1 00:00:01,633 --> 00:00:02,733 Richard Cypher, 2 00:00:02,734 --> 00:00:05,134 Te vagy a Kereső. 3 00:00:09,704 --> 00:00:16,704 ♪ Legend of the Seeker 2x10 ♪ Kárhozat Megjelenés 2010 január 30. 4 00:00:16,705 --> 00:00:21,705 -- Fordította elderman eredeti angoljából StarOfFlames. -- -- Éljenek a vukik! -- 5 00:00:21,962 --> 00:00:24,772 Richard, kelj fel! 6 00:00:27,695 --> 00:00:29,391 Késő van. 7 00:00:29,392 --> 00:00:32,670 Richard, ma nem lustálkodhatsz akármeddig! 8 00:00:32,671 --> 00:00:33,633 Verna? 9 00:00:38,021 --> 00:00:40,415 Hogy kerültem ide vissza? 10 00:00:40,416 --> 00:00:42,110 Hol máshol lennél? 11 00:00:46,237 --> 00:00:48,066 Elmenekültem innen! 12 00:00:48,067 --> 00:00:49,729 A barátaim felé tartottam. 13 00:00:49,730 --> 00:00:51,426 Richard, ki sem léptél a palotából, 14 00:00:51,427 --> 00:00:53,125 amióta megérkeztél, hogy varázslóvá neveljünk. 15 00:00:54,923 --> 00:00:56,552 Nem... 16 00:00:59,018 --> 00:01:00,814 Ez valami trükk. 17 00:01:03,046 --> 00:01:04,977 Lacna'Han-ban szenvedsz. 18 00:01:07,643 --> 00:01:09,672 Amikor a varázslók tanulmányaik végéhez közelednek, 19 00:01:09,673 --> 00:01:11,502 sokszor kínozzák őket 20 00:01:11,503 --> 00:01:13,035 furcsa álmok és emlékezetkiesés. 21 00:01:13,036 --> 00:01:16,434 A tanulmányaikhoz szükséges fokozott koncentráció 22 00:01:16,435 --> 00:01:18,899 megzavarja a tudatukat. 23 00:01:18,900 --> 00:01:21,231 Elmúlik. 24 00:01:21,232 --> 00:01:23,197 Most pedig öltözz fel. 25 00:01:23,198 --> 00:01:25,296 Valaki vár rád. 26 00:01:33,997 --> 00:01:36,061 Kahlan? 27 00:01:46,488 --> 00:01:48,587 Nagyon hiányoztál! 28 00:01:48,588 --> 00:01:50,288 Nem hittem, hogy látlak még. 29 00:01:51,821 --> 00:01:54,021 Kahlan, itt valami nagyon nem stimmel. 30 00:01:57,454 --> 00:01:59,287 Sonia. 31 00:02:02,555 --> 00:02:05,121 Sonia, ő Richard, egy barátom. 32 00:02:05,122 --> 00:02:06,954 Richard, ő itt Sonia, 33 00:02:06,955 --> 00:02:09,354 a lányom. 34 00:02:11,489 --> 00:02:13,890 A lányod...? 35 00:02:13,891 --> 00:02:16,558 Drágaságom, nem tudnál a másik szobában várni? 36 00:02:16,559 --> 00:02:17,959 Sok fontos dologról kell 37 00:02:17,960 --> 00:02:19,459 Richarddal beszéljek. 38 00:02:19,460 --> 00:02:22,228 Bocsánat. 39 00:02:22,229 --> 00:02:23,962 Egy kicsit elcsavargott. 40 00:02:25,831 --> 00:02:29,661 Gyere csak ide, na... ez az! 41 00:02:29,662 --> 00:02:31,494 Megtiszteltetés számomra Richard Cypherrel találkozni. 42 00:02:31,495 --> 00:02:34,626 Richard, ő Phillip. 43 00:02:36,062 --> 00:02:38,995 A Kereső. 44 00:02:38,996 --> 00:02:40,862 Te vetted át a helyem. 45 00:02:43,064 --> 00:02:44,897 Nem, ketten voltak még, akik előtte jöttek. 46 00:02:46,232 --> 00:02:48,732 Richard... 47 00:02:50,667 --> 00:02:52,867 Phillip a férjem. 48 00:02:56,903 --> 00:02:59,302 Folyamatosan azt kérdezi, mikor megyünk haza. 49 00:02:59,303 --> 00:03:02,638 Sonia, ez most az otthonunk. 50 00:03:02,639 --> 00:03:05,372 Keress valami ennivalót, kicsim! 51 00:03:09,709 --> 00:03:12,076 Kahlan, csak egy hétig voltam távol. 52 00:03:12,077 --> 00:03:13,843 Hogy lehet neked egy lányod? 53 00:03:13,844 --> 00:03:15,677 Hogyan lehetséges, hgy addig három Keresőt avattak fel? 54 00:03:15,678 --> 00:03:18,679 Richard, több mint fél évet töltöttél 55 00:03:18,680 --> 00:03:21,680 a Próféták Palotájában. 56 00:03:21,681 --> 00:03:23,548 Számunkra pedig, a kinti világban, 57 00:03:23,549 --> 00:03:25,149 Hét tél telt el azóta. 58 00:03:28,284 --> 00:03:30,151 A Könnyek Köve elpusztult. 59 00:03:32,386 --> 00:03:33,819 és a Hasadék a két világ határán? 60 00:03:33,820 --> 00:03:36,821 Nem zárul be soha többé. 61 00:03:38,690 --> 00:03:40,323 Miután Aydindril elesett, 62 00:03:40,324 --> 00:03:42,157 Összeszedtük azt a maréknyi túlélőt, 63 00:03:42,158 --> 00:03:43,624 és idehoztuk őket, 64 00:03:43,625 --> 00:03:45,792 hogy itt utoljára megvethessük a lábunk. 65 00:03:47,394 --> 00:03:49,761 Csak ennyien maradtak? 66 00:03:49,762 --> 00:03:51,129 Talán az egész világon. 67 00:03:53,297 --> 00:03:54,230 Hol van Zedd? 68 00:03:58,968 --> 00:04:00,836 Nagyon.. sajnálom, Richard. 69 00:04:00,837 --> 00:04:03,871 Életét adta Aydindril falain. 70 00:04:03,872 --> 00:04:06,272 Hősként esett el. 71 00:04:11,909 --> 00:04:13,209 És Cara? 72 00:04:13,210 --> 00:04:15,044 miközben megpróbáltunk átjutni az Új Világból, 73 00:04:15,045 --> 00:04:16,946 megtámadott minket egy élőholt horda. 74 00:04:16,947 --> 00:04:19,281 Cara lemaradt tőlünk, 75 00:04:19,282 --> 00:04:21,616 és azóta nem láttuk. 76 00:04:26,222 --> 00:04:28,757 Hét éve vagyok itt, 77 00:04:28,758 --> 00:04:30,893 és soha nem próbáltál üzenni nekem? 78 00:04:30,894 --> 00:04:33,195 Kaptam egy levelet tőled, 79 00:04:33,196 --> 00:04:34,931 azt írtad, a tanulmányaid végéhez közeledsz. 80 00:04:34,932 --> 00:04:35,932 Milyen levelet?! 81 00:04:35,933 --> 00:04:38,732 Ezért vagyunk itt. 82 00:04:38,733 --> 00:04:40,365 A varázserőddel 83 00:04:40,366 --> 00:04:42,398 talán még van egy kis esélyünk az Őrző ellen. 84 00:04:42,399 --> 00:04:45,398 Ezt nem én írtam. 85 00:04:45,399 --> 00:04:47,868 A te kézírásod. 86 00:04:47,869 --> 00:04:50,036 Nem lehet Philippel közös gyereked. 87 00:04:50,037 --> 00:04:51,804 Sosem gyóntatnád meg a Keresőt. 88 00:04:51,805 --> 00:04:54,473 Nem tettem. 89 00:04:56,776 --> 00:04:59,878 Sok éve megtámadtak a Sötét Nővrek. 90 00:04:59,879 --> 00:05:01,713 és elvették minden erőmet. 91 00:05:03,650 --> 00:05:05,950 Miután elvesztettem, képes voltam... 92 00:05:12,525 --> 00:05:14,826 Kahlan, ha igaz, amit mondasz, 93 00:05:14,827 --> 00:05:16,528 Segítek neked. 94 00:05:16,529 --> 00:05:18,430 De egy betűt se hiszek el belőle. 95 00:05:18,431 --> 00:05:20,265 Azt hiszed, hazudok? 96 00:05:20,266 --> 00:05:21,700 Nem, soha. 97 00:05:23,502 --> 00:05:25,103 De a Fény Nővérei hazudnak nekem, 98 00:05:25,104 --> 00:05:27,237 folyton, mióta ideértem. 99 00:05:27,238 --> 00:05:28,77 Ezért kellett elmenekülnöm. 100 00:05:28,773 --> 00:05:31,274 De mikor felébredtem ma reggel, itt voltam. 101 00:05:31,275 --> 00:05:32,609 Azt próbálják elhitetni, 102 00:05:32,610 --> 00:05:34,211 a tanulás közben vesztettem el az emlékeim. 103 00:05:34,212 --> 00:05:37,114 Most pedig Te azt mondod, az Alvilág Őrzője a győzelem szélén áll. 104 00:05:37,115 --> 00:05:40,886 Szerintem ez valami trükk, vagy varázslat. 105 00:05:46,292 --> 00:05:47,960 Ismerlek, Richard. 106 00:05:47,961 --> 00:05:49,828 És ha szerinted valami nem stimmel, 107 00:05:49,829 --> 00:05:51,696 én segítek kideríteni az igazságot. 108 00:05:54,467 --> 00:05:56,735 Mit tettél velem? 109 00:05:56,736 --> 00:05:59,238 Verna már említette a ma reggeli zavarodat. 110 00:05:59,239 --> 00:06:03,335 Biztosítalak, minden, amit mondott, tökéletesen igaz. 111 00:06:03,336 --> 00:06:06,634 Az elmúlt hónapokban végig itt voltál és tanultál. 112 00:06:06,635 --> 00:06:08,836 Hazudsz. Nem, nem hazudok. 113 00:06:08,837 --> 00:06:10,971 Your training is nearly complete. 114 00:06:10,972 --> 00:06:13,006 Akkor miért nincs varázserőm? 115 00:06:13,007 --> 00:06:15,574 Van varázserőd. 116 00:06:15,575 --> 00:06:17,977 Emeld fel azt az urnát az akaratod erejével. 117 00:06:20,013 --> 00:06:21,313 Azt nem tudom. 118 00:06:21,314 --> 00:06:23,114 Parancsold meg, hogy felemelkedjen, ifjú Varázsló! 119 00:06:25,350 --> 00:06:28,119 Meg kell próbáld! 120 00:06:49,075 --> 00:06:51,243 Élőholtak vannak a kapuk előtt. 121 00:08:00,244 --> 00:08:02,946 Óh, kicsim, 122 00:08:02,947 --> 00:08:04,314 Minden rendben lesz. 123 00:08:04,315 --> 00:08:06,248 Anya és Apa megvéd téged. 124 00:08:17,559 --> 00:08:19,526 Vérzel. 125 00:08:19,527 --> 00:08:21,428 Megvagyok. 126 00:08:21,429 --> 00:08:23,530 Az élőholtak minden kijáratot elzártak. 127 00:08:23,531 --> 00:08:24,931 Nem menekülünk. 128 00:08:30,470 --> 00:08:33,772 Ne adjátok fel! 129 00:08:33,773 --> 00:08:37,644 Amíg mi élünk, az Alvilág Őrzője nem nyerhet. 130 00:08:37,645 --> 00:08:40,082 Ezek a falak erősek. 131 00:08:41,519 --> 00:08:42,887 Ezek a falak... erősek... 132 00:08:45,625 --> 00:08:48,426 Ahogyan az... akaratunk is. 133 00:08:48,427 --> 00:08:50,095 Túlélhetjük... 134 00:08:52,765 --> 00:08:54,766 Akármilyen rosszra... fordulnak is a dolgok... 135 00:08:56,502 --> 00:08:58,536 amíg együtt vagyunk... 136 00:08:58,537 --> 00:09:00,872 van remény... 137 00:09:05,709 --> 00:09:07,442 Segítenünk kell neki. 138 00:09:07,443 --> 00:09:09,177 Nem tudunk segíteni rajta. 139 00:09:09,178 --> 00:09:12,480 A Kárhozat Völgyét ősi varázslók hozták létre, 140 00:09:12,481 --> 00:09:16,050 az Új Világból érkező betolakodók ellen. 141 00:09:16,051 --> 00:09:18,253 Miután Richard elmenekült a palotából, 142 00:09:18,254 --> 00:09:21,155 valószínűleg beleesett a csapdájába. 143 00:09:21,156 --> 00:09:23,524 A mágia, ami benne van, arra készteti a betévedőket, 144 00:09:23,525 --> 00:09:26,061 Hogy valónak éljék meg legsötétebb félelmeiket. 145 00:09:26,062 --> 00:09:28,830 Nincs hatalom, ami kiragadhatja őt az álomból. 146 00:09:30,765 --> 00:09:33,600 De ha ottmarad, éhenhal! 147 00:09:33,601 --> 00:09:36,436 Az álmai sokkal előbb megölik. 148 00:09:36,437 --> 00:09:39,306 Ami a tudatával történik, megtörténik a testével is. 149 00:09:43,211 --> 00:09:46,046 Ha nem tud kijutni onnan, mi kell kihozzuk! 150 00:09:46,047 --> 00:09:49,850 A Kárhozat ereje még az én hatalmamat is legyűrné. 151 00:09:49,851 --> 00:09:52,052 Ha átadom a Hant a véremből, 152 00:09:52,053 --> 00:09:56,189 talán lenne elég erőd, hogy ellenállj a mágiának. 153 00:09:56,190 --> 00:09:57,190 Nem. 154 00:09:57,191 --> 00:09:59,759 Háromezer év alatt 155 00:09:59,760 --> 00:10:02,535 a Kárhozat völgyéből 156 00:10:02,536 --> 00:10:04,572 senki sem menekült meg. 157 00:10:04,573 --> 00:10:06,308 Prelátus, ezt nem hagyhatjuk megtörténni! 158 00:10:06,309 --> 00:10:09,278 A Teremtő keze van a dolgokban. 159 00:10:09,279 --> 00:10:11,647 Hogy mondhatod ezt? 160 00:10:11,648 --> 00:10:13,749 A Prófécia szerint 161 00:10:13,750 --> 00:10:16,918 ha Richard Cypher folytatja küldetését, 162 00:10:16,919 --> 00:10:20,722 az Alvilág Őrzőjének segít elpusztítani minden életet. 163 00:10:20,723 --> 00:10:24,926 Ám a halála most mindezt lehetetlenné teheti. 164 00:10:44,531 --> 00:10:46,432 Helló, Nicci nővér. 165 00:10:48,235 --> 00:10:50,870 Nincs jogod fogva tartani! 166 00:10:50,871 --> 00:10:53,406 Ennél sokkal rosszabbakhoz is jogom van. 167 00:10:53,407 --> 00:10:55,843 Elárultad rendünket azzal hogy segítettél 168 00:10:55,844 --> 00:10:57,912 Richard Cyphernek elmenekülni a palotából. 169 00:10:57,913 --> 00:11:00,915 Akarata ellenére tartottátok fogva. 170 00:11:00,916 --> 00:11:03,650 Csak azért engedted el, hogy teljesítse a Póféciát, 171 00:11:03,651 --> 00:11:05,519 és eljuttassa a Könnyek Kövét 172 00:11:05,520 --> 00:11:07,587 az Alvilág urának, akit szolgálsz. 173 00:11:11,091 --> 00:11:15,294 Nevezd meg a többi Sötét Nővért, vagy meghalsz. 174 00:11:15,295 --> 00:11:17,629 Élve lesz rám szükséged, 175 00:11:17,630 --> 00:11:19,564 ha vissza akarod kapni az erőm 176 00:11:19,565 --> 00:11:21,232 hogy visszaadd Richardnak. 177 00:11:21,233 --> 00:11:24,201 Ez már nem lehetséges. 178 00:11:24,202 --> 00:11:27,604 Miután kiszabadítottad Richardot, a Kárhozat Völgyébe került. 179 00:11:29,540 --> 00:11:31,840 Richard meg fog halni. 180 00:11:34,277 --> 00:11:35,910 Elbuktál, Nicci. 181 00:11:35,911 --> 00:11:38,246 Az új Keresőt kiválasztották. 182 00:11:38,247 --> 00:11:41,082 Már keresi a Könnyek Kövét. 183 00:11:43,585 --> 00:11:46,119 Az iránytű most is ugyanarra mutat. 184 00:11:46,120 --> 00:11:48,088 Talán most egyenesen a Könnyek Kövéhez vezet. 185 00:11:48,089 --> 00:11:50,923 Nem, Richard felé vezet minket, ebben biztos vagyok. 186 00:11:50,924 --> 00:11:52,558 Mágusom, már hetek óta kóborlunk. 187 00:11:52,559 --> 00:11:54,460 Nem lenne gyorsabb madárrá változtatni minket? 188 00:11:54,461 --> 00:11:56,628 Akkor Leo hogyan vinné a Kardot? 189 00:11:56,629 --> 00:11:58,363 A csőrében? 190 00:12:00,565 --> 00:12:03,233 És, Te milyen madár akarnál lenni? 191 00:12:03,234 --> 00:12:04,935 Miért, számít az? 192 00:12:04,936 --> 00:12:07,270 Kíváncsi vagyok. 193 00:12:07,271 --> 00:12:08,638 Halászsas. 194 00:12:08,639 --> 00:12:10,005 Nemes vad. 195 00:12:10,006 --> 00:12:12,007 One that attacks without warning. 196 00:12:12,008 --> 00:12:14,443 Nothing escapes its claws. 197 00:12:14,444 --> 00:12:16,445 Do you know what kind of bird I'd be? 198 00:12:16,446 --> 00:12:19,315 A parrot that doesn't know when to stop talking? 199 00:12:22,319 --> 00:12:24,152 A banded falcon. 200 00:12:24,153 --> 00:12:26,120 They're the only birds that blue-tailed sea hawks 201 00:12:26,121 --> 00:12:28,422 will fly with. 202 00:12:29,590 --> 00:12:33,190 Keep going. I have a stone in my boot. 203 00:12:36,294 --> 00:12:37,628 Leo has feelings for you. 204 00:12:37,629 --> 00:12:39,196 Same feelings all men have. 205 00:12:39,197 --> 00:12:40,531 Fog's even thicker up ahead. 206 00:12:40,532 --> 00:12:43,166 It means we're getting close. 207 00:12:43,167 --> 00:12:45,668 The fog hides the path to the Old World. 208 00:12:54,743 --> 00:12:57,279 The compass is telling us to go straight through. 209 00:13:03,019 --> 00:13:05,687 We're coming, Richard. 210 00:13:11,525 --> 00:13:12,525 We're gonna need... 211 00:13:12,526 --> 00:13:14,960 More water. 212 00:13:14,961 --> 00:13:16,395 Check the cellar. 213 00:13:16,396 --> 00:13:18,263 See if there are any more water barrels. 214 00:13:18,264 --> 00:13:21,632 I already tried. The cellar's locked. 215 00:13:21,633 --> 00:13:24,134 The Prelate must have a key. 216 00:13:24,135 --> 00:13:26,469 Water won't save anybody, Richard. 217 00:13:26,470 --> 00:13:28,504 It's too late. 218 00:13:28,505 --> 00:13:30,672 The Keeper's victory is at hand. 219 00:13:30,673 --> 00:13:32,674 You're only delaying the inevitable. 220 00:13:32,675 --> 00:13:34,742 It's only inevitable if we let it happen. 221 00:13:34,743 --> 00:13:37,811 It's better to surrender our light to the Creator 222 00:13:37,812 --> 00:13:40,547 than let the banelings drag us to the Keeper. 223 00:13:40,548 --> 00:13:43,550 You're gonna kill yourselves? 224 00:13:43,551 --> 00:13:48,488 Creator, give us strength for what we must now do. 225 00:13:48,489 --> 00:13:51,989 And we will surrender our strength for what you must do. 226 00:13:51,990 --> 00:13:53,757 What about the sanctity of life? 227 00:13:53,758 --> 00:13:56,827 Killing yourself is an offense to the Creator. 228 00:13:56,828 --> 00:14:00,163 The fight is already lost. Let us go home. 229 00:14:00,164 --> 00:14:02,698 She wouldn't want you to give up. She'd want you to fight 230 00:14:02,699 --> 00:14:04,834 for every single life! 231 00:14:14,678 --> 00:14:15,845 No! 232 00:14:22,119 --> 00:14:23,887 Give me the names, Nicci. 233 00:14:25,389 --> 00:14:27,390 You'll pay for this. 234 00:14:27,391 --> 00:14:28,958 How? 235 00:14:28,959 --> 00:14:30,993 Not even the powers you stole from Richard 236 00:14:30,994 --> 00:14:33,396 can overcome the rada'han around your neck. 237 00:14:33,397 --> 00:14:35,064 It is you who will pay. 238 00:14:38,601 --> 00:14:40,736 Give me the names. 239 00:14:47,042 --> 00:14:48,642 You want the names? 240 00:14:48,643 --> 00:14:51,911 I'll give them to you. 241 00:14:51,912 --> 00:14:54,580 Greta, Solange, Naya, 242 00:14:54,581 --> 00:14:57,316 Jodelle, Reyna, 243 00:14:57,317 --> 00:15:00,153 Roslyn, Liliana and Corrine. 244 00:15:00,154 --> 00:15:02,622 We need to find them immediately. 245 00:15:02,623 --> 00:15:04,657 You're too late! 246 00:15:04,658 --> 00:15:08,361 They're already in hiding, doing the Keeper's work. 247 00:15:13,868 --> 00:15:15,769 Keeper of the Underworld, 248 00:15:15,770 --> 00:15:18,239 we faithfully do your bidding. 249 00:15:18,240 --> 00:15:20,508 Now, in the name of your servant Nicci, 250 00:15:20,509 --> 00:15:24,045 we humbly ask that you do ours. 251 00:15:40,261 --> 00:15:42,662 You are a servant of the Keeper. 252 00:15:42,663 --> 00:15:44,431 Go, quickly. 253 00:16:51,062 --> 00:16:53,263 No one's seen them anywhere in the palace. 254 00:17:03,540 --> 00:17:05,173 She's gone. 255 00:17:10,012 --> 00:17:13,414 And she's taken Richard's magic with her. 256 00:17:16,417 --> 00:17:21,220 The most powerful Han the world has ever known. 257 00:17:29,347 --> 00:17:30,114 Sister Nicci. 258 00:17:30,315 --> 00:17:32,350 You did well, Sisters, 259 00:17:32,351 --> 00:17:34,318 but there's no time for celebrating. 260 00:17:34,319 --> 00:17:36,320 The Keeper's work remains unfinished. 261 00:17:36,321 --> 00:17:39,323 Richard Cypher is trapped in the Valley of Perdition. 262 00:17:39,324 --> 00:17:42,827 And we need to get him out so he can fulfill the Prophecy 263 00:17:42,828 --> 00:17:44,795 and deliver the Stone to the Keeper. 264 00:17:44,796 --> 00:17:47,866 There is another way to ensure the Keeper's victory over life. 265 00:17:47,867 --> 00:17:50,668 While you were being held prisoner, 266 00:17:50,669 --> 00:17:53,905 a new Prophecy was revealed. 267 00:17:53,906 --> 00:17:56,174 It is now written that, "As long as the Mother Confessor's 268 00:17:56,175 --> 00:17:59,510 pure heart beats, the Keeper is doomed to fail." 269 00:18:00,979 --> 00:18:02,513 Then her heart must be stopped. 270 00:18:02,514 --> 00:18:04,982 We've been saved the trouble of having to look for her. 271 00:18:04,983 --> 00:18:07,251 Our spies have learned that she and her friends 272 00:18:07,252 --> 00:18:09,286 are already headed toward the Palace of the Prophets. 273 00:18:10,821 --> 00:18:14,424 This is the hand of the Keeper at work. 274 00:18:14,425 --> 00:18:18,295 I look forward to the Mother Confessor's arrival. 275 00:18:22,000 --> 00:18:25,036 I don't think this weather will hold much longer. 276 00:18:25,037 --> 00:18:26,838 We should find shelter. 277 00:18:26,839 --> 00:18:29,073 No. We need to cover as much ground as we can 278 00:18:29,074 --> 00:18:30,642 before the rain stops us. 279 00:18:32,745 --> 00:18:34,279 We used to hear stories about Richard 280 00:18:34,280 --> 00:18:35,780 when I fought for the resistance. 281 00:18:35,781 --> 00:18:38,116 Where did you fight? West Lorcastor. 282 00:18:39,317 --> 00:18:41,217 Then you fought the battle of Stone Canyon. 283 00:18:41,687 --> 00:18:43,887 Yeah. That was a great victory. 284 00:18:43,888 --> 00:18:45,287 Well, it almost wasn't. 285 00:18:45,288 --> 00:18:47,056 The D'Harans had us surrounded. 286 00:18:47,057 --> 00:18:49,058 We were out of food and water. 287 00:18:49,059 --> 00:18:50,626 Our commander deserted us. 288 00:18:50,627 --> 00:18:52,061 You still managed to defeat them. 289 00:18:52,062 --> 00:18:55,331 A rider arrived with news 290 00:18:55,332 --> 00:18:58,231 that the Seeker had driven back the D'Harans 291 00:18:58,232 --> 00:18:59,599 at the Battle of Rising Ridge. 292 00:18:59,600 --> 00:19:02,968 It was one man against hundreds. 293 00:19:02,969 --> 00:19:06,004 It inspired us to break through the D'Haran line. 294 00:19:07,574 --> 00:19:09,609 I hope you get the chance to tell him that story. 295 00:19:09,610 --> 00:19:12,212 I will. 296 00:19:19,253 --> 00:19:21,988 Is everything all right? 297 00:19:21,989 --> 00:19:24,090 Accepting that we had to name a new Seeker 298 00:19:24,091 --> 00:19:26,092 wasn't easy for me. 299 00:19:26,093 --> 00:19:27,460 But if anyone other than Richard 300 00:19:27,461 --> 00:19:28,928 had to take up the Sword of Truth, 301 00:19:28,929 --> 00:19:31,630 I'm thankful it was Leo. 302 00:19:33,633 --> 00:19:36,135 He's gonna help us find Richard. 303 00:19:49,682 --> 00:19:52,417 There's somebody at the gate. 304 00:20:08,201 --> 00:20:10,270 Richard, let me in. 305 00:20:11,906 --> 00:20:14,040 No. It's Cara. 306 00:20:14,041 --> 00:20:15,175 The last time we saw her 307 00:20:15,176 --> 00:20:17,044 she was cut off from us by a thousand banelings. 308 00:20:17,045 --> 00:20:18,979 I got away from them. 309 00:20:18,980 --> 00:20:20,847 It's impossible. She's one of them. 310 00:20:20,848 --> 00:20:23,417 Richard, you know I would never take the Keeper's deal. 311 00:20:28,390 --> 00:20:30,024 I'm letting her in. 312 00:20:33,327 --> 00:20:34,894 It's a trick, Richard. 313 00:20:34,895 --> 00:20:37,663 I'm not leaving her out there. 314 00:20:37,664 --> 00:20:38,998 If you're wrong-- I'm not. 315 00:20:45,239 --> 00:20:48,174 It was a trick, you fool! 316 00:20:48,175 --> 00:20:49,375 She is a baneling. 317 00:20:53,080 --> 00:20:55,515 No! 318 00:21:03,590 --> 00:21:04,890 Mother! 319 00:22:10,154 --> 00:22:12,589 Kahlan, don't move! 320 00:22:12,590 --> 00:22:14,924 I can heal you. No. 321 00:22:17,227 --> 00:22:19,727 My husband 322 00:22:19,728 --> 00:22:22,463 and my daughter are dead. 323 00:22:22,464 --> 00:22:25,232 I don't wanna live without them. 324 00:22:48,024 --> 00:22:49,892 What have I done? 325 00:22:52,996 --> 00:22:55,465 What have I done? 326 00:23:08,950 --> 00:23:10,183 Your back's hurting? 327 00:23:10,184 --> 00:23:11,951 I'm fine. 328 00:23:13,554 --> 00:23:15,622 Your back only hurts when you're worried. 329 00:23:15,623 --> 00:23:17,056 Worried? 330 00:23:17,057 --> 00:23:19,259 I'm brimming with confidence. 331 00:23:23,296 --> 00:23:25,465 You're wondering what you might've done differently 332 00:23:25,466 --> 00:23:27,000 so that Richard never would have gone off 333 00:23:27,001 --> 00:23:28,301 with the Sisters of the Light? 334 00:23:35,141 --> 00:23:36,841 You're always the one to calm our fears 335 00:23:36,842 --> 00:23:39,477 and reassure us that everything will work out. 336 00:23:41,245 --> 00:23:42,712 But you're allowed to be worried too. 337 00:23:47,750 --> 00:23:49,851 The river's too swollen to cross. 338 00:23:49,852 --> 00:23:51,820 We'll have to wait for the rain to stop. 339 00:23:51,821 --> 00:23:54,456 We should make the most of this delay and get some sleep. 340 00:23:54,457 --> 00:23:56,655 There's no telling when we'll get another chance. 341 00:23:56,656 --> 00:23:58,455 I'll keep first watch. 342 00:24:02,993 --> 00:24:04,459 I hope the rain stops. 343 00:24:10,364 --> 00:24:12,765 It's really coming down now. 344 00:24:12,766 --> 00:24:14,266 Yes. 345 00:24:14,267 --> 00:24:17,335 Before the sun went down, I saw some clear skies to the west. 346 00:24:17,336 --> 00:24:19,871 Hopefully, the wind will cooperate and send them our way. 347 00:24:19,872 --> 00:24:22,907 That would be good. 348 00:24:27,879 --> 00:24:29,947 I do love the rain, though. 349 00:24:29,948 --> 00:24:31,282 The way it makes the earth smell-- 350 00:24:40,425 --> 00:24:43,494 You know, where I come from, the man does that. 351 00:24:43,495 --> 00:24:45,897 Then what are you waiting for? 352 00:25:09,782 --> 00:25:12,517 What is it? 353 00:25:12,518 --> 00:25:14,219 For you. 354 00:25:15,621 --> 00:25:17,722 It matches your leather. 355 00:25:22,461 --> 00:25:23,962 Have I offended you? 356 00:25:23,963 --> 00:25:26,132 Flowers make me sneeze. 357 00:25:26,133 --> 00:25:28,169 Didn't last night mean anything to you? 358 00:25:28,170 --> 00:25:29,403 It was pleasurable. 359 00:25:29,404 --> 00:25:32,574 But it doesn't make me your mate for life. 360 00:25:32,575 --> 00:25:34,843 I don't remember asking you to marry me. 361 00:25:34,844 --> 00:25:36,378 But I do care about you. 362 00:25:36,379 --> 00:25:39,481 And I think you feel the same. 363 00:25:39,482 --> 00:25:41,583 You're mistaken. 364 00:25:47,854 --> 00:25:50,122 You know, I've been watching you for weeks, 365 00:25:50,123 --> 00:25:52,657 and I can tell you care about him. 366 00:25:52,658 --> 00:25:55,795 You can't read a Mord-Sith. 367 00:25:55,796 --> 00:25:58,133 The Confessor in me can't. 368 00:25:58,134 --> 00:26:00,202 But the woman can tell you're not telling the truth. 369 00:26:02,070 --> 00:26:04,972 It's a hard world we live in, Cara. 370 00:26:04,973 --> 00:26:07,877 We don't get many chances. 371 00:26:07,878 --> 00:26:10,480 If you have feelings for Leo, you should tell him. 372 00:26:11,882 --> 00:26:13,716 We're here! 373 00:26:46,180 --> 00:26:47,681 Kahlan Amnell, 374 00:26:47,682 --> 00:26:50,649 it's wonderful to see you again. 375 00:26:52,051 --> 00:26:54,786 You were just a child the last time I saw you, 376 00:26:54,787 --> 00:26:56,589 I doubt you'd remember me. 377 00:26:56,590 --> 00:26:59,425 But my dear Sister who raised you always said 378 00:26:59,426 --> 00:27:01,694 you were destined to become a great woman. 379 00:27:01,695 --> 00:27:06,198 And now here you are, the Mother Confessor. 380 00:27:06,199 --> 00:27:08,700 I'm honored to see you again, Prelate. 381 00:27:08,701 --> 00:27:10,068 But I'm here for Richard. 382 00:27:10,069 --> 00:27:13,437 I'm surprised that you'd travel all this way. 383 00:27:13,438 --> 00:27:17,374 I thought you'd be continuing the quest with the new Seeker. 384 00:27:17,375 --> 00:27:19,876 We have reason to believe that Richard may be in danger. 385 00:27:19,877 --> 00:27:21,311 Is he all right? 386 00:27:21,312 --> 00:27:23,579 He's perfectly fine. 387 00:27:23,580 --> 00:27:25,114 He's in training right now. 388 00:27:25,115 --> 00:27:26,749 But I'll tell him you're here. 389 00:27:26,750 --> 00:27:29,551 Thank you. 390 00:27:29,552 --> 00:27:32,621 In the meantime, please make yourselves comfortable. 391 00:27:32,622 --> 00:27:35,456 You must be exhausted from your long journey. 392 00:27:44,097 --> 00:27:46,198 Why didn't you tell the Mother Confessor the truth? 393 00:27:46,199 --> 00:27:47,966 Because she'd go to the Valley of Perdition 394 00:27:47,967 --> 00:27:49,067 and try to save Richard. 395 00:27:49,068 --> 00:27:50,602 She'd end up trapped like he is. 396 00:27:50,603 --> 00:27:52,503 And when she realizes you've lied to her? 397 00:27:52,504 --> 00:27:55,139 By then I will have sealed the palace. 398 00:27:58,976 --> 00:28:00,843 You're trapping them here? 399 00:28:00,844 --> 00:28:02,977 The Prophecy says the Keeper can't win 400 00:28:02,978 --> 00:28:05,046 as long as the Mother Confessor lives. 401 00:28:05,047 --> 00:28:08,882 The Sisters of the Dark will stop at nothing to kill her. 402 00:28:08,883 --> 00:28:11,684 Keeping Kahlan here is the only way to ensure her survival. 403 00:28:13,119 --> 00:28:16,354 Richard will soon be dead, and once he is, 404 00:28:16,355 --> 00:28:17,956 we'll tell her the truth. 405 00:28:17,957 --> 00:28:20,459 She'll understand we were acting in her best interest. 406 00:28:32,938 --> 00:28:35,205 Congratulations, brother. 407 00:28:37,608 --> 00:28:40,743 You are now the last person 408 00:28:40,744 --> 00:28:43,680 who will ever live. 409 00:28:47,818 --> 00:28:52,289 Unfortunately, there is no one left to kill you. 410 00:28:52,290 --> 00:28:54,958 So you will have the rest of your days 411 00:28:54,959 --> 00:28:57,961 to contemplate your complete 412 00:28:57,962 --> 00:28:59,896 and utter failure. 413 00:29:27,900 --> 00:29:29,600 What is taking so long? 414 00:29:29,601 --> 00:29:33,504 I'm sure Richard is just as impatient to see you. 415 00:29:33,505 --> 00:29:35,240 Something isn't right. 416 00:29:35,241 --> 00:29:38,009 Did you sense the Prelate wasn't telling you the truth? 417 00:29:38,010 --> 00:29:39,745 No. 418 00:29:39,746 --> 00:29:41,947 But maybe a woman as powerful as she is 419 00:29:41,948 --> 00:29:43,849 has the ability to prevent me from reading her. 420 00:29:45,652 --> 00:29:47,620 ( dramatic theme playing 421 00:29:55,095 --> 00:29:56,562 Leo. 422 00:29:56,563 --> 00:29:58,666 Yes? 423 00:30:07,311 --> 00:30:09,245 I have something I need to say to you. 424 00:30:09,246 --> 00:30:10,547 I'm listening. 425 00:30:15,754 --> 00:30:16,988 I just wanted to say... 426 00:30:16,989 --> 00:30:18,122 Where's Richard? 427 00:30:18,123 --> 00:30:19,824 It shouldn't be much longer now. 428 00:30:19,825 --> 00:30:21,359 The Prelate asked me to serve you a meal. 429 00:30:21,360 --> 00:30:23,095 We're not hungry. 430 00:30:23,096 --> 00:30:25,230 Take us to Richard. I can't do that. 431 00:30:25,231 --> 00:30:26,531 He's in training. 432 00:30:26,532 --> 00:30:28,264 No one's to disturb him until he's finished. 433 00:30:28,265 --> 00:30:30,597 You're lying. 434 00:30:32,396 --> 00:30:33,827 Tell us where he is. 435 00:30:33,828 --> 00:30:35,593 I swear on the Creator, I don't know. 436 00:30:35,594 --> 00:30:37,392 Then who does? 437 00:30:37,393 --> 00:30:39,594 Only the Prelate. Take us to her. 438 00:30:39,595 --> 00:30:42,497 Now. 439 00:30:42,498 --> 00:30:44,064 Richard's not here. 440 00:30:44,065 --> 00:30:45,132 Where is he? 441 00:30:45,133 --> 00:30:47,167 I can't tell you that. 442 00:30:47,168 --> 00:30:49,335 Well, if you won't tell us, we'll find him ourselves. 443 00:30:49,336 --> 00:30:50,769 You won't be able to. 444 00:30:50,770 --> 00:30:53,171 I've sealed the palace. 445 00:30:53,172 --> 00:30:55,473 You're holding us prisoner? 446 00:30:55,474 --> 00:30:58,376 No, I'm protecting you. 447 00:31:00,779 --> 00:31:02,913 This is a new Prophecy. 448 00:31:02,914 --> 00:31:06,416 "As long as the Mother Confessor's pure heart beats, 449 00:31:06,417 --> 00:31:09,752 the Keeper is doomed to fail." 450 00:31:09,753 --> 00:31:12,354 If you leave the palace to look for Richard, 451 00:31:12,355 --> 00:31:13,789 your life will be at risk. 452 00:31:13,790 --> 00:31:16,824 There are Sisters who serve the Keeper who will kill you. 453 00:31:16,825 --> 00:31:18,659 I'll deal with them. No. 454 00:31:20,195 --> 00:31:23,030 The Mother Confessor stays here, under our protection, 455 00:31:23,031 --> 00:31:24,798 until the Keeper is defeated. 456 00:31:24,799 --> 00:31:26,266 Zedd will get through your magic. 457 00:31:26,267 --> 00:31:28,267 We're leaving now. 458 00:31:39,944 --> 00:31:41,277 No! 459 00:31:41,278 --> 00:31:42,578 Only a Sister of the Light 460 00:31:42,579 --> 00:31:44,881 can remove the Dacra without killing him. 461 00:31:51,520 --> 00:31:52,687 Take it out of him. 462 00:31:52,688 --> 00:31:55,556 Confess her and I'll kill the Wizard. 463 00:31:55,557 --> 00:31:58,058 You'd better hope your magic is faster than Wizard's Fire. 464 00:31:58,059 --> 00:31:59,493 You may kill me, 465 00:31:59,494 --> 00:32:01,227 but you won't be able to get out of the palace. 466 00:32:01,228 --> 00:32:04,162 Only I can unseal it. 467 00:32:18,208 --> 00:32:20,876 The magic is quicker than you. 468 00:32:20,877 --> 00:32:22,911 If anyone throws another Dacra, the Prelate dies. 469 00:32:34,220 --> 00:32:37,022 You're defying the will of the Creator. 470 00:32:37,023 --> 00:32:40,491 The Creator's will? Or yours? 471 00:32:40,492 --> 00:32:42,159 They are the same. 472 00:32:43,461 --> 00:32:44,927 Is it the Creator's will 473 00:32:44,928 --> 00:32:47,330 that we hold the Mother Confessor hostage? 474 00:32:48,732 --> 00:32:50,232 That Nicci is on the loose 475 00:32:50,233 --> 00:32:53,268 with the most powerful Han ever known? 476 00:32:53,269 --> 00:32:56,439 And that Richard will die alone in Perdition? 477 00:32:56,440 --> 00:32:59,841 Where is he? 478 00:32:59,842 --> 00:33:02,977 I'll take you to him. 479 00:33:02,978 --> 00:33:07,782 Unseal the palace now. 480 00:33:19,528 --> 00:33:23,330 Our spy reports the Mother Confessor's reached the palace. 481 00:33:24,799 --> 00:33:28,535 Then the Sisters of the Light can watch me kill her. 482 00:33:28,536 --> 00:33:31,839 The message says they've already come and left. 483 00:33:31,840 --> 00:33:35,008 Does the message say 484 00:33:35,009 --> 00:33:37,644 where they're headed? 485 00:33:44,784 --> 00:33:46,151 Richard! 486 00:33:46,152 --> 00:33:47,586 You can't go down there. 487 00:33:47,587 --> 00:33:49,988 It's the Valley of Perdition. 488 00:33:49,989 --> 00:33:52,924 No one who's wandered into it has ever escaped. 489 00:33:52,925 --> 00:33:56,093 He's in the grip of powerful magic. 490 00:33:56,094 --> 00:33:59,629 It's causing him to have visions of his worst fears. 491 00:33:59,630 --> 00:34:01,030 Eventually, they will kill him. 492 00:34:01,031 --> 00:34:03,699 And the same thing will happen to you if you go to help him. 493 00:34:03,700 --> 00:34:05,734 We can't just let him die. 494 00:34:05,735 --> 00:34:07,535 Kahlan! 495 00:34:07,536 --> 00:34:10,371 We can't afford to lose the Mother Confessor. 496 00:34:10,372 --> 00:34:13,073 I'll use all my powers to try to get him out. 497 00:34:20,114 --> 00:34:22,448 Get down! 498 00:35:01,961 --> 00:35:03,694 Zedd! 499 00:35:05,030 --> 00:35:07,030 Zedd. 500 00:35:43,595 --> 00:35:44,761 Kahlan. 501 00:35:47,732 --> 00:35:49,332 I'm sorry I failed you. 502 00:35:50,834 --> 00:35:52,300 All is forgiven, Richard. 503 00:35:52,301 --> 00:35:55,470 You don't need to be in pain anymore. 504 00:35:55,471 --> 00:35:57,371 You don't need to be alone. 505 00:35:58,640 --> 00:36:01,141 You can be with me again, forever. 506 00:36:01,142 --> 00:36:03,843 How? 507 00:36:05,245 --> 00:36:08,847 All you have to do... 508 00:36:08,848 --> 00:36:10,182 is die. 509 00:36:12,017 --> 00:36:14,752 Oh... 510 00:36:14,753 --> 00:36:16,020 I can't do that. 511 00:36:16,021 --> 00:36:17,121 You can. 512 00:36:17,122 --> 00:36:19,557 There's nothing to fear. 513 00:36:19,558 --> 00:36:24,160 All you have to do is take my hand 514 00:36:24,161 --> 00:36:26,596 and come with me... 515 00:36:48,925 --> 00:36:50,893 Come with me. Please. 516 00:36:55,732 --> 00:36:57,800 What's wrong, Richard? 517 00:36:59,972 --> 00:37:01,274 You're not Kahlan. 518 00:37:03,511 --> 00:37:05,479 Of course I am. No. 519 00:37:05,480 --> 00:37:09,552 Kahlen would never ask me to die. 520 00:37:09,553 --> 00:37:10,987 She'd tell me to keep living. 521 00:37:10,988 --> 00:37:15,025 She'd say there could still be life somewhere in the world. 522 00:37:15,026 --> 00:37:17,727 Look around, Richard. 523 00:37:17,728 --> 00:37:19,996 There's nothing left in the World of the Living. 524 00:37:19,997 --> 00:37:22,766 You're lying. 525 00:37:22,767 --> 00:37:27,269 And if you're lying, you're not real. 526 00:37:27,270 --> 00:37:28,938 None of this is real. 527 00:37:32,838 --> 00:37:34,566 I have to go. 528 00:38:46,933 --> 00:38:49,801 No! 529 00:38:49,802 --> 00:38:53,505 Leo! 530 00:40:32,698 --> 00:40:34,398 You don't know how happy I am to see you. 531 00:40:41,207 --> 00:40:42,808 Cara? 532 00:40:53,852 --> 00:40:55,750 Can you give him the Breath of Life? 533 00:41:00,288 --> 00:41:03,723 No. 534 00:41:03,724 --> 00:41:05,591 His body is beyond saving. 535 00:41:14,267 --> 00:41:15,534 Leo gave his life 536 00:41:15,535 --> 00:41:18,035 for the Mother Confessor. 537 00:41:18,036 --> 00:41:20,237 In this and in every way, 538 00:41:20,238 --> 00:41:22,973 he brought honor to the title 539 00:41:22,974 --> 00:41:25,508 "Seeker of Truth." 540 00:41:25,509 --> 00:41:28,244 We shall always remember his courage. 541 00:41:28,245 --> 00:41:30,715 We shall never forget his name. 542 00:41:48,146 --> 00:41:50,781 I do care about you. 543 00:42:12,935 --> 00:42:15,436 You're going to need this back. 544 00:42:20,708 --> 00:42:23,242 We have a quest to get back to. 545 00:42:39,430 --> 00:42:44,930 -- Sync, corrected by elderman -- -- for addic7ed.com --