1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:03,770 Knight to queen's bishop-five. 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:06,260 Oh, very nice. What's Leonard going to do? 3 00:00:06,270 --> 00:00:08,930 Does he give up the pawn or does he give up the position? 4 00:00:08,970 --> 00:00:12,690 Let's find out. Leonard, ready? 5 00:00:12,700 --> 00:00:14,130 Ready. 6 00:00:14,310 --> 00:00:15,950 Go. 7 00:00:39,770 --> 00:00:41,110 Damn it. I slipped. 8 00:00:41,120 --> 00:00:45,090 Too bad. You know the rules of Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chess. 9 00:00:46,280 --> 00:00:48,300 Leonard died again, Sheldon. You're up. 10 00:00:48,310 --> 00:00:53,860 Despite my deep love of chess, lasers and aerosol disinfectant, I must forfeit. 11 00:00:54,000 --> 00:00:54,920 Why? 12 00:00:54,960 --> 00:00:57,540 - Because it's almost 11:00. - So? 13 00:00:57,790 --> 00:01:02,470 So, Penny has a "don't knock on my door before 11:00 or I punch you in the throat" rule. 14 00:01:07,140 --> 00:01:08,850 Hey, you know what'd be a great idea? 15 00:01:08,880 --> 00:01:13,510 We get some girls over here and play Laser Optical Strip Chess. 16 00:01:14,230 --> 00:01:18,660 Believe me, Howard, any girl who would be willing to play that, you don't want to see naked. 17 00:01:20,410 --> 00:01:23,030 You underestimate me. 18 00:01:29,550 --> 00:01:33,140 Penny. Penny. Penny. 19 00:01:33,580 --> 00:01:35,670 Hey, Sheldon. 20 00:01:36,690 --> 00:01:39,910 - It's 11:00 a.m. - I know. You're safe. 21 00:01:40,300 --> 00:01:42,300 This package came while you were at work. 22 00:01:42,340 --> 00:01:44,130 Oh, great, my rhinestones. Thank you. 23 00:01:44,140 --> 00:01:45,180 - Excuse me. - What? 24 00:01:45,190 --> 00:01:48,590 - You have to sign this. - What is it? 25 00:01:48,600 --> 00:01:52,730 When I signed for the package, I was deputized by the United Parcel Service 26 00:01:52,770 --> 00:01:54,200 and entrusted with its final delivery. 27 00:01:54,240 --> 00:01:59,200 I now need you to acknowledge receipt of the package so that I'm fully indemnified and no longer liable. 28 00:02:00,450 --> 00:02:02,470 Sheldon, it's just a box of rhinestones. 29 00:02:02,530 --> 00:02:05,590 Well, the contents are irrelevant. A legal bailment has been created. 30 00:02:05,600 --> 00:02:08,210 Does that mean nothing to you? 31 00:02:08,220 --> 00:02:10,960 It means nothing to anybody. 32 00:02:10,970 --> 00:02:12,680 Come here, let me show you what I'm doing. 33 00:02:12,710 --> 00:02:16,050 Bailment describes a relationship in common law 34 00:02:16,080 --> 00:02:19,200 where a physical possession of personal property, or "chattels, " 35 00:02:19,240 --> 00:02:22,280 is transferred from one person, the bailor, to another person, the bailee... 36 00:02:22,330 --> 00:02:25,790 ah, yeah, yeah. Look, look, look! I started a business. 37 00:02:26,730 --> 00:02:29,480 Obviously, not a cleaning business. 38 00:02:30,580 --> 00:02:33,340 No, I'm making flower barrettes. See? 39 00:02:33,350 --> 00:02:34,910 I call them Penny Blossoms. 40 00:02:34,940 --> 00:02:37,050 I made one for myself, then all the girls at work wanted one. 41 00:02:37,090 --> 00:02:39,460 Then I showed some to this lady who runs a shop in Old Town. 42 00:02:39,490 --> 00:02:42,030 She sells cards and homemade jewelry. She said she wanted to sell them. 43 00:02:42,040 --> 00:02:45,700 I said, "Okay." And in one week, I made a $156. 44 00:02:45,710 --> 00:02:48,790 Good for you. Sign here. 45 00:02:50,610 --> 00:02:51,640 Sheldon, don't you get it? 46 00:02:51,690 --> 00:02:54,910 If this takes off, I won't have to be a waitress anymore. 47 00:02:54,920 --> 00:02:58,510 But then who will bring me my cheeseburger on Tuesday nights? 48 00:02:58,540 --> 00:03:01,240 - Another waitress. - What's her name? 49 00:03:01,670 --> 00:03:02,840 I don't know. 50 00:03:02,870 --> 00:03:05,090 And you're going to let her handle my food? 51 00:03:05,100 --> 00:03:07,370 Nancy. Her name is Nancy. 52 00:03:08,100 --> 00:03:10,300 I think you're just making that up. 53 00:03:10,320 --> 00:03:11,910 Sheldon, I'm sorry about your hamburger, okay? 54 00:03:11,950 --> 00:03:14,120 I just don't want to be a waitress for the rest of my life. 55 00:03:14,160 --> 00:03:16,290 Cheeseburger. I get a cheeseburger. 56 00:03:16,540 --> 00:03:17,760 Fine, cheeseburger. 57 00:03:17,790 --> 00:03:20,170 Maybe I'd be better off with Nancy. 58 00:03:20,960 --> 00:03:24,400 So, what do you think? I mean, this could be a business, right? 59 00:03:25,430 --> 00:03:27,780 How many of these can you make a day? 60 00:03:27,820 --> 00:03:28,950 About 20. 61 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:32,470 And how much profit do you make per... Penny Blossom? 62 00:03:32,840 --> 00:03:34,450 I don't know, like,50 cents. I'm not sure. 63 00:03:34,460 --> 00:03:36,950 Of course you're not. All right... 64 00:03:38,310 --> 00:03:44,000 Ten dollars a day times five days a week times 52 weeks a year is $2,600. 65 00:03:44,320 --> 00:03:46,730 - That's all? - Before taxes. 66 00:03:46,740 --> 00:03:49,150 I don't have to pay taxes on this stuff. 67 00:03:49,180 --> 00:03:52,780 I believe the Internal Revenue Service would strongly disagree. 68 00:03:53,470 --> 00:03:59,130 But, if you took advantage of modn marketing techniques, and you optimized your manufacturing process, 69 00:03:59,140 --> 00:04:01,730 you might be able to make this a viable business. 70 00:04:01,770 --> 00:04:03,520 And you know about that stuff? 71 00:04:03,550 --> 00:04:05,730 Penny... 72 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:10,260 I'm a physicist. 73 00:04:10,280 --> 00:04:15,090 I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains. 74 00:04:17,590 --> 00:04:19,930 Who's Radiohead? 75 00:04:31,390 --> 00:04:36,710 I have a working knowledge of the important things in the universe. Good luck. 76 00:04:36,720 --> 00:04:38,540 Sheldon, hold on. 77 00:04:38,580 --> 00:04:42,690 Could you maybe show me how to make more money with this? 78 00:04:42,990 --> 00:04:46,660 - Of course I could. - Sheldon, wait! 79 00:04:47,170 --> 00:04:49,420 Will you? 80 00:04:52,520 --> 00:04:56,880 Just to be clear here, you're asking for my assistance. 81 00:04:56,890 --> 00:04:57,760 Yes. 82 00:04:57,790 --> 00:05:01,650 And you understand that will involve me telling you what to do? 83 00:05:03,090 --> 00:05:04,900 I understand. 84 00:05:04,940 --> 00:05:08,610 And you're not allowed to be sarcastic or snide to me while I'm doing so. 85 00:05:10,730 --> 00:05:12,460 Okay. 86 00:05:13,030 --> 00:05:15,160 Good. 87 00:05:15,170 --> 00:05:19,980 Let's begin with the premise that everything you've done up to this point is wrong. 88 00:05:21,190 --> 00:05:22,720 Oh, imagine that. 89 00:05:22,730 --> 00:05:25,310 - Sarcasm. Good-bye. - No, sorry. Wait! 90 00:05:25,320 --> 00:05:26,130 Please come back! 93 00:05:44,070 --> 00:05:48,370 The Big Bang Theory Season02 Episode18 94 00:05:53,130 --> 00:05:54,040 There. Done. 95 00:05:54,050 --> 00:05:57,100 All right. 12 minutes and 17 seconds. 96 00:05:57,110 --> 00:05:58,510 Pretty good, right? 97 00:05:58,540 --> 00:06:00,940 That's 4.9 Penny Blossoms per hour. 98 00:06:00,950 --> 00:06:04,060 Based on your cost of materials and your wholesale selling price, 99 00:06:04,070 --> 00:06:08,710 you'll effectively be paying yourself... $5.19 a day. 100 00:06:09,670 --> 00:06:10,550 A day? 101 00:06:10,570 --> 00:06:14,450 There are children in a sneaker factory in Indonesia who outearn you. 102 00:06:16,050 --> 00:06:17,500 That just can't be right. 103 00:06:17,520 --> 00:06:20,010 - You're questioning my math? - No, sorry. 104 00:06:20,630 --> 00:06:23,110 - Want me to show my work? - Oh, God, no. 105 00:06:23,120 --> 00:06:25,740 - Just please tell me what to do about it. - All right. 106 00:06:25,750 --> 00:06:29,010 Are you familiar with the development that resulted from Honoré Blanc's 107 00:06:29,020 --> 00:06:32,520 1778 use of interchangeable parts? 108 00:06:36,490 --> 00:06:38,920 The assembly line, of course. 109 00:06:38,960 --> 00:06:42,920 Okay, you know what, if I'm not allowed to be snide, you're not allowed to be condescending. 110 00:06:42,950 --> 00:06:46,520 That wasn't a part of our original agreement, and I don't agree to it now. 111 00:06:47,320 --> 00:06:50,910 All right, fine. How are we supposed to set up machines and conveyor belts in my apartment? 112 00:06:50,920 --> 00:06:55,440 You're thinking of the moving assembly line, an understandable but not excusable mistake. 113 00:06:55,470 --> 00:06:57,530 No. The... 114 00:06:57,930 --> 00:07:01,160 The moving assembly line, that was introduced by Henry Ford in 1908. 115 00:07:01,200 --> 00:07:04,590 That innovation is what made possible our modern consumer culture 116 00:07:04,640 --> 00:07:07,390 by enabling a low-unit cost for manufactured goods. 117 00:07:07,430 --> 00:07:11,650 I guess that isn't one of the topics discussed on your Radiohead. 118 00:07:15,530 --> 00:07:17,820 Let's go. We're going to miss the coming attractions. 119 00:07:18,360 --> 00:07:20,340 What's the matter? 120 00:07:23,880 --> 00:07:27,120 I think I bruised a testicle capturing that last pawn. 121 00:07:31,060 --> 00:07:34,140 # Please pay attention and listen to me # 122 00:07:34,180 --> 00:07:37,470 # Give me some time to blow the man down # 123 00:07:37,490 --> 00:07:40,810 # I'm a deepwater sailor just come from Hong Kong # 124 00:07:40,840 --> 00:07:43,880 # Give me way, hey, blow the man down # 125 00:07:43,910 --> 00:07:47,030 # If you give me some whiskey I'll sing you a song # 126 00:07:47,040 --> 00:07:49,910 # Give me some time to blow the man down # 127 00:07:49,920 --> 00:07:52,130 Hello? 128 00:07:52,620 --> 00:07:54,150 - Hello. - Hello. 129 00:07:54,160 --> 00:07:56,830 # Come quickly lay aft To the break of the poop # 130 00:07:56,860 --> 00:08:00,060 # To me way, hey, blow the man down # 131 00:08:00,090 --> 00:08:03,120 # Or I'll help you along with the toe of my boot # 132 00:08:03,150 --> 00:08:05,770 # Give me some time to blow the man down # 133 00:08:05,800 --> 00:08:08,150 W-W-Wait, what's going on? 134 00:08:08,180 --> 00:08:10,180 I assume you're referring to the sea shanty. 135 00:08:10,210 --> 00:08:13,070 It's a rhythmic work song designed to increase productivity. 136 00:08:13,100 --> 00:08:14,700 Yeah, it's crazy, but it totally works. 137 00:08:14,740 --> 00:08:18,030 Look, we made this Penny Blossom in under three minutes. 138 00:08:18,040 --> 00:08:22,020 Terrific, but that kind of raises more questions than it answers. 139 00:08:23,060 --> 00:08:24,640 Penny's making hair accessories. 140 00:08:24,690 --> 00:08:27,190 I'm helping her optimize her manufacturing process. 141 00:08:27,230 --> 00:08:28,220 All right, break's over. 142 00:08:28,250 --> 00:08:30,950 # Pay attention to orders now you one and all... # 143 00:08:30,960 --> 00:08:33,760 Hold on. What are you using as a bonding agent? 144 00:08:33,770 --> 00:08:35,090 - Hot glue. - You're kidding. 145 00:08:35,100 --> 00:08:37,680 Any of the cyanoacrylates would do a better job. 146 00:08:37,700 --> 00:08:39,620 It won't work, the flower's too porous. 147 00:08:39,640 --> 00:08:44,480 What if we infused the bottom layer with silicone-RTV to provide a better mounting surface? 148 00:08:44,530 --> 00:08:46,670 Intriguing. 149 00:08:46,880 --> 00:08:49,160 Good question. What are you marketing and distribution channels? 150 00:08:49,170 --> 00:08:52,000 Well, there are the waitresses at my work, and this cute, little shop in Old Town... 151 00:08:52,010 --> 00:08:54,970 Hush, hush, hush, hush, hush-- virtually non-existent. 152 00:08:55,460 --> 00:08:59,360 I'm thinking that we set her up with a hosted turnkey e-commerce system to start. 153 00:08:59,400 --> 00:09:01,020 Why not eliminate the middle man? 154 00:09:01,050 --> 00:09:04,070 We could install a small server farm with a static IP in her bedroom. 155 00:09:04,110 --> 00:09:06,050 She'd need some kind of industrial cooling system. 156 00:09:06,070 --> 00:09:09,420 Of course, but before we set up a marketing and distribution infrastructure, 157 00:09:09,450 --> 00:09:11,950 we should finish optimizing the manufacturing process. 158 00:09:11,970 --> 00:09:16,890 To start with, she has a terrible problem with moisture-induced glitter clump. 159 00:09:17,960 --> 00:09:20,420 Yeah, it's a bitch. 160 00:09:22,090 --> 00:09:24,620 Uh, I've seen this before. 161 00:09:25,130 --> 00:09:25,970 Where? 162 00:09:26,000 --> 00:09:28,420 It's a common stripper problem. 163 00:09:30,640 --> 00:09:33,480 They dance, they sweat, they clump. 164 00:09:37,620 --> 00:09:40,650 Are you thinking about adding a desiccant like calcium sulfate? 165 00:09:40,670 --> 00:09:44,270 Actually, I'm thinking about this one stripper named Vega. 166 00:09:47,160 --> 00:09:49,880 But sure, calcium sulfate could work. 167 00:09:50,390 --> 00:09:53,230 Let's think out of the box for a moment. 168 00:09:53,240 --> 00:09:55,210 How about a molecular sieve? 169 00:09:57,240 --> 00:10:00,100 I've got a spaghetti strainer in the kitchen. 170 00:10:03,240 --> 00:10:04,800 Wow. 170 00:10:07,970 --> 00:10:11,240 Hey, we could liberate some micro-porous charcoal from the chem lab. 171 00:10:11,290 --> 00:10:14,620 Oh, great. Raj, why don't you and Howard go get the charcoal? 172 00:10:14,630 --> 00:10:17,630 Leonard, why don't you start working on some preliminary Web site designs. 173 00:10:17,670 --> 00:10:21,480 I'll make some space in our apartment so we can move the manufacturing process. 174 00:10:21,510 --> 00:10:23,680 Well, what's wrong with my apartment? 175 00:10:23,710 --> 00:10:25,860 It's not my apartment. 176 00:10:25,870 --> 00:10:27,420 Wait, wait, what am I going to do? 177 00:10:27,470 --> 00:10:31,090 Uh, hey, it's your business. Do whatever you want. 178 00:10:32,610 --> 00:10:34,480 Okay, cool. 179 00:10:36,050 --> 00:10:38,410 I'm going to take a nap. 180 00:10:41,870 --> 00:10:45,870 I'm still tweaking things a little bit, but this will give you the general idea of the Web site. 181 00:10:51,150 --> 00:10:53,510 So, what do you guys think? 182 00:10:54,390 --> 00:10:58,770 Uh, pretty much any way I say that is going to hurt his feelings. 183 00:11:02,060 --> 00:11:03,520 Okay, what's wrong with it? 184 00:11:03,550 --> 00:11:06,870 - What's wrong with it? - Not you. I wasn't asking you. 185 00:11:07,970 --> 00:11:08,900 Penny? 186 00:11:08,930 --> 00:11:11,390 Uh, well, it's a little juvenile. 187 00:11:11,430 --> 00:11:15,390 I mean, it kind of looks like the MySpace page of a 13-year-old girl. 188 00:11:16,060 --> 00:11:17,600 No, it doesn't. 189 00:11:17,620 --> 00:11:21,850 Please. Dateline could use it to attract predators. 190 00:11:24,400 --> 00:11:28,600 Penny, this is your enterprise, so it's ultimately your decision, 191 00:11:28,650 --> 00:11:33,590 but based on the quality of his work, I'd strongly recommend that we let Leonard go. 192 00:11:34,080 --> 00:11:35,340 You want to fire me? 193 00:11:35,380 --> 00:11:39,060 What I want is irrelevant. This is Penny's decision. 194 00:11:39,070 --> 00:11:40,890 Penny? 195 00:11:40,900 --> 00:11:44,500 Excuse me, but if I did such a bad job then why do we already have orders? 196 00:11:44,530 --> 00:11:46,810 - We do? - Look. 197 00:11:47,890 --> 00:11:51,720 Mrs. Fiona Fondell from Huntsville, Alabama has ordered two. 198 00:11:51,750 --> 00:11:53,670 No kidding. Two? 199 00:11:53,980 --> 00:11:55,970 Look at the comments. 200 00:11:56,010 --> 00:12:00,750 "Thank you, Penny Blossoms. These will be perfect to cover my bald spot." 201 00:12:02,250 --> 00:12:04,540 that... that is so sweet. 202 00:12:04,550 --> 00:12:06,140 Camouflaging bald spots. 203 00:12:06,180 --> 00:12:07,970 That's primarily a male concern. 204 00:12:08,020 --> 00:12:10,580 Perhaps we could expand our market. 205 00:12:11,140 --> 00:12:14,540 How are flower barrettes going to appeal to men? 206 00:12:17,430 --> 00:12:19,530 We add Bluetooth! 207 00:12:20,630 --> 00:12:23,370 Brilliant. Men love Bluetooth. 208 00:12:23,380 --> 00:12:26,470 Wait a minute, wait a minute, you want to make a hair barrette with Bluetooth? 209 00:12:26,500 --> 00:12:30,620 Penny, everything is better with Bluetooth. 210 00:12:33,870 --> 00:12:37,910 Holy crap. Someone just ordered a thousand Penny Blossoms. 211 00:12:37,920 --> 00:12:39,190 Get out! 212 00:12:39,230 --> 00:12:43,650 Who needs a thousand sparkly flower barrettes with rhinestones? 213 00:12:43,680 --> 00:12:49,580 "The Fifth Annual East Rutherford, New Jersey, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Alliance Luau." 214 00:12:50,260 --> 00:12:54,470 Oh, another market to expand into-- balding gay men. 215 00:12:55,010 --> 00:12:57,900 And I'll bet lesbians love Bluetooth. 216 00:12:58,340 --> 00:13:00,100 We should get to work. 217 00:13:00,130 --> 00:13:02,340 Wait, wait, why does it say "one-day rush"? 218 00:13:02,390 --> 00:13:04,480 Since when do we offer a one-day rush? 219 00:13:04,510 --> 00:13:06,550 Amazon offers one-day rush. 220 00:13:06,580 --> 00:13:10,010 Yeah, but they don't have to glue the books together. 221 00:13:10,440 --> 00:13:13,750 How the hell are we going to make a thousand Penny Blossoms in one day? 222 00:13:13,780 --> 00:13:17,560 Don't yell at me. I'm not manufacturing. I'm just Web design. 223 00:13:17,570 --> 00:13:19,680 Okay, well, I'm gonna have to call them and cancel the order. 224 00:13:19,730 --> 00:13:23,000 Excuse me, but was this not your goal? 225 00:13:23,040 --> 00:13:26,820 Financial independence through entrepreneurial brilliance and innovation? 226 00:13:26,850 --> 00:13:30,340 My brilliance and innovation, of course, but still. 227 00:13:31,200 --> 00:13:33,410 I just don't see how we can pull this off. 228 00:13:33,480 --> 00:13:39,510 That, right there, that equivocation and self-doubt, that is not the American spirit. 229 00:13:39,920 --> 00:13:42,160 Did Davy Crockett quit at the Alamo? 230 00:13:42,200 --> 00:13:44,010 Did Jim Bowie? 231 00:13:44,040 --> 00:13:47,200 They didn't quit. They were massacred... 232 00:13:48,030 --> 00:13:51,870 by like a gazillion angry Mexicans. 233 00:13:53,350 --> 00:13:54,840 Let me put it this way. 234 00:13:54,890 --> 00:14:00,690 Your gross receipts on this one order will be over $3,000 for one night's work. 235 00:14:01,570 --> 00:14:03,930 You guys get started. 236 00:14:04,350 --> 00:14:08,080 - What are you doing? - Going online to buy shoes! 237 00:14:09,990 --> 00:14:13,480 She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes 238 00:14:13,500 --> 00:14:17,020 She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes 239 00:14:17,080 --> 00:14:20,430 She'll be coming round the mountain She'll be coming round the mountain... 240 00:14:20,440 --> 00:14:25,560 You know, if I wanted to spend my Saturday nights doing this, I could have stayed in India. 241 00:14:27,440 --> 00:14:29,750 Oh, stop with the fake third world crap. 242 00:14:29,770 --> 00:14:33,130 Your father's a gynecologist. And you had a house full of servants. 243 00:14:33,140 --> 00:14:34,920 We only had four servants. 244 00:14:34,970 --> 00:14:37,550 And two of them were children. 245 00:14:39,660 --> 00:14:40,810 How we doing? 246 00:14:40,850 --> 00:14:44,360 We have 128 assorted Penny Blossoms ready to ship. 247 00:14:44,390 --> 00:14:47,290 Oh, God, we're never gonna finish in time. 248 00:14:47,340 --> 00:14:49,190 Who made Sheldon the boss anyway? 249 00:14:49,230 --> 00:14:52,570 I believe I'm hearing some negativity on the factory floor. 250 00:14:55,040 --> 00:14:55,770 So? 251 00:14:55,790 --> 00:14:59,960 Penny, the labor force is a living organism that must be carefully nurtured. 252 00:15:00,010 --> 00:15:04,650 Any counterproductive grumbling must be skillfully headed off by management. Observe. 253 00:15:06,190 --> 00:15:08,950 Less talk, more work! 254 00:15:11,180 --> 00:15:13,230 - Nicely done. - Thank you. 255 00:15:13,240 --> 00:15:16,380 You hear any union talk, you let me know. 256 00:15:18,470 --> 00:15:22,190 # Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah... # 257 00:15:24,200 --> 00:15:29,220 # Someone's in the kitchen I know-ow-ow-ow # 258 00:15:29,660 --> 00:15:33,460 # Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah... # 259 00:15:33,800 --> 00:15:35,170 Sheldon? Sheldon! 260 00:15:35,180 --> 00:15:39,410 'Cause I sold my soul to the company store. 261 00:15:42,650 --> 00:15:44,390 Honey, do you want some coffee? 262 00:15:44,430 --> 00:15:45,440 I don't drink coffee. 263 00:15:45,480 --> 00:15:48,110 Come on, but if you don't stay awake we'll never finish in time. 264 00:15:48,140 --> 00:15:49,870 I'm sorry, coffee's out of the question. 265 00:15:49,910 --> 00:15:53,940 When I moved to California, I promised my mother that I wouldn't start doing drugs. 266 00:15:54,480 --> 00:15:55,640 Leonard, help. 267 00:15:55,660 --> 00:15:58,380 Sheldon, we still have 380 of these things to make. 268 00:15:58,420 --> 00:16:01,490 I have complete faith that you will make them. Good night. 269 00:16:01,500 --> 00:16:02,730 Leonard? 270 00:16:03,380 --> 00:16:08,850 But, Sheldon, without your insight and leadership this entire enterprise will surely fail. 271 00:16:11,650 --> 00:16:13,850 You're right, of course. 272 00:16:14,450 --> 00:16:17,040 Here, this will help. 273 00:16:18,160 --> 00:16:22,600 Very well, but if this leads to opiates or hallucinogenics, 274 00:16:22,610 --> 00:16:25,540 you're going to have to answer to my mother. 275 00:16:27,800 --> 00:16:30,850 Look at Planck's Constant. People say it's arbitrary. 276 00:16:30,860 --> 00:16:32,590 It could not be less arbitrary. 277 00:16:32,620 --> 00:16:37,380 If it varied slightly, life as we know it would not exist. Bam! 278 00:16:40,560 --> 00:16:46,580 Now, now, let's reconsider the entire argument, but with entropy reversed and effect preceding cause. 279 00:16:46,610 --> 00:16:50,060 So you are thinking of a universe that's not expanding from the center-- 280 00:16:50,100 --> 00:16:55,940 no, it is retreating from a, from a possibility space. Bam! 281 00:16:57,080 --> 00:17:01,260 This is a space where we are all essentially Alice through the looking glass, 282 00:17:01,300 --> 00:17:05,850 standing in front the Red Queen, and we're being offered a cracker to quench our thirst. 283 00:17:06,900 --> 00:17:09,150 Bam! 284 00:17:09,160 --> 00:17:11,700 Of course, in another universe, let's call it universe prime, 285 00:17:11,730 --> 00:17:12,990 there's another Sheldon, let's call him Sheldon prime... 286 00:17:13,000 --> 00:17:16,080 - We should have let him go to bed. - Bam. 287 00:17:19,870 --> 00:17:22,670 I can't believe we actually did it. 288 00:17:22,680 --> 00:17:27,090 1,000 friggin' Penny Blossoms. 289 00:17:27,680 --> 00:17:30,670 I just want you guys to know I am really grateful for your help. 290 00:17:30,700 --> 00:17:34,360 And for ever dollar I make, I'm going to give you 20 cents. 291 00:17:35,120 --> 00:17:37,710 That's your entire profit margin. 292 00:17:38,470 --> 00:17:40,850 Then never mind. 293 00:17:41,330 --> 00:17:43,770 I'll print out the shippi label. 294 00:17:48,070 --> 00:17:49,400 What? 295 00:17:49,430 --> 00:17:55,540 We got an e-mail from the East Rutherford, New Jersey, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Alliance. 296 00:17:56,640 --> 00:17:59,520 They want another thousand Penny Blossoms. 297 00:17:59,550 --> 00:18:00,920 Really? 298 00:18:00,950 --> 00:18:03,210 One-day rush. 299 00:18:03,660 --> 00:18:07,260 I really need to take that off the Web site. 300 00:18:07,720 --> 00:18:10,740 Okay, well. Guess we'd better get started. 301 00:18:10,780 --> 00:18:13,000 You can't be serious. 302 00:18:13,300 --> 00:18:19,280 Come on. What about the living organism of the workforce and the American spirit? 303 00:18:19,290 --> 00:18:22,740 And Jiminy Crockett at the Alamo? 304 00:18:23,920 --> 00:18:27,550 Davy Crockett. Jiminy Crockett was a cricket. 305 00:18:27,560 --> 00:18:29,170 Yes, yes, I know that, okay? 306 00:18:29,220 --> 00:18:30,920 I'm tired-- I've had like 18 cups of coffee. 307 00:18:30,950 --> 00:18:34,810 The point is, if we just pull together, we can do this. 308 00:18:34,840 --> 00:18:37,280 Who's with me? 309 00:18:40,280 --> 00:18:45,380 Penny, although you may find it hard to believe, we do have lives. 310 00:18:49,730 --> 00:18:51,550 Leonard? 311 00:18:52,530 --> 00:18:54,890 Sorry. 312 00:18:54,900 --> 00:18:58,910 My apologies to the gay community of East Rutherford, New Jersey. 313 00:19:04,020 --> 00:19:06,900 Zoom, zoom, zoom! 314 00:19:10,570 --> 00:19:12,650 Where's the coffee? 315 00:19:12,660 --> 00:19:15,040 We're all out. 316 00:19:16,350 --> 00:19:18,200 No problem. 317 00:19:18,240 --> 00:19:21,810 I'll be back before this banana hits the ground. 318 00:19:21,860 --> 00:19:27,680 Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom! 319 00:19:48,330 --> 00:19:50,180 Yes! 320 00:19:51,690 --> 00:19:57,170 Sorry, guys, but Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Lunch is just stupid.