1 00:00:34,750 --> 00:00:36,843 在一年中最诡异的时刻 During the spookiest time of the year.. 2 00:00:37,019 --> 00:00:40,785 有许多幽灵和妖精都必须遵守的规矩 ... there are a few guidelines all ghosts and goblins should follow. 3 00:00:40,956 --> 00:00:42,947 要走人行道 Always stay on sidewalks. 4 00:00:43,125 --> 00:00:47,323 不要去陌生人家 绝对不要独自外出 Never go to a stranger's house, and never go out alone. 5 00:01:07,883 --> 00:01:11,375 这个点子很棒亲爱的,真的 This is a great idea, honey. Really. 6 00:01:11,720 --> 00:01:13,347 真神奇 It's just magical. 7 00:01:13,756 --> 00:01:15,747 我真希望每天都是万圣节 It makes me wish every night was Halloween. 8 00:01:15,924 --> 00:01:17,755 对不起, 艾玛 I'm sorry, Em. 9 00:01:19,094 --> 00:01:20,686 -别,现在不行 -怎么了? - Wait, wait. Not yet. - What? 10 00:01:20,863 --> 00:01:23,331 -这灯得一直亮着 -为什么? - You're supposed to keep it lit. - Why? 11 00:01:23,499 --> 00:01:25,091 古老的传统吧 Ancient tradition? 12 00:01:25,267 --> 00:01:28,361 亨利,这是万圣节,不是光明节 Henry, it's Halloween, not Hanukkah. 13 00:01:28,537 --> 00:01:30,698 -宝贝,我们都“亮着”就行了 -但是亲爱的... - Baby, I'm lit and you're lit. - But honey... 14 00:01:30,873 --> 00:01:33,398 但是什么?你担心那个小朋友? 他的万圣节结束了 But our little friend here? His night's over. 15 00:01:35,778 --> 00:01:37,541 你应该再小心些的 You know, you should be more careful. 16 00:01:37,713 --> 00:01:39,442 我们有规矩的你可能会惹火某人 There are rules. You might upset someone. 17 00:01:39,615 --> 00:01:42,175 哦,得了吧。谁? Oh, please. Who? 18 00:02:01,670 --> 00:02:03,160 怎么了? What? 19 00:02:03,705 --> 00:02:05,366 进屋~上楼~ Inside. Upstairs. 20 00:02:05,541 --> 00:02:08,601 我们得把这些东西搬到地下室去 这儿看起来就像谋杀现场 Let's just take all this crap down. It looks like a crime scene. 21 00:02:08,777 --> 00:02:11,211 -我都跟你说我明天会弄的 -不,你才不会 - I told you I'd do it in the morning. - No, you won't. 22 00:02:11,380 --> 00:02:14,679 你会一直睡到中午才起然后打游戏打到四点 You're gonna sleep until noon and then play video games until 4. 23 00:02:14,850 --> 00:02:18,479 而且我妈明天早上会来看到这些她会脑溢血的 And besides, my mom is coming and she'll have an aneurysm if she sees this. 24 00:02:18,654 --> 00:02:19,916 真的吗? Really? 25 00:02:21,123 --> 00:02:22,147 还是我弄吧 I'll do it. 26 00:02:31,233 --> 00:02:34,259 进屋~放录像~ Go inside. Put on the tape. 27 00:02:45,948 --> 00:02:48,542 我讨厌万圣节 I hate Halloween. 28 00:03:59,755 --> 00:04:01,552 你们怎么现在才来 What took you guys so long? 29 00:04:08,063 --> 00:04:09,428 万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween. 30 00:04:22,477 --> 00:04:26,777 嗯嗯啊啊~~ Yeah! Oh, baby! 31 00:04:29,918 --> 00:04:32,853 亨利! Henry! 32 00:05:19,401 --> 00:05:20,891 艾玛? Emma? 33 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:41,000 别惹小孩 34 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:34,000 早些时候 35 00:08:36,998 --> 00:08:40,661 狼人、蛇怪和各种各样的恶魔 Werewolves, zombies and demons of every variety. 36 00:08:40,835 --> 00:08:41,927 它们全部源自 They've all descended... 37 00:08:42,103 --> 00:08:45,163 俄亥俄的一个普通小镇:沃伦谷 ... on the normally sleepy town of Warren valley, Ohio... 38 00:08:45,340 --> 00:08:47,968 在这里,人们对待 万圣节和各种奇怪的传统 ... where the holiday and all of its strange traditions... 39 00:08:48,143 --> 00:08:50,202 都很认真 ... are taken very seriously. 40 00:08:50,378 --> 00:08:54,109 现在才8点 街上已经挤满了盛装的游客 It's only 8:00 and the streets are already packed with costumed visitors... 41 00:08:54,282 --> 00:08:56,512 有些来表演 有些只是凑热闹 ... some to show off, others to blend in... 42 00:08:56,685 --> 00:08:59,677 但大家都在庆祝 万圣节的神奇夜晚 ... but all to celebrate the magical night of Halloween... 43 00:08:59,854 --> 00:09:03,813 今天晚上 我们可以打扮成最可怕的样子 ...the one night a year when we can pretend to be the scariest thing we can think of. 44 00:09:08,530 --> 00:09:12,557 我不穿这个 太小了 I am not wearing this. It's too small. 45 00:09:12,734 --> 00:09:14,793 -我会露点的 -好主意 - My tits keep popping out. - That's the idea. 46 00:09:14,970 --> 00:09:18,064 真不知道干嘛要来这里 城里那么多漂亮小伙子 Don't know why we drove here when there are guys in the city. 47 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:19,229 鲜肉 Fresh meat. 48 00:09:19,407 --> 00:09:21,034 我们每年万圣节都这样的,劳瑞 It's what we do every Halloween, Laurie. 49 00:09:21,209 --> 00:09:22,676 以前是怎么过的? Whatever happened to trick-or-treating? 50 00:09:22,844 --> 00:09:24,835 -青春期 -去年我们在坦帕(佛罗里达) Puberty. Last year we were in Tampa. 51 00:09:25,013 --> 00:09:26,173 我们扮成性感护士 And went as sexy nurses. 52 00:09:26,348 --> 00:09:29,943 不,珍妮特,我们前年在坦帕 我记得很清楚 No, Janet, Tampa was two years ago. I remember because you puked... 53 00:09:30,118 --> 00:09:31,585 因为你吐在一个家伙身上了 ...doing a guy in his pickup. 54 00:09:31,753 --> 00:09:34,085 我吃的墨西哥菜坏掉了 而且是吐在吉普车上了 I ate some bad Mexican, and it was a Jeep. 55 00:09:34,256 --> 00:09:38,215 去年是在圣地亚哥 我们扮成水手,最后真钓上了水手 Last year was San Diego. We dressed as sailors and ended up with sailors. 56 00:09:38,393 --> 00:09:40,554 是啊,而且玛利亚的水手是个女孩 Yeah, and Maria's sailor was a girl. 57 00:09:40,729 --> 00:09:45,666 那怎么了?她屁股很棒 其实男的女的对我都一样 So what? She had a nice ass. It all tastes the same to me anyway. 58 00:09:45,834 --> 00:09:47,597 女士们,外面有小孩 Ladies, there are children out here. 59 00:09:49,304 --> 00:09:52,740 好了,数到三一起出来 一,二,三 Okay, all of you come out on the count of three. One, two, three. 60 00:09:58,546 --> 00:10:01,640 -很好 -不错 - Nice. - Right. 61 00:10:06,755 --> 00:10:09,349 -劳瑞,出来 -不 - Laurie, come on out. - No. 62 00:10:09,524 --> 00:10:11,116 -开门 -不! - Open up. - No. 63 00:10:11,293 --> 00:10:15,855 开门,不然我们要生气了 Open the door, or we'll huff and we'll puff... 64 00:10:16,698 --> 00:10:18,928 快点,出来啦 Come on, seriously, open up. 65 00:10:19,100 --> 00:10:21,364 好,但是不准笑, 好吗? Fine, just don't laugh, okay? 66 00:10:31,413 --> 00:10:34,814 丹妮尔,我看起来像五岁 Danielle, I look like I'm 5. 67 00:10:34,983 --> 00:10:36,678 闭嘴,你看起来很棒 Shut up, you look great. 68 00:10:38,453 --> 00:10:39,977 -这是传统 -很好 - It's tradition. - Great. 69 00:10:40,155 --> 00:10:43,613 -按传统我们现在要做什么? -去约会 - What does tradition say we do now? - We meet our dates. 70 00:10:45,627 --> 00:10:47,925 233, 30-D. Two thirty-three, 30-D. 71 00:10:48,463 --> 00:10:50,090 我是说 $234.33. I mean, $234.33. 72 00:10:51,466 --> 00:10:52,490 谢谢 Thanks. 73 00:10:52,667 --> 00:10:56,535 现在可能有点早 但是我们要去镇上 You know, this might sound kind of forward, but well, we're just in town... 74 00:10:56,705 --> 00:11:00,141 参加派对 我想知道你几点下班 ...for a party tonight, and I was wondering what time you get off work. 75 00:11:01,443 --> 00:11:02,842 Oh. Uh... 76 00:11:03,011 --> 00:11:04,808 哦,再过20分钟就可以了 In about 20 minutes, actually. 77 00:11:04,979 --> 00:11:07,140 是吗?那你知道绵阳牧场在哪吗? Yeah? You know where Sheep's Meadow is? 78 00:11:07,315 --> 00:11:08,612 当然知道 Sure, yeah, of course. 79 00:11:08,783 --> 00:11:11,081 好,那我们再过45分钟在那见面怎么样? All right. So why don't you meet me there in 45? 80 00:11:11,986 --> 00:11:14,454 行...行啊 Okay, I guess. 81 00:11:14,956 --> 00:11:16,924 记得化妆 Don't forget your costume. 82 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:57,000 对不起,我们不在家 自己拿吧,只能拿一块哦 83 00:12:02,504 --> 00:12:05,496 你有糖尿病查理 这对你可没好处 That can't be good for your diabetes, Charlie. 84 00:12:05,673 --> 00:12:07,004 Uh... 85 00:12:07,175 --> 00:12:09,700 别为这编谎话了 Don't waste a good lie on this. 86 00:12:09,878 --> 00:12:11,368 只是糖果而已 It's just candy. 87 00:12:11,546 --> 00:12:13,514 看起来准备这么多 糖果真做对了 Guess it's a good thing I got more. 88 00:12:13,681 --> 00:12:16,081 坐下待一会儿怎么样? Why don't you sit down, stay for a minute? 89 00:12:16,251 --> 00:12:19,516 -喔,不了,我得... -坐下,查理 - Oh, I can't. I have... - Sit down, Charlie. 90 00:12:20,855 --> 00:12:24,291 你的问题很简单 你总是等别人来找你 Your problem is simple. You always wait for them to come to you. 91 00:12:24,459 --> 00:12:28,657 你只要稍微主动一点儿 就不会都22岁了还是个处女 If you just tried a little harder, you wouldn't be a virgin at 22. 92 00:12:28,830 --> 00:12:30,457 什么? What? Excuse me? 93 00:12:30,632 --> 00:12:33,499 都在你额头上写着呢 It's practically stapled to your forehead. 94 00:12:33,668 --> 00:12:36,102 劳瑞,不要听她们的 Laurie, please, do not listen to them, okay? 95 00:12:36,271 --> 00:12:38,330 关键是做你自己 The key thing is to just be yourself. 96 00:12:39,107 --> 00:12:41,337 做我自己可不是你说的那样 Being myself hasn't gotten me very far. 97 00:12:41,509 --> 00:12:44,910 可能我有点老土 可是我希望我的第一次很... Maybe I'm too old-fashioned, but I've always wanted my first time to be... 98 00:12:45,079 --> 00:12:47,343 -天,别说了. -特别 - No, please, don't say it. - Special. 99 00:12:48,049 --> 00:12:51,576 亲爱的,听着 我们都会在这的,你可别再犹豫了 Honey, listen, we've all been there, but you can't hesitate. 100 00:12:52,287 --> 00:12:54,221 看着 Watch. 101 00:12:59,994 --> 00:13:02,690 你们可带来不少大家伙啊 That's some big equipment you've got there. 102 00:13:04,365 --> 00:13:07,562 -谢谢 -我叫玛利亚,她是珍妮特 - Thank you. - I'm Maria. This is Janet. 103 00:13:07,735 --> 00:13:10,670 -我们有个小问题 -什么? - And we have a small problem. - Really? 104 00:13:10,839 --> 00:13:13,569 我们要去参加一个很棒的派对 We've got this great party to go to... 105 00:13:16,044 --> 00:13:17,602 但是我们还没伴儿 But we don't have any dates. 106 00:13:22,484 --> 00:13:25,476 给,自己来 Here. Help yourself. 107 00:13:26,054 --> 00:13:29,956 是切南瓜的,不是你。我保证 It's for the pumpkin, not you. Promise. 108 00:13:30,124 --> 00:13:31,955 我这些都太傻了 All of mine were dull. 109 00:13:39,968 --> 00:13:43,836 碎的南瓜灯? 偷的糖吗? Smashing jack-o'- lanterns? Stealing candy? 110 00:13:44,005 --> 00:13:47,736 没关系。信不信由你, 我小时候和你一样 It's okay. Believe it or not, I was just like you when I was a kid. 111 00:13:48,476 --> 00:13:50,603 直到我爸交给我一些东西 Till my dad set me straight, that is. 112 00:13:50,778 --> 00:13:55,238 我爸爸告诉我 今晚是怀念逝者的 See, my dad taught me tonight is about respecting the dead... 113 00:13:55,416 --> 00:13:58,579 因为在今晚 所有故去的人 ...because this is the one night that the dead... 114 00:13:58,753 --> 00:14:03,952 和其他一些东西 都会到处徘徊,来看看我们 ...and all sorts of other things roam free and pay us a visit. 115 00:14:05,093 --> 00:14:06,583 不好意思 Sorry. 116 00:14:06,961 --> 00:14:08,895 所有的传统 All these traditions... 117 00:14:09,063 --> 00:14:14,262 南瓜灯、化妆、分发糖果 ...jack-o'- lanterns, putting on costumes, handing out treats... 118 00:14:14,435 --> 00:14:18,633 它们开始保护我们 但现在... ...they were started to protect us, but nowadays... 119 00:14:19,641 --> 00:14:21,871 没人真的在乎了 ...no one really cares. 120 00:14:22,043 --> 00:14:23,772 是啊 Yeah. 121 00:14:26,180 --> 00:14:27,841 我做的不好,对吧? I didn't do such a good job, did I? 122 00:14:29,083 --> 00:14:30,107 你觉得呢? What do you think? 123 00:14:33,154 --> 00:14:34,644 嘿 Hey. 124 00:14:36,391 --> 00:14:38,086 没事吧? You okay? 125 00:14:39,093 --> 00:14:40,822 需要汽水儿吗? You need a root beer? 126 00:14:44,465 --> 00:14:45,796 哦,等等 Oh, wait. 127 00:14:45,967 --> 00:14:48,902 对了,这是另一个传统 That's right. There's another tradition. 128 00:14:49,604 --> 00:14:52,038 很重要的一个 A very important one. 129 00:14:53,841 --> 00:14:56,241 要当心你的糖果 Always check your candy. 130 00:15:03,184 --> 00:15:04,981 不给糖果就... Trick or... 131 00:15:41,956 --> 00:15:43,821 Ugh! 132 00:16:00,208 --> 00:16:01,903 不给糖果就捣蛋! Trick or treat! 133 00:16:04,646 --> 00:16:07,410 -我们知道你在里面 -我们能看见你哦 We know you're in there. We can see you. 134 00:16:09,083 --> 00:16:12,849 -开门! -等一下! Hello! Just a minute! 135 00:16:18,426 --> 00:16:20,454 等等,别 Wait. No, no. Shh! 136 00:16:20,454 --> 00:16:21,054 Wait. No, no. Shh! 137 00:16:24,932 --> 00:16:26,399 您这打扮真棒,威尔金斯先生 Great costume, Mr. Wilkins. 138 00:16:27,535 --> 00:16:29,935 Oy. Uh... 139 00:16:30,905 --> 00:16:33,203 好吧,糖果 Oh, right, candy. 140 00:16:34,542 --> 00:16:36,032 谢谢 Thanks. 141 00:16:36,577 --> 00:16:41,412 威尔金斯校长 能把你的南瓜灯给我们吗? Principal Wilkins, do you think we might be able to have your jack-o'- lantern, please? 142 00:16:41,582 --> 00:16:47,282 -你们不会砸碎它吧? -不会,是为联合国儿童基金会收集的 - You're not gonna smash it, are you? - No, it's a scavenger hunt for UNICEF. 143 00:16:48,122 --> 00:16:50,647 这个理由真不错 Anything for a good cause. 144 00:16:56,664 --> 00:16:58,996 万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween. 145 00:16:59,400 --> 00:17:03,063 对,万圣节快乐 Yeah. Happy Halloween. 146 00:17:06,607 --> 00:17:08,472 你没拿么? Didn't you get one? 147 00:17:22,724 --> 00:17:23,952 你确定吗? Are you sure about this? 148 00:17:24,125 --> 00:17:26,184 那边还有一两个小伙子 There's gotta be one or two extra guys there. 149 00:17:26,360 --> 00:17:29,124 -我可以帮你 -走吧,我们在那见 - I could help you. - Go. I'll meet you there. 150 00:17:29,664 --> 00:17:31,222 有麻烦就打我电话 Call me if you get into trouble. 151 00:17:31,399 --> 00:17:32,991 你真像老妈子 You're turning into Mom. 152 00:17:33,167 --> 00:17:34,725 Ouch. 153 00:17:34,902 --> 00:17:38,360 -做你自己就行了 -但是得努力点 - Just remember to be yourself. - But play hard to get. 154 00:17:38,539 --> 00:17:39,836 再见丹妮尔 Goodbye, Danielle! 155 00:18:22,150 --> 00:18:23,617 万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween. 156 00:18:30,124 --> 00:18:34,561 老爸!我要完糖果回来了 Daddy! I'm back from trick-or-treating! 157 00:18:34,729 --> 00:18:35,828 Billy. Shh. 比利 158 00:18:35,828 --> 00:18:36,128 Billy. Shh. 159 00:18:36,297 --> 00:18:38,765 -拜托,安静点 -为什么? - Please, be quiet. - Why? 160 00:18:39,167 --> 00:18:41,135 因为你打扰到邻居了 Because you'll bother the neighbors. 161 00:18:41,302 --> 00:18:44,499 去看查理布朗 我马上就来 Now go watch Charlie Brown and I'll be in in a minute. 162 00:18:44,672 --> 00:18:49,268 -查理布朗太垃圾了 -比利.威尔金斯,说话注意点 - Charlie Brown's an asshole! - Billy Wilkins. Language. 163 00:19:18,005 --> 00:19:19,939 Shh, shh, shh. 164 00:19:23,644 --> 00:19:25,271 嘿,等等 Wait, hold on. 165 00:19:27,615 --> 00:19:29,640 来了,给你 Come on. There you... 166 00:19:33,988 --> 00:19:35,922 Huh? Mm. 167 00:19:36,090 --> 00:19:37,284 乖 Yeah. 168 00:19:37,458 --> 00:19:39,756 给你,去捡吧 Here you go. Go get it! Shit. 169 00:19:46,534 --> 00:19:48,161 斯派克! Spite! 170 00:19:54,842 --> 00:19:57,538 斯派克!快点滚回来 Spite! Get your ass in here. 171 00:20:00,181 --> 00:20:01,580 你吃完垃圾了没有 Are you finished crapping or what? 172 00:20:03,985 --> 00:20:05,009 谁在那? Who the hell is that? 173 00:20:07,054 --> 00:20:09,614 我是国家档案登记处的 I got an NRA membership in my pocket... 174 00:20:09,790 --> 00:20:12,054 我家壁炉上有把散弹枪快点滚出来,不然我... ...and a shotgun over the fireplace, so get out... 175 00:20:12,226 --> 00:20:14,524 是我,科林先生 It's me, Mr. Kreeg. 176 00:20:14,695 --> 00:20:17,357 史蒂文,史蒂文.威尔金斯 Steven. Steven Wilkins. 177 00:20:17,531 --> 00:20:21,023 看在上帝的份上,你在那干什么? 藏尸体吗? What in God's name are you doing down there, Wilkins? Hiding bodies? 178 00:20:23,204 --> 00:20:24,193 你说什么? What did you say? 179 00:20:25,539 --> 00:20:26,597 没什么 Nothing. 180 00:20:26,774 --> 00:20:29,242 化粪池出了点问题 The septic tank is acting up. 181 00:20:29,410 --> 00:20:32,311 -所以才有这怪味儿? -应该是的 - Is that what that smell is? - I'm afraid so. 182 00:20:32,480 --> 00:20:35,972 那就赶紧修好 太臭了,就跟有个婊子死在这儿了似的 Then fix it! It stinks like a dead whore out here. 183 00:20:36,651 --> 00:20:38,016 我... I'm... 184 00:20:38,853 --> 00:20:40,150 尽力 ...trying. 185 00:20:41,589 --> 00:20:43,557 别让你的小孩进我院子 Keep your kid out of my yard! 186 00:20:44,892 --> 00:20:46,826 真该死 Goddamn freak. 187 00:20:48,562 --> 00:20:51,827 -万圣节快乐 -闭嘴! - Happy Halloween. - Screw you! 188 00:21:03,778 --> 00:21:05,245 老爸! Daddy! 189 00:21:05,413 --> 00:21:09,873 我想雕一个南瓜灯 你得帮我雕眼睛 I wanna carve the jack-o'- lantern now, but I need your help with the eyes. 190 00:21:10,051 --> 00:21:11,518 马上,比利 In a minute, Billy. 191 00:21:12,286 --> 00:21:14,720 一会儿我能跟你去参加游行吗? And can I go to the parade with you later? 192 00:21:14,889 --> 00:21:17,414 不行,爸爸有约了 No, Daddy has a date. 193 00:21:17,591 --> 00:21:17,891 Oh! But we haven't done anything fun together. 194 00:21:17,891 --> 00:21:21,027 可是你没陪我玩呢 Oh! But we haven't done anything fun together. 195 00:21:21,195 --> 00:21:26,292 那我们做饴糖苹果怎么样? 就像爷爷过去做的那样 How about if we make some caramel apples, just like Grandpa used to? 196 00:21:26,467 --> 00:21:28,935 -行不行? -什么时候? - How about that? - When? 197 00:21:29,103 --> 00:21:34,769 雕完南瓜灯就做 但你得安静点 After we carve the jack-o'- lantern, but you have to be quiet. 198 00:21:34,942 --> 00:21:36,170 好吧 Okay. 199 00:21:43,217 --> 00:21:46,448 但你得帮我雕眼睛! But don't forget to help me with the eyes! 200 00:22:00,534 --> 00:22:03,765 “老爸,我想雕南瓜灯” "Daddy, I wanna carve a pumpkin." 201 00:22:03,938 --> 00:22:06,771 “老爸,我想参加游行” "Daddy, I wanna go to the parade." 202 00:22:06,941 --> 00:22:10,274 “老爸,我希望妈妈还活着” "Daddy, I wish Mommy was still alive." 203 00:22:20,021 --> 00:22:23,923 威尔金斯!威尔金斯,这边!威尔金斯! Wilkins! Wilkins, over here! Wilkins! 204 00:22:24,091 --> 00:22:25,422 救命,该死的! Help me, goddamn it! 205 00:22:26,193 --> 00:22:27,626 救命! Help me! 206 00:22:27,795 --> 00:22:30,696 -救命! -闭嘴吧 - Help me! - Screw you. 207 00:22:36,404 --> 00:22:39,202 比利! Billy! 208 00:22:53,821 --> 00:22:55,721 成功了 Gotcha. 209 00:23:00,061 --> 00:23:01,995 现在能雕南瓜灯了吗? So can we carve it now? 210 00:23:04,365 --> 00:23:06,230 是的 Yeah. 211 00:23:07,068 --> 00:23:08,729 下楼吧 Let's go downstairs. 212 00:24:09,263 --> 00:24:13,097 这次我们刻一个很恐怖的 Let's carve a scary face this time. 213 00:24:14,068 --> 00:24:16,696 这个就很恐怖 A scary face it is. 214 00:24:36,624 --> 00:24:39,354 抓着 Wrap it around. 215 00:24:41,262 --> 00:24:45,028 别忘了帮我刻眼睛 But don't forget to help me with the eyes. 216 00:25:00,714 --> 00:25:01,976 不给糖果就捣蛋! Trick or treat! 217 00:25:05,352 --> 00:25:08,150 你们这些小家伙真可爱 Aren't you guys adorable? 218 00:25:08,322 --> 00:25:12,418 谢了,亨德森夫人 您的化妆也很棒 Thanks, Mrs. Henderson. That's a great costume. 219 00:25:12,593 --> 00:25:17,587 我知道,是不是很完美? I know. Isn't it just "purr-fect"? 220 00:25:19,600 --> 00:25:23,092 想来一杯吗? 我不会告诉别人的 You want a drink or something? It'll be our little secret. 221 00:25:23,270 --> 00:25:26,831 -当然 -不,谢了。但是.... - Sure. - No, thanks. But... 222 00:25:27,007 --> 00:25:29,339 好吧,我看看有什么能给你们 All right, fine. I'll see what I got for you. 223 00:25:29,510 --> 00:25:34,072 亨德森夫人,其实我们想问 你有没有... Actually, Mrs. Henderson, we were wondering if you might... 224 00:25:36,717 --> 00:25:38,617 -你有没有... -老天... - If you might... - Holy shit. 225 00:25:38,786 --> 00:25:42,552 有没有可以借给我们的南瓜灯 ...have a jack-o'- lantern we could borrow. 226 00:25:42,723 --> 00:25:44,953 给你 Here you go. 227 00:25:45,125 --> 00:25:47,685 小心点 Now, be safe... 228 00:25:49,063 --> 00:25:51,190 当心妖怪 ...and watch out for monsters. 229 00:25:53,534 --> 00:25:55,764 我都不知道那些是什么 I don't even know what that was. 230 00:25:55,936 --> 00:25:59,929 泰勒教练穿着热狗服装 在上一头猪 Coach Taylor was in a hot-dog costume butt-fucking a pig. 231 00:26:00,107 --> 00:26:03,201 -我是这样想的。然后... -别说了 - I think. And then... - Chip. Let's just not. 232 00:26:10,484 --> 00:26:12,884 -不给糖果就捣蛋 -弄来多少? - Trick or treat. - What'd you find? 233 00:26:14,355 --> 00:26:15,481 就这些? That's it? 234 00:26:15,656 --> 00:26:18,716 不好意思,不知道哪个混蛋 把整条街的南瓜都都砸碎了 Sorry, but some asshole went down the street smashing all of them. 235 00:26:18,892 --> 00:26:20,826 我们有三个,不够吗? But we have three. Isn't this enough? 236 00:26:21,962 --> 00:26:23,156 差不多吧 Almost. 237 00:26:31,405 --> 00:26:33,202 梅斯,我们应该先来这儿的 Macy, why didn't we just start here? 238 00:26:33,374 --> 00:26:35,865 我不知道她做了这么多 I didn't know she'd do this. 239 00:26:37,911 --> 00:26:39,003 太奇怪了 This is weird. 240 00:26:40,681 --> 00:26:42,239 是那个迟钝的朗达吗? Is that Rhonda the retard? 241 00:26:42,416 --> 00:26:44,543 她不是迟钝,是蠢 She's not a retard, she's an idiot savant. 242 00:26:44,718 --> 00:26:46,310 她来了 Here she comes. 243 00:26:50,224 --> 00:26:51,248 看你的了,施瑞德 You're on, Schrader. 244 00:27:02,603 --> 00:27:04,730 这些都是你自己做的吗? Did you carve all these yourself? 245 00:27:05,773 --> 00:27:10,073 是的,衣服也是我做的 喜欢吗? Yeah. Made my costume too. Like it? 246 00:27:10,244 --> 00:27:11,643 喜欢 I do. 247 00:27:12,846 --> 00:27:14,746 我是施瑞德 I'm Schrader. 248 00:27:15,449 --> 00:27:17,314 朗达 Rhonda. 249 00:27:44,845 --> 00:27:46,278 我们再去喝一杯吧 Let's get another drink. 250 00:29:08,128 --> 00:29:09,390 亨利 Henry. 251 00:29:11,932 --> 00:29:14,867 -帮帮我 -她只是喝醉了,宝贝。走吧 - I need help. - She's just drunk, baby. Come on. 252 00:30:14,862 --> 00:30:16,830 你肯定很喜欢万圣节 You must really like Halloween. 253 00:30:16,997 --> 00:30:20,228 -你是说Samhain吗? -什么? - You mean Samhain? - What? 254 00:30:20,400 --> 00:30:24,393 Samhain就是万圣前夜 也就是万圣节 Samhain, also known as All Hallows' Eve, also known as Halloween. 255 00:30:24,571 --> 00:30:26,937 早期的基督教 凯尔特人的节日 Pre-dating Christianity, the Celtic holiday... 256 00:30:27,107 --> 00:30:30,076 我们在秋冬之交的一晚举行庆典 ...was celebrated on the one night between autumn and winter... 257 00:30:30,244 --> 00:30:32,940 这一天阴阳两界的屏障减弱了 ...when the barrier between living and dead was thinnest... 258 00:30:33,113 --> 00:30:37,106 有时候还有活人祭 ...and often involved rituals that included human sacrifice. 259 00:30:41,555 --> 00:30:43,682 我喜欢你的眼罩 I like your eye patch. 260 00:30:44,258 --> 00:30:45,282 Oh. 261 00:31:13,353 --> 00:31:16,880 很好,一个采石场 梅斯,这个真是个庆祝万圣节的好办法 Great, a rock quarry. Nice way to celebrate Halloween, Macy. 262 00:31:17,057 --> 00:31:20,117 -我们来这里干吗? -向死者表示敬意 - Why are we here? - To pay our respects to the dead. 263 00:31:20,294 --> 00:31:22,956 怎么了?有人死在这里了? What happened? Did somebody die here? 264 00:31:23,130 --> 00:31:24,188 等等 Wait. 265 00:31:24,865 --> 00:31:25,957 这里是不是... Is this where...? 266 00:31:26,667 --> 00:31:30,194 -是的,这里是学校... -闭嘴,莎拉 - It is, isn't it? This is where that school... - Shut up, Sara. 267 00:31:30,370 --> 00:31:31,962 万圣节校车大屠杀 The Halloween School Bus Massacre. 268 00:31:32,139 --> 00:31:35,131 -别说出来 -她在说什么? - Just don't call it that. - What's she talking about? 269 00:31:35,309 --> 00:31:37,641 是这个镇的可怕传说 一辆校车在这里... It's this awesome town legend. There was this bus... 270 00:31:37,811 --> 00:31:40,371 老天,你能不能闭嘴 我会告诉你们这个该死的故事的 Jesus, will you shut up and let me tell the damn story? 271 00:31:42,015 --> 00:31:43,676 你说脏话了 You said a bad word. 272 00:31:49,222 --> 00:31:51,713 那是三十年前 It happened 30 years ago... 273 00:31:51,892 --> 00:31:56,386 一个万圣节的黄昏 ...on a late Halloween afternoon. 274 00:32:04,638 --> 00:32:07,505 一辆校车正按惯常路线行驶 A school bus was on its usual route. 275 00:32:09,242 --> 00:32:12,268 但那不是普通的校车 But this wasn't your typical school bus... 276 00:32:12,779 --> 00:32:15,577 车上的也不是普通的孩子 ... and they weren't your typical kids. 277 00:32:21,822 --> 00:32:23,517 他们一共8人 There were eight of them... 278 00:32:24,291 --> 00:32:25,849 他们很特别 ... and they were different. 279 00:32:26,460 --> 00:32:27,927 麻烦 Troubled. 280 00:32:28,095 --> 00:32:29,528 不安 Disturbed. 281 00:32:31,398 --> 00:32:34,731 每天,父母把他们肮脏的 秘密放在车上 Every day, parents put their dirty secrets on this bus... 282 00:32:34,901 --> 00:32:37,165 送到镇外几英里的学校 ... to be driven to a school miles outside of town. 283 00:32:37,337 --> 00:32:40,738 3260. 3260. 284 00:32:40,907 --> 00:32:44,741 3264. 3264. 285 00:32:44,911 --> 00:32:48,438 3266. 3266. 286 00:32:51,284 --> 00:32:53,047 但是那天... But that day... 287 00:32:55,088 --> 00:32:56,885 司机走了另外一条路 ... the driver took a different route. 288 00:33:05,365 --> 00:33:07,128 走错了 Wrong way. 289 00:33:07,534 --> 00:33:08,558 走错了 Wrong way. 290 00:33:15,909 --> 00:33:17,604 走错了 Wrong way. 291 00:33:17,978 --> 00:33:19,843 他没把这些学生带回家 And instead of taking the students home... 292 00:33:22,416 --> 00:33:25,010 而是把车开到了一个废弃的采石场 ... he drove the bus to an abandoned rock quarry. 293 00:33:26,319 --> 00:33:29,117 就是这个采石场 This rock quarry. 294 00:33:41,935 --> 00:33:46,031 这些孩子不知道 很多年以来,他们的父母精疲力尽 The kids didn't know that over the years, their parents had become exhausted... 295 00:33:46,206 --> 00:33:47,969 感到耻辱 ... embarrassed. 296 00:33:54,281 --> 00:33:57,808 为了减轻他们的负担 他们什么都做得出来 And they were willing to do anything to ease their burden. 297 00:34:01,354 --> 00:34:05,791 一天,父母们找上了司机 So one day, the parents approached the bus driver and made him an offer. 298 00:34:14,801 --> 00:34:16,291 Shh. 299 00:34:16,470 --> 00:34:21,066 凑了一笔钱给他 让他做一件想象不到的事 With the money they collected together, they asked him to do the unthinkable. 300 00:34:35,822 --> 00:34:37,312 本来一切都很完美 It almost worked perfectly. 301 00:34:38,759 --> 00:34:40,522 走错了 Wrong way. 302 00:34:41,762 --> 00:34:43,423 走错了 Wrong way. 303 00:34:47,167 --> 00:34:49,567 家 家 Home. Home. 304 00:34:50,470 --> 00:34:51,562 我想回家 I wanna go home. 305 00:34:54,541 --> 00:34:55,565 我想回家 I wanna go home. 306 00:35:02,849 --> 00:35:04,544 家 Home. 307 00:35:11,258 --> 00:35:13,089 家 家 Home. Home. 308 00:35:16,863 --> 00:35:19,127 家!回家! Home! Go home! 309 00:35:21,268 --> 00:35:22,826 家 Home. 310 00:36:01,608 --> 00:36:04,099 再也没有那个司机的消息了 The driver was never heard from again. 311 00:36:21,628 --> 00:36:27,692 至于校车,有人说 它沉得太深,再也找不到了 As for the bus, some say it sank so deep that it couldn't be found. 312 00:36:27,868 --> 00:36:31,167 其他人说,是小镇 不让人们找到它 Others say the town just didn't want it to be found. 313 00:36:32,572 --> 00:36:35,200 就我们所知,它还在那 For all we know, it's still down there... 314 00:36:36,309 --> 00:36:39,039 那些孩子也在那 ...and so are those kids. 315 00:36:45,785 --> 00:36:48,117 你疯了 You are so full of shit. 316 00:36:48,288 --> 00:36:49,755 是吗? Really? 317 00:36:49,923 --> 00:36:51,754 那我想你不介意第一个喽? Then I guess you won't mind being first. 318 00:36:51,925 --> 00:36:53,756 第一个什么? First what? 319 00:36:53,927 --> 00:36:57,658 8个受害者 8个南瓜灯 Eight victims, eight jack-o'- lanterns... 320 00:36:58,031 --> 00:37:00,829 每个都代表一个逝去的灵魂 ...each one representing a lost soul. 321 00:37:01,001 --> 00:37:03,936 我们要把它们放在湖边 So we're going to leave them by the side of the lake... 322 00:37:04,104 --> 00:37:05,901 送给那些死去的孩子 ...as an offering to those who died. 323 00:37:08,541 --> 00:37:10,566 Oh. 324 00:37:35,368 --> 00:37:37,097 是你做的? Is that one of yours? 325 00:37:38,305 --> 00:37:39,966 是的 Yes. 326 00:37:40,140 --> 00:37:41,664 很可爱 It's very pretty. 327 00:37:42,909 --> 00:37:44,672 谢谢 Thank you. 328 00:38:04,531 --> 00:38:07,466 只能安全载三个人 It can only hold three safely. 329 00:38:08,401 --> 00:38:12,235 我会把钥匙送上来 你们把剩下的带来 I'll send the keys back up. You guys bring the rest. 330 00:38:12,405 --> 00:38:12,905 Uh... Okay. 331 00:38:12,905 --> 00:38:14,236 好吧 Uh... Okay. 332 00:39:01,955 --> 00:39:03,684 不行 你要是把我放到箱子里 I can't do this. If you put me in a box... 333 00:39:05,025 --> 00:39:06,583 感觉好像你觉得我很丢脸 ...it makes me feel like you're not proud of me. 334 00:39:06,760 --> 00:39:08,887 要是你觉得我丢脸 If you're not proud of me... 335 00:39:09,729 --> 00:39:12,289 -喂 -谁是你最爱的姐姐? - Hello? - Who's your favorite big sister? 336 00:39:17,103 --> 00:39:18,297 在听吗? You there? 337 00:39:20,774 --> 00:39:22,002 哦,在 Yeah. Hi. 338 00:39:22,175 --> 00:39:25,144 这儿有个家伙 他想见你 So there's a guy here who really wants to meet you. 339 00:39:25,311 --> 00:39:26,835 年轻吗?好看吗? Is he young? Cute? 340 00:39:28,581 --> 00:39:28,981 Uh... Yeah. Yeah, no, you could say that. 341 00:39:28,981 --> 00:39:30,879 哦,是,差不多吧 Uh... Yeah. Yeah, no, you could say that. 342 00:39:31,051 --> 00:39:33,178 他真的挺好的 He's really, really nice. 343 00:39:33,353 --> 00:39:34,877 就是他很可怕 So he's hideous. 344 00:39:35,055 --> 00:39:38,957 赶紧过来 你没得挑 Just get your ass over here. Beggars can't be choosers. 345 00:39:43,263 --> 00:39:44,457 好 Nice. 346 00:39:45,765 --> 00:39:47,130 很好 Great. 347 00:39:47,300 --> 00:39:48,961 现在不行,安德鲁 Not now, Andrew. 348 00:39:49,135 --> 00:39:51,433 -乔希. -随便吧 - Josh. - Whatever. 349 00:39:57,877 --> 00:39:59,868 狼人 Werewolves. 350 00:40:02,382 --> 00:40:03,872 很有趣 Very funny. 351 00:40:17,764 --> 00:40:20,426 校车就在附近 我想就在这里 That bus is around here somewhere. I think it's over here. 352 00:40:20,600 --> 00:40:23,967 就在哪?这么大的雾什么也看不见 我想我找到了一个笨蛋的尸体 Over where? I can't see shit in this fog. Think I found a dead retard. 353 00:40:24,137 --> 00:40:26,731 -这是我,白痴 -那我说对了 That's me, asshole. Like I said. 354 00:40:26,906 --> 00:40:29,534 你们两个闭嘴,接着找 Both of you shut up and keep looking. 355 00:40:29,709 --> 00:40:31,836 礁石那边有什么东西在动 There's something moving by that rock. 356 00:40:32,011 --> 00:40:34,104 -我看不到 -上帝,那是什么? I can't see. Jesus, what is that? 357 00:40:35,448 --> 00:40:36,472 救命! Help me! 358 00:40:36,649 --> 00:40:39,413 莎拉!莎拉在哪? Sara! Where's Sara? 359 00:40:40,587 --> 00:40:42,077 快跑! Run! 360 00:40:42,255 --> 00:40:45,190 -没地方去了! -上去!我要上去! There's nowhere to go. Up! I wanna go back up! 361 00:41:01,174 --> 00:41:04,632 梅斯?施劳德?莎拉? Macy? Schrader? Sara? 362 00:41:23,596 --> 00:41:26,895 你要来吗? 好吧,那就待在这里 Aren't you coming? Okay, stay here. 363 00:41:27,066 --> 00:41:30,558 别让蜡烛灭了 它们能保护你,好吗? Don't let the candles go out and they'll protect you, okay? 364 00:44:36,723 --> 00:44:38,657 哦,可恶 Oh, shit. 365 00:44:42,695 --> 00:44:44,287 她死了吗? Is she dead? 366 00:44:44,464 --> 00:44:45,931 嘿 Hey. 367 00:44:50,470 --> 00:44:52,233 朗达 Rhonda. 368 00:44:53,072 --> 00:44:54,835 朗达 Rhonda. 369 00:45:08,087 --> 00:45:09,952 真是太棒了 It was all going so well. 370 00:45:11,791 --> 00:45:14,988 -你们都死了! -朗达,冷静点 - You're all dead! - Rhonda, calm down. 371 00:45:15,161 --> 00:45:17,288 只是个恶作剧 It was all just a trick. 372 00:45:17,463 --> 00:45:21,422 看,都是假的 只是恶作剧而已 Look, none of this is real. It was just a trick. 373 00:45:22,168 --> 00:45:25,160 -是个糟糕的玩笑 -我觉得还不错 - A bad joke. - I'd say it was a pretty good one. 374 00:45:25,605 --> 00:45:26,970 闭嘴 Shut up. 375 00:45:31,844 --> 00:45:32,902 让我看看 Here, let me see. 376 00:45:37,884 --> 00:45:39,613 疼吗? Does it hurt? 377 00:45:47,894 --> 00:45:50,226 -去收拾东西,我们要走了 -谁? - Go pack everything up. We're leaving. - Says who? 378 00:45:50,396 --> 00:45:54,696 梅斯,她吓坏了 你还想怎么样? Macy, she's scared out of her mind. What else do you want? 379 00:45:59,405 --> 00:46:00,736 走吧 Let's go. 380 00:46:07,573 --> 00:46:09,768 这个还亮着呢 This one's still lit. 381 00:46:17,683 --> 00:46:21,210 如果只是个恶作剧 那校车是怎么来的? If this was all a trick, then how did the school bus get here? 382 00:46:21,387 --> 00:46:24,754 -那部分是真的 -校车司机怎么了? - That part's true. - What happened to the bus driver? 383 00:46:24,924 --> 00:46:26,414 我不知道,奇普 I don't know, Chip. 384 00:46:28,227 --> 00:46:31,094 -什么? -我什么也没说 - What? - I didn't say anything. 385 00:46:33,065 --> 00:46:36,728 -我没心情说笑 -不是我 - I'm not in the mood. - It wasn't me. 386 00:46:39,905 --> 00:46:41,031 那是什么? What is that? 387 00:46:49,715 --> 00:46:52,445 -施劳德! -又来了 - Schrader! - Not again. 388 00:46:53,953 --> 00:46:56,888 -这里! -在这儿等着 - Over here! - Wait here. 389 00:46:58,858 --> 00:47:00,291 帮帮我们! Help us! 390 00:47:01,493 --> 00:47:03,393 施劳德! Schrader! 391 00:47:13,105 --> 00:47:15,005 -施劳德! -怎么了? - Schrader! - What the hell? 392 00:47:15,174 --> 00:47:17,199 我们得离开 我们得离开这儿 We have to go. We have to get out of here. 393 00:47:17,376 --> 00:47:19,173 -冷静点儿 -我们要离开这儿 - Calm down. - We have to go! 394 00:47:19,345 --> 00:47:20,607 -梅斯... -听我说! - Look, Macy... - Listen to me! 395 00:47:20,779 --> 00:47:23,612 我们听到声音了 这里还有别人 We heard voices. There are other people here. 396 00:47:29,321 --> 00:47:30,686 那是什么? What is that? 397 00:47:55,547 --> 00:47:56,844 救命!救命! Help me! Help me! 398 00:47:59,051 --> 00:48:01,611 不,快跑 No. Run. 399 00:48:06,492 --> 00:48:07,959 朗达,开门 Rhonda, open the gate. 400 00:48:08,127 --> 00:48:09,890 -让我们进去 -开门 - Let us in, please! - Open the gate! 401 00:48:11,997 --> 00:48:13,055 开开门,求你了 Open the gate, please. 402 00:48:21,106 --> 00:48:22,164 快点 Come on. 403 00:48:26,078 --> 00:48:28,137 开门 Open the gate. 404 00:48:32,251 --> 00:48:34,811 -不!朗达,听我说 -你在干什么? - No! Rhonda, look at me. - What are you doing? 405 00:48:34,987 --> 00:48:37,319 这不是恶作剧,是真的 It's not a trick, it's real. 406 00:48:37,489 --> 00:48:38,649 回来! Come back! 407 00:48:40,059 --> 00:48:43,517 -她要去哪? -朗达! Where is she going? Rhonda! 408 00:48:43,696 --> 00:48:45,664 -不!不! -这不是恶作剧! - No, no! - It's not a trick! 409 00:49:09,855 --> 00:49:12,085 救救我,求你了! Help me, please! 410 00:50:04,676 --> 00:50:07,440 我不想跟你玩儿 赶紧出来 I'm not in the mood, so just come on out. 411 00:50:20,893 --> 00:50:23,885 哦,老天,她真有趣 Oh, my God. She's so funny. 412 00:50:27,633 --> 00:50:29,123 不要,谢了 No, thanks. 413 00:50:30,836 --> 00:50:33,100 她是大姑娘了 能照顾自己 She's a big girl. She can take care of herself. 414 00:50:34,006 --> 00:50:36,031 希望如此 I wish that were true. 415 00:50:36,208 --> 00:50:38,802 妈妈老说她是发育不全的幼仔 Mom always said she was the runt of the litter. 416 00:50:47,586 --> 00:50:50,077 我说,我说 My, my... 417 00:50:50,255 --> 00:50:54,419 你的眼睛可真大啊 ...what big eyes you have. 418 00:50:57,629 --> 00:50:59,995 哦,那你给他找的那个家伙呢 So where's this guy you're setting her up with? 419 00:51:00,165 --> 00:51:01,223 很不错的那个? The nice one? 420 00:51:14,913 --> 00:51:16,403 劳瑞 Laurie. 421 00:51:40,973 --> 00:51:42,497 哦,上帝啊 Oh, my God. 422 00:51:46,845 --> 00:51:50,008 求你,救救我 Please, help me. 423 00:52:07,232 --> 00:52:08,961 她在这儿 There she is. 424 00:52:10,869 --> 00:52:12,461 劳瑞,出什么事了 Laurie, what's going on? 425 00:52:13,138 --> 00:52:14,469 你来晚了 You're late. 426 00:52:15,207 --> 00:52:18,142 对不去,没想到要花这么久 Sorry. It took longer than I thought. 427 00:52:18,877 --> 00:52:20,777 他对你做什么了? What did he do to you? 428 00:52:21,647 --> 00:52:25,606 我听了她们的建议,很努力 他咬了我 I listened to their advice and played hard to get. He bit me. 429 00:52:29,388 --> 00:52:32,755 最起码你尽力了 来一杯? Well, at least you made it. Drink? 430 00:52:34,026 --> 00:52:35,391 当然 Sure. 431 00:52:38,697 --> 00:52:40,392 过来 Come here. 432 00:52:42,501 --> 00:52:45,698 -求求你 -说“啊” - Please. - Say "ah." 433 00:52:56,949 --> 00:52:58,473 Not bad. 434 00:53:02,487 --> 00:53:04,011 你叫什么,亲爱的 What's your name, honey? 435 00:53:05,657 --> 00:53:07,022 史蒂文 Steven. 436 00:53:07,192 --> 00:53:09,820 -史蒂文? -史蒂文.威尔金斯 - Steven? - Steven Wilkins. 437 00:53:09,995 --> 00:53:14,091 很高兴你是她的第一个,真的 我喜欢你 I'm glad you're her first, I really am. I like you. 438 00:53:14,833 --> 00:53:16,528 你们是谁? Who are you people? 439 00:53:50,269 --> 00:53:52,066 我很紧张 I'm nervous. 440 00:53:53,872 --> 00:53:55,134 嘿 Hey. 441 00:53:56,408 --> 00:53:58,535 你会没事的 You're gonna be fine. 442 00:53:58,910 --> 00:54:01,071 做你自己就行了 Just be yourself. 443 00:54:21,533 --> 00:54:24,093 这是我第一次 It's my first time... 444 00:54:24,603 --> 00:54:27,197 所以忍耐一下 ...so just bear with me. 445 00:55:15,187 --> 00:55:16,552 你在干什么? What are you doing? 446 00:55:54,626 --> 00:55:56,617 我说,我说 My, my... 447 00:55:56,795 --> 00:56:01,596 你的眼睛可真大啊 ...what big eyes you have. 448 00:56:25,000 --> 00:56:28,000 晚些时候 449 00:57:40,799 --> 00:57:43,996 不给糖果就捣蛋 Trick or treat. 450 00:58:55,840 --> 00:58:58,172 推进去,把食物放在里面 You push it in, you slide the food in. 451 00:58:58,343 --> 00:59:00,641 再取出来就行了 It pops right out, okay? 452 00:59:00,812 --> 00:59:05,374 要用这个东西 我已经做了三次了,在里面 I'm gonna take this device. I've done it three times already, inside. 453 00:59:05,550 --> 00:59:08,519 我会教给大家怎么用 I'm gonna show the folks how to put it on the spit rod. 454 00:59:08,687 --> 00:59:10,484 这很容易 It's so darn easy. 455 00:59:10,655 --> 00:59:14,819 那一块肉,只要放在中间就行了 I take the meat, and all I'm gonna do is just center it like this. 456 00:59:14,993 --> 00:59:16,153 放下去 It goes down. 457 00:59:17,963 --> 00:59:20,193 把它打开 就是这么简单 I'll put the wheel on. It's as simple as this. 458 00:59:20,365 --> 00:59:23,129 这是一块7磅重的烤猪腰肉 This is about a 7-pound pork loin roast. 459 00:59:23,301 --> 00:59:28,204 把它放进机器,把这个取出来 打开这个小窗 I'll put it in the machine, I'll slide it back, put up the window. 460 00:59:28,406 --> 00:59:31,000 -你会了,然后呢? -忘了它! - You set it, and? - Forget it! 461 00:59:31,176 --> 00:59:34,509 对。我们再用烤猪腰肉来一次 Right. I'm gonna go over to the pork loin roast over here now... 462 00:59:35,814 --> 00:59:39,215 把这个拿出来 已经好了 ... and I'm gonna take this one out. This has been done... 463 00:59:39,384 --> 00:59:42,319 现在才8点 街上已经挤满了盛装的游客... It's only 8:00, and the streets are packed with visitors... 464 00:59:42,487 --> 00:59:44,478 有些是来表演的 有些只是来凑热闹 ... some to show off, others to blend in... 465 00:59:44,656 --> 00:59:47,318 但所有人都是来 庆祝神奇的万圣节 ... but all to celebrate the magical night of Halloween. 466 00:59:55,567 --> 00:59:58,798 人们把烘焙的食品和农作物放在外面 作为对死者的供奉 MAN 2:baked goods and crops were left out as offerings for the dead... 467 00:59:58,970 --> 01:00:00,938 这演变成了现在 讨糖果的习俗 ... a custom now known as trick-or-treating. 468 01:00:01,106 --> 01:00:02,767 老天 Christ. 469 01:00:02,941 --> 01:00:04,909 旋转式的 再看看 Revolutionary. Now look. 470 01:00:05,076 --> 01:00:08,910 让我从这里开始切 观众们都可以看到 Let me just start cutting this over here so that folks can see. 471 01:00:09,714 --> 01:00:11,705 很棒吧?看这儿 怎么样,观众朋友们 This beautiful? Look at this over here, folks, huh? 472 01:00:13,385 --> 01:00:15,853 看看这块猪肉多棒 注射进去的... Look how beautiful that pork looks with all its injected flavors on the... 473 01:00:59,130 --> 01:01:01,394 万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween. 474 01:01:05,370 --> 01:01:07,031 斯派克? Spite? 475 01:01:07,639 --> 01:01:08,970 斯派克 Spite. 476 01:01:21,720 --> 01:01:25,520 斯派克,给我滚进来 Spite. Get your ass in here. 477 01:01:32,797 --> 01:01:35,231 你吃完垃圾了没有? Are you finished crapping or what? 478 01:01:38,570 --> 01:01:40,595 谁在那? Who the hell is that? 479 01:01:42,874 --> 01:01:45,468 我是国家档案登记处的 I've got an NRA membership in my pocket... 480 01:01:45,643 --> 01:01:48,942 我家壁炉上有把散弹枪快点滚出来,不然我... ...and a shotgun over the fireplace, so get out of here before I... 481 01:01:49,114 --> 01:01:51,878 是我,科林先生 It's me, Mr. Kreeg. 482 01:01:52,050 --> 01:01:53,847 斯蒂文,斯蒂文.威尔金斯 Steven. Steven Wilkins. 483 01:01:56,020 --> 01:02:00,548 看在上帝的份上,你在那干什么 藏尸体吗? What in God's name are you doing down there, Wilkins? Hiding bodies? 484 01:02:04,629 --> 01:02:06,358 -你说什么? -没什么 - What did you say? - Nothing. 485 01:02:06,564 --> 01:02:08,532 化粪池出了点问题 The septic tank is acting up. 486 01:02:08,700 --> 01:02:10,133 那就赶快修好 Well, fix it! 487 01:02:10,301 --> 01:02:12,565 臭死了 好像有个婊子死在这儿似的 It stinks like a dead whore out here. 488 01:02:12,737 --> 01:02:15,934 我尽量 I'm trying. 489 01:02:16,107 --> 01:02:17,972 别让你的小孩进我院子 Keep your kid out of my yard! 490 01:02:18,777 --> 01:02:21,041 真该死 Goddamn freak. 491 01:02:24,082 --> 01:02:25,913 万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween. 492 01:02:26,084 --> 01:02:28,075 闭嘴! Screw you! 493 01:02:44,803 --> 01:02:46,862 你他妈的快滚出... Get the hell off my! 494 01:03:45,430 --> 01:03:47,625 Well, zip-a-dee-doo-dah. 495 01:04:01,012 --> 01:04:02,570 斯派克? Spite? 496 01:04:36,614 --> 01:04:38,206 斯派克? Spite? 497 01:06:42,774 --> 01:06:44,935 你是谁? Who the hell are you? 498 01:08:33,651 --> 01:08:36,245 威尔金斯!威尔金斯! Wilkins! Wilkins! 499 01:08:36,420 --> 01:08:40,823 这边!威尔金斯! 威尔金斯,救命,该死的! Over here! Wilkins! Wilkins, help me, goddamn it! 500 01:08:40,992 --> 01:08:43,552 救命!威尔金斯! Help me! Wilkins! 501 01:08:43,728 --> 01:08:45,059 救命! Help me! 502 01:09:15,159 --> 01:09:16,183 Huh? 503 01:10:21,892 --> 01:10:25,419 -911,请稍等 -喂?喂? - 911, please hold. - Hello? Hello? 504 01:10:29,000 --> 01:10:30,831 911, 请问有什么紧急事件? 911, what is your emergency? 505 01:10:31,002 --> 01:10:33,971 哦,我要报告一件... Yeah, I'd like to report... 506 01:10:34,138 --> 01:10:38,973 喂?喂?喂? Hello? Hello? Hello? 507 01:11:11,942 --> 01:11:15,036 你他妈的开什么玩笑 You gotta be fucking kidding me. 508 01:12:03,728 --> 01:12:05,889 哦,不 Oh, no. 509 01:14:43,000 --> 01:14:45,000 之后... 510 01:14:59,670 --> 01:15:01,638 不给糖果就捣蛋 Trick or treat. 511 01:15:06,977 --> 01:15:08,501 谢谢 Thank you. 512 01:15:11,148 --> 01:15:12,877 谢谢 Thank you. 513 01:15:16,353 --> 01:15:20,346 谢谢,科林先生 您的妈咪装很棒 Thanks, Mr. Kreeg. Great mummy costume. 514 01:15:43,447 --> 01:15:44,880 谢谢 Thank you. 515 01:16:17,615 --> 01:16:20,049 这个点子很棒,亲爱的 This was a great idea, honey. 516 01:16:20,584 --> 01:16:24,145 真神奇 我真希望每天都是万圣节 It's just magical. It makes me wish every night was Halloween. 517 01:16:26,824 --> 01:16:30,282 对不起,艾玛 等等,现在不行 I'm sorry, Em. Wait, wait. Not yet. 518 01:16:31,862 --> 01:16:34,262 -怎么了? -这灯得一直亮着 - What? - You're supposed to keep it lit. 519 01:16:34,431 --> 01:16:36,729 -为什么? -是古老的传统? - Why? - Ancient tradition? 520 01:16:36,900 --> 01:16:41,530 亨利,这是万圣节,不是光明节 我们俩“亮着”就行了 Henry, it's Halloween, not Hanukkah. Baby, I'm lit, and you're lit. 521 01:16:41,705 --> 01:16:45,402 你担心那个小朋友? 他的万圣节结束了 But your little friend here? His night's over. 522 01:16:46,877 --> 01:16:48,640 你应该再小心点儿 You know, you should be more careful. 523 01:16:48,812 --> 01:16:51,178 我们是有规矩的 你可能惹火某人 There are rules. You might upset someone. 524 01:16:51,348 --> 01:16:53,976 哦,得了吧,谁? Oh, please. Who? 525 01:17:17,408 --> 01:17:20,935 这里 Over here. 526 01:17:28,352 --> 01:17:30,081 不给糖果就捣蛋 Trick or treat.