42:37,790 --> 00:42:41,300 And buried under millions of tons of rock.